Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27z2b. The murdered doll, ATU 879. .13.-.17.22.27.-.31.


difficult relationship between a simple girl and a prince leads to the fact that on the wedding night, the prince intends to kill the bride. The girl puts a doll in her place, the prince pierces a sword into the doll, takes the splashed juice (syrup, honey) for blood, and repents the murder. A real girl shows up, the young couple is happy.

Nubians, Arabs of Sudan, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Berbers of Morocco, Kabiles, Corsicans, Sardinians, Sicilians, Italians (Tuscany, Rome, Latius, Abruzzo, Molise, Basilicata, Calabria), Maltese, Portuguese, Spanish, Catalans, French (Dauphine), Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Socotra, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Aramaians (?) , Karen, Bulgarians, Hungarians, (Albanians?) , Russians (Olonetskaya), Ukrainians (Podolia), Adygs, Turks, Talysh, Tajiks, Persians, Karelians.

Sudan - East Africa. The Nubians [the king tells the man to build a house out of sand, his daughter advises him to ask the king to dissolve the sand in the water first; the same: count the stars (let him gather them together); build a wall of ash ( let him mix ash with water); the king demands the girl to him; she tells her father to dress up a jar of honey in her clothes; the king tries to hug the girl, then is angry that she is silent, cuts the vessel with a sword, thinks that the girl had honey instead of blood]: Hohenwart-Gerlachstein 1979, No. 1:82-83; Sudanese Arabs [a girl named Little Pepper (Cumin's daughter) by the river makes fun of Wad al-Nimair (here and below) many rhymed lines); he decides to take revenge by marrying her; before the wedding, P. made a doll filled with honey; V. pierced her with a sword and said: alive is sweet and dead too; P. appeared and said that she was alive; V. went to Tur; P. went there unrecognized, made a fire; noticing the fire, V. sent the servant to fry the goose; the servant was so amazed at the girl's beauty that the goose burned; P. made and baked a goose from test, ordered the servant to take V.; ended with V. spending the night with P.; she gave birth to a son named Tour; a year later the same in the Taranbur area; in the third year, Madinat Allah Wa-al-Rasul; dug an underground asylum; when V. returned and decided to take another wife, his children came to the wedding; everything became clear, V., P. and their children began to live together]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 60:202-204; Sudanese Arabs ( jaaaliyin) [the man has 7 daughters, the youngest is the most beautiful; every time she goes to school, the Sultan's son teases her: the daughter of the Bean Grower, are your father's beans ripe and sweet? - All lovers are ripe and tried them, except you, whose face is like the soles of old shoes; the Sultan's son dressed up as a fish seller; the teacher sends girls, the imaginary seller refuses everyone, and that one the girl asks him to kiss, but does not give him fish: They deceived you - she did not get fish either; she dressed up as Azrail and made him swallow an incredible amount of radishes (most likely radishes are here because she put it in his ass); the prince fell ill; the girl dressed as a dervish; she was warned that the heads of 99 healers were already on stakes; she gave a laxative (Alexandrian leaf, Cassia senna), prince healed; the girl gave up gold and silver plates, asked for an amulet that the prince had as a child as a child; the next time they exchange barbs, the girl says that she will stay without fish is better than being deceived and healed by a girl; the Sultan's son demanded that his father marry him to that girl; she made a doll and placed a vessel filled with honey in it; when she entered marriage, prince cut the doll, a drop of honey splashed into his mouth. - You're so sweet dead and so bitter when you were alive; the bride got out from under the bed and they lived happily ever after.]: Hurreiz 1977, No. 13:90-92.

