Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27z2a1. An unrecognized wife visits her husband, ATU 891.


The husband leaves his wife without getting along with her. The wife visits her husband incognito and eventually he realizes who is with him. Usually a wife spends the night with her husband, gives birth to a son (three children) and the husband makes sure that the son is his son.

Arabs of Sudan, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Berbers of Morocco, Algeria, Portuguese, Spanish, Italians (Tuscany, Campania), Sicilians, Sardinians, Arabs of Iraq, Palestinians, Jordan, Aramean, Syria, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Mehri, Ancient India, Uttar Pradesh (Hindi), Kashmiris, Nepalese (?) , Marathi, Oriya, Tulu, Kannada, Tamils, Greeks, Macedonians (Albanians?) , Crimean Tatars, Adygs (Bzhedugs), Ossetians, Lacks, Rutulans, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Tajiks, Persians and Kazakhs.

Sudan - East Africa. Sudanese Arabs [a girl named Little Pepper (Cumin's daughter) by the river makes fun of Wad al-Nimair (there are many rhymed lines below); he decides to take revenge by marrying her; Before the wedding, P. made a doll filled with honey; V. pierced her with a sword and said: alive, sweet and dead too; P. appeared and said she was alive; V. went to Tur; P. came there unrecognized, divorced a fire; noticing the fire, V. sent the servant to fry the goose; the servant was so amazed by the girl's beauty that the goose burned; P. made and baked a goose out of dough, ordered the servant to take V.; ended with V. night with P.; she gave birth to a son named Tour; a year later in the Taranbur area; in her third year, Madinat Allah Wa-al-Rasul; dug an underground shelter; when V. returned and decided to take another wife to the wedding his children came; everything was explained, V., P. and their children began to live together]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 60:202-204.

North Africa. The Arabs of Egypt [the carpenter, his wife and son went to Mecca; the daughter remained at home; turned to the youuba growing near the house - let him say when father and brother will return; the Sultan's son: how many leaves per your yoube? girl: how many stars are there in the sky and ships at sea? then the Sultan's son exchanged clothes with the seller of cow giblets, sold them to the girl, pushed her, the plate broke, the girl fell; the next day he asks if she remembered it; then the girl asked the dyer to paint her black woman and sell her to the Sultan's son; on the way, the imaginary black woman went to relieve herself and disappeared; the next day she reminded the Sultan's son of a black woman; then the Sultan's son waited for the carpenter to return and married his daughter; without touching her, he left; incognito she followed him, set up a tent, the Sultan's son saw the beautiful woman and spent the night with her; returning home, the wife gave birth to a son, giving him the name Harun from the village where her husband, unaware of this, met her; the same year later (Karun village); in the third year, a daughter (Fekj-en-Nur, "The Source of Light"); when the prince decided again get married, his children appeared; everything was clarified, he stayed with his first wife]: Artin Pacha 1895, No. 20:239-249; the Berbers of Morocco (Fez) [the Sultan's son from the opposite terrace sees how beautiful Aisha picked up and ate a lump of soup dough that fell on her chest; asks how many leaves on the basilica that A. waters; she asks how many fish in the sea, stars in the sky, stops at reading the Quran; prince: I saw you pick up and swallow a fallen piece; A. then sees the prince pick up and eat a fallen pomegranate seed himself; the next day he ends the same dialogue with a remark about the grain; the prince dressed up as a jewelry seller and sold A. incense for a kiss; ends another dialogue, telling A. who the imaginary merchant was; in response, A. smeared herself in black, ordered to sell it like a black woman, she found herself in the prince's palace, gave him sleeping pills, shaved him, painted him like a woman and put a cucumber in his ass; the next morning she ended her usual dialogue with the story that she was with the prince did; the prince married A. to punish her; put her in the basement for bread and water; A. dug a way into her parents' house; continued to answer the prince that the woman was smarter; the prince inherited the throne; when she went on a trip, A. goes there three times incognito, meets her husband, receives a marriage contract from him and some object (sword, silver box, ring), conceives a son, then a second, then daughter; the sultan is going to marry another; everything was clarified, the Sultan recognized A. and children, admitted that a woman is smarter than a man]: El Fasi, Dermenghem 1926:89-102 (=Thal 1958:283-288); Arabs of Morocco, Tunis, Algerian Berbers: El-Shamy 2004, No. 891:540-542.

