Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27p1. An antagonist in the form of a beast.


The enemy tells the hero to kill or tame a dangerous animal, or not to kill a specific animal while hunting. This animal is himself or his daughter (wife).


Basques [the opponent and his daughters are horses], the Portuguese [the enemy is the horse], the Spaniards [the opponent, his wife and daughters are horses], the Corsicans [the opponent is the horse], the Italians (Liguria) [ enemy - horse], Hungarians [opponent (or also his wife and daughter) - horses], Moldovans [enemy - hare], Czechs [witch's daughters - horses], Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Olonetskaya, Vyatskaya, Voronezh) [opponent - horse], Ukrainians (Transcarpathia) [witch's daughters - horses], Ukrainians (Poltava) [sorcerer's daughter - horse], Belarusians [enemy - horse], Kalmyks [enemy - horse], Abkhazians [enemy - horse], Swans [enemy - horse] horse], Georgians [opponent and his wife are horses], Lithuanians [opponent - horse], Latvians [bride - horse; enemy mother - horse; opponent - horse], Karelians [opponent - horse], Lutsi [witch and her daughters - mares], Seto [opponent - horse, his wife and children - pig with pigs], Danes [opponent - horse], Swedes [opponent - horse], Norwegians [opponent - horse], Marie [opponent - horse], Mordovians [opponent - horse] ], Chuvash [opponent and his wife are horses], Kazan Tatars [opponent - horse; opponent and his daughters are horses], Kazakhs (Xinjiang) [enemy - dog, camel, horse], Tofalars [opponent - horse], Buryats [ enemy - bear], Khakas [enemy son - horse], Nanai [enemy - roe deer], Kuchin [enemy daughter - bear], atna [enemy daughter - bear], khan [enemy daughter - bear], upper tanana [enemy daughter bear], tagish [enemy daughter bear], southern tutchoni [enemy daughter bear], taltan [enemy daughter bear], beaver [enemy daughter bear], beaver [enemy daughter bear], watch [enemy daughter bear] the enemy's daughter is a bear], chilkotin [the enemy's daughter - the bear], the cowitz [the enemy's daughter is a bear], the okanagon [the enemy's son is a bear], the cous [the enemy is the elk], the modoc [the enemy's son is a deer].

Southern Europe. Basques: Barandiaran 1962a, No. 4 [the young man lost; a certain Castillo Branco tells him to come to him to carry out assignments, then he will compensate for the lost; the young man goes to the animal house, the deer sends him to the lion ; the lion tells you to cook the carcasses of four bulls, carries a young man on his back, eats carcasses along the way; the KB has two devil daughters and one of divine nature; KB requires 1) to cut down the forest in a day, plow, etc. - grind flour, bake bread (KB's daughter performs); 2) pacify three horses (he and his two eldest daughters, the youngest helps); 3) get the youngest daughter's ring from the bottom of the sea; she teaches her to cut her body to pieces, fill the bottle without spilling blood, throw it into the sea; the bottle returned with a ring; you have to pour blood on the pieces of the body; the girl came to life, but the young man shed a drop, so there is not enough little finger; KB gave money promised his daughter, let him choose blindfolded; the young man felt the girls' hands, chose the one who did not have a little finger; got a wife; they are running, the wife left the spits responsible for her; left a wineskin in bed with wine; KB asked until the saliva dried; broke into the room, pierced the bed, mistook the wine for blood; then chased a horse as fast as thought, and the young had a horse like the wind; asks the reapers, those they say that the young people passed 9 months ago; the KB decides that if so, he will catch up; when he sees the chase, the girl becomes an onion field, the young man digs bulbs; next time the horse goes to church, himself in image, the young man priest; KB returned with nothing]: 17-25; Webster 1879 [the poor young man leaves home, is hired by Tartaro; he tells one of the three pigeon girls who will fly to swim in lake; return for a promise to help; tells you to go to hire her father; he demands 1) uproot the oak grove, sow, harvest, bake bread; the dove maiden tells her crest to do everything; 2) get it out rivers lost ring; the dove maiden tells you to ask for a rusty sword, chop it to pieces, throw it into the river, comes out whole with a ring; the young man has lost her little finger, she pretends to slam it with the door; 3) tame a horse with three foals (this is the owner with three daughters, you have to beat them with a club and just pretend to beat her); in the morning the owner and daughters look beaten; 4) choose a wife with their eyes closed ( she does not have a little finger and she will give her hand twice); the young man gets a wife, she tells her to run, leaves the spit responsible for himself; the father chases, the daughter throws the comb (fog, hail), throws again - the river, the father drowns; on the border of Christian land, the wife tells me to go get a priest to baptize her, not kiss anyone, otherwise her husband will forget her; the old aunt kisses him; the wife creates an inn, the husband and two friends come in; she promises to spend the night with everyone; makes morning come before they do anything with his comb; opens to her husband; he brings a priest; everything is fine]: 120-130; Spaniards (Salamanca) [ the young Lisardo plays cards and always loses; the demon offers a condition: he will always win, but in 5 years he will go to the castle Go Don't Come Back (PN); in 5 years he goes, asks for the way an eagle, who refers to another who is older, brings it to the castle, tells the PN of the three bathing daughters of the PN, who is a saint, her name is Blancaflor, to hide the clothes; he hides and returns the clothes, girl promises to help; PN tells 1) scatter a bag of rice in the forest, bring it safe the next day (B. does everything); 2) arrange a field on the site of the forest, collect wheat, bake bread, all in a day (the same); 3) the same - vineyard, wine; 4) get the ring lost by his great-grandmother from the river; B. tells me to cut it, put it in a vessel without spilling a drop of blood, throw it into the river; in the evening he brings the ring, says that it has been spilled a drop, but from the little finger; 5) tame the horse; this is the PN himself, his wife and daughters, B. will be on the right side, not hit on the right side; 6) three daughters will stretch out their arms, and L. is blindfolded, you must choose a hand brides; B. can be recognized by the missing phalanx of the little finger; B. tells you to leave the spits responsible for them, choose a skinny oath Thought rather than a plump Wind; L. does the opposite; the father chases, B. throws the comb ( thicket), handkerchief (lastral), garter (river); PN returns every time, his wife sends it again; B. turns the horse into a vegetable garden, L. into a peasant, himself into a lettuce bed; chapel, hermit, icon; PN wife decides not to chase herself, but to make L. forget B. if he kisses someone; B. warns, but some old woman kissed him from behind, L. forgot B.; she comes and stops under the guise of a prostitute; L. comes to her three times before the wedding, but every time she tells him to do something (like serve coffee), and he freezes until morning; at the wedding, she tells two dolls to pretend to be themselves and L., they everyone tells, L. recalls, marries B.]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 313C: 85-95; the Portuguese [prince goes on a journey; on the way he meets a man with whom he plays cards and that's it loses; he keeps him on bread and water for three years; after that, under the terms of the contract, he must go to him (i.e. to the king) and be a servant there for another three years; on the way, the young man gives his bread to a woman with as a child; she teaches one of the pigeon girls who will come to swim and take off her clothes to hide the clothes; let the girl give him a ring, necklace and feather; when the young man came to the king, he ordered 1) sow three like grain, and in the morning to have bread; with the help of a pen, the young man calls the dove, which does everything; 2) get the ring from the bottom of the sea; they got into the boat, swam, the girl tells her to cut off her head and throw it into the sea, but so that not a drop of blood is lost; the girl takes out a ring; 3) tame the stallion; this is the king himself, the saddle is the girl's mother, she herself is a bit, her sisters are stirrups; by evening they are just alive; the girl says so take advantage and run; tells you to take the thinnest horse (jumps like a thought), and the young man took the most well-fed (jumps like the wind); the girl's mother sends her father in pursuit; the girl turns the horse into a chapel himself a saint, a young man a hermit; next time a garden and a gardener; when the mother chased, the lake, eiró (duck?) , turtle; mother told her daughter that the young man would forget her; so it happened, but the dove showed him a ring, necklace and feather, he remembered everything; wedding]: Braga 2002:171-175; Portuguese [prince hits to hell, he gives him difficult assignments; 1) plant a vine in the morning, wine is ready in the evening; 2) get the ring from the bottom of the sea, for this you need to dismember the girl; 3) sow wheat in the morning, bake bread in the evening; 4) tame the horse (that's the devil himself); 5) build a palace in a day; 6) disassemble the mixed seeds; and something else; he denies that the girl helped him; must identify the girl among several the same (only on the arm; the girl does not have enough finger, so he recognizes her); the spouses run, the wife leaves saliva responsible for herself; the wineskin is left in bed; the young man chooses a fat horse, he is like the wind, he must it was to choose a skinny one, he was like a thought; a horse turns into a church, a girl into an image, a young man into a hermit; a garden, a salad (flowers) and a gardener; a river, a boat, a boatman; throw objects: ash (fog occurs), needles or pine needles (prickly thickets), salt or water (sea), sand (hill); the wife cast a spell: after kissing his mother or grandmother against will, the hero forgets his wife; she attracts his attention (a lot options), he recognizes her]: Cardigos 2006, No. 313:68-69; Corsicans [prince lost at cards; when he lost his soul, the sorcerer returned his money and crew, but ordered him to arrive at Seven a year and day later Golden Mountains; the old woman teaches the sorcerer's youngest daughter to seek help; he gives tasks: to demolish the mountain in a day and sow wheat in this place (according to the girl, everything happens instantly); get it a ring that the sorcerer dropped in the Red Sea; the girl tells her to be slaughtered at the seashore, all her blood should be collected in a pelvis, poured into the sea; because one drop fell to the ground, the girl, bringing the ring, returned from the sea later she was left without a little finger; the sorcerer tells you to tame the horse; the girl: the horse is himself, the saddle is her, the stirrups are her two sisters, you must hit the horse on the head with an iron stick; the sorcerer promises a daughter as a wife, but the young man must choose a bride with her eyes closed; girl: feel your hand, she does not have a little finger; after the wedding, the wife tells you to run; one horse is like the wind, the other is like a breath, you must take the one who is half asleep; young man took the cheerful one; the sisters chase the first two times, the young man's wife throws a bottle of cologne (river), the comb (thorny thickets), the pursuer returns; the sorcerer himself rides, the wife throws soap, the sorcerer is not in able to climb a slippery mountain; spouses escape, feast]: Massignon 1984, No. 102:227-233; Italians (Liguria) [a timid young man leaves home only with his mother; to stir up, his mother gave him money and sent it to the city; he lost all his parents' property, was afraid to return, went to the forest; the old man gave him money to win back everything, but for this the young man must come to him over the highest mountain; lost and going home, the young man went to look for the old man; in the hut there were pigeons, they took the young man to the old man; the first task was to cut down the forest in a day, plow the field, grow wheat and bake bread; the old man's daughter gives a box of powder; if you ask for powder, everything will come true; the second task is to tame the horse; girl: it will be the old man himself, you have to beat the horse with a stick; third: get a ring with a diamond dropped into the lake; the girl tells her to be chopped into small pieces and thrown into the lake, but not a single drop of blood should spill on the ground; therefore, the girl did not revive immediately and the tip of her little finger did not enough; the old man tells me to identify blindfolded an assistant among her sisters; the young man feels his hands, chooses the one with a defective little finger; the hermit married them; at night the wife tells them to take books and ride away; the old man found a book forgotten by the fugitives and set off in pursuit; the wife creates a river; the old man cannot cross it and tells the young man to forget his wife as soon as someone hugs him at home; the mother hugged him; the forgotten wife became a cook at the inn; the father marries the young man to another girl; the forgotten one must cook everything, but she does nothing; at the last moment, the food appears on the table; the forgotten asks The young man gives her his wedding ring, throws it into a vessel of water; takes a pigeon, cuts it into pieces, throws it into the water; half an hour later, a single pigeon brings a ring from the bottom of the vessel; the young man remembered everything; the judge decided that he should stay with his first wife]: Andrews 1892, No. 8:34-42.

