Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27r2. Dancing apples. .13.-.

The task is to bring objects (fruits, wood, water, etc.) that perform actions peculiar to humans (singing, dancing, yawning, laughing, etc.).

Arabs of Sudan, Egypt, Arameans, Basques, Spaniards, Sicilians, Italians (Liguria, Campania), Maltese, Corsicans, Italians, French, Bretons, Germans (Saxony-Anhalt), Thais, Marathas, Hungarians, Greeks, Czechs, Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Ossetians, Nogais, Avars, Armenians, Turks, Persians, Tajiks, Tajiks of Sistan, Vakhans, Shugnans, Yazgulyam, Baluchis, Turkmens, Swedes.

Sudan - East Africa. Sudanese Arabs [the widow's son asks his mother to heat the bath water to a boil; if she does not say who his father was, he will throw himself into boiling water; when he learns that a fisherman, he throws a net and pulls out gold chicken with chickens; the vizier asks to sell for 20 pounds, the young man refuses; the vizier tells the sultan that he calls the young man, buys the chicken for the same price; orders to get 1) a winged horse; the old woman sends a young man into the desert, he puts a saddle on his horse, brings; 2) singing water and a dancing branch (the old woman teaches him how to cut a branch, collect water without turning to the voices of the genies); 3) the daughter of another sultan, who guli are guarded; old woman: on the way, shave a sleeping fat man, sit next to him; the same, a big-eared man; a man with a long leg; a big eye; this is a guli; everyone becomes his companion and companion; the big-eared hears that the Sultan's people want to burn them, the big-eyed sees how the tent is covered with firewood, the long-legged man scattered the coals, the fat man, having drunk the river in advance, filled the fire with water; the same with an attempt poison those who came (the fat man eats everything without harming himself); the Sultan's daughter was sent away, but the big-eared and big-eyed saw and heard it, the long-legged returned her; the sultan died of grief; after At the funeral, a bird sat on the head of a fisherman's son; he was elected Sultan, married the daughter of the deceased]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 29:144-148.

North Africa. Arabs of Egypt: Bushnaq 1987 [the king forbid lighting a fire for three nights; went around the city with the vizier; there is a weak light in one house; there are three girls behind spinning wheels; one wants to marry the king the baker, will eat bread to his heart's content; the second, for the royal chef, will taste various dishes; the youngest promises to give birth to the king a boy with golden and silver curls and a girl whose smile makes the sun shine, and It rains crying; they sent for them the next day; two older sisters were frightened, and the youngest asked for proper clothes; they celebrated three weddings; the king's former wife decides to lime a new one; she bribed the midwife, who threw the babies into the garden, put the puppy and the clay pot; the gardener found the babies and his childless wife fed them; they grew up; the queen found out, called the midwife to tell the girl that she lacks an apple tree with dancing apples and an apricot tree with singing apricots; her brother came to the ghoul, cut it; the ghoul sends to his brother (the same); he sends to her sister; if she rubs salt, then do not come, and if sugar, venerate both breasts; Gulya promised to ask her 7 sons when they will come in the evening; turned the young man into an onion; her sons promise not to harm to the guest, but help him; the eldest will take him to that apple tree in a month, and the youngest instantly; the brother brought the sister both trees; queen: Bulbul Assiah (screaming nightingale) is missing; brother came to the ghoul, he flew in with them to the king of the guley, the young man took the cage and brought it to his sister; the gardener told the king, the nightingale shouted about what was happening, the king returned his wife and arranged a feast]: 89-94; Spitta-bey 1883, No. 11 [at night the king and vizier they walk around the city, hear three girls talking; each says what she would do to become the king's wife; the first will bake a cake for the king and all his troops; the second is a tent for the king and the army; the third will give birth a son and a daughter with golden and hyacinth hair; when they cry, thunderstorms and showers will begin, when they laugh, the sun and moon will appear; the king married them; the first two failed to fulfill their promise, sent to the kitchen with slaves; when the third wife gives birth, the other wife bribes the midwife, who replaced the children with blind puppies; the king orders that the wife be tied at the entrance, smeared with resin and that everyone spit on her; The midwife put the children in a box, threw them into the river; the fisherman found and raised them; the fisherman caught two beautiful fish, the young man (his name is Mohammed Razumny) carried them to sell them, the king bought them; ordered them to continue to be brought; wife the king understood who this young man was, the midwife promised to lime him and his sister; she sailed in a jug, persuaded the girl to bring the Arab-Zandyq singing rose; M. came to the cannibal, venerated his chest; she explained the way to the rose; meat in front of the goat, clover in front of the dog - you have to shift it; take the rose, leave without looking back, otherwise you will petrify; M. brought a rose; she does not sing; midwife: you need a mirror (same episodes); the rose does not sing again; the midwife: her mistress Arab-Zandyk is needed; the young man got to her palace, looked out the window and began to call; after two shouts, he was half petrified, but grabbed AZ by the hair, let go how she revived all the petrified; said that he was the son of the king; created a palace on the island where the fisherman lived; M. invited the king to come to his wedding with his army; the vizier advised him to stock up on food, but the warriors could not eat everything they were offered; and when M. and AZ paid a return visit, their soldiers did not fit into the city; M. threw a shawl over his mother in the palace; AZ told the whole story; the fisherman was made a vizier , and the angry wife and midwife were burned]: 137-151.