North Africa. Berbers (?) Morocco [father goes to Hajj, leaving 7 daughters; the youngest promises to look after the house; the prince sees them watering the basil, falls in love; pays the procurer, who comes disguised as the girls' father's sister, arranges so that they unlock the prince; sleeps with each of the six older sisters for a week; the seventh asks for advice from a black cat, who is actually Afrita and their father's friend; on the night when the prince is due to come, Afrita takes the youngest to her underground palace, and the prince falls asleep; before the father arrives, the youngest takes the basket full of babies, i.e. six daughters born by older sisters, to their father, prince; Talib advises he marries his youngest and slaughter her after the wedding, avenging the insult; the youngest puts a doll with honey inside the village instead of herself; when the prince stabs, the wife comes in; everything is fine]: Légey 2007, No. 1:17-24; Egyptian Arabs [three daughters of a bean seller come to the Sultan's palace in the morning; the youngest does not respond to the Sultan's greeting, she is rude; he is furious and tells her father to come to him laughing and crying, the daughter taught her to come laughing and immediately rub your eyes with an onion; the sultan tells you to come naked or dressed; the daughter tells you to wrap yourself in a fishing net; both on horseback and on foot (tells you to come on horseback); guessing that the Sultan would take revenge on her, the girl came to him in iron clothes, told him to remain silent - she was the devil; she cut off half of the Sultan's beard and mustache, shaved off her eyebrows, made him eat something bitter, and disgusting; in the morning, the sultan greets the girls wrapped in a handkerchief; the youngest asks what happened to his beard, mustache and eyebrows; whether it was delicious; the sultan realizes that he was spent, marries a girl, to kill her; on her wedding night she put a sugar doll to bed; the sultan cut the doll, sweet splashes fell into his mouth; he repents - if the blood is so sweet, how sweet the girl would be; A hidden bride appears, they forgive each other, they have many children]: Artin Pacha 1895, No. 15:185-194 (narrated in Nowak 1969, No. 350:304-305); Arabs in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia , Moroccan Berbers, Kabyles [(motives include "marrying a man to a girl so that she is in his power" and "a sugar doll stabbed by a prince"]: El-Shamy 2004, No. 879:512-515.

