Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27F. Get a woman. .11.-.17.21.-.23.27.-.37. (.62.)

A powerful character requires the hero to get a woman. See motive K27.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Swahili.

West Africa. Hausa.

Sudan - East Africa. Kordofan (language not specified) [the sultan wants to marry seven sons to girls who would also be sisters; orders to find and take as an assistant a young man named Albedewui, he is also the son of the Sultan; they they meet him, he has a lion skin on him, he calls himself their brother; says that the fakir predicted that if he meets these 7 brothers, he will be happy; after a long journey, they have arrived in the city; at home are fine, goods in the bazaar, but no one; the brothers sat down at the coffee shop; an old gulya came; returned for sleeping pills, put it in coffee; 7 brothers fell asleep, and A. poured out their coffee; gulya ran away, A. quietly followed her; she went down into the hole, where her 7 sons were; as they got upstairs, A. cut off their heads; but Gulya did not go out; A. went down himself; in the underground rest, gulya made a fire; he tied her up, made her show 7 treasure rooms, opened the door to the eighth, where 7 female captives, then cut off the head of the drone; the girls dressed richly and decorated themselves, A. introduced them to 7 brothers; but on the way there is a ghoul; he will let the brothers and girls, if A. gets him the beautiful Sams-Adunia; A. agrees; the ghoul says that the owner of the invisible hat and the airplane mat (with a whip, after which the mat flies to the right place), and his two sons are arguing about who should get these items; we must take possession of the mat and bring the SA on it; the ghoul tells A. to give him his ring; when he bent down, A. cut off his head; came to two boys arguing over wonderful objects; they asked him to resolve the dispute; he threw a piece of wood: whoever brings it will receive items; the boys ran, and A. took his hat, got on a plane mat and flew to town SA; the man replies that SA lives on the top floor of the tower and leaves only once a year; A. put on an invisible hat and flew into the SA room; when she found out that it was A., she said that he was her betrothed; what to kidnap she is impossible: her father is too powerful; you have to ask her hand and complete the proposed tasks - she will help; 1) take 7 camels to the savannah, load him with firewood and bring him; SA: these are not camels, but captive young guli; gave a rod, they must knock on the door and say: all seven will go out! then: load firewood and take it home; the camels are done; now the ghoul tells you to climb into a huge cauldron, under which all the firewood brought will be burned; SA gave a ring, you must keep it in your mouth - fire it will not cause harm; and if you rub the stone, any food and drink will appear; the ghoul was going to give a new task, but A. put on an invisible hat, flew to the SA and they flew together to the 7 brothers; Sultan Father died, brothers made A. new; 8 weddings in one day]: Frobenius 1923, No. 11:101-117; Sudanese Arabs; (cf. malgashi [wanting to marry Andriambahuac, the older, middle sisters promise to weave silk clothes, the youngest Farah will give birth to triplets; A. marries, loves F.; leaves on business; F. gives birth, sends the maid slowly bring fire; but the sisters learn about childbirth when they hear the baby crying; two boys and a girl were thrown into the river in a chest, replaced with a bull's jaw, a broom stick, a hammer; F. was kicked out villages; the sorcerer Ranakumbe caught the chest, guessed who was in it; the children grew up singing about their father; he returned, executed the evil sisters, returned F. with her children; near the village in the cave, a half-woman with one hand, tells the brothers' sister with one foot that she is missing 1) a crocodile tooth necklace, 2) a hippopotamus (brothers kill a crocodile with a gun; hide behind a termite mound, hippopotamus fangs (?) they pierce him, they finish it off; bring necklaces); 3) Mamukur families; they have sharp tails; the brothers say they came from the west (the Mamukurs come from there), take their children away at night, give their sister their tails); 4) the Imasuampatan drum (the brothers say they came from the south, they take the drum at night); 5) God's son as husbands; the brothers went east to the well, where they took water for God Andriamanitra; they were killed; the sister went by herself; ordered her brothers to be revived, A. married her]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 154:385-392).

North Africa. Western Sahara; Mauritanian Arabs: Tauzin 1993:127-142.

Southern Europe. Basques; Spaniards (Ciudad Real) [the count is ill; a doctor from a distant country: only King Gijón's fat will cure him; his son has gone in search; a poor old woman asks to swap his horse with her; the young man at first refuses, but then feels sorry for the old woman and agrees; it turned out that the old woman's horse is flying; by the sea, he shoved a whale washed ashore into the water; he crossed the sea and fed the hungry eagle; contrary to the horse's warning, he picked up a horseshoe, a letter; stopped for the night; the owner saw a horseshoe; if the young man does not get the beast from which this horseshoe is, he will be executed; the horse leads to the cave the beast, the young man is killing him; now they have found a letter, it is from the Queen of Wisdom (Reina Sabiduría), the bride of King Gijón; deliver her, otherwise they will be executed; they come to her; she will marry a young man, if not three nights away will be able to find it; the young man hides in the belly of a whale; in the morning the queen knows this; the next night the eagle took the young man to the sky - the queen knows everything again; the horse teaches to give bread to the fox, she will take her to the queen's chambers, it is necessary hide in her bed; the queen did not find it, she was ready to marry the young man; but she is Gijon's fiancée; she boiled a pot of oil: whoever pulls the flower out of it, I will go for him; the king tried, cooked, they collected his fat, they brought the count, he recovered; the wedding; and the young man changed his horses with the old woman again]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 329:148-153; the Spaniards (Murcia) [childless spouses promised the witch that they would give it to her a son, if he is born; on the eve of the promised term, his son is sent away; a young man meets a rider on a miserable horse and agrees to exchange horses with him; is hired by the king; one day he takes without demand points (so!) the king and sees them as three beauties; the king tells him to get the most beautiful one, otherwise he will fry the young man in oil; the horse teaches him to pretend to be dead; when the people, three princesses among them, run away, what is between the other two; and in order not to touch the bridle; the young man grabbed the princess, but took up the bridle to pick up the pen he decided to give her; the king is going to marry the princess; to avoid this marriage, she asks for the bird that owns the pen; with the help of a horse, a young man catches a bird; the king is going to burn it; the horse orders him to be stabbed and redeemed in his blood, then the fire will not hurt; seeing this, the king also threw himself into the fire and burned down]: Hernández Fernández 2013, No. 531:112-113; Sicilians; Corsicans [two young men went to look for work, met a bella Bianca di Oru (" Snow-white golden beauty", B.); she advises them to go to the king; one began to herd sheep and the other to watch the chickens and envied the first; said that he boasted to get B.; the old woman tells them to take from grains and meat; the young man scattered grain to ants, gave the meat to crows; ants gave an ant leg, crows gave a crow's leg to call them for help; B. orders to disassemble mixed grain by variety (ants perform); clear the place of crows where their clouds are (the chief of the ravens told them to fly away); the young man brought B.; now the poultry house says that the shepherd boasted to get the music from which the sheep dance; the old woman blew a whistle, the rams are dancing; the king married the young man to B. and cut off the head of the poultry house]: Massignon 1984, No. 84:186-188; the Sardinians [the young man goes in search of the Beauty of the World; his father let him go; he went into palace; there the old man explains how to get to the beauty: praise the gates that close and open, as well as the steps and doors; the young man comes to the king; he promises a daughter if the young man gets it (him) The beauty of the world; the beauty of the world is in the third of the oranges; she stays with the young man because he immediately gave her wine; refuses the king and stays with the young man; the king dies of grief]: Aprile 2000:273; ladins : Uffer 1973, No. 9 [the king will be cured only by the singing of a bird living in the land of the Moors; the eldest son went and never returned; the middle son is the same; the youngest came to a city, paid the debts of a dead man whose body they dragged her through the streets; when he drove on, the frog told me to take it with you - she is the soul of that dead man, she will teach you what to do; in the tower of the King of the Moors, you only have to take a bird and nothing more; but he also took a cage , the guards woke up; the frog teaches to promise to get a horse from the neighboring king; the same (the young man took a blanket, released for promising to get a princess guarded by 10 dragons; this time the young man took only princess; when he changed for a horse, asked permission to kiss her, grabbed her, rode away; having received a bird with a cage for the horse, asked permission to ride for the last time and galloped off; the frog said goodbye, telling her not take meat from the gallows; on the way home, the young man sees his brothers, who are going to be hanged for theft and deception; the young man bought them, and then they pushed him into the well, when they came to his father, attributed all the exploits for himself; his older brother's wedding with the princess is preparing; the frog pulled out the young man and gave him speeding boots; the young man hired the kitchen in the palace, put half of the ring she gave him in the princess's food; the princess recognized the ring; the frog came and told everything; the younger prince received the crown and the princess, the elders were torn by horses], 21 [the king's eldest son is arrogant, the middle evil, the youngest is kind; the king will give throne to the one who brings the thinnest fabric in 3 years, 3 months, 3 days and 3 hours; the youngest enters the castle; he is served by four hands, there are no people themselves; a white cat comes out to him - on his hind legs in dressed as a woman; he lives in a castle for three years; then remembers the purpose of his travels; the cat gives a walnut, which has a cherry stone, many meters of fine fabric; a young man sits on a wooden horse that instantly takes him to his father; his fabric is the thinnest; brothers require additional tests; who will bring the smallest dog (the cat gives); the most beautiful bride; the cat tells her to cut off her head, turns into a princess, hands into two maids, a cat into a minister; this is how a witch bewitched them; the king gives the throne to his youngest son, but he leaves everything to his older brothers, and he leaves for his wife's country]: 26-30, 63-69.

Western Europe. The Bretons [the king is called to be the godfather of the gardener's son; the gardener says his son is marrying the king's daughter; the king lets the child in the glass cradle into the sea; he is picked up adopts a wine merchant, gives the name Charles; the king admires S.; after learning his story, he sends him to the Queen with a letter ordering the execution of the applicant; the tax collector at the inn accidentally reads the letter , replaces orders to take care of the giver; the king sends S. to the army, who defeats enemies; the king agrees to marry him if S. brings three hairs from the devil's golden beard; the devil's mother draws water into a barrel without a bottom, hides Sh., pulls his hair out of his son's beard, gives S.; the king dies; the wedding], 47-56 [the Marquis finds the boy Noon Doare, adopts; he asks to buy him a rusty sword, thin a mare; she takes him to Paris; does not tell him to pick up a glowing crown; he picks up; is hired by a groom to the king; the king steals the crown; the boy says that the crown belongs to Princess Belledore; the king tells ND to bring B.; on the way, ND saves a fish, a bird, a chained demon king; ND lures B. to sit on a mare, which brings them to Paris; B. tells them to bring the ring she has forgotten (the birds bring it) castle (demons bring), gate key, it is at the bottom of the sea (they bring fish); at B.'s wedding with the king, the mare turns into Princess of Tatarstan, goes beyond ND]: Luzel 1995:40-46; French [with many children a person cannot find a godson for a newborn; the Lord meets him, offers to be a godson, and in 7 years he will take the boy; after 7 years he takes him; turns into a mule (the transformation is not described; but the godson is no longer a question, and the boy rides a mule who helps him with advice); tells him not to raise his pen - he will cause a lot of trouble; but the boy picked it up; when he came to the king and waved his pen, bad the stable is good, the king's bad hair is beautiful; he is at the mercy of the king, the courtiers are jealous; it is said that the boy promised to get the bird whose feather he found; the mule: this will be the first bird we find on the boundary; the boy brought it to the king; soon the bird died; courtiers: he undertook to revive it; mule: cut off my head, there will be living water; revive the bird and then me; new task: get Gold-haired beautiful; mule: hit the drum, the first girl to stand up will be her; on her way back across the sea, Gold-haired threw a ring and a key into the sea; she agrees to marry the king only if he delivers her parents; the king demands it from the young man; the same episode with the drum; Gold-haired demands her ring and key, the king sends the young man; the mule: they will be in the belly of the first fisherman caught fish; Gold-haired: Let the young man be hanged first, then I'll marry the king; mule: ask the king for tobacco on the scaffold, throw it on others, everyone is dead; only Gold-haired survived, the young man married her]: Cosquin 1887, No. 73:290-294; the French (Haute-Brittany) [Jean's mother is sick; a big man (this is the devil) tells his father to give his wife a drink of meat broth from a seven-year-old child; Jean runs to the godmother; she takes him back to his parents, he sees his sister in the cauldron; runs into the forest, meets a giant (it's the devil again) whose horse is as tall as a dog and a doe; he brings Jean to his underground castle; tells him to watch behind the fire under the cauldron; in the cauldron sinners, including Jean's godmother, she tells him not to drown until the devil is gone; the skate tells Jean that he himself will turn into the same skate; the skate, following the doe, carries Jean away , the devil pursues; they throw the scraper (river), the crest (lattice), reach the holy land; in the forest, Jean, despite the horse's prohibition, picks up something shining; the horse tells you to hire a groom to work in the castle, promises to appear on demand; the pen illuminates the stable, the servants tell the king that Jean can bring the bird itself; on horseback and with a doe, he comes to the spring, tells him to cut off his head, throw him into the water, a bird The carrion arrives to peck, Jean grabs her, the horse is reborn; the servants persuade the king to tell Jean to bring the princess; he takes her by ship, she throws a ring into the sea; she will marry only if the ring returned; the horse tells him to cut off his head, throw him into the sea, the fish splash, he pulls out the swallowed ring, is reborn; the princess tells the king to kill Jean, revives his pen; now tells Jean to kill the king, does not revive him, marries Jean; the horse and the doe turn into a prince and princess, get married; (ending)]: Sébillot 1894, No. 32:275-277; the French (Haute-Brittany) [not hoping for inheritance, the youngest son went on a journey; saw a slightly alive foal in the pit; bird: pull it by the tail; the guy hardly pulled it out; bird: sit on his back; the boy sat down and the foal rushed at a gallop; at the direction of the foal, the guy freed a bird stuck to a branch, a fish stuck in the ice; Lucifer chained to a tree; everyone promises to help; hired a prince's castle; found a rusty sword which is better than this new prince; contrary to the horse's warning, picked up a portrait of the beauty and showed it to the prince; he demands to get it; this is Princess F'Vigny; the horse brought to her castle; the guy persuaded the princess to go out into the courtyard, the horse jumped over the wall, they took the princess away; she tells the prince that she will not marry him until her ring, forgotten by her bed, is delivered to her; the king of birds has delivered; the princess requires another ring, which she dropped into the sea; the king of fish has delivered; the princess demands her castle; Lucifer has delivered; (the story ends at this point)]: Sébillot 1894, No. 33:277-278; Germans (Pomerania) [the main hunter is dead; the king will appoint the new one to bring more game; a young hunter sees an underground dwarf fighting a bear; cut the bear's veins; a dwarf leads him inside the mountain: his father will reward the hunter; we must take the most unsightly; the hunter took a rusty gun, a dirty horn and chose a plain skate; the mountain will attract any game, the gun does not need gunpowder and bullets, the horse talks; the hunter brought 4 carts of game, was appointed senior; other hunters are dissatisfied with his elevation; they tell the king that the hunter promised to dig three tons of gold from under the gazebo; the horse digs up; hunters: the chief promised to put a glass bridge instead of an iron bridge overnight; the horse fulfills again; hunters: the chief can bring the king a bride; the horse brings the hunter by air to the robber's castle, who captured the princess; the robbers agree to give the princess if the hunter can hide from them; the horse hides it under its tail; now the robbers command to bring a mighty mare that grazes at 10 miles from the castle; the horse helps to tame her; the robbers prepare to pick up the mare and not give the princess away; but the hunter takes the princess away, putting her on a mare; the king demands her for himself; the horse tells me to give it back, he the royal army cannot defeat; the dwarf king appears: let the hunter declare war on the king; an army of dwarfs appears, the king gives the hunter a woman and the throne; the mare asks the new king to cut off her head and the stallion; turn into a prince and a princess; they are brother and sister, whom the sorcerer turned into horses;]: Jahn 1891, No. 2:9-19; Germans (Mecklenburg) [the prince took the servants and set off to wander; when he saw a pack of hungry crows, he ordered to slaughter a horse for them; saw an unusual bird on the tree; the horse warns that it would cause trouble, but the prince climbs a tree for it; the bird flew away, and fallen pen portrait of beautiful Clarawinde; prince goes to look for her; pushed a fish on the shore into the water; pulled a giant out of the quagmire; hired a king in town; once looked at a pen; entered the local prince, saw the portrait, grabbed the pen and said that this woman would be his; the king tells him to get K. for his son; the crows he fed brought him to Castle K.; the castle on the island, through lake there is a bridge; K. threw the key to the castle into the lakes and told me to get it; the giants moved the castle {it is not entirely clear why}, and the young man took the key out of the mouth of that rescued fish; K. promised to marry only the one who will jump from the castle over the water to the shore; both princes jumped, but the local K. poured water of death, and the young man with water of life and beauty; he brought her home, everything is fine]: Bartsch 1878, No. 7:483-486; the Irish [{first page in pdf is missing}; someone steals golden apples from the royal garden; the gardener's eldest son missed a bird emitting light; same middle; the youngest knocked down a golden pen; without taking apples, the bird flew away with a deafening cry; the king promises a daughter to the one who will catch the bird; the eldest son went, stopped eating, the fox asks to share it with her; in response he shoots; out of respect for him The fox still advises his younger brother in the village to stay not in a lighted house where they dance, but in a dim light and a modest family lives; the guy stayed where they danced; the same with the average son; the youngest shared with the fox; stayed in a modest house; went on in the morning; the fox: the bird of the Spanish king; tells her to sit on her tail and instantly brings her there; everyone in the palace sleeps; the bird in a wooden cage, next to it; contrary to the fox's warning, the guy decided to transplant the bird into a golden cage, she began to scream; the Spanish king promises freedom and a bird if the young man gets the king's horse Morocco; same (the guy tried to replace the usual saddle with a gold one); get Goldilocks, the daughter of the King of Greece; the guy should not wake her up and she should not touch the door jambs; but he kissed her, she agrees to go, but must kiss her father; he will give her daughter if the guy removes a mountain of clay in front of the palace; previously, two new piles appeared instead of each pile thrown away; the fox helped again, in the morning the mountain disappeared; {page missing}; the gardener's son married the daughter of the King of Greece, and her brother married the daughter of the king {whom?}] : Kennedy 1875:47-56; Scots; Germans (Austria).