Southern Europe. The Basques [three sisters are spinning; the eldest says she would like to marry a courtier, the middle says she is the royal son-in-law, the youngest is the king himself; the king hears this, marries the youngest; she gives birth twice in his absence; sisters write to the king that his wife gave birth to a kitten, puppy, bear; children (the eldest is a girl) are lowered down the river in a basket, they are picked up by a gardener; the king forgives his wife twice, on the third, she tells them to put them in prison, starve; adoptive parents are dead; the old woman advises young men to get a singing tree, a truth-telling bird, rejuvenating water; older brother leaves; the old man warns not to turn to the noise, he turns around, stones; the apple he leaves rots; the same goes with his younger brother; the sister goes, does not turn around, brings water, revives the brothers, takes the tree and the bird; they invite the king to their place; the bird talks about everything; the children sprinkle water on their mother, she is young again, her sisters are being burned in the square]: Webster 1879:176-182; Spaniards [three sisters sewed; eldest: if the king married me, I would make a dress that would fit in a walnut shell; medium: the same (piñon shell); youngest: I would give birth to a boy and a girl with a star in their forehead ; the king came up and asked what they were talking about; married the youngest; she gave birth to wonderful children, but the older sisters replaced them with puppies, let them go in a box along the river, and the king was hunting at that time; ordered to wall up his wife; the miller picked up the box, his wife raised the children with her son; one day the young men got into a fight and the miller's own son called the foster home a foundling; he and his sister went to look real parents; met a gentleman who could not ajustar una cuenta; the young man helped him, stayed with his sister to work for him; after earning a lot of money, they went on and saw the palace; lived there the king is the father of the young man; the young man gathered the craftsmen and built a palace better than the royal one overnight; the evil sisters recognized those who arrived by the star on their forehead; sent the old woman to tell the girl that the palace lacked las almenas repicando, they go to the castle, you won't come back; the old man gives a pot, teaches: the castle will open at midnight, you have to put almenas in the pot and run; the young man brought them; old woman: there is not enough green water playing ; (same); third time: there is not enough singing green bird; the old man warned that the bird would be half dead, but we must grab it and run; the young man began to wonder whether to take one, the castle closed, the young man and his horse petrified; now the sister has gone; the old man gave a pot, he will revive his brother and horse; we must grab a half-dead bird, run; when they returned home, the bird turned into many birds like this; the evil sisters decided Brother and sister were poisoned, invited to a feast; they took the bird with them, it began to tell the whole story; the king ordered his wife to be released from prison; when she saw the children, she died of full feelings; evil sisters cooked in oil]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 707:709-713; Sicilians [older sister: if I were the manager's wife, I would drink everyone from one glass and there would still be water left; medium: if only was the wife of the wardrobe manager, she would dress everyone with one piece of cloth; the youngest: if she were the king's wife, she would give birth to two sons with peaches in her hands and a daughter with a star on her forehead; the king hears it, sends for sisters; the elders immediately showed their skills, he married the youngest; the sisters are jealous, tell the midwife to replace the children with puppies; the king orders their mother to rotate the mill (like an ox); the children were thrown away, three fairies flew by, one gave them a deer to feed them, the other an inexhaustible purse, the third a ring that would darken if something happened to one of them; the children grew up and settled in the palace in front of the king's palace; the midwife persuades her sister to ask the brothers to bring dancing water; one of the young men goes in search, meets a hermit, who sends him to more the old one, this one is to the oldest; he teaches you to enter a house where there is water, when giants and lions have their eyes open, when the door is closed; the young man has brought water, now we have to get a singing apple; get a talking one the bird is the same; you must silently take the bird's feather, dip it in the water, sprinkle the statues, they will come to life; the bird tells the young man about the fate of his mother, he answers something, turns into stone; the same with his second brother; The sister comes, she revives the statues; the hermits disappear - they were those fairies; the king comes to visit, the bird tells everything; the king apologizes to his wife; the bird tells the midwife to throw the sisters out of the window cook in oil]: Crane 1885, No. 4:17-25; Italians: Calvino 1980, No. 8 (Genoa) [=Shustova 1994:236-239; a woman laid eggs in a basket, a little shepherdess the size of a tick threw a stone at them, the woman told him to stay small until he found the beautiful Bargalina with three singing apples; he goes to look; at the bridge, a woman swings on a walnutshell swing, asks raise her eyelids; when she sees a boy, she gives him a stone; at the other bridge, a woman who is bathing in an eggshell also asks her eyelids to be raised and gives her an ivory comb; a man collects fog in a bag gives a shepherdess; the miller fox teaches how to carry the witch's cage with singing apples; if her eyes are open, she sleeps, and if closed, she is awake; the boy sees that his eyes are closed and does not take the cage from apples; the witch asks to comb her hair, falls asleep; then the boy takes the apples, but the bells in the cage rang, the witch woke up, sent the riders after her - for the first time 100, then 200, then 300; the boy throws a rock (rocky mountain), a crest (a smooth mountain), a fog (the chase has stopped); the boy is thirsty, cuts an apple, inside B.; she asks for a cake to eat; as soon as the boy goes for the cake, the maid Ugly Slave came to get water, threw B. into the well; the shepherdess's mother came to get water, pulled the fish out of the well; they ate it, and a tree grew out of the seeds; the shepherdess cut him down, prepared firewood; his mother died; every time the house is tidy; he watches B. comes out from under the firewood; both grew up, wedding], 87 (Florence, options all over Italy) [the king walks eavesdrop on what my subjects are saying; older sister: if I married a royal baker, I would bake as much bread as the court needed in a day for a year; average: if I married a royal the winemaker would give all the courtiers one glass of wine; youngest: if I married the king, I would give him three gold-haired children - two boys and a girl with a star in her forehead; the king summoned the sisters to the palace and fulfilled their wishes; the elders are jealous of the youngest; in the absence of the king, the wife gives birth to a son, then a second, then a daughter; her sisters replaced them with a monkey, a puppy and a tiger cub, each time they tell the old woman get rid of the babies; she lowers everyone down the river in a basket, the ferryman picked them all up; selling golden hair, the ferryman became rich and built a palace for the adoptees; the king saw a young man and a girl invited her to the palace; the aunts ask the old woman to help; she tells the girl that she does not have enough dancing water; the older brother goes in search; the old man teaches the guards to avoid if their eyes are open, not closed; the young man brought water; the old woman: the musical tree is missing; the old man teaches again: there are scissors above the door, you have to go if they are open; old woman: the Green Bird (l'uccel bel-verde) is missing; old man: on the same mountain is a garden in which statues; these are those who petrified trying to get poultry; birds fly around the garden; you can't answer a bird's questions, you'll be petrified; the bird tells its older brother who comes for it that his mother walled up alive; "Is the hype walled up?" - and petrified; the same with the second brother; the sister is silent, pulled out the bird's feather, dipped it in the dancing water, revived the brothers and all the petrified ones; brothers, sister and bird come to the king's feast; bird: not one person is enough; the king ordered to remove the walled up, the daughter revived it with live water; at the feast, the bird ordered to eat only what she would try herself - the rest was poisoned; the bird tells them to coat the sisters with resin and burn it and throw the old woman out the window]: 23-26, 315-322; Italians (Campania, Capri) [the king forbade lighting a fire at night, but three dressmakers always worked until midnight, hide the lamps in large pots; eldest: if the king married me, I would feed his entire army with a piece of bread; middle: I would prepare clothes for all troops from one piece of cloth; youngest: I would give birth to a son with gold an apple in her hand and a daughter with a gold star on her forehead; the spy told the king; he married the youngest; went to war; the queen mother told the midwife to replace the children born with puppies and throw them into the river; but the maid put them in a basket; the king ordered his wife to be imprisoned in a niche at the gate, giving only bread and water so that no one would spit on her; the children were caught by a fisherman; when they grew up, the fisherman's own children became call them foundlings that their father caught at sea; they left home and settled in the woods in an abandoned palace; the Queen Mother sent a midwife to persuade the girl to ask her brother to bring a dancing healing water from the Senavalli spring; hermit (this was St. Joseph) taught me what to do; when the young man is in the enchanted garden of the Alcina fairy, you cannot turn around, although there will be screams and roars around; the young man brought water; the midwife: now a singing apple; hermit (same); midwife: bring a talking bird; hermit: do not catch a bird, be gentle to it, it will come down from the tree on its own; gave you a wand, the young man revived those turned into stones; the king hunted I heard singing, went into the palace; the bird: I will answer him myself; the king invited them to his feast; the bird told me to let the dogs taste the meat from the table; they fell in convulsions; the bird told me everything; The Queen Mother was forced to eat meat prepared for the freed queen and she died in agony; and the talking bird suddenly disappeared]: Zschalig 1925, No. 6:32-41; the Corsicans [eldest the sister expresses the desire to become the king's servant, and the youngest to become his wife; the king heard and acted according to the wishes of both; envious of his younger sister, the eldest tells the king three times that his wife gave birth a terrible freak, and every time he gives the girl born to the watchman and his wife; after the third time, the king put his wife under lock and key; everyone is surprised that the watchman has such beautiful daughters; the fairy tells the girls that they lack a singing tree and a talking bird; but if you follow them, you can't turn around; the eldest went, turned around, froze in place; the same with the middle sister; the youngest did not turn around, took a tree with as a bird, touched the older sisters with a tree, they came to life; the king comes, the bird tells him everything that happened; the queen has been returned, the maid has been executed]: Massignon 1984, No. 52:127-129.

