Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27x7. The animal master calls them and asks them.


Along the way, a person meets characters who have power over animals (birds, fish). They call animals and ask if anyone knows their way to a particular place. Only one animal knows, usually the last one.

The Spaniards [the brother of the moon calls birds, knows the lame eagle], the Portuguese [the king of fish summons fish, the last is the sardine], the Corsicans [the king of beasts - the beasts do not know; the king of birds - the old eagle knows], the Italians (Ticino) [the first sister is animals, they don't know; the second is fish, they don't know; the third is birds, the phoenix knows], the Bretons [the second hermit calls wolves; the third is birds; the eagle knows], Germans (Hessen) [only the lame stork knows], Germans (Austria) [the third dragon summons animals, the lame fox is the last to come], the Arab written tradition [the owner of the palace does not know, the king of beasts does not know, sorcerer - one bird knows], Bosnians [the king of eagles asks eagles, the old sick knows], Hungarians [the queen of mice calls them, only the old mouse knows], Romanians [Saint Sereda calls animals - they don't know; The lame lark knows the Holy Trinity; Holy Sunday calls birds and animals, a kite with a sprained wing knows], the Greeks [the older sister's husband calls birds, only the lame eagle knows], Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [the old woman calls animals, only the old frog knows], (Russians (Pskov [the old woman asked the frog, she knows]), Russians (the place of recording is not specified) [the old woman calls animals and birds, only the frog knows] Western Ukrainians [three hermits, each summons animals; only the lion knows the oldest], Belarusians [the first brother - birds don't know, the second - animals don't know, the third one calls wolves, the lame wolf knows], Crimean Tatars [crows collect creatures, the last one knows], Nogais [three sons of three Elmauyz rule animals; birds; fish; old pike knows], Georgians [wife summoned sisters warriors {animals}, the last is lame frog], Turks [padishah peri calls birds, an old owl was the last to come, she was alone in the Garden of Eden], Persians [the wolf does not know, the lion does not know, the eagle calls birds, only the little bird knows], Latvians [ the mother of the earth calls birds and animals, only the lame frog knows], Lutsi [the witch calls animals, birds, fish; the frog was the last], Estonians [three old women, animals, birds don't know, the oldest one has a two-headed eagle knows], Finns [third old woman {calls animals}, only the old toad knows; an old toad comes to the third sister last], Western Sami [the old woman calls birds, only the eagle knows the way], Danes [ the owner or owner of the birds summons them, only the eagle knows the way], the Kazan Tatars [the eldest of the three old women calls animals and birds, only the lame frog knows], the Bashkirs [the wife calls animals, only a frog or the pike knows].

Southern Europe. The Spanish [the king is sick, he will be cured by three wonders of the world; the eldest son goes in search, is captured by the robbers; the same with the middle one; the youngest comes to the cave of the winds, where the mother of the winds hides him; The wind comes back, his mother tells him about the young man, the Wind does not know about miracles, tells him to his older brother the Sun; there is the same old woman, also hiding the young man, the Sun sends to her sister Moon; The moon sends birds to his brother; he called a pair of birds of each species; the last was the lame eagle, only he knows about miracles; tells him to prepare meat for the journey; it is not enough, the young man is going to cut off a piece from his leg, but the eagle tells him to throw his pen into the sea instead; after flying across the sea, the eagle shows the path to the castle; meets a woman who says she has no money to bury her deceased husband; a young man gave her money; a fox appeared; said that there would be a bird, a horse and a girl in the castle room, you can only take one thing; he takes the bird, the cage asks him to take it; as soon as the young man takes the cage, to meet her a giant, throws him to the lions, but the fox saves him; says he can save only three times; next time the young man takes the girl, she asks to take her clothes, then the giant meets her again, the same; on the third once he takes a horse; the blanket asks to take it too, he does not take it, jumps away, taking a bird in a cage and a dressed girl; on the way back to meet her, the brothers took their money, came to their father, took credit for themselves, they said that the younger brother had become a robber; the king ordered him to be found and hanged; then a fox appeared in the form of a man and told everything; he was the dead man for whose funeral the young man gave money; the king handed over the throne to the younger, married the girl she had received]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 550:516-523; the Portuguese (Algarve) [the woman has three daughters; the eldest went to the river, saw a carnation in the water, reached out She disappeared after her; the same was the middle one (rose), the youngest (jasmine); the woman cried, she had a son; he grew up asking why his mother was crying every now and then; when he found out what was going on, he went in search; three guys are fighting because of his father's inheritance: speed boots, an invisible hat that opens all doors with a key; the young man threw a stone, invited the three to race, the fastest one would get items; he put on his boots himself, took the key and hat, told the boots to be where his older sister is; she is happy in the castle; her husband arrives in the form of a bird, then becomes a man; gives her brother a pen to call for help from the king of birds; then But with her middle sister (the king of fish, gives scales); but the youngest is at the mercy of an old monster, he starves her and keeps her in a dark cave, seeking consent to become his wife; the brother advised his sister to agree with the condition that the old man will tell us what his life is; it is in an egg in a dove, and a dove in an iron chest at the bottom of the sea; the king of fish called them, the last was a sardine: it was crushed by an iron chest; his fish delivered, the young man opened it with his key; the dove flew out, the king of birds told the birds to find it; another dove said that a long-missing friend had flown to her; the young man received a dove, took an egg, told her boots take him to the monster's cave, smashed the egg on his head; at the same moment a spell fell on the husbands of two older sisters, they became human; the monster's treasures went to the youngest]: Braga 2002:117-121:138-139; Italians (Ticino) [someone tramples the meadow at night; a peasant tells his eldest son to be guarded, he falls asleep; the middle son is the same; the younger Vittorino sees three white doves at dawn; they take off their clothes from feathers, turn into girls, dance in the meadow; V. hid the most beautiful clothes; she promises to love him; they live in Sun Castle, where none of the people have been; V. gives her clothes, says at home that all the night slept; the fairy comes back, the wedding; but she must return to the castle in the morning; there she is guarded by the monster Orco; she leaves V. the ring; he goes looking for her; two giants fight for speedboat boots, cloak- an invisibility, a sword (her touch revives the dead); agree to give it to V. so that he can return his wife; V. comes to the old woman, she calls the animals, but no one knows where the Sun Castle is; she sends to her sister , she asks the fish the same thing; she asks her older sister, she calls birds; the phoenix is late because he lives far away, in Suncastle; the old woman tells him to take V. there; he meets his wife, kills Orco with his with a magic sword; revives his wife's father and brother, whom O. killed; stays with his wife in the castle]: Keller 1981:298-308; Corsicans [the sorcerer gave the jeweler a diamond ring, ordered, unless he followed him will come to give it to someone who repeats the request three times; the young man overheard, received a ring, told him to create a better castle than the royal one; the king married him to his daughter; the sorcerer began to walk, offering new rings instead old; the wife, not knowing the value of the ring, gave it to the sorcerer; he moved it and the castle to Elbe Island; the husband goes in search; the King of the Winds, 100 years old, refers to the king of animals, he is 200 years old, that to the king of birds, him 300 years old; their subjects do not know where the island of Elba is; finally, an old eagle flew in, he knew, brought a man, who told his wife to find out where the sorcerer's soul was; there was a barrel in the sea, a dove in the barrel, an egg in the blue; when it broken, the sorcerer died, husband and wife took the ring, moved the lock back]: Massignon 1984, No. 73:61-63.

