K27n3. The task giver is a mythical character.
A character who offers a hero challenges or puts him to the test is a mythical creature or animal. See motive K27.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Luba [creator god]: Kotlyar 1975:55; bena-lulua [creator god]: Frobenius 1983:86; ganda [heavenly leader]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:409-410; Roscoe 1911:461-464 (=Radin 1952, no. 16:69-72); songe [Tshitata Tshikulu, other participants are animals]; fipa [cannibals]; scythe [scary Mangangezulu]; aka [honey master]: Motte-Florac 2004, No. 39:171-182; lenje [sorcerer]: Earthy 1937:295-301; Kikuyu [Sun]: Gagnolo 1952, No. 10:124-125.
West Africa. Bulsa: Schott 1996:159-179 [The father and three sons lost their cows; then someone trampled on the millet; the brothers found, but released first, the monkey, then the hippopotamus; followed the cows; the monkey helped him get over the rocks, the hippopotamus across the river; they came to the chief in the sky; he has many cows and all black cows are the same as his brothers' cows; the chief tells us to identify his own; the cat waves its tail in front of those who belong to brothers; the chief gives the younger one a ring from his finger; if he does not return him by a certain time, he will be executed; and if he does, the leader himself must be killed; the young man marries, the wife stole the ring, gave it to her father, who threw it into the river; the young man found his ring in the belly of the caught fish; brought it to the leader by the appointed time; the chief does not know what to do now], 181-189 [from the father and three sons lost the cows; then someone trampled on the millet; the brothers caught, but first released the monkey, then the crocodile; the cat bit the rooster, but the brothers let the cat go; the ant stole the millet seeds, the brothers caught brought him to his father, he told the ant to let go; the brothers followed the cows; the monkey helped him get over the rocks, the crocodile across the river; they came to the chief in heaven; his wife scattered millet; the leader He tells him to separate him from the sand, the ant separated him; he has many cows and all black cows are the same as his brothers' cows; the cat helped identify the cows].
Sudan - East Africa. Malgashi (Sakalava) [heavenly god]: Lombard 1976:175-205.
North Africa. Kabila [dev, ghoul].
Southern Europe. Spaniards [devil]; ladins [the merchant's son went on a ship with goods; a black ship under the red flag sailed in the sea; the captain offered to play cards; the young man lost the goods, the ship and himself; the captain returned everything, but demanded that the young man come to America by a certain day; when he learned about this, the merchant sent his son to the hermit; he advised him to sail to the island, where swans arrive; when they throw off their swan clothes and become girls, you have to hide one of them's clothes; he chose the most beautiful one; she promised to be his wife and help; gave him a wand; when he touched it the sea, it retreated and he went dry; the black man showed 60 boxes; 59 on the human head, and the 6th for the young man's head; 1) gave a glass ax to cut down the forest; the ax immediately broke; the swan girl told me to go to bed, and when the young man woke up, the forest was felled down; 2) remove the mountain and set up a vineyard in this place (the same); 3) get a ring from the sea, which they put on a paper boat and let it go on the waves; the girl tells her to be cut off; the severed head rolled into the sea, three drops of blood rose out of the water and a ring with them, followed by a revived girl more beautiful than before; they both came to the black captain - to the girl's father; he greets them with a smile, gives them a lot of gold; they returned to the boy's father; wedding]: Uffer 1973, No. 3:9-11.
Western Europe. Bretons [sorcerer]; Welsh [giant]; French [devil]; Austrians [witch]; Irish [sorcerer]; Scots [giant].
Western Asia. Mehri [Ginny girl's father].
Micronesia-Polynesia. Gilbert [shark]: Koch 1966:48-52
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Apatani [spirit chief and owner of wild animals]; lhota naga [owner of wild pigs].
Burma - Indochina. Chuang [father of the heavenly maidens]; the white thai of Vietnam [father of the heavenly maidens].