Southern Europe. Portuguese: Braga 2002:153-154 (Algarve) [three sisters argue which one is more skillful; the eldest promises to make the king a shirt out of eggshell film; the middle one is to sew pants for the king from green almond shells, the youngest was to give him three sons without him noticing it; the king was there, heard; the first two failed to fulfill their promises; the youngest king left money; she bought beautiful outfits, came to him three times unrecognized when he and his court were in Bule, Toledo, Seville; after that, she gives birth to a boy every time, and the king promises to marry every time; yet he is preparing a wedding with a princess, but his sons appear, calling him father; the king understood everything and married their mother], 154-156 (Santa Maria - Famalicão, northern Portugal) [every time a prince sees his daughter de lavrador {maybe a laundress and not a farmhand?} , invites her to her place, but she refuses; comes to him incognito three times, each time she takes one of the objects - a sword, a belt, a watch; gives birth to two sons and a daughter; when he invites her to his wedding, she refuses to come again, but comes with her children; they look like their father and they have a sword, belt, watch in their hands; the prince asks which key to use if he loses gold, ordered make a new one, and then found gold; everyone answers that it is golden; the prince marries the mother of his children]; Italians (Tuscany), Sicilians, Sardinians: Cerise, Serafini 1975, No. 891: 222; Italians (Campania) [the king asked the Baroness's clever daughter to teach his stupid son Carluccio; she learned him, but he did not forgive her slap; K. married her, but imprisoned her in in the room, put him on a meager ration and did not enter into marital relations; after the death of his father, the young king went to inspect the property; the mother of wife K. ordered to dig an underground passage to her, led her outside; unrecognized, K.'s wife contacted him and he gave her a jewel as a keepsake; so three times, his wife has two sons and a daughter; his mother spread a rumor about the death of her daughter; during K.'s wedding with his new fiancée the real wife came in in a luxurious dress, with her children; presented the king with his gifts; K. passed off his new bride as a brother, stayed with his wife and children]: Basile 2018:514-514-519; Spaniards: Uther 2004 (1), No. 891:516.

Western Asia. Iraqi Arabs: Bushnaq 1987 [The saddler forgot that he had sewed gold coins into the saddle and sold it; but the one who bought it returned the saddle a year later for repair, the saddler found his gold; from now on he became sing: once I lost and what I won't say, now everything is back and what I won't say; the Sultan heard and when the saddler refused to tell him the meaning of his words, the Sultan demanded that tomorrow his three virgin daughters were standing in front of the palace pregnant; youngest daughter: it's not difficult; tied jugs under her clothes and her sisters; the sultan asks everyone what month she is and what unusual she wants from food; the elders answer, and the youngest says that she is in her month and wants fish fried under the seven seas; sultan: how is it? girl: just like a pregnant virgin; in the morning he sent her younger matchmaker; the girl opened it, and the matchmaker wanted to talk to her mother; the mother went to make two out of one; then with the older sister; she went to convert black into white; and medium? plucks roses; matchmaker: at this time there are no flowers; and here is a purse from the Sultan; the girl looked into it; if a man gives a lamb, does he cut off his tail? The sultan understood everything; the mother is a porvitukha; the older sister removes women's body hair; the middle sister embroiders roses on silk; let the midwife keep the coins she stole from her purse for herself, but does not do this anymore; but having failed to realize his marriage, the Sultan went to war in the country of Siin; his wife put on men's clothes, gathered her army and followed the Sultan; after setting up a camp, invited the Sultan to play chess, won against he had a dagger; then the sultan won and asked for his dagger back, but the imaginary commander offered him a Kurdish virgin in return; the unrecognized one came by herself, nine months later gave birth to a son named Siin; then The Sultan went to fight in the country of Masiin; (same: amber necklace; a Kurdish girl who only met a man; a son named Masiin); for the third time, the country of Gharb (Sultan's headband; gave birth daughter named Gharb); upon his return, the sultan decided to marry his paternal uncle's daughter; the wife sent her children to a feast, holding a dagger, a necklace, a handkerchief, they sing that they are the Sultan's children; when they see his wife , the Sultan understood everything, sent a new bride and really married the saddler's daughter]: 339-343; Stevens 2006, No. 40 [when he learned that the tailor was bragging about her skills, the king ordered