K27zy. A hero between two cannibals.
A young man (girl) lives in the house of a cannibal (witch). To destroy him or her, the cannibal tells you to bring an object from other cannibals (often from her mother or sister). The hero or heroine escapes (and kills all cannibals).
Arabs of Algeria, Egypt, Spaniards, Sicilians, Italians (Campania), Ladins, Mustang, Meitei, Khmer, Thais, Shans, Kashmiris, Kumaoni, Punjabi, Northern India (Hindi), Kannada, Tamils, Sinhales, Bali, Lombok, Greeks, Russians (Terek coast, Moscow, Ryazan, Voronezh), Persians, Danes, Swedes.
North Africa. The Arabs of Algeria [the Sultan has two wives; he sees a beautiful woman (this is a gulya), marries, she tells her former wives to be expelled, although they are pregnant; one took the Sultan's seal with her; they found a hut, gave birth to to the boy, one of the wives put a Sultan's seal on everyone's back; the Sultan has another son: an adult from his deceased wife; the shepherd told him about the expelled wives; he returned them to the palace, the sultan asked them forgiveness; the gulya wife wants to eat the returnees, but they are locked in their room; the sultan does not know what to do; the adviser suggests that the Sultan's son write, as if on behalf of the relatives of his guli wife, that her the mother died; then she would leave the palace; but she refused to leave; instead gave the young man a letter for her mother, putting her hair in it; allegedly sending her own son to her; there are parents and 7 brothers guli; there are 7 candles in one room: these are the souls of the guli, if they are extinguished, the guli will die; and a turtle floats in the pool: this is the soul of the guli, the Sultan's wife; the young man extinguished the candles, strangled his throat; the gulya wife immediately is ill; the young man does not know how to leave the room; the good spirit of Jania appears; it will help if the young man marries her and remains faithful; she moves the guley castle to the Sultan's palace; her good spirits win an army of guli; she gives the dove to the Sultan's wives (who were expelled); one twisted the dove's neck, the other broke her leg; Jania threw Guli's corpse from heaven at her army and it disappeared]: Desparmet 1910:357-373; Arabs of Egypt [a woman takes off her clothes from her feathers, bathes in a spring, then flies away; the king sees this, steals clothes, asks for an article by his wife; the woman agrees if the king is blinded their former 40 wives; one of them is a princess, the rest are slaves; the blinded are kept in the basement under the kitchen; each has given birth, the children have been eaten, the princess has kept her own; the boy steals food in the kitchen, feeds the blinded; The king meets a young man who calls himself Kitchen Bear, but his real name is Mohammed the Intelligent; the new wife has guessed who this young man is; pretended to be sick, asks the king to send M. for medicine - with the heart of a black valley bull; he fell to Guli's chest; she gave a ball to follow and a dagger to slaughter the bull; if he asked to hit again, not to hit; next time, the heart of a red valley bull (then same); the new wife decides to send M. to her sister to kill him; sends him to bring a heavy white valley grenade (weighing about 50 kg); Guli's son teaches him to find a grenade, he is from the sister of the king's wife; throw the ring, follow him; throw bread of meat to dogs, then cannibals, they will let him pass, grab a pomegranate and run without looking back; the wife tells me to bring a flying castle from Mount Kaf; the cannibal teaches you to give the maid incense, she will take M. to her room; there is a bottle with the life of the king's wife and another with the eyes of blinded wives; and a wand that drives the castle; and a spear that hits orders left and right; when the maid fell asleep, M. killed the scarab in which her life was; M. ordered to kill everyone with a spear, carries the lock, opens to her father, breaks the bottle with the life of her witch wife, restores sight to blinded women, receives from father's throne]: Spitta-Bey 1883, No. 2:12-29 (summary in Nowak 1969, No. 177:182-183).
Southern Europe. The Spanish [the king brings a rose to his wife, she hides it in the box; from there the voice: open it! the king opens, Queen Rosa appears, tells him to get rid of the former queen; the king blinds her, throws her into the basement; the king has Tomasito's son, R. tells him to consider her mother; T. hears a voice from under the ground mother; R. says she is sick, asks T. to bring water from the Arenal spring; the old man tells T. not to look back on the way back, T. brings water; the same is three lemons, three oranges; the old man changes his appearance T., tells him to stay with two sisters R.; they ask the young man if he has seen the T. they want to kill; show him three candles, their lives are in them; T. immediately extinguishes two, brings the third to his father so that he has hers blew out; R. disappears; the old man took the queen's torn eyes from the king, returned them to her, she saw the light]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 462:337-340 (translated into Malinovskaya 2002:131-134); Sicilians [from the poor The shoemaker has three daughters; he sits on a rock, exclaims, Oh! ; a young man appears, asks why his name was, takes him to an underground castle, gives him gold, tells him to marry his youngest daughter; she agrees; it was King Cardiddu; the witch bewitched him because he refused take her daughter; he forbids his wife to unlock one room; sisters come and advise her to unlock; at night she lights a candle, wax drips on K., she ends up in the woods; the king says she must now go to witch; she demands to sweep and not sweep, make and not make a fire, cook and not make a bed; every time K. appears, teaches how to make half; teaches you to ask the birds to wash the pile underwear; a witch sends a girl with a letter to her sister; K. teaches that it is necessary to praise the river, where water is mixed with blood, she will calm down; take bones from the donkey, give the dog hay, and the dog's donkey hay; praise the door, it will stop opening and closing; you can't open the box along the way; run as soon as the witch reads the letter, it says that the letter that brought the letter must be eaten; the girl opens the box, it starts to ring, K. comes to fix things for the last time; the witch tells the door, the dog, etc. to keep the fugitive, but they say that the girl was good to them; the river is evil against the witch when she runs up, drowns her; the witch gives her daughter to K.; the girl stands at the foot of the bed, the witch's daughter is in bed; K. asks to switch places for a while; the witch brings down the floor, her daughter, not the girl, dies; K. s They run away to his