(Wed. China - Korea. Chuan miao [an orphan steals the feather of one of the seven female ducks who have come to swim; first colorful, it turns out to be an old woman, then a white woman, a girl; she gives birth to an orphan two sons; when they are 7 years old, they tell the mother that the father has a feather; the mother takes it, flies away; the brothers find the mother; her father promises to let them go and her, if they 1) will collect peaches for him; put them back on the branches ( mother places); 2) they will process the site, sow it, then collect the sown grain (the mother causes the wind, the grain is collected in a heap; one seed was pecked by a bird, the mother caught it, took a seed out of her stomach); 3 ) find the hidden person (the mother tells me to tickle the white horse, this is the grandfather; the same goes for turning into a pig); the brothers themselves are turned by their mother into sticks inside bamboo, the grandfather cannot find them); 4) sends them to the site, sets it on fire, the mother turns them into fish, they hide in clay; the grandfather lets them go with their mother; says that if they see black bubbles in the river, they should be scooped up (dip up), if white bubbles are seen in the river, no; the mother says that black is demons, white is gold; the eldest did not listen to his mother, scooped up black, the demon took the mother home; the grandfather promises to release the mother if the eldest grandson marries Tiger's daughter, the youngest is on the Monkey; the eldest calls the Tiger's daughter, is afraid, climbs a tree, the Tiger's daughter did not find him; the youngest brought his wife; she went to get water, met the eldest, he killed her; the youngest has to be accused of killing Monkey Grasshoppers; Monkeys go to kill them, Grasshoppers sit on their heads, Monkeys killed each other with clubs; the latter ate grasshoppers when they couldn't fly in the morning, ate, died]: Graham 1954:278-280).

The Balkans. Hungarians: Gidash 1953 [stepmother promises to give stepdaughter Violet only for fulfilling her conditions; young Rosan comes to marry; 1) demolish the mountain overnight, plant grapes, and make wine (F. tells go to bed, everything is ready in the morning); 2) plow the field in the forest, bake bread (the same); 3) ride around three horses (father, stepmother, F. , stepmother must be whipped); F. and R. run away, leaving drops of blood responsible for themselves; throw a comb (forest), a comb (jets of water), the old man stops chasing; stepmother chases, F. turns R. into a lake , herself in the duck; stepmother guesses, stops chasing, but makes R. forget F.; his father marries him, at F.'s wedding tells the gypsies to shout "as he forgot about F. "; R. recalls marrying F.]: 138-143; Ortutai 1974, No. 16 [eagle - Grandma's Iron Nose's husband took the king to the top of the mountain; returned him for promising to give what he did not know at home; this is his son Rosan; the eagle took it his grandmother; she demands 1) to tame the horse; her daughter Violet: this is her father, we must sharpen the spurs; 2) cover the sea, grow grapes and wheat in this place (by order of F. everything is fulfilled); F. and R. run, leaving spit to answer; chipped in with a mill and a miller, the eagle did not recognize; with a lake and a duck, the mother recognized and cursed: if you separate, R. will forget F.; three bosses go to marry the bride for R., F. does not mind if everyone will visit it; one opens and closes the door all night; the second moved the view in the chimney; the third opened and closed the window; the king and R. go by themselves; the old woman shouts: did R. forget F.? R. remembered everything, wedding]: 301-306; Moldovans [=Moldavian tales 1968:324-333; a hermit gives grapes to the childless queen, she conceives a son; the king hunts, falls into the fortress a line; he releases king, when the king promises to give what he does not know at home; son Dafin has grown up, the hell takes him away; D. learns the language of birds from him; overheard the birds talking, they say that the unfortunate Arap has been drawing water from him for 180 years a bottomless well, where Vestra, stolen by the devil, bathes; old man A. teaches D. to steal the clothes of bathing V., run without looking back; A. blesses their marriage, gets rid of the punishment of the devil, disappears; hell I agree to let D. and V. go if D. 1) plows the field to the horizon in a day, harvests, bakes bread (V. orders the demons); 2) shoot a hare in the garden a feature (this is the devil himself, V. in the image the hound chases him, D. hits him, his wife asks him to give the devil to fry him, in the evening the devil is bruised); 3) identify among hundreds of girls (tears in V.'s eyes); hell puts D. and V. in prison, they fly away midges, hell sends demons in pursuit, V. turns 1) himself into a garden, D. into a gardener; 2) a wheat field and a reaper; 3) a duck and a river; the devil tries to drink water, bursts; D. and V. come to live with their parents D.]: Botezat 1981:293-300.

Central Europe. Czechs [fisherman sees a huge bird fly out of the reeds; swims there to ruin the nest; bird: don't spoil what you find; he finds 9 huge eggs, brings them home; so three times; from eggs 27 young men appear, the father appoints the youngest chief; sends the king; he orders to mow and remove hay in the meadow; at night one guards, falls asleep, in the morning the haystack is scattered across the field; the same the next night ( four fall asleep); the younger brother goes to the third, does not sleep; 27 horses come running; the white horse says that the young man's name is Sternberg, and he will serve him; the brothers take black horses; return to their father; 26 the brothers decide to leave, but S. catches up with them; on the way, S. frees the tied greyhound, eagle, carp aground; the brothers remain with the king, whose fiancée Velenka was kidnapped; the brothers say that S. can return her; a white horse brings him to V., kidnapped by the witch; tells him to pretend to be a merchant, offer gold shoes; V. gets out of the boat on which she came, S. grabs her, carries her away, the witch cannot catch up; V. is in love in S.; says that she needs the witch's remaining dress to marry the king; the king asks S. for help; the witch will give the chest of dresses if S. he will tame three mares (this is her daughter); the first runs away with a hare, caught up with a greyhound; the second with a crow, catches up with an eagle; the third with fish (catches up with the carp); the witch wanted to hit S. with a rod, but he tore it out, hit it, turned it into stone; brought a chest; the third task: the key to the chest; the horse tells you to take a magic rod with you; S. turns lion guards into stones, takes the key from his mouth the latter; V. unlocks the chest, takes out not his dress, but his sword: I will cut off the heads of both the king and S., whose blood is nobler, will come to life; S. came to life, the king is dead; the brothers Sh. (they are now dukes) are jealous that he became king; they turned to the witch, who turned S. into a nightingale; the horse took V. to the forest, explained that the nightingale should be sprayed three times with water from the spring; the nightingale turned into Sh.; he caught up with the fleeing brothers, turned him into stones, threw the rod into the fire, a cliff grew; a white horse tells him to cut off his head; a dove flew out of his body and flew away; S. ruled happily ever after]: Nĕ mcova 1970:77-99; Belarusians (Novaya Yelnya) [Once upon a time there were husband and wife. We had 4 children. The father died, the mother died, the children were left alone. The elder decided to get married. Got married. He asks his wife: "Shall we take my son-in-law with my older sister?" They married and married. Even better matchmakers have arrived. They got married to the middle one. The matchmakers arrived even better - they married the younger one. They lived like this themselves for a week or two. He decided to visit his sisters. She's going to see the elder. I walked with her for a day, another, a third, so I've been walking for three years. His sister gave him a lot of money and kicked him out of the yard. He's going to the middle one. "It was a good honor there, but it's even better here." I walked with her for a day, another, a third, so I've been walking for three years. His sister gave him a lot of money and kicked him out of the yard. He's going to see the youngest. "It was a good honor there, but it's even better here." I walked with her for a day, another, a third, so I've been walking for three years. His sister gave him money and kicked him out of the yard. And he says, "You'll meet three shanks on the road, don't drive into any shank, and if you stop by, you'll leave your loins of money." He is driving along the road, sees a shank, decided not to stop by, and the shinkar shouts to him "You're sorry for the penny, and we would feed it!" I stopped by and ate. He goes further, but there is no money in his loins pocket, I decided not to go into any tires anymore. He goes and sees another one, didn't even look at him. And from there, the shinkarka shouts: "You're sorry for the penny, and we would feed it!" I stopped by again. Look, there's no money in the other loins pocket. "Well, I'm definitely not going now," he thinks. The third shank, the gorgeous daughter runs out. "You're sorry for the penny, we would feed her!" I stopped by. Look at your pockets - there's not a single loin of money. He goes, sees a meadow, stops to feed the horse, drink water himself. I fell asleep. He dreams of Koschey the Immortal: "Give me what you don't know in the yard, and I'll give you back your loins." He thought about it and agreed. He wakes up: look the money is back! Joyful got on his horse and rides. He comes home, but he left his wife pregnant at home, she gave birth to a son for him, and in 9 years he has learned to read and write. And he kept feeling like he had been gone for nine days. He drives up to the house, and his son shouts to him "Hello, father!" And he bites his lip: "This is what I gave without knowing it!" I went to the bathhouse to wash, and my son looked for gifts in his pockets: he found money and a letter. I read that his father gave him to Koshchei's service and both cried. My son says goodbye to his father and mother: I will go, but not to serve Koshchei, but to walk in the free light. And he left. He sees the house standing. I went in, there the girl is embroidering. He asked her for beer and soap, food and a bath. Took him to bed. And she calls the birds to the porch and asks if they have seen Koshchei. She woke Ivan up and calls him to the porch. They answer Ivan: we flew all over the world, but we did not see Koshchei anywhere. Ivan went further. He sees the house standing. I went in, there the girl is embroidering. He asked her for beer and soap, food and a bath. Took him to bed. She called all the animals in the world to the porch herself, but there were no lions. She woke Ivan up and calls him to the porch. They answer Ivan: we came all the world, but we did not see Koshchei anywhere. He said goodbye to this girl too and went on. He sees the house standing. I went in, there the girl is embroidering. He asked her for beer and soap, food and a bath. Took him to bed. She called all the lions in the world to the porch herself - they all came. She woke Ivan up and calls him to the porch. Look Ivan out the window and three lions are missing. The girl yelled again, and those three lions are coming. "Where were you?" - "We served Koshchei, cleaned the sea so that his daughters could swim." Ivan got scared. The girl gave him a ball, go to that place, sit there. Eleven white doves will arrive and go to the sea to wash. They'll wash away. Another one is coming. You steal her clothes. She'll tell you to give your clothes back, and for that she'll marry you. You return your clothes, they will turn into a dove again, you throw them into a ball and pull them towards you. Ivan went. That's what happened. She says to him, "I'm clever and you're even smarter." I took him to see her father. He'll send you to dance, don't go, just go to 12. Then he'll send me food, you don't eat it, only 12 of them and eat them. That's what he did. The next morning I went to Koschey. He told him to build a church overnight. His wife told him to go to bed, everything would be done. I woke up and the church is ready. Koschey suspects that one of his daughters is helping. Ivan denies it. Koschey said to dig a ditch overnight, let water go through it, and sail to him by boat the next morning. His wife told him to go to bed, everything would be done. I woke up and the ditch was dug, and the boat was in it. Koschey suspects that one of his daughters is helping. Ivan denies it. Koschey calls him back in the evening: "If you recognize my eldest daughter, your fiancée, I will marry you, and if you don't know, I'll kill you." His wife says to him, "He'll wrap us in doves, I'll peck at everyone and jump from place to place - so you'll find out." Ivan went to Koshchei in the morning, who sent him to guess the bride. He guessed right. Koschey says "I guessed it today, guess tomorrow." I'm back. His wife says to him, "He will wrap us in beautiful girls, and everyone looks like a drop of water. I'll have a fly sitting on my cheek and I'm going to drive it away." Ivan went to Koshchei in the morning, who sent him to guess the bride. He guessed right. Koschey says "I guessed it today, guess tomorrow." I'm back. His wife says to him, "He will put 11 girls tomorrow, but I won't be there, so tell him. He'll lie to you. And ask me to watch it before you die in the room. I'm going to be so alone, a terrible old woman vile. You tell him that this old woman is his oldest daughter." That's what happened. Koschey had no choice but to marry them. We lived for a week or two. His wife sends him to Koshchei. He says "Tame my horse." I told my wife, and she told him that it was Koschey himself as a horse and would turn around to swallow it. I made him a mace out of 12 pounds of iron, and Ivan turns it like a straw. I hid it in my sleeve. He opened the gate and hit the horse between his ears, the horse fell to his knees, Ivan sat on it. The horse started to withdraw, you're back between his ears. I decided to cut off the horse's ear and gouged out his eye so that he had something to show Koshchei that he had tamed the stallion. He comes to Koshchei in the morning. He showed his eye and ear, and they grew together at Koshchei. He says to come in the evening. Ivan is back. And the wife says, "Take a piece of bacon and bread, give the lard to the gate to let them in, and outside the gate, the dogs give them bread so that you don't get torn apart." I came to Koshchei, and he says come in the morning together with his wife. The wife says that if the two of them go together, they will both be lost. They left their mittens at home and ran away. Koschey called and called, no one came. He went by himself, broke the gate, and there were only mittens. Ivan and his wife run away. It's far away. Koschey sends after him. The wife turned into a church, and her husband turned into a priest - the ambassadors asked if anyone had come in, the pop said that there was no one. The ambassadors returned to Koshchei, who said that they