Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27z6. Patience Stone, ATU 894. .

After becoming a victim of injustice and suffering, a young woman talks about it to certain inanimate objects (often a "stone of patience") or the story tells her husband, having learned about his wife's fate. The woman was saved, justice was restored.

Arabs and Berbers Morocco (possibly), Kabila, Tunisia, Egyptian Arabs, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalans, Sicilians, Italians (Campania), Iraqi Arabs, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Palestinians, Syria, Jordan, Northern India (Hindi), Kannada, Tamils, Greeks, Moldovans, Bulgarians, Chechens, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Persians, Mountain Tajiks, Uzbeks, Pashayas, Latvians, Uighurs.

(Wed. Sudan - East Africa. {El-Shamy 2004 provides a link to Sudanese Arabs in Al-Shahy, Moore 1920, No. 35; the story is somewhat similar but different; therefore, the reference to the Nubians (Kronenberg) needs to be verified}: El-Shamy 2004, No. 894: 544-547).

North Africa. Kabila: Dermenghem 1945 [father can't find a decent teacher for Aisha; finally, the perfect teacher appears; tells A. to come early; she sees a ghoul eating a donkey; running away, something loses; returns when Ghoul becomes a teacher again; he realizes that A. saw him; the next morning he takes her overseas; two young men help her escape, swim with her to the other side, leave her; ghoul finds her again; so several times; finally, she stays with the old woman; there the prince sees her, marries her; she gives birth to 7 children; each time the ghoul secretly takes the child, cutting off his finger and putting it in A.'s mouth; the prince takes another wife, A. is fed with scraps, she lives with cattle; she asks the prince to bring her a stone of patience from the Hajj; the prince brings her; spies, hears A. telling his stone the story; as the story progresses, the stone melts and disappears; the prince hugs A.; in the morning, the ghoul returns all seven children safe and sound]: 21-29; Rivière 1882, No. 3 [angel asks the girl if she wants become an orphan in childhood or adulthood; parents advise to answer that as a child; die; three uncles successively sheltered the girl, leave her to watch over the house; an angel kills a baby, spoils expensive clothes, breaks oil vessels; the girl is expelled every time; she runs to the mountains, cries, the herd owner has picked her up, wants to marry her son; secretly watches her; she takes a bead of hope and tells her about her life; when she wants to swallow it (it's poison), a person stops her; everything is fine]: 201-206; Tunisia [Once upon a time there was a beauty with her father. The king heard about her beauty and decided to marry her. The slaves became jealous and intrigued her. When she gave birth, they replaced the baby with a puppy. The king became angry and told him to leave his wife in the dungeon. He was about to go on the Hajj, and she asked him to give her a stone of patience. She began to complain to this stone about her life and tell her what had happened to her and how badly her slaves treated her. Once she complained about the stone, and the king hid and overheard her speech. Then he found out the whole truth, freed her, gave her son back, expelled all the slaves and replaced them with good and obedient ones]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 23 in Korovkina MS; Arabs of Egypt: Artin Pasha 1895, No. 3 [(retelling in Nowak 1969, No. 106:120-121); when the Sultan's daughter laughs, the sun shines, when she cries, the daughter comes; the bird predicts that she will marry a dead man; her parents take her to the mountains; she enters the palace, all whose inhabitants are dead; next to the man it is written what must be done to make him come to life; the princess sits next to the man for three years, then leaves for a while, leaving the gypsy woman in her place; at this moment the deceased wakes up, takes a gypsy woman, who calls herself a princess; the husband leaves asking what to bring to his wife and maid; the maid (i.e. a true princess) asks for a skin of patience, a box of suffering and bloody sword; the husband forgets this request, but the ship is calm and does not move; when he brings items, he remains eavesdropping and hears the imaginary maid addressing them and inviting them the sword is to kill her; a man marries a princess, punishes a gypsy woman], 4 [(retelling in Nowak 1969, No. 193:194-195); the princess went to school, learned the Koran and science; one day she came in and saw the teacher die beats another girl; ran away, a prince found her, and Konda she grew up, he married her; inherited the throne; when she gave birth to a son, the wall broke, the teacher came in, killed the baby, smeared his mother with blood, disappeared together with the baby's body; the same for the second time; after the third time, when the woman gave birth to a girl, she was finally mistaken for a cannibal and sent to the kitchen; when leaving, the king asks who to bring what to bring; ex-wife asks for a box of bitterness and a bottle of aloe; if he does not bring it, a terrible storm will begin, and his turban will turn white black; he forgot, saw that the turban turned black, took out what he needed, handed it to his ex-wife, began eavesdrop; she tells her story, addressing the box; asks if it is true; the box and the bottle burst, the teacher enters the hole in the wall, brings alive and healthy children, praises the woman for gentleness and wisdom, fades away; all is well]: 69-75, 77-83; Moroccan Arabs and Berbers: El-Shamy 2004, No. 894:544-547.