Western Europe. French: Joisten 1991, No. 27.1 (Dauphine) [western 1950; the king's servant hears one girl promising to grind flour if presented as a royal miller, the other to bake bread if given for a baker, the third to give birth to the king beautiful children; the king fulfills their wishes; in the absence of her husband, the wife gives birth to a son and a daughter with a cross on her forehead, with a golden crown on her head; mother-in-law replaces the letter, writes to the son that his wife gave birth to a puppy and a kitten; he tells them to be kept, the mother-in-law replaces the letter again, supposedly her son tells her son and daughter to throw them away, lets the children go down the river in a boat; the king returns wraps his wife neck up to the wall, tells passers-by to beat her; children sail into the country of red people; grow up, they are allowed to return the ship; their mother's mother-in-law advises the girl to ask her brother to get 1) an apple tree; the old man tells the young man to go without turning around, he brings an apple tree, his sister plants it; 2) a dancing bucket (the same), 3) a talking bird; the young man hears his sister's voice, he turns around stones, the ring left to his sister turns black; the old man gives the girl a sword and oil, with their help she revives all the petrified ones, the revived brother kills the lion guard with a sword, brother and sister return with a bird; a hunter finds them in the forest, the king calls to him, they see a woman embedded in the wall, asking them not to hit her; a talking bird warns that the king's mother put poison in their food; tells the whole story; the king returns his wife, burns his mother alive]: 184-188; Cosquin 1886, No. 17 [translated to Lopyreva 1959, No. 33:130-134; the queen gives birth after her husband leaves; mother-in-law writes to her son that his wife gave birth to a puppy and kitten; he tells us to put the newborns in the casket, throw them into the sea; the mother-in-law does so; the merchant finds babies; every day the boy has 50 ecus under his pillow, the girl has a gold star on her chest; his own son the merchant tells the receptionist that he is just a foundling; children come to the castle of a real father, the old queen suspects evil, tells her son to give the children difficult assignments; 1) bring dancing water , 2) a singing rose (the fairy gives it); 3) the girl must get a talking bird (the "bird of truth"); the fairy teaches how to get it (only this bird says "it's not me", the rest will offer themselves), but the girl turns around, turns into a pillar of salt; taught by a fairy, the brother takes a bird, disagrees with his sister; at a feast, the bird tells the truth; the old queen was thrown into boiling oil]: 187-189; walloons: Laport 1932, № *425E [When leaving, the king promises to bring his eldest daughter a blue silk dress, the middle daughter a red silk dress, the youngest a singing laurel; it is owned by a witch, the mother of the Good Leo; ready give her if the king gives her daughter to her son; the king does not agree, but DL takes her away himself, leaves her in the care of the maid for a year and a day; returns her older sister for a year and a day on the occasion of her wedding; then middle; then he marries her; a son is born; DL's mother gives him potions to drink and he forgets his wife; the princess is hired to take care of turkeys; she asks her for a blue silk dress, princess gives the right to spend three nights with DL, but he sleeps; the same with a red dress; when he gives a singing laurel; the hunter told the Good Leo about the strange poultry house; on the last night, DL does not drink potions, finds it again wife; sorceress cooked in oil], *425G [youngest daughter asks for a singing leaf; a white wolf brings it to the king and he leaves his daughter in the woods; the wolf leaves the girl to mark the servant; lets go for the eldest's wedding, the wolf teaches when to come and call him; the middle sister; the princess is late; the witch gives her three nuts; they wear a precious bracelet, a necklace, a crown; for them the princess buys from her new wife an hour's walk with her husband (or time in the bedroom), but he doesn't feel or remember anything; the third time he calls him the way he taught her (White Wolf, go look for me!) , he wakes up; the plot is known in many versions]: 53-55, 56-57; Bretons [the widow baker has three daughters; the eldest says she loves the royal gardener, the middle says she loves the valet, and the youngest prince; she will have two sons with a gold star on his forehead and a daughter with a silver star; the prince walked and heard three marriages have been concluded; jealous sisters agreed with the sorceress, who told the midwife replace the newborn with a puppy, throw him in a basket in the Seine, he was picked up by a gardener; the same with his second son and daughter; the prince imprisoned his wife in the tower; the gardener and his wife died, the children were taken to the palace, they grew up ; the old woman persuaded the girl to ask her brothers to get dancing water, a singing apple and a bird of truth; the brother goes in search, leaving the dagger: if her sister cannot pull it out of its scabbard, then the brother is dead; the dagger is stuck; the second brother went to look for the first one, leaving a rosary; if one bead gets stuck on a string, then he is dead; as it happened, the sister saddles the horse and rides by herself; an old man with a long beard by the tree; calls the girl a princess, asks her beard to be cut off; she does it, he suffered for 500 years, no one has helped him before; teaches him to climb a steep mountain under hail and wind; around a heap of land - those who could not; there is a meadow of flowers and an apple tree at the top; you have to pretend to fall asleep; the thrush will go into the cage, you have to close it, this is the bird of truth; break off the branch with the apple (it's singing), collect it from the source of dancing water; with drops of this water, to revive brothers and other knights; in the royal palace, the sister shows a bird, etc.; the brothers finally understand that their sister saved them and got the magic things; the bird of truth is all says the king orders not to let anyone out; returned the queen, her sisters and midwife were thrown into the oven]: Luzel 1887 (3), No. 7:277-295; Germans (Saxony-Anhalt or nearby, the author lived in Halle) [three daughters shepherd, smart elders, younger simpleton; if the king marries her, she will make new shirts for all soldiers; medium: she will sew jackets and pants; youngest: I will face three children with gold crosses on her forehead; the king heard, took the sisters to the castle and married the youngest; went to war, the wife gave birth to two boys and a girl; the sisters threw them in boxes into the water, wrote to the king that his wife gave birth to two puppies and a kitten ; the king ordered her to be walled up, but give her food and drink; when he returned, the king walked through the forest, saw an unfamiliar wonderful castle and garden; it had a pond where two young men and a girl with golden crosses ride on horseback forehead; said this to his wife's elder sister; she came and persuaded the older young man to get flowing water, a talking bird and a singing tree; the young man left his handkerchief: if blood comes out, he is in trouble; on the way met an old man overgrown with a beard and hair; cut his hair and he brought him to the mountain; said that it was his duty, the old man, to feed a talking bird; if he turned around, he would petrify like hundreds others; he did not turn to the voices of the bears and snakes, but when he heard his brother's voice, he looked back and became petrified; the middle brother went; the old man gave him a rag to cover his ears; turned to his sister's voice, and also petrified; the sister did not turn around, the bird taught her to fill her flask with flowing water and break off a branch of a singing tree; they should not fall into the wrong hands; after smeared the stones with saliva, the sister revived the brothers; they came to The old man, who says in his coffin and stone: I have lived enough; when they returned, they met the king and the bird told him everything; the king returned his wife and children; the evil sisters were torn apart by horses]: Pröhle 1853, No. 3: 10-16.

Western Asia. Aramei [a merchant gives three daughters for three giants; gets sick; it takes dancing pears, singing apples, jumping quinces to recover; three sons go to get them at the fork in the river the roads leave their seals; the younger Adi-bek meets an old man; he teaches him to catch a sea horse, cross the sea, the Black Country, the Gorky River; there will be hay in front of the lion, meat in front of the donkey, it must be changed; in the nightingale Bulbul-Khazar castle, talking apple trees, pears, quince; beautiful there, she must be kissed; A. returns with fruits, beauty (and, obviously, with a nightingale); finds and buys older brothers; those agree that he, after giving them 20 lire, put stamps on their thigh; A. climbs into the well to get water, the brothers cut off the rope, carry the fruits (and the nightingale); A. gets out of the well, visits his wife sisters; the first two husbands of the sisters show the way to the third, who gives an invincible fiery sword; unrecognized A. conquers his father's kingdom; when he sees him, the nightingale stops crying, begins to sing again, apples, pears and quinces began to sing, dance, jump; A. shows his marks on the brothers' hips; agrees to pardon them]: Belov, Wilsker 1960:287-294.

