Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K28. A father or uncle is an enemy and a rival.


The young hero's maternal uncle or father (or grandfather, if he replaces a father who is not mentioned) is his enemy and rival, giving difficult assignments to destroy him.

Bassa, Douala, Tanga, Gusia, Zigula, Zulu, Suto, Owambo, Sakata, Mongo, Nyanga, Isanzu, Haza, Sandave, Jukun, Dan, Bambara, Sabo, Hausa, Von, Igbo, Moshi, Songhai, Moba, Tangale, Dinka, Kordofan, Sudanese Arabs, Tuaregs, Kabils, Arabs of Algeria, Egypt, Italians (Ticino), Walloons, Palestinians, Syria, Iraq, Jaber Jaber, Warlpiri, Komba, Mono, Uliti, Truk Islands, Kusaie (near Ponape), Marshall Islands, Rotuma, Niue, Bellona and Rennell, Tibetans, Kachari, Tyam, Javanese, South Sumatra, Alor, Bunak, Tingyan, Ifugao, Ancient Chinese, Hungarians, Romanians, Bosnians, Greeks, Ancient Greece, Russians ( Tambov, Voronezh), Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, Balkarians, Karachays, Adygs, Lezgins, Kumyks, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Persians, Baluchis, Tajiks, Mountain Tajiks, Yazgulyam, Shugnans, Kafirs, Icelanders, Kazakhs, Yellow Uighurs, Tuvans, Balagan Buryats, Mongols, Dagurs, Ents, Kets, Aldan Evenks, Udege, Ainu, Itelmen, Chukchi, Asian Eskimos, Kodiak, Chugach, Aleuts (Unalashka, Umnak), Inupiat Bering Strait and Northern Alaska, Koyukon, Tanana, Tagish, Taltan, Eyak, Tlingit, Hyda, Tsimshian, Shuswap, Thompson, Lillouet, Sechelt, Snohomish, Skagit, Puget Sound, ne Perse, Upper Cowlitz, Klikitat, wasco, vishram, yakima, kordalen, tillamook, alsea, kous, klamath, northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake), Eastern Cree (Ruperts House; Lac Amson), ojibwa, kickapoo, montagne, naskapi, mikmak, seneca, sarsi, assiniboine, pawnee, natchez, tunic, screams, seminoles, alabama, koasati, biloxi, yurok, karok, pomo, luisenho, shikuani, makiritare, yanomami, munduruku, kashinahua, guarazu, waura, paresi, umotina, bororo, ramkokamekra, araucans.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Mongo [the patriarch reluctantly lends his special calebas to his son; he lets her into the river, the owner demands her back; sailing down the river in a boat, the young man comes to the old man; builds a hut for him, brings firewood; an old man warns not to spend the night on an island where parrots are dangerous; a young man sails to a women's village; everyone calls him husband, he calls them wives; they give him a calebas; two years later he goes home; they give him a drum and property; the drum beats himself, sets the boat in motion; the young man gives the calebas to his father; in his absence, the father takes the drum, goes with him to the party, breaks it; the father swims along the river, does not help the old man, but insults him; on the island, parrots peck him, peck his eyes, he falls into the water, drowns]: Retel-Laurentin 1968:225-226; bass [from his beloved wife daughter, from the unloved is the son; the unloved wife and beloved daughter die; the father wants to destroy his son; the grandmother teaches the boy how to carry out difficult tasks; he 1) pulls bananas from the other side of the river full of crocodiles, 2) brings lion cubs (at this time the lioness eats a goat), 3) comes to the country of Liboi Lee Kundung's ancestors who died at the drum; snakes, birds, bats transport and carry him across the river, fire, rocks, for he treated them; the mother's spirit tells him to go boldly; in the village of his ancestors he feeds a dog, a cat, a mouse; the chief tells him to identify a woman named Ngo Mbelek (the dog runs past her); 2) identify the drum itself (mouse throws nuts at him); after receiving the drum, the father gives his son the house, goes to the forest himself]: Binam Bikoï 1977:36-49 (translated into Pozdnyakov 1990:199-205); sakata [the father brought three nuts, the son ate them, the father demanded that he bring the nuts from where he picked them; the son goes, the old woman with a skin disease asks her to wash; he washes them, she gives them two parcels, big and small; at a fork in three roads the young man asks a large package, he says it's none of his business; the boy shows the way; the young man hears laughter, asks if he should laugh; the small bundle says no; the young man picks nuts and banana leaves, brings home; leaves, father eats them, son demands that father bring new ones from where he picked them; father goes, refuses to wash the old woman; laughs, stones fall on him, he dies]: Colldé ; n 1979, No. 22:177-178; duala [Inono Njambe kills his wives and children to gain magical powers; the son of Njambe Inono remains; people beat his father, he soon dies, passing on knowledge to his son; he continues to kill people; he and his wife are sent in a boat downstream; he establishes a settlement where he plants a huge palm tree, a bird on top, a crocodile in a pond, a leopard in a cage; these are magical village defenders; NI Njambe's wife gave birth to a girl, Chimpanzee comes to play with her; when the girl grew up, he kidnapped her; NEITHER takes other wives, everyone gives birth, but N. is pregnant but does not give birth; NOR drives her away; in She needs to cut wood in the forest; the boy from her womb says he will chop it, goes out, turns into an adult Jeki man, cuts wood, returns to the womb; forbids his mother to see him and cut the umbilical cord ; one day he goes out to pick shrimp on the seashore; other NI wives see it, throw baskets in horror, J. also delivers their baskets full of shrimp to the village; when J. is finally born, from the belly the mother first falls out various vessels, a boat, fabrics, etc.; then J. tells him to give birth on a pile of garbage; NI does not like J., 1) asks what is in the chest; J. deliberately answers incorrectly, he is beaten; then says that there is a female louse in the chest; 2) clean the chest (there is a leopard in it, J. drowns it in the chest); 3) bring the crocodile out of the sea; J. tells the crocodile that I expect him as a wise adviser, tames him by magic; in the village he begins to devour everything, NOR tells him to take him back; 4) get nuts from the palm tree; at the top there is a dangerous Kambo bird; J. tells the other sons of NI to climb first, the bird pecks them; J. cuts down bunches of nuts, kills, burns birds; this makes NI weaker; J. goes to the land of spirits for his sister kidnapped by the Chimpanzee; there are many girls in the house, J. must identify his sister, releases a bee, she sits on sister, J. brings her home]: Belcher 2005:268-281; tanga [Njambo has 2 wives and 23 sons but all but one wife died; she gave birth to a son, N. named him Utigebode ("saving people"); he grew up, goes set traps; each time a couple of animals or birds fall into them; each time they ask his name and, when they find out, say that he should release them (under "people" in this case, they are in He seems to be "living beings"); N. learns about this from the sorcerer, arranges a hunt, sees how his son released an antelope; asks W. to climb for coconuts, makes the palm tree tall; W. asks the eagle to lower it, but he answers that he would not be able to lift it; the same was all birds and animals; after 20 days W. fell and crashed; N. and his wife soon died, they were buried by strangers]: Nassau 1912, No. 23:173-176; zigula [man catches in trap a rat, Leo demands to give him giblets; next time a man offers Leo to take his son; told his son to eat fruit outside the house, but the cunning son noticed Leo, went into the house; the father sent his son to the steppe with a chain in his hand; but Leo saw six boys, each with a chain; asked which of them was the Cunning, each said he was; the father promised to cut his son's hair, so Leo would recognize him at night; son He pasted his hair with wax, cut his father's hair at night, Leo took him away; cut off his mother's chest, let his sister eat, said she ate; she promised to kill him; he ran to the river, climbed into the sink; his sister ran, she grabbed the sink, said she would drown her brother like this shell, threw it across the river; the brother went out on the other side, escaped]: Dammann 1937, No. 1:139-143; nyanga [the king does not want his wives to give birth sons; Mwindo, who walks and speaks from birth, manages to escape; his father's advisers descend him down the river in a drum, he must find his father's sister, whose husband is a water serpent; Iyangura's paternal aunt {this is her snake wife?} takes it out of the drums; they come to Father M.'s village; he runs; in the lower world, the father gives M. difficult tasks, he does them all; with his father he returns to earth, reviving those he killed along the way; advice decides to divide the kingdom between M. and his father; the Kirimu dragon swallows M.'s close associates, he frees them; Lightning is a friend of both the dragon and M.; takes M. to heaven for a year in the world of the Sun, Month, Stars; after passing there are the last trials, M. triumphantly returns to his kingdom]: Scheub 2000:164-165; safwa [brothers Xyita and Mezya set bird traps; H. let go of his bird, and M. brought it to his mother cook; H. asked him to give it and try it, but M. refused; the father heard, became angry, brought H. to the baobab, hammered pegs into the trunk, lifted his son to the tree, tears, took the pegs, left H. to die; the side of his body adjacent to the tree began to rot; he called the bird; it flew in, put H. on her back, lowered it to the ground; cured it with herbal decoctions; ordered it to be cut; cows and goats came out of the bird, sheep, chickens, fabrics, H. became rich and influential; ordered his father to be drowned in a stream; became a chief]: Arnold 1984:131-132; isanzu: Kohl-Larsen, Allensbach 1937, No. 34 [Mulilwa boy released the bird from the trap father; the bird promised to help him; his father sent him to the tree for fruit, cut off the lower branches, left him; M. sat in a tree for five days; the bird flew to help, told him to throw his nail, snot, hair down, some excrement, picked up M. on her wings, lowered it to the ground; ordered it to be cut from the back, eat it, fold the bones; M. covered the bones with a stone, a herd of bulls came out; the Zebra refused, the bird brought it his little sister heard the news of his salvation; the girl told her mother, she also heard; M. came with bulls; stabbed one, asked his father to open his mouth to put fat in it, threw it down his throat hot stone, father died; a pumpkin grew on his grave; his wife (mother M.) cut it, a monster jumped out of it, ate everyone], 36 [a beast gives man a drug for his wife's infertility; for this he must give his first child; the father tells the beast that the boy will go fetch water with a jug; but with him two others with the same jugs; the father tells the beast that the boy's name is Masarakulangwa; the beast is calling, boy replies that all three of them are named that; the father shaved off the son's hair from half of his head, and he shaved off the hair of the other boys; the father tied a ribbon to his son's leg for the night, but he quietly took it off and tied it to his father; then the father leaves his daughter in the forest instead of his son; she runs, calls for help; the brother hears, throws a sheep in front of the house, the beast devours her, thinking it is a girl; the brother talks about everything to the elders of the village, father is executed]: 44-47, 48-51; geese [the woman cultivated the field, refused to give the bird a piece of food, she ordered the field to be overgrown with grass again; the woman's husband caught the bird, put it in the barn, it became give honey; the son showed the bird to his peers, it flew away; the father made a powerful pen, left his son inside; the cannibal Rinani came; the boy called his dog, she ran, at the last moment tore the Rinani; together with the dog, the boy went out through a break in the fence]: Vinogradov 1984, No. G15:311-322; kikuyu [the father has two sons with two wives, the mother of one died; the father sent them to inspect the traps, banned the release of animals; the one whose mother is alive decided to let go of the gazelle; the orphan agreed that from now on the other will give him half of the food, otherwise he will tell his father; the father and mother are surprised why does the boy lose weight, although his mother gives him a lot of food; one day he confesses to his father; he takes him to the forest, ties him to a tree, leaves him; if his brother reports, he will be even worse; the rescued gazelle frees him boy; tells him to stomp by the tree, people and cattle come out of the ground; the young man is getting rich; the father and mother are starving, they come to him; he feeds his mother, refuses his father; parents and brother are dead, the young man is happily married]: Gagnolo 1952, No. 15:131-133; kaguru [father tells sons to check bird traps; the elder releases a beautiful bird; his father leads him for honey, tells him to climb a tree, cuts off the rope; young man He sits on a tree for a long time, eats bark, his side begins to rot; calls a bird; it flies in, heals him, brings him to the village, he becomes a leader there; his father, mother, younger brother come; he kills his father]: Beidelman 1974, No. 5:170-172; owambo [Enkembe's mother and his younger sister died; Lufufu, the son of the same man's other wife, is ill, the sorcerer advises to sacrifice a person; the patient's mother asks kill her husband E.; the sister warns his brother about this; he does not approach the vessel into which the milk is poured and where his father is hiding; kills his father, takes off his skin and pulls him over himself, and the corpse takes shape E.; disguised as a father, E. shares meat, lets L. eat his penis; takes on her real appearance; mother tells L. not to eat the penis, but he refuses to throw it away, eats it]: Loeb 1951:310-311 (=Serauky 1986:196-197 ); Zulu [the chief tells old women to kill his newborn sons for fear for their power; one wife begged old women to keep her son; he lives with his mother's brother; the chief tells the soldiers to kill him, their spears do not hit the target; the young man hits the leader and all his soldiers with a spear]: Snegirev 1937 in Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 238:603-606; =Koropchevsky 1874 [by Collaway; name - Uglakanyana]: 50-55; suto [ Hubeane caught a small antelope in his mother's pea field, put it in a basket and peas on top; mother: if asked, say "I'm carrying peas" and remember that an antelope; H. replies: "I'm carrying peas, and I remember like an antelope"; sent to herd sheep, found a dead zebra, said that he saw a striped stone; people came to see, the zebra had already been eaten by hyenas, H. was scolded - it was necessary to cover the carcass with branches; the next day H. killed the bird, covered it with branches, called people; people: should have been tied to his belt; H. killed an antelope, tied it to his belt, dragged it, his belt broke; then he tied it to his leg and dragged it like that, ruining his skin; people: it is necessary was to bring the carcass (on his shoulders); H. lured his father to the rock, took the stairs when he returned home, put on his father's cloak, began to eat food prepared for his father; the father and other people decided to get rid of H.; they gave poison they made a trap hole, hid the killer under a pile of grass; H. avoids dangers every time; pierces a bunch of grass with a spear, killing the person hiding under it; people think that H. is smart, allowing him to leave]: Klipple 1992:317-318.