him to sew a stone cloak; the youngest 14-year-old daughter advises to bring a bag of sand to the king and ask him to make threads out of it; the tailor confessed who taught him; the king married her, but left her to live in a separate house without ever visiting her , and he went to Rum himself; the unrecognized wife followed him, put up a tent; when she saw the beautiful woman, the king spent three nights with her and lost chess; she took off his ring and put it on her finger; The following year, the king went to Erzerum, everything happened again (the wife received a precious dagger); in the third year, the king went to Shalham (the wife took the handkerchief); she gave birth to sons named Rum and Erzerum and daughter Shalham; When 7 years later, the king was about to marry a princess, his wife gave the children gifts he had given him; the king found out his things, everything was resolved, he was happy with the tailor's daughter and children]: 219-223; Saudia [the poor woodcutter uproots the bushes and sells it for fuel; he heard in the mosque that everything will come to a sincere believer; he decided to stop working, but only to believe; the wife sold the utensils, and then Two merchants came and hired a donkey for five days, paying silver; husband to his wife: look, we got silver for nothing; those two cups found a box of gold; both did not want to share; one put poison on the other, and he shot the first, then died of poison himself; but the donkey came home, bringing gold to the owners; the lumberjack thanked God again; when people noticed that the poor man was suddenly rich, the king summoned him and asked three questions; what is the hardest and softest; the most terrible; the most pleasant; daughter: water, the sound of approaching cavalry, bed with his wife; the father hit the daughter, but she replied that she was chaste, but sees and hears others; now the king orders to bring five buffaloes with white turbans on their heads; daughter: go to the mosque on Friday and ask what day of the week it is; bring those who fail to answer to the king; father found four; daughter: tell the king that you are the fifth; the king ordered to tell who teaches answers, was satisfied, decided to marry the lumberjack's daughter; without getting along with her, he leaves and orders that by his return, he leaves and orders that by his return she had a son with him, and the mare left to her had a foal with a stallion he was taking with him; his wife dressed as a man and ordered the gray mare to be painted black, sitting under the same oasis where the king came, his wife, disguised as a Bedouin sheikh, made friends with him and promised to send her twin sister; at night, his wife came disguised as the sheikh's sister, and during the day under the guise of the sheikh himself; at night, his wife quietly removed the signet ring from his finger; by this time the stallion had covered the mare; the sheikh disappeared as suddenly as he appeared; when she returned and found out, the king told his wife to rule on a par with him]: Dickson 1949, No. 8:315-324; mehri [husband left his wife; she came to him unrecognized, spent the night and received a bag of amber; next time she took a ring and belt; the wife gave birth to a son; he grew up and went to man, called his father; presented his ring and belt as proof; the husband called his wife the best of women]: Hein, Müller 1909, No. 52:136-138; the Arameans [the sultan and the minister set water to boil; Sultan: If you don't find out in three days what the water says, when it gurgles, I'll cut off my head; the minister went to the Bedouins, where the girl answered: I, water, are creating a tree, and it also boils me; the sultan married Bedouin girl; put his sword in bed as a sign of abstinence; left, giving a sealed box of money and a low pearl that can only be worn on the future son conceived by the Sultan; the wife collected more 20 girls and all dressed in a man's dress; stopped under the guise of a commander in a camp near the Sultan's parking lot; he called the commander to visit and offered to play dice; lost the ring with with a seal; the imaginary commander opened the box, took the money, put the chaff inside, sealed it again with the Sultan's seal, and returned the ring to the Sultan the next evening; now they play the concubine, the guest lost; the girl changed her clothes and appeared as a concubine; three days later she asks to return her to the commander, because he returned the ring to the Sultan; the wife gave birth to a boy, he grew up and went to Baghdad; the mother gave he had that low pearl; the young man was handsome, selling sorbet; the daughters of the king and sultan asked him to come to him; the king and sultan found out about this and decided to cut off his head; when he saw that low pearl, he ordered his mother to be brought in; a woman came and told me everything; the young man was married to the king's daughter]: Bergsträsser 1915, No. 3:6-10; Palestinians, Jordan, Syria, Bahrain, Qatar: El-Shamy 2004, No. 891:540-542.

