Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27W. The monster brought in kills the task giver.


The task giver requires him to bring him a dangerous creature or bring him something that belongs to a monster or deity. The hero is on an assignment, but the beast, monster, deity, or the object brought in kills the task giver. See motive K27.

North Africa. Tunisia [the king wants to get rid of his son in order to take his wife; he wants to bring a talking baby. The son's wife sent her husband to her sister, who had just given birth. She said to the baby, "The one who came for you is your aunt's husband, and whoever you're going to talk to wants to kill your aunt's husband and marry your aunt himself." She said that and handed him a sword. The prince took the baby to the king. The baby said to him, "We speak and we want words over words and we cut off your head." The baby cut off the king's head]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 45 in Korovkina MS; the Arabs of Algeria (Tiaret Plateau) [Amar Zadam is the youngest of seven brothers, he is considered useless; sent to buy horses, guns; he puts a needle under the hoof the best horse, spoils the bolt of the best gun so that he gets them; the brothers think to get rid of him, call him to visit the cannibal Ouma Djidda; everyone accepts her treat, shares her food salt with her, AZ says he has enough ash bread (so he does not owe her anything); the brothers fell asleep, the cannibal asks AZ if he is sleeping; he replies that the rooster is interfering; she eats the rooster; she eats the rooster; the donkey - donkey; so makes her eat all living creatures; she falls asleep, he wakes up his brothers, they run; they ate cannibal salt, so she catches up with them, eats horses, AZ carries brothers on her mare; father tells AZ bring the cannibal chicken; AZ quietly pokes the chicken with a cane, it rushes around the house, the cannibal throws it outside, AZ picks it up; the same is the carpet (AZ sprinkles thorns into it); the father tells me to bring it herself cannibal; unrecognized, AZ comes, says that his mother is dead, could the cannibal measure whether the chest is tall; the cannibal lies down in it, AZ brings the chest to his father; he opens it, the cannibal eats it him and the AZ brothers; he and his mother are leaving]: Aceval 2005, No. 108:123-128.

Southern Europe. Latins [cf. Ancient Greece]: Ovid. Met. IV. 771, VI. 119.