Southern Europe. The Maltese [the girl waters the basil, the prince makes fun of her, she answers with the same coin; dressed as a street vendor makes the prince kiss her donkey's ass; the donkey is wooden, but drenched prince with manure; to take revenge, the prince marries her to kill; she hides under the bed, putting in bed a doll with molasses or honey inside, whose head the prince cuts off; her blood is sweet, prince wants to kill herself, but the bride shows up and the young ones are happy]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 879:325-327; Portuguese: Braga 2002 (Azores) []: 175-178; Cardigos 2006, No. 879 [girl wateres basil, prince laughs at her, asks questions, she answers to match (How many leaves does basil have? - How many stars are there in the sky?) ; after changing clothes, the prince makes the girl kiss him, then talks about it; in response, she arranges him to kiss the mule in the ass, laughs at him; other deceptions on both sides; prince marries her for revenge, but she puts a sugar or honey doll in bed; the prince strikes; regrets killing a girl as sweet in death as she was bitter during her lifetime; everything is clear, the couple are happy]: 214; the Portuguese (Ourihe) [when going to war, the king gives each of his daughters a green line; if they remain innocent, the branches will not dry out; the count lives nearby; the two elders succumbed to his courtship and their branches have dried up; the elders, under various pretexts, send the youngest to the count so that she is no better than them, but the girl leaves the count fooled every time; last time she pushed him into a well; his older sisters pulled him out, but he was badly injured and lies; the youngest comes disguised as a doctor and beats him, reminding him of previous meetings; the king is back, the youngest She showed him her green branch and slowly handed it to the elders; the king believes in the virtue of all three daughters; the count marries the youngest; she puts a wineskin of honey in bed and climbs under the bed; The count shouts if she remembers this, listing her tricks, the girl replies from under the bed that yes; he cuts through his wineskin with a sword, drops of honey splashed into his mouth; "So cruel in life and so sweet in death!" ; the bride got out from under the bed: if she hadn't been so cruel, she wouldn't be here now]: Coelho 1879, No. 41, No. 42:97-100; Spaniards (Murcia) [prince laughs at two sisters who they regularly go out to water their basil; asks a question that cannot be answered, but the youngest asks her own ("how many leaves are there on the basil?" - "how many stars are there in the sky?") ; disguised as a wandering merchant, the prince sells a girl a product for a kiss; falls ill because of love for a girl; she appears disguised as a doctor, shoved radish or carrot in his ass; when he found out how it was, prince marries for revenge; wife puts a doll filled with honey in bed; prince stabs; {apparently everything ends well}]: Hernández Fernández 2013, No. 879:155-156; Catalans [when a girl pours basil, the prince hurts her with questions, but she asks her own questions in response; they are married, but the wife is afraid of revenge, puts a sugar doll in bed; the prince stabbed her, feels There is sweetness on her lips, repents; they are reconciled, everything is fine]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 879:172; Corsicans [Lesta lives with her stepmother; wateres basil in the morning, prince sees her from his window; says Hello carefree girl" stepmother teaches you to answer: worries will come with age; prince: how many leaves does your basil have? L.: How many stars and fish are there in the sea in the sky? The prince dressed up as a fish salesman, promised to give him away for a kiss; she kissed, but he did not have fish; in the morning he says that she kissed him but did not eat fish; L. dressed up as a belt saleswoman, promised give it away for free if the prince kisses her mule in the ass; talks about it in the morning; the prince convinced his stepmother to let L. get under bed for the night; stabbed her with a needle and she thought the fleas were biting; in the morning the exchange of remarks continues, at the end about fleas; at night L. comes to the prince under the guise of Death; he asks him to pick up his father or mother; the prince went down and then asked L. to marry; before the wedding, she ordered sugar doll in its size; on the wedding night she put the doll in bed, climbed under the bed herself; prince: here's for kissing a mule and for Death! hit him with a sword, molasses splashed into his mouth; the prince began to lament - even her blood is so sweet! L. got out from under the bed and told everything; the couple are happy]: Massignon 1984, No. 18:37-40 (=Tenèze, Bru 2000, No. 877:49-54); Italians: Basile 2018 (Naples) []: 292-298; Calvino 1980, No. 21 (Milan; throughout Italy and Europe, an important part of the story is exchanging jokes in poetic form) [widower's daughter Stella Diana waters marjoram on the terrace every day; a noble young man from the balcony across the street: how much marjoram leaves? SD: How many stars are there in the sky? he dressed up as a fish salesman, gave SD a fish for a kiss; she dressed up as a man, gave the young man a belt after he kissed her donkey's ass; he hid under the stairs and grabbed SD by the dress; she dressed up as Death, the young man begs her to go to her old aunt; then the young man asked for SD's hand to deal with her; she made a doll, placing a bubble of cream where her heart is, put the doll in bed; the young man stabbed his dagger, the spray hit his mouth; how sweet, oh, if you were to resurrect the girl! SD came out of hiding; the couple are happy], 88 (Florence) [the king sent the lumberjack to the far forest for a long time; he left three daughters walled up the door; the king sees them, pretends to be a merchant, but instead the goods go into the basket they picked up; after talking to the girls, he asked him to go down; the youngest Lyonetta enters the palace three times unnoticed; for the first time she collects a basket of food, and what she did not take, she spoiled; the second time - wine, poured out the rest; the third time - clothes and jewelry; each time the king complains to the girls about the conspirators, but the third time he notices L. a thing from his wardrobe; the girls let go of the rope, but when he falls, the king only hurt himself; he calls the logger and demands his youngest daughter as his wife; she orders to make a doll out of sweets, hid under the bed herself; answers named after the doll; the king stabs the doll with a dagger, feels sweetness on his lips; L. gets out from under the bed; everyone is happy]: 61-65, 323-327; Italians (Tuscany, Rome, Lazius, Abruzzo, Molise, Basilicata, Calabria): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 214-215; Sardinians (Nurra) [when the tailor's daughter returns from school, the young man prevents her from entering; together with 11 other girls, the tailor's daughter founds a female the monastery and becomes an abbess; the young man and his friends establish a monastery nearby; the girl takes away food prepared for the monks every evening; each of the guards left falls asleep; when it is the queue Before the head of the monks, he finds the kidnapper and tells her to bring her friends; she brings them in; he tells his friends to play violins and horns while the nuns are cooking, but they made ropes out of sheets, went down and ran away; the young man hid in the barrel, his friends left it to the nuns; he went out and gave them wine; but Abatissa did not drink; when the young man was about to let the nuns who had fallen asleep out the window on a rope, Abatissa pushed him upside down; the monasteries were dismissed and the young man married the girl to kill her; she made a sugar doll and hid under the bed; the young man hit him with a sword, felt sweet in his mouth and was about to stab himself; the girl told him not to do it, the young are happy]: Calvino 1980, No. 185:696-699; Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 879 [references to sources; Bocaccio; Milan, Florence, Mantova, Calabria , Sardinia, Sicily: 325-327