Western Asia. Palestinians [the king's unloved wife has one son, the young and the beloved has two; a young son comes to his father and asks for the kingdom to be given to him during his lifetime; king: first you must work just as hard and To endure as many difficulties as I did; the same with his brother; Ballan is the son of an unloved wife, his king beats, but for the third time the courtiers advised me to tell him the same thing as his half-brothers; mother gave B. a horse and he set off; on the road a sparkling feather; horse: you'll pick it up, you'll regret it, and you won't regret it; B. picked it up, came to the city, stopped in the caravanserai; the local king and the vizier went out check whether all the lights are extinguished, for this is the royal order; light is visible in the caravanserai; the vizier came there in the morning; the young man had to hand over the pen; the vizier advised the king to send B. for the bird itself; horse: this easy: let the vizier give a cage of gold and silver from the treasury; the horse flew to where the bird lived; at dawn she flew to the cage, said that such a thing was for her, entered it; B. brought a cage with bird; vizier: let B. get the owner of the bird; horse: let gold and silver be given from the vizier's treasury to build a large ship; B. led the ship to the city where the princess lived; she boarded the ship to see it, B. sent the ship from the shore; she threw her ring into the sea; when they arrived, she told the king that she would marry the one who would get the ring; the horse: asked the ship with flour, it should be poured into the sea where the princess threw the ring; the fish ate and the fish leader asked how to thank for such a meal; B.: get the ring; take it out; vizier: let him get the princess's horse; horse: let the vizier give a bridle from gold and silver; that horse in the cave, he would kill B.'s horse, but let himself be curbed in that bridle and come on it; the princess cut the horse apart and demanded that it be made whole and revived again; horse: let the vizier will give a gold and silver bucket; they flew to the sea of living water; getting water, the horse lost consciousness, but the spray fell on his face and he came to life; B. should have sprayed it, but forgot; the horse ordered pour some of the water into bottles and hide it; princess: now let B. be burned at the stake; horse: rub yourself with living water and demand that they add firewood; king: who are you? it turned out that the king was Father B.'s brother; ordered the vizier to be thrown into the fire; they rode to Father B. and he handed him the kingdom]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 5:69-82; Palestinians [king's eldest sons Ahmed and Mohammed and younger Khalil; the king wants them to marry; sons set off; on the way, H. kills a monster and a seven-headed snake; H. sees a beautiful woman on the roof from a distance; arrives in town; this is the youngest of the king's three daughters; H. kills four guards, enters the princess's chambers and kisses her; confesses to the king that he killed the monsters and kissed his daughter; the vizier advises to agree to give daughters to the princes, but for the youngest, let H. get a crown of gems from the jeweler Mahmud; H. comes to the green plain, there is a tree, he kills a snake that is going to devour the eagle's chicks; the eagle brings him to M.; this is the brother monsters and a seven-headed snake, but 40 times stronger; I agree to give a crown if H. gets Aika, the daughter of the sorceress Lahhuj; the eagle flew to A.; she turned her into stone, and H. bewitched her half; but regretted and disgraced both; asked to release her from L.; they run, taking the castle with them, L. pursues; A. created the sea behind her, L. drank it; L. cut the glass mountain; L. cut the glass mountain; the mountain of fire - extinguished;; A. gave H. a fiery sword, he killed L. with it; they flew to M., H. and killed him, took all the necklaces; now the king asks him to cross the sea; the eagle turned into a horse and H. rode across the sea like drier; got a princess; after the wedding, everyone said goodbye to the king, but H. did not, because of this his wife cries; H. returned to say goodbye, while the Jew took his wife; H. went in search; the shepherd became his companion; they killed a camel, H. climbed into his skin and the Jew believed that the shepherd had a camel; the shepherd lured the Jew out of the house; at that time H. learned from a girl kidnapped by a Jew {not his wife} that the Jew's life was outside his bodies; asked to find out where; first he said he was in a broom; the girl began to take care of her; Jew: no, his soul was in the lion's paw; H. killed a lion, there was a box in his paw, a bird in it; the girl asked for a bird to her; began to tear it up, tearing off the Jew's arms first, then his legs and then his head; H. returned to his father {apparently with three wives} and he handed him the throne]: Littmann 2016:5-26; Iraqis; Southern Yemen; Socotra.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [the king kicked out his young wife; three years later she gave birth to a son in the mountains, who spoke immediately and was extremely strong; when he learned that his father was king, he gave him a tiger dog as a gift skin; the king wants to get rid of the strongman, orders to get the lion; the old man sends to the llama, the llama will hide in the branches of the sandalwood and beat the lion with a sandalwood branch; the young man has tamed the lion and can summon him to at any time; when he saw a lion in the palace, the king ordered him to be removed; he orders to get the daughter of the demon king; the young man meets and companions a woman who could drink half the sea; a giant who steps with one mountain to another; a female shooter; everyone, without recognizing a young man, says he is insignificant compared to a lion tamer; the raven reports that the daughter of the demon king has "Om" written on her forehead and "Hum" on her chest; the young man and his companions grabbed her, the young man shot the demon king, the hero swallowed everyone who was in the palace; the young man returned to the king, shot him, the hero swallowed the ministers, and the giant destroyed the palace; he himself married the daughter of the demon king]: Komissarov 1997:68-76; lepcha.

Burma - Indochina. Khmer [when a son is born, the poor man is not happy: the family is too poor; the boy is constantly crying, he was named Néac del Yom ("Crybaby"); but the predictor promised that he would become king; when N. grew up, his father kicked him out to be eaten by tigers, although the predictor repeated what was said; N. came to a neighboring kingdom; a local magician found out that N. was destined to be happy; taught him; married him a beauty found in a lotus flower in a sacred pond; her name is Chhouk ("Lotus"); the king sent a hunter to bring game, he did not get anything, went to the wizard and saw the beauty; when the king left the hunter in prison for returning without prey, the hunter said he had found something more valuable for the king; to get rid of her husband, the king sent N. to get him Luong-Srey-Phca ("Queen of Flowers"); the wife gave ring; the king sent warriors, but the wizard and C. disappeared into the forest; N. came to the kingdom from where everyone fled, fearing huge birds; only the queen remained, who hid in the drum; she wanted to go with N. but he promises to pick her up on the way back; in another kingdom, the dragon devours all the married members of the royal house, who will no longer marry; if N. defeats the dragon, the king will give him his daughter; N. wounded the dragon, split off the scales, and he ran; N. promised to pick up the princess on his way back; when he came to the dragon's land, N. volunteered to cure him, quietly put the scales back, and he recovered; for this, the dragon put N. on his back and flew with him to the land of the Queen of Flowers (otherwise you can't get there); the CC lives on a balloon hanging above the ground; the servant agreed to lower N.'s stairs; the CC saw the ring C. on his finger; N. told her everything and she agreed to go with him; they flew on a balloon, picking up those princesses N. married on the way to the CC; to the king, who sent N., the CC said that she had there is no long staircase to lower from the ball - let the king build a tower; but no matter how much they build, a few cubits are missing; then the king tried to jump into the ball, but fell and crashed; then the ball descended to earth; N. became king, found his first wife, and began to live with all his wives]: Leclère, Feer 1895, No. 3:99-111.

South Asia. Gondas; baiga; (Kashmiris); Tamils [the childless king removed his wife, took a new one; turned to the god Paramêsvara, who gave a mango, told him to give it to his wife; the new one drank juice, She threw away the bone, gave birth to two boys; the maid heard everything, gave the bone to the first wife; she swallowed it, two also to the maid; the maid also gave birth to a boy, and the first wife to a turtle; at night the son goes out from the shell and eats cooked food; the mother traced and broke the shell; the son explained that he could not yet appear in his true form, ordered him to smear it with soot, keep it in a chest; P. sends Narada give the Turtle Prince (IF) the knowledge necessary for life and reign; the king tells his sons (he knows only two, from his second wife) to bring him a princess from the mountains in the north; the HR accompanies them under the guise of peasant; they drink from the river, and the HR knows that this is the water the princess used to wash; he carried himself across the river without getting his feet wet and then carried the princes; the princess sees everything, goes beyond the IF; he's all tells his wife, asks him to look for him if he does not return after 4 weeks; elsewhere, the princess's messenger gives a cake and asks him to return it with wood, leaves and oil; the IF pulls out and gives the sesame stem; this there was a test, the princess marries the HR (the same as the first princess); the third princess tells travelers to write a comment on the philosophical book; PSH writes, gets the princess, the brothers leave without him; the princess teaches PSH to grab the vine, she will climb to the top to the mountain princess, she should be called her mother; PS brought the mountain princess, returned for a forgotten weapon, the brothers cut off the vine, he fell and crashed; the brothers bring the princess to the king, who asks to postpone the wedding for six months; three wives find the remains of the PS, one collects them, the other connects them, the third revives them with living water; he brings them to his mother; to find out if PS has come to life, the mountain princess demands from the king a golden lotus from across the sea (only PS can get it); PS, still in the form of a peasant in soot, promises his brothers to get a lotus; third the wife gives pebbles: if you throw it into the sea, the waters will part, and close behind (so overcome the 7 seas); gave a note, the PS gave it to Rakshas, that king tore off the lotus, sent the crocodile to carry the PS, PS brought it to his third wife, the lotus was given to the brothers, the mountain princess understood everything; orders to invite the king's first wife, PS and his three wives, to the wedding; PS is in regal form; the mountain princess is all tells; princes are forgiven]: Natesa Sastri 1886:54-78; Sinhalese [king finds seven princess sisters as wives to his seven sons; the youngest stays at home, sends his sword instead; when the wedding procession approached the lake to drink water, the serpent demanded one of the visitors, otherwise it would not let anyone out; the princess, who went for the sword, offered herself; the princess was left to wait a snake in the palace, and its prince came to him; the serpent asked him to get him the Glass Princess; only she would cure the abscess on the snake's body; on the way, the young man saved the drowning rats; stopped at the old woman; she says that the glass princess tells the grooms to swim in boiling water and cut down the ironwood, and whoever can't cut off their heads; the rats dug into the Glass Princess's bedroom, the young man snuck in, washed himself in the water she prepared, ate half of the rice; so three times; after that, the princess pricked her finger to stay awake; gives the young man a ring to cool the water in the boiling pot and the curl that will knock down the ironwood; wedding; the young man brought the Glass Princess to the snake, who healed him and he gave them treasures; King Vedda wanted to kill the prince, but the Glass Princess became a mare and took him and his first wife to a place where alone the king died; the elephant chose the prince who arrived as a new one; at this time, the prince's homeland stopped raining, his parents and brothers and wives began to beg and came to the kingdom where the prince now reigned; accepted, but told his brothers to grow rice, because they wanted to kill it in order to take away the Glass Princess]: Parker 1910, No. 4:57-65 (=Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 86:197-203).