wife, he turns into a vegetable garden, she is a gardener; a church and a clerk; a pond and an eel; a witch cannot catch him; at home she crosses her arms over her head until she is open, K.'s wife is born; K. tells ring the funeral bells, the witch believes he is dead, takes off her hands, K.'s wife gives birth to a son; the bells ring for health, the witch smashed her head against the wall]: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 49:324-332; Italians (Campania, Capri) [when old, the father tells his daughter Rosinella that he can leave her only one pig; she leads her to a golden tree; her father helps uproot him, puts him on the wagon; under the roots is the entrance to the dungeon; R. goes down 365 steps; there is a shadow that allows her to stay; she will have everything she needs, but she cannot enter the same room; a year later R. enters, where she is beautiful young man; says that she has done a lot of harm to her actions; gives her a pair of iron shoes - until they are demolished, she will be alive; gives dried figs; goes with them to his three sisters, who are spinning on the terrace in city; they must put figs on their spindle, then they will not eat it, but will help; they hide R. from their cannibal mother; they teach them to grab her by the hair and hold her until they swear in the name of their son - Thunder and Lightning! cannibal mother gives tasks: fill the pillow with feathers; R. says Thunder and Lightning, the voice in response promises to help, birds are stuffed into the room, the pillow is full; next: divide a variety of dried vegetables by species; Thunder and Lightning, ants share; cannibal mother sends her sister to bring a box and gives her a letter; it instructs her to fry what was sent and send part of the roast; on the way, the young man teaches, immediately grab the box and run while the cannibal sharpens the oaks; gives oats for the horse and crackers for the parrot that will be at the entrance; R. did so but could not resist on the way back and opened the box; from there Many birds flew out; but the young man played the pipe and the birds returned to the box; the cannibal wants to marry her son; he tells R. to kiss him when he is taken to the aisle; R.: I can't in public; new bride: Look, I kissed a pig shepherd three times for three chestnuts; young man: If so, I will marry R., who has been waiting for me for a year, three months and three days, and you go out to the pig shepherd; when you see that her spell is scattered, the cannibal drowned in a well]: Zschalig 1925:88-94; ladins [Maria went to get raspberries, saw a red silk ribbon on the ground, bent over to pick it up, fell down, the hatch slammed shut; three fairies came out one is worse than the other: Elisabet Travers, Elisabet and Elisa, the first is the angriest; they tell you to collect and count rice, which is poured out of four bags, by 4 o'clock in the afternoon; young Georg appeared, he is also a prisoner, but also himself magician; let M. kiss him; with the wave of his wand, the rice is collected; next time M. must wash, boiling in a vat, dry and iron out a bunch of clothes; this cannot be done in time, especially since it rains outside ; G. does everything again; then the fairies send M. to their aunt about six miracles to bring a box of six miracles; M. comes to her, along the way she feels sorry for a butcher and a woman baking bread; an aunt is even worse than three fairies; went down to the cellar to give M. an apple - actually sharpen her teeth; G. gave M. an egg and warned him to grab the box and run; aunt was chasing, M. threw an egg, a lake appeared, her aunt began to sink; time G. sawed the walkways on which the fairies stood with a golden silent saw; they also fell into the lake; M. and G. threw stones at them all, they drowned; the residents got rid of the fedmas; the wedding of M. and G.; and I was given kick in the ass and I came to tell you this tale]: Brunold-Bigler, Widmer 2004, No. 4:40-48.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Mustang [the king has 2500 wives; every day he hunts and brings a wild goat; once stopped under a tree; a girl with hair to toe came down from the tree and told him to leave so that he would not have her desecrated - she is from a family of gods; in fact, she is a demoness; she has agreed to become the king's wife on the condition that he will fulfill all her wishes; when he is lucky, other wives see her mouth and nostrils smoke is blowing and sparks are falling; she pretended to be sick, ordered 2,500 wives to be blinded, her eyes hidden in a basket under the roof; the wives were locked without food or clothes; the youngest gave birth to a son, all wives fed him; he immediately grew up, began to go out, bring game and then other food; the demoness found out; asks the young man to deliver the Shamo Drönyungma cow and the golden mirror from his parents; attached a letter instructing him to eat the bearer; the monk read the letter, replaced it with instructions to benefit the giver; taught him magic words so as not to fry him in the pan on which he would be put; told him to eat with pleasure that the filth that he will be served first; he has done everything, he is accepted royally; he points to the spinning rod and the golden needle, the old woman explains to him that her and her husband's life is in them; fleas in the bamboo vessel, if they are thrown into the fire, the rest of the demons will die; if the pigeon's head is torn off, their daughter Markland Gemo will die; whoever takes the golden mirror will follow all houses, fields, livestock and property; the young man destroys receptacles of demon souls; walking to the house, tears off the head of a dove, MS dies; carrying a mirror, brings with him all the property of the demons; inserts his eyes blinded, sprinkling them with the milk of a SHD cow; heals the dying father]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 29:169-173; Meitei [a man has two wives, one of them is a cannibal; the other has a daughter; to get rid of his stepdaughter, a cannibal sends her with a letter to her mother; in it it is said that the giver should be eaten; on the way, the girl fell asleep; the man read the letter, changed it with a request to pigeon, for this is the daughter of the one who sent it; on the cannibal's wall there is an empty pumpkin and onion; a cannibal replies that if you break them, her head will break and her spine will break; there are magical plants in the garden; the leaf of one causes flooding, the other causes many leeches, the third causes fire; a girl she secretly stocked up on these leaves; started running; first threw the leaves, creating obstacles in the path of the pursuer, and then broke the pumpkin and broke the onion; told her father everything and he killed his wife- cannibal]: Singh 1985:271-274.