Burma - Indochina. Thais [poor Non brought 12 bananas to the monastery (option: 7), he had 12 (7) daughters, he had nothing to feed them, he took them to the forest, they came to see the cannibal Santaman; the older sister found a pile of human bones, the girls ran, asked elephants, bears, tigers, horses and other animals to cover them; climbed the banyan; the king's humpback maid went to fetch water, saw a reflection, thought it was her, came back, breaking the jug; the king gave her a silver bucket, she broke it too, she could not break the leather bucket; one sister laughed, King Raja Sith married the sisters; Santaman accepted the girl's appearance, met the king, he fell in love with her, she pretended to be sick, demanded the eyes of 12 queens; pulled out both eleven eyes, and the youngest one, sent the eyes of her daughter Kang Ri; blind the queens were walled up in a cave, each gave birth to a child, they ate them; the youngest hid the meat, then gave it to others, keeping her son Raja Sen; he grew up, began to leave the cave and bring food; began to play backgammon with the king, who recognized his son; to get rid of MS, S. tells him to bring from his daughter a mango that yawns, and a lemon that screams gives a letter asking him to kill the bearer; the hermit changed letter ordering to marry RS; after marrying the Kyrgyz Republic, RS found the eyes of queens, took talismans, set off to flee; KR catches up, he throws talismans, fire, mountains, forest, desert, river appear; KR dies asking in the next incarnation, make her human; S. also died of grief, and MS returned sight to her mother and aunts]: Kornev 1963:14-21.

South Asia. Marathi [the couple has 12 sons; then another one was born, named Thirteenth (T.); his parents love him, his brothers hate him; they tell him to bring a singing and playing (musical) tree from the country two-headed giant; after waiting for dark, T. began to dig up a tree, and it began to sing; a giant came running, T. hid; so twice; the third time the tree kept silent, the giant could not catch up with T.; he promised to come again; the brothers sent T. for the all-seeing mirror of a two-headed giant; the giant saw T. in his mirror; grabbed him, let his wife cook; T. offered to fatten him first; T. got fat; the giant went to invite guests; forgot to lock the door; T. went out, killed the giant's wife with a club, put a block of wood in bed and covered her with clothes, hid her corpse, put old meat supplies in the cauldron, took away the mirror; the giant chases, T. shouts that he will return again; the brothers demand that the giant's head be brought; T. found the giant swimming in the lake, pierced his heart with a dart; brought the brothers' head, they left T. alone]: Knight 1913: 86-111.

(Wed. Malaysia-Indonesia. Tetum or kemak (probably European borrowing) [after throwing a net off the shore, the brother pulls out a singing coconut, seven sisters like it; their mother finds it, cooks it for food; brother promises to find another one like it; climbs a palm tree, where a seven-headed snake demands seven girls in exchange for a coconut; takes them away, goes to fetch water, the kite raises them to the tree; when the snake has almost gnawed through the trunk, the kite invites her to open her mouths to throw the girls at them, throws pieces of iron; the girls go home]: Pascoal 1967:319-321).

The Balkans. Hungarians: Ortutai 1974, No. 3 [the Queen hears three sisters talking; the eldest promises to weave clothes from one hemp stem for the whole country and the entire army; the middle one is to bake bread from one grain ; the youngest is to give birth to two children with golden hair; while the king is at war, middle sister Wheat and Grandma Iron Nose replaced the children with puppies, threw them under the hooves of the cows; the cows gave them milk; the same with horses; with pigs; then lowered in a box down the river; the king orders his wife to be walled up in a wall so that everyone would spit on her; the fisherman pulled out the box, containing a boy and a girl; they grew up, realized that their parents were theirs not relatives; brother goes to look for a new place; the dragon wants to learn to play the clarinet; the young man suggests straightening his fingers, let him put logs in the crack, knock out the wedge, the dragon remains clamped; after learning about gold-haired, Iron Nose found his sister, persuaded him to ask his brother to bring a lilac bush with singing leaves; the young man came to the mistress of the raven demons, brought him, helped him get the bush; get it all-seeing mirror; the same; beautiful Erzhik, whose fortress revolves in the boiling sea; the same; the old woman tore E. in half, reptiles climbed out of her, the old woman washed her, revived her, now she is safe; brother with E . and their sister came to visit their father and mother]: 92-112; Domotor 1988 [the youngest queen asks her father to bring her gorgeous grapes, a smiling apple, a blooming peach; on the way home, the king has to promise a daughter a pig; after the wedding, he turns into a handsome man and gives his wife what she wanted]: No. 425X* 459; Hungarians [the merchant got lost in the woods, promised the best of three daughters to the one who would bring him out and three more a bag of coins: gold, silver, copper; the hedgehog brought him out; and the king got lost, also promised a daughter and money, not bags, but carts; the hedgehog took him out of the forest; the poor man promised to adopt a hedgehog; in the evening he knocked on him door; ordered him to be fed, sitting him at the table, not somewhere under the bed; sent him to buy a black rooster and an old saddle; he came on a rooster to pick up his merchant daughter, chose the middle one; took him to his place, she cries, not wants; hedgehog: then come back, you are not worthy of me, I will only take the money; the hedgehog came on a rooster to the king; the eldest and middle princesses refused, the youngest and most beautiful agree to do the father's will; on the way asks her to get into a carriage, not to ride a rooster: she is not afraid of the hedgehog and he does not disgust her; after that, the hedgehog turned into a prince, the rooster into a magnificent horse, the saddle turned golden; appeared a marble palace under a copper roof and on a cock's leg, inside is all gold; after learning about the happiness of the younger princess, the merchant's three daughters were desperate; one drowned in a well, the other in a pond, and the third in the river , the fourth also committed suicide (it is not said how), but the merchant's second daughter decided to destroy the princess; taking the guise of an old woman, she was hired into the palace; when the king went to war, the wife gave birth to twins - a boy and a girl; the old woman left them in a basket in the forest, and told the queen that she had given birth to monsters and had to be thrown into the river; the white deer raised the basket on its horns, came to the river, called the forest nymph, and she raised children for 7 years; once she sent a girl with a mug to bring water; she saw a golden bird, ran after her, and suddenly she had only a mug pen in her hands; the same with a boy; a bird explained that the nymph was not their mother and took them to her real parents; on the way they came across a pile of gold and dice; collected gold; stopped at an inn, where three gentlemen were playing dice; the boy also began to play and won all the money; one of the gentlemen said that there is a marble palace in the blooming garden; if you touch it three times with a gold stick, it will become a golden apple and it can be move it wherever you want; they played at this palace, the boy won and got a wand; when he reached the palace, he turned it into an apple; the bird brought the king, the boy's father and his sister, to the palace; ordered again turn an apple into a palace; gave a sign with the coat of arms and the names of the children on it; it could only be shown to his father; the king wanted to come to see the new palace right away, but the old woman gave him a potion and he fell ill; said what was going on his own; advised the boy to get a talking tree; the boy, whose name was Yanoshka, went in search; the hairy devil at the first castle asked if he was me, and sent it to his older brother, who to himself to the elder; he gave a golden stick to open the stone fence; you have to go around the tree three times and run, otherwise the fence will close and I. will turn into stone; I did the right thing, ignoring the beautiful dancers, ran home, and the tree was already in the middle of the garden; the king wants to go see the miracle again, is poisoned again; the old woman offers to get a bird to sing on this tree; I did the same path (three devil brothers), entered the garden, reached the ninth room, but took not a sweet bird with simple feathers, but a golden one; immediately petrified; now my sister, her name Marishka, went; the same meetings; she took a rusty cage, revived her brother with a gold stick, and they both returned; the bird sang on the tree; the king was poisoned again, the old woman offered to get a silver lake with goldfish; I went, the same meetings. with devil-brothers, the same rules (run around the lake three times); this time the king did not drink coffee with poison, came with his wife; the young man showed the king a sign, the couple recognized the children; the old woman was burned at a sulfur stake] : Curtin 1890:517-545; Greeks (Syros) [in the evening at work, the older sister says she would like to marry a royal cook, the middle sister would like to marry a treasurer, and the youngest a prince and have three children. Sun, Month and Morning Star; the prince in disguise stood outside the window and heard and fulfilled the sisters' wishes; went to war, leaving his wife pregnant; mother-in-law told the midwife to throw her children into the river, replacing him a puppy, a kitten and a mouse; the midwife put the babies in the basket; the shepherd noticed that one goat was returning with an empty udder; found three children, raised them, put them in a tower; mother-in-law sent her daughter-in-law to chicken coop, but the prince no longer asked about his wife; once he saw a tower, a girl in the window, two young men taming horses near the tower; the prince thought that his children should be like that; the mother told the prince that he saw the elves; scolded the midwife, ordered the survivors to be killed; she came disguised as a beggar and told the girl that she was missing the branch that produced music; the brothers went in search; the counter the monk explained that two dragons were guarding the branch; at midnight they would fall asleep and should be shot in their mouths; the brothers killed the dragons, brought a branch; when he saw the young man, the king rejoiced, and the mother said again that it was elves; the midwife persuades the girl to ask her brothers to get an all-seeing mirror; monk: 40 dragons are guarding him, they sleep one by one; the brothers killed them all, brought a mirror; midwife: there is not enough bird Dikjeretto; when she looks in the mirror, she talks about what all people in the world say in any language; the brothers left her sister a shirt on: if they turn black, they are in trouble; the monk refused to help - why does a girl send her brothers to death out of a whim; they went to the bird and she turned them into stone; the shirts turned black, the sister went to look for brothers; the monk: you have to undress naked, go to the bird from behind and grab her legs; the caught bird told her to go for living water between the crushing rocks; the girl slipped through, the rocks tore off only a piece of her dress; the sister revived the brothers, they all returned, the shepherd had a feast ; the prince came, the girl showed him a branch, a mirror and a bird; the prince called them to his place; the bird ordered him to take it with him and let the girl invite the prince to try what she had cooked: eggplants, and inside diamonds; prince: how can eggplants contain diamonds; poultry: how can a woman give birth to a puppy, kitten and mouse? the bird told me everything; the prince returned his wife from the chicken coop; the midwife was beheaded, the queen was burned]: Hahn 1864 (2), No. 69:47-58.

