Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27Q. Wild animal milk. 12.-.14.17.21.-.23.27.-.35.

The task is to get milk from a wild animal or milk owned by a dangerous creature. See motive K27.

West Africa. Bambara [Mangalla god promises a hare to make him king if he brings a calebas with flies, mosquitoes, a snake covered with a stick, wild buffalo milk, a saddled hyena; old man Domma: M. not will fulfill promises; refuses to help; the hare makes a small hole in the calebass, tells the flies that M. allegedly said that there are not enough flies in the world to fill this calebass; flies climb into show the calebass that there are enough of them, the hare closes the hole; the same with mosquitoes; says to the snake as if M. does not believe that it is long enough to wrap a stick; the snake wraps around the stick, the hare ties her by the tail and head to her; tells wild buffaloes that M. does not believe that they have milk in their udders; they allow themselves to be milked to assure M. otherwise; the hare tells the hyena that his they make a king, he will be able to slaughter cattle without restrictions, he will only take heads; for promising to give her carcasses, the hyena allows himself to ride; comes to heaven to M.; he tells him to come by road, to who does not have Friday and Monday; the hare goes to D., he says that he warned the hare - M. will deceive him, there is no such road; at this time the hyena escaped from the harness, returned to the ground, the ass barely I pulled it out, so the hyenas are lower in the back than in the front; in the evening, the mosquito made a hole in the calebas, the mosquitoes flew out and have been active in the evenings ever since, and the flies have escaped into the wild during the day]: Frobenius 1922b, No. 82:151-153; mosi: Frobenius 1986 [Nyaka (little antelope) promises a daughter to whoever brings buffalo milk, leopard skin, elephant tusk; The hare gives Buffalo sweet porridge, says it's baobab juice, The buffalo pierces the horns into the baobab, gets stuck, the Hare milks it; invites the Leopard to swim, leaving his skins on the shore; sprinkles pepper into the leopard's skin, says that his bag is also burning, invites both to rinse , takes away; pretends to see something beautiful in the sky; tells elephants that their eyesight is poor because their eyes are small in relation to their bodies; offers to climb on each other's backs so that the upper saw and took out what he saw, Hare; elephants form a tower, the Hare puts his snag under his lower leg, he moves, the tower falls, the upper one broke off the tusk when it fell, the Hare carried it away; the bird began to talk about it scream, the Hare explained to the elephants that she scolded them; the elephants ran to catch her, the Hare brought N.'s tusk; he replied that the descendant of two creatures as clever as he and the Hare would become smarter than God; therefore, he does not give Hare's daughter]: 47-50 (=192:110-114); Sissao 2010, No. 7 [the chief promises a daughter to someone who brings brains of spirit, buffalo milk, turtle tendon; The hare tells the buffalo to hit the horns with a run fruit will fall in the trunk of the tree; the horns get stuck in the trunk, the Hare milks the buffalo; offers the spirit to teach him how to jump on a rock, turning over his head; does a roll, the spirit wants to try breaks his head against a stone, the hare collects brains; tells the animals that the sky is flying back the egg, the animals must return it; if they cannot, let them climb into heaven and apologize; to do this, let stand on top of each other, the turtle is below; they get up, the Hare cuts the tendon out of the turtle's leg; brings everything the chief needs, gets a wife]: 15-17; songhai [man has no children; old woman: buy a slave who can only have one son and a mare who can only bear one foal; Mohammed, the son of the ruler of peace, was born; he grew up; old lady: if you give me a gift, I will say something; says that M. does not ride a horse that is equal to him; M. threatens to jump off the wall, he is given his true Khaboobi horse, which has been hidden; he rides it; the horse tells him to wear the slave's clothes, summon him from the steppe as needed; M. began to live with an old woman; the leader's daughter sees him take off his clothes and bathe; falls in love with him; says he wants guinea fowl meat; the horse brings M. many guinea fowls, and others men return empty-handed; M. gives them guinea fowl for the rings their fiancées gave them, keeps one for herself; the chief's daughter has chosen her; now she wants the lioness's milk; the horse brings; other men agree to be branded as cattle, for which M. pours them milk; keeps a little bit for himself; men: he has white donkey milk; leader's daughter: this is what I need; enemies attacked; horse Mohammed: If you try to kill them, I will swallow them (before that, if you gut guinea fowls, I will get them; if you milk a lioness, I will catch her); there is not a single enemy left; leader He bandaged M.'s wounded hand with his turban; everyone began to wound and bandage themselves, but the chief recognized his turban only on M.'s hand; his lost sandal also came up; M.'s wedding with the leader's daughter; and the horse regurgitated the luxurious attire of M., cattle and slaves; the chief separated part of his possessions for M.; when M. returned to his father, he also separated part of his possessions]: Calame-Griaule 2002:235-242; somrai [to to show how cunning he is, the hare promises to get wild buffalo milk; taking a calebas, he approaches the buffalo and says that his daughter is dead and he is in a hurry to pochora; in the heat he suffers terribly from thirst; climbs under the buffalo, asks for a little drink; fills the calebas with milk and leaves; the animals have admitted that the milk is really buffalo]: Jungraithmayr 1981, No. 36:177-178; hausa [Hare, M145]; Fulbe [Hyena and Bunny come to the marab (sage, witch doctor), ask them to be trained; he tells him to first bring him an elephant tusk, little birds, lioness's milk; the bunny made a slippery spot on the elephant path, one elephant slipped, fell, broke its fang, the Bunny took it; told the Birds they probably wouldn't be able to climb into his calebass; they climbed, he closes the hole; climbed from calebasy to the lions, took milk; told Hyena how he got everything; Hyena made a slippery place, asks the Elephant to fall, break its fang; barely escaped from it; tells the birds to climb into the calebass, they peck at her head, fly away; ask for milk from the Lioness, hardly runs away; marabou tells the Hare that if his cunning increases even more, he will become dangerous to the world; it is useless to teach Hyena; drives both away]: Labouret 1952, #5:121.

Sudan - East Africa. Somalis [Sultan's new wife and Jew agree to kill the Sultan's son with his first wife; the mare warns the young man that the food is poisoned; the sultan pretends to be sick, asks her husband to give her liver stepson's mares; he asks permission to ride a mare, rides away; in another city he sends a mare to heaven, pretends to be a poor cripple; six daughters of the Sultan want to choose husbands; throw in chosen ones are oranges; five get rich husbands, the youngest takes the poor cripple; parents go blind in horror; they will be cured by rhino milk; the mare takes the young man to the rhinos, the young man puts on the skin a cub, milks a rhinoceros; gives milk to five husbands of older sisters for the right to burn their name in their ass; but gave only the first milk they had, the second they kept for themselves; from milk brought by the elders The sultan and his wife did not see the light with his sons-in-law, the young men saw the light from the milk; the young man shows his brand on his older sons-in-law; the sultan gives him the throne]: Kirk 1904, No. 1:316-318; Sudanese Arabs (jaaaliyin) [when the boy was born, the mare brought a foal; the mother died; the neighbor took care of the boy, persuaded his father to marry her; she has a lover; she feeds him delicious dishes, and gives her husband simple food; the boy's mare, who grew up with him, shows where the food is hidden; each time the stepmother explains that she forgot about them; the lover guesses that the mare is to blame; advises putting them under bed crumbs are like bones crunching; let him say that the medicine is that mare's liver; the mare advises the boy to ask his father for one last ride; they galloped off; the mare gives her hairs to cause her; a boy (now a young man) was hired as a gardener for the king; the younger princess fell in love when she saw a young gardener summon his mare and prance; secretly transfers gold to the young man through a servant; sent father 7 oranges, each looks like one of the princesses; it means it's time to marry them; men are gathered, princesses must throw a handkerchief at their chosen one; 6 chose worthy husbands; the seventh threw in gardener; the king lodged his eldest daughters in palaces and the youngest in a shed to store onions; the king fell ill; he needed deer milk, who is a virgin and the daughter of a virgin; the young man called his mare and told her to create a palace around all kinds of animals; older sons-in-law came; the young man ordered the servants to give them milk from an old deer, in return branded them on their backs: my servant and my father; from the milk of his older sons-in-law the king became worse, and from the milk that the younger one brought, he recovered; another king attacked; the older sons-in-law cannot organize resistance; the younger one smashes the enemy, but is wounded; they are looking for the wounded; the king comes to to him; he says that his older sons-in-law are his slaves; shows the stigma; the king handed him the throne]: Hurreiz 1977, No. 7:80-83.

North Africa. Mauritanian Arabs [a woman gives birth to boys, but each newborn is blown away by the wind; a witch doctor promises her a talisman on the condition that when the first surviving child learns the Koran, she will give it to him; the mother deliberately leaves her son's sword in the old parking lot and sends it for her; the camel says that a ghoul is hiding behind the saber - we must grab it and the camel will quickly carry the rider away; tells her to be killed, in it, the foal is half golden, half silver; tells them to sit on it; they stopped under a tree where the green bird brought people; the jewels eaten are scattered on the ground; after eating, the bird sings; the young man took the jewels; the sultan will give his daughter to someone who spits from below to her face high in the window, only the young man succeeds; he gets the daughter of the sultan, but hides in the guise of a poor bastard; in guise a beautiful warrior smashes enemies; the wife bandages her wound with a handkerchief; finds out that her lousy husband is handsome, but keeps silent about it; the sultan is pregnant, wants to hear the green bird singing; older sons-in-law The Sultan does not know how to do this; the young man promises them to get a bird, for which he cuts off each son-in-law's phalanx of his little finger; the foal teaches them to lure the bird into a chest with meat; the bird tells the Sultan that he will not sing until he gets Bzougue's daughter; sons-in-law again do not know how to do it; the young man promises to get them a girl, for which he cuts off everyone's earlobe; the bird demands the milk of a lioness who gave birth for the first time, and with her other lionesses are the same; this time the young man cuts off the applicants' little finger legs; the young man fed and decorated the baby lioness, she has met all the requirements; now Bzougue's daughter asks for water because of interpreting mountains; a young man cuts off a piece of his sons' nose; a foal tells the ants to give grain to the guards, pearls to girls, meat to dogs; to interpret the mountains to say that other mountains before the collision they go much further - one by sunrise, the other by sunset; the young man gets water, runs away, the mountains have cut off only the tip of the foal's tail; the bird sings, the daughter of Bzougue is happy, everyone praises his sons-in-law; the wife tells the young man that knows his secret; the young man appears in all his splendor, shows the Sultan his little fingers cut off, etc.]: Tauzin 1993:127-142; Berbers in southern Morocco [the poor firewood seller has two sons; he caught him in the forest a beautiful bird and brought it home; the wife did not let its children play, but hid it; every day a bird lays an egg, a Jew each buys for a hundred mitkals; the husband went on a pilgrimage, and the Jew became his wife's lover; asked to slaughter and cook the bird; returning in the absence of their mother, the boys opened the lid of the cauldron, the younger Hammed ate the head, and the elder Muhammed the heart of the bird; unable to find the head and heart, the Jew tells a woman slaughter children and take out the contents of their stomachs; she tells the maid to do so; she let the children go, brought the head and heart of a dead bird; Jew: that's not it; the woman drove the maid away and married a Jew; M. went to the right from the fork, came to the locked gates of the city; the king died there, the residents will choose the first to come to the gate in the morning as the new king; M. became king; H. went to the left, hired to bagel baker; brought happiness to the house; he has a magic ring; if you turn it, a palace appears; the youngest of the king's seven daughters saw this, asked her father to marry them; the king called all the men Each of the daughters gave an apple to throw at the chosen one; everyone was thrown, the youngest is waiting; when the lousy baker's worker was brought in, she threw an apple at him; the king fell ill; the vizier: let the son-in-law bring lion's milk in lion's skin, the lion will carry it, and the other will go ahead; the lousy man turned the ring, told the servant to give him a white horse, weapons, etc.; promises other sons-in-law to get what he needs in exchange for apples received from princesses; brought slaughtered bulls to the king of lions, he gave what he needed; vizier: you need another medicine - water taken between rocks that open once a year; the same (red horse; H. requires sons-in-law to cut off their earlobes); H. managed to take water, the rocks only cut off the horse's tail; third medicine: an apple from the Rhalia Bint Manssor garden, which lives across seven seas; a black horse; cut off phalanges of the little fingers; a servant from the ring: only an elderly spirit, who has almost lost his feathers, will take there; he asks to take 7 blood vessels and 7 pieces of meat on the road; when he flies, he asks which X. sees the ground; he answers (less and less); the seventh piece slipped out of his hands, H. cut off the flesh from his hand; when he reached, the spirit teaches how to go through three gates to the sleeping RBM; H. took the apple, left a note that he He was here; King H. says that he got everything, tells his sons-in-law to show apples; the king executed six sons-in-law, married H. to his youngest daughter; the brothers' father returned, but the wife, who became the wife of a Jew, refused to recognize him; he asked King Sidi Mohammed (i.e. to his son) to judge them; he called Brother Hammed, each told everything; the mother and the Jew were burned]: Stumme 1895, No. 15:119-131; kabila [first the girl promises, if the king marries her, to bake pancakes from one grain; the second to make clothes from one fur, the third to give birth to a son and daughter with a golden forehead; the king overheard and took all three, but the first two failed to fulfill their promise; when the third gave birth to wonderful children, the other two told the midwife to let them down in the chest into the sea, replacing them with puppies; the king orders that his wife be thrown into a windowless dungeon and feed breadcrumbs; a