Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27g2. A feather roof. 16.31.59.

The character must cover the house with a roof made of bird feathers.

Irish, Scottish, Norwegian, Lokono.

Western Europe. The Irish: Smirnov 1973 [Conal Victorious and Bricren went scouting and soon spotted a house covered with white bird feathers]: 584; Christiansen 1959:103 [motive "to cover the house with a feather roof" " may have been borrowed from Ireland, where it is very common], 107 [the hero must clean the stall so that he can roll an apple on it without getting dirty and cover the roof with feathers so evenly that they were like a partridge or a grouse; when the hero is given the task of making a rope out of sand, the girl and he run away from the sorcerer]; Curtin 1975 [the young son of the King of Ireland meets the giant Lake Léin in the forest; he offers to play cards, the young man wins two estates; the next time, a hundred bulls in golden horns and silver hooves; on the third day he loses his head; comes to the old woman with sticking out from her mouth with her teeth; she washes his feet, feeds him, gives him a rolling ball, he will lead him to her middle sister, who sends him to his elder; she says that there are 700 iron stakes around the giant's castle with their heads planted, the latter is free, tells the giant's three bathing daughters to hide their clothes, who will have a yellow lily on her chest (the others are white and blue); the young man returns her clothes for promising to save him; the giant will invite the young man to sleep in a pool of water, the Yellow Lily (ML) takes him out every time, puts him back before the giant wakes up; feeds, the young man should not eat the meat that the giant gives him; the giant suggests 1) finding a pin lost by the giant's great-grandmother in a stable for 500 horses, which has not been cleaned for 700 years (ZhL cleans, finds); 2) make a roof of bird feathers over the stable, so that everyone is different (JL does); 3) get the egg from the crow's nest at the top of a giant tree, or rather a smooth pole; the JL tells her to kill her, peel the bones from the meat, make a ladder out of the bones, then collect all the bones back; the young man does everything but forgets to take the last bone, the JL is reborn, but she does not have enough little finger; the giant lets the young man go; at home, the soothsayer advises the king to marry his son to daughters of the King of Denmark; they come to the wedding, the giant and the JL also come; JL turns two grains into a pair of pigeons; the male bites the female, pushes her off the table, she says he did not do it when she helped him clean the stable; the same about other episodes; the young man remembers JL, takes her as his wife, the king of Denmark and his daughter are guests at this wedding]: 1-14; Scots [sparrow and mouse quarreled over seeds; the war of birds and animals began; the Queen of Tetertyne came when the battle was over, the Raven and the Serpent remained; the Queen killed the Snake when she was ready to kill the Raven in a duel; grateful The raven puts it on his back and carries it across valleys and lakes to his first, second, third sisters, the third becomes a young man (he was cursed); gives a bag, tells him not to open it on the way; the young man opens , a palace with a garden appears; a giant puts everything back for promising to give a son who will be born when he is seven years old; a young man becomes king, marries, and seven years later a giant appears to his son; the boy's mother gives her son a cook instead of her son; the giant asks what his father would do if he got a rod; he replies that he would drive dogs and cats away from treats; the king has to give a promised son; a young man grows up in a giant's house, who offers him a choice of one of two daughters; the young man demands a third, Red-haired Mary; the giant demands 1) to clean the stable (M. does everything), 2) cover the house with bird feathers (same), 3) get magpie eggs out of the nest and cook magpie eggs (M. cuts off his fingers and toes, they turn into steps of the stairs, the young man pulls out eggs, fingers grow, except for the little finger, which the young man did not touch when he climbed); 4) recognize the bride among her sisters (she does not have a little finger); M. tells me to run, leaving apple slices to answer; M. tells me to get it out mare's ear, throw behind 1) a branch of thorns (thorny thickets; the giant runs home for an ax, then carries the axe back, because the crow promises to steal the ax), 2) a pebble (mountain, a giant runs home for a pickaxe) and with a hammer), 3) a bottle of water (lake, giant drowns); M. tells the house not to kiss anyone, the young man is kissed by a dog, he forgets M.; M. hides in a tree, the shoemaker's wife, daughter see her reflection, take it for their own, they refuse to carry water, since they are so beautiful; the shoemaker takes M. into the house, says that the Queen is getting married, takes M. with him to a feast; two pigeons fly out of her glass, telling the story of M. Korolevich marries M.]: Campbell 1890 (1), No. 2:25-38 (translated to Shustova 1994:363-373; =Kharitonov 2008:383-394 with minor differences; there is no quarrel between mouse and sparrow, magpie's nest on spruce, not pine).

Baltoscandia. Norwegians: Christiansen 1959:83 [in fairy tales that tell how the hero gets to a sorcerer and runs away from him with his daughter (ATU, No. 325), the sorcerer tells 1) to cover the house with a roof of bird down or gold and silver feathers; 2) get eggs from under the bird from the tree; 3) put your head under the sword, covering your neck with feathers only], 103 [the motive to "cover the house with a roof of feathers", perhaps borrowed from Ireland, where it is very common].

Guiana. Lokono [Maconaura puts the top, who steals fish from it; M. leaves the Woodpecker as a watchman, who beeps too late; the bird Cassik; M. sees the caiman, kills with an arrow; next time he finds Anuanaïtu is at the top, she is the sister of a caiman; she is married; she wants to see her mother, M. accompanies her; Kaikoutji's father-in-law tells 1) to make a bench with the image of a jaguar on the one hand, K. himself on the other (he wears a mask, insects offer to bite him; from a cousin bite (a species of insect), spider K. does not move; an ant bite raises his head), 2) build a house with a feather roof overnight (the birds gave feathers); M. visits his mother for a while; if K. kills him, the Owl will come to tell him; K. kills M. with a club and an arrow, his mother sails in the boat, picks up his remains; two people promise avenge M., turn into a boa constrictor and a jaguar, kill K., his wife, and his people; A. avenges his mother, kills M.'s mother: after that, the animals become predatory, storms and bad weather appear]: Coll 1907, No. 1:682- 689.