Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27V. Shoot a bird. (.21.30.36.) .43.45.46.

The character must hit the bird with an arrow or stone. (Cf. K27M motif, where it's not the shooter's accuracy that matters, but the unusual appearance of the creature you want to get).

(Mustang, Mountain Tajiks, Far Eastern Evenks, Western Sachaptin), Shuswap, Ne Perse, Okanagon, Seneca, Blacklegs, Omaha and Ponca, Iowa, Kiowa, (Arapaho), Kiowa Apache.

(Wed. Tibet is the Northeast of India. Mustang [the king will give his daughter to someone whose arrow hits a tree from afar; two brothers-princes win, take the girl together; on the way, the youngest goes hunting, enters the house an old woman; she asks about her brothers and their wife; finds out that the princess never takes off the clothes that cover her upper body; says that the couple will do better if the wife takes off these clothes; the younger brother asks to be removed, the princess tells you to first repair all the cracks in the house; the old woman manages to put a pin in the crack; through this gap she takes the princess to the land of demons; the younger brother goes in search stops under a banyan, hears a monkey saying that her wife was stolen by a yeti and her brothers' wife by a demon; invites the monkey to join forces in finding wives; comes to a yeti wife, who has two children; a yeti came, a goldfish was moving on his forehead, the young man shot her, the yeti fell dead; the monkey's wife took the children with her, but the young man threw them off the bridge, brought his wife to the monkey, he went with him to demon land; they made the princess queen; the monkey met the maid who came for water, threw the ring into the young man's vessel; when the demons gathered for the party, the princess gave over her clothes monkey, ran after the monkey; the princess remembered that she had forgotten the ring, the monkey came back for it, was caught; says that she finally has time to meditate; she was released; when the young man brought princess back, dying older brother recovered, grass turned green, women conceived children]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 36:206-209).

(Wed. Iran - Central Asia. Mountain Tajiks [after the death of his father, Sodikjon catches sparkling fish, gives it to the Shah; the vizier persuades the Shah to tell S. to bring colored water for the fish, a stone pool, a climbing tree; every time those in love with S. peri do what they want; the last task is to bring the daughter of a Shah who does not exist in the world; on the way, S. consistently meets giants, takes them as companions; this is Oj-Omedala, Oj- Opivala, Oge-Sharpshooter; digs a way into the girl's chambers, she explains how to fulfill her father's conditions; 1) split the log with one blow; 2) spend the night in a red-hot room (Opivala drinks and belches the river); 3) eat a lot; 4) hit an egg hidden in a willow crown from three miles; 5) choose a wife among hundreds of girls (she will wear a canvas dress, dirty boots, she will sit on a white donkey); S. kills the Shah, at home his wife kills the Shah and Vizier who sent S.; S. receives wealth and power]: Rosenfeld, Rychkova 1990, No. 1:22-37).

(Wed. Eastern Siberia. The Uchursky Evenks (Aldan District of Yakutia) [an episode in a long epic story: animated by his sister, shaman Ayakchan, Deris married to Dergaldin's daughter; daughter began to doubt; A. proposed a test for Deris - to shoot down an image of D.'s daughter tied to the sky with an arrow and not damage it; Deris passed the test, pierced the strap with which she was tied with an arrow image; it fell unharmed in front of him; they immediately got married]: Romanova, Myreeva 1971, No. 19:286-287).