The Balkans. Moldovans [the poor man's wife gave birth, no one wants to go to cronage; the father rejects Death, the Moon, agrees to the Sun's offer; the boy was named Fat Frumos; his father does not tell him to go abroad snake possessions; FF chases a hare, a snake comes to the palace; the owner is invulnerable, grows to a gigantic size; spares FF for his promise to get him Frumoasu-Frumoacelor, daughter of the king of the garden state; malnik FF hides in a bag of flour that two eagles carry to the garden kingdom; the princess liked the bread he baked and himself; the guards killed FF; the princess sees one ant reviving another with a blade of grass, revives the FF; You can only escape on Baba Jgivera's horse; FF kills a snake crawling to a bird's nest, a bird gives a feather; a bee rescued from the water is a piece of wing; a scale fish thrown into the water; comes to J., only one Cola has no head; J. tells three mares to herd three days; they run away; on the first evening they are collected by a bird called by a feather, on the second by bees, on the third by fish; J. allows him to choose a horse, takes them out of eight hearts, puts in a plain foal; FF chooses him because only he eats hot coals; FF takes the bride, wants to fly home, but the horse is already flying to the snake; the girl's contemptuous words burst heart and gallbladder, FF married Frumosa]: Moldavian tales 1968:390-409; Gagauz people: Moshkov 1904, No. 43 [the master kept the employee for a long time, married, then let him go of the household; he left home, three sons grew up, one found a father, asked them to marry them; older brother Ivan refused to marry; tells the brothers 1) not to hesitate on the road, 2) promise nothing to anyone, 3) tell only the truth; the brothers went home with their wives, the devils surrounded them with a wall, asked them to give them I.; I. tied them up; I. to the brothers: I ordered them not to hesitate or promise; but I will be saved; the elder devil tells I. to run the household; one horse asks for her to look after, promises to help; I. finds a pen; the lame devil tells the main thing that I. will be able to bring all the bird; horse: I warned that the pen would be in trouble; tells him to beat the lame man, let him bring alcohol, peas and the table; the bird pecked the peas soaked in alcohol, got drunk, caught, but sad; lame: let I. bring the bird's nest, it will be cheerful; the horse: let the lame bring a knife and a needle and thread; stab me and get inside; the king of birds will fly to peck; grab him and demand living and dead water and the bird's nest; I. revived the horse with water, brought the main feature a nest; lame: let I. find out why the sun is at sunset turns red; the horse tells me to put a table on the seashore, there is also a mirror and shoes; a girl came, looked in the mirror, put on her shoes, I. caught her; lame: I. undertakes to bring this girl's herd; horse: let a lame man will bring a cauldron, canvas and resin; I. wrapped the horse in tarred canvas, the sea stallion began to fight with him, but could not tear the canvas; the sea horse was defeated, I. sat on him, followed by a mare with 300 foals; lame: I. undertakes to milk mares, boil milk, swim in it; I. mares cooled the milk, I. swam, became handsome; the wife suggests the main feature to swim too; he cooked in hot milk, I. took his wife and horses, took the devils into captivity], 63 [the king has 40 sons, 39 want to marry; the youngest fortieth Bald takes the last horse left; each time he tells the brothers that the place is the parking lots are dangerous, but they do not listen; the giantess came, gave wine, 39 fell asleep, Bald secretly followed the woman, who tells her 40 sons to kill the visitors; Bald kills them one at a time when they leave the house; marries the brothers 39 daughters of the giantess; the same at the next night with another giantess; Bald hung her by the chest, negotiates with the beauty; at the third night, the giant closes the door; lets the brothers out with the condition that Bald will stay with him; tells him to get the daughter of the Turkish king; Bald meets three arguing over an invisible hat and a flying carpet, which is controlled with a whip; Bald shoots: the one who brings the arrow will receive a hat, the second will receive a whip, the last is a carpet; he picks up objects himself and flies away; at night in the princess's bedroom he eats the left food, moves the candlesticks; on the third night, the hat accidentally slept; Bald brings the girl to the giant, telling her to say that she has 40 days of mourning for her father and telling her to know the rear {object what the soul is} of the giant; that: a pole; a broom; the girl decorates them every time; then the giant says that there is a lake in the Goose Forest, there are three ducks and a drake, there is a stone in his stomach, three flies in the stone; the Bald man took out flies, killed one, then the second, the third, the giant fell ill and died; Bald married to a girl, and married the first one he kept for himself; 39 brothers married 39 daughters of a giantess]: 66-67, 113-120; Bosnians [poultry farmers lived near Constantinople; once caught only a crow; she asked him to let go: she would bring the birds; in the morning he caught two nightingales; a vizier bought them for the mosque; the padishah found out, demanded the birdman to his place and ordered the mother of these nightingales to be obtained; the crow tells him to ask the emperor of grain, and she will bring all the birds; seeing the children in the cage, the nightingale will betray herself; the poultry brought a nightingale; the padishah demands the mistress of all nightingales; the crow tells the padishah to ask the padishah for a ship with goods; the ship came to the harbor, where the owner of the birds boarded the ship, he took her away; the owner of the birds is furious that she got the old padishah; asks that the poultry get half of the dropped she is in the sea of rings; the crow tells her to ask for a thousand barrels of oil; oil was poured into the sea, the crow dived, took out half of the ring; the owner of the birds demands that the poultry jump into the fire; the crow teaches how to gallop on horse, covered with horse foam, the flame did no harm, the poultry farmer became handsome; the padishah decided to do the same, burned down; the birdsman was made a padishah, he married the owner of the birds]: Wratislaw 1890, No. 45:239- 245; Bosnians [in Istanbul, the Sultan banned lighting a fire for a month; servants noticed a light; three sisters are spinning in the hut by candle; asking each other what they could do to make their sultan forgave; elder: I will weld hominy for the whole army; medium: a hundred fabric to dress the whole army; youngest: I will face a daughter with golden hair and pearl teeth and a son with a golden hand; the sultan ordered to bring the sisters ; the first two failed to fulfill their promise and he sent them home and married the youngest; when she was giving birth, the other wives were afraid that they would be ignored; the eldest Badscha told the woman in labor that the custom should be blindfolded; she replaced the children with puppies; everyone advised her to tear the woman in labor with horses, but one person should wait for the Serbian Patriarch; Patriarch: bury her waist-deep in manure and feed starved; she was buried at the crossroads so that everyone who passed through her would spit; B. put the newborns in a chest and lowered her into the river, the miller and his wife found them; a month later they were so beautiful that the pitchfork took them to their mountain castle; the children grew up and realized that they were not pitchforks themselves, but people; ran away and asked the person they met what was the best place on earth; Istanbul; at the Sultan's Palace they went to bed under with a fig tree and God built a better palace over them; B. came and told the girl% an invincible Moor lives on the plain; if your brother kills him, the sultan will reward him; brother brought his head; B. there there are 5 more Moors; then 9; same; on Mount Tman there is a horse Avgar, who is fed by a pitchfork; towards a giant: we were 20, but could not take possession of the horse; another giant overheard the pitchfork's conversation and told how to catch a horse: leave the wineskin with water at the watering hole; when he saw the wineskin, the horse looked around, the young man grabbed it by the neck and tamed it; he gave three hairs to summon it; B.: in Jordan, a wreath of pitchfork hangs between heaven and earth, and Jordan flows between the mountains of Zmaygodia and Doxan, which are constantly beating peaks against each other; the young man summoned the horse A., slipped between the mountains, took a wreath, and on the way back, the mountains snatched a piece of meat from the cereal horse; B. let your brother get the princess from the tower covered with ducats; she turns the grooms into stones; A.'s horse brought a young man there; the horse burst, the roar like thunder, the girl was frightened and did not turn them into stones; greets the young man; asks the pitchfork how quickly they can move her tower, her, the boy and the horse to Istanbul; pitchforks: 3 days; other pitchforks: 2 days; still others: in a day; chose them; when they arrived, tells the young man wipe the face of the woman buried in manure with a handkerchief; when the Sultan sat the guest at the table, he threw a piece to the dog and she died; the sultan called B., ordered to eat a piece, she also died; the young man called the Sultan to for himself; on the way home, he freed his mother and brought her home; the Sultan came, everything was clarified; when her mother stood under a wreath from Jordan, youth and beauty returned to her, but she died of happiness; at the wedding 7 wives who helped B. were tied to horse tails]: Preindlsberger-Mrazovic 1905:99-116; Bosnians (? Srebrenica) [the king has an apple tree with golden apples, every night the apple disappears; the elder, middle princes fall asleep, the youngest fool sees the firebird, it flew away, but he pulled out the pen; the king sent her sons to search; they came to another kingdom, there was a palace, a cradle in the courtyard, there was a firebird in it; they wanted to take it, but the bells rang, and the princes were brought to the king; he agreed to give the bird if he got a daughter another king; the wolf turned handsome, the princess went out to him, he became a wolf again and brought the princess to the princes; they exchanged her for a firebird; but asked the wolf to get the princess for them; he was without her He grabbed and brought labor; at the night, the elder brother killed the younger brother so that he could get the princess; the wolf noticed vultures flying, grabbed the chick and told the mother to bring live water; the lively younger The prince came home, married the princess, and the king executed his older brothers; everything is fine]: Eschker 1992, No. 33:164-167; Hungarians [father wants to marry 12 sons to 12 girls; put on iron shoes and went to look for them; the eldest son serves the king; the mare tells him to ask the king for a foal born a year ago; the young man rides it faster than his brothers; the brothers want to kill the foal, but he lies down; teaches what to do; the witch has 12 daughters; you must take the horses outside and bring the witch's horses into the stall; change the hats on the heads of the witch's daughters and brothers; the witch killed her daughters, the brothers galloped away witches; the elder brother went on his horse to wander; the horse stepped on golden hair: unfortunately, and not to lift, unfortunately; the same was half a golden horseshoe; the young man picked up both his hair and horseshoe; hired by the king as a stable; everyone wonders why he does not need candles at night; it turns out that the hair and half of the horseshoe give light; the king orders to immediately get the girl who owns the hair; horse: This is another daughter of that witch; a young man stole her, a witch on a spruce pole is chasing after her; a girl to a king: I will marry only after my spindle and all other things have been delivered to me; the young man put down a tablecloth on the floor in the witch's room and put everything in it - all the items are made of gold; now the girl demands her horse, which is across the Red Sea; the young man's horse teaches how to catch a golden-haired horse, followed by him the whole huge herd; the girl demands to milk the mares and that the young man bathe in boiling milk; the horse turned the milk from boiling to warm, the young man came out handsome; the king cooked; the wedding of a young man with a girl]: Jones, Kropf 1889:262-277; Romanians; Croats; Serbs; Bulgarians; Albanians; Greeks.

