K27n1. The assignor is a king or leader .11.-.17.20.-.50.67.
Acharacter who gives a hero tasks that are impossible for an ordinary person (putting the hero to difficult tests), or a character who requires his daughter's suitors to complete certain conditions, is the head of a community or necessary team and is neither a member of the same family group as the hero, nor a mythical creature. See motive K27.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Bondei [the chief promises to give his daughter to the winner in the run; the Turtle agrees with the Hare to place 10 turtles at a distance; the Falcon cannot distinguish them, believes that the Turtle is ahead him; The turtle gets the girl; at night he takes off his shell, becomes a young man; the wife throws the shell into the fire, stays with her handsome husband]: Abrahams 1983, No. 12:75-78; kaguru [four brothers consistently go to marry; pass by an old woman; the older three refuses to lick pus from her eyes, the youngest does it; she gives him an egg; the chief locks everyone for the night with the girl, in the morning should be child; three brothers are executed; the youngest turns an egg into a child, he gets a wife]: Beidelman 1975, No. 3:542-547; laadi [chief passes daughter off as capable of shooting through a baobab; Hare tells the Woodworm to drill a hole in the barrel in advance, shoots it, gets a wife]: Aksenova et al. 2005, No. L.12:111-112; ndau [the leader rejects his daughter's suitors; promises to give it to the one who brings it the best gift; one young man buys a plane mat, another to a calebass that revives the dead, the third all-seeing mirror; the third sees that the girl is dead, they are going to bury her, everything is on the first mat three are transferred to the chief's village, the second revives the girl; the chief is confused; passes off the daughter as the eldest, gives the other two possessions]: Boas, Simango 1922, No. 18:197-199; makua (chubu, district City of Kelimabe) [Tembo sees a snake suffocating trying to swallow a gazelle, saved it; the snake's son advises choosing a mirror on which the fly will sit as a reward; coming dressed in banana leaves, T. asks the wife is the daughter of the ruler; the girl's mother orders to build a house in the middle of the river; the mirror gives a house, servants, etc., T. gets a wife; when the war begins, T. says he does not want to see it; all warriors fall dead, the old woman remains; asks to look at the mirror and replaces it, takes it to the ruler; the warriors come to life, T.'s wife returns to her father, T.'s house is destroyed, he and his cat are locked up; rats they come to kill him, but the cat grabs the rat, lets go for promising to return the mirror; with the help of a mirror, T. returns his house, servants and wife]: Torrend, p. 247ff in Klipple 1992:203-204; nyanga [the king does not want, for his wives to give birth to sons; Mwindo, who walks and speaks from birth, manages to escape; his father's advisers descend him down the river in a drum, he must find his father's sister, whose husband is a water serpent; aunt Iyangura's father {is she the snake's wife?} takes it out of the drum; they come to Father M.'s village; he runs; in the lower world, the father gives M. difficult tasks, he does them all; with his father he returns to earth, reviving those he killed along the way; advice decides to divide the kingdom between M. and his father; the Kirimu dragon swallows M.'s close associates, he frees them; Lightning is a friend of both the dragon and M.; takes M. to heaven for a year in the world of the Sun, Month, Stars; after passing there are the last trials, M. triumphantly returns to his kingdom]: Scheub 2000:164-165; Maviha [people came to ask the leader for his daughter; he demanded that the groom drive the wind away so that the millet would not died; the groom could not complete the task; the rabbit went to perform, got a wife, although the millet died from the wind; after killing the turkey, he asked his wife to cook it for his father-in-law, and let him dry the gravy on a spit; The chief gathered people, asked if this demand was ridiculous; the rabbit asked if the wind could be driven away; the chief handed over his power to the Rabbit]: Harries 1940, No. 2:413-414; Swahili (west of the coast Mozambique from a migrant from Zanzibar) [(Abrahams 1983, No. 3:42-45); the Sultan's son comes to the island, eats fruits, spits out seeds, which instantly grow new trees with fruits; sails to another the island, trying to show the local sultan a miracle, nothing happens, the sultan puts him in prison; the same with five other brothers; the youngest seventh Sadaka, visiting the islands, feeds birds, flies, genies, they they promise to help; gin explains that the seeds will germinate only on land collected from that island; they germinate; the sultan gives new tasks, giving S. a daughter; 1) to disassemble mixed grains of different varieties ( birds do); 2) pierce the baobab with a sword blow (genies bring woodworm ants, they make a hole in the trunk in advance); 3) identify the bride among many girls (a fly sits on her); S. gets wife, frees brothers]: Baker 1938, No. 1:183-187.
West Africa. Twi [the mother of Nyansanyansa and his three brothers is dead; their grandmother wants to kill them; left a poisonous snake on melons; but N. was born with an amulet, knows everything in advance; then the grandmother complained to the king - hers grandchildren are dangerous and must be killed; the king sent men to ambush the brothers, but they came unharmed; then he ordered them to bring a bunch of nuts from the Okrabedom palm tree; N. leaves, promising his brothers that returning, he will save them if something happens to them; the amulet reported that the brothers were poisoned; N. returned, the amulet created a dog, she found the brothers' grave, they came out of the grave alive; N. goes again, meets blacksmith, farmer, owner of a hunter's palm plantation; everyone says that if N. returns alive, let him kill him; when he reached the Okrabedom palm trees, N. climbed the palm tree with the wind, then killed O. with a blow knife on the head; the previously killed were reborn, N. sent them home; on the way back did not kill the blacksmith and others; again removed them from the grave and revived the brothers; the king apologized; but at night he tries burn down the house where the brothers sleep, but they temporarily turned into smoke; in the morning he tells N. to be seized; he promised to make the king invulnerable, and he crushed his skull in the forge; the brothers ran to the river; N. sent the rest on the other side, and he turned into a pebble and stayed on this side; a warrior who came up threw a stone at the brothers on the other side, the stone turned into N.; the warriors rushed into the river and drowned; the brothers saw smoke in the distance, they take turns coming to the Leopard, he ties them up to eat and feed them to the family; N. comes, easily defeats the Leopard, frees the brothers; N. decides that they are all will turn into a pot, spoon, salt and pepper - there were no such items before; people took them]: Bellon 1914, No. 2:4-17; baule [the chief promises to give Maii's daughter to someone whose neck can withstand two blows of a sword; many suitors are killed; Kofi sees girls bathing, takes the dress alone; this is M.; 1) she tells me to name her when her father brings his sword; 2) her father tells me to grow beans overnight, cook beans; M.: Say her name three times; 3) distinguish M.'s finger, stuck into one of the holes in the wall of the house, from the fingers of other girls (M. warns that he will cut his finger); the young run away, the mother catches up; M. throws at the ground is an egg for the goddess Assie to help; M. has three eggs with her, her mother has two, M. has the last word, they run away; K. goes to prepare a meeting at home, M. climbs a tree; two women see her reflection, they take them for their own, throw their jugs, because such beauties should not work; one notices M. in a tree; she warns that the comb is dangerous for her; the old woman sticks the comb into her hair, M. flies away as a bird; the old woman claims that she is M.; brother K. catches a bird, the comb falls out, M. takes its form; the old woman was beaten to death]: Himmelheber 1951b: 127-134 (translated into Himmelheber 1960:169-180); soninka [on the same day, the previously childless wives of the king and the slave give birth; their sons Madu the Noble and Madu Slave; MR accompanies MB, who goes to marry the gold-eyed Isa; the groom must sit without food for a week and water; the witch says that if he cheats, his father will die, if he retreats, his mother, if he survives, he will die himself; MR in the form of a cat brings him food; the witch notices a fish bone; Mr. Kosha tells her Mouse steal; executed by a sorceress, MB gets a wife; she was stolen by the Tuaregs, MB and MR returned her; MR got along with the king's slave; MB helps him out by proving that they bet who can do the impossible (he himself took it lion cubs at the lioness)]: Pozdnyakov 1990:163-169; Dagari [the tsar promises his daughter to the one who turns a huge trunk into a log to bring it to the palace; the Spider asks the Chameleon for help, hides inside the trunk; Chameleon the log delivers magic; the Spider pours out the stored water, covered in dust, says he brought it; the chameleon is clean, forced to leave; hides the rain; he is sent various animals (a rooster, ram, bull, horse), he rejects everything; the Spider has to give his wife; the Chameleon tells him to throw the powder, it starts raining immediately]: Hien 1995:28-42; Bambara: Görög 1979:21-26 [king the daughter promises to the one who lowers the gold and silver vessels from the tree; the poor young man goes to try, cultivates the old woman's plot on the way; she promises to help, turns him into a leper; he climbs on a tree, pulls out blood vessels, gets a wife and servants; the wife does not want it, but in the old woman's house he becomes more beautiful than before; the wife is happy], 27-34 [as on p.21-26; the young man helps the old woman collect firewood; some while the old woman makes him handsome, then puts the skin of a leper on him again; another old woman tells his wife about it; she asks the first to leave her husband handsome; and so it happened], 74-79 [fortuneteller predicts the old man that his son will be born on the day he dies, the child's mother will die on the day of baptism; tells him to donate peanuts to monkeys, grains to ants and parrots, fish to snakes; after the death of parents, residents villages dismantle property, leave the child in a locked room; the cat brings him milk; the room is opened, the orphan greets those who enter; the chief orders 1) to collect fruits from the baobab (monkeys collect), 2) separate the grain from the sand (ants separate), 3) collect grain from the field before sunset (parrots collect), 4) kill the bull with a glance (the orphan brings a bag of snake to the face, it climbs into the bull's nostrils, bites to death); each time the leper persuades the leader to give tasks; the orphan asks the leader's son to cut the bull, dry his stomach; the snake in his stomach bites him; the orphan tells him to cook the antidote in the cauldron, placed on two stones and on the head of a leper; he dies, the chief's son recovers, the chief gives his place to the orphan]; scrap [one of the two leaders in the village died, the youngest son got only a tree with cola nuts; he shared nuts with the Snake, Ant, Wind, Crocodile; another chief, at the instigation of his councilor (town-crier), wants to kill the young man, suggests 1) knock down the tree towards the forest ( the wind is blowing), 2) collect the scattered rice (ants collect), 3) get the ring thrown into the pond (the crocodile pulls out); The snake bit the leader's daughter, advised the young man to ask for a liver to cure her adviser; he was stabbed to death, the girl came to life, the young man married her, gained power over half the village]: Schwab 1947:458-459; dark [the king will give his daughter to whoever says what is inside the amulet; Tamba with the east takes guinea fowl, goat, palm oil, peeled and husked rice, rice straw, millet; gives straw to a hungry hedgehog, a goat to a crocodile, millet to ants, rice to a royal servant, guinea fowl to a horned the viper, which gives a remedy for a snake bite in exchange, must be mixed with the deceiver's brain; the servant says that the amulet includes the umbilical cord, the king's trimmed nails and hair when he was a child; the minister accuses T. lies, tells to tie; the king continues to give tasks; the mower gives T. the pipe that the king lost in the grass, the crocodile gives T. a cymbal dropped into the sea, ants separate rice from millet; ministers again order to shackle T.; the horned viper stings the king's four wives, only T. can cure them, the brains of four ministers are mixed with medicine, the wives recover; T. gets a wife and inherits the throne]: Schlenker 1861:87-97 (retelling in Klipple 1992:197); jukun [Chief Koki all eats only red fern; K. tells his 10 pregnant wives to go to give birth to their parents each; the tenth is the chief's daughter, she has no one in K. no; the old woman sheltered her, she gave birth to a beautiful boy, other vultures, cockroaches, and other insects; an old woman warns a woman not to swim with others; she bathes, another replaces her the boy is not given a vulture, returns to his mother; the boy's name is Adi-sâ-ka-koki ("Adi is more beautiful than Koki"); K. tries to lime A. and his mother; 1) tells A. to shave him, then restore his hair ( in response, he suggests restoring the grains torn off from it on the millet panicle); 2) the wife should brew beer in a day (let K. grow a gorlyanka pumpkin in a day); The hare tries mother K.'s beer, it the most delicious thing; 3) defeat the enemy (other sons are given horses, A. is given a ram; A. takes prisoners, wounds the leader with a spear, he runs); 4) return the spear (A. stumbles, stung by a snake, must cross the river; daughters Stumble, Snakes, Transporter help, ask them to marry them; the same daughter of the wounded leader, takes the spear out of her father's body, gives A.); A. breaks three eggs, a city appears; the hare says that the true leader is there; K. invites the new leader to visit the feast of the appearance of spirits, A. comes through a tunnel dug by a rat and a gopher; K. closes those who come to the house (so that women do not see the spirits), sets fire, A. and his people leave through the tunnel; A. calls K., who asks the toad to dig a tunnel, she digs a dead end; by setting fire to the house, A. tells the fire to burn K.'s hair and lips, but not to kill; K. turns into Thunder, his wife (not A.'s mother) into Lightning, restrains her husband's rabies]: Meek 1931:479-485; mofu-gudur [in her husband's absence, the wife does not feed his younger brother; one day she cooks a good dinner, calls a young man; he does not believe in her kindness, calls for dinner friends, does not eat herself, hides her portion in a calebass; an enraged woman makes herself into a mess as if she was raped, complains to her husband; he waits for her brother, joins him; the young man tells us how it happened calls friends as witnesses, shows a calebass with untouched food, leaves; he is joined by the daughter of darkness, the daughter of the moon, the daughter of the spirit of the waters (for the right to join, she creates a dry corridor across the river), a daughter suns (the heat decreases); in the forest these women create a rich household; they are surprised that the young man does not sleep with them; he hides his impotence, runs away, meets an old woman; she consistently shows him 4 boxes with penises: old people, children, adults, boys; tells him to take from the latter, attaches him a new penis, tells him to meet her first, he does it; she tells him to bring him his first child born, she is his will eat as a reward for this penis; he and his wife bring the child; as soon as the old woman brings the knife to his neck, the child laughs; the old woman decides not to cut it, returns it to her parents; Djalo tells people that their the leader is not real, but the real one lives in the forest; people come there, they are well fed, and the mountain leader does not feed well; he calls the young man, demands 1) split the round stone into two equal parts (daughter of darkness splits); 2) separate sesame seeds and sand (wives tell ants); 3) bring a long, even spear (wives give); 4) identify the leader's last wife and favorite horse; the daughter of darkness comes to the leader disguised as an old woman , finds out what kind of handkerchief his beloved wife has, that the horse is gray; the answers are correct, the old leader is killed, a young man is chosen; wives are told to always leave them the liver of dead animals; the servant persuades them to give them a simple meat; wives tell everything to disappear, the young man has only his skin to cover himself; he apologizes, his wives return everything, now he listens to them]: Sorin-Barreteau 2001, No. 25:200-226; senufo [king plants cotton wood, places a metal teapot on the top of his head; this tree grows fast, the trunk is covered with thorns; the king will give Nayêlêma's daughter to someone who climbs a tree and removes the kettle; two young men they go to try their luck; one does not pay attention to the dirty leper old woman, and the other greets her; she also asks to scratch her back; says that he will put his skin on him like this as well he will be able to climb a tree and later regain his true form; the king is happy]: Diep, Bamba 2007, No. 44:145-150; mukulu [the sorcerer is driven away, he has settled alone away from people; ant, the snake and the crane asked him for permission to settle in, he gladly agreed; the chief gave the leper warrior a bag of sesame seeds mixed with sand and sent him to tell the sorcerer that if he did not separate one from the other, will lose his head; the ants have fulfilled; now the leader has sent a leper to demand that the bag be filled with new corn, although the dry season has not yet begun to sow; the crane has flown to another country collected corn, brought it; the snake agreed with the sorcerer to bite the leader's wife, and then the sorcerer would cure her; the sorcerer said that the medicine was needed - the leper's liver; that warrior's liver was cut out, his wife chief recovered]: Jungraithmayr 1981, No. 14:66-69.