childless fisherman caught a chest, his wife raised children; they were named Aziz and Aziza; they grew up; Aziz noticed a boy, the king's son, in the palace, called him to play for money and beat him; they bought a good house; her fishing parents died; Aziz hunted; an old woman came to Aziza and advised her brother to bring her lioness milk in the skin of a lion cub; if you wash yourself with this milk, you will be the most beautiful; the old man teaches to take 8 rams to the lioness and her 7 lions; the lioness gave it, Aziza washed herself and became even more beautiful; the old woman advises to get a necklace of their pearls in a frame - the one who wears it will be beautiful; the old man tells cook 99 loaves, mirrors, daggers, camels; the cannibal giant is waiting for his 99 children; he must be shaved, given a mirror and a dagger around his neck; his children will be so happy to comply with any request; Aziz did the same to the cannibal's children; they ask them not to look at them while they were eating bread; Aziz looked and lost consciousness; the cannibal brought him to life; the old woman advises him to get a singing golden bird; old man: none of those who tried to catch the bird returned alive; many birds will fly to the desert on the rock, the most golden; you have to answer it a third time, then you will grab it; petrified people everywhere; when Aziz replied, Yes! , the bird blew, he and the horse were also petrified; Aziza came to the old man, who directed it to the golden bird; I must not say yes, but grab the bird and let it go after promising to spell her brother; Aziza forced the bird To disgrace his brother and everyone else; when Aziz and Aziz returned, the king decided to kill Aziz, take the bird and marry Aziz; the bird screams about it, but the king does not understand; the old man orders all his wives to be brought including the one in prison; she was washed and clothed; the king asked her what to do with the other two wives and the old woman; she ordered them to be tied to the horse's tail, and she would make different things out of their bones: ash scoops , hearth stands, sticks to drive away dogs; feast]; Algerian Arabs: Aceval 2005, No. 3 (Tiaret Plateau) [six daughters of the Sultan married noble people, the seventh for Parchivets, who combed his hair with a sheep scar, rode a black sheep backwards, holding his tail; in fact, it was Harun Rashid, to whom God assigned seven years of suffering; the sultan pretended to be sick and demanded milk lionesses; six sons-in-law went together, they did not take the bastard, he went his own way; he met Saint Sidi Abdelkader, made him handsome, gave them lion's milk; when he met the brothers, he gave them milk, and in return, he asked permission to cut off their earlobes; returning to the Sultan, the GR again took the form of Parshivets; the Sultan demanded an apple from the cannibal garden; the same saint gave Parshivets 14 partridges; they would need them feed an eagle that will carry across seven seas - by partridge across the sea to the cannibal garden and back; returning with an apple, the bastard dropped the last partridge, cut off the meat from his leg; returning, the eagle he regurgitated and put it back; the same episode with the brothers, GR cut off the tip of everyone's little finger on his leg; seven years had come to an end, GR appeared before the Sultan in his true form, showed his earlobes and fingertips; since then, the lobe is smaller than the ear, the little finger is smaller than the rest of the fingers, there is a notch under the knee, the calf of the leg is thick - meat cut from under the knee was hastily put there]: 15-18; Filleul de P étigny 1951 [The Sultan has seven daughters; he refuses grooms; the old woman taught the girls to send their father a watermelon with 7 silver knives stuck in it; the vizier explained: princesses want to marry; the sultan gave each with a golden apple, ordered all men to go outside the palace window; 6 princesses threw apples to nobles, the seventh to the poor logger; the sultan married their daughters; the prince hid under the guise of a logger another country; an angel conveyed Allah's command to him: to experience 7 years of humiliation either in his youth or in old age; the prince chose the former; gave the country to the vizier and became a logger; the prince had a ring with jinn servants; he tells them to create a palace, receives other sons-in-law there for a week, and then becomes a lumberjack again; the sultan is ill, he needs an embalming apple and revitalizing water; the older sons-in-law has left, nothing got it; the prince on a green horse in green clothes came unrecognized, gave his sons-in-law water and an apple, cut off his earlobes in return; now the sultan wants lioness milk in a lion skin wineskin; the same is the prince on white a white horse put his seal on the shoulder of each of his sons-in-law; an angel announced to the prince that the test period had expired; people were coming to the city to find their king; the lumberjack prince appeared in royal; showed the Sultan the earlobes of his elder sons-in-law and his seal on their shoulders; the sultan recognized them as slaves to the prince; on the way to his state, the prince, his wife and retinue went to the stormy river; the prince threw a handful of earth, the water dried up, people crossed to the other side; the prince waved his hand, a passage formed in the mountain; (and other miracles); at home, the prince forgave his older sons-in-law, appointed them vizier, pasha, etc.]: 170-190.

Western Asia. Palestinians [the Sultan has two wives, one has one son and the other has two; the first is dead, the second seeks to get rid of a rival for his sons; a horse that warns a young man like lightning; a young man they gave a poisoned goose, who put it on another wife's son; they dug a trap hole, he jumped over it, the second wife's second son failed, died; the second wife pretended to be sick, we must eat young horse meat; the young man asked for permission to ride for the last time, galloped away; pulled a sheep's stomach over his head, hired to guard the garden; his name was Qureyoon ("bald"); he sometimes called his horse and rode on him; in his true form, the younger princess saw the young man; invited the sisters to ask his father to marry them; each of the grooms passing under the window should throw a handkerchief; the elders chose the sons of Pasha and the Minister, the youngest is K.; because of this choice, the king fell ill; doctors: you need white gazelle milk; K. brought a herd of gazelles, gave it to his older sons-in-law for the right to burn a stigma in their ass; they brought them to the king milk is bitter; the king recovered from what K. had brought; enemies attacked, K. defeated them, the king bandaged his hand with his handkerchief; when K. returned on his nag in the guise of a bald man, he recognized the handkerchief; K. took off his head sheep's stomach, said that he was the son of the Sultan; at the feast he said that he could not eat with his slaves; they had to show stamps; the king handed over the throne to K., and sent his elder sons-in-law to serve him]: Bushnaq 1987:115-119; Iraqi Arabs [(wild) pigs; lionesses]; Saudia [Muhammad is the Sultan's son from his unloved wife, whom he divorced; Mahmoud and Ahmed are sons from his beloved; Sultan is blind; fortune teller: lion milk brought on the lion's back will help; the brothers went in search; at the fork, the old man points to three roads: prosperity; regret and remorse; for which they do not return; Muhammad chose the latter; the other two roads came together, brought them to the city, Mahmoud and Ahmed squandered money, one went to work in a tavern, the other to a lamb salesman; Muhammad came to the jinn's palace; a prisoner the girl advises them to venerate their mother's breast; Jinnia hid Muhammad from her sons; then they called him brother; brought him to their middle aunt; from her to her eldest; she teaches him how to pull a splinter from a sleeper a lion and ask for milk when he is no longer mad in pain; the genies rewarded the young man, he returned with 15 camels loaded with gold, three girls, and a lion carrying lion's milk on his back; Muhammad found brothers in the city and took them with him only after they allowed them to be branded with him; we must get water, only Muhammad agrees to go down to the well; at the bottom there is a girl and a sleeping eagle; he can only be killed with his own sword; the eagle asks to hit him a second time; Muhammad: father and mother were not taught to finish off; the eagle is dead; Muhammad sent water and the girl upstairs; she gave a ring: if rubbed, she will come to help; brothers will cut the rope; you have to follow that road; if a black goat hits, you will go down to the seventh underworld, and if a white goat, you will go up to the ground; the goats fought, the white one missed black hit, Muhammad finds himself in a hot world where genies lived; old woman: a witch at the ditch lets water once a year when she is given one of the daughters of the king of jinns; today is the middle daughter's turn; Muhammad hacked the witch; rubbed the ring; that girl told him to go to the palace of the king of the jinns; there his daughter would throw grenades at the one who saved her; so happened; the king ordered one of the genies to raise Muhammad to the ground; for this is to prepare 7 lamb fat tails and 7 servings of tortillas; Muhammad, the seventh fat tail, dropped the meat from his thigh; on the ground, the genno regurgitated the meat and put it on the wound; in the meantime, that girl covered camels, lions, himself and other girls with an iron sarcophagus; Muhammad defeated his father's army, showed marks on the shoulders of his brothers; by agreement with the girl, destroyed the iron sarcophagus; the king saw the light, Sultan returned his first wife, the second sons were thrown into prison]: Juhaiman 1999:37-47; jibbali [the mother is dead, the neighbor pretends to be kind to the orphan Begelut, persuades him to advise his father to marry her; decides to get rid of B.; when he was at his mother's grave, a mare appeared; she warns that his stepmother will try to poison him, B. throws away the poisoned drink; the old woman advises to pretend sick, ask for a mare to be slaughtered; B. asks for permission to ride three times, galloped away; killed the hyena, took its skin, came to the Sultan, hid the mare, covering it with hyena skin; the sultan gives him a donkey to ride; the youngest of the sultan's daughters throws lemon at B. three times; the sultan passes her off as him, but puts them in a koshar; the sultan is sick, the medicine is gazelle milk, 6 older sons-in-law are leaving, they cannot get; B. catches up on his mare, kills two gazelles, takes good milk from one and bad milk from the other; agrees to sell milk to six sons-in-law for branding them with his seal perineum; gives bad milk; (text breaks off)]: Müller 1907, No. 26:114-117.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Mustang [the old woman who sheltered the boy Lhawa Döndrub said that a demon killed his father and took his mother away; the boy goes for revenge; another old woman tells the demoness to fall to his chest and name her mother; she tells you to put the demon's thumbs in her mouth, then he will not eat it; he tells him to go only during the day, the mother of the young man across the river; the demon senses that his wife's son has come, advises him to pretend to be sick, send his son 1) to get the tiger's milk; after shooting at the tiger, LD shot him off a goiter, a grateful tiger gave him milk and a medium tiger cub to boot; 2) behind Garuda's pen; LD killed a snake that was about to eat four Garuda's chicks; she gives a pen and one chick; 3) a golden pen from the demon's brother's forehead; the tiger jumped on his chest, Garuda grabbed the pen, the demon screamed that he would go; they brought him in, LD killed his mother and her demon husband; went to look for a bride; the king has three daughters, LD chose the youngest when they came for water, but the king did not give it up; Garuda found the home of a heavenly fairy, LD married her; they planted two trees: if with anyone the trouble is, it will dry up; while the LD was hunting, an old woman came to the fairy to look after the dogs and cattle; she guessed that LD's life in a golden dagger threw it into the fire, LD fell dead; then the old woman offered the fairy feed rice to the fish, drowned them; Garuda saw that the trees had dried up, a friendly demon (who had a feather on his forehead) threw the amulet, found out that the old woman was to blame; she was tied, nailed to a tree, the remains the golden dagger was taken out of the hearth; everything is fine {no details}]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 28:165-168; Bhutan [the widow has a strong and hard-working son; he met the spirit, he was going to eat it; guy: without martial arts are not allowed, we'll meet tomorrow at the appointed place; the spirit hoped to catch the guy by surprise, but he shot him in the heart, chopped his body to pieces, and his head went home, forbidding his mother to look at her; one day she looked; the spirit persuaded her to believe that he was not an ogre, but a rich man; his body would grow and he would marry the widow; let him take him to a forest cave and bring him food; the son must be disposed of: pretend to be sick, go get the lioness's milk; the guy killed a lion cub, put on his skin, stuck to the lioness with other lions, brought milk; now the mother demands fruit from a tree in the land of spirits; a tree on island; the spirits have a captive girl; they put her to sleep with a golden whip and wake her up with silver for a while to sit on a golden frying pan, swim to the island, pick up fruit; the guy spied on everything; woke her up the girl, they sailed to the island together, he shot the guard snake, she picked fruit, they flew away together in a golden frying pan; while living with the boy, the girl overheard and spied on the conversation between her mother-in-law and the demon; they are preparing to poison the guy; the girl told him everything; the guy quietly poured poison; put a frying pan with butter on fire; lit a lamp; the demon thought it was a signal: the poisoning was successful; the guy threw the demon in a frying pan; mother repented; son told her to find a teacher and repent; lives with his wife; the demon's remains are buried at an expensive crossroads, where the forces of passers-by suppress his strength]: Choden 1994:15-56; khashi [only one family sheltered the wanderer; he leaves the animal; if you eat his meat, you will get rich; mother-in-law cooks meat, daughter-in-law comes in, mother-in-law scolds and chases her; she accidentally eats a piece; leaves the evil mother-in-law with her husband; the husband swallows the pond, he is swallowed by the dragon U Yak Jakor; the wife finds her husband's clothes; the little son U Babam Doh cries with her, his tears turn into gold , because he has received the blessing of the wanderer; the boy has grown up, beats the leader's heir, wins his right to inherit; he says that UBD was conceived by his mother by a dragon; the mother has talk about her father, she gives her son his clothes and a brass vessel; UBD lured the dragon to land, where he loses his strength, lured him into a chest, brought him home, forbid his mother to open it; she opened it, the dragon took the image her husband, said that he would recover from the tigress's milk, but the one who brought the milk should not know what it is for; 1) the mother pretends to be sick, asks her son to go get milk; he treats the tiger cub, the tigress gives milk; 2) the same with the task of bringing fresh bear fat (son catches and brings a live bear); 3) fresh python skin; son spies, sees the mother open the chest, kills the dragon, says its history, inherits the throne]: Rafy 1920, No. 23:140-160.

