Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27hh. Disassemble the grain, Th H1091.

.11.-.17.21.-.34.36.-.38. (.52.67.)

The character is instructed to quickly separate small particles of different varieties (usually seeds of different plant species) mixed in one vessel from each other, or calculate the number grains, or collect scattered or already sown grain.

Lamba, Swahili, (Lenje), Dagari, Bulsa, Bambara, Loma, Mofu-Gudur, Hausa, Temne, Jukun, Mukulu, Bussa, Sudanese Arabs, Malgashi, Kabila, Tunisia, Sicilians, Corsicans, Italians ( Menton, Ticino, Tuscany? , Campania), Ladins, Spaniards, Catalans, Portuguese, Germans (Grimms; Pfalz), Flemish, French, Bretons, Welsh, Yemen, Socotra, Tibetans (Amdo), Mustang, Tibetans (NW Yunnani), Bhutan, Meitei, Zeme, Cham, Monk, Khmer, Viet, White Thai of Vietnam, Pardhan, Nepali, Santals, Ho, Sinhales, Ancient India, Himachal Pahari, Assamese, Bengalis, Malayals, Kannada, Tamils, Thidore Island, Dusun, Murut, Ngaju, Tetum , Visayas, Romblomanon, Keley and Callahan, Namuzi, Lisu, Chuan Miao, Chinese (Qinghai, Guangdong, Shandong, Jiangsu), Koreans, Romanians, Moldovans, Hungarians, Ancient Greece, Greeks, Bulgarians, Albanians, Croats, Russians ( Ryazan, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Transcarpathia), Belarusians, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Crimean Tatars, Adygs, Kabardians, Abkhazians, Chechens, Kumyks, Megrelians, Georgians, Armenians, Turks, Kurds, Baluchis, Persians, Tajiks , Pashtuns, Uzbeks, Bukhara Arabs, Ishkashim, Rushans, Vakhans, Sarykols, Turkmens, Danes, Swedes, Finns, Karelians, Veps, Mordovians, Udmurts, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz, Uighurs , Dungans, Buryats, Mongors, Dagurs, Far Eastern Evenks, Nanais, Udege, Japanese, (otomi, guarazu).

Bantu-speaking Africa. Lamba [the chief's eldest daughters are married, the youngest says she will only marry someone who goes through a hole in the tree with the ball; two older brothers and their sister's husband (brother-in-law) go try their luck, they do not want to take their younger brother; he comes, feeds birds, ants, fish on the way; carries out an assignment, is recognized as a son-in-law; older brothers intend to destroy him; tell the leader's wife that her son-in-law 1] can make the child appear the day after the wedding; the young man is going to return home, but the bird he has fed flies west and brings him a baby; 2) brothers persuade scatter seeds in the forest, let him collect them; ants collect them; 3) pour beads into the water (get the fish); the young man's wife complains to the mother, she explains that her husband's brothers are to blame; the leader finds out everything, sends Brothers home; son-in-law honors; they visited the boy's home and returned to live with his wife's relatives]: Doke 1927, No. 23:45-51; Swahili; (cf. Lenge [Tilo promises daughter Maria to whoever beats him at cards; Jewawu beat him; T. makes wooden figures, offers to choose a bride; M. warns J., he wants M.; T. throws beads, tells you to pick up; M. calls people, they pick up; J. tells them to sow rice, harvest immediately and cook food; M. tells people to do everything; tells them to choose a small knife, not a big knife; M. and J. . take horses, jump away; M. returns to return his father's pendant; returns to J.; T. wakes up, rushes to chase; M. turns himself and J. into children who play sand, T. them did not find out; T. summoned J.; J. promises to kill M. if she gets along with another man in his absence; Antonio comes instead of J., M. unlocks, converges with him; J. came back, stabbed M., took another wife, A. fell into the ground; M. became a bird, flew to J., became a woman again; J. returned her, drove her other wife away]: Earthy 1937:295-301).

West Africa. Dagari; bulsa [the father and three sons lost their cows; then someone trampled on the millet; the brothers caught, but released first, the monkey, then the crocodile; the cat bit to death the rooster, but the brothers let go cat; ant stole millet seeds, brothers caught it, brought it to his father, he told the ant to let go; the brothers followed the cows; the monkey helped him get over the rocks, the crocodile across the river; they came to to the chief in heaven; his wife scattered millet; the chief tells him to separate him from the sand, the ant separated him; he has many cows and all black cows are the same as the brothers' cows; the cat helped identify the cows]: Schott 1996:181- 189; bambara; scrap; mofu-gudur [separate sesame and sand]; hausa; temne; jukun [so that Fatsumate does not go out with other girls, parents, leaving, they tell her to sort out the various types of luck; the girls, out of jealousy, trying to kill F. tell the ants to do the job; all the girls went to the forest for firewood, Dodo appeared, they climbed a tree; each gets off, says she's not F.; F. asks Hawk from the top of the tree, then Vulture to help; they say that she drove them away at one time; Dove takes off her clothes and jewelry; F. goes down, says D . that F. is still at the top; D. sees jewelry there, believes; Dove sings on a tree in the voice of F.; flies away; D. runs after her, looking at the sky, falls into the river, drowns; Dove asked for a black thread as a reward; F. tied it around her neck, since then pigeons have a black stripe there]: Meek 1931:477-478; mukulu [everyone drives the sorcerer, he settled alone away from people; an ant, a snake, a crane asked permission from he gladly agreed to settle in; the chief gave the leper warrior a bag of sesame seeds mixed with sand and sent him to tell the sorcerer that if he did not separate one from the other, he would lose his head; ants fulfilled; now the leader sent a leper demanding to fill the bag with new crop corn, although the dry season has not yet begun to sow; the crane flew to another country, collected corn, brought it; the snake agreed with the sorcerer that she would bite the leader's wife, and then the sorcerer would cure her; the sorcerer said that the medicine was needed - the leper's liver; that warrior's liver was cut out, and the leader's wife recovered]: Jungraithmayr 1981, No. 14:66-69.

Sudan - East Africa.

Bussa [a noble man begins

to ask a girl who herds cattle; she replies that only her mother knows; he finds his mother, and through her father, marries; sends a mixture of chickpea seeds and moutard (cruciferous), which are very similar, tells them to be divided; the girl sows the seeds and when they germinate, they easily separate them; the groom demands that the bride be pregnant first The same night and the next day she gave birth to a child; in response, the girl tells her father to ask for a bag of barley and turn it into beer the same day; the man married a girl and they lived well]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2016:136-138; Sudanese Arabs [Fatma the Beautiful lives with her grandmother; all boys dream of marrying her; other girls decide to get rid of her; call her to pasture; grandmother: mix the bag first scatter the millet with a sack of wheat on the ground, then clear it from the ground, put it back in two separate bags; two weeks later they complied with the requirement, the grandmother let F. go; they came to the well; sent F . bring some pebbles, got drunk, hid the bucket; when F. came, they said that they had thrown their jewelry into the well and the water rose; F. threw it and nothing; the girls left, F. stayed; came at night black wind, then yellow, red, white and an ogre with it; threw something into the well, drank all the water with his horse, took out F.'s jewelry, put it on his horse, brought it to the garden, where wheat, millet and fruit; tells F. to grind grain and chase birds; Muhammad, the son of Father F.'s brother, and her fiancé found it; the cannibal sleeps for a month, awake for 11 months; F. guards the pebble: if she tries to escape, he will fly to the cannibal, he will wake him up; M. and F. run; M. throws the first feather (the river, the cannibal and the horse drank it); the second (the thicket); the third (the mountain); the cannibal stops chasing, but becomes a sheep; M. buys it for the wedding feasts; at night a sheep: it's me, an ogre; M. ran, killed her, a drop of blood turned into a bead; F. picked it up, accidentally swallowed it, the cannibal speaks from her womb; the fakir from Shiraz expelled the bead and burned it; all is well]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 26:131-134; Sudanese Arabs (Jaaaliyin) [a girl named Sittana; she has 7 grandmothers; other girls call her to collect dates; she will not go without her grandmothers' permission; the girls went around six, received permission; the seventh tells them to collect the scattered grain first - a whole bag; they collected it and S. went with them; climbed a palm tree, began to shed dates; the girls filled their baskets with ripe dates, put green ones in basket C. and left; S. had to collect them again; she caught up with others at the well; the girls took out water in a bucket, but said they threw their gold into the well jewelry and the water rose; S. threw it, nothing happened; ghoul: I'll give you water and return the jewelry if you promise to give me a drink when I come; S. promised; ghoul came, demands water only from S.'s hands; took it away; at night she puts her head on her hair like a pillow, when brother S. followed her, his grandmother told her to take two thorns and wet clay with her; she tied the {sleeping} ghoul into 7 chains, ran away with S.; ghoul broke the chains; the brother throws a thorn, thorny thickets grow in front of him; he sends the dog for an ax, cut through the thickets; the same with the second thorn; the clay has become a river; the brother tells the dog to drink the river and drinks also by himself; a 7-headed ghoul ran up, his brother cut off his heads; the last drop of blood turned into a cat; his brother killed him; it was the end of the ghoul]: Hurreiz 1977, No. 6:79-80; malgashi [each of the seven brothers consistently marries a girl Ramituviamandrenini; the elder refuses to share food and rejects offers to help flies, wasps, larks, pigs, chomgs; Father R. tells 1) to count sown rice, 2) find out which cow calved first, 3) cultivate a huge rice field, 4) get a pearl thrown there from the pond, 5) distinguish R. from her mother; neither older brother nor the other five the brothers cannot complete the tasks; the younger Faralahi shares honey and rice; the lark collected and counted rice, the wasp sat on the head of a calving cow, the crested grebe took out a pearl, the pig dug up the field, the fly sat on R.'s cheek; F. received R.; when he gave birth to a son, the brothers decided to kill F.; took turns going down on a rope into the hole where the crocodile lived; when they lowered F., they threw the rope; but Zanahari {supreme the deity} led F. down the aisle used by the crocodile himself to his treasury and then outside; F. came wrapped in his skin, nasal, sent him to spend the night in R.'s hut like a beggar; opened up to his wife; at the circumcision festival, he demonstrated his newfound wealth]: Rodman 1965:170-176.

North Africa. Kabila [king goes on a pilgrimage; his son named Merops apiaster plays and loses; demon lord Red King gives money to recoup on condition come to him and return the money; ZSch recouped; when his father returns, he goes to look for KK; three old women consistently move him closer to the KK; KK's daughter named Emerald fell in love with ZSch, gives orders to demons do what KK requires ZSH to do; 1) cut down thorny thickets, create a garden with fruits on trees and a pool in this place; 2) get an egg from under an eagle sitting in a nest on a high cliff; 3) disassemble different varieties of grain mixed into a heap (the ant was dismantled); I. overheard her father talking to her mother and was going to kill both her and ZSch; tells her to take a KK running 40 distances in the stable ( étapes), he mistakenly took the running 10; I.: you must have time to cross the river beyond which the power of the KK ends; K. turns 1) a horse into a farm, himself into a garden, and ZSch into a gardener selling watermelons; KK asks about the fugitives, and the imaginary gardener answers about the price of watermelons; 2) KK is back, the wife says they were the fugitives; 2) school, teacher and student (same); 3) now KK's wife is chasing; river, swamp, eel; KK's wife throws a ring of oblivion into the swamp, the eel swallowed it - ZSch will forget I.; KK and his wife returned back, I. asks ZSH to remove the ring, but he refused; on the outskirts of the city, ZSch went to rent a house, forgot I. ; I. came to live with an old woman and her daughter, they are very poor; I. combs her hair, gold coins fall from her hair; ZSch stayed in town to marry; bought a herd of bulls and decided to give it to residents for fattening; one gave that old woman; I. fed him easily; ZSch tells him to return the bulls; I. tells his own not to go - he will be slaughtered; ZSch came himself; I.: bull, did you forget your master how he forgot us? in the evening, ZSch had a wedding with his chosen bride; I. also came; threw two eggs on the floor, a dove and a dove came out of them, began to tell the whole story; dove: you forgot! as the story progressed, ZSch sank into the ground; at the last moment, I. held him by the hair and he gradually rose; I. tore off the ring from his finger and threw it away; they embraced each other; ZSch leaves all the gifts to the bride, but refuses her; brings I. to his parents; a new wedding, everyone is happy]: Mammeri 1996, No. 8:133-156; Tunisia [the king imprisoned Ali's only son with wet nurse under a glass cap; ordered to feed boneless meat and bread without crust; once the prince was accidentally brought meat with bone and bread with a crust; he broke the glass with his bone, went outside; tells his father to give freedom for him; in the city he runs over the townspeople; old woman: what kind of violent are you, it would be better to bring Sineddur on the back of a vulture from across the 7 seas; Ali tells you to gather the old women, the last to bring these words; she explains that S. is the princess of spirits in the land of cannibals; Ali goes on a journey, the king tells the son of the Vizier Mohammed to go with him; at the fork there is a stone: you will buy to the right, you will lose to the left; they draw lots, Ali goes to the right, M. to the left; ate everything, hired a bagel seller; Ali rides, greets a hungry giant sitting next to a fallen camel; cuts and roasts meat for him; a giant directs her to her older sister, tells her to fall to her nipple, otherwise she will kill her; her 7 cannibal brothers give Ali a hair out of their beards - if burned, they will come to the rescue; on the walls of the city, heads on stakes; Ali stays with the elderly; they explain that the princess's grooms are told to sort out several varieties of grain overnight; no one can, everyone is executed; Ali calls the ogre, who tells the ants to sort the grain; Ali got the princess; wants to go further after S.; the first wife teaches how to slaughter a bull by the sea, feed the vultures, they will help; the oldest vulture knows the way to S.; carries Ali across 7 seas, he feeds his stored meat; in the castle, a beautiful woman who sleeps and is awake for three months; Ali wrote a prenuptial agreement, got together with her sleeper; exchanged rings; on the way back, the seventh piece of meat fell, Ali cut off from his own forearm; on the other side, other vultures tell him to regurgitate the meat, put Ali back; he takes his first wife and goes home; the sultan decides to bring his daughter back and kill Ali; he smashes enemies, the rest are finished off by a summoned cannibal; Ali finds M. in the shop; they go together; M. invites Ali to go down to the well to get water, cuts off the rope; tells everyone to say that he got the princess; monkeys, male and female, ask to resolve the dispute; Ali advises the male to keep the monkey with him and let go of the gazelle; the monkeys are happy, they pulled Ali out, he came to his city; S. and his three-year-old son surrounded city by army; M. cannot provide evidence of marriage to S.; Ali's wedding with S., his first wife is also with them; the vizier wants to kill his son himself, but Ali forgave M.]: Stumme 1893, No. 4:57-78.