Western Europe. The Bretons [the eel tells a miller named Even that he is the enchanted princess of the Sun; he agrees to spend three nights in an abandoned castle; giants torment him, the princess revives him, gives him gold, arranges marriage; the witch gives E. an apple, he eats, falls asleep along the way; so three times; E. goes to look for the princess; the first hermit has not heard of the Sun Princess; the second calls wolves, but they are she has only been heard; this hermit sends to his older brother, E. goes for a rolling golden ball; the oldest hermit summons birds, the eagle says that the princess marries her son king of Portugal, brings E. (E. feeds the eagle with sheep on the way); E. sits in the way of the wedding procession, the princess recognizes the starry, moonlit, sunny scarves sent to him, asks to sell; E. sells for kisses on the feet and hand; princess announces who her true fiance is; wedding]: Luzel 1995:203-217; Germans (Hessen) [king and queen live in a golden palace; the Queen has a mirror in which she constantly sees what makes her husband; one day he went to the seashore and saw the body of a drowned sailor; he was wearing a strange outfit; the king felt like wearing it; then he found himself in an unknown place, and the Queen saw instead the husband of a sailor; the king came to an old woman; she does not know where the golden palace is; she took him to the queen of creeping creatures; she sits on the throne surrounded by snails, snakes, toads and lizards; her subjects do not know, she sent take the king to the queen of running animals; she is on the throne surrounded by lions, bears, deer, etc.; no one knows; the queen told the cat to take the king to the queen of flying creatures; the last to arrive stork: stayed because he was sitting on the roof of the golden palace; the stork took the king home; the king and queen asked how to reward him; after 7 years give me your first child; the son born became beautiful as a boy; a stork flew in; said it was just a test sent by the queen of birds; a feast and a dance; the golden palace is still standing, if not; and where, ask the stork]: Wolf 1845, No. 1:1-6; Germans (Austria) [the king bequeaths his three sons to give their three sisters to be the first to ask; they are given to strangers; the brothers go in search; at night, the cloud almost extinguishes the fire twice, and when It is the younger brother's turn, extinguishes altogether; he goes to look for fire, comes to the giants; they tell them to help get three royal daughters; a young man kills giants one by one, the brothers marry royals; the king does not tell you to take his wife with him: she will be immediately kidnapped by a white knight; the young man leaves with his wife, the white knight takes her away; the young man consistently comes to his sisters, they are married to three-, six-, nine-headed dragons; the latter summons animals, only the lame fox knows the way; the kidnapped wife explains that the white knight has a fast horse; you must hire his mother, ask for a bridle and a foal as a reward; along the way the young man saved the fish, ants, bandaged the fox's leg; the old woman tells three mares to herd three nights; fish, ants, fox help (you need to throw a bridle on three fish, three ants, a basket of three eggs is mares); the young man gets a bridle and a foal; he is weak, tells him to let him drink, is strong in the morning; the young man takes his wife (the foal asks if he runs like the wind or as a thought); the white knight's horse is not can catch up, throws off the rider; the sisters' husbands have taken human form]: Cerf 1992:183-192.

Western Asia. Arabic written tradition (One Thousand and One Nights) [see H55 for the beginning; the following is a plug-in story; King Taigamus had no sons; the stargazers said that he would only have a son from his daughter King Khorasan; King Khorasan agreed to marry; stargazers predicted misfortunes for his son after 15 years; his name was Janshah; at the age of 15, D. chased the gazelle, the gazelle jumped into the boat, she was caught, but D. and his servants went by boat to the island at sea; the father sent letters about his son to all the islands; D. went to land on the wrong island to which he sailed; sent half of the servants deep into the island, remaining in the boat; he was brought to the palace; the island belonged to monkeys; the monkeys sank the boat, made D. king; he ordered the servants to help the monkeys defeat enemies; found a stove with a prophecy: the one who became king of the monkeys will be able to get out from islands only after passing to a city where there is not a single believer of the true faith; the monkeys chased the prince, but they were destroyed by ants; in the city of infidels, D. hired a merchant, received a payment in advance; his they sewed the donkey in the belly and the bird carried the carcass to the nest; precious stones were around; D. threw stones to the merchant, and he left without showing how to go down; D. went to look for a way out, came to the palace; the owner forbids open one door; D. opened and saw three girls dressed as pigeons coming to swim; a year later they flew in again; on the advice of the owner of the castle, D. hid one of the girls's clothes; this is Sitt Samsha, she agreed to become the prince's wife, he returned her feather clothes and they flew to the prince's country; Taigamus built a palace for D. and the secondary school; the secondary school smelled her clothes hidden under the floor of the palace, ordered D. looked for her in the Takney jewelry fortress and flew away; D. came to a man with whom he already lived, hired the same job, was sewn into a horse's skin; refused to throw stones out of the merchant's nest; came again to to the owner of the palace; he does not know about the fortress T.; one of the birds took D. to the king of animals; he called on the animals to ask about T.; the animals do not know; he sends D. to his older brother; the brother does not know, sends to The sorcerer, to whom animals and mountains are subordinate, called animals and genies; one bird said that it knew where T. was, took D. there; the king of jinns, i.e. the father of the secondary school, ordered that every person be brought to him; wedding; the couple was taken to the kingdom of D.]: Salye 2010 (2), nights

499-530:64-101/Balkans. The Bosnians [when they die, the father tells his three sons to give their three sisters to be the first to come for them; the elders do not go to give sisters to strangers, the younger Mula-Mustafa gives them away; the brothers go They look for them; they spend the night by the lake, the first night their elder brother guards, a dragon crawls out of the lake, the young man cuts off his head, cuts off his ears, head and body into the lake; on the second night, the same middle brother a two-headed dragon; in the third MM, a three-headed dragon; when he threw his body into the lake, a wave flooded with fire; MM sees fire in the distance, comes to the fire of giants; they will give fire if MM kills the sultan in Istanbul; a giant takes MM to the Sultan's chambers, but MM kills the giant himself, takes the Sultan's ring, leaves; the awakened sultan tells you to find his savior, to arrange inns where to ask coming about their adventures; three brothers meet in such a yard, tell them what happened to them, get to know each other; the sultan passes his daughter off as MM; after leaving, tells them not to unlock the room where Atesch Perischa; MM unlocks, AP takes his wife (i.e. the daughter of the sultan); MM goes in search; arrives at the tower, where the older sister is married to the king of ravens; the raven sends to his middle sister, she is behind the king of dragons, he to the youngest is for the king of eagles; the king of eagles convenes eagles, only one old patient can take MM to the AP, but first must swim in living water, between rocks that open once a year; MM feeds the eagle sheep, the eagle has time to rejuvenate before the rocks slam