Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27u2. News from the tumbleweed .

The powerful character tells you to find out where the tumbleweed is heading or what news from him.

Kalmyks, Turkmens, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz, Tuvans.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [khan wants to find an intelligent wife for a fool's son; it rained, two girls ran home, the third covered the dung with beshmet and drove the calves away from the cows (so that they would not suck milk); beshmet got wet, but I'll dry it by the fire; Khan: how many dung are there in the bag? girl: as long as your horse stepped from the palace to our kibitka; the khan orders to make koumiss from bovine milk, sew the kibitka with ashes; the girl covered the kibitka with matting and burned it, put up a pole ( it means that someone is giving birth in the house); Khan: How can a man give birth? girl: in the khanate, where koumiss is made from bovine milk, maybe; the khan orders to ride a two-headed horse not along the road or along the steppe, upon arrival, sit not inside the kibitka or outside; daughter tells her father to come on a stallion mare, ride along the side of the road, sit outside at the doorstep with kibitki felt over his back; the khan ordered him to come next time with a bag for gold and an arcana for horses; the bag will not be filled in any way, You can catch as many horses as you want with an arcana; girl: a bag of human eyes, you have to add sand to fill it; a lasso from a human vein; to shrink it, you have to burn one end; khan married son on this girl; fell ill; told his son to catch up with the tumbleweed, ask him where he would spend the day and night; the wife ordered to answer: we must ask the ravine and the wind; the khan tells his son to bring a horse with two heads that look in different directions; wife: bring the stallion mare, the foal's head is pointing back; the khan died quietly]: Dzhimbinov 1962:149-152 (=Vardugin 1996:471-473): 19-31.

Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens [Soltansoyun went hunting; tells the viziers and vekils to ask the tumbleweed about the news; they do not know what to do; S. sends Mirali; he transmits the response of the tumbleweed: "About such Don't ask things. Only the wind knows where I came from, and the ravine knows where I will come"; S. praises M. for his answer]: Stebleva 1969. No. 72:344-345.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [poor Zhirenshe-Sheshen is smart; asks women about the brod; Karashash: the one to the right is far but close, and to the left is the opposite; the JSH understood, went to the right; the other riders went left to to a close ford and almost drowned; it began to rain, all the women brought a wet dung, and K. dry covered it with her body; K.: your father will slaughter a ram for you, and not get two sheep; Father K. asked for a ram at the bay, he did not give it, he slaughtered the only sheep that was waiting for the lamb; in the yurt, ZhSH and K. speak with gestures, the father gave it; the khan tells the ZhSH to serve him, intending to take away his wife; tells him to catch up with the roll- the field, ask him where it is heading; JSH: the tumbleweed replied that the wind knows where, where the ravine comes from; Khan orders him to appear day, night, walk, or on horseback, stop neither in the palace nor outside; K. advises to come at dawn on a goat, stop under the crossbar of the gate; Khan gave sheep, orders them to hug like sheep; K. orders to slaughter sheep in autumn; Khan came in the spring; K.: the husband went milk the hand quail, he will return soon; when K. grew old and died, the JS also died]: Sidelnikov 1962:383-391 (=Daurenbekov 1979:365-369, =Zhanuzakova 1977:263-268); karakalpaks (Kungrad or Shumanai District) [during a falconry, Janibek Khan told Jiyrensha: "Talk to the tumbleweed about where it is heading, find out about it and come"; Jiyrenshe slightly stepped on tumbleweed and pretending to talk to him, returned to the khan; said that the tumbleweed replied: "The wind knows when we get up, but the hollows know where we spend the night; you, the questioner about this - a loafer, and the khan who made you ask is a loafer"; Khan was amazed by these words and gave Jiyrensha a lot of money]: Baskakov 1951, No. 2:232-233; Kyrgyz: Brudny 1954 [khan Janybek besieged the city of Khan Sultanmamyt; he angrily tells the young man in his old fur coat to clean; the young man comments on the khan's behavior; the khan asks the young man where the tumbleweed will stop; the young man: where the air is will stop; asks to send him to J., giving him the tallest camel and the oldest goat; J. is outraged that a boy has come to him; young man: if you need a tall and gray-bearded one, then here is a camel and a goat; khan promises to give what the young man wants; he asks for as much land as he fits into a camel's skin; the young man cut his skin into straps and girded his city]: 91-92 (=Brudny, Eshmambetov 1963:225-227, =197:153- 154, =Ledenyov 1987:22-24); Kebekova, Tokombaeva 2007 [the khan and the vizier went hunting; a cold wind came in; the vizier offered to go to his house for lunch; when he saw the vizier's wife, the khan conceived her take it away; the next day seven geese flew over them; Khan to the vizier: "What are geese shouting about? Explain it, if you can't, I'll cut off my head." The vizier asked for time until tomorrow; his daughter was not even five; she asked a boy she knew to take her to the khan's daughter, famous for her wisdom; she advised her to answer as if the geese had said : "If the vizier is good, the khan will be good, if the wife is good, the husband will also be good." The vizier did so; next time the khan demands to answer what the tumbleweed said; the khan's daughter: "Where am I sleeping, the mountain trough does not know where I am flying, the wind does not know, and your khan, who told me to ask this, you're a fool, and you're also a fool to ask this." The vizier escaped execution, and the khan realized that his daughter had taught him so; the next day he called thousands and commanded: "My daughter will choose her husband, gather the people." The girl didn't pick anyone. Khan: "Who didn't come?" One old man: "There is one person or a madman on the islands in the middle of the water. His head is covered in scab, he eats grass and is missing." Khan married his daughter to this man, took her to the remote mountains, saying: "Let's see how now you say, "If the wife is good, then the husband will be good." Khan forbade people to go to these mountains, only once a week an old man brought food there when he was deaf and dumb. The Khan's daughter was visited by her mother, and her daughter promised to make her husband a man. She fattened him with kazy mare (horse abdominal and rib fat and the sausage containing it), washed his hair, his ulcers healed, and thick hair grew on his head. The wife embroidered a hat, told her husband to sell it at the bazaar, buy salt, and scatter it on the way back ("shore": salt; troubles, misfortunes)." Then the wife bought her husband a pacer, dressed her up, ordered her to go to her father and invite her to visit with 40 horsemen. And let no one light a fire for 7 days. On the sixth day, an elder came in and said: "What kind of people are you who do not comply with the Khan's command? Residents of the city do not dare to make a fire and cook on it for seven days. Only your house has a fire." Khan's daughter explained everything. Stranger: "Let your food be abundant and your name be kind." Khan's daughter realized that it was Kydir. On the day of Khan's arrival, the woman lit a fire, hung a cauldron of meat over the hearth, baked one cauldron of bread, and boiled one tea samovar. There was enough food for everyone, there was even a surplus left. Khan recognized his daughter, was guilty, handed over the khanate to a former lousy man]: 252-257.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans [Koolu-Sandak came to introduce himself to the khan; he gave him meat; the COP began to look for something and something to break the bone on; the khan gave him two silver coins, the CS broke the bone, and after eating, left, taking it and coins; the khan sent the servant to return the money, but the Constitutional Court replied that the khan should not take away what he gave; the khan decides to find an excuse to cut off the COP's head: give 10 snuffboxes, 10 pipes - let him return it without confusing it; pour the land by the horse riding with water - if they slip, then he bowed not to the khan, but to the pole; to give a bowl of hot tea - if he spills, it means he does not respect the khan; but the UK did everything flawlessly; the khan tells you to find out where tumbleweed is rolling; the Constitutional Court reports their words: "We came out of the ground in the middle month of spring, and in the middle month of autumn we got off the ground. Now we are hurrying to the ravine, where all our brothers are gathering." Khan tells me to ask the white rider on the mountain (it's snow); KS: "Recently, in the middle month of autumn, I came from the upper world, and in the middle month of spring I will go to the lower world"; towards Hyun Khan on a raven stallion; Ai-Khan accuses the Constitutional Court of not bowing to him, but the Constitutional Court managed to dismiss the charge]: Vatagin 1971, No. 22:167-171.