Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27U. Hide, ATU 329.


The task is to hide (the hero finds the antagonist, or the antagonist cannot find the hero). See motive K27.

West Africa. Balant [The hare calls himself the smartest, Partridge: only a fool says so about himself; offers to hide; finds the Hare three times; hides by himself three times, the Hare does not find it]: Nikolnikov, Katasonova 1976:85-88.

Sudan - East Africa. Afara (?) {Arar; there is no such ethnonym} [the blind king was told that he would see the light if he caught the king of the sea, i.e. the whale; the prince found and defeated the whale, but he said that if he was killed, the king would not feel better; prince let the whale go, the king ordered him to be executed; the warriors let him go, but ordered him to leave the country; he saved the antelope from the hunters, the mouse from the children, they promised to help; the woman offers to play hide and seek; the boy has 4 attempts; if he finds it, he will kill, and if not, he will give him his palace and property; the young man hid inside that whale (found), in the grotto where the antelope took him (found); the mouse took him to the king of genies (did not find it) ; prince married this woman, all is well]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2016:190-195.

North Africa. Algeria, Egypt: El-Shamy 2004, No. 329:175

Southern Europe. Spaniards (Ciudad Real) [the count is ill; a doctor from a distant country: only King Gijón's fat will cure him; his son went in search; poor old woman asks to swap his horse with her; the young man first refuses, but then feels sorry for the old woman and agrees; it turned out that the old woman's horse is flying; by the sea shore, he shoved a whale washed ashore into the water; crossed the sea, fed the hungry eagle; despite warning the horse, picked up a horseshoe, a letter; stopped for the night; the owner saw a horseshoe; if the young man does not get the beast from which this horseshoe is, he will be executed; the horse leads to the cave of the beast, a young man is killing him; now they have found a letter, it is from the Queen of Wisdom (Reina Sabiduría), King Gijón's fiancée; deliver her, otherwise they will be executed; they come to her; she will marry a young man if she fails in three nights find him; the young man hides in the belly of a whale; in the morning the queen knows about it; the next night the eagle took the young man to the sky - the queen knows everything again; the horse teaches to give bread to the fox, she will take her to the queen's chambers, it is necessary hide in her bed; the queen did not find it, she was ready to marry the young man; but she is Gijon's fiancée; she boiled a pot of oil: whoever pulls the flower out of it, I will go for him; the king tried, cooked, they collected his fat, they brought the count, he recovered; the wedding; and the young man changed his horses with the old woman again]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 329:148-153; Catalans (including Mallorca) [the wizard's daughter offers the young man hide so she doesn't find him, or she'll be executed; she finds him under a lying lion, in a whale's belly, but she doesn't find it when ants hide it]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 329:80-82.

Western Europe. The Irish [the queen died leaving her son; the king took another wife, she has three sons; she is trying to tell her stepson; her sons killed the king's favorite horse, the greyhound; the stepmother accused her stepson; the gentleman told the king that the blood on the clothes of those three, not the first son; the king: whoever gets the songbird, whose voice they hear in the forest, will inherit the throne and half the kingdom immediately; the bird disappeared into a deep failure; the queen's sons go down, but when they see a warrior with a spear, everyone tells him to be raised; the king's son rushes at the warrior; he explains that he only experienced the courage of those who descended; gives a horse tells me to ride to the castle where the bird does not eat or drink there; the king in the castle: the bird is my daughter; it will be married by someone who can hide three times and find the hidden king three times, otherwise death; horse turns the young man into his hair, tooth, horseshoe nail, the king does not find; the horse teaches to recognize the king in an apple, in a drake on the lake, in a stone in a princess's ring; the king gave his daughter, they returned home; the king drove his wife away; prince and wife lived alternately on earth and in the underworld]: Danaher 1967, No. 36:112-118; the Germans [the Queen promises to marry someone she cannot find; whoever she finds, executes; the elder , the middle brothers die, the younger does not kill the crow, fish, fox, they promise to help; the raven hides in its egg, the fish in its stomach (the queen finds it both times), the fox becomes a merchant, turns the young man in a fish, he hides under the royal scythe, she doesn't find him, gets married]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 191:549-552 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:427-429); French, Friezes: Uther 2004 (1), No. 329:219.

Western Asia. The Palestinians [Sabir and his son Zafir caught a huge fish; she asked Z. to let her go, gives two pearls as a ransom and a hair to call it; Z. left the pearls to his father and left; killed the snake, who is going to eat eagles; a grateful eagle gives a pen to summon her; an old woman milks sheep and camels, milk and blood, pastures have been captured by a giant and a monster; Z. hired a shepherd, killed a tiger, an eight-headed snake and a giant; asks the Sultan's daughter; she will marry a groom who can hide a thousand dinars from her; Z. calls helpers; the eagle hides the fish in the sea behind the clouds; the princess knows that the money is not on earth; in for the third time Z. pours blood into her pelvis, puts gold chain mail on top, puts it under a pomegranate tree; the princess does not understand what she sees, Z. marries her]: Lebedev 1990, No. 24:130-138; Syrian Arabs [the fisherman caught nothing, but the next day he caught a huge fish; it gave him three scales to burn if help was needed; a fisherman killed a snake that was about to eat the eagle's chicks; the eagle gives three feathers; the fisherman kills a snake that is about to eat the eagle's chicks; the eagle gives three feathers; the fisherman drove away the dogs chasing the fox, the fox gave three hairs; the fisherman came to the city, where the princess's suitors are on the walls on stakes; she is married by someone who can hide from her; the fish takes her to sea, eagle in the clouds, both times the princess sees everything; the fox hides the young man in the chest in the princess's room; her mirror sees everything but this chest; after the wedding, the fisherman became a vizier and ordered the skulls to be removed from the stakes]: Kuhr 1993:89-95; Iraqi Arabs: El-Shamy 2004, No. 329:175

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha [people are constantly dying; the king turns to the fortuneteller; he predicts that in addition to six sons, the king will have a seventh; in heaven, the mother of Rum feels the aroma of smoke; her husband says that it is King Lyang-bad who asks to send him a son; someone who can 1) throw a heavy stone, 2) hit the needle behind the mountain with an arrow, 3) cut horsehair along before steam from the cup will go to the ground tea will rise to the head, 4) bring a lot of firewood; two older brothers can't, the youngest baby does everything easily; falls like a hailstone next to Queen Tang-kung-ramit on the ground; she breaks off a piece swallows; other pieces are swallowed by a cow, a mare, a chicken, a goat; everyone gets pregnant and gives birth; T. gave birth to a bag, buried it; the king dug up, there is a copper vessel, there is a boy in it; the king gave it the name Ati-azyak-pono; does not send his older brothers to marry King Lung-da's seven daughters; on the way they must hoist flags of the same color on black, green, red, white mountain; pass the plain on which the spruce is, and around two suns; it's hot, you can't take off your hats; the king gives daughters, does not tell you to play the flute and harp on the plain; but the youngest three began to have fun with the brides, sat under the spruce tree, the others also had to; from four Four seas of black, green, red and white color flooded the sides; the Paril-bu snake came out of the sea, demanded that his younger brother's remaining home be given to him; disappeared, the waters flooded with him and only the sun disappeared; the demon messenger came for A.; A. went to the snake, left the bride two rings, and if they changed places, he died; first A. quietly entered P.'s mouth; he ordered the queens Zer-y-ong and Komyong-pandi to be obtained; the girl gave A. rice to the dogs, the meat to the tigers, the roll of cloth to the demon Shang-tang-krbu, who would become a friend; when leaving, A. sowed rice - if it dried up, he died; the demon could not swallow A., admitted to A. master; A. dropped a knife into the pond, asked the demon to drink water; came to Z., became her husband; there was no water, the demon drank everything; Z. showed where the knife was, the demon regurgitated the water; Z. took an oath from her 7 demon brothers that they won't eat A.; demons offer to hide; turn into trees, partridges, streams; Z. tells A. every time where they are (gives a knife to cut trees, etc.); demon friend A. defeats seven in martial arts; they offer fights between roosters, goats, horses; each time A. asks his heavenly parents to send animals (those who descend in the hailstone give birth to a cockerel, a goat, etc.); animals A. win; also a wild bull and a peacock; A. destroys an army of demons; the remaining ones are destroyed by a peacock by firing fire from under her tail; A. enters Z., her fang to the sky, the other to the ground, one chest hangs, the other thrown behind her back; then she is beautiful again; a demon friend swallows a snake, A. with his wives Z. and Komiong returns to her brothers; allows a demon friend to swallow three younger ones; kills him, revives him Swallowed by that young man Dediong-pono, gives him princess EU-Ramit, leaves him to reign on earth, returns to heaven with three wives]: Stocks 1925, No. XXVI: 406-420.

