Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27z2d. A sparrow's dispute with her husband .


male bird (sparrow, pigeon, etc.) abandoned the female with the chicks, and then claims the rights to the chicks; or he abandoned (killed) the chicks after the death of the female and took another wife. This episode is the beginning of a story about the relationship between the king, his wives and children.

Meitei, Kashmiris, Himachali Paharis, Northern India (Hindi), Marathi, Kondas, Oriya, Azerbaijanis, Kazakhs.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Meitei (? Manipur) [the queen sees two dead sparrows on the ground; the male died, he took another, and she threw the chicks out of the nest first; the queen cries, begs her husband to take care of their sons Turi and Basanta, if she died; she died; her stepmother pretended to be sick, persuaded the doctor to say that bathing in the blood of her stepchildren would cure her; the king sent them to kill them, but the servants let them go, brought the dog's blood; younger B. fell asleep under a tree, and T. hears parrots talking; whoever eats the female will first be unhappy and then happy, and whoever is male will become king; T. shot and fried parrots; fell asleep; B. woke up ate the female, and T. then ate the male; B. could not walk out of fatigue, T. went to fetch water, to meet an elephant sent to choose a king; the elephant ordered him to sit on him; T. became king and forgot his brother; B. came to the palace, but he was mistaken for an impudent beggar, the king ordered him to be thrown into prison; the merchant cannot lower the boat into the river, even elephants cannot move it; the king gives the prisoner to sacrifice him; B. touches the boat and that moves; the merchant makes him his partner; the king of another country organizes a swayamvara for his daughter; the merchant and B. come, the princess hangs a garland around B.'s neck; the angry king passed off his daughter for B. and sent her palace; the merchant pushed B. into the river, his wife managed to throw him a pillow; demanded that the merchant postpone the wedding with her for three years; the laundress's husband and wife found B. on the shore and adopted him; B. accidentally came to to the hut where his wife lived, recognized her, began to tell her story, his wife recognized him; she promised the merchant to marry him immediately after she told the story to the king; B. brought B., who began to tell the king recognized his brother; appointed B. as a military leader, expelled the merchant, everything is fine]: Damant 1975:260-254.

South Asia. Kashmiris [king and wife listen to chirping chicks every day; once they don't hear; when they look into the nest, they see two dead chicks with thorns in their throats; one of the viziers: the female died, and She herself fed thorns to the chicks so that they would die, and took another female; the king and queen swore not to remarry if one of them died, but to take care of two sons; but when the queen died, the viziers yet they persuaded the king to remarry; the young queen made an indecent offer to the young men; they refused, and she told the king that it was his sons who treated her ugly; the king orders her to be executed sons, but the vizier tells them to flee, the queen brings the hearts of dogs; another king took the young men as guards; the elder brother guards, sees a snake, cuts to pieces, erases blood drops from the body of the royal wife; the king is sees; when it is his younger brother's turn, he replies to the king that the traitors must be executed, but first tells the story; one king took water, but his falcon knocked over the bowl; the king killed the falcon, and then noticed a snake whose poisonous saliva was dripping into the water; let the king first find out; after his younger brother, two more old warriors are on guard; one tells how one merchant bought a dog from another; at night this the dog did not stop the thieves, but in the morning it led to the place where the thieves kept the loot, the merchant became rich; sent the dog with a note to the former owner, who thought that the dog was guilty and killed him; then read note; the fourth guard tells the whole story of young princes up to the murder of a snake by his younger brother; the king appoints one of them as a vizier, the other as Pasha]: Stein, Grierson 1923, No. 8:45-57; himachali - ploughmen [the woman sees how the new sparrow is cruel to the old chicks; the husband says that this will not be the case with him; the wife dies when her sons are already grown up; the elder Rupa hit the ball into his stepmother's room, she told her husband to drive out her stepson, the youngest Bisuntha leaves with him; under the tree she hears two nightjars talking; the male who eats will become a raja, the female will become a vizier; kills both birds, eats the female, cooks the male is for his brother, but the snake bites him, he dies; R. wakes up in the morning, ate his nightjar, sees his dead brother, leaves; Parvati and Mahadev revived B.; Raja died in the city, the elephant lays the crown on R.; B. comes to the same city; every night a tiger eats someone; residents leave him a stranger, B.; he kills a tiger, hides his ears and mustaches, falls asleep; the sweeper takes credit for himself; the merchant takes B. on the ship to sacrifice if the ship runs aground; B. cuts his finger, a drop of blood is enough for the ship to sail; dressed as a girl, B. comes to R., who asks everyone, not Did anyone find the body of a deceased young man in the forest; everything is explained]: Dracott 1906:61-67; northern India, Mirzapur, Hindi (recorded by a Christian from a Muslim cook) [the king has sons Sit and Basant; theirs the mother sees a nest of sparrows; when the sparrow died, the sparrow brought another wife, and they threw the chicks from the first one out of the nest; the queen asks the king not to marry after her death; but the sons themselves persuaded the father to marry; their father placed them on the second floor, and his wife and his wife stayed on the first floor; they played the ball, the ball fell into the queen's room; S. invites B. to go get the ball, but B. sends S. to cover his face with a cloth; in the evening, the queen complains to the king that his sons molested her; the brothers left, spent the night in the forest; S. went to look for food, he was captured and made king (after the death of the former, you must go to the forest and bring the first the person he met); B. hears a conversation between a parrot and a starling (myna); the parrot tells the story of S. and B.; realizing that his brother will not return, B. hired a grain dryer; S., becoming king, promises a reward to the one who would tell the story to S. and B.; B. sent the owner to tell it; S. sent for his brother, did not immediately recognize him, but from his story he was convinced that it was him]: Crooke 1892-1893, No. 334:81-82; Marathi ( Mumbai) [during the forest fire, the sparrow flew away, and the sparrow carried water to moisten the nest, the chicks survived; the sparrow and the sparrow began to argue about who the chicks should belong to after the incident; king said that to his father; then the pardhan girl (Dravidians) demanded a foal from the king, born of a royal mare to her father's stallion; the king gave the foal, but demanded bovine's milk; the girl went to wash, said that she was washing the sheets: her father gave birth; the king ordered the roof to be made before the house was built; she had an equally absurd request (something about weighing peas}; the king decided to marry a girl, but for 12 years to keep her alone in a specially built palace, where she will have the necessary supply of grain to eat; she promises that at the end of her term she will show him his son, whose existence he does not exist she will know; the girl took rats with her to the palace built by order of the king, who went to another palace, where she had everything she needed; there the king met her, did not recognize her, fell in love; she was ready to give birth, asked the king for a souvenir ring; when 12 years were over, the king's wife moved back to her intended palace, showed her ring and son; everything is fine]: D'Penha 1894, No. 18:134-139; condas [ the pigeon and the dove loved the chicks; but when the fire broke out in the forest, the dove flew away, and the dove remained to cover the chicks with its wings; it began to rain and the chicks escaped; the male claimed the rights to the chicks, it came before the king, and he admitted that the male was right; the dove died of grief; the vizier told his daughter this story; she asked the king to allow his white bull to enter his herd; gradually white cows and bulls in the herd It grew more and more; she asked to give them all; if the king admitted that the pigeon was right, then in the case of cows, the offspring belongs to a bull; the king married an intelligent girl]: Tauscher 1959, No. 31:71-73; Oriya [a pair of turtles in the forest are waiting for offspring; a fire broke out, the male flew away, the female stayed, the fire spared this tree, she gave birth to two children; the male found a new wife, demanded the same children, king decided in his favor; the female drowned herself, asking her to become the child of a merchant's wife who wanted a daughter in a new rebirth; the merchant took the bull to the king's cows, took the offspring; the king ordered the calves to be returned; merchant's daughter: if you decide in favor of a male pigeon, you must also in favor of our bull; king: move your pond to ours; girl: our pond is a girl, let yours come to her and invite her; king: move the mountain; girl: only an immaculate woman can do this, let the queen tell the mountain to move; the queen commands, the mountain is in place, the king executed the queen; took the merchant's daughter, locked her; the mongoose brings her food; the king sees her, does not recognize, she calls herself a heavenly fairy, he builds a palace for her, gives her a crown and a diamond for her future son; the wife disappears, gives birth to a merchant in the house, calls the king to look at her son; when he understands everything, he remarried the merchant's daughter; all is well]: Mohanti 1975:3-16.