Sudan - East Africa. Amhara; amhara [the mother helped the prince find a faithful friend, even if he came from a poor family; another king marries her daughter; a ransom must be paid (the king generously provided his son with treasures) and identify the bride among the beauties; the prince is drunk twice, he does not notice the bride; the friend finds out that the fault is sleeping pills, tells the prince that he is getting married; they all sail home on the ship; white, red, the goldbird tells the prince's friend that if the prince 1) shoots the gun that his father gives him when he meets him, 2) sits on the horse served, he will die; if a friend shoots or jumps on the horse first, the spell passes; 3) that a snake is lurking in the newlyweds room; if a friend talks, he will become petrified; a friend shoots, jumps on a horse, the king is surprised; at night he kills a snake, everyone thinks he hid to kill the prince; before his execution, a friend explains everything, stones; the bird tells the prince's son that if the father donates his life, the friend will come to life; the prince feels sorry for his son; the youngest son was born, the prince discussed the case with wise men, the boy was killed; a friend came to life, touched the victim, he also came to life]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:375-380; Sudanese Arabs [the widow's son asks his mother to heat the bath water to a boil; if she does not say who his father was, he will throw himself into boiling water; when he finds out that he is a fisherman, he throws a net, pulls out a golden chicken with chickens; the vizier asks to sell for 20 pounds, the young man refuses; the vizier tells the Sultan that calls a young man, buys a chicken for the same price; tells him to get 1) a winged horse; the old woman sends the young man to the desert, he puts a saddle on the horse, brings it; 2) singing water and a dancing branch (the old woman teaches cut off a branch, collect water without turning to the voices of the genies); 3) the daughter of another sultan, who is guarded by the guli; old woman: shave the sleeping fat belly on the way, sit next to him; the same, big-eared; a man with a long leg; a big eye; this is a guli; everyone becomes his companion and comrade; the big-eared hears that the Sultan's people want to burn them, the big-eyed sees how the tent is covered with firewood, the long-legged scattered the coals, the fat man, having drunk the river in advance, filled the fire with water; the same with an attempt to poison the visitors (the fat man eats everything without harming himself); the Sultan's daughter was sent away, but the big-eared and big-eyed saw and heard it, the long-legged brought her back; the sultan died of grief; after the funeral, the bird sat on the head of the fisherman's son; he was elected sultan, married the daughter of the deceased]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 29:144-148.
North Africa. Kabila [Sultan]: Taos Amrush 1974:117-128; Algerian Arabs [Sultan]: Filleul de Pétigny 1951:113-137; Western Sahara [a rich man has a garden with valuable apples; someone steals apples; the eldest, middle sons fall asleep; the youngest grabs the bird with the basket, the bird escapes leaving the feather; the father sends his sons to search, each goes in his direction; the elders come together, not they are looking for; the youngest horse is eaten by a lion, promises to be a servant of a young man; takes him to the palace of the emir, whose daughter owns a bird; tells him to take the bird, but without a cage; he takes the cage, he is grabbed, the emir promises to give the bird in exchange for a horse owned by hostile emirs; a lion carries him to a horse, tells him not to take a gold harness; a young man takes it, he is grabbed, a horse is promised if he gets the daughter of another emir; the young man gets, wants a girl for himself; a lion turns into a girl, then a horse, a young man returns with a girl, a horse and a bird; at night his brothers cut his throat; a lion revives him, he forgives his brothers; a father makes his youngest son heir]: Aris, Cladellas 1991:76-81; Mauritanian Arabs [Sultan]: Tauzin 1993:127-142; Berbers of Southern Morocco [king]: Stumme 1895, No. 15:119-131; Tunisia [king, emir]: Al-Aribi 2009 , No. 3, 40, 45 in Korovkina MS; Lebedev 1990, No. 16 [Sultan's Daughter]: 80-95; Ancient Egypt [Tsar]: Machintsev 1993:148-153; Arabs of Egypt [Sultan]: Nowak 1969, No. 184:188; Stimme 1893, No. 4:57-78 .
Southern Europe. Spaniards [king]; Catalans [king]; Portuguese [king]; Basques [king]; Italians (Basilicata) [king]: Crane 1885, No. 13:61-68 (=Cotrelev 1991:131-134); Sicilians [king]; Maltese [king]; Corsicans [queen (she is evil, the king himself is indifferent)]: Massignon 1984, No. 35:78-82; Ladins [king]: Uffer 1973, No. 18 [princess she is sick, she will be cured by black cherries; whoever brings them, the king will give her as his wife; a man has two eldest sons who are evil and arrogant, and the youngest is kind; in the middle of winter, their tree has black cherries; they were carried by their elder brother , replies to the old man that he has goat droppings in the box; when he came to the king, there really was goat droppings in the box, the guy was beaten; the same with his middle brother (pig manure); the youngest answers the old man politely, he advises feeding the hungry, giving water to the suffering, reconciling those who are quarreling; the young man feeds ants, lets fish on the shore into the water, reconciles the devil and the angel; the princess has recovered, but the king does not wants to give it away, gives difficult assignments; 1) separate rye from oats (ants separated); 3) get a ring from the lake that the princess dropped there a year and a day ago (the fish got it); 3) bring the most a beautiful flower from paradise and the most terrible fire from hell; a young man went to heaven and hell, received flower and fire from an angel and a devil, brought it to the king, got a princess], 21 [the king's eldest son is arrogant, average angry, the youngest is kind; the king will give the throne to the one who brings the thinnest cloth in 3 years, 3 months, 3 days and 3 hours; the youngest enters the castle; he is served by four hands, there are no people themselves; he goes out to him a white cat on its hind legs dressed as a woman; he lives in a castle for three years; then remembers the purpose of his travels; the cat gives a walnut, it has a cherry stone, it has many meters of fine fabric; a young man sits on a wooden horse, which instantly takes him to his father; his fabric is the thinnest; brothers require additional tests; who will bring the smallest dog (cat gives); the most beautiful the bride; the cat tells her to be cut off, turns into a princess, her hands into two maids, the cat into a minister; this is how they were bewitched by a witch; the king gives the throne to his youngest son, but he leaves everything to the eldest brothers, and he goes to his wife's country]: 54-56, 63-69.
Western Europe. The Bretons [king]; the French [king]; the Walloons [the poor young man goes to the castle of the seven mountains; the king of fish, the king of insects, the king of birds answer that they do not know where it is; the young man is led there swallow; he falls in love with the youngest of three girls; the king agrees to marry if the young man carries out errands; build a feather castle over the pond; knock down an oak grove with one blow; get the ring from the bottom well; the girl is dismembered in two, pulls out the ring, connected, but the finger on her left leg is not enough; the young man wants to visit his parents; the girl does not tell him to hug his mother, he hugged, forgot the bride; at the stand In the yard, a girl makes a date with men (see motive L100C); her husband is third, he recognizes his wife and reunites with her]: Laport 1932, no.*313D: 44-45; Flemish [king]; Friezes [king]; Germans [king]; Irish [son of the king]: McManus 1915:182-185; Scots [king]; British [king]; ladins [king consistently sends three sons into the forest for firewood; when the elder breaks a chip off a tree, a man jumps out; the guy calls him crap, brings firewood in the shoulder basket, but it turns into crap; the same with the middle brother; younger polite, invites the little man to share a meal with him; he says that another king will give her daughter a non-laughing daughter or giving her half the good; the little man gave him a wagon and a donkey, told me to go to that princess and pick up whoever was in need; so the young man was joined by a hungry dog, a thin man, a drunkard with a red and blue nose, a man with his pants down, who is everlasting diarrhea; his ass was shut; the princess saw, laughed, the young man demanded her hand; but the king now demands that the groom drink all the wine and eat all the food and hay; the donkey ate the hay, the drunkard drank wine, the dog and the hungry man ate food supplies; the king and queen still do not want to give their daughter to the young man, but she ran away with him; the king sent knights; the man with diarrhea took out his plug the pursuers were flooded with crap; then the young man rewarded his companions, dressed like a royal, and reappeared to his wife's parents; he was recognized as a prince; wedding]: Brunold-Bigler, Widmer 2004, No. 13:105-116.
Western Asia. Palestinians [king]; Palestinians [the fisherman caught a huge fish; she orders to take it to the Sultan; give the water in which it will be washed to the mare, let the sultan and his wife eat the meat; let the sultan and his wife eat the meat; then children will be born; the fish smells bad, but the fisherman talked about its wonderful properties; count the eggs in the pan, but do not count the months of the pregnant woman; the mare gave birth to two foals; the king gave birth to his wife a fisherman to feed both; the prince is Hasan, the fisherman's son is Hussein, he is smarter; when are they 15 years old? his mother is unhappy that he is holding the fisherman's son by his brother; they sat on horses born at the same time as them and went on a journey; they stayed with an old woman; she says that the local sultan is evil; daughter's suitors give impossible assignments, failed to cut their heads; then see motive K27Z4b]: Littmann 2016:160-183; Syrian Arabs [king]; Iraqi Arabs (prov. Maysan in eastern Iraq) [sultan]: Yaremenko 1990, No. 14:74-81; Saudia [tsar]: Juhaiman 1999:57-61; {in Yaremenko 1990, No. 20:112-116, the same fairy tale is called Iraqi, but since there are similar variants in Southern Yemen and Socotra, and I do not know the Syro-Palestinian ones, then Saudi attribution is more likely}, 81-86; South Yemen [sultan]; Mehri [sultan]; Socotra [sultan].
Micronesia-Polynesia. Ulity (West Carolina): Lessa 1980, No. 46 [a celestial puts the girls in the cradle, lowers to the ground to see the islands; the rope slipped out, the girls fell, the men on Mogmog Island took his wives; the most beautiful remained in the cradle; a single man was teased that he did not have a wife; he came to the cradle, took the beauty; the chief decided to take her away; sent her husband 1) to get the feathers of a heron nesting on uninhabited islands; the wife sent her husband to the right island, the husband returned the same day; 2) get the frigate feathers; the wife sent her to Woleai Islands (between Ulithi and Truk); at this time the chief came to see the woman she turned into a lizard, he did not find it, destroyed the house; a spirit woman takes his wife to Voleai; she hides there in a house for menstruating women, her husband finds out the food she has prepared, they are back together; the woman the spirit kills the leader, the couple returns to Uliti]: 73-77 (similar versions to Truk and Elato);.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Mustang [the king tells his sons to marry; the eldest took the princess, the middle took the minister's daughter; the youngest does not want to marry; he waters the field, saves the mouse from the water; she leads him underground to her palace, she is beautiful there; he asks her to go with him to the human world; the king demands that every daughter-in-law 1) cover the palace with cloth (only the mouse does), 2) prepare a beautiful dress (the mouse pulls out a dress with the pictures Buddhist shrines on it), 3) dance; the mouse dances best, her husband cuts through the mouse skin, a beautiful woman comes out; the king gives the throne to his youngest son, his wife gives birth to a son and daughter], 16 [the king from the upper reaches and the king from the lower reaches met hunting, agreed to marry children when wives gave birth; the king from the upper reaches is poor, he has a son and the other has a daughter; the wild yak Gala Rinchen took the king from the upper reaches; he managed write on the saddle: if the son is worthy, let him take revenge, and if not, let him become a shepherd; the son has read it, the mother and uncle deny it; a man with a bag of wheat came, the young man quietly made a hole, typed wheat, fried, called his mother, held her hand, she had to tell about the death of the young man's father; the same with her uncle (a bag of peas); uncle and mother tell me to find his father's horse first; no one can tame him, the prince tamed; met the king Yaks, suggested: break his right horn, the horse will tear off his right ear, I will break the thumb of my right hand; the horse clenched his ear, the prince bent his finger, yak really broke his horn; then broke left, the prince killed him with an arrow; sent three servants to dismember the carcass; they found a gold necklace, a knife, a bow and an arrow in the yak's stomach, they brought only meat to the prince; the prince beat them, they returned everything; the prince comes marry the promised princess, the daughter of the king of the lower reaches of the valley; her three brothers are organizing a groom competition; 1) whose pair of birds will fly together (the prince met the princess at the well in advance; at night she explained how to win: catch two local birds on the roof, they will fly together, and the others will have different sides); 2) cover the whole kingdom with cloth (the princess gives a piece of cloth, it grows); 3) gallop around the kingdom on horseback with three saddles (everyone hit, the prince galloped four times); 4) eat a whole ram, coat the skin, drink lots of beer; princess: just bite off, you'll win); the prince got a wife, took him to himself; the brothers decided to kill him; the youngest came at night, called his sister, asked which side of the bed she was sleeping on; she lied; he shot, killed not the prince, but his sister; hundreds of people cannot lift their bodies, only The prince succeeds; he took the body to the pass, came back, saw smoke, thought someone had lit a funeral fire; he came there - the princess was alive, said that the owner of the dead sent her back; they hugged each other friend and died, the birds sprinkled them with water, they came to life again; they smeared oil on the heads of the birds, since then there have been white feathers; the couple forgave their brothers, lived well]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 6:58-61; Tibetans ( Amdo) [the maid's son told his mother that he had dreamed of ascending the royal throne; the mother spilled out; the king expelled the young man, allowing him to return when he had erased his iron shoes; by the seashore the young man sees the white snake fighting the black one; the black one wins, but the young man killed her by throwing an iron shoe at it; at the same moment a kite rushed at the serpent; the young man hid the white one and carried the black kite away; said Seven black horsemen who came out of the sea disappeared; then 7 white horsemen came out, said that the white snake was the son of the naga king; the young man was brought to the naga world; he left excess food at the hole; from there he came out a woman with her mouth sealed; a young man breaks off the bandage; a woman is grateful that he gave her food; tells the king of the naga to ask the king of the naga for a red knot puppy, a white bamboo cane and a multicolored curtain; on the seashore, a young man makes a tent out of a curtain and a stick, ties a puppy; when he returns, he sees a giant tent, full of different products inside; someone cooks; the young man saw: the dog's skin comes out of the dog's skin beautiful; he throws her skin into the fire, takes the girl as his wife; she gives grains, tells her to scatter them in the mountains, the grain turns into cattle; contrary to his wife's advice, the young man calls the king to visit; the wife smears soot, but streams of sweat washed away the soot, the king saw her face, demanded her as his wife; then decided that the winner of the competition would get the woman; 1) pour yogurt from the mountain, which would first flow down to the foot; the king orders collect yogurt from all over the country, but the young man's wife tells her father to ask for help; he gives a bag of yogurt, its stream immediately reaches the foot; 2) whoever collects the scattered mustard seeds faster; to the king all his people help; the young man receives a box from the sea; opens it ahead of time, the pigeons are done, left alone with the damaged wing; but he also manages to collect seeds before all the royal people; wife tells her father to ask her father for a war box; asks the king if he wants "poo"; he says what he wants; warriors come out of the box, kill the king, the young man reigns]: Kajihama 2004, No. 16:58-65 Tibetans ( Sikkim) [King Magpie learns that the boy dreamed that he would become king instead of him; tells the boy to leave the country and return when his shoes are worn out; they do not wear out; the boy sees them fighting white and black water snakes, throws a shoe at black, carried away by an eagle, a white boy hides him from black horsemen under his hat; grateful whites (nagas) invite him to an underwater palace; he pours out eating and drinking into the crack by the hearth; an old woman comes out, whose mouth was covered with an iron flap for her chatter; thanks for the food, tells her to leave as soon as possible, ask for a white dog, a curtain, a stick as a gift; a stick with a curtain turns into a tent, there is a lot of good inside; someone cooks; a young man waits for a girl, throws a dog skin into the fire; the wife tells me to disperse the ashes from the skin, the slope is covered with cattle, jewels; Magpie offers competitions, the winner will get the young man's wife; 1) whose milk spilled from the mountain reaches the foot faster (nagas give a jug); 2) who collects mustard seeds (nagas give a chest with pigeons, a dove with a broken wing collects); 3) the wife tells you to ask for a military chest of nagas; Magpie demands "a-pho-pho", little men jump out of the chest, kill, eat the king, the young man reigns]: Krapivina 2001:15-33; Tibetans [king]: Shelton 1925, No. 29:117-122; Tibetans [king; Chinese emperor]; rai [multiple versions; King Ramli wears poor clothes, comes incognito marry Rathongma is the daughter of the king from Bahing; they prefer other suitors, arranges a competition; 1) cut down the forest (R. gets a stupid ax, but sharpens it, makes notches, the wind knocks down trees, and rivals only one tree was cut down with sharp axes); 2) split the log (R. gets a piece with knotted knots, but heats it, it breaks down easily); takes his wife to him, takes his wife to him, takes off on the way (or even from his father-in-law) dirty clothes, the bride's parents are amazed at R.'s wealth]: Allen 2011:140-146; riang [the widow has a lazy son; asked her mother to catch and cook fish; she caught it, put it to swim in a jug until tomorrow ; at night a girl came out of there, cleaned everything up; on the second night, the son and mother spied on, caught the girl on the third and threw a fish skin into the fire; when they learned about the beauty, the king decided to take her for himself; ordered for a young man's goat to butt his goat - if he loses, the young man will give his wife, and if he wins, the boy and his relatives will receive life support; the young man does not have a goat, but his wife gave a goat that lightly hurt the huge royal goat; the young man called even those who were not relatives; the king could not feed everyone; he ordered the house to be set on fire, the imaginary relatives ran away, and the young man continued to receive content]: Mandal 2009:120-121; Meitei [Chandrakangan found a golden lotus and his grandfather gave it to the king; the king demanded another one for the queen; C. went in search, reached the lower world and returned from there with Indra's three daughters and many lotuses; then King tells C. to collect rice poured into the pond and mustard seeds trampled in mud; his wife Nganu Leima ( duck leader) and Khunu Leima (pigeon leader) told their subjects to complete the task; the king tells C. to bury and make a hot fire in this place, and if he survives, he will receive half the kingdom; Sabi's third wife (a sharp-toothed animal) dug an underground passage through which C. left, and when he returned, told the king that he could see his ancestors if he went through the same procedure; the king burned down]: Singh 1993:10-11.
