K27z2c. Marries to lock up his wife. 14.23.
After marrying a poor girl, the prince leaves her locked up. She turns out to be smarter than he is.
Egyptian Arabs, Punjabi, Kumaoni, Marathi (Mumbai), Kannada, Tamils.
North Africa. The Arabs of Egypt [when going to the Hajj, the carpenter locked his daughter in the house; she turns to the youyuba growing in the garden: does she know when her brother and father will return? Sultan's son: if she is as smart as she is beautiful, how many leaves are there on the jujube? â€" How many stars are there in the sky? the Sultan's son disguised himself as a Tolgov beef giblets, came in, pushed the girl, took away the coins, the plate broke; the next day he makes it clear who the merchant was; in response, the girl smeared black, dressed up as a black woman, ordered her to be sold only to the Sultan's son; ran away on the way; in the morning she let him know how she spent him; the Sultan's son married her and promised never to visit her again; she was unrecognized meets him in different places, gives birth to three sons with him, naming them after the places where she met her husband who did not recognize her; everything is fine: the prince recognized his sons and his wife's superiority]: Artin Macha 1895, NO. 20:239-249.
South Asia. Punjabi [Prince Ghool refuses to marry; asks a girl for water at the well; girl (she is the daughter of blacksmith Alim): this is the prince no one marries; he promises to marry her; she asked for a year's delay; placed the growing melons in a vessel; the melons grew, she offered to extract them; no one can; she soaked the clay, widened her necks, took out the melons; after the wedding, the prince regularly beats wife with a whip; she advises to get the princess better and beat her; the princess offers to play three games of chess; after losing the first, the prince gives his horse, the second surrenders to her mercy, the third goes clean the stable; the wife, wearing men's clothes, goes in search, saves a drowning rat, who explains that the princess has a cat with a magic lamp on her head; this makes her invisible, she rearranges the figures and the princess always wins; the wife releases the rat, the cat rushes after her, the wife knocks the lamp off her head, the cat runs away; the princess loses; but she is silent, she must be talked three times; the rat is responsible for the princess, she thinks the leg of the bed is talking, yelling at her; the wife tells long stories twice, the rat comments, the princess screams that this is not the case; the wedding, but the imaginary prince asks postpone a genuine marriage for six months; frees the enslaved but not her husband; tells him to wear her masculine outfit and give her his groom; the prince brings the princess; the blacksmith's daughter shows his groom's clothes; he realizes that his first wife got the princess; everything is fine]: Swynnerton 1892, No. 80:313-330; Kumaoni [the prince bought clay, sculpted a doll, ordered him to show it at the bazaar and say, Here's a woman behavior; the grinder's daughter smashed her, saying it was not a woman's behavior; the prince told her father to marry him; he locked her in a palace surrounded by a moat; she climbed out the window, danced in the bazaar, and then told the black shepherd to come to her every day; in the forest, the prince sees a fakir with two women in his box, he takes them out as needed; invited him to his wife's house; he tells the black the shepherd to go out; the prince drove the shepherd away, asked if this was a woman's behavior, but the wife answers every time what she knew; the prince locked his wife for another year, but she got out and went to heaven to Indra, and the prince too; I. gave her a pen for her dances, and she, unrecognized by him, gave it to the prince (i.e. her husband); the same was a necklace; both went down to the ground; everything was explained; the prince understood what female behavior was, from now on listened to his wife]: Minaev 1966, No. 34:93-97; Marathi (Mumbai) [during the forest fire, the sparrow flew away, and the sparrow carried water to moisten the nest, the chicks survived; the sparrow and the sparrow became argue who should belong to the chicks after the incident; the king said that to the father; then the pardhan girl (Dravidians) demanded from the king a foal born to a royal mare from her father's stallion; the king gave a foal, but demanded bovine milk; the girl went to wash, said she was washing the sheets: her father gave birth; the king ordered the roof to be made before the house was built; she had an equally absurd request {something about weighing peas}; the king decided to marry a girl but keep her alone for 12 years in a purpose-built palace, where she would have the necessary grain to eat; she promises that at the end the deadline will show him his son, whose existence he would not know existed; the girl took rats with her to the palace built by order of the king, who went to another palace, where she had everything she needed; there the king met her, did not recognize her, fell in love; she was ready to give birth, asked the king for a souvenir ring; when 12 years had passed, the king's wife moved back to her intended palace, showed her ring and son ; all is well]: D'Penha 1894, No. 18:134-139; kannada [prince rode to another village; a rich man's daughter sweeps the yard; prince: of all the sesame seeds, what is the smallest? girl: of all flowers, how much does jasmine cost? prince: you don't know who you're talking to, I'll marry you to lock you up; girl: and I'll have your son tie you to a pole in market square, otherwise my chest is not a chest, but a nut; king agreed to marry his son, although the kshatriya should not marry an Idiga girl; the prince ordered an underground prison for his wife; when she went to her husband, she told her father everything; he arranged underground passage; the prince's wife learned various arts from acrobats; the prince (he had married another girl for a long time) saw an acrobat show and fell in love with his first wife, not knowing that it was her; after for nights of love, she asked him for a ring; her son grew up and his mother explained to him that he should tie the prince; the young man put everyone in the palace to sleep, changed the golden legs of the bed on which the prince slept with his wife, wooden blocks, took all the jewelry and left; deceived the chief of police and spent the night with his daughter disguised as his son-in-law; deceived the king (i.e. the former prince), who was mistaken for a thief and tied to to the pole; everyone gathered, the young man told him who he was and how it was; his mother came and showed a ring (as well as a dagger, necklace, seal received from the prince); the king recognized the young man as his son, and his mother first wife]: Ramanujan 1997, No. 72:198-207; Tamils [Prince Krishna asks sesame oil saleswoman Rukmani which plant has less seed than sesame; she asks which flower only two petals; K. names a flower; K. replies that this plant has a seed smaller than a sesame seed; K. is angry; promises to marry R., imprisoning her forever; she promises to give birth to a son with him in return, who will tie him up; K. does not get out of bed, tells his father to marry him to R.; R. agrees with his father that he will dig an underground passage to her place of detention (this is a garden house); R. becomes a dancer on Kanata, K. fell in love with her, visited her, gave her a ring and garlands; her son Ratnam was born and raised; boys call him illegitimate; his mother tells the truth; he learns to rob and steal; broke into his sleeping father and robbed him; then came to the chief of the guard under the guise of his long-gone son-in-law; he took him to the palace; on the way, the imaginary son-in-law asked for show how the pads work; the chief of the guard puts his arms and legs through, his imaginary son-in-law tightens the bolts and pretends not to unscrew them; goes to get tools, says that his father-in-law has fallen out of favor, he is given valuables to hide, he leaves with them ; in the morning, everyone understands the deception; the prince himself decided to catch the thief; Ratman pretended to be a laundress washing the robbers' clothes at night; the prince remains on guard; Ratman advises him to get under the trough; presses him down with a stone and takes away the prince's jewelry; next time he pretended to be a betel and tobacco seller; the prince climbed into the basket to ambush him; Ratman put on his clothes and jewelry, called the warriors, said that caught the thief and he has already revealed to him where the stolen is hidden (in the sand by the river); pulls out the hidden one; the king is amazed to see two princes identical on his face, but one naked; Ratman's mother and the prince's wife tell the whole story, presents the ring and garlands once presented to her by the prince; everything is fine]: Natesa Sastri 1884-1888, No. 12:245-266; Blackburn 2005, No. 81 [].