Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27L1. Freeze into the ice .29.33.34. (.35.)

By voluntarily testing himself, the character allows himself to freeze into the ice and cannot free himself.

Kalmyks, Kyrgyz, Abkhazians, Adygs, Karachays and/or Balkarians, Ossetians, Avars, Svans, Chulym Turks, Oirats (Derbets), (Tundra Nenets).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [Ovshe comes to mangadhai disguised as a simple shepherd; replies that 1) heroes in his country drink cast iron (mangadhai drinks 10 cast iron cauldrons); 2) break the ice when they freeze into the river up to the chest (mangadhai gets up); 3) the same, up to the neck; mangadhai blows, O. comes up from behind, cuts off his head; Mangadhai's wife O. did not catch up]: Zhukovskaya 2003:263-266; Karachays, Balkarians [sledges used to light a fire by bringing a dry tree to the sun or knocking down a star from the sky; one day the fire went out, the emegenes raised a snowstorm to prevent them from getting fire from the sky; Sosuruk came to the one-eyed cave emegen, grabbed a coal, emegen woke up; not recognizing S., asks what games S. is playing; easily hits stones with his head; enters the lake, S. freezes him; emegen says that his Only his sword will cut off his head; S. does not take the sword with his hand, but touches it with a stick, which cuts off the pole; S. cuts off the head of emegen; stretching its spinal cord, puts it on a tree, the tree is cut; only then girds; brings fire to sledges]: Aliyeva 1994, No. 35:367-369 (No. 36-42:369-378; about the same, but the loss of fire is either only briefly mentioned, or the text immediately begins when S. comes to emegen); Balkarians [the sledge's flint went out; the fire in the giant's fortress; whoever went to him, he slaughtered him; Sosuruk went; took the burning log, went back; the spark hit the eye of the sleeping giant, he woke up; the giant took S., put it in his pillow; asks if he knows S.; S.: I am his ambassador; the giant asks S. about his fun; beats off falling stones with his head, tramples thorns; S.: S. enters the sea and freezes into the ice; the giant could not get out; tells him to go get his knife; S. takes the knife with a split stick; the giant advises to take his spinal cord; S. wraps it around a tree, the brain cut it; S. brought fire to the sledges]: Boziev 1962, No. 33:105-106; Abkhazians: Inal-ipa et al. 1988, No. 21 [the Sasarkva brothers do not take him on a hike; S. asks Sataney Guasha to cook a hot island, puts it there fingers, forcing them to say who his father is; she admits that S. was born a rock; rain and hail extinguish the fire of the brothers S., they freeze; S. catches up with them, knocks a star down from the sky; her fire is cold; S. tries to carry them away the fire of a sleeping giant, but the giant wakes up; S. pretends to be a servant, talks about S.'s exploits; the giant repeats them; 1) gets under falling stones; 2) drinks hot iron; 3) freezes into the ice ; cannot get up; asks him to cut his head with his sword, get a vein out of his neck; S. cuts down; throws a vein on a linden tree, it is cut; brings fire to his brothers]: 122-130; Morina 1939 [(apparently the same episode series); on the advice of Sashirkua, adau puts a hot plow in his mouth; says it can warm him up; S. gives some similar advice; cuts off the giant's head when he was knee-deep in water that turned to ice]: 35; Salakaya 1976, No. 5 [Sasirkva asks his mother to give him a hot chorek, clamps it in her hand; Satanay-Guasha is forced to say that his father is a sart shepherd; S. goes for brothers who have gone camping; they do not have fire; S. comes to Adau the giant lying around the fire; tries to carry away the fire, the giant grabs it; without recognizing S., asks about his exploits; breaks the stones with his head, drinks a boiling broth; lets himself freeze into the ice, S. cuts off his head; a belt from the skin of the giant's back cuts the tree; S. brings fire to his brothers], 8 and 9 [about the same as in (5)]: 176-177, 186-188, 188-192; Ubykhs [Sakwa (Sasirkva, Sausrkva?) fights against the giant Pshadza; he performs various tasks, including putting his side under a wheel rolling into the mountains, but in the end he recklessly lets himself be frozen]: Inal-ipa 1977:107; Adygs: Aliyeva 1974 (bzhedugi) [the hosts stole cattle; sledges went to beat them off; Sausyryko returned from the campaign, followed; the sledges have no fire, S. goes to get it, tries to steal a head from the frost, he stops him; S. introduces himself as another person; replies that S. beats off a stone rolling down the mountain with his thigh, puts a hot stone in his mouth, bathes in boiling water; he does all this easily; supposedly S. freezes into the ice, the other man cannot get up; says that his head can only be cut down with his own sword; then three intestines must be pulled out, one