Central Europe. Belarusians [at the end of the village, the woman has three daughters; the eldest wants for the royal key man, the middle for the royal coachman, the youngest for the royal son; the prince overheard, married her and gave her sisters for whom they wanted; the prince left, the wife gave birth, the sisters bribed the midwife, she replaced the child with a puppy, lowered it in a box along the river, picked him up by a fisherman; the same for the second time (kitten); the third time, a frog instead of a daughter; the king walled up the queen in a stone pole, her head outside, ordered her to feed her bread and water; the fisherman and his wife died, the children live alone; the sister has a garden; Satan chipped in as an old man: there is no singing tree in the garden; the elder brother went to the mountain; old man: come back and don't turn around; the guy turned around, stoned; the same younger brother; sister wrapped her head, did not listen or look, collected living water and dug up a tree, took a bird; she revived the brothers with water; at home the tree sings, the bird on the window talks; tells them to call the king and queen and serve the fried puppy, kitten and frog; having learned the truth, the king freed his first wife, her sisters and midwife tied horses to their tails and let him into the field]: Romanov 1887, No. 61:295-298; Czechs: Curtin 1914 [the Queen does not want to marry; his father brought him to the hall, where portraits of all unmarried princesses are depicted; one face to the wall; the father reluctantly shows it, the son falls in love; dressed as a commoner, went to the chosen one's city; two fight over an invisible hat and a staff that will take you where they need to go; Queen: who is the first brings me a dart thrown, gets items; wearing an invisible hat, picks up a staff, enters the princess's palace; is hired as a gardener; spies on the princess meeting the dragon at night; tells take the staff to the dragon palace, where he brings the princess for the night; the queen hides the patterned handkerchief given by the dragon to the princess; the dragon and princess notice that someone else is eating rice from a plate, with whom they eat; the princess tells the dragon to take her back as soon as possible; the neighboring king demands a princess, threatens war; she promises to marry someone who will complete three errands; the neighbor has started war; the queen- the gardener asks to make him commander-in-chief; wearing an invisible hat, cut off the heads of enemy generals at night; the same the next night; enemies accused each other of treason, began to fight each other; the enemy defeated, the neighboring king gave half of his possessions; became chancellor; promised to leave if he did not get the princess; she asks the dragon to come up with impossible assignments; dragon: get laughing apples; crying quince (they are in his garden, the Queen overhears the dragon, brings it); for the third time, the dragon advises to order to bring the dragon's tooth, i.e. his own; the queen sedated all the dragons, pulled it out to the tooth; the dragon said princess that he would not meet again, because a tooth who pulled out could cut his throat; the Queen told the princess's father everything, returned to his father and married the girl his father chose]: 227-242; Lifshits-Artemyeva 2017 (Moravia) [three girls came to the royal garden; one would like to marry a royal servant, the other would like to marry a aspiring servant, the third would like to marry a king and give birth to a boy and girl with gold crosses on his foreheads; the king hears this, marries the youngest girl, gives the other two for a servant and for a striving; the king went to war, the wife gave birth to the promised children, the old grandmother wrote that puppies; the king ordered his wife to be left to wild animals in the garden; the animals did not touch her, the count saw her and brought her to his castle; the grandmother lowered the newborns in the chest along the river, putting jewelry there; the fisherman found the children; they grew up and went to look for real parents; bought that garden, invited the king; the grandmother changed the letter: there was not enough fountain from which gold pearls would flow; the godfather gave Frantisek a rod to open the mountain inside monsters are chained; you don't have to look back, but collect water from the pond and pour it into the fountain - it will become pearl; grandmother in a year: you need grass to play music; godfather - grass seeds in the same mountain (same); in the third year: there is no bird that would quail this grass; godfather: a bird in that mountain in a tree; F. climbed on it, fell, petrified; Frantishka went by herself, quilted the stone with a twig, revived her brother; they brought a bird; everyone told the king; the count brought him a wife; his grandmother was burned at the stake]: 412-417.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [the padishah promises to execute his wife and child if she gives birth to a daughter again; a daughter Nariman is born, the old woman disguises her as a boy, tells her to tell the padishah that kings should not take children in her arms; when a girl is 15 years old, it is impossible to postpone circumcision any longer, she rides away on a magic horse; he gives three hairs to cause it if necessary; N. is hired as a cook; kills, every seven years he killed another padishah; showing a severed ear, he proves that he is the winner; the padishah does not want to give his daughter for N.; the daughter has a lover who flies in uniform at night dove; he suggests telling N. to bring a mirror from the underworld, a magic stone from the Efreet kingdom; with the help of the horse N. brings everything; efreet curses him, telling him to change his sex; N. is happy; in guise young men get crying pomegranates and laughing quince; for this purpose he gets a plane sheepskin, an invisible hat, a magic bow (the legacy of the father of three boys, they quarrel over him; N. promises to award items to the one who is the first to bring the arrow fired); the padishah's daughter falls in love with N., the padishah dies of anger]: Useinov 1992, No. 20:254-274; Ossetians [Khalin-Barag gives childless spouses three apples with the condition that they would give one of their sons to him; when golden-haired sons were born, three apple trees grew near the house; the eldest went with HB; the skull in the cave teaches you to pretend to be misunderstanding, let HB show for himself how to inflate fire; the young man pushed HB into the fire and, taking a shovel, did not let him get out until it burned; the skull points to HB's armor and horse; the shepherd laughs (Aldar marries three daughters, he will be given pig tails) then he cries (he must kiss the pigs in the ass); they changed clothes; Aldara's youngest daughter noticed golden curls, offered food and a glass to an imaginary swineherd; Aldar pretended to be sick - one of the son-in-law will bring fallow deer milk; the young man called his horse, milked the doe, gave his sons-in-law sheep's milk, for which he cut off his right ears; get water to revive the dead; the young man took it out, gave his son-in-law ordinary water, cutting off his little fingers ; get a dancing and playing fur coat; the young man slipped between the mountains, took out a fur coat, gave his sons-in-law an ordinary one, for which he cut the belts from the back; brought everything to Aldar, showed marks on his sons-in-law; Aldar took everything away from his son-in-law , gave it to a young man; one day he chased a fox at Black Rock, she hit him with his tail, he became petrified; the middle brother went in search, the elder's wife mistook him for her husband, he put his sword on the bed; he too chased the fox and became petrified; the youngest first came to the skull in the HB cave, which ordered the fox's hole to be covered with stones first; the fox became a girl, whipped all the petrified; the elder brother killed the younger for sleeping with his wife; but at night his wife put scissors in bed; the girl's face revived the dead with a whip; on her way home, the girl revived the skeletons in the HB cave, the skull also became a woman; middle the brother was married to one of the lively ones, and the youngest married a fox girl; she rejuvenated the brothers' parents]: Dzagurov 1973, No. 46:177-193; Nogais [when dying, the father tells four sons to stock up grain and do not look for food in the south; the brothers go south, the elders are swallowed by elmavyz and his wife, the youngest hid; lives with an old man, kills a cow with glowing skin, the khan buys it, the viziers advise tell the person who got the skin to get ivory; the old man teaches to give the elephants vodka to drink, deliver it to the khan; the viziers: let him get singing trees; the young man again drugged the padishah of genies and all the guards, brought trees; viziers: let him bring the khan's daughter, who has never seen the sun; the girl is lured into a boat, brought; her parents come, the khan is tied to the end of a horse, the young man is married to his daughter, made khan]: Nogai 1979, No. 16:78-82; Avars [the older sister promises to weave cloth for the tsarist army, the middle sister promises to bake bread, the youngest to give birth to a son with pearl teeth and a gold-haired daughter; the king overhears, takes the youngest; while the king is at war, the sisters throw their children into the nettle gorge, report that the queen has given birth to a puppy and a kitten; the king orders her to be sewn in donkey skin, chained to the city the gate, don't care about her; The doe feeds the children with milk, leaves them in an empty castle, tells the boy to cover her mouth, the girl's hair; the widow catches golden hair in the river, the evil sisters tell this woman kill the survivors; she advises the girl to ask her brother 1) bring an apple tree branch that sings and dances; he slips on horseback between the crushing rocks, the tip of the tail is cut off, brings a branch; 2) marry on the beautiful Ezenzulhar; he sees petrified horsemen at her castle, calls E., stony himself; her sister has worn out her iron soles and staff; E. looks at her when she exposes her petrified hair they come to life, the brother marries E.; the king meets his children, frees his wife, the children take their mother to their castle]: Bulatova 1985:59-66; Armenians [the girl climbed to the top of the mountain for "The Talking Bird, With a playing tree, with shiny water"]: Gullakian 1983:83; Turks: Kúnos 1901 [the dervish showed the padishah's son the most beautiful girl in the world; he went in search; saved the one who remained on the shore a fish, an ant, killed a snake that was about to eat a bird; they gave him scales, a leg, a feather; the padishah requires his daughter's suitors to 1) get a ring thrown into the sea (fish find), 2) separate the grain in the cave from sand (ants perform), 3) revive the headless maid (the bird brings live water from the peri); the princess agrees to marry the prince if he brings her singing grenades from the Demon Autumn Garden; he comes to the owner of the small garden, he refers to his mother, who calls a monstrous toad, on whose back a young man flies across the sea into the garden, breaks off a branch with singing grenades, each with its own melody and voice; On their return, the prince and his wife listened to grenades all night without falling asleep; thanks to this, they began to protect them]: 154-165; the Turks [when dying, the padishah tells three sons to pass off three daughters as the first to marries; these are three old men, one older than the other; the youngest son insisted that his father's will be fulfilled; in a dream he was shown a portrait of a beautiful woman; when he woke up, he went to look for her; he went to his older sister, her the husband is the padishah of the devas; he gave the young man the ability to turn into a deva; the middle sister behind the padishah of ants (the ability to become an ant); the youngest behind the nightingale padishah (into a nightingale); having reached the goal, the young man became a nightingale and sat on the girl's chest; she put him in a cage, brought him to her place; he went to bed with her for two nights, and woke up on the third; says that her father will give the groom difficult errands; to get crying pomegranate and laughing quince; the young man became a devi, brought pomegranate and quince; get the mirror of the padishah devas, in which the beholder sees all his ancestors; the young man penetrated as an ant, got a mirror; on the way back went swimming, the Sea Maiden fell in love and took him away; 40 companions looked like a young man, brought a mirror; the princess asked the imaginary groom to become a nightingale, he could not, confessed everything; the girl took 40 golden balls and gave one at a time to the Sea Maiden as she showed Shahzade's body above the water; when she picked everything up, he turned into a bird and flew to his beloved; they achieved their wish goal]: Stebleva 1986, No. 40:163-169; Turks [padishah forbade lighting a fire; three orphan sisters violate the ban, they must work; if the padishah married her, the eldest would weave a carpet on which the army and all the inhabitants would sit down; the average would cook a pilava cauldron, it would be enough for everyone; the youngest would give birth to a boy with a month and a girl with the sun in her forehead; the padishah hears this, tells them to bring sisters; the two eldest they admit that they only wanted to marry, were sent to a goose stable; the youngest became the wife of the padishah, gave birth to the promised children; the sisters tell the midwife to lower the babies in the chest down the river, the mother to put the puppies ; the padishah tells his wife to be buried at a fork in the roads, no one cares about her face; the old dervish found children; when he died, he left them a ring (in it a willing arap), a skin and a whip (if you sit on skin, whip, rap will take you anywhere or destroy as ordered); brother and sister are transported to a fork in the roads in the country of the padishah; their mother's sisters find out about this, send a midwife persuade her sister to ask her brother to bring 1) a poplar with playing leaves; an arap brings to the borders of that country, teaches her to politely treat the half-blind Balkis Khan, she sends to the Nailan, a young man enough poplar, N. does not have time to turn the person who came into stone, B. does not detain him, because he was kind to her; 2) a bird from that tree (the same; you need to drink it from a source of blood and a source of pus, praise, they do not detain the kidnapper); but the tree does not play, the bird does not sing; 3) the owner of the poplar; the young man picked up the Zumranka bird that had fallen out of the nest; their mother spat in the water he had prepared for him died of poison, but the chicks explained that he helped them; Z. poured water, gave 4 feathers; N. gradually turns the young man into stone, but he burns feathers one by one; after the fourth, he returns alive again; N. returns from his wife; calls the padishah to visit him, tells him to put a gold spoon in his pocket, accuses him of stealing; just as the padishah could not steal the spoon, the woman could not give birth to puppies; the padishah tells his wife to open and redeem, return the children, execute the wife's sisters and midwife at the top of the mountain]: Stebleva 1986, No. 72:293-299.