shut; AP arrives on a three-legged horse; in his absence, MM negotiates with his wife to find out what AP's life is like; he says that in a broom, in a pipe, in a mug; MM tells his wife to decorate them every time; AP admits that he is wearing a three-legged horse; whoever kills a mare that comes out of the lake once a year and takes its foal will defeat him; he himself did not kill the mare, but The foal was wounded, so he was three-legged; MM killed, took the foal, his wife gave him cow milk, which became a powerful horse; MM killed AP, put his wife on a three-horse, returned with her to the Sultan]: Schütz 1960, No. 4:31-48; Hungarians [the Queen creates a palace and a golden bridge and gets a princess; the minister steals a watch {apparently this is a magic object}, moves the palace and the Queen's wife to a remote place; the queen comes to the sun, the month, the wind, then to the mouse kingdom; his queen gathers the people; only an old mouse knows where the stolen palace is, gnaws through the strap and returns the watch]: Stier, no. 13 c Aarne 1908:57; Romanians [spouses are childless, the woman suggests adopting any creature that comes out to meet his grandfather first; this is a pig; the king will pass off his daughter as the one who built a golden bridge from his house to the palace, executes unsuccessful applicants; the pig sends the old man to marry the princess; the pig creates a bridge, turns the hut into a palace; marries, sheds pigskin at night; the princess's mother teaches to quit skin into the fire; the husband girds his wife with an iron hoop, says he is Fat Frumos, you should look for him in the Frankincense Monastery; the bridge and palace disappear; the wife comes to Saint Sereda's hut; she asks the animals about Frankincense monastery, no one knows; gives a woman a golden spinning wheel, prosphora, a cup of wine; the same goes to St. Fridays (gives a golden reel); at St. Trinity at the end of the world (gives a golden tray and a hen with chickens); there only a lame lark knows the way, leads to the Frankincense Monastery (like paradise); a woman waits at the well, the witch's maid sees her gold items; the key witch allows her to spend one, second, third night in the FF bedroom in exchange for the gold items she receives, giving FF a sleep potion each time; the third time, on the advice of the servant, FF does not drink potions, he hugs his wife, the hoop falls apart, the witch is tied to an immense mare; the witch was a pig who wanted to marry FF to one of her 11 daughters (piglets who, when they left home, saw an old man who adopted a pig)]: Sadetsky 1973:342-358; Romanians (Banat) [the emperor had a son and his friend the king had a daughter, but the girl was immediately kidnapped by a dragon; the young man grew up, a nurse explained what kind of beauty he was dreaming of in his dream; he went in search, with him the hero Wilisch ("joyful") Witiásu (from Hungarian vitéz, knight); they went through a field of suffering, then a field of flowers; they cannot be torn, although they ask them to do so; one flower jumped on his hat himself; the queen of flowers wanted to cut the prince's head, but the flowers confirmed that the prince was innocent; she sent the knights to the old woman Saint Serede; she does not know where the dragon was sent to Holy Friday; she sent for Saint Old Woman Sunday; Sunday gathered animals and birds, the kite was the last to appear; explained that he flew from the dragon and dislocated wing; Sunday told him to show him the way to the dragon; they came to the princess; the dragon smelled them, rushed, BB threw them into the ground, the prince into the cloud; but BB was immortal, took out the prince; they told the princess ask the dragon what its power is; they hid themselves; dragon: you have to hit the surface of the milk oler three times with your hand; a kite will emerge; if you defeat it, I will also die; BB defeated the kite, came to the dragon, tore it in half; when they were approaching the prince's city, the Empress sent a shirt to her son's bride; BB tore it: whoever wears it would petrify; the emperor sent two horses, BB also chopped them; At the wedding, BB drank a glass of wine and became petrified; the prince found out that the stone should be sprinkled with the blood of a newborn; the finger of one of the twins was cut off, BB came to life; the prince's parents stopped hating his wife and fell in love with her ]: Schott, Schott 1975, No. 11:75-83; Greeks: Legrand 1881 [a father tells his three sons to pray at his grave for three nights and pass off their three sisters as the first to marry them; after reprimanding a prayer, the elder returns to the house; at this time a strange-looking man comes, almost a freak; only the younger brother insists on giving him his sister; the same with the middle brother and middle sister; the younger one comes to a woman with with two balls of thread, black and white; it depends on her whether it is night or day; the young man asks to unwind the black thread more slowly so that he can finish reading the prayer before dawn; she refused; then he tied her to the tree, and he went to the place where the light was seen; there are 40 dragons around a huge boiling cauldron; the young man picked it up and put it back; they ask for help them steal the princess; going up to the tower, the young man tells dragons go up one by one and kills each; kissed the princess in bed and exchanged rings with her; returned home, untying the mistress of night and day; to identify the hero who killed dragons, the king tells everyone to come and talk about her life; the princess recognized the young man and her ring; the wedding; the young man noticed a golden key in his wife's hair; opened the locked door with them, pulled the ring, fell off it the dark figure took the princess away; the young man went in search; came to his older sister's castle; her husband called the birds, but only the lame eagle knew where the sorcerer's castle was and carried the young man there; taking the princess, they flew back, but the sorcerer, to whom his flying horse tells everything, caught up with them, took the princess and cut the young man in half; the eagle brought halves, the sister's husband revived them with live water; the young man came to his middle sister; her husband explains that it is necessary to get the same winged horse as the sorcerer's; the young man came to the mountain, tamed the horse, took his wife home; the sorcerer's horse could not catch up with them]: 145-160.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pomors) [Sagittarius Andrei is going to shoot a falcon; she asks to be brought home and thrown out the window; turned into Elena Krasa golden braid; weaved a carpet, tells sell; the minister wants another one, comes to E., tells the tsar about the beauty; the old woman advises sending A. to the kingdom of far away to bring the lamb a golden head; E. sent three fellows, gives A. head, teaches you to pretend to follow her on a ship; pig golden bristles (the same); I don't know where to go, I don't know what to bring; E. tells A. to go for the ball, and when it comes, show her towel; the old woman recognized her son-in-law, called the animals, only the old frog knows the way; began to drink fresh milk, grow up, A. sat on her, she jumped across the river of fire; let A. go into a strange house (a bathhouse is not a bathhouse), will hide behind the stove; come, they say, Brother Reason, feed us; and A.: Brother Reason, sit with me; Reason comes with A.; captains of three ships, they have an ax (Tyap-blooper, make a ship!) , a tube (an army with guns will appear), a saber (wave - the silver bridge); A. gives Reason for these items, and he returns to him; everything is burned at home; A. tells the ax to create a palace, and in it E.; A. summoned an army, spared the tsar, ordered the cows to herd for 30 years; he still herds; A. built the same palace for Razuma and a silver bridge between