Burma - Indochina. Karen [lionesses, elephants]; pao [after the death of his wife, the rich old man took a new one; the stepmother demands that her husband get rid of his two stepsons; the father took them to the forest, said he would return, and left himself; The nat of the tree gave them rice, pumpkin, watermelon and cucumber seeds, as well as a sword to cultivate the land; its owner would become king; when the older brother went hunting, ministers came to the younger brother, named him their king and taken to the city; the eldest began to live alone; someone cooks and cleans in the hut; the young man began to watch: a girl came out of the elephant tusk, the young man hid it; the girl offered to move closer to the city; there are boots and a golden hat, they fulfill the wish; the king's servants noticed the hat, the king (this is the younger brother) ordered the beauty's husband to be brought to the palace; refused to recognize him as his brother, ordered milk to be delivered naked; the wife sends him to the naked - this is a girl, his wife's friend, she has become the second wife; the king demands cannibal's milk; the wife gives a golden hat, tells him to go to the cave and tell the cannibal everything; the young man brought milk and brought a third wife, the daughter of a cannibal; the king orders the young man to be cut and buried; his wives found pieces of body, folded and revived; the elder brother defeated the younger brother and began to rule the country and live with three wives] : Zapadova 1977:253-258; monks [tigresses].

South Asia. Northern India [tigers]; Kashmiris [the king reviews the troops, a seminoid beast appears, the king chases him, the beast turns into a genie, eats the king; the prince inherits the throne, everything repeats; the angel tells you to aim an arrow with two tips at the genie's eyes (if a drop of blood falls to the ground, it turns into a new genie); after cutting off the dead head, the young king hides it in in the back room; his mother goes there; the genie says he is her husband and her son is a genie who is going to eat her; offers to pretend to be sick, send a tigress for 1) milk; the king hits an abscess with an arrow on the tigress's chest, the pain goes away, the tigress gives him milk, promises to help him; 2) a princess from a distant castle (her touch will heal); the tigress helps break an iron beam at the entrance to the castle, milk a cow guarded by genies to make the princess fall in love with the king; he brings the princess, mother and son talk, both find out the truth; the king's wedding with the princess]: Knowles 1888:1-7; Nepalis [the king learns that in Water will only appear in a dug well if a person who has 32 happy marks on his body is sacrificed; this is just himself, his son and daughter-in-law; the son finds out about it, takes his wife, jumps away; in the forest goes hunting, chases a doe, she brings him to the ogre's palace, he kills the doe, defeats the ogre, locks him in the basement; feeds his wife with fallow deer meat, brings him to the palace; she opens the basement; the cannibal advises the patient to take an effect, let the husband bring 1) the tigress's milk; the cubs promise to help, ask their mother for milk for the day, give them to the prince; 2) part of the monster's fang (to grind the fang into powder), whose fang one fang to heaven and the other to hell; the prince hides in his fur, stabs him with a sword; the monster agrees to go to the palace, hit the gate with his fang, the piece breaks off; the demon advises the woman feed his hero husband, adds poison; when he dies, the prince tells his wife not to eat his flesh, throw his heart and liver into the river; the princess finds them; in a dream, the prince asks her to make his figure out of cow manure, put her heart and liver in her; comes to life; takes the princess as his wife; kills the monster and his first wife; comes with his wife to his father; he says that when the unfaithful wife was killed, water appeared in the well]: Heunemann 1980, No. 8:84-91; Bengalis [the rich man went broke and died, his two sons were orphans; began to steal peas from the field; there was a gold-colored calf, went with his younger brother; the elder married and his wife disliked the young man; offered to look in his head, cut off his head; the calf found the body and head, joined it, revived it with grass; the older brother's wife pretended to be sick, demanded blood a calf; he asked the butcher to take blood but not meat; blood and meat, but not bones; this did not help; then the calf and the young man ran away; when they reached Peri Island, the calf died, telling them what to do first ; first the peri flew in, but did not touch the carcass; then the Gorur bird flew in; the young man grabbed her and released her after she married her daughter; the wife created a house, they healed well; one day he ran there the king's horse; his wife hit him on the forehead with her palm; seeing the print of a beautiful palm, the king wanted to take the woman away; demanded that her husband 1) collect a hundred measures of mustard scattered across the plowed field overnight grains (the birds collected; the king of birds, i.e. Gorur, noticed that one seed was missing and found it in the eye of a blind bird); 2) bring the tigress's milk (the wife teaches me how to set fire to the forest, the tigress will run, leaving the cubs; they must be feed, a grateful tigress will give milk; a man brought milk to the king, and a tiger cub next to him); 3) go to heaven to visit the king's parents; the wife quietly took her husband from the funeral fire and six months hid it in an underground room; a year later, a man came to the king and said that the king's ancestors were prospering, but they did not have a barber, so they asked to send them (the king came up with difficult tasks for the hero at the instigation of barber); the barber was burned, the king gave a man and appointed a vizier]: Devi 1915:84-96; Santals [tigresses; bears]; ho: Bompas 1909, No. 42 [bears], 42 [tigresses]: 469-470, 480-483; ho [Raja wants to lime the potter to take possession of his wife; tells him to bring the heads of 24 jackals; the potter digs a hole, answers the jackal that it will rain on fire soon; agrees to let the jackals in to wait out the hole; then says that the rain of fire is over; the jackals go out one by one, the potter cuts off everyone's head; the last 24th jackal dodged; the potter smeared himself with gur, pretended dead; the surviving jackal suspects deception, but the other begins to lick the gur, the potter killed him; the Raja orders him to bring tiger milk; the potter fed the cubs bread, he liked it, the tigress gave it herself his milk in exchange for bread; the Raja asked the potter's wife to lime it; she asked the idol to blind his husband; the potter found out, answered, hiding behind an idol, then pretended to be blind. Raja came at night, the potter killed both; put the Raja's corpse on the neighbor's site; he mistook him for a thief, hit him on the head; the potter advised the frightened neighbor to throw the body to the buffaloes, which belong to Goala; he thought the thief was stealing buffalo milk, hit the body on the head; the potter advised that the corpse be lowered into the well; the brahmana found the corpse; before cremation, the potter hid; then said on behalf of the Raja spirit, who appoints the potter as his successor]: Bompas 1909, No. 22:480-483; oraons [tigresses]; baiga [tigresses]; gondas [wild buffaloes]; muria [raja caught and brought a pregnant antelope, but his son released her; the Raja drove her son away; the antelope became the girl, the wife of Raja's son; when he saw the snake grabbing the frog, the Raja's son cut off and gave the snake a piece of his flesh from hands, and the frog escaped; the barber saw the beautiful woman, advised the Raja to take her away from the young man; let her bring 1) tiger milk; the wife tells me to raise her hand in front of the tigress; she gave milk and her two cubs; 2) Rakshasa grains; the wife wrote a note, the Rakshasi gave grains and her two cannibals; 3) a rani necklace thrown into the well; the snake and the frog took out a necklace; 4) grow a fruiting mango grove overnight; the wife became an antelope, where she ran, mangoes grew there; told her husband to cut off her head, became a woman again; told her husband to return to her father, and she became an antelope again and ran away]: Elwin 1944, No. 18.4: 401-403; Malayali [Chandu has come to marry a girl named Omana; she gives a jar of mustard and sesame seeds and tells them to be separated by tomorrow; daughter-in-law {brother's wife?) C. puts a nest of ants in the jar; they ate sesame seeds, leaving mustard; now O. asks to fill the jug with dew; daughter-in-law asks the laundresses to spread their clothes before dawn and squeeze the dew into the vessel; O. tells bring 100 tender betel leaves without picking them off or cutting them off; daughter-in-law brought a parrot, which cut off the leaves with its beak; O. demands to bring the tigress's milk; daughter-in-law asks the hunters to deliver the live a tigress and put a cage in front of O.'s house: she can produce milk herself; O. agrees to marriage]: Menon 1995:20-23; Sinhalese [the village chief took seven wives, they are childless; took the eighth - the same ; took her back to her parents; sanyashi promises to make a woman fertile with the condition of giving him her first child; the boy grew up; leaving the sannyashi, he planted a tree - if the flowers dry up, he died; the man warned young man: when a sanyashi gives him the end of the thread, it must be tied to a tree; sanyashi held out a thread from the treasure to the young man, he bandaged it; yaksha guard: where is my victim; sanyashi: at the end of the thread; yaksha saw only a tree, killed a sannyasi; a young man took the treasure, got married; the wife decided that he was too handsome and decided to kill him; having given birth to a son, she demands the milk of an elephant, a bear, a vulture; the young man turns to the cubs, each brings milk to his mother; his wife sent Yakshini to defeat, she killed the young man; the tree has dried up, the young man's younger brother went in search; he defeated the yakshini, who revived the young man; with his son he comes to Rakshasa, they did not eat them; and then they drowned in the lake]: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 133:318-321.

The Balkans. Greeks (Lesbos) [a woman has a son and daughter, a daughter gives birth to a girl; at night a monster devours cattle; a young man takes off his little finger, in the morning a baby girl cries, her little finger is torn off; the young man demands from the sister to kill the monster, she refuses; he takes the mother, leaves; they stop in the cannibal's cave; he agrees with the young man's mother to kill him; the mother pretends to be sick, asks to bring her 1) cannibal milk, 2) the melon of life, 3) the water of life; each time the fairy helps to get what she is looking for, replaces horse urine, plain melon, plain water; the sister asks what her brother's life is like; he answers what's in the broom, in the joint (she adorns them); in the golden hair on his head; she pulls out her hair, she and the cannibal eat it; the fairy sends two young doe cubs brought in (they are described as dogs) bring all the bones eaten; first the little finger is missing, then it is found; revives with milk, melon, water of immortality; the young man kills the cannibal and mother; comes to his sister, she ate everyone, tells him to ring in the bell while the water is boiling; the mouse rings instead, it runs away; climbs three trees that grew from the nuts given by the fairy; the deer cubs come running, eating the monster; the young man marries a fairy]: Paton 1900, No. 12: 340-344; Bulgarians [birds, elephants, lionesses]; Moldovans: Botezatu 1981 [someone's horses trample on millet; father sends sons to guard; older, middle fall asleep; younger Talaesh is enough for one from horses; he tells him to take three hairs from his mane; the king will give his youngest daughter to someone who rides down the narrow stairs to her balcony and takes off the ring; T. first rides a white horse, his brothers overtake him and they beat; then summoned his horse Gaitan, who tells him to enter one ear, leave the other, T. turns into a dressed groom; G. asks: to drive like the wind or as a thought? T.: in the usual way; seeing the rider, the brothers politely ask where he comes from; T.: from Slap in the face; almost went up to the balcony, but returned; the next day the same (T. tells the horse to lead him like the wind; answers the brothers that he was from Kulakov); on the third day: as a thought; from Knutovsk; the princess gave T. the ring, touched his hair with her hand, it turned gold; the tsar ordered to check all the guys; when the kushma was pulled off T.'s head , everyone saw golden hair; the king moved his daughter and T. to a hut outside his possessions; but G. built a palace for them; war broke out, T. sat on a 105-year-old donkey, got stuck in the mud, ripped off the donkey's skin, this was seen by the king passing by; then he called G., defeated the enemies; the same second time (he sat on a nag, slightly wounded, the king bandaged his hand); the queen went into her daughter's shack, saw her son-in-law's handkerchief; the king went to see and went blind; he would be cured by the lioness's milk; G. brought him to the sleeping lioness, T. fed up with milk; G. turned T. into an old man, he met his sons-in-law, said that when he was young he went to buy milk, and only now he is returning; gave milk (it's cow's) to his sons-in-law for permission to stigmatize them; sons' milk did not help, and what his youngest daughter brought back their sight; everyone gathered, T. about everything told, ordered his sons-in-law to show stamps with the name "T."; the tsar gave him the throne]: 157-169; Moldavian tales 1968 [the girl conceived from the smell of a basilica, went to the old man in a cave, gave birth to a son Basilica of Fat-Frumos ; FF found the palace, killed six dragons - the sons of the witch Cloanza, the seventh cannot be killed, he drove him into a mortar and locked the door, brought his mother to live in the palace; K. released the seventh dragon, took the form of a mother FF, pretended to be sick, sent for bird's milk; FF came to Ilyana Kosynzyan, who sent her brother the Sun; he lets the horse go to the copper mountain to a giant bird feeding the chicks with milk; FF quietly framed the jar, galloped away; IC replaced the milk with cow's milk, kept the bird's milk for herself; 2) wild boar meat; FF caught, IK replaced it with a domestic pig; 3) live and dead water; FF killed the 10-headed dragon, brought water, IC changed the flasks; at home, the mother (i.e. K.) suggests trying to break the rope; then two; three FF cannot tear, the dragon cut it, collected the remains, put it on the horse and drove it; IK joined the pieces, filled the flaws with wild boar meat, revived it with live water, gave him bird's milk; FF burned the dragon and K. in the oven, hugged his mother, married IK]: 334-345; Hungarians [the king placed his daughter to the tower to isolate her from men; one of the two wanderers lifted a stem up to the window, the smell of it made the girl pregnant; her father put her in a barrel, threw her into the sea; the barrel was nailed to the island, the girl got out, gave birth to a son, he grew up, sailed across the strait to the mainland, bringing apples to his mother; his mother herself baptized him in the name of his father of the sun, his godfather of the month and his cousins stars; his name is Beautiful Szérus; a hussar costume and a sword fell from a tree to him; on a tree trunk he transported his mother across the strait; towards a giant, S. hacked him down; brought his mother to the castle of giants; king the giants got together with S.'s mother, they decided to get rid of S.; the mother pretended to be sick: we must bring the bear cub and eat his heart; the bear gave a bear cub; when she saw him, the mother said that she had already recovered; the same with a wolf cub; a lion cub; mother suggests that S. jokingly tie his thumbs - will he be able to break; cannot; the giant agrees to fulfill his last