Caucasus â€" Asia Minor. Azerbaijanis [the boy Iskender understood the language of birds; his stepmother boiled clothes, I. laughed; explained what the nightingale was singing about: he would become king, his stepmother would bring him pilaf, and his father would pour water on hands; stepmother tells her husband to kill I.; he put him in a chest, let him go to sea; the fisherman pulled out the chest, adopted I.; at school he fraternized with a boy named Yahya, they look like twins; fraternized with a vizier; ordered the fisherman to throw a net for his luck, he caught a goldfish, I. took it to the vizier, he gave money; the fisherman was delighted with I.; so many times; when the king is in court, crows arrive, rumbling, nothing you can hear; the king tells the vizier to find a person who understands bird language in 40 days; I.: the crow complains that the raven's husband abandoned her, she has raised many children, and now the raven claims rights to them; the king awarded the children to the crow; the vizier asked I. to give I. a job: to bring pilaf to the royal daughter in the morning; she fell in love; I. stopped coming into her rest, left pilaf at the entrance; while he was ill, I replaced him, he kindly replaced him talked to the girl; when I. again, the princess was indignant why he suddenly stopped talking to her; I. told the vizier that he was the king's son and wanted to leave; the king wanted to marry him to his daughter, but I. refused; he was given a detachment of warriors, he came to his hometown; the king died there, his daughter was on the throne, she asked I. to take her as his wife, he agreed; one day I.: the hostile king demands that princess, whom I. refused to marry, as well as taxes for 7 years; I. hurried there, mixed night with day, day with night; broke the contract they signed, killed the enemy hero; the king married him a daughter, believing it was me; at that time, under the guise of I., was sleeping in bed with his wife, but put his sword next to him; when I. returned, his insulted wife turned him into a hungry animal, he went to the forest; at this time I became king instead of the deceased king; I. the animal met his servants, asked him to be brought to him.; he found a magician who cured I., giving him his former appearance; I. cut his wife into four parts; sent him to speak to the shepherd, that is, to his real father, that the king would come to him; his stepmother and father brought pilaf, the father began to water his hands; I. opened up, his stepmother called him a dog's son; I. ordered her to be executed, and exalted his father; Three apples fell from the sky: one is mine, the second is my own, the third is a fairy tale teller]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:67-82 (=Akhundov 1955:217-229).

Turkestan. Kazakhs [Khan's daughter has a goose, a goose and 4 geese; during the fire, the goose flew away, and the goose burned down with the chicks; the khan's daughter decides not to marry; in a neighboring village, another khan dreams that the vizier fell in love with his daughter khan and took possession of her; the khan harbored anger against the vizier; he tried to correct the matter; the vizier's people drew a palace, a khan, two saigas and four sagaichats, showed the khan's daughter and explained that the khan had a saiga family, Sagaichats began to drown in a ditch, the saiga drowned with them, and Sagaichikha ran away; the khan's daughter married Khan]: Sidelnikov 1964:33-35.