Western Europe. The French (Dauphine) [(sugar doll motif present)]: Joisten in Tenèze, Bru 2000, No. 879:54.

Western Asia. Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Palestinians, Jordan, Syria [(among the motives are the marriage of a man to a girl so that she is in his power; a sugar doll stabbed by a prince]: El-Shamy 2004, No. 879:512-515; Arameans [{probably}]: Bergsträsser. Einführung in die semitischen sprachen in Uther 2004 (1), No. 879:501; Socotra [the beauty refuses to marry a judge, merchant and sultan; they assumed that she is vicious; after hearing this, the woman ordered three chests for the carpenter; successively invited three to her place, cunningly locked them in these chests; at the market, a woman announced that something amazing was hidden in her chests; the sons of a judge, a merchant and The sultans bought the chests; the woman stipulated that they would open them in front of all the people; the humiliated decided to take revenge on the woman; the merchant married her and ordered her to give birth immediately after the wedding night; she I agree if my husband plants a palm seed and a tree grows the next day; the merchant realized that his wife outsmarted him and divorced her; then the sultan married the woman, wanted to kill her, she set her up instead of herself, a doll that she filled with honey. The judge did not even try to compete with the woman and immediately admitted defeat, she made him look stupid; the judge refused to compete with the woman at all]: Kogan, Naumkin MS

Burma - Indochina. Karen [the queen gave birth to a daughter after 3 years and 3 months pregnant; when the girl started crying, someone in the country immediately died; astrologers ordered to get rid of her; the queen named her daughter Mikeitari, rafted down the river; she was picked up by Rakshas Yaushi; fed M., making milk flow from her finger; M. grew up; to find her lover, she put her three hair and a letter in silver the box, lowered it down the river; Prince Seitamalia picked it up; came to M.; she ordered him to return in 15 days; his father gave S. a winged horse; Y.'s servants set a trap, S. got into it; the horse freed him and brought him back, but S. died of her wounds; M. decided to come to him herself; on the way, to make it easier for her to travel, Nat made her a man and gave her a magic bow; M. shot the counter bill with it; King Bilu asked M. take him with him and promised to be a servant; M. made him a man; M. revived the prince with living water; he suspects that M. is a girl; a bilu servant helps her remain unrecognized (prevents her from starting to vomit flowers, which would betray her feminine nature; M. manages not to be identified while bathing; when M. stepped over the stone, blood came out on it, but bilu sprinkled it with ashes; when M. approached the pond, the water became clear, but Bilu pulled out his tooth and covered the water with blood); M. and S. go back to the rakshasa; nat advises making a wax doll with honey inside, putting it in bed instead of themselves; S. believes M. a traitor, will try to kill her; S. flew on a winged horse, stabbed himself: if M. is innocent, let her blood be sweet as honey; feeling sweet, S. was going to kill himself, M. stopped him; one day, on the way to Rakshasa, his servant took M., brought Rakshasa, but he agreed to let M. go to the prince; wedding]: Kachevich, Osipov 1976, No. 167:431-437.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [prince (chieftain of robbers) disguises himself to play a joke on a girl; sells her a necklace for a kiss; the girl dresses as a bear and hits him naked; he decides to marry her to kill on the wedding night; the wife puts a sugar or honey doll in her place; after striking, the husband repents; everything is explained, the wedding]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 879:309; Hungarians [y old woman daughter Katitsa Terdseli; mother fell ill and asked her daughter to get goose meat from the king; daughter went, the king drove her away; she came in from the other entrance, told the cook that the king was urgently calling him to him, volunteered hold the goose and took it to its mother; the same with honey (volunteered to guard the pantry); with an apple from the royal garden; the king spilled bile in anger; CT disguised as a male doctor; ordered to sprinkle king salt and pepper and sewn in cowhide; the king was in pain, he jumped out of his skin, received a note from CT; ordered the CT to be locked in the tower; she took a doll dressed like her with her; in the evening the king came in and stabbed a sword in the doll's chest; honey splashed; king: what sweet blood! CT ran away quietly, leaving a note; the king died of anger, CT continued to live with her mother]: Vazhdaev 1962:83-88; (Albanians [check by text whether he is based on the K27Z2a or K27Z2b motif]: Uther 2004 (1), No. 879:501).

