Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27D. A house with dangerous creatures.

Challenge: stay alive in a room full of predatory, poisonous, and other dangerous creatures. See motive K27.

Southern Siberia â€" Mongolia. Buryats [night in hell with lice, snakes, frogs, worms].

Japan. Kojiki, ch. 18 [Oo-namuji marries Susanoo's daughter; S. tries to destroy him, his wife gives talismans against dangers; 1) spend the night in a cave with snakes; 2) with legs and bees; 3) tells you to look for an arrow fired, surrounds the plain with fire; The mouse says how to hide; O. stomps his foot, falls into a hole, waits for the fire; the mouse brings him an arrow; 4) S. tells him to look for himself in the head of insects, these are legs; the wife gives O. red clay, he spits it out like bitten legs; O. ties the sleeping S. by the hair to the rafters, fills the entrance to the house with a rock, runs away from his wife, taking the Sword of Longevity, the Bow and Arrows of Longevity, Heavenly Talking Koto; she touches a tree, S. wakes up; O. and his wife manage to reach the exit from the Underground Land (Umi Country Passage); S. predicts that he will become God, the Ruler of the Great Country; O. develops the land]: 64-66.

NW Coast. Nootka [rats, snakes].

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [bears].

California. Karok [snakes].

The Great Southwest. Western keres [snakes, predatory and dangerous animals, bees].

Mesoamerica Huastecs [bees, wasps, hornets]; Veracruz Nahuatl [snakes]; mountain dogs [snakes, jaguars]; quiche [bats].