South Asia. Ancient India [solar deity Sávitar; rakshas]; Goa [demon]; dhanwar [the serpent is the master of the lower world]; pardhan [the serpent (Ses Nag) is the master of the lower world]; baiga [ cannibal]; Tamils [Indra is the father of heavenly maidens]: Natesa Sastri 1886:80-119.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Mentawai [wife's heavenly brothers]; murut [raja of heavenly land]; clemantan [daughter of Palai (Pegasus constellation) fell in love with the earthly young man Lafaang (Orion) and invited him to heaven; her the father offered to feed the guest; contrary to the warning, L. puts food in his mouth with his fingers rather than a needle; his wife told me to put the ax by the tree, he will cut it down; but L. began to cut it himself; his wife offered to see how her father cuts her (puts an ax, the trees fall); the same the next day; L. tore off his left arm with a fallen tree; L. decided to leave his pregnant wife and return to the ground; the wife gave the tops of the sugar cane and banana roots, lowered the vine; as she descended, L. heard a newborn scream and wanted to return to heaven, but he was not returned; on the ground he did not throw bananas and sugar cane on the ground, but carefully planted; if something has grown, it is worse in quality than in heaven]: Hose, MacDougall 1912:140-141; Solor [father of heavenly maidens]; tabaru [father of a fish woman]; tetum [parents of a heavenly wife].
Taiwan - Philippines. Visayas [Magbolotó hides the wings of the youngest of three goddesses who came to swim in the stream; her name is Macaya; marries her without saying that he hid her wings; after giving birth to a son, she cooked rice, she noticed a parcel under the roof, put on her wings, flew away; her husband goes looking for her, the North Wind shows the way to the East, that to the South, that to the West, that to the Eagle, he brings his wife to her grandmother; she demands spread out the grain to dry and harvest (ants collect), peel rice (rats clean), cut down the entire forest on the mountain (wild boars uproot); M. and his wife return home]: Maxfield, Milington 1907:95-98; central subanen [sultan is the father of the heavenly wife]; kasiguran agta [father of the heavenly wife]; kelley-i callahan [king is the father of the heavenly wife].
China - Korea. Chinese [father of heavenly maidens]; namuzi [lord of heaven]; fox [dragon]; chuan miao [father of heavenly maidens]: Graham 1954:278-280; meo [Sky Star is the father of the heavenly maiden].
The Balkans. Moldovans [devil]: Botezatu 1981:293-300; Romanians [half-man-rider-chrome-half-skate]: Kúnos 1896:209-221; Gagauz people: Moshkov 1904, No. 29 [devil], 63 [giant]: 66-67, 113- 120; Albanians [monster]: Serkova 1989:21-31; Greeks [witch]: Paton 1900, No. 6:115-117; Bulgarians [arap, devil]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, № 302A, 313C: 104, 112.
Central Europe. Russians (Tverskaya) [devil]: Afanasiev 1958 (2), No. 225:205-208; Ukrainians (Kyiv region) [snake]: Pankeev 1992:297-307; Ukrainians (Transcarpathia) [devil]: Verkhovyna's Tales 1970:196-202; Slovaks [witch]: Nmcová 1970:150-163; Czechs [witch, sorceress]: Bogolyubova, Talova 2000:219-224, 297-305.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [king of jinns]; Kalmyks [khan]; Abkhazians [giants (bride brothers)]: Bgazhba 2002:153-159, 164-171; Salakaya 1976, No. 5, 8, 9:176-177, 186-188, 188-192; Ubykhs [giant]: Inal-ipa 1977:107; Adygs [giants]: Aliyeva 1974:206-210; Khut 1987:20-21, 90-96; Nogais [Azdaa (dragon)]: Nogai 1979, No. 12 47-54; Karachays and Balkarians [ one-eyed giant]: Aliyeva 1994, No. 35-42:367-378; Ossetians [sorcerer, giants]: Britayev, Kaloev 1959:88-94; Liberinsky 1978:143-156; Kumyks [sorcerer]: Bagriy 1930 (1): 38-40; Svans [ dev]: Dzidziguri 1973, No. 13:99-102; Georgians [nine-headed eagle; dev]: Bogoyavlensky 1894, No. 2:8-19; Chikovani 1954:167-172; Turks [deva woman (groom's mother)].
Iran - Central Asia. Ishkashim [peri]: Pakhalina 1959, No. 9:139-147.