Southern Europe. The Spanish (Extremadura) [the princess looks at the snow and the blood of an animal slaughtered by a shepherd; he utters a verse in which blood is opposed to snow; there is a king who wakes up once a year in the morning on Ivanov Day; if a girl is nearby, the spell will be removed and he marries her; the princess goes in search wearing iron shoes; the Sun comes to her mother, she hides her from her son; he does not knows where the king's castle is, sends the Stars to his sisters; they don't know, maybe their brother Aire knows; his mother hides the princess; The wind says that there are two lions at the gate of the castle, they should leave the food he chewed; burps food, his mother hides it in two bags, gives it to the princess in the morning; the princess throws food to the lions, enters the palace, everything is motionless; the princess sits by the bed for months sleeping; a black woman offers to buy it, on the night of Ivanov Day she is at the bed, the king marries her; the palace comes to life; the king leaves for gifts; the princess asks to buy her a hard stone and a bitter stick (poems), she does not want to live; the king hears the princess ask for a stone in her room and he answers, telling her story; the king marries her, executing a black woman]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 425G: 259-265 (translated to Malinovskaya 2002:110-116); Portuguese: Braga 2002 []: 180-182; Pedroso 1882, No. 29 [when the Queen finally became pregnant and ready to give birth, by A beggar came to the palace; the gatekeeper did not give him anything and he promised that when the princess was 15 years old, she would be carried away by a huge bird; the visiting prince gave the girl three blue stones, they played with them; she 15 years old, parents left; a bird that flew in asked if the girl would like to survive the ordeals in her youth or old age; the maid advised her to say that she was young; the bird took her to the forest; the prince found her, brought it home, hid it from his mother and sister in her room; the mother opened the door, scolded her son, began to hate his wife; she gave birth in the absence of the prince; the Queen cut off the newborn's little finger, lowered the boy at sea in a basket, smeared his mother's mouth with blood, told her son that she had eaten her child; so three times; after the third time, the prince ordered his wife to be buried waist-deep in front of the main staircase, everyone passing should have beaten her; she asked the prince to bring her father's remaining three blue pebbles and a knife; the king allowed them to be taken, but promised to kill the prince if he did not bring him his daughter in a month; the prince gave them pebbles, hid and watched what would happen; the wife tells the first pebble if he remembers how the queen cut off her baby's finger, etc.; the pebble knocks on the other pebbles; so with everyone; after that the buried woman was going to cut her throat, but the prince stopped her; the king imprisoned her mother and sister in a tower, married a girl, took her parents]: 116-121; Catalans [brother and sister in the same house sister in the other too; the latter are rich, the former are not so rich; the brothers made a rose castle; whose sister jumps over it without hitting the rose will inherit all the property; the rich one jumped and hooked on a flower, poor - only a leaf that she immediately ate so that it would not be noticed; her sister became pregnant from the leaf and gave birth to a girl; hiding it from her brother, placed her with a wet nurse, where she made an underground passage; girl grew up; her mother's brother saw her and asked her who she was; she replied that her mother was a rose and she herself was too; when she left, her brother (i.e. the girl's uncle) threw a handful of pins at her; her mother pulled everything out, not one noticed; her daughter began to comb her hair, the pin pierced and the girl lost