Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K27z8. Mysteries you can't solve, ATU 851, 927.


A person makes a riddle that can only be solved by knowing the circumstances in which he was in.

Swahili, Ashanti, Devoin, Beafada, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Spaniards, Aragon, Catalans, Galicians, Portuguese, Italians (Piedmont, Veneto, Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, Molise, Basilicata, Calabria), Ladins, Corsicans, Sardinians, Sicilians, Maltese, Irish, British, Bretons, French, Germans (Mecklenburg, Austria), Dutch, Flemish, Friezes, Old Testament, Arameans, Bahrain, Qatar, Iraq, Syria, Khmer (?) , Burmese, Northern India (Hindi), Sinhalese, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Romanians, Serbs, Bosnians, Slovenes, Greeks, Poles, Slovaks, Czechs, Russians (ATU 851, Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Vologda, Yaroslavskaya), Ukrainians (ATU 851; Eastern Slovakia, Transcarpathia, Galicia, Bukovina, Volyn, Podolia, Pokutie), Belarusians (ATU 851), Swedes, Danes, Norwegians, Icelanders, Finns, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Uighurs (?) , (Manchus).

Bantu-speaking Africa. Swahili: El-Shamy 2004, No. 851:470-472.

West Africa. Ashanti [the chief's eldest son goes on a journey; comes to the chief, who demands that everyone who comes solve riddles; the young man cannot do it, is decapitated; the same middle son; when the youngest left, his mother, considering him doomed, mixed poison into the cakes he had taken with her; suspected that the tortillas were poisoned, the young man gave half the cake to the vulture, which died; three panthers began to eat the vulture also died; the young man fried pieces of panther meat, took it with him; he was attacked by 7 robbers, he shared food with them, they died; for two days the young man and the chief made riddles, were equal; then the young man offered the latter: half killed one, one three, three seven; at night, the chief crept into where the young man spent the night, mistook him for his servant, promised a reward for his answer; the young man (imaginary servant) agreed that he would bring him the ceremonial attire he was wearing when solving the riddles; hid the robe and gave him the answer; when the chief announced it, the young man asked where the chief's attire, accused him of cheating; the chief was executed, the young man became the chief]: Barker, Sinclair 1917, No. 34:171-175; Devoin [the chief will give half of his possessions to whoever asks his daughter a question, which she will not be able to answer; losers are executed; the elder, middle brothers asked clever questions, the girl understood their meaning and explained everything; the youngest mother gives poisoned cakes - let him die nearby and she would bury him herself; he sat down to eat, gave a cake to the dog, who died, he threw it into the river, an eagle sat on it and swam; when he came to the girl, the young man asked what "the dough killed the dog and the dead he suffered alive"; she failed to answer, the young man got what he promised]: Pinney 1973:109-111; beafada [the chief will give his daughter for someone who asks him three riddles he cannot guess; the unlucky the applicants are executed; the boy goes to try his luck, the mother gives her cakes, one of them with poison; on the way, the horse ate a cake and died; two pigeons ate crumbs and also died: "one killed two"; seven the young men asked the guy for pigeons, ate them and also died: "Two seven could kill"; the guy sees a dead hippopotamus swimming along the river, and the stamp sits on him: "Drags a dead man alive"; the old woman went with the guy help him; the chief could not guess, sent his daughter; the boy did not know who it was; told her all about his riddles; but only after she gave him her ring and handkerchief; when the chief found out the answers and wanted to execute the guy, he took out a ring and a handkerchief (with the owners' inscriptions) and demanded an explanation of how he got them; the leader was executed, the guy was made a leader, he made the leader's daughter a maid of an old woman]: Nikolnikov , Katasonov 1976:32-41.

North Africa. Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco {apparently only Arabs}: El-Shamy 2004, No. 851:470-472.

