Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27ss. Overtake an (old) woman .15.16.27.-. 29.31.-.34.

A strong man must overtake a woman, often an old woman. This fails or is difficult.

Basques (Italians, Maltese, Walloons), Corsicans, Bretons, Germans, British, Serbs, Hungarians, Moldovans, Romanians, Western Ukrainians, Adygs, Abazins, Stavropol Turkmens, Karachays and Balkarians, Ingush, Kumyks, Laki, Scandinavians, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Siberian Tatars, Chulym Turks, Tuvans, Khalkha Mongols, Mongols of Ordos.

Southern Europe. Basques: Barandiaran 1962a, No. 7 [the king is ill, the speedboat went to Madrid; on the way he meets and companions a listener to a seed growing in the ground; a shooter into the sky where game is (others) they do not see anything, but he waits for him to fall); blowing his nose to rotate the mill; chopping an oak tree, which he will then carry on his shoulders; the doctor ordered to get water from a distant well, from which the king will recover; whoever returns first will receive seven wineskins of gold; one woman is also running; the speedboat speaks, put him to sleep, took his water; the listener hears this, the shooter wakes up his comrade with a shot, he runs again to to the well, returns first; the oak tree who is able to drag takes gold; friends are chased, the blew scattered their army], 28 [the son is so strong that his father is afraid of him; sends him to wander; meets a runner, on the foot of a millstone to move more slowly; a strongman, a stone on his back, this stone can crush the world; a blow man who blows his nose rotates the mill; each one takes turns cooking; an old man appears from the chimney He eats everything, the cook wins; when it's the turn for the blowing man, he blows so that the old man is pressed against the roof; friends come to the king; he will give the gold-filled bull's skin if the applicant returns from the source faster than his daughter; they began to take out the lice, the hunter fell asleep, the daughter almost returned, the hunter was woken up with a shot, the blowing threw the princess away in the wind, the hunter came first; they wanted to take away from the other king friends received gold from the first king, but the soldier was scattered by the wind; friends began to live well]: 34-38, 104-108; Webster 1897 [an old sailor does not kill a snake; she teaches you to order to build a ship, take from 12 sailors; during a storm, the Shooter kills a black bird, the storm stops; in the harbor, the Runner takes away the old woman's chair, flint, tinder; twice she almost catches up with him, tearing off a piece of clothes and leather; the third time rips the skin from neck to toe; the snake gives medicine; tells him to fire a volley; says that when the captain is captured, he must ask him to go back to the ship before execution; the king says that the city mourns his son, it is forbidden to shoot; he meets a son on the ship is a disgraced snake; everyone is happy]: 100-106; Corsicans [receiving an inheritance, each of the three queens builds a ship and triples the feast; the elders are for the rich, the youngest for the poor; the old woman gives him a wand that allows the ship to move on the land; he takes the poor with him, meets him, takes him to the ship 1) throwing millstones, 2) eating a couple of bulls at once, 3) drinking a river, 4) carrying a mountain on his back, 5) a runner, 6) listening to the grass grow, 7) driving fog into a bag so that it does not harm flowering trees; the queen is outraged that the ship has arrived on her land; tells 1) eat mountains of bread (eats), 2) drink all the wine (drank opialo), 3) move 4 heavy guns (strongman carries), 4) bring water in a bottle from a spring 100 km away (the runner overtakes the old woman, although she picks up dust and the runner sleeps first); the Queen sails away on his ship, the Queen sends an army in pursuit, They eat and drink him, regurgitating what they eat and drink; the king gives his youngest son a crown]: Massignon 1984, No. 35:78-82; (cf. Italians (Ticino) [the king has sons Luigino 24 years old and Giovanni 18; they leave home, at the fork J. goes right, L. goes to the left, agree to meet here in 2 years; in 2 years L. returned home; J. meets, takes a magnet (with a movement of his hand he lowers a flock of pigeons to his feet); 2) Cannoneer (turns his hat, a shot follows, the game is hit); 3) Iron Shoulders (J.; holds a mountain ready to fall on the village); 4) Runner (Corri-Corri); in Roccapiana, King Roccaquius's daughter Fulmine ("lightning") will marry someone who overtakes her; the losers are executed; The runner wins because The magnet detains F.; but she refuses to marry J., wants to marry the one who overtook her; the king asks J. to take as much gold as he takes away; J. takes everything; friends sail away on the ship, the Gunner shoots chase; F. decides to marry J.]: Keller 1981:261-265; the Maltese [the older brothers are rude to the old woman, the younger one is kind; she helps him get a ship moving on land; the young man meets, takes in companions 1) someone who can drink a lot, 2) carry weights, 3) a runner, 4) a listener, 5) a sharpshooter, 6) can cause good and bad weather while lying on his stomach or back; the king will give his daughter those who complete difficult assignments, including drinking a wine cellar, picking up all the gold from the treasury, overtaking the princess (you have to run to the spring and bring a jug of water); the princess puts the runner to sleep, offering look in his head, but the rumor hears it, and the shooter wakes up by knocking a stone from under his head; the weather-changing army destroys the royal army trying to destroy the hero; the hero reigns]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, NO. 513B: 152-155).

Western Europe. The Bretons [the king promises a daughter to the one who will build a ship moving on land and sea; the elder brother decides to try; sees in the forest that many trees have already been felled down; sits down for lunch; forty asks for a piece, he does not give it; tries to cut down trees, they do not cut down; he returned to his father; the same middle brother; the younger Luduenn (Cinderella) gives bread to forty, after each axe hit, the part of the ship immediately ready, the parts come together by themselves; L. gets on his ship, meets, companions Obedala, Opivala, Runner (chases hares with millstones tied to his leg), Strelka (aims at a hare in the distant grief), Listening to the grass grow; on the way they buy an egg, a plow, a hat; (these items are needed when talking to the princess); then the king demands 1) eat 40 bulls (Oatmeal eats), 2) drink 50 barrels wine (Opivalo drinks), 3) overtake the maid who would go to a distant spring to get water; she put the runner to sleep, but the Listener heard his snoring and her words; the shooter saw that the Runner was sleeping, putting it under The horse's head was the corpse, fired an arrow, woke it up, the Runner was the first to bring water; L. received the princess and soon the throne]: Luzel 1887 (3), No. 8:296-311; the Germans [the master was at war, then went to the king; meets, takes as satellites 1) pulling trees, 2) a well-aimed Shooter, 3) blowing at the mills, they turn around; 4) Speedboat (he has unfastened one leg, otherwise he cannot stand still), 5) the caller frost if he puts a hat over his head; the king will give his daughter to whoever overtakes her; The runner and the girl run to the well to get water; on the way back, the Runner falls asleep with a horse's skull under his head; the keen Shooter saw and knocked the skull out from under his head with a bullet, the Runner woke up and ran first; the king ordered his friends to be locked in an iron room and made a fire, but the frost-causing frost pulled his hat; the king does not want to give her daughter, promises as much gold in her place as those who come can carry away; the one who pulled out the trees took everything; the king sent an army, the Blowing scattered him; six brought wealth home and shared]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 71:253-256; the British [the king promises to give his daughter to whoever defeats the royal sorceress; she easily defeats Bill and Tom, they are beheaded; their younger brother Jack speaks an old man looking for a ship sailing on land; he gives him a ship and a stick that turned water into wine; tells him to put on the ship those he meets; these are Wrestler, Oat, Drank, Runner, Shooter, Far Away Seer; The Fighter's fight with the witch ended in a draw; Oat and Drank defeat her; the witch puts the Runner to sleep, the Seer notices, the Shooter knocks the magic bone from under his head; Jack gets the princess]: Kharitonov 2008:276-281; Walloons: Laporte 1932, No. *513 [an old woodcutter cuts a tree; Jesus and St. Peter, his wishes come true, he gets a ship moving on land and sea; meets and companions the Listener, the Runner, the Blowing, the Strongman; the princess always defeats the grooms on the run; Her runner overtakes; she asks her father not to give her up, but the Strongman takes away all the gold and silver, the Hearing hears the approach of the royal troops, and the Blowing dispels him], *514A [The 15-year-old princess comes out for the first time palaces to the seashore; sailors kidnapped her; the king summons the Marquises; the Marquis Matacon is too old, replaced by his daughter, who pretends to be a man; the queen fell in love with an imaginary young man, he refused ; then she told the king that M. volunteered to save their daughter; the hunchback tells M. that the princess is in a golden castle in the middle of the sea; M. saves a fly from a spider; saves a pig; pushes a pig into the water dry the fish; the pig puts M. on his back and brings him to the castle; he is brought to a room full of girls, each saying she is the daughter of a French king; a fly sits on the cheek of a real princess; a pig transports M. and the princess back; the princess loses her shoe, but the fish pulls it out; the Queen again seeks M.'s love in vain; tells her husband that M. boasted to get the treasures of the Turkish Sultan; on advice the hunchback, M. takes the Strong Back as his companions; a lumberjack throwing a pole for 300 leagues; the Listener; the Runner; the Blowing; the Sultan tells, overtaking the old woman, to fill the bottle with water from a spring over 700 leagues; The runner at the spring falls asleep, the listener finds out, the Blower throws the old woman 300 leagues beyond the spring; M. takes the treasure, but the sultan sends an army after him; the Blowing man has scattered him; now the Queen accuses M. of trying to seduce her; he is taken to the scaffold, but the hunchback reports that M. is a woman; the queen was beheaded, the king married M.]: 61-62, 62-63.