West Africa. Igbo [Nwakannaya ("A son more illustrious than a father") says he wants to sit on his father's throne, although his father is still alive; the father promises to cede the throne if N. brings the leopardy and gong mustache cannibals; N. sedated the leopard with amulets, shaved off her mustache; the spirits are going to kill N. at night, smear his face with white clay or the cannibal boy with ash; N. changes color at night; cannibals kill their boy, N. runs away, taking the gong; on the way he hits him, cannibals rush in pursuit; N. turns into stone, cannibals pick it up, throw it far ahead; taking on his true form, N. runs to the village, brings gong; father is forced to hand over power to his son]: Ugochukwu 1992, No. 23:181-185; background [Lisa (The Sun) has Maho's daughter; he would like to call her Gbemende - "will overcome everything"; Segbo finds out about this, gets M. in wives; he already has 12 wives; gives tasks, promises to kill the one who did not complete; each time L. helps her daughter; 1) make beer from millet (M. gives not millet, but okra, but she has millet, and okra gives millet, and okra gives it others); 2) everyone has already given birth and is pregnant again; M. instantly finds a son, his name begins with Agbagugu, which means that he will surpass his father; 3) L. gives three sons horses, A. a sheep, tells take a bag of grain to the field (A.'s sheep turns into the best horse); 4) bring the Death Sickle; L. gives his grandson 7 pepper seeds, who consistently opens them, reaches Death's home, puts him to sleep brings the sickle; 5) the same in reverse order (bring the sickle back); S. recognizes the superiority of A., promises to become sand; at night he wants to kill M. and A., but L. turns it into a mountain; A. climbs heaven, taking his father's mother, other wives and sons; he is a Hevioso thunder, he has a powerful voice, and his mother's voice is quieter, she tells him not to be angry]: Herskovits, Herskovits 1958, No. 15:155-159; jukun [u Chief Koki all feed only on red fern; K. tells his 10 pregnant wives to go to give birth to each parent; the tenth is the chief's daughter, she has no one in the city of K.; the old woman sheltered her, she gave birth a beautiful boy, other vultures, cockroaches, other insects; an old woman warns a woman not to swim with others; she bathes, the other replaces her boy with a vulture, he is not given returns to his mother; the boy's name is Adi-sâ-ka-koki ("Adi is more beautiful than Koki"); K. tries to lime A. and his mother; 1) tells A. to shave him, then restore his hair (he suggests restoring his hair in response to in a millet panicle, the grains torn off from it); 2) the wife must brew beer in a day (let K. grow a scoop in a day); The hare tries mother K.'s beer, it is the most delicious; 3) defeat the enemy (for others sons are given horses, A. - a ram; A. takes prisoners, wounds the leader with a spear, he runs); 4) return the spear (A. stumbles, is stung by a snake, must cross the river; the daughters of Spotyk, the Snake, the Transporter help, ask marry them; the same daughter of the wounded leader, takes the spear out of her father's body, gives A.); A. breaks three eggs, a city appears; the hare says that the true leader is there; K. calls the new leader to visit the holiday the appearance of spirits, A. comes through a tunnel dug by a rat and a gopher; K. closes those who come to the house (so that women do not see the spirits), sets fire, A. and his people go through the tunnel; A. calls K., who asks for a toad dig a tunnel, she digs a dead end; by setting fire to the house, A. tells the fire to burn K.'s hair and lips, but not kill; K. turns into Thunder, his wife (not A.'s mother) into Lightning, restrains her husband's rabies]: Meek 1931:479-485; himself [the father forbid his son to marry; he took his wife to the river, said that if the water in the river (var.: milk in the calabass) turns red, he was killed, went to his father, killed by him; the wife sees red, (along with mother of a young man) asks God to revive him, the son comes to life, the spouses live well, the father despises, wanders around the villages, meets his son without recognizing him; after hearing his story, he bows his head with shame; next to him there were sorghum and red millet, they also bowed their heads, so when the tops of their stems ripen]: Platiel 1984:222-223; rowing [all the leader's wives have children, one is childless; sorcerers say that she will give birth to an adult young man; he appears, his name is Kawa; the father and his entourage are afraid of him; the father gives K. a bag, tells him to take him home; K. prepares to pierce the bag with a spear, the warrior jumps out and runs away to forest; next time K. is offered to dance, digging a trap hole and covering it; K. throws a spear there; the leader tells K. to be put in a bag and thrown into the river; they went to pick mushrooms; K. says to the goat who came up that only there you can ascend alive to heaven; the goat changes places with K., is drowned; K. accumulated wealth, came to the leader, said that he had received everything from the spirits at the bottom of the river; the leader and his men ordered them to be thrown into bags in water; drowned]: Pinney 1973:282-285; Hausa: Tremearne 1911, No. 37 [The king says his son is not his son (although he looks like him), tells him to take him to the forest, kill him; his friend is a son Minister; people only cut off the boy's hand, bring it to his father; The leper finds the cripple, makes him whole; marries the Ant's daughter; the father consistently demands that he marry the daughter of the Master of the Forest, Water, Heaven, King Agadez; The leper is happy with everything; King Agadez tells the groom to spend two weeks without eating or drinking; The leper feeds him at night; the bride changes places with him, discovers deception, but A leper washes off a trail of corn with water and cola nuts; the young man's father sends an army of pagans to destroy his son; King Agadez exterminates those; the son orders his father to be brought, cuts off his head, he turns into a crow; a crow's white chest is a turban that fell on his chest]: 218-222; 1913, No. 55 [Kwallabe is ugly; her mother sent her to the king's palace, but the prince drove her away, she is too ugly; then her mother swallowed it and belched, her daughter became beautiful, came back to the palace, the prince married her; the king wanted her himself; went with his son to go camping; the wife put a date stone in his hair; the king asked the son went down to the well to collect water for the horses; ordered him to throw earth over the well; returned to the city, told his daughter-in-law that her husband had died, she had refused to eat; a bone in the prince's hair sprouted, a tree went up to the ground, the prince climbed it; his wife's maid saw him, he threw the ring into her jug of milk, told her to give it to the mistress; she identified the ring, came to her husband, told her to shave it and wash it; the prince hacked his father, became king]: 304-306; moba [one of the chief's son took the name given to him by his father (Djabigou), but the other said his name was "More Cunning than the Chief"; the father decided to test him; here's the bull - let him have two calves tomorrow; early in the morning his son starts cutting a tree; Chief: what is the matter? son: we need to warm the water urgently, my uncle gives birth; - But men do not give birth! - Bulls too; - You're cunning like a hare - now kill a bull with your gaze! the son quietly released the snake, the bull fell; the chief threw his spear, but as a result he was pierced]: Paulme 197:193-195; tangale [a woman comes to marry Daniya; his father-chief thinks they are too much good for him; on the way she asks for water, D. goes down to the well, he is stoned; D. escapes (it is not said how), climbs a tree; the children below say that the chief is preparing the wedding, but the bride is silent; gives his ring, tells her to throw it to the bride in a jar of milk; she recognizes the ring; comes to the tree with her entourage; D. returns, kills his father]: Jungraithmayr 2002:160-179; bambara [king only one day he descends to spend the night with his unloved wife; she goes to the savannah to give birth; the son immediately speaks, becomes an adult, creates a village, destroys the king father's army; has mercy on his father when he agrees to live with his mother]: Görög 1984:165-170; Dan: Fischer 1967 (Western) [To is the son of the leader's unloved wife, so he does not love him either; He climbed a tree to get the dead monkey; another wife's son, cut off a vine, said at home that To was dead; father glad, mother Toh was in mourning; chimpanzees formed a chain, That went down it to the ground; He brought the dead chimpanzee, ate the meat; father and brother offer Then hunt the dangerous Schuppentier; Then he climbs down the hole, the brothers make a fire at the entrance to the hole; He spends a month underground; Xra (the supreme god) sent two antelopes, a male and a female, they ran They pierced firewood at the hole with their hooves, To got out; became the leader of the village; summoned his mother, she came with fear and respect, the chief turned out to be her son; the father and brothers began to respect That]: 723-724; Paulme 1976 [The young man is a liar, his father decides to kill him, leaves him in a basket by the river; a tobacco seller comes up; the young man says that when his sister is circumcised, he goes down the river and that they buy tobacco there; the seller takes his place in the basket, the young man throws him into the water; comes to his parents and says that he has visited their parents; let the father go to them and the mother stay; brings his father to the river and throws him into water; then comes to her mother: the father calls you; after getting rid of her parents, he becomes the head of the village]: 206; songhai [a woman gave birth to a daughter who became a donkey; one day the mother was going to wash her; she knocked over the water, ran to a pond called the Chief's Mirror, took off her donkey skin and began swimming; Chief Abu Malak's son saw it from the window; when she saw his shadow, she sang: "Abu Malak, you see your hands and legs that are more beautiful than your mother's arms and legs"; AM told the slave to see where the donkey lives; he said that in one poor house; AM ordered him to marry a donkey; during the wedding, she kicked, people laughed; at night she became a girl; AM told the slave to steal donkey skin while his wife was swimming, cut it to pieces and threw it into an anthill; the woman was terribly angry; AM's father wanted to take it for himself; sent his son to drink the camel to the well where the dodo (spirit) lived, told the slaves to lower him on a rope and leave him there; before that, the wife woven dates into AM's hair; after that, all female pets stopped giving milk; the goats refused to eat; hunger began; AM shared dates with the dodo; planted a seed and a palm tree grew; the dodo told him to bring him a handful of food when AM got outside; he did not eat himself out of love for him; when he got out, AM began to collect alms, leaving half for the dodo; came to his wife, she did not recognize him; said that she could give nothing, nothing; if he could milk the cows , then let him drink milk and bring her; AM drank milk; he brought a jar of milk to his wife and slaves and took a wineskin of milk to the dodo; (opening up to his wife), AM prepared the feast, rode his camel to formal clothes; when his father raised his hands in prayer, AM pierced him with a spear]: Calame-Griaule 2002:222-225; dan [the chief has 12 wives; one is childless and unloved, she was given a hut on a pile of garbage; her melons and pumpkins are wrapped around; then she is pregnant for 12 years; other wives despise her, do not want to help gather firewood; finally, Gueu's son tells his mother to give birth to him; he was born in a shirt, walks and talks; tells his father put his mother's hut in the center; all the bows break in his hands, he told him to make himself an iron one; brings an elephant from the hunt; the father is afraid of G. and, to get rid of him, says that there is someone stronger; this is IL-y-a-des-choses; G. promises to bring his hair to bandage his own; on the way there he asks for directions by the monkeys, the river, the leader of the baby village (they all have umbilical cords); everyone warns that from IL-y -a-des-choses no one has come back yet, he has a mountain of skulls of those he killed, a giant who turns rocks into dust, and his wife; IL-y-a-des-choses G. liked it, she helps him; gives three pebbles throw while fleeing; the IL-y-a-des-choses amulet is a vessel of water, it does not touch it; let G. hide under it and touch everything in the house before that; they also went to the river ( marigot); Il-y-a-des-choses came, smells G. everywhere, but does not look under the water vessel; IL-y-a-des-choses's wife combed his hair the day before and gave G. what she combed out; G. runs; at IL-y-a-des- chooses magic words that make the runner wait, but G. has others that make the pursuer not chase; then G. successively throws three stones, a mountain, a river, a thorny forest appear; IL-y-a-des- choses passes through them (the river water parted), but by this time G. reaches his village; in a dream he finds out that he should have a dog; has seven dogs; a year later, IL-y-a-des-choses took the image beautiful, she came to G.; says that she does not eat chicken, but dog meat; G. promises to feed her in the morning, and replies to her mother that she knows who came: it is IL-y-a-des-choses; at night, the monster took its form , but G. became invisible; in the morning, the beauty promises to leave on the eighth day (to eat all the dogs in 7 days); G. warned her not to break her bones; leaving on the morning of the eighth day with the beautiful woman, G. teaches her mother to revive dogs and let them down when she sees a red cloud at sunrise; while IL-y-a-des-choses is gone, G. climbed the tree; IL-y-a-des-choses makes the tree bend and G. again straighten up; each of the dogs that come running swallows IL-y-a-des-choses, but he immediately comes out of her ass; G. tells the seventh dog to sit backwards on the ground, IL-y-a-des-choses could not get out and died; therefore dogs sit backwards on the ground]: Tiémoko 2019:24-36; scrap [mother reproaches twins Zine and Sele that because of their strength they break dishes, it would be better to return a sister kidnapped by the evil spirit of Nyanwole; they come for her, Z. creates a harp, N. dances, brothers run away, put a stone on the road, it turns into a hill; N. runs home for a knife, cuts the hill in half; they spit, a river forms, N. runs for it again with an ax, cuts the river, crosses (dry); brothers create fire, N. cuts it; Z. turns into a dog, she bit N.; brothers return for their sister, bring home]: Schwab 1947:459.

