Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27x6. The stars and the wind guide the hero. .15.16.27.-.29.31.

Going in search of a marriage partner, the hero or heroine finds himself in the incarnations of stars and atmospheric phenomena (sun, moon, stars, wind). The last one has the right information.

Portuguese, Spanish, Italian (Piedmont, Veneto), Ladins, Corsicans, Maltese, French (Nièvre), Germans (Pomerania, Grimms), Slovenes, Croats, Serbs, Hungarians, Romanians, Albanians, Greeks, Czechs, Slovaks, Western Ukrainians, Eastern (?) Ukrainians, Ingush, Lithuanians, Norwegians.

Southern Europe. The Portuguese (Algarve) [an enchanted prince flies to the window of the youngest of the three sisters as a bird, dips himself in a bowl of water; envious sisters put razors in the water; the youngest saw blood, went to look for the prince; came to the mother of the Month, she hid her; Month: I smell a man; the mother of the Month asks him, he does not know, sends him to the Wind; the Mother of the Month gives a golden reel; the Wind sends to the Sun, the Mother of the Wind gives a gold spinning rod decorated with diamonds; the Sun shows the way, his mother gives a golden spindle; at the palace, a girl begins to wind yarn on a reel, the queen buys it for the girl's right to spend the night in the prince's room; the spinning rod is the same; the girl tells the sick prince everything, he recovers immediately; wedding; {the end is clearly crumpled}]: Braga 2002:169-170; the Portuguese (Coimbra) [the king was a player; once lost his own crown to a servant; when the servant received it, two doves flew in and took it away; in fact, it is the king's wife and his daughter Branca Flor (" white flower"; BF); the king promises his servant a daughter if he returns the crown; he comes to Rain's mother, who first hides it, but her son is friendly; says that he does not know about doves, let him go to the Wind; then But: let him go to the Sun; Sun: doves in the kingdom of birds, have made nests for themselves in the crown; here's my horse to get there; grab the crown, and let the king of birds give you wings to fly to your king; It happened; but the king does not want to give his daughter to the servant; demands that by morning the young man sow wheat, harvest, cook flour and bake bread; BF: do not worry; everything is done by morning; carry it to the palace boulders visible in the distance (pedreiras); same; move the sea to the palace; BF: here's a bottle of blood from my hand; splash out the spray towards the palace, there will be the sea; but just so that not a single drop on you hit; the young man did so, in the morning the palace is on the island; but one drop fell on the young man's finger and he fell off; the king agreed to marry; in marriage, the BF shows the young man a sword hanging by a thread: he must fall; we must run before midnight, for then the mother of the BF will gain witchcraft abilities and will know everything; you must sit on horses that are fast as thought, not fast as the wind; but the young man made a mistake and brought horses who are like the wind; Queen to the king: take your time until morning, and sit on a thought horse in the morning and catch up; BF: I'll turn horses and us into a salad field; when my father asks if you've seen the BF, answer about the salad; in next time the chapel and priest are at the altar; instead of answering the king's question, he talks about mass; the third time the sea, the ship, the sailor, and the BF herself is mullet at sea; the sailor answers about going to the sea; the Queen understood everything, came to the sea and told the lovers to forget about each other and everything that had happened to them; and so happened; but after a few years, the king and queen died, and the BF thought about getting married; but on her wedding day, the young man's memory began to return; a couple of pigeons promised to help him; the servant served a pie, a pigeon and a dove flew out of it, swam in a vat of water, and started conversation; the dove speaks on behalf of the young man and the dove on behalf of the BF - I don't remember anything; all the episodes are listed; at the end, the BF remembered everything and called the young man her real husband; he became king]: Coelho 1879, No. 14:25-31; the Spanish [the poor man goes for the twigs, grabs the willow, the dragon tells him to bring him what he will meet first at home; he thinks it will be a dog, the youngest daughter comes out; he sends first the eldest, middle, the dragon rejects them; at night he sheds his skin, becomes handsome; the dragon's wife visits the sisters, they envy, burn their skin, the husband tells them to look for him in the gilded castle, having worn out seven pairs iron shoes; wife and son come to the old woman, she tells her to wait for the Moon Eagle to return; the Moon sends her Sun Brother, he sends him to the Wind Brother, the Wind takes her to the castle, where her missing person marries husband; wife consistently kindles three coal given by her husband, each fulfills a wish to have a beautiful spinning wheel; for three spinning wheels, the wife buys three nights in the prince's bedroom; on the third night, the prince does not drink sleepy potion, returns to his wife and son]: Malinovskaya 2002:233-237; Italians (Piedmont) [the king has a pig son (King Crin), he asks to marry him one of the baker's three daughters; the eldest agreed, but expresses her disgust, found dead in the morning; the same middle one; the youngest caressed him, at night the pig turns into a young man; the wife lit a splint (taper) to look at him, the coal fell, the husband woke up; said that his wife would see him if she cried 7 bottles of tears, stacked 7 pairs of iron shoes, wears 7 iron cloaks and 7 iron hats; on the way, a young woman came to the mother of the wind (she gives a chestnut), lightning (gives walnuts), thunder (hazel nut); comes to the palace, whose mistress is going to marry a former pig; breaks chestnut and nuts, diamonds in the first, silk outfits in the second, silk outfits in the second, the third is horses and carriages; each time she exchanges treasures from the landlady for the right to spend the night in the prince's room; the first two nights he sleeps, because the hostess gave him sleeping pills; on the third night, the prince does not drink, hugs his wife, they return home]: Calvino 1980, No. 19:57-60; Italians (Veneto) [the witch wanted to be the king's wife, but he chose another one, so the witch did so that the son who was born was covered in piggy skin; the son grew up and asked his father to marry him the eldest of three sisters; when the groom lay down in a puddle at the wedding and then sat down with the bride, she called him real a pig; in the morning she was found dead in bed; the same with her middle sister; the youngest did not disgust the groom, but called her a treasure; at night he took off his pigskin and turned out to be handsome; forbid his wife to do so tell; the prince comes to the tournament three times; seeing his daughter-in-law next to the handsome man, the prince's mother calls her a libertine and wants to kill; when she learns about the skin removed, she burns her; the prince disappears, the wife goes to searching; The evening star (Stella d'oro, man) gives a nut, sends it to the Sun; he also gives a nut, refers to the Wind; the mother of the Wind hides it, asks her son, who says that the prince lives behind the mountain, they are with The sun will go there tomorrow to dry clothes; the mother of the Wind gives a chestnut; the prince marries again, in his house an unrecognized wife was hired as a goose; split a walnut, wearing