Burma - Indochina. Shany: Griggs 1902 [childless Myeh Khit addresses the spirit lord Sa Kyah; gives birth to a frog son who through; UK promised that in a year and 7 months he will be a handsome young man; king has 7 daughters, the youngest is unmarried; the king agrees to give her for a frog if there is a road from the market to the palace in 7 days; the frog comes to the UK, who sent spirits to build a road; the king gives his daughter, but sends live in the frog mother's hut; the frog wife cries because she cannot go with such a husband to the party; the UK sends two shining spirits, people bring them gifts, but they reject the gifts of older sisters who They spoke contemptuously of the youngest; in the morning, the frog's wife says that those two spirits were her and her husband; at the boat race, the son of the UK appeared in all his splendor; everyone admired him ever since they honor the son of SK Sau Maha Khit]: 8-18; Milne 1910 [a woman gave birth to a son who has one head; when he is 16-17 years old, he asks his mother to marry the king's daughter; he orders that in 5 days there be a tree with silk with leaves, gold and silver fruits, which gives royal food, otherwise executes; a tree appears; only the youngest of the 7 princesses agrees to take her head as a husband; in her palace, the head is handsome to his wife; is incognito on a flying horse party; Sakya orders a messenger to be sent to him in 7 days; only the younger princess's husband is on assignment; now all older sisters would like to marry him]: 254-257; monks [spouses adopt various forest animals; the last is a goby; then a son Kunhadi is born; the mother dies, becomes a nat, protects her son; the animals of the forest separate; the father takes the stepmother, She hates the bull; in agreement with the fortuneteller, she pretends to be sick and asks for bull meat; the goby and K. run away, the late mother is with them; tells them to go to the lake, where seven Keinari sisters fly at noon, it is necessary to steal the jewelry of one of them, she will not be able to return to heaven; K. hides the jewelry, returns six keinari, leaves the youngest's jewelry, takes her as his wife; the king sees K.'s wife, decides to lime it, to take the beauty for yourself; tells 1) to get a golden bowl from the bottom of the sea; the wife advises sending the named brother K., a crocodile, for the bowl, who brings the bowl; 2) collect scattered sesame seeds (pigeons collect); 3) bring the tigress's milk (the tiger brings); 4) a piece of wool from the lion's mane (the lion brings); 5) seven nat flowers; the wife sends to the hermit, one to the other, to the third, to the fourth, to the fifth; the fifth sends to the lake, where the remaining six Keinari sisters bathe; K. brings flowers and gifts to hermits and Keinari sisters; the king sends warriors, K. ties them with a magic rope; scissors justice is killed by the king, K. reigns]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 147:340-350; the Viets [Nong goes to look for money in the capital; joins five young men; their name is Strong Shoulder (strong) Shooter (marks), Wind (blowing hard), Flyer (running fast), Warm-Cold (shifting his hat, creating heat and frost); the king gives his daughter for the winner in the run; you have to run to the well, bring water; Flier comes running, falling asleep; the princess pours water into her jug, runs back; the shooter wakes up the Flyer by knocking down a mosquito in his ear; the princess refuses to marry Letuna, he asks for gold for one instead shoulder; Strong Shoulder takes the entire treasury; friends are locked in the refectory, the house is set on fire; Warm-Cold extinguishes the fire, the Wind blows the flame away to other buildings; the army sent in pursuit dies from heat and cold, scattered by the Wind]: Karpov, Tkachev 1958:139-145; Khmers [when a son was born, the poor man is not happy: the family is too poor; the boy is constantly crying, he was named Néac del Yom ("Crybaby"); but the fortuneteller promised that he would become king; when N. grew up, his father expelled him to be eaten by tigers, although the predictor repeated what he had said; N. came to a neighboring kingdom; a local magician found out that N. destined for a happy fate; taught him; married a beauty he found in a lotus flower in a sacred pond; her name was Chhouk ("Lotus"); the king sent a hunter to bring game, he did not get anything, went to to the magician, saw a beautiful woman; when the king threw the hunter into prison for returning without prey, the hunter said that he had found something more valuable for the king; to get rid of his husband, the king sent N. to get rid of his husband Luong-Srey-Phca ("Queen of Flowers"); his wife gave him a ring; the king sent warriors, but the magician and C. disappeared into the forest; N. came to the kingdom from where everyone fled, fearing huge birds; only the queen remained who hides in the drum; she wants to go with N., but he promises to pick her up on the way back; in another kingdom, the dragon devours all married members of the royal house, they no longer marry; if N. will defeat the dragon, the king will give him his daughter; N. wounded the dragon, chipped off the scales, and he ran; N. promised to take the princess on his way back; when he came to the dragon's land, N. volunteered to heal him, unnoticed put the scales back and he recovered; for this, the dragon put N. on his back and flew with him to the land of the Queen of Flowers (there is no other way to get there); the CC lives in a balloon that hangs above the ground; the servant agreed to lower N. the stairs; the CC saw C.'s ring on his finger; N. told her everything and she agreed to go with him; they flew on a balloon, picking up those princesses N. had married ways to the CC; to the king, who sent N., the CC said that she did not have a long staircase to lower the ball - let the king build a tower; but no matter how much they built, a few cubits were missing; then the king tried jump into the ball, but fell and crashed; after that, the ball fell to the ground; N. became king, found his first wife, and lived with all his wives]: Leclère, Feer 1895, No. 3:99-111; Karen: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 168 [six childless wives persuade astrologers to announce that the seventh will give birth to a child that will destroy the country; exiled to the forest, the queen gives birth to a son Charayakunt; he is friends with adopted daughters of a lion and an elephant; wins competitions; the king is afraid of his strength, sends a lion and an elephant for milk, C. brings; the elephant gives milk after C. returns his daughter, kidnapped Bilu; Bilu's daughter says that her father's life is in a pumpkin; an elephant's daughter cuts a pumpkin; C. marries the daughters of a king, a lion, an elephant and a bill, inherits two kingdoms], 173 [the Sharpshooter meets the bowlegged Runner, The owner of a cool hat, uprooting the trees of the Strongman, causing the wind of the Whirlwind; the king promises a daughter to whoever overtakes her; the Runner falls asleep halfway, the Shooter wakes him up by knocking out the headboard under him; the king will pour out to burn his friends, they are saved from the fire by a hat worn; they abandon the princess, the Strongman takes all the gold, the Whirlwind drives away the army sent after them]: 438-445, 467-471; Karen [ Grandma has a lazy grandson; he bought a cat, then a rat they wanted to kill; a caught crocodile asks him to buy and get a ring from his head that does business; it is thanks to this ring that he is easy grabbed and devoured people; a lazy man tells his grandmother to marry him a princess; the king demands that the groom build gold and silver bridges from his house to the royal palace; the young man gets a princess; a brahman persuaded her to ask her husband to give her his ring; asked the princess to try it on, put it on, moved the palace, himself and the princess to the other side of the ocean; the king put the Lazy man in prison and was ready to execute; the dog {oh she had not been told before} took the cat and rat across the sea, they entered the palace, the rat tickled the brahmana, who sneezed, the ring fell out; while swimming on the sea, the dog dropped the ring, it was swallowed by the fish; the dog grabbed the otter and made it bring the fish; after receiving the ring back, the young man returned the palace, destroyed the brahman and his entire family]: Mason 1865:225-228; pao [after the death of his wife, a rich old man took a new one; the stepmother demands that her husband get rid of his two stepsons; the father took them to the forest, said he would return, and he left; the tree gave them rice, pumpkin, watermelon and cucumber seeds, as well as a sword to cultivate the land; its owner will become king; when the elder brother went hunting, ministers came to the younger brother, named him his king and took him to the city; the elder began to live alone; someone cooks and cleans in the hut; the young man became Watch: a girl came out of the elephant tusk, the young man hid it; the girl offered to move closer to the city; she has boots and a golden hat, they fulfill her wish; the king's servants noticed the hat, king (this is the younger brother) ordered the beautiful husband to be brought to the palace; refused to recognize him as a brother, ordered him to deliver naga milk; the wife sends him to the naked - this is a girl, his wife's friend, she became the second wife; the king demands the cannibal's milk; the wife gives a golden hat, tells you to go to the cave and tell the cannibal everything; the young man brought milk and brought his third wife, the daughter of a cannibal; the king orders the young man to be cut and buried; his wives found pieces of body, folded them and revived them; the elder brother defeated the younger brother and began to rule the country and live with three wives]: Zapadova 1977:253-258; the Arakan people [the king has seven sons with seven wives; someone steals fruit from a mango tree; brothers take turns guarding; the elders see nothing, the youngest sees winged horses arrive, aims his bow; horses promise not to steal mangoes anymore; the young man gave them some fruit and they flew away; the king fell in love with his youngest son and drove away the elders; but the youngest did not want to part with his brothers, left with them; the king of another country promises a daughter to someone who would overtake her by horse racing; the youngest put on a royal outfit, summoned a flying horse, overtook everyone, remained unrecognized, returned to his brothers; everything was clarified, the younger prince inherited both kingdoms]: Konow 1903:9-12; Burmese : Aun 1957:57-60 [Little Young Lady Frog (MBL)'s mother is dead, the father marries a widow with two ugly daughters; the prince chooses a wife; MBL begs the guards to let her in too; abandoned by the prince the bouquet falls on MBL, he takes her as his wife; the king promises the throne to the four sons who complete the tasks; 1) bring a golden deer (MBL leads); 2) bring rice and meat that are always fresh (same) ; 3) bring the most beautiful woman; MBL sheds her frog skin in front of the king, turns out to be more beautiful than the wives of other brothers; she does not wear skin anymore], 74-77 [the older sister gives birth to a handsome man, the youngest - turtle; he is given the name Golden Turtle (ZC); the turtle's brother becomes a merchant, ZK hides on his ship; on the island of women, sailors marry them without knowing they are cannibals; ZC overheard plans to eat three sailors, found out where the casket in which the lives of cannibals, a precious ruby, a wish-fulfilling drum; breaks the casket, cannibal pursuers drown; the turtle's brother marries a princess, gets the throne; with with the help of a drum, the ZCH is transferred home to his mother; sends her to marry him the king's daughter; he demands the construction of gold and silver bridges, the ZCH builds; the insulted grooms and princes go to war, smash enemies; gets a princess; at night there is a young man next to her; she throws a shell into the fire, pours water on her husband, he remains human]; Thais [a lazy young man was sent to work for a community elder, he has nothing He does, the elder drove him into the forest; the king executes him if he does not bring a deer; the young man finds the dead deer and the elephant's tusk, the king let him go; the young man began to collect and sell myant leaves (stimulant) ; someone is cooking in his hut, he is waiting for a girl coming out of an elephant's tusk; the king wants to pick her up, gives her husband difficult assignments to get rid of him; 1) bring the mythical flowers to Chant T; wife sent to the abbot of the monastery, who is 100 years old, he is 200 years old, etc. (300, 400, 500 years old); the young man sees 7 daughters Pai In (Indra) coming down from the sky to swim, hid their wings and tails, returned them for a promise to bring flowers, they pledged an arrow that, if shot, makes them come back; they bring flowers, he does not return the arrow; the 500-year-old abbot exchanged a bow for a drum, who can steal everything, sent him back the bow; in the same way, a 400-year-old staff that hits everyone, a 300-year-old has a rope that will tie anyone, a 200-year-old pole that carries baskets himself, a 100-year-old cauldron filled with any utensils; the pole carries everything he receives; the young man married all 7 virgins, their father and first wife agree; the king has come, beaten, bound, the young man gets the kingdom]: Siam Socisty, pt. 1, 1924 in Kornev 1963:52-57; Lao [orphan Khampa lives with her grandmother, puts the top, someone steals fish; he sets traps, they are successively hit by a fox, a tiger, a rhino, an elephant, everyone asks him to let go, promises to help, the elephant gives him a tusk; one day K. and his grandmother return, the house is tidy; they watched a beautiful woman come out of the tusk; said that she would be the wife of good K.; nobleman tells the king about her, he wants to take away K.'s wife; the courtiers advise a trick to get rid of K.; 1) let the rooster K. defeat the royal rooster - the fox turned into a rooster, killed the royal; 2) then bulls (the tiger kills the king's bull); 3) elephants (the rhino became a huge elephant, killed the royal); 4) boat races - the snake became a boat, overtook the royal one; the king screamed, the roof collapsed, the king became angry in the spirit of the forest, Phi Khai; sent a poisonous snake to hide in a pot, bite the fairy; the good spirit Phi Noah told her to pour boiling water into the pot first; sent an owl, from his scream the fairy died; Phi Noah offers advice get into the basket, he will deliver it with the fairy's soul; closes the basket, makes the owl revive the fairy; Phi Noah cut off the owl's tongue, since then owls do not kill people; now Phi Hai has died of anger; nobles elected King K.]: Nikulin 1988:386-393; Tyams [astrologers promise the childless king that he will have a son if he makes sacrifices at the mouth of the river, but this son will ruin the kingdom; the king brings victims; the boy eats a lot, the king is broke; when the son is 15 years old, the father calls him to the forest, brings a tree on him; in the evening the son brings a tree to his father; tells him to forge a heavy ax, leaves, his name is Strong; meets Wagon pulling (no bulls), Reed (cutting reeds on five mountains); both cannot lift the Strong's axe, become his younger brothers; giants Sharp Butt, Snotty, Big Foot fish; The strong asks for fish, each of the giants tells the other to give, finally the big foot gives, the sharp ass hits the ship in anger, the snotty closes the hole with snot; the portion of fish is so large that there is no firewood in the village to fry it; the brothers go to the forest, they have no fire; The wagon pulling comes to the old woman, she throws it into the cauldron; the same with the Reed; the strong makes the old woman give the plant of immortality , revives the brothers, sews the old woman's eyes and mouth, tells her husband to be sent in their footsteps; the giant husband drives the Wagon and the Reed up to the neck into the ground; the Strong drives him up to the neck into the ground; the old woman goes looking for a husband, urinating where he is in the ground, hears his voice, digs up; The strong throws the head of fish to China; the emperor promises a daughter to someone who removes his smelly head; The strong cleans up, marries on the Princess Pulling the wagon, leaves him a tree of immortality, tells him to make sure that no one enters the garden; throws his head at Siam; throwing it into the sea, gets the Princess of Siam, gives it to the Reed; returns to the land of the Tyams; The pulling cart allowed people into the garden, the tree of immortality flew to heaven, the Strong died immediately; the wagon and the Reed came to pick him up in the land of the Tyams, also died]: Landes 1887 , NO. 8:67-76.