Baltoscandia. Edda [Uttgard Loki]; Norwegians, Danes [sorcerer]: Christianes 1959:83; Kalevala [Pohjola's mistress]; Karelians [1) old man and old woman Hiisi, Katerina's parents; 2) K. gives assignments herself; 3) Hitto is Annie's father, who lives on the edge of Tuonela's afterlife; 4) old Hiisi is Anney's mother]; Sami [blind giant master of the north]; Estonians [sorcerer (devil)]: Mälk et al. 1967, No. 50:114-120; Karelians (Kalevala District) [devil, i.e. sorcerer, father of swan girls]: Onegin 2010, No. 16:182-193; Finns (Österboten) [king - father of a goose girl]: Schreck 1887, No. 5: 35-44.
Volga - Perm. Udmurts [brass man]: Kralina 1960, No. 54:146-148; Chuvash [sorcerer - father of swan girls]; Marie [devil is the father of pigeon girls]; Mordovians [sorcerer - father of duck girls; mother underwater girls]; Tatars [Shaitan is the father of swan girls]; Bashkirs [witch]: Barag 1988, No. 56:389-402.
Turkestan. Karakalpaks [magician]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1963:87-95; Karakalpaks (Karauzyak district) [{the text is sketchy; the narrator apparently did not remember some details}; Kogyurshin bird {more named a dove}]: Baskakov 1951:80-81; Kazakhs [underground khan].
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Barabinsky Tatars [peri - father of pigeon girls]: Dmitrieva 1981:111-115; Dagurs [heavenly ruler - father of heavenly wife; serpent].
Western Siberia. Forest Nenets [giant, then Sun Woman]: Lehtisalo 1947, No. 50:132-147; Mansi [Usyng-Otyr; Shul-Otyr (master of the lower world)]; Kets [God Is]: Alekseenko 2001, No. 44:103-104; Donner 1933:95.
Eastern Siberia. Northeastern Yakuts (Kolyma) [Ulu-Toyon sends his grandfather Sesen to marry Kyun Kys (Sun-Daughter) from Ai-Toyon; he asks for a mirage and a water swell in return; W. collects animals; Wolf and Raven promise to get it, get their first long legs, second vigilance for this; but they don't get it; retelling to Yeremeyev 1980:54]: Seroshevsky 1896:655-666; Evenks of the Baikailya [ master of the sea]; Amur Evenks [heavenly father of the Goose Wife]: Bulatova 1987, No. 7:125-128.
Amur - Sakhalin. Nivhi [Master of Heaven]: Sanghi 1974:106-114; Ulchi [father of seal girls]; Udege people [heavenly father of swan girls]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1978, No. 82:133-135.
Japan. Kojiki [god Susanoo]; Japanese [father of the heavenly virgin] [father of the heavenly virgins]: Etter 1949:156-158.
SV Asia. Chukchi [Father-Arcturus; Father-Earth; Shaman]; Tundra Yukaghirs (p. Kolymskoye, Nizhnekolymsky District) [brother of the heavenly maiden swan]: Gogolev et al. 1975:223-226; Kurilov 2005, No. 8:207-213; Chuvans (Anadyr Yukaghirs) [heavenly swan maiden and her relatives]: Bogoras 1918, No. 10:136-138.
The Arctic. Asian Eskimos [Polar Bear]: Bogoraz 1949, No. 12:161-176; St. Lawrence [Polar Bear]: Slwooko 1979:86-91; Central Yupik (Kuskokvim) [Wolves]: Krenov 1951:181-185; Bering Strait Inupiate (Cape Prince of Wales) [Polar Bear]: Curtis 1976 ( 20): 157-160; Garber 1940, No. 24:195-203; Northern Alaska Inupiate [Polar Bear]: Spencer 1959:419-425; McKenzie Estuary [Polar Bear]: Ostermann 1942:91-95; Igloolik (Repulse Bay) [ Polar Bear]: Spalding 1979:12-14.
Subarctic. Ingalic [shaman]; upper tanana [Bear]; atna [Bear]; Kuchin [Bear]; Khan [Bear]; tagish [Bear; Sun]; inner tlingits [Sun]: McClelland 2007 (3), No. 136:617-620; Southern Tutchoni [Bear]: McClelland 2007 (1), No. 2c, 11d: 37-39, 72-77; helmet [Cannibal Sun]: Teit 1917a, No. 1:435-441; beaver [sorcerer]; taltan [sorcerer]; sleve [sorcerer; flying monster].
