Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27xy. Characters with different properties in the enemy camp.


Several men (animals), each of whom can do something better than others, together complete the difficult tasks assigned to them by their opponents. The competition is not aimed at identifying a worthy groom's girlfriend or getting rid of an undesirable applicant.

Tonga, South Cook Islands, Tuamotu, Pao, Tingyan, Chulym Turks, Altaians, Khalkha Mongols, Ordos Mongols, Quinolt, Puget Sound, Puyallup, Upper Chehalis, Klitz, Klikitat, kalispel, lower chinook, clackamas, tillamook, alsea, kutene, teton (oglala), mandan, northern shoshoni, navajo.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Tonga [Lasa (Laka) cuts down a tree to make a boat for a trip to Fiji; Haelefeke revives a tree; on the fourth day, L. waits, grabs him; he helps build a boat, sails with L.; they are also Eater and Thief; Fiji's demons offer to compete, 1) eat a lot (Eater wins), 2) catch fruit thrown from a tree, 3) fill the basket with crabs (The thief waits for the Fijian to fill his basket, puts him to sleep, puts the crabs into his own)]: Beckwith 1970:271; Pukapuka (South Cook Islands) [Lata came to the forest in Samoa, chose a tree, cut down, began to hollow out the boat; the grove belonged Yanata, he got used to resting under this tree; J. came, they began to fight, J. magically restored the tree; but L. magically replaced the trunk under the bark with another, keeping his boat; finished it; selected a team, trying to see if a person bends his neck if L. presses on it; they sailed to Fiji (Witi); along the way, the satellites mobilize their witchcraft powers to protect themselves from the weather, cannibal fish (Wakapeyi and Wakapalalu has the ability to spew a lot of crap out of themselves, the fish ate it and fall behind); when a huge tridacna attacks, L. himself jumps into it, cuts it from the inside with a wooden knife, pops up; the flesh of the mollusk distributes it among all Pacific islands, forgetting Pukapuka; dives, pulls out the root of the shell (it is not edible); Fiji offers competitions to have an excuse to kill and eat strangers; 1) collect more crabs; before sunset, the Fijian hero collected three baskets, volunteered by Tupua-Kaia from Team L. one; offered to spend the night in the forest, put stones and leaves in his baskets, covered with crabs; punched two opponent's baskets as if the crabs had gnawed; the opponent was eaten; 2) weave the mat; Mata-Pili-kawa from Team L. worked harder, won; the people of Fiji decided to fatten and eat strangers, not waiting for an excuse; Tupua-kele-ana of L.'s team dug an underground passage from the stockade they were holding to their boat; they were the last to leave, Wakapeyi and Wakapalalu filled the passage with crap; the boat turned out to be Unpacked, but Matai-Monomono patched it; they sailed, returned, unraveled the Fijian boats, broke their scoops, sailed away again; the Fijians were flooded with crap, the boats began to sink; L. and his companions continued their journey]: Beaglehole, Beaglehole 1938; Tuamotu (Pukapuka) [to make a boat, Lata from Samoa cuts down a tree owned by the sorcerer Hinata; they are fighting, their strength is equal; H. revives wood; L. makes a boat out of a different trunk; recruits a crew; this is Head of stone, Flat head, Hole dagger, etc.; while sailing, each of the satellites overcomes some difficulty, danger, based on his unique abilities; L. himself dives into a giant oyster, shares meat; in competition with Witi residents, each of the companions shows their abilities; one of the tasks is to fill the basket with crabs; a man from Witi is put to sleep, put his crabs into his own basket]: Beckwith 1970:270.