Southern Europe. Catalans [the princess will marry someone whose riddle she can't solve; the hero comes up with a riddle describing what happened on the way to the princess]: Oriol, Pujol 2006, No. 961:165; Aragon [the princess promises to go beyond someone whose riddle she can't guess; the young man comes up with a riddle based on what he saw along the way; "The cupcake killed a mug (Torta mató a pinta), the mug killed three, three seven; shot who he saw and killed whom he did not see; ate unborn meat and drank water from the ground or from the sky; pasé por un duro, en el duro había un blando y en blando había en blando había tres"]: González Sanz 1996, No. 951:100; the Galicians [the princess promises to marry someone who will solve a riddle she can't solve; silly Jean decided to try; to avoid shame, his brothers gave him poisoned bread; on the way, J. got off his donkey and fell asleep, and the donkey ate bread and died; waking up, J. saw three wolves eating a carcass; he climbed into a tree in fear and shot, but hit a hare; in the morning he saw that the wolves were also dead; he came to the priest, cooked a hare with two bunnies in his stomach; drank it with consecrated water; lowered the donkey's corpse into the river and saw 7 crows on it in the morning; asked a mystery to the princess: bread killed Marta, who killed three after death; shot at someone she saw and killed someone she did not see; ate the unborn with the words of the Holy Spirit (con falas do Esprito Santo guisado); I drank water from the ground or from the sky; saw seven alive on one dead; the princess did not guess the riddle and married Jean]: Contos 1972, No. 94:92-93; Portuguese: Braga 2002 []: 241-243; Cardigos 2006, No. 851 [the princess promises to go beyond the one whose riddle she cannot solve; the losers are executed; the young man's mother gives him poisoned cakes on the road; after trying them, his dog is dead; the crows began to peck at her, are also dead; robbers cook crows and die too; the young man aims at a hare and hits a bird (or kills a pregnant hare); he cooks by burning the old Bible; he beats horse sweat (water is not from the ground, not from the sky); finds a treasure under a tree (the root is sweeter than the fruit); other episodes; all this is described in a riddle; the princess finds out the answer when she comes to the young man at night; but he finds out about it and provides evidence that she spent the night with him]: 203-204; the Maltese [the princess will marry someone who will give her three riddles that she cannot guess; the mother gave the young man poisoned cakes so he could avoid a painful death; the dog ate and died, the birds began to bite crumbs and also died; the water of the stream carried a dead cow, and birds were sitting on it ("the dead carries the living"); a young man shoots a pregnant woman rabbit; gets fuel to fry the bird; the princess enters the young man's bedroom three times at night to find answers; each time he keeps evidence of this visit; when they want to execute him (for the princess said answers), he presents this evidence and the princess is forced to marry him]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 851:304-307; Sicilians [parallel to the Maltese version]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978:306; Corsicans [widow and son live by bringing brushwood from the forest; they oil their feet, so the young man's name is Pedi-Untu; after learning that he is poor, the fairy gives him the ability to order bundles brushwood to move by air from the forest to the right place; since then, P. and his mother have not worn brushwood, but rode themselves on bundles of brushwood; the king will give his daughter for someone whose riddles she cannot solve, but the losers will die; P. decides to go try; his mother gives him a poisoned cake so that he can at least die near home; P. gave a piece to his donkey, who immediately died; the raven wanted to go down, P. I wanted to kill a crow, but hit a pregnant hare; fried an unborn bunny on a fire from the newspaper, because there was no other fuel nearby; a mystery to the princess: the cake killed Berta, I shot in someone he saw, killed someone he didn't see, ate flesh created but not born, cooking it at the stake with words; the princess did not understand, she had to marry P.; but she wants to get rid of it, everyone the evening puts something in his food and wine that makes him feel bad; someone advised him not to eat or drink, P. felt good; in the end, the princess fell in love with him]: Massignon 1984, No. 66:165-147; Italians (Piedmont, Veneto, Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, Molise, Basilicata, Calabria): Cerise, Serafini 1975, No. 851:203-204; Italians: Calvino 1980, No. 62 (Tuscany) []: 213-222; Widter et al. 1866, No. 15 (Veneto) [the unmarried queen will marry the one whose riddle she cannot solve; the rest of the suitors are executed; the poor young man decided to try his luck; his mother put a poisoned cake (pinza) in his pocket; when he stopped and fell asleep, the mule ate the cake and died; three birds went down to peck, also died; the young man gave the bird to seven reapers; they cooked them, ate them and died; mystery: pinza killed Perle ( obviously the name of the mule), he killed three, three seven; the queen asks for a day to think; disguised as a man, he enters the room where the young man slept, lies down on the next bed; in the morning he finds out a secret; but the young man (realizing finally, who's in front of him?) hid her shirt; the queen answers, but the young man asks a new riddle: I went hunting, shot, got a case; the case is a shirt; the queen is a sorceress; I got into a boat on land, tried to fly away in it; but the young man managed to pull out her magic book and sent the Queen on her boat to Siberia; and he returned home on a wagon]: 269-272; the Spaniards [I shot what I saw, killed what I didn't see, ate what wasn't born; my mother killed Panda, Panda killed three; mom Borona killed Paula, Paula killed two, two killed seven; I walked between hard and soft, downstairs was dead, two sang above me; ate unborn flesh, brewed in the Holy Scriptures, drank water that is not from the earth or from heaven; (etc.)]: Boggs 1980, No. 851:101-102; Ladins: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 54 [the king promises a daughter to someone who offers a riddle he can't solve himself; and if he finds out that the applicant is being executed, the stupid guy decided to try it; to prevent him from being hanged, his mother and sisters decided to put poison in his fritters who gave them; said that this food was called "who knows"; he gave pancakes to seven crows, they died; the guy threw a stick to knock down an apple, missed it, but the stick killed the pregnant hare; the guy took it out out of her belly and fried four bunnies; mystery: Who knows killed Mansel, Mansel killed seven; the king sent his daughter to the guy for the night, she found out; but the guy has another mystery: Thrown up didn't hit, thrown down - killed, living flesh eaten, and unpickled flesh was cooked in words; the king had to give his daughter away], 81 [the judge promises a woman to pardon her husband if she makes a riddle that he, the judge, will solve she will not be able; a woman sees a nest of sparrows in her skull; two adult birds flew out, but 5 chicks remained; mystery: seven in the house of the dead, two flew away, five remained; the ship let the woman's husband go]: 145-147, 221-222; Sardinians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 851:479-480.