wish; S. asks to invest him three whistles in the mouth, given by a bear, a she-wolf and a lioness; the lion grabbed the giant, the wolf grabbed the woman, the bear tore the fetters; S. cut the giant, pieces of meat into the trough, the second, the water, the mother left between troughs; left with his animals; you need a bride; the bear advises you to ask the sun - Father S.; the lion brought them all to heaven; the sun does not know about brides, advises to turn to the month; the month to the stars, more precisely to the Morning Star; neither of the stars know if the winds ask, they are blowing everywhere; they replied that his betrothed sleeps in the golden cradle at the bottom of hell, she is rocked by 42 traits; S. and animals returned to earth; the count himself tried to get this girl, promised to help; S. grabbed the girl, the devils in pursuit; the lion threw the brush (forest), the handkerchief (the sea); the bear threw three pins (three mountains to the sky); the devils did not were able to overcome them; the count took the girl; she would marry only someone who could milk three golden mares; the animals milked; she would marry someone who buys in their milk, heated to a boil; the animals cooled him, S. swam, became handsome; the count also wanted to swim, the animals heated the milk, the count cooked; the girl was going to marry S., he went out into the garden, fell asleep, the count's younger brother cut off his head; animals saw a snake, whose snake was cut in half with a scythe, carrying healing grass; the lion stepped on the snake's head, the animals took the grass, the snake hit the lion's tail, ripping off its hair, leaving only its mane; at first the head was attached backwards, had to be redone; at that time, the count's brother was preparing the wedding; the lion and the wolf tore him apart; the wedding; S. dug up his mother, who ate the giant's meat, took a sharp bone, put her son in bed, she pierced his heart; the animals revived him with that elixir taken from the snake, tore his mother; a son was born; when he is 7 years, 7 months, days, hours and minutes, he needs his blood sprinkle 3 stones; S. did it, his three animals became princes again, the castle of the giants is their castle; S.'s son did not die, they only took blood from him; they are all alive if they did not die]: Dégh 1965, No. 8:109-126 ; Albanians [brother and sister live in the castle; brother defeated the diva, imprisoned on the upper floor of the castle, went hunting again; sister found a diva, took her as a lover; they want to get rid of their brother; The diva suggests, the sister pretends to be sick three times, sends her brother for milk Muscha, Bokschi's mother, Tokschi's mother; these are strongmen, each tells his mother to give milk, promises to come to the rescue a special sign; then the sister provokes her brother to show his strength, break the iron beam in the castle; after breaking it, the brother is weak, lost consciousness; three days later she wakes up, asks for him before death smell an apple, wipe the sweat off his forehead with a handkerchief, play the flute; then three strongmen appear, who have become the young man's sister and diva; he asks his sister and diva whether to burn them in tar or tear them apart by horses; they they chose horses; after distributing property to his brothers, the young man went on a journey; on the seashore, a gold-dressed girl is given to Kulchedra to be eaten by Culchedra, who demands a new sacrifice every day; the young man wakes up from a girl who has fallen tears on him, kills K., cuts him off nine tongues, hides him under a stone; a wild man kills him under a tree, makes the girl call him her savior; finds no hidden tongues, carves out 9 tongues from K.'s base; the horse guards the young man's body for three weeks; three brothers reappeared, revived the victim (one fixed the bones, the other flesh, the third regained his breath); the young man killed a wild man, showed the king the tips of his tongues, married a princess]: Lambertz 1952:55-66; Gagauz people [while the brother was hunting, a giant came to his sister; advised him to pretend to be sick and ask for wolf's milk; the she-wolf gave her brother milk and one wolf cub; the same lion, bear milk - the lioness gave a lion cub, a bear cub; at home the guy found two giants; they wanted to execute him, but he called his own animals, they broke their fetters and tore giants to pieces; brother stabbed his sister and left]: Moshkov 1904, No. 76:138.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelian, Novgorod, Pskov, Vologda, Tula, Voronezh, Oryol, Kursk, Ryazan), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Kholmshchina, Ugric Russia, Transcarpathia, Hutsulshchina, Galicia, Volyn, Podolia, Pokutye, Kiev, Yekaterinoslavshchina, Chernihiv, Kharkiv region), Belarusians: SUS 1979, № 315 (=AA 315A) [Animal milk: sister (mother) Conspires with his lover (robber, sorcerer, snake, devil, Kashchei, Iron Wolf) to kill a young man and sends him for milk from a she-wolf, bear and lioness, pretending to be sick; connects him; hero escapes with the help of animals - a wolf cub, a bear cub, a lion cub; deals with the enemy, punishes the pretender; this is the seventh most recorded plot (67) of a Russian fairy tale]: 315-316; Russians (Teresky Bereg) [the shadr wolf devoured everyone, brother and sister are left: Ivan Tsarevich and Marfa Tsarevna; the bull offers to sit on his back, takes the children away; they throw a comb (forest, wolf gnawed), flint (mountains, the same), a "raft" - fiery river; the wolf remained on the other side; the bull tells him to be slaughtered; the dog Heavy will jump out of the first blood, Light from the second; make a hut out of bones; I. goes hunting, M. at home; wolf seduces her from the other side, turning into a man; tells her to throw a bull bone, there was a boat, he swam across it; M. pretended to be sick, sent her brother for the wolf's milk; she gave milk and gave her milk wolf cub; then the same thing - bear (gave a bear cub); lioness (lion cub); wolf to Marfa: you can't take him with animals; M. to brother: animals went far away to the kingdom of far away; there is a lake, a duck on it, in a duck an egg - let them bring it; I. sent dogs and animals; the wolf came out; I.: let it evaporate in the bath, the meat will be softer; the wolf allowed it; the bird to Ivan; quieter swamp, your dogs are just running there; just ran ; they just began to run back; not far away; near; the animals tore the wolf to pieces; I. found a queen, and M. became a seamstress; hid a wolf tooth in the feathers of Ivan's pillow; the tooth entered I.'s head, he died and was buried ; the animals escaped from the barn, dug up the grave; began to rub heavily against I.'s head, the tooth entered T., he died, and I. came to life; He began to rub easily against T., L. died, and T. came to life; then the wolf cub; the bear cub; the lion cub; steel rub on the ground: and the lion cub came to life; Marfa was burned at the stake, shot with ashes with a cannon]: Balashov 1970, No. 64:217-220; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pomors) [an old hunter bequeaths a towel and 7 dogs to his son; Do not let your younger sister wash the towel; if you need to cross the river, wave in the other direction, a bridge will become; one day my sister sees a line on the other side; he advises you to take a towel without asking and make a bridge ; she did so; to prevent his brother from noticing him, the hell turned into a broom when he entered the house; the dogs rushed to the broom, but the sister persuaded them to recall: there would be nothing to pay for revenge; the next day, the brother suspects amiss; can't find towels; hell advises you to pretend to be sick and ask for bear milk; the bear herself gave milk and a bear cub to boot; the same with lion's milk (lion cub); hell suggests send to an iron mill, where they grind in three minutes; brother jumped out, and dogs and animals remained behind the iron door; sister asks her brother to heat the bathhouse (she is going to burn it in the bathhouse with hell); bird: not hurry up, your animals only gnawed through two doors; when my brother went to the bathhouse, the hunt came running, tore the line; the brother gave his sister three tubs of water and three shocks of hay: when you eat the hay, I'll let go; my brother went to city, where people are crying: the serpent got used to it, today it will eat the king's daughter; the hunt rushed, gnawed off the head of the three-headed snake, the brother cut off and hid its tongues; the same with 7- and 12-headed and snakes; the water carrier attributed everything to himself, but the guy showed his tongues; forgave his sister (she managed to eat two shocks of hay and drink two tubs of water)]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:86-90; Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [stepmother did not like stepsons: a girl and a boy; their father took them to the forest; they came to the river, on the other side the old man waved his handkerchief, became a bridge; began to live with him; brother and sister grew up, the old man died; on the other side a boy; teaches the girl waved that handkerchief, crossed the bridge; before her brother arrived, the boy turned into a pin and ordered him to be plugged to the ceiling so that her brother's dog would not get it; the next day, the sister pretended patient: goes to the Wolf Islands for she-wolf milk; the she-wolf herself gives milk and the wolf (obviously her wolf cub); bear's milk (the same); lioness (the same); to the Falcon Islands, the falcon's egg (the same); bring flour from the damn mill; the animals came in, the iron doors closed, only the young man and the falcon stayed outside; hell is going to eat the young man, he asks for permission to heat the bathhouse first and wash himself; falcon: turn down the swamp, your hunt has already gnawed two doors, started the third; the animals came running, broke the line; "How the lion beast grabbed him and the bear, how they began to soften it, and the wolf and bear tore him into the mold é sya"; the sister put a line under her brother's pillow, he died, she threw the body into the water; the falcon noticed at the bottom, the wolf, the bear could not pull it out, the lion pulled it out, but they could not remove the tooth themselves; the wolf dragged the hare, he does not understand what they want from him, it was torn apart; the wolf dragged the fox, she understood, pulled out the tooth, the young man came to life; buried his sister on the chest, put two barrels: to cry on it and to hell; if there is more tears in his barrel, he will let go; tears were only hell; brother buried his sister with his head and the barrel with her]: Smirnov 2003 (1), No. 7:76-85; Russians (Moscow) [brother and sister went into a rich house ; no one; the robbers arrived; the brother killed them one at a time; the chieftain maimed but did not kill them, locked them in the room; gave his sister the keys, did not tell them to enter one room; she went in, the chieftain showed where the medicine was, began safe and well; the sister pretended to be sick, the she-wolf's wool and milk are needed; the she-wolf also gave a wolf cub; the same bear; the lioness; the chieftain teaches to send her brother to the mill, the iron doors will close; the hare with the fox also with animals; they broke the doors, tore the chieftain; the brother left his sister a pound of bread and a pound of water, locked him; came to the king, the princess fell in love; the wedding; he was told to bring his sister; she put a magic bed a tooth; a tooth stuck in the forehead, the young man died; the sister tells him to be buried in an oak coffin with three iron hoops; the animals throw a hole of fried chickens, they will rush and fill the hole; the animals under the guidance of the fox got out, The coffin was lowered from the oak tree, the wolf stole the mites and the hammer; the tooth jumped out, hit the hare; the wolf; the bear; the lion; the fox covered his forehead with a frying pan, and all the animals remained alive too; Ivan Tsarevich went to his wife]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 27:69-73; Russians (Ryazan) [bear's milk; see motive F70e1]: Khudyakov, 2, No. 60:81-85 in Löwis of Menar 1921, No. 31:176-181; Russians (Bryanskaya, Karechevsky district) [iron wool bear eats people; the tsar ordered to build a high pole; placed Ivan Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful upstairs with food for 5 years; the bear ran to the palace, annoyingly began to gnaw the broom; he told him to go to the field, there was a pole; the bear began to rock the pole, I. threw him food, he fell asleep; I. and E. ran, sat on the horse, the bear easily caught up with him, tore him, brought him into his mouths I. and E . to the pole; the same for the second time (the geese carried them, the bear scorched them); the third time I. and E. carried a third goby; covered the bear's eyes three times with droppings; swam across the river, and the bear drowned; the goby tells him slaughter, collect bones, hit, a fist man will come out of them - himself from his fingernail, a beard from his elbow; the peasant brought I. and E. to the robbers' house, killed everyone and locked them in the same room without telling E. to go there ; she went and fell in love with the chieftain's head; asked I. to get living and dead water, revived the chieftain; to lime I., sent him for wolf milk; the she-wolf gives with the wolf cub to boot; the same with bear; lioness; E. sends a firebird for eggs; she swallowed a fist-man; E. and the chieftain were going to kill I.; he asked permission to wash himself in the bathhouse; the animals came running and told I. that the peasant his fist escaped; he told the animals to tear the chieftain, and E. tied the naked woman to a tree to be eaten by flies and mosquitoes; brought I. to the heroic girl; I. hardly defeated her, married her; at night she put I. his hand, it's bad, he called the peasant; the man beat the girl until he tamed it; the wife persuaded I. to release E.; she began to look for I. in his head and let a dead tooth into his head; the lion cub saw, pulled it out, stood himself die; then a bear cub; then a fox, but she threw her tooth into a frying pan and it crumbled; I. ordered E. to be tied to the horse's tail and open it across the field]: Afanasiev 1958 (2), No. 202:94-97; Western Ukrainians (Hutsulshchina) [stepmother tells her husband to take stepdaughter and stepson to the forest; for the first time a girl sprinkles ash; father hangs a piece of wood on a tree, she knocks in the wind as if he is cutting wood and has left; brother and the sister returned on the trail; the second time there was not enough ash, the girl took dust, the wind blew her away; the boy noticed fire from the tree; brother and sister came to the fire, where there were two loaves and two eggs; then they came to the house; there are 24 robbers, 12 come at night, 12 in the afternoon; the boy cuts off everyone's head as they put her through the window; one is only wounded, asked the girl to bandage his head, married him; to get rid of her brother, the sister pretends to be sick: wolf's milk will help; now you need live water; old woman: water beyond the mountains, you have to run back; the old woman tells her to leave living water, and take the one she will give; sister: I need a sea pig; old lady: he is also over the mountains; keeps it, tells his sister to take the simple; sister: let's tie my fingers if you can tear it; came in the robber, chopped the young man into pieces, put it in a bag, threw it into the forest; the old woman's horse picked up the bag and brought it to her; she folded her body, revived it with live water; cooked the pig, let it eat, the young man I felt great strength; the old woman turned him into a bird, he flew to the robber, sat on a tree; the robber climbed to pick the bird, leaving his sword on the ground; the bird flew off, became a young man, he chopped the robber; put a bag on his horse, tied his sister alive behind the horse; the horse dragged her, trampled the robber's remains]: Zinchuk 2006a, No. 91:267-272; Western Ukrainians (Transcarpathia) [the widower marries a neighbor; she makes it a condition that he gets rid of the children