Burma - Indochina. The Shans [12 (or 7) sisters were caught fishing; 11 did not listen to the hermits who told them not to kill alive, put their fish on kukans, piercing both eyes; the youngest pierced only one, placed fish in a vessel of water; after death, the sisters were born as the daughters of the village chief; he married them to the king; at this time, cannibals suffered without human beings, their fangs fell out; the wife of the cannibal king promised help her husband; became a 17-year-old beauty, came to live with the elder, who also gave her to the king; 12 wives are jealous; the cannibal (i.e. imaginary beauty) took out both eyes for 11 sleeping wives, and the 12th took one eye, said to her husband, that they were witches and ate their own eyes; the king expelled 12 wives; they lived in a cave; each gave birth, they ate babies; the youngest kept her by giving others hidden pieces of meat; the hermits turned boy to boy; king of spirits Sakya gave him a magic bone bob (to play), with him he beat other boys, demanding 12 servings of water and food in return; the king called him to his place, fell in love; cannibal I guessed who he was, sent a letter to her father (i.e. the husband of cannibals), supposedly to study; the hermit changed the letter: not to kill and eat the giver, but to greet and marry his daughter; the cannibal's daughter fell in love with a young man, showed a magical garden; it contains a vessel with the souls of cannibals; a bow, whose bowstring is also from their souls; a root whose infusion allows you to see the true appearance of creatures; flowers that turn into 3 mountains, 7 mountains, sea of fire; the young man takes everything, runs away on a winged horse; the cannibal daughter in love chases, the young man throws flowers; she overcomes mountains, burns in fire; the young man restores sight to his mother and aunts, sprinkles the king's eyes, he sees not his wife, but a cannibal giant, the young man pulls a bowstring, breaks the vessel, all cannibals die; the king returns 12 wives]: Milne 1910:230-237; Thais [poor Non took to the monastery 12 bananas (option: 7), he had 12 (7) daughters, he had nothing to feed them, he took them to the forest, they came to see the cannibal Santaman; the older sister found a pile of human bones, the girls rushed run, asked them to cover their elephants, bears, tigers, horses and other animals; climbed the banyan tree; the king's humpback maid went to get water, saw a reflection, thought it was her, returned, smashing a jug; the king gave her a silver bucket, she broke it too, the leather bucket could not break it; one sister laughed, King Raja Sith married his sisters; Santaman took the form of a girl, met the king, he fell in love with her, she pretended to be sick, demanded the eyes of 12 queens; pulled out both eleven eyes and the youngest one, sent the eyes of her daughter Kang Ri; blind queens were walled up in a cave, each giving birth the child, they ate them; the youngest hid the meat, then gave it to others, keeping her son Raja Sen; he grew up, went out of the cave and brought food; began to play backgammon with the king, who recognized his son; to get rid of MS, S. tells him to bring from his daughter a mango that yawns, and a lemon that screams gives a letter asking him to kill the bearer; the hermit replaced the letter with an order to marry RS; after marrying the Kyrgyz Republic, RS found the eyes of the queens, took the talismans, set off to flee; the Kyrgyz Republic catches up, he throws the talismans, fire, mountains, forest, desert, river appear; the Kyrgyz Republic dies, asking for the next incarnation to make it human; S. also died of grief, and MS returned sight to his mother and aunts]: Kornev 1963:14-21; (retelling in Low 1836:345-348); Khmers: Marunova 1971 (note to p. 37: the same in Lao) [ The peasant has nothing to feed his 12 daughters with, he takes them to the forest; the giantess brings them home; the sisters find human bones in the corner, realize that they have come to the cannibal, they run; the cannibal turns into a garuda, follows; the elephant, then the buffalo hides them in their stomach (the youngest's sarong hung from the elephant's mouth, since then its lower lip hangs); the banyan hides the sisters, the garuda flies by; the royal warriors see the reflection of girlish faces in the water, the girls are brought, the king marries them; the witch becomes the same girl, becomes the thirteenth wife's beloved; creates the illusion that 12 wives are not faithful, sleeping with others men; sisters have their eyes pulled out, thrown into a well; the youngest gives birth to a boy named Rithisen, he grows up hunting for his mothers; the witch tells him that she knows how to give women their eyes back sends to his daughter, giving a letter ordering him to kill the bearer; the hermit replaces him with a letter asking him to marry R.; the witch's daughter Neang Kang Ray marries R.; R. finds a vessel under the stone with 12 in pairs of eyes, takes him away; the hermit gives R. a wand, he throws it behind him, and Lake appears. Tonle Sap; NKR turns into a mountain from grief; R. returns women's eyes, kills a sorceress, takes the throne instead of his deceased father]: 37-41; Foshko 1981, No. 10 [a childless man prays to a banyan, a wife gives birth Twelve daughters; the father became impoverished, took his daughters to the forest; Yaksha Santhoma brought them home; they fled, became the king's wives; the yaksha found them, became the 13th wife, pretended to be sick, she would be cured by medicine from the eyes of others wives; they were blinded, thrown into a hole; the youngest Paa had only one eye gouged out; all wives gave birth, ate their children, Pai kept them, named Puthisaen; S. sent him to her daughter Kangray with a letter to her ate him; the hermit replaced the letter: K. must marry P.; she gave him drugs; he runs, throws the powder behind, it turns into the sea, K. stops pursuing; P. returns his sight to the dazzled, kills S., becomes king]: 134-136.