Western Europe. The Bretons [the princess promises to marry someone who will solve a riddle she cannot solve; losers are executed, the remains of the executed are everywhere around the palace; Fanch de Kerbrinic would like to try happiness, but his mother does not let him in; soldier Little Jean met him and persuaded him to go to Paris against his mother's wishes; the mother decided to poison her son rather than let him go; held bubbles goodbye with poison; J. orders to pour poison into the horse's ear; soon the horses fell, and the corpses of the 4,magpies who began to peck also died; J. takes forty with him; before driving through the forest at night, where the robbers put his magpie meat in 8 pies cooked by women; shared with robbers sitting around the fire, they die; hence the mystery: four came out (i.e. J., F. and their horses), out of four, 2 died, two died from two (4 ( that is, magpies), made 8 out of four (pies), six died from eight (robbers), and now we have come 4; F. asks a riddle, the princess cannot guess, she asks for time, decides to bribe J.; he asks her to go to him between 10 and 11 pm, she sends a maid; J. agrees with F. in advance; when he meets the maid, J. tells her to lie down without a shirt; says that now the furious drunken F. will break in; the maid runs away naked, leaving money and not knowing a secret; the same happened to the maid of honor, and then to the princess herself; she is forced to admit defeat, but asks to fill the bag with truth; before the king's eyes and Courtiers J. begins to take women's clothes out of the bag; the princess asks to stop, the king gives her to F. as his wife; dies, F. became king]: Luzel 1887, No. 10:326-350; Germans (Austria) [princess will marry someone who asks her an insoluble riddle, executes the losers; the neighboring prince took a servant, decided to try; the father did not want his son to die at the hands of an executed man, handed out poisoned wine; but his prince poured out; soon the horse fell - drops of poison fell on him; they met the robbers, the prince was elected leader; the servant saw 12 dead crows on the horse's corpse, put poisoned horse meat in the food of 49 robbers, those died; mystery: one hits 12, 12 beats 49; the princess asked for 3 days; sent a valet to the servant, the coachman - useless; she came to the prince herself, who told her everything, but the servant came in at the last moment , began to whip the princess, she had to hand over her ring; they wanted to execute the prince, but the servant explained everything and showed the ring; the king told his daughter to marry the prince]: Cerf 1992:217-222; the French ( Niverne) [the princess will marry the one whose riddle she does not solve; the prince and his chariot shot two cornilles, made 24 boulettes, met 24 robbers, gave them poisoned boulettes, they died; A mystery for the princess: we went out together, killed 12, two again, did 24, divided two, killed 24; the princess sends her maids to find out the answer, all seven sleep with the coachman, but he did not reveal a secret; let the princess herself come; she comes, but instead of the coachman, the prince himself is in bed; in the morning the coachman: I caught seven fish; prince: and I am alone but beautiful; the princess married him]: Tenèze, Bru 2000, No. 851: 19-20; Germans [the queen is in the woods looking for accommodation; the girl warns that her witch mother is killing everyone; the witch gave the Queen's servant a bottle of poison, but the poison hit the horse, the horse died; he became peck crows; the crow was killed, they made soup out of it; the Queen and his servant came to 12 robbers, gave them this soup, they died; the young queen will marry the one whose riddle cannot be solved, executes the losers; Queen: one did not defeat anyone, but defeated 12; the Queen sent a maid, but the Queen sent a servant; he tore off the maid's veil and drove it out; the same the next night; the queen came to the third herself, The Queen gave her a clue, but tore off her veil; the Queen presented the judges with three blankets, who told the Queen to marry him]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 22:84-86 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:80-82); Irish, Flemish, Friesians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 851:479-480; English, German (Mecklenburg), Dutch: Uther 2004 (1), No. 927:563-564.