South Asia. Oraons [Jangralal and Nandia the bull are the sons of a woman; N. turns his manure into rice, creates a palace from a hut, goes with J. to marry him; they meet and accompany the man who has taken shape Gun-nang snake man, flute player, lame drummer; there are seven girls in the lake, the youngest is the most beautiful; friends smear her with mud; N. gives J. and his companions food and clothes from their horn; offer play hide and seek; J. and his three companions find them three times, and girls three times cannot find a young man hiding in N.'s stomach and horns; J. washes the youngest girl, marries; N. warns not create a palace, a young wife should not go anywhere; prohibitions are broken, Raja wants to take possession of J.'s wife; suggests that a bull and an elephant fight; a bull kills an elephant; for a bull to knock down an iron pillar; N. knows that he will die, tells him to bury his body; when he tears off, N.'s legs turn into four horses, bones into swords; companions defeat several Rajas, marry their daughters, return to J. where his mother is waiting; after learning that her eldest bull son is dead, she soon dies]: Elwin 1944, No. 12:40-53; gondas [Bhagavan's seven daughters went swimming; Manna Deo took the form of a snotty boy, hid their clothes; gave them their younger sister for a promise to give him; they still demand to play hide and seek; girls throw themselves into the water; MD hides three times in the guise of an eel, lotus, fly; sisters do not find him, they admit defeat; the wife tries to swim away in the form of a fish; he catches up with her in the same way, they gave birth to seven Samduria sisters, and all gods from sisters; MD turned his wife's sisters into fish]: Elwin 1949, No. 3:176.

China - Korea. The Chinese [Nyu-lan's younger single brother works hard, the older married man eats hearty; the ox suggests N. break the plow, plough, plough handle, return home early, eat what is cooked; the elder suggests sharing, the ox tells N. to take only him, the ox, to go south; says that on the seventh day of the seventh moon, the Southern Gates of Heaven will open, Wan-mu's granddaughters will fly to wash clothes; seventh from the western edge - Ji-nyu; N. hides her clothes, C. becomes his wife, her sisters fly away as doves; when her daughter is 6 years old and her son is 3 H. offers N. to return her clothes; N. returns, C. flies away; The ox tells him to slaughter, burn his bones, put on his skin, take his son and daughter in baskets; tell the guards of the heavenly gates (gold, silver lions, devil), I am the husband of your seventh aunt, and this is hers children; the wife must be identified in the house among the seven girls; we must let the son go, he will rush to suck his mother's breast; the father-in-law suggests 1) hiding; C. says that her father will first become a bug, then with an apple in the chest; when it's N.'s turn to hide, C. turns him into a needle, his father-in-law does not find it; 2) race; you have to throw red seeds and chopsticks behind, father-in-law picks them up; at the end throw a hairpin in front of him; N. throws behind, a heavenly river appears; wife, children, mother-in-law remain on the other side; on the seventh day of the seventh moon, all birds rise into the sky, mother-in-law pulls each a feather, builds a bridge from feathers - the Milky Way; N. (Volopas) and C. (Weaver); on the sixteenth day, C. returns, during which time he washes all the dishes (each item numbered 360), washes, darns the sky, an-mu's granddaughters will arrive to wash clothes; gray from the West]: Riftin 1972:294-303; Koreans [young Park is an orphan who cut and sold marsh grass for fuel; once a deer asked him to hide it from hunters; for this he said that they go down to the lake once a year to swim 8 heavenly maidens; you have to hide the skirt you like best and not give it away until he has three children; Park hid the youngest's skirt; his wife created a tiled fanza, a barn, a bull; Park gave the skirt when there were only two children; everything was gone; the deer gave three pumpkin seeds: if planted, they would grow to the sky, but you can't look back; Park looked, fell; the deer gave again - the last one; in the sky, the children found out Paka; the wife said that for her father she was forced to ask for her skirt, but she wanted to live on earth; the old father of the virgins tells me to find him, becomes a rooster, a hog (the wife suggests); the elder son-in-law let him go arrow: let Park not allow her to fall to the ground or to the sky; the wife turned to the gyrfalcon, picked up the arrow; the son-in-law at the eagle, set off for the gyrfalcon; he dropped the arrow, it fell on the leader's son nobility; son-in-law demands that an arrow be delivered to him; Park's wife: ask for a horse and take a poor foal; he immediately brought Park to the house of the leader of the nobility; they cry for the dead son; the arrow is so thin that people do not see her in the young man's body; Park quietly pulled out an arrow, the young man came to life; Park got a wife, but he was persuaded to stay with her in heaven at the service of Oconshante; they rode to him in a dragon, his wife from the marble bottle was pouring rain; Park asked to pour more, snatched out the bottle, began to pour himself, dropped it; he fell into the mouth of a volcano, which went out, and the Great Dragon Lake formed in the crater, from whose three rivers have flowed since then: Amnoka, Tumangang and Sungari; the great Okonshante was not angry with his wife Park, but he suspended her and did not give any service to her husband; they remained in heaven]: Garin -Mikhailovsky 1958:; Chuan Miao [an orphan steals the feather of one of the seven female ducks who have come to swim; first colorful, it turns out to be an old woman, then a white woman, this is a girl; she gives birth to an orphan two sons; when they are 7 years old, they tell their mother that the father has a feather; the mother takes it, flies away; the brothers find the mother; her father promises to let them and her go if they 1) collect peaches for him; place them back on the branches (mother places); 2) they will process the plot, sow it, then collect the sown grain (the mother causes the wind, the grain gathers in a heap; one seed was pecked by a bird, the mother caught it, took out a seed from her belly); 3) find the hidden one (the mother tells me to tickle the white horse, this is the grandfather; the same goes for turning into a pig); the brothers themselves are turned by their mother into sticks inside bamboo, the grandfather cannot find them); 4) sends them to the site, sets it on fire, the mother turns them into fish, they hide in clay; the grandfather lets them go with their mother; says that if they see black bubbles in the river, they should be scooped up , if white does not; the mother says that black is demons, white is gold; the eldest does not listen to his mother, scooped up black, the demon took the mother home; the grandfather promises to release the mother if the eldest grandson marries Tiger's daughter, the youngest is on the Monkey; the eldest calls Tiger's daughter, is afraid, climbs a tree, Tiger's daughter did not find him; the youngest brought his wife; she went to get water, met the eldest, he killed her; the youngest has to blame the Grasshoppers for killing the Monkey; the monkeys go to kill them, the Grasshoppers sit on their heads, the Monkeys killed each other with clubs; the latter ate the grasshoppers when they couldn't fly in the morning, eaten, died]: Graham 1954:278-280; fox (Yunnan, formerly Sichuan) [Gua-tzu ("Orphan") caught a clam, left it at home in a jar of water; someone cooks; G. followed, grabbed the girl, they are married, she creates cattle and poultry on his farm; Uncle G. has three daughters, he advises to drive the mollusk away, take his daughter; G. does so; the woman goes into the water, the cattle after her, the uncle does not give the daughter to the poor; The dog, the Pheasant refuse to help; The frog drinks the river, tells me not to laugh; his wife sits at the bottom, weaves, G. laughs, the frog too, regurgitates the water; next time G. does not laugh, stays with his wife, she is a daughter The dragon; he offers 1) to hide (G. is turned into a needle by his wife, father-in-law does not find; father-in-law is a bull, G. grabs him); 2) clear the area, burn it, uproot the roots (each time here and beyond I must say "Dragon father, dragon mother, do this", the trees fall by themselves, etc.); 3) harvest (millet grows immediately); 4) count the millet: 5) kill two pigeons (split) with one arrow; 6 ) hunt with your father-in-law (leave a cloak for himself, father-in-law causes a storm every time; son-in-law planted cucumbers along the way, returned home at them); 7) shoot at the rock so that the arrows do not bounce (spread resin); 8) bring a gong from the monkeys (they got drunk, he took the gong, left needles in the way of his pursuers); hit the gong - father-in-law died]: Cherkasova 196:431-440.