The Balkans. Serbs [the son dreams as if he has become a royal son-in-law, refuses to tell his parents, they drive him away; the young man refuses to tell the king a dream, he puts him in prison, he does entrance to the princess's room, lives well with her for three years; the princess promises to marry someone who throws a spear over the wall, tells her to summon that imprisoned slave; he throws it over, likes the king, receives princess; viziers demand that he lead a squad of 1000 men; on the way, the young man is joined by 1) listening to the grass grow, 2) overtaking birds, 3) throwing a spear to the sky, 4) eating a huge cauldron corn, 5) drinking lake; viziers offer (the winner takes the loser's wife) 1) eat everything cooked (Eats), 2) throw it into the oven and take the person out alive (Drinking fills with water) , 3) overtake the winged sorceress (The runner overtakes but falls asleep, the Rumor finds out about it, the Spear Thrower kills the sorceress, the Runner brings a jug of water); the young man picks up the viziers on the line, good lives in the palace]: Karadzic 1853 in Dmitriev, Volkonsky 1956:36-43, in Eschker 1992, No. 38:178-188; Hungarians [when dying, the poor man tells his three sons that, according to the sorcerer, the sun and moon were stolen will return one of them, but he does not know who exactly; the king found out about this and called the brothers to his place; promises to make the heir to the one who will cope with this task, and make his assistant viceroy; the younger brother is Kiss Miklos (KM), the elders laugh at him; the king tells you to choose horses and weapons; the elders take the best horses and swords, KM - a seedy and dirty skate, a rusty sword; the skate was conceived from winds like a six-legged horse that eats hot coals, a sword on its own; brothers come to the country for 49 kingdoms, across the sea of Opertsia, behind a glass mountain to the silver bridge; KM tells you to hide under the bridge and wait for a 12-headed dragon, whose moon is tied to the saddle; the dragon's horse stumbled for the first time, the dragon realizes that it will fight KM; KM ordered the sword to cut off his heads, he cut off; the horse with the moon was given to the KM middle brother; the same at the golden bridge, the 24-headed dragon; KM ordered the sword to cut off the dragon's heads, but they grew back; KM began to fight on its own, but could not defeat it; dragon: I will become a blue flame, and the dragon will red; when red rose above blue, the KM brothers threw a piece of sulfur at it, as the KM had asked them in advance, the red flame went out; sending the brothers with the moon and sun home, the KM took the image of gray kitten and climbed into a house where the mother and wives of dragons overhear their conversation; the wife of the younger dragon: I will become a spring, if the brothers take a sip of water, they will die; the elder's wife: will turn into a pear with poisoned fruits; the mother of dragons asks to support her eyelids with an iron beam weighing 1200 pounds so that she can see; promises to turn into a mouth such that the upper jaw is in the sky and the lower jaw is on the ground;: swallowed KM and his brothers; the kitten rushed out, the dragon threw a beam at him and immediately became blind because her eyelids closed her eyes again; KM reached her brothers on his horse in two jumps and all together went home; on the way, KM cuts a spring and a pear with a sword, bleeding from them; brothers see an open mouth approaching, hide in the house of the lead melter (Lead Friend, SD); they pour molten lead into the dragon's mouth, she's dead; now SD offers KM to fight; his little finger drove KM into the lead floor; lets go for promising to get him the Green Daughter of the Green King; older brothers let go; they claim victory over dragons, marry princesses, the elder becomes king; they let the moon and sun horses go to heaven, but they began to shine sadly; KM goes in search meets, companions Runner, Drinker, Obiedala, Freezing in Fire, Seeing Far Away, Strongman Throwing an Iron Club; The Green King (ZK) demands to bring Pluto's wedding dress to his daughters are faster than a local runner; but ZK sent his old witch mother to run in the evening, and the Runner ran only in the morning; he overtook her, received a dress from Pluto, but on the way back the witch persuaded him take your time and go together; put her to sleep, grabbed the box with her dress and ran; the Seer saw this, the Strongman threw the club, knocking out the horse skull from under the Runner's head, on which the witch had placed his head; The runner again overtook the witch, took the box and handed it to ZK; he demands to spend the night in an iron oven; the freezing oven cooled; ZK demands to eat and drink incredible amounts of meat and wine (Oat and They drank); KM got the princess, but as soon as he admitted that he had got her for another, she disappeared; The seer saw her in the belly of a whale, Vipivalo drank the sea, the Runner brought the whale, KM took the princess out his belly; the princess was gone again; The seer saw her in an apple hanging in the ZK garden, the Runner brought it; for the third time, the princess in a cocoon hanging in the sky; the strongman knocked down the cocoon with a club, the Runner ran and caught princess; KM let go of her companions; told the princess that she should find out what the power of SD was; while he was talking to KM, the princess magically opened 7 iron doors to the basement, took gold from lead kegs and told the jeweler to gild the threshold; SD went mad and beat the princess, but she changed herself with a feature and lay down on the bed; promised not to gild anything else if SD said what his strength; he refused; then she gilded three more thresholds; all the same; 7 rapids; after that, SD confessed: in the silk meadow under the seventh bush there is a hare, he has an egg under his tail, a hornet in the egg, in it his power; at night, the princess reported this to the KM; he became a hound, caught a hare, then a hornet that flew out; SD died; KM and the princess arrived in the KM kingdom in a luxurious chariot; the sun and moon immediately bright shone; the sage explained everything to the old king; KM said that as heir to the kingdom of SD and ZK, he leaves this kingdom to his brothers; the KM and his wife still rule the two kingdoms, if they did not die]: Curtin 1890:477-516; Moldovans [An old man and an old woman live. They don't have kids. An old man goes around the world to look for his son so that there is someone to take care of them in his old age. After wandering, he comes to the well. At the well, an old man has eyelids to the waist, eyelashes to the knees, and a beard to the toes. In response to the story about the purpose of the trip, he sends him home, because in the morning this morning his boy has been dragging jugs around the yard, watered the garden, filled all the vats and barrels. The old man returns home, sees a guy in his yard, as handsome as an oak tree, doing all the work in the yard. His grandfather and woman dress him, feed him, and call him Fat Frumos. He plows, sows, threshes, collects grapes, takes care of old people. One afternoon, when he sleeps, he hears a strong scream that makes the waters in the rivers cloudy, the trees bend to the ground, and the ground hums for three hours. FF asks who shouted it, his father and mother do not know, they send him to his grandfather at the well, who has eyelids to the waist, eyelashes to the knees, and a beard to toe. FF sets off, comes to his grandfather at the well. He explains that it was Verya-Bogatyr who shouted at Kodrul-Revakul, he heard his name, but he didn't see him, we should go to his brother and he'll tell him how to find him. FF comes to the shack, where the old man is so old that his eyebrows close his eyes and he can't see anything. The old man lays out his food and starts eating. FF eats too. The old man eats everything quickly and stays hungry. He makes lunch for himself again, and the hungry wanderer eats almost everything again. Then the old man realizes that someone is around and says: "If you are older than me, be my father, if you are younger, be my son." FF confesses that he is younger, explains that he visited his brother and wants to know why the WB shouted at Kodrul-Revakul, so that the waters in the rivers became cloudy, the trees bent to the ground, and the ground was buzzing for three hours. The old man says that only his sister, Ilana-Kosynzyan, knows, and if not, no one will tell him about it. The road to it is long, and the WB courtyard is so cleverly fenced that you can walk around it for three days and three nights without knowing where the gate is. But on the third night, you'll see a crack and light from them. You have to knock and they'll open it to him. The old man gives a horse and two dogs. After three days and three nights of travel, at dusk, the horse asks if you can see anything in the distance. FF replies that it's like it's starting to dawn, like the sun wants to rise. The horse says that the sun has just gone down - these are WB palaces. It took them three days and three nights to reach the palaces. For three days and three nights, they jump around the fence, and finally notice a crack that makes light. They knock, the gate opens. FF enters the gate, and WB IK's sister just went out on the water, walks, hums, and the jugs in front of her are jumping and dancing. FF says hello to her, and IK wonders how he got here, naming FF by name. She reports that the World Bank has been ill for 9 years, lying down, and it carries him from the shade to the sun. Why he has the disease, he does not say. FF suggests bringing him some water and asking him. IK goes with full jugs, lets his brother get drunk and asks. The WB refuses to say it wants to destroy him. After a while, FF sends it again. The WB hits her cheek. My sister is sad, but comes back after a while. Then the WB tells him to be moved to another room and tells the secret of his misfortune. He was on a hunt and shot three turtles. I sat down with a horse and dogs under a tree so big that you can't ride it on horseback in a day, cut off a dry branch, made a fire to fry pigeons, heard the voice of an old woman from the top of the tree - complained in the cold. He offered to go down to warm up. She came down a little bit but said she was afraid of dogs and horses. She gave me three hairs, told me to throw two hairs at dogs, and one on a horse. After that, the old woman went down to the fire with frogs on a spit. WB roasted pigeons and she fried frogs, and kept trying to touch the pigeons with her frogs. Seeing that the woman was ruining his food, the WB pushed her away from the fire, and suddenly it began to grow, hung over him as a monster, strangled him, and he felt that he could not move. The old woman pulled out a small sword, ripped open his stomach and took out his entrails, and put wood rot instead. In pain, the WB screamed so much that the waters in the rivers became cloudy, the trees bent to the ground and the ground was buzzing for three hours. And the old woman told WB that as soon as he revealed to someone the secret of his illness, he would die right away. As soon as WB finished the story, it gave up its breath. The