Sudan-East Africa. Kordofan (language not specified) [man's son, Faris (strong-dzhigit hero); went to pick up the bride; found a girl at the camp; she said he would find them in his footsteps; Faris returned home, and I went to pick up a girl in the morning; every evening he finds bread in the parking lot; one day the bread is still warm; but in the dark Faris lost his way; came to a house where 7 brothers sleep in one room and in the other - girl (not the one he met before); the seat next to him on the bed is empty; Faris lay down, but put his sword between himself and the girl; fell asleep; the girl woke up and called her brothers; they realized that Faris was not plotted evil, told her to continue to sleep; in the morning they told Faris that the robber and his men were trying to get their sister; asked her to fight him, because they themselves were tired of fighting; when Faris arrived at enemies, who rushed to take away his weapon and horse, but he killed many and returned to his brothers; again fighting enemies and returning to his brothers; on the third day, Faris killed the leader, took his men to slavery, took possession of the fortification and treasures, brought everything and brought everyone to the brothers' house; their sister lies down with Phariz and asks them not to put the sword between them anymore; the next day he went to look for that first the girl and on the same day reached the place where her people stayed for the night; her sheikh father promises a daughter to someone who would pick her up at a gallop and bring her on horseback; only Fariz did it, got a wife, brought her by 7 brothers; he now has 2 wives; he takes them to his parents; on the way, the fortress that Saidi And built from his severed heads; Faris knocked out one skull with a spear and promised SA to plug a hole in his own with his head; Faris easily defeated him; he said that he was born a slave; asked him to be taken as a slave and assistant, Fariz agreed; seeing Fariz with two wives, his father decided to kill his son and take the women for himself; Faris understood this; told the SA not to let anyone into the fortification where wives, when he himself, at the suggestion of his father, went with his father's men to bring a tree to build a new house; the father promised his people that his son will not take a weapon with him; let them prick out his eyes and pierce his heart; let them bring the eyes and blood vessel of the victim; they pulled out their eyes, but did not kill, but brought blood to the gazelle; the SA does not let Phariz's father to women; he sends his men, but SA kills many every day; at this time, Pariz heard a snake crawl to the bird's nest to eat a chick; crushed a snake; a grateful mother bird she brought her torn eyes, put them back in; accidentally changed places, making Fariz even more beautiful; because of this, SA did not recognize him at home; Fariz went to his wives (and apparently killed his father in the morning)]: Frobenius, No. 16:179-192 (this text was translated into Russian and named Nubian in Katznelson 1968:323-345); Sudanese Arabs [Mohammed Othman is the son of the Sultan; he raised him in a closed courtyard, behind him The slave looked after him; when he went out into the world, fell in love with the daughter of the nomads, his father married him; he hit the old woman's jug with a stone; she took revenge by telling his wife's relatives that MO was an idiot; they migrated; his wife wrote to him that in a week she would be given to another; MO bought a dead debtor who was not allowed to be buried; he was given the daughter of the redeemed one; then two roads, MO chose a difficult one; there was a woman who cut off her heads 99 men; Moe fights her, wins, marries her; through a maid, he passes the ring to his first wife, putting it in a jug of water, she returned to him; the Sultan envied that his son has three wives, decided it destroy; but the nomadic daughter knew everything in advance; ordered not to go to her father barefoot (poisoned nails), not to sit on a poisoned chair, not to drink coffee from the offered cup; but then he was blinded and thrown under a tree; two birds say he can be cured by mixing the liver with one another's lungs; he grabs birds, his eyesight returns; he comes when the sultan is preparing a wedding; the robber wife is the first to know he, cut off the Sultan's head herself; the vizier was torn by camels; MO became a sultan]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 31:151-155; Zande [Ture, spider) goes to visit his wife's relatives; his son is with him; ways his son's loincloth sings beautifully; Thura's bandage sings in a bad way, promises that he will be disgraced; T. changes bandages with his son, but this does not help; T. is first put in a place of honor; hearing how T.'s son's bandage sings melodiously, Thura is pushed into the dust, his son is put in his place; on the way home, T. asks his son to get honey; the boy's hand gets stuck in a hollow; T. dances under a tree; brings from his mother the boy eats a baked chicken, climbs a tree, smears her son's mouth with bones; the mother frees her son, tries to stab T.; he runs away to his maternal uncle for several months]: Arewa, Shreve 1975 , No. 6:200-202; Dinka [Achol and Ayak are wives of one man; one has a son Kir, the eldest, the other has Ken, the youngest; the father has run out of tobacco, but he cannot live without him, went to sell his children; the youngest was carrying, the elder walked by himself; the children were terribly tired; God took pity, went down, gave Ken a cane; for others, God and the cane remained invisible; they came to a lion village where there is a lot of cattle and tobacco; Ken hit the leader with a cane and he fell dead; all the lions ran away; the hornless animals also became lions and ran away; all the cattle and tobacco went to those who came; the mother's houses were in mourning, but the sons returned; they they divided the cattle, but did not give them to their father, killed them with the same cane]: Deng 1984:91-93; haza [see motif B30B; Quadudad's man asks his son to climb the baobab for fruit; he drives pegs into the trunk, rises, leaves the fruits on one branch uncollected, replies what he will collect next time; next time the father cuts off the pegs, says that the son can eat the left fruit; after three He comes back for months, says he will not be able to drive the pegs; the young man is terribly thin, asks the Hawk to lower him, he says that the Stork can do it; the stork cannot lift the young man either, he spreads his wings tells him to jump; Stork's children pecked and ate the young man; the Stork takes the knot with intact bones to the old man Muliliv; he breaks bones; various animals and birds have come out of them; different herbs from the brain, from water flowed his eye, flooded the ground, dried up, many trees grew, from the snake's intestines; M. built a pen for all animals; the day did not come long; finally the Ishoko-sun descended from the sky, morning came; I. ordered animals to disperse, returned to heaven]: Col-Larsen 1962:23-28; sandave [man has pigeons, one is the most beautiful and valuable; he tells his son Mukuva (M.) to feed them, not to miss the beautiful; other children they ask to show this pigeon, he flies away; the father wants to kill his son; the mother advises to go to her brother Mukwetu; M. comes to the old spirit woman; she feeds him, hides him in a cane; her children come and smell the human spirit, she denies everything; in the morning the old woman gives M. a warthog, a beetle, a spider {not mentioned further}, sesame seeds; M. comes to his uncle; he cuts a bull, puts poison in the meat, brings M.; some widow brings beans and broth; M. releases a beetle, that is, broth and beans, does not touch the meat; the warthog makes a hole, M. hides meat there; the uncle is surprised that M. is alive; at night he comes to kill him, rumbles like thunder; M. throws into the fire sesame seeds, they are cracking; M. out loud: there is something unclean in this house; uncle leaves; uncle gives that pigeon, cattle, people; thinks to catch up with M., kill, take everything away; M. hides himself and everyone in a tornado, his uncle does not see them ; there is a mountain ahead, M. tells the warthog and the mole to make a hole, goes with people and cattle under the mountain, the uncle stops chasing; the mother is happy at home; M. becomes rich, his father becomes poor]: Arnold 1984: 185-190; Iraq [the boy released an elephant from the trap; his father suspects him of this, leads him to the desert for honey, they climb the baobab, the father descends, destroying the notches; a few days later they come elephants rescued by a boy help him descend; a boy kills his father, takes possession of his herds]: Arewa 1961, No. 2578:125; malgashi [Ifara is the wife of the ogre Itrimube; they have a son Indesuka; girls they hid their clay jugs, told Indesiuka that they had broken him, persuaded him to break the silver one; fearing his father's anger, Indescuka hid in the cave, closing the exit with a stone; his mother brings him food, Itirumbe comes , sings the same song, Indesuka does not unlock; Itirumbe was advised to eat raw chicken, his voice became thin, Indesuka unlocked, Itirumbe killed him; Ifara kept, crushed the bones, Indesuka arose from them again; while combing her husband, Ifara ties his hair to a pole, kills him; feeds his crushed bones to his relatives]: Korneev 1977:222-226.