The Balkans. Moldovans [When a flea shoved one leg with 99 eyes of iron, the other with 99 okami (1 ca 1200 g) became, and everything seemed not enough for her, the king had a mischievous son. He fell from a slingshot into a jug of water carried by his grandmother, who cursed him: "So that you walk around the ground and not calm down until you reach the immortal kingdom, but you will not find peace there either." The prince is melancholy; he goes to seek an immortal kingdom. He comes to his cell. The hermit does not know about such a kingdom, he sends him through the forest, animals will meet there - everyone should be greeted. Then in front of the castle, the snake will lie with its head on the doorstep - and greet him, he will be happy, turn his head - it will be possible to pass. The castle will tell you where to go next. That's what the prince does. The palace is an old man as old as the world. For saying hello to his animals, he gives a ball of gold thread. The guy goes for a ball, sits down to rest under the oak tree. The acorn asks you to get up from him, offers to live with him until he becomes a strong and lush oak tree. And when he is old, falls and swallows begin to swarm in his ashes, then the prince will end. The prince sprinkles the acorn with earth to grow, says goodbye to him, and goes on after the ball. He comes to a grape bush covered with clusters. The bush suggests burying the grape seed and staying here until the grapes grow; as long as he is alive, the prince will drink wine and eat grapes. The prince buried the seed and moves on. He wants to shoot an eagle, the Tolt asks not to kill, but to heal. If trouble happens, we need to think about it, he will come to the rescue. The prince bandages the eagle's wounds, feeds it, and moves on. The sea has receded, and on the sand lies a king of fish 12 steps long, human-tall, with silver wings, and golden scales. He asks not to eat it, but to put it in water - if you think about it, he will come to the rescue. Then the fox asks to protect it from dogs (same thing). The mosquito asks to be released from the web (same thing). He says that there will be a castle, where you have to go to the king and ask for your youngest daughter as a bride. Until he gets married, he won't take over the immortal realm. The guy comes to the gilded chambers, explains where and where he's going from. The king agrees to give his daughter if the boy can hide. Then he will live in the castle as long as the earth stands and the sun shines: from this gate the immortal kingdom begins. The guy remembers the eagle, the eagle takes it to the heavenly gate and hides it behind 9 rows of clouds. The three princesses look the same. The eldest sees the guy in the sky. The king is going to tear his head off, his daughter asks for forgiveness. The average one sees a guy in the fish's mouth (same thing). The youngest can't see only the boy's shadow. The king tells him to go out and admits that his daughter did not see him, but let him know the youngest. A mosquito sits on her nose. The guy stays in the castle with her forever. The king forbids him to go out through the gate he entered. One day, his arrow goes out the gate. Behind her, he opens the gate, sees a shiny thread from a golden ball, remembers his house, his father, and his mother. The king dissuades him, but he leaves. On a golden thread, he comes to an old and long vine, which recognizes him, but he refuses to rest. It's the same with oak. He reaches the castle, where he was given a golden ball, sees a dragon, dried up from old age, and greets him. The dragon rejoices and keeps him alive. The owner of the castle has grown a beard, half of which he puts under himself and the other is covered. The old man raises his eyelids from his eyes with a crutch, looks at the guy, invites him to come back. There is a grove in the place of the hermit's cell, and ruins on the site of the castle's father. A 300-year-old man heard from his grandfathers that there was a king's castle with a son here, and that son went around the world for life without death, for youth without old age. And then everyone in the kingdom died of the plague. The prince returns, kicks a clay mortar at the ruins of the gate, and death creeps out from under it with a scythe on his shoulder: waiting for him. The prince runs away, death is his. He greets the dragon, enters the castle, the old man gives him a wool belt, tells him to die, let him wear it until he wears out so that there is no whole thread left, and only then let him come. The dragon breathes heat and tar to death, does not let him in for not saying hello. Tsarievich gives death a belt, runs to the oak tree, the oak tells you to take an iron staff from the hollow, let him die: let him come when the staff is erased. Death sets out to erase the staff. The prince reaches the vine. She promises to be a boat and a bridge for him, and tells him to throw his sword under his feet: let him come when the soblya rust and falls to dust. The saber is rusted, death is chasing, the prince comes to the castle, opens the gate, the wife meets him, grabs his hand, and death by the leg. They're arguing. The wife proposes to turn the prince into a golden apple, throw it up: whoever catches will get the prince. He throws an apple, it turns into an evening star. The king and his people also turn the girl into a golden apple, throw it up, tell them to find the king's son and return with him to the palace - death will not be able to do anything to them. The apple becomes the morning star. Death is angry, tramples the shadows of all three, and turns the king and his two daughters into blocks of stone. Since then, there have been stars in the sky and stone pillars at the gate]: Botezat 1981:27-37; Romanians [when dying, the king forbids son Aleador to cross the border of the possessions of a Half-man riding half a lame horses; A. accidentally violates the ban; Half-man tells him to get the daughter of the Green King; on the way, A. throws a pike into the water, bandages the crow's broken wing, does not step on ants; he must three times hide, if the daughter of the Green King finds him, his head will be put on a stake; the pike turned A. into a shell, the crow into a crow, the ant into a flower seed in the folds of the princess's skirt; the first two times the princess she finds him, admits defeat for the third time, is ready to marry him; when she saw the monster, the princess surrounded herself with an annular groove and became invisible to the monster; he burst with anger, and A. took the princess in wives]: Kúnos 1901:209-221; Hungarians [=Hungarian... 1955:61-68); a hungry swineherd lets go of pigeons, a fox, a fish; a rich man's daughter will marry someone who can hide from her; heads of those who have failed they put them on stakes; pigeons hide behind the sun, the fox is under the ground, the fish at the bottom; the girl sees where he is every time; for the fourth time, the dove and the swineherd both turn into roses, the girl attaches them to her chest does not see a swineherd; marries him]: Gidash 1953:12-17 (=Ortutai 1974, No. 12:265-269); Croats [returning from service, a soldier pushed fish into the water, oiled the feathers of a bird that does not could take off, transplanted a nettle rosemary bush under a peach tree; the queen would give the kingdom to someone who could not hide from it, otherwise she would execute; the fish hides in the mouth in the sea, the bird in the sky, both once the queen finds; turns rosemary into a leaf behind the queen's ear, she does not find a soldier, he received the kingdom]: Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991:356-357; Bulgarians [princess demands from suitors defeat her in a game of hide and seek, executes the losers; she has a mirror or other object that shows her everything; the poor young man is helped by grateful animals - an eagle (hides in the sky), a fish (in the sea), a wolf (in cave), fox (in an apple next to the princess); the princess cannot find a hero in an apple, becomes his wife]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 329:130; Albanians [the princess agrees to marry only someone who can hide from her; she has a spyglass that shows the earth and sky; a poor young man throws a fish on the shore into the water, it gives him flint - throw it into the water, I'll come to help; releases a bird from a snare (gives a feather); a fox from a trap (fur); a young man hides in the stomach of a fish, behind the clouds on the eagle's back, the princess sees it; the fox hides it in an apple next to the princess; not finding the young man in clouds, etc., she puts an apple in her bosom; the young man appears]: Lambertz 1952:134-138; the Greeks [the hunter let the fish on the shore go to sea, which gave scales; killed a snake that was about to devour eagle chicks, she gave a pen; did not shoot the fox, she gave fur; the princess will marry someone who can hide from her, the losers will be executed; the hunter summoned the fish with scales, she hid it in her mouth; the eagle with a pen, she hid it under her wing in the clouds; both times the princess sees the hunter in her mirror; the foxes dig a passage under the chair in which the princess is sitting, she does not see the hunter; he marries her and gets the throne]: Hahn 1864 (1), No. 61:301-306; Macedonians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 329:219