will have a good belt; the horse warns S. that the sword should be taken with Tlepsh ticks; S. encircles the maple with his gut, the trunk is cut; S. kills other frogs with the sword of the murdered willow, returns the cattle]: 206-210; Huth 1987:20-21 [caught sledges on the way snowstorm; Sausoroko saw smoke in the distance, came to the frost; he did not recognize him, asks how S. heals a headache, is treated; S. suggests breaking a rolling wheel with his head, swimming in boiling water; another performs; enter the river, the water has frozen; Sinyzh advises to take his sword, S. grabs his sword with ticks, cuts off his head]; Ossetians: Liberdinsky 1978 [Soslan drives the hungry cattle to the pastures of Tar's two sons; these are giants Mukara and Bibitz; S. pretends to be a simple shepherd, tells us what games S. plays; M. puts himself under the same tests; it is jumping on the edges of swords , crush rocks with his head; dies frozen in the ice and unable to stand up, S. cuts off his head with his razor; before that, M. advises to stretch his spinal cord and gird him, his the force will pass to S.; S. encircles M.'s brain with a thick beech, the brain cuts the trunk; so with eight trees, the ninth is only compressed; after that, S. girds himself; B. swallows hot stones without harm, raises the entire array of frozen water; wife S. Shatana greets B. as a guest, finds out where his soul is, puts sleeping pills; the bird brings a box with three pigeons, in which strength, hope, life H.; S. kills pigeons]: 143-156: Khamitsaeva, Byazirov 1989, No. 42 (Irons, 1880) [=Miller 1881, No. 6:33-40; Satan washed her pants and put them to dry on a rock; Uastyrji spilled his seed on them; when Satan learned this, he counted the months and, when the time came, cut the stone; Sozyryko left him; he beat Burafarnyg's three sons, cut off their right arms and mustache and took out their right eyes; their mother said: "If you are strong, Sozyryko, kill Yeltagan, take his skin off his head, bring it and make a fur coat collar out of it"; Sozyryko came to E.; he asked about Sozyryko's sledge; Sozyryko replied that if you shoot two bullets in Sozyryko's chest, the bullets would fall in front of her like pears ; Yeltagan asked to shoot him, Sozyryko did it - the bullets fell like pears; Sozyryko said that if you sharpen your sword and hit Sozyryko on the head, even one and a half hair would not be cut off; E. asked him to hit him like this, Sozyryko did it and did not even cut off one and a half hair; Sozyryko: "In winter, if you dig a hole, you will let water from Terek go there, you will plant Sozyryko in this hole, and this hole for one week if it freezes, when it freezes, he will knock out [ice] with his head, so it is strong"; E. ordered to do this to himself; when the water froze, Sozyryko asked him if he could pull out the ice with his head; E. pierced the ice with his head, but his shoulders did not pass, and he got stuck; Sozyryko cut off his head, tore off his skin; took everything that was in E.'s house to him; told the girls: "Hide my scalp and skin coat with a mustache"; carried them out skin from their heads and mustaches, they recognized them as the skin of their fathers, brothers and husbands; after tailoring their fur coat, they decided to cheat and asked the witch how to do it; she advised me to leave the fur coat without a collar and say that he needs skin from Mukara's head; the girls did so; S. invited M. to play alchik on his head; M. agreed, S. threw the alchik, millet fell out of him; S.: "This millet needs to be collected"; M. threw his alchik, chickens fell out of him, pecking millet; M. threw the alchik again, a boar jumped out of it; S. left his own, three dogs jumped out, caught up and brought the wild boar; S. let the alchik go, Nart's houses caught fire; M. said he could do nothing more for them; S. threw the alchik, it rained and put out the houses; S. gave M. the right to quit again; M. threw it, three flew out of his alchik pigeon; three hawks flew out of Alchik S., caught and killed pigeons; S. said that M. was a good husband, ripped off his head and put a potion on his head; M. grew new skin on his head; S. brought skin home, girls sewed a collar out of it], 43 (Digortsy, 1941) [Soslan decided to sew a fur coat out of human beards; killed men, ripped off their beards, and his mother sewed them together; the fur coat was ready, only the collar was missing; S. decided to kill Khan Carc-Marc Ouare, who had a lush red beard; on his mother's advice, hired him and remained unrecognized; W. asked him what games S.; S. played: "He sends people to the top of the mountain. They throw stones from there. Exiled is standing under the mountain, and these stones break against his chest, turning into ash"; W. tried it for himself, the game did not surprise him; S.: "He plays another game. In winter, he goes into the