Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27H. Picture a head that is not shown. 59.

The hero must cut out an image of the character's head that he never shows. It usually adorns a wooden bench.

Warrau, kamaracoto, taulipan, lokono, carinha na Orinoco, cariña Guyana, kalinha, wapishana, makushi, oyampi.

Guiana. Varrau [to become a shaman, a young man fastes for 10 days, smokes tobacco; half-fainting by the river; a female vulture descends to him, turns into a woman; gives him bird clothes and wings, rises to heaven with him; the father of a vulture woman named Burecuamana gives his son-in-law tasks; 1) cut down a tree, the trunk is hard as stone, four different birds appear in human form, they cannot cut down, the Woodpecker appears fifth, cuts down; 2) scoop the pond out of the cloth with a vessel; water pours into holes, the bird lowers the vessel into the pond, it dries up; 3) catch fish (the person did not catch anything, the birds caught anything); 4) make an image of a father-in-law out of wood; the son-in-law turned into a lizard, but the father-in-law heard, disappeared; then into an ant, saw that the vulture father-in-law had two heads, carved out the image; 5) build a house at the entrance to heaven; caballito del diablo warns that his father-in-law will kill a man, tells him to run with wings; when he descends to tree level, the vulture wife asks him to return; when refused, says that will eat it when he dies; soon the man died, the vultures ate him; they have been eating corpses ever since]: García 1993, No. 5:39-42; carinha (Orinoco) [the man is jealous of his wife, she leaves; he comes to her father, lies down in a hammock; his son finds him dead; tobacco grows on the grave; the young man hides the wings of doves that have arrived; the doves raise him to heaven; there the old man and the old woman tell me 1) to make a stone bench decorated with copies of their heads; 2) dry the pond; 3) make a bridge; everything is done by an assistant spirit; reports that these old man and old woman killed the young man's father; when the young man knocked down the trunk to make a bridge, the chips turned into piranhas; the old man and the old woman stepped on the bridge, he collapsed, they were eaten by piranhas, and their heads remain; the old woman's head rose to heaven, became the Morning Star; tells the daughters to avenge her; they gave the young man a drink they raised the sleeper high up the tree; the eagle asks how he got here; a vine emerges from the eagle's bowel movements, a man descends on it; the eagle wanted to kill him, but he hid in the water, returned to his mother, gave her an eagle chick to raise; he grew up, began to bring deer and fish to the woman; she organized a clearing party; people came to help, one asked the eagle to bring him an old woman, the other a young woman ; so the eagle began to carry people; in one village they set up a trap, a bait girl was caught, killed; a woman came, an avenger feather fell on her chest: all his fibers turned into diseases; a woman blew on them, they scattered around the world]: Civrieux 1974:104-108; carinha (Guyana) [a man kills a vulture, takes off and hides his clothes; another finds it, puts it on, flies to heaven to vulture wife, lives with her under the guise of her husband; her father suspects fraud, demands 1) make a stone bench with his own image (there is one stone all around, woodpecker hollows out), 2) build a stone house ( woodpecker and worm help); father-in-law lets his son-in-law go back to earth, takes off his vulture's clothes]: Gillin 1936, No. 4:194-195; caliña: Magaña 1987, No. 33 [man pretends to be dead, leaves excrement next to him; the Royal Vulture descends, the man kills him; Vulture's assistant invites him to take the place of the victim, gives him wings; Vulture's wife suspects a substitution, invites her father to give her husband difficult assignments; 1) make a bench in the shape of her father-in-law's head (a fly climbs into the vulture's nostrils, tells the person what the head looks like); 2) get an arrow from the top of the seiba (squirrel brings); 3) the same thing, from the top of a giant seiba; a person runs back to the ground; teaches others to make wings; tells them not to fly high; one person takes off, vultures attack him, he falls, punching a hole in the ground; people forget how to make wings], 51 [a person marries a vulture woman, goes up to heaven with her; father-in-law suspects that it is a stranger, gives difficult tasks; 1) carving a bench with her own image (oropendola tells us what she is like); 2) build a house on a rock (a worm helps); 3) climb a tall tree; a person can't do it, but other vultures hide it, he runs to the ground; the boy steals his wings and takes off; he does not know how to use his wings, he gets to vultures, they attack him, he falls, falls into the ground]: 242, 246; kamaracoto [ Maichak kills a tapir, pretends to be dead {hiding in a carcass?