Iran - Central Asia. The Persians [the shepherd had a dream, goes to look for someone to explain it, sold Javad for a cow; D.'s mother is furious, D. runs away, sleeps in the royal stables; the princess fell in love with Javad Khan, agreed to run away with him at midnight; he decided not to embark on an adventure; D. Shepherd answers instead; in the morning the princess sees that she is a rough Kurd with her; sends him for water; there is no water in the spring, alone gold coins and gems; with this money they buy a house; meet the padishah; an envious vizier advises to order them to bring more gold coins; D. comes to that spring, sees peri on the tree; as soon as she steps, 300 such coins appear; D. brings coins and brings peri; vizier: let him bring three bouquets of laughing roses; peri: near my spring, the spring of my kidnapped diva sisters; there is a bottle with his soul; when she laughs, laughing roses fall; D. broke the bottle, brought the peri; the first peri wrote in the padishah's father's handwriting an invitation to him and the vizier to come to visit; they were killed D. became a padishah]: Osmanov 1987:209-217; Tajiks [=Niyazmukhamedov 1945:128-137; stepmother torments stepdaughter with work, tells cotton to strain; the cow eats it, releases yarn from her mouth; the wind blows away cotton into the old woman's cave; she tells her to comb her hair, clean her house; promises that laughing roses will fall from the mouth of a laughing girl, tears will turn into pearls, from her right foot, if necessary, gold bricks will fall from the left; the stepmother's daughter goes to herd a cow; carelessly combs the old woman, sweeps poorly; takes gold away from the pantry; she grows a lump on her forehead, gold turns into stones; the stepmother tells the cow to be slaughtered, the cow tells the girl to bury her bones in a hole; the stepmother and stepdaughter go to the wedding, tell them to separate the rice from the wheat; the chicken does it, on the spot cow bones - a luxurious dress, a horse; at the wedding, the stepmother does not recognize her stepdaughter; she loses her kaush (boot), the padishah's son is looking for him, finds a girl in good shape, where her stepmother hid her; on the road, the stepmother gives the bride to eat salty, she is thirsty, her stepmother gives water in exchange for her eyes torn out; throws her stepdaughter into the well, replaces her daughter; the poor old man finds beauty and pearls; saves her, collects her laughing roses; changes them to the eyes of her stepmother's daughter, the current wife of the padishah; now pearls fall from her eyes, roses from her mouth; stepmother sends a witch to suck the girl's blood; the girl orders to bury herself in a crypt made of gold and silver bricks; the stepmother takes her heart away, gives a bag with it to her daughter; when she takes it off her neck for the night, the stepdaughter comes to life; the padishah's son finds her, comes at night; at her a son and daughter are born; a boy has grown up, pulls out a bag with her heart; a stepmother and daughter, a padishah asks if they want 40 horses or 40 whips; they want horses; they are tied by braids to the tails of 40 horses , a beautiful woman and her son are brought to the palace]: Amonov, Ulug-zade 1960:175-182; Tajiks {perhaps a Persian fairy tale, there is no data on the origin of the texts in the collection} [Jamshed Shah ruled Hindustan; so far Shahzade Khurshed is hunting, his mother flirts with the vizier; D. orders her to be executed; H. managed to return and rode away, carrying his mother on horseback; looked into the house of 40 black cannibals; each goes out to kill him; H. stands for by the door, cuts off everyone's head; mother H. saw a hole with the dead; the last cannibal is alive; the woman helped him get out and hid him; to get rid of her son, the mother pretended to be sick, she will be helped by a crying person pomegranate; on the way, H. shot a lion and a pregnant lioness; took two lion cubs out of the lioness's belly, took them with him; brought a pomegranate; now the cannibal advises sending H. for a laughing apple; H. came to 40 divas, who kidnapped a Yemeni princess; lions tore divas to pieces; H. has been feasting with malika for 40 days; she warns H. that his mother wants to kill him, but he does not believe him; brought apples; the cannibal advises to invite H. to test his strength: will he be able to tear the silk lace with which he was tied; the hidden cannibal is still afraid of H.; the mother took the sword to kill her son, but the lions came running and broke the fetters; the mother ran away, and the lions brought H. to malika; he admitted that she was right; left lions with her, and dressed as a calender; came to the ogre and his mother, they did not recognize him; asked for a spear, bow and arrow in the form of alms, which the cannibal still cannot lift; H. hacked the ogre and mother; the padishah of Yemen sent an army to return Malika; H. and the lions defeated him; the padishah sent an old woman; Malika senses ill, but H. left her as a maid; she poured they had sleeping pills, kidnapped Malika, but felt sorry for H. and did not kill him; H. came to Yemen with lions and began to smash him; the padishah gave him his daughter and recognized him as his son-in-law]: Khovari 1983:93-106; Tajiks Sistan [The old man dreamed that the moon and two stars had fallen from the sky; he went to look for it; the pleshak shepherd Hasan bought this dream for a herd of sheep; only then remembered that he had not asked about the content of the dream; fell asleep under with the wall of the palace; that night the princess and the son of the vizier agreed to flee; the princess asked to wait for her to go to the bathhouse; the vizier's son saw H. sleeping, woke him up, asked him to watch for the horses, and he himself the princess goes to hurry; at this time, the princess threw off X.'s bag, believing that her lover was next to the horses; she jumped herself and they jumped; the vizier's son returned, found no one and stabbed himself; in the morning the princess decided that everything was God's will; the princess washed and dressed X, told him to buy a palace, bring a mullah and marry; the old woman saw H.'s wife and told the king; he told H. bring the ivory throne; H. met an old diva, gave her a drink, she made him her son, hid it from the other 7 sons, turning her into a needle and sticking her collar; the divas felt human spirit; swore that they would not harm the guest; the divas threw potions into the water that the elephants drink; they fought and broke off the tusks; the divas made the throne and brought them to the king's garden; the king rewarded H.; now the king tells me to bring a laughing flower and a weeping flower; H. came to the former old woman; during this time one of the divas was captured by a two-headed divas; the divas lowered H. into the well; the heads of a diva on the knees of two pari girls; one laughed, the other cried; flowers fell from the laughing mouth, roses fell from her mouth; one laughs when she saw H., and the other cries, regretting that the diva would kill him; H. noticed a vessel in the niche and realized that his soul was a diva; ordered the diva to take all the prisoners and all the good to earth; H. broke the vessel and the divas died; the bets flew away with doves, told X. to come to their Green City and be their husband; in the city of bet X. in the footsteps that the girls left on his shoulders; when two days were left before the king's term, the bet's father gave H. Suleiman's rug; H. and his wives wore it to the divas and then home; the king received laughing and crying flowers; he tells him to visit his deceased parents; the pari wives wrote a letter on behalf of the king's father inviting him