Central Europe. Poles; Russians (Voronezh), Ukrainians, Belarusians; Russians (Teresky Bereg) [King Gavrilo's sons, Peter, Ivan; someone steals apples; G., P. overslept; I. grabbed the Firebird, pulled out his pen; the king tells you to get the Firebird itself; on the pole on one side there is an inscription: you will be full yourself, the horse will be hungry, on the other hand you will be alive, the horse is dead; I. turned to where the horse is dead ; the wolf jumped out, tore the horse, told I. to sit on it; tells him to take the bird without a cage; I. took a golden cage, he was grabbed; sent for a golden-maned horse; take it without a bridle; the same; get the princess; the wolf himself he grabbed the princess; then left her I., turned princess himself, I. got a horse, the wolf returned; the same with the Firebird; now I. has a princess, a horse and a Firebird, he came to his brothers; when he fell asleep, they cut him off the head, everything was taken away; the princess orders to get the dress out of her state; the wolf caught the crow and the crow, forced the crow to bring living and dead water, revived I.; he returned everything, the brothers were expelled from the country]: Balashov 1970, No. 153:406-407; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pomors) [the old man found 9 eggs in the forest, collected them in a mitten to pick them up on the way back, but no more eggs; the old woman is angry; the same 19 eggs; when 33, took them home, and they fell and crashed, 33 fellows appeared; the father had nothing to mow, they went to mow the royal protected meadows; the king took them for himself, giving the old man a lot of bread; someone steals hay; only Ivan did not sleeps; a golden-maned mare with 33 foals came out of the sea, I. saddled one foal; he teaches him to catch his mother (roll over him when the mare runs up to him and grab her); the night is bright from golden mane; the king lets the brothers marry, each to one of those horses; one grandmother has 9 daughters, the second has 19, the third has 33; Ivan's mare teaches to go with the youngest, to quilt her until the flint gives, a lash and a magic scarf; a mare: the old woman will put the brides to bed, they will wear white hats, and you will wear black hats; you must change them; the sword will roll and cut off their heads under black hats; then you must run; the old woman is chasing a chariot of fire; Ivan waved his handkerchief - the bridge; when the old woman waved again on the bridge, the bridge disappeared, the old woman fell into the sea and drowned; the brothers think that Ivan killed them out of envy brides, rushed at him, but the mare drove them away; Ivan became the king's groom, the other grooms are jealous; they say to the king that Ivan ran to get him the princess; the mare brings him to the garden, chipped in an apple tree, the princess comes up, Ivan grabs her, they jump to the king; the princess demands to get the wedding dress first; when the princess is gone, her father took the dress to the cathedral for the funeral service; the mare lured people out of the cathedral, Ivan grabbed dress, galloped away; princess: to rejuvenate, you have to jump into a cauldron of milk, then with boiling water, then with cold water; tsar: let Ivan be the first; the mare cooled boiling water for Ivan, and the tsar cooked; princess married Ivan]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:183-193; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pomors) [Fedor Tsarevich is walking around the garden, someone is calling; this is a gloomy grandfather (DU) from the underground pantry; asks to get it from father's key and release it, promises to help; F. asked for the key and unlocked the door; expelled; he was given a soldier as a companion; he asked him to go down to the well; pulled it out after F. changed his dress with him and status; went further: 7 wives pick berries, one eye in all; F. asks the DU to give them eyes; came to another king, F. became a groom; the soldier persuaded the servants to say that F. could get Mary for the king blue-haired from the kingdom of far away; the DU tells you not to take the king's ship, to pretend to do it himself; those ripe women sent for their son, everyone can do something special; Marya demands to eat all the cereal ( one of the servants ate); drink all the kvass (the other drank it); wash in a hot bath (DM himself blew and cooled); Marya rushed from the ship into the sea, the servant drank it, she was returned; she rose like a star into the sky; the stargazer found an extra star, the shooter shot, M. fell on the ship; everything opened; M. married the tsar, and the tsar's daughter for F.]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:211-215; Russians (Pskov) [Ivan He buried his merchant father; went hunting, there was no prey; he pointed his gun at the crow three times; the raven on his shoulder, he brought him to visit him; then the raven offered to take him to visit him; drops him three times over the sea, picks up; says that he was also afraid when I. pointed his gun; they flew to the old woman, this is the mother of a crow, she agreed to give I. a golden egg; they stayed for several days, but it turned out that 5 years; raven brought I. back to his house, where I.'s mother lived the entire estate; the raven orders him to be hired to serve the king; the king orders to build a palace; the raven takes a golden egg, the palace has appeared; the senators tell the king that as if I. boasted to get Alena the Beautiful; they come by ship to far away, the raven lured Alena to the ship, took her away; the king wants to marry her; A. demands a dress from her father; the raven brought there I. became a golden-maned horse, everyone ran out of the church to catch, I. took his dress; now A. demands his carriage from the bottom of the sea; the raven rose into the sky, rushed into the water, the water spread 4 versts, I. pulled carriage; A.: get my earrings from the bottom; the wolf copper forehead requires a receipt: he will take out the earrings, but for this I. will allow him to eat when he goes married; I. gave it, received earrings; A.: who will remove my stroller, that husband to me; only I. unlocked; the raven created the wax figure of I.; the wolf rushed at her, and I. safely married A.]: Chernyshev 1950, No. 16:36-41; Russians (Vologda) [in the forest, the hunter hears noise and roar, it's a lion fighting and hell, everyone asks for help; the hunter shot a lion; a grateful devil leads to his father, he gives a ring, there are 12 fellows who make wishes come true; hell offers to hire a king herd cattle; all his cattle are intact; other shepherds tell the tsar that the new one, supposedly, is to get Olena, the granddaughter of his long-term grandmother; hell brings a man there, put the guards to sleep, the man brought O. to the king; O. demands wedding dress; hell brings to the cathedral, where the dress under the throne became a gold-plated doe, distracted attention, the man killed the last nun with a brick, put on his clothes, took his dress, rode off on a fallow deer; get horses and a carriage (obtained); O. tells the king to cut off the head of the servant, he does not dare, O. cuts off the king's head, the man became king, married O.; O. found out about the ring, gave it to her grandmother Dolgonoska, she scattered the kingdom, scorched her husband O.; the devil taught how to hack his grandmother in the bathhouse; the man again got O., everything is fine]: Smirnov 1917, No. 30:167-174; Ukrainians (Transcarpathia; p. Zbui of the Zemplin Committee of Hungary) [the emperor has no children, he walks to sorcerers; one replies that the queen spat in the water, swallowed saliva by fish, brought offspring, and the queen has no children; it is necessary catch this fish in the lake under a stone slab and cook it, but so that no one else tries it; the maid tries the fish, the queen eats the fish, throws the bones to the dog; the maid, queen and dog get pregnant and through nine months give birth to a boy; the emperor is frightened; the advisers order to hire nurses; the boys have grown up and went to school; the son of the female Yanko has learned all the sciences and languages; the king is happy; I learn from books that Once there was a sun, a month and stars, but now there is nothing, the earth is covered in darkness; asks his father, the king says that three shufflers (dragons) have arrived; a 24-headed sun grabbed a sun with 12 heads - the month that had was a star; three royal sons saddle horses, went to look for the sun, the month and the star; the father told them that his brother, i.e. their uncle, studied to be a blacksmith in the Shedzmerice Region; the hell brought a letter: brother serves as a blacksmith for these three shufflers and their paternal uncle Laccibrade, who is elbow tall but has a long beard; the sons must go to Schedzmeritz, where their uncle is; there he is 100 meters Iron gates up, 24 comrades blacksmiths and 24 students; taking a letter to their uncle, the blacksmith, the brothers come to the Shedzmerice region, knock, the gate rings, the uncle comes out; making sure that their nephews are welcome accepts; knows where the lights are, because he is the blacksmith of kidnappers, whom he calls devils; one has a house made of gold, the other has silver, the third has copper; they are 24, 12, 6 miles away, respectively; their girlfriends - 48, 24, 12 miles away; at noon everyone leaves before midnight to see a friend - then you have to come; the princes will come to the copper house and the copper gate, where the weakest (with a star); he has a bridge from him to his home friends; his horse does not walk on the ground, only across the bridge; you have to take out one board in the evening to make a hole; I must sit under the bridge and listen to the shuffling go home; the shuffling sits on the horse the ground is shaking; his horse comes across the bridge to the hole, gets scared, rushes back; the shuffling calms down: there is no horse like him and no good man like him; only his mother-in-law Gynjibaba said she saw Suchiy Yanko, but if he met now, the shuffler would cut him to pieces; I.: I'll cut you down, blows all your heads off, sits on the shuffler's horse, takes his sword and star, throws a star into the sky, she rises to his seat, becomes lighter; the brothers go to the 12-headed shuffling; Y. breaks two silver plaques from the silver bridge; the shuffle promises to chop Suchiy Yanko, mentioned by G. throw meat away to magpies and crows; I blow 6 heads, then 6 more; each one cuts off the end of her tongue, hides it in her pocket, lets go of a month; tells my brother from the maid that he will have a 6-headed horse, brother from the queen - 12-headed, he himself will take the 24-headed shuffler's horse; invites the brothers to take the sun, they are afraid; leaves them the spoon given by the uncle for the matitsa: if it has blood, hurry to help; pulls it out bridges 4 gold plaques; the shuffler promises to chop the son of the dog mentioned by his mother-in-law, throw it away to magpies and crows; I.: I will do it with you; they fight for 24 hours; both ask crows for help, but I promise the more. meat; the shuffling breathes fire, the crows stuff weeds into his mouth, take away the sun, it rises to the sky; the shuffling throws fire even more, the crows in their beaks carry water, pour on I., others grab the shuffling legs, he fell, I killed him, cut off the tip of his tongue from each head; there is blood on a spoon behind the matitsa, the brothers take their horses out to flee; when I appear, they say that they were going to help him, he accuses him they lie, share horses; on the way home, their mother-in-law's hut of shufflers drive home; her daughters met there; I became a cat, climbed through the chimney, the youngest daughter, whose lover had 6 heads, recognizes Me by my eyes, the other two confirm; Gynjibaba: I would know if I saw it; the youngest looks up one century to her mother; G. sees Y., tells his daughters to put him in fur; they think that they did it and burned the fur from which, But I am a sorcerer and escaped; a mother tells one daughter to become a red handkerchief and lie on the road, strangle his two brothers and horses; the other with a silver pear, the fruits of which brothers and horses will choke; the third should become a meadow with silk grass and a well in the middle, people and horses will die from its water; I cut the handkerchief crosswise with a sword, it pours blood knee-deep to horses; the same with a pear, with a well; royal The brother, the chief blacksmith, orders the Iron Gate to be opened because her nephews will run away from G.; she chases with her mouth open, the young men rush to the uncle's yard, his students and comrades close the gate and G.'s eyelids are supported; G. demands to show her Y.; he tells the audience to take up one leaf, and he lets G.'s head into the yard and lock the gate with a key; G. is amazed that some worthless killed six (her daughters and shufflers); Y. replies that he will not let her go; let her become a horse that runs around the light in an hour, better than the Sharkani ones; G.: you can't wait; I ask my uncle for workers with with hammers; they hit G. on the head, she asks for mercy, but does not agree to be a mare; I tell you to hit harder; G. swears to serve faithfully; iron stirrups and a saddle are forged for her; I sit on horseback, take it in my hand a strand of flax lights him, linen does not have time to burn while the mare runs around the world; his uncle praises him, gives him a letter to his father and punishes him not to react, no matter what wonderful things he sees on the way; the brothers go home towards the ditch is old Laccibrad on a hare, followed by his casing and beard; he says that I am not a man; I dismount, L. is in the saddle and flies away on a horse; I tell my brothers to notify father that the sun, the month and the star are already in the sky, and he will go for the horse, which was made in his uncle's forge out of sharkanikha; he returns to his uncle, he reproaches him for his disobedience, tells him to take a hammer and go to the plain, where L. herds a mare and sleeps on iron saddles and stirrups; he must crush his head, take a mare; when he finds L., Y. decides that he is so small that he is not dangerous, grabs the mare, shouts at L.; he wakes up, hits Y. with stirrups and a saddle; I beg for mercy, L.: his sister will no longer wear I., for although Y. beat her, L. himself beat him, so we should honestly leave; I leave; my uncle sends him back; L. agrees to give the mare if Y. brings him a princess from the other side of the world; uncle: it's in the seventh land, it's easy to get there, any novelty you see must be taken with you, the royal daughter will be given for him ; on the way, Y. sees, takes with him hungry (he gets bread on carts), drank (drinks the river, but can't get drunk), cold (he can't warm up near the fire in 12 fur coats and 12 covers), throwing a hammer at the end of the world; crossing the whole world in two steps; having a huge eye and seeing everything; the king receives them, offers to eat a thousand oxen and bread out of three thousand measures of flour in one supper, drink a thousand barrels of wine and a thousand vodka; Y.'s companions eat and drink everything; the king puts him to bed in an iron house, sends blacksmiths to bring bags of coal, kindles a fire; the freezing one takes off one fur coat and one casing, the coals go out, everyone goes to bed; the craftsmen bring more fire; the freezing one sheds two coats and two covers, the coals go out, the craftsmen freeze to death; the king orders in three hours go to the end of the world and take leather and gold to the craftsman to cast a ring and sew shoes; companion Y. steps once and finds himself with the master; on the way back he enters the city, where Sister G. lets he sleeps, puts his horse head as a pillow, takes his ring and shoes; half an hour before the deadline; the seer sees the sleeper and sister G.; another companion throws a hammer, knocking his horse's head out from under the runner's heads; he catches up with sister G. in one step, takes away his ring and shoes, and the other steps he finds himself at the wedding; I. and the princess are married, given the wagon and the army to accompany him to the border; L. pretends to be married stuck in the swamp, Y. tries to help, L. pulls him knee-deep into the swamp, runs on his horse with his wife; I. rides a Sharkan horse to the Shedzmericki region to visit his uncle; uncle: go to the oak grove, where there is a hollow, through it you will get to a city 7 miles deep into the earth, in the city a three-story house on a duck leg is L.'s home; Y. finds a house, hides by a well, meets his wife: let him know where L. has power; L. to his wife: he is called to war, whoever he helps will win; in response to his wife's persuasion, he explains that a wooden deer drinks water near the well, a chamois in it, a hare in the chamois, a duck in a hare, two eggs in the duck; if you break one, he will lose half his strength and both will die; if you take a golden apple on a gold cord and put it in your pocket, you can take the house with you; L. goes to the seventh land for a month to war; I cut animals with a sword, breaks one egg; L. flies home on a mare - he is still stronger than I.; I break the second egg, L. falls, I kill him; turns the house into an apple, takes his wife home, stops by my uncle on the way, he advises him to return to his homeland and secretly build the house; his father's servants discover an unknown house; the princes are guarding a possible enemy, warmly greeting his brother, he says that he has obtained a mare and married the daughter of a tsar from the seventh land]: Gnatyuk 1898, No. 8, pp. 39-54; Western Ukrainians (Hutsulshchina) [31 brothers want to marry girls who would be sisters; the youngest is called Thirty-one (T.); horse: sit on me and leave yours to graze; they come to the witch, she has 31 daughters; the horse tells T. to switch places with the witch's daughters at night; the witch cut off her heads with her own daughters; brothers rode away; horse thirty-one: tell her that we will come to her again; T. and his oldest brother hired the king, the rest of the brothers took the other way; the eldest was taken by the groom, and T. as a cook, the eldest is envious, he tells the king that T. can get 1) bread that the whole army cannot eat; horse: that woman's bread; the horse gave ointment: if you anoint, you will become a broom; the woman sweeps it, lies down to sleep, T. took the bread; the horse tells the woman to shout again: we will come again; 2) a flask of wine that the whole army cannot drink; the horse teaches you to become an ant, carry the flask; 3) the most beautiful woman in the world; the horse tells take 8 buffalo skins and special horseshoes from the king; dig a hole overseas; the horse rode in it, the stallion rode, runs, looks for a horse, is tired; when the horse came out, he ripped 8 clothed skins on it, but T. won; T. got down from the tree, sat on his horse, and the beautiful woman standing next to him on that stallion; behind them was a herd of mares across the sea; beautiful: who will milk my mares? king: the one who brought; T.'s horse makes every mare stand without moving, T. fed up milk; boiled milk; T. furkil's horse, T. swam, became handsome; the king threw himself into the milk and boiled; T. married a beautiful woman, reigned]: Zinchuk 2006a, No. 94:278-283; Belarusians [33 sons and two more and Ivan the Fool are going to marry; Baba Yaga has the same number of daughters; I. tells me to change those clothes for the night; baba yaga came back and chopped her daughters; the brothers came to the king; it is said that I. can get the baba yaga harps, who play themselves; the horse promises I. to get it, they galloped, brought the harp; the rooster, who can be heard all over the world; the same; get Queen Alain; the horse created a bridge, a garden, food and drinks; the queen went out, fell asleep, they took her away; A. promises to marry someone who gets living and dead water ; horse: I'm dying now, I must hide in his corpse, grab a crow and demand living water from his parents; I. tore the crow, revived it; and revived the horse; A. killed I. in front of the tsar's eyes and revived it; the tsar too wants; A. did not revive him; wedding]: Romanov 1887, No. 37:228-232; Belarusians [childless grandfather dreams: collect bird eggs and sit; he collected 31, the woman sat out, boys were born; everyone was baptized , the last name was not enough, they called Mal-Malyshok; the sons went to mow, M. broke the oak tree, mows it; every night one haystack disappears; ten brothers are guarding, they did not notice anyone; M. orders to forge an iron club, threw up his forehead, it split; the 40 pound did not split; M. hits the mare with a club, she gave him foals, M. took the worst one; the brothers left; after death M. caught up with their parents; the first Baba Yaga has 29 daughters, she refers to her sister, she has 30, she has 31; the horse tells M. that at night the brothers quietly wear hats on the brides and tie their scarves for themselves; Baba Yaga cut off the heads of her daughters with a self-made sword; Baba Yaga catches up with a goat, M. killed him; the brothers were hired by the king, M. the elder, the brothers persuade the king to order M. to bring Baba Yaga's self-made sword; M. took ; brothers: get samogudes; M. took it away; brothers: M. can find out why the sun stood in one place for three hours; M. goes to the sun; whale fish asks to know why it lies on the shore; M. arrives for the Month, He first hides it from the Sun Brother, then M. opened; Sun: looked at the Bagpipe Girl as she was sailing in the golden shuttle; let the whale spit out the 40 ships swallowed; the king tells me to get the Bagpipe Girl; M. offered V. wine, she got drunk, he took it away; V. orders him to get a chest with her clothes from the bottom of the sea; M. sends a self-made sword to cut fish, the whale fish asks not to do this, pulls out the chest; V.: now the keys to a chest from the bottom of the sea; the last cancer brought the keys; V. to get married, build a church of gold and silver bricks and the same bridge; and to make the resin boil in the cauldron; V. did everything herself, the king fell into tar, M. became tsar, married V.]: Vasilenok et al. 1958:94-109; Belarusians (p. Markovichi, Gomel University) [The man had three sons: "two so and this, and Mikita's third is a fool." He put them to bed. When the elder was awake, he asked what he had dreamed. He replied: Forges. And he said to his son, You should be a blacksmith. The middle man dreamed of a field and millet. He said to be your plowman. I asked the youngest. Mikita said, "You washed my feet and you drank that water." The father said: a fool dreams of nonsense. The father and sons went to dig, and Mikita dressed up in festive clothes and wore them along the road. And a merchant was driving along the way, and he asked: who is walking? The father replies: "This is my son, a reveler. He doesn't have much intelligence." "Sell it to us," says the merchant. Mikita asked the arshin: he measured the land with them and dug a hole. The merchant gave his father the best horse for the ransom. And a merchant bought it because his son did not have it. The merchant says: it's time for you to marry. Mikita declined. His father gave him a small shop. A year later, another year passed, my father's shops rotted, and Mikita's shops expanded, and trade began. Other merchants persuaded him to write to the king on behalf of Mikita: there is a king in one kingdom, and he has a daughter, Maria Pavlovna, and I would marry her for our king. "Otherwise, we won't be merchants if we don't kill Mikita," the merchants decided. Mikita was summoned by the king. Sends it by a matchmaker Mikita asks for 12 more Mikit like this: "one voice, one hair, the whole breed is like this!" And horses are the same. Found 12 Mikit. And Mikita says: let me study science for 3 years: learn different skills. Three years have passed, and Mikit the king calls back. He feast with the elder for three days, and gather them for matchmakers on the road. On the road, we met two wolves that the horse's head would not be separated. They were divided equally. Then they greet you with goosebumps: he asks to save the ant family from the fire, and she will help him. Then he carried the mouse through the fire. Next is the bees. He tore the flower in half for the bees. We came to see the king. We put up tents. The king saw the tents: go find out who says who puts tents near the palace without asking. They introduced themselves as matchmakers. The king called to his place. It went 5 Mikit. The king marvels, he has never seen all 5 being the same. Mikita in charge speaks for herself and calls to marry. They called the princess. She agreed. We drank and walked for three days and three nights. "If you guess the riddle, I'll marry you," says the king. "If you don't guess, you can go without goals." Riddle: "I have wheat ricks, 12 fathoms in width and height. During the night, you have to grind it, pour it into the bins, but do not unfold the ricks and do not untie the sheaves." I came to the tent. Goosebumps say go to bed, everything will be done in the morning. It was true that everything was done. We walked and feasted again for three days. "It's time to get married," Mikita says. "Get my daughter shoes like mine and bring it on a platter or not take your head off," the king replies. This time the mouse helped. We've done everything. We feasted again for three days. "Make a wax church," says the king again. The bees helped: they made both priests and bells. We got married at the impoverishment. They feasted again for three days and three nights. They made a carriage. But there are no horses. The king says: there is a mare, she has 12 stallions, all gold and silver, if you can't get it, you can't take your head off. Wolves helped. They go to be a princess, and Mikita says: I'm not married for myself, but for my king. King Mikita is waiting, he has prepared a hole, sees them coming: he saw the princess, ran to meet him, and fell into the hole himself, and Mikita ordered him to be buried there. And he became king himself. I went to visit my family father. He asked for a drink from his pelvis, and Mikita says: she is unclean, I washed my feet in it. And he says: clean, you're king. Mikita told me about his dream. Mikita's father admitted it. He took his father to the palace]: Romanov 1901, No. 50:440-447; Czechs [the king has 7 sons; the youngest Yalmir is weak, has difficulty walking; the brothers go to see the world; at night the old man makes Y. healthy and strong, gives white horse; he instantly caught up with his brothers; paid for them at the inn; they did not recognize him; they come to see a cannibal with 7 daughters; I pour out the wine unnoticed; when everyone lay down, cannibal tries to see if the brothers are sleeping; first hits with a broom, then burns tar on his chest; each time she says that they sleep 6 times, then the seventh one sleeps; I change the cannibal's brothers and daughters, she cuts off the heads of her daughters; under morning brothers gallop away; I open up to the brothers, they envy that he was the best; horse: I asked you not to open up to the brothers, now there will be trouble; they all hired the king; the brothers told him that I am . can get birds that the king does not have; I took the horse back to that cannibal; in three rooms, birds in silver, gold, diamond cages; you have to take a plain bird in a wooden cage in fourth room; I brought a cage and the horse ordered the bird to be released; in the morning, the royal garden is full of birds; now the brothers offer to send Y. to get animals; (still the same, but instead of cages, chains on animals); in the morning in the king's garden, deer, rabbits, squirrels, etc.; the brothers offer to send Y. for wine; the horse tells you to make a rope and net out of his two hairs; you have to go down to the cellar, take a vessel with with a wooden cork, not vessels with silver, gold, diamond, and run; or jump into the net and the horse will pull him out by the rope; this is what happened; the king found that the wine in the vessel did not decrease as much as you don't drink; the king appointed I. first minister; brothers: get the princess from the golden castle in the middle of the sea; the horse tells me to ask the king for plenty of bread, wine, etc.; this was fed to three giants; in addition, I. released fish into the sea and fed the eagle; the giants built a dam to the island; the princess went with Y., but demanded that the king deliver it to the golden castle; I fed the giants again; they brought the castle; the princess demands the lost key; the fish found it; the princess demands the water of death, life and youth; I. walked along the dam that had been built, but the waves understood it; the eagle pulled out and showed the sources of water; then carried where the horse was; the princess rubbed the king with different water, but by chance twice with the water of death; after that it is impossible to revive; the princess called King I., and he called her queen; the people burned the brothers alive; the horse tells him to cut off his head, a white dove flies out of his body and hides in the sky; I. rules and is happy with my wife]: Curtin 1890:370-405; Czechs (Slovaks?) [the old woman gave the king a snake (hereinafter referred to as fish): if you eat it, you will understand the languages of animals and birds; the king told Jiri to fry the fish, he licked it himself; the king feels that I. received this gift, tries it to destroy; two birds got into a fight over three golden hair, one fell, I. picked him up; the king tells him to be brought golden-haired; I. saves ants from a burning stump; fed the crows whose parents flew away; bought from fishermen, released goldfish; the king of the crystal castle promises to give his gold-haired daughter if I. 1) collects beads scattered across the meadow (ants collect), 2) gets a ring lost in the sea (the fish got it), 3) will bring living and dead water; the ravens brought; on the way, I. sprinkled dead water on the spider, revived the fly with living water; the king orders to recognize Goldilocks among her sisters, shows her husband; Having received Z., the king ordered I. to cut off his head; Z. revived him with living and dead water; I. became handsome; the king wanted too; but his head was only raised back, and living water had already been used up; I. king]: Erben 1976:38-42; Slovaks [the peasant has 12 sons, 11 despise the younger Janko; hired the king, a year later they each received a free will; next time a cow; then a horse; I. afraid to choose a strong horse; a thin skate advises him to choose one; brothers galloped off; horse: will we jump like the sun or like the wind? I.: so as not to suffer; a brass horse and a copper horseman, I. ends up in the inn before the brothers, who say they saw the bronze horseman; next time he saw the bronze horseman; the next time he was silver; gold; the brothers ask their father to marry them; he sees an old witch plowing on 6 horses; she says that she has 12 daughters; whips horses, they turn into 12 girls; before the wedding, the horse teaches me: not to sit in in the middle, say that he is the youngest, must watch the horses; do not drink wine, eat soup, roast, pour them out unnoticed; wine will become a piece of glass, soup with a brush, roast with a comb, hide them under clothes; let the brothers lie in the place of the witch's daughters at night, and they in the place of the brothers; at night, the witch cut off the heads of her daughters, thinking she is killing young men; the horse tells them to jump away, pick nothing up along the way; the witch throws a golden horseshoe, Y. asks if to pick it up; horse: pick it up, it will be bad, you won't pick it up, even worse; I picked it up; the horse tells you to throw the comb (a mountain covered with dense forest); then the same: a witch throws a golden pen, I. throws a brush (prickly thickets); golden hair - glass (sea, the witch stops chasing); reconciled with his brothers, the skate tells him to be hired to serve the king; other grooms (in some versions these are brothers Y.) burn candles, but I. did not; the grooms saw that Y. illuminated the witch's golden horseshoe stable; the king demands a horse whose horseshoe; they rode to the witch and while she was sleeping, I stole from under pillows keys, took the horse away, hid his sword; shouted about it to the witch, she chased, but could not cross the sea; the grooms reported that Y.'s stable was bright again, the light from the pen; the king demands a bird; I took it off my waist The witch's sleeping keys, broke her sword, took the cage with the duck laying the golden eggs; the third time, golden hair, the king demands a girl; the sleeping witch holds the keys in her teeth, I carefully took them out, broke them the witch's sword, unlocked the third room, took the golden girl away; from across the sea shouted to the witch that he would not return to her again; she turned into tar out of anger; the girl only wanted me, the king was going to execute him; the skate tells me to boil the pot of milk, absorbed the heat, I. swam, turned gold; the king also decided to swim, the horse returned the heat, the king cooked; I. became king]: Dobšinský 1970, No. 8:36-46; Slovaks [There is a dark country; the sun doesn't shine in it. The king has a horse with the sun on his forehead, from which light emanates. So that people can live, he takes him from one side of the country to another. Suddenly, the sun horse disappears. People are desperate. The king and his army are going to look for him. They find a lonely hut in the forest. In it, a tall man reads a big book. He tells the king that he has read about him and that it is useless to find a horse with an army, let him rely on him and find it. He asks him to keep a brave warrior as a servant. The soothsayer and servant travel through six countries, staying in the seventh, where three siblings, married to their sisters, rule, and their mother, a striga (witch). The soothsayer turns into a green bird and asks the queens that their husbands will appear in the evening, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. A visionary waits at the bridge and kills the elder and middle brother king. The youngest comes on a sunny horse. The visionary comes into battle with him, their swords break, then the visionary offers to turn into wheels and roll down the mountain. Whose wheel breaks will give in. The king wants to be a cart wheel, but invites the visionary to be lighter. The seer wants the opposite, the king agrees. The cart wheel breaks the lung. Weven claims he won, and the king replies that he just broke his fingers. Then they turn into blue and red lights, trying to burn each other out. An old beggar walks by. The red fire promises him a kreutzar if he floods the enemy with water, and the blue fire promises him a penny. The beggar loves a penny more, floods the king's red fire. The blue fire turns into a visionary, thanks the beggar, calls the servant, and they leave on a sunny horse. The old haircut decides to take revenge, takes her three daughters in an armful, sits on the rake and flies. The seer, and especially the servant, is hungry; he sees an apple tree by the road. A seer cuts an apple tree with a sword - blood is shed. This is the elder queen. The seer forbids the servant to drink from the spring, cuts it - this is the middle queen; he does not let the rose pick, cuts the bush - this is the youngest. A little magician with a golden bridle selects a horse. The visionary becomes the boy's servant. The boy is eager to get a princess living in a poplar castle that grows out of the sea. The visionary takes the ship, buys ribbons and jewelry, and goes to the castle as a merchant. Kidnaps a princess who comes down to look at the merchandise. She tells her to ask what the magician's power is. He tells her that there is a tree, a deer grazes under it, a duck in a deer, a golden egg in a duck, and a magician's heart in the egg. A visionary kills a deer, a duck, drinks an egg. The princess gives the ship to return home, picks up a sun horse and flies it to his country. When they cross the border of a dark kingdom, the light from the horse's forehead illuminates the country, people rejoice. The seer renounces half of the kingdom, gives his horse to the king, and returns to his home to rest]: Němcová 1857:215-229 (=Wenzig 1857:156-157, 182-191; =Wratislaw 1890, No. 11:75-82).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [Sultan Reshid has 4 sons, the youngest is 12 years old; the Sultan sowed golden wheat, poured the harvest into ingots; someone steals wheat; the eldest son went on guard, fell asleep; the same second; the third saw an arap, which jumped off his horse and began to mow wheat; the young man grabbed him by his long white hair, causing the arap to lose his strength; he was lowered into the cellar, tied to each hair with an iron weight; R. notified the neighboring kings, inviting them to look at the monster; the youngest son Kerim played the ball, he fell into the cellar to the arap; K. found the key from his father, went down; the arap asked for the release of 10 hairs; then shook off the rest of the weights, summoned the winged horse; when he flew away, he promised K. to help him; the assembled kings asked R. not to kill his son, but only to expel him; K.'s mother wrote to her relative Dervish Sultan a request to shelter boy; Kerima was caught up with rider Ali, changed food supplies; K. ate salty cakes, wanted to drink; went down to the well; Ali made K. swear that they would change names and statuses; D. appointed the deceiver was his heir; he was going to marry D.'s daughter, but she disgusted him; the deceiver said that his servant could get 40 horses with golden manes and tails; K. drove the data he did not know where to go, he fell asleep; the arap carried him to his palace; the Arap's wife gave him a box in which a winged duldulle is easy to fly around the universe; the eldest daughter is a walnut, in which a table is magic; the youngest is hazelnut, wearing festive clothes; the arap himself gave three glasses of water, K. became one of the strongest heroes in the world; 40 days later K. flew on a duldula to D., with him 40 horses with gilded manes and tails; the princess saw K. feast alone, fell in love; that night the capital was flooded with light; deceiver: the servant can find out where the light source is; K. came to the arap; he sent in search of eagles and nocturnal birds; it turned out that the sorceress's bird of paradise dropped its pen; K. spoke about this and was sent for a pen; he brought it; the deceiver sent for the bird itself; K. and the arap feasted for 35 days, then we went to the sorceress; at the gate there is a lion and a horse, they should be given meat and hay; they must drink from a rotten stream, praise the water; eat wormy pears, praise them; if after the third attempt you do not grab the sorceress will turn the cage with the bird into stone; the tree on which the cage dodged, but the third time K. grabbed the cage; the pear, the stream, the lion, the horse refuse to detain K. - he praised them; the old woman advises the deceiver to tell K. to get the sorceress herself; arap: now in the palace of the sorceress who will sleep, you must lubricate each door with fragrant oil; take an oath from the sorceress with all the sanctities of the world and heaven; her dwarf servant flew for the mistress; when they arrived, Kerim's oath expired; Ali was tied to 40 horses; D. married K. to his daughter and sorceress; the wedding was 40 days and nights]: Kondaraki 1875, No. 6:68-82; Crimean Tatars (Bakhchisaray) [the poor man fell ill, his wife died; asks his daughter not to bury him properly {incomprehensible; a hint of the motive "At night at his father's grave"?} ; the neighbors buried him, sorted his things out, the mullah took the girl to her place; she grew up, put on her man's clothes, got on her horse and left; the snake asked her not to kill, brought her to her father; he ordered the snakes take on a human form; the snake insisted on giving the girl a damn horse with a golden mane; the girl drove off in it; the horse does not tell you to pick up a bird's wing, but she picked it up; came to the padishah; the boy took the wing, gave it to the padishah, said that the guest had brought it; the padishah told me to bring all the bird; the horse told me to ask for a bag of millet and blanket; lie under it and scatter the millet; the girl grabbed one bird by the legs; the padishah demands to deliver the owner of the birds; the horse asks for a dogwood trough, a barrel of wine and a jug of raki; the mistress of the birds flew in, ate dogwood, drank wine and crayfish, fell asleep; the girl snatched two from her hair (horse: now she will come to us); returned to the palace, the horse ordered me to burn the hairs, the hostess appeared, the padishah tells us to prepare the wedding; the mistress of the birds: let the one who got me first take out the comb and the mirror that the witch stole when I was 13 years old; the horse brought the girl to the witch, she took the comb and the mirror; now the owner of the birds tells me to get sea mares; the horse brought to the sea; came out black stallion, the horse began to fight with him; he has blood from his throat; tells him to anoint the stallion with it; then the girl turned into a young man, brought the stallion and mares; the owner of the birds boiled a pot of milk; the young man stayed unharmed, padishah cooked; young man's wedding with bird mistress]: Zherdeva 2020, No. 4; Stavropol Turkmens; Nogais; Kalmyks; Adygs; Abazins; Balkarians (Zap. 1955) [when dying, the father forbids his son to hunt in the black forest, where the fire is burning; the son grew up, went there, shot, the golden eagle fell, he offered it to the king; the king gave three gold coins for the eagle; the servant is jealous, says that the orphan boasted to get three rounds of golden horns; the mother advises to ask the king for a hundred barrels of vodka, carts and people; the lake replaced the water with vodka, the tours became intoxicated, they were delivered to the king; the king gave one hundred carts with carters; servant: an orphan mocks, could get a girl; mother advises asking the king to give money from the servant's funds to build a golden boat; on the way, an orphan saved a goldfish from a big one fish, dove from the falcon; the orphan lured the girl into the boat, but when she fell asleep, she became a fish and disappeared; the fish returned her; the girl flew away as a bird, the dove returned her; the king gave the girl a golden boat; servant: the guy mocks the tsar; the tsar orders the execution of an orphan; the girl killed the tsar and servant, married an orphan, he became tsar]: Malkonduev 2017:431-436; Ossetians; Ingush; Chechens; Kumyks; Terek Cossacks; Avars; Dargins; Rutultsy; Kyurins [the childless queen suddenly gave birth to 40 sons; after that, the king left home; the wife hired nurses, raised sons; younger Melik Mammad calls the brothers to find his father; they found him and threatened to kill him if he does not marry them to 40 sisters - daughters of the same father and one mother; the king found; MM punishes the brothers do not stay in the Palace; but they spent the night there, and in the morning they are surrounded by a huge snake; he will let everyone go if MM comes to him; MM has come, the serpent tells him to get the daughter of the king of divas for him; the wolf tells MM ask the snake for a horse; MM stabbed his horse for a wolf; MM meets, companions someone who milks deer on the run; throws stones; drinks the river; the king of divas orders to spend the night in the iron the room, covered with firewood, drank the water, the room cooled down; run with the lame old woman for reindeer milk; the old woman gave wine to the deer milker, he fell asleep; MM saw it, shot, the milker woke up, killed an old woman, brought milk; overcame the hero (the stone-thrower overcame); MM got the daughter of the king of divas; came to the wolf; the wolf orders to kill a huge hare, an egg in his heart, a snake's soul in the egg; MM broke an egg, the serpent died; MM married the king's daughter, a diva and a girl brought by his father; his father gave him the throne]: Lionidze, Sultanov 1892, No. 5:204-208; Svana [the tsar has three daughters, his wife died, he took another, she tells me to get rid of her scoundrels; the king found an apple tree in the steppe, brought an apple to his daughters; they asked them to be brought to the apple tree; the king dug a hole there, covered it with a carpet, the daughters failed; the sisters ate apples, they ran out, but the youngest hid them away; these ran out; the eldest wanted to eat her, but the youngest turned her hands into a shovel and an iron-tipped stick; they dug a passage into the tin house; there servants feed the royal horses boiled wheat; sisters eat everything, horses lose weight, the king executes servants; the healer orders to guard; the sisters are caught, the king wants one of them to marry his son; the eldest: a hundred carpet for the king and all subjects have a bed and a blanket; middle: I will drink wine to the king and the people; youngest: I will give birth to a son and a daughter {then we are talking only about a son}, so that their lower and upper halves are golden; this sister will be given for the prince; the older sisters threw their children into the river, replaced them with puppies; the king tied the bride to a stump at a fork in three roads; let everyone spit in her eyes; the children were picked up by a priest who owned the mill; the priest raised a young man, he is the best hunter; his mother's sisters understood who he was; advised the priest to send the young man to Elbrus for a golden apple tree; on the way, divas, petrified to the waist; says that everyone is so stony ; we must remember his mother's nipples; the young man thought about them, brought an apple tree; the divas chased the young man, but that divas drove them away; the sisters advise asking the young man to bring a mirror from Elbrus; everyone was stony, and the young man remembered his mother's nipples and brought a mirror; sisters: to kidnap the wife of the Western sovereign; the young man came to the tower, where the king's daughter was; the king would give her back if the fruit in the garden was ripe by morning; the princess told me to put a wand in the ground, pour water, in the morning a tree with fruits; king: jump across the sea, build churches everywhere so that all the bells ring; the princess gave a towel, it created everything; tame the horse; the horse: order an iron hammer and beat their horse; recognize the bride among her sisters (she will have a ring on her finger); the princess tells her to run, the king sent an army; the princess turned the young man into a monk, the horse into a church, herself into an icon; arrived to the tsar-father; the young man's mother was released, the sisters were executed]: Nizheradze 1890, No. 1:176-187; Georgians; Armenians; Azerbaijanis: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:262-269 [the king has a son Melik-Mamed and two other sons; when he dies, he tells his brother to give his daughter to MM, but he ordered the brothers to be expelled; they worked as grooms, then began to mow hay; someone scattered the cattle; MM guards, caught three horses that came out of the sea; on them the brothers came to see the old woman; the MM spotted horse teaches her daughters to exchange hats; in the morning, the old woman stabbed not her brothers, but her daughters; the spotted horse teaches MM to hit her so that mother's milk spilled out of their nostrils; the brothers came to the city, hired the king by grooms; the elders were jealous of MM; told the king that he could bring news from the sun, why there are eclipses; the horse tells take a written order from the king; give to the mother of the sun; her son replies that he is hiding from shame when he sees Peri, the daughter of the king of angels, who has gone for a walk; the king demanded that MM deliver this peri; horse teaches you to lure peri into a tent; peri demands that the king fill the pool with mares milk, bathe to look younger; gives MM a handful of land to throw into the pool where the king is swimming; he turned to the ground, and MM younger and married peri], 348-354 [the king has sons Mammad, Ahmed and Samed; when hunting, the king and vizier see a monster, it requires a little lamb; as soon as he receives consent, it turns into black snake; vizier: the lamb is the younger prince, Mammad; the vizier took M. to the cave of the king of snakes; the daughter of the king of snakes liked him, she killed the previous 40 kings; when M. wanted to return to his father, his wife ordered ask her father for a black horse; his wife rode it; she did not order to pick up the pen, but M. picked it up; they stopped at Kaziy; the watchmen noticed the pen from which the light was taken to the king; he said it was the feather of the bird Shah Shongar, ordered M. to bring the bird itself; the wife ordered to pour millet where they found the feather, M. grabbed and brought the bird; the vizier advises to order the daughter of this bird to be brought; M. deliberately turned it over the cauldron and tried to fry meat on it; a girl came up to teach him how to do it, M. took her away; she told the king that Peri's husband should be peri himself, poured hot water on him and he melted; peri went after M., he with two went to his father as wives; at the locked gate of one fortress they saw a chest with a beaten girl in it; M. cured her; she called herself the queen of the city, the slave took her throne; M. killed the slave, took the queen as a third wife; one of M. wanted to poison the brothers, but the daughter of the snake king gave the dog a try, she died; the brothers were executed, M. reigned; three apples fell from the window in the ceiling: one to the narrator, the other to the audience, and the third to the peeking out the window]; Turks [padishah is blind; dervish: the cure for your eyes is the land where your horse has not set foot; the eldest son brings land from a hill from behind the seven mountains; padishah: I hunted there partridges; middle - from the bottom of the abyss for seven mountains (went there to hunt ducks); younger; the youngest feeds the foal with barley and raisins; rides at night, sees the light, raises a shining wing; horse: it will bring misfortune; shahzadeh stopped at the old woman, his wing instead of a lamp; the local padishah forbade lighting the fire; the servants came to the shahzade; he gladly gives the wing to the padishah; he tells him to get herself bird; this is the padishah of birds; you must hide in the remains of a mule; grab the padishah of birds when you arrive to peck carrion; shahzade brings a bird; the vizier advises the padishah to tell the young man to build an elephant palace bones; horse: you need to pour raki into the pond, the elephants will get drunk; shahzade brought tusks, built a palace; the vizier advises sending him for the Most Beautiful Man in the World; the horse taught her to sneak up on her from behind and beat her in pink with twigs; this girl demands that the padishah bring her mares, bathe in their milk and then become younger; the horse teaches him to cover him with 40 buffalo skins; by the sea shore he will fight the sea stallion and he she will not gnaw the last skin; take mares to the island, you need to take a red bay and a dark bay; the girl began to wash the padishah with the milk of a dark bay mare and only the skeleton was left of him; began to wash Shahzade with red-bay milk, he found eternal youth; Shahzade brought the land, his father saw the light; they achieved their desires]: Stebleva 1986, No. 20:62-69; Kurds.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians; Tajiks; Bartangans [the tsar oppressed the people; the old man had nothing left, he gave his daughter; she wore men's clothes and came to the king under the name Mamad Murod-bek; the king did M. is a chilim instigator; the viziers are jealous; one says that he dreamed of a girl suitable for the king, let M. get her; M. met three divas, each had his arm torn off; then found a girl, killed her husband- diva, led to the king; viziers: he slept with her himself; the king tells M. to hang; M. opened: he is a girl himself; a tsar; a tsar: now I am only a king by name, and you are everything else; he hung up the viziers]: Sokolova 1960, No. 2: 20-23; the Rushans [40 brothers princes ask their father to marry them to 40 princess sisters; the king went to look, from the fork on the left road; a dragon sits in the house, legs in the hearth; orders him to send him an average son; the young man went to the dragon; the girl gave a flower: if you smell, the trouble will disappear; the ants gave an ant leg - if burned, they will come to the rescue; and let the young man's name be Muzaffar ("victor"); divas gave hair is the same; the dragon requires the middle princess; the king demands 1) to crush the stones with a felt hammer; that girl with the flower gave an iron hammer; 2) collect millet scattered on arable land (ants collected); 3) kill a diva who was locked in a barn (other divas killed); the prince took the girl, came to that diva, killed him with a spear; the wedding of 40 princes with 40 princesses]: Sokolova 1959, No. 15:55-60; Vakhans [seven sons go to look for seven sisters to marry them; remaining on guard, the younger Sultan Nasab offers 39 robbers to get the king's seven daughters; raises the robbers to the fortress, kills one by one, moves objects in the younger princess's room; the king sends the old woman to find out everything, marries his daughters to his brothers; SN warns not to stop in the blooming garden; the brothers stop, there, the dragon tells him to give him SN; demands that he bring him the Queen with Hair to Forty Gyazov; SN meets, takes Strelka, Vodokhleb as his companions; saves rats and mice from hunger; the Queen orders 1) spend the night in a steel room (they make a fire around, Water Bread floods), 2) overtake the Wind-footed Maid (The shooter breaks her jug while she returns, CH brings water), 3) collect the scattered millet (rodents collect); SN marries the Queen; an eagle dragon arrives, the Shooter easily kills him (he was his student); at home, the older brother wants to marry SN's wife; SN heals by throwing a handkerchief over him, rejuvenates his blind father, older brother cancels the wedding, SN reigns]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 14:172-180; Sarykoltsy [a childless person sees a pomegranate in the river, takes it; goes out dragon, gives two grenades, let his wife, mare, dog eat them; a son, a foal, a puppy must be sent to him; then all three will give birth again, these people can keep for themselves; Joneyhair is born; after finding out what business, rides a horse and a dog to the river; the dragon orders to get the princess; wins, takes as assistants the Ice Beast, the Fiery Beast, the Shooter Beast, the Shovel Beast; does not crush ants, their king gives his mustache to summon it on occasion; the same with mice; the princess's father offers tests; 1) sit in a cold house (The Firecracker warms, 2) in a hot house (the Ice Maker cools down), 3) turn the forest into arable land ( The shovel performs), 4) collect millet scattered across the field (ants collect); 5) bring firewood to the donkey (the witch turned into a donkey, then became a bird, flew away with firewood, but the Shooter hit her, she again became a donkey); mice gnaw the wall into the princess's room; she warns that her father will put his horse against J.'s horse, the dog against his dog, tells him to cut the iron deck with a wooden ax; gives a bunch of his hair, it helps to cut it; the horse and dog J. win; the king gives his daughter; then sends the old woman to turn J. into a donkey; J. changed the potion, it was eaten by an old woman and a dragon, became donkeys] : Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 273-285; Baluchi [the tsar forgot his rosary; the vizier went but stayed; then Tsarevich Sha-Trasan went; found the vizier with the king's wife; the vizier offered to build the city, let S. do it; the elder ran his staff on the ground, the city was formed; the vizier to the king: there is not enough tree with the flowers of laughter and crying; the old man teaches: there is a buzlangi who has a process on his leg; it is necessary grab the appendix and pull, the buzlangs will scream, others will run; then again; the buzlangs will fulfill their wish; they planted S. on a tree with the flowers of laughter and crying, transplanted the king into the city; vizier: you need more tree 40 songs; old man: you have to venerate the buzlanga's wife's chest when she bakes bread; the bread began to burn; the buzlanga's wife turned S. into a needle and then showed it to her sons; they agree to give tree, if S. frees their bride from the hands of another buzlanga; the puppy led to a well in which the buzlangs sleep and the girl rubs his hair; S. cut the buzlangs in half; other buzlangs transplanted tree 40 songs to the king's city; vizier: we need another girl from Green City; the old man touched S. and said that no one would be able to put him with his back on the ground; S. meets, takes four as companions buzlangi, everyone says they do this and that to fight S. (1) throws bread into ashes, takes out other bread and eats them; 2) throws a sling from country to country; 3) listens to what's in another country; 4) taking one step, moves from country to country); S. made a bridge over the stream, the ants crossed, promised to help; the speedboat brought S. to the girl and back, S. kissed her, moved the lamp; the next night, the girl cut her finger on purpose, saw S., warned about three conditions that her father imposes on the grooms; 1) eat a huge amount of meat and bread (the ash beetle ate); 2) separate wheat from millet (ants separated); 3) whose speedboat would bring grapes first; the listener realized that the speedboat had fallen asleep, the slinger woke him up, he overtook the local speedboat; S. received the girl, gave it to the king, but he agreed to give it to S.; wedding; vizier: you need a horse with 40 foals; old man: throw bales of camel hair into the well, and then return clean water for the mare's promise to give the foals; the king ordered First, S. and his men went to them; everything was fine; then the vizier and his own; the foals took off and threw the riders onto the mountains, and their scraps were no larger than their ears]: Zarubin 1932, No. 9:106-121; Uzbeks [the king sends the sorceress Maston on a camel Ilyamon to marry 40 brides-sisters for his 40 sons; the girls' father demands to dig a channel between the kingdoms; he has been digging for many months, but there is no end in sight; the elder tells the youngest brother to close his eyes; when he opens his eyes, the canal, the canal is ready, one side is winter, the other is summer; the elder teaches the young man to send a knife for the wedding; on the way back Brothers and wives should not enter the white house during bad weather; they enter, the dragon blocks the exit; lets go for the king's promise to give his youngest son; demands that the young man get him a bride in 40 days; that along the way, he steps cautiously without suppressing an ant, divides the hare between two lions; they promise to help; the young man stops with an old woman whose 7 sons died while marrying the princess; the king demands 1) collect 40 bags of millet scattered across the field (ants collect), 2) eat the meat of two bulls (lions eat), 3) fill a large jug with chervonets (the princess gives her ring, it fills the jug with gold); the bride has a chest with a dove in it, a worm in the pigeon's goiter, the young man presses it, the dragon dies; the young man brings his wife home]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (1): 339-347 (=Konovalov, Stepanov 1986:157-166).