Ivan and Marika; he takes them to the forest, leaving the deck beating against the tree in the wind as if he were chopping wood; they returned home; next time the father took them on, children stayed in the forest; they bake wild horseradish, go to bed with their heads in different directions; the bear, the wolf come, are surprised at the outlandish animal, leave; in the morning there is good bread in ash; on sycamore there is a magic shirt, a gun, a saber ; I. gets them, becomes a strongman; breaks into the robber's lair, there is a princess; kills 11 robbers, the 12th pretends to be dead, I. left the body, lets the girl go to her father, leaves; the robber asks M. bring live water, pour it into the keyhole; the door opens, the robber's severed ear grows, M. takes the robber as her husband; to destroy his brother, pretends to be sick, asks for a wolf, then bear meat and other meat; the she-wolf, then the bear and other animals ask them not to kill, gives them a wolf cub, a bear cub, etc.; the robber suggests that M. send his brother to fetch water from a spring between the mountains; in noon they stop, I. took out water; bring flour from mills that grind human bones, open every 12 years; I. picks up flour, manages to jump out, doors slam shut, his animals stayed inside; M. bathes I. in fresh milk, he was confused, she tied him with horsehair, the robber took his shirt with strength; they gouged out I.'s eyes, threw him into the well; people pulled him out; he wandered through the forest, fell his head into the swamp, there was living water, he saw the light; he bought good clothes, changed clothes with his grandfather; he gave him bottles of water, one was young, the other was old; he came to M. and the robber under the guise of beggar; when they fell asleep, he took their shirt, sword, gun; ordered him to be given his pipe; he began to play, the animals escaped from the mill, ran, tore the robber; left M. two barrels to cry, one to cry for him, the other for the robber; in the neighboring kingdom of snakes locked the water; I. killed him, freed the princess, whom the gypsy was carrying the snake, cut off snake tongues, the gypsy cut off a piece from each tongue, demanded that the king's princess as a wife; at home, almost all tears are cried out for the robber; I. shows the king not the tips of his tongues, but the tongues themselves, the animals tore the gypsy, I. took the princess; M. came, poisoned I., locked the animals; those escaped, Lisa brought living water; next time M. locked her verey again, put I. pitchforks in bed; the same; the animals tore M.]: Verkhovyna's Tales 1970:232-243; northern Ukrainians (Chernigovskaya , Nezhinsky y.) [The king, queen and one daughter died, leaving the second daughter and son; when the father died, he buried them to hide them from the snake; the serpent flew in, asking the pomelo, pokers, hooks, axes, shelves where the king is hid the children; everyone replies that the king or queen was kind to them; he will drown (bury the heat, take the pots out of the oven, chop them, etc.) and put them (put them), so I stand (lie); but the snake insists that the chisel shows signs of work (wrinkles); it agrees and tells you to go out, throw it behind you and dig it where it falls; the snake dug up the children and carried them into its hole; on the way, Olenka invites you to look for the snake lice; the snake fell asleep, Ivan cries; the bumblebee puts the children on his back, carries him away, but the snake caught up and returned; next time the goby offers to help; carries children, the snake catches up; the goby tells I. to climb into him right ear, get out of his left ear, he has a scallop and a handkerchief in his head; I. waved his scallop - a thicket, a handkerchief - the sea parted and the goby ran dry; the serpent was afraid, built a house for himself and stayed in it; brother his sister and his sister came to another house; the goby tells him to slaughter him, hang his legs in different places; in the morning they appeared dogs Protyus and Nedvyus, a sword and a gun; his sister went to the river to wash, snakes from another the shore asks to get a handkerchief and wave to cross it; O. told I. that she wanted to wash the handkerchief, waved, the sea parted, the snake passed; O. agreed to pretend to be sick, ask the animal milk; when I. comes up, the serpent turned into a needle, telling O. to stick it into the wall, otherwise the dogs would tear it; the dogs caught up with the hare, she let her milk, gave a bunny; the same with the fox, the she-wolf, a bear, a lioness, a tigress; the serpent offered to send I. to the mill so that the animals would remain locked behind 12 doors; when I. left the mill, the doors closed; I.'s houses asked permission before death climb the ash tree; magpie: don't go down, the dog's three doors have already gnawed; dogs have come running, tore O. and the snake]: Malinka 1902, No. 16:277-282; Eastern Ukrainians (Kharkiv) [bear's milk; cf. motive K81]: Grinchenko 1895, No. 155-159; Belarusians [the tsar's most beautiful ship sank; he promises half the kingdom to whoever returns the ship; evil spirits: half the kingdom is not needed, give what is at home you don't know; it turned out that at home the wife gave birth to a son and daughter; they grew up, the snake flew to pick them up, brought them to the forest; the boy talks about barrels, the girl talked about watermelons; the snake realized that these are not princes children; I had to give it away; once a serpent told the boy to separate the poppy from the ash, and the girl to embroider a towel; the barn took them under his wings, carried them away from the snake; he caught up, took them away; the next day the ox tells the girl to take the brush and a comb, and a bar and a handkerchief to the boy, sit in his left and right ear; the serpent catches up, they throw a brush (forest), a comb (an earthen mountain), a bar (a stone mountain); waving a handkerchief by the sea is a bridge, on the other side there is no bridge; the ox tells it to be cut into 12 parts, they have turned into 12 dogs; they have begun to live; the brother does not know that snakes have begun to fly to his sister; the sister asks bear milk; the bear gave milk and the bear cub; the same with the she-wolf; the dogs were left behind 12 doors; the sister tells the brother to warm the water; the raven: take your time, the dogs gnawed nine doors; the brother asks for permission blow the trumpet before death; the dogs heard, the snake tore; the sister took the snake's tooth; the brother and sister began to live with their parents; the sister put the tooth in the brother's bed; he died, the sister's body in the barrel and in the sea; the wolf took out a barrel, the bear knocked out the bottom, found the tooth, took it out; they began to live happily ever after]: Romanov 1887, No. 7:63-65.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Karaites [the padishah has a beautiful and intelligent daughter Shah Sine; he will give her to someone who will complete three tasks; the son of Padishah Chin-Machin came; let him get lion's milk; at night he climbed a tree, A growling lioness walked by, the young man was frightened, returned to his father; the shepherd also dreamed of SHS; found a ring in the sea, licked - devas appeared ready to obey orders; the shepherd sent his mother to marry the SS; he again requires lion's milk; the devas shackled the lioness and the shepherd fed up milk in front of the padishah's eyes; the second task is to bring the rhino; the devas delivered, the shepherd brought him to the padishah (a rhino the size of a mountain); lead ajdahu (same); build a palace; the devas built; the wedding is 40 days and nights; the son of Padishah Chin-Machin called witches with sorcerers and ordered to find out what the secret is; a witch is needed - the sister of Daviy Padishah; she is sitting in the cave and looks into the all-seeing mirror; the witch pretended to be an unhappy old woman, the shepherd and his wife sheltered her; as soon as the shepherd fell asleep, she took possession of the ring; moved the palace and SS to Chin-Machin; SS asks give her 40 days; the padishah threw his son-in-law into prison; the SS asked the witch to take her to the bathhouse; in the bathhouse, witches and sorcerers lose their abilities, the witch forgot about it; the SS scalded her with boiling water and took possession of the ring; sent messengers to her father and husband; returned everything as it was; the shepherd from the SS inherited the throne]: Zherdeva 2020, No. 77; Kalmyks [tigresses]; Abkhazians [deer]; Karachays: Ortabayeva 1982 [( Biinöger's poem); hunter Biineger's brother falls ill; in a dream, B. sees that only white deer milk can heal him; only a dog belonging to his mother's brother can catch him; he refused to give a dog; a dog other people gave; the white three-legged deer led B. to the cliff and left it; she was the eldest daughter of the hunting god Apsata, she punished B. for killing animals; for 15 days everyone tried to persuade B. to jump down that do not suffer; he listened only to his beloved; when B. died, she commits suicide (the same among the Svans, Virsaladze 1976:66)]: 15-17; Rumyantseva 1981 [the hunter kidnapped the boy, left to take care of the pig and a horse: give oats to the pig, iron sawdust to the horse; the horse asks to do the opposite, gains strength, the pig is losing weight; the hunter is dissatisfied; the horse tells you to get a mirror, a razor and a comb from the corner of the cave, run; the hunter riding a pig follows; the boy throws a comb (a fence made of sharp stakes, the pig blew up), a mirror (the sea, the pig swam across), a razor (an iron wall to the sky, the pig could not blow up); giving his 4 hairs, the horse leaves the boy to the old man in the village; the khan will give his daughter to the one who jumps over his palace on horseback; the boy called the horse, jumped over, got a younger princess, they were placed in a chicken coop, and the eldest daughters married the sons of the khans; they stole the herd from the khan, the younger son-in-law returned him, the elders tied the young man to the tree, said that they had returned the herd; the young man's horse freed him; the cows were also stolen; the horse pulled the young man out of the water; the khan fell ill, he needed reindeer milk; he took it out; said that he was a man himself, he was bewitched by that hunter, now he is disgraced; his elder sons-in-law gave the khan cow's milk, on his backs black spots appeared; the youngest daughter gave her father milk, throwing chicken manure at him; the khan moved them to the stable; horse manure; moved them into the house; the old man (former horse) tells the khan everything; he expelled elder sons-in-law, made the heir of the younger]: 81-90; Terek Cossacks [goats of the sea king]; Nogais [Arab mare's milk]; Kumyks: Bagriy 1930 (2) [the wolf ate everyone; the rich man hid his son and daughter in a hole under the hearth; the wolf ate him and his wife, heard voices, found children, left them on the roof of the house; the gray horse invited the children to sit on it, flew to the sea, the wolf caught up with her, ate her, returned her children; a black horse carried across the sea; brother and sister live there, a girl goes to the sea to fetch water; a wolf sees her, asks her to look in the mirror, then he will fly across the sea, promises to marry; she hides the wolf in the chest, who advises to take care of the sick, send her brother seven mountains to bring milk from the old women; the old woman explains that her sister has a lover; tells her to walk 40 doors in the cave in 20 minutes if you do not have time - you can't go out; the young man passes, carries milk, but his dogs are left outside the door; he brings milk, the wolf rushes at him, the swallow flies to the dogs, says that the owner is in trouble; they break out, kill wolf; brother walled up his sister in the room, promised to let him out when a puddle appeared in front of the window, reeds on it, ducks would swim in the reeds; many years later this happened, the brother released his sister, married her tsar]: 35-38 (=Khalilov 1965, No. 65:195-199); Barsov 1882, No. 1 [the dervish gives the childless khan an apple, let his wife, mare, dog eat, each bring twins; one boy, stallion and puppy must be given dervish; the eldest was named Arslan Khan, the youngest was named Batyr Khan; the dervish takes A. away; at the source, the skull teaches: this is a black maiden, you must pretend that you can't do anything; let him show how bread is baked; push the maiden into the oven and fill it with oil; after killing the maiden, A. rides his horse and with the dog; the counter tells him to put his finger into the stream when he meets; A. took out a splinter to the lioness, she gave a lion cub; killed a snake that crawled to the eagle's nest, which gave an eagle; dipped her finger, it turned gold; poured that water on a lion cub, an eagle, a dog; after releasing the animals and wearing a hat, A. hired a gardener for the khan; knitted the bouquet with his gold hair; the younger princess saw and understood who the worker was; the sisters sent her father three apples, rotten, half rotten, ripe; the vizier: it was time for the daughters to marry; the khan told the daughters to throw an apple at the passing men; the elders threw the vizier at the sons, the youngest as a worker; the khan lodged them in a collapsed hut; the khan fell ill, they needed reindeer meat; A. sat on the oath, then took on his true form, summoned an eagle, killed a deer, he poisoned some of the meat; gave it to his older sons-in-law, for which he put a seal on his back; the khan scolded his older sons-in-law for bitter meat, and he liked what A. had brought; bring lion's milk; the same (A. poisoned milk in one wineskin), a seal on the back of his elder son-in-law; A. Khan recovered from milk; enemies attacked, A. defeated them, said that his older sons-in-law were his slaves, showed seals; Batyr Khan followed in the footsteps brother; received a lion cub, an eagle, doused him with gold water; A.'s wife mistook him for her husband, but B. beat her; when A. arrived, she began to accuse him; A. caught up with B. and killed him, then repented; saw one mouse killed another, and then revived it with grass; A. revived his brother with it; everything is fine]: 121-128; Avars [lionesses]; tatas [merchants give an old woman, and that childless rich man three apples, the wife must eat, give the peel a mare; three sons and three horses are born; when he dies, the rich man hides horses and wealth under the ground; the younger brother hears people reproach his mother for disgracing the name of her deceased husband, living in poverty and fulfilling black work; asks to bake lavash, presses her mother's hands to her hot tone, the mother gives the keys to the dungeons; the brothers dress up nicely, the elder, then the middle one leaves and disappears; the youngest comes to a padishah, whose daughter will die if she is not given chamois milk; a shepherd sern lives beyond the mountains, which are guarded by one-, two- and three-headed ajdaha; a young man kills the first ajdah, kills a three-headed snake, frees brothers from her belly; kills the second ajdah, three brothers kill the third together; a shepherd gives chamois milk and two daughters to marry older brothers; on the way back they become padishahs of two cities, who suffered from Azhdah; they defeat Padishah Chimechin, to whom their wives were first promised; younger brother brings chamois milk, marries]: Kukulla 1974, No. 17:150-173; Georgians [mother found three grains, three sons plowed three fields, bread was degenerated, but the thunderer Elia hit the youngest's field with hail; he came to the rich man, promised to collect his bread in a day if he gave half the harvest; he did not have time to tie the last sheaf when the sun goes down; the unlucky one is hired for three years to herd sheep for half a flock if all the sheep are intact; on the last day, a wolf carries one sheep; three heavenly girls descend to swim, the Unlucky man grabbed one, married; the ring of the heavenly maiden fulfills his wishes; the king tells the servant to fry the pheasant; the servant sees the Unlucky One's wife, is stunned, the pheasant is burned; the king