NW Coast. The Tlingits [mother-in-law killing grooms]; hyda [Many-ledges]; bellacula [Sun]: Boas 1898:73-83; McIlwraith 1948 (1): 671-672; Tsimshian [Sun]: Boas 1912:71-146; quakiutl [father of a woman who has living water]; nootka [Sun; heavenly leader]; makah [Month]: Densmore 1939:212-213.
The coast is the Plateau. Career: Jenness 1934, No. 1 [Chief in Heaven - Possibly Sun], 15 [Master of Heaven]: 104-109, 161-162; Chilcotin [Sun]: Farrand 1900, No. 10:24-26; Shuswap [Chief in Heaven; Player Red Cap]; Thompson [cannibal; Cold]; lillouette [underwater spirit; father-in-law and mother-in-law]; comox [chief in heaven]: Boas 1895, No. VIII.3:65-68 (=2002:181-186); chalkomel [Month]: Boas 1895, No. III.4:37-40 (=2002:121-126); Okanagon [Grizzly Bear]; Quinolt [Thunder]: Farrand 1902, No. 9:113-114; Clallam [Sun]: Gunther 1925:131-134; Cowlitz [Thunder]: Adamson 1934:209 -211; Lower Chinook [Thunder]: Boas 1894a, No. 2:31-36; Cous [Month]: Jacobs 1940, No. 29:214-221; Upper Coquill [Thunder]: Jacobs 2007:172-279.
The Midwest. A magician. Winnebago [bride]; menominee [father-in-law or cannibal mother-in-law only]; Algonquins (Grand Victoria Lake) [Pike]; Western Marsh Cree [Wimisos]; Eastern Marsh Cree [ Wemishus]; Eastern Cree [father-in-law]; Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [father-in-law] [father-in-law; wife]; ojibwa [giant father-in-law; father-in-law turns into pike; bear]; timagami Ojibwa [Vemikus]; Northern Solto [Omishus].
Northeast. Seneca [Cannibal Mother-in-law]; Montagnier [Pike]: Speck 1925:16-17; Naskapi [Salmon]: Millman 1993:136-137; Mikmaq [Skunsiha Mother-in-law]: Speck 1915b: 63-64; Whitehead 1988:140-154
Plains. Sarsi [chief]; blackfooted [chief]; grovantre [chief]; assiniboine [sorcerer]; crowe [old man; Bisonicha mother-in-law]; mandan [Bisonicha mother-in-law]; teton [father-in-law and mother-in-law] bison]; yankton [chief]; Omaha and ponka [Bisonikha mother-in-law]; iowa [cannibal mother-in-law (Mistress of the Wind)]; arpahoe [old man; evil father-in-law; bison father-in-law]; arikara [1) old man, sharpened leg; 2) bison's father-in-law and mother-in-law; 3) old man]; skid pawnee [bison father-in-law and other bison]; kiowa [chief]; kiova-apache [chief].
Southeast USA. Caddo [Bisonicha wife's relatives]: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966, No. 10:393-397 (same in Mooney 1900:311-315); natchez [cannibal mother-in-law and father-in-law]; koasati [wife's relatives; mother-in-law]; Chirokee [Thunder, aka owner of deer inside the mountain]: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966:84-91.
California. Yurok [mother-in-law; wife's relatives]; Karok [Month]: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. A10, III37, III38:18-21, 250-252, 255-258; Shasta: Dixon 1910a [Month], No. 16 [(=Holsinger 1982:42-47), 32: 25-27, 364-368; Farrand 1915, No. 4 [Thunder]: 211-212; Wailaki [Month]: Goddard 1923, No. 6:95-99; Shinkyon [Sun]: Nomland 1935:172-174; Wappo [Wife's Brother Month]: Radin 1924, No. 11:93-141 ; pomo [Thunder; Bear; Sun]; screw [Sun]: Curtin 1898:121-158; Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 7:291-295; nomlaki [father-in-law and mother-in-law, unnamed]; Yana [Month]: Curtin 1898: 281-294 (=2004:180-189), 425-442 (=2004:266-278); Sapir 1910, No. 4, 13:66-74, 233-235; achomavi [Sunwoman and Month Man]: Curtin 1909a, No. 3:285-286; Merriam 1992:61-101 Maidu [Thunder ]: Dixon 1902, No. 6:67-71.