were the ones, they should have been hired! In pursuit again. Now she has become wheat and her husband is a watchman. He told the chase he hadn't seen anyone since spring. The ambassadors returned to Koshchei, who said that they were the ones, they should have been hired! In pursuit again. She made herself a duck and her husband a drake. Koschey shot at them with a gun and came back. They turned into people again and went. We came to the village where the father and mother were. The wife stayed at the Krynitsa, and sent her husband to accept gifts, but she forbade her younger sister to accept "if you accept it from her, you will forget me." We walked for a day, two walked, three walked. He keeps shying away from his little sister, and she cries. He was told to get something from her at least. He took a glass and a spoon from her, but when he took it, he forgot that he had a wife. His father decided to marry Ivan. We found a rich wife. And the first wife came to the house and baked a loaf. They began to divide the loaf. His wife reminded him of how she was a church, how she was wheat, how she was a duck. He remembered it all. And they began to marry his real wife]: Romanov 1901:495-507; Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Sumy Posad) [the ship sank in the middle of the sea; the sea king tells the merchant to give that he does not know at home; there his wife gave birth to a son Ivan; the boy grew up, went to the king of the sea; 12 swans flew in, became maidens, they are daughters of a sea king; I. hid clothes from one, this is Vasilisa Premudraya, she agreed to be Ivan is betrothed; went down to sea; the sea king orders to build an airy crystal palace; the VP calls the servants, they built it overnight; an aerial crystal ship (the same); tame the stallion; VP: this is the king himself; I must beat him with iron hammers and bars, pour ash into my eyes; the horse had to descend from heaven; now the king tells me to choose a wife among his 12 daughters; VP: I will have a mosquito on my nose; once again (fly); third time (the mouse will run between my legs); VP: we have to run in the evening, he will eat us in the morning; she wrapped I. in a church, a watchman herself; the lake and the duck; the third time the VP threw a "raft", became a river of fire; the king asks to put on the towel, walked on it, the VM cut off the towel, the king burned down; I. left the VP, went ahead; VP: forget me; he met his parents and forgot, they picked up a bride for him; VP sent backyard grandmother with a pie; two doves flew out of it, started talking; I. remembered everything, married VP]: Razumova, Senkina 1974, No. 48:238-243; Russians (Olonetskaya) [chicken and mouse they quarreled over a grain, the mouse called the animals, and the chicken called the birds; the eagle's wing was torn off; he asks the man to feed him for three years; he wants to throw it away, then feeds him again; the eagle put the man on his back, they fly to the eagle sisters; tin, silver did not give the box, but gave gold; ordered not to open it on the way; he opened, Koschey the Immortal put the good back for promising to give what he did not know at home; returned - son at home; once broke the window; grandmother: oh, you, mother-born, fatherly promised; said that he was given to Koshchei; gave a ball; 12 swans - Koshchei's daughters - flew to the lake; the guy took younger clothes; the girl promised to marry; Koschey tells me to go around the horse; bride: hit the club between my ears; this is Koschey himself; tells me to choose a bride among 12 sisters; bride: a fly will sit on me; they ran away; abandoned flint (mountains), flint (fiery river); the bride made the guy a lake, a duck herself; Koschey shot, missed, left; swore not to pursue anymore]: Vlasova 2011, No. 51:86-88; Russians (Vyatskaya, Sarapulsky University, d. Bygi) [The glorious Tsar Rakit Timofeyevich and his wife Tykva Timofeyevna live in the Sabur Kingdom; they have no children. In another realm, a famous magician. King Rakit goes to him for an apple, which his wife will eat. The magician tells him to give half an apple to his wife and hold the other. Two sons will be born, the first one must be given to him. The queen gives birth to a son, a year later she gives birth to her second. The first one grows for 15 years and is called Falcon (S.). His father sends him to a magician. In the forest, S. stumbles, falls, falls asleep until morning; so three times. He comes to the hut on chicken legs, tells him to stand in front of him, and back to the forest. In the hut, a beautiful woman (taken by the wizard from the king, trained in magic) warns that the wizard will bring a glass of rum. You can't drink, otherwise you'll eat it, I must say: "I'm not here to walk or feast, but to work." There'll be a lake on the way Twelve cabbage rolls will arrive, undress, become girls, they look the same, including her - she will begin to spread her wings on the shore. When the girls start swimming, let her sit on her dress. S. does it all. Eleven girls put on their dresses and fly away, the twelfth stays. S. kisses her and gives her dress. Girl: If the magician gives errands, let him turn to her; turn into a pigeon, fly away. S. comes to the magician, who sits in a chair. "Lackey servants! Lift my eyelids out of my eyes with an iron pitchfork: I need to see who's here." The servants raise their eyelids, the thorn opens. The magician recognizes S., tells him to bring rum, S. refuses. The magician tells us to build a bridge across the sea overnight. The girl tells her to take off her pants before going to bed. The bridge is ready in the morning The magician tells us to ride around his horse, he is fierce and ferocious. The girl gives S. an iron rod, tells him to go to bed with his pants off, and quilt the horse with a rod in the morning. The falcon hits the horse, he kneels, S. continues to beat, locks him in the stable, and goes to spend the night with the girl. The horse is a magician himself. In the morning S. comes to him, he groans in pain. His servants lift his eyelids with an iron pitchfork. He says he will now marry S. and he has 12 pigeon brides. Girl: A fly will sit on her forehead. The next day, a mare (she will throw back her back leg). The magician invites S. and his fiancée to celebrate their wedding the next day. Girl: He'll eat us, we gotta run. They spit in all corners in the hut and go out. In the morning, the servants tell them to get ready for the wedding, drool that they are going to; they dress; etc. The magician looks at the black book: S. and the bride ran away. Sends a chase. The girl wraps herself in a well, S. wraps herself in a scoop. Those sent drink water and come back. For the second time, a cow and a shepherd, the shepherd replies that he just woke up and did not see anyone. The magician goes by himself, the earth trembles. The girl by the lake makes herself a duck, and S. makes herself a drake. The wizard raises his eyelids, recognizes them, drinks all the water, the duck and the drake fly away. The magician throws thick smoke on them, the girl disperses him with a headwind. The wizard gnashes his teeth like Satan in the underworld, stays at the bottom of the lake, the duck and the drake fly to Father S., become human, get married]: Vereshchagin 2002, No. 12:36-40; Russians (Voronezh) [mouse quarreled with V No. 224:197-204. The cat tells her to wait every time for him to eat bread, drink milk, etc., stealing grain from the barn, the animals began to fight birds; the wounded Eagle asks the merchant three times not to kill him, but to care for him; three years later he carries him on his back; throws him three times over the sea and catches him so that the merchant feels like he, the Eagle, was afraid of being shot by him; Orel's sisters in copper and silver kingdoms refuse to give the merchant a casket, a sister in the golden kingdom gives it; the Eagle tells not to open it along the way, the merchant opens it, a palace and servants appear from it; Unbaptized Forehead collects everything in a casket for promising to give that he does not know at home; the merchant is met by his wife with his newborn son; Ivan grows up, goes to NL; Baba Yaga advises to hide the wings of a colorful cabbage roll when three cabbage rolls will come to swim; this is Vasilisa Premudraya, NL's favorite daughter; his cook Chumichka lies as if Ivan promised 1) to cut down the forest in a day, harvest, bake pies out of flour; 2) make a flying ship; The VP does everything, Chumichka is thrown off the ship; 3) NL tells him to go around the stallion; this is NL himself, Ivan hits him with a hammer; 4) choose a bride among three mares, three pigeons, three girls (the VP has a a dull glitter to the bridle; waves its wing; a handkerchief); after the wedding, the young run, the VP turns Ivan into a vegetable garden, himself into a head of cabbage; a well and a falcon; when NL himself is chasing, VP throws a brush (forest), a comb ( mountain), towel (sea); Ivan is the first to come home, kisses his godmother, forgets VP; she is hired as a worker, Ivan is ready to marry; VP comes to the wedding with a pie, a dove with a dove comes out of him, the dove says that the dove will forget her, how Ivan forgot the VP; Ivan recalls]: Afanasiev 1958 (2), No. 224:197-204; Western Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Khust District, p. Gorinchevo) [in the 77th state, behind glass mountains, behind milk streams, grandfather and woman live, there are no children; the old woman asks her grandfather to make a child and a cradle out of wood; he cuts down a sycamore, combs the boy, him they call Yavorovy Ivan (YAI); makes a cradle, a woman shakes her, the child does not come to life, grows up; two years later he goes to the forest, helps his grandfather; snakes (shufflers) took three royal daughters; their savior will receive one of them and the state; YAI goes in search, meets a gypsy, becomes friends; they find a hole, wind a rope, fix them on the stove; one will take the youngest daughter, the second will take the middle daughter, the eldest will serve; YAI goes down, hears a girl singing, she is in a hut rotating on a chicken leg; girl: her husband has five heads, he has strong water; YAI drinks water; an iron club falls into the yard, YAI throws her back, snake sees that someone strong is in his yard; comes in, says he smells sinful; wife: this is my brother; they shake hands; the serpent eats melted tin dumplings, drinks water, then goes to fight; snakes He hammers JAI knee-deep into the ground, YI to the waist, the serpent to the arm, YAI to the neck; begins to beat off his heads with a club, but they come back again; the girl sprinkles ashes on them, the head cannot grow, the snake kill; the girl says that she and YAI belong to each other; YAI tells me to collect everything valuable, lock the house, wait for him; puts on a snake's clothes, takes his sword, comes to her middle sister; she also plays harmonica and sings; her husband has ten heads, drinks special wine; YAI swaps barrels of water and wine; when approaching, the snake throws a club of 12 quintals; YAI drinks wine, throws away the club; (hereinafter the same as in YAI changes his sword to the one that the stronger snake has, comes to the third hut; there is a younger princess; the snake yells at his wife who found her with her lover, breathes fire from 12 mouths; Yai hides from by the door; when the heads show up in the hut, tells her sword to cut them; the elder princess puts all the jewelry in cream, the middle princess puts them in an apple, the youngest in a walnut, Yai puts them in her pocket, sends them upstairs the royal daughters, the gypsy pulls them out and goes away with them; Yai walks along the path day and night, comes to the hut, there is a woman, she has eyelashes to the ground; she calls him a dog son, agrees to serve, tells her to take a pitchfork and raise her eyelids, otherwise she does not see him; YAI raises her eyelashes to the woman, she recognizes him as YAI: the sycamore from which he was made knows him; she will take care of the mares: herd three times and bring back, otherwise your head is down; mares are women's daughters; the woman gives YAI a sleepy cake; when YAI wakes up, there are no mares; the fox asks for a cake, tells me to go home and become in a manger: mares have become chickens, the fox begins to torture them, the chickens run into the barn, become mares, YI ties them up, reports to the woman, who hits them with an iron pitchfork for letting themselves be caught, tells them what they should do; on the second the day is still the same, the wolf promises to help if YAI treats him to bread; explains that mares have become crows; the old horse lying on the manure will say everything to do; horse: there is a twig in its tail, they need wave and say: "Stay in place"; three crows sitting in a tree fly into the barn, become mares; the woman hits them with an iron pitchfork: they probably sleep with Ivan, love him, want to destroy her; On the third day, YAI gives a cake to the bear; he advises him to go home, there is an ox on the second pile of manure, he will explain what to do; the ox tells him to take two twigs from its tail, one wave to the left, and the other on the right, until the mares appear, ask the woman for an old horse for his service; the mares turn into crayfish, swim from pool to pool, YAI hits them with twigs, turns them back into mares; the woman tears her hair tells him to ask what YAI wants; he asks the old horse; the horse advises the woman to bow down, the woman spits after him, he has time to close the door, otherwise he would burn down; the horse asks how to go - in the wind or against winds, soars up, asks to see what's behind them; YAI sees a black cloud, it's a woman, a horse tells you to throw the comb (thickets from ground to clouds); the cloud is almost catching up, but they cross the border of the earth; woman screams terribly, falls to dust; the horse offers to go to the royal city; woman: three royal daughters have returned, the wedding is being prepared, the gypsy takes the youngest; YAI is hired by a shoemaker; princess ordered to make shoes like they had not done before; Yai takes out her younger sister's shoes out of the walnut, hangs them on a carnation; in the morning the younger princess comes and tells the shoemaker that he did not do it, but she also it is necessary to go to the tailor; YAI runs to the tailor, takes out his dress from the walnut; the princess calls the craftsmen for her wedding; YAI tells the horse to climb into his left ear, there are beautiful clothes; they fly to the palace; gypsies to the king: this is an angel going to the wedding; when she sees YAI, the bride cries for joy, but the gypsy does not confess; YAI puts plum, apple and nut on the table; the older sisters take out their wealth, and the youngest's nut is empty; she Understands everything; gypsies are executed, YAI marries a younger princess]: Lintur 1969:151-160; Ukrainians (Gorinchevo, Khust District, Transcarpathia) [Count's son goes hunting every day. In the morning he wakes up, opens the window, sees that a woman is walking down the street, bringing her son to eat in a pot. The count's son, to test his accuracy, shoots the pot and breaks it. Baba sees him laughing and says that she barely begged her son for food. She curses him to only marry Seipentel Ilona. The