North Africa. Tuaregs: Belcher 2005 (Niger) [Ali Guran, fearing for his power, orders that his sisters' sons be killed; one replaced a son named Adelaseq with a slave's child; AG suspects that the slave's imaginary son is from him; A. turns out to be smarter than his son AG, saves AG from captivity; AG repeatedly and unsuccessfully tries to kill A., who demonstrates his superiority (the plot ends) 454-456;]: 454-456; Casajus 1982 [Teschewa always washes her hair in a bowl; her older brother, when he leaves, also washes there, promises to marry anyone who washes her hair in the same bowl, even if it is his mother; T. continues to wash her hair in his bowl; When she returns, the brother notices her sister's hair, marries her; T. runs away, turns into a bird; (apparently taking on his appearance again), combs his younger brother's grazing cattle; she is found they notice on a tree, a tree is cut down, M. is placed in the donkey's belly; the chief's son notices her coming out of the donkey to swim; hides her clothes; returns each item one at a time, takes M. with him; she comes back allegedly, for a forgotten piece of jewelry, he becomes a donkey again; the leader's son marries a donkey, that night goes out as a girl; the leader himself, in the absence of his son, sees T., decides to kill his son; asks him to go down to the well, leaves there; the son finds the dates put by his wife in his hair, a palm tree grows out of the bone, he crawls out of it; lures his father to a well covered with a floor, there is a fire at the bottom; the father dies]: 15-17; Mauritanian Arabs [six sons are married, the youngest is still single; rode a horse, met a girl, she said that her mother is ghoul, agreed to marry a young man; they rode to his house; mother ghoul haunts in the form of a tornado; the daughter threw thorns (more precisely, thorn needles, épines pour coudre), a (thorny) forest appeared; the pursuer overcame it, became a tornado, a snake, the daughter threw a handful sand, dunes appeared; the fugitives reached home, but the ghul managed to touch her daughter and she became a monkey; "I taught you everything," the ghul said to her daughter; the old woman told the Sultan that his son had married monkey; the sultan demanded that all daughters-in-law weave a woman's blanket; the monkey fabric is the best; the same is to cook couscous; the sultan tells daughters-in-law to come to the screenings; the monkey was beautiful in accompanied by numerous servants; the Sultan ordered to make a fire in the pit and throw his son there to take possession of the beauty; the ghoul quietly snatched him out of the fire, he returned in a luxurious dress; told his father that he was dressed up by the Sultan's late parents; the sultan demanded that he also be thrown into the fire; the sultan burned down, his son took his place]: Tauzin 1993:155-162; Kabila: Arezki 2010 [the king has three wives, one of Kabylia, another from Europe, the third Arab, each has a son; brothers led by the son of a woman from Kabylia bring to his father the beautiful feathers of seven birds; he tells him to bring the birds themselves; the son of a woman from Kabylia kills a cannibal, a lion, passes between rugged mountains, pulls out living water; promises his brothers to return in a year and one day; a magic cat teaches him to get birds, gives a magic sword, a young man gets a wife, returns; brothers want to kill him, a magic saber kills them; at home, the father is frightened by the return of his son, kills him; his wife revives him with living water, he kills his father, reigns]: 113-114; Frobenius 1922a, No. 2 [a sick father tells his seven sons to bring the hearts of their wives - he will eat them and recover; only the youngest refuses, leaves with his wife; going for fire, he comes to 99 Wuarssen (devas), who cook 99 in a pot killed people, offer to remove the cauldron from the fire; the young man picks up and overturns the cauldron, kills the devas, throws him into the hole; brings his wife into the house, tells him not to enter the same room, goes hunting; the wife comes in, sees that one dev is only injured, heals him, converges with him; a young man comes to the cannibal teriel, puts on her chest, now she is his mother, promises to help; to get rid of the woman's husband, dev advises , so that she could ask him to bring rejuvenating apples from across the sea; T.: meat in front of the ox, change straw in front of the dog; there is a black bull nearby, he will throw his horns furiously, you will fly across seven seas, you will fall on an apple tree, pick apples; an eagle's nest on the apple tree, give meat to the chicks, the eagle will bring it back; when he returns, the young man gave 4 apples to T. and 4 to his wife; dev to the woman: tell your husband that you are afraid, if you are not weak, let him give tie myself; when he can't break his fetters, I'll get out and kill him; he tears all his fetters; T. young man: you'll be killed, ask me to put your bones in a bag, load it on a donkey, he'll come, I'll revive you; when he comes back to his wife, who offered to tie him with her hair, he could not escape, the devil killed him and ate him, but the bones were sent on a donkey; T. folded her bones, covered him with wool and silk, poured milk on his body, his body recovered she revived him with a rejuvenating apple; allowed him to return home when he could easily lift a bag of salt and a bag of iron; he comes disguised as a beggar, Dev lets him in; offered to tell a fairy tale; while he is telling his story, Dev and his wife descend into the ground, he cuts off their heads; kills their deva son; wants to return to his father, T. gives them a box (do not open on the way) and a black man; he opens it outside the house there is a beautiful daughter T., she has a ring that creates a palace; the young man's father sees his wife, wants her for himself, promises a Jew a reward for killing his son; he leads the young man to hunt, feeds salty meat, gives water in exchange for his eyes, he brings them to his father a young man; he goes to the warriors to take his wife, but the black man does not let him in, kills everyone; the young man hears the conversation between the old eagle and the chicks; the old one has lost his feathers, asks him to hide; the chicks : suddenly our father will treat us like a man and a son under a tree; eagle: let the young man rub his eyes with tree leaves; the young man saw the light, the chicks covered the eagle; the young man came to the old woman, changed his clothes, father he did not recognize him, promised to give him his power as an elder if he killed a black man alone; the young man agreed with his wife that the black man would be tied to blood, blood would be shed, he would fall; witnesses: this man killed Negro; father hands over power to his son without knowing who he is; before that, asks the wise men if the father can marry his daughter-in-law; 6 they say yes, seventh or no; the father tells him to kill, the young man kills him, Orders to kill a Jew and punish 6 wise men]: 11-24; Mammeri 1996, No. 3 [the king raises an heir whose mother is dead; married again, the new queen is childless, hates her stepson; persuaded her husband, he told her son leave his domain; the prince came to the high castle, got up, tired, fell asleep; a dove flew in, became the girl of the White Dove; she is the daughter of the ruler, her father exiled her to this castle; says that usually those who came are incinerated, but agreed to become the prince's wife; the stepmother found out and sent a letter: why not marry Aisha, the daughter of King Rum; King Ruma offers to cut down a huge tree around whom the people have gathered, but at the same time not to crush the righteous; BN teaches to say "In the name of God" - the righteous will run away, the infidels will stay and die; and so it happened; A. is happy that her suitors are no longer will be executed; stepmother suggests taking Hita (H., Hita) with a Silver Neck as a third wife; A.: this is the daughter of the king of spirits, she must be obtained; teaches how to get there, use the ring given by BG; king perfume requires eating three dishes of couscous, three rams and drinking three wineskins of water; the ring fulfills the wish - food and water disappear; then find X. among many equally dressed girls; the prince told the king stand up, lift the lid, H. under the throne; now the stepmother offers to return and inherit the throne; H. promises to destroy her intrigues; tells the spirits to move the palace to the father-in-law's city; the king at first did not believe that an exiled son in front of him; when he saw his daughters-in-law, the king wanted them for himself; wife: to do this, we must get rid of his son and invite him to his place; wives advise that cat and dog be the first to try all dishes; cat she was immediately poisoned, the prince did not eat anything; the wife advises the king to call his son to hunt, taking fresh (for himself) and salt (for his son) water with him; the prince dies of thirst, the king gives him a little drink in exchange for eyes; the crow came down to peck at him, the prince grabbed him; let him go when the crow's mother brought herbs to regain his sight; the prince's tame lion does not allow the king to enter the palace to his wives; the king sent an army; The prince's black servant cut down 99 heads in one stroke; on the fourth day, the prince returned; the army was completely destroyed by a black man and a host of demons summoned by H.; she also turned the king and his wife into stone; the prince reigned, he has three wives]: 43-60; Rivière 1882 [Sultan's son Mohamed kills the townspeople; the old woman promises to save the people; brings the jugs to the spring, begins to fill them with acorn shells; M. broke the jugs; the old woman tells him to marry Thithbirth - 70 suitors have already died; M. set off, met a fellow traveler; took off the ring from the cannibal's dead son, showed the ruler of the city that demanded the second one, M. took it out; on the way they hear a talking bird; when they arrive at T., M. sings the same song as the bird, says he invented it himself; T. demands a bird; M. brings (the bird itself flew into the cage ); Father T. will give her daughter if 1) M. finds her; the bird indicates to M. that she hid under her father's seat; 2) identify T. among 70 identical girls; T.: I will be on a lame horse; after receiving T., M. took her home , giving his companion another woman; the cannibal stole T.; M. came and asked the ogre where his life was; the cannibal% in an egg, in a throat, in a camel, in the sea; M. took out an egg, the cannibal died; M. brought T. to his father's city, that promises a herd to someone who will kill his son; a warrior came to M., blinded him and left him in the desert; the eagle showed leaves that restore sight; the elders denied the Sultan the right to take his son's wife; M. killed his father and reigned]: 187-192; Taos Amrush 1974 [Sheikh Smain, a young man, gets three wives, one of whom can turn into a black warrior; his father tries to take wives for himself; an angel and wives give him magical powers avoid poison, trap pits; SHS himself tells his father that the silver chain cuts his hands; the father puts on the chain, pulls out his eyes, tells him to leave him in the forest; the eagle teaches how to cure blindness with tree leaves; all this time, the black man repels the onslaught of the Sultan's warriors; the SS brutally executes his father]: 29-49; Arabs of eastern Algeria: Aceval 2005, No. 108 (Tiaret Plateau) [Amar Zadam is the youngest of seven brothers, his they consider them useless; they send them to buy horses and guns; he puts a needle under the hoof the best horse, spoils the bolt of the best gun so that he gets them; the brothers think to get rid of him, call him to visit Ouma Djidda cannibal; everyone takes her treat, shares salt with her, AZ says he has enough ash bread (so he doesn't owe her anything); the brothers fall asleep, the cannibal asks AZ if he is sleeping; he replies that the rooster interferes; she eats the rooster; the donkey makes her eat all the living creatures; she falls asleep, he wakes up the brothers, they run; they eat cannibal salt, so she catches up with them, eats horses, AZ carries the brothers on his mare; the father tells AZ to bring the cannibal chicken; AZ quietly pokes the chicken with a cane, it rushes around the house, the cannibal throws it outside, AZ picks it up; the same is the carpet (AZ sprinkles thorns in him); the father tells me to bring the cannibal herself; unrecognized, AZ comes, says that his mother is dead, could the cannibal measure whether the chest is tall; the cannibal lies down in it, AZ brings the chest father; he opens it, the cannibal eats him and the AZ brothers; he and his mother leave]: 123-128; Belarmi 1990 [the prince has 7 sisters; after the death of his father, the uncle invited the prince to lock them in the castle for 7 years; after The prince came for 7 years - the castle is empty, the sisters were kidnapped by cannibals; the prince saw two doves; while flying away, one shouted that she was Radia, Radi's daughter, and the other that she was the daughter of Guellidi Lakhdar; if he wants them, let him look for them their fathers; the prince went in search, found his seven sisters; they said that their cannibal husbands would not harm him; cannibals asked their father to help the prince; he points out the mountain on which these girls were; one is guarded by the cannibal Salem, the other by Tamtam; the prince married them, brought them home; the uncle decided to take them away; sent servants to take the prince to the desert; they gave him water in exchange for his eyes; the blinded prince stopped under a tree; vultures came down to the tree; an old vulture talks to young people who point him to an unfortunate sufferer under a tree; he tells him to lift a stone: under him spring; if you rub your eyes with the leaves of a tree, you will see the light; after picking up leaves, the prince set off; reached the house where the mistress has a wineskin with milk; the prince threw a leaf into milk, it turned into butter; the hostess arranged a feast in honor of such a guest; not knowing that a prince is in front of him, a woman's son says that the prince's uncle is trying to take his wives away; Salem and Tamtam are protecting them; the prince has prepared two wineskins with blood and, pretending to be one of his uncle's warriors, threw them into S. and T.; they understood everything and pretended to fall, covered in blood; when the uncle led his army, S. and T. suddenly jumped up and destroyed everyone; the prince returned her wives]: 63-72; Scelles-Millie 1963 (Souf) [a poor peasant woman raised her daughter, the Sultan's son saw her, he was amazed by her beauty, married her, sent her home with two black maids; the mother gave her daughter sesame seed necklace; the girl wanted to drink, the maids told her to go down from the camel, killed her and buried her; the necklace was torn; the youngest of the maids put on her clothes; the Sultan's son was surprised at what had changed the bride's appearance; she explains that it's the local water; the garden hears a bird that has arrived talking about what happened, then the leaves in the garden fall off; the Sultan's son comes and takes the bird to him; The liar says that the cattle were stolen by robbers, the prince went to watch, she killed and threw away the bird; a pomegranate tree grew in this place; the old woman picked a grenade, brought it to her; someone cooks and cleans; drought begins; the Sultan's son distributed cattle, the old woman got a thin cow; but she immediately recovered; where the girl who came out of the pomegranate steps, the grass turns green; the Sultan's son saw her; wedding; black woman executed]: 321-324; Egyptian Arabs [parallels to the Palestinian fairy tale Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 3]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989:330-331; Tunisia [The king has seven sons, he thought that they were preventing him from managing his subjects, he imprisoned them in a palace. A maid brought them food. Just bread and water, but she felt sorry for them and started bringing them tasty and tasty food. She once told the king that his children had stopped eating and she did not know what was wrong with them. Then the king decided to marry them. He dressed them like a king, gave them each an apple. The princes threw apples. For one, it pointed towards the vizier's court, the other towards the court of a noble man, and so everyone decided on the bride, except for his younger brother. There was no way he could find his apple. Six got married and gave them a gift from the palace king, while the youngest was left alone. One day he went hunting and saw his apple and a frog stuck to him. He wanted to unhook it, but he didn't succeed, so he threw the apple and the frog under the bed. When he left, the frog shed its skin and turned into a beautiful girl. She did all the household chores and went back under the bed. This went on for several days. When the prince returned, he thought it was the neighbors' wives who had decided to help him. He went to thank his neighbors, but it turned out they weren't them. Then he turned to the sheikh. He advised him to hide and see what was going on in the house in his absence. So the prince saw the beauty, burned her frogskin, married her and got his own house. The king decided to visit his son and daughter-in-law. When I saw my daughter-in-law, I wanted to marry her myself. He ordered the prince to make a burnus out of a piece of marble. The frog told her husband to go to his father, take a sandbasket with him, and ask him to make silk threads out of sand. The king admitted that his son overcame his ordeal. He ordered the army to be brought in and the entire army fed with "musarrad". The frog made a couscous, then added the king's musarrad and his handkerchief to it and told her husband to say: "For the hungry!" This is how he fed an entire army. The third task is to bring a talking baby. The frog sent her husband to her sister, who had just given birth. She said to the baby, "The one who came for you is your aunt's husband, and whoever you're going to talk to wants to kill your aunt's husband and marry your aunt himself." She said that and handed him a sword. The prince took the baby to the king. The baby said to him, "We speak and we want words over words, and we cut off your head." A baby cut off the king's head]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 45 in Korovkina MS

Southern Europe. Italians (Switzerland, Ticino) [the father has 13 sons, he decided to get rid of the youngest Tredichino; tells me to bring 1) amulets that stop the thunderstorm with bad weather (T. climbs onto the roof, throws stones, the sorcerer thinks he's rattling, takes the amulets outside to stop the thunderstorm, T. picks them up); 2) the veil above the sorcerer's bed (T. climbs under the bed, pulls the veil, the sorcerer thinks it's a wife is going to beat her; after making sure she slept, tells her to throw off the veil; T. takes him away); 3) the sorcerer's parrot (T. gives him sweets, the parrot screams that T. wants to kidnap him; T. hides; the sorcerer thinks that the parrot is fooling him; T. takes the parrot; 4) the sorcerer himself and his wife; T. puts on a wig, attaches a beard, comes to the sorcerer disguised as a master who sells the coffin; he wants to check whether the coffin is tall ; lies down in it, his wife is next to him; T. bobs up the lid, brings the coffin to the king; he pays a lot of money to catch monsters; the father will make sure that T. is no worse than his brothers]: Keller 1981:186-189.

Western Europe. Walloons [the old king promises to hand over power to whoever gets the blackbird, whose singing makes them 50 years younger; the youngest son saves the fox from the trap; it teaches you how to get the thrush out of the guarded towers; there is also a mule that litters gold; warriors chase, but the fox builds a wall in front of them; in the city they hang the young man's elder brother, he buys him; he pushes the young man into a hole, takes the thrush and a mule; the fox pulls the young man out of the hole; the old woman says that there are giants in the forest, gives her a magic tablecloth; the first giant's young man exchanges her for a baton with four grenadiers; sends them to take them away tablecloth; in the same way, a young man takes away a hat with an impregnable fortress from the third, a violin that revives the dead; a young man comes to his father, but he throws him into prison and then expels him and intends to kill; with the help of miraculous objects, the young man smashes his father's army, imprisons his brother, and then revives the killed warriors]: Laport 1932, no.*569A: 65-66.