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2014, No. 154 [199 options; after the death of their father, 7 sons drank the estate, were hired as laborers; someone steals mowed hay; only the youngest Jonas manages to catch a mare with seven stallions; J. got the most inconspicuous; decide to marry the 7 daughters of the Bone Woman, who is on the island; the horse teaches Y. to wave a handkerchief, the waters have parted; tells them to exchange blankets with the girls at night; the saber cuts off their heads; the skate tells them to run; the sea has parted and closed behind, the bone woman cannot cross; the skate does not tell them to pick up the pen, J. picked it up; the brothers, out of envy, tell the king that 1) J. can get a bird; a bird from the Bone Woman; Y. became a cat, the bone woman brought him into the house, he took the bird's cage; 2) a sword that cuts and defeats the attacking enemies; J. became a bird, a bone woman brought her into the house, she took her sword away; 3) the sea maiden (while she was at the ball, I could not see the moon and sun for three days); the horse teaches me to put a table of wine on the shore, the maiden came out of the water, got drunk, fell; the maiden to the king: I'll go out , when you're handsome, you have to bathe in boiling milk; J. jumped and became handsome, the king disappeared into milk; J. married a virgin, became king]: 401-408; Lebitte 1965 [the king speaks Juozapelis, who will take him hunting when the horse rides himself; the plain horse rides himself; does not tell him to pick up a feather, Yu picks it up; the king orders to bring 1) a bird, 2) her nest, 3) a sea princess ; each time the horse brings Yu to them, the princess tells them to lure them out, spreading expensive cloth on the shore; the princess promises to marry the king if Yu 4) brings her ring from the sea (the horse tells you to catch the crustacean, give it cancer for the ring), 5) a necklace (the skate tells him to kill him, get into the stomach, crows will arrive, catch a crow, in exchange the crows will bring a necklace; the horse comes to life); 6) cut Yu. (the horse promises to revive him); the princess suggests that the king also cut and revive him, the king agrees; he is not revived, Yu marries a sea princess]: 187-190; Norwegians [after the death of his parents three brothers went on a journey; the elders did not want to hire the youngest, but the younger one, Zapechnik, came to hire the same king; it turned out that he did a better job; brothers out of envy told the king that Z. could get the king's most beautiful princess instead of his deceased wife; Z. went on a journey, sat down on a spruce tree, shared food with an old woman who came up; she promised to help him; how As soon as he got up and went, he saw the pipe; he picked it up, blew, and the dwarfs appeared: what do you order? sent to the troll castle, where three princesses take on any shape; became three lemons; Z. took them to refresh themselves later; cut one, a girl appeared, shouted, "Water!" , and since there was no water around, she died; the same with the second lemon; when he opened the third one, he managed to run to the pond and bring water; gave the girl a cape, she climbed the tree, and he went to the king; at this time the cook came to get water and saw the princess's reflection, took it for her own; decided that such a beauty did not care about carrying water; but when she saw the princess in the tree, she threw her into the pond, put on her cape and climbed on her place; the king did not like the girl, but he believed others that she should be the most beautiful; when she became queen, the cook caught a silverfish in that pond and told them to burn it; pieces of silver in the ash; told me to bury it; a linden tree with silver leaves grew in this place; the Queen ordered it to be cut down; the maids picked up the chips, but they were like silver; one sliver turned into a child, and he quickly grew and became princess; she told Z. everything, and he told the king; the king married her, and the cook was placed in a barrel of nails and rolled]: Stroebe 1922b: 15-20; Danes [poor people have a son, they can't find a godfather; the beggar agrees to be one, gives the boy the name Willy Faith; leaves a rusty key; when the boy is 14 years old, a house appears, he opens it with a key, there is a talking horse; V. leaves for him; the horse does not tell you to pick up glowing feathers, V. picks up; is hired by the groom to the king; he forbids lighting the light at night; the feathers glow like fire, V. draws a portrait of a beauty; the groom brings it to the king ; king: this is the daughter of a king whom I killed and who ran away; tells me to get her; horse: she became a bird, these were her feathers; tells the king to give a ship; worms are thrown to fish along the way, barrels are thrown to whales to play , on the other side wolves and bears have meat, giants get bread; in the castle, a bird turns into a girl; the dog helps to find her among fabrics and straw; on the way back it throws away the keys, but the fish find them and they give V.; the girl demands that the king bring her castle to her; the king also tells W. (giants bring); girl: I need keys; V.: I have them; the girl demands the water of life and the water of death; the horse with V. jumps into the forest, tells me to kill the crow, the raven brings the water of life to revive it, V. takes the bottle ; the horse tells us to let the viper go to the nest; the raven brings the water of death to kill it, the young man takes it; the girl sprinkled V. with the water of death and then the water of life, he has become handsome; the king wants the same, she does it; he wants to do it again; but the water of life is over; V. becomes king, marries a girl; the horse tells him to cut off his head, turns into a prince - brother of his wife W.; everything is fine]: Grundtvig 1920:9-26; Danes [the poor man went to sell the canvas; in the woods at the spring, an old man offers to buy for a promise to give what his wife wears under her sash; the poor man thinks it's a bunch of keys, but the wife is pregnant; the poor man brings a baby , the old man dips him in a spring and gives him the name Grünhut ("green hat") - you can't baptize again; turns him into a hedgehog, a deer, a falcon, again into a baby; enough poor man for a kept promise, tells him to bring him boy when he is 10 years old; tells the boy to be a hedgehog, deer, falcon for five years; now he is Knight Grenhat, he can turn into these animals and cause them in case of trouble; the old man tells to hire a groom for the king, to fear the Red Knight; G. hired a prince, KR serves him; the princess fell in love with G.; the KR himself wants to marry her; tells the prince that G. can get the most beautiful girl; in the guise of a hedgehog, a deer, a falcon, G. penetrates an overseas princess, promises to marry a prince, she leaves with him on a ship; the Kyrgyz Republic pushed G. into the sea, brought the prince a princess himself; the mermaid saved G., he her in the palace; the princess pretended to be dumb; they want to burn her; the mermaid let G. save her, he appeared in the guise of a hedgehog, threw a fire; the princess revealed the secret to the prince's sister, who fell in love with G., both fell silent; They want to burn them, G. in the guise of a deer threw a fire; they fell silent again; the mermaid does not want to let G. go - let them burn them so that G. forgets them; he only asks to raise him above the water to see the fire; flew away with a falcon, scattered a fire; the prince married an overseas princess, G. married the prince's sister, and the Kyrgyz Republic burned]: Grundtvig 1878:192-227 (=Suritz 1991:67-74); Karelians (Kalevalsky District): Onegin 2010, No. 8 [wife, dog and cat gave birth to boys in the same night; all three went to see the world; stayed in a house by the bridge; the Woman's Son is the first to guard, but falls asleep, the Cat's Son goes; he goes across the bridge Three-headed Serpent, his horse stumbles; Cat Son cut off his head, hid it under the bridge; the same the next night (Dog Son's turn, Six-Headed Serpent); on the third night, the Nine-Headed Serpent rides; Cat Son left a sign in the house, but the other two did not wake up, he hardly cut down his ninth head; all three drove on, but Cat Son came back ("forgot his hat"), eavesdropping at three windows; for each wife of one of snakes slaughter his son and promises to turn into a well and ladle, a feather bed and a blanket, a table; the horse lies down, warning him not to drink, not to go to bed, not to eat; the horse is stopped by the Bone Man, tells Elena to get Beautiful; Cat Son meets, companions invisible people; one knows how to steam in the bath, the other eat a lot, the third shoot; the king will give Elena, if the groom can withstand the hot bath, eat a lot, will fall into Elena's ring, set three miles away; The vaper cools the bath, the Eater eats everything, the Shooter hits; the Cat's Son marries Elena; Elena's mother's sister gives a fire arrow: when Kostyanoy The man will laugh with joy, let it into his mouth; the Bone Man is burned], 20 [the king has 25 sons; he learns from the book that one woman has 25 daughters; the brothers went to marry; the youngest went forward; in the hut, the old woman interferes with her nose with hot coals; the guy answers cleverly, she calls him her sister's son, promises to take his brothers for the night, tells him to go to the sister of the woman with her daughter; herd her horses, ask for an inferior skate for work; the skate says that there are a hundred stakes around that house, 75 suitors already have heads; the mother of daughters promises golden oats if the brothers let their horses into the stable; the youngest says that their horses eat only burning coals; in the evening, dancing to a self-playing accordion, forest animals dance; horse: the old woman will bed her daughters in one half of the room and you in the other; you must switch seats and put their hats on the girls; at night, the old woman cut off the heads not of young men, but her daughters; the younger brother tells them to run; the old woman looks into her magic mirror and sees that she has killed her daughters; the brothers were hired to serve the king; the elders are jealous of the younger; they tell the king that their brother can get that old woman's gold cross; the horse carried the boy across the river threshold; tells the old woman to give bread to the old woman's dog so as not to barked; the guy took the cross; get the old woman's mirror (the same); get the old woman's accordion; when they rode back, the old woman tore off the horse's leg; he tells him to kill and bury him; the old man suggests changing an accordion on a whip, from the blow of which the dead come to life; the guy killed an old man for trial; killed and revived the crow that had arrived; but did not revive the old man; he revived the skate; the brothers are even more jealous: their brother promised get Päivela's maiden as a bride (Päivolan neiččyön morsiemekse); the horse takes the guy to the top of the mountain, there is a hole, lowers her on his belt; he goes into the hut, it's warm; P.'s mother says that her daughter goes to the edge of the sky to fry the sun; walls the guy in the oven so that he does not burn, only her eyes can be seen; when the daughter threw off her fiery clothes, the mother let the boy go, P. went with him, picked them up, brought them to the king; P. says that he will become a fire pit: whoever jumps on horseback will receive it; when the boy jumped, the fire in the pit went out; the king fell into the hole, burned down; the boy became king, the virgin P. became queen]: 108-110, 226 -233; the Finns [the king sailed for 7 years; suddenly the ship stopped; the devil demands to give him what the king of the house does not know; when he returned home, the king found out that a son was born; the couple hid their son twice from devil, he defeated everything; but he had to give it away; hell has his two daughters and a kidnapped girl; hell wants to marry a young man to a daughter; let him identify the bride; girl: a fly will sit on her; second task: overnight build a glass bridge across the sea; a girl created a bridge, birds sing on it; hell drank beer, fell asleep, they ran away; the girl became a perch, and the young man became a swimming bubble in her; hell can't swallow perch from the tail - slips out; got to the shore; the girl tells her not to give her hand to her older sister, otherwise she will forget her; the sister cries that she did not give her hand; the young man gave and forgot the girl; the young man is going to marry ; the sister goes to get water, sees that girl in the water and thinks that this is her reflection and she herself is so beautiful; when she looked in the mirror, she came back, told the one in the river to go out, gave her clothes; they both came to wedding; prince saw his old bride, remembered and married her, but the new one stayed in prison]: Löwis of Menar 1927, No. 29:84-87; Karelians (but maybe Finns) [the old man carved out of an alder chock doll; the old woman put it in the cradle and rocked for three years; the chock became a boy, he immediately asked his mother for bread; became a handsome and strong man; the sun, month and dawn have disappeared, people live in darkness; at the king potion; one who drank three bottles can free the dawn, six months, nine the sun; 9 only Alder Chock (PTS) could; those who drank 6 and 3 bottles went with him; woman: the evil man is to blame; he cursed the sun for being hot, a month prevented them from stealing, dawn woke up early; they were taken away by 9-, 6- and three-headed snakes; half of the city cries, half laughs; the king must give the eldest daughter to the three-headed snake to eat; If he does not give it back, the serpent will eat half of the city; a hero who drank three bottles cut down two snake heads; threw his shoe, his companions lowered the dogs, they tore off the third head; dawn has risen; half is crying again , half laughs; middle daughter; six-headed serpent from the sea; sixth head was torn off by dogs; the month has risen; the third day is the same; youngest daughter; PTS cut down 7 heads; snake: look, the sun is rising; the snake turned , OCH cut down another head; look, your house is burning; the serpent did not look; your wife is disgraced; looked, PTS cut off her head; the last one was torn off by dogs when PTS threw his shoe; on the way back, PTS, turning into an ermine, he overhears the conversation (with women who are the wives of snakes?) Syuoyatar snake mothers; will starve, cover the tables; if they hit the cross with a sword, then there will be no hunger or tables; thirst (forest lake is the same); sleep (bed); whoever repeats my words will turn into blue cross; PTS destroyed tables, a lake and one bed; the companions have already rushed to the other two, S. ate them, took their horses and chained them; walking through the forest, PTS sees 9 blind girls and an eye on a stump; S. girls dazzled, leaving them one eye for everyone; he gave them back their eye, they taught them to get the horse back from S.; PTS cuts chains; S. gives all the girls eyes to see who is there; but they say no one; S. came by herself , grabbed the OCH; first ate the girls for deception; will let the PTS go if she gets Katrina from the beautiful Kii River; OCH sails in a boat, meets, takes five with him: Psar, Spoon Khrapun, Vaper, Eater, Aqudier; Kennel pacified the dogs; Spoon Khrapoon protected from the fire when they set fire to the barn where the visitors slept; The vaper froze the hot bath; the Eater ate cows and sheep; Vonos brought water in the sieve; PTS received K.; Through clothes, wine leather/The body glows under the skin/The bones under the body can be vised/In the middle, the heart beats; on the way back, the companions, one by one, remain where the PTS picked them up, and pick them up from parts of the boat; a narrow hollow remains; so that K. does not soak the hem, PTS raised it with his little finger; S.: if you even touched K. with a finger, let him break off; gnaw off his little finger; PTS: if you tormented blind sisters, let the sword cut you into 10 pieces; cut you; PTS burned parts of S.'s body, took the horse, silver and gold and K. as his wife; when they saw the PTS, the parents are younger; PTS ask where his comrades are; I had to tell, he became a blue cross; Katrina was married by the king, she gives birth to healthy sons and daughters; the storyteller was given a waxhorse, a turnip saddle and a pea whip at the wedding]: Concca 1991:134-154; Lutsie {zap . 1933} [two heroes: Ukha Kukhalevich and Franz Vintsian; parents did not want to let Uhu in, but he left home; knocked F. off his horse, it turned out that the girl; when she woke up, she reproached; if she hit and killed in full force Wow; the devil is sitting on an oak tree, burning 40 miles with heat, his ear killed him; there is an empty castle in the forest, that girl F. came there; they began to fight with a big devil - the Snake; he almost ate his ear, and F. chopped it to pieces; Ear descended into the lower world; there's a hut on chicken legs with lamb horns; Ear: turn your face to me; there the old woman calls her brother's son, gives a ball, he rolls to her middle sister; she sends to third {probably the eldest}; from there he goes to the king, who burns with fire; wolf: don't eat me; tells me to sit on him, jumps into the water, they are only slightly burned; the king also calls Ukha the son of his brother; the king has 12 heroes, they don't like Ear; they tell the king that he threatened to get a horse with the sun in front, the moon behind; the wolf: the bridle is even better than the horse; the horse with the bridle was stolen; heroes: The princess threatened to get the ear; the wolf brought her to the garden, told the princess to be grabbed when she went out into the garden; they brought the princess to the king; she required her 12 more maids; brought it; the princess demands a self-playing cantele; with the help of the wolf, he got it again; then a self-made sword; heroes: Ear threatened to defeat all alone; Ear chopped 6 heroes, the king asks to stop; Ear wants to go home; king: Raven Voronovich would deliver, but he was walled up; his ear freed, fattened; they began to get up, there was not enough meat, my legs had to be cut off; on the ground, the BB regurgitated them, the ear took root with living and dead water; the ear returned to F.; wedding]: Annom et al. 2018:106-113; Lutsie (West 1893) [in the forest, the man leaned to the water for a drink; the waterman grabbed his beard: give what you don't know at home; a son was born at home; grew up, went to the forest, the mother gave 9 cakes with her milk; the devil got involved ; the boy consistently throws cakes over his left shoulder; they close the way to the line, he runs to the spring every time to drink; the blacksmith hid the boy; the devil demands to be unlocked; the blacksmith: spill his tongue; grabbed his tongue with hot mites, the hell ran away; the blacksmith gave a horse, tells him not to look at what he met; the young man did not look at the underground dwarfs, at the naked old women, but looked at the girls out of the corner of his eye; the horse was gone; hell tells him to get a princess; gives him ducklings, piglets and veal - these gifts are enough; he gave it to a wolf, bear and swan; on a stone a man as tall as a thumb advises to take it with you; young man comes to the king; king: in the forest 9 years ago I lost 30 stallions; bring and get a princess; bear brought; 30 oxen: wolf brought; princess lost a ring in the sea: get it; swan dives, with I got the third attempt; the king tells you to go to a hot iron bath; the man with a finger enters first, the bath becomes cold, the tooth does not fall on the tooth; so three times; swim in boiling water; the man with a finger First, the water is warm, wash well; recognize the princess among many girls; she warned: she will stand on her left heel; next time: I'll stand on tiptoes; third time: I won't be among others, I'll carry a bowl through the meadow; the king sends the young, giving money and gold; that's the hell, a grave with burning resin, a rope through it: go, I'll get the horse back; young man: show me how; hell went on the rope, the young man cut it with a sword, the devil fell into the resin, only the smoke remained; we came home on horseback; wedding; ate and drank, flowed down my lips, didn't get into my mouth]: Annom et al. 2018:215-220; setu (this type is also among Estonians in the area Pärnu) [the bird comes to peck for apples; the king orders to guard; two clever princes, the third is a fool; the eldest goes, falls asleep; the same middle one; the youngest climbed the apple tree, pulled the feather out of the tail of a golden bird; the king promises a throne to the one who gets the bird; the youngest drove up to the fork: whoever loses the horse to the right, says goodbye to life to the left, right away with the horse; the prince went to the left; the wolf jumped out, ate the horse, ordered the prince to sit on it; the wolf brings him to the king, whose bird tells him to take it without a cage, the prince takes the cage, is captured; the king will give the bird if the prince gets a horse with a golden tail and mane; the wolf He orders to take a horse without a bridle, the prince took it with a bridle; that king will give the horse if the prince gets the gold-haired princess; the wolf himself grabbed and carried her away; the wolf took the image of a princess, then returned the horse; The prince returns with a bird, a horse and a princess; he met his older brothers; they killed him and chopped him to pieces; at home, the elder is preparing the wedding; the wolf noticed the crows, ordered the bones to be collected; then told the crow bring dead water, the body grew together; then alive - the prince came to life; came to his father, told him everything; wedding; king to his son: do whatever you want with the brothers; he expelled them]: Mälk et al. 1967, No. 77:237- 240.