yard is shaking, the trees are crouching to the ground. IK is crying, telling FF about his grief. FF jumps to Kodrul-Revakul to that tree. He shot a turtledot on the way. When he found a tree, he cut off a branch from it, lit a fire, put up a tripod, and began to fry a turtle. He hears a voice from a tree complaining about the cold, invites you to go down and warm up. The witch goes lower, complains about dogs and the horse, gives three hairs. FF throws them into the fire. He assures the witch that it was his dog who burned its tail. The woman goes down, sits by the fire with frogs on a spit, strives to touch FF pigeons with her frogs. He explains that whoever roasts pigeons should eat frogs, and whoever roasts frogs will eat pigeons. She says she killed a lot of brave men like that. FF pushes her away. The old woman gets up to grow into a scarecrow, and he tells the dogs and the horse to take her. Dogs begin to vomit and drag the woman along the ground. When she gets up, the horse knocks her down with his hoof. She asks for mercy, the FF demands to tell me where the heart and kidneys of the WB are. Old woman: At the top of the tree, in the third room upstairs between two jugs with living and dead water. FF climbs a tree, takes his heart and kidneys. When they step on the ground, dogs turn their heads. The witch opens her eyes, looks at the tree, blows at it; the tree falls down. FF turns around and throws the tree into the sky so forcefully that chips fly from the sky for three days. On his order, dogs and a horse tear it apart, FF splashes dead water on it, pieces grow together, splashes alive - the woman comes to life. Dogs throw themselves at the witch again, tear them to pieces. FF burns what's left, scattered the ash down the wind. The horse saddles. Goes to the IC. They go to the dead WB, cut its stomach; after throwing away the wood dust, they wash it with wine, put the heart and kidneys in their original place, splash dead water, and the entrails grow together. FF gives a jug of live water to IR, and steps aside by itself. When the sister sprayed WB with live water, he says that he slept for a long time. IK: I would have slept my eyelid and wouldn't wake up if his heart and kidneys hadn't returned to him, and FF did it. WB hugs him, kisses him and happily swallows him. The IC asks me to let him go. WB releases, FF is becoming much more beautiful. The World Bank thanks him for his return to strength, gives his sister and all the goods in the palace. He warns that there is a manor house near where there are snakes. He has long dreamed of marrying IK. They fought many times, but neither he could defeat Verya-Bogatyr, nor his World Bank. We must beware of stepping on his land. As soon as they cross the border of his estate, he will select IC. On a holiday, FF and IK go to inspect their properties. Bypassing them, they accidentally step on the border of the snake estate, fog falls to the ground, turns into darkness and darkness, and IR disappears. FF returns in tears to Vere-Bogatyr, says goodbye, goes to look for IR. A man sits by a large river, one jaw on one bank and the other on the other, and when he swallows water, not a drop of water remains in the river, fish fight on land and the ground cracks. No matter how much water comes into that river, he drinks all over and shouts: "I'm dying of thirst, dying of thirst!" FF is surprised. The man suggests that it is better to marvel at the FF, who killed the witch and resurrected the WB. FF says it's him, going to the dragon for IC. The person asks to take it with him, promises to come in handy. They fraternize, walk, see 12 plows in a row in one field, a person goes after plows, eats furrows and shouts to plow sooner, otherwise he dies of hunger! FF is surprised. The one who ate the furrows, Flamynzila-Unsaturated, suggests that FF caught the witch, burned her, and scattered the ashes to the wind. He asks you to take it with him, maybe he will help him, or maybe he'll get food for himself, otherwise he won't remember being full since he lives. They fraternize, walk, see 12 firewood trucks burning, and among them a man dressed in 12 covers, crooked in three deaths, so that his head touches his legs and trembles with the cold. FF laughs at Jerila-Freezila, who tells you to laugh at himself, because without him, you can't get rid of the snake IC. They fraternize, walk, see a man with 6 millstones on one leg and 6 on the other. When it hits the millstones on the left with millstones on the right, it runs around half the world, and when it hits from left to right, it rushes like the wind in the opposite direction. When a sieve of water collects, it returns it to its place unspilled. This is Fujila-Runaway Dogonyu, he doesn't feel any stones on his legs. I tell myself to be surprised: where you go, it's hard to be without him. They fraternize, walk, meet an unwashed shooter: 6 pounds of dirt in each eye, and he kills a mosquito in the ninth sky with an arrow without aiming. I tell myself to be surprised: where you go, it's hard to be without him. They fraternize, walk, meet a man who sleeps on a rope and screams in his sleep that he has nowhere to stretch out. They fraternize, walk, come to the serpent's palace. The palace is surrounded by a fence of stakes, each with a human head on it. Only one pole at the gate is headless and shouts: "Head, head!" They knock on the gate, the serpent comes out. When the serpent finds out why the FF came, he says he will give him the IC, but let him follow all orders, otherwise hang out on an empty cola. The serpent tells its servants to prepare rest rooms for guests. The servant leads to the copper house, under which day and night are fire, the house is red outside and inside.. Freezer comes in first, from his breathing in the house like on a summer evening, just right to rest. Everyone goes to bed, Freezer sticks her head out so as not to freeze her friends with her breath. By morning, frost covers him like feathers, and when he sighs, he sweeps snow at the door. The serpent calls the servant to remove the ash and bones from the house. The servant opens the doors: they are icy, the guests scream that they are freezing. The snake gets scared, puts everyone at the table. If they eat and drink everything they put on the table, they will give it to IR. It brings 99 cows, 99 bread ovens and 99 barrels of wine. Insatiated and Drink-I want to tell my brothers to take as much as they need, eat and drink the rest. The serpent tells FF to level the hills around the castle to the ground by tomorrow morning. Drive-Hills-Encircling throws a rope and starts tying the two hills together, and then twisting it overhead so that one hill flies to one end of the earth and the other to the other. The serpent agrees to give the IC, but first you should send a brave man to bring a bucket of water from the Gray Mountains. The snake will also send a grandmother with a bucket for water, and if the FF person comes earlier, he will give the IR. The serpent sends his grandmother with the bucket through the water in the evening, and Run-Dogon goes to bed. It is difficult to wake him up at dawn. The old woman is already turning back. Run away and Dogonyu starts throwing millstones and gets to the Gray Mountains while they are still sleeping, collects a bucket of water and catches up with his grandmother. She offers to take a break, put her head in her arms and rest, puts her spell, and puts a snake bone under his head. At the request of FF Okila, the All-Seeing sees why he hesitates to Run Away and Dogon, sees that only the grandmother is coming, and Run-Catch Up is sleeping. He fires an arrow, she knocks a bone out from under the sleeping man, he catches up with his grandmother, brings water. The serpent gives to IK FF, but forbids them to walk on its lands, their way by sea. He thinks they won't be able to cross the sea and will remain his servants for life. When they reach the sea, Freezela freezes it, they cross over to the other side. The serpent is chasing. When it's in the middle of the sea, Frozen breathes fire from one nostril, the serpent sinks to the bottom and is eaten by crayfish and fish. FF and Ilyana Kosynzyana go their own way. Each assistant is left in his place. They arrive at Vere-Bogatyr, who blesses them to the crown. He turns all his wealth into three golden apples and gives them as a dowry. From there, young people go home to their grandmother and grandfather, have a wedding there]: Botezat 1981:235-246; Romanians [poor old people have three sons, the youngest Tsugul; the fairies gave him a good fate, but the Snake is a witch took away her veins; the brothers reluctantly put C. on a mare, take it with them to hunt; the fairy gives him a belt: she can take any form to return his veins from the Snake; after becoming a bee, C. flies to the Snake's house; from Snake talks with daughters finds out that the veins are in the chest behind the stove; next time he arrives like a fly, picks up the veins; fighting, kills three snake sons-in-law of the Snake Witch, gave their horses to his brothers, took the youngest himself; the Snake tells his daughters to take a different form to destroy C.; the elder brother wants to pick grapes, C. cuts the vineyard, black blood flows; the same is the plum orchard; the same is the stream (the brothers wanted to drink, C . plunged a spear into the stream, blood flowed); the witch herself flies, C. hides in the cave, then comes to the king, asks to forge a club; heated it, shoved it into a hole in the fortress wall; the Snake pulled the air into itself, a red-hot club fell into her mouth, she died; the boyars advise the tsar to get rid of C., offer to send him to the Kingdom of Strier, marry the king; Ts meets, takes him as companions 1) forever a hungry man who plows seven with plows; 2) running and stroking hares on the run, tied a millstone to his feet; 3) freezing on a hot day, one mustache is white, the other is black; 4) hitting a mosquito in the sky with an arrow; 5) a sage (waves a stick - birds flock); everyone, not knowing at first who is in front of him, says that he is not a hero, but a real hero - C.; the king of Streer demands: 1) eat all the bread baked in a day in 9 ovens (Oat eats); 2) drink 9 barrels of wine (Drinking drinks); 3) enter a hot oven (Freezing has cooled it); 4) bring water from the magic spring, overtaking the maid (the maid put it to sleep) Speedboat, looking for him in his head; The shooter wakes him up by knocking out the horse skull left by the girl from under his head, Skorokhod came first); 5) let 50 infertile women be born overnight (The Sage did so that they gave birth; touched the king with a stick - there is a brood of ducklings behind the king, everyone laughs); C. spared the eagle, pulled the thorn out of the bear's paw, they promised to help; brought the princess to the king, he gave it to him himself; the brothers stabbed Ts, took the horse and the bride; C. was still a little alive, his eagle and bear were coming out, the eagle brought alive and dead water, C. became the same; the eagle untied the horse Ts, the bear frightened the brothers; the horse killed the brothers with hooves, The king of Streer bequeathed the throne to C., he married the princess, received both kingdoms]: Sadetsky 1973:79-101.

