Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27M. Get an animal of an unusual color.


The task is to kill and bring in an animal of a certain (often unusual) color or shape. See motive K27.

Chuan Miao, Kazakhs, Khakas, Evens, Ulchi, Udege, Asian Eskimos, Ne Perse, Quinolt, Quileut, Menominee, Timagami Ojibwa, Hurons, Delawars, Sarsi, Blacklegs, Crowe, Arapahoe, teton, yankton, mandan, omaha and ponka, arikara, skidi pawnee, wichita, biloxi, alabama, coasati, northern payut, tiva (Taos), guarazu.

China - Korea. Chuan miao [the man answers the poor sister that he will give his daughter for her son if the groom has gold and a beast with a horn pointing at the sky and red hair on his head; the old man advises the young man to go to west; on the way, people ask to know 1) why their 9-year-old does not speak, the 9-year-old dog does not bite; 2) why the 9-year-old peach does not bear fruit, 3) the dragon asks why, after all the labors and fasting, he everyone can't go up to heaven; an answer can be heard from the cloud; 1) the dragon's horns are too heavy, let him throw off one; 2) gold is buried under the peach; 3) the boy's red hair must be pulled out of his head; the young man gets horn, gold, red hair, gets a wife for them]: Graham 1954:237-238.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [the khan makes the son of the late vizier new; the young man sees a duck of 99 colors, she asks not to shoot, becomes beautiful; the young man has been away from the palace for a long time, the khan sends servants, the wife turns into a golden chest; two former vizier candidates propose to kill the young man by giving difficult assignments; get 1) a golden eagle with feathers of 99 colors, 2) a bear with 99 colors of hair; the wife releases both of the scarf; the beggar offers to tell the young man to get 3) "Go there - come back here"; the wife sends him with her handkerchief to the world of peri, at which time she will be a stove in the house; in the city of Peri, the young man does not see the inhabitants, but they do not see him; approaches the boy, he immediately falls dead; mullah peri explains that the boy was hurt by a man; the young man is brought to King Peri; the boy's wife's sister recognizes her handkerchief; the young man is sent to another city where he lives his wife's second sister; only a blind frog knows how to carry out an assignment, tells him to build a ship out of precious stones; a young man sails to another king, who says to his servants, "Go there, come back here"; this is the name of the servant, who brings a cup of tea and a cup of meat, the young man gives meat to the servant; the servant says that the king has never treated him, goes with the young man; watching the miracles happen from the tower, the old khan demands to get to him "Go there and come back here"; the khan's people killed, chose a young man as a new one; (another translation from the same original or a very similar text in Tursunov 1983:234-239)]: Daurenbekov 1979:96-99.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakasy [an old woman lives by the Nizhny Parachap River; dug a grave for herself, prepared meat, told her eight-year-old son to bury her and leave as soon as she died; the boy walked for a long time, fell from hunger; the hunter Atykji-Ool saved him; two demons, husband and wife, stole them, but AO killed them, returned the boy; raised him with his wife, called Atygci-Parachap, riding a Dark Nest Horse (AP); the messenger of Khazir Khan demands so that the AP also comes to compete: whoever shot the fiery black fox and the fiery red fox will get the khan's daughter and become khan instead of him; the main contender is the Khan's Saizang (hero); AP killed the fox, refreshed; in a hurry, left one red fox claw on the carcass, cut it off, hid it; he also hid the severed tip of his tail; put the skins under the saddle, but the tail was visible; Sizang noticed, knocked down the AP, began to torture , made him swear that he would confirm that the fox killed the Saizang; two brothers were driving by and saw everything, but did not dare to shoot the saizang (if they missed, he would kill them); at the Saizang wedding with the khan as a daughter, the wife of the eldest of those brothers became intoxicated and began singing about who actually killed the fox; Saizang, to whom the khan had already transferred powers, ordered both brothers and wives and AP to be thrown into prison and Decapitate the next day; AP's father brought his men, they grabbed Sizang, who could not show his claw and tail tip, they were with AP; AP married Khan's daughter and became khan, and Saizang was beheaded]: Torokova, Sychenko 2014, No. 31:467-503.