an Evening Star dress; gives it to a new one the bride overnight with the prince; she puts sleeping pills; the same on the second night (the dress is like the sun); the most beautiful chestnut dress; the prince just pretended to fall asleep; found out that his wife had worn it out in search of him iron shoes; returned to her and drove the new bride away]: Widter et al. 1866, No. 12:249-254; frets: Uffer 1973, No. 44 [=Brunold-Bigler, Widmer 2004, No. 33:207-219; the widow's son goes to work; Sees how 10 winged maidens flew to the lake, took off their wings, began to swim, then flew back to the mountain peaks; the next time the young man hid, took the wings of his youngest; she became his wife; he laid down wings in the chest and told his mother not to leave the key in the lock; she left it, the wife found her wings, flew away, telling her to look for her on the glass mountain; the young man went in search; the young man directs him to the old man; he sent to his sister Moon to the top of the mountain; the moon sends the Sun to his older brother; he sends the Sun to his older brother; he gives a ball that rolls towards the glass mountain; the wind lifted the young man up the mountain ; there in the house, the mother of bird girls offers tasks; 1) cut down the forest with a lead ax (the bride tells me to go to bed, the job is done); 2) scoop the lake with a scoop of holes (the same); 3) get to know the bride among her sisters (she tied a red ribbon to her leg); the bride tells her to run, throw three red lice behind one another; each turns into a mountain, one taller than the other; the mother cannot defeat the third mountain, stops persecution; young man brings his wife to him; wedding]: 211-220; Wildhaber, Uffer 1971, No. 54 [poor parents have many children; gentleman in green clothes offered gold for having a woman in long; she thought it was coal, and agreed; gave birth to a boy; the master ordered him to be sent to him in 7 years; when the boy was 5, his parents sent it to his hermit godfather; he taught him to read a wise book; at the age of 7, the boy was picked up by an eagle, dropped over the mountain, where the castle of three mountain maidens; when he grew up, he fell in love with the youngest; wedding; the young man wanted to see his parents and godparents; the wife gave a ring, with which to summon her; but you can't call her without an important reason; he was offered a bride, he said he had a better one, called the fairy; she was furious; when they went back, she took theirs the ring and disappeared; he went to look for that mountain; he meets three old men successively; this is the north wind, the west wind and the wind in the mountains; the first gives a speed shoe, the second an invisible hat, the third staff, rising to the rock; invisible, the young man entered the hall where his wife was married to another; opened up to his wife, who fell in love with him again; asked the maid: the key was lost, a new one was made, the old one was found which one to choose; maid: old; wedding again]: 182-186; Corsicans [the sorcerer gave the jeweler a diamond ring, ordered, if he did not come for it himself, to give it to the one who repeated the request three times; the young man overheard, received the ring, told him to create a castle better than the royal one; the king married him to his daughter; the sorcerer began to walk, offering new rings to replace the old ones; his wife, not knowing the value of the ring, gave it to the sorcerer; he carried it and castle on Elbe Island; husband goes in search; the King of the Winds, 100 years old, refers to the king of animals, he is 200 years old, he is the king of birds, he is 300 years old; their subjects do not know where Elba Island is; finally, the old one has arrived the eagle, he knew, brought a man, who told his wife to find out where the sorcerer's soul was; there was a barrel in the sea, a dove in the barrel, an egg in the blue; when it was broken, the sorcerer died, the husband and wife took the ring, moved the castle back]: Massignon 1984, No. 73:61-63; Maltese [a sorcerer kidnaps a girl; a young man enters the palace, lights a candle against advice; wax drips on the girl, she disappears; to save her, you must kill the sorcerer; three women, one older than the other, guide him towards the target; the oldest is the mother of the north wind; after the girl has disappeared, the young man must wear 7 pairs of iron shoes]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 425P: 117- 118.

Western Europe. The French (Nièvre) [the prince smashed a jug of butter carried by the old woman with a ball; she wished him love for three oranges; the prince fell ill with love and went in search with two companions; they they come to the south, east, north wind; the mother of the winds hides them every time and teaches them what to do next; they come to the castle; they oil the rusty door and it opens; they throw them to predatory pigs acorns, give giants ropes to get water out of the well (they took it out using their hair instead of ropes); let other women sweep the heat out of the oven (they did it with their bare hands); sweep a dusty dirty staircase; they comb a lousy old woman, who falls asleep for the first time in many years; the prince sees and picks up three oranges, runs away with her companions; the old woman tells the stairs, etc., to detain the fugitives, but they refuse, because those who came cleaned them, fed them, etc.; on the way back, the prince opens one orange, a beautiful woman comes out, asks for a drink, dies; the same with the second; the third opens at the spring; brings a beauty to a king who knows the prince's father and dreamed of marrying a prince to his daughter; sends the prince for jewelry and clothes for the beauty he brought in, and his daughter stabs a pin in her head and the girl flies away with a dove; the liar says she has darkened by the sun and wind; the prince's father and courtiers are surprised that his fiancée is ugly; on the eve of the wedding, the dove talks to the cook; sits on prince's hand; he groped and took out a pin; wedding; the liar was burned at the stake]: Delarue, Tenèze 1964, No. 408:59-63; Germans (Pomerania) [returning from afar, the king told the fisherman immediately bring vendace fish; he replied that they did not have it, but the king did not want to listen; the fisherman threw a net, but no vendace; someone came up and promised to help the fisherman if he promised 14 years later give him what he did not know at home; and let him sign in blood; the fisherman brought vendace and found out that his wife had given birth to a son and the queen had a daughter; when he found out what was going on, the king refused to eat the fish and ordered it to be thrown away back at sea; the fisherman's son grew up in the castle like a prince; when he found out that the line was promised, the young man cried; but a tiny man came, gave him a book and said it would help; the hell took the young man hundreds of miles away; demanded to throw the book away, threaten to throw it into the sea, but he did not throw it away; and when they landed, the young man drew a cross sign in the sand so that the devil could not leave his seat; he had to hand over the receipt and write another one about the fact that he has no control over the young man; the devil flew away, and the young man went across the plain; six days later he saw a mound and a door; an old man in the room; he was ready to receive the young man, but when he went up the hill, he must hold to the left and not turn to the right; but he was tired of it; the old man warned that death was waiting to go to the right; the