Central Europe. Western Ukrainians (Transcarpathia; p. Zbui of the Zemplin Committee of Hungary) [the emperor has no children, he walks to sorcerers; one replies that the queen spat in the water, swallowed saliva by fish, brought offspring, and the queen has no children; it is necessary catch this fish in the lake under a stone slab and cook it, but so that no one else tries it; the maid tries the fish, the queen eats the fish, throws the bones to the dog; the maid, queen and dog get pregnant and through nine months give birth to a boy; the emperor is frightened; the advisers order to hire nurses; the boys have grown up and went to school; the son of the female Yanko has learned all the sciences and languages; the king is happy; I learn from books that Once there was a sun, a month and stars, but now there is nothing, the earth is covered in darkness; asks his father, the king says that three shufflers (dragons) have arrived; a 24-headed sun grabbed a sun with 12 heads - the month that had was a star; three royal sons saddle horses, went to look for the sun, the month and the star; the father told them that his brother, i.e. their uncle, studied to be a blacksmith in the Shedzmerice Region; the hell brought a letter: brother serves as a blacksmith for these three shufflers and their paternal uncle Laccibrade, who is elbow tall but has a long beard; the sons must go to Schedzmeritz, where their uncle is; there he is 100 meters Iron gates up, 24 comrades blacksmiths and 24 students; taking a letter to their uncle, the blacksmith, the brothers come to the Shedzmerice region, knock, the gate rings, the uncle comes out; making sure that their nephews are welcome accepts; knows where the lights are, because he is the blacksmith of kidnappers, whom he calls devils; one has a house made of gold, the other has silver, the third has copper; they are 24, 12, 6 miles away, respectively; their girlfriends - 48, 24, 12 miles away; at noon everyone leaves before midnight to see a friend - then you have to come; the princes will come to the copper house and the copper gate, where the weakest (with a star); he has a bridge from him to his home friends; his horse does not walk on the ground, only across the bridge; you have to take out one board in the evening to make a hole; I must sit under the bridge and listen to the shuffling go home; the shuffling sits on the horse the ground is shaking; his horse comes across the bridge to the hole, gets scared, rushes back; the shuffling calms down: there is no horse like him and no good man like him; only his mother-in-law Gynjibaba said she saw Suchiy Yanko, but if he met now, the shuffler would cut him to pieces; I.: I'll cut you down, blows all your heads off, sits on the shuffler's horse, takes his sword and star, throws a star into the sky, she rises to his seat, becomes lighter; the brothers go to the 12-headed shuffling; Y. breaks two silver plaques from the silver bridge; the shuffle promises to chop Suchiy Yanko, mentioned by G. throw meat away to magpies and crows; I blow 6 heads, then 6 more; each one cuts off the end of her tongue, hides it in her pocket, lets go of a month; tells my brother from the maid that he will have a 6-headed horse, brother from the queen - 12-headed, he himself will take the 24-headed shuffler's horse; invites the brothers to take the sun, they are afraid; leaves them the spoon given by the uncle for the matitsa: if it has blood, hurry to help; pulls it out bridges 4 gold plaques; the shuffler promises to chop the son of the dog mentioned by his mother-in-law, throw it away to magpies and crows; I.: I will do it with you; they fight for 24 hours; both ask crows for help, but I promise all the more. meat; the shuffling breathes fire, the crows stuff weeds into his mouth, take away the sun, it rises to the sky; the shuffling throws fire even more, the crows in their beaks carry water, pour on I., others grab the shuffling legs he fell, I killed him, cut off the tip of his tongue from each head; there is blood on a spoon behind the matitsa, the brothers take their horses out to flee; when I appear, they say that they were going to help him, he accuses him they lie, share horses; on the way home, their mother-in-law's hut of shufflers drive home; her daughters met there; I became a cat, climbed through the chimney, the youngest daughter, whose lover had 6 heads, recognizes Me by my eyes, the other two confirm; Gynjibaba: I would know if I saw it; the youngest looks up one century to her mother; G. sees Y., tells his daughters to put him in fur; they think that they did it and burned the fur from which, But I am a sorcerer and escaped; a mother tells one daughter to become a red handkerchief and lie on the road, strangle his two brothers and horses; the other with a silver pear, the fruits of which brothers and horses will choke; the third should become a meadow with silk grass and a well in the middle, people and horses will die from its water; I cut the handkerchief crosswise with a sword, it pours blood knee-deep to horses; the same with a pear, with a well; royal The brother, the chief blacksmith, orders the Iron Gate to be opened because her nephews will run away from G.; she chases with her mouth open, the young men rush to the uncle's yard, his students and comrades close the gate and G.'s eyelids are supported; G. demands to show her Y.; he tells the audience to take up one leaf, and he lets G.'s head into the yard and lock the gate with a key; G. is amazed that some worthless killed six (her daughters and shufflers); Y. replies that he will not let her go; let her become a horse that runs around the light in an hour, better than the Sharkani ones; G.: you can't wait; I ask my uncle for workers with with hammers; they hit G. on the head, she asks for mercy, but does not agree to be a mare; I tell you to hit harder; G. swears to serve faithfully; iron stirrups and a saddle are forged for her; I sit on horseback, take it in my hand a strand of flax lights him, linen does not have time to burn while the mare runs around the world; his uncle praises him, gives him a letter to his father and punishes him not to react, no matter what wonderful things he sees on the way; the brothers go home towards the ditch is old Laccibrad on a hare, followed by his casing and beard; he says that I am not a man; I dismount, L. is in the saddle and flies away on a horse; I tell my brothers to notify father that the sun, the month and the star are already in the sky, and he will go for the horse, which was made in his uncle's forge out of sharkanikha; he returns to his uncle, he reproaches him for his disobedience, tells him to take a hammer and go to the plain, where L. herds a mare and sleeps on iron saddles and stirrups; he must crush his head, take a mare; when he finds L., Y. decides that he is so small that he is not dangerous, grabs the mare, shouts at L.; he wakes up, hits Y. with stirrups and a saddle; I beg for mercy, L.: his sister will no longer wear I., for although Y. beat her, L. himself beat him, so we should honestly leave; I leave; my uncle sends him back; L. agrees to give the mare if Y. brings him a princess from the other side of the world; uncle: it's in the seventh land, it's easy to get there, any novelty you see must be taken with you, the royal daughter will be given for him ; on the way, Y. sees, takes with him hungry (he gets bread on carts), drank (drinks the river, but can't get drunk), cold (he can't warm up near the fire in 12 fur coats and 12 covers), throwing a hammer at the end of the world; crossing the whole world in two steps; having a huge eye and seeing everything; the king receives them, offers to eat a thousand oxen and bread out of three thousand measures of flour in one supper, drink a thousand barrels of wine and a thousand vodka; Y.'s companions eat and drink everything; the king puts him to bed in an iron house, sends blacksmiths to bring bags of coal, kindles a fire; the freezing one takes off one fur coat and one casing, the coals go out, everyone goes to bed; the craftsmen bring more fire; the freezing one sheds two coats and two covers, the coals go out, the craftsmen freeze to death; the king orders in three hours go to the end of the world and take leather and gold to the craftsman to cast a ring and sew shoes; companion Y. steps once and finds himself with the master; on the way back he enters the city, where Sister G. lets he sleeps, puts his horse head as a pillow, takes his ring and shoes; half an hour before the deadline; the seer sees the sleeper and sister G.; another companion throws a hammer, knocking his horse's head out from under the runner's heads; he catches up with sister G. in one step, takes away his ring and shoes, and the other steps he finds himself at the wedding; I. and the princess are married, given the wagon and the army to accompany him to the border; L. pretends to be married