Volga - Perm. Mordva; Marie; Chuvash [the healer tells a childless man to catch fish with gold scales, let his wife eat it; the cook ate the tail, the head is eaten by a mare, three heroes were born; they oppress their peers; they want to put them under lock and key, they leave; they stay in a hut; the mare's son does not sleep; a three-headed serpent rides, asks why the horse stumbles; horse: the mare's son will kill them; he a snake kills on the bridge, hides its heads under the bridge; the same on the second, third night; the same six-headed serpent; nine-headed; brothers leave; the son of a mare returns for a forgotten knife; there is a monstrous old woman in the hut; he cuts off a piece from her lip, the old woman says that the fly has bitten; promises to turn into a spring; into a feather bed; into a garden with comedians; the mare's son hits the spring with a sword, the water turns into pus; the same with a feather bed; He looked back at the garden, the comedians grabbed him; they demand to get the daughter of the water king; the son of a mare meets, takes his comrades as companions: a birdsman who knows how to count trees in the forest; invisibility; invisibility He sees and hears how the water promises his daughter to someone who looks like him: golden hair on his head, silver in a beard; pulled out three hairs, attached a mare to the son; the waterman gave his daughter; she became a bird, shooter He knocked her down; he who knows how to count with a tree; the mare's son gave her bride, got his horse back; the bride returned, they began to live well]: Chuvash tales 1937:203-209; Kazan Tatars: Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 63 [the bay loses ricks of hay; only the youngest bald son (Taz) caught a sea stallion, with him two more; the brothers stole them and sold them to the padishah; the youngest was hired to take care of them; brothers: younger boasted to get the daughter of a sea padishah; horses are taught to lay out on the shore of silk, the young man grabs the girl, the horses are carried away; the girl demands from the padishah a chest with her rings; the horse tells him to wrap him with a ribbon; if blood will appear on the sea, he died, if white foam defeated the lion; foam appeared, the horse took out a chest with rings; the girl demands to boil three cauldrons of milk, let Taz swim; the horse laughs, milk cools down; Taz has become handsome; the padishah also rushes into boiling milk, cooked; the daughter of the sea padishah married Taz], 66 [the hunter shot a duck with pearl feathers, gave it to the padishah; viziers: let she will get the same fur coat; the old woman sends to another, the one to the third, who has such a lamb in her herd; the young man brings the skin; the viziers: let him get the main pearl; this is Sylu's girl from the same third old woman; the first tells the guards to give clothes and bone in front of the bull to the dog, and the hay from the dog to the bull; he takes S., the guards refuse to detain the fugitives; S. refuses to marry the padishah, marries a young man, he himself became a padishah]: 310-314, 329-335; Bashkirs [30 brothers, younger Yulbat, are going to marry 30 sisters; the tsar says that his 30 daughters have been carried away by a whirlwind; the brothers turn to the right, where luck awaits, Yu to the left; the wolf eats his horse, tells him to ride himself instead of a horse; those girls are married to three deva brothers, 27 girls are turned into mares; Yu kills devas, frees girls, gives them to the brothers he meets; the wolf eats the hearts of 60 horses, carries 30 brothers and their wives; contrary to Yu's warning, the brothers stay overnight, they are surrounded by an agdaha dragon; lets them go for Yu's promise to get him the daughter of Tsar Birmyak; on the way, Yu takes Runner, Strelka, Slukhach, Vodoglot, Vodokhod as companions; Tsar B. orders 1) to spend 6 days in a hot bath, 2) overtake the old woman 80 years old; 3) climb a pole with a glass of milk; Yu gets a wife; his son, who has grown up during this time, killed Azhdakha; Yu gives him daughter B.]: Barag 1988, No. 35:234-242; Bashkirs [late son of old people and born at the same time, the foal constantly defecates; the old man leaves them in the steppe, the caravans pick them up, give them to the old woman to raise them; the children tease the boy with untidy; he asks for an adoptive mother fry peas, holds hot peas in her hands; she admits that she is not his own mother; the boy leaves in his foal, which has become a horse; contrary to his warning, picks up a golden pen; servants the king notices the light coming from the pen, the king calls the young man to live with him; the young man's entourage say that he despises the king, boasting to get the whole bird; the fox shows the way to the bird; the young man catches it, king covers the palace with her skin; the servants advise to order the king to marry the king of the sea; the wolf teaches her to catch; the sea maiden promises to marry the king if he gets her ring that has fallen into the sea; a young man saves the fish, she brings a ring; the maiden tells him to bring her sea stallion; the fox teaches him how to fight; first the young man's horse is bitten by a sea horse, dies; the young man hides in his belly, grabs the one who has descended crow; returns to the crow when it brings living water, revives the horse; he defeats the sea; the king tells the young man to swim in boiling water and boiling milk, if not cooked, he can take the sea maiden for himself; the young man bathes, becomes handsome; the tsar is cooked; the young man marries, becomes tsar]: Barag 1988, No. 46:314-334; Bashkirs [someone steals golden apples from the royal garden; the elder, middle prince the guards come back with nothing, the youngest sees how the goldbird has taken the apple, leaves in search; at the crossroads, a pole with the inscription, to the right you will die, to the left you will lose the horse; the prince turns to the left; the wolf eats a horse, carries the prince himself, orders him to take a bird without a cage; the prince takes it with a cage, the guards orders to get a golden-tailed silver mane horse for the bird; the same is to take a horse without a bridle, the prince takes a bridle, to him they tell him to get the princess; the wolf turned into a horse, the princess sat down, he took her away; the wolf turned into a princess, then a horse, runs away from the new owners, the prince gets everything; the brothers cut off his head, took everything for themselves; the wolf caught a crow, ordered to bring alive and dead water, revived the prince; he married a princess, the brothers repented]: 1989, No. 41:192-194; Komi [30 brothers want to marry so that all wives turned out to be sisters to each other; Ivan throws a ball, follows him with his brothers; the first old woman replies that she has only 5 granddaughters, the second says 20 (she spins wolf hair), the third has 30; I. understands that the old woman is Yoma, does not sleep; Yoma turned the girls into horses, they are not her daughters, but her captives; I. tells her brothers to lie not on benches, but under the benches; they put brooms on the benches, Yoma cut them down; Yoma tells the brothers torment horses with work, and I. protects her; Yoma gave her brothers a good horse, I. chose a foal; the brothers came to the king, he brought I. closer, made the rest grooms; the brothers complained that I. promised bring a flying carpet from Y.; the foal turned into a horse, brought I. to Y. when she was sleeping, I. took the flying carpet; brothers: I. promised to bring Princess Marpida; the horse brings to that kingdom, suggests M. sit on it, takes it away; M.: whoever brought me, let him get the wedding dress; the dress in the church under the throne; the horse turned into a golden priest, the people rushed to watch, I. took the dress; M.: bring the mare, which gives 30 buckets of milk, must swim in it, then the tsar will be younger; Ivan's horse turned out to be the son of this mare, she followed him herself; the milk boiled, the horse snorted, it cooled down, I. swam; the tsar rushed after him, cooked, I. married M., became tsar]: Plesovsky 1975:45-51; the Udmurts [someone steals a peasant's peas; the eldest, middle son falls asleep, the youngest pulls two feathers out of his tail golden bird; father tells them to find a bird; the eldest, middle son go, respond ruelly to the old man he meets, he directs them to follow the road, they are torn to pieces by a bear, a wolf; the younger is polite, gets a broom and a carpet- plane; arrives at the palace on a cloud, tries to unlock the bird cage, caught, the owner orders to get a golden-maned horse; caught again, the owner orders to bring a golden perch; the broom carried the young man to underwater world; caught again, must get the daughter of the master of the world; a young man takes her on a flying carpet; she turns her pigeon into a girl like her, exchanges perch, then a horse, a bird; wedding]: Kralina 1960, No. 55:148-152; the Udmurts [the couple are 70 years old; a passerby came in and left; after that, the old woman and the mare became pregnant; the old people decided that at their age they could no longer feed their son, left him in the field with a foal; both grew up themselves, the boy rode on a foal; the horse persuades not to pick up the golden pen, but the boy picked it up; joined the king's service; other servants, out of envy, told the king about the pen; the king demanded that the bird itself be brought; the foal brought the boy to the tree on which the hawk, which had lost its feather, ordered him to leave the wine trough, the golden hawk became drunk, the boy brought him to the king; servants they talked about the foal, the king orders to get a herd of the neighboring king; the foal took the boy there, told him not to watch him fight with the local stallion; the boy looked, the foal fell with the burst belly; a crow flew on the carrion; the boy caught her; she asked her to let her go, brought live water, the foal came to life; after that, the boy did not watch the foal beat; he defeated the stallion, boy brought a herd; then the servants persuade him to send the boy behind the princess's ring of the kingdom where the herd came from, and then after the princess herself; then the narrator did not remember; in the end, the king tells the boy to dive into the cauldron with boiling resin; he dived with the foal, whose snot protected both from the tar; then the king and the servants dived, died; the boy reigned and married the princess]: Potanin 1884:227-229.