South Asia. Kashmiris [the childless king has 7 wives; he meets Rakshasi, mistakes her for a fairy, she promises to give birth to an heir if he marries her; 7 wives are pregnant; Rakshasi eats cows every night, bulls, etc.; promises to find the culprits, smears blood on the lips of seven sleeping wives; the king orders them to be blinded, thrown into a dry well outside the city; each gives birth, they eat the baby; the seventh feeds others hidden leftovers, saves his son; he has grown up; standing on top of each other, the women pushed the boy out of the well; he brings them leftovers from the royal kitchen; the cook asks him to cook while he must leave; the king satisfied; the boy is taken as a regular cook; the Rakshasi queen accidentally tells everything; she pretended to be sick, tells the tigress to bring milk; the fakir advises the young man to shoot the tigress in the chest for milk the tiger cubs were better fed; the tigress gives the young man milk; now the Rakshasi asks for medicine for her grandfather Rakshasa; the fakir teaches him to call him grandfather and rub his back with all his might; Rakshasa believes that the young man - his daughter's grandson, gives medicine; Rakshasi asks for a comb from her mother; gives a letter asking him to kill the applicant; a fakir replaces a letter asking her to caress her son; Rakshasi's mother gives 1) a vessel with soap (will become a mountain), 2) with needles (mountain of needles), 3) with water (sea); also 7 roosters (including the souls of 7 Rakshasi brothers), a spindle (the soul of mother Rakshasi), a dove (the soul of Rakshasi's father), a starling (the soul of Rakshasi herself), medicine (restores vision to blind people); the young man destroys the tanks of Rakshasa souls, restores sight to his mother and aunts, explains to his father what is going on; thanks to magic objects, he defeats enemies]: Knowles 1888:42-50; Kumaoni [the king chases an antelope, who turns into a goat, a princess, goes with him to the palace; at night he smears the lips of the seven queens with horse blood, accuses them of devouring horses, king throws wives into the ditch; each gives birth to a boy, eats six, the seventh does not eat herself, does not give her own; the boy comes to his father; the Rakshasi wife asks her husband to send the young man to bring the comb from her homeland, gives a letter asking the giver to eat; on the way, the yogi replaces the letter, teaches you to ask what's in the bowls, kill an old woman, take the life of six people, bring his stepmother's life with him; the prince kills his stepmother, returns queens, reigns]: Minayev 1968, No. 43:101-104; Punjabi: Steel, Temple 1884, No. 10 [the fakir promises the king that his 7 wives will finally give birth; wives ask the king not to hunt on the north side - they have a bad feeling; he violates the ban, pursues a white doe with golden horns; finds himself alone in the gorge; there is a white-bodied gold-haired maiden in the hut; she was a doe; agrees to become the king's wife if he will bring her the eyes of seven former wives; having blinded the wives, the king threw them into the dungeon, and the new queen hung a necklace from her eyes around her mother's neck; each wife gives birth to a boy, they eat him; the youngest kept the pieces, fed others, did not let her baby eat; the boy immediately grew up, made a way out, brought food to the women; once met the witch queen; she promises to help him regain his eyes blinded, sends to his mother with a letter on a shard ordering the death of the applicant; he arrives in a city where the princess promises to marry only the son of seven mothers; the young man marries her; she replaces her a letter ordering to fulfill all the young man's requests; the old woman gives 13 eyes, and she has already eaten the 14th; the young man returns sight to women, his own mother one eye, and the other for her is himself; the queen- the witch sends him back to his mother with a cow that does not run out of milk, again writing the command to kill the giver; the wife replaces the letter; the young man pretends that Indra requires yoga skin the cow's keeper on the drum, he pays off with a cow; the same for the third time: a rice stalk with 1000 branches that ripens in a day; the young man's wife builds a palace next to the king's palace; he comes, everything is explained The witch queen is executed]: 98-110; Sheikh-Dilthey 1976, No. 4 [text on the same story, not all pages are available on the Internet; a hermit feast tells the king that his 7 wives will be able to conceive if they eat pieces of pear from his garden; his wives tell the king to hunt in the south but not on the north side; the king is not chasing the doe, but the bird of paradise, ending up on the north side]: 22-32; Northern India (Hindi): Crooke 1892-1893, No. 745 (Mirzapur) [the Raja was hunting, the companions came to the old woman, she gave a pair of deer; when they began to cook them, it turned out that there were only deer eyes; taking the form of a young beauty, the old woman chased Raja; he climbed a tree; at that time another king appeared, saw a beautiful woman and married her; every night she eats a horse; throws meat to another wife who is pregnant; advises her to dazzle and leave her in in the forest; miraculously, a jug of milk appears next to a woman every day; she gave birth, her son grew up, came to serve the king; the wife understands who it is, pretended to be sick, asked for tiger milk; young man He became friends with the cubs, who brought him their mother's milk; the tigress died of grief, but the cubs stayed with the young man; now the king's wife orders him to bring milk from the demon's goat, gives a letter asking kill the applicant; the young man replaced him with a letter asking him to help the giver in everything; when leaving, the demon asks not to untie the goat, otherwise a witch will jump out of the tree; the young man untied it, explained that a storm was coming; the witch allows her to be tied to a tree, the young man broke her neck; the demon gave the goat to the young man; now the king's wife demands to bring the horse Shám Karam; this is a horse from the herd of the same demon; the young man threatens to deal with a demon, as he did to a witch, the demon teaches how to catch a horse; the young man tamed the horse; when the horse appeared as an insignificant foal the next day, the demon helped identify him; the queen commands bring a flower from the sea; on horseback, a young man comes to the sea; the demon warned that the flower turns into a girl and kills whoever comes; the horse grabbed the flower himself; the girl says that the queen is that demon's sister, her soul is in a parrot; the young man took the parrot and brought the girl; when she laughed, the flower fell out of her mouth; in front of her father, the young man killed the parrot, the demoness died; he married a flower girl , everything is fine]: 212-213; Rouse 1895, No. 234 [four young men wander and meet a goat; she eats two in two nights; on the third night she fails, she takes the form of a beautiful woman; she buys her; she It arranges others to make others as if wives are accused of devouring royal horses; their eyes are pulled out, thrown into a hole; all ten take turns giving birth to sons; 9 are eaten, the tenth grows