young man still went, there was an iron gate in front of him; someone's hands seemed to raise him and he found himself in room; everything he wanted appeared immediately; in the evening a black woman came in and disappeared; at 11, three dwarfs came in, told the young man to play cards with them; he did not react; then they began to play with him like he was with a ball, and disappeared at midnight; the young man woke up when the sun was already high; on the second day, the same; the woman turned half white; until 12, the young man was hacked and slaughtered, and then he was whole again; on the third evening, a woman became three-quarters bright; the young man was spoken to in the voice of his father, but he knew that it was all hell; the mother was the same; he woke up in the royal bedchamber; the disgraced princess threw herself around his neck; One day a young man wanted to go home to bring his parents; wife: here's a white horse, he'll ride, but he can only carry one person - leave his parents where they are now; the horse flew above the clouds; the parents did not recognize their son; when he opened, he also met the king; he paraded; but the young king told the old king that his kingdom was much larger and his wife was incomparably more beautiful than the king's daughter; his wife warned me not to say anything, but the king violated her order and was now thrown into prison; he asked the children to bring his white horse, but he was not there; but the old king was here received a letter from the young wife: to let her husband go, otherwise the city would be turned to ashes; when he saw the young king's wife and her warriors, the old king realized that the young man was telling the truth; the wife disappeared, leaving her husband iron shoes and a staff: he will find it when they are worn out; in the forest I came across three who shared the inheritance: an invisibility cloak, boots by leaps and bounds and a hat that shoots silently; the king put on a cloak, all took it and fled; came to the house, where the mother of the month is the cannibal; had dinner; then to the Sun; on the third evening to the Wind; he knows where the kingdom of the king's wife is; she is now celebrating a new wedding; they immediately arrived and the wind caused a terrible storm; the Queen sent a master to repair the towers; the king agreed with him that he would give him a job in the queen's room; when the newlyweds came in, the king began to beat them, remaining invisible ; the groom thought the hell was here and ran away; the king opened up to the Queen; the wedding took place, but they had it]: Jahn 1891, No. 54:281-298; the Germans (Pomerania) [father and son went to sea to fish; the storm knocked over a boat; his father was carried to his native shore and his son to a stranger; a hunter approached him and concluded an agreement; he would hunt all week for him, and on Sundays for himself; but he must return before the priest starts a sermon in church; two Sundays in a row, the young man does not see a single animal in the forest except a white deer, which also escapes him; on the third day, a deer turns a lady in black, leaves him in her palace and asks him to remain silent for three nights; he is cut to pieces, minced meat is made, but at midnight everything ends and the lady revives him; after the third night she is disgraced; she is a queen Tiefenthal; the young man wants to visit his parents; promises not to talk about his wife; she gives a ring, it instantly takes him to the right place; he brags about his wife's beauty, the local gentleman is insulted, throws the young man in prison; his wife comes and helps him out, disappears, leaving his iron shoes and staff; they should be worn out; he comes to the East Wind, he sends him to the South, South to the West; only the North knows where Tiefenthal; he dries clothes there, he is washed for the Queen's wedding; takes the young man to the newlyweds door; he asked the servant to give him bread and wine, threw a ring into the glass, the Queen found out; said he broke his promise, but since he found her again, she would marry him again; courtiers: the former king has more rights than the new; the couple were separated for so long, they celebrated their wedding times; if they did not die, they still live]: Jahn 1891, No. 55:298-304; Germans (Pomerania) [the son of a poor widow does not want to herd pigs; shear sheep; she leads him to seek service; the master takes over; leaves for a year, at which time the young man must keep order in the house, but not enter the 12th room; he fulfills the condition twice, the owner is happy; on the last day of the third year he opens a room; there the black raven is nailed to the wall; asks for a drink; the young man gives him water, the nails fall out, the raven flies away; immediately a book falls off the shelf; the young man tries to put it in place, but it falls again and again; the young man picks her up; the owner returns, but says that when the young man released the crow, his service had just ended; so he generously rewarded the young man and let him go; he opened the book, the Moor appeared and asked what the owner wanted; soon the young man had a magnificent palace, and the king gave him a daughter; but the general was dissatisfied; when he got to the young man's wife, he persuaded her to find out what caused the young man's sudden enrichment; young man tells his wife; the general grabs the book and tells the Moor to move the palace to where there is no moon or sun; the young man goes in search; the East wind carries him to the West, that to the South, the South to the North, the North to the mother of water, she to her daughter, the mother of the earth; the mother of the earth summons all the creatures of earth; one mouse knows about the palace; she gets into it, pulls out the book from under the general's pillow; he wants to kill the mouse, but the wife says that this is their son's favorite toy; the young man tells the Moor to put the inhabitants of the palace to sleep and move them back; shows the king his daughter in the arms of the general; forgives his wife, and the genital was torn by four bulls]: Jahn 1891, No. 58:317-224; Germans [the eldest daughter asks for pearls, the middle daughter asks for diamonds, the youngest is a skylark singing jumper; the father saw the lark in the castle, wanted to grab it, jumped out a lion; he gives a lark for a promise to give what he sees first at home; the youngest daughter comes out first; she goes to the forest, there is a queen who turns into a lion during the day; she comes to her older sister's wedding; when the wedding is average, the lion does not want to go, for he will become a dove if a candle falls on him; so it happened; she follows a dove that drops blood drops and feathers; when the trail disappears, asks the sun (gives a casket), a month (gives an egg), the wind (only the south wind knows that the lion is fighting the dragon, the enchanted royal); tells you to cut off the 11th vine and hit the dragon; then, together with her husband, you must jump on the vulture, he will fly; you have to throw a nut, an island will appear in the sea, the vulture will rest; but the dragon, becoming a woman, took the lion away; in the casket there is a golden dress, the girl buys the bride's night with her husband, he is intoxicated sleeping pills; golden chicken with chickens in the egg; this time the husband poured out the potion; they sat on the neck, throwing a nut into the sea, flew home; their son is already older]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 88:292-296 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:232-236).