Southern Europe. Sicilians [after the death of their father, three brothers are hired to work in the ogre's garden; at night, the younger Caruseddu (Carusu, "young man", also a "clay piggy bank") ties the handkerchiefs of the cannibal's daughters to the brothers, puts his hats on them, the cannibal swallows his daughters, the brothers run away; they are hired to the king, he brings K. closer to him. Others are jealous; offer to send K. for 1) a talking cannibal horse; K. penetrates into the ogre's house, if desired, is made the size of a mouse; the horse warns the ogre twice, he cannot find K., hits the horse; K. takes the horse away; 2) a blanket with a golden bell (the cannibal beats his wife, K. takes the horse away veil); 3) the ogre himself; K. says that K. is dead, and he makes him a coffin; asks the ogre to try on, bobs him up, brings; 4) get the queen's daughter with seven veils; the horse tells you to give crumbs to ants , release the fish into the river, let the bird go out of the snare; dances, the princess sits on the horse, he takes it away, she drops her veil, the ring; tells you to find them before marrying the king; the birds bring the veil, fish ring; disassemble the mixed grain (ants disassemble); princess: let K. die in a hot oven; the horse tells him to rub him with sweat and foam, K. became handsome; tells the king that he is greased; the king burns; K. gets the princess and the throne]: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 13:85-95; Corsicans: Massignon 1984, No. 44 [the orphan left the village, friends gave him a slice of bread; three argue over invisible cloaks; the young man asks to be allowed to try it on, disappears; shared bread with an old man; he advised one of the three girls who come to the pond to swim to hide the clothes of one of the three girls who come to the pond, return them for promising to go out marry him; wearing his cloak, the young man follows the girl; she raises the alarm three times, the father and mother run into her room but do not see anyone; the father promises to give his daughter, let the young man show up; he takes off his invisibility cloak, gets out from under the bed; but the sorcerer demands to do the job: separate five types of grain; level the mountain; clear the bush in a day and have a vineyard with in ripe bunches; the girl does everything; tells me to run, take the stable not fat, but a thin horse; the young man took the fat one; when the father catches up, the daughter turns herself, the horse and the young man into a chapel and a priest; He answers all questions only Dominus vobiscum; then to the vineyard and the worker; the third time the mother is chased, but she is scratched, making her way through the bush; the young reached the village of the young man; the wedding; a girl creates a castle], 84 [two young men went to look for work, met a bella Bianca di Oru ("Snow-White Golden Beauty", B.); she advises them to go to the king; one began to herd sheep and the other watch for the chickens and envied the first; said that he boasted to get B.; the old woman told me to take grain and meat with him; the young man scattered grain to ants, gave the meat to the crows; the ants gave the ant, the crows gave the crow a leg to call them for help; B. tells them to disassemble the mixed grain by variety (ants perform); clear the place of crows where their clouds are (the chief of the ravens told them to fly away); the young man brought B.; now the poultry house says that the shepherd boasted to get the music that makes the sheep dance; the old woman blew the whistle, the sheep are dancing; the king married the young man to B. and cut off the head of the poultry house]: 104-107, 186-188; Italians : Calvino 1980, No. 3 (Menton) [the poor man cannot find a godson for the child; asks a person to agree; after the christening, he gives a purse of gold and a letter; the young man, when he grows up, must With this letter, come to him and inherit the English crown from him; on the way you can't take cross-eyed, lame, lousy, etc. as companions; the young man grew up and set off; the young man got rid of the scythe and lame, agreed to the offer of a man who looked healthy; at night he stole money, a letter and a horse at the inn; the young man caught up with the thief, but he forced him to call himself a servant at gunpoint , and on the satellite to recognize the heir to the English throne; he took off his wig and it became clear that he was a bastard; the king received the impostor and asked for the release of his kidnapped daughter from the island where she was being held; the impostor sent a servant; an old bearded sailor advised to demand a three-deck ship from the king; load cheese on one deck, bread crumbs on the second, carrion on the third; do not recruit commands, we'll sail together ; they took cheese on rat island, bread crumbs on ant island, rotting meat on vulture island; rats, ants and vultures promised to help any minute; on the last island the Sibiana fairy promises to free the princess if the visitors meet three conditions; 1) level the mountain (the rats have leveled); 2) separate the peas from the lentils (the ants separated); 3) get a barrel of living water; a young man he tied a cup to each vulture's neck, who brought water and filled the barrel; the young man brought the princess to his father, but the impostor sent murderers to slaughter him; but the old sailor brought that barrel of living water and revived it a young man; a young man told the impostor that he had bathed in a barrel of boiling oil; the impostor stabbed a dagger into his heart and threw himself into the oil; the wig surfaced and a bad head appeared; "This is my old enemy," exclaimed king; married a young man to his daughter and appointed him heir]: 7-12; Keller 1981 (Ticino) [the prince knocked on someone's house, asked for a drink; the master asked him to be his son's godson's godson; prince called him Valoroso ("brave"), left a note: when the boy is 14, let him come to his service; the young man was shy, asked to give the note to another, he pretended to be a godson, received position (the prince had become king by that time); V. was hired to clean the stable; the imaginary V. decided to get rid of him, told the king that the young groom could get a goldbird; the king ordered to get it, otherwise executes; the old woman ordered to ask the king for a golden cage and thread; the bird flew into the cage, V. pulled the thread and slammed the door shut; the imaginary V. persuades V. to send V. for the queen of the Moors from the green country; old lady: ask for a ship with musicians, dancers and food; three giants carried it across the seas, V. fed them meat and bread, they are grateful, let Schächtelein call them; ants appeared, V . fed them, they also let Schächtelein summon them; the same is the birds, the eagle gave a feather; the Queen of the Moors requires three tasks; 1) separate the rice, millet and corn mixed in the bucket (ants perform ); 2) cultivate a huge field (giants perform); 3) bring water from sources of living and dead water before sunrise (thrushes bring); the king has a feast; the imaginary V. stabbed the present with a dagger; the queen The Moors cut the body into pieces, revived it with live water, V. became handsome; the imaginary V. wanted the same thing, the queen poured dead water on it; married V., who became king]: 214-219; Knust 1866, No. 2 (Tuscany?) [when he dies, the king tells his son Ferdinand to give his three sisters to be the first to marry them; they are a chimney sweep, tinker, umbrella seller (Regenschirmtrödler); F. plays with golden balls; one fell the old woman in the basket, there was an egg, it broke; the old woman curses F. {apparently, he wants him to marry Margarita, but either the narrator missed this episode or the author did not record it}; F. goes to look for the beautiful Margarita, consistently visits his sisters; they are married to wizards, everyone gives a nut (of a different kind, the last one is an almond); the younger sister gives a flint and a candle; her husband says that old woman is M.'s mother, shows the way to the palace, teaches what to do; the old woman tells you to disassemble different varieties of grain overnight; F. breaks a nut, ants in it, they do their work; the next evening, eat 300 pounds of crackers per night (mice eat from the second nut); on the third evening, eat 30 pigs (almond eagles ate); on the fourth evening, the old woman leaves F. and M. in the bedroom: by morning, a son should be born to greet his grandmother; F. carves a fire, lights a candle, a boy appears; in the morning an old woman dies and the boy disappears as soon as the candle burns out]: 384-386; Italians (Campania, Capri) [when old, the father tells his daughter Rosinella he can leave her only one pig; she leads her to a golden tree; her father helps uproot him, puts him on a wagon; under the roots there is an entrance to the dungeon; R. goes down 365 steps; there is a shadow that allows her to stay; she will have everything she needs, but she cannot go into the same room; in a year R. enters, there is a beautiful young man there; says she has done a lot of harm to her actions; gives her a pair of iron shoes - until they are demolished, she will be alive; gives them dried figs; go with them to his three sisters who are spinning on the terrace in the city; you have to put figs on their spindle, then they will not eat it, but will help; they hide R. from their cannibal mother; they teach her to grab her hair and hold her until she swears on her son's name - Thunder and Lightning! cannibal mother gives tasks: fill the pillow with feathers; R. says Thunder and Lightning, the voice in response promises to help, birds are stuffed into the room, the pillow is full; next: divide a variety of dried vegetables by species; Thunder and Lightning, ants share; cannibal mother sends her sister to bring a box and gives her a letter; it tells her to fry what was sent and send part of the roast; on the way, the young man teaches, immediately grab the box and run while the cannibal sharpens the oaks; gives oats for the horse and crackers for the parrot that will be at the entrance; R. did so but could not resist on the way back and opened the box; from there Many birds flew out; but the young man played the pipe and the birds returned to the box; the cannibal wants to marry her son; he tells R. to kiss him when he is taken to the aisle; R.: I can't in public; new bride: Look, I kissed a pig shepherd three times for three chestnuts; young man: If so, I will marry R., who has been waiting for me for a year, three months and three days, and you go out to the pig shepherd; when you see that her spell is scattered, the cannibal drowned in a well]: Zschalig 1925:88-94; ladins: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 59 [the elder, middle brothers go to work, do not return; the youngest also went, met two beggars, these are brothers, they did not recognize him; they want to ruin an anthill, a hive, kill ducks on the lake; the youngest did not allow it; they came to an empty castle, there is food and drink; the old man tells 1) to collect the grain they have scattered; the elder, middle brothers cannot, turned into stone; 2) which of the stone columns belongs to the bees; a swarm of bees rescued by a young man sat on it; 3) get the golden key from the bottom of the lake to the room in which the princess is sleeping; the ducks got it; the old man gave a rod, ordered them to hit all the stone columns; the petrified ones are split; the wedding; the young man also moved his parents to the castle]: 157-161; Uffer 1973, No. 18 [the princess is sick, Black cherries will cure her; to whoever brings them, the king will give her as his wife; a man has two eldest sons who are evil and arrogant, and the youngest is good; in the midst of winter their tree are black cherries; their elder brother carried them, replies to the old man that he has goat droppings in the box; when he came to the king, there really was goat droppings in the box, the guy was beaten; the same with his middle brother (pig manure); the youngest answers the old man politely, he advises feeding the hungry, giving water to the suffering, reconciling those who are quarreling; the young man feeds ants, letting fish on the shore into the water, reconciling the devil and the angel; the princess has recovered, but the king does not want to give it away, gives difficult assignments; 1) separate rye from oats (ants separated); 3) get the ring from the lake that the princess dropped there a year and a day ago (the fish got it); 3) bring the most a beautiful flower from paradise and the most terrible fire from hell; a young man went to heaven and hell, received flower and fire from an angel and a devil, brought it to the king, got a princess]: 54-56; Spaniards [poor girl, dressed as a young man, he is hired to the palace, heals the king and he makes the imaginary young man chief physician; the Queen falls in love, is rejected, accuses her of an attempt on her life; St. Peter helps complete the tasks offered by the king; she whistles and the fish brings the ring that the king has dropped into the sea; brings a dumb girl out of the castle or from the robbers; shares mixed wheat, barley and rye; asks why the girl does not speak, but only groans and cries; she talks all about the queen and the imaginary young man; the king executes or expels the queen, marries heroine]: Boggs 1930, no.*515:68-69; Catalans [stepmother and her daughters tyrant stepdaughter; she is told to collect canary seeds; peel beans; collect rice; old lady does everything; girl gets magic dresses; wears them to church, party, ball; runs away three times before others, loses his shoe; all girls are told to try it on; wedding]: Cox 1893, No. 72:30-31; Portuguese [prince goes to hell, he gives him difficult assignments; 1) plant a vine in the morning, wine is ready in the evening; 2) get the ring from the bottom of the sea, for this you need to dismember the girl; 3) sow wheat in the morning, in the evening bake bread; 4) tame the horse (that's the devil himself); 5) build a palace in a day; 6) disassemble the mixed seeds; something else; he denies that the girl helped him; must identify the girl among several the same (only on the arm; the girl does not have enough finger, so he recognizes her); the spouses run, the wife leaves saliva responsible for herself; the wineskin is left in bed; the young man chooses a fat horse, he is like the wind, he must it was to choose skinny, he was like a thought; a horse turns into a church, a girl into an image, a young man into a hermit; a garden, a salad (flowers) and a gardener; a river, a boat, a boatman; throw objects: ash (fog occurs), needles or pine needles (thorny thickets), salt or water (sea), sand (hill); the wife cast a spell: after kissing his mother or grandmother against will, the hero forgets his wife; she attracts his attention (a lot options), he gets to know her]: Cardigos 2006, No. 313:68-69.

Western Europe. Germans: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 17 [the king's servant tastes white snake meat, learns animal language; learns that the queen's ring was swallowed by a duck, receives a horse as a reward; saves along the way three fish, ants that have fallen out of the crow's nest; with their help, he performs the king's tasks, gets the princess; 1) fish pull the ring from the bottom of the sea, 2) ants collect millet scattered in the grass, 3) crow bring apples from the tree of life; a young man and a royal eat half an apple, live happily ever after]: 61-64 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:57-60); Schönwerth 1981 (Upper Palatinate) [stepmother with her two daughters They tyrant Cinderella's stepdaughter (Aschenflügel); they go to church, and Z. is told to peel millet mixed with ash; so every Sunday; one day two doves flew in, pecked millet; Z.: not in your goiter, but in my pot (nicht in euren Kropf, sondern in meinen Topf); seeing a pot full of grain, my stepmother promised Z. to take her to church next time; the father went to the fair, asked his daughters what to bring them; Z .: the first thing that would touch his hat was a walnut twig; Z. put it behind her dress and dropped it into the well when she went to get water; from there the voice: ask the nut for a beautiful outfit; on Sunday, pigeons millet was peeled, and a luxurious outfit and golden shoes appeared from the well; a young count saw her in the church; the next time a dog ran along the trail, brought the servant sent to the well; the third time the count ordered the threshold to be smeared with resin; the servant brought a sticky shoe; the count ordered the girl to try on the shoe; the stepmother cut off the heel of one of her daughters and the count believed that the shoe was her; took her to his castle; the dog runs beside her and barks: the owner took his wife without a heel; the count checked and took the girl back; the same with the second daughter (the mother cut off her toes on her leg); the father admits that he has another daughter, but she is good for nothing; Z. came out in a luxurious dress, the count took her to his wife, her stepmother and daughters hanged themselves]: 24-25; Flemish [the woman has a daughter Bet, Griet, Jenne; the youngest is tyranted, called little muddy; when J. goes to herd sheep, the weather is always good, and when B. is bad; J. with bread with an old man, he gives a lamb, if you knock on it, food appears; next time he shows white poplar, which gives outfits, a carriage and four horses; sisters and mother go to the king's ball, J. is ordered to polish rusty iron; angels do this, and J. arrives in a luxurious outfit; in next time J. must disassemble the grain; the angels do it again; at the ball, the king takes one shoe from J.; comes to pick up the bride; the mother says she has only two daughters; B. cuts off his heel so that squeeze his foot into the shoe, climbs into the carriage, but the bird on the poplar shouts that it's not J.; the king threw B. into the ditch; the same with G.; the mother is forced to show J.; she knocks on the poplar, the carriage and outfits appear; wedding]: Cox 1893, No. 123:414-415; the French [coal miner cannot baptize his 26th child, meets the king, who becomes Charles's godson, gives half of the castle; at the age of 18, his father sends him to Paris and half a lock in her pocket; the old woman tells me not to drink water on the way; the traveler offered to drink, stole half of the castle, showed it to the king, who mistook him for his godson; S. was hired as a shepherd; the imaginary godson told the king that a shepherd could go to the sun and ask why it was red; the old man gave S. a wooden horse; at home the mother of the Sun hides S.; the sun says that Princess Toroncolen is in the nearby castle, so he must shine brighter so that it does not overshadow him; the godson tells the king that the shepherd undertakes to bring T.; the old man teaches to feed ants, lions, hawks, they promise to help; the hawkish king teaches how to approach the princess; she tells 1) separate the seeds of clover, flax, hemp, turnips, cabbage (ants do); 2) cut down oaks before sunset (lions uprooted); 3) raze mountains (hawks razed); T. tells you to throw the devil into the oven, a young mother must hold a wedding ring in front of the stove so that the devil does not jump out; the devil (i.e. the imaginary godson) burns down; S. married T.]: Lopyreva 1959, No. 65:302-313; Bretons [the king replies to the coal miner that he will be his godfather; gives half of the castle; son Charles grows up and goes to his godfather; the old woman tells him not to drink water on the way; traveler persuades him to take a sip, snatches out half of the castle given by the king, jumps to the king, mistaken for his godson; S. is hired into the palace as a shepherd, the deceiver recognizes him, tries to destroy him; says that the shepherd promised to find out why the Sun is red in the morning; the old man gives S. a wooden horse to get to the Sun Castle; the mother of the Sun tells him not to eat the boy; the Sun says he tries to shine brighter because in a nearby castle, Princess Tronkolen dazzles with her beauty; the imaginary godson offers to send S. for T.; the old man orders to take food to the king of ants, the king of lions, the king of hawks; they promise to help; T. takes it, tells 1) to divide the seeds of clover, flax, hemp, turnips and cabbage (ants perform), 2) cut down an alley of oaks (lions perform), 3) level the mountain (hawks perform); T. arrives at the king, says he will marry a real godson, and the false one is the devil; he was burned in the stove]: Lopyreva 1959, No. 65:302-312; Welsh [Kilhuh marries Alwen, daughter of giant Yaspadadden Penkawr); he sets numerous conditions; "When I first met this girl's mother, nine bushels of flaxseed were planted there, and not a single seed sprouted. Neither white nor black. But I'm not losing hope. You also plant flax, and when it grows, let them weave a white plate for your bride out of it for your wedding day"; Gwitir, Greydaul's son, once heard crying, saved an ant heap from the fire; "in gratitude The ants gave him nine bushels of flaxseed, which the AP demanded from K."; after giving his daughter, AP should have lost his life; K. cut off his head]: Mabinogion 2000:105-130.

Western Asia. Yemen [the Sultan's daughters invited all the women in the village to the wedding; the stepmother tells her stepdaughter named Liszt Henna (LH) to sort out three mixed types of grain, leaves with her daughter Ekram; the old woman gives LH clothes and jewelry, leads her to the palace; dances with other women; Ali, the son of the Sultan, accidentally enters; before the women covered their faces, he saw LH; she ran away, dropping her shoe; grain disassembled; Ali tells everyone to try the shoe; it is only suitable for LH, she also has a second one; the stepmother sends E., but she goes to the palace kitchen, knocks over the stone pot, the corolla remains with her neck; at this time, LH is brought to the Sultan's son; the stepmother sends a witch, she comes disguised as a maid, stabs 7 thorns into the back of LH's head, she flies away with a dove; the Sultan's wife says that LH is gone; the servant sees the dove, she cries, it starts to rain; Ali finds her, takes out the thorns, LH becomes a woman; the sultan drives his jealous wife away, handed over the throne to Ali]: Han, al-Hegri 2004:92-97; Socotra [fisherman's wife died, the neighbor is demonstratively kind to his daughter, she convinces her father to marry this woman; the stepmother has two daughters of her own, after the wedding she tyrants her stepdaughter; together with her daughters she goes to the Sultan for a party, telling her stepdaughter to separate rice and millet, which she had specially mixed, catch some fish and sweep it in the house; stepdaughter caught a fish and she began to cry and say that she had children; stepdaughter let go of the fish, began to sort the grain; three sparrows flew in, gave her festive clothes, promised to do all the work, told her to return before the end of the holiday; at the festival everyone is fascinated by the girl; when she leaves, the Sultan's son runs after her, picks up the lost sandal; the sultan tells all the girls to try on the sandal; the stepmother locked her stepdaughter in the closet, but three sparrows scream about it; the girl is found the sandal fits her, she wears the festive clothes that the sparrows told her to hide, becomes the wife of the Sultan's son]: Naumkin et al. 2014, No. 20:8 (with additions in detailed English).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo) [(same text in Krapivina 2001:15-33); the maid's son told his mother that he had dreamed of ascending to the royal throne; the mother spilled; the king expelled the young man, allowing him to return, when he erases his iron shoes; on the seashore, a young man sees a white snake fighting a black snake; a black snake wins, but a young man killed her by throwing an iron shoe at her; at the same moment he rushed at the serpent kite; the young man hid the white kite and took the black kite; said this to the 7 black horsemen who came out of the sea, they disappeared; then 7 white horsemen came out, said that the white snake was the son of the naga king; the young man was brought to the world of the nagas; he leaves excess food at the hole; from there comes a woman with her mouth sealed; the young man tears off the bandage; the woman is grateful for giving her food; tells the king to ask the naga king for a redhead as a reward a knot puppy, a white bamboo cane and a multicolored curtain; on the seashore, a young man makes a tent out of a curtain and a stick, ties the puppy; when he returns, he sees a giant tent, the inside is full of different products ; someone cooks; the young man saw: a beautiful woman comes out of the dog's skin; he throws his skin into the fire, takes the girl as his wife; she gives grains, tells them to be scattered over the mountains, the grain turns into cattle; contrary to advice wives, the young man calls the king to visit; the wife smears soot, but the streams of sweat washed away the soot, the king saw her face, demanded her as his wife; then decided that the woman would go to the winner of the competition; 1) pour down the mountain yogurt, which first flows down to the foot; the king orders to collect yogurt from all over the country, but the young man's wife tells her father to ask for help; he gives a bag of yogurt, its stream immediately reaches the foot; 2) who is faster he will collect scattered mustard seeds; all his people help the king; the young man receives a box from the sea; opens it ahead of time, the pigeons will get rid of it, is left alone with the damaged wing; but he also manages to collect seeds earlier than all royal people; the wife tells her father to ask her father for a box of war; asks the king if he wants "in a way"; he says what he wants; warriors come out of the box, kill the king, the young man reigns]: Kajihama 2004, No. 16:58-65; Tibetans (Amdo) [a woman cares for her two eldest daughters, keeps the youngest hungry; she herds a white cow, a cow gives her food, a girl is prettier; mother and sisters learn about it , are going to slaughter a cow; she tells the girl not to eat her meat, bones and a share of meat in a cave by the river, return three days later; three days later, a revived cow in the cave; the prince invites you to the holiday of all girls; the mother tells the youngest to separate the barley from the ash, goes to the party with the elders; the white cow tells the birds to do the job, gives the girl a beautiful outfit, brings her to the party; prince on she marries, her mother is forced to agree to the marriage]: Tshe dbang rdo rje et al. 2007:214-215; Mustang [demoness and daughter live in the upper reaches of the valley, woman and daughter live in the lower reaches; the woman went to look the missing cow, the demoness invited her into the house, killed her; the daughter went, the demoness made her a maid; ordered her to herd the cow, the dead mother turned into it, gives her daughter sweets; the demoness hears how at night the girl chews something, goes with the cow herself, she stains her clothes with manure, the demoness decides to slaughter her; the cow tells the girl to hide her head, hooves and skin outside the door; the demoness and daughter go to the party, telling the girl to separate peas, beans, barley and wheat; the revived mother does the work, the remains of the cow turned into luxurious attire, the girl came to the party, and lost her slipper on the way back; the servant brought it to the king; he tells all women between 16 and 40 to try it on; the demoness and daughter go to the screenings, the mother remains to pick up the grain, sends her daughter to the palace, tells her to come last; she becomes the king's wife; when the demoness and daughter return home, everything is contaminated with chicken manure; the demoness sends her daughter to hire a poultry house, tells the queen to stick a pin in the back of her head, she will be speechless change clothes with her, take her place, and the Queen will be a poultry house; but her mother had given her daughter three cowries before that; she was sent to herd cows; she took a cowrie, a young man appeared to herd the cows, and three girls who began to spin the girl's yarn; pulled out the pin, the queen was speechless, told the king everything, he ordered the liar to be cut off, her body was burned, her head was hidden under sweets and meat; the queen, disguised as the daughter of a demoness, brought her a gift; she found her daughter's head, rushed in pursuit; she threw a piece of coal (darkness), a head brush (thorny forest), a mirror (ice field); on ice the demoness slipped, fell on a rock, crashed to death; all is well]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 39:218-223; Tibetans (NW Yunnan) [spouses are slaves in a wealthy household; their daughter Yongxi looks like on the mistress's daughter, so she wants to kill her; J.'s father died, the mother did not notice how the cow knocked over a bucket of milk, the hostess beat the woman to death; when she died, she promised J. to become a cow and take care of her; soon a calf was born, became a cow, J. takes care of it; the hostess tells Y. to spice, grazing sheep; the cow teaches you to throw wool on rose hips (which cleans the wool), on pine (turns it into yarn); the hostess orders to turn the yarn into fabric (throw it on the willow); the hostess forced J. to tell me everything, sent her daughter Bazhen to throw wool on the bush, the wind carried away shreds of wool; the hostess beats Y., does not feed; the cow tells her milk, butter and cottage cheese appear; the hostess sends B. to the cow, she lies her; the hostess decides to slaughter the cow, she tells Y. to hide her skin in a rock crack, horns on the mountain, bury her hooves, hang her intestines through the trees; the prince is looking for a bride, the hostess takes B. to the screenings, leaving J. to pick up scattered turnip seeds; sparrows collect, skin, etc., turn into a luxurious dress, hooves into boots; prince sees J., shoots up so that the arrow falls to her knees as a sign of choice; the hostess grabs the arrow, gives B.; then the king tells every girl to try on a magic boot; he fits only J., she becomes a prince's wife]: Miller 1994:122-129; Bhutan [a young man herds sheep and looks at lake ripples; he is considered lazy; he sees a black rat fighting and defeating a white rat; took a white rat on hands, got drunk; a woman came out of the lake: the lord of the underworld wants to thank her son for saving her son; ask only for a dog at the door; do not stay longer than three days, otherwise you will forget the earth; underground lord ( half dragon) reluctantly gave the dog; on the ground, the young man went to herd his sheep; when he returned, everything was tidy, the food was ready; next time he saw: the dog shed its skin, became beautiful; he threw skin into the fire; the king saw a beautiful woman, began to give the young man impossible tasks to take away his wife; she each time tells him to go to the lake and asks her father to give her a box with what he needed; cut down the forest on the mountain ( a box with swords, swords cut themselves); create a buckwheat field on this site (a box with hoes, the young man sowed buckwheat himself); collect the sown grain (a box with birds, they collected everything); the king announced to the young man war (a box of warriors, they killed the king, defeated his army); the young man is happy with his wife]: Choden 1994:45-50; the Meitei [Chandrakangan found the golden lotus and his grandfather gave it to the king; the king demanded another one for the Queen; C. went in search, reached the lower world, and returned from there with Indra's three daughters and many lotuses; then King tells C. to collect the rice poured into the pond and mustard seeds trampled in mud; his wives Nganu Leima (duck leader) and Khunu Leima (pigeon leader) told their subjects to complete the task; the king orders to bury C. and breed it There is a hot fire in the place, and if he survives, he will receive half the kingdom; Sabi's third wife (a sharp-toothed animal) dug an underground passage through which C. left, and when he returned, told the king that he could see his own ancestors, if he goes through the same procedure; the king burned down]: Singh 1993:10-11; Meitei [when the widow's son reached the age of 14, she began to earn a living fishing; once he fished instead of fishing a wonderful flower that turns old people into young people; the widow gave it to his brother and that to the king; the king told the young man to get a second flower for the queen; the young man went in search; on the way he married the king's daughter rats; on Princess Nganuleima; on the daughter of the king of pigeons; he showed where such flowers grow; the young man returned with a flower and three wives; the royal barber advises the king to tell the young man to collect the scattered among small stones, mustard seeds (pigeons collected); the same with two other tasks (not named); go to the land of death and find out about royal ancestors there; the young man says he visited the land of death and they are waiting for the king's barber; the young man became royal minister]: Oinam et al. s.a.; zeme [the text is called "The Birth of Spirits"; there was no land, a tarot leaf was floating on the water; Bangklawong fell from the sky, said that if his foot did not touch the water, he would be king; one leg was on a leaf and the other fell into the water; he realized that it would be a long time before he became king; began to ask everyone who can make land, but only King Worm (CC) replied that he could do it, but on the condition that every day a thousand people die to be eaten by him; B.: but then there will be no people left; CC: but every day a thousand will be born; went down to the bottom, began to do worm casts (what the worm leaves on the sand or soil, like a cast of a worm) until land appeared; crow (mr., crow, but perhaps crow) leveled it, but when he began to level the hills, he was tired, so there are rocky hills, and there are plains; in a dream, Tingwong came to B. and told B. to cut off two fingers, one would make a wife , from another sister; sister did everything so quickly that she came back with water before B. could retire with his wife; then B. scattered katsing seeds in the grass and told his sister to collect everything, otherwise she would cut down with her machete (dao); she completed the task and entered when B. copulated with his wife; it was her sight So excited that she was about to lay an egg; B. told her to go to the upper reaches of Barak to Tallaurok, taking a machete, a banana and a gibbon with her to lay her eggs there; she laid eight eggs at the waterfall, left a machete, planted a banana and told the gibbon to guard; Katsingpeo was the first to hatch, but got scared and climbed back; the second was Tsiuperai; then K. came out again, they began to argue who was first and in charge; 5 more eggs hatch , one thing remained intact; T. found a banana and a machete, cut down a banana with them, served a banana to everyone, but Gibbon quietly took them for himself; T. hit Gibbon with a machete, bleed his and his brothers eyes, now they found eyesight; the brothers thought that the last egg was spoiled, threw it into the river; decided to consider the main one who would throw the stone across the river; all the stones fell into the water, but T. accidentally threw the bumblebee and it flew to on the other side; then they began to throw grass stalks; T. threw the snake and it crawled far; the brothers flew to their mother in the form of crows; when she saw that there were only 7 of them, she decided that they were not her children; but T. called her mother, talked about the eighth egg; his mother explained that whoever hatched from it would be wiser and stronger than the others; it was born a boa constrictor; to determine who was in charge of the seven, the mother she sprayed milk from her breasts; the jet went to K., but rolled up and fell into T.'s mouth, and from him back to K, and then to the others]: http://www.nagajournal.com/category/arts-literature/folktalesstories/ Nagajournal Oct 27, 2013.