sea, and tells him to pour brushwood around him. All this around him freezes tightly, and then he shakes and gets out [to land]"; W. decided to try it; S. visited him in the morning, told him to get out; W. tried, but could not get out of the water; S. cut off his head, ripped off his beard and returned home; so his fur coat was completely sewn]: 108-112; Khamitsaeva, Byazirov 1991 [list of archival Digor versions (5 texts)]: 29; Avars [father and son they took a frozen horse and hired them to the khan; the son was a groom, the horse was tired; enemies attacked, the young man on his horse defeated them, the khan gave him his daughter and appointed him successor; wife: as long as there is a man in the world, braver than you, you should not go to bed with me; a young man came to an eyeless man with a noseless wife; killed a sledge, brought his clothes; a noseless man recognized the clothes of his son who was killed by a sledge; another sledge drove the young man knee-deep into the ground, but decided not to kill the brave man; said he could go down into the frozen sea and break through the ice; punched the ice with his head but froze into it; said that he could only be killed with his own knife ; the young man found the nose and eyes of old people next to the knife; the sledge tells him to eat a piece of bacon from his stomach after his death and gird himself with his gut; the hostess came running: throw fat to the dog, tie the tree with his gut; the intestine clenched and broke the tree; her nose and eyes stuck to the old people; it was not the sledge that cut them off and pulled them out; the wife nozzled, cut off her nose, and the husband blinded himself, not wanting to look at his noseless wife]: Khalilov 1965, No. 52:142-145; Swana [a man marries a deva daughter; she devours the children he gives birth to; a man replaces his son with a puppy, feeds him with glacial water; this is Shawai; dev asks S., who is unrecognized by him, what trials he will face exposes himself; without harming himself, puts his head under the stones, swallows hot plows; enters the river up to his throat, S. freezes it; dev advises him to take his knife, get his black intestine out of the box in its side; the horse warns S. of danger, the knife cuts the pillars of the house, the gut pulls the oak tree; S. cuts off the deva's head]: Jidziguri 1973, No. 13:99-102.

Turkestan. Kirghiz (1959, Jumgal District, Naryn Region) [the elderly couple have sons Egizbek and Segizbek ("egiz" is twin, "segiz" is eight); they herd horses in a place called Taygylman's Slippery Stone; once two deyo (divas), Buktugul and Shuutugul, a slippery stone was uprooted and knocked down, and young men and horses were taken away; having lost their sons, the couple live in grief and poverty; in a dream, a white-bearded old man tells his father to arrange young men near the poplar on the mazar atoning sacrifice; at midnight a white apple will fall from the sky, a red apple before dawn; eat the white one yourself, let the wife eat the red one; then a child will be born; the wife has given birth to a boy; he offends others; one old woman: "If you're so lively, why don't you find your older brothers?!" ; after that, the boy told his mother to fry wheat; asks to bring him a handful urgently, clenched his mother's hand; she could not stand the pain, spoke about her older brothers; the boy is still without a name; the old man came and gave his name is Karach Baatyr; on the way, the KB saw a yellow foal stuck in a pit, which had never shed; pulled it out, threw a halter; a one-year-old foal turned into a two-year-old; threw a sweat, he became that third; when he saddled, he became a tulpar; the horse: "If you go along this road, you will reach the poplar. Scatter me, tie me to the poplar with my head up. Just below this there is a cemetery, among other graves there is a tomb, so go inside it. Sweat the bed under you, put the saddle under your head, lie down facing east. A person will appear in the morning and say, "No one from the human race has come here before" and starts waking you up - "Hey, horseman, get up!" , but don't get up. When it comes from the foot instead of the headboard, then get up. Make friends with him." The KB did so; man: "And I was the only son of elderly parents. I woke up one morning shouting "The enemy is near!" , jumped out, immediately hit me with an axe. They were two people, Buktugul and Shuutugul. They had two guys sitting in the saddle behind them - your older brothers. If you kill them, cut off their heads saying, "Dedicated to my friend Nurperi." Two of them have 40 yellow and white tulpars, and kill them too with the words "Dedicate them to my friend Nurperi," kill the two girls watching these horses too. If they stay alive, they'll do a lot of evil." The KB said goodbye to Karach to this man, saddled the horse and set off; suddenly the horse