K27zz3. A hole near an apple tree .29.31.
A father or stepmother (a werewolf) push/encloses female sisters (the girl and her maids) in a hole. The heroine manages to escape, she triumphs over the antagonists.
Adygs, Abazins, Balkarians, Ossetians, Lezgins, Udis, Swans, Georgians, Swedes, Icelanders.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygi: Aliyeva 1978, No. 29 [the eldest, middle daughters refuse to take off their father's legs, the youngest takes off; shares apples with the elders; the father digs a hole near the apple tree, disguises the daughters with a carpet they fail; if they wish, the pit opens, food appears; the eldest promises the Khan to prepare clothes for a hundred horsemen, the middle one to feed 50, the youngest to give birth to a son and daughter, half of them in white gold, the other is yellow; the khan leaves, the sisters replace the children with puppies, throw them into the river; the khan orders to put his wife in the skin of a bull, tie him to the gate; the children were taken by Hogouash dogs (PH, the mistress of the river); tied the mother sees her children coming out of the water, sitting on a rock; asks the woman passing by to give her flour, makes one cake with breast milk, the other on the water, asks her to leave it on a stone; the boy gets it a cake with milk, a girl on the water; when he learns that the children have eaten cakes, PH says that they cannot become her children, lets her go ashore; the poor man finds a home in the forest, the Khan's wife's sisters do not tell him; they persuade his sister to ask her brother to get an unusual pigeon; PH teaches you to call sour pears sweet, take two with you; call the muddy river transparent, praise the sands; the young man grabs a dove, the owner tells keep the kidnapper, the sands, the river, the pear refuse; the sisters of the khan's wife persuade her sister to advise her brother to marry Irish-Irish-kan; PH says that she turns those who come to her into stones; the young man stony; his sister goes, A. looks around at her third shout, everyone comes to life; a feast; a young man goes to visit his father on the condition that he unties the woman at the gate; angry dogs (these are those puppies thrown up) with him friendly; Khan returns his wife, ties her sisters to horses; since then princes and khans have not divorced their wives]: 238-243; Kerashev 1957 [=Maksimov, Kerashev 1953:117-130; three daughters are naughty, father digs a hole in the forest, lures daughters with apples, daughters fall into a hole; the prince's companions find them; the eldest promises to sew clothes for the prince's retinue, the middle one to feed everyone, the youngest to give birth to a son with the sun and with the moon on her forehead, a daughter with golden hair; Pshi marries the youngest, marries the elders to her bakols; in the absence of pshi, sisters throw newborns into the river, replace them with puppies; pshi tells his wife to be buried waist-deep into the ground at a crossroads, putting puppies to their breasts; the owner of the river raises children; when they are older, she sends them to the ground; pshi finds them, brings them to her place; aunts persuade her sister to ask her brother get 1) beautiful Su-Isuret's golden bird; 2) her own mirror; 3) herself; he steals objects; asks SI to marry him, she turns him into stone, he manages to call the mistress of the waters, that one is him disagrees, he takes SI away; SI sees a woman buried waist-deep in the mirror; everyone goes to free her; dogs let only her children in; evil sisters are tied to the tails of seven horses]: 210-220; Abaza people [stepmother tells her husband to drive out three stepdaughters; the old man dug a hole in the forest, led his daughters to pick pears, the daughters fell into a hole; the youngest dreamed that it was necessary to dig a hole wall, they dug a way to the khan's cellar ; the eldest says she can sew clothes for hundreds of people, the middle one can feed them, the youngest can give birth to twins with gold and silver hair; the khan has left, the wife has given birth to a gold-haired girl and a silver-haired boy; sisters persuaded the slave to replace the twins with puppies, lower the children in a barrel along the river; the khan ordered his wife to be sewn into a bull's skin, leave her with the puppies at a fork in the roads; brother and sister got out of the barrel and began to live; the khan met his son in the mosque, the sisters guessed it, sent the slave to persuade the gold-haired woman to ask her brother to get 1) the gold-haired Dshahyaka scallop; who said it three times the name turned to stone; the young man carried the scallop while D. was sleeping; 2) D. (same; sister sees a suffering mother in the mirror but does not know who she is); 3) D. (same, apple trees with golden fruits grew around the hut); 4) D. herself; her brother called out to her, petrified, her sister saw it in the mirror, said D. that she was more beautiful than her, she agreed, her brother came to life, married D.; she told the story of the twins; their mother was returned, her sisters and slave were tied to the tails of horses]: Tugov 1985, No. 67:201-205; Balkarians [three daughters persuaded the widower to remarry; the eldest advised take the red-haired and gray-eyed one; when she learned about this, the obur (witch) changed her appearance, the man married her; she began to tyrant her stepdaughters, persuaded her husband to dig a hole in the forest under the apple tree; only the eldest daughter agreed to scratch her father's back and found the apple; the sisters ate it and wanted more; the father brought them to the apple tree, they failed, he covered the hole with earth; the khan hunted, found sisters; the eldest