Eastern Siberia. Evens [Windia sees three women bathing on the lake taking off their golden wings; she creeps up with the mouse, hides her wings, does not return her younger sister; then she gives one wing, she flies away, but returns to W.; he comes to live with her on the seashore; men want to take possession of the beauty, tell W. to bring 1) a bear, 2) a spotted bear, 3) a colorful seal; he completes tasks; 4) build a house overnight; wife says we have to run now; floods the village with water, gives U. one of two wings, both fly to the lake and live there]: Novikova 1958:48-50.

Amur-Sakhalin. Ulchi [golden carp]; Udege people [fox with several tails].

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos (Chaplino) [a young man marries a shaman's daughter; he tells me to bring 1) a seal like the moon; 2) like the sun; 3) moon deer, 4) sun deer (wife teaches how); 5) a giant walrus; 6) depict on a walrus whale, which the shaman himself does not know; this is a magic whale, whoever kills him will obey the spirits; the shaman goes after him and dies]: Kozlov 1956:152-155.

NW Coast. Tsimshian [a piece of copper falls from the sky, hangs on a tree; the chief promises a daughter as a wife to whoever knocks him down; the man gives the poor son of the leader's sister white, black, blue, red stones; a red young man knocks down copper, rivals take it for themselves; the leader demands to kill a white bear; the young man turns into a fly, is the first to fly up to the bear, kills him with an arrow; rivals claim that They killed the bear; the leader knows the truth, gives the young man a daughter, but tells him to migrate, leaving the young alone without property; a huge frog with brass teeth, eyes and eyebrows lives in the lake; a young man kills her, he puts on her skin, first catches trout in the lake, then salmon and seals in the sea; the young man and his wife and his grandmother living with them have a lot of meat; and the leader's men are starving, they come back, choose the young man as the new leader; he does not can take off frogskin more; goes to sea, sends food to his people]: Boas 1902:137-145.

The coast is the Plateau. Ne perse [the chief promises daughters to marry someone who shoots two eagles; who traps an unusual beast; the Coyote misses by shooting; steals a whitish wolf from someone's trap; an ugly young man kills eagles, brings a snow-white wolf; the younger sister marries him, the older one marries the Raven; the young man gets more bison than the Raven, becomes handsome; the older sister leaves to him from the Raven; the Raven hides the buffalo; the younger sister marries an ugly young man, the eldest is the Raven; the young man becomes handsome, the older sister also goes to him; then the Raven hides the buffalo; the Beaver tells rip his belly open, pretends to be dead, catches the Raven; people hang the Raven in the chimney, it turns white black; promises to tell him where the bison is flying away; Poloz, Pest, Laska come to the Raven; turn into a digger, pestle, puppy; Raven's daughter picks them up; puppy barks, driving buffalo back to the ground from an underground cave; digger and pestle sit on the backs of running buffalo]: Phinney 1934: Phinney 1934:166-172; quinolt [people shoot a sparkling duck whose body sounds like copper; the chief has no son, only two daughters; they secretly make arrows, hit a duck, make potlach; all birds get parts of their magical plumage with bright feathers and tufts; chiefs get the best; Blue Jay is thrown into what's left]: Farrand 1902, No. 2:92-94; quileut [no one can shoot an unusual bird; the chief of the Golden Eagle has no son, only two daughters; they secretly make arrows, the eldest hits the bird; asks the father to order his slave Blue Jay to call all the birds; everyone gives their color (the origin of potlach)]: Andrade 1931, No. 57:171-175.

The Midwest. Menominee [white deer; white, yellow bears; white lynx; white porcupine]; timagami ojibwa [red, blue otters].

Northeast. Hurons [white partridge, bear, deer, turkey]; delawares [white otter].

Plains. Sarsi [two silver foxes]; blackfooted [black fox]; crowe [colored eagle feathers; multicolored bison]; arpahoe [red bird]; teton [red fox, red eagle]; yankton [red eagle]; mandan [white cubs, white beavers]; omaha and ponka [red bird]; arikara [white elk, spotted bison]; skidi pawnee [red coyote; red bird]; wichita [red turkey].

Southeast USA. Biloxi [white turkey feathers]; alabama [white deer, turkey]; koasati [like alabama].

The Big Pool. Northern payutes [silver fox].

The Great Southwest. Taos tiva [white eagle, yellow fox].

Bolivia - guaporé. Guaraçu [seven-color tapir]: Riester 1977, No. 46:300-302