them]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:35-42; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pomors) [Sagittarius Andrei is going to shoot a falcon; she asks to bring it home and throw it out the window; turned into Elena Krasa golden braid; weaved a carpet, tells me to sell it; the minister wants another one, comes to E., tells the king about the beauty; the old woman advises sending A. to the kingdom of far away to bring the lamb a golden head; E. sent three fellows, gives A. a head in the morning, teaches him to pretend as if sailed after her on the ship; pig golden bristles (the same); I don't know where to go, I don't know what to bring; E. tells A. to go for the ball, and when it comes, show her towel; the old woman recognized her son-in-law, called animals, only an old frog knows the way; she began to drink fresh milk, grow up, A. sat on it, she jumped across the river of fire; let A. go into a strange house (a bathhouse is not a bathhouse), hide behind the stove; they come, They say, Brother Reason, feed us; and A.: Brother Reason, sit with me; Reason comes with A.; captains of three ships, they have an ax (Tyap-blooper, make a ship!) , a tube (an army with guns will appear), a saber (wave - the silver bridge); A. gives Reason for these items, and he returns to him; everything is burned at home; A. tells the ax to create a palace, and in it E.; A. summoned an army, spared the tsar, ordered the cows to herd for 30 years; he still herds; A. built the same palace for Razuma and a silver bridge between them]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:35-42; (cf. Russians (Pskov) [poor Stepan the hunter; a dove flew through the window, became a girl; a wife; woven a carpet, ordered to sell it without bargaining; the general bought it, told the tsar, he sent a servant; when he saw, he reported to the king; the king, seeing the craftswoman, wants to get rid of S.; the sorceress grandmother advises to send S. for the golden ram; at night, the wife tells the wild winds to deliver this ram; grandmother: let him bring unknown what; the winds do not know; then the wife gives S. a ball, let him follow him; the ball led to the old woman, she asked the frog; the frog: it is not known what is overseas; swelled, told S. to hold on to her, swam across the sea; There is a mountain on the other side, there is a hole in it, a closet in the hole; you have to hide in it, listen; S. hid, hears people come in; "Brother matchmaker, light a fire!" ; the fire caught fire; then: gather it on the table; when they left, S. commands himself, but invited him to drink vodka with him; he is grateful, ready to serve him; they sailed across the sea in the boat, created an island, feast; the ship sailed, the general on it, proposes to change: it is not known what to a sword that will destroy any army; it is not known what he advises to agree, then return to S.; arrived at the tsar, S. shows how you don't know what he's gathering on the table; king to his servants: hack S.! S. sabre: ruby! the saber killed the tsar and all his people, S. returned to his wife]: Chernyshev 1950, No. 20:49-53); Russians {for this purpose and for one-story texts No. 213 and 214, the recording location is not specified} [Sagittarius Fedot wounded a turtledove; she asks to bring her home, and when she finds a nap, hit her; became a girl, a wife; tells me to buy silk; calls two fellows, they weaved the carpet; the commandant bought it for 10,000 rubles, and the king bought him for 25,000; the commandant sees the Sagittarius's wife, shows him to the king; he orders the Sagittarius to lime in order to take his wife; Baba Yaga advises the commandant to invite the king to send the Sagittarius to the island golden horns on a rotten ship for a deer; the wife tells the fellows to bring a deer; Baba Yaga advises to tell F. to go there, I don't know where to bring something, I don't know what; the wife gives a ball to follow and hers needlework; the king tells F.'s wife to follow him, she flew away with a turtledove; F. comes to three girls who recognize his towel, they are his wife's sisters; their mother calls animals and birds, only the frog knows it wonder; jumped over a fiery river with F. hid in a cave; two elders come in, asking Schmat Reason to feed them; when they left, F. also called him and offered to sit with him; he agreed with him follow; F. came to the old woman and her daughters, went on, was tired, S. carried him; ordered him to be exchanged with the merchants for three curiosities, he would return; they have a box in which a garden, an ax that makes ships, the horn from which the army comes out; S. also returned to F.; F. built a palace, defeated the king's army, became king himself, his wife was queen]: Afanasiev 1958 (2), No. 212:134-145; Western Ukrainians (Galicia) , Sambir district) [the rich man begged God for his son, but went to the forest, the baby was lost; the forester raised him; when the guy was 20 years old, he ordered to tie the club (the first one was too light, ordered to tie him harder), left wander; three pannas are swimming, he stole her middle dress and wings; married; once she asked for her back - she flies around the hut; flew out the window, told her to look for her on Oatmeal Mountain; the hermit whistled animals - no one knows Oatmeal Mountain; he sent him to his older brother; there - the same thing; to the oldest; the lion came last, the hermit tells him to take the guy; he drove, but threw him into failure; the guy got out; stopped the mill; promised to let him go again if the miller brought him to the princess; he hid the guy in a barrel of flour; she was brought to the palace; there he was not told to open the doors tied with bast; he came in; someone black asked for bread and water; the guy gave it, he took off and took the princess away; the guy came to the widow, hired to herd horses; the girl warned not to eat food, what they would offer was poison; he herds three of the day, he hits the horses with his club, brings him safe, the widow offers to choose whichever one he wants, he chose a skate; he twice asks for permission to be caught with the mother mare first; then brings him to the rock , on which the princess is black; the guy threw it at the black club and it disappeared]: M. Dragomanov in Pankeev 1992:124-130; Belarusians (p. Novaya Yelnya) [Husband and wife lived, and the child was small. The wife took the baby in the cradle and went to the harvest. She stung, got ready to go home - no baby. I looked for him, called, but not for him. And the baby crawled out of the cradle and crawled into the forest. The forest owner saw it and took him to raise him. And he named him Ivan Znaiden (The Foundling). He raised him and ordered him to go to his father and mother. Ivan went. He walked, walked, saw three blizzards fighting. He asks them, and they say they have found three things - a flying carpet, an invisible hat, a purse with money, and they are fighting for them. And Ivan says to them: "Do you see a high mountain? Stand there and run - whoever of you runs faster will take it all!" And they went to that mountain, and Ivan took all his things for himself. He did not go to his father and mother, but he went to his forest master. The owner asks why Ivan came back. And Ivan replies that he found three things - a flying carpet, an invisible hat and a wallet with money. The forest owner then tells him where to find the bride: "If you go, three doves will fly. They will sit by the sea and become beautiful girls. When they go swimming, you take one dress and take it away. And whose dress, take that one by the right hand and marry her. Just don't drink her gorilki! If you drink, it'll fly away from you!" This is how the forest owner taught him, so Ivan went and came to the sea. He sees three doves flying. They sank ashore and became maidens. We went swimming, he took the dress alone and hid it. They swam, began to dress - one dress is missing! Looking for and looking for a girl, she won't find it. He says, "Who laughed at me? If old, be my father, if average, be