guy runs after his grandmother and asks where she is. Grandma replies that where ninety-nine human heads are put on the stakes, she leaves. The count's son does not find a place for himself, he is going to look for his betrothed. He sees how a bear crashes ants, feels sorry for ants, drives a bear into the thicket. Ants give him a pipe that he can use to summon them to help. The guy goes on, sees that the boys have caught a fox and hit it. He asks to keep it and pays them a crown. The fox gives him a pipe to play on, and she will come to his aid. The count's son comes to the water and sees the fish fighting. He throws bread to the fish. The fish calms down, thanks him and gives him a pipe to call for help. More often, he bumps into a hut, around 99 human heads on poles. He comes in and sees the woman he smashed the pot with on the stove. She serves him by telling him to look after her three mares. If he doesn't pull him back, his head will be on a pole. The guy falls asleep, and when he wakes up, he does not find mares. It causes ants with the help of a flute, who explain that the mares have become ants. Real ants will start biting them, then they'll start running away. When the first one runs and then the second one, you don't have to do anything, and when the third one runs, you have to whip it and say, "Be what you used to be!" That's what the guy does. In the evening, a woman checks, sees mares, gets angry and hits them with an iron club (these are her daughters). In the morning, she orders her daughters to go to the water and become fish. When the guy wakes up, he calls fish with the help of a flute. She reports that mares have become goldfish. Real fish will bite them. When the third one jumps out of the water, you should whip it and say, "Be what you were!" That's what the guy does. The woman gets angry in the evening, whips the mares with a fiery whip, accusing them of being in a romantic relationship with the guy. They deny it and tell their mother that she is wise and he is wiser. On the third day, the mares disappear again. The fox summoned by the flute explains that the woman turned them into eggs, put them in a basket on the stove, and sat on them herself. But the woman in the attic has a rooster. The fox will call the ferret, which will start chasing the rooster. The woman will get up from her eggs and climb to save the rooster. Then you have to run into the hut, whip the balls and say, "Be what you used to be!" The ferret starts chasing the rooster, the woman, when she hears a scream, climbs into the attic. The guy hits the balls, the mares are back in the barn, the guy sits on a chair. Baba is convinced that he is wiser than her. He says he served her faithfully and asks what he asks for his service. He wants to stay in service for three more years. Baba agrees, takes him to a big lake in the morning, gives him a wooden shovel, a wooden hoe, a wooden coinage, and tells this lake to fall asleep and walled up so that she can ride it on horseback, if not will do - be his head on the stake. His tools break immediately, he sits and grieves. Babina, Seipentel's daughter Ilona, brings him food and finds out the cause of his burning. After feeding him, she puts him into a deep sleep, whistling to the devils. They fall asleep and walled up the lake. When the guy wakes up, he notifies the woman, she checks, but the lake does not break through under the horse. She sends him into the thicket the next day. There, the wind scattered beech and oak seeds. They must be harvested, each seed separately. At noon, the girl brings food and finds out about the task. The guy eats up and falls asleep because Ilona sleeps on him, and she whistles, devils run, and in an hour all the seeds are collected as the woman wanted. On the third day, the woman orders to cut down the thicket, dig it up, and sow it with wheat. By evening, wheat must be ripe, and he must squeeze it, bring it, grind it, grind the flour and bake bread. The guy cuts down one tree and gets tired. SI wants to bring him an afternoon snack, but the woman yells at her, even breathes fire, suspects that she is doing all the work for him, and he's not so wise, let his sister carry it. But after a while she calms down and leaves her daughter alone. SI brings in an afternoon snack, finds the guy crying. When he has lunch, she falls into a deep sleep, and she cries the devils like sea sand. Everything is ready by evening. Ilona wakes him up, gives him a fresh roll and asks him to tell the woman when she asks what he wants for his service, what he wants to stay with her for another three years. Baba pretty agrees. The count's son stays with her, does everything well, but one day, when a woman falls asleep, SI and her boyfriend get ready for a long journey. SI turns herself and his boyfriend into pigeons, they're flying, and SI asks if you can see anything. The guy turns around and says he sees a cloud of fire. She replies that she is a mother and that she will turn herself into a mill and him into an old miller. The old woman will ask if he saw two pigeons, and he must answer what he saw a long time ago. Baba decides it's not them and comes home. SI turns them into pigeons again and they fly to its land. She asks again, and he sees a fiery cloud again. Then SI turns itself into grass and it into a braid. He tells Baba he saw two pigeons when he was clearing this field for a meadow. Baba is coming home. Two pigeons hit the road again. After a while, SI asks again who he sees. He says the woman is on a fiery horse. SI turns them into fish, but tells them not to stick their heads out of the water or they'll go blind and she'll talk to her mother. But the guy wants to hear what they're talking about, sticks his head out of the water, the woman steals his eyes and comes home. The girl cries, goes like a dove behind his eyes. At home, she gives her mother and sisters a deep sleep, climbs into her mother's bosom, reaches out her eyes, and instead puts pigeon eggs so that her mother thinks when she wakes up, that her eyes are in her bosom. She flies to the riverbank and returns the guy's eyes. They fly to his village. The guy is happy, he leads the girl by the hand. She asks where he's taking her. He replies to their homestead. She tells me not to do this, because she is not yet known there, asks to be taken to their innkeeper neighbor, who will serve him. In a month, let him tell his father and mother that she wants to get married. They'll get married then, but he must remember not to let anyone at home kiss him. The guy leaves his betrothed with the innkeeper, returns to his parents himself. They welcome him, they want to hug him and kiss him, but they don't give him. Tired, he goes to bed, in the evening an aunt comes to them and kisses a sleepy man in bed. He forgets the girl. It takes two weeks and two months. His relatives decide to marry him. They choose a bride, marry, and set a wedding day. SI knows everything, she cries, makes the guy fall and dislocated his leg. They send him for a doctor, and the innkeeper's maid says she'll heal him faster. This is what happens. The guy asks what to reward her with. She doesn't want anything but asks to be invited to the wedding. The wedding day is coming. She bites through a golden nut, takes out her gold clothes and comes to the wedding. The young ones are just about to get married. But when a young woman sees an innkeeper's maid, she refuses to get married until she gets the same dress. They start looking for silver clothes. They cannot find it anywhere and have to buy it from the maid, they promise to pay her dearly. She doesn't want anything, she asks permission to be with her young man. XI kisses the guy, talks about everything, but he doesn't remember anything. A servant hides under the bed and hears what the girl said. "I've saved your life six times and you've forgotten it all! But it's not all gone. At dawn, I'll be cuckoo at your house, and then you'll see me, then you'll recognize me..." She's going home. The servant crawls out from under the bed, tells the young master what he has heard. After that, the guy remembers everything. In the morning he goes out into the yard, sees a cuckoo, and immediately recalls SI. But the cuckoo is flying away. The count's son is going to travel. The bride is told that they will not get married, she can marry someone else. He orders iron tables from the master and goes around the world. Looking for a betrothed for seven years. One day he sits under the willow, looks - the tables are torn. She thinks this is the only place she should be if his tables are broken. The cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cucko The guy says it's his Ilonka. The bird says it's his. He calls her to his place. She asks you to be afraid she won't invite her aunt to the wedding, who kissed him. He takes an oath. Then she flies off and becomes a girl. The guy is happy, takes her hand and brings her to his parents. They celebrate their wedding and live happily ever after]: Lintur 1979:121-129; Eastern Ukrainians (Poltava, Piryatinsky, recorded by L.M. Zhumchuzhnikov) [tsar {or prince; narrator uses both designations alternately} goes with two sons; asks what they would make of three oaks; the eldest: barn boards; the youngest: he would hang princes on the oak tree; the king pushed him into the sea, swallowed him by a whale, then swallowed carts of water and horses; the prince made a fire, began to smoke a pipe, the whale jumped ashore; the hunters began to cut the carcass, the prince gave a voice, the hunters ran away, he got out, sat naked, because in a year while in fish, the clothes decayed; at this time the old king died, the eldest son reigned; the king must marry, the messengers saw a naked man; he said that his name was Ivan Golyk and the king would not marry without him; prince {aka king} goes with IS; he does not order to crush mice, allows mosquitoes to pump his blood, released two pikes into the sea; they come to the thirtieth kingdom, where snakes rule; on the stakes of the head, on the last 12 Not yet; the snake has 12 daughters, the prince liked the youngest; the serpent tells the mice to threshing 300 ricks overnight, spread the straw to the straw, grain to the grain (IS tells the mice to perform); get a ring dropped into the sea (IS: the serpent threw it into the sea himself; tells the pike to get it); shoot a hundred pounds with a bow; prince: it's shameful for me to shoot such a thing, let the servant shoot; IS pulled on a bow, it broke; ride around the horse, what a 12 doors; IS: this is the youngest daughter; say you don't want to be embarrassed, let the servant go around; IS hits the mare with a piece of bow, tells her to go down, fall and spread her legs; identify the bride among her sisters (the mosquito will sit down for her on his nose); the prince got a wife, IS tells her not to trust her for 7 years; a son was born in the third year; the prince let it slip that he had done everything; his wife waved a towel, cutting off IS's legs, and her body fell into the forest; legless fraternized with the armless; the armless brought him in a cart to the city; by the queen, all yellow; the legless promises to cure if she tells the truth; queen: in the morning the serpent flies, the blood sucks; the legless with the armless hid, grabbed the snake, forced them to carry it to the aiming water, became whole and healthy (the serpent first tried to slip them dead water, but they put a stick in it and burned down); IS returned in a swineherd recognized his brother; hugged; when the former prince drives pigs home, he must kiss one pig three times, otherwise he will not move; the princess feasts with snakes and this is a signal to her that the swineherd is returning; IS got it tow and tar, made a whip, killed a pig, beat the princess until she gave up her snake temper and began to live with the prince]: Kulish 1857 in Pankeev 1992:84-99.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Kalmyks [khan hired the poor man to work on the condition that when he gets angry, he will allow the other to cut his belts from the back; the khan orders to pet the horse so that it loses weight; the poor man pretends that he is going to release her guts; the khan sends flour to the mill at night, gives ash; the poor man carves fire, the devils are afraid of it, gives a cart of flour; the khan allows the sheep to be slaughtered to look at the poor man; he calls the sheep, they watch, he cuts everyone; the khan sends bulls for firewood; the young man gives bulls to bears, brings firewood on bears; the khan tells us to go around the stallion, this is himself; the young man beats him, on the khan is sick in the morning; the khan and the khansha take a chest of gold, run away; the poor man sits quietly in the chest; broadcasts from the chest, tells them to take off their clothes, run into the reeds; tells another khan that two evil spirits are in the reeds are to blame for his daughter's illness; the army drove the fugitives out of the reeds, drove them into the dense forest; the khan's daughter recovered, the poor man married her]: Jimbinov 1962:61-67; Abkhazians [the rider wants to kill a snake, the widow's son does not give; the snake brings to him, tells her parents to ask her parents to give a pouch that they have not yet opened; the young man opens it on the way home, a city appears; hell puts the city back for a promise do not call brother the one who runs out to meet him; brother runs out, the young man does not recognize him, the brother leaves; sees three daughters a line, one is enough, she promises to help; hell tells 1) to dig a mountain overnight, 2) build a bridge across the sea (all done); 3) tame the horse; this is the devil himself; the wife tells him to be beaten with a hammer; at night the young run away, the devil sends an army; the wife turns herself into a shop, her husband into a merchant; the same is a dead man and a pop; the father himself is chasing, his wife tells him to enter the rock, confuse the roads; he stops chasing]: Shakryl 1975, No. 28:143-148; Svana [the king has three daughters, his wife is dead, he took another, She tells me to get rid of her sons; the king found an apple tree in the steppe, brought an apple to his daughters; they asked them to be brought to the apple tree; the king dug a hole there, covered it with a carpet, and the daughters failed; the sisters ate apples, they ran out, but the youngest hid them; these were over; the eldest wanted to eat it, but the youngest turned her hands into a shovel and an iron-tipped stick; they dug a passage into the tin house; there were servants they feed the royal horses boiled wheat; the sisters eat everything, the horses lose weight, the king executes servants; the healer orders to guard; the sisters are caught, the king wants one of them to marry his son; the eldest: a hundred carpet so that the king and all subjects have a bed and a blanket; middle: I will drink wine to the king and the people; youngest: I give birth to a son and a daughter {then we are talking only about a son}, so that their lower and upper halves are golden; this sister was given for the prince; the older sisters threw their children into the river, replaced them with puppies; the king tied the bride to a stump at a fork in three roads; let everyone spit in her eyes; the children were picked up by a priest who owned the mill; the