Burma - Indochina. Pao [the wind knocked the old man down, he was hurt and died; the grandson went to take revenge on the wind; meets, takes companions Heavier than a stone, Sharper than a knife, Hot fire; when they came to the cave of the wind, he began to blow, but Heavier than a stone, he overshadowed the others; the wind sent a fighting rooster, to meet him Sharper than a knife; sent a pig, Hot Fire fried it; the boy demanded as much gold and silver for his grandfather as they they will be able to carry them away, distributed houses to fellow villagers; one received less than the others, pushed his grandfather off the tree himself, went to the wind; in order not to share, he refused the help of the people he met; the wind destroyed him]: Zapadova 1977:258- 260.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tinghian {the story is only for those Tinghian groups who are in contact with the Christianized population, but there are no relevant details in European texts} [Dogedog is a lazy loafer; but before at the beginning of the rainy season, he decided to lay bamboo on the ground in his hut; took rice wrapped in banana leaf with him; the cat ate rice; the same the next day; on the third, D. set a trap; which asked him not to kill - he would still be useful; in the morning, a rooster in the place of the cat; D. took him to Magsingal, where cockfights; on the way he meets and companions a crocodile, a deer, an anthill, a monkey; rooster D. easily defeated all roosters, because in fact he is a cat and he has claws; further competitions: 1) who will sit under water longer (crocodile); 2) who runs faster (deer); 3) who will win the fight (anthill) defeated the wrestler); 4) who climbed higher on the tree (monkey); D. bought two horses to take home all the silver he received and never worked again]: Cole 1916:91-94.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Chulym Turks [sister gave water to two hero brothers; neighbors dug a hole and lowered them into it, throwing half a horse carcass and a piece of wood; they sobered up, made a balalaika, and began to play ; the old woman heard, pulled out the heroes; says she will overtake the goat; she was taken with her; another old woman; the old man drinks the lake, pours it into another; he was also taken; they lit a fire in front of the city; king: who are you ? ready to compete in running; the king sent the old woman; the heroic old woman overtook her, went to bed; the king got her dirty and ran past her; the heroic woke up, overtook her; the tsar dug a hole, covered her with silk; another old woman warned not to walk on silk; the tsar wants to burn them; the lake who was drinking flooded the fire with water; everything swam; the brothers tore their sister with horses]: Lukina 2004, No. 5.5:100-103; Altaians [seven khans lived on earth; their names were Big Mouth, Long Arm, Sorcerer, Slukhach, Runner, Strongman, Big Eye; they easily defeated everyone by exterminating what lived on earth; Karat Khan decided to deal with them; Slukhach overheard that he was going to put them in an iron chest and fry them; they were served poisoned meat at the Khan's headquarters; the sorcerer made him eat by the khan's people; when seven were lured into an iron trap and started a fire, Big Mouth, which had drunk the lake before, cooled the trap; the Strongman knocked down the door; with the help of the Runner, they ran away; but the Pure Spirit (Ulgen) forced them to commit suicide; they threw themselves off the cliff and turned into seven stars; the Big Dipper is called Jeti Kaan ("seven khans")]: Katash 1958:10; Buryats (Okinsky District, Irkutsk Region) [Noyon Sabzhenei goes to worship; meets, comrades a sensitive person, raises a mountain, can quietly change the feathers of a magpie and a crow running around with stones on his legs, swallowing the sea, a well-aimed shooter; the khan invites you to compete; the runner overtakes horsemen on foot; the sensitive one finds out that they want to poison them, changed food, Khan's noyons die, the shooter kills everyone Khan's Mergen, the swallower drowns everyone who remains; to atone for the sin of murder, seven fellows rush into the sea and find themselves in the sky - "The Seven Elders" (Big Dipper)]: Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 14: 209-215; Khalha Mongols: Bennigsen 1912 (Dunsurun) [two brothers want to destroy a third, hard-working man; he leaves; consistently meets and comrades 1) listening to the conversation of