K27g3. One thing falls down, they all fall. .16. (.19) .23.31.38.
To knock down all the trees in the forest, a person knocks down one (slightly touching him with an ax), and then all the trees fall down.
Bretons, (Buka), Walloons, Muria, Finns, Western Sami, Japanese.
Western Europe. The Bretons [the king's son got lost hunting, lost all his money and his head at the inn; Barbower Greenbeard tells him to come in a year; the old man gives a ball, which rolls to Castle B. scissors cut their way through the thorny bush; when three birds arrive, they will throw off their clothes from their feathers, swim, jump on the younger Quantic's back; she brings the young man to her father; B. gives tasks, K. teaches what to do; 1) cut down an oak grove with a wooden ax (hit once, all the trees will fall down), 2) demolish the mountain with a wooden pickaxe (the same), 3) get her grandfather's anchor from the bottom of the sea (K. tells her to cut off her head, throw into the sea, do not sleep; anchors, B. has not yet fallen asleep, puts K.'s head to the body); 4) B. is ready to give it to young K. if he identifies her among the three mice in the bag (K.'s two sisters rush to the young man's hand, she herself hides in the corner); when she enters marriage, K. throws a candlestick on the bed, it falls into the abyss (this is the work of her sisters); the spouses return to the young man's father, who inherits after the death of his father throne]: Lopyreva 1959, No. 32:122-129; walloons [the poor young man goes to the castle of the seven mountains; the king of fish, the king of insects, the king of birds answer that they do not know where it is; the young man is led there by a swallow; he falls in love with the youngest of three girls; the king agrees to marry if the young man fulfills errands; build a feather castle over the pond; knock down an oak grove with one blow; get a ring with the bottom of the well; the girl is dismembered in two, pulls out the ring, connected, but the finger on her left leg is not enough; the young man wants to visit his parents; the girl does not tell him to hug his mother, he hugged, forgot the bride; At the inn, a girl dates men (see No. 313); her husband is the third, he recognizes his wife and reunites with her]: Laport 1932, no.*313D: 44-45.
(Wed. Melanesia. Buka [Tubun left her baby Tione to his blind grandmother Péopéo, went to the place where all women gather for trade; Mouketek killed T.'s mother and father and everyone else; E. gives the baby suck the milk of pigs; his maternal uncles, Tin and Toñ, come, take, raise, now the name of the young man Enpen; he makes more and more powerful bows, he hunts; decides to go to destroy enemies, Tin and Ton is with him; kills an ogre dog with an ax, Tin swallows its liver, Tone swallows her tongue (the same after killing every new enemy); when he comes to Bitobit, Tin and Ton tell him to quietly throw away the poisonous the betel she suggests chewing her own; when B. throws a stream of fire from his ass into E., he kills her with an ax; Kirin shoots E., who dodges, kills him with a spear; meets Tubun (this is no longer his dead mother, and a young woman; this is the name of any heroine in the story); she was sent (either as a wife or to be eaten, because it was her turn) to Tui; the terrible Tui begins to get out of the cave, E. amazes Tin and Ton finish him off with arrows, Tin, as always, swallows his liver, Ton swallows his tongue; E. puts signs on Tubun's back, tells them to cover them with a headdress; Tubun returns to the village, says that Tui is hers rejected, took only her jewelry; Matoune memorizes his axe against a stone, smears it in red juice, says he killed Tui; Tubun says he doesn't want this fat man; E. tells Tin and Ton to belch liver and tongue, everyone sees that M. is a liar and E. is a hero; he gets Tubun; he cuts down one tree on the site - everything falls, plants one plant - everyone grows; Tin and Ton call E. to return home, but he wants to go home stay in his wife's village; M. puts thorns on E.'s bed, they pierce his body, he dies; people send a servant for Tin and Ton twice, M. calls to go instead of him each time, waits nearby, says that Tin and Ton refused to come, tells E. to be buried faster; Tubun sends a servant for the third time, Tin and Ton come, magically remove thorns from E.'s body, revive him; E.'s people gather fight people M.; E. hits M. with an arrow and immediately all M.'s people die, wherever they are; Tin and Ton fire at dead ants, they devour bodies completely]: Montauban, O'Reilly 1955, No. 13:79- 82).
South Asia. Muria [poor widow has difficulty buying her son an ax; he tells a hundred trees to fall in one blow, and this is what happens; wild boars plow the field; son wants a wife; mother makes a wooden a doll, dresses it up; he brings it to the field, tells her to serve food, the doll does not react, he throws it on the ground; frightened wild boars rush away, the young man thinks that his wife ran, rushes after her, stumbles upon her a young woman who just got married yesterday; she has the same outfit; the young man thinks this is her wife; let her take whoever calls herself her husband by the mustache and twist it in the air; if he doesn't if he cries, then the husband; he has a tear, the young man keeps his wife for himself]: Elwin 1944, No. 6:342-344 (translated to Zograf 1971, No. 55:228-230).