consciousness; her mother considered her dead and left her in a coffin, locking this room; when her brother returned, her sister (out of grief) fell ill and died, leaving his brother the keys but not entering one of the rooms; he broke the ban, found a living girl in the room and made him a maid; when he left, he asked what to bring her; she asked for a blooming branch of myrtle, a double-edged knife and a heart made of stone; my uncle almost forgot, but the ship on which he was returning froze; he had to go back and get everything the girl asked for; every evening she cried: Oh a heart of stone, a myrtle branch, a knife - why didn't you kill me? Oh sir, if you only knew whose daughter I am; the servant heard, told the master, the girl told me everything, became the mistress herself]: Salvator 1896:73-81; Sicilians [at school, the princess and others children go through the keyhole behind the teacher and sees that he is eating a dead man; the children rush out the door, but the princess loses her shoe and the teacher realizes that she saw him; he tells her 7 years, 7 get sick for months and 7 days without getting out of bed, and then let the cloud take her to Munti Calvariu; there is a castle on the mountain, there is a breathless young man in it and the inscription: if a girl rubs me with healing with herbs from Bald Mountain for 7 years, 7 months and 7 days, I will come to life; when the deadline was coming to an end, I heard screams: I am selling a slave; the princess bought her and she revived the prince and became his wife; the princess tells about your misfortune to an inanimate object "etc." (standard end)]: Cosquin 1922b: 112-113; Italians (Naples) [after jumping over a rose bush and swallowing the petal, the baron's sister became pregnant; her fairy friends helped give birth to Lisa in secret and everyone gave the girl some gift; but one twisted her leg and predicted in her hearts that in 7 years the mother would forget the comb in her daughter's hair, which would kill her; and so it happened; Lisa was put in a glass the coffin; her mother died of grief, telling her brother not to unlock the room where the coffin was left; the baron married, the wife unlocked the room, pulled L. by the hair, the comb fell out and it came to life; the baron's wife beat her and tyranted her, mistaking her husband for her mistress; told him she was a bad maid; when the Baron went to the fair, L. asked me to bring her a doll, a knife and a sharpener; and if he forgot, she would not cross the river; he forgot, but returned and brought what he needed; the Baron hears L. telling the doll his story and sharpening his knife to stab himself; the Baron understood everything, drove his wife away, L. passed him off as a kind man]: Basile 2018:229-233.

Western Asia. Palestinians [the lumberjack has three daughters; stranger Abu Freywar asked for his eldest wife; cut off his ears and invited the girl to eat them with a piece of stale bread; she refused; he hung her by hair to the cave vault, and the cave turned into a palace; AF asked the second daughter, who promised to eat her ears, but hid it under the carpet; AF asked her ears if they were warm, her ears answered from under the carpet that they were cold; the middle sister is hanged next to the eldest; the youngest Zerendak took a kitten and a box with her jewelry; let the kitten eat her ears, her ears say they are warm; AF fell in love with Z.; when she left, does not tell unlock the door to the fortieth room; while unlocking the 39th, Z. saw through the window how AF was devouring corpses in the cemetery; unlocked the 40th, freed the sisters, sent them home; AF invited Z. to invite various relatives , taking their form; Z. did not let it slip, but when her grandmother came, she told her everything; the grandmother became AF, who pierced Z. with his claw, threw it in the chest into the sea; the prince caught the chest; accidentally finding it poisonous claw, pulled it out, Z. came