Big Pool. Northern Payut [Eagle]; Northern Shoshones [Eagle Chief]; Utah [Chiefs]; Southern Utah [Sun]: Lowie 1924, No. 48:76-77.
The Great Southwest. Navajo [Mr. Reindeer; Corn Girls' Grandfather; Serpent]; Lipan [Big Owl]; series [Sun]: Kroeber 1931, #5:12-13; havasupai: Smithson, Euler 1994:44-49 [Wind, Thunder, Rain], 62-69 [Sun]; Valapai [Sun]: Kroeber 1935:272-275.
NW Mexico. Yaki [vulture]: Giddings 1959:68.
Mesoamerica Lacandons [master of the underworld]; kakchikeli [shaman; no details]; ishili [sorcerer].
Honduras-Panama. Kuna [crocodile]: Chapin 1989:74-76.
The Northern Andes. Kogi [vulture]; guajiro [Thunder]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 106:299-301.
Southern Venezuela. Makiritar: Civrieux 1960:180-185 [Thunder] (=1980:89-93), 97-99 [jaguar], 103-108 [jaguar]; yanomam [deer]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 102:194-197; sanema [deer]: Colchester 1981: 54 (=Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 103:198); Yanomami [deer]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 104, 105:198-199, 200-201.
Orinoco estuary. Varrau [1) Vulture; 2) "The One Who Eats Much"].
Guiana. A vulture, if not otherwise. Carinha na Orinoco; camaracoto; pemon [Thunder]; taulipan; lokono [1) Cayman; 2) Vulture mother-in-law]; Guyanese carinha; makushi; hishkaryana; wapishana; trio [Jaguar]: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 13:65-70; oyampy [two-headed vulture in the sky].
Western Amazon. Mayhuna [Tapir]: Bellier 1991b, No. 4a, 4c: 180-181, 187-192; Kandoshi [produces thunder]: Page 1975:55-62.
NW Amazon. Andoque [Sun]; uitoto [ogre]; okaina [ogre].
Central Amazon. Maue [Jaguar]: Pereira 1954:101-104; Uggé 1991, No. 6:172-181; Munduruku [ogre].
Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara [vulture]: Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 20:150-151.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [sorcerer; mother-in-law and father-in-law turned into a snake and anteater]; baure [Father of Earth].
Southern Amazon. Vaura [Thunder]: Schultz 1966:84-86; nambikwara [forest spirit]; iranshe [vulture]; paresi [forest spirit]; umotina [fishermen eat the whole catch themselves; one girl hides on a tree where her father is fishing; men ask her to go down and eat fish; she jumps over their heads, runs to the village, tells the women; they kill their husbands with clubs; one is pregnant, gives birth boy Areámuno; bandages him like a girl and runs away with him; blood drips from her vagina, so rivers appeared; women chase them but cannot cross the big river, come back; A. grows up, marries a jaguariha, turtle, blue and yellow arara; children from these marriages are half birds or animals; when she marries a daughter of a snake sukuri, people are born; this wife's father is Jaguar; killed Luring his sons-in-law into the thicket, the corpse was thrown into the river; A. himself pushes the Jaguar into the water, he drowned; his wife and mother-in-law are happy]: Schultz 1962, No. i: 239-242.
Araguaia. Karazha [Sun]: Baldus 1953:213-214, 214-215 (=Baldus 1937a: 226-228).
Chaco. Nivacle [Sun; Month is good father-in-law]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 1, 2, 3, 4:21-25, 26-30, 31-33, 34; maka [shaman]; matako [shaman]; toba: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 96 [ Father of the heavenly virgin]: 195-197; 1989a, No. 276 [Sun]: 363-365.
The Southern Cone. Araucans [shaman]; Southern Tehuelches [Father-Sun and Mother-in-law Moon]: Hernández 1992:138-139; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 7, 27, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54:21, 45-47, 74-76, 77-81, 82-87, 88-90 , 91-92, 93-95.