Western Asia. Saudia [after the death of her father, the youngest of the poor man's three sons began to catch and sell fish; once he could not catch a long time, then caught a big one; she had many little ones in her stomach, including them golden; the young man put it in a bowl of water; then the fish disappeared; a young man came to him, said that he was the son of the king of fish, he was swallowed by a big fish, and the fisherman saved him; brought him to his father, told him to ask for a white chicken; someone was cooking in the house; a young man was waiting for a girl - she was a chicken; they got married; the ruler's servant reported a beauty; to take possession of her, he demanded 120 identical gold-plated reds from the young man fish; the wife created; the ruler demands a blue scarf as long as the road; the wife rafted to her father, delivered a scarf, he has no end; the ruler: a herd of red sheep and a herd of buffaloes; the young man called the ruler cattle; he demanded that 120 heads of such cattle be delivered; his wife sent 120 monsters in cages; they broke out, the ruler burned down with the palace]: Juhaiman 1999:81-86.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Mustang [the elderly couple has a son Lhawa Döndrub, does not leave the house until the age of 8, sits by the window; the king finds out about this, sends two messengers for him; the couple answer that they do not have a son; the same - three, four messengers; when five are sent to kill them all, LD goes to the king; he demands 1) grow grass on the mountain, 2) irrigate the dry land; LD does everything with magic; 3) deliver from the golden peacock demon land; by this time LD is married with a child; LD's mother tells him to fall at the foot of the demon mother when he comes to demon land; she tells him to come to the demon's wife until then not at home; a young woman hides the LD in a hole, covered with a board (Worfelplatte), a copper pot of water on top, then a board again, with three white stones on it; the demon throws all the knowledgeable amulet, he shows a hole above she has a plain, a lake, a plain again, it has three snowy peaks; a demon throws an amulet into the fire, the wife pulls it out half-burnt; so the amulets sometimes reveal the truth and sometimes not; the demon's wife helps LD lure the golden peacock; remains with the mother of demons, and LD and his friend who accompanied him flies to the land of people; the king sends girls with poisoned food to meet them, LD tries, deadly falls ill; a friend brings the news of his death; the widow finds the bone and drops of blood left after the vultures, brings it home, puts it in the chest; LD comes to life; they and a friend fly to the king on a peacock, they fly in front of everyone; the king and his courtiers also want to fly; LD tells the peacock to fly home to the land of demons, where demons killed the king and his entourage; LD became king]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 9:70-76; Tibetans (Sikkim) [King Soroka learns that the boy dreamed that he would become king in his place; tells the boy to leave the country and return when his shoes are worn out; they do not wear out; the boy sees how white and black water snakes fight, throws a shoe at black, carried away by an eagle, a white boy hides him from black horsemen under his hat; grateful whites (nagas) invite him to an underwater palace; he pours food and drink into the crack near the hearth; an old woman comes out, whose mouth was covered with an iron flap for chatter; thanks for the food, tells her to leave as soon as possible, ask for a white dog and a curtain as a gift, a stick; a stick with a curtain turns into a tent, there is a lot of good inside; someone cooks; a young man waits for a girl, threw a dog skin into the fire; the wife orders to disperse the ashes from the skin, the slope is covered with cattle , jewelry; Magpie offers competitions, the winner will get the young man's wife; 1) whose milk spilled from the mountain will reach the foot faster (nagas give a jug); 2) who will collect mustard seeds (nagas give a chest of pigeons, a dove with a broken wing collects); 3) the wife tells you to ask for a military chest of nagas; Magpie demands "a-pho-pho", little men jump out of the chest, kill, eat the king, the young man reigns] : Krapivina 2001:15-33.

China - Korea. Chinese [fisherman regrets, lets go of fish; someone cooks in the house; he finds a girl, calls her daughter; an official demands her as a concubine; requires 24 identical carps (the girl gives); demands a "miracle" ; the girl asks to make tin look like a frog, puts gunpowder inside; the frog answers the call; the fisherman says it feeds on hot coals; the frog explodes, the official dies]: Lin Lin, Ustin 1959 : 313-318; (cf. Chuan Miao [the wife's three sons have a fool; the father tells his daughters-in-law that he lets go one for half a month, the other for 15 days, and the third for two weeks; they do not understand anything, the girl explains; father marries her youngest son; official: make a cloth as long as a river and grow up to a pig weighing a mountain; younger daughter-in-law: here are the scales to weigh the mountain and the ruler to measure the river; official: let the stallion give birth and the rooster will lay eggs; younger daughter-in-law: father gave birth today; official: bring thunder liver and dragon heart; younger brother's wife prepares an explosive mixture, puts a candle in the box, tells her husband and brothers to take it to an official; he dies from an explosion]: Graham 1954:231-232).