South Asia. Ancient India (Kathasaritsāgara): Uther 2004, No. 891:516; Uttar Pradesh (Hindi) [a farmer and a barber are about to get married; a barber visits his fiancée's house ; she stands at the door buying spinach and feeds the guest with it; then he comes to the peasant's bride's house; the girl, seeing the guest, hides, the guest is fed exquisitely; seeing that the comparison is not in his favor to his own bride, a barber tells the peasant that the bride had a peasant: she stood at the door and then fed him spinach; a peasant who had not seen his fiancée before marries the ceremony, wrapping his face in a cloth so as not to see anything, and then does not approach his wife and eats only bread; when a peasant and a barber were playing dice, the peasant's wife comes up and invites him to play with him herself If he sends the barber away; the peasant does not know who is in front of him and is fascinated by the beauty; she comes to play four times and wins a ring, bracelet, garland and necklace; asks her mother-in-law to put it all down into cakes; the peasant leaves home, breaks the cakes and finds his jewelry in them; hurries home and is happy with his wife]: Beck et al. 1987, No. 14:42-45; Kashmiris [the king chased game, but did not catch up, but met the princess; she agreed to become his wife, adding that her son would then marry his daughter; after the wedding, the king never visited his wife or mentioned her; she asked father {her father, not her husband} to allow her to travel; disguised as an unknown princess, she came to her husband, who fell in love with her, and when she allowed her to leave, gave her a ring and other gifts; she gave birth to a son Shabrand, he grew up in her parents' palace; she hired the best teachers, including a thief; wanting to test her son, told him to steal an egg from the eagle's nest, he did; then she sent him to her husband, the king; let him lead him before deciding to give his daughter for the thief, if only the thief confessed; S. committed incredible thefts, hiding treasures in a field under a tree; at night, the mayor (cauldron) saw a woman at the well; she persuaded him change clothes to catch the thief; they found him like this; the next night the same thing happened to the vizier: the woman rubbed the grain at night, said that the thief forced her to do it, persuaded the vizier change clothes; after that, the king promises a daughter to the thief if he opens up and stops stealing; S. opened, his mother explained everything, the king admitted defeat, appointed S. heir]: Sadhu 2002, No. 18:52 -56; Marathi (Mumbai) [during the forest fire, the sparrow flew away and the sparrow carried water to moisten the nest, the chicks survived; the sparrow and the sparrow began to argue who should be after the incident to belong to the chicks; the king said that to the father; then the pardhan girl (dravidka) demanded from the king a foal born to a royal mare from her father's stallion; the king gave the foal, but demanded bovine milk; the girl went to wash, said she was washing the sheets: her father gave birth; the king ordered the roof to be made before the house was built; she had an equally absurd request (something with weighing peas}; the king decided marry a girl but keep her alone for 12 years in a purpose-built palace, where she will have the necessary supply of grain to eat; she promises to show him his son at the end of her term, oh whose existence he would not know existed; the girl took rats with her to the palace built by order of the king, who went to another palace, where she had everything she needed; there the king met her, but did not recognize fell in love; she was ready to give birth, asked the king for a souvenir ring; when 12 years were over, the king's wife moved back to her intended palace, showed her ring and son; everything is fine]: D'Penha 1894, No. 18:134-139; oriya [a pair of turtles in the forest are waiting for offspring; a fire broke out, the male flew away, the female stayed, the fire spared this tree, she gave birth to two children; the male found a new wife, demanded children the king decided in his favor; the female drowned herself, asking that in a new rebirth she become the child of a merchant's wife who wanted a daughter; the merchant took the bull to the king's cows, took the offspring; the king ordered return the calves; merchant's daughter: if you decide in favor of a male pigeon, you must also in favor of our bull; king: move your pond to ours; girl: our pond is a girl, let yours come to her and invite her; king: move the mountain; girl: only an immaculate woman can do it, let the queen tell the mountain to move; the queen commands, the mountain is in place, the king executed the queen; took the merchant's daughter, locked her; the mongoose brings her food; the king sees her, does not recognize her, she calls herself a heavenly fairy, he builds a palace for her, gives a crown and a diamond for her future son; the wife disappears, gives birth to a merchant in the house, calls the king to look at her son; when he Got it, he remarried the merchant's daughter; all is well]: Mohanti 1975:3-16; kannada [prince rode to another village; the daughter of a rich man sweeps the yard; prince: of all the sesame seeds Which is the smallest one? girl: of all flowers, how much does jasmine cost? prince: you don't know who you're talking to, I'll marry you to lock you up; girl: and I'll have your son tie you to a pole in market square, otherwise my chest is not a chest, but a nut; king agreed to marry his