sees the beauty himself, sends her husband to get the milk of a ferocious buffalo, who brings her; the king orders her to take a jug of buffalo milk, go up to the plane tree, go down, the milk should become yogurt; the wife tells you to dip in a jug is a ring; the king tells him to marry the eldest daughter of the Sun; the unlucky one follows the ring; the fish asks to know why it is so inflated, the plowmen why the share breaks, the shepherds why the sheep are dying; The unlucky man climbs into heaven on the poplar growing on the head of a deer; the Sun and the Moon are the father-in-law and mother-in-law of the Unlucky; he beat Elijah and the wolf; the Sun apologized, promised to help; the fish must be hit - there is a bag of with money; change the share from wooden to iron; sheep must be sheared in the spring; the tsar should be told to turn into a hare, the viziers into wolves; this is what happened]: Jaliashvili 1970:22-30; Kurdovanidze 1988 (1), No. 34 ( the recording area is not specified) [the princess was kidnapped; a mighty forest man saw two devas fighting, killed both, the princess stayed with him; when she became pregnant, the forest man sent her to her father, giving her a ring for the son who will be born; the boy was named Christagan; he became a tariel hero; out of mischief, he pierced the old woman's jug with an arrow; she scolded: he put on a ring, but the former Tariels did not have rings in mind; H. tells his mother to talk about his father; unrecognized, fights a forest man; he killed him, and then found his ring in his pocket; wept; God had mercy, sent a pigeon to put a handkerchief over H.'s face, he came to life ; the forest man sent H. to become a friend of Tariel Beltagan; they fraternized, killed giants in the fortress, freed the princess; H. gave her to Beltagan; she gave X. vestments in three types: gold, silver, copper; H. left B. daggers: if he fails, he is in trouble; H. changed clothes with the shepherd; was hired first as a groom, then as a cook, then as a gardener; now his name is Kochora; the youngest of the three The princess noticed that he was a hero; at the feast she gave him an apple; the king placed them in a stable; the king fell ill, he would be cured by the insides of a wild boar; K. killed a wild boar on a heroic horse in a silver robe; gave his elder son-in-law, for this he tore off his little finger; the king is worse; he needs deer milk; K. in a golden dress cut off his middle son-in-law's ear; smashes the enemy, the king bandaged his finger with his handkerchief; everything was clarified; K.'s wife was swimming in the sea, her hair swam away; the prince of the overseas kingdom picked him up, sent him to K. an old woman; she persuaded K.'s wife to ask her husband what his soul was; in a thick hair on her head; an old woman she pulled him out, threw him into the sea; B. realized that H. was in trouble, found hair, put H. on his head; the old woman was tied to the horse's tail; there was even bird's milk at the wedding]: 98-114; Megrelians [dying, father tells read the psalter over him for three nights; the eldest and middle sons refused, the youngest read three nights, received three horses and a blessing from the father; the king will give the daughter to the one who will fly on horseback to the top of the castle and kisses the princess; the young man consistently tries three horses, the last one reaches his goal; wedding; the Queen Mother is ill, asked her son-in-law to bring milk from a deer living between the black and white seas; he brought and she recovered]: Wardrobe 1894, No. 8:140-141; Armenians [when dying, the husband tells his pregnant wife not to go to Black Rock; the young man grows up, walks, kills a demon; takes treasures his castle, marries 40 gurias captured by the demon; the mother revives the demon, pretends to be sick, asks her son to get 1) the melon of immortality; the old woman tells 40 demons to fall to his mother's chest first; she hides demons recognize him as a relative; only a lame demon knows how to get the melon of immortality; tells him to take a jug, comb, razor with them; running away with a melon, they throw a jug (lake), a comb (thicket), a razor (glass fragments); the stalker demons did not catch up, the young man sleeps with the old woman, she replaces the melon, the son brings a false mother, the mother recovers; 2) lion's milk; the old woman teaches to cut an abscess on her paw lionesses, who give milk, also her lion cubs; on the way, the old woman replaces milk with goat's milk, but the young man's mother says she has recovered; 3) living water; at the spring the young man falls asleep, but his lions kill the snake who has come scorpion, a beast; the old woman will change the water again; the mother pulls out three hairs for her sleeping son, he dies, the demon cuts the body into pieces; the lions bring the remains to the old woman, she revives the young man with living water; lions tear Mother and Demon Parts]: Wingate 1912, No. 9:94-102; Armenians [sea mares; tigresses; lionesses]; Azerbaijanis [sea mares]; Azerbaijanis: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935 [returning Late from the teahouse, the fisherman Balkhudar met the dervish; he gave a golden knife, ordered him to give it to the king's daughter Ulker; W. took, brought the horses, told them to run; on the way, B. picked up a ruby in the stream; they bought a house; one day W. picked up a ruby, the local king saw and fell in love; the vizier advised to accuse B. of stealing the ruby; he promised to bring the same stones; W. tells him to find her sister, kidnapped by divas; B. went up the stream, saw the girl motionless, a ruby hanging above her head; a diva came, hit a ruby, he soared into the sky, the girl woke up, but refused to deal with the diva; he put her to sleep again and left; B. himself the ruby hit, the girl woke up; said that the diva's soul was a bird in a glass vessel; if you put Solomon's ring into the water, you could catch the soul; W. just gave B. this ring; he lowered it into the stream, a vessel appeared, B. tore off the bird's head, the dead divas fell from the sky; they took the rubies, returned to W.; B. took 5 stones to the king; he demanded gazelle milk; sister W. gave the powder to scatter in the forest; gazelles will become insensitive, they can be milked; ordered B. to invite the king; planted a ruby, the tsar and his entourage lost consciousness, their heads were cut off, the people made B. tsar]: 54-60; Stamboliev 1896, № 4 (Kazakh district of Elisavetpol governorate) [two friends went east and west; agreed that if they were successful and married, let one's son take the other's daughter; both became kings; Vostochny had a daughter, Leili, and The Western has three daughters; he is uncomfortable to admit that there is no son, and L. is expecting a cousin to be her husband; each of the three daughters of the Western king is ready to go to the Eastern King dressed as a man; the vizier suggests simulating an attack: if the girl gets scared and returns, let her stay at home, and if she shows courage, let her continue her journey; the two eldest daughters are frightened, and the youngest killed the vizier and him people, came to the Eastern Tsar; a wedding is being prepared, but the visitor refuses: when he sees L., he called her sister and therefore cannot marry; L. loses consciousness; doctor: 1) he needs lion's milk ; an imaginary young man goes for milk, the prophet Hirellaz gives; 2) a sea stallion kidney (H. teaches him to catch); the witch tells him to get an unusual apple; together with the imaginary groom in a clay pot, he flies to grief; directs her to where people turn into stone; the girl kills her, breaks the pot; H. teaches: an angel will fly to quilt the former king of the petrified kingdom; you must grab the angel's shirt he will remove; return if he fulfills his wish; the angel makes the girl a man, gives an apple, frees the king and his petrified subjects; the young man is grateful to the prophet; the wedding; the prophet told the former father about this girls]: 18-26; Turks [when the king's daughter was 3 years old, he ordered his son to kill her and bring a cup of her blood; the young man felt sorry for the girl, gave her old woman to raise her, brought rabbit blood to his father; he suspects deception, predicts misfortune for his son; the king is blind, he will be cured by a precious box from the fairy land; the son went to get the box; his sister followed him; reluctantly, he put her with him on a horse; they came to an empty city; the inhabitants were eaten by a giant, a black Arab; a young man defeated him, hung him from a tree; planted three cypresses at the spring; his sister freed the Arab, they became lovers; sister fed an Arab with game brought by her brother; asks an Arab to kill her brother; an Arab is afraid of him; invites the girl to pretend to be sick and send her brother to nine Arab brothers and mother for black and light grapes; the young man fed the fox, who advises him to approach the giant from behind and venerate her breast; the giants gave grapes; next time: lion's milk in a lionskin wineskin; fox: go to the pond, where lions and their mother drink; clean the pond, pull out a splinter from the lioness, she will give milk; the lioness allowed to make a wineskin out of a lion cub's skin; gives the young man two lion cubs; an Arab tells his mistress to pour lead into her ears young lions brought by the young men; but one shook off the lead and kept his hearing; the Arab tells his mistress to hit his brother from behind with an ax when he starts fighting him; when he sees an Arab and his sister, the young man climbed on one from the cypresses he planted, called lions; when an Arab cut down one cypress, the young man moved to the second, then to the third; the lions heard the third call, tore the Arab to pieces; the brother cut his sister to pieces; lions sent it to their mother; he went to look for the box himself; the fox teaches how to take the box from the fairies; they want a sword stolen by giants in return; it is from the mother of giants; the young man managed to take it out of its scabbard; fox: don't give it back sword until you get the box, and then take the sword; asks to wave her sword over her head; the fox became a young man; it was his sword that was stolen by the fairy, turning the young man into a fox; leaving the sword to the young man, the prince returned to his father and he saw the light]: Walker, Uysal 1966, No. 10:90-103.

Iran - Central Asia. The Persians [the older sister promises to dress the army if she is presented as a vizier, the middle sister promises to feed the army, the younger sister promises to give birth to the Shah a gold-haired son, who, if she laughs, roses fall out of his mouth, tears are pearls and precious stones; sisters put the puppy, the baby is put in the oven in the bath; the shah lodged his wife in the kennel like a dog; the bathhouse attendant picks up the baby, gets rich; the Shah's new wife pretends to be sick , asks to bring lion's milk in the skin of another lion on the back of another lion; the shah sends the adopted son of a bathhouse attendant; the mother of the divas teaches that the main lion has a pain in his leg; the young man heals him, that's all suits; bring a mare with 40 foals; bring a self-swinging cradle; a diva tells her mother about two girls bathing, you have to hide their dress, they will give a cradle; the shah sees how a young man, a bathhouse worker who works as an assistant beats a wooden donkey to eat barley; when asked by the Shah, he answers: if the Shah's wife has given birth to a puppy, why does the wooden donkey not eat barley; the Shah asks the bathhouse attendant returns his wife and son, ties her sisters by their hair to the tails of horses; that woman and her son have achieved their goal, so let my friends also achieve their goals and desires]: Osmanov 1987:131-146; Baluchi [devas]; Tajiks Sistan [the king has two wives, one has a son, Malik-Muhammad; the second wife offers herself to him, he refuses; she complains to her husband that his son wanted to take possession of her; the vizier stands up for him, his father expels him, but does not execute him; the pregnant mother leaves with her son; asks to catch the bird, he follows it, he is swallowed by divas; the mother gives birth to a son Khanjarsho ("king dagger"); the mother also tells him to catch the same bird; he defeats the diva, throws it into the well; the mother finds a diva, picks it up, takes it as a lover; to destroy her son, asks for 1) lion's milk (the son takes out a splinter to the lion, he gives milk); 2) dates from the White Diva Garden; H. kills the dragon, which eats Simurg chicks every year, the chicks eat meat, Simurg brings him to the White Diva, the defeated Div becomes his friend; kills his mother and her lover when she tried to poison her son; gives H. to his peri wife; the old woman kidnaps her for another king, breaks the dagger in which H.'s life was; the diva repairs the dagger, returns his wife H.]: Grunberg, Steblin- Kamensky 1981, No. 2:24-39; Tajiks [lionesses]; Uzbeks [tigresses]; Uzbeks [bears; collecting brushwood, Bald sees a dev remove his skull from a tree, turn him into a girl, who gives him water With wine, Dev falls asleep, then leaves, the girl turns into a skull again; Bald is hired as an apprentice to the cook; grabbing his daughter by the hand, makes him uncover the spell that makes her father cook, without kindling a fire; after casting a spell, Bald runs away from the cook, turning into a dove, the cook is a falcon; the dove is a rose in the Shah's garden, the cook is a nightingale; the Shah promises to give the nightingale what he wants, he wants a rose; a rose turns into a handful of millet, a nightingale into a chicken with chickens, they peck grain, one becomes a dove again, flies away, the cook chases again in the guise of a falcon; the dove hides in the straw, not seen , returns home, turns the skull into a girl, brings him to himself; Bald brings a rose floating along the river to the Shah, the Shah gives it to one wife, all 40 want the same; 1) the wife tells her to beat her with twigs and twigs turn into roses; 2) to take possession of Bald's wife, the Shah sends him to bring bear milk; his wife teaches him to cure the bear, who gives milk; 3) bring Peri Gulikakhkah's golden bed from Mount Kuhikaf; his wife (she is Peri Kundukh, sister G., that queen of all peers) takes Pleshivy to G., dev brings them all on a couch to the Shah's garden; he orders to burn Pleshivy, G. and K. snatched him out of the fire, sent him to the Shah with halves of a melon (it was winter); Bald says he was in paradise, the Shah's parents invite him to the melon festival; both sit on the fire, G. and K. snatch Pleshivy, the Shah burns; Bald reigns]: Afzalov and others 1972 (2): 301-307; Turkmens [black mare; lionesses]; Sarykol residents [three sons ask their father to find wives for them; on the mountainside, a woman orders them to be sent to her one at a time; the elder goes, and there snake; same middle; younger Abadesh brings a snake, there is a huge house in the morning; A. asks his wife to get out of her shell; the beauty comes out; when they see her, the brothers faint; tell his father to destroy A.; that goes to the king, then the vizier sends A. for lion's milk; the wife orders the lion to take the thorn out of his paw, A. receives milk and returns on a lion; Father A. suggests that the king demand a golden one from A. throne; A. burns his wife's hairs, her mother brings the golden throne from heaven; a new requirement: a sweet slutty; Peri's father teaches to take it away from the fox; A. chases the fox into the cave, the fox dies, A. takes the rubble and sees the inhabitants of another world; bulls eat one person's beard (when he plowed, did not give them grass); seven people try to build a bridge (they stole boards from the bridge during their lifetime); two snakes suck a woman's breasts (gave chest to someone else's child without asking her husband); A. apologizes to the Creator for the death of the fox, is forgiven; the wife's father teaches to say that the father and mother of the king gave the ruble, are waiting for him; the king orders to burn himself on a huge bonfire, A. becomes king]: Pakhalina 1966:142-148.