up, receives an arrow from the hunter that always hits the target; joins the service of his father king, his mother warns him about the cannibal; she tells him 1) to bring the tigress's milk (he takes out a splinter to the tigress, that gives milk); 2) get a demon cow; 3) bring "golden water"; the cannibal gives him a letter ordering him to kill the giver; Adam and Eve fly over the forest, replace the letter with asking the cannibal to be kind to giver; in the house of a cannibal mother, a young man finds boxes with a storm, a rain, a parrot in which the soul of a cannibal daughter; he takes away water, opens boxes, interfering with the chase; slowly kills a parrot, a cannibal dies]: 210-211; kannada [the cannibal began to devour the cattle of two brothers, swallowed the elder; the youngest went to run; she took the form of a beautiful woman, ran after her, shouting why her husband had left her; king shamed the man, and when he started talking about the cannibal, he did not believe it, bought his wife from him, brought him to him; at night she ate cattle in the city; then went to a ceremony to mark the occasion pregnancy of the king's youngest former wife; said that the eyes of young women should be covered with antimony; as a result, the youngest became blind in both eyes and the eldest one; the king drove the blind away; the youngest gave birth the boy; the old man sheltered them; when the boy grew up and came to town, the cannibal immediately found out who he was; pretended to be sick, we should bring pills from her mother, who lives behind the three-headed mountain; the young man volunteered to go; the cannibal gave a letter ordering the giver to be killed; Shiva and Parvati were replaced by a request to take care of their grandson; gave three stones to summon and tame the demon, making him an assistant; the demon brought him to his mother cannibal; the cannibal's mother said she would not die for nothing, her life was in a parrot; as soon as the old woman left, he grabbed an ointment that restores vision and a parrot, returned to his mother and her co-wife, gave them back sight; seeing a parrot in the young man's hand, the cannibal regained her true appearance and died when the young man, hanging in the sky, tore off the parrot's leg first and then its head; the king returned his son and former wives, the corpse of the cannibal burned on a pile of firewood and dung]: Ramanujan 1997, No. 43:125-131; Tamils [rakshasi fell in love with raja, took the form of a beauty and he married her; ate elephants, horses and cows at night; once the guards noticed her; she took the form of Raja's first wife and smeared blood on her face and clothes; her wife was thrown into prison, her eyes were pulled out and sent to her older sister; her son was born and raised in prison; his kicked out into the forest; he came to his mother's sister, who is also Rakshasi (the narrator was clearly mistaken: this is about Rani Rakshasi's sister}; she kept the young man with her; the princess she captured said that she was being fattened eating; a young man persuaded the princess to find out what Rakshasi's life was like; she pretended to be afraid that her "mother" would die; Rakshasi: across the seven seas, her lives and rani rakshasi are in the form of bees in a banyan; the young man got there and brought both bees in a box; in the guise of a bee, he defeated and killed one of the bees; {taking his mother's eyes}, rode with the girl to the palace when his mother was about to hang; killed the second bee and showed his father who the Rakshasi were here; restored his mother's sight]: Blackburn 2005, No. 93; the Sinhalese [the king and queen have 7 daughters and a son; the queen complains that the daughters are idle, the king is going to execute them; mother sent them to the forest; they came to Rakshasi; she covered her daughters with white sheets for the night; the younger princess covered her sisters with them; at night, Rakshasa ate one of her daughters and the princesses ran away; them the king met and took her as his wife; Rakshasi sent another daughter to the river bank, who told the king that she was also a man; at night she pulled out the eyes of the seven queens; the king sent them away from home; each gave birth, and the sons of six died, the youngest's son survived; began to live at the palace; Rakshasi guessed who it was, sent her mother to kill the giver and eat the eyes of the seven queens; on the way, the young man killed a yaksha to eat princess; she replaced the letter with an order to greet the giver, give the means to regain his eyesight; having received the remedy, the prince married the princess, restored the queens's sight, killed the Rakshasi Queen; the king returned his seven women]: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 118:287-290.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Bali [Raja Koripan has Prince Coripan's son, Daha's wife, and another; Raja got lost hunting, came to the house of the cannibal and her daughter, who gave him a potion, he saw them as beautiful, not freaks, brought the witch's daughter with him; she told her elder wives to tear out their eyes, brought her mother, put D.'s eyes in a golden vessel, the other wife's eyes in a silver vessel; D. gave birth to a son, the second wife a daughter, they asked the gods to take them to heaven; the witch also gave birth to a son Baboso; son D. went down, took the blinded into the forest, built a palace for them; came to live with his father without telling him who he was; the witch recognized him by his birthmark; sent to her mother as a servant in front of her son, asking him to eat the boy without bracelets and greet the one who had bracelets; on the way, D.'s son asked B. to give him bracelets and a letter; the cannibal swallowed her grandson and greeted her son D.; showed where the firestone in which her death was, and where the vessels with the eyes of K.'s wives; D. killed the witch with a stone, returned the eyes of her mother and second wife K. disgraced his father, brought his sister from heaven; the old witch's daughter died of grief; all is well]: Hoykas-van Leeuwen Bomkamp 1983, No. 18:108-112; Lombok [daughter of giants Danava Sari is taught magic; her lowered into the sea in a box; Raja Panji Anom with seven childless wives went to the seashore to ask him to send him children; they caught a box on the shore, in which DS, Raja made her beloved wife; when other wives became pregnant, DS told them to be enclosed in an underground receptacle, and magically removed their eyes; the children of six blind died, and the seventh had one eye left and her child survived; he grew up and got out receptacles; DS persuaded him to send him to her parents, allegedly so that the young man could learn magic; gave a letter ordering him to kill the applicant; the minister replaced the letter with a new one; it said that the young man DS son, let him be taught magic; he learned to do everything that DS did, flew back by himself, asking DC's father to give him the eyes of blinded women; they regained their sight; the young man defeated DS (both turned into giants, snakes, garuda; DS into fire, young man into rain; when Garuda-DS fell to the ground with a broken wing, people cut it to pieces; the young man inherited the PA kingdom]: Kratz 1973, No. 23:138-147.