Western Asia. The Arabs of Iraq [The middle, youngest sons of the sheikh can't find grass for cattle, the eldest finds, meets a girl, she gives a sword to kill the ogre, the young man brings grass, the sheikh orders to migrate to it place. The older brother is marrying a girl. The father tells the average man to kill the elder, he can't. The younger brother scoped his sleeping brother, who went to another oasis, killed 70 Bedouins, and the slave took credit for himself, but could not lift the stone under which the young man laid the stirrups and reins of the dead. The sheikh married his daughter to a young man. The young man asks for a month's delay, then leaves. He is greeted by the prophet and Ali, restored his courage, and given him the ability to heal. A young man connects with his wife. At home, the father and brother fell seriously ill, the Bedouins persuaded the young man to heal them]: Weissbach 1908, No. 15:92-104 (translated to Lebedev 1990, No. 17:95-101); Palestinians [the man has two sons with his beloved wife, one from an unloved one; every night someone steals a sheep, sons guard from a loved one, fall asleep; chews melon seeds from an unloved one, sees a rumble (evil spirit) carry the sheep to the well and, pushing the stone away, goes down; in the morning he asks his brothers and father for help to move the stone, goes down the belt (the brothers refused to go down); below there are three kidnapped girls, the youngest says that the hum sleeps when his eyes are red; says hulu, that he brought the smell of man with him; the young man cuts off the rumble, the girls are raised; the younger father wants himself, cuts off his belt; the young man finds a way out of the dungeon; the youngest girl agrees to go beyond The young man's father, if he brings the same bracelet as hers; in the dungeon she gave a pair of bracelet to a young man; he shows it, kills his father with a sword, marries]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 3:62-65; Palestinians [Prince Jamal Ed-Din hunted unsuccessfully for a long time; finally he saw a gazelle; as soon as he approached it, she was far away again; he let his companions go; he chased for 5 days; the gazelle disappeared, a lock appeared; D. pushed back the stone door, put the horse among 6 horses, lay down among 6 men; their sister came in, counted them; when they found D., they were amazed: he pushed back the door they could push back only six; the brothers asked D., explained that the gazelle was their sister Guzlan; married her; went to look for 6 sisters to marry; D. defeated one army of Franks; one He cut off the man's ears and nose and sent him to his king to tell him what had happened; the old woman advised her to give her a ship of gold and silver, sailed to D., said that everyone on the ship was dead, let him throw her off rope; pulling it, pulled D. onto the ship and brought him to the King of the Franks; they were about to execute him, but Princess Hilâne took him to her place, they fled on that ship, taking that old woman; D. executed the old woman, he is now two wives: H. and G.; he frightens G. every day when he hits the ground behind her with a club; H. advises to say: don't boast about strength, the princess of India is stronger than you; G. came to that princess, won in a fight and she became his third wife; the G. brothers returned; D. decided to visit his parents; he was warned not to follow the road on which the evil black man took; he went; first the Indian princess fought the black man; then D. defeated him, spared him and he became his friend; they came to Father D.; began to live in the palace; enemies attacked; D. left the black man with his wives and went to fight alone; the king father came to the chambers of his son's wives, invite G. to sleep with him; she washed him, lathered him and pushed him naked out the window; the guards found him, took him to prison; the next day the vizier took him out of there; the king ordered him to be destroyed; they began to shoot cannons, but the black man caught the balls and threw them back, destroying half the city because he was a demon; D. came back and cut off his father's head; reigned; called the G. brothers to live with him]: Littmann 2016:267-282; Palestinians [Tsarevich Salim and his mother notice the king leaving his room with tearful eyes; S. takes casts from the keys to the room and to the closet; there is a portrait of a beautiful woman in the closet; S. took him, took a bag with money, jumped on his horse and went to an old woman who lived outside the city; not finding a portrait, the king sent soldiers to find and kill his son; the old woman hid S. and his horse in the deep basement under the house; A month later, S. went out and got to another city; they sell a black man at the bazaar: he makes losses, does not bring benefits, costs a hundred gold; S. bought it; he asked for 5 gold for bread; ate all the bread in the shop, drank a pot of soup; the owner demanded money, his slave killed him, the people rushed away, the black man began to kill everyone; after several days of pogroms, the black man demanded from the king a giant iron club and 90 camels with food: then he will leave the city; on the way he ate the camels and the horse on which S. was riding, carried S. himself, left him in the cave and left, closing the exit with a stone, promising to marry S. to Badyat El-Jamal, the girl in the portrait; she daughter of a genie king; her father surrounded her castle with 7 copper walls, each with 100,000 warriors, because he knew that her daughter was destined to marry a man; the black man killed everyone with his iron club and brought B. to S. ; they spent the night together; after the genie beat the soldiers again, the spirit king and the vizier came to make peace and give B. Salima; brought S. to him as a son-in-law and guest; but the vizier advises to send the black man and then kill S.; S. Negro: you are free; Negro: you will regret it, but just say my name Abd el-Kaddus and I will appear; through two months later, S. was thrown into a well; in the morning B. found him, said the name of the black man, who again, together with his sister, killed many soldiers and S. and B. healed as before; S. wished to return home; the black man carried him, and the black sister B.; the father and the army went out to fight his son; the black man defeated the army and killed the king; S. reigned, the black man and sister continued to serve him; a year later they said that they too royal family; the father is angry with them, let S. reconcile them; the black man stomped, the passage opened down, there is an incredible palace, the king of jinns greets them; sprayed the black man and the black woman with water, they turned white and became handsome; his black sister married S.; his children (now handsome) killed his father for his vile deeds, the former black man himself became the king of the genies, and S. and his wife returned to earth; they lived in great joy]: Littmann 2016:282-299; Syrian Arabs [chasing a gazelle, the prince finds himself in a castle, a gazelle turns into a girl, he marries her; an old woman lures him to a ship, he is captured by the king francs; the king's daughter falls in love with a young man and runs with him; when he hears about the mighty Indian princess, the young man goes to her, breaks down a door that no one could open, defeats the princess, takes her as his wife; returns to his father with three wives; on the way, the black man, who promises to serve him, the soul of a black man in an apple, wins; the young man's father wants to take his wives away, but the black man destroys his army; the young man kills his father and does ruler of the city]: Nowak 1969, No. 135:147-148.

Australia. Jaber-Jaber [The eagle sent his nephew The lizard to the tree to get a large egg out of the nest; he is afraid to touch the big one, takes the small ones; the Eagle tells the tree to rise tall, leaves; The lizard eventually managed to jump to the ground, cut off the Eagle's head with a boomerang]: Waterman 1987, No. 4535 (1): 122; warlpiri [a person has many wives taken regardless of their ancestry; when boys are born, he tells them to bury them immediately in the ground; wives decide to keep the children, secretly raise two boys; they call their father's brother, he fights with their father; returns to himself; boys take revenge on their father, become the protagonists of the tribe {it is not clear exactly how revenge is being taken}]: Rockman Napaljarri, Cataldi 1994:151-158.

Melanesia. Komba [a bird shot by a young man fell at the feet of his uncle's wife; she asked him to tattoo her pubis the same as the ornament on his arrow; the uncle called all the young men to find out whose ornament; chased his nephew, that one (or both, or the pattern?) turned into Pleiades]: Wagner 1963, No. 7:127-128; mono (Shortland Islands) [Pacomami tells her sister to kill her children if she gives birth to boys; she said a girl was born; Little Pakomami grew up; Bolshoy Pakomami tries to kill him by 1) bringing down a tree on him; 2) crushing him with a pole in a hole (he snuggled against the wall, his parents pulled him out); he killed BP]: Wheeler 1926, No. 29:20; Santa Cruz Islands [man sails away from his father, who has a hundred wives, in a boat, climbs a tree, stars take him to heaven; carves children from the bellies of their father's wives {obviously in the sky}; stars bring him back, he kills his father]: O'Ferrall in Graebner 1909:153.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Uliti (West Carolina) [Lisór gives birth to a seven-month-old baby, throws him into the sea; he is picked up by a man on the other side of the island, raised by Sikhalól; unknowingly, a young man becomes his mother's lover; his adoptive father tells him the truth, he invites L. to separate, but she does not agree; S. scratches her face; the husband gathers all the men, kills the one whose fingers will fit the size of the scratch; S. comes last, cuts off his father's head with an ax, takes L. as his wife]: Lessa 1961, No. 10:49-50; Truk Islands [Chief Soufa has 5 wives; he orders boys to be killed , keep girls; one of the sisters {and wives at the same time?} S. gave birth to a son, sent him to the Wind Eater (some butterfly or bird), who lived inside the island; the young man grew up, hears screams from the shore, it's a toy boat festival; the adoptive mother made the young man like this the boat, she overtook everyone else; the boy's real mother took it from the shore; he took the boat, leaving his fingerprint on his mother's hand; S. gathers men to determine whose hand it was; sent a man and a young man was brought to the house of the Wind Eater; S. found out the fingerprints, told the young man to come tomorrow to put up poles for the community house; the foster mother tells him to dig a hole with a hole to hide when on him they will lower the pole; also let him take with him a coconut (it crunches) and a termite that will pave the way to the ground; when the young man dug a hole, a pole was lowered into it; the young man went out, S. tells him to come tomorrow; reception mother: drink water: they tell you to climb a tree for nuts and make a fire around - fill it with regurgitating water; he did so; on the third day, the adoptive mother teaches the young man to avoid raindrops; when he came to S., darts were thrown at him, none were hit; for the fourth time, his adoptive mother told him to take a knife from the sink, ocher and coal with him; the young man was trapped, lowered into the water; he chewed ocher with with lime, they thought it was the brain; coal - his stomach burst; he cut the ropes and came up, brought S. fish; on the fifth day: you will be left on a deserted island, you should take breadfruit with you; he they ordered to anchor off the shore, cut off the tench and sailed away; there was only one tree on the island; the young man put the fruit on top of his head, turned to the Rainbow God to pick up the fruit and help him escape; then hung it there caught fish; like this every day; an old man came, but the young man refused to speak to him; the next day a young man came; he was the God of the Rainbow; when he returned on the third day, he drew a boat in the sand kicked her, the drawing became a real boat; the young man returned to S.; the next day S. and his brothers decided to sail in his boat himself; the young man told her to become sand again, the passengers were eaten by sharks]: Fischer 1954:289-306 (retelling in Lessa 1961:174-176); Kusaie (near Ponape) [Soap told his wife to suck his brain if she gave birth to a boy; she kept the child, he broke his head himself, she revived him alive with water; a wife with a broom and a son with a rooster and a dog defeated his father and his men; S. hid in his sister's vagina, his son pulled him out of there, killed him]: Lessa 196:186; Ponape, Gilbert Islands [motive S11.3.3 , father kills son]: Mitchell 1973:259; Marshall Islands: Erdland 1914, No. 10.4 (Ratak) [father wants to kill his son because he is already 6-8 years old and his mother feeds him all; cuts a palm tree on which he climbed in, he fell but did not crash; tells him to be tattooed; his son dies of his wounds, but his mother revived him; he killed his father and his men]: 258-259 (retelling in Lessa 1961:186-187); Mitchell 1973, No. 59 (Arno) [ the boy was born big and strong; his father decided to get rid of him; when he started tattooing, he cut his body into pieces; his mother and grandmother revived him; the son killed his father by throwing a tree on him and became a chief]: 168 -170; Tobin 2002, No. 65 [in a few days, a boy born becomes an adult; the father takes him to get a tattoo, asks the tattoo artist to cut his son into pieces; the mother and mother revive the cut from pieces; he kills his father with a spear]: 296-299; Rotuma: Polinskaya 1986:No. 6 [Lou's wife (son of Tangaroa) gave birth to two sons, then she had a miscarriage; Moea-Tikitiki's nedonoska raised a wea bird, sent him to her parents; Lou walks secretly; M. watches him; Lou picks up a stone, goes down into a hole in the ground; M. looks through the hole, sees Tonga below, goes down, finds himself in a tree throws fruit at his father; he tries to destroy him by sending him to the old man for fire; M. defeats the old man, brings fire; next time he descends with his two brothers, M. catches the land of Tonga; Tangaroa got angry and placed his brothers in heaven (three stars of the Orion Belt)]: 55-57; Churchward 1937 [two sisters on earth, the eldest Lou; underground was Tonga, where the couple had a son, Mafi; he climbed earth, married Lou; their sons Moea Motua, Moea Langon, had a third miscarriage; Marie-ki-Langi's woman came down from heaven to steal blood, called for help from the wea bird (quail), she chirped, went the rain washed away the blood; McL and the vea took the child to heaven, named Moea Tiktic; the MCl sends him to steal food from his real mother; once warns that his father was ambushed; he catches MK, the couple happy; MT watches the father, sees him pick up the stone, disappear under it; MT descends the tree trunk, throws fruit at his father; the father sends him 1) for bananas, they are guarded by a huge kalae bird, MT breaks her wings with a stick, her father is not happy; 2) behind the fire to his parents; the grandfather throws MT, he falls to his feet; MT throws up his grandfather, he falls flat; gives a whole burning log; 3) behind the roots of the cava, them two huge ants guard, MT runs until they get tired, brings cava; returns to land with his father; catches fish with his brothers, pulls Tonga to the surface with his grandfather and grandmother's house; they themselves were carried away by the current; the brothers are looking for other people, they only find Tupu-a-Rosi; he does not know their names; after becoming a spider, Moea Motua begins to descend on Moea Motua's head; the brothers scream, Moea Motua, see who wants attack you! The same goes for My Langon and My Tiktik; TaR tells the birds to shout the names of their brothers when they approach, disappears from home every time; the third time, the brothers tell the birds to shout their own names, find Tar; they catch fish, TAR turns into a big fish, tears their net; the third time they grab it, kill it, recognize it by its tattoo, take over the country]: 489-496 (trans. Permyakov 1970, No. 95:207-217); Bellona, Rennell: Elbert, Monberg 1965, No. 31A (Rennell) [Mautikitiki arose from his father's bowel movements 'Ataganga; he bandaged his loincloth at night with a bandage, the place where the hoe joins the handle; M. hid the bandage; A. is angry; peeking through the mat, M. sees A. lifting the reed bush, hiding in a hole; in the lower world, the guns themselves they cultivate the site; daughter A. comes to look for her father in his head; A. realizes that M. is spying, because the work suddenly stops; A. pulls M. off the tree, cuts it in half; daughter A. cries; then A. revives M . with ants; taking revenge on his father, M. causes a storm; swims into a lodva with two younger brothers, hooks Rennell Island], 31B (Rennell) ['Ataganga is the first man on Bellona, did not have a wife, his son Mautikitiki arose from his excrement; M. hides his father's work loincloth, who is furious; M. spies through the mat as A. goes into the hole under the reed bush; M. follows], 33 (Rennell) ['Atahangahenua has Mautikitiki's son; A. goes somewhere every night wearing his work loincloth; M. hides it; A. found it in the morning; M. secretly follows his father; he picks up a reed bush, leaves underground; there diggers and fire cultivate the fields themselves; work suddenly stops, A. realizes that M. is peeking while sitting on a tree; A. cuts down a tree, it falls, M. is crushed to pieces; when daughter A. looking for her father in his head, her tears fall on him; A. agrees to revive M.; M. and his two younger brothers sails away in a boat, his hook clings to something, he pulls out Rennell Island; the brothers are angry with M. that he ate their fish (M. himself caught the island, not the fish), that he killed their father, who fell and died; M. offers the brothers to get tridacna; she swallows one brother first, then the other; M. too swallowed, but turns the tridacna upside down, comes out; the brothers are dead; turn {apparently all three together with M.} into the Orion Belt]: 110-112, 112-113, 114-116; Monberg 1966 (Bellona) [Mautikitiki originated from his father's bowel movements 'Atanganga; when he grew up, hides his father's loincloth every morning, A. has difficulty finding it; A. cuts it in half in anger, then folds it up and revives it; M. creates waves Crush his father's house; builds a boat with his two younger brothers, goes fishing on it, hooks Rennell Island]: 86; Niue [Maui is surprised that his father has soft food; he advises holding eating in the sun; it does not help; M. pretends to be sleeping; when the father gets up in the morning, comes to a hole in the ground, descends into their world, M. follows him; there is fire; the father attacks him, M. runs, carrying him away fire; the father sends a downpour, but the fire on the banyan has not been extinguished; therefore, his wood is used to make a firemaker; Father M. cursed three types of fruit that have become bitter and the red banana, which became not straight, but saggy]: Loeb 1926b: 212-213.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [the king kicked out his young wife; three years later she gave birth to a son in the mountains, who spoke immediately and was extremely strong; when he learned that his father was king, he gave him a tiger dog as a gift skin; the king wants to get rid of the strongman, orders to get the lion; the old man sends to the llama, the llama will hide in the branches of the sandalwood and beat the lion with a sandalwood branch; the young man has tamed the lion and can summon him to at any time; when he saw a lion in the palace, the king ordered him to be removed; he orders to get the daughter of the demon king; the young man meets and companions a woman who could drink half the sea; a giant who steps with one mountain to another; a female shooter; everyone, without recognizing a young man, says he is insignificant compared to a lion tamer; the raven reports that the daughter of the demon king has "Om" written on her forehead and "Hum" on her chest; the young man and his companions grabbed her, the young man shot the demon king, the hero swallowed everyone who was in the palace; the young man returned to the king, shot him, the hero swallowed the ministers, and the giant destroyed the palace; he himself married the daughter of a demon king]: Komissarov 1997:68-76; Rai [orphan Khosipa (H.) has two older sisters, the elder Tõwama and the youngest Khliyama; their uncle Saphopte (an owl; they are all birds too) angry; K. teases him, he tears his throat, eats him, leaves only his bones; his sisters revive him by putting his bone in a calebass with beer; they have difficulty getting some rice, putting him to cook, he accidentally knocks the pot over; falls asleep; they think he is dead, they bury him with a knife on the grave; he wakes up, gets out of the grave, tells the banana to grow and ripen right away, eats bananas; the cannibal Cakrodhoma asks pull her a banana, tied to the boy's long hair, pulls her hair, brings her to her, tells her daughter to cook the prey, goes to call her brothers; the daughter is surprised how long the boy's hair is; he says he doused them with boiling oil; puts her head in boiling oil, pushes her with a pestle, puts on her clothes; K. eats her daughter; H. screams to her what she ate, runs away; throws ash (a cloud of fog) behind her, shard (mountain), egg (river); K. asks how he crossed; you have to tie your hands and feet, go into the water; the river carried it away; then motive F7]: Ebert, Gaenszle 2008:83-92; kachari [old Soti Rampa marries, his wife demands that he kill his son; a vulture warns the young man of danger, the young man runs away on a buffalo; he falls into a hole, tells him to bury his head after 7 days; inside the skulls turn out to be 7 puppies; someone cooks and cleans the young man's hut; he watches, sees a girl come out of the meat basket; she calls herself Midongdi, tells her not to say her name, goes beyond a young man; one of the dogs tears her threads on a loom, she drives her out; offended dogs leave; the husband says his wife's name, she turns into an elephant]: Sopitt 1885:59-62.

