K27n3a. The assignor is the Month, Sun, Thunder, or Wind. .11. (.23.) .24. (.35.) .39.41.-.
A character who offers difficult tasks or puts him to the test is associated with the sun, month, thunder, or wind (cloud, rain). See motive K27.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Kikuyu [60 young men went to marry the daughter of the Sun; everyone returned from the road, only the cripple reached; the Sun promised to give his daughter if he pulled out an ostrich feather floating in the lake; the young man swam, but not can tear the pen off the rope that holds him; eventually he tore it off, the water turned to blood, but he swam to the shore; the Sun praised him, gave him his daughter and a third of his property]: Gagnolo 1952, No. 10:124-125 ; lenje [one of the most popular stories in the Zambezi region; when leaving, the chief says: if one of the wives gives birth to a boy, he must be thrown away; one has given birth to a boy, put it on a bed in reeds, the old lady promised to take care of him; his mother called him Kalombe, but the old lady called him Mandu; his first cousin Ngoma ("drum") and her friends hear his song and try to pull him out of the hole in the anthill where he is He hides like a rabbit; they dug it up, brought him to his mother; he came to his father, who is not going to kill him, gives him half of the village, slaves and cattle; he goes to marry the daughter of the rain god; sees an unusual bird, follows her; meets an old woman, spends the night with her; she gives him the feather of this bird; then the feather leads him along the right road, removes dangers and obstacles from her (excrement; a herd of elephants; mountain with steep cliffs; buffaloes; snakes), teaches and guides him, completes tasks; he is asked to enter different huts, saying that this is the abode of the daughter of the rain god; they offer the girl herself; the pen many times reports deception (the girl's mother herself and others take her form) and shows the right choice (which mat is the daughter of the rain god and which are not); he is given wine and food, but these are only transformed father-in-law and mother-in-law, he does not drink or eat; the god of rain orders him to get bark from the top of the tree; the other two applicants fall, the pen assures that M. will get the bark; then they bring the bride for M., but they also want to deceive: daughter the god of rain is covered in ash and covered with skin, and the maid wears jewelry from head to toe; the pen reports everything; the father-in-law tells her to dig a hole to hide M., but he tells the pen to grab his father-in-law, he is forced to release M. from the hole; then the same episode when the pen takes his father-in-law hostage, with a tree (must throw M.), with a bunch of dry trees (the father-in-law himself starts to burn, tells the fire to let M. go), with a hammer in the forge; father-in-law orders to fill the pot with tears, M. asks that other sons-in-law fill the second pot; the father-in-law must order that the roof does not throw off M.; M. and his wife, servants, cattle, and provisions leave; M. gives his feather and wild cat skin to his wife; he goes in front, she falls behind with her companions; it rains, but M. tells it to be sunny; when almost at the goal, a liar comes out of the forest and takes the form of a daughter god of rain; M. discovers deception, because the imaginary wife does not have his pen; does not believe that she forgot him while swimming; the liar runs away, M. returns for his wife, she is solemnly accepted; after 10 days she says that she can't live here, incest is everywhere, leaves; M. rushes after her; follows her into the rain god's abode; stays there; in Sera's family version, if one thunder thunders on one side heaven, and another answers him, this son-in-law claps his hands and his father-in-law claps back]: Torrend 1921, No. 18:97-144; (cf. chokwe [Mukongwa-Ndumbwe is a glutton, his mother cannot feed him, his wives leave one by one; the chief offered him to eat a bull and a lot