Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27z2. Separated from her son escaped incest, ATU 674.23.

A noble woman is forced to leave home, gives birth to a son and is separated from him. The young man grows up and almost marries his mother, but at the last moment everything was clarified. {The Sudanese text referred to this story in El-Shamy 2004 and followed by Uther 2004 does not meet the definition; it is likely that Latvians, Romanians, and Ukrainians are also mentioned in Uther 2004 wrongfully}.

Punjabi, Bengalis, Tamils, Sinhales.

South Asia. Punjabi (Seraiks, Multan) [the merchant's son had just married when he was asked to sail on a ship with goods; while in a distant city, he went to rest and heard swans talking; if this the young man will get together with his wife today, a boy will be born whose mouth will fall rubies if he laughs; the swans decided to immediately take the merchant's son home if they are given pearls to eat; the wife does not immediately believed that her husband had come, then gave her necklace to the swans; she met her husband, and in the morning the swans carried it back; his parents decided that the child was not his, left her daughter-in-law in the forest; she came to to a hermit, gave birth to a son; the jeweler's wife replaced him with her child, came with her husband to another city, where her husband became a vizier; the wife of the merchant's son found her son, tried to carry him away, but she was captured and taken to the forest to kill her; she was bought by a prostitute, and the torturers brought deer blood for now; the prostitute agreed not to teach her her profession, but ordered her to take care of the cow and spin; the grown son came to the prostitute, the cow said to him that he was going to get together with his mother; the king, the vizier and everyone, including the woman's husband, who found himself in this city, gathered; the cow told everything; the vizier and his wife were executed, the prostitute was awarded]: Mehta 2011: 123-129; Bengalis [merchant Shankha's son squandered his fortune, his mother and wife are in poverty; he has a wife Shakti; finally, he promises her to go on a trade expedition, his mother has hidden away for this purpose money; Shanha hears Bangoma and Bangami talking; Bangoma tells her husband that he knows the fate of the young man, but will reveal only one thing: Shakti will soon have a godlike boy; the huge swan Manik can quickly take him to his wife from afar and bring him back; Shanha asked M. to do so; on the way back, M. advises him to leave him the necklace given by his wife, but Shanha does not agree; his humpback sister noticed traces leading to his wife's room; she starved her, beat her, she ran away from home; after 7 months she fell from exhaustion, she was fed by bears and tigers; she was found by a woodcutter, she asked him to sell a piece of sandalwood, but no one buys it; his wife found a hut, thought Shakti was her husband's mistress; when she gave birth, she stole her child with the midwife witch; the midwife arranged for her wife the lumberjack became queen, and the boy was introduced instead of a stillborn child, calling Neelmanik; Shanka lost his necklace (it fell to M.'s swan) and immediately forgot his wife; the necklace spoke and told M. take him to N.; the goddess of the sea hid Shakti for 12 years, and then sent him to where she would meet her husband and son; at this time, the woodcutter met Shanka, who bought sandalwood and saw a letter carved by his wife's hand on it ; I immediately remembered everything; the imaginary queen saw Shakti, ordered her clothes to be torn off and thrown into the cave; at that time the king confiscated Shanky's ships and threw him into prison; on the way, Shanka saw N., in which his necklace; N. found his mother, she recognized him; Shakti and the imaginary queen let streams of milk from afar from their breasts, but only the real mother's milk fell on N.'s lips; M.'s swan flew in and told everything; N. reigned, Shanka stayed with his son and took his mother; Swan M. also began to live in the palace]: Bradley-Birt 1920, No. 5:126-138; Tamils [Tsarevich Kantarupan married Princess Kantarupi; 7 heavenly maidens fell in love with him and kidnapped him, he spent every day with one of them; they felt sorry for his wife, they sent him to her every eighth day, but Kantarrupi herself was intoxicated and did not know it; when she became pregnant, her father told her to be taken to the forest; there an old prostitute Cauntaravalli burned the body of her deceased daughter; Kantarupi wanted to throw herself into the fire, but the prostitute offered to replace her daughter; if she gives birth to a boy, he must be killed, if her daughter should be raised; Kantarupi gave birth to a beautiful boy, but at the instigation of a prostitute, the midwife replaced him with a wooden doll; she had to kill the baby, but left him at the anthill where the five-headed serpent lived; Kantarupi's father found him, raised him; the young man went into the prostitutes quarter and saw a woman he fell in love with; went to her at night, stepped He screamed at the calf, and the cow said, “What to expect from a man who was going to hug his own mother; when he saw his mother, her milk splashed into his face; the prince found out; Kantarupi turned to Kali and seven heavenly maidens gave her husband back to her]: Shulman 1980:259-261; Tamils [about the same]: Blackburn 2005, No. 32; Sinhalese [the king is predicted that when his son grows up he will leave the country; king keeps the boy in a guarded palace; he sees a wax horse, asks his father to buy it for him; this is a winged horse, the prince flies to another kingdom on it; there he secretly visits the princess; she is pregnant, suspicions fall on the vizier; other princesses throw poison into the pool where a young man visiting the princess bathes; he jumps out, grabs him, is going to be executed; he asks for permission before he dies climb a tree, where his winged horse is hidden; then he picks up the princess and flies away with her; she is ready to give birth; they stopped in the forest, the young man went to the village to get everything he needed; during the fire, his the horse burned down; the princess left her newborn, left and became a courtesan; her father, once in this forest, picked up and raised a boy; he grew up and wanted to marry a woman without knowing that it was his mother; he He goes to her three times, each time the animals object (chicken, then goat: not only does he want to marry his mother, but he also ran over my chickens/goats); the woman tells the young man about her fate, realizes that he is her son and therefore a prince of royal blood; he inherits the throne and marries a princess]: Parker 1914b, No. 225:193-197.