Burma - Indochina. The Tyams [astrologers promise the childless king that he will have a son if he makes sacrifices at the mouth of the river, but this son will ruin the kingdom; the king makes sacrifices; the boy eats a lot, the king ruined; when his son is 15 years old, his father calls him to the forest, knocks down a tree on him; in the evening the son brings a tree to his father; tells him to forge a heavy axe, leaves, his name is Strong; meets the Wagon Pulling (without bulls), Reeds (chopping reeds on five mountains); both can't lift the Strong's axe, become his younger brothers; giants Sharp Butt, Snotty, Big Foot fish; Strong asks for fish, each giants tell another to give, finally, Big foot gives, Sharp ass hits the ship in anger, Snotty closes the hole with snot; the portion of fish is so large that there is no firewood in the village to fry her; brothers go to the forest, they have no fire; a pulling wagon comes to the old woman, she throws it into the cauldron; the same with the Reed; the Strong makes the old woman give the plant of immortality, revives the brothers, sews it up the old woman's eyes and mouth, tells her husband to be sent in their footsteps; the giant husband defeats the Wagon Pulling and the Reed, the Strong hammers him into the ground; the old woman goes to look for her husband, urinates where he is in the ground, hears his voice, digs up; The strong throws the head of the fish into China; the emperor promises a daughter to the one who removes the smelly head; the Strong cleans up, marries the princess of the Wagon, leaves him a tree of immortality, tells you to make sure that no one enters the garden; throws his head at Siam; throwing it into the sea, gets the Princess of Siam, gives it to the Reeds; returns to the land of the Tyams; the wagon pulling the wagon allowed people into the garden, the tree of immortality flew to heaven, the Strong died immediately; the wagon and the Reed came for him to the land of the Tyams, also died]: Landes 1887, No. 8:67-76; the Tyams [the childless king calls on fortunetellers they advise giving alms to the people; a son will be born, but will bring poverty and grief; the king agrees, the boy born is voracious, grows up to be a hero; his father wants to destroy him, leads to a mango tree, promises to shed fruit, cuts down a tree, leaves; the son drags the tree to the palace, tells him to plant it, it has taken root; the prince wanders, meets, companions the heroes of Tasas (drags a huge cart), Havihawa (cuts down mountains of reeds), but they can't pick up its axes; three strange people (one with a long nose, one with a tail, and the third with duck legs) fish, give them to their brothers, there is so much of it in the village does not have enough firewood to fry it; the brothers go into the forest, look for fire; they see fire, T. follows him, where the witch kills him, throwing an iron loom shuttle, throws him into the cauldron; the same with H.; the prince catches the shuttle , makes the sorceress revive T. and H., ties her up; her husband comes, eats an elephant, chases brothers, defeats T. and H., the prince tears off his head, she rolls off to China; for abandoning the prince her in Siam, the emperor gives him a daughter; the prince marries her T., plants grass that brings life back to life in the imperial garden, tells no one to let her in; removes the sorcerer's head from Siam, marries H. to a Siamese princess; strangers have approached the grass of immortality, the prince is dead; T. and H. return to Champa]: Nikulin 1990:202-207; Thais [the son of the poor eats terribly much, his name is Seven Pots; father blames him a tree, he brings a tree on his back; the father invites his son to catch a wild horse, he brings a tiger; parents say that the giant owes them money, the son goes to collect the debt; takes 100 as his companions carts of bricks, pulling 100 bamboo stems at once, trees rolling their heads; brothers need fire to fry a huge grasshopper; they take turns coming to the old woman for fire, who ties them with silk yarn; Seven Pots binds her together; kills her, revives her companions with her magic rod; they kill a giant, Seven Pots marries a princess, companions gain posts in the kingdom; Seven Pots takes care of parents]: Vathanaprida 1994:96-103; ahem [7 years pregnant, gives birth to Aay Cet Reey ("Seven Wooden Steaming Rice Jars"); he immediately eats seven rice vessels, roasted buffalo, goes to his father, who has gone to cut down a wooden stupa; he cuts a tree for this purpose; A. tells him to fall a tree on him, drags him home; stops to swim in the river; cattle traders tie animals to the tree, hang washed clothes on the branches; allow A. to take it all with the tree if he can; A. takes it away; the father is frightened, tries to destroy A.; leads to cut bamboo; throws it at him with mountains cut down bamboo like spears, A. catches everything and takes it away; tells the demons to collect the debt, supposedly they owe him money; A. takes seven helpers; they dig up a big grasshopper, but he kicks each with their foot, they fall into the water, they are swallowed by sturgeon; A. tears off the grasshopper's leg, eats, catches, cuts sturgeon, swallowed in the stomach, weaved 7 salt baskets; first demons, then A. eat iron; trying to drive each other into the ground; the demon drove A. to the ankles, A. his throat; demons give money; the father asks for the liver of the banteng (Bos javanicus), an elephant; A. brings; the liver of the moon; A. puts Iron rods on top of each other, climbs to the moon; when she almost reaches, the mother lubricates the lower rod with fat, the father rubs salt into it; the rod rusted, fell apart, A. fell and crashed; earthquakes - the demon he has driven into the ground tries to move]: Lindell et al. 1978, No. 8:84-88; (cf. sre [checking the tops, a person sees seven children (6 boys) (6 boys) coming out of a tree trunk, the youngest Dong and Rong; they follow the man; his wife wants to kill them (does not feed them; feeds them with a chatter for pigs); a person leaves the boys in a hole, they, thanks to D. and R., return; leaves them at the top of the tree, they come back again; descends in a calebass down the river, they are picked up by tiger cannibals; boys recognize that they are afraid of little crabs, throw crabs, cannibals run, attack spears, die; brothers get their property; the pumpkin vine reaches that man's house, he comes along it, brothers they throw him into a pen with bulls, he dies]: Dournes 1982:159-160).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Javanese: Bezemer 1903:173-188 [After receiving the prophecy, the prince lets his baby son down the river in a box; a fisherman finds him, raises him, he becomes a blacksmith, comes to the prince, throws him into the river , reigns] in Lessa 196:178; Meihboom-Italiaander 1924 [Prince Moendang Wanggi learns from a hermit that a son in his wife's womb will kill him; when the boy is born, tells the servant to kill him, throw him into the sea; the sea spirit advises the servant to leave the baby in the crevice, to say that he is at the mercy of the sea spirit; the mother dies of grief, the prince remarries, he has two new sons; the baby is found by a fisherman who becomes a famous blacksmith; his father recognizes him by his resemblance to his mother; kills a servant; a young man and an adoptive father grab the prince, tell his servants to kill him, throw him into the sea; the young man reigns, establishes Majapahit]: 48-61 in Lessa 196:178; Djambi (South Sumatra) [after learning that his son will kill him, the king lowers the baby in a box down the river; he is caught, adopted by the king of Siam; he demands that the adopted father revealed his origins; the real one refuses paternity, his son kills him, returns to Siam]: Anonymous 1845:34-43 in Lessa 196:179; Alor [Masingbal has six sons; leaving his pregnant wife, he tells him to kill the child if a boy is born; she hides the boy in the mountains, buries a coconut; returning M. plunges a spear into the imaginary grave, splashes milk; the rooster talks the truth to him; M. sends six sons one by one to kill his younger brother, who refuse, saying that he looks like his father; M. kills him himself; two women replace torn organs with canine organs, revive young man; he returns to the village, his father tries to kill him "as in a myth, where his wife is trying to do it" (see motif K2, "thrown away stairs")]: DuBoie 1944:168 (retelling in Lessa 196:183); bunak [ heading east, Laku Leik tells his two pregnant sisters that if they give birth to boys, they must kill them, bury them under the stairs; he comes back, the old woman says that the puppy is buried, Kaloqa's children and Lobosina are alive; LL calls them to strike iron, makes a spear, sees K. and L. sleeping on the platform, pierces K. with a hot spear; L. escapes, returns to K.'s body four times, changing garments with him; Seven sisters descend from the sky, the youngest revives K., makes him a brother; K. goes down to play, the sisters' mother gives him everything he needs every time (top, disc, dogs, etc.); finally, gives combat roosters; he plays them off against LL roosters, they are injured every time, LL consistently loses property, earth, sky, itself; he is thrown into a pig's pen; Lobosina becomes the ruler of the earth, K. - the sky; goes to heaven, raising it with him; the sky rests on me and talo tubers with large leaves]: Friedberg 1973:134-141.

Taiwan - Philippines. Ifugao: Barton 1935 [Umbumabakal and his son Lumawig (Bontok's ancestor, a character in Ifugao myths) lived in Dukligan village; L. even ate fellow villagers; W. asked him to get a spear from a felled tree , knocked him down, crushed the boy, in the evening he returned alive; W. and L. dug a hole under the boulder, fish started in the pond; W. sent L. into the hole to catch it, pushed the boulder; in the evening L. returned, brought boulder; W. sent L. to hunt east; he came to a god of war named Meyingit ("red"); M. burned it in the fire, threw ashes into the river, two boys came out of the water; M. burned them again, 4 young men came out; then 8 young men; they went hunting, caught a woman, wanted to eat; she turned out to be their mother (i.e. L.'s mother); said their village was burned down, their father was killed; the brothers attacked Binang village; went home, residents they are being pursued; L. cut the mountain in two from top to bottom, pushed half away, lowered the vine down; the pursuers climbed it, L. cut off the vine, the pursuers fell, died, maimed]: 85-87; Lambrecht 1955, No. 15 [Bugan has a Dulnuwan child; B. went to the back for rice; Magapid offered to help her understand the basket and attach a belt to her forehead; but first offered to swing on the swing; let B. take off her jewelry; M. rocks B., she falls, breaks, M. puts on her jewelry, comes to her husband B. Aliguyun disguised as his wife; black turtles revive B., give her feathers, she flies with them; in the form of a turtle, she flies to the field where A. and M. (in the form of B.); Gorlinka-B. says that M. works in her field, wears her jewelry; B.'s son sees a turtle, his father catches it for him in a snare; in addition to B., he takes off his feathers and takes on his former appearance; opens to her son, he secretly brings her food; A. watches, sees hungry B. eats greedily and her son sucks her chest; then B. flies away again with his throat; next time A. grabs her; rolls M. over the thorns while she does not die; gives his wife the stolen jewelry, M. throws the corpse down somewhere]: 186-189; Tingian [Aponibolinaen and Aponitolau have Dumalavi's son; the father's concubines recognize only him; the father attacks his son, makes him get carried away by a hurricane; in another country, D. creates people and villages at will, marries; parents cross the river in a crocodile, receive rich gifts, his son tells them to return, stays with his wife himself]: Rybkin 1975, No. 39:111-116.