Western Asia. Old Testament [when Samson and his parents came to the vineyards of Fimnaf, a young lion came to him, but S. killed him with his bare hands; a few days later he went to see the corpse and flew out a swarm of bees; S. took honey, but said where it came from; marrying a Philistine woman, S. at a feast offered to guess the riddle: the eater came out of the poisonous and the strong came out of the sweet; if you guess, he would give 30 changes clothes and 30 shirts, and if they don't guess, the audience will give it to him; the Philistines asked S.'s wife to find out the clue and finally tell her; having received the right answer, S. killed in Ascalon 30 men, took their clothes, gave them to the guessers, but left his wife for their parents, and she married his friend who was at the feast]: Judgment. 14.8 (5-20); the Arameans [the king in Tehran lost his throne and property; his son, with his consent, sold it and the queen to the king of India, went on a journey himself; the counter asked him to give the letter to another king; the young man tied his head with a handkerchief containing the letter; soaked it with horse sweat and drank this moisture; opened the letter, which ordered the applicant to be executed; the young man came to town; the old woman: Princess Karamane demands to guess her riddles and ask her one which he will not be able to guess herself; losers are executed, 99 heads are already on the palisade; the young man answers all the questions; (examples): a coffin that moves all the time and lives with its contents (whale with Iona inside); on the tree has 12 branches, each with 30 leaves, each leaf is half white, half black (year, 12 months, 30 days, day and night); young man's ambush: a rich man went broke, went to ask God for good luck; He met death on the way, tied his head with it, then put it in his pocket; wiped his body with it and drank water that was not from heaven or earth; K. changed clothes, came to the young man unrecognized, spent the night with him, found out the secret but forgot her cape; in the morning K. sent the maid for the young man; the young man asks me to tell me: a dove visited me, we ate and drank, she flew away, and if she denies it, I will put her plumage in front of her; the king betrayed daughter for a young man; he bought his parents, became even richer, inherited his father-in-law's throne]: Belov, Wilsker 1960:230-239; Bahrain, Qatar, Iraq, Syria: El-Shamy 2004, No. 851: 470-472.