} , catches a female vulture; every evening, returning home, finds food cooked; M. waited for her and caught her, she is the Queen of the Vultures; one day M. rises to heaven with her; father-in-law demands 1) to dry lake (dragonflies dry), 2) build a house on a rock (animals are building), 3) make a bench with the image of a father-in-law (a bird flew by, a vulture stuck out its two heads, son-in-law saw them); father-in-law wants kill his son-in-law, he is hiding on the mountain, a big lizard lowers him down; he returns home, where his two sisters and brother grew up; M. became a fish, let himself be caught, became a man again, said he was their brother] : Simpson 1940:585-591 (=1944:269-271); taulipan [enemies killed all the villagers, Maitxaúle pretended to be dead, saved; pretended to be dead again, vultures flew, he caught a female, asks her to become a woman; she lives in his house, in the evenings he finds food prepared; finds a woman agreeing to marry him; one day she asks to let her go, promises to return; returns with his two brothers, who give the man an outfit of feathers, a man goes up to heaven with vultures; his wife sends him to eat at the parrot house, they have kashiri (an alcoholic beverage); father-in-law has two heads, he tells his son-in-law 1) to dry the lake in two days (water maidens dry, vultures have eaten fish); 2) build a house on a rock (worms made holes for poles, the bird has laid walls and a roof); 3 ) make a bench decorated with two vulture heads (termites made, the bench walked herself); father-in-law drinks corn beer, M. hides a grain of corn in his mouth (there was no corn on the ground yet); tells wasps sting father-in-law when he sits on the bench, the bench runs with his father-in-law sitting on it; the nightingale fumigated M., he became light, went down to the ground, brought corn grain]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 27:81-91; curl: Coll 1907, No. 1 [Maconaura puts the top, someone steals fish from it; M. leaves a woodpecker as a watchman, he beeps too late; a cassik bird; M. sees a caiman, kills with an arrow; in Next time she finds a girl at the top, Anuanaïtu, she is the sister of a caiman; gets married; she wants to see her mother, M. accompanies her; Kaikoutji's father-in-law tells 1) to make a bench with the image of a jaguar with one on the other hand, K. himself (he wears a mask, insects offer to bite him; from a cousin bite (an insect species), spider K. does not move; from an ant bite he raises his head), 2) build a house overnight with with a feather roof (the birds gave feathers); M. visits his mother for a while; if K. kills him, the Owl will come to tell him; K. kills M. with a club and an arrow, his mother sails in a boat, picks up his remains; two people they promise to avenge M., turn into a boa constrictor and a jaguar, kill K., his wife, and his people; A. avenges his mother, kills M.'s mother: after that, the animals become predatory, storms and bad weather appear]: 682-689; 1908, No. 2 [a person catches the queen of vultures, rises to heaven with her; a vulture mother-in-law requires 1) make a bench (as in Coll 1907, No. 1; mother-in-law has twelve heads), 2) catch fish, 3) bring water to basket (ants cover holes); a person is surrounded by a fence in the garden; he flies away with a fly]: 483; Goeje 1943, No. d3 [Makanahoro turned into a dead deer; vultures flew, he grabbed a female, who took off her clothes from feathers; married; they go to heaven to her father; he gives difficult assignments, animals help fulfill them; in the end M. kill]: 96; Roth 1915, No. 303 [ vultures fly to the ground, the shaman marries the female; she herself orders 1) to clear the area (vultures restore vegetation; then the ants eat the felled), 2) bring water in the sieve ( ants covered the holes with clay), 3) make a bench with the image of the mother-in-law (the son-in-law threw off his centipede, the mother-in-law raised her head); the shaman and his wife went to heaven, then the shaman went down]: 343-345; tops : Roth 1924, No. 601 [Maichoppa wanted to see the vulture chief; residents of two community houses quarreled, killed each other; M. lay down among the dead bodies; urubu vultures flew, took off their feathers, and wings, M. took possession of their outfit, but could not fly off by himself; the spider tied one end of her thread to the top of the tree and gave the other to M.; lengthening the thread, raised M. to the mountain of vultures behind the clouds; M. wants marry the daughter of a vulture chief; he demands 1) build a house on a bare rock (an eel drilled holes, animals and birds have built a house); 2) make a bench with his image; the young man climbed on the