priest raised a young man, he is the best hunter; his mother's sisters understood who he was; advised the priest to send the young man to Elbrus for a golden apple tree; on the way, divas, petrified to the waist; says that everyone is so stony ; we must remember his mother's nipples; the young man thought about them, brought an apple tree; the divas chased the young man, but that divas drove them away; the sisters advise asking the young man to bring a mirror from Elbrus; everyone was stony, and the young man remembered his mother's nipples and brought a mirror; sisters: to kidnap the wife of the Western sovereign; the young man came to the tower, where the king's daughter was; the king would give her back if the fruit in the garden was ripe by morning; the princess told me to put a wand in the ground pour water, in the morning a tree with fruits; king: jump across the sea, build churches everywhere so that all the bells ring; the princess gave a towel, it created everything; tame the horse; the horse: order an iron hammer and beat their horse; recognize the bride among her sisters (she will have a ring on her finger); the princess tells her to run, the king sent an army; the princess turned the young man into a monk, the horse into a church, herself into an icon; arrived to the tsar-father; the young man's mother was released, the sisters were executed]: Nizheradze 1890, No. 1:176-187; Georgians: Dolidze 1954:167-172 [(=Kurdovanidze 1988.1, No. 37:136-141); the eagle spread out on three oaks, asks the hunter not kill him, cure him; brings him to his parents, tells them to ask them for treatment only a box; on the way, the hunter feeds the eagle, cuts off the last piece from his leg; when he reaches, the eagle heals him; the eagle's mother tells him not open the box on the way; the man opens, the whole city comes out; the devil puts the city back for promising to give what you don't know at home; it's a newborn son; he grows up, goes to the maiden to be eaten; the old woman tells the youngest of the deva daughters to hide the dress when they are swimming; she becomes his wife; the devil tells us to cover the house and yard with gold cloth; put up a palace by morning; the wife's men perform; to drive around the horse is dev himself, the wife gives a bit and a hammer; the spouses run; the wife turns into a field, the husband turns into a reaper; into the forests and the old man; into the lake and the duck; the first two times chases the mother, the third - both; they drink lake, burst], 269-272 [kaji takes the chamois from the hunter; returns for promising to give what he did not see; at this time a son was born at home; the boy follows in the footsteps of the kaji; hides the dress of one of three doves who have come to swim; these are Kaji's daughters; for the returned dress, the girl promises to help; Kaji tells 1) to put a golden bridge across the river (the devas put it); 2) catch a black horse (this is the mother girls, the girl gives a whip with steel teeth); young people run, in the girl's room the voice continues to answer, I'm sick; kaji is chasing a boar; the girl turns herself into an old woman, her husband in old man, they work in the garden; Kaji did not recognize, his wife says that they were fugitives, and the garden was a flying carpet; the carpet was a temple with a monk and a nun in it (the same); Kaji's wife was chasing; the young man was a fish, a girl was sea foam; the mother cannot collect all the foam, tells her daughter to remain foam for three years, three months and three days; three girls come to the young man three days before the deadline, asking him to marry any; a true bride sends two birds to the wedding, one tells how the groom forgot the bride; the young man remembers marrying his betrothed].

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [the fisherman did not catch the fish, says let the hell cling, Damn gives fish for promising to give what you don't know at home; a son was born at home, when he grew up, his father sent him to old man Seda Mount Kostya (SGC); a young man comes to one, then to another old woman; the first calls birds, the second is animals, no one knows the way to SGC; the old man sends three swans, the daughters of SGC, to the river in which three swans, the daughters of SGC, swim, tells hide the wings of the youngest; he hides the wings of the older, middle, the swans take away their wings, fly away; then the youngest, she asks for the wings to be returned, puts the young man on his back, brings him to SGC; he promises him a daughter if young man 1) uproots the forest, plows the field, collects wheat, bake pies for the wedding (by order of the Swan, devils do everything); 2) go around one of the three stallions (this is SGC himself, Swan tells stab him in the neck with a knife); 3) identify the bride among the crows (she will sit on the edge, scratch his beak); identified him three times; 4) swim in boiling milk (the wife stabbed the vat, the husband is unharmed); the wife leaves drooling responsible for her, runs with her husband; 1) turns into rye, her husband is old, the devils come back; 2) the church and the priest (the same); 3) the lake and the pike; SGC pursues himself, becomes a bull, tries to drink the lake, bursts]: Lebite 1965:149-153; Latvians: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 519 [Strong wife. The guy helps the king get married. Grateful animals complete tasks: they grind barley, collect flaxseed themselves; the guy tames the horse - the bride. On her wedding night, the bride wants to strangle the king. The king runs away from the bedroom, a guy comes to her instead and beats his young wife until she becomes powerless, like a three-year-old child. The next day, the wife tells him to cut off the boy's legs and designate the king as a shepherd. The guy meets an armless strongman. Both of them kidnap the princess and catch a trait visiting her. Damn heals a boy and a strong man. The guy gives a thrash to the queen and tells the king to beat her every morning]: 296; Grishina 1993 [the hunter shot the hawk three times, missed it; the hawk grabbed him and carried him, let him go three times, but picked him up so that the hunter felt the same fear; after that, the hawk ordered him to feed him for three years; then he brought the hunter to one sister, asked for Raichuk to the hunter, she did not give it; the same second; the third gave it, it was something like an egg; the hawk carried the hunter almost home and ordered Raichuk not to open it on the way; he discovered it; a city appeared with food and drink; not to put it back; an old man came up, put the city back for promising that in the house is new; the wife gave birth to a son at home; he grew up and went to look for the devil; the old man he met tells me to go to the lake, 7 ducks will come to swim, they will become a girl, you have to steal the clothes alone and return them when he calls them cute brother; the young man did so; the devil gives tasks; 1) plow the land in a day, grow, pick apples; 2) the same thing - wheat, bake bread; the girl does everything; 3) jump on the stallion of possession of the line; the stallion is the devil himself; the girl gave a silver, golden broom (to drive them), the hammer to beat; the devil put the young man and the girl in a barrel to burn; they turned into flies, flew away through the hole; the servant is chasing, the girl turned into sheep, the young man into a shepherd; the next time the church and the pastor; the devil is chasing himself; the lake and the fish; the water is boiling, the hell is barely alive, gone; the girl sent the young man to ask for his father's blessing did not tell me to say hello to her younger sister; he greeted, forgot everything; the girl climbed the willow above the spring; the younger sister went to get water, saw a reflection, decided that she was so beautiful, mug slipped out; the same second sister; the mother did not believe that she was beautiful at her age, noticed the girl, told her at home; the young man ran to the girl, hugged her, and both died]: 214-226; Nierda 1952 [the fish says childless the widow should cook and eat it; the maid ate the piece, the giblets by the mare; each gives birth to a son, the son of a mare is the strongman Kurbad; all three go to free the house from evil spirits; on the first night K. killed a three-headed man on the bridge a giant, on the second night he is six-headed; on the third night he is nine-headed, his heads grow, he drives K. knee-deep, then to his armpits into the ground; the brothers sleep, do not see that the water in the bucket has become blood; K. threw pastals (shoes) at them; the brothers came running, began to burn their severed heads; K. hears insects talking in the cracks: killed our husbands; let one wife become a bed, the other a spring, the third is an ogre snake; K. does not allow him to lie down, get drunk, cuts a bed, a spring; the king lost three daughters when they were washing in the bathhouse; K. pinched the line in the door there, he gave a pipe (10 dwarfs will come out to perform work), said that there was a stone in the swamp, a hole under it, stolen there; K. threw off the stone, ordered the dwarfs to bring a rope; the brothers were afraid, K. went down, cut off the line; in silver, gold, princess's diamond castles; gave K. strong water, and the six-headed drank weak instead of her; sisters turn their locks into diamond, gold, silver eggs, give K.; K. sent the girls upstairs; wife 9- the head giant cut off the rope and covered the hole with a stone; K. comes to the old man, who says that the cannibal sucked his eyes and beats the giant bird's children with a hail; K. killed the ogre, smeared it with a potion the old man's eyes, he saw the light; covered the chicks from the hail; the bird promises to carry K. across the sea, tells him to prepare meat; K. cut off the last piece of K. from his caviar; K. opens his eggs, lives with the youngest royal in a diamond castle; you must kill the wife of the 9th head; K. came to the forge, where Debess Kaleis forged a golden crown, a silver belt and a diamond ring for the daughter of the Sun; forged K.'s horse to catch up with the witch, ordered not look around; K. looked around, thunder and lightning, the horse was gone; K. fell asleep, the witch changed the vessels with strong and weak water, K. drank off, lost strength for a year; went to hell with the worker, who became angry, that cut three strips of meat from the back; 1) herd hares, 2) cows; dwarfs collected everyone from the pipe; K. beat off each cow's leg; hell has to answer that he is not angry; 3) horses (the same; cut off their lips); 4) plow how much the white female will run (beat the female, she lay down); 5) clean the stable (the dwarfs cleaned it); 6) bring firewood on the mare (the mare is the mother is a devil, K. threatens to cut her belts from the sides, the mare lucky); 7) slaughter a sheep that looks at you (everyone looks, stabbed everyone); 8) eat a pound of dumplings; K. puts the dumplings behind his shirt, but the hell ate his pound, it's bad with his stomach; K. pretends to rip open his stomach, the dumplings fell out; 9) hell leads K. to the forest to cut an oak tree; K. brings a hare, his younger brother; the devil can't catch up with him; agrees to carry the felled oak together; hell carries, K. rides an oak tree; killed children a devil; pulled out his mare's eyes; put a pot of sour cream instead of himself for the night, hell with his mother think they broke K.'s head; hell and his mother run away to the witch, K. hid in his belongings, again here; at night they decided to drown K. in the river, K. swapped places, the devil drowned his mother; K. killed the devil; the power returned, K. killed the witches, threw the ogre into the fire, killed the ogre eagle; enemies attacked; the witch poured out bile on K.; K. killed her and the ogre, but died himself]: 116-146; Karelians (Kalevalsky district) [the husband went to the forest, took aim at the Vuoka bird; she asks not to shoot, but to bring and feed a year; so three times; explains that she was wounded when she fought with a capercaillie; when the bird recovered, ordered the cow to be slaughtered, to take meat with it, it will carry it for a reward; over the sea it dumps and picks up a person three times to make him felt the same fear as she did when he aimed at her; the bird consistently stays with its three sisters in a copper, silver, gold house; only a sister from the golden house agrees to give a box with a key; flying away, the veika hits its wings, the copper, silver houses burn down; the man opens the box on the way, countless goods fall out; the giant demon puts everything back for the promise to give something that during the man's absence, he was born in his house; it turns out that a boy was born and has grown up; the boy accidentally broke a pot of soup on the old woman's window; she says that he was promised to an Arab guest, let him he goes; the boy (now more like a young man) leaves; sees three swans come to swim, take off their clothes, become girls; he hides his clothes alone; the girl agrees to take him as a groom; says that They cursed her to be the daughter of an Arab guest; the swan took the young man under her wing and brought her to an Arab guest; the young man spent the night with the girl, in the morning she gave him a drink of fresh water, told him to break all his axes and saws, which the father would give to harvest a huge amount of forest; after that, the devil gave his ax, the young man told the demons to do the work; the second task was to dig a giant field on the rock (the same is to break hoes and shovels); hell tells you to choose a bride among three identical girls; chickens; mares; the girl teaches that she will have a longer tie on her apron; puts her finger aside; puts her back leg aside; hell suggests riding a horse, this is himself; the girl teaches me to whip a horse with a whip and a sledgehammer in the forehead; the beaten devil is sick, the girl tells me to run; they turned into a shepherd and a cow; the priest and the church; the demons did not understand, they returned; when they became a lake and a ruff, the devil himself came running, tried to drink the lake; the ruff ripped open his belly, the water flowed out, the hell died; the girl sends the boy home, and she should be water for another three years; the young man became a rich merchant, forgot his bride, is preparing a wedding with the princess; the girl comes and offers to buy buns from her; the buyer wants to sleep with her; she tells her to come in the evening; the girl sent her boyfriend for firewood, she stuck to the doorknob all night; the next evening he was the same with the second one, who went out to bring a bag of flour; on the third evening, the merchant himself came; she lay down with him, said who she was; they stayed together]: Onegin 2010, No. 16:182-193; Lutsie (West 1893) [Jaan Kuningapoeg (i.e. Ivan Tsarevich, I.), he has three sisters, his parents are dead; going with his older sister to see the world, the crows attacked the end; when the carriage was opened, the raven took his older sister; the same from the middle (the wind took away) and the younger one (the thunder took away); I. went to look for sisters and find a wife; a hut on a chicken leg with lamb horns; come up to me front, let the road man inside; inside