to life, the prince married her; she successively gives birth to three children; each time AF enters and swallows them, maybe Z.'s mouth is speechless in horror; then makes excuses, but they don't believe her; imprisoned, the prince marries his new wife, but asks Z. what to bring her; she asks for a box of aloe (sabr; omonym - patience), a box of henna (also "tenderness"), a dagger; After receiving the gifts, Z. says that aloe and henna do not have as much patience and tenderness as she does; when she wants to stab herself, AF appears, brings missing children, kills himself with a dagger; the children have come to the prince they called him father, everything was clarified, the new bride was returned to her father with gifts]: Hanauer 2009:201-206; Iraqi Arabs [the king overhears the conversation of three sisters; if the king marries her, one hundred cover the carpet for half the kingdom, the other will bake a loaf that the army will feed up, the third will give birth to twins with silver and golden hair; the king consistently marries girls; the first two have not fulfilled promised, sent to work in the kitchen; when the younger sister gave birth to twins, the sisters persuaded the midwife to replace them with puppies, let them down the river in a box; they were picked up by a fisherman; the king ordered his wife to be buried up to the chest at the door, let everyone who enters throw a stone at her and spit; bring the sisters closer again; when leaving, asked what to bring to their wives; the elders ask for a precious dress and necklace, a younger doll of patience and a knife patience; the king forgot them, but the ship did not move; he found an old man with a patience doll and a knife of patience; he gave them under conditions to follow his wife after she received these things ; the king hears the youngest wife telling her story to the doll; her heart burst; she wants to stab herself with a knife, but the king stops her; the king returned his wife, looked for her sons, and the fisherman brought them; older wives and midwife burned]: Stevens 2006, No. 33:157-161; Yemen [the fortuneteller predicts that the older sister is happy on the roof, the middle sister is on the mountains, the youngest is in the cemetery; the eldest went on the roofs, went down to the tavern, stole a cake and chicken; the third time the owner caught her, made her a wife; the middle one went to the mountains, there are many rooms in the cave, a dead man lies; inscription: if anyone stays with him for 3 months, 3 days, 3 hours and 3 minutes, the dead man will come to life, marry if it is a woman, or enrich if it is a man; two months later, the middle sister came out, asked the old woman to give her a girl to sit by the bed alternately; the dead man is resurrected while the middle sister was sleeping, he married a girl; she gave birth to children and their middle sister became their maid; husband asks what to bring from the trip; maid: knife and stone patience; on the way back, the ship does not move; the husband remembered that he had forgotten about the gifts to the maid; after buying them, he sailed home; the maid began to tell the stone what had happened until the stone split; she wanted to stab herself, but her husband overheard and prevented her, everything was fine; the younger sister hid in the cemetery, saw how the Sultan's wife buried her son, the slave dug up the grave, revived the young man with spells and she met him; then killed him again; so every day; the girl told the Sultan about this, the maid was captured, she admitted that she was the young man's mistress, and when she found out that they wanted to marry him, she bewitched him; the slave was burned, the Sultan's son married a girl; and the grandmother of three sisters married a soothsayer]: Lebedev 1990, No. 15:73-80; Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan, Saudi Arabia: El- Shamy 2004, No. 894:544-547; Syria, Qatar: El-Shamy 2004, No. 437:217-218.