The Balkans. Slovenes [the gentleman tells the fisherman to catch fish in three days for the feast he is having; the fisherman caught nothing; someone in green clothes promises a rich catch for promising to give what the fisherman has he does not know at home; he will come for his promise in 20 years; the fisherman agreed, immediately caught fish; the man in green warned that the fisherman promised him a son; after completing his studies, the young man tells his father to approach him with him on the shore and when he steps with one foot into the green man's boat, say "In the name of the father, and the son, and the Holy Spirit!" ; after that, the boat with the green man and the young man disappeared; they found themselves in the town of Perdonkorten ("Wundergarten"); in the castle, the snake tells her to kiss, he tells her to die in response; the next night, the same, snakes have two heads; the third is three-headed, he kisses her, she turns into a girl; after that, the castle and the city are disgraced, the owner of the castle (and he is the girl's father) and the people greet the young man; he began to miss at home, decided to visit his father; the wife gave a ring that would allow him to travel to his father and return back; if he tells others about the ring, it will be lost; on earth, the master wants to give the young man one of his two daughters; a young man tells them about the ring; they put him to sleep and stole the ring; after 5 years, the young man decides to go to Perdenkorten without a ring; comes to a woman, she has three dangerous brothers; a young man calls himself after their missing fourth brother; they have speed shoes, an invisibility cloak, a hat that makes its way through any obstacle; he asks for permission to wear it all, disappears comes to the house of the sun; his servant is there; the sun has returned, says he does not know about Perdenkorten, tells him to turn to the moon; she also does not know, sends it to the wind; he says that tomorrow he will freshen up with the breeze who have gathered for the wedding of the princess there; thanks to his wonderful objects, the young man follows the wind through all obstacles; remaining invisible, the young man drops church books on the floor, which the chaplain laid out for the wedding; the old wedding is upset, the princess marries a young man; storyteller: they gave me wine in a sieve and bread in a glass and one on the back with a shovel; after that I left]: Wratislaw 1890, No. 58:301-312; Croats [a woman was going home when childbirth began, gave birth under a bridge; three Royenitzes came up {Women in labor?} ; one proposed to immediately take the baby's life, the second to kill him when he grows up, and the third to kill him if he does not marry the daughter of King Vilas; the blacksmith told the young man to go to the mother of the month, gave three pairs of iron shoes; after wearing out the first pair, the young man came to the mother of the month, who hid it, but the month did no harm and directed it to the sun; on the way, the young man wore out the second pair of shoes; the sun directed to the mare to the wind (third pair); the young man managed to stay on the mare's back, she brought a pitchfork to the castle; after the feast, the young man hides three times with the mare (in the tail, under the hoof), in the morning tells the king that he is drunk somewhere fell asleep; the third time the young man brought two eggs, the mare held them in his mouth, cockerels hatched from them, they sang in the morning, the demons who were looking for the young man disappeared; the mare orders to grab the king's daughter, they gallop away; the king pursues, the burden throws chips (forest), crest (mountains), glass of water (pond); the king struggles to overcome obstacles; however, the mare goes through the steps (not entirely clear), and the king cannot; he throws daughters a wish-fulfilling belt; wedding]: Wratislaw 1890, No. 53:278-283; Serbs [the queen asks God for a son, even a snake; 22 years later, the serpent asked him to marry any girl; parents offered him to choose himself; he pointed to the poor girl; his wife was soon pregnant; his mother-in-law persuaded him to confess: at night, snakes become handsome; mother-in-law advised me to take the skin at night and give it to her through window; burned my skin; husband: you'll see me when you foot iron shoes and an iron staff; and you can give birth when I forgive you; wife has been pregnant for three years; went in search; came to the mother of the Sun Girl; she hid it; the Sun feels the human spirit; the Sun sent for the Month; the mother of the Sun gave a golden spinning wheel; the same; the Month sent to the Wind; the mother of the Month gave a golden hen with chickens; Wind: your husband in another kingdom as a king, married; the mother of the Wind gave a gold loom; Wind: lay out your gifts there in front of the palace; gives them to the queen in turn three nights in advance with her husband; she gives her husband a sleepy potion; The servant told the king the third night, who quietly poured out the potion; the wife gave birth to a boy with golden hands and hair; all three of them returned to their country]: Karadzic 1854, No. 10:81-89 (=Eschker 1992, No. 4:34-40 ); Serbs [=Arkhipova 1962:203-208, Eschker 1992, No. 24:127-135; Tsar Petar has a beautiful daughter; Tsar Tatarin demanded her as his wife, otherwise he would ruin the kingdom; P. ordered to build a tower and wall it up he and his daughter are in it for three years; to say that his daughter died, and he himself went to ask the Sun why the days are shorter in winter and hot in summer; Tsar Tatar came, looked at the empty palace and no longer came; three years later P. left, but his daughter disappeared; the sentenced to death promised to find her if he was pardoned; came to the old woman, greeted her respectfully; old woman: it's good that he did so, otherwise I am 5 dragon sons; she promised them not to harm their named brother; one senses any trace, the other can steal a lamb from under the sheep, the third will instantly build a tower, the fourth a sharpshooter, the fifth will pick up everything that falls from above; one found the princess's trail, the second stole her from the arms of a 7-headed dragon, a third built a tower and they all took refuge in it; the dragon with the seventh head He scorched the tower from above and carried the princess away again; but the fourth of the dragon brothers pierced his heart with an arrow, and the fifth picked up the dropped princess; they argued who should get it; asked the mother of the Wind, who sent to the Mother of the Month, the Mother of the Month to the Mother of the Sun, the Mother of the Sun advised her own mother to ask; she told all six to make the princess a sister; they became the Pleiades - six brothers- dragons, their named brother and princess; every year they bypass the mothers of Wind, Month, Sun, thank them for their advice; from Yuriev's spring day to Vidovdan (June 28), they are on the road, they are not visible]: Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991: 