Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27g1. Task: Clean the barn .

The character must quickly clear the stable or stable from the manure that has accumulated there over a long time.

Italians, British, Irish, Scots, Germans (Pomerania; also South?) , Ancient Greece, Hungarians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Norwegians, Icelanders, Danes, Swedes.

Southern Europe. Italians {conditionally: north} [the task of "cleaning the stall" is widely known in Germany and Italy]: Christiansen 1959:97.

Western Europe. The British [the king left, at which time the Queen gave birth to a boy, decided not to baptize, but to call Nix Nought Nothing; when the king went home, the giant offered to move him across the river, said that he only needed nothing or nothing in return; when he returned, the king found out about his son; decided to give the giant the son of a poultry house; the giant carried the boy, asks what time it is; he replies that just at this time, his mother collects eggs for the queen for breakfast; the giant killed him; the next time he is the same (the gardener's son; mother is picking vegetables for lunch); when the queen is carried, he replies that at this time the father- the king sat down for dinner; the giant's daughter fell in love with NN, helps him; the giant demands: 1) clean the stable (animals and birds have done it); 2) drain the lake (the fish drank water); 3) get 7 eggs from the nest at the top a smoothbore tree 7 miles tall; the girl cut off her fingers and toes, made steps out of them; NN took out eggs, but one crashed; the girl tells me to run, the giant catches up, she tells me to throw a comb (thorny thickets), a dagger (fence), a bottle (wave, the giant drowned); leaving the bride, NN went to the castle alone; the poultry house bewitched him, he fell asleep, his parents did not know, the king tells him to marry the one who could wake him up; the giant's daughter climbed a tree, the gardener's daughter saw a reflection in the spring, decided that she was her own and that she should try to marry a sleeping young man; the poultry house taught him for a while to spell him; the gardener also saw the giant's daughter, brought him to see his daughter's groom; he is sleeping, the giant's daughter is trying to wake him up; tells their story out loud, calling the young man NN; king s the queen hears that the gardener's daughter was forced to spell NN; the poultry house was executed]: Jacobs 1890, No. 7:33-39 (translated to Shereshevskaya 1957:102-107); Irish: Christiansen 1959 [the hero must clean up the stall so that you can roll an apple on it without getting dirty and cover the roof with feathers so flat that they are like a partridge or grouse; when the hero is given the task of making a rope out of sand, a girl and he run away from the sorcerer]: 107; Curtin 1975 [the young son of the King of Ireland meets the giant of Lake Léin in the forest; he offers to play cards, the young man wins two estates; next time a hundred bulls in golden horns and silver hooves; on the third day she loses her head; comes to an old woman with her teeth sticking out of her mouth; she washes his feet, feeds him, gives him a rolling ball, he will lead to her the middle sister, she sends to her elder; she says that there are 700 iron stakes around the giant's castle with their heads set, the latter is free, telling that of the giant's three bathing daughters, to hide the clothes of who will have a yellow lily on her chest (others are white and blue); the young man returns his clothes for promising to save him; the giant will invite the young man to sleep in a pool of water, the Yellow Lily (ML) takes it out every time puts it back before the giant wakes up; feeds, the young man should not eat the meat that the giant gives him; the giant suggests 1) finding the pin lost by the giant's great-grandmother in a 500-horse stable, which has not been cleaned for 700 years (JL cleans, finds); 2) make a roof of bird feathers over the stable so that everyone is different (JL does); 3) get an egg from a crow's nest on top of a giant tree, more precisely a smooth pole; the JL tells her to kill, peel the bones from the meat, make a ladder out of the bones, then collect all the bones back; the young man does everything, but forgets to take the last bone, the JL revives, but she lacks the little finger of her leg; the giant lets the young man go; at home, the soothsayer advises the king to marry her son to the daughter of the King of Denmark; they come to the wedding, the giant with the JL also comes; the JL turns two grains into a pair of pigeons; a male bites a female, pushes her off the table, she says he did not do this when she helped him clean the stable; the same about other episodes; the young man remembers JL, takes her as his wife, King of Denmark with her daughter - guests at this wedding]: 1-14; Irish [giant childless king and queen: if you promise to give me your first child when he is 24 years old, I will give a necklace that the queen does not owe shoot, and within 10 years she will give birth to 4 sons and 3 daughters; when the boy is 24, his parents sent a cook's son instead of him; the giant gives a whip and asks what the young man would do to him; he would drive