Baltoscandia. The Finns (Österboten) [when dying, the father tells his three sons to take turns guarding the geese on the shore for three nights; the older and middle are afraid, leaving; the younger Cinderella sees three arriving before dawn geese; they take off their clothes, turn into girls; the young man hid his youngest's clothes, she couldn't fly away; he gave her wings back for promising to be his wife; she flew away, telling her to look for her in her castle; he I came there, she offers to run, but the young man decides to open up to her father and try to do what he requires; her father king tells 1) to cut down all the trees in the forest; wife: cut down one thing, say, "Let all the forest is falling"; 2) uproot all the stumps; wife: uproot alone, lead everyone; 3) bring golden bread from the sky; his wife put a bag over his head, put him on his horse where the horse will stop, you have to reach out your hands, you will get that's right; but it turned out to be so heavy that the young man fell into the ground, only his hair outside; the duck made a nest in this place, incubated the ducklings; the fox came to eat the eggs, the young man grabbed him by the tail, but the fox only pulled it up a little bit; then the wolverine; the bear pulled it out; the young man came to the two cannibals, said he was too thin; they asked them to judge: his father was left with a stick, if you take it one way, enemies will die, and after the other, their warriors will come to life; young man: whoever you give, everyone will be offended, give it to me; the cannibals agreed; the other two argue over their mother's invisible hat; the same; the third couple arguing over his father's speeding boots - the same; the young man came to the house, where they were also going to eat him first and then fed him; he asks if the locals know where to go; the animals were called, no one does not know; then they gave a magic stone; all the same in another place; in the third they also gave a stone, called birds; the eagle does not hear well, flew last; agreed to take the young man to the king; flew for a week over by sea, the eagle ordered to throw a stone, a rock formed, the eagle rested on it; the same again.. {not in pdf pp. 42-43}]: Schreck 1887, No. 5:35-44; Western Sami: Klaus 1995 [someone steals turnips from the king's garden; the eldest, middle son is guarding, hearing a noise, running away; the youngest sees them arrive three maidens took off their winged robes, began to dig turnips, he hid the clothes alone, she agrees to marry him on the condition that he goes with her; the young man went to say goodbye to his father, the king does not let him in, requires him to 1) cut down the entire forest, 2) cut off branches on felled trees, 3) restore the forest; each time the wife tells you to do this with one tree, the rest fall, lose branches, get up again; the king let his son go, but the heavenly maiden has already flown away, the young man went to look for her; he meets an old woman, she gives speedboats, sends her to her middle sister, the middle one gives an invisible hat, sends her to the eldest, she sends an eagle, the third time the eagle knows where to fly; the old woman gives a staff, if you turn the end up, the dead will rise from the graves, if down, they will return to the graves; gives three pebbles; the eagle carries across the sea, gets tired, The pebble thrown every time turns into an island to rest; overseas, the young man finds his wife and son; the father-in-law asks his son-in-law to return his dead warriors with a staff; they rush at the king, the young man turns his staff, the dead return to the graves]: 31-38; Kohl-Larsen 1982, No. 16 [a sorcerer (Noaidi) is hired by a peasant to cut down the forest and cut wood; he promises a thaler a day, but on the condition that the sorcerer prepares so much how much firewood is needed for the winter; and if he prepares more, the wage will not increase; the sorcerer asks how much the farmer will give if he knocks down the entire forest; 2,000 thalers, but he cannot do this job neither the sorcerer himself nor his descendants; the sorcerer hits the birch tree with an ax, the whole forest falls down; then saws and cuts into logs; the peasant says he cannot take out so much forest at once; the sorcerer sticks a birch tree the branch and a third of the forest are immediately restored, the trees are green; then the logs and firewood go ashore; the farmer pays the promised money]: 111-115; Simonsen 2014 (Norway) [king's son and son The peasant was shot with a bow, one of the fallen arrows had a golden pen; the peasant said that his arrow, the king, ordered him to bring a bird; the fox led him to the daughter of the Sun Zarya, ordering him to take only a bird; but he kissed a girl who told her sister Dawn ("fighting against twilight") to be saved, who had been kidnapped by the giants; the fox led to the giants, went by herself, began to dance with the girl, turned off the lights quietly handed the girl over to the peasant, ran in the other direction, the giants did not catch up with her; grateful Zarya promised to marry the peasant, but to arrive later; the peasant brought a bird to the king and said that is going to marry a shining girl; king: if she does not arrive by a certain date, you will be thrown into a barrel of burning resin; at the last moment a ship from Dawn arrives; the king will allow the wedding if the peasant 1) will cut down all the trees in the country in a day (Zarya gives an ax - cut down one, all will fall); 2) restore these trees (gives ointment); 3) kills a three-headed dragon in the royal pond (gives a spear); the king allows marriage]: 101-110.
Japan. The Japanese [poor Mikeran goes swimming higher in the river than they usually swim; sees a kimono on a tree, picks it up; the maiden emerges, says it's her feather outfit for flying; she has to go to M.; after 7 years they have three children; suddenly coming to the house, the wife hears the elders singing, reassuring the youngest that his father will come, open a barn, where he will get an outfit of feathers for rice and millet him for us; the wife took the children, flew to heaven, but dropped the youngest child, he fell from a height; the husband finds a note in the bamboo tube; he must bury a thousand pairs of wooden shoes and a thousand pairs straw sandals, put bamboo on top, in two or three years it will grow to the sky; M. found only 999 pairs; climbed to the top of bamboo, but a little short of the sky; the wife held out the shuttle, dragged her husband in to heaven; heavenly father-in-law demands 1) to clear a field of a thousand chobs in a day (the wife tells you to cut down one tree and go to bed, the field is ready); 2) dig up this field (the same is to dig and sleep); 3) sow melons (the same); 4) collect them all the next day (same, the melons are already ripe); the father-in-law is happy, but tells me to cut the three melons lengthwise and go to bed on them; the wife orders to cut them across, but M. obeys his father-in-law; then all the melons cut along, water gushes from them, the stream carries M.; this stream is the Milky Way, M. is Altair, his wife Vega, two stars next to her are her children; the couple meet once a year on the seventh day of the seventh months; the fallen child survived, his mother left him three coke of rice on the mountain once a year; some washed dirty clothes in the river, three coca shrunk to three faithful, and the child disappeared]: Wrigglesworth 1991, No. 1:255-259.