Burma - Indochina. Tyama [orphan Kayong is an adopted daughter, HalK is native; whoever catches more fish will be the eldest; K. catches more, H. steals its fish; K. catches fish, lets it into the well, feeds it, calls it brother; H. overheard, summoned with the same words, caught, ate; the fish in a dream tells K. to bury its fins, from which golden shoes appear; the raven takes one king; the king orders to gather all the girls, look for an owner; stepmother does not let K. in, tells her to untangle the ball, separate sesame seeds and corn seeds (ants and other insects do the job); the shoe fits K., she has a steam room, the king is on her marries; stepmother asks to let K. go to her for a couple of days; H. tells K. to climb the coconut palm, cuts it, K. falls into the pond, becomes a golden turtle; stepmother sends H. instead of K.; prince catches turtle, H. eats it; now and then says that she is pregnant (this is a lie), so she ate it; a bamboo shoot grows out of the shell (X. eats it), the husk turns into a bird (X. eats it), from feathers a tree grows with fragrant fruit; the fruit is given only to an old Vietnamese woman; while she is away, K. comes out of the fruit, fills the poor hut with food; the old woman catches K., she tells the king to be called, the king finds out wife; H. asks why K. is so white; K. says she swam in boiling water; H. cooked; K. withered her meat, sent it to her mother, she ate it, found her hand with her daughter's ring at the bottom of the vessel]: Landes 1887, No. 10:79-93 (mostly similar text in Nikulin 1990:177-189); the Khmer [the widower has a daughter Kantok, the widow has a daughter, Chong-Angkaat; the widower and widow are married; the father says the oldest will be the one which would bring more fish; K. caught more, but CHA pretended to help her carry the basket, brought it to her father and he believed that he had caught more CHA; K. cries; the wizard gave her a fish, told her let it into the pond and feed it rice; the fish is growing; my father and stepmother are trying to prevent K. from taking the rice; CHA overheard K. calling the fish, told her mother, she called her, the fish came, she was killed; the magician tells K. collect the bones under the bed; two items will appear there; one must be left, the other hidden under clothes; these are shoes; CHA found the shoes under the bed and threw it over the fence; the raven took it away, dropped it; the other the raven carried and threw it in front of the royal palace; the prince does not want to take the throne until he finds a worthy wife; tells all the girls to come and try on the shoe; the father does not let K. in; poured out a pot of rice and ordered collect; K. collected it; the father put a handful of rice into another vessel, but K. found it and poured it back; the father let her go; K. brought a second shoe, became the prince's wife and queen; the stepmother sent the news as if sick; K. came, took her to wash, doused her with boiling water, buried her; CHA took her place, but the king does not communicate with her; a banana grew on K.'s grave; his father cut it down; then bamboo grew; the king saw and felt attraction to bamboo, stayed there to sleep; at night K. comes out of the bamboo and quietly hits her husband with a stick; the third time he grabbed it and returned it; when he saw that K. was returning, CHA ran into the forest and disappeared]: Leclè re, Feer 1895, No. 2:70-90; monks [collect scattered grains]; viets; Vietnam's white thai [harvest sown grains].

South Asia. Pardhan [harvest sesame seeds already sown]; Nepali [separate rice from millet]: Sakya, Griffith 1980:70-79; santals [harvest mustard seeds]; ho [harvest seeds already sown ]; Sinhalese [collect scattered seeds]; Ancient India [collect sesame seeds already sown]; himachali plowmen [witch bewitched Bunsi Lall Raja to be a snake, live underground; stepmother sent the girl Sukkia to the forest for brushwood, the serpent asked S. to marry him; she said the stepmother, the stepmother ordered the room to be filled with silver, the snake did it, sent her stepdaughter a snake; at night he became man; stepmother found out; persuaded S. to ask her husband's name, who warned that there would be trouble, but S. insisted, he said disappeared; she looked for him, came to the well, where BL's servants take water; BL soon marries another girl; S. hands over his ring with his servants, BL recognizes him; BL's mother wants to lime S., tells him to spend the night in a room with snakes and scorpions (BL cleans the room), count the scattered seeds mustard, dividing them into two equal piles (BL tells the birds to do this), carry torches that are ready to burn it (BL comes to the rescue, BL and S. are returning to the world)]: Dracott 1906:15-19; Assames [The lame prince, along with his brothers (half-brothers), goes to get a tree on which jewelry hangs; gets the daughters of the King of Death, the King of Pigeons, the King of the Nagas, the King of the Serpents, the King of the Serpents, the King of the Serpents, the King of the Pigeons Fans, the Vulture King, and a tree; on the way back, his brothers kill him, take possession of princesses and a chest with a tree inside; only the lame prince himself can open the chest; daughter the king of Death revives him; the prince is made minister, his brothers are executed; the barber persuades the king to give the prince difficult assignments; 1) scatter lentil seeds (pulses) and mustard seeds and collect and divide them (pigeons fulfilled); 2) dig two reservoirs overnight and settle nagas in them (nagas performed); 3) establish a snake kingdom (snakes fulfilled); 4) get the magic ring of royal ancestors for the king ( fans were performed); from the wave of one fan, the prince died, went to the afterlife, got a ring, and from the wave of another he came to life; the barber saw it; the prince tells the king that his ancestors need a barber; he takes both fans and tells his wife to revive him second; but the wife is tired of waiting, hit the barber on the head and he dies]: Goswami 1960:110-111; the Bengalis [the rich man went broke and died, his two sons stayed orphans; they began to steal peas in the field; there was a gold-colored calf, went with his younger brother; the elder married and the wife disliked the young man; offered to look in his head, cut off his head; calf found the body and head, put it together, revived it with grass; the older brother's wife pretended to be sick, demanded the calf's blood; he asked the butcher to take blood, but not meat; blood and meat, but not bones; this did not help; then the calf and the young man ran away; when they reached Peri Island, the calf died, telling them what to do; first the peri flew in, but did not touch the carcass; then the Gorur bird flew in; the young man grabbed it and let go after she married her daughter; his wife created a house, they healed well; one day a royal horse ran there; his wife hit him on the forehead with her hand; when he saw the print of a beautiful palm, the king wanted to take the woman away; demanded that her husband 1) collect a hundred measures of mustard seeds scattered across the plowed field overnight (the birds were collected; the king of birds, i.e. Gorur, noticed that one seed was missing and found it in the eye of a blind bird); 2) bring the tigress's milk (the wife teaches me how to set fire to the forest, the tigress will run, leaving the cubs; they must be fed, the grateful tigress will give milk; the man brought milk to the king, and next to him tiger cub); 3) go to heaven to visit the king's parents; the wife quietly took her husband from the funeral fire and hid her in an underground room for six months; a year later, a man came to the king and said that the king's ancestors they are prospering, but they do not have a barber, so they ask them to send them (the king invented difficult tasks for the hero at the instigation of a barber); the barber was burned, the king gave a man and appointed a vizier]: Devi 1915:84-96 ; Malayali [Chandu has come to marry a girl named Omana; she gives a jar of mustard and sesame seeds and tells them to be separated by tomorrow; daughter-in-law {brother's wife?) C. puts a nest of ants in the jar; they ate sesame seeds, leaving mustard; now O. asks to fill the jug with dew; daughter-in-law asks the laundresses to spread their clothes before dawn and squeeze the dew into the vessel; O. tells bring 100 tender betel leaves without picking them off or cutting them off; daughter-in-law brought a parrot, which cut off the leaves with its beak; O. demands to bring the tigress's milk; daughter-in-law asks the hunters to deliver the live a tigress and put a cage in front of O.'s house: she can produce milk herself; O. agrees to marriage]: Menon 1995:20-23; Kannada: Ramanujan 1997, No. 3 [the mighty king asks four sons what they are they will do after his death; elder: I will continue my father's work on the throne; second: I will help my brother rule the state; third: I will lead the army; fourth: I will become king of kings, I will build my own the city and I will marry four heavenly maidens; the king expelled his youngest son; once in the forest, he came to the old woman's house; she is the daughter of a sage hermit who lost control of himself and raped a girl; after that, he was killed by a tiger, and his daughter was ugly; her mother died and she became a hermit in the forest; as a result, she became powerful; the young man began to herd her cows; she ordered not to take them to north; he went, hid by the pond; Indra's four heavenly daughters came down, took off their sari, began to swim; he stole one sari; the maiden ran after him, promised to be a wife, he looked around in amazement, she took the sari and turned the young man into stone; the old woman found him and revived him; told him to run to her house and not look back; he did so; the old woman turned him into a baby, and hid the sari inside his thigh, so that the seam was not visible; when the maiden came running, the old woman advised her to cover herself by giving a cotton sari; then promised to return the sari if the virgin agreed to marry the young man; the young man and his wife came to town; servants The king saw the maiden, told the king; he pretended to be sick, sent the young man to extract the venom of the serpent Karkotak; his wife sent him to the mountains to the snake hole and gave a letter to the snake; on the way he saved a worm from the web; threw the letter down the hole; four snakes carried it to the lower world to the king of snakes; the letter asked him to marry the applicant's daughter and comply with his request for poison; returning with his second wife and poison, the young man gave poison to the king's servants; when they opened the bottle, the tamarind next to him broke out and burned; the king ordered the poison to be buried deeper; sent the young man to bring crocodile bile; on the way, the young man let it into the water a young crocodile on land; the young man sent letters from his wife to the crocodiles; the king of the seas gave him a daughter, diamonds and bile; now the king asks him to go to heaven to Indra and find out how his deceased are doing parents and brothers; wives wrote numerous letters, the young man jumped into the fire, the god of fire took him to heaven, where Indra gave him a daughter, letters to the king and minister, and returned him to earth; on the way, the young man saved ants when the anthill was flooded with water; the young man gave letters; in them an invitation to heavenly paradise - you must also jump into the fire; the king and minister and his families burned down; the young man made a poor brahmana king; he built it himself with four wives new city; at this time his father lost his kingdom and became a firewood seller; came with his family to the young man's city; he sheltered them; gave his first wife's sari to his mother for storage; his wife asked her for it, put it on and all 4 the wives flew to heaven, and the city turned into a jungle again; the young man brought his brothers and mother to the city, where he made a brahmana king, and went to look for wives; his wives met him and was the first to say that he should be tested by Indra to recognize him as his son-in-law; his wives took him to heaven, turning him into a fish in a vessel of water, and left him; I. tells 1) to collect the scattered sesame in 3 hours (the young man called ants - they perform); 2) get a ring thrown there from the well (the frog took it out; when meeting the hero with the frog, the informant lowered; to do this, the frog threw the tadpole to be eaten by snakes at the bottom of the well, and I found the ring myself); 3) cut the banana tree into three parts with one blow (the crocodile cut it); 4) recognize the first wife among three identical girls (the worm, now a flying insect, sat down for her in a sari); I. arranged a wedding; on earth, a young man conquered kingdoms; his father admitted that he was right], 51 [many snakes are divorced; the prince, led by his warriors, kills them in hundreds; the seven-headed serpent king explains The reason: his head hurts so much that his subjects are out of his control; let the prince go south, where the princess, as light as 7 jasmine flowers, never laughs; if she laughs, they will fall off her lips three jasmine flowers and the smell of the average snake king will recover; on the way, the prince saved ants whose nest fell into the water; saved Rakshasa, whose mouth, while he was sleeping, grew a huge tamarind from a fallen seed; the princess's father demands to disassemble a hundred bags of grain mixed with rice and small legumes (ants perform); eat a lot (rakshas ate); ring a huge bell lying on the ground (rakshas) raised the bell, rang); the prince received the princess, led her to the acrobats, she laughed, he brought a flower to the king of snakes, he recovered, the snake attack was over]: 5-15, 139-142; Tamils [the king asks seven sons, what everyone would like to do on this cool night; one wants to invade neighbors at the head of the army, the other wants to irrigate, the third wants to hunt, etc.; the seventh wants to be near him There were four wives, daughters of Indra, Agni, Varuna and Adishesha; the father furiously orders the execution of his son, the mother warns him to flee; the torturers brought the king animal blood; the prince lives with the old woman and herds cattle; contrary to the ban, she goes north, climbs a fruit tree and sees Indra's daughter swimming in a pond; steals her clothes, runs, she asks him to look back, he turns into stone, Indra's daughter returns to heaven with four other maidens; the old woman revived the prince, told him not to look back next time, but to bring clothes to her; turned the prince into a three-year-old child, sewing clothes into his thigh; gave Indra's daughter had her clothes, she stayed with the old woman; she convinced her to marry the prince, turning him back into a young man; six months later she sends them to live alone, telling the prince not to give his wife her heavenly clothes; they come to the city, the vizier advises the king to select his wife, to pretend to be sick, send the prince for snake venom; the wife gives a note to his uncle, tells him to put him in any anthill; he sends it to the prince the necessary poison and another wife {Adishesha's daughter?} ; when the poison bag was slightly opened, he burned half of the forest; the vizier suggests sending the prince for whale fat; the wives wrote a note to their uncle Varuna, Mr. of the Seas, who sent a daughter and fat; the vizier: send the prince to convey messages to the dead; the wives write a letter to Agni, the prince throws it into the fire, jumps himself, returns to his wives, and then comes out of the fire unharmed, supposedly answering letters from the king and courtiers; in the dead ask them to visit them; the king and all the others threw themselves into the fire and burned down; the prince and four wives go to their father; in the middle of the journey, the wives create a magnificent city; the prince's father was deprived of power enemies, collects firewood with the whole family; they come to the city, their son and daughters-in-law greet them; one day, the prince went hunting, taking the clothes of Indra's daughter sewn in it from his thigh and handed them over mother; she showed her daughters-in-law and they flew to heaven, and the city and all her possessions disappeared; the prince went to an old woman who helped get Indra's daughter; on the way he saved ants, a frog, a cricket from the river, dying without water; the old woman sent him to sit by the path that those heavenly maidens walked every day after bathing; on the 40th day they agreed to take him to Indra in heaven; moved him to heaven a frog; Indra agrees to give him his daughter, but he must complete three tasks to get her sisters; 1) reassemble the sown sesame (ants collected); 2) get the ring out of the snake well (frogs they dive into the well, most are eaten by snakes, but one pulls out a ring); 3) cut down 7 fused plane trees with one blow (Agni's daughter does it herself); 4) I. gave all four maidens the same appearance, ordered identify his daughter (the cricket jumped on her leg); the prince with four wives returns to earth, regains the city and power]: Natesa Sastri 1886:80-119; Tamils [when 7 sons are older, father asks how they are going to help the family; starting with the elder; harvest and sell firewood like a father; grind rice like a mother; fish; herd goats; herd oxen; and make and sell cow cakes; younger: marry the 7 heavenly maidens of Cannimar and provide for them all, as well as you; his father drove him out furiously; he settled in the mountains with an old woman; 7 virgins came down from the sky to swim, he grabbed his robe alone and rushed to the house; 7 maidens tell the old woman to unlock; she turned the young man into a five-year-old child and sings him a lullaby; the maidens did not find a young man left without clothes; began to play a game with the young man panti; he lost the second game and fell asleep, she took her robe and returned to her sisters; old lady to a young man: before you go looking, make a fire in the hole and burn me; he did; reached the sky; tells the Raja in the golden throne room that he has come for the bride; Raja tells 4 in the morning 1) harness 7 pairs of oxen, plow the field 7 times, sow 12 bushels of sesame seeds, harvest and bring them to the bins; 2) fill to there is a deep well on the edges; 3) bring lots from the lake, where snakes are teeming, and tigers and lions around; the young man plowed the field and sowed sesame, and then asked Shiva and Parvati to tell the ants to complete the first task; after that, the Raja gave the throne to the young man for 7 days; on the eighth he filled the well, turning to the frogs; the third performed, asking for help, to the 4 turtles on which the world rests; the young man received a wife; Raja sent him to earth on a magic horse with gifts; the young man and wife fell asleep and woke up in a luxurious palace; that old woman (came to life and) grazed oxen, he called her to him; his parents and brothers too]: Blackburn 2005, No. 31.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Tidore Island; dusun [collect scattered rice]; murut [collect scattered rice]; ngaju [separate ash and sand]; tetum [separate grain and sand].