to heaven, dressed H. in clothes as if he were lying in it in the grave; let the king will build a fire, we, together with an old informer and vizier, will stand on it and get to the royal ancestors; H. flew on a rug to the royal throne, and the king, vizier and old woman burned down]: Grunberg, Steblin- Kamensky 1981, No. 8:104-117; the Vakhans [the shepherd's son is a lame chicken; he grew up quickly, tells him to marry him; the king wants to kill the shepherd, the vizier advises not to do so; the tsar demands 1) bring Talking and Laughing Rubob; HC sends his father to bet, tells him to ask Rubob on his behalf, they give him; 2) 40 white camels loaded into the tower, 40 gazelles with the same horns, a garden per night with different fruits; HC tells his father to throw handfuls of fruit behind him, everything appears; HC gets a princess, turns into a handsome pari at night; the princess burns his guise, he flies away as a dove; she comes to the plane tree, there are three pari men, her husband is among them, takes his wife, reigns on the throne of his father-in-law]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 21:235-240; Shugnans [poor shepherd Jumak fell asleep at the royal horseback riding; the king's daughter was going to flee with the son of a vizier with the same name, rode off with J.; gave him royal clothes, on the way he accidentally picked up rubies on the bank; serves the king, he wants his wife; leads hang, J. promises to bring a bag of rubies; collects them, this is blood dripping into the stream from the throat of a slaughtered peri; J. revives her; she is kidnapped by divas and killed during his absence; J. persuades peri ask the diva where his soul is (in a plane tree, in a chest, in a bottle, in a shirt); J. kills a diva, brings his second wife; the vizier advises the king to ask for the Laughing Flower; this is the Green Pari from Mount Kof when he laughs, Flowers fall from his mouth; pariah flies to the lake to swim, J. takes Green Paris's dress, brings her to his wives, this is the sister of his second wife; takes flowers to the king; he tells him to bring his late father's sword; wives they give a sword, hide J. with an imaginary letter in the ashes of the fire; the king and the vizier agree to be burned, J. becomes king]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 2:60-73; Yazgulyam [fisherman caught fish, in a gold ring in his belly; the next time he caught a chest in the river, in which a woman with a child; she was the favorite of the king's 7 wives, others were jealous; the king left, they sent to say that that wife had given birth to a puppy; the king ordered her to be killed, she and her child were lowered into the river in a chest; the boy grew up, his mother asked the king to take her as a maid, the king fell in love, married her; the other wives persuaded the king to send his son to a new wife bring Stone Water; bettors fall in love with him, brought Kof over Mount; almasti lies with this water under his head; if his eyes are open, then he is sleeping, the young man brings water; the king asks Multicolored Water (same as water from Mount Kof); get the Curly Tree (same); the young man's mother opens to the king; he gives the throne to her son, becomes his servant himself; other wives and the viziers were tied to the tails of horses]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 37:342-345; Baluchi [the tsar forgot the rosary; the vizier went but stayed; then Tsarevich Sha-Trasan went; found the vizier and his wife king; the vizier proposed to build a city, let S. do it; the elder ran his staff across the ground, the city was formed; the vizier to the king: there is not enough wood with the flowers of laughter and crying; the old man teaches: there are buzlangs, whose process has grown on his leg; you have to grab the process and pull it, the buzlangi will scream, others will run away; then again; the buzlangs will fulfill their wish; they put S. on a tree with the flowers of laughter and crying, transplanted the king into the city; vizier: you need another tree 40 songs; old man: you have to venerate the chest of the buzlanga's wife when she starts baking bread; the bread began to burn; the buzlanga's wife turned S. into a needle, and then showed her sons; they agree to give a tree if S. frees their bride from the hands of another buzlanga; the puppy led to a well in which the buzlangs sleep, and the girl rubs his hair; S. cut buzlangs in half; other buzlangs transplanted a tree of 40 songs into the king's city; vizier: we need another girl from Green City; the old man touched S. and said that no one could put his back on the ground; S. meets, companions four buzlangs, each says that he is doing this and that to fight S. (1) throws bread into the ashes, takes out the other bread and eats; 2) throws a sling from country to country; 3) listens to what is in another country; 4) after taking one step, he moves from country to country); S. made a bridge over the stream, the ants crossed, promised to help; the speedboat brought S. to the girl and back, S. kissed her , moved the lamp; the next night, the girl cut her finger on purpose, saw S., warned of three conditions that her father imposes on her grooms; 1) eat a huge amount of meat and bread (ash beetle ate); 2) separate the wheat from the millet (the ants separated him); 3) whose speedboat would bring the grapes earlier; the listener realized that the speedboat fell asleep, the slinger woke him up, he overtook the local speedboat; S. received the girl, gave it to the king, but he agreed to give her to S.; wedding; vizier: you need a horse with 40 foals; old man: throw bales of camel hair into the well, and then return clean water for promising to give the mare foals; the king ordered S. and his men to go to them first; everything is fine; then the vizier and his own; the foals took off and threw the riders on the mountains, and their scraps were no larger than their ears]: Zarubin 1932, No. 9:106-121; Turkmens [=Sokali et al. 1955:82-88; Bahaveddin gives his son Mamed-jan to herd camels, does not order to sell an old camel; M. sold, the whole herd went for the camel; M. finds a ruby necklace, gives it to the padishah, but he demands one more, otherwise he executes; M. comes to the gorge, where the blood of the dead beauty turned into rubies; divas arrive, revives the beauty with a potion from the bubble, kills again, flies away; M. revives it himself; teaches the diva to know where his soul is; the diva shows a stream under the stone, there is a fish; M. kills the fish, the diva dies; M. brings the padishah a second necklace; the old woman reports that M. has a beautiful wife; the vizier advises to send M. for the lioness's milk; the wife orders to remove the splinter from the lion's paw, he tells the lionesses to give milk, M. brings the lionesses, the padishah in horror; the vizier suggests sending M. for a talisman that makes the apple cry, the pomegranate laughs; the wife gives a letter to her peri sister; she arranges that the "cruel peri" she serves gives a talisman; the padishah tells him to build a castle overnight; M. asks him not to shoot pigeons; peri arrive in the form of turtles, the castle is ready; the vizier advises sending M. to the next world to find out how the dead are doing parents of the padishah; the wife advises to ask the padishah to light a huge fire, the peri-dove turns M. into a straw, takes him away from the fire; Peri writes a letter on behalf of the late father of the padishah, who calls his son and his vizier; at night M. hides in ash, in the morning he is found there; after reading the letter, the padishah and the vizier behave to burn themselves, M. is chosen as the new padishah; peri-doves bring his parents to M.]: Erberg 1953:50-67.