South Asia. East North India (Hindi) [the king asks his seven daughters how much they love him; the elders say it's sweet, the youngest is like salt; the king orders him to put his daughter in a palanquin and leave her in forest; in the morning she came to the palace, it is empty; there is a prince on the bed, his body is covered with needles; the princess remains sitting by the bed, taking out her needles; a man enters, sells her a slave; when it remains to remove the needles from her eyes , the princess goes to wash, and the slave takes out the last needles herself; the prince wakes up, married the slave, and considers the princess a maid; the prince asks what to bring from the trip; the wife asks for clothes and jewelry, the imaginary maid is a sun-jewel box (only fairies have); in a dream, the prince sees a fakir who has been sleeping and awake for 12 years; appearing a week before the fakir wakes up, the prince cleans sleeping from leaves and debris; the fakir is happy, agrees to bring the box, pulls it out from the bottom of the well, where the fairy tells only the one who asked her to open the box - at night, alone; it contains 7 dolls and a flute; the princess plays the flute, the dolls turn into fairies, put up the tent, wash and decorate the princess, ask her not to cry - everything will end well; the logger sees the tent, then again; tells the prince, everything is explained ; the princess does not punish the maid, sends for her parents; the father admits that the daughter is right and the need for salt]: Stokes 1879, No. 23:164-172; kannada [the beggar predicts that the princess every time will marry a dead man; the king decides to go on a journey with his family; they have come to the palace; the girl touched the door, went in, the door closed behind her; so 12 doors, behind them a dead but imperishable young man; this is a prince who was destined to remain dead for 12 years, his parents left his body in this palace; 10 years later, the daughter of an acrobat entered the palace through the roof and became a maid; at the hour, the bird told crush and soak the leaves, give it to the prince; the princess spoke about this to the maid, and while she was praying, the maid revived the prince herself, became his wife, and the princess became his maid; when the prince leaves, he asks what bring; the acrobat wants a simple meal, and the princess wants a talking doll; the princess told the doll her story; the prince overheard, kicked out the acrobat, married the princess; her parents brought them home; wedding]: Ramanujan 1997, No. 12:38-43; Tamils [wife died, husband took another, she does not feed her stepson and stepdaughter; tells her husband to kill them; he left them in the woods; they came to the temple; sanyashi gave the girl a lemon; she ate, became pregnant and died during childbirth; brother cares for his niece; a woman started screaming that a young man had touched her and he had to marry her; when he went to work, she buried him my niece alive; it was in the jeweler's garden and he heard crying from the ground; he dug up the girl; she asked her to carve a doll out of wood; she began to tell the whole story in a song, asking the truth every time right? her uncle was looking for her and came to her head; burned his wife in a lime kiln]: Blackburn 2005, No. 97.

The Balkans. The Greeks [the widow king goes to war, leaving her daughter; the eagle tells her that she will marry a dead man; the nanny advises the princess to ask the eagle to take her to him; there is a sleeping prince; it is written that it is necessary sit awake at his bed for 3 months, 3 days, 3 hours, 3 hours; if she sneezes, wish him health; some girl offers herself as a maid; at the last moment the princess falls asleep, the maid wants health, The prince marries her, the princess sends her to herd the geese; she asks for a millstone of patience, a hanged man's rope, a butcher's knife; until he reaches them, his ship does not move; the prince spies hears a millstone telling you to endure, a rope to hang himself, a knife to stab himself; everything opens; the princess tells not to hang the maid, but to drive her away; the young come to the princess's father, who has returned from the war]: Megas 1970, No. 29:70-74; Bulgarians [a bird predicts to a girl that she will marry a dead man; to avoid prediction, she (along with her mother) leaves and finds herself in a palace (fortress, etc.); to revive him, a girl should sit next to her without sleep (fan him, read a psalter, fill the vessel with tears) for three days and three nights (40 days, six weeks, three years); when the deadline is almost over, the girl buys a slave (asks a gypsy woman) to sit in her place; a dead man wakes up and marries a slave (gypsy), and the girl becomes a maid; asks the lively man to bring her a stone of patience and a knife; tells a stone (and apparently wants to throw himself at the knife, but an angry man prevented him); he marries a girl, the slave was expelled or burned]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 