my uncle, if you are single, be my faithful husband!" He answers her, she sees that she is young. "If you are my husband and I am your wife, give me the dress!" She dressed up and took her to her father-mother. We got married. They lived well until I drank vodka from it. But she began to ask him what kind of love they had, that he took nothing from her. She shamed him so much, so he drank from her hands. Ivan fell asleep, and she put on her dress and flew away, just saying: "I'll see you - I won't see you in the Glass Mountains!" Ivan woke up - no wife. I went looking for her. He walked and came to his forest master. The forest owner reproached him for disobeying Ivan's advice. Asks what she said when she left. Ivan talked about the Glass Mountains. But the forest owner did not know where they were. He went out onto the porch, shouted in a good voice, whistled with a heroic whistle - birds, everything in the world, flew to him. He asks the birds if they know where the Glass Mountains are. No birds have seen. Then the forest owner gives Ivan a ball. Where he goes, Ivan should go. It brings his glomerulus to his middle brother. Everything repeats itself, the middle brother calls all the animals in the world except wolves. The beasts of the glass mountains have not seen. Then his middle brother gives Ivan another ball, and tells him to follow him, and he will lead him to his older brother. The elder brother calls wolves - everything in the world. The wolves didn't see it. The elder brother did not believe them. He asks if all wolves are here. They see that there is no one lame wolf. The elder brother went out onto the porch again when he whistled - all the leaves in the forest flew around. The wolf doesn't come. He whistled another time - all the branches from the trees fell. Here comes the lame wolf. His older brother asks him where he was so far away. The wolf says he was in the Glass Mountains. Then his older brother tells him to take Ivan to the Glass Mountains. Ivan sat on the wolf and he was huddling. "How can you ride if you're lame," says Ivan, we flew on a flying carpet! The wolf then says to Ivan: "Tear a piece of wool between my ears as you need it, sunk it, and I'll rush to you." He showed him how to fly to the Glass Mountains and disappeared. Ivan flew to the Glass Mountains, but he couldn't climb. He burned the wool, summoned the wolf. The wolf advised him to go to the bazaar, buy iron and go to the blacksmith to forge iron claws on his arms and legs, and when he climbed, call himself a cook. That's what Ivan did. They sent him as a cook to the key box. That was his wife. We met and recognized each other. Time passes, she sends him to the bazaar, tells him to buy 60 horses, a carriage and coachmen. Ivan performs everything. His wife is punishing him to live in the Glass Mountains, to walk wherever she wants, but not to look into the booth. And she takes a carriage to her father. He is left alone. I couldn't resist looking into the booth. And there Kashchei the Immortal hangs and his horse. He asks him to feed him, so he will save Ivan from death three times. Ivan brings him bread, Kashchei eats himself and feeds his horse. It happens like this three times. Kashchei now asks Ivan for a bucket of water. Ivan brings water three times. After getting drunk and drinking his horse, Kashchei saddles his horse and tells Ivan that for his kindness he will take his wife away from him and live with her himself. And Kashchei took Ivan's wife to other Glass Mountains. Ivan summons the lame wolf. He again shows him the way to the Glass Mountains. Ivan flies there on a flying carpet. He slips past the guard, wearing an invisible hat. Kashchei is not there, Ivan picks up his wife and, wearing an invisible hat, walks past the guard again. Kashcheev's horse laughs, tells him about Ivan's kidnapping of his wife, advises him to brew beer, drink and then catch up. So they did, then they caught up and took his wife away, but Ivan Kashchei, as promised, did not kill. Ivan is flying for his wife again on a flying carpet. Everything repeats itself, Ivan kidnaps his wife, then Kashchei takes her away, Ivan does not kill. Ivan enters the kingdom of Kashchei for the third time, he is not at home. He asks his wife to find out where Kashchei got such a horse. Kashchei returns and answers questions that Baba Yaga lives in a kingdom of far away, a state far away, she has 100 mares, whoever saves them for 3 days will get the best stallion, and whoever does not lose them will get the best stallion, and whoever does not lose them will get the best stallion, and whoever does He'll put his head on a stake. Kashchei flies away, Ivan comes. His wife tells him about Baba Yaga. And Ivan goes to serve the stallion (on foot). Hungry Ivan came to the sea, and cancer lies on the shore. Ivan wants to eat it, the cancer persuades him to take his "playful girl" and call it when necessary. Ivan goes on hungry. He sees woodpeckers in the forest. She wants to get them and eat them. An old woodpecker flies, asks Ivan not to touch his children, for which he gives him a pen - call him when you need me. Ivan meets further than an ant, history repeats itself. He comes to Baba Yaga. She feeds him, puts him to bed, Ivan goes to herd 100 mares in the morning, and Baba Yaa gives him food, "sleepy pancakes". Ivan herds until noon, eats fritters. He falls asleep. The mares run away. Baba Yaga comes and laments. Ivan summons the lame wolf. The wolf says: call cancer today, the mares have gone to sea. Call the woodpeckers tomorrow - the mares will go to the forest. On the third day, the ant, the mares will go underground, and he will drive them out. He also said so - that he would no longer serve Ivan. Ivan caused cancer, cancer punished him when the last mare came out, to sit on it and go to the yard. That's what they did. Ivan brings 100 mares to Baba Yaga, she rejoices, and she swears at them (these are her daughters) that they did not hide well, and beats them. The next day, everything repeats itself - Ivan eats sleepy pancakes, mares run away, he calls woodpeckers, who drive out the mares. On the third day, the same thing, an ant helps. The next morning he asks Yaga Ivan to serve for the last time - to disperse the poppy seeds. Ivan sows. Then Baba Yaga tells him to collect all the makovins, otherwise he will not get a stallion. Ivan calls the ant for the second time. He helps him collect poppies. At night, Ivan hears a "servant", who tells him that Baba Yaga has given all her strength to one stallion, and he is the frail and sits under the nursery so that Ivan chooses that stallion. This is what Ivan did, just as Yaga did not persuade him to choose a better one. "I'm the worst person, I'll take the worst horse!" There is nothing to do, Yaga gave her horse. The horse tells Ivan to fall for him "dawn on barley, dawn on wheat, dawn on oats." This is what Ivan did, and the horse changed. Ivan sat on it and drove off. He comes to the kingdom of Kashcheyevo, Kashchei is not at home. Ivan took his wife, they got on a horse and drove off. Kashcheevsky's horse laughs, tells him that Ivan kidnapped his wife, but they won't catch up with him now - Ivan rides their smaller brother. Here are horse brothers meeting. The youngest, near Ivan, asks if the brothers want to fight with him, Ali Ivan Znaiden want. Horses don't want to fight. And if you want Ivan, throw off Kashchei - "don't let him hit the cheese, the ground, the white stone, and crumble with the sides." Well, they say Kashchei fed us. And the horse answers them - Ivan will feed you. Well, they threw off Kashchei's horses. And Ivan Znaiden went with his wife, but it is not known where - either to Shklyany Gora, or to his father with a uterus]: Romanov 1901, No. 12:105-117.