Taiwan - Philippines. Visayas [Magbolotó hides the wings of the youngest of three goddesses who came to swim in the stream; her name is Macaya; marries her without saying that he hid her wings; after giving birth to a son, she cooked rice, she noticed a parcel under the roof, put on her wings, flew away; her husband goes looking for her, the North Wind shows the way to the East, that to the South, that to the West, that to the Eagle, he brings his wife to her grandmother; she demands spread out the grain to dry and harvest (ants collect), peel rice (rats clean), cut down the entire forest on the mountain (wild boars uproot); M. and his wife return home]: Maxfield, Milington 1907:95-98; romblomanon; kelley and callaghan.

China - Korea. Namuzi [three brothers cultivate the land, the land is untouched again in the morning; they find an old man turning back layers of land; although kill him; the old man says there will be a flood, working it makes no sense; tells the older brother to make a boat out of metal, the middle one out of wood, the youngest of leather; the youngest takes his younger sister into his boat, the older brothers' boats have sunk; the water has descended, the rest of the people drowned ; brother and sister see two columns of smoke; sister picks up a flute, goes one way, brother picks up a knife, goes to the other; walks into the house, there are human bones; children explain that the parents have gone to catch the brother's corpses and sisters, the rest of the corpses are taken out; the brother runs away; comes to where the sister married; she tells me to eat little, the brother does not listen; he is killed; but only he knew how to light a fire, carry water, grind grain, herding goats (crows, frogs, dragons, peacocks know, but not everyone can); therefore, the brother has to be revived; seven daughters of Father Heaven come to swim, take off their wings, the young man hides the youngest's wings; says that they were gnawed by mice; the maiden promises to marry the one who would return her wings; she found her wings, returned to heaven; he climbed after her; father-in-law and mother-in-law began to scald his hair, for people's bodies used to be covered with wool; the wife intervened, the hair remained only on the head; the father-in-law demands 1) to dig up nine fields (the wife tells each field to leave a hoe, they work themselves); 2) burn the felled vegetation (leave nine torches); 3) dig up the seeds again (same); 4) sow buckwheat (leave the seed vessels at the edge of the field); 5) harvest the seeds again (leave the bags at fields); but three seeds are not enough; they were taken away by a gorlinka, his wife tells her to shoot in the morning, the hero takes seeds from the goiter, brings them to his father-in-law; 6) recognize the mother-in-law in the form of an animal, bring her (the wife tells grab the first sheep); 7) get to know the father-in-law (it will be yak); the young man gets a wife, cattle, they are sent to the ground; the mother-in-law tells not to sing, the young man sang, the cattle ran away, some of the wife managed to cover with her skirt, these the animals became domestic, the rest became wild; the couple can't do anything, they are poor, they sent the Crow with nine bowls of tears to heaven to his wife's parents; the raven felt thirsty on the way, drank tears, told his father-in-law and mother-in-law that their daughter and son-in-law were rich and prosperous, that they were drowning the hearth with pork, wiping themselves with grain; his father-in-law was angry, sent tigers and boars to the ground, who ravaged the few fields that They were young; the Bat volunteered to bring 9 tears to heavenly parents; but the heavenly father-in-law and mother-in-law did not answer what to do to live normally on earth; the Bat said it would go to bed outside, and she hid behind the bed herself; I heard my mother-in-law say: Don't they know that three stones should be placed on the hearth, then children will be born; put the roof of the house on poles; take them to the fields irrigation ditches; when mother-in-law finished, father-in-law noticed the Bat, threw a pestle at her, and since then her nose has been flattened; the Bat brought these three news to earth, people have begun to live normally]: Lakhi 2009 (1): 67-152; fox [count millet]; chuan miao [harvest back the sown grain]; Chinese (Qinghai) [older brother bothers the younger wife, she rejects him; he tries to lime the youngest, gives difficult assignments, his wife helps to do everything; 1) collect the grain that has already been sown (sparrows are harvesting); 2) dig a deep hole on the mountain without using tools (badgers are digging); 3) boil water in it (the poker boils); 4) jump into boiling water; the wife gives a pin, the husband finds out that his wife is the daughter of a dragon; returns after 2 weeks with gifts, his brother is already preparing a wedding with his wife; his wife tells her husband to dive into boiling water to get gifts too; he is cooked]: Frick 1954, No. 13:522-523; Chinese: Eberhard 1937, No. 32 (many records in Guangdong, there are to Shandong) [stepmother tortures stepdaughter with work; the cow helps her; the stepmother tells the stepdaughter to keep the bones; the stepmother and daughter go to the party, telling the stepdaughter to separate the beans from wheat (Raven helps); cow bones make festive clothes for stepdaughter; she goes to the party, gets married], 46 (Guangdong, Jiangsu) [the demon's daughter helps to complete difficult tasks, incl. Re-harvest scattered hemp seeds]: 52-54, 80-81; 1965, No. 66 (Guangdong) [the eldest of the three sisters is Beautiful, and the youngest Ryabaya, she is the daughter of her second wife; K.'s mother died and became a yellow cow; stepmother took R . to the theater, and K. ordered the hemp to be disassembled; the cow chewed the hemp and spit it out disassembled; then the stepmother ordered the sesame seeds and beans to be separated; the cow ordered to wave the fan; the stepmother killed and ate the cow, K. collected the bones in a jug, brought them to her room; K. broke the jug, and a horse, dress and shoes appeared out of it; one fell off her foot while she was riding a horse; a fish salesman, a clerk from a shop ready to raise if K. agreed to marry them; K. refused; when the teacher offered, agreed; wedding; K. went to visit her stepmother; R. pushed her into the well; stepmother told K.'s husband that she fell ill with smallpox; he sent her delicacies, R. ate them; came to her husband K., said that she had lost weight because of illness; K. turned into a sparrow, her husband put him in a golden cage; R. killed him, threw him into the garden; Bamboo shoots made their way through this place; R. ate them, she has a pip on her tongue, and her husband found them delicious; R. cut down the bamboo to make a bed, she pricks, R. threw it away, the old woman picked it up; someone in her room cooks and cleans; the old woman found the girl, she told everything; returned to her husband; R. offers challenges - which one is the real K.; 1) walk over the balls without crushing; 2) climb the stairs with knives; R. crushed eggs, cut her legs; 3) jump into the boiling pot; K. was unharmed, R. cooked; K. sent her mother her bones; she opened the box and died]: 156-161; Koreans [the cinnamon tree grew to moons; the inhabitants of the moon decided to drag it towards them; they raised it in three years and three months; the hole left on the ground is a lake in the Paikdu Mountains; now the tree has become obscured by the moonlight, the night is very dark; God sent a storm, she tore out a tree on the moon, killing all its inhabitants; moonspots are the footprint where it grew; when the tree was back on earth, God sent an angel girl to protect it from the Stars; she gave birth to the spirit of the tree boy; God told him to protect the tree himself now, his mother brought him back to heaven; rain flooded the earth with a flood; the Father tree told his son to climb on it, then swim on it; while swimming, the young man saved ants and mosquitoes; but the Tree refuses three times to save the boy who is drowning; it is difficult to agree to the son's request; after the flood, both young men come to the hut, where the old woman and her daughter are there; when she dies, she must choose her husband; saved lies that the son of the Tree can quickly clean and collect millet scattered in the sand (ants perform); the old woman says she will give her daughter to the person who guessed what room she is in; the mosquito whispers to the son of the Tree that she is in Eastern; the son of a tree marries, people descend from them]: Cho 2001, No. 79:122-126 (everything but the beginning, from the episode of conception from a tree also in Ząng 1952, No. 8:16-18).

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [the king and queen have three daughters; the youngest is Psyche, Venus is jealous of her; tells Cupid to fall in love with the unworthy and be unhappy with him; K. himself fell in love with P.; the oracle tells her parents leave her at the top of the mountain; from there K. takes her to a beautiful palace; K. spends nights with her, she does not see him; sisters come, advise you to light a lamp at night; oil dripped on K.'s shoulder, he disappeared; P. went to look for a lover; when he came to the sisters, he took revenge on them; each one says that when he flew away, K. expressed a desire to be married to sister P., let Zephyr bring her; both sisters jump off the cliff, hoping that they will fly to K., but break; P. came to V.; she beats her, mixes 7 types of grain and tells her to divide (the ants divided it); get a piece of golden-fleece sheep wool (the reed tells her not to approach the sheep, they ferocious, but collect shreds of wool from the bushes); bring the waters of Styx (Jupiter's eagle brings); V. gives a bottle, tells you to go to Proserpine, let her put a piece of his beauty in it, bring her, V.; stone the tower shows the way to Hades, teaches you to take a copper to pay Charon, not to talk to the lame donkey driver, not to pay attention to the dead old man who will ask him to take him on the boat; give a cake to Cerberus to let him go to Proserpine; on the way back the same (a second cake to Cerberus and a second copper to Charon); when he went to the ground, P., contrary to Proserpine's warning, opened a jar of beauty and fell asleep; K. woke her up and sent her to V.; Jupiter persuaded V. to allow P. and K. to marry, gave P. a drink of immortality]: Apuleius 1959, Book 4-6:167-202 (Apul. Met. IV28-VI24); Moldovans [the widower took a widower, both with a daughter; the father bought nuts for both, and the woman gave his stepdaughter only one; the girl planted him, a tree grew; everyone goes to the party, the stepdaughter complains walnut, he tells him to get beautiful clothes out of his trunk, the stepdaughter herself has also become beautiful, she gave everyone a flower except her stepmother and her daughter; next time the stepmother tells me to separate the poppy from the sand (pigeons performed), the walnut gives clothes again; the third time the stepmother mixed two bags of poppy seeds with two bags of millet (the sparrows were divided); the Queen took the girl by the hand, the ring remained in his hand; everyone was told to try on ; the rooster screams that the girl was hidden in a well of ash; the stepmother and daughter recognized their stepdaughter as the beauty who came to the festivities; the stepmother dressed in rags, hired a job, pushed the prince's wife into the river, she turned into a fish, then flew out as a bird, sings over a hungry child; the prince asks her imaginary wife why she is fool; she replies that she is waiting for him; tells him to shoot the bird; but when she sat on walnut, turned into a woman again; the imaginary wife was tied to the tail of a horse, her mother was expelled]: Botezata 1981:284-292; Romanians [the old man advises the childless emperor to send a fisherman to catch a fish; if the Empress eats her, then gives birth to her; the fish does not bite, the fisherman asks God or the devil to help catch it; the water monster gives fish for promising to give what she does not know at home; the fisherman brings fish, the Empress gives birth; the fisherman's wife was also pregnant, giving birth to Peter; he grows up, goes to the monster; a monster in the form of a man meets him on the way, tells him to go to him on horseback; the horse advises him to run, and P. picks him up along the way a golden pen, hired by the emperor by a clerk, writes the pen himself for him; other servants report this to the emperor, persuade him to send P. to get 1) the bird whose feather it was; along the way, P. feeds people who ate each other, they promise to help; the same thing feeds fish in the sea; the horse advises P. to lure the bird with food and wine, P. brings it to the emperor; 2) marry Emperor Slava Mir; P. brings it, she promises marry the emperor if they also bring her glass palace; those people bring the palace, the fish get the lost keys from the bottom of the sea; Glory Mira asks for the Water of Life, the Water of Beauty, the Water of Death; their mistress tells P. split wheat, barley, oats in an hour; the birds that P. used to feed are separated; Glory Mira gives the emperor to drink the Water of Death instead of the Water of Beauty, he dies, P. gets a wife and a throne]: Browne 1915: 320-329; Hungarians [the king gathered the nobility, went hunting, got lost; God did not answer him; the devil immediately volunteered to take him to the road if the king gave what he did not know at home; this is a newborn daughter; 10 years later, the king tried to replace the princess of the daughters of the pig; she said goodbye to the pigs, damn the deception, killed the girl; the same with the shepherd's daughter; had to give mine; the devil tells her to cleanse her in 2 hours grain from ash; the son of the devil tells the devils to do the work; the same the next day; on the third, to build a church with a tower to heaven and God himself as a priest; this is impossible, they are fleeing; the son's mother is a devil catches up; the young man turned Mary into a field of wheat, and he drives away the birds; pretends not to understand the devil's question, talks about sparrows; his father, the church and the priest, is chasing; for the third time they catch up with the devil and the devil together; the lake and the duck; both rushed into the water and drowned, so now there are no devils; the king became devout and after death handed over power to his daughter and her husband]: Jones, Kropf 1989, No. 37:188-195; Greeks (Fr. Syros, Cyclades) [the hunter sees a bird with a jewel on its head; it says that if he shoots it, it will be his happiness, and if he misses, misfortune; the bird turned its head, the bullet flew by; the hunter soon died out of grief; his son grew up, his mother assigned him to a shoemaker, but he demanded that his father be told what his father was doing; his mother had to give him his father's gun; it happened again, but the young man shot a bird; when he was carrying the stone home, the vizier asked to sell it, the young man refused; he had to sell it to the king, who paid 30,000 piastres; but soon demanded that the young man build an ivory tower - if he could shoot this bird, he could do it too; the mother explained that the vizier set it all up; advised him to ask for 40,000 piastres to build the tower and let the vizier give them; this money is needed buy wine and bread, fill the lowland, the surrounding peasants will gather and get drunk, they must be killed, a tower built out of their bones (elephants are out of the question - human bones}; the king feels sorry that many people have died, but he rewarded the young man; now the vizier advises the king to order the young man to marry him the Beauty of Peace; mother: let the king give a ship with 40 girls, including the only daughter of the vizier; having sailed to that country, the young man told the girls to wait for him for 40 days, went alone; meets a Moor giant, an ant man, a water bread, a speedboat, whose every step is equal to what a person walks in five hours; everyone says that he is not brave, but the son of a hunter yes; the young man replies that he is the son of a hunter; everyone gives his hair to call him; the young man comes in the Beauty of the World, she advises him to leave while he is safe; gives tasks: 1) eat a monstrous amount of meat and bread by morning (the young man calls the giant, he ate everything); 2) survive in a hot oven (water bread cools it); 3) divide the grain into varieties (ants separate); 4) bring a quarter of an hour from afar an apple (the speedboat brings); now Beauty of Peace agrees to become the young man's wife; they return by ship and Beauty of Peace promises to arrange everything; quietly killed the king and vizier, son hunter recognized as king]: Hahn 1864 (2): 3-15; Bulgarians [young man (prince, orphan) marries an animal (turtle, toad, monkey, fox {which becomes beautiful}) or a beauty from a distant country; the envious king gives difficult tasks to take away the hero's wife; 1) get food to feed an entire army or unusual food; grapes in the middle of winter; a melon that will grow in a day, a hare will jump out of it; 2) make or obtain an unusual carpet, handkerchief, etc.; 3) take a letter to or bring a letter to the late king; 4) deliver a supernatural being (iron man, bearded dwarf), a creature kills the king; 5) bring a newborn who speaks Turkish and smokes a pipe, etc.; 6) other tasks are to build a palace, dry lakes, split seeds, win cards); hero with the help of his wife performs everything]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 465:165-166; Albanians: Dozon 1991, No. 12 [the king spent the night with a wealthy Wallachian shepherd; that night the mistress gave birth; the king ordered the boy to learn tongues, and gave a cross; when the young man is 15, let him come to him and show him the cross; the young man grew up, went to the king, went down to the spring; the servant, threatening to throw a stone at him, made him change clothing and status; swear that the young man would not expose him; he promised that he would be released from his oath only by dying and resurrecting; the king kindly accepted the deceiver, and the young man was among the servants; the deceiver pretended to be sick, asked his servant (i.e. young man) to be sent for cabbage, which Luby would guard; an elder appeared to the young man in a dream; ordered him to take 14 measures of honey, 14 milk and come at noon when Luby was not at home; The young man met that old man; he teaches: clean the walls of the tone in Luby's house, hide, leave honey and milk; Luby will eat and ask the one who brought such a dish to appear; ask for cabbage; eat three a nomad, and he, an old man, will give a head of cabbage for the deceiver on the way back; that's what happened; the deceiver pretended to be sick again: we must get the Beauty of the Earth; the old man tells us to ask the king to give him a thousand lambs each, rams, a hundred measures of wheat and honey and 10 brooms; you must throw lambs to eagles, wheat to ants, honey to bees, rams to lions, clean the walls and door to the chambers of the Beauty of the Earth with brooms; animals will ask what reward I would like a young man; ask lions, bees, ants and fur fishing, feather, etc.; if you burn hair, etc., the animals will come to the rescue; the Beauty of the Earth asks the guards why they did not stop the young man; guards: you did not feed us like this, you did not clean us; she tells the young man to separate the mixture of wheat, barley, rye and land overnight (ants separated us); bring living water from behind the crushing mountains (eagles: mountains at noon for half an hour) they stop; they brought a young man, he took water and they brought him back); identify her among 12 girls (a bee sat on her); the deceiver asks the king to kill the young man, he did it himself; the Beauty of the Earth sent the servant to bring the murdered man, revived him with living water; the young man was able to tell the king everything; the deceiver was torn into four trees; the young man went to visit his parents, leaving the king's wife the robe he had bought for Beauty Earth; ordered not to give it to her until he returned; there were dances and the Beauty of the Earth refused to participate without this garment; the king's youngest daughter secretly handed it to her; she told the young man that he would find it, wearing out three pairs of iron shoes; wearing out his shoes, he stopped at a tavern, where food is free: you just have to tell us what he saw along the way; one person told how he dropped a bottle of water and went down into the ravine and saw 12 girls bathing; the young man went to the ravine, grabbed his wife's clothes and threw it into the fire; the beauty stayed with the boy forever]: 83-96; Elsie 2001 [peers tell the young man that his brother is Pasha in Baghdad; the mother admits that this is so, fears for her son; he goes, meets the barefoot man, comes back; goes again, meets him again, he becomes a companion; the young man is thirsty, barefoot lowers him into the well; pulls him out for promising to recognize him as Pasha's brother and to become barefoot; Pasha accepted them; the imaginary brother wants to get rid of the present; persuades Pasha to offer him difficult assignments; 1) kill Kukshedra (dragon; young man kills); 2) get the daughter of the Persian Shah; the young man goes on a journey, meets, companions a runner who drinks the river (catches up with hares); kills a snake that tried to eat eagle chicks , she gives her pen; he does not step on the anthill, the queen of ants gives a wing; the shah demands 1) eat 300 plates of food (eats); 2) overtake the riders (the runner overtakes); 3) divide the wheat, barley and millet (ants separate); get living water from a cave on a mountain at the edge of the world (the eagle brings it); Pasha's imaginary brother kills the present with the sword; the Shah's daughter sprinkles living water on it, he comes to life; reveals his secret to Pasha, because the dead and alive does not have to follow the oath to remain silent; the deceiver was burned in the stove]; Serkova 1989 [going out in a storm with a lantern for the midwife, the husband saved the king, who could crash against the rocks; the captain baptizes the boy, tells him to come to Istanbul when he grows up, but not to take a beardless man as a companion; he imposes himself as a companion, invites the young man to go down to a well, takes an oath from him to change his status and clothes; the king (obviously the former captain) considers the beardless godson, the young man a servant; the old woman teaches him to kill the monster guarding the water, an elephant with diamond-skin, get the Beauty of the Earth, follow the road that says "you'll go, you won't come back", don't go where you "come back"; give meat to eagles, grains to ants, honey to bees; they skip, promise to help; mother The beauty of the earth tells 1) to disassemble three varieties of grain overnight (ants disassemble), 2) get a ring from the river (eagles tell ducks), 3) to identify her daughter among 12 girls (the bee sits on her); eagles carry the young man and The beauty of the earth to Istanbul; the beardless one kills him, cuts him to pieces; the beauty of the earth revives him with living water; after dying and resurrecting, the young man is free from his oath, tells the king everything, marries the Beauty of the Earth; beardless hanged]: 136-151; Croats (Dalmatia) [mother and three daughters agree that the one who drops the spindle three times will be eaten by others; drops the mother; the youngest daughter refuses to kill her; until the eldest goes to get the ax, the mother gives the youngest a magic wand, tells her to keep her bones; the youngest collects the bones under the table where the sisters throw them, so she is nicknamed Little Dog; the elders go to the ball, telling the youngest to peel three measures of millet; she touches a bag of bones with a stick, says what she needs, the birds peel the grain; then the youngest receives a dress with images of the sun and a carriage; upon return touches the bag again with a stick, the dress and crew disappear; the next day (sparrows clean four measures of wheat, a dress with images of the moon); on the third day, the mice clean the wool, the dress with the stars; the queen tells me to lubricate the threshold with resin; in a hurry home, the girl loses her shoe stuck to the resin; the queen tells me to try it on; the older sisters have to admit that they have another sister; she goes out in a star dress and one shoe; the Queen takes her to the palace]: Cox 1893, No. 124:416-418