212-218; Hungarians [the king placed his daughter in a tower to isolate her from men; one of the two wanderers lifted the stem up to the window; its smell made the girl pregnant; the father placed her in a barrel, threw it into the sea; the barrel was nailed to the island, the girl got out, gave birth to a son, he grew up, began swimming across the strait to the mainland, bringing apples to his mother from there; his mother herself baptized him in the name of his father of the sun, his godfather of the month and his star cousins; his name is Beautiful Szérus; his hussar costume and sword fell from the tree; on a tree trunk he transported his mother across the strait; towards the giant, S. his hacked; brought his mother to the giant castle; the king of giants met with mother S., they decided to get rid of S.; the mother pretended to be sick: we must bring the bear cub and eat his heart; the bear gave bear cub; when she saw him, the mother said that she had already recovered; the same with the wolf cub; the lion cub; the mother suggests that S. jokingly tie his thumbs - whether she will be able to break; she cannot; the giant agrees to perform his last wish; S. asks to put three whistles given by a bear, a she-wolf and a lioness in his mouth; the lion grabbed the giant, the wolf the woman, the bear tore his fetters; S. cut the giant, pieces of meat into the trough, secondly, water, the mother left between the troughs; left with her animals; a bride is needed; the bear advises asking the sun - Father S.; the lion brought them all to heaven; the sun does not know about brides, advises turn to the month; the month to the stars, or rather to the Morning Star; neither of the stars know, let the winds ask, they are blowing everywhere; they replied that his betrothed sleeps in the golden cradle at the bottom of hell, 42 features rock her; S. and the animals returned to earth; the count himself tried to get this girl, promised to help; S. grabbed the girl, the devils in pursuit; the lion threw the brush (forest), the handkerchief (the sea); the bear threw three pins (three mountains to the sky); the devils could not overcome them; the count took the girl; she would marry only someone who could milk three golden mares; the animals milked; she would marry someone who buys in their milk , heated to a boil; the animals cooled it, S. swam, became handsome; the count also wanted to swim, the animals heated the milk, the count cooked; the girl was going to marry S., he went out into the garden, fell asleep, the youngest the count's brother cut off his head; the animals saw a snake, whose snake was cut in half with a scythe, carrying healing grass; the lion stepped on the snake's head, the animals took the grass, the snake hit the lion with its tail, ripping it off wool, only the mane remained; first the head was attached backwards, had to be redone; at this time, the count's brother was preparing the wedding; the lion and the wolf tore him apart; the wedding; S. dug up his mother, she ate meat a giant, took a sharp bone, put her son in bed, she pierced his heart; the animals revived him with that elixir taken from the snake, tore his mother; a son was born; when he was 7 years, 7 months, days, hours and minutes, 3 stones must be sprinkled with blood; S. did it, his three animals became princes again, the castle of the giants is their castle; S.'s son did not die, they only took blood from him; they are all alive if they did not die]: Dé gh 1965, No. 8:109-126; Hungarians [the queen creates a palace and a golden bridge and gets a princess; the minister steals the watch {apparently this is the magic item}, moves the palace and the Queen's wife to a remote place; the queen comes to the sun, the month, the wind, then to the mouse kingdom; his queen gathers the people; only an old mouse knows where the stolen palace is, gnaws through the strap and returns the watch]: Stier, no. 13 in Aarne 1908:57; Romanians [when leaving, the emperor tells three daughters not to unlock one room; the eldest insists on unlocking; there's a table and a book, it says that the eldest the sister will marry the emperor of the East, the middle sister will marry the Emperor of the West, and the youngest will marry the hog; the father returns, royal matchmakers come to the eldest daughters, the hog comes for the youngest; she is obedient to her father; along the way, the hog lies in the mud and tells the bride to kiss him; at home in the evening he turns into a young man; the wife is pregnant; asks the old woman to help; she gives the rope to tie her husband by the leg at night; the rope breaks, the husband she jumps up, says that if it were not for his wife, the spell would have ended in three days; she would see him wearing out three pairs of iron sandals and three iron staffs; she comes to the mother of the Moon (the moon is a woman), she sends to the mother of the Sun (the sun is male); the Sun advises you to ask Wind; Mother of the Wind: your husband is in a forest house like a pile of fallen trees; your wife comes there and makes a ladder out of bones to get up ; one is missing, she cuts off her finger and it turns into the last crossbar; the husband flies in like a dove, is frightened, then recognizes his wife, her child; explains that his emperor father fought against dragons and killed a dragon; his mother turned the emperor's son into a hog to prevent a predetermined marriage]: Kúnos 1901:222-243; Albanians [a childless old woman finds a snake, raises like a son; he tells him to marry him the king's daughter; the old woman is lowered down the stairs twice, the Serpent heals her with a magic ring; the third time the king demands to build a palace overnight, lay the road with velvet, appear with his retinue; The serpent gets a wife, sheds his snakeskin at night, says his name is Speite, forbids talking about his transformation; the wife tells his mother, S. disappears; the wife goes looking for him, wearing iron shoes, comes to the mother of the Sun, she first hides her from her son, the Sun promises not to eat what has come, refers her to the Moon, she refers her to the Wind, the Wind says that S. kidnapped the monster, carries her overseas; there, the monster brings his wife S. to his palace; S. throws a ring into the jug, the wife finds out that the husband is nearby; the monster demands that his wife Sh. 1) the house be swept in places, not in some places, 2) fill it with tears two cauldrons (Sh. advises to fill with salt water); S. pretends to be a woodcutter and a carpenter, tells the monster that he makes a coffin for the deceased Sh., asks him to try it on, bobs up, burns; S. and his wife forever returning to people]: Serkova 1989:21-31; Albanians [the sister's three brothers are married to the Sun, Month and South; they decide to visit them; they spend the night three times, each time one brother guards the others' sleep; the eldest killed the lamia, did not tell the brothers about it; the same middle one; the youngest too, but the lamia managed to extinguish the fire with his tail; the young man sees the light in the distance, goes