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [(zap. Sergei Tumanov in Feodosia); when he dies, the tsar tells his three sons to marry their three sisters; they are taken by the Leo, the Tiger, the huge Raven; each time the girl is given away only at insistence younger brother; sitting by the window, the younger brother shoots through the wineskins of the girl who comes to the well; she curses him, telling him to suffer from love for the daughter of the sun and moon; he goes in the direction indicated by the girl; the old woman says that Raven lives there; this is the young man's son-in-law; his house is guarded by forty lions and forty tigers; the young man buys meat, the old woman goes and throws it to everyone; cuts off the last piece from her leg; the young man's grateful sister made the lion regurgitate the meat, put it back, sends an invitation with the old woman; the brother comes, his sister hides him; eclipsing the sun, the Raven arrives, becomes a man; convenes creatures find out where the daughter of the sun lives; the latter knows; the prince sits on her with his horse, feeds her meat and water on the way; leaves her in his nest; every year the snake kills her chicks; the prince cuts the snake, feeds the chicks; the bird swallows and regurgitates them, allowing them to fly; the king catches the princess bird, gives them to his daughter; at night he turns into a man, drinks her sorbet; she guards; he becomes her lover; marries; they go to his house; at rest, a Black Arab takes her away on a three-legged horse; the prince comes to his city, stays with an old woman; she receives the keys to an Arab, releases the prisoner, the prince takes her away; the Arab asks the horse whether to go now or after he is drunk; the horse: I will have time to sleep; Arap catches up, cuts the prince into pieces, puts him in a bag, the horse takes the bag to the Raven; the mother The crow glues the pieces with pomegranate juice, revives them with pomegranate; the captive pretends to love an Arab, who talks about a three-legged horse; in the ninth meadow, a mare runs north, gives birth, four wolves come demand food; the Arab is not enough for the fourth, he has eaten the leg of the foal; the prince feeds all four, receives a four-legged foal from the same mare, takes his wife; the tripod throws off the Arab, he is killed ]: Potanin 1883:725-729; the Nogais [when dying, Biy told their sons not to go south; the elder went with his men, they found an empty house where food and drink stayed overnight, all killed; same with his middle brother; the younger Kenzhebay did not fall asleep, hid in the yard in a barrel; a rider arrived on a six-legged horse, killed everyone; considered that there were 41 horses and 40 dead, but did not find K. and left; K. followed the trail; came to the old woman Elmauyz, she has nose to door, she swallowed and regurgitated K., now he is her son; her real son does not know where the six-legged horse has rode; her sister has the same (old women's sons fly in and they are called karakus, but then they are not birds, but people); another sister's son explains that this is a rider Altynshash (gold-haired); you need to dig into her house, tie her hair, beat her with a kamcha until she agrees give the horse and wealth; A. agreed and invited K. to become his wife; they live well; A. dropped a curl of her golden hair into the river; the fisherman found it, the khan sent old woman Azazil to find the owner; K. greeted her; she persuaded A. to find out where K.'s soul was; he replied that A. cut the bowstring in the bow, but K. replaced it; then K. admitted that his soul was in a gold box braided in a forelock on his head; the old woman quietly untwisted her forelock, threw away the box, K. died; the old woman brought A. khan; Elmauyz looked at the spindle, blood was flowing from it; the son of the first elmauyz rules the animals, the second birds, the third fish ; one pike complained of pain; it turned out that she swallowed the box, it was removed, K. came to life; he came to Khan's country, threw the ring into the jug of the maid who came to the spring; A. recognized him, K. took it away from weddings with Khan on a six-legged horse]: Kapayev 2012:53-64; Georgians (Kakheti) [two older brothers have decided to get rid of the youngest; let everyone shoot an arrow and follow it; the youngest comes to another kingdom, the old woman let her into the house; says that three cabbage rolls will fly to the lake, we must hide the youngest's wing, let him become a wife; the young man is silent when the girl promises to become a sister; he goes out when he is a wife; the young man works for the king, asks for one of the nine rooms for him and his wife; the advisers suggest that the king tell the young man to cut down trees in a day and take him to the palace, rather than being able to take his wife away; the wife turned the ring, the warriors of her older sisters appeared, did everything; decided to kill the young man while hunting; the wife gave the ring: throw it up, it will become a golden ball, give it to the king; taking gold, the king did not dare to kill the young man; new task: plow the field in a day, grow crops, bring bags of flour; the warriors fulfilled the sisters; advisers to the king: they led to bring "neither you know nor I know"; the wife summoned the warriors of the sisters, the last a lame frog came and sent it to the old woman; the old woman gave a wheel, it would lie across the sea as a bridge, a temple across the sea, at the temple I must say, "Trust me, sister!" , the doors will open; the old man came out, gave Tarumbala, although he is not visible; on the way back, the young man meets a merchant, whose organ, if you turn the handle, comes out; the young man tells T. to supply water and food; changed, and T. also returned to the young man; he came when the king wanted to marry his wife; ordered T. to cause a downpour, sent an army, destroyed the king, reigned himself]: Chikovani 1954, No. 7:54-58; the Turks [when he dies, the padishah tells him to guard his grave for three nights; whoever can do this will receive the throne; three sisters must be passed off as the first to come to marry; the eldest son hears a rumble and noise at night, runs in fear; the middle one is the same; the youngest Mehmed kills the dragon; he asks to hit him with a sword a second time, M. says that his mother gave birth to him once; saw an old man with white (day) and black (night) balls; tied his hands, To prevent him from releasing the day, he came to 40 thieves, offered them to help steal the treasures, killed one at a time when they went up the wall; cut a snake; saw three princesses sleeping, fell in love with the youngest; returned, cutting off the dragon's noses and ears; untied the old man; the elder brother had already become the padishah; at the insistence of his younger, the sisters were given to the lion, the tiger, the bird Anka (he is the padishah peri); the king of the castle, in which M. killed 40 robbers and a snake, agrees with the vizier to identify the hero by arranging a bathhouse for all men; M. is identified: he does not have a sword; he asks the younger princess; the king: but the demon whirlwind wants her, so she sits in a steel room; M. received a princess, and his brothers received her sisters; as soon as M. went to the forest, a whirlwind took his wife; M. goes in search, visits three sisters, each husband shows the way; M. takes his wife, jumps away; the whirlwind woke up on the fourth day, slowly packed up, caught up easily, tore them to shreds; allowed his wife to collect the bones; she loaded them on her horse, told them to go where they should go; he came to Anka's wife; Anka gathered all the birds; the old owl was the last to appear, she was alone in the Garden of Eden; from there she brought living water, Anka revived M.; he returned to his wife: let her know what the whirlwind's life is; he confesses: there is an island on the seventh sea level, there is a bull, a box in it, a dove in the box; on the mountain there is a spring, once a year 40 sea horses come to him, we must tame one, he will deliver it to the right place; M. took out the box, took his wife, killed a pigeon, the whirlwind died, M. became a padishah]: Kúnos 1901:112-133.