The Balkans. Greeks [An eagle flies into the princess's room, kisses her; she goes looking for him; in a house in the woods, a witch demands 1) sweep and not sweep the room (you have to collect garbage in piles), 2) cook it and not cook it meat (cook part), 3) fill the feather bed with feathers from the sea (tell the birds that Margipontakis is dead, they will throw their feathers off the shore in mourning), 4) separate barley from wheat (tell the birds that Margipontakis has come to life , they will separate in joy and gratitude); each time the Eagle teaches what to do, asks for permission to kiss the girl, she refuses, because her fiancé is far away, the Eagle is happy; teaches not to repeat after the witch "mine son of Cacotanatos", and say "your son Kalotanatos" (kako is ugly, Kalo is beautiful); the witch sends the girl to his sister; the Eagle admits that he is the groom, the son of a witch, tells take the box out of the witch's sister's house, do not open it on the way; the girl opens, the demons fly away; the eagle puts them back, tells him to ask his mother for a dirty daw, it's him; turns into a handsome man; wedding]: Paton 1900, No. 6:115-117; Greeks (Lesbos) [the poor man has three daughters for marriage; the coffee maker advises not to grieve, but to throw a net in the name of his eldest daughter; the catch was unusually large and the proceeds of 800 piastres were enough to pass off the daughter as a mule driver; two years later, the same with the middle daughter (2,000 piastres, assistant greengrocer); when the net was abandoned in the name of the youngest, it ended up in it a huge lobster, loaded on two carts and brought home; daughter's father: this is your husband; at night a beautiful young man Melidoni is nearby; drinks and food appeared, the girl is happy; mother and sisters feel sorry for her; three times they see Prince Charming, offering to marry him, and not look at the lobster; unable to stand it, the girl replies that this is her husband; he leaves immediately: you are unlikely to see me again; the girl goes to searching, taking three pairs of iron-soled shoes; a year later she saw a dried pond; a cannibal lies in the mud, long eyelashes cover her face; the girl put her wand under her eyelashes, cut them off with an ax, she poured water on the cannibal and hid behind a tree; she could not see for 15 years; if you are a woman, I will make a queen if a man is king; the girl went out after the cannibal swore not to harm her; explained what M. was looking for; the cannibal told her to spend the night with her, tomorrow a son common to her and her two sisters would come; turned the girl into a button and put it in her pocket; son: I can feel the human spirit; Melidoni? I know that his beautiful wife betrayed him; the cannibal sends the girl to her sister, a year later she came, everything repeats itself; the cannibal says that M. is the son of her younger sister; gives a frying pan and three apples; it is necessary come and knock an apple on the pan, M. will appear in different guises; you can't let him kiss her; the girl did not allow herself to be kissed, but gives an apple every time; M. (he in the guise of another man) turned it into a button, brought it to his mother; took an oath from her that she would not eat his wife, turned the button again to the girl; she demands to sweep and not sweep the room; M.: litter and then sprinkle dust; cook and do not cook the meat (cook half and chop the rest and start cooking only when the cannibal returns); the cannibal tells you to go to her sister for yeast bread for her son's wedding; M. in the form of a boy (supposedly he is M.'s son); you have to walk barefoot on the thorns and grab them for their softness; praise wormy figs; in front of the donkey bones, in front of the dog hay - change; source blood and pus: drink and praise water; grab yeast at the top of the stairs and run; the cannibal tells you to detain the fugitive, the donkey, the dog, the spring, the thorns refuse; the cannibal tells you to fill the pillow with feathers, feed the dog, bring the donkey to dance, and bring bread intact; M. summoned the birds, they threw off their feathers; beat the donkey, let him lie; at the wedding you will be given torches; do not throw it, even if they will burn their hands and then throw them at the bride; the brides' hair flashed, everyone left to extinguish, and M. and his wife returned to her parents, who by then had burned the lobster shell]: Paton 1901, No. 16:86-93.
Central Europe. Russians (Teresky Bereg) [the peasant sends three daughters to Velvet Tsarevich, to Barkhatova's mother for a debt; the elders refused, the youngest Vasilisa the Beautiful dressed up as a man, cut her hair off hair, went; came, she was given a room; mother says that she is a woman, but her son is not, a man; if in the morning there is a hump on the feather bed under her shoulders and a log under her back, then a woman, and if on the contrary, a man; VP hears shook the feather bed; went to the bathhouse, the Sun put her horse, he did not let B. in, she managed to wash herself; returned to her father; he asks his daughters what to bring out of town; the eldest: handkerchief, medium: dress, VP: a crib with 4 doves; my father brought it only from the third trip; once the cooks did not feed two doves; at night two doves: let's take the VP to B. Tsarevich, and the other two do not want; the next day all the pigeons they did not feed; they brought the bed with the VP to B. Tsarevich, left it there, the bed crumbled, the pigeons flew away; B. Tsarevich took the VP as his wife; she ring against the wall: until she grows with moss, I will not talk to anyone; with sometimes her husband talks, not with her mother-in-law; she gives her a basket and scissors, tells her to go cut her sheep; husband: sent to death, teaches her what to do; sit on a tall stump, leave the basket and scissors, tell the sheep cut their hair yourself; bears, wolves, foxes and all sorts of animals came running - they cut their hair; the stump fell, the VP brought wool; mother-in-law sends her aunt for a bird; the husband teaches what to take with him and what to do; two mountains: let's get together and disperse, we'll clamp the woman and clamp the sorceress! she threw them on the whetstone; the gate (the same is resin under their heels); the dog in the hallway - meat; the pomelo - tied them with a silk belt; the broom - the same; the cat - threw him two whitefish, he began to eat them; the aunt went underground Sharpen her teeth, the VP grabbed the birdeau and ran, leaving the