of porridge, M. remained hungry, the chief told him to leave; to meet him a girl in an iron dress said that her father sent it to him; she cooked a goat for him and he ate immediately; she threw some manioc flour and beans to all the residents, their vessels and baskets were full; M. wanted to eat more; the wife gave birth, went to her father, ordered not to touch the child; M. began to drive away the fly, the baby died immediately; the wife returned, took the deceased child and M. led him to his father; they go through the icy, across a hot lake, through a fire gate; you have to sit on a bad chair, not a good chair; father-in-law Kalunga, big as a storm cloud, eyes like lightning; ordered to pick leaves from four trees, from which a child came to life; on the way back, my wife does not tell me to light a fire at night; M. lit it, saw his wife dead, cried; wife: now I will return to my father, and you will return to earth, you will revive people; but M. forgot about the leaves from the fourth tree, could not revive]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1975:273-277); quanyama [women laid eggs; one girl's egg is broken every time; mother advises leaving it on the roof barn; there a boy named Nambaisita came out of the egg, who was not created by anyone; Kalunga summons him to him; N. takes all kinds of animals with him, they help overcome obstacles along the way; moles have dug a tunnel under a mountain of thorns; spiders weaved a net over the river; elephants made their way through the forest, destroyed the barbed fence, hares trampled weeds; N. and his companions came to the heavenly edge; elephants cleared the passage, littered with logs and sticks; N. refuses human meat; do not sit on chairs - there are pits with boiling water under them; K. let the bull in, N. climbed onto the fence stake; K. tells the stake to get out of the ground, but N. has a bag that made the stake pierce the ground; K. asks to climb the tree, tells the tree to come out of the ground, N.'s bag tells him to stay in place; K. is going to burn N at night, with his companions in the house; they dug an underground passage they put pumpkins in the house; K. thinks that the bodies of the guests are bursting from the fire; N. returned home, created a poisonous wind, K.'s body is swollen, he died, N. became Kalunga himself]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1975:395-398.
(Wed. South Asia. Ancient India [solar deity Sávitar]: Erman, Temkin 1975, No. 5:22).
Malaysia-Indonesia. Ngaju [Ranjung Mahatala Langit told a man and his wife to descend from heaven to earth ("to the banks of the river of peace" {the usual formula}); the man became chief, and Djangga married their daughter (Month, Chief people on the moon), visits his wife every new moon; she is pregnant, at this time sex is limited, he is offended, says that the earth smells bad, leaves, leaving seven arrows for the son who will be born; he must He will tie seven silver bamboos, climb them, release darts from the sarbakan into the sky, they will form a chain, it will turn into a vine, and he will climb it to the gates of heaven; D. himself rose in the same way Thus; due to the fact that the father left his pregnant wife (this is taboo), a half son (vertically) was born, his name is Silai; the mother tells us who his father is, advises to go to his father's brother Sun first; S. comes to the orangutan leader, he sends ravens to the chief; he asks for a boa constrictor to eat on the way; S. sits on a crow, throws pieces into his beak, he brings him to the gates of heaven; on the way S. saves drowning ants, fish left in a drying pond, a deer entangled in vines, a monkey stuck between branches, a crocodile lost on land frees a firefly from the web; Uncle C . the chief of the sun (Djangkarau Matanandau) brings him to the lunar village; the month calls S. a geek, a liar; offers tests; 1) separate water, oil, ash, sand (ants, fish mixed in the vessel) share); 2) pave a path to the forest garden without scratching (S. goes back and