Iran - Central Asia. The Persians [Wolf, Leo, Eagle marry three daughters of the deceased Shah; their brother Malek-Ahmad is hired by a Jew; he feeds him for 39 days, tells him to slaughter a camel on the fortieth, climb inside; birds they take MA to the mountain; a Jew tells her to drop gems, leaves; MA comes to a dirty old woman, washes her; this is the mother of divas, she asks her sons not to kill him; he opens the forbidden forty-first door; there Yusuf Shah Peri is thirsty; MA gives him water, he breaks his chains, gives his seal, flies to Mount Kof; outside the forty-second door there is a garden and a stream, MA steals the clothes of one of the three dove girls; the wife gives birth two boys, divas bring them down to the ground; the wife asks for her clothes, tells them to come to Mount Kof for them; MA again hires a Jew unrecognized, kills him by throwing a stone at his head from the mountain; divas forgive him , but do not know the way to Kof; asks his uncle; this is a wolf who married MA's older sister; the wolf does not know, sends a lion to his brother (middle sister's husband); the lion sends to the eagle (the husband of the younger sister) ; the eagle summons the birds; the small bird was the last to appear; says that her grandmother knows, but she can no longer fly; the eagle promises to send food to the grandmother; she eats for 40 days; then tells her to cook 40 lambs fat tails and 40 wineskins with sorbet; the meat runs out, MA cuts off a piece of the thigh; when the goal is reached, the bird puts the meat back; MA shows Yusuf the seal; Yu is the brother of MA's wife; sends his sister, her husband and sons to land with gifts; without MA, there is drought, famine; MA is made a shah, abundance comes]: Ottomans 1987:243-250.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [driving around the royal horse, the servant finds himself in the forest to an old man; he tells him not to open the bast gate; outside the gate there is a lake, three ducks come to swim, throw off their clothes, turn into girls; the young man hides his clothes alone; returns, they turn him into a dove; when he returns, the old man restores his human appearance; the same for the second time; the old man advises not to give up dresses, young man takes a beautiful woman as a wife, returns to the king; the sorcerer advises the king to lime the servant with difficult assignments; 1) bring a lion; the wife gives a handkerchief, the girl in the hut recognizes her sister by him, tells him to put on a lion a handkerchief; 2) bring an apple tree; the wife's other sister wraps an apple tree into a handkerchief; 3) go there, I don't know where to bring something, I don't know what; the wife promises the king to marry him if her husband does not return in a year; the third sister tells the dead Mother Earth to kiss the knees; she comes to life, calls birds and animals, only the lame Frog knows the way; the invisible I don't know What she tells me to feed the snake, ask her for a box; from it An army comes out, kills the king, the servant reigns]: Aris 1971:101-114; Lutsie (Western 1934) [two farmer brothers; read in the book that there is a stone behind the pasture, there is a hole under it, two dogs are guarding the castle below , it has a lamp that fulfills wishes; only someone who does not have a patronymic and surname, but only the name given at baptism, will get it; the elder brother was in town, met a boy who has neither mother nor father, his they found the name Osman with a note; brought him to him; the brothers told him to go down to that castle and take out the lamp; O. found a rusty lamp, went out with it; the dogs were bewitched people, disappeared, only the chains remained; when I left, there was no one, I came to town to sell the lamp; I began to clean it, a dwarf jumped out: what do you need? O. wished food; when he grew up to the age of 16, he ordered the dwarf to move him to the island and build a castle there; then an army; hunting grounds; books; he read in the book that Maria Krakovna lived in the kingdom of far away, kings pay 5,000 rubles each to look at her; beauty - not to describe with a pen; O. told the dwarf to deliver her to him; began to kiss her, she fell in love with him; the king asks the sorceress to find out where her daughter is, promises reward; she summons animals, birds, fish - no one knows; the old frog was the last to appear: it sailed on a ruff, and he sailed across the seas; MK on the island; the witch sat in a stupa, flew to the island; tells Mary that escaped from the deceased ship; persuaded M. to ask her husband what his secret was; after receiving the lamp, the witch sent O. to the island, where there was only sand, and M. brought it back to his father; a cat sailed out of the sea to O.; teaches call the ship for help, the cook died there, they will take it to its place; the cat tells you to boil water, add ash and coals, creates 12 changes of dishes, no one has eaten so tasty before; the ship sailed to Maria's country (in Krakovi); the king calls the captain for lunch, he does not eat: my cook is better; the next day O. cooks; the cat tells me to kill the bottles of wine, pour the fragments into boiling water; M. went to his place, O. brought food there , she kissed him, the soldier saw O. thrown into a well with mice; there the cat began to catch them; ordered him to bring a lamp from the witch's room; appeared with M. in the guise of a prince; awarded the ministers who condemned him to those the executions they came up with for him; the king handed him the Kingdom of Krakow; the wedding; it flowed down his mustache but did not fall into his mouth; at the wedding, O. kissed the cat, she became a princess, was bewitched; the surname O. was Bogdanov and there was no middle name]: Annom et al. 2018:259-271; Estonians [the old king finds out that there is a mirror that makes him young; sends two eldest sons for him; the youngest fool goes by himself, finds the brothers in the tavern, they refuse to take him as companions; she comes to the forest hut, the old woman sends him to her older sister, who convenes her family, i.e. animals, birds, no one knows about the mirror; the two-headed eagle is the last to arrive, says that the mirror is in the princess's heads, carries a young man there; he puts two bear guards to sleep, throwing them eagle feathers; despite the eagle's prohibition, he hesitates, He eats and drinks, takes the ring off the finger of the sleeping princess; on the way back, the eagle plunges the young man into the sea three times, saying that he, the eagle, was just as afraid when the young man hesitated; the brothers are still sitting in the tavern, they take away the younger one's mirror, advise the father to kill the fool; he lets him go to sea in a shuttle; the shuttle sails to the island; the young man pulls out a broom, scissors, bread received from old women; a city appears, all people dressed, fed; the princess sails in search of her ring, she must marry its owner; the young man marries her, rules the island]: J.Kunder in Põder, Tanner 2000:47-61 (=Raud 2004:160-170); Western Sami [in autumn, when he came to the island to fish, the young man settled in the house of the old witch Jadereschachku; she told him about the country of Nuorravoudagardi, where everyone is young; gathered birds, no one did not know how to get there; finally an eagle flew in and agreed to take the young man there; when they arrived and the young man entered the house and tore off the veil from the bed, he saw a beautiful girl; she agreed to be his his wife and took him to church; in church she gave half a fruit the size of an apple to eat; after eating it, the young man saw that the church was full of people; one day he wanted to visit