away cats and dogs from the roast; giant: tell the king that I need their son, not a cook; another young man replies that he would drive dogs away from the fox he had received; giant: another deception, and I will destroy the castle and you and all the children; prince came; moving with lightning speed on a boat and on horseback, they finally reached the castle on the mountain; the giant's assistant is the kidnapped princess; 1) clear the uncleaned stable for 7 years; the princess cleans instantly, she has magic that the giant does not know about; tame the horse (the princess took the leather bridle instead of the gold bridle that the giant gave the young man, and the horse stood up as if dug); get 5 eggs from the crow's nest; princess gave two sticks to climb the smooth trunk; tells me to remain silent when the giant gives her to him as his wife and leaves her together for the night; left three dolls to answer for her; they galloped away; the giant pursues; the princess tells you to take an elm twig out of the horse's ear and throw it behind; a dense forest; the giant has passed; a handful of water (lake, the same); the princess gave an apple, told me to throw it in the giant's forehead; the giant fell dead; they already near the castle of the prince's parents; the princess sends the prince forward, he should not kiss anyone; a girl who used to be in love with the prince kissed him and he forgot the princess; a wedding is being prepared with that a girl; the princess settled in with the woman and began to knit by the window; the prince saw her but did not recognize her; she came to the wedding, took out the chicken and the cockerel, and they began to dialogue, describing everything that had happened; { missing pdf page; apparently the prince remembered}]: Kennedy 1875:56-63; Scots [Campbell 1890 (1), No. 2:25-38; sparrow and mouse quarreled over a grain; a war between birds and animals began; The Queen of Tetertyne killed the Snake when she was ready to kill the Raven in a duel; he carries him across valleys and lakes to his first, second, third sisters, and the third becomes a young man; gives him a bag tells them not to open on the way; the young man opens, a palace with a garden appears; the giant puts them back for promising to give their son, who will be born when he is seven years old; the young man becomes king, marries, seven years later a giant appears to her son; the boy's mother gives her son to a cook instead of her son; the giant asks what his father would do if he received a rod; he replies that he would drive him away from dog and cat treats; the king has to give his promised son; a young man grows up in a giant's house, who offers him a choice of one of two daughters; the young man demands a third, Red-haired Mary; the giant demands 1 ) clean the barn (M. does everything), 2) cover the house with bird feathers (the same), 3) get magpies out of the nest and cook magpies (M. cuts off his fingers and toes, they turn into steps stairs, the young man pulls out eggs, his fingers grow, except for the little finger, which the young man did not touch when he climbed); 4) recognize the bride among her sisters (she does not have a little finger); M. tells him to run, leaving the lobules to answer apple; M. tells you to get the mare's ear, throw behind 1) a branch of thorns (thorny thickets; the giant runs home for an ax, then carries it back, because the crow promises to steal the ax), 2) a pebble (mountain, the giant runs home for a pickaxe and a hammer), 3) a bottle of water (the lake, the giant is drowning); M. tells not to kiss anyone at home, the young man is kissed by a dog, he forgets M.; M. hides in a tree, the wife and daughter of the shoemaker see their reflection, they take it for their own, refuse to carry water, since they are so beautiful; the shoemaker takes M. into the house, says that the Queen is getting married, takes M. with him to a feast; she has two pigeons out of her glass, tell the story of M.; Korolevich marries M.]: Shustova 1994:363-373; Germans (Pomerania) [the miller's daughter does not know how to spin at all; he spreads a rumor that she can turn straw into gold threads; the townspeople laugh, but the king believed, brought him, left straw for the night and told him to spin; an hour before midnight, a man appeared and promised to turn the straw into gold if the girl paid; she gave ring, fell asleep, and in the morning gold instead of straw; the same the next night (gave the jewelry); the third time she has nothing else; agreed to the little man's offer to give her first child if a boy is born; Seeing gold, the king is delighted, celebrates his wedding; a boy was born; an hour before midnight, a man came, but the Queen did not give him the baby; he disappeared; Prince Alvin grew up and guests gathered for his 14th birthday; The prince rode with his peers to the sea and disappeared into the water with his horse; a grassy sunny plain was under water; by evening A. rode to the house where the woman was; she was the wife of the one to whom A. was sold; he will be able to return to earth if he completes errands; he must boil the bones and potatoes, fill 300 bowls, serve them to three hundred cats, then take the bowls back to the kitchen, wash them and wipe