Baltoscandia. Norwegians [the boy walks with his old mother through the forest; despite her prohibition, he picks up a blue belt at the crossroads, girds himself, becomes a strongman; they come to the troll's house; the son hears how the mother agrees to the troll's offer to marry him by getting rid of her son; the troll wants to roll a stone on the young man, the young man rolls on him himself, injuring his thigh; the young man brings him home; the troll offers to feed the young man to lions; the mother pretends to be sick, asks for lion's milk; the troll sends the young man to the lion's pen, he kills one lion, the others obediently let themselves milk; the troll does not believe, young man He throws him to the lion who comes, takes him away while he is still alive; sleepy apples in the garden of the troll brothers; if he eats them, falls asleep, the trolls will kill him; the mother pretends to be sick again, wants apples; the young man eats apples, He falls asleep, but obedient lions guard him; trolls come in the guise of cannibal horses, the lions have eaten them; the young man wakes up, meets an Arab princess kidnapped by trolls in the castle; before going with her to Arabia, visits her mother, invites her and the troll to move to the castle; when she learns the secret of the belt, her mother tears it off, wraps it around her hand; the young man burns his eyes, goes down the river in a boat; lions they pull him ashore; one sees how the blind hare saw the light after swimming in the stream; the owner is treated, he enters the castle, grabs his belt, kills his mother, burns the troll's eyes, lowers the boat; swims in Arabia; on the island, an egg is cut, with a chick the size of an elephant; a young man tells me to sail to Arabia, where he clings to a spruce, others hide in the sand; a bird raises an island, throws it on ships; when it attacks a young man , he kills her with a sword; the princess's father will give her to whoever finds her; the young man dresses as a polar bear, dances; if anyone laughs, tears her; the maid laughs, is killed by a bear; the king leads the bear through the castle there, where the princess is hidden so that he can dance for her; he discovers himself; in the morning he finds a princess in the guise of a prince, gets married]: Dasent 1970:155-171; Finns [after the death of his parents, the brother took the cat, and the sister is a goat, they went to look for happiness; the goat had to be stabbed and fried; they came to the giant; he agrees to fatten them first and then eat them; the horse offers brother and sister take them away from the giant, the giant easily caught up and killed him; the eagle is the same, the giant shot; the bull tells you to take a branch, a stone and a tin bottle of water, throw it behind when the giant catches up; a branch turns into a forest; a giant cuts through a passage, a fox promises to steal an ax, a giant spends time taking the axe home; a stone (a mountain; same; a fox promises to carry a hammer); a bottle (sea, a giant tries it drink, the fox advises you to gird yourself with hoops, gnawed them, the giant burst); the bull is about to die; tells you to keep the horns to summon him; brother and sister came to the copper castle, the dog got involved with them; the cat and the dog are scratching the chest, but the brother did not open it; when he left, Satan came out of the chest in the form of a boy; the girl fell in love with him; he advises to pretend to be sick, send your brother for wolf's milk; the she-wolf gives milk and a wolf cub; the same is a bear; Satan advises sending the boy to the mill for living and dead water, he will poison the springs along the way; a cat and a dog drink from the first, a wolf and a bear from the second; the boy revived them with live water; they tore Satan; the sister begged his brother to take it with him; they came to the silver castle, the guy married the mistress princess; Satan came to life, brought his sister a tooth, told put his brother in bed; he died; the animals broke the coffin hoops, but fell dead themselves; two crows brought live water and revived the boy, and he hit the animals; hitting the horn with his horn, the guy called the bull, who brought him to the silver castle, Satan and sister were killed; the spell hanging over the princess broke; everything is fine]: Concca 1993:67-81; Karelians (Kalevalsky district) [dying, parents advise their son not to marry, daughters do not marry, but live together quietly; after eating all the supplies, they went on a journey; the sister is thirsty; the brother went to the waterfall to get water, took a hat of water, there is a pike; asks her to let go, teaches where there is a golden sword between the stones of the waterfall; you can't lift it, but if you "turn the screw", it will become light; do not show your sister; they come to a house where the table is set for nine; 9 demons enter, the young man cuts them off his head with his sword, throws his body underground; it turned out that one did not die without death; asks the girl to release him, make him a husband; let him know what his brother's strength is; he replies that he is in a naked, in a pomelo; sister with they burn them with a demon, the brother is unharmed; the young man's sword cannot be raised; then the sister pretended to be sick, asked for bear milk, then lion's milk; the bear, the lioness, laugh, give milk; the sister asks the devil's leader's gallbladder beyond the nine seas; the bear and the lioness go with the guy; hidden in a hole and then barked so that the squirrel captain who carries that devil on the ship can hear; the guy even in the hole almost became deaf from such a scream; the squirrel brought the guy, tells him to hide in the underground, the princess will put the demon to sleep, he must cut off his head, a ring will roll out of his throat, cut him in two, throw one half into fire, the other in his pocket; there was a demon's life in the ring, the guy took bile; the princess gave her ring; at home, the sister persuaded her to say where his brother's life was and how to make the sword light; without taking the sword, the guy was blinded and they drove her into the forest; he came to the city, the princess saw her ring, told her father to pass her off as a blind man, who drove them away; the blind man hears the birds talking; for the first time they say that if you enter the hut, it will explode; the blind man did not let his wife go there; the second time: if you wash his eyes with dew, the man will see the light; after sending his wife to her father, the man and his animals came to the demon; the squirrel went down through the chimney, unlocked the door; the man took his sword, blinded the demon and sister, drove him into the forest; the couple came to their animals; they tell his wife and them to cut off their heads, throw them into the spring, throw their sword there and jump themselves; squirrel, lioness, bear , the sword turned into four princes - brothers of a man's wife; when he sees the missing children, the king apologizes to his son-in-law and daughter, gives his son-in-law the throne]: Onegin 2010, No. 17:201-209; set: Mälk et al. 1967, No. 52 [mother died; brother and sister went to the forest, came across a house, an old man there; began to live with him; when he died, he gave them each a handkerchief, they were tied together in a knot; if untied, trouble would happen; one day sister alone, decided to untie the knot; a handsome guy in white came, it was hell; offered the girl to lime her brother; let her pretend to be sick, ask for wolf's milk; the brother went to look for the she-wolf, that asked her not to kill, let herself be milked and went with him; the same with the bear; to bring water from the lake, where there is a huge serpent; the young man, along with the she-wolf, the bear and his dog, were defeated by a snake, the young man brought water; brought flour from the damn mill; when the young man took the flour, the 12 iron doors behind closed and the animals remained behind them; the devil's house was going to kill the young man; he asked for permission before he died wash in the bathhouse; drowns for a long time, stalls for time; the animals broke the doors, ran, broke the line; one tooth was left; the young man left his sister in the bathhouse with two barrels; let one cry for his brother, the other for line; see where more; taught animals to dance, went with them, showing them for money; the king will give his daughter for someone who makes her laugh; when she sees dancing animals, the princess laughed; wedding; the young man is told bring his sister; he followed her - the barrel with tears on the line is full; on the way back, sitting in the carriage, the sister put the damn tooth in her brother's ear, the brother died; the wife placed the body in an iron coffin on a pole ; animals howl at the foot; a stranger king who passed by saw this, ordered the coffin to be removed; the tooth fell out, the young man came to life, drove his sister away, inherited the throne from his father-in-law]: 127-132; Sandra 2004 [dying, the king told his daughter to rule, until her brother grew up; she decided to put her brother to death; pretended to be sick, told her to bring hare milk; the hare gave milk; next time a fox; a she-wolf; a bear; a tigress, a lioness; her sister sent Brother to bring bread from the mill where the witch is; he went with all his animals that gave him milk; he took bread, and when he sent the animals to eat too, the witch slammed the doors shut; the sister put his brother in the cellar, the witch must eat it; at this time the animals break the doors one by one; this is reported by a raven, a dove, a swallow; each time the young man asks the cannibal for more time; the last time he asks for permission to light it up pipe; animals break in, kill the witch; the young man, telling his sister to cry for his return a bucket of bloody tears, leaves with his animals; comes to a city where mourning; the man explains that every year the sea serpent demands a sacrifice, otherwise it will flood the city, the turn of the royal daughter; the animals tore the snake, the princess gave the savior her handkerchief; the coachman crept up, cut off the young man's head, told the princess to swear that she will declare him the winner of the snake; the animals mourn, the fox tells him to pretend to be dead, the raven with the crow descends, the fox grabs the crow, tells the crow to bring water that connects the dicks and living water; that brings; the fox tore the crow for testing, glued it together, revived it; then the young man; the animals cast lots, falls on the bear, he brings the handkerchief to the palace, the princess recognizes him; meets the savior; the king orders tear the coachman with four bulls; the young man gets the princess; goes to visit his sister; she cries a bucket of blood; puts a witch's tooth in his brother's head, he falls dead; he is put in the tower; the hare comes the tooth pierces him, he dies, the young man comes to life; the fox takes the tooth out of the hare, throws it into the bush, the bush has dried up; the animals tore his sister; the young man became ruler over both kingdoms]: 192-202; Latvians [ Angry sister (mother). The sister (mother) becomes the mistress of a trait (robber). He encourages her to kill her brother. The sister pretends to be sick, sends her brother for animal milk. The brother gets milk and gets animal cubs. My sister sends her brother to the damn mill. The animals remain trapped in the mill and can't help their brother. The hell wants to kill his brother, but he wants permission to heat the sauna. He heats the sauna very slowly, the animals break out of the mill, come running and lift the line. With the help of animals, the brother frees the princess. She forgives her sister, but she puts a damn tooth at his head. Brother dies, animals save him]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 315:275.