sinners in hell; 2) easily catching up with an antelope; 3) knocking down stars from the sky with an arrow; 4) a thief stealing eggs from under a female crow; 5) piling mountains on top of each other; 6) drinking and belching the sea; hero returns to his brothers, they became khans; the thief replaces kegs of good and poisoned wine (one khan survives); the strongman wins the fight; the rest learn about an attempt to blow them up in the palace, prevent them her; becomes seven stars of the Ursa Major; it was cold, there were 7 stars in Mechin (Pleiades); twins steal one, it's getting warmer; the stolen star is visible from the second star of the bucket]: 55-57; Skorodumova 2003:8-13 [two brothers meet a shooter (shoots birds behind clouds) listening to what's underground (buried to the waist), a strongman (moving mountains), a runner (catching an antelope); a rumor hears what Shaazgai Khan is going to attack by sea; they meet him drinking, he drained the sea to the bottom, they passed, took him as a friend; Sh. Offers competitions 1) Khan's shooter pierces the mountain with an arrow, the arrow gets stuck in another mountain, the Shooter - five mountains, gets stuck in the sixth; 2) wrestling (the strongman defeated the khan's fighter), 3) running (the khan's shaman fell from fatigue); the sage Tushimel Saran suggests taking seven by deception, burning in a cast-iron a yurt; a rumor hears this, opivalo floods the yurt and the entire city of Khan with water; they ascend to the sky, become the Big Bear]; the Khangarid bird took the Khan's 25-year-old daughter; eight sons of an old man (shooter, the runner, keen, smelling, sucking in the wind, swallowing the sea, stopping the moon and the sun; the youngest, capturing the intangible) went in search. They shot H., caught the princess in flight, brought the khan; the father decides to make khan the one who catches the arrow fired into the sky; caught the youngest, became the North Star, the rest became the Ursa Major] 58-64 [Alhay Mergen is surrounded by a mangas army; older sister Tsetseng Tsever becomes his wife with him, younger Gunar Shar runs with 7 horses; AM cannot be killed, he is shackled, thrown into a hole; he asks the crow and the magpie to call the Hangarid bird, who lowers the pen, pulls AM out of the hole; two poplars turn into people, break its shackles; AM finds the General Staff; they meet, take as companions 1) the listener, 2 ) a runner, 3) quietly taking out feathers from forty, 4) opival, 5) moving mountains; at the khan of mangas, the Thief quietly changes the poisoned water to clean water; many-headed mangas offer 1) shoot at the target (arrow AM flies through the mountains), 2) horse racing (mangas horses fell from fatigue), 3) wrestling (fish grew out of pieces of mangas thrown into the sea); they want to burn heroes in a yurt, opilo floods everything with water, mangas crushed by a mountain; the CC was tied to seven horses; 7 heroes and 7 red horses ascended to heaven, became the stars of the Ursa Major]; the Mongols of Ordos: Mostaert 1937, No. 32 [two brothers meet, take at her sister cities 1) who shot a bird, she fell only at the end of the day; 2) listening to what creatures in three worlds were doing; 3) rearranging mountains; 5) catching up with gazelles; 6) drinking the sea; they made it older brother, they crossed the sea dry, he regurgitated the waters back; they came to Shajagai Khan, he offers competitions; the listener learns about everything in advance; 1) shoot - the shooter pierces five, and the man SHH only two mountains; 2) the one who raised the mountains defeats the fighter Sh.; 3) the runner overtakes the White Old Woman Sh.; 4) Sh. Invites you to feast in a cast-iron house, makes a fire around, the swallowing sea regurgitates water; S. drowned; sister cities returned and became stars of the Ursa Major] in Solovyov 2014; Mongols: Potanin 1893 (khalha) [The Pleiades were the seven sons of Hobudey-Mergen, skillful in various things; one of them, accurate shooter, bet, started shooting at the sun and moon, missed; cut off his thumb, turned into a groundhog; six brothers and groundhogs took to heaven]: 323; Gadamba, Čerensodnom 1984:735 in Nassen-Bayer, Stuart 1992 [two brothers meet and friend a man waiting half a day for the bird he shot to fall from the sky; all three meet four more sequentially (Listener, Bulky Mountain, Runner, Sea Drinker); with these abilities, seven defeat Hana-Soroku, eventually becoming the stars of Ursa Major]: 329.