forth on a deer's back); 3) climb a tall tree (a monkey dressed as S. climbs); 4) win boat races ( the crocodile pulls the boat S.); 5) go to the bed in a dark house at night, where he, Month, sleeps (firefly shows); Month recognizes S. as son; cuts four times, cooks, sculpts again; for the first time S. black dwarf, then red, then rooster, then strongman, handsome; he is the ancestor of those Ngaju with lighter skin]: Schärer 1966:124-135; ibanas (dayaki of the sea): Ling Roth 1896 (Sarawak) [= Bezemer 1904:226-229; the women went for edible bamboo, people sat on a log, it turned out to be a huge boa constrictor; the men killed it and began to fry it; then it rained, water flooded the ground; on the mountain a woman and a dog escaped; after the flood, the dog began to rub against the creeping plant; looking at her, the woman rubbed the plant with a piece of wood, made a fire drill, got fire; she became pregnant with a fire drill , gave birth to a son named Simpang-impang; he is half a man (vertically); he took rice from the rat, began to dry it, the wind blew it away; he went to look for the Wind; on the way people ask to know why banana and sugar reeds, if planted, have only one stem; the lake asks me why it has no runoff; the tree on the mountain: ask the Wind to drive away the birds that have stuck to my top; the wind offers tests; 1) who is deeper will dive (the fish dived for S., won); 2) jump over the house (the swallow flew over); 3) crawl through the hole in the wind gun (the ant crawled); but the Wind still does not want to pay for rice; S. took a fire drill and set fire to Wind's house; after that, he agreed to pay; he had no money to pay, and instead made S. a fat man; bananas and sugarcane must grow, marriage relationship, prohibition to talk to wife's parents; lake runoff covers gold, it must be removed; the wind helped the tree itself; everything is fine]: 226-229; Dunn 1906 [someone is ruining the rice field; people are hiding in ambush; at midnight, a huge boa constrictor descends from the sky; a brave man cuts off his head; cooks and eats his meat in the morning; then a downpour begins; some people escaped the flood in the hills]: 17; Hose 1912 [people in the forest, they mistook the boa constrictor for a log, began to cut down the collected roots on it; realizing what was going on, they cut and welded the boa constrictor; rain flooded the ground with a flood; a woman, a dog, a rat and other small ones escaped on the mountain animals; the vine rubbed against the trunk, heating it; the dog noticed this, the woman got fire; married a vine, gave birth to a half boy (vertically) Simpang Impang; he took the rat's grain, that promised that rats would eat human grain; the wind scattered grains; SI went to look for the Wind; along the way, the Tree, on which birds are constantly eating, ordered the Wind to knock it down (so as not to suffer); The lake asked the Wind to remove the piece of gold that covered the water runoff; sugarcane and bananas asked them to have branches like trees; The wind offers competition; 1) dive ( the bubble immediately surfaced, the fish that dived instead of SI won); 2) jump (the swift took off instead of SI); 3) go through the wind gun (ant); The wind does not give up; then SI called his father Fire Drill, set fire to the Wind house; The wind admits defeat, makes SI a fat man in compensation for the grain; as for other requests, the Wind promised to fix the matter; but he will not give branches, because people violate customs]: 144-147 (=Hose, McDougall 1912:144-147).
(Wed. Western Siberia. Forest Nenets [giant, then Sun Woman (she only asks to find her daughter among several girls)]: Lehtisalo 1947, No. 50:132-147; Tundra Nenets (Taimyr) [tsar, then (without additional challenges for the hero) Sunwoman]: Nenyang 1997:58-61).
SV Asia. Chukchi [Sun]: Bogoras 1928, No. 3:364-367
Subarctic. Tagish [Sun]: McClelland 2007 (2), No. 53:282-288; Inner Tlingit [Sun]: McClelland 2007 (3), No. 136:617-620; helmet [Cannibal Sun]: Teit 1917a, No. 1:435-441.