son, although the kshatriya should not marry an Idiga girl; the prince ordered an underground prison for his wife; when she went to her husband, she told her father everything; he arranged underground passage; the prince's wife learned various arts from acrobats; the prince (he had married another girl for a long time) saw an acrobat show and fell in love with his first wife, not knowing that it was her; after for nights of love, she asked him for a ring; her son grew up and his mother explained to him that he should tie the prince; the young man put everyone in the palace to sleep, changed the golden legs of the bed on which the prince slept with his wife, wooden blocks, took all the jewelry and left; deceived the chief of police and spent the night with his daughter disguised as his son-in-law; deceived the king (i.e. the former prince), who was mistaken for a thief and tied to to the pole; everyone gathered, the young man told him who he was and how it was; his mother came and showed a ring (as well as a dagger, necklace, seal received from the prince); the king recognized the young man as his son, and his mother first wife]: Ramanujan 1997, No. 72:198-207; tulu [Shiva and Parvati decided to play cenne (playing on a chip board); Shiva lost, sent Parvati to bring milk and turned the board; Parvati turned it back; Shiva threw the board on the floor, told the ants to eat Parvati's white sari, took with him a gold knife and two silver boxes for snuff powder and lime, and went hunting; Parvati smeared her black face, went to the forest and sat under a tree pretending to take the lice out of her hair; Shiva came up, mistook his wife for a Korpalu woman, and they spent three nights together; breaking up, she asked Shiva for his knife, both boxes and a gold ring; returned to the palace before him; asked if he had spent time with the Korpalu woman - she brought his gifts here; Shiva admitted perfection Parvati]: Beck 1987, No. 48:171-174; Tamils: Beck et al. 1987, No. 15 [the prince goes to a prostitute and agrees to marry only someone who looks like him like two drops of water; viziers with a photo They go in search of the prince and meet other viziers who are looking for a husband for the princess to look like him; it turns out that the prince and the princess are similar; before the prince sees the photo the bride, the prostitute manages to burn her eyes with lime in the portrait; the prince is forced to perform the marriage ceremony, but refuses to deal with the blind man; his mother advises his daughter-in-law to cook pebbles for him instead food - he does not react; do not let him into the house - he goes to live with a prostitute; daughter-in-law asks his mother-in-law for a buffalo and brings milk to the prostitute's house; the prince sees a beauty and buys milk worth its weight in gold; in next time it was worth its weight in pearls; as a result, all the prince's jewels went to an imaginary thrush; she gave birth to a son; the prostitute came to her and asked why her hair was so beautiful; she replied that every day, the head must be rubbed with stones and pieces of poplar bark tied to pigtails; the prostitute's head was wounded, they fester and she died; the prince returned home and saw his beautiful woman- wife]: 46-48; Natesa Sastri 1884-1888, No. 12 [Prince Krishna asks the sesame oil saleswoman Rukmani which plant has less seed than sesame; she asks which flower has only two petal; K. names a flower; K. replies that this plant has a seed smaller than a sesame seed; K. is angry; promises to marry R., imprisoning her forever; she promises to give birth to a son from him, who is his will bind him; K. does not get out of bed, tells his father to marry him to R.; R. agrees with his father that he will dig an underground passage to her place of detention (this is a garden house); R. becomes a rope dancer, K. into her fell in love, visited her, gave her a ring and garlands; her son Ratnam was born and raised; boys call him illegitimate; his mother tells the truth; he learns to rob and steal; he got into the sleeper to his father and robbed him; then he came to the chief of the guard under the guise of his long-gone son-in-law; he took him to the palace; on the way, the imaginary son-in-law asks to show how the pads work; the chief of the guard sticks his hands and legs, the imaginary son-in-law tightens the bolts and pretends not to unscrew them; goes to get the tools, says that his father-in-law has fallen out of favor, he is given valuables to hide, he leaves with them; everything in the morning understand the deception; the prince himself decided to catch the thief; Ratman pretended to be a laundress washing the robbers' clothes at night; the prince remains guarded; Ratman advises him to get under the trough; presses him down with a stone and takes away the prince's jewels; next time he pretended to be a betel and tobacco seller; the prince climbed into the basket to ambush him; Rathman put on his clothes and jewelry, called the warriors, said he had caught the thief and he has already revealed to him where the stolen goods are hidden (in the sand by the river); he pulls out the hidden; the king is amazed to see two princes identical in their faces, but one naked; Ratman's mother and the prince's wife tell the whole story presents a ring and garlands once presented to her by the prince; everything is fine]: 245-266; Blackburn 2005, No. 81 []; Nepali {Nepal; these may not be Napalas, but some Tibetan-speaking group}: Unbescheid 1987, No. 23 in Uther 2004 (1), No. 891:516.