South Asia. North India (Faizabad) [three brothers are married, the youngest fourth is single; dissatisfied with the food one of the daughters-in-law made; she says that when he marries the princess, she will be better off cook; a young man goes on a journey, meets, companions a Rakshasa named Slow Leg, Eats Little, Drinks Little, and Lots of Rats; Raja promises a daughter to someone who eats a full room cakes (rats eat), jump across the river (Slow leg jumped over), drink a pond (He drank little); the young man got a wife and returned to himself]: Crooke 1895, No. 542:194-195; Kashmiris [ahun ( religious teacher) asks four sons what they would like to do; three want to follow in their father's footsteps, the fourth wants to be a thief; sneaks into the palace, where the vizier and princess are preparing to escape; the vizier sends the princess with the thief, he must stay; in the morning the princess sees that she is not the vizier with her, becomes the young man's wife; he is hired by the king as a groom; the jeweler brings two rubies, the young man says that one wormhole turns out to be right; he is appointed gem keeper; the vizier wants to take possession of the young man's wife, persuades the king's daughter to ask the second one for the same ruby as the one brought by the jeweler ( not defective, but expensive), and send a young man for him; a month later, the wife gives the young man a ruby, which she picked up in the river, he brings it to the king; the vizier suggests demanding a ruby necklace; the wife tells the young man hide by the river, 6 heavenly fairies will arrive, and then the seventh; we must hide her clothes; the fairy Lalmal is forced to go with the young man, when she speaks, rubies fall from her lips; he brings rubies to the king; the barber informs the vizier that the young man has a second wife; let the vizier take one and he, the barber, the other; the vizier offers to send the young man for a bracelet; L. sends her husband with a letter to the source from which he met her; the young man takes the bracelet, taking off the hand that held it out; the vizier: the second bracelet; L. sends her husband with the ring, it opens the entrance to the lower world; the girl to whom the young man speaks has a daughter the woman whose arm he tore off; to save him, the girl turned him into a pebble, took an oath from his mother; the mother sent the young man with a letter to her sons ordering him to be killed; the daughter changed ordered her to come to her wedding; gave edible peas, you just have to pretend that he was eating inedible; gave iron claws - the brothers would ask them to scratch their backs; he did everything, the demons said that theirs Solomon calls, did not come; the young man takes the demoness's daughter as his wife, asks for a flying skin (i.e. a flying carpet) as a gift; brings a bracelet; a barber: he has a third wife, the king must receive it; the king orders the young man should bring news from the deceased king father and the fruit of paradise; the young man tells him to make a fire, flies away from it on a flying carpet; the fairy wife makes a fruit from seven metals, writes a letter on behalf of the deceased king: come with a vizier and a barber; they burned down; the first vizier came, the young man gave him his bride, sent the fairy into her world, stayed with his third wife; that vizier became king, the young man became a vizier]: Stein, Grierson 1923, No. 12:85-105; Nepali [the hermit tells the king's two wives that he cannot accept alms from the childless; let the king endure the art; the king has been fasting in the forest for 12 years, Vishnu gives him two apples, both the wives ate and became pregnant; the second wife replaced her son with the first bar (chopping block), lowered the box down the river; the king told the first wife to retire to the forest; the boy was picked up by a fisherman who grew up and became a young man Chandra Mukhi; the son of his second wife is evil; the king promises to make the successor of whoever rides his horse, on which only a man fit to be king can sit; only the World Cup succeeds; the king has found out everything, the midwife expelled with his nose cut off, the first wife was returned, the second was sent to the forest; the king fell ill, he will be cured by the medicine from the hands of the gold-haired princess Sunkeshari, let the World Cup marry her; when she steps, gold falls; her father's difficult assignments must be fulfilled; the World Cup saved rats and snakes from a burning forest, sparrows from a birdsman's net; rats, snakes and sparrows promised to help; the World Cup meets, takes as companions 1) a person from whom an arm stretches out to grab any food; 2) a person who puts one ear under him, covers himself with the other, disperses the clouds with his ears; 3) the companions stopped at the house, cooking one by one; every time A dwarf comes with a huge mustache, sweeps the cook with it, eats everything; when it's the turn of the World Cup, he grabs the dwarf by the mustache, throws it out the window; the rats made a move to the princess, she gave the World Cup grains of magic rice; father S. tells 1) to sow the field, harvest tomorrow (the World Cup sows magic rice, it ripens immediately); 2) plant trees from all over the world (the long-armed reaches them, brings them); 3) divide the chaff, rice and millet (the long-eared takes the chaff, sparrows sort the grain); the king gives S., she cures the father of the World Cup; his evil brother poisoned him, kidnapped S.; the snakes extracted the poison, the World Cup came to life; the king executed his son from his second wife, handed over the World Cup throne]: Sakya, Griffith 1980:70-79; Marathi [Indra sent Shiva a dancer, but Indra's son took her for himself; I. told his son to go to earth and be a donkey; Shiva: let the donkey sit in the afternoon, man at night, and when a son marries and is born, the spell will be canceled; the donkey went to the potter's house, ordered him to marry the king's daughter; the king demanded a copper fortress with a silver gate; the fortress is ready, donkey received the princess, she was happy; her mother peeked and ordered her donkey to be burned; Indra's son returned to heaven, telling his wife to leave; the city was destroyed by fire and water, and later the city of Cambey appeared on this place]: Kudinova, Kudinov 1995:146-148; Santaly [after the death of his wife, the tsar chooses a bride who promised to take care of his son; the new wife also gives birth to a boy, hates her stepson; makes her scratched the cat accuses the stepson, promises to leave if the king does not kill him; the father leaves his son in the forest, brings his wife clothes moistened with the dog's blood; the old woman takes the boy to the village, he is adopted by a brahmana, gives a name Lela; brahmina's daughter makes a date in the forest, the lover does not come, L. accidentally finds himself there, the girl runs with him, sees a mistake in the morning, decides to stay with L.; both are beautiful, the king gives L. difficult tasks to pick up his wife; 1) bring a flower (the wife says her younger sister has it; she lives in the cannibal's house; the cannibal smells like a man in the house; the girl says to sit over the boiling oil to get rid of this smell; the young man pushes the cannibal into oil, she burns; brings a flower, the king, as promised, gives him a sister and half a kingdom; L. now has three wives - the first, her sister and the king's sister; L. comes to his father with his wives and men; he went blind when he left him in the woods, now he sees the light; the evil wife hanged herself, L. reigns]: Bodding 1927, No. 64:317-365; oraons [the lark's children a tiger (his mother makes him the master of the forest), a water serpent (the master of the waters), an ox and a man; an ox and a man see the royal children playing in the pond; they call the young man to play with them; if he finds them, they will give them his sister, if they have him, he will give them an ox; the ox swallows the young man unnoticed and then releases him, he can't be found, and he finds those who have dived; the princess is dressed in rags, smeared with honey, flies flock at her, and there is another girl dressed as a princess nearby; the ox tells the queen who to choose; the counselor suggests that the queen send the young man 1) for the tigress's milk; the tiger brother tells the tigresses to fill the young man's vessel with their milk; 2) for lotus from a deep body of water where snakes; a snake brother gives a lotus; 3) free the pond from snakes; a young man scatters corn on the shore, snakes crawl out to eat it; the king thinks that the young man's strength is in his will, tells the ox fight elephants; the ox rips open the bellies of elephants with its horns; the king orders the ox to break the iron wall; the ox to the young man: I will die, put my blood and bones in a vessel, close tightly; blood and bones turn into wasps, hornets and bees; they bite warriors who ask for mercy; the king gives the boy a daughter and a throne]: Hahn 1906, No. 16:28-32; agaria [king]; condas [the widow has a son; he sees flowers in the river chittigi paggata (fabulous flowers), pulls out and decorates his hair; the king sees him, tells him to get flowers and otherwise he will cut off his head; the mother tells him not to lament, but to go up the river; there are three giants, them you have to call it "uncle", they will help; the first giant refers to the second, the second to the third; he tells you to go to the lake, where three fairies come to swim; you have to take their clothes and run without looking back; but at the last moment, the young man looked around and fell dead; the giant revived him, covered him with banana leaf; the next time the young man ran to the giant's house and gave his clothes only after promising to marry the youngest maiden ; during the marriage ceremony, the girl laughed and flowers began to fall from her lips; fairies cannot stay with people for long, so they gave the young man a zitra; if you start playing, the wife will appear or the fairies will come to the rescue; along the way ago, two giants gave a rope and a stick; when the young man returned to his mother, he played the zither and the maidens appeared; the king's servants saw them; the young man took the flowers to the king; he wanted to take his wife and told him bring lion milk, hoping that the young man would die; the fairies told the lions to accompany the young man; he brought a herd of lions to the king, who was frightened, the lions were released; the king ordered the poisonous snake to be killed; (same, the young man brought many snakes to the palace); now the king orders to catch the most ferocious lion (the young man brought the lion); the king summoned the young man to the palace; the fairies brought a mouse with them; the servants threw him into a deep crevice, but the mouse dug going out to earth and the young man returned to his mother; now the king sent a young man with a letter to another king to kill him; the young man told a rope and stick to tie and beat the king; he gave him his kingdom; the young man with the fairy began to rule there]: Schulze 1922, No. 10:57-64; the Assames [the lame prince and his brothers (half-brothers) go to get a tree on which jewelry hangs; gets the daughters of the King of Death, the King of Pigeons, the King of the Nagas, the King of the Serpents, the King of the Fans, the King of the Vultures, and the tree; on the way back, his brothers kill him, take possession of the princesses and the chest with him there is a tree inside; only the lame prince himself can open the chest; the daughter of the King of Death revives him; the prince is made minister, his brothers are executed; the barber persuades the king to give the prince difficult assignments; 1) scatter lentil seeds (pulses) and mustard seeds and collect and divide them overnight (pigeons performed); 2) dig two reservoirs overnight and settle nagas in them (nagas performed); 3) establish a snake kingdom (snakes performed); 4) to get the magic ring of the royal ancestors for the king (the fans were performed); from the wave of one fan, the prince died, went to the afterlife, got a ring, and from the wave of another he came to life; a barber is saw; the prince tells the king that his ancestors need a barber; he takes both fans and tells his wife to revive him second; but the wife is tired of waiting, hit the barber on the head and he died]: Goswami 1960:110-111; telugu {the collection contains mainly Telugu texts and several Marathi texts; there is little possibility that this text does not refer to Telugu, but to Marathi} [the prince went to travel; came to another king, called himself the son of a peasant, became a servant; the princess gave him a letter to the vizier's son asking him to run away at night; he tore the letter and told the vizier that his son lazy to study; the vizier locked his son; the young man came on a date instead of him; in the morning, when the princess noticed the change, the maid said it was fate; the fugitives stopped in the forest, the young man went to fetch water; I saw the palace, there was a beautiful woman in a pool of blood, her head was separate; the young man twitched the vine, his body and head joined together; the beauty told the young man to leave until the Rakshasa appeared; the young man separated his body from his head again, brought water to the princess, they arrived in another country; there the merchant asks for a high price for fish; the young man says that this fish is three-quarters of the scales and a quarter of the water; both disputed all property, young man won, received the merchant's house and property; became the royal guard; found and gave the king an emerald, who gave him his daughter; her parrot replies that the princess would be even more beautiful if she had a second one But an emerald; the king sends a young man; he returns to the Rakshasa palace, connects the beauty's head to the body, she teaches her sisters to go to her sisters, they also give emerald to her younger sister, who has taken the form of a sheaf of rice; the parrot advises to ask for a Parijataka flower; the sheaf wife says that the flower is in the sisters' garden; the maid of that first princess proves to her that the young man is a prince, let her ask him to make her the main wife; The young man took out a flower, killed Rakshasa with an arrow; the parrot tells the royal daughter who received the flower to marry the young man; with four wives, the young man first visited the father of the first princess and then came to his father]: Venkataswami 1923, No. 82:153-160; kannada [the mighty king asks four sons what they will do after his death; elder: I will continue my father's work on the throne; second: I will help my brother rule state; third: I will lead the army; fourth: I will become the king of kings, I will build my own city and marry four heavenly maidens; the king expelled his youngest son; once in the forest, he came to the house an old woman; she is the daughter of a sage hermit who lost control and raped a girl; then he was killed by a tiger and his daughter born was ugly; her mother died and she became a hermit in the forest; as a result, she gained power; the young man began to herd her cows; she ordered them not to be taken north; he went, hid by the pond; Indra's four heavenly daughters came down, took off their sarees, began to swim; he stole one sari; the maiden ran after him, promised to be a wife, he looked around in amazement, she took the sari and turned the young man into stone; the old woman found him and revived him; told him to take the sari and run to her house and not look around; he did so; the old woman turned him into a baby, and hid the sari inside his thigh so that the seam was not visible; when the maiden came running, the old lady advised her to cover herself with a cotton sari; then promised to return the sari if the virgin agreed to marry the young man; the young man and his wife came to the city; the king's servants saw the maiden, told the king; he pretended to be sick, sent the young man to get the venom of the Karkotaka snake; the wife sent him to the mountains to the snake hole and gave a letter to the snake; on the way he saved a worm from the web; threw a letter into the hole; four snakes carried him to the lower world to the king of snakes; the letter asked him to give it to wife to the giver's daughter and comply with his request for poison; returning with his second wife and poison, the young man gave the poison to the king's servants; when they opened the bottle, the tamarind standing next to him broke out and burned; the king ordered bury the poison deeper; sent the young man to bring crocodile bile; on the way, the young man let a young crocodile on land into the water; the young man sent letters from his wife to the crocodiles; the king of the seas gave him a daughter, diamonds and bile; now the king asks Indra to go to heaven and find out how his late parents and brothers are doing; the wives have written many letters, the young man jumped into the fire, the god of fire raised him to heaven, where Indra gave his daughter, letters to the king and minister, and returned him to earth; on the way, the young man saved ants when the anthill was flooded with water; the young man gave letters; in them an invitation to heavenly paradise - you must also jump into the fire; the king and the minister and his families burned down; the young man made the poor brahman king; he and his four wives built a new city; at this time his father lost his kingdom and became a firewood seller; he came with his family to the young man's city; sheltered; gave his first wife's sari to his mother; the wife asked her for it, put it on and all 4 wives flew to heaven, and the city turned into a jungle again; the young man brought his brothers and mother to the city, where he put it brahmana king, and he went to look for wives; his wives met him and the first said that he must be tested by Indra to recognize him as his son-in-law; his wives took him to heaven, turning him into a fish in a vessel of water, and left; I. tells 1) to collect the scattered sesame in 3 hours (the young man called the ants - they perform); 2) get the ring thrown there from the well (the frog took it out; meeting the hero with the frog omitted by the informant; to do this, the frog threw a tadpole to be eaten by snakes at the bottom of the well, and found the ring himself); 3) cut the banana tree into three parts with one blow (the crocodile cut it); 4) find out the first wife among three identical girls (the worm, now a flying insect, sat on her sari); I. arranged a wedding; on earth, the young man conquered kingdoms; his father admitted that he was right]: Ramanujan 1997, No. 3: 5-15; gondas: Elwin 1944:13-17 [The Raja is outraged that the young man hunts birds in his possessions, tells him to bring the Golden Bird; the mother encourages the young man; the dove, the boar, is given {Dano - demons} tell him marry their daughter, they promise to help; Dano-father-in-law flew with the young man to the sea, ordered him to cover himself with tree trunks so as not to burst, drank the sea, the young man went dry, brought a bird cage from the other side, Dano released the water, the sea was filled again; the young man returned with three wives and two Golden Birds; he gave one to the Raja; he demands a couple; the young man gave the other; the Raja tells him to dig a giant pond and fill it its water; pigeons covered the sun with their wings for six months, wild boars dug a pond; the Raja sent an army, swallowed it, the Raja gave the young man his daughter and kingdom], 17-18 [the young man planted rice, guards, but one day fell asleep; the golden peacock ravaged the field, left a golden pen; the barber noticed a feather in the young man's hut; the Raja told him to get a bird; sambhar, an antelope, a tiger put a young man on their back, carry a peacock on their trail; the elephant broke the tree on which the peacock was sitting, the young man grabbed the peacock; the Raja gave the young man a daughter; after the death of the Raja, the young man inherited the kingdom]; Sinhales: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 77 [two older the son is told to the king that the moon is good because it illuminates the road; the youngest - that in its light, princesses of flowers can ride their chariot; the king orders him to be taken to the forest and killed; he hides, buried in sand, the hangman kills a chameleon; the prince found two princesses in flowers, they grew up, went with him, live with a widow; the king (apparently hoping to take over the princesses) gives the prince difficult errands; princesses teach how to perform them; 1) bring blue flowers (they grow near the shore, the crocodile did not eat the prince; he found a third princess in one flower); 2) go to the naga world; princesses dig a passage to the move he ordered to dig king, they give the prince magic sand; the king orders him to close, compact his move; the prince returns differently, tells the king that his late father is calling him; the king goes underground, the entrance is filled, the king dies; ministers make the prince king when the elephant stays at his house; the prince summons his parents and brothers, makes his father king, brothers ministers, leaves with the princesses himself], 89 [seeing the bird, the king with the wife argues whether it is a male or a female; the queen loses, leaves, gives birth to a son, picks up a gem in the dried riverbed; the child immediately stops crying; the son has grown up, the mother sends him to sell the stone is in the bazaar, but no one can determine the price; the king invites the young man and his mother to live in the palace, because he also has no money to pay the price of the stone in full; sends the young man to get the second stone ; a young man comes to the river, Yakshini explains that she is the daughter of her owner, they protect the precious stones; she runs with the young man; spits gems; the king wants to take over Yakshini himself; the minister advises send a young man to visit the king's late parents; he is walled up in an underground passage, Yakshini sends rats (their mistress is her sister) to dig another passage, dresses her husband in precious clothes; the king believes that the young man went to the next world, went down into the dungeon himself, walled up; the young man reigns]: 164-169, 211-216.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Malays (Perak) [king]: Laidlaw 1906:27-43; Malays in southern Sumatra (Perigi village) [many marry the princess, but she spits on the applicant's head every time and he turns gray; military leader the king learns that her brother Langkusa gives magical power to the princess; the king decides to destroy L., offers difficult tasks; 1) kill a rabid bull (kills easily); 2) get the ring from the well, at the bottom of which spears pointing upwards (L. jumps, spears break, he himself is unbelievable); the king orders to dig a river, sail to the princess on a ship and kidnap her; L. jumps onto the ship and carries his sister; the king orders that no one of his descendants did not marry people from the princess's clan; she herself was left alone, she remained unmarried]: Bunanta 2003:54-57; Minangkabau [king]; sunda [raja]; dusun [raja]; murut [raja in heaven]; loda [raja]; minahasa [raja]; toraja [raja]; Sumbawa [raja]; Sangihe Islands [king]: Bezimer 1904:249-253
(Wed. Taiwan - Philippines. Tagals [explicit European borrowing]: Cole 1916:189-195).