Burma - Indochina. Burmese, Khmers (?) : Uther 2004 (1), No. 927:563-564

South Asia. North India, Lucknow, Hindi [Bhat (genealogist) and his wife did not follow the custom of making scorpion and snake figures and scolding friends two days after a women's party; sister bhata ordered It was for a snake to bite him; but he noticed a snake and it was killed; his wife chopped it to pieces and put one in a pot, the other in a pan, the third in her hair, tied the fourth to her belt, and squeezed the fifth into oil, which is in the lamp; she put the rest of the pieces under the legs of the bed; asked her husband a riddle - if she does not answer, she will kill him; "Who is in her hair, some on the belt, some in a pot, some in a frying pan, some under four legs, who is in the lamp"; the husband said he would answer tomorrow and went to his sister in the morning; they both came to the pond and heard the lamp into which the snake was squeezed complain to the other lamps gathered there: she was late for their meeting, because - and the whole story is longer; the husband answered his wife, she was surprised and did not kill him]: Crooke 1895, No. 622:210-211; Sinhalese [prince: women cheat, I'm not getting married; god Shakra created a woman from a part of the prince's body and he agreed to marry her; his wife met a cobra snake, who told her to find out what the prince's life was like; the prince finally admitted that he was in his thumb (thumb); cobra wanted to bite the prince in the finger, but the servants managed to kill her; the wife ordered a gold belt from the jeweler, put the severed cobra hood inside, and asked the prince a riddle: a snake belt in a gold chain around her waist; he Can't figure it out, is preparing for execution; his older sister found out the answer and said; the prince executed his wife]: Parker 1910, No. 19:157-159.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [the king will give his daughter for someone whose riddle she cannot guess; many loser suitors have been executed; the pig driver is about to try his luck; his mother, knowing that he will die, wants at least his grave to be nearby, gives him poisoned cakes on the road; the dog tried them, died; the raven began to peck at the dog, also died; the young man stabbed a pregnant cow, fried a calf at the stake made of church books and drank water from {a vessel made from?} church candles; asks a riddle: the dog ate white bread, the raven ate a dog; I found myself ungrown, fried it in words; drank water from heaven or earth; princess did not guess; wedding]: Daskalova- Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 851:301; Slovenes [the queen will go for someone whose riddle she does not solve, and who will solve, execute; the poor guy decides to try; the mother thinks that it is better to die next to at home, not on a chopping block, she brought with her two poisoned pigeons; they were eaten by a dog, died; 12 crows began to peck at the dog, also died; the young man picked them up; got to the robbers, fried crows for dinner, all 24 died; mystery: two dead killed a living man, that 12 alive and 12 killed 24; whoever should have died first survived; the queen married a young man]: Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991:348-349; Greeks [ the princess will only marry someone whose riddle she does not solve, and whose riddle she solves, he will be beheaded; the young shepherd went to try it; his mother gave him a cake in which she poured rat poison; told him first give the dog and if something happens to it, go back, otherwise the king will cut off its head; the young man gave a pie to the dog, which immediately died; he himself found a fallen cow and an unborn calf in it; here he is then he ate it; and he fried it on church books, taking the fire from the lamp, found no other fire; to get water, he drained the oil from the lamp, and below was the water; when he returned to the dog, he saw that there were three pecking it the crow is also dead; I asked the princess a riddle: a pie caused the baby's death; a dead baby killed three blacks; I ate born and unborn meat, fried it in letters; I drank water out of the ground and not from heaven; three days later, the princess married a young man]: Legrand 1881:39-46; Hungarians, Romanians, Serbs: Uther 2004 (1), No. 851:479-480; Bosnians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 927:563-564.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [Marfa Tsarevna asks riddles and solves strangers; Ivan, a peasant son, went to her; his father took out his horse, his mother saddled, gave the saddles to the chase; "I sat on my father, went to mother, drove my sister"; next time he washed his face with horse sweat, wiped his mane; "I sat on my horse, washed my face not with dew or water, not with silk or handkerchief"; shot a goose, made a fire in the lower hole, He cooked a goose at the top, climbed a tree; "I cooked it not on the ground, not on the water, ate it higher than the forest"; M. calls to the bathhouse, copulates with I. (his male member is a horse, the horse must be fed and given water)]: Onchukov 2008, No. 129:275-276; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Vologda, Yaroslavl), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Transcarpathia, Galicia, Bukovina, Volyn, Podolia, Pokutye), Belarusians [Unsolved riddles: the princess wants to marry only a person whose riddles she cannot solve ; a fool (prince, shepherd) asks them, she can't guess and gives him her hand]: SUS 1979, No. 851:217-218; Poles, Slovaks, Czechs: Uther 2004 (1), No. 851:479-480.