The Balkans. Greeks: Legrand 1881 []: 263-272; Paton 1900, No. 10 (Lesbos) [one king tells another that he has a pig and he has wild boars; the king is discouraged, does not understand what this means; eldest, middle daughter: me I thought you were worried about finding me a husband; hitting my father, knocking out a tooth; younger: tell someone who has wild boars and no pigs that I will rub three bushels of salt on his forehead without him noticing it; the younger prince is getting married on the younger princess, immediately leaves for Soultado (some distant harbor); the wife arrives there earlier, her husband did not recognize her, she lives with her for a year, she gives birth to a son Soultada, the father gives him a sign - a dagger; at home, his wife tells her husband that she has already rubbed one bushel; the same in Aleppo (Halepi's son, ring) and in Babylon (Babilonitsa's daughter, dress); the prince decided to marry another; his children come, show their signs, husband returns to first wife]: 336-339; Macedonians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 891:516; (cf. Albanians [check whether the text is based on the K27Z2a or K27Z2b motif]: Uther 2004 (1), No. 879:501).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karaites (a similar option among the Crimean Tatars) [the beloved vizier has died; the courtiers ask the padishah to appoint his former young son as a new one; the padishah agreed; satisfied, but decided to check young man; gives gold: buy a goat, two kebabs and a prayer rug, and return the gold one too; the vizier set off, caught up with the old man; invited him, going up the mountain, to carry each other alternately; the old man did not Got it; envious of the forest: let's go there on foot and go out on horseback; same; by the wheat field, at the sight of the funeral procession: has the grain already been eaten? Is the man on the stretcher alive or dead? crippled beggars - dead or alive? the old man became angry; Viir went to the mosque, and the old man went to his daughter and talked about the annoying madman; the girl explained everything: to start a conversation; to find a staff in the forest; whether the harvest had been laid; whether he was virtuous deceased; do the cripples have loving relatives; let the father invite that traveler to visit; baked two buns, a big one and a small one, took 30 eggs, tied them in a bundle and asked her father to give it to that young man; he ate half a big bun and 10 eggs on the way; vizier: did your sun split in half? 20 days in a month? the old man said that his daughter sent him; the vizier sent a servant to her, giving her a pair of gold and expensive cloth on his dress; the servant cut off a piece for himself; the girl: tell the master not to give gifts with the severed with tails and did not offend the servant; the servant guilty to the vizier; the vizier came to the girl: the house is beautiful, but the pipe is slightly crooked; the girl: the main thing is that the smoke should come out smoothly; after spending the night, the vizier spoke about the task of the padishah ; the girl bought a goat cut, weaved two rugs, rescued a gold one, emptied a goat and fried two eggs; but the vizier had to admit that he did not invent everything; the padishah called the girl, called Sultan Haseki married; but immediately went to war; when he left, he gave a sealed purse and ordered him to return to have a son with him, and in the stable to have a horse like his; the CX opened the seal and spent money, learned to play chess, dressed up 12 maids as men, also dressed as a man herself, came to her husband's camp under the guise of a Moroccan prince; won a padishah's horse in chess, paired with her mare, returned to the horse; opened to the vizier, asking for help; CX lost to the padishah and gave the concubine, i.e. herself; three days later, the vizier persuaded her to return the concubine; again in the guise of Prince CX won the last batch and received a ring with the seal of the padishah; nine months later she gave birth to a padishah's son, and the mare got necklaces; 8 years later, the padishah returned victorious; the CX returned his sealed purse to him, showed son and horse; when the padishah and the CX died, their son inherited the throne]: Zherdeva 2020, No. 76; Adygs (Bzhedugi) [pshi gives money to warku, tells you to buy a ram, then return both the ram and the money, and bring jerky from the same ram; the girl teaches how to empty the ram and wither this piece, knitted stockings out of sheep's wool and sold them, Wark returned the ram, meat and money; pshi married an intelligent girl; after He went on a wedding trip for 15 years, telling him to be met on his return by a son riding a horse conceived by the