K27n3b. The task giver lives in the sky.
A character who offers difficult tasks or puts him to the test lives in the sky, but is not associated with a month's sun, thunder, or wind. See motive K27.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Luba [creator god]: Kotlyar 1975:55; bena-lulua [creator god]: Frobenius 1983:86; ganda [heavenly leader]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:409-410; Roscoe 1911:461-464 (=Radin 1952) , No. 16:69-72); Nyanga [after winning in the lower world, the hero undergoes the last tests in the upper world]: Scheub 2000:164-165; tsonga (shangani) [heavenly leader]: Bourhill, Drahe 1908:43-57.
Sudan - East Africa. Malgashi (sakalava) [heavenly god]: Lombard 1976:175-205.
Burma - Indochina. The Burmese [silver mountain is guarded from the mortal world by thorny reeds, a river of liquid copper, and belu demons; surrounded by a magic belt, 9 princesses from this mountain are able to fly like birds; they flew to the ground, began to swim; the hunter caught the youngest Mananhurree in a snare {and hid her belt}; brought the maiden to the prince, who immediately made her the main wife; the main one was the daughter of an astrologer; prince left, and the king ordered to interpret the dream; the astrologer interpreted it as if M. should be sacrificed; the Queen Mother heard this, gave M. her belt, which the prince entrusted to the Queen; M. gives the old man- a hermit a ring and potions that allow him to avoid obstacles on the way to the Silver Mountain; the returning prince goes in search of his wife, meets a hermit, receives a ring and potions from him; in a city on the mountain throws a ring into the jug of a maid who has come for water for the princess; the ruler of Silver Mountain is dissatisfied with the appearance of a mortal; he is ready to give him his daughter if he can shoot his bow at the palace; the prince did it easily; recognize his wife among her sisters when each shows only her little finger (the natov king helped do it); {that ends the text}]: Blundell 1839:536-551; zhuang [ father of heavenly virgins]: Cherkasova 196:319-327; Vietnam's white thai [father of heavenly virgins]: Wrigglesworth 1991, No. 11:311-316.
South Asia. Kannada [Indra is the father of the heavenly virgins]: Ramanujan 1997, No. 3:5-15; Tamils [Indra is the father of the heavenly virgins]: Natesa Sastri 1886:80-119; Tamils [father of heavenly virgins]: Blackburn 2005, No. 31 .
Malaysia-Indonesia. Mentawai [wife's heavenly brothers]: Loeb 1929, No. 16:222-244; murut [raja of heaven]: Wrigglesworth 1991, No. 5:276-285; Clementan [daughter of Palai (Pegasus constellation) fell in love with An earthly young man Lafaang (Orion) and invited him to heaven; her father offered to feed the guest; contrary to warning, L. puts food in his mouth with his fingers rather than a needle; his wife told me to put the ax by the tree, he is his he would cut it down; but L. began to cut it himself; his wife offered to watch her father cut her (put an ax, the trees fall); the same the next day; L. tore off his left arm with a fallen tree; L. decided to leave the pregnant woman wives and return to earth; the wife gave sugarcane tops and banana roots, lowered it down the vine; as he descended, L. heard a newborn scream and wanted to return to heaven, but he was not returned; on earth not threw bananas and sugarcane on the ground and planted them carefully; if anything grew, it was worse in quality than in the sky]: Hose, MacDougall 1912:140-141; Solor [father of heavenly maidens]: Arndt 1938:7-8; tetum [heavenly wife's parents]: Vroklage 1962:130-133.
Taiwan - Philippines. Visayas [Magbolotó hides the wings of the youngest of three goddesses who came to swim in the stream; her name is Macaya; marries her without saying that he hid her wings; after giving birth to a son, she cooked rice, she noticed a parcel under the roof, put on her wings, flew away; her husband goes looking for her, the North Wind shows the way to the East, that to the South, that to the West, that to the Eagle, he brings his wife to her grandmother; she demands spread out the grain to dry and harvest (ants collect), peel rice (rats clean), cut down the entire forest on the mountain (wild boars uproot); M. and his wife return home]: Maxfield, Milington 1907:95-98; central subanen [sultan - father of a heavenly wife]: Wrigglesworth 1991, No. 11:139-145; kasiguran agta [father of a heavenly wife]; kelley-e callahan [king is the father of a heavenly wife]: Wrigglesworth 1991, No. 27:245-251.