China - Korea. The ancient Chinese [blind Gu-sou did not like Shun, the son of his first wife; his second wife gave birth to a son Xiang; Emperor Yao gave Shun two daughters, G. and S. want to destroy Sh. S. got the levirate; G. tells S. to coat the barn with clay, sets fire to the building; S. defended himself with two straw hats, went down unharmed; G. forced S. to dig a well; S. quietly made the bottom the well side hole; when S. went deep, G. and S. threw down the ground, filling the well; S. got out through the side hole; Yao handed over supreme power to Sh.]: Sima Qian 2001:141-143.

The Balkans. The Bosnians [the sultan went blind; learned in a dream that he would see the light if he rubbed the king of fish with fat; he has a crown on his head and stripes on his body; Sultan's son Rahman and his servant go to the sea, caught the king fish; he asks R. to let him go, promises to help; fearing his father's anger, R. runs away; meets a stranger, they go together, his name is Schahbas; it's time to guard R. at night; he chased a hare, that disappeared into failure, a giant jumped out; everything repeats itself, this time two warriors and a beautiful woman are in failure; they say that this is their sister, they have been sitting here for 8 years; they marry their sister R., but they tell to guard; at night she is carried away by a giant; the brothers are going to cut off R.'s head; S. asks to wait two weeks, he will return their sister; he found the giant's palace, killed him, hiding behind the door, returned the girl; the city shows shoes taken from the giant's palace, they go to the daughter of Sheikh al-Islam; the Sultan's daughter wants the same, S. returns to the giant's palace, brings another pair, for which the Sultan agreed give their daughter for R.; R. and his wife and S. go to Father R.; stay in the city; while R. and his wife are sleeping, S. hears four forks talking: 1) the Sultan father will send Rahman a horse, which will cause his death; 2) Rahman will be given a goblet if he drinks, dies; 3) Rahman will be swallowed by a dragon; 4) whoever tells will petrify; S. cut off the horse's head when it fell on the grass, the flame rushed; cuts off the hand of a Tatar who held out the goblet, it falls, the flame again; at night, in the room where R. sleeps with his wife, a spider came down from the ceiling, became a snake, the snake was a dragon, S. cut off his head, threw him into the sea; in the morning no one knows where the Sultan went ( he was that spider and dragon); S. talks about everything R. and stones; R.'s wife gave birth to a son; in a dream, a voice told her to kill the baby and smear the stone figure with his blood; S. came to life and the baby too; S. gave three left his hair to call him for help if necessary; he was the king of fish]: Schütz 1960, No. 38:278-292; Bosnians [former wives led by the eldest replaced their children with puppies]: Preindlsberger-Mrazovic 1905:99-116; Hungarians [Queen Janko, against his father's will, goes to look for a bride, marries the Golden Flower; a faithful servant hears the crows talking (the evil king will cut the bridge) pigeons (sends an enchanted carriage), eagles (sends robes that will burn them worn); whoever tells will become petrified; the servant does not allow them to cross the bridge, cuts the carriage, tears their robes; at home, when they learn that the servant did, the old king tells him to hang him; the servant explains everything, he is stony; I am going to seek Happiness and Good Luck to revive the servant; on the way, the miller asks to know why he is poor, three girls, why they are not taken married, the river, why there are no fish in it; Happiness and Luck tells you to revive a newborn son petrified with drops of blood, someone must drown in the river (I must cross first, then talk about it), girls they should not take revenge on the garbage in the face of the Sun (that is, when it has already risen), the miller should not be stingy, angry; the horse thief is drowning in the river, the girls are getting married, the miller is getting rich; the old king dies of fear when he sees how the servant came to life]: Shustova 1994:158-168; Romanians [the tsar leaves, leaving his son Ionece for himself, but forbiding him to take one key; he breaks the ban, enters the room, sees a portrait of a beautiful woman and falls into faints; goes in search; in an empty castle, food is served by itself; a dragon lives there; the girl advises to swap barrels of living and dead water; I. fights the dragon, she drinks dead water, I. her kills; then kills her daughter; goes to Ciudă de Obilă; his slave finds out what his life is like; first he says it's in the door jamb, then in the sword in the basement; I. enters the basement, there are hundreds captives; he kills Ciudă de Obilă, and returns the slave to his friend - his wife; defeats the hero Kazarkina, who ate everything; frees him for promising to obey him; {many details, not everything is clear}; Kazarkina tells Ionita what she learned from the conversation of pigeons: her father wants to kill him; as the story progresses, K. becomes stony; I. kills her father, frees his mother; I.'s wife dreams that if sprinkle K.'s blood on their baby, it will come to life; they cut off the baby's head, K. revived puts it in its place and the baby comes to life]: Bîrlea 1966:433-435; Albanians: Elsie 2001, No. 10 [] (without pagination); Lambertz 1952 [The king tells his son to find a wife; he shoots a cannon, the core falls three times by the tree, under it a turtle; the young man brings her home; leaves her; when he returns, everything is tidy up; for the third time he hides behind the door, grabs the girl, breaks the turtle shell; the king wants a girl for himself, tries to lime his son, demands to bring a cloth to dress the army; the wife tells him to go to the sea, turn to her parents, they gave matter; no matter how much they cut it, the rest of the same length; the same is bread to feed the whole army; the king sends a man 3 tops tall, a beard 7 tops; wife: this is my brother; the dwarf comes with the prince, blows the king's head off with a blow of his fist, puts the prince on the throne]: 113-120; bosses [the good and well-haired daughter of a poor widow rejects the suitors; her mother drove her to forest: you will become a bear queen; the bear took her to his lair; when leaving, he blocked the exit with a stone, but she did not even think of running; gave birth to a gold-haired girl with the same clever eyes as a father bear; bear: my son would be in me and inherit my kingdom, and let my daughter be the queen among people; the bear put his crown in the cradle of his daughter and went to die; the bears buried him; the bear's wife turned the daughter in a toad and hid it under a stone; the king has three sons; the father tells them to take bows and shoot arrows from the top of the tower; the elders fired arrows into the neighboring kingdom and brought the princesses; the youngest fired an arrow at side of the forest; found an arrow on the fir above the cave, and everything around was tidy; wanted to kick a toad, and she: don't hit, I'm (your) happiness; he brought it home; noticed that although the servant brought food to the prince's room, like It should be, then everything was turned upside down; the prince came in and saw the girl wearing the crown; opened the closet and threw the toad's skin into the fire; the prince introduced the bride to his father; he told the three daughters-in-law to eat; the elders threw off the crumbs on the carpet, and the youngest on the plate, and they turned into ducats; after that, the king demanded that the son give the sorceress to him himself; he does not agree; then let him sew clothes for everyone from one piece of fabric soldier; bride: go where you found me and shout "Burning hair - show up!" Tell my mother what she needs, she will do anything; she has given everything; the second task is to cook food in a cauldron for all the soldiers; the same; bring the ring that the king's late wife took to another world; bride: go ask the mother what to do; the bride's mother told her to remain silent and led her deep into the cave; one snake steals another's eggs (the girl is turned into a snake for secretly taking eggs from her mother during her lifetime); man and woman hanged by the legs, with their backs to each other (during their lifetime, the couple quarreled); the baby is hanged, the dog licks the dripping blood (the dog is a woman who strangled her child); two men are roasted on skewers, and they complain about the cold (during her lifetime they stole firewood hedges); the late queen, the prince's mother, cooks in boiling water; reached out her hand and told her son to remove the ring from her finger; let the king pay for 30 cherries, for which she did not pay was the only thing she could be punished for; when she returned, the prince told the king everything; he called the people together; when he found out who his wife owed, he gave that poor man the money; the prince returned to the cave and the bride's mother showed how the prince's mother came out of boiling water across the golden bridge and was saved; the wedding of three princes; the king handed over power to the younger]: Preindlsberger-Mrazovic 1905:81-94; Greeks [The king has three sons, he wants to marry the youngest; they cast lots, he fell on the frog; while the prince is away, his wife takes off the frog's skin, turns into the Beauty of the World, cooks and cleans; the prince finds her, reports father; he wants to get rid of his son in order to take possession of his wife; 1) bring three cucumbers; the prince comes to the river, croaks, gets cucumbers; 2) a small tent under which all the army and half will be located seats will remain empty; same; 3) tablecloth {-magic?} ; the king died, the wife burned her frog skin, remained in the image of the Beauty of the World]: Dawkins 1916:341-343; Ancient Greece [Rhea gave birth to Crown children, but he knew that he was destined to be overthrown by his own son, swallowed them immediately; when Rhea was about to give birth to Zeus, she sought advice from Gaia and Uranus; they sent her to Lyktos (Crete), where Rhea gave birth to Zeus, and Gaia hid him in a cave; Crown Ray gave the stone wrapped in diapers, he swallowed it; Zeus grew up, defeated Crohn with the strength and cunning suggested by Gaia {without clarification}; as a result, Kron spewed the children he had swallowed; Zeus became rule people and gods]: Hes. Theog. 453-506; Moldovans [the prince sees the girl Beauty of the Ages Fragrance of Flowers (K.); she turned into a doe, he did not catch up with her; the tsar is told to marry his son, otherwise he will die; the king finds a bride, Philemon was born- Fat Frumos (F.); the doe appeared to him, became K., hugged him, gave her a ring and a handkerchief; her father promises to pass her off as F., but while he was on his way home, she was married by the one-armed and one-legged Lame Lord; when she laughs, Gold is pouring in his mouth; F. won, took Arap the Mighty (AM) as his sister brothers, they destroyed HV and his army; they came to Father F. together with K.; he tried to burn them in the house, but AM froze everything; then his father led F. in deserted places, fed salted olives, took his eyes in exchange for water; F. hears birds talking in the forest: let him lie down, and we will bring living water; seeing the light, he chose an oath from the old man, she became heroic with a horse; tied his father to the horse's tail; where his hand fell, there was a well, where the leg was a stream, where the body was left was an abyss]: Moldavian tales 1968:243-250; Gagauz people [the widow king orders three sons shoot arrows where they fall, there is fate; the elders fell against the girls, the youngest to the turtle; he brings the turtle home when he returns from hunting, finds the food cooked; he hides, grabs girl, throws away his turtle shell; the king father wants his daughter-in-law, tells his son to bring his deceased mother's wedding ring from the dead; the wife teaches him to go to the sea, shout into the hole, her mother will come out, give the key from castles on earth; he discovers the land, walks, sees a fat herd in a dry meadow, a skinny herd in an abundant meadow; on the way, the sea asks the guy to ask God why there is no fish in him, the sea; a man sits by the water, burns, black and white sheep come out, everyone wants to extinguish the flame, fight, and the person lights up again; asks to know why he is burning; in the Sun Palace, the Sun's mother says that the ring is near the Sun will return and give ; The sun gives a ring, cries, because people in the city go to get their necessities secretly, but the field is open; the guy goes back; the old man explains that obese cattle were giving alms, and thin cattle were giving alms, looking around; a burning man - whoever judged once righteously and the other unrighteously; the guy gave the ring to the king died immediately]: Moshkov 1904:39-41.