his old mother {this is that witch}; the eagle could hardly carry it, died soon; therefore, the young man was no longer able to return to the land of eternal youth]: Kohl-Larsen 1982:35-39; Danes: Grundtvig 1920 [=Grundtvig 1879:23-44; elders Sons Peter and Paul are smart, the youngest Esbeen is lazy; the elders decide to develop a rocky plot on the farm; but every year on Ivanov, the day sown is trampled; Peter, then Paul, guard, run away in horror; E. sees three swan maidens descending; while they are dancing, he hides their robes; returns when the youngest Lena, Zonderwand's maiden, agrees to marry him; they are three princesses kidnapped by a witch and releases once a year; L. teaches him to build a castle by hitting a stone with a tree branch; tells him not to invite the king; but the brothers' father invited him; when he learns that the king is coming, L. flies away and tells him to come to her castle, which is north of the sun, west of the moon; E. goes in search; two fight over an invisible hat, E. suggests that the winner should get it, put it on himself; the other two over speeding boots; E. offers them to race, takes their boots; two more - from behind the knife you point at, he falls dead; E. takes a knife, points at the fighting; E. comes to the old woman, she is the owner of the animals, those they do not know about the castle; sends the same thing to her sister, the mistress of the fish; she to another sister, the mistress of the birds; the lame eagle arrives later than anyone else, he flew just from this castle; the hostess tells him to take E. there; they fly through a hole in the ground, then in water, in fire; E. throws the ring that L. gave him into the goblet brought by the maid; wearing an invisible hat, kills the witch with his magic knife; wedding]: 27-41; Holbek 1987 [the grass doesn't even grow in the field; the eldest son guards, is frightened of the hurricane; the same average; the youngest waited for the wind to subside; three girls came down, took off their hats and started dancing; young man hid one hat; returned the girl's promise to marry him and return in a year; money under a stone in the field, let the young man build a castle and invite everyone but the king to the wedding; but he invited the king; the king recognizes a magical bride as a daughter, tells the young man to bring gold coins from the top of a glass mountain; the girl gives a mare and teaches him what to do; if he fails, he must look for her in a castle in the middle of the world south of the sun, north of the moon; it didn't work out, the mare is gone, the young man goes in search of the castle; two are arguing over his father's inheritance; these are speed boots; the young man throws a stone: whoever gets first will receive inheritance; puts on boots himself; in the same way he receives a magic tablecloth and a sword that kills and revives; there is a terrible hunger in the house of the animal lord; the young man fed everyone, the lord tells the animals to find out where the castle is located; they did not know, the lord of the animals sends a young man to his brother, the master of the fish, who is the master of the birds; the last is the old eagle, only he knows, carries the young man to the castle, teaches how to kill animal guards; the princess promises to appear in six months and again asks not to invite her father; on the way back, the young man revives the dead guards; invites the king to the wedding, kills him, then revives; after that, the king is powerless to prevent marriage]: 572-573.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [=Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 36:293-300; the son of a padishah marries his poor friend; the viziers say that the poor man's wife is better than the wife of the padishah's son; he harbors dislike; so pick up the poor man's wife, the viziers tell him to go there, I don't know where, bring something, I know what; the wife gives her an apple, it rolls, the horseman follows him to the hut; the old woman sends him to her older sister, she calls all the animals, the lame frog comes last; she tells the horseman to take it, shows the way, go into the house and hide; 4 horsemen come in, say, "Grandma, feed us"; birch bark box on He performs everything to the table; the horsemen leave, the hero picks up the boxes; the fisherman shows the stick from which the army comes out, suggests changing; advises the box to agree, he will then return to the owner; returns; the viziers want to take away the boxes, or even the wife; the dzhigit calls the army, it destroys the viziers and the padishah]: Yarmukhametov 1957:173-181; Bashkirs: Bessonov 1941, No. 28 [when the boy is 6 years old, his mother has an abscess burst on his left hand, a girl came out; immediately all the mares were thrown away; in a dream, the brother saw her sister turn into fire and flew away; the next day he took her from his mother, hit the fire, ordered her to be killed; the parents refused; the son left in a thin foal, which turned into a mighty horse; on the way he extinguished the burning bush; there was a snake in it, led him to his father, ordered him to ask for a lame goat as a reward; the serpent tells slaughter her, put her feet to her feet, head to your head and wish her whatever you want; in the morning around the palace and the farm with workers, the wife is in bed; the king is envious, sent to bring the golden bunny; the wife teaches how to create a bridge across the sea, catch a bunny; the husband caught and did not give it to the king; he tells me to bring the girl from the bottom of the ninth sea; the wife gave a paper: hit the seas, the water will split in two; the man brought a girl, made a second wife; the king tells me to bring food with no; the eldest wife was the queen of birds and reptiles, she called everyone, no one knows; the old frog came last, saying that there are no foods with none, but she doesn't know where; they went, the frog jumped into the water; well done, went into the house and hid; some man came in; Sarbyay! Serve food; the invisible brings everything; when he is gone, the person invites S. to the table; he agrees to go with him; tells you to poke the house with a stick, it will turn into an egg, put it in your pocket and go home; king tells them to go to their deceased parents; wives took her husband away from the fire; tell the king to bury gold under the king's threshold; tell the king that his parents are in paradise calling to them, talking about gold; the king found gold, ordered to burn himself, the man became king; decided to visit his parents, his wife gave tulpara; at home the old woman, his sister; asks if the brother came on a three-legged, two-legged, one-legged horse, and came on foot; rushes at him, he asks for a break, she ties him by the leg with a rope, he tied the rope, ran to the horse; aspen fell in the way of the old woman and turned into a mountain; well done, returned to his wives]: 160-166; Barag 1989, No. 28 [after the death of his father, the youngest son Safar leaves home; stays with the fisherman, marries his daughter Zuleikha; she weaves, S. sells, the king saw, gives instructions to lime S., pick up Z.; 1) get three wild horses (Z. gives the powder to be thrown into the water, the horses fall asleep); 2) get something I don't know what; Z. calls animals, birds, fish; only the old pike tells you to go down to the green house hide under a green table; a white-bearded old man came in, telling the invisible Uzbek to serve food; when he left, S. himself invited W. to share a meal; he goes with him; tells him to exchange him from the caravans for a chest with soldiers; he also returns to S.; the soldiers defeated the king's army, S. executed him and reigned]: 145-151.