Central Europe. Poles, Slovaks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 329:219; Czechs [the old king asks his son to marry; he replies that there is no one; the king sends him alone behind the iron door; there are alive images of 12 beautiful girls; the queen chose the most beautiful and saddest, she nodded to him; the king is upset, for everyone who had previously tried to get this girl died; when she set off, Queen meets, satellites Long (can stretch to any height and length), Wide (can swell endlessly, drink all the water), Quick-eyed (sees everything and can destroy any object with a glance); B. reports that the bride is guarded by a warlock in the tower; they come there, where there are petrified people; a warlock with knee-length hair and three iron belts demands that the girl be found three times; each time her sees B. 100, 200, 300 miles away, it is hidden in the form of an acorn, a jewel, a ring in a shell on the bottom of the sea; the first two times D. easily reaches an acorn, a stone, brings, an acorn, a stone turn into girl, one hoop falls off the warlock each time; the third time S. drinks the sea so D. can get his ring, D. returns at the last moment when the warlock is ready to turn the queen and others into the stone; the last hoop fell from the warlock, he himself flew away like a crow; the petrified ones came to life, the Queen returned with his wife]: Erben 1976:8-14; Russians (Murmansk, Arkhangelskaya, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Tverskaya, Kostroma, Ryazan, Voronezh), Ukrainians, Belarusians: SUS, No. 329 [Elena (Alena) Premudraya: wants to marry only someone who can marry her hide; the hero miraculously hides (in the stomach of a bird, fish, etc.), but she finds it; finally, turned into a pin, hides behind a magic mirror or a magic book and gets a hand sorceresses]: 121; Belarusians (Vitebsk) [Once upon a time there was a magician king. He began to call a hunter who could escape from him (get away). And whoever can, he has a daughter for his wife and half the kingdom, and if he fails, death. I found one. Blue suite - sewn to the left - Straw cap. He stood in front of the tsar well done, ran around the yard like a black sable, climbed under the gate with a white ermine, and ran across the field like a gray hare. He ran far away to the realm of far away. And there's a very big meadow there. It fell into three flowers in that meadow. The next morning, the king got up, washed his face, and climbed into his books for magical answers to look for "He stood in front of me a good man, ran around the yard with a black sable, climbed under the gate with a white ermine, and ran across the field like a gray hare. I ran into a large meadow and fell into three colorful flowers." He sent the servants to that meadow to pick flowers and wrap them in a handkerchief and bring them to him. The servants went and brought flowers to the king. Then the Blue Entourage asked the king to hide from the king again. The king allowed it. He stood in front of the tsar well done, ran around the yard like a black sable, climbed under the gate with a white ermine, and ran across the field like a gray hare. He ran far away to the realm of far away. And there's moss in there, and the water is bottomless under it. I climbed into that moss, turned around with a perch, and lay down to the very bottom and hid. The next morning, the king got up, washed his face, and climbed into his books for magical answers to look for "He stood in front of me a good man, ran around the yard with a black sable, climbed under the gate with a white ermine, and ran across the field like a gray hare. He ran away to the kingdom of far away, hid in the swamp, turned into a perch." He sent his servants to that swamp to catch the perch and bring it to him. That's what the servants did. Then the Blue Entourage began to ask them to hide from the king one more time. The king allowed it. He stood in front of the tsar well done, ran around the yard like a black sable, climbed under the gate with a white ermine, and ran across the field like a gray hare. He ran far away to the realm of far away. And there is an oak tree there: the roots are in the ground and the top of the head is in the sky. He climbed onto an oak tree, turned into a needle, and hid under the bark. The Nagai bird has arrived. I found out there was a man sitting here. "Why are you here?" , asks. "I'm hiding from the wizard king, but I can't hide." And a bird helped him. She wrapped her blue retinue in a feather, put it under her wing, and flew to the sleepy king and hid it in his bosom. The next morning, the king got up, washed his face, and climbed into his books for magical answers to look for "He stood in front of me a good man, ran around the yard with a black sable, climbed under the gate with a white ermine, and ran across the field like a gray hare. He ran away to the kingdom of far away, climbed an oak tree, turned into a needle, and hid under the bark." The king summoned his servants, sent the oak tree to him, ordered the oak to be cut down, chopped and burned for firewood. They did so. But the Blue Entourage did not find it, and they reported to the king. Then the king went out onto the porch and shouted: "Blue retinue, show yourself." And he demanded that all the nobles gather. The king did so and calls him again. And SS says to him: "No, I'm afraid you'll lie, get your daughter down the aisle." The king laid six horses in the carriage, put the princess there, and went out onto the porch. A feather flew out, turned out well done. They married the princess, wrote him the king of half the kingdom, and after death he gave everything]: Romanov 1901:488-490; Russians (Teresky Bereg) [the childless tsar promises half the kingdom to whoever hides from him; gol Kabatskaya (GK) fell asleep with the horses, the king found him from the book, executed him; the other fell asleep on the lead - the same; the third crumbled into 303 grass in the field; the tsar found (but did not execute); next time the GK from the grass gathered in a ball, became a dove, then to the sky of 303 stars; the tsar found it again; then the GK went wherever he was standing; the weather fell terrible, there were chicks on the oak with an aunt's foot, GK wanted to eat one; chick: You will not be full, but your mother will find you; then he took off the shell and covered them; the chicks did not freeze, grateful N. stuck the GK in her hat with a pen that made him invisible; GK came to the king, he cannot find him; brought the Civil Code closer to him, and after his death handed him the kingdom]: Balashov 1991:26-32; Russians (Arkhangelsk) [The Warlock Tsar at a feast offers his daughter as a wife and half the kingdom to whoever can from him hide (otherwise - head off your shoulders). Good fella is called, and then decides to hide in the butt's bath. In the morning, the king reads in a magic book, where a good man hid, finds him and executes him. The next day, everything repeats itself, and the king finds a second fella in straw. "What's bad for these kings is funny." For the third time, well done, he is called to hide with no more than three attempts. It turns into an ermine, then a golden drill, a falcon. The princess calls the falcon out the window, he does a great job, they feast, and he turns the princess's golden ring. In the morning, the king reads a magic book, asks him to bring the princess or bring a ring, throws it over his left shoulder, who turns out well. Well done reminds me that he can hide 2 more times. In the field, well done, turns into a wolf, an ermine, a falcon. The princess calls him to her - they feast and decide to fly a young man with a falcon into an open field in one of the 77 grass. The king reads in a book where a good man orders to pick the grass, finds one in 77 herbs, throws it over his left shoulder - the grass turns out well. For the third time, well done, he turns into a wolf in the field, pike in the sea, swims across the sea, turns into a falcon and falls into the nest of the Magovay bird (Magovay Bird). The bird sees it in its nest - it carries it across the sea under the king's window. Well done, he turns into a fly, flies into the royal chambers, turns into flint and flint. The king sees events in the book until Magovay the Bird endured a good man, the king cannot find it. Three days later, the maid accidentally throws flint over her left shoulder and well done. He gets half the kingdom and the princess as his wife]: Onchukov 2008, No. 2:74-77; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pinega, Vaimushi, 1927, E.M. Korovin, 37 years old) [Old people take their son Vanyusha, who is growing up unusually fast, to learn a craft, teach his grandfather to a big house outside the fence, and ask him to teach him good things. For two years, Vanyusha has been making her bed and preparing dinner for his grandfather, complaining that he has not learned anything. The grandfather gives Vanyusha the keys to 11 rooms, the 12th key hangs in his ear and the grandfather sleeps on it. Eleven rooms have "everything in the world, enjoys everything". Vanyusha can't get the key to the 12th room, takes a knot out of the door and sees three girls through the hole, they teach him how to give his grandfather strong wine, he will turn to his left side. Vanyusha takes out the key, unlocks the girls, they ask them to bring them dresses, dance with Vanyusha, put on dresses, hit the floor, turn into birds and fly away. The grandfather says that he did not give the last key, because Vanyusha is young and weak, goes to pick up the girls, returns with them three years later and offers Vanyusha to marry one of them. Vanyusha chooses the eldest, the grandfather warns that the girl should not be allowed to wear a colored dress, she walks in black like a nun, then puts on rags and he lets her wear the dress, girl flies away. Vanyusha dries the crackers and goes after his wife, enters the hut on chicken legs, Baba Yaga gives him a cake and a crow, sends him a bone, sends him to her sister. In order for the middle sister to understand that Vanyusha is coming from his older sister, he hits her in the face with a cake. The second baba yaga gives the pike a bone and a cake for the third sister. The latter gives a firebird bone and two pieces of meat. She explains that the girl's house is guarded by two lions, they need to be given a piece of meat, then beg the girl not to execute him, but to allow her to hide from the girl twice. Vanyusha does this, leaves the house to hide, throws the first bone, takes him away by a black crow, puts him in a swamp and sits on his head. The girl finds Vanyusha with a mirror, the raven washes him in the sea and returns him to the girl. Then he throws the pike's bone, the pike swallows it, leaves one finger, and the girl finds it again. The Firebird throws the bone, it carries the walker under the cloud, the girl finds her husband again, he faces a gallows. Vanyusha tells the black girl her story, who tells her to slam the doors but hide behind the mirror. He asks permission to hide for the fourth time, his wife cannot find him and realizes that her husband is "not simple" and "cunning" returns to him. They bring her wealth to his parents, live happily ever after]: Nikiforov 1961, No. 86:206-210; Russians (Vologodskaya, Kadinkovsky) [two merchant brothers, one died, the widow squandered everything, the other took her son; they sailed across the lake, the ships stood up; companions to the merchant: what do we need to dive; but he sent Ivan's nephew; there the old man generously received, but did not tell him to enter three rooms; in his absence I. enters them consistently; one door is copper, the other is silver, the third is golden, in each girl, each let in sleep, flew away; the old man forgives every time; after the third time he tells me to go to the lake, these girls are swimming there, we must take Maria Tsarevna's gold-winged dress; I. took it, the old man married them; she tells them to ask for white light; old man: no need, he will fly away; finally gave an eagle bird, ordered M. not to give light until they reach; M. asks, I. gave, the eagle was gone, M. flew away, I. was on the island; the old man helped again, transferred I. to her state; M. will marry whoever hides from her; M. has an all-seeing mirror; two other applicants were immediately executed, the old man asks I. to try again; she sees when I. is flying an eagle, when he is hidden by a lion and a pike, but the maid made him a small fish, pulled it out of the well; M. did not see it; recognized her husband, everything is fine]: Burtsev 1895, No. 15:94-103; Russians (Voronezhskaya, 1940) [retired the soldier is hired by the master as a coachman. While the coachman is harnessing, the dove throws flint and chair at him, saying that if a soldier lights the grass, he can get rid of any need. The master orders to stay at the high mountains, treats the coachman with meat and vodka with sleepy drops. The soldier falls asleep, the master kills the old horse, sews the coachman into its skin. Birds peck at her, and an eagle takes her to the top of the mountain. A soldier finds himself at a red gold palace, walks in and sees a sleeping Serpent with a book. The serpent wakes up and the soldier appears to be his son, the serpent rejoices. A soldier lives with a snake like a son, listens. The serpent flies away and forbids you to enter the room with the golden lock (but gives you the key). The soldier misses and opens the door, sees three beautiful girls in gold chains, they ask for them to drink, the soldier gives them, one splashes water on the others and the captives turn into white cabbage rolls and fly away. The serpent returns, hits the soldier three times with a hot iron stick and orders him to search for the missing girls. The soldier wanders through the mountains, lights the feather grass with flint and chair, a mountain eagle appears and lowers the soldier down. In the city, a soldier is hired by the master to guard his daughters (do not let him out of the room). He spies on how they, locked in a room, and his friend turn into pigeons and fly away through the window. The soldier turns into a "crimson bird" and flies after them. She sees many pigeons in the meadow, hides behind a rakit bush, Elena the Beautiful appears, sprinkles gold grain and "teaches birds wisdom." A soldier watches her, sings outside her window, she asks to catch a songbird, only she (not the other girls) can do it. She puts a robin in a golden cage, listens to a bird's song and falls asleep, the soldier flies out of the cage like a fly, becomes human, admires Elena, then returns to the cage. One day he kisses her, Elena wakes up, gets angry, threatens to kill a soldier for her freedom. He says he wants to marry her. She agrees to marry him on the condition that he hides three times and she can't find him three times from her magic book (mirror??) , if he can't, he'll lose his head. The first time he turns into a fly, then sticks a pin into the book. Elena can't find it, she drops the book, the pin flies off and turns into a soldier. The second time he carves fire in the steppe, the eagle carries it under the clouds, but Elena finds it in the mirror, the third time he carves fire by the sea, it is carried away by a pike, swallowed by a beluga, but Elena finds it again soldier. She's giving him one last chance. The soldier meets three girls he saved, and in gratitude they hide him behind the mirror. Elena can't find a soldier and marries him. He brings her to his homeland, she takes one gold chest with her. A year later, the soldier leaves home, Elena pulls out her wings from the chest, turns into a dove and flies away. The soldier is again hired as a coachman to the master who once sewed him into his skin, this time pours out vodka, and makes his master drink. He sews it into the skin, it is carried away by an eagle. The soldier appears in his master's estate, frees the peasants and gives them land. She sees a dove above her, recognizes Elena in her, she turns into a girl and says that now her husband is worthy and remains]: Korolkova 1941, No. 7:40-45; Russians [epic Vanka Udovkin son; Vanka Udovkin's son marries Volshan Volshansky's daughter; if he manages to hide, he will receive Marya, if not, he will be executed; turns into an ermine, penetrates M., returns, sits behind an elm tree; BB everything learns from the book; the episode is repeated; for the third time after M. WU comes to an oak tree on the seashore, shelters the Mogul bird from the cold; the grateful bird gives three feathers, he must anoint them with BB, the spell of his books; VU does so, hides under the bed, BB him does not finds; VU gets M., reigns after the death of BV]: Putilov 1957:316-323.