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Led by the gods, Perseus first came to Fork's gray-haired and blind daughters, Grayam. Their numbers fluctuate: in Theogony, their two sisters (Hes. Theog. 270-273), Aeschylus has three (Prom. 858). Perseus took Gray's only eye and tooth; returned them after they had shown the way to the nymphs. P. takes Aida's hat, shoulder bag and winged sandals from the nymphs, with which the hero flies across the ocean. P. finds Gorgon sleeping. Externally, the three gorgons are the same, Athena and Hermes help P. identify the only mortal among them, Medusa. Hermes gives him a crooked sword, Athena guides his hand. Looking at the shield as if in a mirror, P. cuts off Medusa's head. He puts his head in his bag. The winged horse Pegasus and Chrysaor (the father of the giant Gerion), the children of Medusa and Poseidon, fly out of the decapitated body. Using his winged sandals and Aida's hat, P. escapes from the survivors Gorgon, goes to Serif, meets Andromeda chained to a rock, exposed to a sea monster. P. kills him with Medusa's head. Before marrying Andromeda, Perseus fights with her ex-fiance Phineas and other conspirators, winning thanks to Medusa's head. After marrying Andromeda, P. returns to Serif with her. King Polydekt, who pursued Danae during her son's absence, dies at the sight of Medusa; Perseus gives Hades's sandals, bag and hat to Hermes, and Gorgon's head to Athena. Hermes returns the received items to the nymphs, and Athena places Gorgon's head in the middle of her shield. P. becomes the ruler of Tyrinth]: Ovid. Met. IV. 771, VI. 119; the Greeks [a sea dwarf with a three-top beard riding a rooster tells the rooster to peck out the king's eyes, he dies]; Hungarians [father sent three sons to know the world; those agreed to eat the youngest's supplies first, then the middle one; after eating the youngest's supplies, they dazzled him and abandoned him; he rolled into a swamp whose mud turned out to be magical: it revived the dead and made him healthy crippled; took a supply of dirt with him; revived a mouse, a bee, a wolf; everyone blew a whistle to call for help; the young man was hired by the same king as his brothers; they want to lime him; it is said that the younger one boasted as if he could remove all the bread from the fields overnight (the mice collected it); maybe build a wax bridge from the palace to the bazaar overnight (the bees built it); deliver 12 wolves by morning; the wolf brought all the wolves in the kingdom; the guy rode the wolf king and the wolves chewed on everyone they saw; the king wanted to pay off, but the wolves tore them all apart, leaving only the princess; the guy still lives with her, unless he died]: Stier 1950: 65-70; Hungarians [magic oxen take the count to the end of the world and throw him into the abyss]; Romanians [royal shepherd Ion went into the cave and let the dragon drink, so that he was able to get out; a grateful dragon brought him to his parents and advised them to ask them for a box as a reward; they reluctantly gave, telling them not to open it along the way; I. discovered, came out, a farm with workers arose; the dragon came back and put everything back; then Jonah caught up with the dragon's sister sent to him as his wife; when she fell asleep, I. burned her dragon skin; the wife said that now he would become the royal servant again; when he learned of the beauty, the king called I. into the service; the old man, in order to get rid of I., advised the king to order him to create a field on the site of the mountain; his wife sounded the horn, calling the earthen animals, and they did everything quickly; another old man advised I. to send I. to the black world to bring a scraper and a comb from the evil elders, and the third to bring something, I don't know what, when I go there, the hell knows where; the wife gave a towel with her name, an apple for which go; created two wooden ducks; if they lay an egg in three years, I. and she would meet again; his wife's first sister did not know what, sent it to the second, the second to the third; she sent for the lame crested lark; the lark led I. to the stump; the dragon came, kicked the stump, the door opened, the dragon demanded from I don't know what to eat with the songs; (when the dragon left), I. also went down, ordered food, drink, songs , music, asked Toh, I don't know what to go with him to the king; he agreed if the king gave him as much gold as he could carry, and he was half the size of a cigarette; King Toh, I don't know what he started playing until everyone fell dead from fatigue; without taking gold, I don't know what he returned to himself; I. came to the monastery built by his wife; both wooden ducks are alive and laid two red eggs; I. s their wife settled in the royal palace]: Bîrlea 1966:426-428.

Central Europe. Slovaks [the father of the snake bride sends the king to hell, makes his son-in-law king].