stuck in the swamp, Y. tries to help, L. pulls him knee-deep into the swamp, runs on his horse with his wife; I. rides a Sharkan horse to the Shedzmericki region to visit his uncle; uncle: go to the oak grove, where there is a hollow, through it you will get to a city 7 miles deep into the earth, in the city a three-story house on a duck leg is L.'s home; Y. finds a house, hides by a well, meets his wife: let him know where L. has power; L. to his wife: he is called to war, whoever he helps will win; in response to his wife's persuasion, he explains that a wooden deer drinks water near the well, a chamois in it, a hare in the chamois, a duck in a hare, two eggs in the duck; if you break one, he will lose half his strength and both will die; if you take a golden apple on a gold cord and put it in your pocket, you can take the house with you; L. goes to the seventh land for a month to war; I cut animals with a sword, breaks one egg; L. flies home on a mare - he is still stronger than I.; I break the second egg, L. falls, I kill him; turns the house into an apple, takes his wife home, stops by my uncle on the way, he advises him to return to his homeland and secretly build the house; his father's servants discover an unknown house; the princes are guarding a possible enemy, warmly greeting his brother, he says that he has obtained a mare and married a tsar's daughter from the seventh land]: Gnatyuk 1898, No. 8:39-54.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygi [Pshi's son goes to marry the daughter of another psha; meets, takes as companions a runner with millstones on his legs, keen, listening to the conversation of ants, drinking the river; the girl's father demands 1) overtake the old bastard; she gives the speeder sleeping pills, the farsighted sees, wakes up the runner by throwing a stone, he overtook the old woman; 2) the sensitive one hears that Pshi is going to tell them to spend the night in a hot stoves; water bread drank water, and belched in the oven; 3) guess the hour when the girl gets up and sits down to sew; the keen sees everything, says; the young man gets a wife]: Kerashev 1957:235-240 (=Maksimov, Kerashev 1953: 149-155); Adygs (Bzhedugi) [after the death of his parents, the prince's son began to live with his father's friend; when he saw a beautiful pigeon, he promised to marry only an equally beautiful girl; adopted father: there are two of them west, alone in the east; the young man went east, left the prince's son an arrow: if she has blood, he is in trouble; he almost froze on the way; finds a girl, she sets conditions: to overtake the rider, shoot three released pigeons, to overcome her; the rider is an old woman on a donkey; offered to look for the young man in his head, put her to sleep, galloped away; he caught up with her, threw sand into her eyes, came back first; shot the pigeons, knocked her down a girl; his dagger does not take her, he takes her with him; on the way he takes a ring from the rider who drives prisoners; the other has a handkerchief, the third has a bracelet; three fight over the father's inheritance: an invisible hat, a whip, a spit, a leather dastarkhan; the young man promises to give to whoever brings the bullet he fires, takes everything himself; there is a seven-headed giant nailed to the ground near the house, there are three girls in the house; the young man enters invisible; each tells how a young man took a ring from one, a handkerchief from another, and a bracelet from a third; the young man comes in, the girls go with him, do not tell him to release the giant; he freed, the giant took the girls away, the young man flew in to him on a dastarkhan plane, hitting him three times with a whip; he stopped at a hole in the ground; the young man expanded it with a spit, went down, killed the sleeping giant, took the maidens; met the prince's aged son; meets a shepherd, who tells the sheep to cry: the prince's son has long died; young man: he is alive, slaughter sheep for a feast; married a beautiful woman brought, he also married three girls well]: Tambiev 1900:52-60; Abaza [the young man goes to marry; he meets, companions water bread, drawing in the river with his mouth, a runner with a stone on his shoulder to run not so fast, a shooter (hits a needle on the top of the tree with an arrow); pull out the wolf, whom people have driven into the swamp, he gives fur to summon him; the bride's father's tasks: 1) sit in a hot iron house (water bread cools down, releasing the water); 2) overtake old woman (she put him to sleep, planted the chicken to peck the grain in a sieve, the runner thinks the old woman is looking in his head); the shooter knocked down the sieve, the runner woke up, overtook the old woman; 3) whose dog is the fastest ( they let the wolf in, he ate the prince's dog's leg); got a wife]: Tugov 1985, No. 48:139-142; Stavropol Turkmens [Taga tells his father that he will not tell him a dream, he kicks him out; not says to the Eastern Khan, who puts him in a dungeon; the slave says that the Western Khan will go to war if the Eastern Khan does not guess which of the two mares is mother and which daughter; T. says that the mother will eat peacefully, and the daughter will frolic; the western one demands a hero who will throw an arrow to his palace; T. destroys the wall of the palace with an arrow; the western one asks T. to come to him; he takes with old people; one sees a needle a hundred miles away, the second pours water from the river into the river with his mouth, the third throws mountains, the fourth grazes hares with millstones on their feet, the fifth whistles so that the earth trembles; their they solder him, put him in a hot iron shed for the night, the one who drank water cools him; the khan promises his daughter if someone overtakes him; the runner overtakes him, but she drinks him drunk, he falls asleep; far seeing tells the whistler to wake up the runner; the khan does not give a daughter, then the strongman takes his palace; T. gets a daughter, goes to the Eastern Khan; from his wife taken from the Eastern Khan, he has a son; in that dream he saw two suns (two khan) and a star (his son) in the middle]: Bagriy 1930 (2): 84-90; Karachays or Balkarians [dzhigit goes to get a beauty; meets, takes as companions 1) running around with his legs tied to his legs millstones; 2) far seeing; 3) understanding the language of ants; 4) drinking the river; the girl's father tells: 1) to overtake the sorceress (the runner undertakes to run, the old woman gives him a sleepy potion; the far-seeing sees it throws a stone, runs up, comes first); 2) sit in the oven for the night (water bread cools her down); 3) guess when the khan's daughter gets up; the farsighted sees everything, the khan gives his daughter; the dzhigit leaves his wife brings assistants where he met them]: Aliyeva, Kholaev 1983:77-82; Ingush: Sadulaev 2004, No. 122 [the tsar sees the poor man and promises that he will give him whatever he wants; the poor man asks to fill his pouch with money; the king's men bring a handful, then a hat and a cart of coins, but they cannot fill the pouch; as a result, it includes all the royal property; the king and his people attack the poor man, he kills them and becomes king; the children of the murdered king grow up, the poor man gives them all the royal property; after settling separately, he sows wheat; it is beaten by hail; the poor man is hired by a horseman, says: "I will remove one all your bread before sunset, for which you will give me part of your pens, but if I don't harvest the bread before sunset, I'll lose my fee"; fails to remove one sheaf, refuses to pay; hires to the shepherd on the condition: if after three years there is at least a small loss in the herd, he will not receive remuneration, and if there is a profit, he will receive part of the livestock; three years pass, the number of livestock increases; the herd is attacked by a wolf, takes the kid away; the poor man keeps the wolf alive, returns the kid and refuses the reward for work; walks along the road, dies; the wolf finds and buries the corpse; Three doves fly in, pray, the poor man resurrects; a tower appears on the grave, the poor man lives in it with the doves who have become beautiful; the wives say: "Go to the mother of the Sun and Ask her for a nice sofa for us. Mother of the Sun lives next to Mother Moon. Their hut doors are always locked. The Mother of the Sun sits above her baby's cradle and feeds him with one breast, while the other breast is thrown over her shoulders. As soon as you enter Mother of the Sun's hut, rush straight to her chest and start sucking it; if you can catch her breast and suck it, she'll give you a sofa"; poor man follows instructions, Mother of the Sun He calls him his third son; her son comes, moving the Sun; when he learns of the poor man's request, he says to him: "Tomorrow you will follow me to move the Sun around the