Central Europe. Russians [the merchant's wife dies, leaving her daughter Vasilisa a blessing and a doll; a merchant marries a widow with two daughters; the doll feeds, comforts V., does the job; the fire goes out, stepmates sisters send V. to Baba Yaga for fire; on the way, a rider on a white horse (dawn), on a red horse (sun) passes by, near Baba Yaga's house on a black horse (night); a house made of bones, skulls on stakes with burning eye sockets; Baba Yaga orders to peel wheat from nigella, poppy seeds the next day; the doll does everything; when he learns that V. is blessed, Baba Yaga tells her stepmother to take the skull with fire; he incinerates his stepmother and her daughters; V. buried her skull, asks her father to buy linen; to see the canvas she woven, the tsar takes her as his wife]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 104:159-165, 482 [letter. no folklore]; Russians (Ryazan) [the merchant leaned to the water for a drink, grabbed by the beard, must give what he does not know at home; son Ivan; at the age of 18 he went to the sorcerer; his 12 daughters are swimming, young man hid Maria Tsarevna's clothes; the sorcerer tells me to recognize her among her sisters (her husband will sit on her face); collect scattered grain (the birds have collected); build a golden palace by morning; the palace is ready, M. tells me to run; chase; she chipped off as a goat, and I. as a shepherd; an apple tree and a watchman; when the father himself is chasing, M. tells Ivan to cross the river, she will grow there as a flower, you must pick it up; and if you don't pick it, you'll forget it; and don't take it home, which is not you know, you'll forget completely; M. became a crucian carp, and his father became a pike; he chased for three years, retreated; I. took his newborn brother in his arms at home, forgot M., did not come to pick a flower; the shepherd cut off the flower to make a flower pipe; pipe: I. forgot me; M. became a teacher, I. met her (the informant does not remember)]: Samodelova 2013, No. 69:78-80; Russians (Voronezh, Semiluksky District) [Ivan Tsarevich (I.) and Tsarevna Svetlana (S.) have been friends since childhood, grow up, and want to get married. I. goes to Father S. to marry. He sets 3 tasks, and every night, if he does not complete it, they will cut off his head. Objectives: to drain the lake, build a house at the bottom ("so that S. passes in silk socks and does not stain them"), separate rye from wheat in the royal barn. The first night elephants come, drink the lake, the second night the craftsmen build a house, and the third night pigeons separate the grain. The Tsar agrees to give his daughter for I. After the wedding, S. does not tell her to take off her ring - it is their happiness. I. took it off, threw it into the sea, and his wife disappeared. I. comes to the sea, goldfish suggests looking for S. far away. He comes to the hut on chicken legs, the old lady says that S. was with her, but now she is far away. Same thing in the next cabin. In the third, the old lady gives a ball and a sword. The ball leads I. to the gate, followed by a nine-headed serpent. Ivan defeats him, cuts the castle, frees S., returns her home, they get married again]: Kretov 1977, No. 35:61-64; Belarusians [the matchmaker came for the elder, the younger sister, they went to the porch, blown away by the wind; brother Ivan the Peasant Son goes looking for them, enters the house, the hostess tells me to marry her; do not look through the door, which is tied with bast, covered with mud; he opened, there Kashchei is on chains; asked for three buckets of wine and three breads, three alder logs and three aspen logs; ate and drank, broke the chains with logs, took Mary Krasa away; I. found M., took it; K. asks his three-legged horse, let's catch up Lee; horse: have dinner and go to bed, we'll catch up in the morning; the old man returned M. twice; I. came to his sisters, one married to the Sun in a copper house, his son-in-law gave a falcon; the second for Thunder in the silver house, gave a dog; I. in took M. away for the third time, K. caught up with him and killed him; Thunder and the Sun grabbed the crows, ordered the crow to bring alive and dead water, revived I.; he tells M. to find out where K.'s soul is; K.: island, oak, hollow, hare, duck, egg ; Baba Yaga must get a horse like K.; I. went for K.'s soul; let go of the queen of flies, she promised to help; the same crayfish king; sparrow; Baba Yaga tells mares to herd; flies, crayfish drive mares; they order to choose a horse in the scab as a reward; Baba Yaga orders to collect the sown poppy; sparrows collect; I. received a horse, he brought it to the island, I. got an egg with K.'s soul; I. took M., his horse ordered K.'s horse not to come; I. broke the egg, K. died]: Vasilenok et al. 1958:115-122; Belarusians [the matchmaker came for the elder, younger sister, they went out to the porch, blown away by the wind; brother Ivan The Peasant Son goes to look for them, enters the house, the hostess tells him to marry her; do not look through the door, which is tied with bast, covered with mud; he opened it, Kashchei is on chains; asked for three buckets of wine and three loaves, three alder logs and three aspen logs; ate and drank, broke the chains with logs, took Mary Krasa; I. found M., took it; K. asks his three-legged horse if we will catch up; horse: have dinner and go to bed, we'll catch up in the morning; the old man returned M. twice; I. came to his sisters, alone married to the Sun in a copper house, his son-in-law gave a falcon; the second, after Thunder in the silver house, gave a dog; I. took M. for the third time, K. caught up with him and killed; Thunder and the Sun grabbed the crows, ordered the crow to bring living and dead water, revived I.; he tells M. to find out where K.'s soul is; K.: island, oak, hollow, hare, duck, egg; Baba Yaga has to get one a horse, like K.; I. went for K.'s soul; let go of the queen of flies, she promised to help; the same king of crayfish; sparrow; Baba Yaga orders mares to herd; flies, crayfish bring mares; they order to choose a horse as a reward scab; Baba Yaga orders to collect the sown poppy; sparrows collect; I. received a horse, he brought it to the island, I. got an egg with K.'s soul; I. took M. away, his horse told K.'s horse not to approach; I. broke the egg, K. died]: Vasilenok et al. 1958:115-122; Belarusians (p. Novaya Yelnya, kr. Grigory Tikhonov, 77 years old illiterate) [Husband and wife lived, and the child was small. The wife took the baby in the cradle and went to the harvest. She stung, got ready to go home - no baby. I looked for him, called, but not for him. And the baby crawled out of the cradle and crawled into the forest. The forest owner saw it and took him to raise him. And he named him Ivan Znaiden (The Foundling). He raised him and ordered him to go to his father and mother. Ivan went. He walked, walked, saw three blizzards fighting. He asks them, and they say they have found three things - a flying carpet, an invisible hat, a purse with money, and they are fighting for them. And Ivan says to them: "Do you see a high mountain? Stand there and run - whoever of you runs faster will take it all!" And they went to that mountain, and Ivan took all his things for himself. He did not go to his father and mother, but he went to his forest master. The owner asks why Ivan came back. And Ivan replies that he found three things - a flying carpet, an invisible hat and a wallet with money. The forest owner then tells him where to find the bride: "If you go, three doves will fly. They will sit by the sea and become beautiful girls. When they go swimming, you take one dress and take it away. And whose dress, take that one by the right hand and marry her. Just don't drink her gorilki! If you drink, it'll fly away from you!" This is how the forest owner taught him, so Ivan went and came to the sea. He sees three doves flying. They sank ashore and became maidens. We went swimming, he took the dress alone and hid it. They swam, began to dress - one dress is missing! Looking for and looking for a girl, she won't find it. He says, "Who laughed at me? If old, be my father, if average, be my uncle, if you are single, be my faithful husband!" He answers her, she sees that she is young. "If you are my husband and I am your wife, give me the dress!" She dressed up and took her to her father-mother. We got married. They lived well until I drank vodka from it. But she began to ask him what kind of love they had, that he took nothing from her. She shamed him so much, so he drank from her hands. Ivan fell asleep, and she put on her dress and flew away, just saying: "I'll see you - I won't see you in the Glass Mountains!" Ivan woke up - no wife. I went looking for her. He walked and came to his forest master. The forest owner reproached him for disobeying Ivan's advice. Asks what she said when she left. Ivan talked about the Glass Mountains. But the forest owner did not know where they were. He went out onto the porch, shouted in a good voice, whistled with a heroic whistle - birds, everything in the world, flew to him. He asks the birds if they know where the Glass Mountains are. No birds have seen. Then the forest owner gives Ivan a ball. Where he goes, Ivan should go. It brings his glomerulus to his middle brother. Everything repeats itself, the middle brother calls all the animals in the world except wolves. The beasts of the glass mountains have not seen. Then his middle brother gives Ivan another ball, and tells him to follow him, and he will lead him to his older brother. The elder brother calls wolves - everything in the world. The wolves didn't see it. The elder brother did not believe them. He asks if all wolves are here. They see that there is no one lame wolf. The elder brother went out onto the porch again when he whistled - all the leaves in the forest flew around. The wolf doesn't come. He whistled another time - all the branches from the trees fell. Here comes the lame wolf. His older brother asks him where he was so far away. The wolf says he was in the Glass Mountains. Then his older brother tells him to take Ivan to the Glass Mountains. Ivan sat on the wolf and he was huddling. "How can you ride if you're lame," says Ivan, we flew on a flying carpet! The wolf then says to Ivan: "Tear a piece of wool between my ears as you need it, sunk it, and I'll rush to you." He showed him how to fly to the Glass Mountains and disappeared. Ivan flew to the Glass Mountains, but he couldn't climb. He burned the wool, summoned the wolf. The wolf advised him to go to the bazaar, buy iron and go to the blacksmith to forge iron claws on his arms and legs, and when he climbed, call himself a cook. That's what Ivan did. They sent him as a cook to the key box. That was his wife. We met and recognized each other. Time passes, she sends him to the bazaar, tells him to buy 60 horses, a carriage and coachmen. Ivan performs everything. His wife is punishing him to live in the Glass Mountains, to walk wherever she wants, but not to look into the booth. And she takes a carriage to her father. He is left alone. I couldn't resist looking into the booth. And there Kashchei the Immortal hangs and his horse. He asks him to feed him, so he will save Ivan from death three times. Ivan brings him bread, Kashchei eats himself and feeds his horse. It happens three times. Kashchei now asks Ivan for a bucket of water. Ivan brings water three times. After getting drunk and drinking his horse, Kashchei saddles his horse and tells Ivan that for his kindness he will take his wife away from him and live with her himself. And Kashchei took Ivan's wife to other Glass Mountains. Ivan summons the lame wolf. He again shows him the way to the Glass Mountains. Ivan flies there on a flying carpet. He slips past the guard, wearing an invisible hat. Kashchei is not there, Ivan picks up his wife and, wearing an invisible hat, walks past the guard again. Kashcheev's horse laughs, tells him about Ivan's kidnapping of his wife, advises him to brew beer, drink and then catch up. So they did, then they caught up and took his wife away, but Ivan Kashchei, as promised, did not kill. Ivan is flying for his wife again on a flying carpet. Everything repeats itself, Ivan kidnaps his wife, then Kashchei takes her away, Ivan does not kill. Ivan enters the kingdom of Kashchei for the third time, he is not at home. He asks his wife to find out where Kashchei got such a horse. Kashchei returns and answers questions that Baba Yaga lives in a kingdom of far away, a state far away, she has 100 mares, whoever saves them for 3 days will get the best stallion, and whoever does not lose them will get the best stallion, and whoever does not lose them will get the best stallion, and whoever does He'll put his head on a stake. Kashchei flies away, Ivan comes. His wife tells him about Baba Yaga. And Ivan goes to serve the stallion (on foot). Hungry Ivan came to the sea, and cancer lies on the shore. Ivan wants to eat it, the cancer persuades him to take his "playful girl" and call it when necessary. Ivan goes on hungry. He sees woodpeckers in the forest. She wants to get them and eat them. An old woodpecker flies, asks Ivan not to touch his children, for which he gives him a pen - call him when you need me. Ivan meets further than an ant, history repeats itself. He comes to Baba Yaga. She feeds him, puts him to bed, Ivan goes to herd 100 mares in the morning, and Baba Yaa gives him food, "sleepy pancakes". Ivan herds until noon, eats fritters. He falls asleep. The mares run away. Baba Yaga comes and laments. Ivan summons the lame wolf. The wolf says: call cancer today, the mares have gone to sea. Call the woodpeckers tomorrow - the mares will go to the forest. On the third day, the ant, the mares will go underground, and he will drive them out. He also said so - that he would no longer serve Ivan. Ivan caused cancer, cancer punished him when the last mare came out, to sit on it and go to the yard. That's what they did. Ivan brings 100 mares to Baba Yaga, she rejoices, and she swears at them (these are her daughters) that they did not hide well, and beats them. The next day, everything repeats itself - Ivan eats sleepy pancakes, mares run away, he calls woodpeckers, who drive out the mares. On the third day, the same thing, an ant helps. The next morning he asks Yaga Ivan to serve for the last time - to disperse the poppy seeds. Ivan sows. Then Baba Yaga tells him to collect all the makovins, otherwise he will not get a stallion. Ivan calls the ant for the second time. He helps him collect poppies. At night, Ivan hears a "servant", who tells him that Baba Yaga has given all her strength to one stallion, and he is the frail and sits under the nursery so that Ivan chooses that stallion. This is what Ivan did, just as Yaga did not persuade him to choose a better one. "I'm the worst person, I'll take the worst horse!" There is nothing to do, Yaga gave her horse. The horse tells Ivan to fall for him "dawn on barley, dawn on wheat, dawn on oats." This is what Ivan did, and the horse changed. Ivan sat on it and drove off. He comes to the kingdom of Kashcheyevo, Kashchei is not at home. Ivan took his wife, they got on a horse and drove off. Kashcheevsky's horse laughs, tells him that Ivan kidnapped his wife, but they won't catch up with him now - Ivan rides their smaller brother. Here are horse brothers meeting. The youngest, near Ivan, asks if the brothers want to fight with him, Ali Ivan Znaiden want. Horses don't want to fight. And if you want Ivan, throw off Kashchei - "don't let him hit the cheese, the ground, the white stone, and crumble with the sides." Well, they say Kashchei fed us. And the horse answers them - Ivan will feed you. Well, they threw off Kashchei's horses. And Ivan Znaiden went with his wife, but it is not known where - either to Shklyany Gora, or to his father with a uterus]: Romanov 1901, No. 12:105-117; Belarusians [after the death of his wife, the husband wants to marry his daughter; she goes to her mother's grave; the mother advises her father to make her dress like stars and a month; then the same shoes; horses (the same); for the fourth time: let her take the widow with three daughters; the stepmother tyrants with work; the cow helps: enter one ear, get out of the other - the canvas is ready; the stepmother sends her daughter to spy, her own mother teaches her to put her to sleep, removing the lice in her hair; the same with the second; the third eye is inserted; sleep a peephole, sleep another, and the third one looks; stepmother tells you to slaughter a cow; bones and giblets are buried under the window, an apple tree with golden and silver apples has grown; no one can reach them; on a holy day we went to church, and the stepmother poured poppy seeds into the ash and ordered them to be cleaned; on the advice of her mother, the horses did everything; dressed like a month and stars, the stepdaughter went to church; the prince smeared the threshold with resin, one slipper stuck; they began to try on, only the stepdaughter came up; the apple tree leaned towards her; the stepmother comes to visit, turns her stepdaughter into a fox in the bathhouse, replaces her daughter; the midwife carries the baby, calls the fox, she throws off her fox skin, feeds; the prince spies, burns the skin; the stepmother and her daughter are tied to the horse's tail]: Romanov 1887:292-295 (=Potanin 1891:155-157); Ukrainians (Gorinchevo Khust district, Transcarpathia) [Count's son goes hunting every day. In the morning he wakes up, opens the window, sees that a woman is walking down the street, bringing her son to eat in a pot. The count's son, to test his accuracy, shoots at the pot and breaks it. Baba sees him laughing and says that she barely begged her son for food. She curses him to only marry Seipentel Ilona. The guy runs after his grandmother and asks where she is. Grandma replies that where ninety-nine human heads are put on the stakes, she leaves. The count's son does not find a place for himself, he is going to look for his betrothed. He sees how a bear crashes ants, feels sorry for ants, drives a bear into the thicket. Ants give him a pipe that he can use to summon them to help. The guy goes on, sees that the boys have caught a fox and hit it. He asks to keep it and pays them a crown. The fox gives him a pipe to play on, and she will come to his aid. The count's son comes to the water and sees the fish fighting. He throws bread to the fish. The fish calms down, thanks him and gives him a pipe to call for help. More often, he bumps into a hut, around 99 human heads on poles. He comes in and sees the woman he smashed the pot with on the stove. She serves him by telling him to look after her three mares. If he doesn't pull him back, his head will be on a pole. The guy falls asleep, and when he wakes up, he does not find mares. It causes ants with the help of a flute, who explain that the mares have become ants. Real ants will start biting them, then they'll start running away. When the first one runs and then the second one, you don't have to do anything, and when the third one runs, you have to whip it and say, "Be what you used to be!" That's what the guy does. In the evening, a woman checks, sees mares, gets angry and hits them with an iron club (these are her daughters). In the morning, she orders her daughters to go to the water and become fish. When the guy wakes up, he calls fish with the help of a flute. She reports that mares have become goldfish. Real fish will bite them. When the third one jumps out of the water, you should whip it and say, "Be what you were!" That's what the guy does. The woman gets angry in the evening, whips the mares with a fiery whip, accusing them of being in a romantic relationship with the guy. They deny it and tell their mother that she is wise and he is wiser. On the third day, the mares disappear again. The fox summoned by the flute explains that the woman turned them into eggs, put them in a basket on the stove, and sat on them herself. But the woman in the attic has a rooster. The fox will call the ferret, which will start chasing the rooster. The woman will get up from her eggs and climb to save the rooster. Then you have to run into the hut, whip the balls and say, "Be what you used to be!" The ferret starts chasing the rooster, the woman, when she hears a scream, climbs into the attic. The guy hits the balls, the mares are back in the barn, the guy sits on a chair. Baba is convinced that he is wiser than her. He says he served her faithfully and asks what he asks for his service. He wants to stay in service for three more years. Baba agrees, takes him to a big lake in the morning, gives him a wooden shovel, a wooden hoe, a wooden coinage, and tells this lake to fall asleep and walled up so that she can ride it on horseback, if not will do - be his head on the stake. His tools break immediately, he sits and grieves. Babina, Seipentel's daughter Ilona, brings him food and finds out the cause of his grief. After feeding him, she puts him into a deep sleep, whistling causes devils. They fall asleep and walled up the lake. When the guy wakes up, he notifies the woman, she checks, but the lake does not break through under the horse. She sends him into the thicket the next day. There, the wind scattered beech and oak seeds. They must be harvested, each seed separately. At noon, the girl brings food and finds out about the task. The guy eats up and falls asleep because Ilona sleeps on him, and she whistles, devils run, and in an hour all the seeds are collected as the woman wanted. On the third day, the woman orders to cut down the thicket, dig it up, and sow it with wheat. By evening, wheat must be ripe, and he must squeeze it, bring it, grind it, grind the flour and bake bread. The guy cuts down one tree and gets tired. SI wants to bring him an afternoon snack, but the woman yells at her, even breathes fire, suspects that she is doing all the work for him, and he's not so wise, let his sister carry it. But after a while she calms down and leaves her daughter alone. SI brings in an afternoon snack, finds the guy crying. When he has lunch, she falls into a deep sleep, and she cries the devils like sea sand. Everything is ready by evening. Ilona wakes him up, gives him a fresh roll and asks him to tell the woman when she asks what he wants for his service, what he wants to stay with her for another three years. Baba pretty agrees. The count's son stays with her, does everything well, but one day, when a woman falls asleep, SI and her boyfriend get ready for a long journey. SI turns herself and his boyfriend into pigeons, they're flying, and SI asks if you can see anything. The guy turns around and says he sees a cloud of fire. She replies that she is a mother and that she will turn herself into a mill and him into an old miller. The old woman will ask if he saw two pigeons, and he must answer what he saw a long time ago. Baba decides it's not them and comes home. SI turns them into pigeons again, and they're flying to its land. She asks again, and he sees a fiery cloud again. Then SI turns itself into grass and it into a braid. He tells Baba he saw two pigeons when he was clearing this field for a meadow. Baba is coming home. Two pigeons hit the road again. After a while, SI asks again who he sees. He says the woman is on a fiery horse. SI turns them into fish, but tells them not to stick their heads out of the water or they'll go blind and she'll talk to her mother. But the guy wants to hear what they're talking about, sticks his head out of the water, the woman steals his eyes and comes home. The girl cries, goes like a dove behind his eyes. At home, she gives her mother and sisters a deep sleep, climbs into her mother's bosom, reaches out her eyes, and instead puts pigeon eggs so that her mother thinks when she wakes up, that her eyes are in her bosom. She flies to the riverbank and returns the guy's eyes. They fly to his village. The guy is happy, he leads the girl by the hand. She asks where he's taking her. He says it's to their homestead. She tells me not to do this, because she is not yet known there, asks to be taken to their innkeeper neighbor, who will serve him. In a month, let him tell his father and mother that she wants to get married. They'll get married then, but he must remember not to let anyone at home kiss him. The guy leaves his betrothed with the innkeeper, returns to his parents himself. They welcome him, they want to hug him and kiss him, but they don't give him. Tired, he goes to bed, in the evening an aunt comes to them and kisses a sleepy man in bed. He forgets the girl. It takes two weeks and two months. His relatives decide to marry him. They choose a bride, marry, and set a wedding day. SI knows everything, she cries, makes the guy fall and dislocated his leg. They send him for a doctor, and the innkeeper's maid says she'll heal him faster. This is what happens. The guy asks what to reward her with. She doesn't want anything but asks to be invited to the wedding. The wedding day is coming. She bites through a golden nut, takes out her gold clothes and comes to the wedding. The young ones are just about to get married. But when a young woman sees an innkeeper's maid, she refuses to get married until she gets the same dress. They start looking for silver clothes. They cannot find it anywhere and have to buy it from the maid, they promise to pay her dearly. She doesn't want anything, she asks permission to be with her young man. XI kisses the guy, talks about everything, but he doesn't remember anything. A servant hides under the bed and hears what the girl said. "I've saved your life six times and you've forgotten it all! But it's not all gone. At dawn, I'll be cuckoo at your house, and then you'll see me, then you'll recognize me..." She's going home. The servant crawls out from under the bed, tells the young master what he has heard. After that, the guy remembers everything. In the morning he goes out into the yard, sees a cuckoo, and immediately recalls SI. But the cuckoo is flying away. The count's son is going to travel. The bride is told that they will not get married, she can marry someone else. He orders iron tables from the master and goes around the world. Looking for a betrothed for seven years. One day he sits under the willow, looks - the tables are torn. She thinks this is the only place she should be if his tables are broken. The cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cucko The guy says it's his Ilonka. The bird says it's his. He calls her to his place. She asks me to be afraid that she won't invite her aunt to the wedding, who kissed him. He takes an oath. Then she flies off and becomes a girl. The guy is happy, takes her hand and brings her to his parents. They celebrate their wedding and live happily ever after]: Lintur 1979:121-129; Ukrainians (Transcarpathia) [Yurko's 12th son goes to look for a godfather who gave him a letter at the christening; this is the tsar; his grandfather suggests Yu. to be his servant, pretends to be his godson; the king does not believe, orders to bring the golden-haired daughter of Tsar Poganin; Yu goes, the bird, the ant, the bees promise to help; P. tells 1) to disassemble the grain (birds, ants disassemble), 2) identify the bride among 12 sisters (a bee will hit her eye); grandfather kills Yu in the forest, the bride revives him with live water, his grandfather was torn apart by horses]: Verkhovyna's Tales 1970:356-361; Czechs: Nmcová 1970 [shoemaker Marek has two sons; Joza learned his father's craft; arrogant; went to see the world; refused to share bread with ants, did not separate two fighting devils, not threw the carp into the water; returned home with nothing; when Janek left, his father gave him a bottle of healing water; I. shared it with ants, helped the hell, threw the carp into the water; they promised to help him; I. cured the queen, but she does not want to marry him, demands first to complete difficult assignments; get a pearl from the bottom of the sea, a golden rose from the heat, separate the poppy from the ash; carp, devils, ants do, and I. appearance that he took everything out himself (covered his hair with mud; smeared his face with soot); before the wedding he washed himself and put on luxurious clothes; everything is fine]: 150-163 (=Nemtsova 1978:71-82); Czechs [out of three brothers only Gonza feeds ants, a beggar; the owner demands to disassemble the poppies overnight, the ants disassemble; the owner lets him go with gifts; G. spends the night in a tree, relieves himself and drops his branch at the robbers, they run away, leaving her treasures]: 330-351; Erben 1976 [the old woman gave the king a snake (hereinafter referred to as fish): if you eat it, you will understand the languages of animals and birds; the king told Jiri to fry the fish, he licked it himself; the king feels that I. received this gift, is trying to destroy it; two birds got into a fight over three golden hair, one fell, I. picked it up; the king orders to bring Goldilocks to him; I. saves ants from the burning stump; fed crows whose parents flew away; bought from fishermen, released goldfish; the king of the crystal castle promises to give his gold-haired daughter if I. 1) collects beads scattered across the meadow (ants collect), 2) will get a ring lost in the sea (the fish got it), 3) will bring living and dead water; the crows brought; on the way I. sprinkled dead water on the spider, revived the fly with living water; the king tells you to find out The fly shows Goldilocks among her sisters; having received Z., the king ordered I. to cut off his head; Z. revived him with living and dead water; I. became handsome; the king wanted too; but his head was only raised back, and living water had already been used up; I. became king]: Bogolyubova, Talova 2000:38-42 (translated to Lifshitz-Artemyev 2017:95-103); Slovaks [the poor peasant has sons Jozka and Janko; Joshka the stray shoemaker; does not share bread with ants, refused to throw fish into the water, did not try on the fighting devils; returns; when Yanko leaves, his father gives him healing water; he shares with ants, throws fish in water, reconciles devils; heals a sick princess; she demands to separate poppy seed and ash (ants perform); get a pearl from the sea (fish brings); bring a rose from hell (devils bring); wedding]: Cox 1893, No. 333:455; Poles: Cox 1893, No. 58 [the Queen's mirror says that her stepdaughter is more beautiful; she tells her stepdaughter to sort out the grain (pigeons perform); the girl pulls out magic dresses from under the oak tree; wearing dresses, comes after others twice to church, runs away in time; stepmother tells her to kill, servants bring the dog's heart and the dead man's finger with his stepdaughter's ring on him; pigeons give the girl a ball , she follows him to the treasure oak tree; wearing pig skin, hires to herd pigs; comes (in luxurious clothes) to the ball; for the fourth time the threshold is smeared with resin, the shoe sticks; everyone tries it on girls; wedding; the queen dies of envy when the mirror says she is not the most beautiful], 126 [the princess runs away from her evil father, puts on dirty sheepskin, hires another queen in the kitchen; in Sunday that tells Sheepskin (OSH) to separate ash and poppy seeds; pigeons perform; on the way to church, she picks up a whip dropped by the prince, but he does not thank it, but beats it; she pulls it out of the oak tree outfits, wagon, servants; in church he tells the prince that he lives in the Picked Up Whip; next time he gives a dropped ring; "In the Golden Ring"; for the third time, the prince smeared the threshold with resin, OSH lost her shoe; doves to the prince: the shoe belongs to the one who picked up the whip and ring; Osh appeared in a luxurious dress; wedding]: 24, 427.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [count grains]; Adygs; Kabardian people [sort out wheat]; Abkhazians; Chechens [father has 7 single sons; the old woman says that the prince is behind the forest wants to pass off six daughters as brothers-grooms; in the forest you can hide in the house from the weather, but only once; brothers go for brides, the elder Alkhast stays at home; in the forest, brothers enter the house, and on the other hand the paths, taking the brides, hide there again from the rain; the one-eyed giant tells his younger brother and bride to stay, lets the rest go; A. goes in search, tells him not to celebrate the wedding for a year; the one-eyed promises release his younger brother and his fiancée if A. gets him Sun Azni; saves mice from a burning haystack on the way; SA's father tells him to separate mixed wheat, barley and millet overnight; the mice do everything A. takes the SA; the SA turns himself and A into pigeons so that her brothers do not catch up with them, but the brothers let them go; the one-eyed man praises A., lets him go from the SA and his younger brother and his fiancée]: Kibiev, Malsagov 1981:172 -183; kumyks [collect scattered grain]; tatas [stepmother hates stepson and two stepdaughters; makes girls sort out rice and millet by mixing them with ash; invites stepson to go to that light to his mother; he finds her, stays alive in the next world; sisters make cakes, they roll, sisters go after them to look for a brother; they come to the house of mother and brother while they are away; two mice eat cakes; girls cry because they can't go back; mice take them out, their brother and mother through the hole in other ways; brother's stick hits stepmother to death; everyone is happy]: Kukulla 1974:102-106; megrels (p. Banza Senaksky u.) [The date is the youngest of 12 brothers; they decided to marry 12 sisters; on the way they meet, take them as companions 1) who fired an arrow into the sky a year ago and waits for him to fall; 2) drinking the river and not enough; 3) plowing on 12 buffaloes, swallowing clods of earth and screaming, "not enough!" ; 4) carrying heaven, earth, stone and wood and shouting "not loaded!" ; 5) listening to where the ants went; 6) a shepherd of hares; everyone replies that it is not him, but Date is a real hero; brothers reject giants who have 6.9 daughters; having 12 daughters offers challenges; 1) who will drink more wine (the water swallower drank everything); 2) who will hit a distant target (Shooter hit); 3) who will eat more (Earthblower); 4) separate barley and grain (the one who hears ants sends them to separate) ; The strongman raised the giant; he gave his daughters]: Petrov 1894:64-69; Georgians (western in the Georgian village of Sachilavo in Megrelia) [the king has 363 sons, the eldest Samais ("Samasi" - 300); S. offers his father to marry there are 363 sisters at a time; the first girl replies that he has 361 daughters, the second 362, and the third 363; he gives daughters; warns that a nine-headed virgin lives near the girl with 362 daughters, and near that, whom 361 daughters are 12-headed; S. does not allow him to go to the 9th, but the 12-headed attracts all newlyweds into the abyss; promises to let him go if S. gets him the daughter of the eastern king; S. meets, takes companions 1) lying on his ear and ear, 2) chasing hares with millstones tied to his leg, 3) shooting at a beast, a bird a thousand miles away, 4) plucking feathers from pigeons, and they don't notice 5) counting the number of ants in an ant heap, 6) sipping a lake, 7) swallowing blocks of land; each replies that this is not surprising, but surprising that S. and 362 brothers married daughters 12-headed maiden; S. jumps the wall on horseback, opens the gate, the shooter destroys the guard dogs, the king offers challenges; 1) whose messenger will be the first to bring living water; the king's messenger offers the Runner first have a snack, he falls asleep; The shooter fired an arrow, she broke the millstone, They run back first; 2) who eats more (Eating consumes food, screams that it is not enough); 3) drink 40 wineskins of water (Opivalo drinks); 4) collect the sown wheat (who thought the ants told them to collect); the king gives his daughter, but orders them to add a sleepy potion to the food; the plucking pigeon feathers changed the dishes, the king's people fell asleep; bringing the princess, C . offers the girl to shave him, cut his throat with a razor (if you cut him again, new girls will appear with every stroke); S. brothers dug a hole, S. fell into it, but the horse galloped away, the brothers covered the hole with earth, they took the princess; the horse asks the fox to dig a hole for promising to give her his back thigh; the fox kicks when she comes; the same with the wolf, the bear; the bear dug to the bottom, the horse pulled S.; the parents gave S. the throne, and the brothers were made servants]: Kapanadze 1900:129-141; Georgians [father tells sons to take wives where their arrows fall; the elder marries a princess, the middle one marries a daughter counselor, youngest on a frog; being alone, the Frog sheds its skin, becomes beautiful, manages; the husband is waiting, threw his skin into the fire; mocking the older daughters-in-law, the younger brother's wife asks send papers for a dress, horse, donkey or dog to visit the king; the elders wear paper dresses, ride a mare and donkey; the frog tells her husband to bring blue and white horses, causes rain, dresses the elders are soaked, the elders have returned, the Frog and her husband stayed with the king; the king wants to take away his son's wife, gives difficult tasks; 1) plow and sow the field (the self-propelled plow does everything), 2) return the sown grain (ants collected), 3) build a wall (a mirror appears from a ray of mirror), 4) bring a ring from the dead mother; the wife spreads a handkerchief - the way to the next world; on the way, the husband sees a woman who tears off his breasts, sticks to the hot walls of a tone (a flat cake oven); spouses who are cramped on cow's skin; others who are not cramped on a hatchet; a ploughman licked by nine pairs of bulls; the mother gives the ring, says that her husband will burn in it; on the way back, the man receives answers from those he saw; the ploughman tortured the bulls, some spouses lived in harmony, others quarreled, the woman did not share bread; son gives his father a ring, he burns]: Chikovani 1986:136-141; Georgians [stepmother tortures stepdaughter with work; the cow tells her stepdaughter that she has honey in one ear, butter in the other; stepmother watches, finds out , tells her husband to slaughter a cow; she tells her stepdaughter not to eat its meat, put the bones in her skin, bury it; the stepdaughter drops the spindle into the old woman's yard, she asks her to look in her hair and look at her pickles; the girl does everything, she is not surprised that there are snakes and frogs in the jars; the old woman tells her to walk past a white, black spring, dip her head in yellow; her hair has turned golden; her own daughter expresses to the old woman disgust, she tells her head to be put under a black spring, a donkey tail has grown on her head; her stepmother tells her stepdaughter to sort out the millet by her return; neighbors give a sieve to sift the millet; in the pit, where cow bones should be, the girl finds a horse, luxurious clothes; loses her slipper on the bridge; the king orders to find an owner, marries her son's stepdaughter; the stepmother asks her stepdaughter to take off her dress, pushes her into the pond , replaces the prince's wife with her daughter; the prince sits by the pond, admiring the fish; the imaginary wife affects the sick, tells the fish to cook; poplar grows out of bones, the wife orders to cut down; the old woman picks up chips; someone is cooking in her house, an old woman finds a girl; a prince comes in, a girl tells her story; stepmother and daughter are tied to horse tails]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (1), No. 65:278-286; Georgians (Imereti) [the three brothers decided to marry where everyone's arrow would fall; the older and middle married rich brides; the youngest's arrow fell into the swamp, he married a frog and moved away from his brothers; returning, finds the house tidy, lunch cooked; the young man followed, found the woman, burned frogskin; the king wanted to take his wife away, ordered to sow bread for the whole barn in a day; the wife sent her husband to the magician test, who gave workers; the king orders to collect the seeds sown in the ground; the father-in-law sent birds; the crow with a broken leg brought the last grain at the last moment; the king orders them to bring it from the underground the world's golden box of his grandmother; the young man on the way sees an obese bull grazing on bare ground, and skinny, grazing on juicy grass; husband and wife are not cramped on a narrow bed, and others on a wide, not they fit; one woman bakes dirt, but she makes bread, and the other bakes bread, but it turns out dirt; another woman is hanged by her hair; the king's grandmother tells the young man to give him the box not by himself, but through servants; on the way back, those she met give explanations; hanged by the hair envied someone else's beauty; who turns out that dirt did not repay debts, and whose bread was good; lying on a wide bed they quarreled, on a narrow one they lived in harmony; the skinny bull was greedy, the obese bull was hardworking; when the king opened the box, a fire blazed out of it and burned it]: Kagan 1898a, No. 19:58-61; Armenians [the king wants to get it a precious pheasant; hunters who try to do this are killed by the dragon by throwing a star from the sky at them; Ovchi-Nazar ("sheepskin" means "hunter") thinks that his father was a farmer; his mother admits that he was hunted and killed by a dragon; HE crushed the star shot at him with a bullet, the dragon fell from the sky out of grief and was killed; HE brought the pheasant home; the old woman told the king; HE begged not to execute him; then the king orders to build a tower for the pheasant (HE built a relative); the old woman persuades the king to send HIM for the princess; HE sets off; three devas fight over an invisible hat, a flying carpet, a magic tablecloth; HE invites them to race, picks up wonderful objects; HE feeds two other devas, who promise to help, give hairs; HE killed a snake that crawled to the Zumrud Kushi nest; she gives a pen, promises to help; HE feeds ants, they give a wing, promise to help; the princess's father demands to defeat his two strongmen (the devas have defeated); his two zumrud gushi (Zumrud-gushi, whose chicks HE saved, are killed with his husband king's zumrud gushi; in a dark room, separate poppy seeds, millet and colza seeds (ants separated); climb a tree and go down with a full glass of water (the princess gives a gold and silver ring; they can be used freeze and thaw the water again); at the top of the tree HE shed a tear, remembering his mother; doctors confirmed that it was a tear, not a drop of water from a glass; to identify the princess among 111 girls (HE named 101- When she arrived at the king, the princess quietly pushed him into the ditch, he called him her new husband]: Kagan 1898c, No. 21:175-184; Azerbaijanis [the king's 40 sons are going to marry 40 sisters; the tsar orders not stay overnight in a ruined building and in the steppe; the brothers spent the night at a dilapidated minaret, where a white diva; only the younger Melik-Mamed is awake; killed the diva, refusing to hit again, hid the corpse; the same place, a black diva; at the third night, MM came to the old man, who winds the threads around black (night) and white (day) balls; MM tied the old man to make the night go on, came to the house where the wedding was 40 giants with 40 kidnapped princesses and sisters; MM bribed an old woman, who gave cotton wool to prevent the watchman bell from ringing; MM killed the giants leaving one by one, plunged a sword into marble in the palace of the princesses's father, returned to the brothers; no one can pull out the sword, only MM himself; the king gives his daughters to his brothers; on the way back, the serpent king brought MM to him, ordered Sanam with 40 braids, the daughter of the underworld king, to be kidnapped; having received from the snake fed a magic tablecloth, MM fed a lion, an ant, a Zumrud-gushi bird along the way, they gave fur, etc.; the underground king has 99 heads on the roof; he tells 1) to defeat the lion (the lion fed by MM, won); 2) collect the sown millet (the ants collected); the last seed was brought by a lame ant); 3) hang the scales in the air (MM agrees with the old woman that she will cut off one of the princess's braid, the bird Zumrud -gushi hung scales on her); MM received a princess; freed Dzhansyn-Kos on the bridge; he pursues, took the princess, disappeared; Zumrud-gushi revived MM with live water; explained that J.K's death in the needle, in the needle, in the needle, in the sparrow, in a cage, in an elephant in the forest; MM took it out, broke the needle, J.K. died; the serpent king gave way to princess MM; a feast at home, MM lives with two wives]: Bogoyavlensky 1892c, No. 6:308-318; Turks: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, № 212 [adventure series, many options; the girl requires the hero 1) to disassemble different varieties of grain; 2) recognize her among several single-dressed girls]: 248-249; Kúnos 1901 [dervish showed The son of the padishah is the most beautiful girl in the world; he went in search; saved the fish left on the shore, an ant, killed a snake that was about to eat a bird; they gave him scales, a leg, a feather; the padishah demands from the daughter's grooms 1) get a ring thrown into the sea (fish are found), 2) separate the grain from the sand in the cave (ants perform), 3) revive the headless maid (the bird brings living water from the peri); the princess agrees to marry the prince if he brings her singing grenades from the Demon of Autumn Garden; he comes to the owner of the small garden, who refers to his mother, who calls a monstrous toad with a young man on her back flies across the sea into the garden, breaks off a branch with singing grenades, each with their own melody and voice; upon their return, the prince and his wife listened to grenades all night without falling asleep; thanks to this, they began to protect them]: 154-165; Kurds: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 6 [The Shah's 40 sons promise to marry only 40 sisters; the padishah finds a shepherd with 40 daughters, gives him wealth; the brothers take the brides home, the dragon lies down around their camp; the padishah is forced to send his son Baksamat with him; the dragon turns into a young man; says his father kills his sister's suitors; B. asks the old woman to marry the girl; her father demands 1 ) separate millet from wheat (ants separate); 2) defeat the royal pahlevans (B. exposes his own, they win); 3) defeat the padishah's birds (B. releases his own); 4) recognize the bride three times among 40 girls (she says she will be in the middle, at the end, at the beginning of the row); B. and his wife return to their father]: 90-97; Rudenko 1970, No. 58 [the padishah has a son Mokaddam (MD), the vizier has Mohammad (MM); MM learned, MD gave up his studies; MM fell in love with the daughter of a distant padishah, MD went with him to get her; MM pulled a splinter out of the leopard's paw, helped the ants cross the stream, they promise to help by hitting the hair; MM and MD stayed with an old woman; she tells him to work for a gardener, he will inform the padishah about the matchmakers; the padishah demands: 1) get a dog to defeat his dog (MM brought the leopard); 2) separate the wheat from millet (ants separated); 3) eat a barn of salt; MM dug into the padishah's daughter, learned from her to say: "What a whole barn of salt, what a pinch"; MD gets married, they're going back; MM went forward, hears talking three doves; 1) if MM and his wife approach the tower, they will burn; 2) if they sit under a tree by the spring, they turn into wolves; 3) MD's father poisoned the horse's stirrup, if MD puts his foot in the stirrup, it will burn; if MM will report all this, petrify; MM destroyed the tower, muddy the spring and cut down a tree, killed a horse; MD is angry, but then his father died of love for his wife, MD forgot about MM; MM hears the dove again: the dragon is coming devour MD; MM killed a dragon at the entrance to the palace, entered the chambers with a bloody sword, MD thinks MM wants to kill him and his wife; MM told everything, petrified; wife gave birth to a son; doves: if she slaughtered the son at MM's feet, he will come to life, and if he tells, he will petrify himself; the wife stabbed, MM came to life; the dove threw a feather, MM ran it over the neck of his son, who also came to life; feast]: 210-218.