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [a young lonely fisherman Dovlet caught a huge stump in the sea; brought it home for firewood; woke up in the palace in the morning, food and drinks around; lay down again, pretending to be sleeping; appeared beautiful; agreed to be his wife on condition not to show her to anyone; D. gathered friends, got drunk, spilled, forced his wife to come out of the stump; she predicted disasters; the sultan saw her through the window; viziers advised not to execute D. for no reason, but to give an impossible assignment; the sultan orders to bring a watermelon with a hare inside; wife: hit the water with a stick, my younger sister will come out and take out a watermelon; now The sultan demands a bunch of grapes, which would be enough to satisfy the hunger of troops and residents; the second sister carried them out of the sea; bring a 9-10 year-old boy who will defeat the entire army; the older sister came out of the sea , gave a tiny boy; he grew up, destroyed the army, the sultan and the courtiers; proclaimed D. sultan, and returned to sea himself]: Kondaraki 1875, No. 2:41-46; Kalmyks ["an invisible thing from the unknown countries" smashes Khan's army]; Ossetians [Zaliag-Snake swallows Aldar; giant swallows Aldar and his evil servants]; Balkarians (Western 1965) [poor Khuduychik asked the king for work; the king: to deliver a tree for the arba from the land of five-headed emegen; H. cut, took away the tree; crossing the border of the land of emegen, replies to the fact that X. deliver the tree to make a yoke (the same); deliver the emegen itself; H. comes to cut down trees; says he wants to make a chest catch H. in it; emegen helps; agrees to try it on, gets inside, H. he nailed the lid, brought the chest to the king; the king opened the chest, emegen killed him, ran away; at this time H. climbed the ladder to the throne; emegen: lift me up; H. raises emegen several times and pretends that he cannot hold; when he falls, emegen loses one of his heads every time; after killing emegen, H. took the throne himself]: 364-366; Kumyks [cannibal swallows khan]; Avars [cannibal swallows ruler and courtiers]; Georgians: Chikovani 1954 [seven brothers go to marry, the youngest is Bototina; one, the second dev offers his 7 daughters, the brothers refuse, agree to the third's offer; at night, B. replies to the deva that she is awake, the roar of oxen interferes; dev killed all the cows, left one that gave one nipple butter, the other milk, the third cream, the fourth matsoni; B.: your chickens cackling; dev killed chickens; B. swapped the deva's sleeping brothers and daughters; dev killed his daughters, the brothers ran away, managed to cross the hair bridge; B. was hired as a laborer to the king; he orders to bring 1) a deva carpet (B. stabs with a needle The deva, hiding under the ottoman, thinks that there are fleas in the carpet, hung it in the yard, B. took it away; 2) the deva's cauldron; B. lets himself be caught, advises the deva to hang it over the cauldron for the night, the fat will flow; untied the rope, took the cauldron; 3) the deva himself; B. comes as a carpenter, dev measures the chests, B. stabbed him, brought it to the king, climbed the tower, opened the chest; dev ate the king and his entourage; asks B. how he climbed on tower; B.: set fire to hay, jumped into the fire, the flame lifted me up; dev burned down, B. got the kingdom]: 86-89; 1986 [nine poor brothers go to work as laborers; younger Hutkunchula asks the old woman for water; she sends brothers to a deva who needs shepherds; he only lures workers to eat them; the brothers fall asleep, dev asks who is awake; H. replies that he is because geese are screaming; dev swallowed geese, asks again; the cows are mooing (the same thing); the horses are laughing; H. wakes up the brothers, they run, he locks the door from the outside, the brothers and H. have time to cross the river, the devil is afraid to step on the shaky bridge; H. took the talking away from the deva the goat; the king took it away, demands a flying carpet in return; H. returned to the maiden, stuck needles on the carpet, dev lay down, pricked it, threw away the carpet, H. took it away; the king only awarded H. a hat; envious brothers They persuade the king to send X. to bring all the deva's treasures; H. tells the deva that the king told him to make a flying chest, but H. pulled out all the nails; dev asks him to make a chest; H. suggests trying on, brings the chest to the king, hides in a tree with a piece of salt; the chest is open, the dev eats the king and viziers; H. replies to the deva that he flew up the tree with a block of salt on his chest; dev agrees to lie under the tree, let H. shed salt on him; killed with salt dropped]: 64-68; Armenians [I don't know what (a bearded dwarf) kills the king]; Turks [the sister of giants kills the king's warriors and himself]; Kurds (Iraq; West Prov. Sulaimaniyah, published in literary Arabic) [the fisherman calls the ruler cattle; he puts him in prison, then demands 120 such "cattle"; the fisherman's wife creates monsters from coal and oil; the ruler approaches them with a lamp, they flash, the ruler and the entire palace burn down].