spits responsible for herself; when the aunt chased, all the guards say that she did not care about them, but the VP took care of them; now the mother-in-law tells me to get it whiten white clay from the fiery river; VP asks a bird with an iron nose to dive; first gives half of the wine taken with it and one and a half white bread, and when the bird takes out the clay, it gives the rest; when she returned, her husband is already marrying yaga baba; VA came, yagu-baba was shot at gate 7, VP lives with her husband]: Balashov 1970, No. 52:177-183; Russians (Moscow) [mother-in-law sends daughter-in-law to shear sheep ; these are bears; a girl climbs a tree, tells the bears to cut their hair themselves; the same is to milk cows (these are she-wolves); her mother-in-law sends her sister Baba Yaga to bring her hips; she tells her to weave, she goes to sharpen her teeth; the girl leaves the spits that are responsible for her; gives the cat oil, prayerfully put the stag in the hut, moistened the door with water1 and prayerfully closed; they all answer Baba Yaga that the girl is good with them it did, so they missed it]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 43:98-99; Russians (Ryazanskaya) [the man has three daughters; in the village they cast lots on who to recruit, the choice fell on this man; the eldest daughter offered to go instead of her father; dressed as a man, took a gun; to meet a hare - she was frightened and returned; the same middle daughter (towards a wolf); the youngest to meet a bear; she shot his finger and moved on; served for many years without arousing suspicion among her comrades; the owner of the room, which the imaginary young man shared with his friend, suspected that it was a girl; let a friend put it under hay mattress; under the woman the hay will turn black and under the man will remain green; the girl got up early and replaced the blackened hay with fresh hay; hostess: go to the bathhouse together; girl: oh, we forgot the soap; for now a friend went to get soap, the girl had already washed herself; the service was over and the girl returned home; and her friend became a cat and began to meow under the window; the girl's father: honey, let the cat in; the cat grabbed the girl and took Oka away; becoming human again, the guy married a girl; mother-in-law tells her to bring gray sheep out of the forest; husband: they are wolves; the girl climbed into a spruce tree, told the wolves to pack up and fill them with their hair birch bark box; then she went down, took the box and brought the wolves to her mother-in-law; she gives a windowsill and tells them to milk dark brown cows; these are bears; daughter-in-law tells them to wait, brings milk; mother-in-law: go to my sister and bring a yarn comb (Weberkamm); husband: this is Baba Yaga; give oil to the cat, he will bring a scratcher; Baba Yaga's hut on chicken leg, spindle leg; Baba Yaga kindly let me in, and herself went to sharpen her teeth; the daughter-in-law gave the cat oil, he told him to spit on the threshold, the saliva would respond; taking the scratcher, the daughter-in-law ran away; Baba Yaga sat down in an iron stupa, took an iron pestle, and set off in pursuit; the daughter-in-law threw her brush, thick reeds grew; the comb was a birch tree; the stone was a river; Baba Yaga tried to drink it and burst; now the mother-in-law sent her daughter-in-law and son to fish; they caught a ring that the girl threw her into the river when the guy was carrying her to the other side; she said so]: Khudyakov, 2, No. 60:81-85 in Löwis of Menar 1921, No. 31:176-181 (in Uther 2004 (1), No. 514:301-302 fairy tale for some reason called Belarusian); Russians (Ryazan) [the old man and the old woman had a son; they married him; mother-in-law sends her daughter-in-law to shave (shear) sheep; she has bears instead of sheep; daughter-in-law sat on an oak tree, calls: nurses, you serushki, come, shave yourself; the bears came, shaved themselves; the daughter-in-law brought this wool to her mother-in-law; mother-in-law sends the cows to milk; wolves instead of cows; daughter-in-law sat on an oak tree and says: cows- cows! come, come for yourself; the wolves have come, they milk themselves; the daughter-in-law brought this milk to her mother-in-law; the mother-in-law sends her to her sister to ask for hips; the mother-in-law's sister is a witch; the daughter-in-law has come to the witch; says: Auntie! give mother a thigh; the witch asks her to spit; goes underground to sharpen her teeth; asks her niece if she is here; niece (daughter-in-law) answers yes; daughter-in-law (niece) spat on all four sides; witch asks her niece if she is here; the niece (daughter-in-law) answers yes; the daughter-in-law (niece) has gone home; she gave the cat a lump of oil; the stag prayerfully puts it in the hut; sprinkles the door with water, closes it prayerfully; the dog gives a piece of beef; left; baba yaga came; saw that my daughter-in-law had left; asks the cat if he let him in; the cat answers: she gave me a lump of butter, but I did not see the burnt crust for how long I lived with you; baba yaga the stag asks if he let me in; the stag answers: I have lived with you for a century, I have not seen a burnt crust, she prayerfully put me down; baba yaga asks the door if she let it go; the door answers: I have lived with you for a century, I didn't see the burnt crust, but she slammed me prayerfully; Baba Yaga asks the dog why it didn't bite it; the dog says: I've lived with you for centuries, I haven't seen a burnt crust, but she gave me a piece of meat; so daughter-in-law and left]: Khudyakov 1964, No. 20:91; Russians (Voronezh) [stepmother sends stepdaughter to her sister Baba Yaga for a needle and thread; the girl's aunt teaches her what to do; Baba Yaga tells her to weave, heat the bathhouse, wash her niece; fill firewood with water, carry water with a sieve; the girl gives the cat ham, he gives her a comb, a towel; the girl runs, gives bread to the dogs, pours oil under the heels of the gate, he ties a birch tree with a ribbon so that her eyes do not quilt, gives a handkerchief to the worker; at this time the cat weaves, is responsible for the girl; tells Baba Yaga that she did not feed him; the dog, the gate, the birch tree also answer, Worker; Baba Yaga is flying in a mortar, a girl throws in a towel (river; Baba Yaga drives her bulls, they drank the river), a comb (the forest, Baba Yaga did not gnaw at it); after listening to the girl's story, her father shot him wife]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 103:156-158.
