Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27v3. Shoot an arrow through the ring .

The character must shoot an arrow through a small ring or several rings. (The main materials were identified by Y.V. Vasilkov and presented in Vasilkov 2018).

Ancient India (Mahabharata), Ancient Greece (Odyssey), Armenians (David of Sasunsky), Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs.

South Asia. Ancient India (Mahabharata) [Arjuna on Swayamvar Draupadi does what none of the other applicants can do: pulls a bowstring over an unbending heroic bow and amazes With a few arrows, a target through a small hole in a "device" hanging in front of it]: Mhb I. 176.34-36 - 179.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Odysseus, coming unrecognized to his wife's "swayamvara", pulls a bowstring over his old bow, which no applicant could do, and sends an arrow through the holes for axes of twelve iron axes placed one after another]: Odyssey XXI, 419-423 in Pocock 1961.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Armenians [episode of the epic "Sasna Tsrer" (David of Sasunsky): In order to marry Gohar, Mher Younger, at the insistence of her "brother" (actually Gohar herself), must fire an arrow so that she flew through a hole in the ring; the "brother" shoots first, the arrow flies through the hole; then the "brother" looks at Mher and he, struck by "his" beauty, hits the ring with an arrow, but not into the hole "Brother" pretends to want to cut off Mher's head, but still gives him a second try; this time Mher's arrow flies through the ring]: Melik-Ohanjanyan 2004, No. 49:228.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [when dying, the father tells his three sons to come to his grave for three days; only the youngest goes, gets a black, white (swan), red bird feather; if you take it in your mouth and hang down, a black horse and black clothes will appear; white; red; the padishah will give three daughters for the one whose arrow will fly through the ring at the top of a high pole; an unrecognized younger brother on black, white, red the horse wins every time, gets all three princesses; each lives in a separate palace, they think that each has its own husband; he brings impoverished brothers, gives them black and white clothes; they come instead of him, to the older princesses, he remains with the youngest; the older brothers are jealous, leave a diamond sword in front of the door, he cuts off the younger's legs, they take his wives and wealth; they came to the legless armless and blind; they kidnap the padishah's daughter to wash and cook; Zhalmavyz began to come to suck the girl's blood; the legless grabbed her; she swallowed and regurgitated, made everyone healthy; not legless belched; he was found in her thumb; he takes a girl with him, exposes her brothers (tells them to shoot in the ring, their arrows don't hit), lives with four wives]: Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 61:287-298; Bashkirs [the old man has 7 sons, the youngest is Biish; an old man with 6 sons goes to look for his sons 7 daughters of the same father as brides; B.: do not stop at the lake and in the gorge; another old man leads to him, gives 7 daughters; on the way back, the sons insisted on stopping in the gorge; Azhdaha surrounded them: send me B., and his fiancée would be a hostage; B. came, Azhdaha let the girl go, and B. told me to kill the deva- a giant named Kyzyl; on the way, B. defeated a Russian hero, for which the tsar gave him his daughter; from another tsar he fired an arrow through a silver ring, also received a princess; he lives with Kyzyl for a year, then fights with him; K. tells an old slave to pour oil on him (to make the enemy's hands slip off); the old woman pours oil on B., sprinkles ash on K.; two boys, his sons, came from their wives; one of them killed K.; B. brought his sons and wives to his village, but he is empty; only an old woman herds sheep; looks at the ground - cries, at the sky - laughs; replies that she cries for six sons, but sees signs in the sky that B. is coming to her; he It opened to her; the same with her father; father: Pyariah has 40 sons, your wife has them; B. came to them, met his wife; she advises you to dig a hole at the doorstep and shout: the cattle have run away; 40 sons of the pyariah run out one at a time, B. cut off their heads; won and killed the pyariah, took their cattle]: Barack 1988, No. 36:242-246; the Bashkirs [father, mother, older brothers dream of an abundance of sheep; the younger bald man sees the moon in his feet, in the sun is on his heads, there is lightning on his chest; his father drives him away; the old man invites him to herd herds, Bald tames the red stallion, defeats three devas; during the battle, the latter's wife gives Bald strong water, her husband is weak, sprinkles gunpowder under her husband's feet, ash under Bald's feet; when he dies, Dev teaches him to release his full brothers, Bald's parents, to restore his father's sight; the old man teaches Bald to turn into birds; the king asks for a forgotten sword in three days; Bald flies after her like a bird; the girl takes a pen from every bird he turns into; gives a comb bridge, a bandage source of water, an all-seeing mirror; with the help of magic, Pleshivy defeats Ai-Khan's army; the princess tells her three-year-old daughter to identify her father; she points to Pleshivy; he demonstrates his art; Ai-Khan passes off his daughter as Pleshivy; one wife scratches his heels, his other head, his daughter rolls on his chest; he laughs, talks about his dream come true; Bald will inherit both thrones]: Barag 1988, No. 49:345-360.