437:154-155; Moldovans [stepmother she brought her own daughter a lot of nuts, and her stepdaughter alone; she planted it, a walnut tree has grown; its branches bend only to her stepdaughter to pick fruits; when she goes to church, the stepmother tells us to separate the ash from wheat (two eagles perform; next time millet scattered around the yard is pigeons; poppy seeds are sparrows); a walnut tree opens, clothes and jewelry inside; for the third time, bachelors smear resin on the church threshold; the shoe sticks, the girl throws a ring at her, runs away; the boyar's son finds the owner of the shoe, marries; when she leaves, the stepmother and daughter, disguised as beggars, came and cut the stepdaughter into pieces; she laughed - the flowers grew, she cried - the diamonds fell down; a passerby saw that the stepdaughter's remains were ordered to be taken to a nut; the nut revived her, she hired her husband as a worker, herded geese, and her stepmother's own daughter put on her jewelry, pretended to be a wife; the maid bakes bread, leaves the ring, the husband recognizes him, takes two stones of patience, tells them what happened, goes to his wife; the old woman is tied to the horse's tail; where she kicked, ravines appeared, where gullies were with her back, red poppies with her head; her own daughter fell into the ground up to the neck]: Moldavian tales 1968:204-214.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Chechens [a frog predicts a girl to marry a sleeping horseman; a girl and her father approach the castle, the girl enters, the door closes behind her; she sits by the bed for three years, then goes out to her father, in this time, the horseman wakes up, the maid says that it was she who was with him, the girl becomes a maid; asks the horseman to bring a talking doll, a jumping man and a dot knife from the city; a horseman; a horseman overhears her complaining about these objects, asking the knife to jump and pierce her; the dzhigit grabbed the knife, married a girl; the maid was forgiven]: Kibiev, Malsagov 1981:113-117; Armenians: Nazinyan 1969 [a huge cucumber has grown; the owner agreed to sell it only to the prince; tells him not to look back before reaching the plane tree; the prince hears music behind him, did not look back; cut the cucumber from the plane tree, went out girl; the prince followed his retinue and musicians, told the girl to climb on the plane tree; the old woman turned the girl into a bird, took her place; the prince took his imaginary wife, the bird curls over him, he unscrewed her his head, threw it on the ground; mulberry grew in this place; the owner of the site ordered it to be cut down; a sliver flew into the old woman's yard, became a spoon; someone was cleaning the house; the old woman watched, grabbed the girl; she she does not agree to marry her son, agrees to be a daughter; the prince distributes horses to the farmsteads to feed them; the girl's horse has become the best; she tells him not to get up if they want to take him away; she comes and says: Why don't you get up? Do you want to be a cheater like your master? ; the horse went, the prince thought; calls all the girls to scratch their hair; promises gifts; this girl asks for a pomegranate, a doll, a razor; the prince brought it, overhears; girl: while I'm telling, let the pomegranate splits and the doll is dancing; tells the whole story, wants to stab herself with a razor, the prince stopped her; the sorceress was executed]: 26-32; Khachatryants 1933 (Turkish Armenia) [the old man says to the girl: be you ashes if you die, be dead, well done if you live; the girl melts, her father takes her away, she disappears when she enters the cliff; there lies a dead prince, she has been taking care of him for 7 years; once sheltered a gypsy woman ; when it was time for the prince to come to life, the gypsy woman briefly took her place, became the wife of a young man, and the girl a maid; the gypsy woman asks her husband to bring her not Armenian, but Kurdish matter, the girl - poison, doll and jug; doll and jug talk to each other, say: we will die and you live; well done confirms, finds out who his real wife is]: 120-123; Hoogasian-Villa 1966 in Sutrop 2018 [beauty gave birth daughter Nuri Hadig ("pomegranate seed"); when she asks the moon which one is more beautiful, the moon says she is a woman; but when NH is 14 years old, the moon said that she is more beautiful than both of them; the woman tells her husband kill her daughter and bring her bloody shirt; the father left NH in the woods; she came to the palace, the door closed behind her; a voice tells NH to take care of the sleeping young man; the mother asks a mirror every new moon gets the same answer, but can't find NH; after 4 years, NH saw and invited a gypsy woman; 3 years later, the young man woke up just when the gypsy woman was with him; he married her, and NH held for the maid; when leaving, asks what to bring her; saber dashee (Turkish expression: a stone of suffering