the older sister; the raven sends to the middle; the wind to the younger one; the thunder teaches you to approach the castle, there is a three-legged horse at the castle; when the ploughman moves away from him and leaves him the girl should be guarded, then she must be stolen; I. put the girl on a horse, took her; Must (must - "black", est.) returned, asks the horse if we will catch up; horse: even if we plow, we will sow (etc. - all field work), We'll bake pies, eat them, get enough sleep, then we'll have time; I. came to the thunder on foot: the girl and the horse were taken away; thunder: go through the 9 kingdoms to the 10th, there you can herd a mare with 12 foals from the king; if you can, you'll get a horse that will not be caught up; gave three hairs to call his sons-in-law, they will help herd; other sons-in-law gave the same; in the castle, the cat asks him not to forget; when I. opens the doors of the stable, let him stand outside the door, otherwise the horses they will trample; the foals scattered above the forest, below the clouds; but the crows, wind and thunder brought the foals back; the next day the cat tells them to hide in the corner of the stable; the horses are back again, Must beats them again for it; cat: daughters were horses for two days, and tomorrow their mother will go; you have to hide from her behind the stable; the raven, the wind and thunder were brought in; offers to choose a horse; the cat: take the plain; I. took the girl again, the three-legged horse tells you to chase immediately; I. threw a brush (dense forest), a whetstone (mountain), a handkerchief (sea of fire); Must: I had the last stake left for your head, but you escaped; wedding]: Annom et al. 2018:114-122; set: Järv et al. 2015 [a mouse and a sparrow shared the grain in the peasant's barn, quarreled over the last seed; because of this, the animals began to fight birds, lion left without hair, the eagle without feathers; the eagle asks the man to feed him until the feathers grow; when he has recovered, he put the man on his back, flew to his sisters; the first one has copper, the second silver, the third has a gold box; the first two were not given, the third gave as a reward for saving the eagle; the eagle tells not to open it on the way home, the man opened, a golden estate appeared; a black man put back for receipt what he does not know at home; the man thinks it is a dog, and his wife gave birth to a son at home; he grew up, the dog brought him to the sea, they boated to the island, hid in the bushes; two doves flew in, became girls, the young man hid his clothes alone, gave it for a promise to become his wife; she tells him to greet the old man loudly, he does not hear well; heard; promised the bride if the young man leads goose swim, eggshells in front, not lose a single egg; tame the stallion; the bride orders to make a nine-pound club and beat the stallion with it; in the morning the old man's head is bandaged; build a church from wax; the bride created a church and a bridge; they ran away, leaving the bird responsible for them; that answers for three days; then the old man sends her son to catch up with the fugitives; the girl turned herself and the boy into a priest and a chapel; pop replies that he has not seen anyone for three years; the other son; into a flower and a bee; the old man himself is chasing; the girl has turned herself into a lake, a young man into a fish; the old man began to catch and fell into the water; the girl tells the house not greet his younger sister; he violated the ban, forgot his bride; went to marry the colonel's daughter, chopped firewood all night, returned; to the general's daughter he carried water; to the king; he ordered to carry water; the young man I saw the girl's reflection in the water and remembered everything; gave the king a box, people came out of it; everything was fine]: 25-29; Sandra 2004 [the man was carrying a load of firewood from the forest, he overturned on the descent; the man became without much hope call for help; a black man came out of the forest: I will help if you give what you don't know at home; the man promised, the little man easily put the cart in place; promised to come in 15 years; the wife gave birth to a boy, in 15 years a man came for him for years; the man persuaded him to wait another year, then he would send his son himself; he went to the forest, saw three swans come down to the lake, took off their clothes, became girls; while they were swimming, young man hid the clothes of one of them; the girl turns to the kidnapper: if she gives it, she will love as a father, or mother, or sister, or brother or groom; he gave it; came to that black; black tells in the morning uproot the oak grove, plow, sow, harvest barley, make beer from it, otherwise she will kill it; that girl called the people, everything is ready by morning; next time the black one tells me to bring a pig from the pasture with piglets; girl: this is his wife and her children; you have to throw a pig down the throat, grab the pig and run to the house; the pig with the other piglets will run after him; at home I put the pitchfork in the pig's throat again, otherwise ate; then: ask the black stallion to feed; the girl: it is black himself, let the crowbar beat him; ordered him to run: now the black man will lie for three days, my head hurts from blows with a crowbar; the girl also turned the young man into a swan, they flew to his parents; they told them to marry immediately so that black would no longer have power over them]: 236-240; Danes [in Danish fairy tales, the most common options for difficult tasks are clean the barn, cut down the forest, tame the horse; in one option, the girl advises shoving a horse, so that horseshoes are on the legs and arms of the sorcerer's owner]: Christiansen 1959:88; Swedes [in Swedish fairy tales have the same tasks: cleaning the stall, cutting down and reviving the forest, taming (fetch) the horse]: Christiansen 1959:91; Norwegians [in all Nordic countries {including Norwegians} are the most popular The types of difficult tasks are cleaning the barn, cutting down the forest, taming the horse]: Christiansen 1959:97.

Volga - Perm. Marie (meadow) [the soldier returns home, leans to the pond by the mill for a drink, the devil grabbed his beard, let him go for promising to give what he does not know at home; his son Ivan is at home; I. leaves look for the one to whom he has been sold; walks through the door in an oak tree, down the stairs; the old man (he is the younger brother of big Satan) tells you to walk three hundred miles, 11 pigeons will fly to the lake, turn into girls, swim, they will put on their clothes again and fly away; after that, the 12th will arrive, her clothes must be hidden, returned for her promise to become a wife; she promises that she is three years away, she will hang a ribbon from the window, her house will be the third edge; I. comes, the wife tells you to go to her father, slam the door loudly, take away his spoon, start eating himself; Satan is surprised, promises to give work in a week; tells 1) to uproot the forest overnight (wife sends workers, I. brings the last stump); 2) to plow, sow, harvest, bake bread, bring one boat of bread (the same); 3) build a church and let the pop serve; same; Satan will turn into a pig, my wife tells you to throw a hammer at her; tame the stallion; this is Satan himself, you must beat him with a hammer; Satan tells you to choose a wife from 12 girls, they are in the form of pigeons; wife: I will go down and get up; 12 sheep (the wife will come out third); 12 dewdrops (the third is about to drip); Satan sends young people to a cast-iron bath, wants to burn; the wife tells the broom, trough, bucket to answer that they are still soaring , they wash; the young are running, Satan's 11 daughters are chasing; the wife turns I. into a chapel, the old woman herself, the sisters come back; Satan is chasing himself, the wife is a ruff, the husband is a lake; Satan becomes a pike, cannot catch a ruff, breaks the shore so that the young do not go out, but I.'s wife restores everything; wedding at Father I.'s house]: Chetkarev 1941, No. 37:282-286 (=Sabitova 1992:102-109); Mordovians [childless old man leans to the stream for a drink, Vedyava grabs his beard; he promises to give him what he does not know at home; when he returns, he finds out that he has been absent for three years, his son; three baba yagi consistently send the grown-up the young man goes on; the latter tells the youngest of the duck girls to hide the clothes when they arrive to swim in the lake; they are her brother's daughters; her father tells 1) to carry out the entire cycle of work from cutting the forest for arable land in a day before baking bread; 2) an iron bridge, on the sides of the apple tree; the wife tells the forest men to do everything; 3) drive around the stallion (this is the father-in-law himself, his wife tells him to beat him with a hammer and an iron rod); the girl leaves her spit to answer, the young run; she becomes a cow, he is a shepherd; church and pop; servants do not recognize the fugitives, the father-in-law flies with a falcon himself; the lake and the ruff; the father-in-law pike cannot swallow the ruff; tells her daughter to be a dog for seven years; the wife tells her husband not to kiss her younger sister at home; she chases the dog away, kisses her brother herself, he forgets everything; he is married, he sees a reflection in the well, remembers the real one wife; he is married to a dog, seven days later she turns into a woman]: Samorodov 1972:83-95; Chuvash [The eagle asked the man not to shoot him, to heal his wing; he feeds him cows, sheep, the wife swears; lifts to the sky, throws, picks up, now the person also feels afraid; he is lucky to his sisters, the middle one gives a casket, the man opens along the way, silver falls out; the old man from the elbow puts it back for promising to give what you don't know; during this time, his son Ivan was born and raised; comes to the lake, hides the dress of one of the three swan maidens swimming; I. gives it back when she calls him not a brother, but a sweet one; gives a ball, I. comes to her father; 1) to give the stallion and the mare a drink (these are the girls' parents; I. beats them, gives them water); 2) identify the youngest of the sisters (she will blink an eye); I., marries ; when he comes to his parents, he forgets his wife's request not to kiss the child in the cradle (this is an old man with an elbow), forgets his wife; they want to marry him, the cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo turns into an old wife, he remembers, returns to her ]: Chuvash tales 1938:89-94; Kazan Tatars: Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 58 [the fisherman leaned over the water; someone grabbed his beard, ordered him to give something that is not in the world; the fisherman caught an unusual fish; ate with his wife, she gave birth to a son; the diva began to demand him; the fisherman promised that the young man would come by himself; he goes to the forest, through the gate to another world; refuses the help of the eldest, middle daughters of the diva, promises marry the youngest; she helps to fulfill the diva's instructions: 1) uproot the forest, arrange a field, harvest, bake bread in a day; 2) tame the argamak (this is the diva himself); 3) distinguish the bride from her three sisters (raised her feather); the divas locked the young in an iron bath; the girl became a needle, turned the young man into a thread, they got out through a small hole; they run, the divas sends their men in pursuit, they don't understand that the fugitives have become 1) a yellow and red flower; 2) a church and a bell ringer; the divas chases himself, the fugitives have become a lake and fish; the divas tries to drink water, the daughter tells him to fall knee-deep, turns him into stone; the fugitives took the diva's treasures, returned to the young man's parents], 59 [bai drank all the money; the diva gave an inexhaustible purse, for which the Bai son must go to him; the young man came to the old woman, the wife of the diva, she sent to a girl who was once kidnapped by a diva; she helps to complete the diva's tasks; 1) cut down the forest, sow, harvest, bake bread in a day; 2) tame horses (this is the diva himself and his daughters, let him sit on the last one, it will be her); the diva gives the girl, offers to take a steam bath; he has already fried a lot of people in it; the girl tells me to run; the fugitives turn into 1) a herd and a shepherd; 2) a mosque and a muezzin; 3) the lake and the frog; this time the diva chases himself, cannot drink the lake, leaves; the young man goes for the tarantas to solemnly bring the bride; she warns not to kiss the sisters; he kissed six-year-old, forgot her bride; she was hired to weave carpets; the mullah comes, she offers him to melt the stove, stuck to the poker; they waited for him in the mosque - they did not wait; the same the next day (stuck to the rule) ; in three months, three mullahs had to be replaced; the young man had a wedding, the girl baked a byalesh, no one can cut it; she cut it herself, a pigeon and a dove flew out; dove: I forgot! dove: I didn't forget! the young man remembered everything, married the one who saved him]: 264-273, 274-282; 2008b, No. 5 [the horseman did not follow a good road, but along a narrow path; two doves flew in to swim, took off their clothes, he hid his clothes one; returned for his promise and make him a dove, bring him to his father; he gives difficult assignments, his wife does; 1) uproot the forest in a day, do the rest of the work, including baking bread; 2) pave a road with trees around the edges; 3) tame the stallion (this is the diva himself, the wife teaches what to do); the wife tells the horseman to run; he flew away with a dove, the youngest daughter of the diva chased, the dzhigit became a mountain, she returned; eldest daughter (bottomless pool); wife (waterfall and downpour); flew by himself; the dzhigit became a fish, a diva became a pike; then a bull, tried to drink the lake, burst, died; the dzhigit returned home]: 51-56; Yarmukhametov 1957 [ Safa said goodbye to his wife, walked around the world, rescued a swan attacked by Ubyr; she carries him to her older, middle sister; the older, middle sister refuse to give a gift, the youngest gives a chest tells you not to open it on the way; S. opens, a shop appears, gold; the old man asks what S. groans, puts what fell back for a promise to give that you do not know at home; during this time a son was born; grows up, leaves, sees swans swimming, grabs one, this is the daughter of that old man, teaches her father to ask her father for a job, her servants do everything; 1) the night from cutting the forest for arable land to harvesting; 2) transfer water from one lake to another; to curb a stallion; this is Satan himself, the girl teaches him to hit him with a hammer, put on a 40-pound bridle; 4) identify the bride among pigeons (he dances, she looks at his legs, the rest at his head ); Satan threw both into the zindan, they flew away like flies, leaving saliva to answer; the wife turns into a mosque, a dzhigit into a muezzin; she is in the sea, he is a goldfish; Satan began to fish, drowned, a dzhigit and his wife stayed with his parents]: 184-190 (=Bashirov, Yarmukhametov 1956:56-66).