Iran - Central Asia. Baluchi [the king forgot the rosary; the vizier went but stayed; then Tsarevich Sha-Trasan went; found the vizier with the king's wife; the vizier offered to build a city, let S. do it; the elder spent with a staff on the ground, the city was formed; the vizier to the king: there is not enough tree with the flowers of laughter and crying; the old man teaches: there is a buzlangi who has a process on his leg; you have to grab the process and pull it, buzlangi will scream, others will run away; then again; the buzlangs will fulfill their wish; they planted S. on a tree with the flowers of laughter and crying, transplanted him into the king's city; vizier: you need another tree of 40 songs; old man: we must venerate to the buzlanga's wife's chest when she began to bake bread; the bread began to burn; the buzlanga's wife turned S. into a needle and then showed her sons; they agree to give the tree if S. frees the other from the hands of another buzlangs to their bride; the puppy led to a well where the buzlangs sleep and the girl goes through his hair; S. cut the buzlangs in half; other buzlangs transplanted a tree of 40 songs into the king's city; vizier: needed another girl from Green City; the old man touched S. and said that no one could put him on the ground with his back; S. meets, takes four buzlangs as companions, everyone says they are doing this and in order to fight against S. (1) throws bread into ashes, takes out other bread and eats; 2) throws a sling from country to country; 3) listens to what is in another country; 4) after taking one step, moves from country to country); Sh. made a bridge over the stream, the ants crossed, promised to help; the speedboat brought Sh. to the girl and back, S. kissed her, moved the lamp; the next night the girl cut her finger on purpose, saw W ., warned of three conditions that her father imposes on grooms; 1) eat a huge amount of meat and bread (the ash beetle ate); 2) separate wheat from millet (ants separated); 3) whose speedboat will bring earlier grapes; the listener realized that the speedboat fell asleep, the slinger woke him up, he overtook the local speedboat; S. received the girl, gave it to the king, but he agreed to give her to S.; wedding; vizier: I need a horse from 40 foals; old man: throw bales of camel hair into the well, and then return the clean water for the mare's promise to give the foals; the king ordered S. and his men to go to them first; all is well; then the vizier and his own; the foals took off and threw the riders onto the mountains, and their scraps were no larger than their ears]: Zarubin 1932, No. 9:106-121; Persians []: Osmanov 1987:146-153; Tajiks [(=1957: 138-144); the fisherman's son catches the fish Guldor, which his late father missed; it is taken by the padishah; demands that the fisherman's son get Princess Chin-Mo-China; he saves an ant on the way, takes it as companions drinking a river and a catman pouring a hill; the princess's father tells 1) to oversleep in a hot copper bath (the drink cools), 2) overtake the camel (the catman pours a hill in front of him), 3) disassemble grain varieties (ants disassemble); the princess marries the padishah, is capricious, the fisherman's son releases the fish into the river]: Amonov, Ulug-zade 1960:156-163; Pashtuns [collect sown mustard seeds; separate millet from sand]; Uzbeks; Bukhara Arabs [a man has a daughter from his deceased wife and another wife; his wife asked to buy her a mirror, her daughter a shirt; the emir invited the man's wife to a feast; when she left, she told her stepdaughter to separate the Jugara from the millet; the sparrows did it; the stepmother told her husband to get rid of her stepdaughter; he left her daughter in the steppe; she came to the house of 40 divas, cooked food, hid; divas they were amazed: how delicious it was, the man was cooking; on the third day, one diva hid, found the girl; the divas called her sister; the stepmother looked in the mirror, saw her stepdaughter, decided to kill; she came and gave her a potion, the girl seemed to have died; the divas did not bury her, but loaded her on a camel and sent her to the steppe; the shepherd and the emir met; the shepherd took the camel, the emir the girl, she came to life, he married her; the stepmother saw her again in stepdaughter in the mirror; got into the kitchen and was going to kill; but the emir went out and cut off her head]: Vinnikov 1969, No. 10:73-75; Ishkashim [to collect the sown grain]; Rushantsy [40 brothers princes they ask the father to marry them to 40 princess sisters; the king went to look, from the fork on the left road; a dragon sits in the house, legs in the hearth; tells him to send him a middle son; the young man went to the dragon; the girl gave a flower : if you smell it, the trouble will disappear; the ants gave an ant leg - if burned, they will come to the rescue; and let the young man's name be Muzaffar ("winner"); the divas gave hair the same; the dragon demands the princess who medium; the king demands 1) crush the stones with a felt hammer; that girl with the flower gave an iron hammer; 2) collect millet scattered on arable land (ants collected); 3) kill a diva who is locked in a barn (others divas killed); the prince took the girl, came to that wonder, killed him with a spear; the wedding of 40 princes with 40 princesses]: Sokolova 1959, No. 15:55-60; Vakhans [collect scattered grain]; Sarykoltsy [ collect scattered grain]; Turkmens [clean the cotton bag].