China - Korea. Chuan miao [an orphan makes a flute, a wreath of gold and silver, with two {only one} companions goes to marry Ntzï Ni Leo's daughter; gives jewelry to girls who tell treat guard dogs in a friendly way; these are black tigers, then striped, they let the young men in, receiving gold and silver from them and swallowing; the orphan chooses a bed not made of gold, but made of bamboo; NNL asks choose a wife among many women; his daughter warns that she will be dressed like a criminal, carrying a broken pot and a basket of holes; in front of the girls, an orphan plays the flute, the bride responds, repeating how she is dressed; he chooses her; the bride gives amulets, knives and spears are immobilized with their help, NNK recognizes the orphan as a son-in-law; the wife tells you to choose a bad horse; at home, a Chinese landowner demands to catch 260 birds (hawk-cuckoos), otherwise she will select his wife; immediately invite the emperor to the feast; the wife makes birds out of clay, the horse immediately brings the orphan to the emperor and brings him; the emperor takes his wife; the orphan appears in a birdskin costume; the wife has never laughed, now she laughs, asks the emperor to change clothes with the orphan; the wife tells the guards to kill the emperor in feather clothes, an orphan becomes emperor]: Graham 1954:242-244; yi [an elderly childless woman is about to drown herself; the old man gives her 9 pills, each of which she can conceive and have a son; instead of taking one pill a year, a woman swallows everything at once, gives birth to 9 boys; cannot feed them, she goes to drown them; the old man promises that they will feed themselves, gives them names: House of Power, Big Belly, Never Hungry, Unbeaten, Long Leg, Unfrozen, Fireproof, Uncut, Undrowned; A pillar collapsed in the emperor's palace, the emperor promises a reward to whoever repairs it; House Strength put his strength in place; the emperor orders to eat a lot of rice as proof (Big Belly ate); the emperor is afraid of such a strongman, tells him to starve him (Never Hungry comes instead) ; tells you to hit him to death (He is not sensitive to blows); throw him into the abyss (Long Leg takes a step down); tells him to burn (Fireproof does not burn); tells him to leave him on a snowy top (Do not Freeze Him sits in the snow); tells him to cut with swords (they bounce off the body); tells him to drown; He should not be drowned, he took water into his mouth, released it at the emperor, he was carried away by the river; everyone is happy that the tyrant is gone]: Miller 1994 : 190-193.
The Balkans. Ancient Greece [king]; Moldovans [king]; Romanians [emperor]; Gagauz [boyar]; Hungarians [king]; Albanians [king]; Bulgarians [tsar]; Slovenes [of the three brothers, only the casserole comes to his father's grave for himself and his brothers; each time he receives a nut; the king tells his daughter's suitors to ride across the glass bridge; Z. breaks a nut every time, pulls out a horse and knightly equipment; for the third time, the princess manages to put a seal on his forehead; the king sends soldiers to look for the winner; Z. is found, he becomes king]: Arkhipova 1962:221- 222; Croats [king]; Croats [the widower married a widow, both have a son; the wife demanded that her son herd cows and her husband's son oxen; give her bread and cheese, and her stepson crusts; ox: twist my right horn, you will find food there; when my stepson sees my stepson full, my stepmother pretended to be sick, she needs that ox's meat; ox: when the butcher comes, jump on my back; took the young man far from home; warned: I will butt with a fat ox and win; and a thin one will kill me; then take both my horns, but don't open my left horns until you get home; but the young man, when he reaches the bridge, opened his left horn and from there the cattle came ; vila: I'll put it back if she is allowed to come the morning after her wedding night to comb his wife's hair; the young man thought: it's not yet known if I'll get married; so he promised; he found only his father at home, the farm in decline; the young man sent his father to the king to ask for a princess as his wife; after the third time, the king descended to talk to the peasant: if your son has the same castle as me, I will give it back; the young man looked in into the horn: there was a castle better than the royal one; now the king demands cattle; cattle come out of the horn; wedding; a pitchfork appeared in the morning; but in the corner lay yarn, with three breadcrumbs in it; the crumbs spoke: if you are from God go to God, or to hell; vila combed the princess and disappeared]: Leskien 1915, No. 44:197-199; Serbs [tsar]; Montenegrins [the guy decided to marry only the princess; the king demands three horses, each in a special and rare suit, and to load each with as much gold as he can carry; the princess fell in love with a guy, gave a magic knife and taught him what to do; go east, there there will be a meadow where horses graze; use the blade of a knife to direct reflected sunlight into the meadow, horses will go like sheep; in the meadow, cypress - copper roots, silver branches, golden needles; you must knock on roots, gold will appear in abundance; and so it happened; as a dowry for the bride, the guy asked for and received a knife]: Eschker 1992, No. 25:135-137; Bosnians [padishah]: Wratislaw 1890, No. 45:239-245; bosses [sultan, king]: Preindlsberger-Mrazovic 1905:81-94; Greeks [king]; Macedonians [king]: Uther 1904 (1), No. 513A: 299-300.
Central Europe. Russians (Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Novgorod, Pskov, Ryazan, Voronezh, Kursk), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Bukovina, Podolia, Kievskaya, Yekaterinoslavskaya), Belarusians [Beautiful wife ("Go there, I don't know where"): the royal arrow (Pan huntsman, poor man) marries a wonderful beauty and craftsman; the tsar (master) wants to master it and sends her husband to carry out difficult assignments; the shooter's wife helps; the tsar's intention does not come true]: SUS 1979, No. 465A: 137-138; Belarusians: Vasilenok et al. 1958:94-109; Russians ( Pskovskaya) [two smart brothers, and Ivan is a fool; when he dies, his father tells him to guard his grave for three nights; the older brothers entrust this to I.; the father gives the goat golden horns, the golden bristle pig and Sivka-Burk ; when you get into one ear, get out of the other, you become a good handsome man; whoever jumps up to the third floor and pulls out her portrait, she will put her ring on her finger; I. rode Sivka three times- Burke, jumped to the first, the next day to the second, finally to the third floor, got a ring; in his cabin it shines with fire, he had to tie his finger; I. was found with the ring, but he looked like an old one a fool; a war has begun, I. smashes enemies on a heroic horse; against him a wasp (hero), who was fattened for 12 days; he wounded I. in the arm and horse in the leg, the princess bandaged him; and I. immediately killed him; when I. fell asleep (not in a heroic form), the princess saw her chain and scarf; leads to the king for a treat; the tsar tells his sons-in-law to get goat-golden horns; I. gives his older son-in-law a goat, for which she cuts off his hand little finger; for a golden bristle pig, from foot to toe; now the king demands a mare and 12 sons with her; Sivka-Burka: this is our mother; we must dig a hole, 12 skins on him and pour 12 barrels of resin; Sivka-Burka's mother- Burki recognizes his voice, comes running, bites 12 skins, but not himself, and he will push her into a hole, let I. put a bridle; 12 stallions followed her; gave them to his sons-in-law, for which he ripped off his skin belts from his back; when the tsar wanted to write off the kingdom to his sons-in-law, I. presented his little fingers and belts; his sons-in-law were torn to horse tails, Vanya and his wife remained in the state]: Ploshchuk 2004, No. 39:112-124; Russians (Voronezhskaya, Semiluksky District) [Ivan Tsarevich (I.) and Tsarevna Svetlana (S.) have been friends since childhood, grow up, and want to marry. I. goes to Father S. to marry. He sets 3 tasks, and every night, if he does not complete it, they will cut off his head. Objectives: to drain the lake, build a house at the bottom ("so that S. passes in silk socks and does not stain them"), separate rye from wheat in the royal barn. The first night elephants come, drink the lake, the second night the craftsmen build a house, and the third night pigeons separate the grain. The Tsar agrees to give his daughter for I. After the wedding, S. does not tell her to take off her ring - it is their happiness. I. took it off, threw it into the sea, and his wife disappeared. I. comes to the sea, goldfish suggests looking for S. far away. He comes to the hut on chicken legs, the old lady says that S. was with her, but now she is far away. It's the same in the next cabin. In the third, the old lady gives a ball and a sword. The ball leads I. to the gate, followed by a nine-headed serpent. Ivan defeats him, cuts the castle, frees S., returns her home, they get married again]: Kretov 1977, No. 35:61-64; Ukrainians (Transcarpathia; p. Zbui of the Zemplin Committee of Hungary) [the emperor has no children, he walks to sorcerers; one replies that the queen spat in the water, swallowed saliva by fish, brought offspring, and the queen has no children; it is necessary catch this fish in the lake under a stone slab and cook it, but so that no one else tries it; the maid tries the fish, the queen eats the fish, throws the bones to the dog; the maid, queen and dog get pregnant and through nine months give birth to a boy; the emperor is frightened; the advisers order to hire nurses; the boys have grown up and went to school; the son of the female Yanko has learned all the sciences and languages; the king is happy; I learn from books that Once there was a sun, a month and stars, but now there is nothing, the earth is covered in darkness; asks his father, the king says that three shufflers (dragons) have arrived; a 24-headed sun grabbed a sun with 12 heads - the month that had was a star; three royal sons saddle horses, went to look for the sun, the month and the star; the father told them that his brother, i.e. their uncle, studied to be a blacksmith in the Shedzmerice Region; the hell brought a letter: brother serves as a blacksmith for these three shufflers and their paternal uncle Laccibrade, who is elbow tall but has a long beard; the sons must go to Schedzmeritz, where their uncle is; there he is 100 meters Iron gates up, 24 comrades blacksmiths and 24 students; taking a letter to their uncle, the blacksmith, the brothers come to the Shedzmerice region, knock, the gate rings, the uncle comes out; making sure that their nephews are welcome accepts; knows where the lights are, because he is the blacksmith of kidnappers, whom he calls devils; one has a house made of gold, the other has silver, the third has copper; they are 24, 12, 6 miles away, respectively; their girlfriends - 48, 24, 12 miles away; at noon everyone leaves before midnight to see a friend - then you have to come; the princes will come to the copper house and the copper gate, where the weakest (with a star); he has a bridge from him to his home friends; his horse does not walk on the ground, only across the bridge; you have to take out one board in the evening to make a hole; I must sit under the bridge and listen to the shuffling go home; the shuffling sits on the horse, the ground is shaking; his horse comes across the bridge to the hole, gets scared, rushes back; the shuffling calms down: there is no horse like him and no good man like him; only his mother-in-law Gynjibaba said she saw Suchiy Yanko, but if he met now, the shuffler would cut him to pieces; I.: I'll cut you down, blows all your heads off, sits on the shuffler's horse, takes his sword and star, throws a star into the sky, she rises to his seat, becomes lighter; the brothers go to the 12-headed shuffling; Y. breaks two silver plaques from the silver bridge; the shuffle promises to chop Suchiy Yanko, mentioned by G. throw meat away to magpies and crows; I blow 6 heads, then 6 more; each one cuts off the end of her tongue, hides it in her pocket, lets go of a month; tells my brother from the maid that he will have a 6-headed horse, brother from the queen - 12-headed, he himself will take the 24-headed shuffler's horse; invites the brothers to take the sun, they are afraid; leaves them the spoon given by the uncle for the matitsa: if it has blood, hurry to help; pulls it out bridges 4 gold plaques; the shuffler promises to chop the son of the dog mentioned by his mother-in-law, throw it away to magpies and crows; I.: I will do it with you; they fight for 24 hours; both ask crows for help, but I promise all the more. meat; the shuffling breathes fire, the crows stuff weeds into his mouth, take away the sun, it rises to the sky; the shuffling throws fire even more, the crows in their beaks carry water, pour on I., others grab the shuffling legs, he fell, I killed him, cut off the tip of his tongue from each head; there is blood on a spoon behind the matitsa, the brothers take their horses out to flee; when I appear, they say that they were going to help him, he accuses him they lie, share horses; on the way home, their mother-in-law's hut of shufflers drive home; her daughters met there; I became a cat, climbed through the chimney, the youngest daughter, whose lover had 6 heads, recognizes Me by my eyes, the other two confirm; Gynjibaba: I would know if I saw it; the youngest looks up one century to her mother; G. sees Y., tells his daughters to put him in fur; they think that they did it and burned the fur from which, But I am a sorcerer and escaped; a mother tells one daughter to become a red handkerchief and lie on the road, strangle his two brothers and horses; the other with a silver pear, the fruits of which brothers and horses will choke; the third should become a meadow with silk grass and a well in the middle, people and horses will die from its water; I cut the handkerchief crosswise with a sword, it pours blood knee-deep to horses; the same with a pear, with a well; royal The brother, the chief blacksmith, orders the Iron Gate to be opened because her nephews will run away from G.; she chases with her mouth open, the young men rush to the uncle's yard, his students and comrades close the gate and G.'s eyelids are supported; G. demands to show her Y.; he tells the audience to take up one leaf, and he lets G.'s head into the yard and lock the gate with a key; G. is amazed that some worthless killed six (her daughters and shufflers); Y. replies that he will not let her go; let her become a horse that runs around the light in an hour, better than the Sharkani ones; G.: you can't wait; I ask my uncle for workers with with hammers; they hit G. on the head, she asks for mercy, but does not agree to be a mare; I tell you to hit harder; G. swears to serve faithfully; iron stirrups and a saddle are forged for her; I sit on horseback, take it in my hand a strand of flax lights him, linen does not have time to burn while the mare runs around the world; his uncle praises him, gives him a letter to his father and punishes him not to react, no matter what wonderful things he sees on the way; the brothers go home towards the ditch is old Laccibrad on a hare, followed by his casing and beard; he says that I am not a man; I dismount, L. is in the saddle and flies away on a horse; I tell my brothers to notify father that the sun, the month and the star are already in the sky, and he will go for the horse, which was made in his uncle's forge out of sharkanikha; he returns to his uncle, he reproaches him for his disobedience, tells him to take a hammer and go to the plain, where L. herds a mare and sleeps on iron saddles and stirrups; he must crush his head, take a mare; when he finds L., Y. decides that he is so small that he is not dangerous, grabs the mare, shouts at L.; he wakes up, hits Y. with stirrups and a saddle; I beg for mercy, L.: his sister will no longer wear I., for although Y. beat her, L. himself beat him, so we should honestly leave; I leave; my uncle sends him back; L. agrees to give the mare if Y. brings him a princess from the other side of the world; uncle: it's in the seventh land, it's easy to get there, any novelty you see must be taken with you, the royal daughter will be given for him ; on the way, Y. sees, takes with him hungry (he gets bread on carts), drank (drinks the river, but can't get drunk), cold (he can't warm up near the fire in 12 fur coats and 12 covers), throwing a hammer at the end of the world; crossing the whole world in two steps; having a huge eye and seeing everything; the king receives them, offers to eat a thousand oxen and bread out of three thousand measures of flour in one supper, drink a thousand barrels of wine and a thousand vodka; Y.'s companions eat and drink everything; the king puts him to bed in an iron house, sends blacksmiths to bring bags of coal, kindles a fire; the freezing one takes off one fur coat and one casing, the coals go out, everyone goes to bed; the craftsmen bring more fire; the freezing one sheds two coats and two covers, the coals go out, the craftsmen freeze to death; the king orders in three hours go to the end of the world and take leather and gold to the craftsman to cast a ring and sew shoes; companion Y. steps once and finds himself with the master; on the way back he enters the city, where Sister G. lets he sleeps, puts his horse head as a pillow, takes his ring and shoes; half an hour before the deadline; the seer sees the sleeper and sister G.; another companion throws a hammer, knocking his horse's head out from under the runner's heads; he catches up with sister G. in one step, takes away his ring and shoes, and the other steps he finds himself at the wedding; I. and the princess are married, given the wagon and the army to accompany him to the border; L. pretends to be married stuck in the swamp, Y. tries to help, L. pulls him knee-deep into the swamp, runs on his horse with his wife; I. rides a Sharkan horse to the Shedzmericki region to visit his uncle; uncle: go to the oak grove, where there is a hollow, through it you will get to a city 7 miles deep into the earth, in the city a three-story house