Volga - Perm. Mordvians: Samorodov [when he dies, the old man tells his son to slaughter a heifer, her liver and heart will turn into black and white puppies; they catch up with any game; the younger sister pulls a snake out of the well he takes him as a lover, he advises him to pretend to be sick, send his brother for animal milk; the old woman advises his brother to answer the watch animals (i.e. lions) that he came by order; the same is tiger milk; get flour from the ever-grinding mill; brother picks up flour, dogs stay outside the door; the snake is going to eat it, the brother asks for permission to wash in the bathhouse first; the magpie reports that the dogs have gnawed through the doors ; brother climbs one, then two other birch trees, snakes gnaws on them, dogs came running, tore him apart; brother leaves his sister, his dogs tore a 12-headed snake, which was about to eat the princess, marries; sister A snake sends a pillow with a tooth, the brother lies down, dies, the sister orders the body to be thrown into the sea in the barrel; dogs catch the barrel, the old woman of the forest revives with live water; the brother tied his sister to the stallion's tail] 1972: 293-299; Paasonen 1941 [father died, mother does not love her son, pretended to be sick, sent a bear to bring milk to 7 forests and 7 fields; she gave; the tigresses did the same; then told them to bring water from there; the young man went, taking a bear cub and a tiger cub with them; they enter the house but cannot go out; the young man returned, gave the water, his mother poured it out, ordered the bathhouse to be heated; the raven arrives and says that the bear and the tiger are digging a dig, how much there is still left; the mother locked her son in a hot bath, but then the animals escaped, released him, his mother tore him apart]: 260-263; Yurtov 1883, No. 8 []: 19-; marie [bears, lionesses]; Beke 1938, No. 7 [in humans wife, she has a lover; he is dead; the devil took his form and began to come to the woman; she decides to get rid of her husband; pretends to be sick, consistently asks him to bring milk from a wild dog, a hare, she-wolves, bears, lionesses, tigresses; an old man in the forest gives him a horn; if you blow, animals come; each female gives milk and a cub; animals grew up, entered the house, sniffed the devil under the floor in the hallway, tore ; the man ordered them and his wife to tear apart]: 20-30; Kazan Tatars [the padishah has a son and two daughters; the grooms are denied; the eldest was kidnapped; the mother died of grief; the padishah married a young man; the stepmother orders drive away stepson and stepdaughter; they came to a house in the woods; near a dugout with 12 robbers and an older sister; she got them drunk, their brother killed them; sister regrets living with robbers; one is still alive, she went out ; they agree to get rid of her brother; she pretended to be sick, sends for hare, fox, wolf, bear, lion, tiger milk; all animals give milk and cub; younger sister about them cares; the eldest offers to play cards, the loser will be tied up; tied up her brother, the robber is ready to kill him, but the animals have torn him to pieces; brother and younger sister come to another country; there Azhdaha devours girls, turn for the padishah's daughters; brother kills him with the help of animals; the blind man says that he beat the double-headed ajdaha with a bucket, demands the princess to marry; the next day the same (three-headed ajdaha, middle princess, imaginary savior - one-armed); then fire-breathing azhdakha, younger princess, lame; the dzhigit comes to the wedding, shows the heads crushed by a stone and the rings given by the princesses; crushed the impostors with stones, married a younger princess; returned his older sister; she put the robber's tooth in bed for her brother, her brother died; the animals pulled out the tooth, the owner came to life; the animals lifted up her older sister]: Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 15: 133-153; Bashkirs [Akhan and Karakhan decided to marry children if wives give birth to babies of different sexes; A. has a son, K. has a daughter; A. died, K. forgot his promise; A.'s eldest daughter-in-law to his son: what's wrong with me to flirt, it would be better to go to the bride; the son asked his mother to fry wheat, held her in her hand, she had to confess; K.'s wife died, telling him to take a new wife more beautiful than her; K. found no one more beautiful than her daughter ; she set a condition: sew a flea fur coat and a lice leather handkerchief; K. fulfilled; she dug a hole in the bathhouse and covered it with a carpet; K. went, failed; the daughter left, began to live with the elderly; son A. found K ., pulled it out of the hole; K. says that his daughter killed her mother and went to the maiden; son A. came to the house where daughter K. lived; began to pluck the wool from the ram, put the meat on an inverted cauldron and poured water on top; the girl, seeing this, laughed and became more and more beautiful; they fell in love with each other, he brought her mother, married her; beggar K. came; at night he stabbed his daughter's son, put a knife on her; said that this witch killed her mother; mother kicked her daughter-in-law out; the young returned to those old people, taking the child's body; son A. sees how the snake revived another by dragging her around the hummock; revived his son; the young man grew up, went to fight the devil; I stayed with an old woman, she wants to burn him in a copper bath, he drags her there himself, tells her to show the way to the deva; she sends him to her sister; she has a silver bath; the same goes to her older sister; a golden bath; the old woman orders to oil the deva's gate, chop snakes and lions with a sword, gives a handkerchief to heal the horse's leg if the lion hurts him; the young man drove the deva up to his throat into the ground, then put him in a cage, freed the beauties, The princess gave him a ring; he brought his mother to him; K. came, opened the cage with the deva, who advised him to send the young man for the bear's milk; K. called himself the boy's grandfather - his mother is unconscious, must be cured; the young man pulled a sharp stone out of the bear's paw, she gave milk; K. released the deva, the young man defeated him, he fell into the ground; the young man sprayed milk on K., who petrified, the millstone closed the place where the devil was; the young man threw a ring into the jug of the princess's maid; she recognized him; wedding]: Barag 1988, No. 54:377-385.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [black saiga of an old Kempir woman]; Kyrgyz (Chuy Province, 1966) [Mendirman wandered into Khan Karakan's city, got a job as a cook; then K. instructed him to look after his tulpar; he fattened, but much less barley began to go away; M.: the former servants stole; in addition, unchewed grains can be washed out of the manure and fed again; the khan ordered to secretly monitor M.; the spy reported, that M. thinks that there is something from a cow in tulpar; M. explained: only the cow is mad in the heat, the tulpar is also worried; the herd admitted that the foal managed to suck the cow; the khan orders to evaluate it himself; M.: on one side - Khan's son, on the other - the son of a baker; Khan's mother admitted that she gave birth to a girl and replaced her with a baker's son; and the baker's son likes to treat her with bread; K. made M. one of the horsemen, then as the leader of 40, then as the chief vizier; choose the girl you like; M. found Gulgaaki, got married; horsemen: G. is worthy not of M., but of you; the old woman promised to take away M.'s wife; we must pretend if she is sick, send M. to Ayocon for milk; she swallows everyone who comes to her, and there are 40 robbers on the way; M. ordered the blacksmiths an iron house with seven-row walls; K. repents, but M. everything rides equally; horse: 40 robbers are waiting for us; but they themselves asked M. to make them their horsemen; the horse teaches us how to get there, say: 'Assaloom alaikum, mother'; she will say: 'If he hadn't said hello, not You would be well, son. ' Say, 'If I hadn't answered the greeting, mother, I would have exhausted you. ' She will ask: 'Why did you come, son? ' Answer: Get your milk. ' She'll say 'Here's my milk! ' , and will spin the cauldron about 40 ears. I'll be shorter than a rabbit and you'll be as grip as a hawk. Put a cauldron with forty ears on my mane, and I'll ride away with it. If we can't get hold of the cauldron, we'll be lost and she'll swallow you and me. If we take the pot away, she admits defeat, call us back; that's what happened; Ayocon said she didn't have milk, it was a hoax; she pulled out her mustache and gave it to M.; M. returned to town to K., and then dolomali six walls near M.'s wife's iron house, set about the seventh; a brutal battle; M. set fire to A.'s mustache; Ayokon flew into the khan's possessions, swallowed both the dog that barks and the cow that was mooing; khan: Take away yours monster, become a khan instead of me! "] : Kebekova, Tokombaeva 2007:71-77.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas [the old man's eldest daughter is not married, he kicked her out, she saw a tree in the taiga, potatoes on it, fell alone, she became pregnant from her, returned home, gave birth to a boy; this is Ivan Tsar ; he kills and maims other children, complained about him to the king, I. and his mother put him in a stone house; he broke it, went out, brought the whole tree for firewood; went to get the daughter of Morte the King; defeats him, lives with his daughter like her sister; brings his mother; she resurrected Morte King, made her husband; pretends to be sick, asks for milk from a bear, a striped leopard, a son brings it; the mother asks for live water and live potatoes from the King of Fire; a severed head tells them to dig a golden sword, teaches them to cut off the head of the King of Fire, take away elixirs; with them I. connects his head to the body, revives; the mother persuades I. to drink more and more wine, break the heavier iron fetters; when he can no longer, Morte the King burns his eyes, but I. broke his fetters; asks Morte the King's daughter for help, she leads him to the larch, he is hers tore it out, found a toad under its roots, regained his sight with its bile; tore his mother in half, threw the bottom of her body to the king, carried the top to the mountain; comes to the king of the Sun; his daughter says that her father lost her at cards 9 -head dragon; kills three dragons, the last one about 12 heads; hides heads, the soldier says that he killed the snakes; the soldier was shot; I. became king instead of the Sun, made the daughter of Morte the King his older sister]: Katanov 1907, No. 428:428-439; South Altai Tuvans [Gunan Chara Baatyr lives with his mother, older and younger sisters; one day he is met by Chödöönüng Gök Bugasy, what would kill him; G. drove him deep into the ground and covered the hole with a stone the size of a camel; when he returned home, told his mother and younger sister not to go north; the mother went and heard C.'s voice from the pit, asked her youngest daughter to bring the mare to drag the stone; she could not; they brought a camel, who dragged the stone; they hid C. in a yurt under the bed; the mother pretended to be sick: let G. get her milk camels who are on an island in the middle of a lake in the northwest; the local khan warns of a mortal threat; but G. became a wolf, then a fox, an eagle, went down in the fog, took out milk, gave the camel pearl, he and the camel became friends; on the way back, G. stayed with the khan and his wife changed the milk; and his fallen drop burned the ground; his mother pretended to drink milk the next day healthy and then sick again; you need the lungs and hearts of a pair of leopards in the south; likewise, leopards give their lungs and hearts {sic!} ; for the third time: the lungs and heart of the 9-headed mangys (Andalva) living in the east; khan: if G. defeats mangys, let him bring skin from the forehead of his middle head; and during the battle, he turned to the Father and ask the strength of 30 husbands from above, 60 from below; along the way, G. sees the hooves of a giant mangys horse; there are no doors in the 9-story glass palace; G. broke through the wall; Mangys's wife says he is in the south; G. came, with He killed mangys eagles and dogs with difficulty; they fought for a month; the mangys began to prevail, but G. asked for strength, his body became like bronze, he knocked down the mangys; he ordered him to be killed with a knife in his hair under a scythe; After killing Mangys, G. hacked his wife, took the cattle, brought the skin from his forehead to the khan; his wife changed the heart and lungs of Mangys; when G. fell asleep at home, his mother took his weapon, and C. attacked him; when they were fighting, mother and sister poured peas under G.'s feet, and flour under C.'s feet; C. killed G., took his cattle, but the horse ran to G.'s older sister; she rode and found her brother's bones, but the ribs were missing; she became a worm went downstairs, those people regained the rib; the older sister went to see the fiancée G. (this is the daughter of the khan who helped him), she revived G., covering him with a beaver blanket and telling G.'s horse to jump over the master's bones three times; disguised as a poor young man, G. came to the old shepherd and his wife; they recognized him by signs (a tricolor rainbow rises from the horse; when G. sleeps in a yurt, his leg is outside; drinks tea from a wooden mortar cup); C. celebrates his wedding with G.'s mother; G., unrecognized by him, asks allow him to participate in an archery competition; breaks several bows; then C. gives him a bow G.; G. pulled his bow for three days, took his shape, fired an arrow into C.'s cervical vertebra; asks the mother, what she wants; mother: a mare; he tied her to the tail of a mare and let it into the steppe; younger sister wants scissors; G. killed her with a sword; took his men and cattle and returned home]: Taube 1978, No. 24:50-63.

Western Siberia. Eastern Khanty (b. Vasyugan) [the son is gone, a daughter was born; the old woman gave birth to a girl with golden hair; the old man tells her to be taken to a place where people's heads are cut off; the old woman carried the girl, met her son, ordered not to kill, to bring father a spoonful of dog blood; the son's wife does not want his sister, he built his sister a separate house; the sister hears the noise in the underground, Savs-iki went out, she began to live with him, he offers to lime his brother; let him pretend sick, send for bear milk; the bear gives milk and a button from her ear; the same is a moose; the buttons turned into a bear and a calf; brother overheard S. talking to his sister, shot both of him heads, burned his body, ashes turned into midges and mosquitoes; sister found S.'s teeth, put her brother in his pillow, at night his teeth crawled into his ear, he died; the coffin was placed in the seventh room behind seven doors; dog, the bear cub and the calf broke the doors, the dog pulled his teeth out of his ear, the young man came to life; his sister died of fear]: Lukina 1990, No. 89:237-239; Northern Khanty: Steinitz 2014, No. 28 (Sherkal dialect) [husband with the wife bought their son and daughter a toy - an iron horse; the horse destroyed the city and killed the couple; the children hid under the floor; the horse asks where they are; the comb, the flint, the skin scraper do not answer, she is theirs breaks; leaves; the cow tells her to sit on it, takes it to the sea, tells her to slaughter it there, wrap it in its guts, climb into her stomach; the horse chases, the sister throws flint (fire), the crest (forest), the whetstone ( mountain), flint again (the horse burned down); brother and sister killed a cow, woke up in the house, there is a lot of food; they live on an island; a dog jumps out of a ball of foam; tells his brother that his sister will send him for a fox milk; sister sends - milk will recover; fox gave milk: if sister does not drink, give it to my cub; sister did not drink, fox drank; same with blue fox; dog to young man: sister hid an iron horse under your bed, lie down on the side; next time milk and a wolverine cub, you have to lie back to bed, and under the bunk there will be an iron horse; then a wolf; a bear; a horse under the threshold; in front of the doorstep; the sister sends him into the house for seven times locks; there the old man lets the animals in, closes the door; the young man returns alone; his sister tells him to wash in the bathhouse, and then his iron horse will kill; the bird reports three times that the animals are digging an underground passage; the animals have come, killed an iron horse; the brother nailed his sister's hands to the floor, vessels near his eyes: if necessary, his vessel must be filled with tears, and if the iron horse is hers; the brother married the king's daughter; took his sister to him; she put the iron horse's tooth in his bed, his brother died; he was buried in an iron coffin; the animals dug, broke it; the dog found a crow's nest: bring the grass of life, otherwise I'll eat eggs; the crow brought, the dog crushed one egg, restored it with grass; revived the young man; he let the animals go, left only the dog; tied his sister to two sleigh, tore it with horses; threw one leg into the forest, a swamp willow grew out of it, the other on a hill, a forest tree grew; the brother lives well (with his wife)], 29 (son dialect) [the king did for his son and daughter an iron toy horse; she ate the city and the king and the queen; she tells her brother and sister not to be afraid; they filled the trough with wine, the horse is drunk, they sat on a donkey, the horse is chasing; across the river, the donkey tells him to kill, a dog jumped out of his stomach; they came to the cannibals, hid in the barn; the cannibals climbed there, the prince killed them; one robber remained under the floor; invites the prince's sister to pretend to be sick, send a brother to an iron wolf for milk; the she-wolf gave milk and a cub; the same was a bear; a lion; now the prince has a dog, a wolf, a bear, a lion; the sister asks for flour from a barn with seven sections; The prince went out, the animals remained in the barn; the cannibal robber tells us to wash in the bathhouse; the bird reports three times that the animals are about to get out; the animals tore the robber; the prince: when the age of puppeteers comes ( people), let there be nothing so terrible {in the sense of monsters}; tied his sister to horse riding: if she needs him, let her drink a barrel of clean water, if she does not need it, a barrel of alkali; the prince put one boot on the road, then another; the coachman stopped, went to get the first boot, the prince took the royal daughter to him; freed his sister, who drank a barrel of alkali; prepared his brother's bed, put a needle into his ear, and the brother died; the animals dug up the body, pulled out the needle, the wife is happy; the sister was put on a pole, shot with guns]: 169-185, 185-196.