them; A. fell asleep in midnight, and at 3, a witch woke him up, gave him black wool, took him to the lakes and ordered her to be washed white by sunset; a girl in a black dress came up, warned that he would not make the wool white; A. fell asleep, and when I woke up, there is white and dry hair nearby, but the girl is not there; cat dinner again in the evening, go to wash her hair again in the middle of the night; A. suffers from hunger because he cannot eat cat food; again the same, but in the morning Another job: clean the stall to shine; when he opened the door, snakes, toads and rats rushed at it - the door had to be closed; the girl in black promised to do everything; warned him not to touch food, which the witch will give; she will offer to choose one of the cats as a reward; you must take a small variegated one that will sit in the corner; the witch is happy; tells you to feed the cats for the last time and then A. will return home ; in the morning, the witch let me sleep for the first time; offered a roast goose, but A. was not tempted and hid the goose in the oven; said he ate it with seeds; the goose screamed that he was here; witch: it was too tough; the same with a rooster and a pig; since A. chose and takes her favorite cat, the witch refused to show him the way home - let him look for himself; by the lake, the cat turned into a girl in black, promises to help if A. marries her; he should not eat or drink for 3 days; took his hand and they ended up on the shore; the girl disappeared and A. returned home; it turned out that he had been away not for 5 days, but for 10 years; A. could not resist tasted the dishes offered and forgot what was with him at the bottom; he was chosen to marry a princess; a girl in black came to the wedding feast, two pigeons on her shoulders, they began to talk; A. remembered everything; addressed the guests: I lost the casket key, ordered a new one, and then found the old one; which one should I use it? everyone said he was old; A. married a girl in black]: Jahn 1891, No. 1:1-9; the Germans [the task of "cleaning the stall" is widely known in Germany and Italy]: Christiansen 1959:97.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece ["Historical Library" by Diodorus of Sicily (1st century BC): "Having accomplished this feat {i.e. driving birds off Lake Stymphalia}, Hercules received orders from Eurystheus himself, without outside help clean up the Augius barnyard. Over the years, a huge amount of manure has accumulated there, which Eurystheus ordered to be removed, humiliating Hercules with such work. However, not wanting to be so humiliated, Hercules decided not to carry the manure on his shoulders, but sent the waters of the Alpheus River into the courtyard, which cleaned it. Thus, the feat was accomplished without humiliation, and in only one day, which makes you admire Hercules's resourcefulness: without embarrassment, he did the glorious things contained in order, without doing anything that might be unworthy of his immortality" (trans. O.P. Tsybenko)]: Diod. Sic. IV. 13.3; [The "Mythological Library" of Pseudo-Apollodorus (1st-2nd centuries): "As a fifth feat, Eurystheus appointed him to remove all the manure accumulated in Augius's barnyard within one day. Augius was king of Elis and, as some say, was the son of Helios, according to others, the son of Poseidon, and according to others, Forbant, and owned huge herds. When Hercules came to Augius, without saying anything about Eurystheus's order, he said that he would remove all the manure from the barnyard in one day if he received a tenth of all the cattle for it. Augius, not believing it was possible, agreed. Calling Augius Phileus's son as a witness, Hercules dismantled the barnyard wall and, draining the nearby Alpheus and Penay rivers through a channel, let them into the barnyard, releasing water through the opposite exit. But when Augius found out that all this was done on the orders of Eurystheus, he did not pay the agreed fee and claimed that he had not promised anything at all as payment for this work, adding that he was even ready to sue for this. When the judges were seated, Hercules Philey, summoned as a witness, denounced his father that he had actually agreed to give Hercules the agreed payment. But before the judges had cast their vote, Augius, angry, demanded that Phileus and Hercules get out of Elis. Filey retired to Dulichia and settled there, while Hercules went to Olen to visit Dexamene and found him at the very time when Dexamen was forced to pass his daughter Mnesimaha off as centaur Eurytion. Dexamen called Hercules for help, and he killed Centaur Eurytion, who had come for his fiancée. Eurystheus did not count this feat among the ten that Hercules should have done, claiming that he did it for a fee" (trans. V.G. Borukhovich)]: Apollod. Bibl. II. 5. 5; ["After all these feats were accomplished, in eight years and one month, Eurystheus refused to credit the cleansing of the Augean stables and the victory over Hydra, and appointed Hercules the eleventh feat - bring golden apples from the Hesperides" (trans. V.G. Borukhovich)]: Apollod. Bibl. II. 5. 