stallion in which he left, a mare he leaves to his wife, and a dog conceived by a male dog, taken on a campaign, a female he left to his wife; the wife comes to Pshi incognito three times under the guise of a man, beats him in alchiki, asks the mare to see his stallion, the female to the dog, the sister to allow spend a week with him; she herself is unrecognized as a "sister"; when Pshi returns, she is going to kill his wife; she tells everything; Pshi ordered informers to be tied to immense horses]: Huth 1987:280-283; Ossetians [Aldar's son married the merchant's youngest daughter, left his wife three times, but she changed clothes and lived unrecognized with him; finally reconciled]: Byazyrov 1960, No. 172:101; Lucky [pachshah gives a ring, wants to marry a girl who will buy a sacrificial ram for it, cook food out of it and return the ring; the girl exchanged three sheep for a ring; she ate one, then the other, made of wool made a burka, exchanged it back for a ring, slaughtered the third sheep to her stepdaughter for Eid al-Adha; leaving for 7 years, the padchah tells her to spend money from the sealed egg without ripping it off, give birth to a son, bring his mare with a stallion, let the son come on a born horse; the wife, disguised as a man, came to her husband, beat him at cards, receiving his signet ring and his mare; at home she brought the mare with the stallion, replaced him in a pot gold with coppers, sealing it again; returned to her husband in male form, returned the mare and signet; in female form, under the guise of that nuker's sister, she met her husband; 7 years later she came to her husband with her son, a horse, sealed egg; happy with the padcha]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 11:70-72; Rutultsy [padishah takes the poor man's daughter; puts a sword between himself and his wife at night; promises to return in the morning in a year, let his wife be with son; the wife dressed up as a man, came to the padishah to play cards, lost to "her sister", took off the ring from the padishah's finger at night, returned home, met him with her son a year later; the padishah is happy]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 11:76-78; Azerbaijanis [Shah Abbas and the Vizier were wandering incognito; they asked a girl for water at the spring; she deliberately stirred her up twice and then threw straws into the bucket; they came to her father to find out what was going on; the girl said she knew who they were; if they drank cold water hot, they would get sick; so she waited for them to cool down; the Shah married the girl, her the name is Rena-khanum; without touching her, the Shah left for a year or two and ordered her to meet him with his son, with a horse as his horse and with a dog like his dog; R. told her father to find a mare, a female and a girl like her dressed her in her dress, and came to the Shah under the guise of the son of a padishah of Egypt, who was tried to prevent him from marrying her cousin (that girl); R. began playing backgammon with the Shah; won twice and took his horse and dog for mating; then lost and gave her supposedly bride; in fact, she disguised herself as a woman again and got back together with her husband; a friend disguised as a young man returned her horse and dog, receiving instead of the "bride" ago; the Shah wrote a receipt about this; when the shah returned, he was met by his son, foal and puppy; the shah praised his wife]: Nabiev 1988:82-86; Turks [bey asks the watered basil a girl, how many leaves there are on the plant; she asks how many stars there are in the sky; Bey disguises himself as a fish merchant, sells fish to the girl for a kiss; in the morning she makes fun of what she buys cheaply; she comes to him disguised as an angel of death and beats him to blood; he marries her and lowers her into a deep well; through an underground passage she returns to her mother; Bey leaves for Syria, and the unrecognized wife wears men's clothes and accompanies him; teaches him how to play chess; deliberately loses, agreeing that in this case Bey should take the girl for the night; he comes to him herself; he gives her a watch as a payment for if she becomes pregnant; when Bey returns, his wife is back in the well, gives birth to a son; the story repeats itself in Egypt, the wife gets a dagger, gives birth to a son again; then in another country, the head country a handkerchief, gives birth to a daughter; when Bey is going to take a new wife, the old one sends him three children and the gifts she has received from him; Bey sends a new bride, returns his wife]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 192:222-223 (224-225 - other variants); Stebleva 1986, No. 57 [{version of the same plot}]: 240-245.