Baltoscandia. Danes: Christianes 1959 [in fairy tales that tell how a hero gets to a sorcerer and runs away from him with his daughter (ATU, No. 325), the sorcerer tells 1) to recognize his assistant among several identical women; 2) build a feather castle; 3) collect scattered grains or feathers]: 88; Holbek 1987 [stepmother and her daughter tyrant stepdaughter; mother gives her a dove from the grave; when she goes to church, the stepmother tells her separate peas from ash, the dove separates; the mother taught me to get a dress from under the stone like the moon; a carriage appears; the prince falls in love; the next time the prince stepped on the girl's shoe, she ran away with one a shoe; the girl came to the palace dressed like the sun, the shoe fit her; wedding]: 556; Swedes (Östergötland) [stepmother tyranite her stepdaughter, gives black bread and milk on a cat saucer; tells you to pick up peas (white weasel picks up); magic dresses and crew from magic oak; she comes to church three times and leaves it before others; loses her shoe; everyone is told to try it on; applicants maim their legs; the bird screams that the heroine is hidden; wedding; the heroine is told to kill the caress; a prince emerges from her blood, disappears]: Cox 1893, No. 46:113; Swedes [king and queen childless; the queen loved boat trips; the ship stopped suddenly; voice: give what was under your belt; she agreed, not knowing that she was pregnant; the ship sailed again; when he found out what was going on, the king assured wife, which will protect her from the siren (Meerweib); the prince grew up, plays with two cousins, the sons of the neighboring king; his horse carried him into the sea and they disappeared into the waves; the prince at the bottom of the sea is walking along the path to the golden castle of the siren, the lady of the wind and waves; the siren designates it as its page; if it serves well, it will return to its parents; the first task is to wash the daughter's white yarn and white black yarn; princess: my name is Messeria; if you promise to remain faithful to me, I will do everything; but don't tell anyone; I called my mother's little men, each took one hair and washed it properly; the second task: separate two types of grain (wheat and Korn); little men separated; the third task is to clean the barn in which oxen have been standing for 20 years; now the young man must choose one of her daughters; all of them in the form of different animals ; the princess warned that she would be a cat; the siren sent the young man to her sister to borrow her wedding dress for his daughter; M.: there will be a grille in the gate, grease it with ointment from this horn, you can gate open; then two men will cut the oak tree with wooden axes, give them iron axes; then the other two threshing with iron flails - give them wooden ones; give meat to two eagles; sister's sirens don't eat anything; prince did everything; quietly hid the food offered; but the food answered the siren's sister's question: I'm here under the bed; the next time the prince hid the food in the oven - the same thing; the third time he hid it under his clothes on body; the siren's sister believed that the prince had eaten everything; gave him a box with wedding dresses; when the prince left, the siren's sister consistently ordered the guards (eagles, woodcutters, etc.) to detain him, but they they say that he helped them and they would not detain him; on the way to the siren, the prince opened the box slightly, although M. did not tell them to do so; a sheaf of sparks broke out; the prince remembered the little men whom called M.; knocked on a stone, asked them for help; they jumped out, each grabbed a sparkle and returned it to the box; the siren asked for the prince's luxurious wedding with M.; then the young went to the prince's homeland; Arriving at the king's city, the prince insisted that he go alone first; M. ordered nothing to eat; but he succumbed to persuasion and ate cookies (Pfefferkorn); immediately forgot M. and everything that happened to him; the prince was decided marry a neighboring princess; during a wedding feast, M. came in as a maid and released two doves; the dove tells the dove three times that he will forget her, as Prince forgot M.; the prince remembered everything, hugged her M. and called her his only bride]: Hyltén-Cavallius, Stephens 1848:255-274; Karelians (northern, Tungud district) [wife went to look for sheep, Syuotar tells me to spit, walk between her legs , the woman herself turned into a sheep, S. took her place; the husband did not notice, the daughter noticed; S. tells the sheep to be slaughtered; she tells her daughter not to eat meat, bury the bones; S. and her husband went to a feast, S. told her stepdaughter separate the flour from the sand; the mother teaches me to hit with a rod - everything is divided, another horse appeared, the daughter washed her face in one ear, dressed in the other; leaving the feast, she lost her ring; the next day, separate the milk from water; the prince smeared the door with resin, the girl's kerchief stuck; on the third, to repair the fallen stove, the prince smeared the threshold, the shoe stuck; he found Cinderella (Tukhkimus) on it, married it]: Stepanova 2000, No. 114:202-205; Karelians (Russian Karelia) [husband and wife went to look for the missing sheep; the witch turned the woman into a black sheep, took her form, the husband did not notice the substitution; the witch wife asks to be slaughtered sheep; daughter knows that it is a mother; the sheep tells her not to eat her, collect her bones and bury her bones; a birch tree grew in this place; the witch wife also gave birth to a daughter, began to tyrant her stepdaughter; the king calls everyone to the feast; stepmother tells her stepdaughter to separate barley from the ash; the mother's voice from under the birch tree tells her to take a birch branch, she does the work; the girl becomes beautiful, she is wearing a luxurious dress, a horse next to her; the queen planted the girl next to her, and the witch's daughter gnawed bones under the table; the queen smeared the door with resin, the girl's ring stuck; at home she leaves her dress and horse by the birch tree; next time the task is to separate the seeds hemp; the same, a golden hoop for the girl's hair sticks to the door; the third time a witch pours milk into the ash; a golden shoe sticks to the door; the queen gathers everyone to try it on; a witch squeezes his daughter's finger, head and leg into a ring, hoop and shoe; the queen must marry a freak; he takes both girls from the witch's house; crossing the river, throws the freak like a bridge, crosses him, marries a beautiful woman, but everyone thinks that she is the daughter of a witch; the freak remains on the bridge, she grows into a cicuta; the witch wants to cut her off, hears her daughter's voice, makes her human again; comes to a young queen, turns her into a deer, leaves her daughter in her place; the royal baby cries; a widow teaches the queen to give her a baby to take her to the forest; the deer queen fits him feed; says that this will be the case for three days, and then she will go away forever with the deer; the third time the widow offers to clean the queen's head; she takes off her deer skin; the hidden king throws his skin at fire; the queen turns into a spinning wheel, a mallet for washing clothes, a spindle, but the husband destroys these guises, the queen remains a woman; the queen orders to cook a resin pit, light it, on top cover up, calls the witch and her daughter, they fail, burn; the witch has time to stick her finger out, says that (she) will create worms in the ground, mosquitoes in the air to cause people to suffer]: Schreck 1887 , No. 9:63-74; Finns [older sisters tyrant the youngest; the pig asks to remove the trough from her face; the cow, with straw on its horns, asks her to milk; the old man asks to look in his head; only the youngest the sister fulfills requests, receives milk, a magic wand; hires to herd pigs; she is told to sort out the grain (the old man did it); the heroine comes to church three times in magic dresses; runs away early; for the third time, the shoe sticks to the resin; money scattered to distract pursuers; girls try on a shoe; older sisters mutilate themselves in vain to make their legs smaller; wedding; antagonists are punished]: Salmelainen 1871, No. 7:73-77 in Cox 1893, No. 97:39; Finns (Sotkamo, Osterbotnia) [two girls washed their hands for three years to be hired for royal service; refuse to take it out bread from the oven, milk a cow, shear a sheep, help the old man; the heroine does all this, the old man gives her a magic wand that opens the door to the rock, followed by treasures; she was hired to the palace as a dishwasher; she is told to separate the grain from the ash (the old man performs); she runs away, the shoe sticks to the resin; all the girls try on the shoe; the elders disfigure their legs to make the shoe fit; the heroine is found, the wedding]: Cox 1893, No. 106:43; the Veps [the girl's mother died, the husband married Baba Yaga's sister, that daughter Varvey; stepmother and V. tyrant their stepdaughter; go to the party, the stepmother hopes that V. will like Ivan- prince; tells her stepdaughter to separate oatmeal from ash; the girl cries at her mother's grave; she tells her to cut off the twig, wave it crosswise, the work will be done; she will also send a horse and outfits; you must return before midnight; entering one ear of the horse and leaving the other, the girl became beautiful; at the festival she was taken to the royal mansions; V. asks I. to pet the bone, he threw a bone at her, her leg broke; stepmother: we'll make a new one out of the hook; made her a crooked wooden leg; I. smeared the door jamb with tar, the girl left, grabbed the jamb, the ring stuck; next time, separate the millet from the sand; I. threw the bone into V., that finger broke; stepmother: we will attach a die; the girl's slipper stuck to the doorstep; the third time, separate the flour from the ground; I. threw the bone, V.'s eye leaked out; stepmother: let's insert sheep; the girl has a hat stuck; I. gathers all the girls to try on a ring, slipper, hat; only came up to Zamarashka; a wedding is being prepared; stepmother tells her to go between her legs, sends her horses to herd, dresses up her girl's clothes daughter; when the bride is riding, the girl screams that they are carrying a poker leg, a wooden finger, a sheep's eye; the mother's daughter is stripped, naked under the bridge, the girl has been dressed up; after 9 months she gave birth; stepmother thinks that it's her daughter; she goes across the bridge, broke the pipe, from there the voice, "Mom, it hurts!" ; the daughter is almost rotten, but the stepmother promises to make her wife I. anyway; tells his wife I. to walk between her legs and fly with geese, and dressed her daughter and brought her to the bedroom; the child cries; the goose asks the shepherdess bring her baby; seeing a flock of geese, the shepherdess asks if they have the mother of the child; they say that in another pack; in the third; the goose came down, shed its wings, began to breastfeed the baby; the same the second day; on the third, the shepherdess talks about everything I.; he came, burned his wings; I. says to his mother-in-law that he wants to slaughter a bull in the room; she hides under the bench; he hits her with an ax, every time he says that the bull kicked; finished off, the body was thrown away; the imaginary wife was cut into small pieces, put in a net, tied to the horse's tail; where the head fell, there was a rock, where the eye was a wormwood, where the nose was a spring, where the leg was there poker, where the ass is the turf (Kuna langtob pä, siga kasvab kallö, kuna silm - siga silmalähte, kuna nena - sige rodnik, kuna käzi - sihe harav, kuna döug - sihe kouk { transfer?} , kuna perze - sihe turbaz)]: Onegina, Zaytseva 1996, No. 3:42-51.