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [Sahak's boy hides a fox from hunters, kills a snake crawling to the nest of a huge eagle, saves a pike, a saiga; the khan's daughter will marry someone who can hide, if found, executes; knows that S. is on the back of an eagle, under water by a pike, in the steppe by a saiga; the fox turns into an old woman in a beautiful dress, hides S. in her sleeve, puts her daughter in the sleeve, she does not understand where S.; goes out marry him]: Vatagin 1964:175-178; Abkhazians: Inal-ipa et al. 1988, No. 25 [eagle, roe deer, fish, marten ask Sasarkva not to shoot or catch them, give them a feather, fur, scales; the princess promises to go out for someone who can hide from it; sees everything in a magic mirror; who finds, executes, already 99 heads on stakes; S. finds when he is hidden by an eagle, roe deer, fish; S. hides in the skin of a marten, a marten they put it at the girl's feet, she does not find S., breaks the mirror; S. does not marry her, but gives it to the people]: 151-160; Shakryl 1975, No. 8 [the peasant caught an unusual fish, let his son keep it until his returns; the fish promises to help the young man, he let her go; his father beat him and the young man left home; hid the fox from the hunters; saved a deer whose horns are entangled in the thickets; the old woman says she cannot feed the young man: the adaui at the spring devours everyone who comes; the young man cut off the head of the adaui; the old woman: there is a palace on the top of the mountain, there is a lonely princess, she has an all-seeing mirror; she will marry someone who is not can find and execute losers, their heads are on stakes, one place is still free; the fish hid the young man behind seven seas, the deer in the crack of the glacier, but the girl found him; the fox dug a hole, hid the young man under palace, the girl did not find him, became a wife; created a new palace; parents did not recognize their son at first; general feast]: 28-31; Abaza [father went blind, the witch ordered to catch fish and liquid from her eyes anoint his eyes; the fish was caught, his son felt sorry for it, let him go, he was driven away; he cannot wake up a sleeping man with a dagger, he woke up from a fallen tear; he is also Hasan, let the young man be called Hasan Little (XM), and his was Hasan Bolshoy (HB); HB married XM to Kara's son; there was a rustle at night, it was a young man in the attic; HM let him go, he grabbed his wife and disappeared; HM and HB caught up with him, cut off his head, they returned the woman; at night there is light in the window, the wife admits that it comes from the girl Lacharkh; HM and HB come there, stay with an old woman, build her palace; L.: let them hide, and if I find it, I'll cut off her head ; 1) HB became a fish, XM in his mouth; 2) (storyteller's pass); 3) HB is a button, XM is a button on L.'s dress; this time L. did not find them, married XM; XM with two wives and HB come to see their father; witch: HB and there is that fish, you have to squeeze her eyes out; HB teaches his wife XM what to do when his eyes are squeezed out and thrown into the river; XM led his father to the river, swung his dagger three times, HB came out of the river, the bird brought a leaf, from HB saw the light, became goldfish again and disappeared into the river]: Tugov 1985, No. 38:100-104; Kabardian people [after his father's death, Shamil went on a journey, wanted to shoot at the eagle, he asked not to shoot; then S. spared the wild goat, pike, fox; goes to marry the princess, who killed 99 suitors; she invites them to hide and finds them; the old woman says that the princess has an all-seeing mirror; the eagle hides S. in her nest, a goat in the mountains, a pike in the sea, the princess finds herself every time; the fox turns herself into a merchant, S. into a flea, the princess buys goods, the flea hides in her sleeve, the princess does not find it; Sh. marries her]: Aliyeva, Kardangushev 1977:91-96 (the same or very similar text in Lopatinsky 1891a: 117-122); Circassians [the hunter did not kill the bear, felt sorry for the wounded kite, the fox, everyone gives her hair (feather); the padshah will pass off his daughter as someone who can hide from her, and whoever fails, head on the stake; the stepdaughter's daughter sees a hunter in a bear's den, in the sky on the back of a kite; a fox turned herself into an accordion player, a mosquito hunter; the accordion player would dance with her stepdaughter Lezginka, and let the mosquito fly under her dress; the stepdaughter's daughter did not find him]: Malsagov 1983, No. 27:133-135; Karachays [the hunter spares the eagle, goat, fish, marten; the prince's daughter offers to hide, kills those he finds, 99 suitors have already been killed; the eagle hides in the sky, the goat in the cave, the fish in the sea, but the princess sees everything in her mirror; the marten hides it in her skin in the form of a dead marten at the princely palace; the princess orders the marten to be brought to her feet, does not find the young man; the mirror breaks, the young man leaves, leaving the princess on court of the people]: Aliyeva, Kholaev 1983:102-107; Balkarians [the princess promises to marry someone who can hide from her, executes losers; tour, fish, fox ask the guy not to kill them, take a hair, scales will help; the tour takes the guy to the cave, the fish lowers him to the bottom of the sea, but the princess sees him in her mirror; the fox hides him in a hole under the stone on which the princess stands; the princess has to marry the guy; Contrary to the promise, after the fox's death, the princess's husband did not bury her with honors, but threw her in the trash heap; the fox came to life, the man persuaded her to forgive him; when he really died, he arranged a lavish funeral] : Malkonduev 2017:573-574; Ossetians: Britaev, Kaloev 1959 [a young man lets go of a wolf, an eagle, a fox, a fish; Aldar's daughter offers to hide, sees everything in the mirror, her father executes the losers; the young man does not take refuge in the sea by a fish, in the sky by an eagle, in the forest by a wolf, in a fox hole; a witch turns a young man into a cat, Aldar's daughter does not find him; marries him]: 173-177 (=Britaev, Kazbekov 1951:82-86); Eberhard, Boratav 1953 [reference to the Ossetian version, in which helpers are fish, deer, crane, fox]: 73; Balkarians (Western 1958) [the poor man wants to marry his son; tells him to bring a friend; he finds a companion, the father asks him to share the food, the guest divides him into equal parts; the father sends him away; the same with the second candidate; the third time the young man sees two people wanting to dig up a dead man who owes them money; a young man pays the money himself; meets a young man named Ak; he gives the best parts of watermelon and bread to the young man's father; the father tells him not spend the night in the gorge; but the young man did not listen to advice; Ak does not sleep; Emegen came up, shot, missed, How did he hit him, came in the footsteps to the cave; there is dead emegen and treasures; in the village, the daughter of a rich man gives grooms hide three times; if they find, cut off their heads, 99 people have already been decapitated; Ak replaces the young man, the fox agrees to help; hid the groom in a hole under a stone; the girl searched three times (even in heaven and at home in her hair), but did not find it; agreed to marry a young man; the dead came to life, she began; on the way back, Ak gave the young man the treasures of emegen; pretends that the girl should be divided; when he swung a knife, she has A mirror and a snake fell out of her mouth; the girl recognized what was happening on the surface of the earth with a mirror, and what was underground with a snake; Ak returned to the grave; wedding, feast]: Malkonduev 2017: 381-386; Ossetians [after Aldar's death, his son Koy squandered everything and was hired as a herdsman; the son of the new Aldar married his sister 7 Waigs, but she refused to start the wedding until the herdsman Koy was away among the travelers; Coy agrees only after Aldar comes for him; as he arrived, Coy saw that the dragon surrounded Aldar's brothers in a ring; cut down the dragon; then the two were fighting; a scream was heard: if If my friend Coy was here, we would have killed you; when Coy arrived, his sister had already been killed; Coy hit the killer with a sword, he turned into a ball of blood and rolled away; Coy came to the 7 Waigs; the Black Horseman appeared, demanded his sister 7 Waigs; Coy suggested that their horses fight; Koya's horse killed the enemy's horse, Coy decapitated the Black Rider; then the same with White and Red horsemen; Koy came to the gorge, where the grass was waist-deep on one side and shaved on the other; let his horse go, hired a farmhand to a local aldar for three Araks he drank every evening and three dances with three daughters of Aldar; on the other side of the river, the land of a boar, he kills everyone; Coy pretended not to know, the boar forgave him; next time he fought; boar: if I could drink from the spring that hits from under the rock! Coy: If Aldara's youngest daughter would give me araks! The farmhand sent by Aldar heard this, and the next time the girl gave Koy araki, who killed the boar; Aldar decided to give him his aldarism and daughter, but Koy refused; called his horse, came to the gorge, where the caves are the bad breath of a seven-headed waig; another horse is saddled, telling him to change to him; fighting, the Waig pushed Koya into the well and covered it with a stove; the wife of an unknown sister found out, her husband arrived, he pushed back the stove, they killed the Waiga; called his brother to him, Coy refused; his sister's wife turned into a black-brown fox, Coy chased her, she became a woman again; under the crypt there was a house, a woman offered to hide; flew to heaven, where she ordered gold earrings, Koy then took one; the same underground - took one shoe; the third time she hid in the cave where the 7-headed waig was, Koy unnoticed stole the knife with which the woman was going to slaughter him if he did not find it; the woman admitted defeat; her husband, Koya's unknown brother, came in, gave him half of his herds; Coy saved the devil from his hands Aldara's youngest daughter, who gave him the Araks, took with him; the shepherd cries (remembers how he was killed), then laughs (someone revived him); Coy realized that this is the one who was killed by the 7-headed waig; they met; Aldar does not want Koy to settle on his land; Koy brought iron clubs from the sky from the Kurdalagonov, threw two; the first cut off half of the Aldar tower, the second cut off the entire tower; Aldar allowed him to settle]: Dzagurov 1973, No. 44:66-72; Kumyks [a young shepherd saves, releases fish, deer, fox; khan's daughter promises to marry someone who can hide from her; 1) in the belly of a fish (Khan's daughter sees him); 2) for with the back of a deer in a cave (same); 3) the fox turns into a merchant, turns the young man into a flea, brings the khan's daughter morocco, the flea jumps quietly on her dress, she can't find the young man; wedding]: Kapiyeva 1974: 41-46; Avars [the young man lets go of the fish, the deer, they promise to come to the rescue; kills a snake crawling to the nest of a huge eagle; it arrives with wind, cloud, rain; gives its pen; the young man saves the fox; the khan's daughter invites him to hide three times; the former suitors could not, their heads are on stakes; fish, eagle deer hide in the sea, in the cave, in the sky, the princess finds; allows them to try for the fourth time; Fox turns into a morocco merchant, makes a young man a flea on the princess's chest; he marries a princess]: Atayev 1972, No. 87:135-139 (=Saidov, Dalgat 1965:240-246); aguly [Samed spares the Sumurkush bird, the fox, throws the fish back into the sea; the beauty asks the grooms to hide, if she finds it, kills, S. must be fortieth; Sumurkush hides under the clouds, the fish at the bottom, the beauty sees; the fox turns S. into a flea, hides a beauty in her hair; she does not see S., makes her husband]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 67:563-565 (=Maysak 2014, No. P2:478); Georgians [the fisherman threw a net for his son's happiness, pulled out a lot of fish, one extraordinary, red; while the father was away, her son released her, the fish let the scales summon her; the father drove the son away; then the young man hid the deer from the hunters, knocked out the eagle that was chasing the crane, hid the fox from dogs, they gave fur, a feather; a girl tells the grooms to hide, will marry someone she does not see in her mirror; a fish hides a young man at the bottom of the sea, a deer in the forest, a crane in the sky, a girl every time she sees; the fox digs a hole, hides the girl under the ottoman; the girl does not see him, she gets married]: Chikovani 1986:233-236 (=Dirr 1920, No. 1:1-5); megrels [the king is blind; doctors: he will be cured if he they will bring rare fish; the eldest, middle sons cannot catch it; the youngest month sprinkles flour into the sea; the fish have fattened, out of gratitude they let that fish into the net of the young man; the fish asks to let it go: it will bring he benefited; the young man told his father that he had caught nothing, but his friend quarreled with him and reported him; the king ordered his son to be executed, but he persuaded the torturers to let him go; on the way, the prince saved the deer from the hunter, then an eagle, a jackal; everyone promised to help; crystal, dead and dying in front of him; the princess will marry someone who can hide from her; the losers are thrown off the castle tower; the fish swallowed the prince and disappeared into the sea, but the princess saw it in her mirror; the same eagle, the deer; the jackal dug a hole under the chair on which the princess was sitting; she did not see the young man, broke the mirror; wedding]: Wardrobe 1894, No. 4: 124-129; Turks [the princess will marry whoever finds her when she hides; a young man saves three animals (possibly fish, deer, goat, bird, fox, ant); each helps once hide (in the belly of a fish, under a bird's wing, in a rock); the last time a young man hides behind a mirror (dressed as a princess; in an apple on her lap), the princess does not find him, takes him as a husband]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 64:72-73.