The coast is the Plateau. Quinalt [five seal hunters give little meat to Hazel Grouse; he makes a seal out of cedar, he drags the hunters' boat into the sea; they reach an unknown land, are summoned to compete; 1) climb a pole (Blue Jay hits a squirrel on the head with a bone, she falls off a pole); 2) sit under water (Blue Jay breathes under an inverted boat; hits the Seal on the head with a hammer, it pops up); 3) withstand a hot bath (Beaver and Otter dig a passage to the river; rivals almost cooked); 4) spend five days without sleep (hunters leave decks with rotten ones instead of eyes, run away); pursuers drowning, hunters go home]: Farrand 1902, #3:102-105; Puget Sound: Ballard 1929:64 [Sea Wind (Chinook) and his servants (Blue Jay, Beaver, Raven) go to compete with the North By the wind, whose servants are Otter, Woodpecker); 1) dive for a long time (Otter pops up dead, Blue Jay secretly breathes in the grass), 2) climb a pole (Blue Jay defeats Woodpecker); if Chinook lost, summer would not has come], 65 [Eagle's sister marries Sea, he takes her north; his servant Woodpecker; Eagle and other birds come to compete (like p.64); 1) dive (Seal vs Blue Jay), 2) climb ice column; on the way back they pass under the sky, which rises and falls], 66 [the sister of the Sea Wind is taken away by the son of the North Wind; her brother leads his men north; breaks ice on rivers; North Wind's wife, Blue Juice's sister, helps him with advice; 1) blow dust (smoke?) over each other (Blue Jay hides his face in a hole), 2) eat a lot (sends food by through a hollow stick), 3) kill a monstrous beaver, 4) dive (The seal dies, the Blue Jay hides in the grass), 5) shoot each other at friend (Blue Jay covers her chest with a stone), 6) climb an ice column (knocks down Squirrel, wins); returns home with wind sister Chinook]; puyallup [Seal tribe competes with freshwater animals joined by the Blue Jay; 1) stay under water for a long time (Blue Jay breathes under a broom thrown out of the boat, hits the Seal lying on the bottom with a hatchet); 2) climb a tree with a smooth barrel (Blue Jay hits Woodpecker on the head with a baton, he falls, Jay wins)]: Adamson 1934:251-353; Upper Chehalis [the leader and his men sails to an unknown land; jumping out of the boat, Blue Jay slides and falls; local chief Kalan lies on his bed, offers competitions; the room is full of smoke, the servant or dog inhales smoke to purify the air; 1) eat dangerous food ( guests swallow hollow tubes, let food through them); 2) dive (like puyallups); 3) race (Blue Jay vs Coyote or Squirrel, hits him, wins)]: Adamson 1934:12-15 [4) climb slippery tree (Blue Jay hits Squirrel, which falls), 5) hot bath (Blue Jay takes ice with it, the Partridge bursts in the heat); 6) take a boat along the river under the ice floes that rise, then they go down (they pass, Blue Jay has cut off the tip of its tail); the Spider gives them a boat, it brings them home and goes back], 15-20 [7) shoot at each other (Blue Jay kills Beaver]; colitz : Adamson 1934:178-184 [two var, like upper chehalis; salmon drags the boat to an unfamiliar shore, turns into a local chief; 1) diving (Blue Jay breathes under a floating broom on the water, kills Duck ); 2) pole climbing (Blue Jay hits Hummingbird Girl); 3) duel (Eagle puts a whetstone under Soyke's clothes, a local boy is killed); 4) steam room (Eagle digs, a local boy bursts in the heat); 5) Eagle and Jay win at dice; Soyka's kidnapped sister lives in this land, fish are her children; she helps relatives return home; other options: Blue Jay, his sister, Eagle, etc., swim to another village, fall to an unfamiliar shore; on the way back, the boat slips twice under a log that rises and falls]; kalispel: Vogt 1940, No. 5 [two (this is the Carolina Duck and the Woodpecker) we went to whoa where the competition should be: who would dive and stay under water the longest; decided to make a hole in the bottom of the boat to swim and breathe unnoticed; Coyote also imposed go powhoa; painted one red and the other with white clay and black; beautiful; they won; Moose, Deer, Bison against them, they cut off their heads; and they ate so full that they died], 9 [on one There are a camp of people on the river bank, animals on the other; they cause people to compete; swim in cold water and then lie in the snow; the otter makes the air and water colder; finally, man dies; then a young man came, like a puppy's skin on his shoulders; at night the young man died of the cold; but in the morning the puppy reappeared; went into every house, he was allowed to gnaw people's bones, but he did not gnaw them, but collected them; went into the house where one woman; one gave the puppy