web, relieved himself on the vulture's head; he ordered to bring fire to understand what had fallen on him, M. saw two heads; the bird and the ant were carved out of the stone into a bench; the vulture's daughter sent a karaka bird grab M.; he runs from house to house, runs to the spider, she hides it under cotton yarn, does not allow K. to stir it up so as not to confuse the yarn; M. goes down to the top of the seiba, releases the thread webs, does not know how to get to the ground; sits on the back of a lizard, she is going to eat it, runs down and up the trunk; M. manages to jump to the ground; M. comes to Aguti, at home the wife of that, all cassava stolen from M.'s garden, Agouti's wife says she made it especially for him; M. is happy, returns home]: 486-488; Soares Diniz 1971, No. 17 [people died of illness, young man left; urubu vultures ate rotten meat; a young man rises to heaven, marries the daughter of a vulture chief; his father-in-law demands 1) to dry the lake (the battleships took water, the birds caught fish), 2) build a house (birds and animals helped), 3) to make a stone bench with the image of his father-in-law (the lizard relieved the vulture on his head, he asked his daughter to shine, the young man saw two heads, the termite and the woodpecker were carved with a bench); urubu still decided to kill his son-in-law; his daughter warned the young man; when Urubu sat on the bench, the tião lizard hiding behind her killed him; the Urubu sons ran after the young man; he hid in a basket in the spider's house; the caracara bird cut the thread, the young man fell to the top of the samaumeira tree; there lived a lizard, she offered to sit on her back, ran along the trunk, wanted to eat it, but he jumped to another tree returned to earth]: 92-94; wapishana: Wirth 1950:192-193 [man smears himself with crap, pretends to be dead; the Vulture Chief's daughter sends a fly, she confirms the man is dead; daughter The vulture comes down, the man catches her, brings her home; at night she turns into a woman, invites the man to take him to her father; he tells 1) to build a house on a rock; cavalo-de-cão does warns that the father-in-law is going to eat it; 2) make a bench in the shape of his head; the Lizard (a osga) defecates on Vulture's head, who asks his wife to bring fire, the Lizard sees Vulture two heads; a man made a bench, stayed in the sky with vultures], 193-196 [a man catches the daughter of the Royal Vulture on the lake, brings her home; she is a woman during the day, a bird at night; her mother-in-law is unhappy, that she stains the floor with her excrement; the wife decides to leave; the man sits on her, closes his eyes, they find themselves in the sky; father-in-law asks 1) to take the sand flea out of his leg, pulls his eyes out, hides it in vessel; The rat finds and returns the eyes; 2) climb on the Mavorkiev palm tree, throw fruits down; makes the trunk fat, the person falls; father-in-law thinks that it has broken; at night the person comes to life, returns; 3) make a bench with the image of his head; the lizard defecates on the Vulture, who takes off his handkerchief from his head, you can see that there are two heads; pinicapau makes a bench; 4) build a house on a rock (birds do); 5) prepare a plot for a vegetable garden; ants make it in six days; Vultures set fire to the plot, the Spider saves a person by inviting him to climb into his hole; lowers the basket to the ground to his mother], 196-197 [friend the young man does not give him feathers for arrows; he smears himself with crap to attract vultures; catches the royal vulture, brings him home; in his absence, he turns into a girl, cooks kashiri; a young man spies on a bird, grabs a girl, gets married; she offers to visit her parents; carries it on her back to heaven; her father has two heads and four eyes; he demands 1) to dry the Pleiades Lakes (Sun dries, the son-in-law brings rotten fish to his father-in-law); 2) build a house on a rock; minhoca helps to do this; 3) make a bench in the shape of his head; the ant tells a osga to pump a vulture on the head; that lights a fire to wash himself, son-in-law sees what he looks like, makes a bench; father-in-law enters his new home, dies of fear; mother-in-law tells his son-in-law to be killed; he runs away, returns to his mother]; oyampy [The man had a pet jaguar; the man's younger brother went hunting with this jaguar, the jaguar ate it; the man killed the jaguar, the vultures flew, the man killed everyone; the two-headed vulture was the last to arrive, brought a man to heaven, married a daughter; requires 1) build a house (termites help), 2) burn the forest on the site (the spider hides the man in its hole from the fire), 3) make a bench with the image of a father-in-law; a dove brings a man down to the ground]: Grenada 1982, No. 53:305-314.