China - Korea. Chinese [father of the heavenly virgins]: Riftin 1972:126-134, 294-303; Eberhard 1937, No. 34 (Gansu, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Manchuria, Guangxi, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Hunan, Shandong, Fujian): 55-56; Chinese (Qinghai) [sky dragon]: Frick 1954, No. 13:522-523; namuzi [lord of heaven]: Lakhi 2009 (1): 67-152; fox [parents of heavenly maidens, turning into stars]: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994: 440-445; Chuan Miao [father of the heavenly maidens]: Graham 1954:278-280; meo [Sky Star is the father of the heavenly maiden]: Nikulin 1976:233-236; Koreans [young Park is an orphan, cut and sold at fuel marsh grass; once a deer asked to hide it from hunters; for this he said that 8 heavenly maidens go down to the lake once a year; you need to hide the skirt with the one you like best and not give until he has three children; Park hid the youngest's skirt; his wife created a tiled fanza, a barn, a bull; Park gave the skirt when there were only two children; everything was gone; the deer gave three pumpkin seeds : if you plant, they will grow up to the sky, but you can't look back; Park looked and fell; the deer gave it again - the last one; the children in the sky recognized Park; the wife said that she had to ask for her skirt for her father, and she wanted to live on earth herself; the old father of the virgins tells me to find him, becomes a rooster, a hog (the wife suggests); the elder son-in-law fired an arrow: let Park not allow her to fall either to the ground or to the sky; wife turned into a gyrfalcon, picked up an arrow; her son-in-law into an eagle, set off for a gyrfalcon; he dropped the arrow, it fell on the son of the leader of the nobility; her son-in-law demands that an arrow be delivered to him; Park's wife: ask for a horse and Take the wretched foal; he immediately brought Park to the house of the leader of the nobility; they cry for his dead son; the arrow is so thin that people can't see it in the young man's body; Park quietly pulled out an arrow the young man came to life; Park got a wife, but he was persuaded to stay with her in heaven at the service of Conshante; they went to him on a dragon, his wife poured rain from a marble bottle; Park asked to pour more, snatched out the bottle, began to pour itself, dropped it; it fell into the mouth of the volcano, which went out, and Lake of the Great Dragon formed in the crater, from which three rivers have since flowed: Amnoka, Tumangang and Sungari; the great Oconshante was not angry with his wife Park, but he dismissed her and did not give any service to her husband; they remained in heaven]: Garin-Mikhailovsky 1958:.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Dagurs [heavenly ruler - father of a heavenly wife]: Bender, Su Huana 1984:69-82.
Western Siberia. Kety [God Is]: Alekseyenko 2001, No. 44:103-104; Donner 1933:95.
Eastern Siberia. Northeastern Yakuts (Kolyma) [Ulu-Toyon sends his grandfather Sesen to marry Kyun Kys (Sun-Daughter) from Ai-Toyon; he asks for a mirage and a water swell in return; W. collects animals; Wolf and Raven promise to get them, get their first long legs, second vigilance for this; but they don't get it]: Seroshevsky 1896:655-666 (retelling in Yeremeyev 1980:54); Far Eastern Evenks (Uchursky or Amur) [every time Tenenge does not give roe deer to hunters; once they beat him terribly with twigs; he is weak, called the roe deer; she tells him to go to the lake, geese will arrive, take off their wings, we must choose the best ones; the geese are trying to take away their wings, T. hardly overcame her, she gave birth to a boy, took her parents to the upper land; her father tells her to go to bring scattered flour; roe deer shows where it is, tells squirrels, chipmunks, birds to collect; then the roe deer tells them to go to the lake, collect moss, give the elk that will come to the middle of the lake; T. gave, climbed the horns, they became earth; T. went, two boys shoot a bow; T. opened his mouth, caught one arrow with his mouth, and the other boy missed; T.: this is my son (whose arrow he caught); T. gave flour to the old man; that wife does not give, tells me to bring the lost prison; the roe deer leads, T. took the prison; made the raft, pierced a huge huchen with a jail, and when he hit it; T. fell into the water and died]: Myreeva 2009:150-154 (=Bulatova 1980:102-104 (=1987, No. 7:125-128).