Volga - Perm. Mordvians [count millet in the barn]; the Udmurts [the father gave the eldest daughter to the chief of birds, the middle daughter to the chief of animals, the youngest for a whirlwind; the son sold the house, went on a journey, did not eat a bee, a crow, an ant, they promised to help; the young man came to his older sister; her husband tells her that if her father comes, he will kill him, or if his brother does not; the sister showed her hidden brother; his son-in-law fed and gave the horse; the young man rode after the lame fox, the horse ran into a stake; the young man came to his middle sister, the same place as in the elder's house; the fox's leg was slightly hanging, the horse fell; the same at the whirlwind; the fox the guts fell out; the young man comes into the house, the owners take him as a watchman, tell him not to go into one hut, he comes in, there is a man nailed to the wall, asks to hit him with a hammer, disappeared after the blow; the owner: it was Satan, pretending to be a fox, ate your three horses; the young man returned home, where the new owner tells you to collect the sown grain (ants collect); give birth to a child in one night without a wife (the crow screams like baby); make a wax bridge (the bee does); that man left, and the young man stayed in his home]: Kralina 1960, No. 57:154-157; the Tatars [rich man {hereinafter referred to as padishah} wanted to take gold, which was kept in his palaces, but someone said that only Altynbay could take it; the rich man stayed with the old man; at that time his wife gave birth, the boy was named Altynbay; rich man: when A. was 18, let him come to me; A. comes to his teacher named Hatfa, who asks him to take him with him; lowers him into a well to get water; pulls him out for a promise to change his clothes and name with him; the imaginary H. is accepted a padishah with honors, and the real one became a groom; H. (i.e. imaginary A.) pretended to be sick, water from the spring will heal him, let A. bring him; the horse tells him to kill him, catch a crow; when his mother arrives, let him bring water to the zyamzes; then revive him horse; the horse tells him to keep half a bottle for himself; H. demands the daughter of a padishah named Hakim; on the way A. killed bears that destroyed a hive, an anthill, a lake with fish; bees, ants, fish promised to help; X . orders to separate yellow millet from black millet (ants separated); revive his long-dead ten-year-old son (A. moistened his lips with water); the princess orders him to get the ring that fell into the lake (the fish took it out); when A. was sleeping, H. came and cut off his head; his wife revived him with water; only the real A. was able to open palaces with gold; H. was tied to a horse's tail]: Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 33:262-270; Bashkirs.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Kanbak-Shal 1985 [bai has a daughter with his eldest wife, son and daughter with his youngest; the youngest is dead; stepmother tyrannites her children; the black lamb koshkar tells them to pull out a piece of hair from him, every time food appears; the stepmother peeked, decided to slaughter the lamb, pretended to be sick, only her meat would cure it; the lamb advised the children to bury its bones; the stepmother let the stepdaughter hide the bag of wool; the cow began to chew wool to hide it; the wind carried away the wool; the girl came to the old woman; she asked her to comb her hair; there were delicious things, the girl did not touch it; the old woman made her beautiful, gave her back wool, the cow chewed, the wool became threads; the stepmother sends her own daughter, she ate the food, the old woman ordered her to grow horns on her head; the healers hardly cured her; the padishah promised to marry her son , pass off his daughter as someone whose leather boots would suit him; the stepmother and her daughter carried their boots, told the children to separate rice from millet; the white chicken ordered him to dig a hole with bones, horses, clothes, shoes; The padishah married his son to a girl, married his daughter to her brother]: 58-60; Tursunov 1983 [Auez Khan wants to marry 40 sons to 40 daughters of another khan; he asks to build a road with gardens, fountains, nightingales in a year; the youngest son meets the old man, who creates everything; tells the youngest to stay at home, and the older brothers do not enter the palace on the way during the blizzard; they come in, the dragon lets them go for delivering the youngest; tells the youngest to get the girl; on the way heals the wounds of a fox, an ant; the girl demands to catch two foxes, collect wheat scattered in the sand; fox, ants perform; orders to kill two pigeons by opening dragon chest; dragon dies, younger brother marries girl]: 203-205; Coyaud 2012, No. 71 [bai has 2 sons from three wives; he wants to marry them to 29 sisters; bai and 29 daughters found; the elders have gone there, the youngest Kanjikala, 18 years old, came three months later, for him his youngest daughter Kanjiguli; something seemed floating in the water, turned into a cannibal with copper claws, and grabbed bai, the brothers' father; I had to promise to give her son K.; the father asked K. to return to shoot a goose by the river; the wife warns that there is a cannibal; she leads to the dragon, who demands that he get Naezi Khan's daughter; K. meets and takes with him 5 people with different abilities; one saves ants from a shower; The hearer hears that the khan wants them, they changed plates, the ministers died; Drunk floods the fire around the iron house in which the khan wanted to burn them is flooded with the ground, the khan gives his daughter; the ants separated the grain from the sand; knock down a piece of silver from the top of the tree with an arrow; the khan gave his daughter; the fox took her form, K. gave her dragon, and the fox then became a fox again, ran away; K. returned, he now has two wives]: 173-188; the karakalpaks [the king has sons from his eldest wife Yesen and Usen, the youngest is Asan; he wants to find a king with three daughters; visits an old woman, meets a king who is going to give him his daughters, but manages to give his youngest A. to the old woman; A. comes to the old woman; asks for an assignment to him; the old woman offers to bring the daughter of the Rum king Myskal ("spool" is her weight; if she meets a man, it will become heavier, so her father regularly weighs her); along the way, A. helps the queen of mice, ants, and the tiger, they promise to help in return; A. lives with another old woman, gold falls from his hair, the old woman gets rich; in the morning she sees two suns - in the east and west; old woman: in the west, the sun reflects from Myskal's brow - the king's daughters; the mouse makes an underground passage, the king weighs M., the weight has increased, he executes the guards; M. gives A. a magic ring, it will help fulfill his father's tasks; 1) make him melt in two holes gold and silver (the ring melts); 2) collect scattered millet to a grain (ants collect); 3) kill a dragon that is ready to destroy all citizens (tigers tore the dragon, A. brought the carcass to the city); A. married M., they have a son; they go to the old woman who sent A. for M., thieves kidnap M. and the boy on the way; A. returns to the city, his father-in-law is dead, the bird sits on the head A, he is elected king; he promises thieves to reward them if they tell them about their crimes; through them he learns about the cave where M. and his son return them; M. says that old woman is Baba Yaga, you need to tear off the head of a dove sitting on the ladder, otherwise she will eat them; she avenges her giant sons, who married M., but were executed (they did not complete their tasks); A. did so, brought his wife and son to his father]: Volkov, Mayorov 1959:177-186; Kyrgyz [bai taught his only son; in the third year, the young man became worse at school, slept, avoided peer society; moldo (mullah, teacher) ordered to follow; he reported that the young man was sitting on the shore, cutting meat off his thighs and feeding a frog; Moldo summoned the young man to his place, but he refused to study and returned home, and then went on a journey; a huge herd; suddenly the cattle split, the wind dragged the young man in front of the dragon opened its mouth; it was the same frog; when he recognized the young man, the dragon slammed its mouth shut, greeted the young man, gave a satiating stone; You hold it to your mouth, and food appears at will; it also revives the dead; going on, the young man revived a 12-year-old boy, a snake, ants, bees; after putting a stone in his mouth, the young man did not need food; together with the rescued boy, the young man went to the well for a drink, the boy pushed him down; the snake promises to save: it will sting the khan's daughter, the young man will volunteer to treat her, the snake will extract poison in three days, the young man will get this girl; it happened, but the khan offers difficult tasks; in a dark house to separate wheat, barley, oats and millet; ants separated; daughter in one of the sixties covered wagons, indicate in what; bees began to spin there; the khan gave his daughter and made his son-in-law a vizier; the wife found a stone, called the boy, he explained everything; the khan asked his son-in-law to revive the dead animals, he did it]: Sabyr uulu 2008:46- 48; Kyrgyz [stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter with work; the old woman advises to feed this wool to the cow; it turns out yarn; stepmother tells to separate millet from wheat; the old woman makes the work herself comes true; the khan arranged that one; the old woman did her stepdaughter gold shoes and a luxurious dress; when leaving, the girl forgot one slipper; the Khan's vizier fell in love with her and began to try on the slipper to all women; stepmother covered her stepdaughter with a bag; the vizier found her, noticing the cackling of the chickens; got married; the old woman gives her stepdaughter advice: sprinkle flour in the corners of the room every Monday, make it out of this flour on Tuesday grout and invite the 7 poorest widows; the vizier is outraged that his wife is feeding the guests with grout, knocked over the soup pot with his foot; returning from hunting, he bought three melons, and when he arrived at the khan's palace, he found out that Khan's three sons were killed; the vizier's bag contained 3 human heads instead of melons; as soon as the vizier repented that he had knocked over the soup prepared for widows, the khan's sons appeared alive, and in the bag Vizier melons again]: Muchnik 1944:59-62; Uighurs; Dungans.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats [takes Garyulai-Mergen and sister Agu-Nogon-Abaha; G. goes hunting to meet a 7-headed mangathai; asks: what is behind you - your soul or the soul of your horse? G. looked around, the mangathai swallowed it, spit out his clothes; the horse picked up G.'s clothes and weapons, brought it to his sister; changed into her brother's clothes, met the mangathaya, asked him the same question herself, he looked around. she killed him with an arrow, caught and killed a horse; her horse tells her to cut the mangathaya's right thumb, containing her brother's bones; burned the bodies of the mangathai and his horse; asked the mountain to open, put it in preserving her brother's bone; dressed as a groom in a man's outfit, she went to the three daughters of the deity Esege-Malan, who can revive the dead; the horse warned not to drink tea from a dangerous woman, A. splashed it out on her tea, she died; killed a bear who ravaged an anthill, the ant khan promised to help; the horse lifted A. to a steep high mountain, where a source of living water, A. got drunk, became even stronger; revived people whose bones under the mountain; revived three invisible bars who were dying of fatigue; revived a dying dog, which may also be invisible; two more suitors came to E. to marry his daughters; A. called herself in the name of his brother - G.; E. invites them to fight each other; the invisible bator fights instead of A., wins; shaman: imaginary G. is a girl in disguise; E. arranges new tests; shoot at the target (bator- the invisible man wins); horse racing (the dog detained the rival horses); let each of the grooms spend the night in the barn with the bear (the invisible bator killed the bear, the other suitors killed themselves, E.'s daughters revived them); separate red and white millet (ants separated); the imaginary G. received daughters E.; said that he must first visit his herds; on the way, daughter E. again tests her husband: they put fire on him sleeping, a snake; he does not pay attention; A. took G.'s bones from the mountain, put his clothes and weapons next to him, left a note for her brother in her clothes, became a hare herself, ran into the forest; E.'s daughters revived G., became his wives; G. found the hare, grabbed it, it became A.; E.'s daughters forgave A. her deception; they have a silver scoop with any food and drink in it; everything is fine]: Eliasov 1959:92-109; Mongors: Stuart, Limusishiden 1994 [Danjiansirang has been feeding a toad for years, although his father tells him to throw it away; when he grows up, he goes to the capital to take an exam; the Toad rewards D. with a bead that revives the dead, tells him not to revive people; D. revives a fly, mice, bee; revives a corpse by the road; this is Lamurenqian; he first accuses D. of murder, then goes with D.; lowers water into the well, throws it, takes the bead, gives it emperor, receives the rank of "Hero who gave the treasure"; a passerby pulls D. out of the well, he comes to the capital, accuses L., L. throws him into prison; the rescued Bee teaches how to cure a dying person princess; D. heals, gets her married, D. persuades the emperor to test his son-in-law; 1) separate millet from rice overnight (mice separate); 2) identify the princess's palanquin among 22 identical ones (the fly sits on him); D. finds his bead in the treasury, his wife tells his father that he executes L.]: 118-119; Dagurs [two sisters were orphaned, went to the forest, ate roots; once they saw a house, it has no owners, but there is food; the eldest ate a green pea, the youngest is a red pea, both gave birth to a girl; the daughter of the eldest Boobu, the youngest, Schadscha; when S. is 17 years old, her mother died; B.'s mother joins her niece; leaving with her daughter to the wedding, tells S. to separate buckwheat from oats; an old woman comes, promises to do this job, tells her to take clothes and shoes she likes from the cellar under the poplar and go to the wedding; there her aunt did not recognize her; returning, S. lost one of her red shoes; a young Bulto hunter found it, began to look for an owner; B. could not wear a shoe, and S. brought the second one and left Bulto; gave birth to a son; a year later, an aunt with Booba came to her, asked her how she behaved when her husband returned from hunting; offered to go pick mushrooms together; asked her to get water from the well, pushed her there; replaced S. with her daughter; horse Bulto says that this woman is Boob and S. is in the well; the horse lowered its tail into the well, S. got out; the aunt and daughter ran into the forest, they were eaten by wolves]: Bäcker 1988, No. 21:146-14.

Eastern Siberia. Far Eastern Evenks (Uchursky or Amur) [every time Tenenge does not give roe deer to hunters; once they beat him terribly with twigs; he weakened, called the roe deer; she tells him to go to lake, geese will arrive, their wings will take off, we must choose the best ones; geese are trying to take away their wings, T. she hardly overcame her, she gave birth to a boy, took her parents to the upper land; her father tells go to bring scattered flour; the roe deer shows where it is, tells squirrels, chipmunks, birds to collect; then the roe deer tells you to go to the lake, collect moss, give the elk that will come in the middle lakes; T. gave, climbed the horns, they became earth; T. went, two boys shoot a bow; T. opened his mouth, caught one arrow with his mouth, and the other boy missed; T.: this is my son (whose arrow he caught); T. he gave flour to the old man; he does not give his wife, tells him to bring the lost prison; the roe deer brings, T. took the prison; he made the raft, pierced a huge huchen with a jail, and he hit him; T. fell into the water and died]: Myreeva 2009:150-154 (=Bulatova 1980:102-104 (=1987, No. 7:125-128).

Amur - Sakhalin. The Nanai [Mergen pulled the red deer out of the swamp, did not run over the ant, pushed the aground Kaluga into the water; he came to the old man, he is ready to give his daughter, but difficult tasks must be completed, otherwise will turn into a slave; trample iron boots (red deer trampled), collect scattered millet (ants collected), get a gold ring from the bottom of the Amur River (Kaluga got it); Mergen got a wife]: Sam, Sem 2020, No. 35:148- 152; Udege people [=Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 103:265-467, referring to Arsenyev 1917-1925, No. 1:701-705; old man Kanda hides his daughter in a box; When he asks her to marry, K. demands to bring sunny sky light; E. meets a fox with two, then 11 tails; shoots 10, since then the fox has one tail; brings K.; he replies that he does not need fox tails, but sunlight; E. goes again; two birds they fight over the nest, E. reconciles them, makes them a second nest; fish in shallow water, E. lets it into the water; meets brother K.; he promises to help if E. he will sprinkle a bag of chumiza by the sea, and then collect it; the birds collect; pour a bag of abdu (coppers) into the sea, collects the fish; brother K. asks him to give his daughter, but K. again demands sunlight; the old woman gives a small saw; E. will meet a bear, a wild boar, an elk, lying without moving; then a red deer with horns to the sky; the bear's teeth have grown into the ground, E. sawed them off, the bear is grateful; tells the horns deer to climb into heaven, saw off on the way back; in heaven you have to bow to the Month, it will help; E. sawed off the boar's fangs, but he left without thanking; in heaven the old man (obviously the Month) gives a parcel, tells do not open it on the way; going down to the ground, E. saws off the horns with a deer, he is grateful; runs a bundle over the wool, now the red deer's ass is red; E. gave the parcel to K., took the girl; K. and his wife unfolded, burned down; after getting married, E. gave the tiger a beautiful shirt (he has been striped since then), the tiger taught him how to hunt well; the magpie helped E., he also gave her clothes]: Arsenyev 1995 (1): 117-120; Udege [quail s Arsenyev 1917-1925, No. 1:701-705; When he wants to take old man Kand's daughter, he gives difficult assignments; 1) E. finds a fox with 11 tails, shoots 10 (since then the fox has one tail), brings K.; he says that he did not ask for it; 2) the girl's uncle sprinkles wheat (the birds collect), 3) throws a bag of small money into the water (collect the fish); 4) the girl's father demands to bring sunlight from the sky; the old woman gives a saw, E. saws off the wild boar's fangs that have grown into the ground, he teaches you to climb into the sky with red deer horns that have grown into it, then saw it off; The month gives a bag of sunlight, tells you not to open it yourself; E. gets a wife; when K . opens the bag with his wife, the heat burns them]: Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 103:465-467.

Japan. The Japanese [among the stepmother's tasks for her stepdaughter in Cinderella's story (motif K57) is to sort a huge amount of grain in a short time]: Ikeda 1971, No. 510A: 136.

(Wed. Mesoamerica Probably European borrowing. Otomi [the woman kept her daughter in the drawer, did not let him out; the young man made wooden spoons, bowls, came disguised as a salesman; the girl asked her mother to buy it; when she saw him, the girl felt itchy; when she went swimming and took off her dress, found a corn kernel in it; she rubbed it and threw it into the water, the shrimp took care of him, the fish raised him, and since then some of them had dark spots on their backs; the boy grew up, asked the girls who were washing their clothes to transport it across the river; they refused; then persuaded them to stand in a row to cross their backs; as I walked, the girls turned into frogs; came to mother, she made clay vessels, he smashed them with arrows; she scolded him, he explained that he was her son, whom she grinded and threw into the water; he began to play his grandfather's musical instrument; She told me to stop: another, angry, grandfather would hear him kill the player; he came, took the young man to the temazcal, closed the door, gave a couple; opened it, intending to cut and eat the cooked; the bathhouse was empty, young man came up from the spring, all wet; then the grandfather offered to separate the black grains from the white ones; the young man covered the vessel with a cross, the grains separated; but the grandfather could not separate; the young man offered to catch the thrown stone; the young man I caught it; he threw a stone himself, and when he fell, he threw cornthorns (espigas) into his grandfather's eyes, the stone hit him in the head and killed him; he asked his mother for cakes, she replied that they only eat bones here, There is nothing else; he told me to take the pot, it boiled, it contained tortillas; told me to cook the field, the first corn grew on it]: Oropeza Escobar 2007:185-191; tsutuhil [peel the rice]: Petrich 1997:161-166).

(Wed. Bolivia - Guaporé. {There are no unexplored narratives in South America in which a powerful character gives a hero tasks to destroy him; the k27hh motif is also likely of European origin}. Guarazu [the chief's daughter called the man the father of her child; father-in-law tells 1) to collect all the corn from the field in a day (the ants did), 2) bring a seven-colored tapir (the fox showed where to find it); chief said that the man passed the test, allowed him to marry; the woman admitted that she was not pregnant, joked foolishly; the Chuúbi bird stole someone else's baby, brought it to her, the father did not know about the deception; husband and wife lived happily ever after]: Riester 1977, No. 46:300-302).