Iran - Central Asia. Persians (Khorasan, entry 1) [the king has seven wives, he fell in love with a diva woman; she tells her former wives to be blinded and thrown into a hole; each gave birth, ate newborns, kept her seventh, returning her own other parts of the bodies of their babies; Abrahim grew up and began to get food; the king recognizes the son, the diva stepmother gives errands, hoping to kill the young man; 1) bring pomegranates from the diva garden (brings), 2) a mare with 14 foals ( a young man sprinkles salt into a spring, dazzles the mare with a mirror); 3) a silk cradle; a young man kills a baby diva who sleeps in it, finds a vessel with the soul of a diva woman, kills her, restores sight to the king's wives by letting them eat the meat of a diva child]: Osmanov 1987:312-315 (retelling in Marzolph 1984, No. 462:97).
Baltoscandia. The Danes [translated from Grundtvig; the king asks his daughter to see what is in his hair; she takes off the big louse; they put it in oil, it grows; when the barrels are too small, the louse is stabbed and skinned; the king is unhappy that the princess rejects all suitors; promises to pass her off as saying which animal the skin has been removed from; the wolf sniffs and tells the king that it is the skin of a lice, tells her to give it back princess; brings her to a luxurious castle, forbids lighting a fire; at night the wolf turns into a man, but the princess does not see him; when she gave birth to a son, the wolf immediately took him away; allows him to return for three days to the parents on condition that they do not take anything with them from their house; but the mother gives the knife to put on the bed; the husband will be scratched; if he screams, he is a troll, and if he moans, the man; he groaned; forgave his wife, but since then he has been limping on his right back leg; when the wife gave birth to a daughter, the wolf also took her away immediately; the wife visited her parents again; the mother gave a box of matches and a candle; the wife lit a candle; the husband said that she was a witch bewitched him for 7 years because he refused to marry her daughter; became a wolf and ran away; she came to Sister Wolf's castle, where her son was; the second sister had a daughter with a wet nurse; the wife went to the glass grief, saw how the Wolf climbed it; she also slides; the old man gave iron shoes to climb the mountain and ointment, heal the cuts; on the mountain in the castle, a woman was hired to the kitchen; a local young housewife would soon come out for the Wolf; the witch orders to wash the daughter's white flannel and white black (the old man performs); tells him to bring jewelry from his sister for the bride; a young man gives a ball to follow; a rod - put it in a door that slams all the time; give a bag of grain to geese; tongs to two people who move the heat with their bare hands; give ladles to girls who interfere with the cauldron with their bare hands; two loaves bread to guard dogs; a pot of fat to lubricate the door hinges; the witch's sister can't eat anything, don't look back on the way back; the witch's sister gave her leg to a calf, the woman threw it under the bench, she answers from there; the second time she hid it under her clothes, the witch's sister believed that the woman had eaten her leg; when the woman runs back, the witch's sister tells the guards to hold it, but everyone refuses, because she treated them well; the witch's sister warned them not to open the box on the way, but the woman opened it, the bird flew out and disappeared; the young man asked for the calf leg that remained with him the woman under her clothes, sent her to bring her jewelry again, her leg ran and brought it; having received the box, the witch allowed the woman to attend her daughter's marriage; the witch gave the woman two torches; she can't move, she can burn; the prince grabs them and hands them into the hands of the witch and her daughter; they burned down along with the castle; the meadow on the site of a glass mountain; the couple took the children, returned to their parents women]: Mulley 1878:225-236; the Swedes [king and queen are childless; the queen loved boat trips; the ship stopped suddenly; voice: give what is under her belt; she agreed not knowing what pregnant; the ship sailed again; when he found out what was going on, the king assured his wife that he would protect her from the siren (Meerweib); the prince grew up playing with two cousins, the sons of the neighboring king; his horse was carried him at sea and they disappeared into the waves; the prince at the bottom of the sea walks along the path to the golden castle of the siren, the lady of the wind and waves; the siren designates him as his page; if he serves well, he will return him to his parents; first task: wash my daughter's white yarn and white black yarn; princess: my name is Messeria; if you promise to remain faithful to me, I will do everything; but don't tell anyone; called my mother's little men, everyone took one hair and washed it properly; the second task was to separate two types of grain (wheat and Korn); the little men separated; the third task was to clean the barn in which oxen had been standing for 20 years; now the young man must choose one of her daughters; they all look like different animals; the princess warned that she would be a cat; the siren sent a young man to her sister to borrow her wedding dress for her daughter; M.: There will be a grille in the gate, grease it with ointment from this horn, you can open the gate; then two men will cut the oak tree with wooden axes, give them iron axes; then the other two threshing with iron flails - give them wooden ones; give meat to two eagles; sister sirens do not eat anything; prince did everything; quietly hid the food offered; but the food answered the siren's sister's question: I'm here under the bed; in the next time the prince hid the food in the oven - the same; the third time he hid it under his clothes on his body; the siren's sister believed that the prince ate everything; gave me a box with wedding dresses; when the prince left, the siren's sister consistently ordered the guards (eagles, woodcutters, etc.) to detain him, but they say that he helped them and they would not detain him; on the way to the siren, the prince opened the box slightly, although M. did not order to do so; a sheaf of sparks broke out; the prince remembered the little men M. had summoned; knocked on the stone, asked them for help; they jumped out, each grabbed a sparkle and returned it to the box; a siren asked the prince's luxurious wedding with M.; then the young went to the prince's homeland; when he arrived at the king's city, the prince insisted on going alone first; M. ordered nothing to eat; but he succumbed to persuasion and ate cookies (Pfefferkorn); immediately forgot M. and everything that happened to him; they decided to marry the princess next door; during the wedding feast, M. came in as a maid and released two doves; a dove tells the dove three times that he will forget her, just as Prince forgot M.; Prince remembered everything, hugged M. and called her his only bride]: Hyltén-Cavallius, Stephens 1848:255-274.