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap: Boas 1895, No. I.3 (=2002:73-74) [girl rejects suitors; Lynx lets her pee through the roof making the girl pregnant; parents recognize as son-in-law the one who knocks off the pole bird; Lynx does it; parents tell people to leave the young; Grandma Magpie hides the fire in the sink for the girl; Lynx becomes handsome, a good hunter; the tribe is starving at this time; Lynx gives Soroca meat, she feeds her children, they scream loudly; people find out the truth, return to the village]: 9-11; Teit 1909a, No. 28 [The old grizzly woman lives alone; makes her daughter out of resin, she melts in the sun; from stone - drowns; from clay - dissolves in water; from wood - the girl stays alive; she is kidnapped, taken to the river by the Trout Man; her children come to play at their grandmother Grizzly's house; hide in the river as she approaches; she leaves the excavator with her clothes and basket on her, creeps up to the house, splashes a potion on the children; the boy remains human, the girl turns into a dog; the young man's name is Chickady; one day he beats the dog; she admits that she is his sister, runs away to the mountains; the grandmother warns him not to climb a tree for a stuck arrow; he climbs into the sky; meets his grandmother's husband (or father); he tells how to get the chief's daughter; Chickady lives inside the old man, going out at night; the chief promises a daughter to whoever knocks an owl off a pole; magically deflects arrows; Chickady knocks down an owl; At night, the wife finds out that her husband is young; Chickady kills many deer, others none; people separate Chickady from the old body; Chickady lives with his wife in the upper world, then turns into a chikadi]: 691-696 ; (cf. Western sachaptin [Valetitsa is married to Tiptiptyay (bird); his younger brother is single; T. asks a young man to shoot her bird, scratches her face with his claws, says W. her brother tried to rape her; V. throws his brother's arrows into the fire; he leaves, his dog (this grizzly) follows him; the young man climbs the trunk to heaven, into the house of the Spider (Spider?) , no longer returns; the grizzly stays in the forest; A. repents, looks for his brother, the grizzly tells him the truth; V. kills his wife with an arrow; swallows things, becomes small and ugly; Chief Eagle promises two daughters to whoever knocks feathers off their heads (the girls themselves are placed on the top of the tree); V. knocks down both feathers; Coyote says he knocked him down, but they don't believe him; the chief sends daughters to grandmother V.; the youngest remains in their teepee, the eldest mocks the dirty boy, marries the Raven; in the absence of his wife, V. regains her swallowed, regains her appearance; turns bison cakes into buffalo; kills buffalo; the Raven only picks up heads; leaves with his wife, taking all the animals away; the Beaver pretends to be dead, catches the Raven coming down; people smoke him to the black; let him go, or he himself breaks out; V. turns into a puppy, Snake into a digging stick, Mortar into a mortar; Raven's daughter picks them up; V. barks deer out of the teepee; Raven returns to the village]: Farrand, Mayer 1917, No. 9:157-164 ); ne perse [the chief promises daughters to marry someone who shoots two eagles; who traps an unusual beast; Coyote misses by shooting; steals from someone's trap a whitish wolf; an ugly young man kills eagles, brings a snowy white wolf; the younger sister marries him, the older one marries the Raven; the young man gets more bison than the Raven, becomes handsome; the older sister goes to him from the Raven; the Raven hides the buffalo; the younger sister marries an ugly boy, the eldest is the Raven; the young man becomes handsome, the older sister also goes to him; then the Raven hides buffalo; the Beaver tells him to rip his belly, pretends to be dead, catches the Raven; people hang the Raven in the chimney, it turns white black; promises to tell you where the bison is flying away; Poloz, Pest, The weasel comes to the Raven; turns into a digger, a pestle, a puppy; the Raven's daughter picks them up; the puppy barks, driving the buffalo back to the ground from the underground cave; the digger and pestle sit on the backs of the runners buffalo]: Phinney 1934:166-172; Okanagon [the chief's two daughters do not marry; the Sun takes the form of a dirty boy, the Star is his grandmothers; go down to the ground, live in a poor hut; chief promises daughters to someone who 1) knocks an eagle off a tree with two arrows; 2) traps two otters in two days; the Coyote cannot complete the tasks, the Muddy does; the eldest daughter marries The crow, the youngest, is for Dirty; he regains his true appearance, makes his wife's hair and body sparkling, and easily catches buffalo]: Teit 1917a, No. 6:85-90.