Turkestan. Kazakhs; Karakalpaks; Uighurs.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Baraba Tatars; Chelkan people; Altaians; Khakas [fishermen caught a barrel, the old man asks for it, finds a boy in it; the tsar takes it away; the sun and moon disappear, the king orders to bring it; a foal comes running, tells the young man to go to the hut by the lake; there the old woman (mother of the sun) has one ear under her head, the other is covered; she orders to spread red matter (foal warned me to take it with you), geese with golden feathers will sit on it, you have to pull one thing out, make a ring; when he returns, the young man throws the ring to the ground, the sun and moon return; the king orders to bring it beautiful; the foal takes the young man to the former old woman (the same, a girl appears from the ring at home); the beauty tells me to bring her golden comb; the stallion tells him to take blue-white threads with him; tied with them, a young man climbs larch to the sky; a white goose flies into the nest, says that they took his daughter, they would have taken the comb; lets himself pull out a feather, promises good luck; a comb appears from the ring feather at home; beautiful orders to bring living and dead water; the water is guarded by 40 wolves; the stallion lets in frost, then the heat, the wolves fall asleep, he orders to take one bottle at a time; the beauty pours living water on the young man dead on the king; he dies; wedding]: Koptelov 1956:155-160 (=Balter 1986:41-45, =Taxams 1988:210-214); South Altai Tuvans [Bai Nasar's 8 sons drove 800 horses and did not return; when BN and his wife ate horse a brisket, his wife gave birth, a son was named Er Töstük ("brisket man"); he grew up; an old woman wove it, he stepped on a thread and tore it; the old woman told him to look for brothers better; the father said that he had no brothers, he was deceived; another old woman's grandson pulled ET's bow, ET hit him, the boy died; and this old woman told him to find better brothers; ET found brothers first and then horses, they returned home; BN went to look for their nine sisters to marry; found them; their father did not tell them to spend the night at the Chushurlug Chuduk on the way back, but BN did not listen to his younger sister's warning, intended for ET, and spent the night there; she sent a man to her father asking her to give her a hemp shirt for ET and the best mare and camel; he did not want to, but gave it away; in the morning there was no mare; BN went to a place to sleep at the Salt Well: the mare is there, and next to the jelbege, covered with one ear, put the other under her; BN asks to give the camel; the jelbege says that he cannot get up, let the BN come by himself; he comes up, she grabbed him, threatens to eat him, refuses to let him go in exchange for his 8 sons, for 800 horses, agrees to let him go if he gives ET; BN promises to leave Jelbig's son's triangular file, with whom he sharpens arrows; says he has forgotten and sends ET after him; the bride tells ET everything; he asks his father which horse to ride; BN: sit on a six-legged and take an eight-legged with him; bride: no, sit on the horse my father gave me to wear that hemp shirt; 8- and 6-legged horses won't last 6 and 8 years; when ET sits on a horse, he tells me to shout to Jelbig: What kind of children do you have with your back? she will look around, grab the file and jump away; they run away and find themselves in the underworld of the serpent Bobbuk Khan; the horse tells you not to be afraid of snakes that crawl inside ET and go out; because ET was not afraid, two snakes turned into khans; ET says he came to get Temir Khan's daughter for Bobbuk Khan; he is happy and lets him go; ET meets people, everyone answers (at first not understanding who is in front of him) that he would like to become ET's companion; the former knows how to catch birds on the fly; the second hears everything; the third eats a lot; the fourth drinks and pours back the sea; T. will give daughter to the winner; ET mare wins the run; the mountain-bearer eats the most; eats the most; drinks three sips, but sea level has fallen only by three fingers; ET horse dives: if he goes black blood, he died, and if colorless, he took out a cauldron; first colorless blood rises, then black blood rises, but then the horse swam out, brought a cauldron; the listener heard that T. was going to burn the heroes in the house; the mountain lift turned the house upside down, they went out unharmed; T. ordered to serve the poisoned meat, the heroes changed their portions and portions of the khan's subjects, they died; ET brought daughter T. Bobbuk Khan; he gave a girl to Chünkee and five men in return; on the way, the men died; ET and her girl spent the night under the larch; it rained, and Khan Gärdi birds in a tree A snake crawled; ET shot the snake with a bow; in the morning hail began and Khan Gerdi flew in; when she found out what had happened, she carried ET with girl S. and the horse to the ground; but Jeelbege's son Schojun Gulak (SG) was already waiting there; he took C. and the horse and pushed ET into the hole; the horse managed to throw a flint into the pit; ET cut out the fire, burned the pen given to him by Han-Gerdy, who appeared, lowered its wing into the hole, and ET got out of it; ET and C. agreed that ET will hide under the cradle in which C.'s son is from SG; she will stab the baby, he will cry, SG will begin to ask why; C.: the baby says he is ET's son, not SG, since SG does not want to leave him around with him his soul (the receptacle of life); SG whispers to the baby (and ET hears) where his soul is; 70 moose will come to the Saltwell, inside a brown box, in a shower box; ET is waiting (moose are afraid to approach, but SG calms down: he killed ET), ripped open the brown man's stomach, 9 birds in the box; he killed 8, left one, came to the SG, began to fight him, ordered C. to kill the ninth; there were 9 birds in the box again, but C. killed everyone and SG died ; his son jumped up, but ET threw him into a 70-planted hole; when ET returned home, making a camel, as predicted, gave birth to a camel; the bride waiting for ET became 15 years old again; holiday]: Taube 1978, No. 37:192-206; Buryats; Oirats (Karashar's merchants) [childless Bujin-Dawa Khan sends the dog Hasar to hunt; he sees the house, hears the old woman asking his three daughters what they are doing they learned; one, if the BDH marries her, promises to make a dinner for 500 people from one egg, the other to make a carpet for 500 people from the wool of one goat, the youngest is beautiful to give birth to a golden son and silver daughter; H. told the khan, he married his sisters; the youngest becomes pregnant, 502 childless wives ask the eunuch Tsok-Gyryl to help; he replaces those who have given birth to children with two puppies; DBH buries his wife and puppies alive at the crossroads of three roads; CG puts real children in gold, silver, copper, iron, wooden, leather boxes (one in the other), descends into the river; they are caught by a fisherman; his old wife feeds the children; the old woman, then the old man dies; the old man tells them to come to the grave, on the third morning the young man catches a horse; hunts; the elder khatun Mani-Dara comes to his sister in his absence, persuades ask her brother to bring her 1) a branch of the Saikhan-Saglar tree; the horse tells the prince that the tree is guarded by three Mangyt-Khai about 15, 25, 35 heads; the prince pulls out, MX only cut off the horse's tail, the tree began to give whatever you want; 2) marry Saikhan-Sarane, daughter of Zandan-Tengir; the horse takes the owner through a dangerous forest, a mountain, a sea of fire; the prince returns from the SS, who on the way turns the former with trees and stones, people are back into people; the sister marries a hero; the SS orders to dig an old grave, throw away dog bones, bring human beings, revives her husband's mother; she forgives the DBH; throwing ash, SS turns CG into wild boar, 502 wives into wild pigs]: Bennigsen 1912:44-55