NW Coast. Bellacula [The Sun]: Boas 1898:73-83; McIlwraith 1948 (1): 671-672; Tsimshian [Sun]: Boas 1912:71-146; McIlwraith 1948 (1): 671-672; Nootka [Sun]: Sapir, Swadesh 1939, No. 21: 97-101; Macah [Month]: Densmore 1939:212-213
The coast is the Plateau. Chilcotin [The Sun]: Farrand 1900, No. 10:24-26; (cf. Quarry [heavenly character giving heat - possibly Sun]); halkomel [Month; Sun is a benevolent father-in-law]: Boas 1895, No. III.4:37-40 (=2002:121-126); Quinolt [Thunder]: Farrand 1902, No. 9:113-114; clallam [Sun]: Gunther 1925:131-134; Cowlitz [Thunder]: Adamson 1934:209-211; Lower Chinook [Thunder]: Boas 1894a, No. 2:31-36; Cous [Month]: Jacobs 1940, No. 29:214-221; Upper Coquill [Thunder]: Jacobs 2007:172-279
Southeast USA. Chirokee [Thunder, aka owner of deer inside the mountain]: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966:84-91
California. Karok [Month]: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. A10, III37, III38:18-21, 250-252, 255-258; Shasta: Dixon 1910a [Month/Moon], No. 16 [(=Holsinger 1982:42-47), 32:25-27, 364-368; Farrand 1915, No. 4 [Thunder]: 211-212; Wailaki [Month]: Goddard 1923, No. 6:95-99; Shinkion [Father-in-law Sun and Mother-in-law Moon]: Nomland 1935:172-174; Wappo [Month]: Radin 1924, No. 11:93-141; Pomo: Barrett 1933, No. 32 [Sun], 33 [Sun], 40 [Thunder], 48 [Thunder]: 148-160, 160-164, 190-193, 210-220; Clark, Williams 1954 [Sun]: 82-88; Screw [Sun]: Curtin 1898:121-158; DuBois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 7:291-295; Yana [Month]: Curtin 1898:281-294 (=2004:180-189), 425-442 (=2004:266-278); Sapir 1910, No. 4, 13:66-74, 233-235; Maidu [Thunder]: Dixon 1902, No. 6:67-71.
The Big Pool. Southern Utah [Sun]: Lowie 1924, #48:76-77
The Great Southwest. Navajo: Buxton 1923:298-302; Goddard 1933:142; Haile 1938:103-107; Johly, B'Yash 1958:19; Klah 1960:13; Matthews 1994:110-112; O'Bryan 1956:80; Western Apaches: Goddard 1918 ( San Carlos): 7-19, 36-37; 1919 (White Mountain): 96-97, 116-117]; Hopi: Fewkes 1895:132-135; Malotki, Gary 2001, No. 24:224-235; Mullett 1993:54-61; Stephens 1929, No. 4, 7, 8:11-13, 15, 18-19; Eastern ceres: Benedict 1931 (Cochiti): 24-25; Boas 1928a (Cochiti): 252; Stevenson 1894 (Sia): 43-44; Western Ceres (Akoma): Boas 1928a: 251; Miller 1965, No. 38:249-257; Lewis 1965, No. 38 : 249-259; Stirling 1942:94; Tiwa (Isleta): Parsons 1932c, No. 13:392-403; havasupai [Sun]: Smithson, Euler 1994:62-69; valapai [Sun]: Kroeber 1935:272-275; SV yavapai [ Sun]: Gifford 1933a: 349-364 & 402-412 [The Sun Is a Father Testing Sons], 373-377 [The Sun Is a Player Who Kills Losers]; Pima [Cloud]: Russel 1908:239-240; Series [Sun]: Kroeber 1931, No. 5:12-13.
The Northern Andes. Guajiro [Thunder]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 106:299-301
Southern Venezuela. Makiritar [Thunder]: Civrieux 1960:180-185 (=1980:89-93)
Guiana. Pemon [Thunder]: Armellada 1973, No. 15:61-63
Western Amazon. Kandoshi [produces thunder]: Page 1975:55-62.
NW Amazon. Andoque [The Sun]: Pineda 1975:452-453
Southern Amazon. Vaura [Thunder]: Schultz 1966:84-86
Araguaia. Karazha [Sun]: Baldus 1953:213-214, 214-215 (=Baldus 1937a: 226-228).
Chaco. Nivacle [Sun; Month - Good Father-in-law]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 1, 2, 3, 4:21-25, 26-30, 31-33, 34; Toba [Sun]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 1989a, No. 276:363-365
The Southern Cone. South Tehuelches [Father-Sun and Mother-in-law Moon]: Hernández 1992:138-139; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 7, 27, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54:21, 45-47, 74-76, 77-81, 82-87, 88-90, 91-92, 93-95