gum from behind her cheek and then took it away; he bit off her cheek; after collecting all the bones, the puppy carried them across the river and revived his friend; he came to his wife, this is the chief's daughter; she first thought she was a stranger man, but then formed; the person {not clear: lively or taking the form of a puppy} threw dog skin over his shoulders and began to compete with the otter again; it was getting colder and colder, the otter froze to death; people swam to the other side and killed some animals, as they used to kill people; then the man and beaver each sat in the cauldron, under each fire; when the beaver jumped out, it was boiled and died, but man was unharmed; in the morning the animals ran away; a man walked and said: off the road, this will be your country (so many times); let animals be game (for people?)] : 85-89, 93-99; the lower chinook [the chief's sister marries the overseas spirit; the chief and his men come to visit; they are told 1) to eat a lot (the owner and chief let the meat through the swallowed reeds, and Blue Jay's gut falls out), 2) stay under water for a long time (Blue Jay hides under floating branches, kills a local diver at the bottom with a club, her corpse floats up), 3) climb the ice column (Blue Jay quietly hits his rival Chipmunk with a club), 4) participate in a bow duel (Beaver ties stones to his chest, beats local Loon), 5) withstand the steam room (the leader puts ice under their people's legs, and their spirits burst from the heat); people return home safely]: Boas 1894a, No. 3:55-59; clackamas [the older brother makes boats; sends his son to the younger one for fat; he insults him ; the elder sends a wooden seal to drag the hunters' boat into the sea; they sail to the seal woman; there is also a bumblebee woman with teeth in her vagina; the hero inserts a stone; his teeth break, the woman menstruates; helper spirit gives tips on how to win competitions; 1) breathe in a cloud of poisonous smoke (breathe through tubes), 2) shoot at each other (Beaver covers his chest with a stone, the local leader with a sink, pierced by an arrow ), 3) dive (Blue Jay breathes secretly under the boat, a local girl dies), 4) climb a greased pole (Blue Jay takes off, hits the Woodpecker girl, she falls), 5) race (Raven faster than the Wind), 6) spend the night in a hot steam room (Beavers and Martens dig a hole until cold water), 7) harpoon salmon (Salmon wind drags the hero, Beaver gnaws through the tench); people come to the sturgeon spouses ; the wife bakes herself; the sky hits the ground; on the way home, the boat passes through them five times; the last time only the food is slightly broken; hunters return; people turn into birds and animals]: Jacobs 1958, No. 25:207-226; tillamook [Ice and its people (land animals) come to marine people; they offer 1) drink lots of fat (Ice inserts a hollow stem into the anus to remove fat), 2) take out the hot steam room (live whales heat it with their breath; the ice is blowing, the wind blows away the whales), 3) climb the ice column (The bear climbs), 4) spend a long time underwater (Ice is unnoticed breathes under moss floating on the surface); land animals fight fish and marine animals; Ice and its people return home]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 2:9-12; alsea [brothers (no number specified) from one bank of the river they go to play with brothers living on the other side (shooting at a target, throwing a spear, gambling - dice throwing, guessing game); killed, remaining from the whole family grandmother and boy; he trains to become invulnerable to a knife; finds a set of playing sticks in the steam room owned by his father and uncle (uncles); plays, wins; he is attacked, he cuts off attacking the head, the grandmother throws them into the hole so that they go to the world of the dead; the youngest has his neck cut, so the hawk (which he turned into) has a crooked neck]: Frachtenberg 1920, No. 12:137-159; kutene [ The Coyote and his bird people come to compete in three separate villages; 1) dive for a long time (the Beaver sinks, the Drake breathes unnoticed by the boat); 2) fight with their fists (with the help of the Woodpecker, the Drake defeats the Knee A cup); 3) eat a lot (Blue Jay eats and wins)]: Boas 1918, No. 49:69-73; clickitate [Chief Eagle and his men sail in a boat; a salmon woman drags a boat to her people; they offer compete; 1) dive for a long time (Blue Jay secretly breathes near the boat, a local girl dies), 2) A beaver and a local woman lie by the cliff; she falls, the Beaver is alive, the woman dies), 3) The eagle and the girl Puma They eat each other (Puma dies)]: Jacobs 1929, No. 7:216-219.