Central Europe. Russians (Olonetskaya), Ukrainians (Podolia) [A cunning girl: a prince disguised as an old man climbs to two sisters for the night; the third sister skillfully gets rid of him; the prince sends matchmakers to her, marries her and wants to kill her the first night; she puts up a doll for herself; they put up with a doll]: SUS 1979, № 883B=AA*875 II: 233.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygi [to the mocking question of the khan's son, "How many leaves are there on the cucumbers you water?" , the girl answers the question "How many stars are there in the sky?" Khan's son avenges her daring answer; when a girl has a toothache, disguises himself as a healer, sells a tooth for a kiss; the girl took revenge disguised as evil spirits; Khan's son marries her with the intention of killing her on the very first night; the girl puts in her place a doll filled with honey; after cutting the doll, the Khan's son wants to drink the girl's blood; regrets what she did, thinking that she has such sweet blood; girl announced]: Tkhamokova 2014, No. 876:178; Turks [the basil merchant has three daughters; Bey's house on the contrary, he sees girls watering basil in the morning; asks the eldest how many leaves the basilica has; she was ashamed and ran away; same middle; youngest: how many stars are there in the sky? Bey dressed up as a fish merchant, sells fish for a kiss; the day after answering about the stars: do you know who gave fish by the ocka (measure of weight)? the girl dresses up as Azrail, enters Bey's bedroom: either I'll take her soul, or I'll put my horn in your ass; Bey let me put her horn; in the morning: who turned the horn in your ass? Bey demands that his mother marry the daughter of a basil merchant; the girl asks her father to order a wax doll, pours sweet grape juice inside her, puts her wedding dress on the doll; bey: it's you I got my horn in the ass; the girl, hiding in the closet, pulls the rope, the doll nods; hit cuts the doll with a sword to drink blood - oh, her blood is sweet, like she must be; the girl comes out of the closet; they spend their days in pleasure; they have achieved their wishes]: Dmitriev 1967, No. 60:326-329; (cf. Turks [the dervish gave an apple, ordered the Sultan and his wife to eat half; a daughter was born; the sultan lodged her in a closed palace, ordered her to feed her with bone marrow, honey and milk; once with a brain a bone hit, the girl threw it out the window, it broke; it was snowing outside; passers-by: the son of an Indian maharaja is white like this snow, his cheeks are red, the mole on his cheek is like black pepper; the girl fell in love, the nanny found out , a messenger was sent to the son of the Maharajas; he sent a yellow rope and a dagger in response: if the bride turns yellow like this rope and wants to be stabbed, I will not marry her anyway; the sultan cursed her daughter for fell in love with a mean man; the girl went on a journey, came to the older sister of that son of the Maharaja; let her be sold three times at the bazaar, then she would marry them; 1) bought a bey, his daughter was fat freak; the girl fed her her food, Bey's daughter recovered - she was fed enchanted food; Bey gave her a golden bowl and let her go; 2) bought another bey, an arapka maid from his son, began to refuel at home; Bey's son refused to marry her, she imprisoned him, whipped him at night, Bey does not know where her son had gone; the girl found out about this, told Bey, the arapka was killed, the girl was released, giving it copper jug; 3) bought a third bay, his crazy daughter on chains in prison, devours the girls they send her; the sultan's daughter hid in the attic and dragged other girls into her place; went down and came to a diva woman; she cooks the mind of Bey's daughter and she has a ring from which she will be healed; the Sultan's daughter pushed the diva woman into the cauldron, took the ring, healed Bey's daughter, Bey let the Sultan's daughter go, giving her a carpet; When the Maharaja's son arrives, his sister pretends to beat and punish the new maid; she puts dry cakes under her mattress - her broken bones are cracking; brother falls in love with the imaginary maid; sister: she died; brother sees a rope, dagger and letter written by him on the body of the deceased; faints; everything turned out to be a wedding, they have achieved their wishes]: Aganin et al. 1960:86-92); Talyshi [son The padishah threw the bouquet on Haji's daughter's chest; she says that her price is all the stars in the sky, he is that bouquet; she tells her father to give her red clothes and an iron brush; hides in the closet; speaks to her son Padishah, that she is Azrail, who has come to take his soul; he asks for a respite; she hits him in the chest with an iron brush to identify him later; the padishah sends soldiers to surround the palace; the son of the padishah meets again a girl, she says she hit him with an iron brush; the padishah sends matchmakers to her; she tells the carpenter to make a doll, fills her stomach with syrup; the padishah's son pierces his sword into the doll, thinking he is killing girl; but immediately shouts that she does not want to live without her, is going to commit suicide; the girl appears from behind the doll, marries the padishah's son]: Asatryan 2005:27-31.