there; on the way he meets the mother of the night, asks her to prolong the darkness ; she promises to do it, but he does not believe it and binds her; when he goes to the light source, he sees a huge cauldron with 12 ears standing on fire; picked it up, lit the torch, and put it in place; 12 robbers are amazed By force: they can only raise the cauldron together; they led the young man to rob the king; after breaking through the wall, they climbed into the stable; the young man stayed outside; raised the alarm, cut off the heads of the robbers as they they got out; left their knife there; on the way back he freed the mother of the night; the king found the dead robbers and the knife; ordered a tavern where food was free, but let everyone tell us that did; the elder and middle brothers told how each killed the lamia, the youngest also about the robbers; the king gave his daughter for him; on the occasion of the royal wedding, they released the prisoners; half of them were iron; the young man persuaded the king to release him too; as soon as the king broke his shackles, the monster swallowed the princess and flew away; the young man asks the king to give iron shoes and a staff, promises to return the princess in a year; comes to sister, whose husband is the Sun; she hid her brother, the Sun senses a man, but promises not to touch her brother-in-law; advises to ask the Month; he sends to the South; the South also does not know where the Iron Man directs to a huge falcon, tells him to come up from behind and threaten to slaughter him if he does not tell him where the Iron Man is; the falcon tells him to cook meat and fix its wings - he is too old; they are flying to a high mountain, The young man cut off the last piece of meat from his thigh; when he reached, the falcon regurgitated the piece and grew it back; the wife hid the young man, but the iron man found him, drank blood, and spit out his skin and bones; the falcon saw flew between the crushing mountains, took swallows in his beak of milk, revived the young man with it; he taught his wife to pretend to be dead and ask her husband where his strength is; iron; in a broom; the wife burned a broom, but nothing happened; pretended to be sick again; iron% on the mountain is a boar, he has a silver fang, a hare in his fang, there are three pigeons in the hare, they are strong; the young man came to the shepherd, began to ask about the boar, he heard, young man began to fight him; boar: I would like to sharpen my fangs racine de gouet; young man: I would have flour, fried fish and wine; the shepherd brought everything, the young man killed the boar, took out pigeons; twisted his heads, the young man came to to the iron man, killed the third, the iron died; the falcon brought the young man and princess to the king; everyone is happy]: Dozon 1991, No. 15:121-134; Greeks: Megas 1970, No. 27 [princess rejects suitors; does, revives a young man from sugar, almonds, semolina; his name is Master Semolina; another princess sends a ship, tells her servants to grab S., they bring him to her; S.'s wife comes consistently to the mothers of the Month, the Sun, the Stars; Mr. Stars knows where S. is; the princess is hired there to herd geese; The month gave an amygdala, it has a golden spinning wheel, the Sun is a chestnut (it has a golden chicken with chickens), Stars - walnut (it has a golden clove tree); each time S.'s wife buys the princess one night with S., but she puts him to sleep with a drink; the beggar tells him not to sleep on the last night, the couple runs away; the princess does it herself almond wife, etc., but the food only rotted]: 60-65; Sike 1993 (Skyros) [princess rejects suitors, makes a young man out of almonds, sugar, semolina, he comes to life, marries her, her name is Semigdalenios ( "Made from semolina"); another princess is jealous, sends a ship with expensive goods; when S. gets there, the ship sails; S.'s wife goes in search, consistently comes to the mothers of the Sun, Months, Stars; each hides S.'s wife so that her hungry son does not eat her; Sun, Month, male stars say they did not see S., only the smallest Star shows the way; each mother gives a nut with a gift; under the guise of a poor gypsy woman, the wife is hired by the kidnapper S., asks for permission to spend the night for a gift (each nut has a gift); two nights S. is put to sleep, on the third servant warns S. the wife tells her story, the spouses are reunited, they come back]: 131-135.

Central Europe. Czechs [a son was born shaggy like a bear, the king heard about his mind, will give him his daughter Mina if he turns Labu, otherwise he executes; in the morning the river flows across the castle; the same is to build castle; bridge from his castle to the royal one; the young bear gets M., becomes human at night; the wife and mother burned their skin, the husband is gone, the wife goes to look; the sun: ask my brother of the month; month: ask the wind; wind: it is from the sorceress overseas; carries across the sea, teaches you to throw one bouquet to a bird, the other to an old woman, otherwise they will kill; the sorceress allows you to talk, but the king falls asleep; on the advice of one of queen, the king changed the wine bowls, the sorceress drank and fell asleep, the king killed her with a sword; the castle turned black red, everyone parted, M. and the king began to rule]: Talova 1956:110-113 (=Bogolyubova, Talova 2000:219-224); the Czechs [when leaving, the king and queen tell Janko's son to look after his three sisters; Sun, Wind, Month come sequentially, ask sister Y. to marry, all three agree , leave the house; the king is happy that his daughters have married kings; I go to visit them; the field is strewn with bones; the skull replies that everyone was defeated by the beautiful hero Ulyana; the same on another field; I. He enters the castle, changes his sword to the one that hangs on the wall and jumps; W. wins, she offers to live with her; when she leaves, she gives keys, forbids entering the 13th room; I discovered, there is a fire dragon chained to the wall with three hoops; says he is thirsty and asks for wine from the last barrel; after each jug he drinks, one hoop falls down; the dragon gives Y. life and takes W.; I. comes to The sun, which does not know where W., refers to the Month; the Month to the Wind; he replies that the dragon makes W. wash clothes for steep boiling water; he, the Wind, tries to cool the boiling water; I. takes W.; the winged horse The dragon raises the alarm, but says that there is nowhere to hurry - we will catch up; the dragon took W. and spared I., since he gave him one life; the wind reports that the witch has a dragon horse's brother overseas, who faster than him; the Sun, the Month and the Wind give Y. a peg (gold, silver, wooden) to call them for help; the wind drove me to the witch, who offers to herd three horses - it was her horse daughters who turned around they flew away with pigeons, but the Wind drove them back and ordered them to put on their bridles; the next day they turned into ducks, the Month put a handkerchief into