Iran - Central Asia. Baluchi [flying horses throw off the king and the evil vizier]; Turkmens [Khan orders to bring a diva, he kills him].

Baltoscandia. Icelanders [one king has three sons and the other has a daughter; her father is dead; the king asks the princess which of his sons she wants to marry but she has a hard choice; the king decides to marry the one who will get the most valuable treasure in a year; the eldest bought all-seeing glass from another princess; the middle one bought clothes from a dwarf that you can instantly fly anywhere; younger bought an apple from a merchant that treats the sick and revives the dead; the eldest saw the princess on her deathbed, the middle one brought all three to her, the youngest brought her back to life; there is no choice, so the king invited his sons to shoot at the target; the eldest missed badly, the middle one almost hit, and the youngest's arrow disappeared somewhere; the eldest went to a foreign country, the middle married a princess and went to her kingdom, and the youngest also decided to leave; stopped at a stone in the forest; 10 horsemen appeared and took him with them to the city; it was ruled by a young queen; said that she fell in love with a young man and wanted to give he had his own kingdom; he married her; meanwhile, a woman came to the old king, trusted him and married her, although the courtiers were against it; she assured the king that the youngest son was preparing for him death - let him lure him to him; he came and the king ordered him to complete three assignments in a year, otherwise he would execute him; 1) get a tent that can accommodate a hundred people, but which you can take in your hand; 2) water, which cures any disease; 3) bring a person unlike any other in the world; when the youngest son returns to his wife, she says that she has such a tent; water in a nearby dark one the cave, guarded by 7 lions and 3 vipers; the wife went to the cave, threw the lions in the wild and the snakes by the pig; she brought water; an unusual man is her brother, who owns an island nearby; he is three feet tall, a beard of 30 cubits, one eye in his forehead; he has a dog face and cat eyes; the princess's father conceived him with a giantess; you have to come to him in royal vestments, be very kind and give him a ring that he had long wanted to have; the dwarf is glad they came to the king; the dwarf killed the queen with a pole with which he moved, and she immediately became a terrible giantess; the king was brought to life with living water; he was guilty to his son and handed over the kingdom to him]: Poestion 1884, No. 14:103-118.

Volga - Perm. The Bashkirs [the stepmother gives her stepson tasks; he brings the dragon, she falls into a boiling pot; I don't know what, she smashes the king's army, the king is executed].