Northeast. Seneca [uncle sends a tribesman to marry, gives him a hat, outerwear, greaves, moccasins; when removed, they turn into otter, cougar, wild cats, owls; from his bag of tobacco two girls jump out to light his pipe; two pigeons cooing at the end of the tube; while on the way, the deceiver steals the hero's clothes, stabs him in the back; the hero's sister and her daughter save him; the bride whoever shoots an eagle sitting on a pole will get; the hero does it, the deceiver grabs a bird, marries a girl; unable to spit out his beads; items of his outfit, turning into animals and birds are barely alive; his wife refuses to sleep with him; the hero's sister and niece return his outfit to him, stab a piece of bark into the deceiver's back; the hero is younger, the woman recognizes him as real husband; the animals that make up his magic outfit are full of energy; he spits out beads; his uncle is happy to see him again]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 22:139-144.

Plains. Blacklegs [husband warns his wife not to look at the monster who asks Where to enter? ; she looks, enters - without legs, her insides can be seen through her body; the woman offers him food on various pieces of her clothes, he agrees to eat on her stomach; rips it open, throws one The baby in the ash is Chief Ash (Z.), the second to the outside, this is the Chief Stuck in the Back (S.); each time the hunter finds things scattered; both boys play his arrows; the father leaves while turning in a stick; grabs both boys, recognized by them; Z. tries to revive his mother by throwing arrows over her; S. revives, saying that the boiling pot will now tip over; the father does not tell the hoop to roll east; the brothers roll, the hoop rolls into the old woman's house; she tries to strangle the brothers with smoke, they scatter the smoke with a pen, return home; the father does not tell them to shoot west; their arrow hits the beavers; the brothers live beavers, they forget about home; the father sticks a row of arrows on the shore; the boys come out of the water to collect them, the father grabs them, is recognized by them; the father does not tell you to shoot at one bird; they shoot, the arrow gets stuck on tree; Z. climbs after her, disappears somewhere in the sky, his clothes and shoes fall down; S. turns into a crying baby, picked up by an old woman, she calls him Fat Tummy (J.); he regains his former appearance; the chief promises to give one of his three daughters for the one to shoot the partridge; J. shot, the arrow crow (V.) changed arrows, marries the elder, J. the younger sister; 2) who will catch in traps a black fox; J. catches, V. puts in his own, gets a middle sister; J. gives himself, his wife, a gorgeous look; turns bison cakes into bison, kills them; snow on his greaves turns into cherries, snow on V.'s greaves just melts]: Josselin de Jong 1914:38-52; Omaha and Ponca: Dorsey 1888b: 1890:55-57 [Iktinica's arrow gets stuck in a tree; I. asks The rabbit gets it; he climbs the tree, taking off his clothes; I. puts it on, tells the Rabbit to stick to the trunk; I., under the guise of Rabbit, marries the leader's eldest daughter; the youngest cuts the tree, peels off the Rabbit, takes him as her husband; when the Rabbit comes up, the birds on I.'s stolen outfit recognize the owner, start screaming; the leader demands that his sons-in-law hit the flying eagle with an arrow; The rabbit knocks down the eagle, I. misses; the deception is revealed; The rabbit takes his clothes back, throws I. high to the sky; he falls, breaks], 604-609 [the chief promises to give his daughter for the one who knocks down the red tree a bird; an orphan kills a bird, Iktinica pretends to have killed; marries the leader's eldest daughter, Orphan kills his youngest; during hunger, Orphan creates buffalo with witchcraft; diving, becomes handsome; I. asks him to shoot a turkey on a tree, the arrow gets stuck; An orphan climbs a tree; I. tells the tree to grow to the sky; puts on Orphan's clothes, comes home under his guise; live birds , decorating clothes, do not sing, but scream; Eagle, Vulture, Raven, Magpie lower Orphan to the ground, putting him on his back; Orphan returns, telling I. to return his clothes and arrows; hitting the drum, takes people into the air and throws them on the