the lake, it dried up, I put on bridles again; on the third day, the horses turned into pine trees, the Sun began to burn them, they had to become horses again; the Sun tells them to ask for a miserable oath as a reward; the witch tells them to milk the mares; the horse: call me before swimming in milk; the milk began to boil, but the skate drew in the heat, I became even more beautiful; the witch also decided to be beautiful, but the horse released the heat and it cooked; I washed the skate, it became mighty, winged; I took W. the dragon follows, the horse Y. tells his brother to throw off the dragon, the dragon fell into the abyss; I brought my wife to my parents and received the throne from my father]: Nemtsova 1978:119-132; the Czechs [two Magi ask for permission spend the night when the princess gives birth; until midnight they look at the stars - only gallows flicker; after midnight everything is fine; the princess gives birth to a handsome boy with a gold star in his forehead; the prince called travelers to cronies; they married the prince Worldly beauty; the young man grew up, saw the book with this record and went for his betrothed; he came to the Sun - he does not know, sends to the Wind, the Wind - to the Month; it leads to the bridge and tells him to let the horse go over it; a dragon appeared from under the bridge, ate the horse and fell asleep; after that, the young man crossed the bridge; in the forest hut his godchildren; they lowered the young man into a hole in the ground; he left them a handkerchief: if he will be stained with blood, we must hurry to help; the young man has come to the sorcerer; she says that Worldly beauty is on the top of the mountain in a glass castle; with 12 maids he goes down to the lake to swim; he will put his golden in the grass the crown; one of the maids must be shot; worldly beauty will lean towards her, at which time you have to grab the crown and run without looking back; but he looked around, turned into a deer; the handkerchief turned blood; the godchildren came to the sorcerer; she says to shoot a golden bullet at the star on the deer's forehead; he grazes among others, they were also young men; the godchildren shot, the young man became human; the sorcerer again tells you not to look back; he looked around and became a bear; (same); sorceress: become a beetle and hide in a horse's skull; the young man grabbed the crown without looking back, the godchildren pulled it upstairs; Worldly beauty from 12 maids then, agreed to become the young man's wife; while they sleep, the maids became doves, the godchildren hear what they were talking about; the prince father would send the young a golden carriage, and by the will of the dragon it will fall into the abyss ; next time: the father sends wine, the dragon will poison him; on the third night: when the young go to bed in the upper room, the dragon will get to them and kill the young man; whoever tells will be petrified; the godson tells them not to sit down carriage, do not drink wine; stayed at the newlyweds bed in the castle, slaughtered the dragon; did not say anything and left]: Nemtsova 1978:140-152; Slovaks [in the absence of the king and queen take their three daughters as wives and the Sun King, the Wind King and the King of the Month are taken away; upon the return of his parents, Queen Janko goes to look for sisters; three times he meets the place where people's bones lie, the skulls say that they were beaten by the beautiful hero Uliana; I. comes to her palace, replaces the sword hanging on the wall, fights with W., who admits defeat, becomes his wife; when I leave, I allow me to open the doors of 12 rooms, forbids look into the thirteenth; he breaks the ban, sees the Dragon chained, he gives him wine three times, each time the Dragon falls off another shackle; the first time the Dragon gives me a second life, then another one; after the third, he flies away, taking W.; I find sisters, the Sun King sends him to the King of the Month, that to the King of the Wind; he gives a horse that brings I. to the Dragon's Cave, I take W.; the Dragon's horse tells him that he will have time to sleep for an hour and smoke for an hour, easily catches up with I., the Dragon takes one life from Me, takes W.; the same for the second time; the Dragon promises to tear the fugitives a third time; the King of the Wind tells him get the brother of the magic horse that the Dragon rides; takes him across the sea to the witch; she tells three mares (this is her daughter) to herd three days, will kill him if he misses them; on the first day of the mare turn into pigeons, fly away; the Wind King makes them go down, gives Me to throw the magic harness at them, the cabbage rolls become mares again; on the second day, the mares turn into ducks, King of the Month dries the lake; on the third day, mares turn into spruce trees, the Sun King sends heat, forcing them to regain their former appearance; advises the witch to reward a sick skate lying on a pile of manure ; the witch tells me to milk mares, bathe in their milk; the milk boils, the skate cools it, I. becomes handsome; the witch wants to be beautiful, to become the wife of I., the end returns the heat to the milk, the witch cooked; on the way to the Dragon, the horse tells him to buy him, becomes a magnificent horse; I. takes W.; the horse Y. shouts to the Dragon's horse that the brother should not chase his brother; he throws the Dragon, sits on the horse W., they come to Y.'s parents; holiday, Y. gets the throne]: Nmcová 1970:150-163; Ukrainians (Galicia) [the man went looking for a bride; the sorcerer ordered to look for gold-haired Yalena; came to To the sun - it does not know, it gave a golden ball; The month is the same, it gave a brush; Wind: I hold 30 women with iron tongues; tells me to hire a sorceress who will give a flying horse; gave a broom; the vorodeya tells me to herd the mare; by night the noise, the mare had disappeared; there was a hen on eggs in the crown; the foxes pulled out the eggs, a mare with three foals jumped out of them; the sorcerer gave one; I. in the jug, you must take the jug, but do not open it road; women are sleeping, the man took the jug away; the women woke up and caught up; he threw his brush (forest; gnawed), the ball (mountain; gnawed); hit the sea with a broom, it parted; after passing, hit again, the sea came together, women drowned; the king rode from the same sorcerer, they began to fight; the horses consulted, the king's horse threw him off, he was killed; the man brought Y. home]: Pankeev 1992:61-63; eastern (?) Ukrainians (western in Kiev) [healers tell the childless queen to catch and cook pike, eat her head; a year later, the queen gave birth to a snake; he immediately spoke; ordered the tsar to leave him in the stone house and through a month to marry; in a month it has become long; no girl agrees to go for a snake; the woman has 12 daughters, the youngest is single; when he found out that the youngest wanted to marry, the king summoned her and she agreed, but told her to give her 12 dresses, shirts, shoes; she is led to a snake; he demands to throw off her dress, she demands to throw off her skin; when the girl is left in her last shirt, she has shed her last skin and became human; she threw snakeskins into the fire; the serpent tells her parents not to tell her parents that he has become human; she said her husband is gone; she went to look for him; the mother of the Wind hides her from her son, who senses the spirit, but tells her to give it to the girl silver apple; came to the mother of the Month; the same (The Month tells me to give a golden apple); the mother of the Sun (the same, gives a diamond apple; her husband already has a different wife; we must take the form of an old woman, put a silver an apple on a handkerchief and play with it; the girl sells it to his new wife overnight with her husband, but she put him to sleep; the same on the second day (the golden apple); on the third night the husband only pretended to be asleep; the new wife was smashed horses to pieces]: Rudchenko 1859, No. 43:81-85.