Turkestan. Kazakhs [khan orders to bring a sunny beauty, she turns him into a wolf, a vizier into a fox]; Kyrgyz [old man Bardot has 3 sons, the younger Bert-Er (BE); in starvation, the elder sold himself as slaves rich Boilyt; it is known that he ate skin from another servant; B. ordered to cut 10 carts of firewood in a day, otherwise he will punish him severely; the guy is tired, lost consciousness, B. came, took the bulls, took everything; when the guy returned, B. ordered him to skin his back, arms and legs and throw him into the water; the same with his second brother; BE cut wood and killed bulls; B. was frightened; BE wants to marry his daughter Kashen; the servant advises to send BE bring an immortal dragon; he is imprisoned in a cave by hero Karaman; BE brought a dragon that devours people to B.; B. gave EB a daughter and BE killed him; wedding; B.'s body was fed to dogs]: Muchman 1944:9-12.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Altaians [the Karagul beast, Ker-Balyk, the Kan-Kerede bird consistently destroy Toibon Khan's cattle and people; then the Lord of the Dead Yerlik kills T. and his people; Karaty-Kaan sends a curse to his son, he turns into an empty cauldron; Ulug-Piy orders to bring Kudai's daughter, who turns him into a fox, his cattle into black land]; Tuvans [Yerlik comes for his stolen knife; an army raging like the Kalchaa-Dalai Sea kills Karati Khan]; Khakas [the king demands living and dead water, the beauty pours dead water on him, alive on the hero]; the Buryats [celestial Esege-Malan thunders an evil father who seeks to lime his son]; the Mongols [Khan's six evil officials envy good things, ask the khan to give him impossible assignments; 1) bring a sage from the Ar-Gol area (the bird puts the good on his back, carries him through the underworld; the lords of red, white and black luses (underground inhabitants) give good hadaki (hadak is a Buddhist scarf), and on the way back there are caskets of these flowers; the sage was brought); 2) build a cast iron house in three days (he is building a black casket); 3) deliver seven bags of gold (a white casket) by morning delivers, officials snatch them up); 4) get seven amazing things (seven lightning from the red casket kill Khan and his entourage)]: Mikhailov 1962:131-136 (=1967:154-160); Dagurs: Bender, Su Huana 1984 [the younger brother fell ill and died; the eldest met a monster in the forest, who let him go for promising to bring him human eyes; he blinded his brother's widow, brought her eyes; little nephew and He lodged his niece in a hut; the servant takes care of them; the uncle tells them to leave the children in the forest, but the house has already been prepared there; the servant reports about the flying horse on which the father rode, calls the horse, burning the stems of wormwood; with a horse a weapon; the first time a boy (his name is Hareladi Mergen) cannot pull a bow, hold the horse; after two years he becomes strong, finds his father's horse and weapon; the uncle's wife overhears the servant's conversation with blinded; the uncle goes to XM, calls to hunt, kills with a shot in the back; the sister turns into a hare; the horse tells her to go to the lake where three heavenly fairies fly; we must steal their feather clothes, bring him a horse; fairies find the murdered young man, guess everything, revive him; they bring them into their house; the hare whispers that she is his sister, tells him to test the fairies who have a kinder heart; leaving, HMM consistently leaves the hare with the older, middle, younger fairies; the hare spoils what they sewn; the first two scold and hit her, the third says that the seam on the boots was bad, strokes and cares for the hare; XM marries a younger fairy; the wife gives XM magic wands, turns him into a golden hornet so that he can regain his mother's eyes; XM flies into the monster's ear, climbs into his chest, stings his heart; getting out , finds a pantry full of human eyes; takes his mother's eyes away, restores her vision; uncle asks XM to catch a snake in the East Sea and a wild boar in the Northern Mountains; in the form of a hornet, XM climbs inside wild boar (and apparently a snake), they are powerless to do anything, he brings them, ties them to the gate; uncle and wife go out, one is eaten by a boar, the other is eaten by a snake; HM lives well with his family]: 92-102; Stuart et al. 1994 [ the mother is dying, her adult daughter and son made a coffin; the son went hunting; at this time the 9-headed monster ate half of his sister; when he returned, the brother thought that the sister looked terrible; asked her to try on the coffin - if it suits her, then her mother; boarded up the lid, threw it into the river; the mother died, the son buried her; the coffin swam, the woman gave birth to a son, he speaks from birth, is strong; a year later he knocked out the lid, built a hut from coffin boards; hunts bigger game; a woman's brother came to them by chance; she said that the owner of the lower world did not accept her; brother said let his nephew find that monster and bring her back half of the mother's body; the monster had to regurgitate what was swallowed, the son restored the mother's body; now the uncle demands that the nephew 1) bring a huge wild boar (he brought it); 2) planted 900 thousand trees, inhabited them with 500,000 animals (the young man asks for help from the monster, he is the owner of the mountain, everything is done); when an uncle comes with his people, the nephew lowers the animals, they tear them apart]: 162-163.