world, and I will stay at home and make you a sofa. Mother of Thunder will bring you lunch by noon, and when you come to the sea, look at our vineyard there"; the next day, the poor man begins to drag the Sun across the world; by noon, Thunder's mother brings him lunch; he remembers how she beat his arable land with hail and pounding it; when he reaches the sea and finds himself near the vineyard, he remembers the loss of harvesting fees; as a result, he keeps the Sun for an extra hour above the vineyard; in the evening he tells the mother of the Sun that the journey was safe; goes home with the sofa; a man comes to him, from whom he herded sheep; asks to give one of his wives; wives turn into doves, fly away; the tower and other buildings disappear; the poor man is hired by the king, enters into a relationship with his daughter; the king throws him into a hole; a powerful neighboring king sends it the king of two identical roosters and tells him to find out which one is older; the poor man suggests: "You can find out about the seniority of roosters by age as follows: pour them red wheat and let them go to it in the wind roosters. The elder rooster will stand with his head against the wind, and the youngest with his tail"; the king follows the advice, performs the task; the neighbor sends two identical stallions and tells them to know which one is older; the poor man explains : "Give more salt to these stallions, then let them drink, the youngest will run forward to the water and start drinking greedily, and the elder will walk quieter and, when he comes to the water, overtake the younger stallion"; the king follows advice, performs the task; the neighbor sends a message: "Find out which of your people is able to shoot an arrow from your village to mine"; the poor man fires an arrow into a neighboring village; it falls into a chain on which the cauldron hung in the royal hut; a messenger arrives: "Our tsar invites you to come to our village and take one dog and one rooster with you to compete with our dog and our rooster"; poor man takes a falcon instead of a rooster, goes to the village; on the way he meets a man who sees a chamois on a distant mountain, a man who hears a snake crawling over seven mountains, a man trying to drink the sea, and a man who, with one foot in his belt, runs to the other for a hare; takes them with him; the neighboring king releases a rooster, the poor man's falcon pecked him; the neighboring king announces the beginning of a race, releases a witch; she offers the one-legged to drink a drink from a jug, he falls asleep; the one who hears snoring well, the shooter fires an arrow into the jug, the one-legged wakes up to the ringing of potsherds and overtakes the witch; the king locks the guests in a copper hut; it begins to fill with water; a person who wants to drink the sea drinks it; a strong king recognizes the neighboring king as an equal, the poor man marries the king daughters]: 314-321; Tankieva 2003 [mother tells her son to protect wheat from birds; he fell asleep; he fell asleep, said he had a good dream; refused to tell his mother, sister, he was kicked out of the house, he refused tell a pacciah dream, thrown into a hole, plays zurna there, paccaha's daughter falls in love with him; pacci wants to marry the daughter of a neighboring pacciah, but is refused; a neighboring paccah sent an onion: if you have one someone will pull it, give him his daughter and half of the possessions; only the young man in the hole pulled when Pacci himself came to ask him to do it; he destroyed the corner of the tower with an arrow; Pacci sent the young man as a matchmaker; on the way he meets Satellites 1) listening to yeshap children playing alchiki across 7 seas; 2) changing goiters from pigeons on the other side of the sea; 3) chasing fallow deer on one leg; 4) shooting at a leopard for a family mountains; 5) drawing the sea into the hollow of a tooth; 6) moving a village from place to place from 9,000 hearths; everyone says, not knowing who is in front of him, that he is not a miracle, but a young man who destroyed the corner of the tower with an arrow; at the pachchah the listener hears that they want to add poison to their food (friends changed their food); the runner races with the witch, who offers a drink and a snack, the runner falls asleep; the listener finds out, the shooter wakes him up, the runner overtakes the witch; at night the house was set on fire, the drawing sea was flooded; but the bride was given only when the hero sat down on his back and carried it; then the boy woke up - he dreamed of it all]: 201-206; Kumyks [39 brothers go with their father to marry 40 sisters; the youngest fortieth Malik-Mamed stays at home, warns not to spend the night near the city of Palace; they married 40 daughters of the poor man, they are going back, they spend the night by the river; in the morning it turns out that they mistook Ashdag's snake for the river, who surrounded them with a ring; lets them go for a promise to give MA; demands that they bring him the daughter of the Shah Devas; the wolf tells them to find a good one horse; MA finds, gives the old one to be eaten by a wolf; on the way she meets, takes Fastfooted, Climber, Water Bread as his comrades; Shah Devas 1) tries to burn them in an iron hut, Vodokhleb regurgles the water, cools her down; 2) the shah tells her to bring water faster than the lame old woman; Quickfoot overtakes her, but she gave him wine, he fell asleep; MA woke him up with an arrow, he caught up with the old woman, was the first to return with a jug; 3) A climber defeats a local strongman; MA gets a girl; the wolf says that the soul is a snake in an egg in a huge partridge; MA breaks an egg, Ashdag dies, MA marries Khan Deva's daughter]: Kapiyeva 1974:65-71 ; lucky [an apple fell on the royal roof during the rain; the queen ate it in half with her husband, gave birth to 40 boys; the king was frightened, ordered them to be left behind the mountain; later he returned, 40 young men named him father, asked to marry 40 sisters; the king put on iron boots, took a steel stick, went to look for brides; the father of 40 daughters met him, also with an iron stick and iron boots; a father with 39 sons went to pick up brides, and the youngest Susuna stayed at home; S. to his father: when snakes fall from the sky and the stone rain falls, do not stop anyway; but when the stones fell, the young insisted to spend the night; at night they were surrounded by a ring of snakes, demanded their younger brother S.; tells S. to get the daughter of an overseas king; S. meets, takes as companions a bird shooter at the sky, drinks and spewing the sea; the king orders 1) to overtake the old woman; the shooter ran, fired an arrow in the back of the old woman and overtook; 2) climb a tree with a full bowl and go down without splashing; S. completed the task, but with the tops of the tree saw his mother in mourning for him, dropped a tear; but the king was convinced that it was not water; 3) spend the night in the iron room; the king ordered to make a fire around him, but the water bread spewed the water and cooled room; the princess does not want to go to the snake; the shepherd advised to ask the snake for a sword in a felt sheath as a reward; S. cut this sword by a snake; half turned to a dog, the other to a pig, they began to chase each other after another; S. received two wives: the princess and the former bride]: Khalilov 1965, No. 51:137-142; the Kyurins [the childless queen suddenly gave birth to 40 sons; after that, the tsar left home; the wife hired nurses, raised sons; younger Melik Mammad calls the brothers to find his father; they found him and threatened to kill him if he does not marry them to 40 sisters - daughters of the same father and one mother; the king found; MM punishes the brothers do not stay in the Palace; but they spent the night there, and in the morning they are surrounded by a huge snake; he will let everyone go if MM comes to him; MM has come, the serpent tells him to get the daughter of the king of divas for him; the wolf tells MM ask the snake for a horse; MM stabbed his horse for a wolf; MM meets, companions someone who milks deer on the run; throws stones; drinks the river; the king of divas orders to spend the night in the iron the room, covered with firewood, drank the water, the room cooled down; run with the lame old woman for reindeer milk; the old woman gave wine to the deer milker, he fell asleep; MM saw it, shot, the milker woke up, killed an old woman, brought milk; overcame the hero (the stone-thrower overcame); MM got the daughter of the king of divas; came to the wolf; the wolf orders to kill a huge hare, an egg in his heart, a snake's soul in the egg; MM broke an egg, the serpent died; MM married the king's daughter, a diva and a girl brought by his father; his father gave him the throne]: Lionidze, Sultanov 1892, No. 5:204-208.