on a duck leg is L.'s home; Y. finds a house, hides by a well, meets his wife: let him know where L. has power; L. to his wife: he is called to war, whoever he helps will win; in response to his wife's persuasion, he explains that a wooden deer drinks water near the well, a chamois in it, a hare in the chamois, a duck in a hare, two eggs in the duck; if you break one, he will lose half his strength and both will die; if you take a golden apple on a gold cord and put it in your pocket, you can take the house with you; L. goes to the seventh land for a month to war; I cut animals with a sword, breaks one egg; L. flies home on a mare - he is still stronger than I.; I break the second egg, L. falls, I kill him; turns the house into an apple, takes his wife home, stops by my uncle on the way, he advises him to return to his homeland and secretly build the house; his father's servants discover an unknown house; the princes are guarding a possible enemy, warmly greeting his brother, he says that he has obtained a mare and married the daughter of a tsar from the seventh land]: Gnatyuk 1898, No. 8, pp. 39-54; Luzhitans, Slovaks: Uther 1904 (1), No. 513A: 299-300; Czechs [rich merchant]; Czechs [king]: Erben 1976: 38-42; Kashubians [the king will give his daughter to someone who makes a boat that sails on land and water; two sons of a peasant decide to try it, refuse to talk to the old man; he says they will do only a gutter for the pigsty; the third younger brother politely answers the old man, made a boat; the old man tells him to take whoever the boy meets; he meets three old men; one drinks and cannot get drunk, another feels cold even in the sun, the third eats a lot; the king tells him to eat 12 loaves of bread, 12 bulls per night, drink 12 barrels of wine, sit in a hot iron oven; old helpers perform everything; the war has begun, the king demands that the groom defeat his enemies; the old man teaches where to get a horse and a bag with an army; the young man is wounded, the king bandaged his leg with half of his handkerchief; after the victory, he ordered to find the brave man; the boy was found sitting in ash; a servant sent in search killed the hero and the second servant sent with him, bandaged his leg with a handkerchief and married the queen; the old man revived the dead; everything was clarified; the deceiver was torn at the gate, four bulls tied to them; after the storyteller's feast, they hit a cannonball and shot, flew to your table and sat]: Lifshits-Artemyeva 2017:196-200; Poles [ many records all over Poland; variants close to Kashubian]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 513:165-166; Slovaks [the peasant has 12 sons, 11 despise the younger Janko; hired the king, a year later everyone got an ox; next time a cow; then a horse; I'm afraid to choose a strong horse; a thin horse advises him to choose it; brothers galloped off; horse: will we jump like the sun or like the wind? I.: so as not to suffer; a brass horse and a copper horseman, I. ends up in the inn before the brothers, who say they saw the bronze horseman; next time he saw the bronze horseman; the next time he was silver; gold; the brothers ask their father to marry them; he sees an old witch plowing on 6 horses; she says that she has 12 daughters; whips horses, they turn into 12 girls; before the wedding, the horse teaches me: not to sit in in the middle, say that he is the youngest, must watch the horses; do not drink wine, eat soup, roast, pour them out unnoticed; wine will become a piece of glass, soup with a brush, roast with a comb, hide them under clothes; let the brothers lie in the place of the witch's daughters at night, and they in the place of the brothers; at night, the witch cut off the heads of her daughters, thinking she is killing young men; the horse tells them to jump away, pick nothing up along the way; the witch throws a golden horseshoe, Y. asks if to pick it up; horse: pick it up, it will be bad, you won't pick it up, even worse; I picked it up; the horse tells you to throw the comb (a mountain covered with dense forest); then the same: a witch throws a golden pen, I. throws a brush (prickly thickets); golden hair - glass (sea, the witch stops chasing); reconciled with his brothers, the skate tells him to be hired to serve the king; other grooms (in some versions these are brothers Y.) burn candles, but I. did not; the grooms saw that I. illuminated the witch's golden horseshoe stable; the king demands a horse whose horseshoe; they rode to the witch and while she was sleeping, I stole from under. pillows keys, took the horse away, hid his sword; shouted about it to the witch, she chased, but could not cross the sea; the grooms reported that Y.'s stable was bright again, the light from the pen; the king demands a bird; I took it off my waist The witch's sleeping keys, broke her sword, took the cage with the duck laying the golden eggs; the third time, golden hair, the king demands a girl; the sleeping witch holds the keys in her teeth, I carefully took them out, broke them the witch's sword, unlocked the third room, took the golden girl away; from across the sea shouted to the witch that he would not return to her again; she turned into tar out of anger; the girl only wanted me, the king was going to execute him; the skate tells me to boil the pot of milk, absorbed the heat, I. swam, turned gold; the king also decided to swim, the horse regained the heat, the king cooked; I. became king]: Dobšinský 1970, No. 8:36-46.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars: Useinov 1992, No. 12:153-175; Kondaraki 1875, No. 2:41-46; Karaites [the padishah has a beautiful and intelligent daughter Shah Sine; he will give her to someone who will complete three tasks; a son has come Padishah Chin-Machin; let him get lion's milk; at night he climbed a tree, a growling lioness walked by, the young man was frightened, returned to his father; the shepherd also dreamed of SHS; found a ring in the sea, licked - devas appeared, ready to obey orders; the shepherd sent his mother to marry the SHS; he again demands lion's milk; the devas shackled the lioness and the shepherd fed milk in front of the padishah; the second task: to bring rhino; devas brought, shepherd led him to a padishah (a rhino the size of a mountain); bring Azhdaha (the same); build a palace; the devas built; a wedding of 40 days and nights; Padishah's son Chin-Machin called witches with sorcerers and ordered to find out what the secret is; a witch is needed, the sister of Davie Padishah; she sits in a cave and looks into the all-seeing mirror; the witch pretended to be an unhappy old woman, the shepherd and his wife sheltered her; how as soon as the shepherd fell asleep, she took possession of the ring; moved the palace and the SHS to Chin-Machin; the SS asks for 40 days; the padishah threw his son-in-law into prison; the SS asked the witch to take her to the bathhouse; witches and sorcerers in the bathhouse they are losing their abilities, the witch forgot about it; the SHS scalded her with boiling water and took possession of a ring; sent messengers to her father and husband; returned everything as it was; the shepherd from the SHS inherited the throne]: Zherdeva 2020, No. 77; urums ("Greeks g. Mariupol"; judging by fragments of the original texts and other lexical materials available in the notes, these are urums, not rumei) [the widow's son beat the padishah's son and the vizier's son in the bones; the vizier's son hit the widow's son; he gave back, but missed and killed the padishah's son; the padishah wanted to execute the widow's son, but the dignitaries dissuaded him (minors cannot be executed) and advised him to send the murderer to the forest, to who lives the monster; the padishah did so; the widow's son came to the forest, straightened the bulls from the arba, went to buy firewood; when he returned, he saw that one of the bulls was only his head; went into the thicket, brought the monster from there, harnessed it into the arba and went to the padishah; the padishah hid under the sofa and told the widow's son to leave his kingdom; the widow's son and his mother found a palace in the forest owned by the 40s- the head of the serpent; the widow's son waved a piece of dagger and cut off 39 heads; the serpent asked to cut off the last one, but the widow's son dragged him into the back room and piled a millstone on him; a few years later, The widow found this room; the serpent said, "Who's there? If you are older than me, then be my mother, if you are middle-aged, be my wife, and if you are smaller than me, be my sister"; the widow opened the door, brought a piece of dagger to the snake; the serpent licked its heads grew up again; he and the widow began to live together in secret from her son; they had a child; the widow put him on the road; the eldest son saw the child, brought it home and let his mother feed; the child grew up and became make a snake hiss; the widow gave her eldest son poisoned dumplings, but the youngest warned him of the danger; the eldest son killed both the mother and the snake; before going in search of his wife, he stuck him in the ceiling a dagger and said to his brother: "If honey flows through the dagger, it means that my journey is safe; if blood flows, it will be a sign that I am in danger"; the eldest son arrived to the city, stayed with an old woman; she said: there is a well near the city, the owner of which is a 6-headed serpent; every year he is given lot by lot; this year the lot fell on the royal daughter, tomorrow hers they will be taken to the well; the eldest son killed a snake, saved the king's daughter and married her; one morning he saw two suns in the sky; the wife explained: a padishah lives in the west, he has a beautiful daughter, this is her hair so they are burning; the eldest son went to that beautiful woman; she was sitting on the balcony, he went into the garden and began to eat fruit there; because of this, he was exhausted; the padishah threw him into the cellar; the younger brother noticed that the dagger was coming from the dagger blood, and rushed to search; did not eat fruit in the garden and grabbed the padishah by the beard; he let his older brother go; he returned to his former wife, and the youngest married a beautiful woman]: Markov 1892, No. 5:24-30; Stavropol Turkmens [Khan]; Kalmyks [Khan]; Abkhazians [Prince]; Adygs [Prince]; Abazins [Prince]; Balkarians and Karachays [Khan, Tsar]; Ossetians [ Aldar]; Terek Cossacks (v. Umakhan-Yurtovskaya) [the son of a poor widow buys the dog and cat that their owners wanted to kill; the widow scolds her son; he buys the snake that the men wanted to kill; goes with his mother to work in the garden for all day; in the evening they see that the stove is heated at home and food is cooked; this is the case every day; the widow comes home in the middle of the day; sees a snake shirt lying on the table; burns it in a burning stove ; a girl enters the hut; tells the widow that if she waited three more days, she would marry her son; then turns into a snake and tells her to be taken to her father and mother; the widow's son goes with her to the forest; from the father of the snake comes out of the glass house; asks the daughter whether to reward her savior with gold or a ring; at the daughter's insistence, he gives the widow's son a ring from which three young men appear who fulfill wishes; son the widow returns home; tells the fellows to build mansions and the mother to go to marry the royal daughter; the king gives the task: to build a crystal bridge between his palace and the mansions by morning; thanks to the ring, the widow's son performs it; marries a princess; decides to test her and turns the mansions back into a hut; the princess takes off the ring from her sleeping husband and returns to her father; the widow's son asks the cat and dog to help return the ring; the cat and the dog come to the palace; the mouse king caught by the cat asks him to let go; the cat tells him to order the mice to steal the ring from the princess; the princess sleeps and holds the ring in her mouth ; the mouse tickles her nose; the princess sneezes; the mouse grabs the fallen ring and brings it to the cat; on the way back, the cat and the dog must cross the river; they agree that the cat will hold the ring in its teeth and sit on the dog's back, and when it gets tired of swimming, they will switch places; the dog gets tired and wants to take the ring; the ring falls into the water; the dog catches the cancer king; on his orders, crayfish find the ring; the dog and the cat run home; the cat gives the ring to the widow's son, who is already being led to the gallows; he escapes thanks to three fellows and returns home]: Kikot 1892, No. 1:179-184; Terek Cossacks: Vostrikov 1907, No. 5 ( art. Naurskaya) [with the money taken from his parents, Ivan buys a cat, dog and snake at the bazaars, which their owners wanted to kill; when they see the snake, his parents scold Ivan; he goes on a journey with bought animals; sees an iron house standing in the forest on cast-iron legs; the snake says that this is her father's house; advises him to ask him for a twelve-eyed ring; the father rejoices at the return of his daughter; offers I. money, horses, treasures; he asks for a ring, gets it; goes on with the cat and the dog; rubs the ring, 12 fellows appear out of it; I. asks them for food and tells them to clear the road in the forest; enters the hut in which the old woman lives; orders the fellows to set the table; finds out about the princely daughter; tells the old woman to go to marry her; when she returns, she conveys the prince's words: "Let the son Yours will build a crystal palace in front of my palace in one night to have a place for him and his daughter to live; and if your son does not build a palace, then for your audacity I will remove my head from him and you"; by order I. 12 fellows are building a crystal palace from a ring; the prince is happy, but says to the old woman: "Tell your son to connect his palace to my palace with a crystal bridge in one night, so that from my house there was also a crystal bridge in the church, along which the bride and groom would be taken for the wedding; so that fruit trees would grow on the sides of this bridge; let him make sure that when they are married, the trees bloom, - they led from the church, spruce fruits"; I. performs the task with a ring, marries a princely daughter; she learns about the ring and picks it up at night; tells the fellows to destroy the palace and move it to the old one to the magician; I. tells the prince about the disappearance of his wife; he orders I. to be put in a cast-iron pole; a cat and a dog help the merchants; bring the food they receive to the owner; find his wife, learn from a caught rat that the ring is kept under Yagi Baba's tongue; at night, the rat tickles YB, she sneezes; the rat brings the fallen ring to the cat; on the way, the dog picks it up; swimming across the river, barks at the crow ; the ring sinks; the cat and the dog find it in the stellate sturgeon caught by fishermen; bring it to the owner; he tells 12 fellows to destroy the pole; is transferred with the prince to the wizard's house; the prince sees his daughter in in the arms of an elder; cuts off both heads; I. returns to his parents with his cat and dog]: 55-63; Ingush [tsar]; Chechens [prince]; Nogais [khan]; Kumyks [khan]; Avars [Khan, Ruler]; Dargins [Khan]; Lucky [Tsar]: Khalilov 1965, No. 51:137-142; Tatas [padishah]; Rutultsy [padishah]; Svanas [the king has three daughters, his wife is dead, he is took another one, she told him to get rid of his scoundrels; the king found an apple tree in the steppe, brought an apple to his daughters; they asked them to be brought to the apple tree; the king dug a hole there, covered it with a carpet, the daughters failed; the sisters they ate apples, they ran out, but the youngest hid them; these were over; the eldest wanted to eat it, but the youngest turned her hands into a shovel and an iron-tipped stick; they dug a passage into the tin house; there the servants feed the royal horses boiled wheat; the sisters eat everything, the horses lose weight, the king executes servants; the healer orders to guard; the sisters are caught, the king wants one of them to marry his son; the eldest: a hundred carpet, so that the king and all subjects will have a bed and a blanket; middle: I will drink wine to the king and the people; youngest: I will give birth to a son and a daughter {then we are talking only about a son}, so that their lower and upper halves are golden; this sister will be given for prince; the older sisters threw the children born into the river, replaced them with puppies; the king tied the bride to a stump at a fork in three roads; let everyone spit in her eyes; the children were picked up by the priest who owned mill; the priest raised a young man, he is the best hunter; the mother's sisters understood who he was; advised the priest to send the young man to Elbrus for a golden apple tree; on the way, the divas, petrified to the waist; says that everything they are so stony; we must remember his mother's nipples; the young man thought about them, brought an apple tree; the divas chased the young man, but that divas drove them away; the sisters advise asking the young man to bring a mirror from Elbrus; all stony, and the young man remembered his mother's nipples and brought a mirror; sisters: to kidnap the wife of the Western sovereign; the young man came to the tower, there is the king's daughter; the king will give her if the fruit in the garden is ripe by morning; the princess orders put a stick in the ground, pour water, in the morning a tree with fruits; king: jump across the sea, build churches everywhere so that all the bells ring; the princess gave a towel, it created everything; tame the horse; the horse: order an iron hammer and beat a horse with it; recognize the bride among her sisters (she will have a ring on her finger); the princess tells her to run, the king sent an army; the princess turned the young man into a monk, a horse into a church, herself into icon; arrived to the Tsar-Father; the young man's mother was released, the sisters were executed]: Nizheradze 1890, No. 1:176-187; Georgians [tsar]; Armenians [tsar]; Azerbaijanis [tsar, shah]; Turks [tsar]; Kurds [king]; Talish [king].