11; ["Myths" attributed to Guy Julius Gigin, who lived at the turn of the eras, but most likely date back to the 1st and 2nd centuries: Hercules "[to] king Augius cleared manure in one day, mostly at the expense of Jupiter's help: after bringing the river, he washed away all the manure" (trans. D.O. Torshilova)]: Hyg. Fab. 30; [Pausanias's Description of Hellas (2nd century): "Augius's son was Eleus; those who wanted to give Augius more fame by slightly changing Eleus's name say he was the son of Helios. This Augia had so many herds of bulls and goats that most of his country remained uncultivated because of piles of manure. Then he asked Hercules to cleanse the country of manure from manure for part of the land of Elean or for some other reward. Hercules also accomplished this difficult feat by directing the flow of the River Menia to this manure; but Augius, on the pretext that Hercules had done the job not by difficulty, but rather by a cunning ploy, refused to pay he paid him an agreed fee and even dismissed his eldest son, Phileus, for objecting to him, pointing out that his father was unfair to the man who did him such a favor. Augius himself began to prepare to defend himself against Hercules in case he went to war against Elis, and, by the way, he made an alliance and friendship with the Actor's sons and with Amarinkay" (trans. S.P. Kondratyeva)]: Paus. V. 1. 9-10; Hungarians [at the age of 7, the son of a poor man became a strong young man; named Beautiful András (A.), went on a journey, stayed in a cave; the gold-fin pelican brought him a letter from Ró ; zsa, fairy queens: let him come, she wants to make sure that he is as beautiful as in his picture; A. followed the pelican for a long time, overgrown with hair and beard; the dwarf told him to sit on it, carried him to the land of fairies; there's a castle that spins on the cat's paw with 7 skins; the dwarf turned into that pelican; A. swam in the white lake, his hair fell out, he was younger; his old clothes were gone, beautiful instead robes; the pelican brought a second letter from R. - let him come to her immediately; in his pocket there is a rose - it turns into a plate of food; he climbed up the giant spruce for a long time, stretched out from it to the rotating castle a garland; A. reached the top of the castle, but you can't get off there, it rotates; then he cut off all his hair, beard, mustache, eyebrows that had grown again, made a rope out of them, went down to the window, entered through him into the castle room; R. did not believe the three maids that A. did appear, beat them, but then saw him herself; demands that he clean the three horses and their stall; the more A. the more manure works; these horses are táltos (that is, related to witchcraft and maybe to past shamanism); one of the horses: let A. put the broom and shovel with the handle down, they are all they will do; take out a copper walnut with a silver sword and gold clothes from his ear; then climb on a pile of manure, there is a bush; touch him with a sword, pull him out, under him the saddle and bridle, put them on him; teaches hide under the buffalo's tail so that R. does not find it; then brings him to where the swan-drawn chariot brought R.; do not look her in the face; upon his return, A. convinced R. that she did not see him, and he he was in the stable all the time; everything repeats itself (sword and clothes in silver walnut; A. on horseback follows R. along the Warriors Road, i.e. along the Milky Way); for the third time, get a bean from under the tail, in which a sword and clothes in diamonds; R. fell ill (out of love); A. appears on horseback three times in her garden; the third time she does not torment her anymore and goes to her; wedding; they are alive if they don't die]: Dégh 1965, No. 3:28-45.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [the fish tells the childless widow to cook and eat it; the maid ate the piece, the giblets are eaten by a mare; each gives birth to a son, the mare's son is the strongman Kurbad; all three go to free the house from evil spirits; in the first night K. killed a three-headed giant on the bridge, a six-headed giant on the second night; on the third night he was nine-headed, his heads grow back, he drives K. knee-deep, then to his armpits into the ground; the brothers sleep, not they see that the water in the bucket has become blood; K. threw pastals (shoes) at them; the brothers came running, began to burn their severed heads; K. hears insects talking in the cracks: he killed our husbands; let him alone the wife will become a bed, the second a spring, the third a cannibal snake; K. does not allow her to lie down, drink, cuts a bed, a spring; the king lost three daughters when they were washing in the bathhouse; K. pinched a line in the door there, he gave a pipe (10 dwarfs would come out to do the job), said that there was a stone in the swamp, a hole under it, stolen there; K. threw off the stone, ordered the dwarfs to bring a rope; the brothers were afraid, K. went down, cut off a feature of the head; in the princess's silver, gold, diamond castles; they gave K. strong water, and the six-headed drank weak water instead of it; the sisters turn their locks into diamond, gold, silver eggs, give K.; K. sent the girls upstairs; the wife of the 9-headed giant cut off the rope and covered the hole with a stone; K. comes to the