Plains. Teton (oglala) [the leader goes to visit another camp; on the way he meets three people successively, they join him; the first is a runner, the second hears far away (laughs at the story, who is told in a distant camp), the wind obeys the third; The witch invites people to race, kills the losers; The rumor hears her talking about her plans, Runner turns into a hawk; a witch puts him to sleep, but the Wind wakes him up with sand in his face; he wins]: Walker 1917:219-220; Mandan [A lonely man with a group of young men sails to the island to get valuable shells; on the shore, willows turned into warriors, they had to be fought; the owner of Maniga Island gave so much food, water, tobacco and women that many of the guests weakened; but OCH and his companions let food down through hollow sunflower tubes; according to other options, he had three helpers; one could eat a lot, the other could drink, the third smoke; instead of fervor, three helpers; one multipenis used buffalo tail without hair; OCH himself copulated with all women; M. accused Mandan of killing a dog, sending a flood; PTS made sure that the water did not rise above the cedar]: Beckwith 1938:4-7; Bowers 1950:132, 140-141, 347-353, 360-361 (according to Lévi-Strauss 1968, No. 512-515).

Big Pool. Northern Shoshones [Coyote comes to Eagle village to compete; 1) who will stay underwater longer; Beaver dives for Coyote, Duck for Eagle, Beaver wins; 2) fight: Coyote wears, wins Krotikha; 3) who eats more; Rat for Coyote, Floating Ice wins; 4) running, Coyote defeats the bird; in another village, Coyote and Fox are offered to race; the losers will be beheaded; Magpie wins, Fox and Coyote are beheaded]: Lowie 1909b, No. 23k: 277

The Great Southwest. Navajo [the divine player Naqaílpi ("The Beating") descended from the sky; a piece of turquoise served as his talisman; the pueblo lost his property and themselves; lost two precious shells, The sun asked N. to give them to him, he refused, the Sun was angry with him; the god Qastcèyalçi came to tell the Navajo youth about this, told them to come to the meeting; there were Wind, Darkness, The Bat, the Big Serpent, the Bird, Gopher, as well as animals that submitted before N. but opposed him; Darkness quietly penetrated the sleeping Player, returned, saying that he repents; The Wind did not believed it, but came back with the same news; N. puts his body parts against the young man's body parts; puts his wives; he has no wives, but two young men wear women's clothes, pretend to be the hero's wives; 1) 13 the chips must be thrown up, they should fall white, not the red side up; The Bat hides under the ceiling, having prepared 13 pieces of white on both sides, throws them instead of the ones thrown; 2) drive the hoop ( The snake hides in a hoop, drives it where it should be); 3) knock down a tree by hitting it (Gopher gnaws at the roots of the tree that the hero pushes); 4) chase the ball over a certain line (Bird instead of a ball); animals N. told the Wind to blow harder to justify his inaction to N.; the hero wins, puts N. on the bowstring, shoots them into the sky, he flies to the god of the moon; he gives him those pets which Mexicans now have, returns to land in Mexico; he became the god of Mexicans]: Matthew 1889:90-94.