Baltoscandia. Latvians: Arys, Medne 1977, No. 927 [The Convict's Mystery. 1) Husband thrown into prison. The judge (master) will release him if his wife makes a riddle that no one can solve. A woman sits under a tree to feed her child; she sees a bird on a tree, ants under her feet. He asks a riddle: "I ate, I was eaten, I was eaten above me, they ate under me." The husband is released. 2) The daughter saves her father. My father is in jail. His daughter feeds him through the dungeon window. She asks the judge a riddle: "I was a daughter, I became a mother, I give my heart through a stone"]: 333; Grishina 1993 []: 277-283; Swedes [the princess will marry someone whose riddles she cannot solve; It is impossible to solve the knight's riddles, but the princess first sends a maid to him at night and then comes by herself; he hides her nightgowns and then shows her as evidence; the princess is forced marry him]: Liungman 1961, No. 851:224-225; Danes [husband and wife are childless; a healer gives her husband three smelt to be eaten by his wife; but he eats one himself and becomes pregnant; gives birth in the forest and leaves him a girl; she is found by Lind (dragon family), but the tiger kills him and raises a girl; after his death, she lives alone in the forest; the prince found her, married her, she is constantly silent; every time her daughter-in-law gives birth, and her husband is at war, the Queen Mother smears her lips with blood, lowers the child down the river in a basket; three millers find and raise a boy; after the third time, the king agrees to drive the young woman; she is speechless as soon as she is outside the gate; comes to the first miller, asks a riddle: the fish was my father, the man was my mother, lind bore me, the tiger adopted me, the horse gave me a husband, I gave birth to three children, all alive, they all died, but they are all alive; the miller is unable to guess, for this he gives a carriage with six horses and a coachman boy; so with all three millers, a woman gets all three sons, goes to the palace, where her riddle is also unguessed; she opens, the Queen Mother is punished, the woman becomes queen again]: Holbek 1987:543-544; (cf. Estonians (Yuri; recorded in Sukhum-Kala) [the king of the north (KS) saved the raven, the raven helps him; says that the King of the South (KYU) has a beautiful daughter, but refuses everyone; the Constitutional Court went to marry her, and his three the sisters were kidnapped by a lion (he is the king of animals), an eagle (the king of birds) and a whale (the king of fish); CS's mother decided that her son would rather die with her than disappear in a distant land, got poisonous drops from the witch, and farewell time dripped on the CS; but drops hit the horse; the COP made 12 pies with this horse meat, sat on another horse and left; 12 robbers attacked, each ate a pie and died; the COP came to his older sister, she feeds the baby; her husband is a lion for 3 days and a man for 3 days; gives her hairs: if burned, he will come to the rescue; his handkerchief will also show if the CS is in trouble, it will turn red; the sister herself gives a magic tablecloth; the same the middle sister (the eagle gives feathers); the youngest (the whale gives scales); near the Sea of Fire, a tree with a hawk's nest, there are chicks squeaking; the raven teaches: their mother will return in 3 days, they will starve to death and beat them hail; we must slaughter the horse, feed the chicks with meat and cover them with skin; let their mother carry them across the sea as a reward; the mother bird orders to prepare 12 barrels of poultry meat and 12 barrels of water; KYU's daughter planted the COP in the dungeon, where the other contenders are on her hand; he feeds them all thanks to a magic tablecloth; sells a