or patience); the mason explains that if the suffering is too great, the stone will burst, and if to those who ask for a stone, in fact, nothing special happens, then the beggar will burst; NH tells his story, the stone swells and bursts; at this time, the prince enters, marries a non-gypsy woman, and NH; NH's mother sends a witch to give NH a poisoned ring; the prince promises to protect NH's sleep forever; calls the doctor; he decides to steal the ring and accidentally discovered its secret; the prince, NH and the gypsy maid are happy; mother died of anger]: 729-734; Azerbaijanis [when the girl is 15, she explains to her parents what the crow is telling her: she will marry a dead man; then her parents decided to move; they came to in the garden, you can't open the gate, but as soon as the daughter touched it, she was in the garden, and the gate slammed shut; there was a dead young man in the house under a blanket; the girl bought a maid and a cat; left the maid by the body, and the young man just came to life; the maid pretended to be a girl and declared her a maid; the young man went to the bazaar; the liar asked me to buy outfits, and the girl asked me to buy a razor and a grindstone; the salesman: the one you are for You buy a razor, you kill yourself; a young man spies, sees a girl with a razor in her hand tell her story; when she wants to stab herself, the young man stops her; the liar is driven away; wedding]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:314-318; Turks: Kúnos 1901 [a bird shouts to a poor girl three times that her fate is Death; she stays at home with her mother, but one day she goes out to spend time with her peers, between her and others grow up a wall; it enters the palace, where one room is filled with silver, the second with gold, the third with diamonds, the fourth with emeralds; in the 40th, a young man without movement and a note: who will fan for 40 days fan me and pray, get me a husband; on the last morning she sees a black maid, asks me to sit for a while; the young man wakes up, takes a black woman as his wife; the girl becomes a maid; Bayram, a black woman asks for an unsewn dress, and the girl asks for a stone of patience and a knife of patience; the young man bought a dress but did not find gifts for the girl; sailed back, but the ship stopped; he was disembarked on shore, he met a black giant, who gave him a stone and a knife, he brought them to the maid; she began to tell her story to the stone, the stone began to shrink; girl: the stone can't listen to it, but what am I; she was about to stab a knife into her heart, but the young man who was eavesdropping stopped her; they killed a black woman, took the girl's mother; a bird flew to them]: 188-195; Stebleva 1986, No. 51 [to a childless merchant the dervish promises the birth of a daughter; at the age of seven he will take her, before that she cannot be given a name; children laugh at the nameless woman; a dervish comes, gives her the name Seti Nusret, takes her to his home, forbids her to open the door to one room; SN opened, there is a cemetery, the dervish devours the liver of the dead, CH loses her silver bracelet; since then, the dervish has often asked if SN knows her dervish father, who politely every time praises him; appears to her as a father, mother, babysitter, the girl answers the same way; the dervish takes her home, the padishah's son marries her; she gives birth three times (two sons and a daughter) while her husband has left; each time the dervish picks up the child, running a bloody finger over the mother's lips and leaving her speechless; twice the mother-in-law tells his son that the child is dead, the third time that his mother ate him; the son tells his wife living in the basement, getting ready for a new wedding; SN asks for a patience stone, a knife and a comb; tells the stone his story, it swells and then bursts; SN is going to stab himself, a dervish appears returns children, blesses SN, everything is fine]: 209-217.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Osmanov 1987 [=Rosenfeld 1956:208-213; the girl hears a voice several times promising that she will marry the deceased; the parents decide to take their daughter to other places; she enters the fortress the doors shut behind her; in the coffin a young man and a book, it says that if a girl reads from a book for 40 days every day, eats an amygdala and takes a needle out of the young man's body, he will come to life and they will be happy; On the last day, she buys a black slave from the gypsies, leaves, the prince who wakes up marries a slave; when the prince leaves, the imaginary maid asks for a stone of patience and a crooked mirror; he brings them, overhears an imaginary maid telling her story to a stone and a mirror and asks if she will become smoke or will they? The prince runs in, tells the stone and mirror to become smoke; the slave is killed, the corpse is hung over the entrance to the fortress]: 354-357; Lorimer 1919, No. 5 (Kerman) [the king is dissatisfied