K27f3. Fill the feather bed with feathers .15.16.27.
The character must quickly get enough feathers to fill a feather bed or pillow with them.
Sicilians, Scots, Greeks.
Southern Europe. Sicilians: Clouston 1887 [to get Cardia's hand, the hero must 1) eat the bean cellar (crows eat), 2) remove the corpses (wild animals eat them), 3) fill a lot of mattresses with feathers ( the king of birds performs)]: 239; Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 27 [when dying, the king tells his son to pass off three sisters as the first ones he meets when the buds open on the bush; he passes them off as kings of ravens, wild animals, birds; an old woman bothers the young king, he pushes her; she tells him to lose his peace until he finds Cardia; the king goes in search, finds his older sister; she first hides him from husband; husband gives almonds; middle husband chestnut, youngest walnut; explains that K. from a witch, who will require K. to know K. among many girls, K. will have seven veils; the witch demands that heaps of beans not it was; crows eat almond; the basement of corpses - chestnut animals eat; fill mattresses with feathers - walnut birds fill; the king recognizes K. by seven veils; the witch demands that their child be by morning called her grandmother; in the morning K. shows the doll, and the king cuts off the witch's head; returns home with his wife]: 179-184;
Western Europe. The Scots [Campbell 1890 (1), No. 2:25-38); a sparrow and a mouse quarreled over a seed; a war between birds and animals began; the Queen of Tetertyne killed the Snake when she was ready to kill in a duel A crow; he carries him through valleys and lakes to his first, second, third sisters, and the third becomes a young man; gives him a bag, tells him not to open it on the way; the young man opens, a palace with a garden appears; the giant puts them back for promising to give their son, who will be born when he is seven years old; the young man becomes king, marries, seven years later the son is a giant; the boy's mother gives in place his son is a cook's son; the giant asks what his father would do if he received a rod; he replies that he would drive dogs and cats away from treats; the king has to give his promised son; the young man grows up in the giant's house, he offers him a choice of one of two daughters; the young man demands a third, Red-haired Mary; the giant demands 1) clean the barn (M. does everything), 2) cover the house with bird feathers (the same), 3) get magpies out of the nest on a pine tree and boil them (M. cuts off his fingers and toes, they turn into steps of the stairs, the young man pulls out eggs, his fingers grow, except for his little finger, to which the young man is not touched when he climbed); 4) recognize the bride among her sisters (she does not have a little finger); M. tells me to run, leaving apple slices to answer; M. tells you to get the mare out of her ear, throw behind 1) a branch of thorn (prickly thickets; the giant runs home for an ax, then carries it back, because the crow promises to steal the ax), 2) a pebble (a mountain, a giant runs home for a pickaxe and a hammer), 3) a bottle of water (lake, giant sinks); M. tells the house not to kiss anyone, the young man is kissed by a dog, he forgets M.; M. hides in a tree, the shoemaker's wife and daughter see her reflection, take it for their own, refuse to carry water, since they are so beautiful; the shoemaker takes M. into the house, says that the Queen is getting married, takes M. with him to a feast; two pigeons fly out of her glass, tell the story of M.; Korolevich marries M.]; Shustova 1994:363-373
The Balkans. Greeks (Lesbos) [the poor man has three daughters for marriage; the coffee maker advises not to grieve, but to throw a net in the name of his eldest daughter; the catch was unusually large and the proceeds of 800 piastres were enough to make marry a mule driver; two years later, the same with the middle daughter (2,000 piastres, greengrocer's assistant); when the net was abandoned in the name of the youngest, it was a huge lobster, it was loaded on two carts and brought home; daughter's father: this is your husband; at night a beautiful young man Melidoni is nearby; drinks and food appeared, the girl is happy; mother and sisters feel sorry for her; they see Prince Charming three times, offer to go out for him, not to look at the lobster; unable to stand it, the girl replies that this is her husband; he immediately leaves: you are unlikely to see me again; the girl goes in search, taking three pairs of iron shoes sole; a year later she saw a dried pond; a cannibal lies in the mud, long eyelashes cover her face; the girl put a wand under her eyelashes, cut them off with an ax, poured water on the cannibal and hid behind a tree; she could not see for 15 years; if you are a woman, I will make a queen if a man is king; the girl left after the cannibal swore not to harm her; explained that she was looking for M.; the cannibal told spend the night with her, tomorrow a son will come - common to her and her two sisters; turned the girl into a button and put it in her pocket; son: I can feel the human spirit; Melidoni? I know that his beautiful wife betrayed him; the cannibal sends the girl to her sister, a year later she came, everything repeats itself; the cannibal says that M. is the son of her younger sister; gives a frying pan and three apples; it is necessary come and knock an apple on the pan, M. will appear in different guises; you can't let him kiss her; the girl did not allow herself to be kissed, but gives an apple every time; M. (he in the guise of another husband) turned it into a button, brought it to his mother; took an oath from her that she would not eat his wife, turned the button again to the girl; she demands to sweep and not sweep the room; M.: litter and then sprinkle dust; cook and do not cook the meat (cook half and chop the rest and start cooking only when the cannibal returns); the cannibal tells you to go to her sister for yeast bread for her son's wedding; M. in the form of a boy (supposedly he is M.'s son); you have to walk barefoot on the thorns and grab them for their softness; praise wormy figs; in front of the donkey bones, in front of the dog hay - change; source blood and pus: drink and praise water; grab yeast at the top of the stairs and run; the cannibal tells you to detain the fugitive, the donkey, the dog, the spring, the thorns refuse; the cannibal tells you to fill the pillow with feathers, feed the dog, bring the donkey to dance, and bring bread intact; M. summoned the birds, they threw off their feathers; beat the donkey, let him lie; at the wedding you will be given torches; do not throw it, even if they will burn their hands and then throw them at the bride; the brides' hair flashed, everyone left to extinguish, and M. and his wife returned to her parents, who by then had burned the lobster shell]: Paton 1901, No. 16:86-93; Greeks [An eagle flies into the princess's room, kisses her; she goes to look for him; in a house in the woods, a witch demands 1) sweep and not sweep the room (you have to collect garbage in piles), 2) cook and not cook meat ( cook part), 3) fill the feather bed with feathers from the sea (tell the birds that Margipontakis is dead, they will throw their feathers off the shore in mourning), 4) separate barley from wheat (tell the birds that Margipontakis has come to life, they out of joy and gratitude they will separate); each time the Eagle teaches what to do, asks for permission to kiss the girl, she refuses, because her fiancé is far away, the Eagle is happy; teaches not to repeat after the witch "my son Cacotanatos", and say "your son Kalotanatos" (kako is ugly, Kalo is beautiful); the witch sends the girl to her sister; the Eagle admits that he is the groom, the son of a witch, tells take the box out of the witch's sister's house, do not open it on the way; the girl opens, the demons fly away; the eagle puts them back, tells him to ask his mother for a dirty daw, it's him; turns into a handsome man; wedding]: Paton 1900, #6:115-117.