promised to give birth to a son with golden teeth and hair, the middle one - sew clothes for all servants overnight, the youngest - make a golden saddle; the khan leaves; if you shake the silver bridle, his horse will hear and come running; the bur plugged his ears a horse, threw her born children into the river, replaced her with puppies; the khan ordered his wife to be put on a bull's skin, no one cares about her and trample on her; the su-anasa fed a boy and a girl in the river; the mother found out that from the river her children go out, gave the woman her milk, asked her to bake the cakes and leave them on the shore; the children liked it; the sous-anazi said that the cakes were made with their mother's milk; explained everything; brother and sister came to town ; Khan ordered them to be brought to him, served beer; the young man gave beer to the ram; Khan: does the ram drink beer? young man: can a woman give birth to puppies? He told everything; showed golden teeth as proof; the khan ordered to cut off his head, returned his wife]: Baranov 1897, No. 6:28-34; Ossetians [the widower takes a new wife; to get rid of their daughters first, sprinkles apples over the pit, the girls fall through; their tears wash the way out; Aldar finds them; the eldest promises to sew clothes for the people from a piece of cloth, the middle one to feed everyone with a plate of flour, the youngest - give birth to a boy with a golden crest, a girl with silver curls; when leaving, Aldar gives his pregnant wife a bell; sisters plug his horse's ears; put puppies, leave the twins at the edge of the forest; Aldar tells his wife and puppies to be sewn in cowhide, wipe their feet on her; children grow up with a female; aunts persuade the girl to invite her brother to bring the girl from the Copper Tower; the horse carries the young man between interpreting mountains; after calling the owner of the tower, the young man begins to go into the ground, but when he sees his golden crest, the hostess agrees to marry him; the tower flies over the mountains to the young man's house; the aunts offer get a singing fur coat; a young man drinks water from an acidic river, eats sour apples, gives wheat to crows, meat to wolves, they let it pass; takes Shuba, she asks the guards to stop the thief, they refuse; Aldar comes to her son's castle, everything is explained; Aldar's wife is bathed in a milk lake, her sisters are torn apart by horses]: Britaev, Kaloev 1959:193-204; Lezgins: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 54 [stepmother tells her husband get rid of three stepdaughters; the father digs a hole, covers it with a cape, puts beads on it, the girls fail; turn their hands into a spade, a pickaxe, a shovel, dig a way to the padishah's stable; he passes them off as her three sons; the eldest promises to weave a carpet, the middle one to cook pilaf, the youngest to give birth to a girl with a golden tuft, a boy with mother-of-pearl teeth; the sisters suggest that she give birth to a chimney above the hole, they will exchange children with puppies, let them down into the river in a chest; the padishah tells you to wrap the woman in dog skin, tie her at the door instead of a dog; the old woman caught the chest, the children grew up; came to a new wedding Shah's youngest son, they threw meat rather than bones to the dog; everything was clarified, the dog wife was washed and changed clothes, her sisters were put on an oath and set on fire]: 491-494; Khalilov 1965, No. 86 [=Mazaev, Kasumov 1997 (2): 111- 114, =Khalilov, Osmanov 1989:213-216; after the mother's death, three daughters persuaded their father to take another wife; the stepmother orders to get rid of his stepdaughters; the father dug a hole in the arable land, covered him with felt, putting beads on him, the girls came and fell into the hole; the father promised to pull them out if they gave him felt and beads; instead he covered the hole with a stone; for a while, the girls' hands turn into a spade, a pickaxe, a shovel, they break through the course down, stealing dates from the royal stable; the elder, middle princes are sleeping, the youngest catches the younger sister, the king gives birth to three sons as three sisters; the youngest gives birth to a gold-haired boy and girl, sisters they are replaced by puppies; children are left in the chest in the field; the king puts dog skin on his daughter-in-law, ties them at the door; the old woman finds the chest; the grown son throws meat, not bones, to the dog mother; children and the old woman tells the truth, the prince returns his wife]: 265-268; the Udins [the poor man decided to kill his daughters, sent the eldest two to the forest for apples, the youngest followed, they did not find apples, got lost; the elders offered to urinate, whoever had frothy urine would eat; threw their soil; the youngest asked to leave for a while, found a cave with horses, raisins, dried apricots; the young king asks sisters, what they can do; the eldest promises to weave a carpet that will fit the whole army; the middle one will feed the whole army with pilaf cooked in eggshells; the youngest will give birth to a son and daughter, the son will have a head gold falls, daughter has silver; sisters ask the midwife to replace their children with puppies; the king orders his wife to be buried waist-deep, passers-by do not care about her; the children were thrown into the canal, picked them up, raised by a miller; The aunts sent the midwife to ask the girl to be a maid; she persuades her to ask her brother 1) to bring a talking salb tree; the young man pulls a thorn out of the seven-headed maiden's leg, he helps to get a tree; 2) marry Shahsanam (dev helps again); the king calls his brother and sister to