with everything his daughter does; she leaves with her maid; when she reaches the garden, she touches the door, she opens, lets only the princess in, slams shut in front of the slave; there is a sleeping young man in the garden; the body is stitched and entangled in threads; the girl finds a note: if you sit with young men 40 days and 40 nights without sleep, eat one walnut a day, drink one shell of water, remove all the threads from the body, then after 40 days the young man sneezes, get up from his bed; on the fortieth day in the young man's body three threads remain; passing caravans carry the slave across the garden fence; the girl asks the slave to sit with the young man while she sleeps, forbids touching the young man; the slave violates the ban: removes the cover from her face young men, takes out the remaining threads; the young man gets up; the slave tells the story of his awakening as a princess and the princess as a slave; the young man invites the slave to become his wife; the princess wakes up understands what happened, he becomes a slave; when going on a trip, the husband asks what to bring to his wife, children and slave (i.e. princess); the slave asks for a marten stone (Marten-stone) and a Chinese a doll; the seller says that the person who ordered these gifts must be the king's daughter, advises the prince to overhear the story that the girl will tell the gifts, wrap her waist at the end of the phrase, otherwise she will die; the girl spills water, lights a candle, tells her story to gifts; says the formula: let either she or the marten stone break; at this moment the prince grabs the girl; the stone breaks, from He is bleeding; a slave is tied to a horse's tail]: 19-24; Marzolph 1984, No. 894 [very popular story, all of Iran: Keramn, Isfahan, Fars, Markazi, Hamadan, Gilyan, Azerbaijan, Mazendaran, Khorasan]: 164-166 ; mountain Tajiks [the Shah's daughter and her maid entered the garden, where it says: the prince will come to life and marry someone who pulls needles out of his body, eating only a piece of cake a day and drinking a thimble of water; the maid did this, leaving only one needle in the sole; the maid left, the princess pulled out the needle and became the prince's wife; the wife asked for a dress, the maid was a magic stone; the maid became tell my grief to a stone: will you split or will I die? the stone split, pus inside; when he found out what was going on, the prince married a maid, and made the princess a maid]: Rosenfeld, Rychkova 1990, No. 12:56-57; Uzbeks [Rose Flower girl approached the iron at the gate, they opened and slammed shut behind her; a young man was lying, needles at his feet, the CR began to pull them out; a caravan came, asked her to leave someone to help her; fell asleep, telling her to help the girl continued to work; she pulled out the last needle, the young man came to life, made the impostor a wife and the CR a maid; the wife asked for jewelry for her, the maid a combustible stone; began to tell a stone about his grief; the stone broke out and caught fire; the CR wanted to rush into the fire, but the young man stopped her and made her a wife, and drove her away]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (2): 39-41 (=Sheverdin 1980:97-99); Pashaya : Morgenstierne 1944:86-96 in Thompson, Roberts 1960, No. 437:64.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [The impostor bride. To free the king and others from spells, the princess must read the scriptures for a certain time in the enchanted castle. When the term ends, a strange woman shows up and tells the king that she saved him. The real savior has been sent to the kitchen. On the king's wedding day, she asks for a doll (stone) to be brought to her. The king hears her talking to the doll about her misadventures and marries her.]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 437:285-286.

Turkestan. Uighurs (Kashgar) [in the morning, the teacher greets the student, calling her the wife of a dead man; one day she goes to a courtyard for a drink, the gate closes tightly; she sees a dead man on the bed in the house young man; next to a note: if you fan around the body for 40 days, the young man will come to life; on the 40th day, the girl can not stand it, goes up to the roof where the woman is sitting, asks to sit for a day in her place; the young man came to life and accepted who was sitting next to him for his wife at that moment; the girl went somewhere; one day she went to the bazaar, promising his wife to bring jewelry; that girl was sitting by the road crying, asking for a sangil sungil stone; the merchant said that if such a stone was lowered into the water, it would swell and burst, and then the culprit of the girl's suffering would die; after giving the girl the stone, the young man secretly went to her house and saw how it was put in the water The stone swells and tells everything; snatched it out of the water before the stone burst; chased the false wife away and took the real one]: Jarring 1948, No. 3:31-38.