Iran - Central Asia. Tajiks [the vizier's 18-year-old daughter speaks in riddles, rejecting the 70-year-old padishah; when he dies, he bequeaths her son to buy her and cut her with a sword; the vizier's daughter made a moving doll like her; young The padishah hit her with a sword in marriage, but decided not to finish her off; left a letter to his wife: I am going to the summer palace for three years; during this time you must give birth to me a son like me; take the money from the chest without breaking the seal; let the mare and female have a foal and a puppy, similar in everything to my horse and dog; the wife appears disguised as a peri from Mount Kaf; becomes her husband's mistress; won a horse against him at chess and the dog happened to its mare and female; won the seal, opened the chest, took the gold, and sealed the chest again; the padishah won the fourth time - "peri" became his wife, returned the seal, the horse and the dog; The padishah returned and was amazed to see his son, horse and dog; fell in love with his wife]: Osmanov 1989:462-465; Persians: Osmanov 1987 [the padishah saw the girl, sent the vizier to marry her; but the girl's father scolded a vizier; then a shepherd was sent; he teaches the vizier to ask the girl to cook cooked without cooking, unspun yarn, not woven fabric; on the way, the shepherd asks the vizier which of them will become a staircase; a bridge; the girl explains: it was necessary to start a conversation; who would take the other across the river; the girl cooked half of the lamb scrotum, and served the other raw (the same with yarn, etc.); after the wedding, the padishah did not got together with his wife, and left, leaving a sealed box: by his return, instead of gems, it should contain simple stones; she herself must give birth to a child with him; the mare should bring a foal from a stallion on whom the Shah will leave; a slave to give birth to a ghulam whom the Shah will take with her; the daughter of a shepherd in men's clothes came to the Shah under the guise of Padishah Maghreb's son; each time she wins chess, receives a horse, a gulam, etc., when she happens, returns; receives the Shah's seal for a while; she comes under the guise of a slave; all tasks are completed for the return of the Shah; the padishah made the shepherd's daughter the eldest wife]: 222 -228; Marzolph 1984, No. 891 [disagreeing with his wife, the king leaves, leaving her a slave and a mare; his wife must give birth to a son, a slave a son from a slave (whom the king took with him), and the mare must give birth to a foal from the stallion (on which the king leaves); the gems in the sealed bag must be replaced by simple ones; the wife, wearing men's clothes, comes to her husband unrecognized, beats him at chess, getting for a short time, the right to dispose of a slave, a horse and a bag of jewelry; a year later, the king returns - all his orders have been fulfilled]: 161-162.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [khan heard a lot about female infidelity; every three days he took a girl and then killed; the vizier's daughter told her father not to cry, promised to save the people from misfortune; Khan occupied 30 days stories; after that, the khan said that he was leaving for a year to hunt; at which time the wife should give birth to a son like him, and the mare should give birth to a foal that looks like the stallion that the khan rode in; a sealed box with The khan left his wife with treasures; the wife dressed herself and the maids as men, came to the khan under the guise of the son of another khan; beat the khan in chess, receiving his stallion and seal; sent them to his father to take them out from the treasure chest and sealed it again, and the mare happened to the khan's stallion; said that he (i.e. she) had a sister whom the khan could only meet at night; she came to him herself and became pregnant; left, returning the seal and the khan's stallion; when the khan arrived, the wife showed him her son and foal; he did not believe it; the wife appeared again in a man's dress, the khan began to talk about his wife's infidelity, but he was convinced that she was right and married her]: Potanin 1916, No. 42:147-148 (=Sidelnikov 1964:36-38).