him, the young man reveals the truth to him, the king frees his wife, her sisters and the old woman are tied to the tails of horses] : Dirr 1904:96-99; Swana [the king has three daughters, his wife died, he took another, she orders to get rid of his scoundrels; the king found an apple tree in the steppe, brought an apple to his daughters; they asked them to be brought to the apple tree; The king dug a hole there, covered it with a carpet, the daughters failed; the sisters ate apples, they ran out, but the youngest hid it; these ran out; the eldest wanted to eat her, but the youngest turned her hands into a shovel and into an iron-tipped stick; they dug a way into the tin house; there the servants feed the royal horses boiled wheat; the sisters eat everything, the horses lose weight, the king executes servants; the healer tells them to guard; sisters caught, the king wants one of them to marry his son; the eldest: a hundred carpet so that the king and all subjects will have a bed and a blanket; middle: I will drink wine to the king and the people; the youngest: I will give birth to a son and a daughter {then we are talking only about the son}, so that their lower and upper halves are golden; this sister will be given for the prince; the older sisters threw the children born into the river, replaced them with puppies; the king tied the bride to a stump at a fork in three roads; let everyone spits in her eyes; the children were picked up by the priest who owned the mill; the priest raised a young man, he is the best hunter; the mother's sisters understood who he was; advised the priest to send the young man to Elbrus for the golden apple tree; on the way of divas, petrified to the waist; says that everyone is so stony; we must remember his mother's nipples; the young man thought about them, brought an apple tree; the divas chased the young man, but that divas drove them away; sisters advise asking the young man to bring a mirror from Elbrus; everyone was stony, and the young man remembered his mother's nipples and brought a mirror; sisters: to kidnap the wife of the Western sovereign; the young man came to the tower, where the king's daughter; The king will give it back if the fruit in the garden is ripe by morning; the princess orders you to put a stick in the ground, pour water, pour water, and in the morning a tree with fruits; the king: jump across the sea, build churches everywhere so that all the bells will ring; The princess gave a towel, she created everything; tame the horse; the horse: order an iron hammer and beat the horse with it; recognize the bride among the sisters (she will have a ring on her finger); the princess tells her to run, the king sent an army; The princess turned the young man into a monk, the horse into a church, herself into an icon; they arrived to the tsar-father; the young man's mother was released, the sisters were executed]: Nizheradze 1890, No. 1:176-187; Georgians (Kakheti) [stepmother tells her husband get rid of his three daughters; he pushes them into a hole under an apple tree; the youngest turns her hands into shovels, digs a passage to the royal stables, brings raisins and almonds to feed the horses; her grabbed, she brings the sisters; the eldest promises to weave the carpet, the middle one to feed everyone, the youngest to give birth to a golden-haired boy and girl; sisters throw puppies to the woman in labor, throw the children under the mill wheels; the king orders to tie his wife at the gate, no one cares about her, smear her chest with soot; the miller finds and raises children; they free the mother, tell the king that they are his children; in support of the words, a grape branch the table turns green, the pheasant comes to life; women's sisters are torn apart by horses]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 96:147-150 (=Chikovani 1954, No. 27:149-151; =1986:158-160); (cf. Azerbaijanis: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935 [approximately as in Bogoyavlensky 1899, No. 11]: 171-177; Bogoyavlensky 1899, No. 11 (Borchalinsky district of Tiflis province) [widow fisherman married, stepmother tells take three stepdaughters to the forest; the sisters decide to eat the one who falls behind on the run, but the youngest digs a way to the royal stable, where horses are fed raisins; Shah Abbas is surprised why horses are losing weight; the courtier caught girls; the eldest replies that she can weave a carpet on which the army can fit, the middle one can cook scrambled eggs in eggshells for the entire army, the youngest will give birth to two children with golden and silver hair; SHA marries the youngest; the wife gives birth to a boy Ibrahim and a girl Gullizar; the witch advises the older sisters to let the children down the river in a box, replace them with puppies; SHA tells her to poke out his wife's eyes, throw them into a hole, give a piece of bread and a mug of water a day; the Bogomolets caught a box, saved the children; when he died, told them to go up the river; the gardener takes the children to him; they knit bouquets, SHA is happy, calls the boy to him, talks to him; aunts in panic; the witch persuades G. to ask his brother to get 1) a talking, singing tree (uprooted, brought); 2) a bird that translates the words of the tree (brings); 3) marry the king's daughter Guria; the king of demons gives a flying carpet, a stick (hit the stump that blocks the road), an invisible hat (they will order you to enter a hot bath, you have to become invisible, hide), a tablecloth (they will order to eat 40 pilaf boilers, the tablecloth will eat everything); SHA invites I., that: eat, my sleeves; SHA: can sleeves eat? I.: Can a woman give birth to puppies? The king executed his wife's sisters]: 95-104).
Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [stepmother told her husband to drive away three stepdaughters; he dug a hole in the forest under an apple tree, covered it with twigs, the daughters failed, the father left; they ate apples, then the youngest climbed on the shoulders of the elders, got out, came to the padishah, the girls were pulled out; the eldest promised to sew clothes for the whole army with one thread, the middle one to feed the whole army with one cake, the youngest to give birth to a son and daughter with golden hair and silver teeth; the elders fulfilled their promise, but envy the younger that the padishah chose her as his wife; the padishah has left, the wife has given birth to children, the sisters replaced the letter with a message that she gave birth two puppies; replaced children with puppies, gave them to a witch in the forest; the padishah ordered his wife and puppies to be placed in a hut, everyone should not care about her, took the older sisters to the palace; the children grew up, the sisters brought them to their sister illness, it will be cured 1) a black horse; the old man tells you to whip the horse, grab the mane; 2) get a milk lake with a golden duck; the horse brings to the lake, tells him to whistle, the lake is transferred to the young man's house; 3) get Altynchech ("gold-haired") as a friend to her sister; brought the horse, A. screamed, the young man brought her home; she orders him to save his mother; the children, then the padishah, crawl to the woman on their knees; she forgives husband; sisters tied to horse tails]: Yarmukhametov 1957:95-102 (=Marchenko 1993:217-226).
Baltoscandia. Icelanders [the king has a daughter Isol, the Duke has a son Fertram; they grow up together at court, love each other; the queen is dead; the king has been persuaded to go looking for a new wife; he sails to the island, where mother and daughter, daughter is also Isol; the mother says that her king husband was killed and they fled to the island; the king brought them home, married this woman; she intends to marry her daughter to F.; to distinguish between girls, the king's daughter, became known as Bright Isolde (SI), and the Queen's daughter Dark Isolde (TI); the Queen and daughter invited SI and her two maids for a walk in the woods, pushed into a crevice; maids starved to death, but SI received from her mother a satiating belt and scissors, with which she dug steps to get upstairs; wearing clothes made of leaves, she was hired in the kitchen; the Queen bewitched F., forcing her to forget SI, prepares his wedding with TI; SI is named Näftrakolla as an employee; she walks with F., leads him into the woods to the crevice, talks about what happened, but he still can't really remember anything ; TI gave birth and ate her baby; she needs a dress, only N. can make it; after the wedding ceremony, TI is going to go to bed F., but he tells me to remember what SI said at such a time first; TI runs to her mother every time, she tells her; gradually F. remembers everything, pierces TI and her mother who enters the room with his sword; now it is clear that these are monsters; F. marries SI]: Poestion 1884, No. 1:1-10; Swedes [the king did not like his daughter's fiance; he ordered to dig a cave in the forest, place his daughter with seven maids and supplies for 7 years; the maids died one by one; the princess dug a hole, released the dog, which helped to widen the hole; a bear came, killed the dog, took the princess to the coal miner; he took her to the palace, she was hired by a poultry house; the king (other than her father) must marry some woman; she hides her pregnancy and must give birth on her wedding day; tells the poultry house to play the role of the bride in her place; during each episode, the bride rhymes, describing what is wrong with her happened; when asked by the king, he always replies that he talks to the maid; the king is amazed by the beauty of the bride, hangs a gold chain around her neck, keeps the key for himself; upon returning from church, the king asks the real bride what she said here and there; she runs to the poultry house every time to ask; she comes by herself, the king sees his necklace, the poultry house says she is also a princess; the king happy with her, the first bride was expelled from the palace]: Stier 1971, No. 2:11-15.