stopped, urinating with blood; KB went on foot; after a while the horse caught up with him; the episode repeated; the KB did not sit down on the horse, went on foot; the horse quietly walked around him, went out to meet him, decided to test it; the horse turned into a tiger; KB pulled out his sword and drove it; the horse became a horse again; says that Buktugul, one of the two close, it was his horse that tied my tongue when I couldn't move, urinated with blood; but now he tied his tongue himself; now the KB horse will turn into a yellow-white horse, and let KB be a horse, let him goes to Buktugul and says he's looking for a lost horse; Buktugul: "They say that some Karach is coming here, do you know him?" - "When he is going to fight someone, he eats the meat of eighty oxen and plunges into the lake. He sits in the lake for seven days with his head out of the water and causes snow and cold. In seven days, the lake is covered with ice, and then after breaking this ice, so that the debris soars to the sky, Karach gets up from the lake and goes to fight the enemy"; Bugtugul decides to do the same; after 7 days starts to get up, the ice is cracking; KB: "Oh, I completely forgot, I have to lie down for another 7 days"; after 14 days Bugtugul could not move; KB: "I dedicate to my friend Nurperi", demolished the ice sticking out with a sword head; horse: Shuutugul has white cotton wool on his back; you have to hit the cotton wool with a spear, otherwise Shuutugul cannot be killed; KB hit, cut off Shuutugul's head; his horse rose into the sky, but the KB horse grabbed him with his teeth by the tail and pulled them down; KB killed Shuutugul's horse; 40 yellow-piebald tulpars were tied in the deyo palace, the KB slaughtered them, dedicating them to Nurperi, to the two girls who were with these tools, also cut off their heads; from two years, only a cauldron, only soft ash; KB began to look for older brothers; towards a camel, riding a camel, two old men are brothers; "If you are our younger brother, do you know what Will I take our sign?" KB: "You both have a birthmark on your shoulder blade"; it is there, the brothers hugged each other, returned to their parents; everyone lives in happiness and joy]: Kebekov, Tokombaev 2007:175-180.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Chulym Turks [Kuchuk is the son of his middle brother, strong, went towards the sun, his father died in the war; Ochol is the elder's son, weak, went towards the moon; the elder brother was named Kodaiochka, the youngest is Solomochka; the widow of the deceased middle gave birth to a guy Ak Kobey, he does bad things to people; K. sees three girls bathing; hides the eldest's clothes, because after urinating, she made the deepest hole; they son Mangush; AK tells the blacksmith to make a sword, but it is difficult for him; blacksmith: you will die at the wrong hands; he tried unsuccessfully to kill Babai Khan; tells Sagai Khan that there is a man who enters the sea and freezes in it; S. froze, AK wanted to hit him with a sword, but could not kill him, he went out; AK asks Solomochka and gets a weapon, a horse, a harness, a dog and his father's falcon; M. envies that AK gets a lot beast; got together with Mangush's wife; M. tells his falcon, dog to kill the falcon and the AK dog; then AK drugged M. and Kodanochka, tied Mangush with skin removed from the old man, cut off his head; but Kodanochka killed AK, his the horse became a deer, Mangush's horse became a moose; AK Kuchui's brother cut off Kodanochka's head, put it in the grave of AK]: Abdrakhmanov 1952:65-69; Oirats (derbets, Ulaang) [Sartaktai was a khubilgan Ochirvani; Ejen Khan told him to enter the lake and freeze in it: "If you then have the strength to get out of the lake, I will make you a khan"; S. went into the lake up to his throat, the water froze; S. began to move, the ice hesitated; Khan told S. to wait for nine layers of ice to form; S. waited, but when he wanted to move, he could not; he blew (this caused the road to pass through the ice), but did not got out; E.-H. began to ride across the lake in a cart and killed S.]: Potanin 1883, No. 61:285-286.

(Wed. Western Siberia. The Nenets [used to be a lot of evil spirits; the old woman has a son Yompu; he saw a giant approach; he undressed, climbed the steep bank and rolled down on a sled; when he drove up to the giant: "Well, Yompu sledge, stop it! We've reached your grandfather"; the sledge stopped; the giant wants to buy it; Yumpu: I'll give it away for free; take her away a day's journey, and leave her clothes, you won't freeze naked; I go around naked the area in half a day; the giant left, began to freeze, told the sledge to go; she does not move; the giant froze to death; Yumpu turned his grandmother into the spirit of the patron saint of women, and he himself became the deity of the upper rivers]: Labanauskaya in Bamich 2016:626-627).