ground; everyone dies except Orphan's wife and grandmother]; iowa [Badger is a good hunter, the Grizzly takes all his prey; he sends his wife to pick up a blood clot, she finds a baby in this place; he grows up, kills the Grizzly; gets Badger's ability to lure game; puts on moccasins made of live hooting owls, a hat made of singing yellow birds; goes travel; when he enters the village, takes off his dress; stays with an old woman; the chief promises a daughter to the one who shoots a bird floating at its zenith; the young man does it; the younger sister refuses to marry lousy, the eldest agrees; the young man regains his true form, the youngest asks to take her too, but his sister drives her away; the young man kills many buffalo; goes to another village; there are giants make you shoot at a target, race; always win, kill losers; a young man wins, kills giants; gets a chief's daughter (the same episode with two sisters and a change of appearance); chief dissatisfied that the young man rejected his youngest daughter, tells Ishiinka to get rid of him; I. takes the young man to the other side of the reservoir; puts his cape on a tree, she looks like a raccoon; the young man climbs over an imaginary raccoon, I. sails away in a boat; the young man gets off, marries the daughter of Mr. Wind; he and his cannibal wife; mother-in-law tells 1) to dry the lake, scooping it out with an acorn shell (the wife does it); 2) cut down a grove on the lake shore (the wife hits the ground four times with an ax, the wind blows away the trees); 3) level the mountain with a beaver fang (the wife scratches the ground four times with her fang, the hill disappears); the wife orders to run, hides the moccasins mother; she puts on her husband's moccasins, pursues fugitives; a young man and his wife turn into swans, swim across a pond; a young man takes his other wives and children born to them, brings everyone to their father Badger; babies have since emerged from their mothers' menstrual blood]: Skinner 1925, No. 5:450-456; (cf. arpaho: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 139 [see motif J26; father does not tell sons to throw the hoop down the wind; they throw, the wind blows them away; the old woman finds one in the grass, he is fat; the chief promises a daughter married to someone who shoots a fox (Vulpes macrotis) on a tree; found in the grass hits a fox with an arrow, the Raven appropriates the prey; N.T. turns a piece of wool into a better skin than the one The crow; marries the youngest, the Raven turns his older sister; becomes handsome at night; turns manure into bison; the older sister turns it into stone], 140 and 141 [as in (139); the young man from the stream is blown away by the wind; creates many bison; not turned into stone]: 346-350, 354-355, 369-376); kiowa [the chief promises a daughter to whoever knocks an eagle off a pine tree; Senpit (Dirty Nose); kills an eagle; Sendeh replaces arrows; marries his older sister, Senpit the youngest; Senpit and his grandmother dive into a pot of boiling water, become beautiful, their things new; a mockingbird sings on their heads Senpita; a lark sits on Sendeh's head, calling the audience bad names; Senpita shakes a plum branch, fruits fall from it; turns manure into bison, skinny bison into fat; Sendeh can't do that; Senpit blows his nose, beads are falling, honey is flowing; Sendeh's snot is flowing; Sendeh's wife now also wants to marry Senpita]: Parsons 1929a, No. 26:47-56; Kiova-apache [the old woman finds a blood clot, cooks, he turns into a boy; she asks for meat from a tipi, he finds a snake under her skin, kills; she says he killed grandfather; The chief promises two daughters to the one who knocks two eagles off the tree; the young man hits the eagle, the Coyote replaces the arrows, gets the eldest daughter; the young man hits the second, gets the youngest; always snotty ; shakes off snow and dirt from moccasins on the blanket; when the package is unfolded, there are sweet summer fruits, everyone eats them; magically kills buffalo, turns severed beards and manes into the best pieces of meat; The coyote tries to repeat both tricks, fails; his wife leaves him, becomes the boy's second wife; the young man becomes handsome; leaves, turns into a yucca with edible petals ("Indian cabbage")] : McAllister 1949, No. 7:45-51.