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ingush [when he dies, the old man tells his sons to guard the grave: he dreamed of a wonder and it will come to disturb him; the elder brother asks his younger brother Ovdilg ("fool") to go instead of him; comes running a red horse like a leopard begins to tear the grave with its hooves, O. tamed him; the same with his middle brother (white horse); on the third night, a black horse; everyone gives O. his hairs to summon him; the prince gives him away three daughters, the youngest is Harsen Nars with a golden head and silver hands; O. jumps to three towers on three horses, takes and hides three girls; gives the elders to his brothers, XN takes for himself; Biydolg Bäre kidnaps her; O. comes successively to the son of the Sun, the son of the Month, the son of the Star; BB has a three-legged guling horse; BB asks him twice if we will catch up before lunch; he replies that we will catch up with everything; BB crushes O. with his wolf club, XN takes; the son of the Sun, the son of the Month, resurrects O.; the son of the Star tells him to go to the mountain where the Guling mother fights; tear the muscle off her hand, feed the wolf, otherwise he will wean the guling's leg; Now O. has a four-legged guling and BB has a three-legged; BB can't catch up with O., guling goes to the ground, BB dies; wives drive O.'s brothers out to look for him; O. kills three Enjal monsters; brothers put them in the doorway a sword, O. cuts off his legs against her, the brothers take the guling; blind and armless come to live with O.; while three cripples hunt, XN's fire goes out; she comes to the yeshapyats; they give a sieve of ash on top of the coals; on the ash trail, the yeshap mother finds a house, drinks HN blood; for promising not to kill her, eshapikha gives O. a bar, he cures the cripple; O. kills yeshapiha; O. kills and revives brothers, drives them away]: Malsagov 1983, No. 8:55-71 (= Tankieva 2003:31-48).

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [133 options; sometimes brothers turn into crows, sister weaves nettle shirts; father died, mother stayed with four sons, went to borrow peas from her neighbor when she returned slipped, the peas crumbled, the mother in her hearts wished her sons to run away as wolves; so it happened; the woman had a daughter from her second husband; when she found out that she had brothers, the sister weaved a shirt for each and on a towel, went to look for her brothers; she came to the sun, it told her mother to cook the chicken: let the girl eat and put the bones in a bag; the moon has the same; the star knows that the brothers in the palace are on bone mountain; to get up, you have to take out the bone and put it under your feet; one bone was not enough, the girl bit off her little finger; in the palace she put her shirt and towel on each of the four beds; 4 wolves ran in, shed their skins; when they saw their sister, they were angry: if she hadn't come, the spell would soon have subsided; now let her sit silently in the forest for three years (9 years); the king's men noticed her in the tree; not After getting an answer from the girl, the king ordered her to be burned; at the last moment her four brothers rode and returned with her sister to their mother]: Kerbelite 2014, No. 111:273-278; Norwegians [Polar Bear (BM, white, not polar) asks the poor man's daughter; the girl and parents agree; he brings her into the mountain, the girl does not need anything; in the dark, BM comes to her in the form of a person; she wants to see parents and brothers; he warns her not to speak to her mother in private; the wife breaks her promise; the mother teaches her daughter to light a hidden candle to look at her sleeping husband; when she returns, she saw her husband, rushed to kiss him, dripped hot candle oil on him; he wakes up, disappears with the castle and all his wealth, saying that now he must return to his stepmother and marry a long-nosed princess, they live in a castle east of the sun, west of the moon; an old woman gives her a golden apple and a horse to drive to another old woman, she a golden comb, a third a golden spinning wheel and a new one the horse goes to the East Wind, that to the West, West to South, South to North, North brings to the castle; the girl consistently exchanges an apple, comb and spinning wheel from Long-nosed for the right spend the night with the prince; he sleeps two nights, in front of the third servant tells him about a crying girl, does not drink a sleepy potion; the prince tells his beloved that tomorrow he will set a wedding condition: he marries the one who washes three stains of grease off his shirt (they are left from the candle); only a woman can do it, not a troll; the girl washes off the stains, the trolls burst, their castle disappears; the prince and his wife come back, taking with him the wealth and prisoners of the castle]: Dasent 1970:22-35; Norwegians [Halvor does not want to do anything, but is hired on a ship; gets off it, comes to the castle, there is a kidnapped princess; she gives a drink of strong water so he can raise his sword; he cuts off the heads of a 3-headed troll; the same with two other princesses in two other castles and 6- and 9-headed trolls; H. chooses the youngest to marry; they live at Soria-Moriah Castle; H. wants to visit his parents; his wife gives a wish-fulfilling ring, forbids talking about them; one day he says he wants his wife by his side, then it will be clear how she is beautiful; princesses appear, put H. to sleep, the wife takes off the magic and puts another ring on X.'s finger, they disappear; H. goes looking for them; the old man and the old woman say that the Moon knows about Soria-Moriah, they give leaps and bounds; she replies that when she passed there, the castle was covered by a cloud; the West Wind knows; H. comes with him to his wife's wedding; H. throws the ring into his wife's glass of wine; she recognizes him rejects the new fiancé, marries H.]: Dasent 1970:396-409 (same or very similar text in Asbjíørsen, Moe 1960:67-76, translated into Lyubarskaya 1987:81-98).