Western Siberia. Nenets; Forest Nenets.

Eastern Siberia. The Evenks of China [a fanged cannibal demon lives on a mountain in a palace of human bones; a group of Evenks came to live nearby; a demon wrote into the river, people and horses who drank water died; among the elderly of the five children, the youngest Altanie remained; they migrated away to the wooded mountain; when the fire was lit, the face of the old fire mistress appeared in the flames; she said that their son's soul in the birch bark box on a pine tree above the river where they left; it must be picked up as soon as possible, otherwise the demon will find it; A. went on horseback; a doe with six horns shot on the way; when it was fresh, another hunter came up complained that he did not get anything; A. shared the meat with him; the hunter said that his father was blind, his brothers and sisters were still small; A. gave him the rest of the meat; at the site of the former camp, A. wanted to drink water from rivers; the white fox told me not to drink, you will die; talked about the demon who poisoned the river; he has already taken A.'s soul and plays with it; if he throws it into wine, A. will die; A. guessed that the fox is the hunter he is gave the meat; in the palace of demon A. knocked the goblet of wine out of his hands, tried to grab his soul, but did not have time; the demon hung A. and his horse in a tree to fry alive; but agreed to return his soul if A. the daughter of a tribal leader from the east mountain would get him; they decided to make a doll; the demon believed, returned A.'s soul, he hung it on his chest; people from the motorcade of the imaginary bride killed the demon's servants and set fire to the palace; the demon saw a doll in front of him, but at that time warriors broke in and hacked him]: Bäcker 1988, No. 26:189-197; Central Yakuts (Megyuryonsky Nasleg of the Meginsky Ulus of the Yakutsk District) [Er Sogotokh (ES) embarks on a heroic campaign at the behest of the supreme deities. It was handed to him by three gods on milky white horses with silver rods. ES goes to 8 blacksmiths to the founder of Duodarba's Death, the Black Blacksmith, for armor. As a payment, the blacksmith asks Er Sogotoh to marry Nika Kharakhsyn, the youngest daughter of Arsan Duolay, the founder of the 8th tribes. ES goes skiing (he is a walking hero, does not own a horse) to the Lower World. On the way, he tells the cuckoo why he is going. Nika Kharakhsyn, who has turned into a mouse, overhears and is happy that they have come for her. Arsan Duolay tells his old woman to bring the clothes he wore when he was young. He is dressed in an iron jacket, iron pants, iron boots and an iron hat, and taken to the yard on iron crutches. "Well, show me this man!" One guy with an iron hook runs up his chest, hooks and pulls down his lower eyelids. The other, with a hook, runs up his ridge, resting his feet against his speckled stone crown, clings and pulls up his upper eyelids. Arsan Duolay: "Ugh! I'm not giving my child. You're not good for my child! Take me away guys!" He opens an iron barn, where a huge demon is chained, tells him to compete with visitors, and feeds him horses and cows. ES defeats the demon in combat, cuts through his heart and vein at the ridge, and asks him to hit him again. ES: A good horse has one whip, but a good man has one word, 30 days later the demon is dead. ES scattered his ashes for the glory of the sun and the month, took Niky Kharakhsyn and brought her to the Black Blacksmith]: Yastremsky 1929:19-20.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais [the old man says that the cannibal buseu will come, leaves with his wife and grandson; the grandson remembers that he has forgotten a bunch of gold and silver goat grandmothers, returns to fanza; tries take the money unnoticed, but the old man grabs his horse by the tail; the boy wakes up in an unfamiliar fanza, the old man tells him not to go far; one day he goes away, finds many teenage boys in the barn ; the old man trains them as workers when he marries Jiadankan-fuji, who lives overseas; the boy releases prisoners, and the old man sends him for D.; the fox helps him, sables and squirrels fall from the sky; Fox turns into a falcon, lures D.; she agrees to marry a young man if he kills an old man; Lisa gnaws the old man's throat; the young man returns to his parents with two wives - F. and Lisa, who has become a woman]: Shimkevich 1896:119-122 (=Sem, Sem 2020, No. 67:321-323).

(Wed. NW Amazon. Makuna [jaguars eat a woman; baby Ri Hako Makö jumps from her womb into the river, caught by the Umawadö sisters, the rainbow snake; he kills jaguars; W. heals the escaped jaguar, tries kill R.; 1) sets fire to the vegetation cut down on the site, sending R. there, he turns into a fish, jumps into the water; 2) orders Thunder's daughter to be brought; W. finds Thunder asleep, replaces Thunder's club with his own, kills Grom and his daughter, comes to W.]: Trupp 197:50-56).