Turkestan. Kazakhs (Xinjiang) [khanu is a sharpshooter, but did not get anything in 7 days; on the eighth he shot a duck; when he saw a lonely yurt, he sent a vizier to fry it; a beautiful woman came out of the yurt; the vizier was like this amazed that the duck turned into coals; the girl laughed and turned the fritter into a roast duck; the duck was enough for the king and his entourage, but the duck did not end; the king went to see and decided to take the beauty from her husband; suggested that everyone hide three times; if the woman's husband loses, he will give his wife to Khan; the khan turned into a dog, the wife told her husband to beat her with a whip, the khan asked for mercy; next time camel (same); third time, horse (same); now husband must hide; wife teaches; poplar in the upper reaches of the stream, there is a phoenix bird's nest on it, the dragon devours chicks every year, it will crawl tomorrow; it must To kill him, for which the phoenix mother will hide him in seventh heaven; before the phoenix mother arrived, the wind blew, it rained; chicks: drops are her tear; the bird ordered to prepare food, throw it to her, raised it to seventh the sky, but the khan saw a man in his magic mirror; the fisherman asks to pull a huge goldfish out of the water; the fish says that it is the third son of the fish king; hides the man in his mouth, and other fish muddy the water; but Khan saw; the fox led the man down the hole and he was just under Khan's feet; he couldn't find it]: Coyaud 2012, No. 72:188-198.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tofalars [khan tells the guy to know the age of the hare; sister tells me to guard where the sweet berry is; hare: I have been living for 63 years, but I have not tried such a sweet berry; tells me to know the age of the bear; sister: put one hat on your head, the other two on your knees; bear: lived 70 years, but did not see a three-headed creature; Khan tells you to train a black stallion with 9 stirrups; sister gives 3 iron whips, tells him to beat a stallion; he turned into a khan]: Rassadin 1996, No. 35:81-82; Khakas [Khara Khan took the only horse from the hunter; he took the girl, began to live with her in the forest; son H. saw her, wants to take it for himself, asks the father to take it away from the hunter; X. demands 1) to play hide and seek; the wife tells him, when he enters the bay, turn everything over and break it, choose a horse with a covered eye, rusty bits, drive him, hit him in the eyes; horse turns into son X.; when son X. comes to look for a hunter, his wife turns him into scissors, son H. does not recognize him; 2) ask how old the bear is; the wife gives seven hats, tells him to lie down in the forest, put them on feet, knees, arms, head; The bear comes up, argues that poplars have been standing under them for 300 years, he has lived under them for 60 years, but he has not seen such a thing; 3) go to Erlik Khan, bring a black fur coat from his deceased father, from his mother a black handkerchief; the wife gives the ball and the skull of the dog, tells him to go after the ball, then throw the skull; the shadows of father and mother H. reproach the son for greed, tell him to become a black woodpecker, his wife a blue woodpecker, and their son - magpie; asked to pick up the dog's skull, he barks, haunts; the hunter returns, ashes on the site of the yurt, son X. prepares a wedding with the hunter's wife; the hunter turns H. and his wife and son into birds, returns his wife, chosen by Khan, distributes cattle to the poor]: Balter 1986:46-52 (=Dachshunds 198:218-223); Buryats (western, right bank of the Angara) [Kharasgai Mergen goes to fight with the old woman and her 7 grandchildren; bars around her house on stakes; she asks to open her armpits, sucks HM's blood, but not all; he sees boiling poison, throws it at her, kills her, finds living water, revives bars; kills a hare inside whose key, the key falls into the water, the fish pulls it out, says that the suction box, in which the souls of 7 quails are the grandchildren of the old woman; he crushed the quails, the grandchildren died; came to the possession of Shazhgai Khan, took the form of a local shepherdess; another said that he would have to lick the heels of the khan's daughter; HM pulled out his veal tongue, took it with him; touches their heels, the girl was in pain, HM says she hadn't eaten oil for a long time, she feeds him oil; the same the next night; Khan's 6 daughters are married, the seventh middle is not, XM wants to marry her; the mare must bring a wonderful foal; 6 brothers-in-law fall asleep, XM takes on his form, shoots at an eagle that grabbed a foal, which drops the foal and the feather; HM (becoming a shepherdess again) gave them to his brothers-in-law, ripping off a piece of skin from their backs; sons-in-law explain to the khan that it was the eagle who tore them; XM again turned the flint into a horse, hunted many animals, gave it to his brothers-in-law, taking his ears and giblets; the khan ate meat brought by his brothers-in-law, fell ill; after eating the giblets given by the shepherdess, he recovered; the khan gave XM middle daughter, but put them in a barn; tells them to get a bear; this is Sh.-Khan himself; HM brings the bear in chains, the khan is a little alive, tells them to let the bear go; XM appears to the khan in its true form, gets daughter and wealth, talks all about brothers-in-law; on his way home, XM met 12-headed Shara-mangadhai, who defeated him, threw him in an iron wagon to the bottom of the sea; XM's wife reports this to his sister Aga Nogokhon; She leaves her to guard the house, dressed and armed with her brother, meets his horse; he, becoming an eagle, went to heaven to Ehe Malan's grandmother; she raised one eyelid with forceps, sees a horse, sends him to Esege Malan (supreme deity, head of 55 Western Tengrias), who tells XM to be saved (send him milk, bread and clothes); the fish pushed HM out of the sea, his sister sprayed him with live water, gave him milk and bread sent, he came to life; HI and his sister go through the possessions of a red boar mangadhai; they go through the frog valley, turning into frogs, the bear valley, becoming bears, broke through fighting people; these guards respond mangadhay that they did not see anyone; XM and his sister return to his wife XM, XM has a son, the family has multiplied, wealth has increased]: Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 7:117-141.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais [a three-legged roe deer tells a lonely mergen that her older sister is waiting for him, the roe deer; the mergen comes, the pudi says that the roe deer is her younger brother, lures people and kills them; in the evening, a lame boy came; the pudi told me to take skis without ties tomorrow; he rolled down the river, and the boy fell into it; the mergen returned, the boy is at home; the next day, on the advice of pudy, Mergen sits on that a tree branch that is towards the mountain; the boy has to sit on a branch towards the river, it breaks, he falls into the water; the next day the boy chases animals; you can't shoot a male deer (you'll die yourself) or a female (the pudi will die), you have to shoot a three-legged roe deer; the boy tells you to shoot deer, the mergen does not shoot; does not tell the roe deer, the mergen shoots, the boy is killed in front of him; the poody is happy to come to live in the house Mergen]: Aurorin 1986, No. 34:206-208.