Iran - Central Asia. Shah-name [king]; Persians [Shah]; Turkmens [tsar, padishah]; Baluchi [king]; Bukhara Arabs [tsar]: Vinnikov 1969, No. 63:344-348; Pashtuns [tsar]; Tajiks [padishah]: Amonov 1972:156-163 (=1957:138-144); mountain Tajiks [tsar]; Tajiks of Sistan [tsar]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1981, No. 8:104-117; Uzbeks [Khan, Tsar]; Yagnobs [king]; Bukhara Arabs [emir]; Vakhans [queen herself]; Shugnans [tsar]; Munjan people [tsar]; Yazgulyam [tsar]; Sarykoltsy [king]; Ormurs ( Logar) [Tsar]: Efimov 1986, No. 36:276-283; kafirs (Kati; west in 1968 in Kabul from a native of villages. Kulem) [Tsar]: Grunberg 1980, No. 1:131-133; Burishi [king].
Baltoscandia. Latvians [king]; Lithuanians [king]; Estonians [landowner]; Lutsi (western 1893) [in the forest, a man leaned to the water for a drink; grabbed a waterman by the beard: give what is not at home you know; a son was born at home; grew up, went to the forest, the mother gave 9 cakes with her milk; the devil got involved; the boy consistently throws cakes over his left shoulder; they close the way to the line, he runs every time drink to the spring; the blacksmith hid the boy; the devil demands to be unlocked; the blacksmith: spill your tongue; grabbed his tongue with hot mites, the devil ran away; the blacksmith gave a horse, tells you not to look at what he meets; the young man does not looked at the underground dwarfs, at the naked old women, but looked out of the corner of his eye at the girls; the horse was gone; the devil told me to get him a princess; gives ducks, pigs and veal - these gifts are enough; he gave it wolf, bear and swan; on a stone a man as tall as a thumb advises me to take it with you; a young man comes to the king; king: I lost 30 stallions in the forest 9 years ago; bring and you will get a princess; the bear brought; 30 oxen: the wolf brought; the princess lost a ring in the sea: get it; the swan dives, on the third attempt he got it; the king tells you to go to the hot iron bath; first to enter man with a finger, the bath becomes cold, the tooth does not fall on the tooth; so three times; swim in boiling water; the man with the finger first, the water is warm, wash well; get to know the princess among many girls; that warned: she will stand on her left heel; next time: I'll stand on tiptoes; third time: I won't be among others, I'll carry the bowl across the meadow; the king sends the young, giving money and gold; that's the hell, the grave with burning resin, rope through it: go, I'll return the horse; young man: show me how; hell went on the rope, the young man cut it with a sword, the devil fell into the resin, only the smoke remained; came home on horseback; wedding; ate and drank , flowed down my lips, didn't get into my mouth]: Annom et al. 2018:215-220; Seto [tsar]; Finns [king]: Salmelainen 1947:33-39; Karelians (Kalevala District) [Tsar]: Onegin 2010, No. 8:108-110; Norwegians [king; sorcerer; rich man]; Danes [king]; Swedes [king]: Liungman 1961, No. 513AB: 135; Stier 1971, No. 31:123-127; Western Sami [king]: Pollan 2005, No. 19:85-88 ; Eastern Sami [king]; Icelanders [one king has three sons and the other has a daughter; her father is dead; the king asks the princess which of his sons she wants to marry, but it is difficult to marry one choice; the king decides to marry her the one who will get the most valuable treasure in a year; the eldest bought all-seeing glass from another princess; the middle one bought clothes from a dwarf that you can instantly wear fly anywhere; the youngest bought an apple from a merchant that treats the sick and revives the dead; the eldest saw the princess on her deathbed, the middle one brought all three to her, the youngest returned her to lives; no choice can be made, so the king invited his sons to shoot at the target; the eldest missed badly, the middle one almost hit, and the youngest's arrow disappeared somewhere; the eldest went to a foreign country, the middle married a princess and went to her kingdom, and the youngest also decided to leave; stopped at a stone in the forest; 10 horsemen appeared and took him to the city; it was ruled by a young queen; said she fell in love with a young man and wants to give him his kingdom; he married her; meanwhile, a woman came to the old king, gained his trust and married her, although the courtiers were against it; she assured the king that the youngest son is preparing for him to die - let him lure him to him; he came and the king ordered him to complete three assignments in a year, otherwise he would execute him; 1) get a tent that can accommodate a hundred people, but which can take in your hand; 2) water that cures any disease; 3) bring a person unlike any other in the world; when the youngest son returns to his wife, she says that she has such a tent; water in a nearby dark cave, guarded by 7 lions and 3 vipers; the wife went to the cave, threw the lions at large and the snakes at the pig; brought water; an unusual person is her brother, who owns the island nearby; he is three feet tall, has a beard 30 cubits, one eye in his forehead; he has a dog face and cat eyes; the princess's father conceived him with a giantess; you have to come to him in royal vestments, be extremely kind and give the ring he had long wanted to have; the dwarf is happy they have come to the king; the dwarf killed the queen with the pole he used to move, and she immediately turned into a terrible giantess; the king was brought to life with living water; he was guilty to his son and handed over the kingdom to him]: Poestion 1884, No. 14:103-118.
Volga - Perm. Komi [tsar]; Udmurts [landowner]; Udmurts [tsar]: Potanin 1884:227-229; mari [tsar]; Mordovians [tsar; see motif k32d]: Samorodov 1972:138-156; Chuvash [tsar ]; Kazan Tatars [Khan, Padishah]; Bashkirs [Padishah].
Turkestan. Karakalpaks [khan; bai]; Kazakhs [khan]; Kyrgyz [khan]; Uighurs [khan]; yellow Uighurs [khan]; salars [emperor]: Tenishev 1964, No. 54:108-109; Dungans [official].
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Baraba Tatars [Khan]; Tubalars [Khan]; Chelkan [Khan]; Altaians [Khan]; Kumandins [Khan]; Teleuts [Khan]; Shors [Khan]; Tuvans (Kara-Khem) ) [Khan]: Taube 1978, No. 30:137-146; South Altai Tuvans [Khan]: Taube 1978, No. 29:126-137 (=Taube 1994, No. 19:187-202); Taube 1978, No. 37:192-206; Khakas [Khan]; Darkhats [Khan]; Buryats [Khan; Tsar of China]; Mongols [Khan]; Mongols (Ordos) [Khan]: Potanin 1893, No. 8b: 152-156; Mongors [official; emperor].
Western Siberia. Pushkareva Nentsy, Khomich 2001, No. 4 (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) [Tsar]: 177-219; Nenyang 1997 (Taimyr) [Tsar, then (without additional hero tests) Sunwoman]: 58-61; Mansi [ the wife and husband picked up the child in a birch bark cradle, named Ekva-pygris; he is growing rapidly; the father fell ill and died; got a wolverine; went to sell the skin; the senior merchant took it away without paying; threatens to kill E. if he does not complete the following instructions; 1) get a birch tree with golden leaves (mother guides where to go, E. brought the top of the birch tree, it grew up near the merchant's house); 2) seven lakes from the middle of the sea; mother teaches how get a pike, everything will reach for it, lakes splash near the merchant's house; 3) talking Satan 7 Nenets; the mother gives a ball of threads, he leads to her sister; the sister's husband helps to kidnap Satan, takes the form of a goose, and the Nenets are crows; they make a winged boat, but they do not fly to the merchant in it, but hide it in a barn under lock and key; when he sees Satan talking, the merchant was frightened, E. made him a worker, and he and his mother occupied his house; they are still happy; this is a story about Mir Susne Khum - Luvyn Khum]: Kumayeva 2015, No. 5:61-89; Eastern Khanty (b. Pim) [the only son is already 18 years old, he still sleeps in a cradle; wakes up, tells his father to marry the king's youngest daughter; 1) the king asks to build a palace painted with birds and animals, sparks fly when you enter; orders to cut the petitioner in half; when brought in, the son makes his father whole; turns into a handsome man, turns to his seven older star brothers, who make a palace overnight; 2) the king cuts the old man into three parts, orders to build a bathhouse; same; 3) cuts into small pieces, orders to create a river of hot water; the king sends a daughter, at night a snotty baby becomes handsome; the king visits the eldest, middle daughter, they sleep with his back to her husband; finds the youngest with a handsome man; he says that the secret has been discovered too early, he will have to leave; the wife has worn out three iron staffs, comes to the hut, the birds of prey Ekar and the hawk let her through; the old woman's husband says that a man has appeared overseas, a Chinese woman gives him wine, does not let him go anywhere; the old man gives a needle, a woman swims across the sea on it; smears coal, asks in the guise of a dirty girl the old man and the old woman take her to them; the old woman carries her buns to the palace, the woman puts a note in her loaf, the king finds it; the woman spends three nights at her husband's bedside, he finally recognizes her; they come back, The Tsar gives his son-in-law the kingdom]: Kulemzin, Lukina 1978, No. 113:125-132.
Eastern Siberia. Central (?) Yakuts (the place of recording is not specified, the mediation of A. Kulakovsky; probably central): Tolokonsky 1914 [historical legend, episode; Dygyn sets a condition: Bart-Khara marries his daughter if she catches up with her on horseback; fascinated by the race, the girl drives the horse struggling, BH can't catch up; at the last moment she remembers that it's about her marriage, lets herself catch up]: 102-105; Verkhoyan Yakuts [three sons of poor Bordeaux consistently sell themselves into slavery to rich Boilyt; the first two cannot do their job, they have been skinned off; younger Bert-Air does everything easily; one person advises sending Burt-Er for a monstrous bear; Boylyt sends, promising a daughter; Bert-Er brings a monster, it smashes Boilyt's farmstead, exterminates his people; Boyilyt is terrified, gives his daughter]: Potanin 1883, No. 187:641-647; Far Eastern Evenks ( probably Uchursky) [in the depths of bygone years, a young man Tyvgunai appeared at the mouth of five deep-water rivers with thundering valleys and blazing capes, under a sprawling tree; where did he come from, not knows; he made a bow, saw two ducks, but does not shoot (maybe they belong to people, it will be bad if I kill); they fly away, sing: grateful they did not kill; one says, left a thimble on the bump, tells It will help to take it; T. came to the camp, there is a rich leader; his daughter promises to someone who pulls a pierced bow out of the ground; no one can; T. did not try, returned under his tree; there is a man sitting there says he is his older brother (his name is Cholbon Chokuldai), he has been looking for him for several years; T. talks about the leader, his daughter and bow; CH: enter my horse's left ear, there's food; go to the right ear, there are clothes; T. gained strength, dressed in armor, both drove on a huge heroic horse; HCH pulled out a bow, the shaft broke, the arrow flew to the sky; the brothers flew on horseback to the upper world to find out where the arrow had hit; there people like mosquitoes, cattle like spiders; smoke from the ground, there's half charred old man and old woman; old man: liver disease, give me some liver; old woman: they gave it to me to make my skins if I give it to you , I will be hit on the head with a golden poker; then the same about the brain (they will hit me on the head with a poker); then an old woman for an old man: when you were young and you were defeated by heroes, they flew to the upper world, taking us from I left a two-year-old boy HCH with larch, and a six-month-old T. under a branched tree; when I heard the brothers break into the plague, my parents were happy; mother: there are invincible heroes in this country; they are lying now because a death from the middle world has ripped half of their bodies off them; they roast us on fire and ask us who we left in our homeland; they have gathered shamans, find out if those who failed to predict are being killed; the brothers fed their parents, went unnoticed in the plague of heroes; the shaman began to spin: the young men who released death are here; the heroes do not believe they want to cut off the shaman's head; she asks the young men to show up not to be killed; two heroes Singkeltuken Eden (SE) and Begaltukan Eden (BE) ask the brothers to return their full bodies, because it is shameful to kill cripples; they did it; during the battle, HCH sees nothing, begins to weaken; his horse tells him to hit him with a silver hatchet, then he will see a raft with a smoke smoke attached to the SE horse; he was divorced by an old woman, hers you have to kill; HF did it; SE offers to take a break, leads you to him, offers to sit down; HH fails and flies down; SE turns to someone below: I let you down the strongest hero; in response: if he Cattle are driven ahead, they would have kept them alive for several days; HH throws lumps of clay, they turn into cattle; HH leads to a plague, where people are smoked and eaten; the old woman says HC: if you smell of this country, you will not return to earth; HC and the local leader look at each other for 30 days without closing their eyes; then the leader closed his eyes, three days later the second; HC saw a bell above him and a hole far above him upper world; became a spider, then a bird, crawled, flew; jumped into the hole, became human again, then the bell rattled; the monster leaned out: and let the people of the middle world continue to come to me with cattle, then sometimes they will be able to return; so shamans take cattle as payment; HF led SE to fight against a rock where heaven comes into contact with earth; there the sky is like scissors; HF was the first to jump, the sky cut off the tip of its tail horse; when SE jumped, he was cut in half; HC found T.; he was barely alive, his enemy BE too; EB fired an arrow, ordering him to hit a fish into the sea and bring it to him; the arrow did it, the fish was the soul of HCH; T. sends an arrow to the larch for a little swallow; it is about to slip into the hole in the upper world; T. remembered the thimble, threw it, he plugged the hole, the arrow brought the swallow; BE: none of us can win Let's not fight anymore, we'll exchange souls; T. and HC took their parents and returned to earth; T. married a girl who gave a thimble, and HC married the daughter of a hero whose bow he pulled out]: Myreeva 2009:128-145.
Amur-Sakhalin. Ulchi [Mayor]: Aurora 1981, No. 2:130; Nanais (recorded from an illiterate 78-year-old resident of the village. Belgo, 1968) [a lonely boy went for a walk; a boat with pudin and her servants landed on the shore; the pudin took the boy with him; when he ran out of food, he stood on top of the cliff and asked his father and mother, for them to give him a bow and arrow; an arrow flew from the upper reaches of the river, a bow from the lower reaches; the boy shot, the arrow returned with seven wild boars and seven elks; the next day they swam to a large village; head the village announced a competition: pierce nine awl ears, nine boiler covers, the bottoms of nine cast-iron boilers with an arrow, and then shoot a mergen sitting between the horns of the red deer with an arrow; the winner will receive the daughter of the head villages as wives; the contestants started shooting, but no one could hit the targets; the boy turned into a servant: "the head is bald, covered with scab, the snot is three fathoms long, and the drooling hangs five fathoms long"; fired an arrow, punched everything that was supposed to be; shot at the Mergen, who was the fiancé of the daughter of the head of the village, who fell off the head of the deer, and then the red deer himself collapsed; the head of the village gave the boy his daughter; after the feast, the mergen boy made a boat, took half of his father-in-law's possessions and set off on the way back; on the way, it turned out that the pudin was the hero's older sister; when they reached the village of the enemy, who took sister and brothers, Mergen defeated him; then turned into a duck and flew to the place where the enemy of his father and mother lived; his mother told Mergen that the enemies, failing to kill his father, locked him in an iron coffin and threw him into the river; the mergen wrapped the old enemy in a chain and forced him to climb into the water; the old man took out the coffin, his father came out; the mergen killed the enemy, took his two daughters; then went down to the shore, met his parents, gathered his father's servants and maids, all the enemy's men, drew a boat in the sand and hit its nose; it became real; they pushed it into the water, put people in it and set off on the road; they healed peacefully and rich]; [from commentary to text No. 16: "An interesting episode that is repeated in Nanai folklore repeatedly, when the things depicted (in this case, the boat) become real. <... > According to the Nanai, these transformations can be carried out by heroes who have the sorcery ability given them by their patron ancestors"]: Kile 1996, No. 16:191-201.
Japan. Japanese (18 versions from Kyushu to Tohoku) [ruler]: Ikeda 1971, No. 554:147-148.