Baltoscandia. The Swedes [the two eldest daughters ask the king to bring expensive gifts, and the youngest three singing leaves; the king sees a hazel tree with three golden leaves on it, music from them; he tore them off; he tore them off ; Underground Prince Hutt demands to give him the first living soul to meet the house; the youngest daughter came out; the king left her under a hazel tree, she found herself in an underground hall, a prince came out to her, and left in the morning; when his wife gave birth to a son, H. allows her to go to her father, who remarries, but to reveal the secret; the same after the birth of her second son, to the wedding of her older sister; after the birth of her daughter, the youngest's wedding; the stepmother persuaded the princess to light a candle and look at the prince; a drop of wax fell on his chest; the palace disappeared, H. went blind, his wife and children went with him; he tells him to leave the eldest son with him his older sister, who lives in a copper house, the youngest in silver, his youngest daughter in gold, but he should not see the sisters himself; the younger sister came out, H. disappeared; the old trollich Bert sends the princess to her older sister, gives a spinning wheel that spins gold; the second sister gives a gold reel, sends it to her oldest sister; she gives an inexhaustible purse, sends her to the palace where the trollich wants marry H.; the princess was accommodated in a chicken coop, which she soon turned into a beautiful room; buys permission to spend the night with H. for a spinning wheel, for a reel; both times the trollich gives H. a zone potion ; for the third time, the princess gives a purse, and the troll's stepdaughter, who was a baptized family, tells H. not to drink potions; the princess teaches the trollich to cook meat in a hot cauldron, pushes her into boiling water; Sisters H. appear with the princess's children and a bush with singing leaves; the princess and H. live in the palace like king and queen]: Suritz 1991:112-123.

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