Baltoscandia. Scandinavians [Thor and his companions come to Utgard, ruled by Utgarda-Loki (note 61: The Acts of the Danes Saxon Grammar explain that Utgardilocus is Loki, expelled from Asgard in Utgard, i.e. into the outer fenced space); see the city in the middle of the field; the king asks what art the guests are trying to show themselves in; Loki: no one will eat their share faster than me; competes with Logie (flame), both eat from both ends of the trough, meet in the middle, Logi ate both bones and troughs; Tialvi competes to run with Hoogie (thought), loses; Thor drinks from the horn , which locals drink in one, a lot in two or three sips, but when Thor takes two sips, the water in the horn is almost not reduced; Torah is offered to raise a cat, he only manages to tear one of it off the ground paw; Thor offers to fight; Utgarda-Loki sends old woman Ellie (old age), Thor fell on one knee; Utgarda-Loki takes aces well, and letting them go says that if he knew how strong he was Thor, would not let them into Utgard; Loki and Tialvi could not argue with Flame and Thought; the other end of the horn was in the sea: what Thor drank is now called low tide; The cat is the world's serpent, Thor raised it to heaven; there was no man to defeat Old Age; Thor carried his hammer, Utgarda-Loki and his city disappeared]: Younger Edda 1970:42-46.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars: Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 44 [9 wives gave birth to 40 sons and 40 daughters; the youngest gave birth to only one son Dutan; they all went to look for brides and grooms; Zhalmavyz at night swallowed everyone except D.; belched for a promise by Keneckey, the daughter of a padishah; D. meets, takes as companions 1) listening to what is in the underworld; 2) a shooter; 3) a runner named Zhilayak; 4) tamed birds; 5) a miller strongman; the padishah will give K. to when he kills another padishah's enemy; D. killed; orders to overtake the old woman; she drinks the runner; he managed to wake up and overtake her; the vizier comes up with everything new competitions so as not to give her back to K.; they are trying to take her away secretly, D.'s companions return her; in order not to give her to K. Zhalmavyz, Zhilayak dresses as a girl, goes instead of her, then runs away; the arrow killed Zhalmavyz with an arrow when she set off in pursuit; D. marries K.; finds brides and grooms for his parents and sisters], 69 []: 153-167, 555-363; Bashkirs [after the death of their parents, 10 brothers go to look for work, refuse to eat the old woman's unsalted soup; the youngest eleventh Karasa-batyr eats, she orders first destroy the talismans of the Yalmauz, then fight; the girl says where the talisman of the 7-, 12-headed Yalmauz, K. kills him; the same in the palaces of the 9-headed; K. frees the prisoners; meets brothers, gives each one 10 girls, takes three for himself; at night, Azhdakha filled his brothers, lets go for K.'s promise to bring Kurenmyas Khan's daughter; K. meets, takes as companions 1) a one-legged runner, 2) a tall man catching his hands birds, 3) listening, 4) drinking the lake; khan demands 1) defeat the bull; 2) climb the pole without splashing milk, ring the bell; 3) overtake the speedboat (60-year-old woman); 4) spend the night in hot bath; companions do everything together; Khan turns his daughter into a knife, pillow, writing pen, tells you to choose among 12 samovars, 12 feathers, 12 scribes; K. makes the right choice each time; girl turns into fish, Drinker drains the lake, companions cook fish, imaginary fish jumps out of the cauldron; turns into wheat grains, they are fed to duck, the girl takes on her former appearance; flies away with a duck, the bird catcher grabs her; the fox offers to give her to Azhdakha instead of a girl; Azhdakha believed; K. lives with four wives]: Barag 1988, No. 32:200-213; Bashkirs [30 brothers, younger Yulbat, are going to look for wives 30 sisters; the king says that his 30 daughters were carried away by a whirlwind; the brothers turn right where luck awaits, Yu to the left; the wolf eats his horse, tells him to ride himself instead of a horse; three are married to those girls Deva brother, 27 girls turned into mares; Yu kills devas, frees girls, gives them to brothers he meets; the wolf eats the hearts of 60 horses, carries 30 brothers and their wives; despite the warning of Yu. , the brothers stop for the night, they are surrounded by an agdaha dragon with his body; lets Yu go for his promise to get him the daughter of Tsar Birmyat; on the way, Yu takes Runner, Strelka, Slukhach, Vodoglot, Vodokhod as companions; Tsar B. tells 1) to spend 6 days in a hot bath, 2) overtake the old woman 80 years old; 3) climb a pole with a glass of milk; Yu gets a wife; his son, who has grown up during this time, killed Azhdakha; Yu gives him daughter B .]: Barag 1988, No. 35:234-242; Bashkirs [40 sons, younger Altynduga; one did all the work that the father and his eldest 39 sons used to do (return the herds from the pasture and lock them in stalls); chose an inferior haircut, he turned out to be a heroic horse; brought a sword to the rock, where there is a sword above the door: take it, your soul is in it; next to the girls% horse: one of them is your bride; A. asks father to find them 40 sisters as wives; the father met an old man: he has 40 daughters; the father left A. at home; he told them where to go; on the way back, do not stop in the garden or pick berries there, owns a garden the seven-headed monster Yalmauz (cannibal sorcerer or snake); they began to tear berries, Y. demands that A. get him the daughter of a deva from behind Mount Kaf, take his fiancée hostage; A. goes, meets along the way, takes him satellites 1) shooter (an arrow fired into the sky falls three days later); 2) drank (drinks the lake, letting water through his teeth, the fish remains in his mouth); 3) a runner with millstones on his legs; the king will give his daughter to someone who he will climb onto a pole without splashing a glass of honey on his head (A. climbed, saw his house from the top, cried, but proved that the drops are not honey, but a tear); 2) shoot an arrow through the golden ring (the shooter fired) ; 3) overtake the old runner, run for 13 days; the old woman put the Runner to sleep, covered it with a pot; A. saw from the top of the pole, the Shooter woke him up, hitting the pot with an arrow; 4) survive in a stone house, and around - burning firewood with 40 soot (Drinking filled the fire); A. and his companions go to Mount Kaf, and the princess will be picked up on the way back; at the top of Kaf A. leaves kurai: if blood flows from him, not milk, then trouble; himself then one goes; the old woman sends to the older sister, she to the oldest; she says that the deva has 3 heads, his brothers have 6 and 12; offers to remove the kamcha, A. cannot; gives a drink of strength - then he could; this Kick the girl's house, a ditch will appear, hide in it; the girl will howl animals - there is no one; so several times; she will kill all the animals and go to bed; she must be beaten with a kamcha until will submit; having become the wife of A., the girl advises to wait for her deva uncles under the bridges they will cross; A. killed the devas, settled with his wife by the sea; an old woman sailed on the board: everyone drowned, left alone; stayed live with A. and his wife; advises to ask her husband what his soul is wearing; A. in the insole of his boot; the old woman burned the insole, A. did not notice; in a sword; the old woman threw her sword into the sea, A. died, the old woman lured the girl into the boat, brought her to the king, who sent her; A.'s friends on Mount Kaf: blood instead of milk; Drinking saw bloody fish; fish: cut her eyes on the sword (since then these fish have been red-eyed); I drank water, my sword found, A. came to life; friends came to the kidnapper, destroyed the king, his army and old woman, divided the loot; A. offered to divide the girl; out of fear she vomited blood; so he purified her bad blood; along the way He took home the princess given to him by the king; killed Yalmauz and took the princess intended for him; stayed with three wives]: Barag 1988, No. 34:219-234.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Sidelnikov 1952 (Akbulak District, Aktobe Region) [the son of a poor old woman caught a golden doe and took the khan; the vizier advises not to give the young man rewards, but to demand a fallow deer stand, one wing is gold and the other is silver; the mother went in search; the old woman sews a gap in the ground; says the master makes such stands near Mysyr for 1000 dill; the young man received a stand, but the wings are simple; on the way, wells with gold and silver water, the young man immersed him in they are the wings of the stand; now the vizier advises to order to bring a golden tree; the old man teaches: the hare will run, hide in the den, there are two pits, the hare to the left, and you to the right; there is a cave of 40 robbers; it is necessary take to cook them lunch and hit the cauldron with an iron stick; the old man gave this stick; there is salt in the chest, you have to salt the food, the robbers will eat it and die right away; there's a golden tree; you have to rest, close your eyes and pull - the tree will be in front of the palace; but the young man forgot to knock on the cauldron, remained a cook for the robbers until the old man reminded him in a dream; now the viziers are advised to deliver the beautiful Kunkey; the young man goes, meets, companions giants; 1) holding mountains in his hands; 2) hearing everything; 3) holding two lakes of water by his cheeks; 4) a speedboat (tied to each leg on a rock); a young man rescued an ant from a pit (dal wing); Kunkei is guarded by a dog, the first giant killed her, leaving the mountain; Khan Father K. proposes to defeat the bull, the giant killed him; overtake the old woman; she gave the speedboat wine; the hearing says that the speedboat sleeping; the young man hit the ground with an iron stick, the speedboat woke up, threw sand in the old woman's face, came first; to find K.; hearing: she is in an underground palace; her brothers found her; the khan invited them to the iron house, ordered to burn, the water holding his cheeks cooled the house; to identify K. among 40 beauties (the ant crawled to her feet); the young man took K., left every giant where he met on the way back; K. told the young man ask the khan and the vizier to go out to meet her; turned the khan into a wolf, a vizier in the forest; the young man became a khan, married K.]: 253-260; 1971 (1) [after starving horse toast, the old woman gave birth to a son Yer-Tostik; he hurts the chizhik, he confused the old woman's yarn, the old woman tells ET to look for his missing 8 brothers, who starved the cattle south; ET clamps a handful of hot wheat in her mother's hand, she admits he has brothers; ET goes to look for them, finds them, brings them; their father Ernazar marries them to 9 sisters, ET to the youngest Kenzhekei; Peri Bector wants ET for himself; tells Baba Yaga to grab E., he promises her a son; leaves the sharpener at the old camp, ET goes after him on a six-legged horse, takes the seventh on the lead; K.'s wife gives him her father's horse as a dowry; ET, grabbing the sharpener, runs away from the woman -yagi, falls into the lower world of the snake Khan Bana; he promises him a daughter if ET gets Temir Khan's daughter; ET meets, companions Thief, Windredhead, Sensitive Ear, Gorokat, Lake Swallower, All-Seeing Thanks to them, the eye wins competitions (1) The lake swallows everything, eats everything, the Sensitive Ear hears about the intention to poison the guests, the Thief replaces dishes; 2) the ET horse wins the races: 3) Windbreaker overtakes the old woman Mystan-Kempir, who tried to put him to sleep; 4) the horse pulls the cauldron from the bottom of the lake; first, there is white foam on the surface, which means he grabbed it; then the red one does not lift it; in the end it pulls it out), gets woman; grateful Bani Khan shows the way up; on the way, the wife dies, ET goes with her slave Kunkei; kills a boa constrictor crawling to the chicks; a double-headed eagle (one human head, the other a bird) carries him and K. to the ground; peri throws him into the well, the double-headed eagle saves him; ET saves Kunkey, married to Shoin-Kulak (Baba Yaga's son), eavesdrops where the soul of the ShK (in a goat, in a box, in a chicken); kills the ShK ; returns to Kenzhukei]: 7-33 (=1958 (1): 3-35; =Daurenbekov 1979:15-39).