Baltoscandia. Norwegians [the youngest son inherits 12 mares; each has the best foal; he tells them to kill the rest of the foals for three years in a row in order to feed on the milk of all the mares alone ; grows into a heroic horse; a young man is hired by the king; servants say that he allegedly volunteered to return the princess kidnapped by the troll; the horse brings her; the king orders to get a second horse of the same kind; that lives in hell, the young man's horse tames him, brings him; the king gives the young man a daughter on the condition that he must find her, but she does not; the horse tells him where the princess (became a duck; a loaf of bread), hides the young man himself ( a tick in the horse's nostril, a lump of earth), prevents the princess from finding it; wedding]: Dasent 1970:282-285; (cf. Karelians: Evseev 1950, No. 152 [Ira puts three strawberries in her mouth, gives birth to elder Väinämöine, middle Ilmoilline, younger Dygamoyone; V., D. is unable to harness a horse, I. harnesses, rides with brothers marry Katerina; the old man who meets swallows I., he forges in his womb, breaks his ribs, goes out; K. demands 1) to plow the snake field (I. plows), 2) swim through the forest lake ( swims without soaking his clothes), 3) evaporate in a hot bath (I. cools the bath with a spit); carries K. by sea, the gulf breaks three times, I. creates an island each time, K. hides every time, becoming a fish, a star, a mirror in a hollow; I. finds it three times, tears it apart, throws it into the swamp; the bones have become driftwood, blood with berries, flesh in hummocks, the soul is a seagull], 179 [virgin Iroi gives birth to an elder, second and Blacksmith Ilmoilline; I. forges a folding knife (pants - furs, fingers - ticks, knees - anvil); an eagle flies with many people under its wings and on his back, tells 1) to plow the snake field; 2) bring Kat'an promises to give her a wedding dress from behind the nine seas; Igä-buabo promises to give her if he dances on her tongue, swallows I.; he makes a knife (tick fingers, etc.), rips open her stomach, goes out brings Katya a box; 3) K. offers to wash herself in a hot bath, I. cools her down; when she takes K. home, she disappears, becoming a grain of sand on the bottom, a star; I. sees her, she immediately returns; he turns her in the seagull]: 303-307, 365-368); Latvians [The young man is hiding. The princess tells the young man to hide so she can't find him. Thankful animals help him. It hides in a bird's nest, in the fish's stomach, and finally turns into a sakta (?) on a princess dress]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 329:278; Danes, Finns, Faroese, Icelanders, Lithuanians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 329:219.