Subarctic. Kuchin [see motif L5; Jateaquaint and his younger brother escape from their mother chasing their head; playing ball, he falls into the boat; the boat owner (this is Brown Bear) invites D. to take ball: takes it away; the younger brother left on the shore turns into a wolf; the owner's eldest daughter refuses to marry D.; the youngest goes out, makes him handsome; father-in-law demands 1) bring material for the flagpole arrows from a tree throwing sharp chips around; 2) get resin from a tree splashing boiling resin; in both cases, D. calms the trees by spitting on them; 3) reach the tendons of two animals, covered with impenetrable hair; The mouse gnaws out the hair under the hearts of animals, explaining that its babies are cold; D. kills animals with arrows; 4) get the feathers of cannibal eagles; D. kills a female chick; asks male, when his parents arrive; Father with rain and hail, mother with a blizzard; D. kills adult eagles with a spear, turns the chick into an ordinary eagle; 5) kill a bear; D. is enough a forbidden arrow, pierces a bear; she turns out to be his wife; father-in-law turns into a bear, rushes at D., also killed by him]: McKennan 1965:100-103; Atna [Lynx came to the Bear; He has two daughters; he insists on calling Lynx his son-in-law; Lynx asks where to get material for arrows; 1) poles; the bear sends crashing trees into the forest; the Lynx slips between converging trees brings solid wood; 2) arrow feathers; on such a cliff; there are two eagles in the nest, their parents flew away to hunt people; the elder eagle promises to tell his parents about the Lynx, he kills him; tells him tell the youngest that he fell asleep and fell out of the nest; the Eagle flew in, the Lynx killed him with an arrow; then the Eagle, the same; each of them brought half a man; the Lynx told the eagle to eat partridges from now on and rabbits; brought feathers; 3) a bowstring; there lies a deer as big as a mountain (moose); Lynx asks the Mouse to gnaw its hair from where the heart is; it gnaws, tells the Deer that its children are cold; The deer allows; The lynx pierces him in this place with an arrow, brings tendons; 4) glue to secure the bowstring; the Bear sends the Lynx to where the resin boils on the fir; he brings it without burning; the Bear offers hunt bears (this is his daughters), gives arrows with bark tips, but Lynx uses his own to kill the Bear's daughters; he chases Lynx, Lynx hides in the middle of the lake; the bear is great The frog to drink it; the Lynx asks Sandpiper (snipe or curlew) to hole the Frog's stomach, the water pours out; the bear digs the runoff into the lower lake, but the Lynx slips, the Bear cannot catch it]: Tansy 1982:8-14; Khan: Mishler 2004, No. 2 [after killing the Onibal Otter, Tsá'Wëzhaa comes to the Bear; he gives him a daughter, sends him for material for a bow and arrow; 1) eagle feathers; C. kills a male and female cannibal eagles, feeds the chicks with ordinary meat, tells them to eat animals from now on; 2) the tendons of a dangerous moose; C. asks the Mouse to climb into the anus of a lying moose, cut the heart; C. made a bow and arrows], 3 [ 3) now the Bear asks for resin; it is dangerous to approach the resin hanging on the fir, C. knocks it down with a stick; C. kills the Bear with a bow, it turns out that this is the Bear's daughter; C. ran away, hid in the lake, Bear tells the Frog to drink water, she drank it, but Snipe pierced her belly with his beak, the water poured out; the bear with the net waited where the river flows out of the lake, but C. threw his clothes into it, slipped through himself]: 147-149, 149-151; Schmitter 1910 (Eagle) [The bear harpoons salmon; the old man turns into salmon, harpoons himself, breaks off and carries the tip; comes to the Bear in human form; he suspects that the old man stole a harpoon; the old man marries the Bear's daughter; he demands 1) bring an arrow tree (the stump falls on his son-in-law, he dodges, makes poles out of a stump; 2) bring cannibal eagle feathers for arrows (son-in-law climbs into the nest, kills one chick, asks another how the parents will arrive; Mother with snow, father with hail; kills adult birds with a spear, brings feathers); 3) get resin to glue tips (the son-in-law sticks a long pole into the lake of boiling resin, sprinkles all the fir trees; since then, the fir has been resinous; brings resin); 4) bring tendons (the son-in-law asks the Mouse to gnaw the hair from that place to the body of a monstrous moose, under which the heart (The mouse explains to the elk that it needs hair to warm the babies; the son-in-law kills the elk with an arrow, brings tendons); 5) The bear advises making birch bark tips; sends her son-in-law to hunt, tells his daughter to become a bear, kill her husband; her son-in-law kills her with bone-tipped arrows; the bear chases him, the son-in-law hides in the lake; the bear tells the Frog to drink lake; son-in-law tells Snipe to hole the Frog's belly, the water pours out; the son-in-law runs away from the Bear]: 21-23; upper tanana [Tsaosha (Beaver) marries the Bear's two daughters; he asks 1) to bring the tendons of the huge Moose (The mouse gnaws at the place on the skin of the Moose under which the heart is; explains that her children need warm moccasins; C. kills the sleeping Moose with an arrow); 2) get arrow feathers from cannibal eagles (C. climbs into the nest, kills a male chick; asks the female how her parents fly in; Mother with a cloud and a snowball, a father with clouds and hail; C. kills adult eagles, tells a chick now feed on squirrels and partridges; 3) get larch resin to fix the feathers on the pole (the tree grows on a high rock; C. wets the branch, touches the trunk, the resin freezes to the branch , C. pulls the branch back); 4) The bear turns his daughters into two bears, C. kills them; sees the Bear copulating with the corpses of his daughters; C. runs away from the Bear, asks the Frog drink the lake, hides in the mud at the bottom; after becoming a fish, he escapes the Bear]: McKennan 1959:179-182; Tagish [Beaver (Smart Man) marries Bear's daughter; he tells his daughter to wear bear skin invites his son-in-law to hunt, gives arrows with tips made from larch bark; the Beaver replaces them with bone ones, hits the Bear, her bear skin falls off, she dies; the bear and his wife chase The Beaver, who hides in the lake, shoves a deck into the net instead of himself; the Bear tells Curlew to drink the lake, the Beaver asks the Snipe to pierce his belly, the water pours out, the Bears hang themselves]: McClelland 2007 (2), No. 74a: 369-372; southern tutchoni [Beaver (Äsúya, Smart Man) marries the Bear's daughter; he gives bad arrows to hunt a bear, Beaver takes his own bow and arrows, kills a bear, this It turns out to be the Bear's daughter; the Bear chases Beaver, who hides in the lake, shoves a stick into the Bear's trap; he tells South Wind to drink the lake, Beaver asks Snipe to hole his stomach, water spills out; The Beaver tells the Bear to eat animals, not humans]: McClelland 2007 (1), No. 11d: 72-77; taltan [the young man's wife's father demands 1) hunt where huge toads live (Grizzly, Black Bear, Wolf, Lynx rush into the toad's mouth, tear it from the inside, go out); 2) hunt where avalanches fall (the young man turns into something light, unharmed); 3) turns his daughter into a Grizzly; the young man kills her, father-in-law chases him; the young man throws objects (a piece of bear meat, the rest is not specified), creating gorges, lakes, etc.; throws a stick, it turns into fire, his father-in-law burns]: Teit 1921a, No. 41:235-236; beaver [Tumashal comes to the beaver dam; a girl cries there; says that a giant beaver can only be pacified by people who give it to him, now they have given her away; T. kills Beaver with an arrow, cuts into small pieces, from which the current beavers emerge; T. puts a trap, the Sun falls into it; it becomes dark; T. cannot approach because of the heat; other animals also fail , only the Mouse gnaws through the fetters; T. meets an old man who eats lynx meat, they spend the night in the forest; T. replaces moccasins drying by the fire in advance; the old man throws his own into the fire instead of T.'s moccasins; in the morning T. gives him one a moccasin from his pair; an old man gives him an arrow; T. shoots, follows her, ends up in the sky; an old woman lowers him on a rope; he thinks he has reached the ground, gives a signal, the rope falls; in fact, he's in a large nest; kills two chicks; the third replies that the father will arrive with hail, the mother with rain; T. kills adult birds, turns the chick into an ordinary bird, teaches how to fish; T. comes to a woman, she says that inside her three daughters are bad creatures that kill men; T. destroys these creatures (without details), marries girls; father-in-law consistently orders to bring various materials for making arrows, the old woman warns of dangers every time; 1) bring saskatoons (probably reeds) to make poles (there are snakes, T. puts on stone moccasins, brings reeds); 2) get a grinding stone; on the edge of a cliff, an elk man throws down those who come, his wife kills them; T. throws off the Moose himself, the wife takes the falling for a stranger; T. kills her with a stick, brings her stone; 3) bring feathers for arrows; T. kills huge eagles, brings feathers; 4) bring the tendons of a huge bison; he has two snipes sitting on his horns, warning people of approaching; T. turns into a rodent, digs passages in different directions, gnaws hair from the bison's chest (shoulder), pierces it in this place, brings tendons; 5) bring resin, it is between two collapsing trees; T. puts on stone mittens, brings resin; 6) hunt bears; father-in-law turns his daughters into bears, T. kills them; chases his father-in-law, he jumps into the water; T. tells the pelican drink the lake; father-in-law drowned; T. meets an old man who turns out to be his younger brother, they tell each other about their adventures]: Goddard 1916:232-237; go down [enemies kill everyone, stay grandson and grandmother; he marries, he needs arrows; climbs into the eagle's nest for feathers; the chick hides him under his wing, replies that the father will bring snow, the mother will bring rain; the man kills adult birds, tells the chick eat fish, not humans; asks the Mouse to dig a passage under a huge deer lying on the ground, gnaw its hair off the skin under the heart; kills a deer, takes tendons for a bowstring; kills a toad sitting on a piece flint, makes tips; the wife turns into a bear, he kills her; father-in-law chases him, turns into a flying monster; the man, becoming a Beaver, hides in the lake; the monster drinks lake; The plover holes his belly, the water pours out; the monster flies to the sky; the Beaver makes rapids on the McKenzie River]: Petitot 1886, No. 5:321-327.

The coast is the Plateau. Chilcotin [the boy is carried on an ice floe down the river to the country of salmon; an old woman tells him to kill and bake a local boy who is actually salmon; after eating, a boy on earth throws his bones into the water the salmon boy comes to life; he is blind because his eyes have fallen to the ground; an old woman finds them, lets him swallow them, he sees them again; an earthly boy in salmon guise comes home, caught by his father, finds them again human appearance; at home, his sister says that his brothers died, matchmaking the daughters of the Sun; the young man collects feathers, tells his sister to blow, flies to heaven on feathers; there the old woman helps him with advice, gives him advice, gives him amulets (porcupine gut full of cold, beaver gut, full heat, arrowheads); 1), 2) The sun places the young man first in a hot steam room, then freezes it; the young man is alive; 3) asks to get it from the bottom a fallen axe covers the surface of the lake with nets; becoming a fish, a hair, a young man squeezes into the cells of the net, brings an ax; 4) two daughters of the Sun in the guise of bears stand at the entrance to his house; a young man kills them with arrows; the Sun revives them; 5) when hunting mountain sheep, the Sun invites the young man to look down the cliff, collides him, the young man turns into a flying squirrel, does not break; 6) The sun offers to compete who will cause heavy rain, loses; the young man marries the daughters of the Sun; returning with them to earth, forgets to thank the old assistant woman; on the land of his wives surrounded by fire, they go back to heaven]: Farrand 1900, No. 10:24-26; Cowlitz: Adamson 1934, No. 19 [Thunder tells his son-in-law Puma to kill the Grizzly; this is Thunder's wife, Puma kills her, gives Thunder to eat her udder, he cries; asks Puma's brother Norka to bring his toy; these are White Agate and Blue Stone; both stones fight each other, Norka brings them, they carry Thunder's house to dust; servants turn into birds, Thunder himself into a Thunderbird], 22 [five brothers live; the elder goes hunting, kills a pheasant; the old man sings how many young men and girls he has eaten; asks the young man to kill the beaver, when he chases him; he himself is this beaver; gives a piece of delicious beaver meat, he cut it off his leg; gives him a spear; the young man throws it at the beaver, it's like paper, the beaver gnawed his throat; the same with three others brothers; the youngest fifth accidentally broke the leg of a lark; fixed it, for which he teaches you what to do; not killing a pheasant is your soul; do not eat its meat; take your own spear; when you hit it, the beaver flies into pieces, they turn into current beavers; the young man stepped over the bones of the brothers, the brothers came to life], 23 [as in (22); without the motives of a pheasant, a lark, the revival of the dead, the young men are not called brothers]: 209-211, 214-215 , 225-216; Okanagon: Hill-Tout 1911 [Coyote's four sons consistently marry the daughter of a Grizzly Bear; leave their bow at the entrance, and the Bear breaks her arrowheads unnoticed; asks to kill a grizzly bear while hunting, shoot from the foot of the hill; the bear kills everyone; the fifth son gets a totem, returns, knows everything in advance, hides spare tips, shoots the Grizzly with mountains, brings the head of the victim to her father; the bear chases the Coyote; he turns into a boulder, the Bear does not understand this, out of anger breaks her teeth against a stone; into a rosehip bush (The bear scratches on thorns), pursues]: 150-152; cous [Coyote turns his excrement into woodpeckers; sends his son to get woodpeckers from the tree, tells the tree to grow to the sky, then descend, copulates with both wives of the son; the hero stays in the sky, meets the Sun Girl; copulates with an icy penis (the sun has not been so hot since then); the Sun sends him to his sister; old people are taught to overcome trials ; 1) harpoon salmon (the hero misses four, hits the fifth), 2) get a hammer from the bottom of the lake (the water is covered with ice, he breaks the ice with a hammer; the opponent cannot break, the hero saves it), 3) hunt on an elk (this is the Old Month himself, he is scared), 4) knock down a tree (the hero bounces when the tree falls), 5) cut a whale (he swallows the hero and swims away; the hero gets out of the womb, swims on a log; people in the boat bring him back); The month recognizes his son-in-law; the old spider woman lowers the hero and his wife in the basket to the ground; the hero's children are almost blind, because the Coyote touched their eyes with his penis; the hero puts on on his father, the skin of a coyote, turns him into a coyote; the Spider takes the hero with his wives and children in the basket back to heaven, he now lives there]: Jacobs 1940, No. 29:214-221; modoc [old Natanas always kills his sons-in-law; Kai (the big rabbit) marries his daughter; the white eagle feather helps him; 1) N. takes him into the boat to fish, causes a storm; K. throws seaweed into the water, walks along them to the shore; 2) get reeds for arrow poles; reeds grow on the island, K. flies there, brings reeds; 3) get round stones - arrow straighteners; they lie at the bottom of the river, the river dries up, K. brings them; 4) get feathers for arrows; K. takes off his clothes, climbs a tree to the eagle's nest, the tree becomes tall; he pulls feathers from the chicks, descends to the ground with a feather; 5) kill a deer; N. turns into his son's deer; brother K. Goshgoise (little rabbit) shouts to him that his heart is in his leg; K. shoots a deer in the leg, kills one, then four more sons N. ; he mourns them, hopes to revive them; 6) harpoon a big fish (this is also N.'s son); G. helps his brother pull it out; 7) race with his son N.; he pushes him into the river so that his others eaten, but K. takes off, confronts his opponent himself, he is eaten; the same when N. himself runs; his spirit returns; K., his wife and G. go to live elsewhere]: Curtin 1912:359-365.