SV Asia. Evens (b. Corcodon) [the dwarf Hulura ("dwarf") did not eat larch branches in his hut, but only drew with charcoal on his stomach: he would erase the deer, the fighting warriors would be erased; he got up and went, but did not even leave the hut in a day ; but in the end he hit the skis with a stick and they went; after him Bald ("eat"; first they shot at each other; H. dodged, his arrows bounced off W.; then at knives; W. missed, H. stabbed him ; came to the camp, where Petty Officer Shakinxan asks: big or small? Is it small? I'm afraid of him; the leader's son let H. into the iron plague through a hole in the roof, closed it; there are dead bodies and one alive, Nivani ("strongman"); he helped H. break the wall; H. touched the dead with his stick, they came to life ; they said that everyone came to marry the foreman's trust, and his son covered them in an iron plague; they unanimously yielded to beautiful H.; she threw 20 reins out of the plague, and 20 reindeer appeared, they are bringing good; H. fired an arrow: follow it, will lead you to my house; the lively have parted; everyone has their own people: from one Yukaghira, from the other Chukchi, Koryaks, Yakuts; N. and four others were Evens ]: Jochelson 1926:295-297; coastal Koryaks [village owner]: Zhukova 1988, No. 12:41-50; Chuvans [orphan herds a rich man's cattle; a rich man's son was presented with a dagger at a nearby camp, and an orphan was presented with a dagger a puppy; a rich man's son laughs at an orphan; when an orphan returns to yaranga, the fire burns, the food is cooked; once he saw a dog take off his skin and turn into a girl; threw his skin into the fire; the girl warns that she will be taken away from him; the rich man's son wants to take her away, gives the orphan difficult errands; 1) get the dagger forgotten by his father from the cliff; wife: hit the rock with a snow plow, it will collapse; cliff fell apart, a dagger fell out of it; 2) bring his father's dog tied to the pass; the wife gives an iron rod to hit the dog on the nose - this is not a dog, but a bear; 3) go to my father, who lives on the horizon, bring a dagger from him; wife: devils live there; you have to climb to the roof of the central iron house, ask for a knife; they gave a knife, it has lice the size of a mouse; 4) bring the parents themselves; devils came, but the orphan turned all the yarangas into bunches of grass; the devils are gone; 5) bring a dog tied to the horizon; this is a huge bear; the wife gave a lasso; when he saw the bear, the rich man began to offer a herd, but his wife advised pick up some of the argish; they migrated; the rich starved to death]: Brodsky, Innecay 2018, No. 18:38-42; Chukchi [rich man]: Anonymous 1958:71.
The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate [a poor boy lives with his grandmother; a rich man has a pole with a ball at the top; whoever climbs in and takes the ball gets the rich man's daughter; the poor boy does the task; the ball is human head; the rich man tells her to roll to whoever took the ball; she rolls up to the young man; he gets a wife; in the young man's house, the wife finds a lot of meat; in fact, the young man was rich]: Hall 1975, No. 114:343-345; Ingstad, Bergsland 1987:224-225; Aleuts (Commanders) [there are only women in the chief's village (they also do all men's work); men are exterminated, boys born are killed by the leader; one woman hides his son under the guise of a girl; the chief finds him when he knocks down flying birds with stones; the chief tries to 1) pinch him in a tree trunk (his mother gives a magic bone wedge); 2) throws him off a cliff ( the mother gives magic feathers); 3) takes seals to fish, leaves it on the island; with a woman's knife, the boy takes off the skin from the seal, sews himself into it, swims, throws it on Orlov Island; the young man marries, learns to fly in the shoes of an eagle to his mother's village, brings her two whales; the chief tries to take them away, the young man lifts him into the air, throws him into the sea; when he returns to the village, swaps idle women and slaves (including his mother), flies to his wife]: Lyapunova 1984:27-28.
Subarctic. Atna [many go to get the chief's head, no one comes back; the Raven tells his grandmother that he will get it; the chief suggests that he 1) climb into the steam room, throw hot stones there, Raven digs a hole under the floor, hides in it; fat is poured there, everything burns; when the fire goes out, the Raven comes out; 2) the chief lets an icy wind into the steam room; the Raven has a hare skin with him, he turns it into a hare cape, stays alive; 3) the chief tells you to swim, the Raven dives, breathes through the tubular stem of wild celery; the leader's men poke on the bottom with a knife; the raven bleeds from his nose to think he has been killed; he swims out; 4) they tell him to play, throw themselves at a knife, the Raven dodges, throws a local man, who is cut in half; the raven pretends to leave, turns into a woman, returns; the leader says that a woman is for him; his men notice a crow's tail; an imaginary wife tells the chief that his beard is pricked; the chief gives a razor to shave him, the Raven cuts his throat, cuts off his head, leaves, tells people that their uncle has fallen asleep; flies out the chimney, puts traps behind them, the pursuers die in them; the raven brings the chief's head to his grandmother]: Tansy 1982:23-28.
NW Coast. Tsimshian: Boas 1902:126-136 [the young man wants to marry the daughter of a chief who lives behind a burning mountain; cannot fly over a mountain wearing robin skin, a blue jay; the mouse spends him his own a hole, helps with advice; 1) the door in the father-in-law's house opens and closes, crushing the grooms; the young man puts a piece of ice into it, she stops; 2) sits on the bear's skin (she pierces the grooms with a sharp one with stubble, the young man breaks the stubble with a piece of ice); 3) unharmed in a box of boiling water; 4) his servants push him into a split log, knock out wedges, he splits the log; 5) harpoons the seal in a whirlpool, brings his father-in-law; returns to his home with his wife], 137-145 [a piece of copper falls from the sky, hangs on a tree; the chief promises a daughter as a wife to whoever knocks him down; the man gives the poor son of the chief's sister white, black, blue, red stones; a red young man knocks copper, rivals take it for themselves; the leader demands to kill a white bear; the young man turns into a fly, is the first to fly up to the bear, kills him with an arrow; rivals claim that they killed the bear; the leader knows the truth, gives the young man a daughter, but tells him to migrate, leaving the young alone without property; a huge frog with copper teeth, eyes, eyebrows lives in the lake ; the young man kills her, puts on her skin, first catches trout in the lake, then salmon, seals in the sea; the young man and his wife and his grandmother living with them have a lot of meat; and the leader's men starve, come back and choose a young man a new leader; he can no longer remove his frogskin; goes to sea, sends food to his people]; chickpea [see motif L39A; a young man who has arisen from snot visits his father in heaven; returning to earth , marries the leader's daughter; she helps him with advice; the chief asks to split the log; drops his hammer into the crack, asks him to take it out, knocks out wedges; the young man turns into snot, sees skulls and bones under the log former suitors; becomes human again; makes four dolphins out of wood; they rush at his father-in-law, kill him]: Boas 1916, No. 6:909-910.
The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [two similar options; the chief promises a daughter to someone who falls into two copper rings hanging on a tree with a stone; an orphan has magical power, hits; in the steam room, the chief makes him out of him handsome]: Jenness 1934, No. 3-4:121-125; Western sachaptin [Valetitsa is married to Tiptiptyay (a bird); his younger brother is single; T. asks a young man to shoot her bird, scratches her face with his claws, V. says that his brother tried to rape her; V. throws his brother's arrows into the fire; he leaves, his dog (this grizzly) follows him; the young man climbs the trunk to heaven, to the house of the Spider (Spider?) , no longer returns; the grizzly stays in the forest; A. repents, looks for his brother, the grizzly tells him the truth; V. kills his wife with an arrow; swallows things, becomes small and ugly; Chief Eagle promises two daughters to the one who knocks feathers off their heads (the girls themselves are placed on the top of the tree); V. knocks down both feathers; Coyote says he knocked him down, but they don't believe him; the chief sends his daughters to Grandma V.; the youngest remains in their teepee, the eldest mocks the dirty boy, marries the Raven; in the absence of his wife, V. regains what was swallowed, regains its appearance; turns bison cakes into bison; kills buffalo; The Raven only picks up heads; leaves with his wife, taking all the animals away; The Beaver pretends to be dead, catches the Raven coming down; people smoke him to the black; let him go, or he breaks out himself; V. turns into a puppy, Snake into a digging stick, Mortar into a mortar; Raven's daughter picks them up; V. barks deer out of the teepee; Raven returns to the village]: Farrand, Mayer 1917, No. 9:157-164; vishram [The chief invites to play dice, cuts off the heads of the losers; Eagle has wives Cricket and Gorlink, each with a son; the Eagle goes to play; the Chief sends Blue Jay, Whitefish, Crab, Rabbit to find out who came; at the sight of the Eagle, the first three are maimed (almost blind, his mouth is burned, etc.); The Rabbit sends a message; the Eagle loses to the Rabbit, the Chief cuts off the Eagle's head; the Coyote takes the Eagle's wives; The Cricket believes that it is the Eagle, Gorlinka is not; two old women tell the Young Eagle how his father died; the Young won, cut off the Leader's head; since then the losers have not been killed; the Young Eagle removed his father's head from the pole, put it to his body, painted it five times, he came to life; the resurrected Eagle told Coyote to climb the tree to the nest; there were no birds there; the Coyote tree turned into a rock]: Hines 1998, No. 36:135-140; ne perse [chief]: Phinney 1934:166-170; okanagon [the chief's two daughters are not getting married; the Sun takes the form of a dirty boy, the Star is his grandmothers; they go down to earth, live in a poor hut; The chief promises daughters to someone who 1) knocks an eagle off the tree with two arrows; 2) traps two otters in two days; the Coyote cannot complete the tasks, the Muddy does; the eldest daughter marries the Raven, the youngest is for Dirty; he regains his true appearance, makes his wife's hair and body sparkling, and easily gets buffalo]: Teit 1917a, No. 6:85-90; (cf. Upper Chehalis [leader overseas]; coolitz [chief overseas]; clackamas [chief overseas]; in these cases, two equal groups of characters compete).
Northeast. Seneca [wife does not feed her husband's dogs; cutting meat, she cut her finger; sucks blood, she likes the taste, she cuts and eats her flesh; eats her little daughter; chases dogs, eats her little daughter; chases dogs, eats people in the village, chases her husband; he with his dogs swims across the river on a raft; she jumps after him, falls into the water, drowns; a man with his three dogs stays in a poor house; the chief calls him 1) race (the dog in his form wins), 2) play ball (the other dog wins, cuts off the chief's head); the man becomes the chief]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 46:231-236; mikmaq: Leland 1968 [two young men come to Gluscap; one asks for strength (gets a stone boat and a flute to lure game), the other wants the chief's daughter; the chief demands 1) bring the head of a horned serpent (a young man who has received strength, lures the snake out of the hole, cuts off its head with two horns), 2) carry mountains on a sleigh (friends carry), 3) compete in the run (Lightning defeats the Northern Lights), 4) dive for a long time (the young man turns into loon, ducks emerge later); strong blows towards the storm, the wind subsides; kills monstrous beavers and skunks; friends return Gluscapa's boat]: 82-91; Rand 1893, No. 4 [just like in Leland]: 92- 100; (Delaware [chief] - source?)
Plains. Sarsi [Chief]: Curtis 1976 (18): 136-140; Blacklegs [Chief]: Josselin de Jong 1914:38-52; Grovantre [Chief]: Kroeber 1907b, No. 20:82-90; Yankton [Chief]: Zitkala-Ša 1985:61-99; Omaha and Ponka [Chief]: Dorsey 1890:55-57, 604-609; Iowa [Chief]: Skinner 1925, No. 5:450-456; Arapahoe [Chief]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 139, 140, 141:294-298, 346-350, 354-355; Skidi Pawnee [Chief]: Dorsey 1904b, No. 45, 60:178-185, 239-245; Kiowa [Chief]: Parsons 1929a, No. 26:47-56; Kiowa-Apache: McAllister 1949, No. 7 [Chief]: 45-51; wichita [chief]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 24:174
Southeast USA. Chirokee [the hunter has three dogs; the Little Dog tells him his wife doesn't feed them; he tells the dogs to do whatever they want with her; the wife bit her finger instead of meat, she liked it, she cut off her breasts, ate her little daughter, chases dogs; her husband is on a raft, pushed her away, she drowned; the man, taking dogs, settled in with old couple; they say they are angry chief player; player offers running competition; Little Dog in human form wins; ball game: Little Dog wins again; hunter becomes chief]: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966, No. 4: 418-420.
California. Coastal mivok [Coyote and his wife leave, his grandson Hawk stays; takes his wife, goes with her to the bottom of the sea; they have two sons; his wife ran away, shattered his shell money; sprayed water through the roof of the house is like it's raining; the hawk is following in its footsteps, the shaman chief has it; he tells me to catch salmon; the hawk is crying, he has no net, the Coyote helped catch it; ordered to catch it again, in the water the obsidian blades are sticking out, the Hawk jumps there, shouting the name of the Coyote, the blades fell; for the fourth time (the third is not described), the water is like worms, the water is red; the hawk shouted the name, the water became clean; the Hawk lost, he was killed; his son is always in his hair, he came to tell Coyote; he came to play, i.e. shoot each other with a bow; pigeons peck blood, it seems that Coyote is not injured , wins; the shaman chief was killed, the Coyote killed by him revived from the bones, with the lively Hawk and his wife returned home]: Kelly 1978, No. 19a: 33-35.
Big Pool. Northern Shoshones [Chief Eagle promises one of his two daughters to whoever kills a fox (which, not specified, is brief); the old woman's poor grandson brings a fox, marries his older sister; at night urinates, his wife chases him away; he finds clothes and red paint, becomes big and beautiful; marries his youngest, Raven marries his older sister; his grandmother sends him to the buffalo pit; the Coyote pretends to be him a friend, descends into the hole, begs for his weapons and clothes, comes to his wife; the young man's hat was wearing a live bird, now she constantly screams; the grandmother helps her grandson get out of the hole; he comes to his wife; the bird screams over his head; Coyote has to return all the young man's property]: Lowie 1909b, No. 23h: 274-275; Southern Payutes [The Eagle comes to the Sibit Indians; watching the girls, chooses a virgin, this is the chief's daughter; her father tells him to look through the smoke, locks him in a smoky room, he sees everything through the smoke; the Coyote persuades him to put the Eagle to other tests; 1) hunt rabbits ( The eagle immediately gives the dead to his father-in-law, carries only one rabbit himself, the Coyote thinks that's all he killed); 2) race (The eagle deliberately lets everyone forward, and then easily overtakes); 3) to fight (The Eagle knocked everyone down with his fist); then the narrator does not remember]: Sapir 1930, No. 14:445-447.
The Great Southwest. Taos Tiwa: Parsons 1940a, No. 25 [1) p. 76-77; during the migration, an old Apache woman found a discarded baby, named Na'sagi; the chief promises a daughter to whoever shoots down an eagle with an arrow; who will kill fox; N. did it, although he was small, fat and dirty, got a girl; hid all the bison, deer and other animals in an underground shelter; opened it, the animals came out, people were happy; N. stepped on the bison's skull, regretted that it was a strong bison, and now only bones; the bison came to life, took it away; a small animal that was digging the ground promised N. to dig an underground passage under the bison; dug under ear; N. entered the buffalo house, where they were dancing, took his wife back; asks the tree if it will help, it sends it to another; the fourth, smallest, promises to help, N. and his wife climb it; wife N. urinated, the calf smelled it, the bison returned, but N. killed their leader with an arrow, they ran away; 2) p. 77-78; the Apaches have a young man named Shaggy, or Snotty, lives with his grandmother; the chief promises a daughter to marry someone who will bring buffalo; Shaggy leads; marries older sister, rejected younger; becomes handsome; now the youngest wants him, but is rejected], 26 [girl gives birth to a son from the Sun; the wind takes him away; his a woman picks up; he asks to make him ugly, his name is Nasigi; the chief promises a daughter to marry someone who shoots a white eagle; N. shoots, Coyote takes the prey for himself; N.'s adoptive mother comes for an eagle to The coyote, who throws it into the fire; N. makes the eagle whole again; the same episode with the yellow fox; N. marries his youngest, Coyote to his older sister; N. becomes handsome; tells his wife to cut a bag of blood bison; blood floods her (and does she become beautiful?)] : 76-78, 78-81.
(Wed. Mesoamerica Tsutukhil [king; Hebrew designation; other Mayan one-story texts use a local mythological character]: Petrich 1997:161-166).
(Wed. Llanos. Sicuani [king; Hebrew designation; other one-story texts of Sicuani use a local mythological character]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 101:373-375).
(Wed. The Central Andes. All Central Andean versions are about the construction of an irrigation canal by several contenders for the daughter of a noble man, see motif K58; in the Andes, this story is almost certain borrowed from the Spaniards. Paramonga (dep. Lima) cacik]: Calancha 1638, book 3, ch. 2:551 (repech. Dumézil, Duviols 1976, No. 5:175-176); Risua, Andamarca, dep. Junin [estate owner]: Ortiz Rescaniere 1980:137-138; mountains of southern Peru [curaca]: Lara 1973:185-189 in Toro Montalvo 1990b: 447-448, Dumézil, Duviols 1976, No. 15:187-189).
(Wed. Bolivia - Guaporé. {There are no other examples in South America of using the k27hh motif, "Disassemble the Grain"; apparently, there are no unexplored narratives in which a powerful character gives a hero tasks to destroy him}. Guarazu [the chief's daughter called the man the father of her child; father-in-law tells 1) to collect all the corn from the field in a day (the ants did), 2) bring a seven-colored tapir (the fox showed where to find it); chief said that the man passed the test, allowed him to marry; the woman admitted that she was not pregnant, joked foolishly; the Chuúbi bird stole someone else's baby, brought it to her, the father did not know about the deception; husband and wife lived happily ever after]: Riester 1977, No. 46:300-302).