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Siberian Tatars (Tyumen) [was bai Tokpay-bai, he has 9 sons; they drove herds, at which time his mother became pregnant; wanted a horse sternum (tyustyuk); gave birth to a son Ir-Tyustyuk; playing with money , he hurt the lousy guy; he: you'd better find your brothers; IT gave him all the money, including gold, asked his mother to cook wheat, pressed her hands against the cauldron, she had to tell him; IT found the brothers , the follower became unrecognized, living with everyone, eating everything; they got to know each other, the brothers agreed to return to their parents; IT tamed the foal and the mare, began to ride them; the older brother asked the father marry him to 10 sisters; he stayed in a fisherman's yurt; when he saw 5 hats, he cried, the other 5 laughed (at first he thought there were only 5 brides in the house, and then realized that there were 10); the fisherman gave his daughters to bay; the youngest Kunjakei tells him to spend the night on a waterless hill; bai got angry, stopped by the water, his lung swims there; bai hit him, it became an old woman (kempir) with seven heads, began to strangle him; refused take horses, 9 sons, IT demanded; Bai promised to leave her a goldgrandmother and send IT to pick her up; after the wedding, IT asked about her grandmother, IT was going to follow her; K. told Shal to sit on a white horse guiruk, take Ak-Polat's white sword, Ak-syrmal white chain mail; S. says IT that Kempir-jalmouth is sitting in place of the yurt; she replied that she could not get up; S. became huge, then small, IT grabbed grandmother, galloped; they began to fight with the old woman, both fell into the ground; S. left IT one hair to call her; IT meets, companions 1) hitting one mountain against another, 2) drinking the lake, 3) a runner who catches animals easily, 4) hears from any distance; they came to Ulmis Khan (it was his daughter who sent those comrades to IT to marry her); they said that a fugitive had allegedly fled to the village of UH, demanded daughter UH; he orders 1) to overcome the strongman (the thief overcame the mountains), 2) overtake the old woman (the runner overtook); the khan put IT and his companions in an iron house, put firewood, set fire (water bread flooded the fire) ; the listener said where the daughter UH was hidden (on the ground); IT went home with the girl he took; Choyun-gulak came out to him, invited him to his place, joined the fight; IT defeated him, but the saber did not take him, CHG defeated him; Sh. ran to his comrades, who saved IT; IT asked ChG's wife to find out where his soul was; she made their child cry, explained to CHG that the child wanted to add his soul to his father's soul; CHG: on top of the mountain There is an iron box at the bottom of the well, with 4 quails in it; IT killed them; everything is fine]: Radloff, Proven, IV, 443 in Potanin 1916:89-93; Chulym Turks [sister got two hero brothers drunk; neighbors dug a hole and they lowered them into it, throwing half a horse carcass and a piece of wood; they sobered up, made a balalaika, began to play; the old woman heard, pulled out the heroes; said she would overtake the goat; they took her with them; more another old woman; an old man drinks a lake, pours it into another; he was also taken; they lit a fire in front of the city; king: who are you? ready to compete in running; the king sent the old woman; the heroic old woman overtook her, went to bed; the king got her dirty and ran past her; the heroic woke up, overtook her; the tsar dug a hole, covered her with silk; another old woman warned not to walk on silk; the king wants to burn them; the lake who was drinking flooded the fire with water; everything swam; the brothers tore their sister with horses]: Lukina 2004, No. 5.5:100-103; Tuvans [before By death, Myoge Bayan-Dalay's father (DB) sent him for Lama Koldu-Burgan; he came and began to read sacred books, but the camp was surrounded by enemies, the brothers Ak-Khan and Kadyn-Kara; the DB horse tells him to aim higher, for the brothers jumped up, but the DB did not listen, the arrow flew by; he did not jump himself, was killed; his pregnant wife Sai-Kuu fled to the steppe, gave birth to a son Kara-Kogel; three days later he was already walking and talk; asks the mother about animals, from small to large, easily kills them with stones; mother taught them how to bow and shoot; KK brought 6 bears at once; mother does not tell them to go to the sacred mountain; he went the mountain is moving, it is a giant maral that eats the forest like grass; KK hit a vulnerable place on the forehead where animal hair is; ripped open the belly of the maral, and many people came out alive from there (this episode on p. 102); from the skins of this maral KK made a home; the mother sent the KK to meet his grandfather Aldyn-Aas; he is going to marry Manchin-Ege Khan's daughter; people without an ear; without an arm; without a leg; they answer that they were attacked by two eagles; two birds of Khan-Hereti; two lions; this was when they went to Manchin-ege-Khan; AA gives the DB a name that the mother only vaguely said: Kara-Kogel, riding the Arzilan-Kyskyl horse; this horse has There are no cracks between the ribs; AA remains with KK's mother, and is sent to Myncheung-ege-han; BD's father married her to him at one time, gave him steel bars and scissors; to cross the sea, the KK fired an arrow, she scattered the passage between the waters; the khan of the competition, the winner will get his daughter; the son of the moon, the son of heaven, the son of the sun participate; the KK arrow passed through the needle eye, through the hole of the shoulder blade, set fire to a bunch of firewood and etc., but he threw a lasso over her and returned it; compete to run from a place where heaven meets earth; the strongmen sent fairies instead of themselves; they gave KK a drink - he, poisoned, fell dead; the horse ran , pushed the jug away, the winds revived the KK, he overtook the old women, dragged those who wanted to hold him with hooks; jumps, those old women on horseback, the horse tells him not to look back; AA turned around, saw his chest mother, fell to her, fell poisoned; the horse woke him up, he overtook the old women; to fight the strongman for 90 days; in winter only hoarfrost creaked under his feet, in summer the dew rustled; AA overcame him and buried him in a hole; fighting a strongman who sparks; AA beat him with an icy fur coat, threw him into the sea; defeat a bull, AA threw a bull by a stone scree; fighting three bears; in winter, hoarfrost creaked under their feet in the summer, the dew rustled; all three KK threw against the rocks; these strongmen were from the lower world, they licked the arrow, vowing not to attack again; horse: they will demand me for the bride, do not give up the iron fetters; but Malchyn-Ege- Khan took the horse away along with the fetters; they gave the KK a drink at the feast, the heroes attacked him; the KK shouted: Earth is my mother, Heaven is my father, where are you? Stones fell from the sky, destroyed half of the Khan's squad; his wife brought the KK to her, and in the morning he called out again to Earth and Heaven, asking them to be benevolent; the sun shone, half of those killed came to life; broken The KK melted the bronze bowl and poured it again; the KK horse almost died of thirst and hunger, but the khan's little son let him go and drink him; the horse was offended by the KK for giving it along with the fetters, but then forgave; after visiting his looted camp, KK saw the remains of a long-dead man; this is his father; KK smeared his bones with drugs, the body revived; hit the whip with a golden handle and jumped over - man got up, but could not speak; from the book, Sudur KK learned that the magic mouse had carried the vocal cords across 7 layers of earth, 9 layers of dust; KK became an ermine, caught up, killed the mouse, returned the ligaments, put it in his father's mouth; The DB came to life, but the KK told him to look after the house, and went to take revenge; learned from the shepherds that life was hard under the new owners; invited Ak-Khan and Kadyn-Kara to shoot at each other the way they shot with his father; their arrow bounced off the KK's chest and crumbled, his arrow pierced both at once; the KK returned the people to their original place of nomadic]: Grebnev 1960:87-141; Mongols (Khalkha) [poor brother laborers at rich man, he feels sorry to cut trees; in a dream, a woodman pierces his tongue with needles, he now understands the language of animals; Raven tells the Raven that the Khan's son is ill because a snake crawled into his mouth; throw the meat of a fat mare into the fire, breathe smoke; the poor man heals the khan's son, asks for 7 skinny mares and a bad horse under his blanket as a reward; on the way he meets and companions 1) moving mountains, 2) listening to what is underground, 3) shooting at the sky, 4) quietly changing the feathers of crows and magpies, 5) drinking the river, 6) chasing mountain sheep; the khan will give his daughter to the winner of the competition; 1) the strongman defeats the wrestler, 2) the shooter falls into the golden circle between heaven and earth, 3) the runner overtakes two old speeders (they put him to sleep by patting him on the head, but he woke up); the khan sent an army, froze he was drowned; friends took to heaven, became the constellation Ursa Major - "Seven Elders"; the little star is a princess]: Skorodumova 2003:5-8; the Mongols (Ordos) [two brothers meet, take to twin brothers 1) who shot a bird, it fell only at the end of the day; 2) listening to what creatures in three worlds were doing; 3) rearranging mountains; 5) catching up with gazelles; 6) drinking the sea; they made it older brother, they crossed the sea dry, he regurgitated the waters back; they came to Shajagai Khan, he offers competitions; the listener learns about everything in advance; 1) shoot - the shooter pierces five, and the man SHH only two mountains; 2) the one who raised the mountains defeats the fighter Sh.; 3) the runner overtakes the White Old Woman Sh.; 4) Sh. Invites you to feast in a cast-iron house, makes a fire around, the swallowing sea regurgitates water; S. drowned; sister cities returned and became stars of the Ursa Major]: Mostaert 1937, No. 32 in Solovyov 2014.