Iran - Central Asia. Tajiks [the vizier's 18-year-old daughter speaks in riddles, rejecting the 70-year-old padishah; when he dies, he bequeaths her son to buy her and cut her with a sword; the vizier's daughter made a moving doll like her; young The padishah hit her with a sword in marriage, but decided not to finish her off; left his wife a letter: I'm going to the summer palace for three years; during this time you must give me a son who looks like me; take the money from the chest, don't breaking the seal; let the mare and female have a foal and a puppy, similar in everything to my horse and dog; the wife appears disguised as a peri from Mount Kaf; becomes her husband's mistress; won a horse and a dog against him in chess , happened to her mare and female; won the seal, opened the chest, took gold, and sealed the chest again; the padishah won the fourth time - the "peri" became his wife, returned the seal, the horse and the dog; the padishah returned and was amazed to see his son, horse and dog; fell in love with his wife]: Osmanov 1989:462-465; Persians [spouses are childless; husband finds a girl planted on the porch; she grows up beautiful; dying, the wife tells her husband to remarry whoever her ring fits; it only fits her adopted daughter; she asks to postpone the wedding for 40 days; tells her to make an underground passage, collects clothes and jewelry there, tells the felter to make her clothes out of felt with holes only for the eyes and mouth; puts a wineskin with molasses on his bed, pulling on his wedding dress, and leaves herself through the underground passage; the groom indignant that the bride is silent and does not meet her; stabs her stomach with a knife; repents of what she has done; realizing that it is a wineskin, leaves town out of shame; the girl, wearing felt clothes, hides in a tree near source; the prince sees her, refers her mother to work in the kitchen; she appears incognito three times for the holiday, striking the prince and his mother with beauty; the prince threw her diamond ring; she begged allow her to make a cake for the prince, put a ring in it; while hunting, the prince broke the cake, found a ring, understood everything, married a girl]: Rosenfeld 1958:77-86.

Baltoscandia. Karelia [the priest has three daughters; the prince seduced the eldest, middle; the youngest fails; he dressed as a beggar, asked for grain; when the girl began to pour grain into his bag, he deliberately gave him wake up to the ground; picked up until the evening and asked for an overnight stay; the girl pretends to be ready to sleep with him; covered a hole in the restroom with a sheet, he fell through there and sat until morning; the prince orders to build church to catch the girl when she went there; a girl dressed as a prince gave the builders a drink and persuaded them to make a secret exit; the guards waited for her where all the people went out, but did not wait; The prince married the girl to kill her; she put a scarecrow filled with honey in bed; the prince shot, thinking of killing the girl, drops of honey splashed; he regretted it - so sweet; alive girl jumped out of the box, they began to live well]: Onegina 2010, No. 50:450-452.