tablecloth to Kyu's daughter for the opportunity to look at her bare neck; says there is nothing to see; pulls out a tablecloth received from her middle sister; same (Kyu's daughter shows her breasts); same; KYU's daughter agrees to spend the night with the COP; first he turns away, then agrees to hug her; wedding; wife gives keys, does not tell you to unlock the seventh room; once he unlocked it; the sorcerer locked there asked for water three times, promised to forgive the COP three times for this; flew away and took his wife; the raven said that the sorcerer had a flying horse that sees and guards far away; the COP took his wife, but the sorcerer easily caught up and took it away, said that one forgiveness was less; so three times, and the fourth time the sorcerer tore the CS to pieces; lion, eagle and the whale collected the remains, brought live water; tried it on a crow: they tore it and revived it; then they revived the COP; he did no harm to flies, horseflies, cancers, they promised to help; the COP met an old woman, she offered herd her 12 horses; this is her 12 daughters; flies brought horses on the first evening, horseflies on the second; on the third day, horses climbed into the water, but they were driven out by crayfish; the witch agrees to give one horse as a reward; raven: if you sit on it, you will die; requires the son of a toad; this toad is the mother of a sorcerer's flying horse, and the toad is his brother; the frog-horse tells you to wait three days for him to gain strength, three more to learn from mother, the last three to take an invincible weapon; the COP cut off the witch's head, but she grew back and he hardly rode away from her; the wife found out that the sorcerer's soul was in the egg, the egg was in the duck, the duck was flying over the sea; the COP summoned an eagle, he grabbed a duck, the whale took out an egg that fell into the sea, the COP crushed it, the sorcerer died; the COP began to rule the north and south]: Mälk et al. 1967, No. 79:246-264); Norwegians [faithful servant saves prince from the hands of robbers; the princess promises to go beyond the one whose riddle she can't solve; to find out the answer, she sends her maids to spend the night with the prince, but the prince and servant switch places; then The princess herself sleeps with the prince and finds out the answer; however, the servant still has parts of the princess's and maids's wardrobe in her hands that serve as proof of night visits; thus, the servant saves herself and the prince from execution ; prince marries a princess]: Hodne 1984, No. 851:188-189; Lithuanians [for failing to obey the order, the master is going to hang the man; his wife and baby went to the estate to ask for pardon for her husband; sat down eat and feed the baby under the spruce; looked up: the bird feeds the chicks; down: ants {crumbs?] they eat; I made a riddle to the master: I eat, eat from me, eat on me, eat under me; the master did not solve it, pardoned the man]: Alksnite et al. 1958:476-477; Icelanders, Finns, Estonians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 851:479-480.

Volga - Perm. Chuvash {apparently a rare story; the only reference to Chuvash tales. 1937. Ed. BUT. Martirosov. Moscow: Chuvash Research Institute of Culture. P. 58-60}: Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 927:213.

Turkestan. Uighurs {probably}: Ting 1978, No. 851: (1 text in Tien Shan magazine, Urumqi; {page number in pdf is not visible}).

(Wed. Amur - Sakhalin. Manchus [the king ordered a mirror to be made that could reflect only the most beautiful woman in the world; a Taoist monk found such a beauty, the daughter of a fisherman; she asks all suitors the question is what is the most precious thing, but no one gives the right answer]: Bäcker 1988, No. 12:80-94).