old man, who says that the cannibal sucked his eyes and beats the giant bird's children with hail; K. killed the ogre, poted the old man's eyes with a potion, he saw the light; covered the chicks from the hail; the bird promises to carry K. across the sea, tells him to prepare meat; K. cut off the last piece from his caviar; K. reveals eggs, lives with the youngest queen in a diamond castle; the wife of the 9th head must be killed; K. came to the forge, where Debess Kaleis forged a golden crown, a silver belt and a diamond ring for the daughter of the Sun; forged for K. the horse to catch up with the witch, ordered not to look back; K. looked around, thunder and lightning, the horse was gone; K. fell asleep, the witch changed the vessels with strong and weak water, K. drank, lost strength for a year; went to hell with the worker, whoever gets angry, cut three strips of meat from the back; 1) herd hares, 2) cows; dwarfs collected everyone from the pipe; K. beat off each cow's leg; hell has to answer that he is not angry; 3) horses (then same; cut off their lips); 4) plow how much the white female will run (beat the female, she lay down); 5) clean the stable (the dwarfs cleaned); 6) bring firewood on the mare (the mare is the mother of the devil, K. threatens to cut her belts with sides, the mare is lucky); 7) slaughter the sheep that looks at you (everyone looks, stabbed everyone); 8) eat a pound of dumplings; K. puts the dumplings behind his shirt, but the hell ate his pound, it's bad with his stomach; K. pretends that ripped open his stomach, the dumplings fell out; 9) hell leads K. to the forest to cut an oak tree; K. brings a hare, his younger brother; the devil can't catch up with him; agrees to carry the felled oak together; hell carries, K. rides an oak tree ; killed the devil's children; pulled out his mare's eyes; put a pot of sour cream in his place for the night, hell with his mother think they broke K.'s head; hell and his mother run away to the witch, K. hid in his belongings, here again; at night they decided to drown K. in the river, K. swapped places, the devil drowned his mother; K. killed the devil; the power returned, K. killed the witches, threw the ogre into the fire, killed the ogre eagle; enemies attacked; the witch poured out bile on K.; K. killed her and the ogre, but died himself]: Nierde 1952:116-146; Lithuanians [the woodcutter brings home the hedgehog; while sleeping with his wife, he cooks, cleans; old people adopt him; he asks to be married to him a queen; the king tells him to take out all the manure overnight, plow the field, collect wheat, bake bread; the hedgehog does everything, gets a wife, sheds his skin for the night, becomes handsome; the queen burns her skin, her husband goes to the sea for seven years, says that the queen will turn what she touches into iron {this motive is no longer used}; the father visits the Hedgehog, who allows the wife has come; tells her to collect white foam, not red foam in a bundle; pulls his wife across the sea, through the fire; teaches her to identify him when he becomes one of the storks (lowers his wings), one of the horses (in scab); she they return their husband, everyone is happy]: Lebite 1965:174-178; Norwegians [=Suritz 1991:218-227; the youngest of the king's two sons leaves, is hired by a giant; he orders to clean the stable in a day , do not go into other rooms; the young man comes in, boils in one cauldron without fire, what gets into it becomes copper; in the second - silver, in the third - gold; the young man lowers a curl into each; in The fourth room is a girl; she teaches, while cleaning the stable, to dig a shovel with a handle, the work will be done immediately; the giant suspects that the maid taught him; the next day to bring a horse; girl: horse is full of fire, you have to throw a bit in his mouth; on the third day: bring a fee from hell for the borrowed fire; girl: knock on the rock with a club, the door will open, ask for as much as you can carry; On the fourth day, the giant himself brings the young man to the maid, tells her to cut his throat, cook broth; she puts three drops of the young man's blood to cook with the old rubbish, both run away, sail on the ship through sea; drops of blood are responsible for the giant; when he understands the deception, calls Stream-sucker, he drinks the water of the sea, the ship is already visible; the young man throws a piece of salt, a mountain appears; the giant drilled it , I wanted to start drinking, but the young man drips into the sea from the flask, it fills up again; the fugitives reach the shore; the queen goes after the horses, the bride tells him not to talk to anyone; the bride's sister gives her brother an apple, he bites off, forgets the bride; she goes to the old woman, makes the house gold; the constant brings money, wants to marry; she tells him to throw hot coals at himself all night; then the lawyer tells him to throw hot coals at himself all night; then the lawyer tells him to push in the doorway; sheriff drags a calf by the tail; a young man must marry his older brother's bride's sister; the carriage falls apart, manages to ride thanks to the magic items borrowed by his daughter a giant; she was invited to a feast; she puts a golden