Eastern Siberia. Northeastern Yakuts: Ergis 1964, No. 63 (1945, Abysky Ulus, Indigirka) [Baay Kara Khaan's son asks his father to get him the wife of poor Ereideeh-Buruidaah; he 1) sends EB to the land of the dead bring the cattle eaten at the wake of his ancestors; while he is away, B.'s son comes to the woman, she seems not to notice him, says that the EB log that has fallen out of the stove would pick up; son B. raises a log touches the stove, a woman tells him to stick to the stove for the night, half of his clothes are burnt, the other in the frost; in the morning E. brings cattle, but the animals die soon; 2) remove them from the dead and bring them their clothes; the episode repeats, the guy stuck to the door for the night; the sun hides for three days; after that, there is only a swamp on the site of B.'s estate]: 226-228 (=Illarionov et al. 2008, No. 24:271-275; retelling in Sivtsev, Efremov 1990:112-118, in Sivtsev-Omolloon 1976:80-84); Potanin 1883, No. 187 (Verkhoyansky) [three sons of poor Bordeaux consistently sell themselves into slavery to rich Boilyt; the first two cannot do the job, they have been skinned off; younger Bert-Air does everything easily; one person advises sending Burt-Er for a monstrous bear; Boyilyt sends, promising a daughter; Bert-Er brings the monster, it smashes Boilyt's farmstead, destroys his people; Boylyt in horror, gives his daughter]: 641-647.

Amur-Sakhalin. Udege people [(=Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 103:265-467, referring to Arsenyev 1917-1925, No. 1:701-705); old man Kanda hides his daughter in a box; When he asks her to marry, K. demands to bring sunny sky light; E. meets a fox with two, then 11 tails; shoots 10, since then the fox has one tail; brings K.; he replies that he does not need fox tails, but sunlight; E. goes again; two birds they fight over the nest, E. reconciles them, makes them a second nest; fish in shallow water, E. lets it into the water; meets Brother K.; he promises to help if E. sprinkles a bag of chumiza by the sea and then collects it; birds collect; pour a bag of abdu (coppers) into the sea, collects the fish; brother K. asks him to give his daughter, but K. demands sunlight again; the old woman gives a small saw; E. will meet a bear, a wild boar, an elk, lying without moving; then red deer with horns to the sky; the bear's teeth grew into the ground, E. sawed them off, the bear is grateful; tells the deer to climb into the sky by the horns, saw off on the way back; in the sky it is necessary to bow to the Month, he will help; E. sawed off the boar's fangs, but he left without thanking; in heaven, the old man (obviously the Month) gives a parcel, tells him not to open it on the way; going down to the ground, E. saws off the horns deer, he is grateful; runs a bundle through the wool, now the red deer's ass is red; E. gave the bundle to K., took the girl; K. and his wife unfolded, burned; after marrying, E. gave the tiger a beautiful shirt (since then that striped), the tiger taught her how to hunt well; the magpie helped E., and he also gave her clothes]: Arsenyev 1995 (1): 117-120.

Japan. Japanese [various monsters].

The coast is the Plateau. Comox [snake with heads on both ends of its body]: Boas 1895, No. VIII.3:65-68 (=2002:181-186); katlamet [Norka asks Puma's older brother for the name of the lake; you can't name it, it will go rain; Mink insists; rain washes it away, it goes with the flow; gets to Puma's wife; the old man, her relative, wants to destroy him; 1) knocks a tree down on him (Mink bounces); 2) throws him into the river into a basket of stones (Mink swims out); 3) who won't sleep longer (Mink sprinkles rotten wood on his eyelids, closed eyelids glow); 4) bring two wolves with whom the old man played as a child (Mink leads, wolves bite the old man); 5) the same, bears; 6) the same, raccoons; 7) the same, grizzly; they kill the old man]: Boas 1901a, No. 14:112-117.

Plains. Crowe [bison]; arikara [spotted bison].

The Great Southwest. Hopi [rattlesnake].