Volga - Perm. Tatars [the dzhigit dives from the ship to the bottom to get bayu gems; the third time the ship sails away; the horseman descends to the bottom again; there are divas; when he sneezes and wakes up, the dzhigit says that the diva he sneezed out; there the girl asks her to save her, take the diva's keys, unlock the palace; the dzhigit unlocked, 12 girls flew away; the diva put on wings, caught up with them, returned them; the girl teaches to remain silent in response to questions from the diva - after he will agree to any request; the divas agrees to let the horseman go with the girl, but he must identify her among 12 mares, 12 doves, 12 twin girls (she reports on what grounds); horseman with the wife returned to his mother; the wife gave three feathers to call for help and the ring, telling him not to take it off; but he took it off, put it in the chest; went with his mother to visit, but the wife did not go; the neighbors sent for her; she says that beautiful dresses are in the chest; her husband gave the key, she opened the chest, put on the ring, flew away, telling her to look for her through 6 states in seventh; he found it; she points to 11 severed heads, wants to execute a young man; the viziers offer the young man to hide; he breaks his feathers, calls a lion (hides it in his mouth), a turtle (puts it in his mouth and dives into the sea), a bird (takes him to a distant land); they can never find him; the maid turned it into a pin, brought him to the padishah's daughter, the young man hacked her and the vizier, married a maid, became a padishah himself]: Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 47:395-402; Marie, Chuvash: Uther 2004 (1), No. 329:219.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Sidelnikov 1952 [a poor young man catches a gold-haired doe, gives a khan; the vizier consistently advises sending the young man for a winged deer stand, a golden tree, and a beautiful Kunkei (= Kunslu, "sunny beauty"); the old woman sends the young man to Mysr, where the master makes a stand; the old man sends robbers to the cave, gives an iron stick, tells him to hit the cauldron with food, robbers, eating, die, a young man takes a tree; a strongman listening, drinking a lake, a speedboat joins the young man; he saves an ant; a strongman kills the terrible dog K.; defeats a bull; a speedboat overtakes Father K.; the listener finds K. (task: find the hidden one); they are locked in a bath, water bread regurgitates water; the ant indicates which of the 40 beauties K.; K. turns the khan into a wolf, the vizier into a fox, marries a young man]: 253-260; Coyaud 2012, № 72 (Xinjiang) [Khan is a sharpshooter, but did not get anything in 7 days; on the eighth he shot a duck; when he saw a lonely yurt, he sent a vizier to fry it; a beautiful woman came out of the yurt; the vizier was so amazed that the duck turned into coals; the girl laughed and turned the fritter into a roast duck; the duck was enough for the king and his entourage, but the duck did not end; the king went to see and decided to take the beauty away from her husband; suggested so that everyone hides three times; if the woman's husband loses, he will give his wife to Khan; the khan turned into a dog, the wife told her husband to beat her with a whip, the khan asked for mercy; next time, a camel (the same); the third time is a horse (the same); now the husband must hide; the wife teaches; there is a poplar in the upper reaches of the stream, there is a phoenix bird's nest on it, the dragon devours the chicks every year, he will crawl tomorrow; he must be killed, for this mother -the phoenix will hide it in seventh heaven; before the phoenix mother arrived, the wind blew, it rained; chicks: drops - her tear; the bird ordered to prepare food, throw it to her, raised it to seventh heaven, but the khan saw a man in his magic mirror; a fisherman asks to pull a huge goldfish out of the water; the fish says it is the third son of the fish king; hides the man in his mouth, and the other fish muddy the water; but the khan saw; the fox ran the man down the hole and he was just under the Khan's feet; he could not find it]: 188-198; Kyrgyz [Minbay's son dreams when the sun came out of his head, the moon from his feet, stars fell out of his chest; at this time, Juzbay's son Chanybek wakes him up, because wolves attacked the flock; buys sleep for a hundred sheep; his father drives him away; the crow, the pigeon refuse to help, because he chased them, killed them; the rider tells him to sit down behind her back on a horse; later realizes that C. is not her fiancé Omuraly, the son of the wizard Seyit; she herself is the daughter of the sorceress Gulgaaka, Aisuluu; C. and A. live well; O. decides to kill C.; he turns into a yurt, O. and his men come in, try to lift the boiling pot, he overturns, they die; S. goes for revenge, C. turns into a camel, the girls ask to give it to them, he falls into the lake with lead, S. finds lead, he turns into a spider, S. into a sparrow, C. into a cat, kills a sparrow; Karakhan fell in love with A., offers C. to play hide and seek; A. says that K. has become a white goat, tells him to beat him; poplar to cut with an ax; into a black camel (beat with 12 sticks); A. turns C. into a thimble, a thread, a needle, K. does not find it; demands that the letter be taken to the next world to his father; C. and A. write a note on behalf of Father K. for him to come to him; C. kills K., throwing him off the mountain; C. and his wife come to his father]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1963:87-95 (=1968:21-31; =1981:28-33).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Altaians [wolves took the cow and the goat Juskuzek a; it is carried by the Kaan-Kerede bird, pulls him out of the abyss; Wolves invite him into the mountain; there their mother feeds on the cow's milk, plays a goat husky puppy; Wolves reluctantly give it to him; someone cooks at his house; Yu watches, hides dog skin, marries Altyn-Chach (Golden Braids); she says that her brothers have become wolves, she as a puppy, hiding from Karata-Kaan a; K. requires 1) to hide three times (A. helps Yu, he finds K., who has become an onion, stallion, birch, K. does not find it); 2) get the Kaan-Kerede egg; her nest on an iron poplar with nine branches; its roots rest on the lower world, branches touch the third heaven, a seven-headed serpent crawls along the trunk; one chick cries, its snake will eat it now; the other laughs, it will be eaten tomorrow; Yu cut off the snake's heads with an ax, blood formed a sea; the chick held out its wing, Yu crossed into the nest through it; Kaan-Kerede flew in, her tears fell in warm rain; recognizes her claw marks on Yu; says that K.'s soul is in the golden egg, but she does not know where it is; brings Y. to his poor old parents; K. takes A.; Yu has been fighting him for seven years; wolves killed K.'s horse, Kaak-Kerede took him to heaven; A. found a golden egg in K.'s palace, threw it into the fire, K. died; A. and Yu began to rule Altai]: Garf, Kuchiyak 1978:215-239; Khakas: Balter 1986 [Khara Khan took away the only hunter horse; he took the girl, began to live with her in the forest; son H. saw her, wants to take her, asks his father to take her away from the hunter; H. demands 1) to play hide and seek; the wife tells, when he enters the bay, to turn everything over and break everything, choose a horse with a covered eye, rusty bits, drive him, hit him in the eyes; the horse turns into son X.; when son X. comes to look for a hunter, his wife turns him into scissors, son H. does not recognize him; 2) ask how old the bear is; the wife gives seven hats, tells him to lie in the forest, put them on his feet, knees, arms, head; the bear comes up, argues that poplars have been standing for 300 years, he has lived under them for 60 years, and I have never seen this; 3) go to Erlik Khan, bring a black fur coat from his deceased father, a black handkerchief from his mother; the wife gives the ball and the skull of the dog, tells me to go after the ball, then throw the skull; the shadows of father and mother H. they reproach their son for greed, tell him to become a black woodpecker, his wife a blue woodpecker, their son is forty; they ask him to pick up the dog's skull, he barks, haunts; the hunter returns, ashes in place of the yurt, son H. prepares a wedding with the hunter's wife; the hunter turns H. with his wife and son into birds, returns his wife, is chosen by the khan, distributes cattle to the poor]: 46-52 (=Dachshunds 1988:218-223); Torokova, Sychenko 2014, No. 23 [fishermen they caught a strange fish, like gold and silver; Yoxes-Ool gave his only five sheep for it; after feeling sorry for the sheep, he threw the fish into the river; at night they called him old man Sugdayigan to the owner of the river; he saved his son, let him ask not for gold and silver, but for a blue dog; S. tells her to water and feed her with what YOS eats and drinks himself; in the morning there is a girl in the house, and the dog's skin hangs on the wall; the girl creates food and property; once YOO quarreled with his wife and threw his skin into the fire; his wife tells us to wait for misfortunes; Hara-Khan's son's arrow accidentally hit YOO's house, he went to pick her up, saw a beautiful woman, decided to take it away; demands that the father has come up with something; he tells the YOS to play hide and seek with his son: if you lose, I'll cut off his head; the wife turned YOO into a broom, the Khan's son did not find him; now the Khan's son hid; wife: three brown A one-year-old calf is standing, you have to twist the middle tail and hit him on the head; Khan's son admitted that YOO found him; next time his wife turned YOO into a thimble; then more; all three times Khan's son lost; now the khan sends to Mount Hara-tag to find out how old the black bear is; the wife gives 7 black fox hats; you have to drive the black bear out of the den with a stick, put the hats on your arms as if a creature with seven heads; a bear looks and says: the three poplars standing above me have reached three hundred years old, and I myself have reached the age of sixty, but I did not see the creature with seven heads; frightened, I left; now Khan tells me to bring the clothes and shoes of his deceased father and mother, in which he buried them; wife: now you have to run; in the morning she called a winged dark brown horse; when you hold on to the lower reason, she will go on the ground, when beyond the upper one, he will fly across the sky; he knows where to run and fly; in the far land, you need to attach rose hips and hawthorn branches to the toroks; when Yoo was driving, I saw fat cows and sheep that grazed on pebbles, on sand, without water; horse: this deceased was a good man, and the cattle slaughtered at his wake; then on lands with good grass and water, animals were skin and bones; they were for the bad man is stabbed to death; then the horse is on a rope, there is no water or grass, but frolic - this man treated the horse well; the other horse is skinny, although there is a lot of water and grass, he did not look after the horse well; the old woman pours from bottle to bottle - diluted milk with water; another person stuck to the sharpener, spins with him - he regretted the sharpener; arrived; the khan's father's clothes are on the side of sunrise, the khan's mother is on the sunrise side, the khan's mother is on to the west; Yoo took his clothes, Khan's father ran after him, YOO threw a rosehip branch, Khan's father cannot cross; after learning why YOO needs clothes, he tells Hara-Khan to become a black woodpecker, his son a motley woodpecker, his wife with a house mouse; the horse brought YOO back with the speed of thought; YOO gave Father Hara-Khan's "blessing", who, his son, his son's wife became woodpeckers and a mouse; YOO became khan]: 403-423; Shors; Tuvans; South Altai Tuvans; Tubalars; Mongols (Khalkha?) [Arat has a son Damdin; his father sent him to learn the business; he learned to play the hoora; his father is dissatisfied, sent him to learn the right thing; D. began to play on the seashore {really lakes}; the daughter of the sea king came out, brought him to her father; he tells him to stay at the bottom forever and play for him; but the daughter of the sea king brought D. to the ground and stayed with him; the khan hunted, sent Noyon to D.'s yurt to fry the quail; he is amazed by the beauty of the mistress, the quail burned down; D.'s wife gave Noyon two quails; neither the khan nor his entire army could eat them; the wife tells D. to agree to give it to Khan on the condition that he finds D. twice in his a yurt; his wife turned D. into a pestle; the khan did not find it; he himself turned into a tree by the well; D. understood this and took out a knife to cut it off; the second time his wife turned D. into a fly, the khan did not find it; he himself became a black goat among a hundred white sheep, D. pretended to slaughter him; khan: whose horse will run three days in three hours; his wife tells D. to play by the sea {lake} on a hur, her father will come out, I must ask him sea stallion; an 8-legged foal ran out; he easily overtook the khan's horse; the khan demands that the water in the lake boil; the sea khan gave two pebbles: throw white into the lake, the water would boil; put the black one by the cheek - boiling water will not scald; Khan tells D. to swim, he is unharmed; rushes into boiling water with all the warriors and dies]: Khoza 1954:13-15 {online, pagination begins with page 1}; Mongols (Ordos); Buryats (Yeravninsky district of Buryatia) [an orphan received a pound of grain for work, he was beaten by hail; for another job he received a foal, he was eaten by a wolf; the third rich man gave a torn net for work; an orphan caught gold the fish, felt sorry for it, lay down on the shore, putting the fish under his head; woke up in the palace, next to the daughter of the Sun; Khartaganan Khan offers to hide, the winner will get the other's wife; the wife turns an orphan into a cow last, in a head, into a needle, H. does not find; tells her husband that H. will turn into a lamb, a horse, an onion; does not advise him to go for the khan's wife; the orphan still goes, the wife does not tell me to eat, drink or say "yes" there ; the orphan violates the prohibitions, agrees to H.'s offer to first return the horse and cast silver saddle from Shara-Hubun; the wife tells her to go to her father first, ask for a rainbow; at this time H. will kidnap her; orphan climbs a mountain, barely alive; comes to the Sun; he sends it around the mountain instead of him; an orphan in the guise of the Sun hits a black man, then a white man; eats what is prepared on the table for the afternoon meals, pushes the table down; the beaten come to complain, but the Sun admits that the son-in-law is right (the black one beat the crops with hail, the white one let his dogs, because the wolves are orphans on the foal; the father-in-law himself did not help his son-in-law when he was climbing the mountain); an orphan receives a rainbow, sees only one horse riding at his former camp, under it a letter from his wife: H. took her away; an orphan comes to H. in poor clothes, pulls out a rainbow, H. immediately dies; an orphan took his goods and his wife]: Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 21:255-269.