rooster and a chicken on the table, they fight over a golden apple; the Queen remembers everything; the witch who gave him the apple was torn apart by 24 horses]: Dasent 1970:71-90; Icelanders [the royal daughter is missing, the king promises her to marry the one who will return her; the old man has three sons; the eldest does not share bread with one, with another dwarf, with a huge bird that has arrived; comes to the cave, asks the giantess to allow him to spend the night; she allows him to do the job the next day: he will clean the cave of manure; in the morning he takes a shovel, but it sticks to the ground; in the evening the giantess killed him; the same with his middle brother; the youngest shares food with dwarfs; the first is called Tritill, the second is Litill, the bird is simply "my bird"; they can be called for help; T. comes in the morning, shovels themselves everything has been cleaned; the next day's task is to remove the feathers from the three pillows, spread them out to dry in the sun and then put everything back; the wind blows away the feathers; the young man calls all three helpers; T. gives him three the last feathers and tells the giantess to put them in her nose; she feels that three feathers are missing, is going to kill the young man, but he puts feathers in her nose; the third task is to fill up the biggest ox, cook giblets , make a spoon out of the horn, make a skin; the young man cooks giblets himself, T. made the skin, L. made a spoon; dwarfs advise asking for three chests as a reward: one above her bed, the other, the other in front of the bed, the third is at the wall of the cave; the giantess gives; in the first, the missing princess, in the second, treasures, in the third, a self-propelled ship; on which the young man and princess arrived at the king; wedding; after the death of his father-in-law a young man became king]: Poestion 1884, No. 8:54-62; Danes [in Danish fairy tales, the most common difficult tasks are to clean the barn, cut down the forest, tame the horse; in one option, a girl advises shoving a horse so that horseshoes are on the feet and arms of the sorcerer's master]: Christiansen 1959:88; the Swedes [king and queen are childless; the queen loved boat trips; the ship suddenly stopped; voice: give what was under her belt; she agreed, not knowing that she was pregnant; the ship sailed again; when he found out what was going on, the king assured his wife that he would protect her from the siren (Meerweib); prince grew up, playing with two cousins, the sons of the neighboring king; his horse carried him into the sea and they disappeared into the waves; the prince at the bottom of the sea walks the path to the golden castle of the siren, the lady of the wind and waves; the siren assigns him her page; if he serves well, she will return to her parents; first task: wash the daughter's white yarn and white black yarn; princess: my name is Messeria; promise to keep me loyalty, I will do everything; but don't tell anyone; called my mother's little men, each took one hair and washed it properly; the second task is to separate the two types of grain (wheat and Korn); the little men separated; third task: clean the barn in which oxen had been standing for 20 years; now the young man must choose one of her daughters; all of them in the form of different animals; the princess warned that she would be a cat; the siren sent a young man to his sister to take a wedding dress from her for his daughter; M.: there will be a grille in the gate, grease it with ointment from this horn, you can open the gate; then two men will cut the oak tree with wooden with axes, give them iron ones; then the other two hammer with iron flails - give them wooden flails; give them meat to two eagles; sister's sirens don't eat anything; prince did everything; quietly hid the food offered; but food answered the siren's sister's question: I'm here under the bed; the next time the prince hid the food in the oven - the same thing; the third time he hid it under his clothes on his body; the siren's sister believed that the prince ate everything; gave a box with wedding dresses; when the prince left, the siren's sister consistently ordered the guards (eagles, woodcutters, etc.) to detain him, but they say that he helped them and they would not detain him; On the way to the siren, the prince opened the box slightly, although M. did not tell them to do so; a sheaf of sparks burst out; the prince remembered the little men M. had called; knocked on the stone, asked them for help; they jumped out. each grabbed a sparkle and returned it to the box; the siren asked for the prince's luxurious wedding with M.; then the young went to the prince's homeland; when he arrived at the king's city, the prince insisted that he go alone first ; M. ordered not to eat anything; but he succumbed to persuasion and ate cookies (Pfefferkorn); immediately forgot M. and everything that happened to him; they decided to marry the princess next door; during the wedding feast, M. The maid came in and released two doves; the dove tells the dove three times that he will forget her, just as the prince forgot M.; the prince remembered everything, hugged M. and called her his only bride]: Hyltén-Cavallius, Stephens 1848:255-274.