Amur - Sakhalin. Nivhi [Master of Heaven]: Sanghi 1974:106-114; Udege {or Orochi} [old Kanda, father of the heavenly maiden]: Arseniev 1995 (1): 124-131; Orochi [heavenly father of swan girls]: Avrorin, Lebedeva 1978, No. 82:133-135.
Japan. Japanese (all of Japan, including North Ryukyu) [father of the heavenly maiden]: Ikeda 1971, No. 312D, 400:77, 96-97; Wrigglesworth 1991, No. 1:255-259; Ainu [father of the heavenly virgins]: Etter 1949:156-158.
SV Asia. Chukchi: Baboshina 1958, No. 48 [Father of the Heavenly Virgin]: 124-130; Bogoras 1928, No. 3 [Father-Arcturus]: 322; Tundra Yukaghirs (p. Kolymskoye, Nizhnekolymsky District) [brother of the heavenly maiden swan]: Gogolev et al. 1975:223-226; Kurilov 2005, No. 8:207-213; Chuvans (Anadyr Yukaghirs) [heavenly swan maiden and her relatives]: Bogoras 1918, No. 10:136-138.
NW Coast. Quakiutl (tlatlasiquala neveti) [father-in-law in heaven]: Boas 1895, No. XVIII.1, 1:170-171 [=2002:377-379); Nootka [Chief in Heaven]: Boas 1895, No. XIII.12:116-119 (=2002:270-274).
The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [Chief in Heaven]: Jenness 1934, No. 1:104-109; Shuswap [Chief in Heaven]: Teit 1909a, No. 28:691-696; Comox [Chief in Heaven]: Boas 1895, No. VIII.3:65-68 (=2002:181-186).
NW Mexico. Yaki [vulture]: Giddings 1959:68.
The Northern Andes. Kogi [vulture]: Preuss 1926, No. 9:205-211; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2), No. 6:38-40.
Guiana. Varrau [Vulture]: García 1993, No. 5:39-42; Wilbert 1970, No. 45, 149:118-119, 315-318; carinha (Orinoco) [Dove is the father of heavenly doves]: Civrieux 1974:104-108; kalinha [Vulture is the father of the heavenly virgin vulture]: Magaña 1987, No. 33, 51:242, 246; Kamaracoto [Vulture is the father of the heavenly vulture maiden]: Simpson 1940:585-591 (=1944:269-271); pemon [Vulture is the father of the heavenly virgin vulture]: Armellada 1973, No. 15:61-63; Taulipan [Vulture is the father of the heavenly virgin vulture]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 27:81-91; carinha ( Guyana) [Vulture - Father of the Heavenly Vulture Maiden]: Gillin 1936, No. 4:194-195; Curl [Mother-in-law Vulture]: Coll 1908, No. 2:483; Goeje 1943, No. d 3:96; Roth 1915, No. 303:343-345; tops [ The vulture is the father of the heavenly vulture maiden]: Roth 1924, No. 601:486-488; Soares Diniz 1971, No. 17:92-94; waivay: Fock 1963:65-67; Hishkaryana [Vulture is the father of the heavenly vulture maiden]: Derbyshire 1965:41-43; Wapishana [Vulture is the father of the heavenly vulture maiden]: Wirth 1950:192-193, 193-196, 196-197; Oyampy [Vulture is the father of the heavenly vulture maiden]: Grenada 1982, № 53:305-314.
Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara [Vulture is the father of the heavenly vulture maiden]: Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 20:150-151.
Chaco. Toba [Father of the Heavenly Virgin]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 96:195-197.