Eastern Siberia. Evenki (Evenkiysky District of Krasnoyarsk Krai) [Seveki made people out of clay, a friend advised to make bones out of iron; c. suggested hiding, if he could not find it, he would make them from clay; c. found a friend (he turned into fur), but his friend did not find him; so they make further out of clay, people are sick; with. left people's uniforms to dry, told the dog to guard; hargi gave it clothes, spit on the Evenks, now they are ill]: Vasilevich 1959:175-176.

The Great Southwest. Teva (San Juan) [The skeleton comes to the party disguised as handsome; two Yellow Corn girls go with him, marry him; in the morning they see a skeleton in bed; run away, he chases them; The Morning Star sends an arrow with a rope from the sky, takes them to heaven; each gives birth to a son; the grandfather does not tell them to go north; they go; they come first to the old man, then to the old woman; his watchman is Raven, she has an Owl; the old man and the old woman own commercial animals and birds; they offer to play hide and seek; if the brothers win, they will receive animals and birds; they are also recognized as children of the Morning Star, not the Skeleton; the old man (and then the old woman) and the boys turn into different animals and birds, into objects (lake); the old man (old woman) can't guess, the younger brother always guesses (the elder doesn't); the brothers get promised; grandfather sends them with their mothers to land; with them animals and birds that were not on earth]: Parsons 1926, No. 23:81-86; Eastern Ceres (Cochiti): Benedict 1931 (Cochiti): Benedict 1931 (Cochiti): 34-39 [ The Mistress of the Wind hides the rain clouds; the young man rises to her sky, they play hide and seek; she tries to cover the sun with her clitoris; he wins, takes the prickly cactus out of her heart, inserts corn or turquoise heart, releases clouds], 40-43 [about p. 34-39], 70-71 [Stilina's wife's hand eagle (Shell Man) flies away, she tries to catch him, he takes her to heaven; S. hunts For the Spider, she says where the kidnapped wife is, takes him to heaven on two crossed owl feathers; Payatamu ("young man"; it is not clear whether he stole his wife for Eagle or Eagle for him) offers to hide; at first S. could not find P. and his mother, then found him, but he was not found, he got his wife back, returned with her with the help of the Spider (in the same way)]; Western keres (Akoma) [three beautiful sisters Kotsinak, the inhabitants of the rocks, reject the grooms; the Payatiamos brothers (boys, Sunny Flowers) live in the east; the eldest comes to his sisters; the eldest falls in love with him, suggests play hide and seek; turns into a beetle, climbs on his back, he doesn't find it; he hides in the sky behind a solar disk; his father The sun tells him not to move; he looks out from behind the disc; forced go down to K.; she cuts off his head, takes out his heart, drops of blood turn into flowers; on the four walls of her house she hangs his jug, arrowhead, flute, bracelet; his body is daughter burned by the sun; others P. find him, revive him, four winds and four rains from four sides of the world destroy the walls of K.'s house; P. flies to his sisters in the guise of a butterfly; K. follows him, he takes her as his wife ]: Benedict 1930:67-70.