Central Europe. Russians (Tambov) [an unclean spirit stole Anastasia the Beautiful from Tsar Gorokh; three sons go in search; the youngest Ivan sees how three spoonbills became girls, began to swim; I. hid the sash is the most beautiful; she replies that his mother was kidnapped by her father Raven Voronovich; tells him to follow the golden tuft bird; I. goes with her brothers, they let him down to the lower world; 33 spoonbill girls in copper, silver, gold kingdoms are sent I. to go for a ball; the princess of gold gives a ball to go to the pearl kingdom, where mother I.; orders to rearrange vats with strong and low-power water there; I. enough explosives , makes him give him a feather road; princesses and mother I. twisted the four kingdoms into balls, the I. brothers pulled them all out, cut off the rope, lifting I.; 12 fellows carried him to the ground; I.'s father executed his wife, wants to marry the princess of the golden kingdom; she demands to sew boots, then a dress without a measure; I. does everything, hiring artisans and revealing hidden kingdoms; the princess tells I. to cook in milk, he becomes handsome; his father jumped, cooked; I. marries, reigns]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 130:239-243; Russians (Voronezh) [An old man kills a bird with 21 eggs while hunting. The old woman orders him to incubate them. After 21 weeks, 20 sons hatch, and a week later, the last son, Ivan the Boltun, appears. The old man gets rich, notices that someone steals ricks, sends his sons to guard at night, the older brothers fall asleep and do not see the thief, and Ivan's turn comes the last night. He prepares a hammer and iron bits. Ivan does not sleep and catches a mare and its 21 foals (hit between his ears with a hammer). The father praises Ivan, takes the mare, the brothers sort out the foals, Ivan gets the weakest. Father and sons go hunting. Four times Ivan lets the foal go into the field to gain strength (he bends first at hand, then under his foot, under a sitting rider). Ivan catches up with his brothers, sees fire on the third day, finds a golden pen, despite the skate's warnings, and takes it with him. The father orders all horses to be cleaned, Ivan waves his pen - his horse turns gold. The father praises Ivan and shames the rest of the brothers. The brothers are jealous and tell their father that Ivan boasts to catch a toy cat, a dancer gander and a tsimbalka fox, the father sends his youngest son for animals. With the help of a horse, he does everything. The brothers tell their father that Ivan can get samogudes. Ivan finds himself at Baba Yaga, who gives him a ball, he brings him to Yaga's middle sister, the mother of Snake Gorynych, who keeps harps. The mother feeds her son, puts him to play cards with Ivan, and the players agree that the winner will eat the loser. Ivan wins in two days, asks to give him the harp, the Serpent gives it back, rejoices that he remains alive and has not been eaten. The father again, out of slander of his elder sons, orders Ivan to get Mary Queen. He sails by ship, lures the princess to him by playing the harp (I've never heard it), and brings it to his father. The father then gives all orders to his son at the request of the bride and demands to bring her box. Ivan distracts the palace guards by releasing his golden horse, pulls out the box and bringing it back. He hunts 12 mares on his father's orders: he wraps his horse with twine and pours resin over him - he drives horses out of the sea, his protection is torn by the teeth of horses. By order of his father, he milks mares, boils their milk and jumps into it after the horse's conditional signal. Ivan is getting handsome. Marya demands that her father also swim, but he dies in boiling milk. Ivan marries Marya]: Baryshnikova 2007, No. 17:97-105.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [lived a great sultan; and what did he not have in the palace? everything except bird's milk; but no children; the sultan went on a journey; the old man gave an apple: eat a third yourself, a third your wife, a third a mare; a son will be born, no one but me should know him name; after the birth of a son, the people are indignant: why is the boy not given a name; at the last moment, the dervish came, gave the name Shash-Smail; slapped the boy on the back: let your back not bow before the power of people"; The foal was called Hamer-tai; "let the bird of heaven not catch up with you"; the sultan kept his son locked up in the yard for 18 years; SHS fell ill, the reason is unclear; drunks offer to let him go to them - he will tell everything; SHS saw Guluzar-khanim in a dream; the messengers returned, but did not find G.; then the SHS sat on his G. and went to search himself; came to the palace of beautiful Gulberi; she is in grief: her 7 brothers went to war, not returned; the SS destroyed the enemies, the brothers gave him G., but the SS did not touch her; left, promising to return in a year; an arap in the desert: my master lacks only one human head to to complete the fortress; the SS defeated the enemy, who took off his clothes, the beautiful Guzel-Batyr was in front of him; the SS wanted to part with her too, but she went with him for Gulbery; the old woman says that she is getting married today ; Guluzar agrees, they are fleeing; at rest, the SS falls asleep on Gulberi's lap, and Guluzar fights with the army pursuing them; when Gulteri saw that her two brothers were killed, Gulteri shed a tear, and the SS woke up; At this time, the enemy has already been destroyed; on the way home, the SS also captured the sister of seven brothers and began to live at home with three wives; but SS's father fell in love with Guluzar himself; she has an all-seeing mirror: her father dug a hole for the SS fell into it; the next time the father offered poison, but the wife told the SHS to eat only what her dog would try; the third time the father invited his son to play chess; the loser would allow himself to be tied up; SHS tore the ropes easily; Father: Whose is your strength? SS: in the little finger of his right hand; the father bandaged his little finger, the SS became weaker than the child; the father ordered him to be blinded and thrown into a well in the desert; Guluzar destroys the soldiers sent for her; SS hears a conversation in the well birds: if you touch my eyes with my pen, the blind man will see the light; they drop his pen; SHS saw the light, untied his little finger, got out of the well, destroyed his father's army; his father was executed, the SS met his wives and ascended the throne]: Kondaraki 1875, No. 8:92-108; Crimean Tatars [a childless padishah, taking a vizier, goes to wander; they wear dervish clothes; at the source, a real dervish turns to the padishah; he knows who says and what the padishah does; gives an apple: eat it yourself, and give the peel to the mare; but do not give my son a name until I come and name him; a boy and a foal were born; children call sheikhzade "nameless bay"; the teacher says that he will not be able to learn it in this world, he needs a abode underground; the padishah ordered the basement to be dug, tells him to feed the boy boneless meat; when the boy is 12 years old, there was a bone in the meat; he threw it into the glass ceiling, which crashed, the boy began to catch sunlight without success; the teacher agrees to take the boy out of the basement; he sees the rider, tells the teacher to tell his father so that he too They gave a horse, a peregrine falcon and a greyhound; a boy of 15 years old; a dervish enters: the name of Sheikhzade is Shah Ismail, the horse is Kamer Tai; she hunts with companions of her age; she is chasing a gazelle, she disappeared into the tent and turned out to be a girl; SHEA lost consciousness; an old woman living with a girl tells her to run her chest over the young man's face so that he can be saved; SHI and Gulizar fall in love; he gave her a ring, she is a precious comb for him; SHEA dries from love, one of the young men tells the padishah from meeting G.; she is the daughter of bey nomads; padishah and bey agreed to marry; but G.'s mother did not agree, migrated with her daughter towards India; Bey jumps to catch up them; the vizier offered to arrange for SHI to choose a bride: let all the girls of Kandahar come, and all the men stay at home; but G. no; Shea jumps in search; the palace without doors, Shea broke the wall, came in; there he cries Peri Gulperi; her brothers are fighting the devas; Shea hacked all the devas; the brothers gave him Gulperi, but he put a sword between himself and his wife on the bed; when they learn that SHEA was looking for a lover, the brothers report that saw Arap passing by with bloody hands; SHI reached Arapa Yuzengi's palace, saw pilaf cooked on blood; AYU offers to fight and then eat; one Ayu lip on the ground, the other on Mount Kesheesh; AYU hit SHEA so that his mother's milk flowed from his nose; SHEA knocked down AYU, was going to slaughter him, but she turned out to be a beautiful girl; she goes with SHI to find Gulizar; stayed with an old woman; she says The Shah of India marries his son to the daughter of bey of the nomads; arranged a date between Shi and Gulizar; while they are sleeping, AYU killed the attacking army; together with the three girls she received, SHI returned home; Ayu feels dangerous, says ask them to be accommodated in a separate palace; SHI's mother was jealous, telling the padishah to kill their son; when he saw the girls, the padishah also wanted them for himself; AYU gives a stone that identifies the poison; then the vizier offered to play with SHI in chess, the loser will be tied; Shea won three times and then deliberately lost; admits that his bow's bowstring holds him in this world; he was tied, his eyes were pulled out, his right pocket was put in his left pocket and the left to the right; AYU pretends that they agree to marry the padishah, asks for 100 concubines - she will send jewelry; sends a bag with the severed heads of concubines; smashes the army of the padishah; SHI in The doves hear the doves talking in the desert: let's throw them on the feather, if SHEA rubs his eyes with them, he will see the light; SHEA put his eyes in, but the hangman did not put them as SHEA asked; his appearance has changed; he became a padishah's warrior; fights against AYU; the padishah praises him, lets him take his horse and weapon; Shea takes his horse and his sword Zulfikar, comes to his wives, they recognize him; Oh, cut off the head of the padishah; funeral and wedding; they have achieved their goal, may Allah help you as well]: Zherdeva 2020, No. 84; Kalmyks [old woman Nalkhan-Tsagan-eeje gave birth to a hero son named Naikhal; her 7 brothers persuade Zagir Bogdo Khan to persuade him destroy; he sends a Crimean cauldron and a tripod to bring; N. cuts Musa with a staff, the lower part falls into a hole; N. goes down, where the kidnapped daughter of Hormust-Tengri explains that parts of Musa's body are now held together with steel, it remains to make one eye, one ear, one hand; N. kills Musa and his mother, if Musa's body was full, he would be invincible; you can climb to the ground on a hairless horse, N. takes off on him, but towards the mousse, N. hits him, but falls himself, breaks his thigh; the mice want to eat him, he broke the mouse's thigh, the other brought white clay, cured him; N. ate clay himself, recovered; every day he arrives mousse, people don't know who he will eat tomorrow, who today; when he sees N., he turns into a hare, N. into a dog; grain is a chicken with chickens; mousse takes its form, N. defeats him, cuts his stomach, and comes out living people and cattle; the yellow-headed snake always eats the eagle's chicks; N. kills the snake, the eagle swallows it, the chicks tell her to regurgitate; it takes N. to the upper world, which feeds it with horse meat and koumiss, the last cuts off the piece from his thigh; the eagle puts this piece back; N. kills the hare, but the guy takes it away; N. wants to kill him, he says that N.'s mother suffers from Zagir-Bogdo Khan; N. covers Khan and Khanshu with a Crimean cauldron, they die]: Basangova 2002:67-81; Balkarians [sons go to look for their father's stolen herd; the youngest promises to marry a snake, gets a herd; returns to the snakes ; the woman explains that out of forty identical girls, he must choose the seventh, the beloved daughter of the snake prince; the young husband is homesick, the wife tells her father to ask her father for a horse with three legs; the wife turns into a snake, climbs into a bag; the young father and brothers drive the young to live in the dugout; the brothers spy, see that the daughter-in-law is beautiful; ask the father to lime his brother; he tells me to bring 1) a tree, which sounds like music (an old woman helps steal it from giants); at this time, the wife stuck scissors in the ground, an iron palace appeared, she took refuge in it from her husband's brothers; 2) a mill that gives no grain big (the same, the wife sticks a comb, hides in a bone palace); 3) bring a wonderful book; the young man rides a three-legged horse, there are frozen people around, the horse becomes four-legged, carries through the cold to to the elder; he replies that the young man's father and brothers will become wild boars; the wife, meanwhile, made a glass palace out of a needle and a mirror; the wife is disgraced, the father and brothers turn into wild boars]: Kapiyeva 1991:84 -91; Karachays: Rumyantseva 1981:11-21 [Khan has a daughter Fatima and stepson Dzhankir; Khan's legs were lost, you need to wrap them in the skin of a deer living at the bottom of the sea with golden horns; D. and F. caught a deer, but D. cut the net and let him go; F. told his father; Khan ordered D. to be executed, F. warned, D. rode away, horseman Boskhasan joined him on the way, left Karakyz in the forest house with the woman, himself I went on, met the mowlers; they say that a ram with 12 horns will come, if they do not mow the hay, he will kill them; D. grabbed the ram, he turned into a girl, D. took her to Karakyz for D.; next time B. came to a house where there is no clean water, 9-headed emegen locked the river; a woman wants to burn her clothes to bake bread, emegen does not let her into the forest; B. defeated emegen, he turned into a girl, B. brought her to K ., and the first girl has disappeared somewhere during this time; the second one has disappeared; D. says that he met the girl himself, asks B. to help her marry; girl: you have to hide from me three times, otherwise I will turn her into stones; 1) B. - kite, D. - sparrow; 2) B. - boa constrictor, D. - hare he swallowed; both times the girl found them; third time B. - noose, D. - button around the girl's neck; did not find, wedding; D. wants to return to his father ; B. took out sea grass, D.'s father recovered; B. tells him to build 9 iron fences around his house, where he lives with his wife; the khan called him to hunt, gave him a salty cake, told him to jump off the cliff by a sip water, then pushed him off a cliff; the horse told Boshasan, D.'s wife saw that her husband was dying in the gorge, B. gave him sea water, D. recovered; the khan was trying to break the fences around his wife D.'s house, D. was in time, killed Khan; B. tells D. not to ask him to enter the water; D. insists that B. goes into the water and says he is the same deer; then the spell has fallen off him, and now he is a deer again and will not return ], 44-55 [the blind khan sends his three sons behind the ground to a place where he has not set foot - that land will restore his sight; his two eldest sons soon return; the shepherd gives his horse to the youngest Aslan ; a diamond chicken on the road; the horse allows you to take it to give it to the owner of the house where they will stay; A. gave it to the khan; Khan will give his daughter to someone who hits the thimble with a gun; A. got; envious offer to test the groom; 1) bring a diamond rooster; the horse tells you to pour a hundred carts of millet, birds fly, the diamond rooster is their king; A. brought a rooster; 2) a tour with diamond hair, golden horns and silver hooves; the horse brought a tour; 3) a golden horse with diamond hooves from the bottom of the sea; horse: you have to pour a mountain of sand on the shore, bring a hundred carts of resin; the horse was lying in sand and tar, won a sea horse, taught the girl to defeat; she went down from A. to the bottom of the sea, hid all her wealth in a thimble, A. returned with her, horses, sea resources; the girl took palaces out of her thimble, etc.; Khan decided to take possession of his wife A.; wanted to poison him, throw him into a hole, the queen of the sea sends a dog, she did not allow it; Khan put his son to sleep with a potion and shackled him; A. broke the chains; said that he could only be defeated by pulling him out hair from his mustache; father pulled me out, shackled A. again, threw me into the abyss; grass: eat me and you will recover; A. came back, saw the horse, wife and sea queen fight off Khan's father's troops in the palace; the horse killed Khan]; Adygs: Maksimov, Kerashev 1953 [=Kerashev 1957:194-209; Psha Zedem has only son Zedeb (Z.), his father holds him for a lazy and a fool; hearing his father's words, Z. tamed the best horse and became first among young people; his father married; according to custom, Z. (with his wife) left his father's house for a year; his father also left; when Z. returned, found the doors of seven rooms locked, asked his mother for keys; she gave the keys to six rooms, which were empty; Z. broke the door of the seventh, there three doves asked them to be released, Z. released them; when he found out, the father ordered Z. to be thrown into the steppes; Z. realized that his father kept pigeons and left him for Suret (Su-Isuret, "written beauty" in Nogai), whom no one can force him to speak; after killing a bastard who was about to eat eagles, Z. lost consciousness; the chicks told the eagle that he was their savior; the eagle carried Z. and his horse to a distance that Z. I would have passed a month before coming back because she couldn't leave the eagles without food; in an empty village, the old man says that a creature with 8 legs and one eye in its forehead ate ate people and cattle; it crawled out of the swamp, Z. hit him in the eye with an arrow and killed him; the old man warned that S. had already put 99 stakes on stakes, the last one was left; Z. lay down under the apple tree, those three pigeons flew in; they told S. to tell S. the story of how the carpenter carved the figure, Goochips (a name for blacksmiths) revived, the cutter dressed - who owns the created person; only S. can answer - let him say; second question: only S. can know who stole the gouache belt (searched maids, drovers - they did not find); the third question: Pshi fell ill, and two people did not grieve, one whispered to the other that there was half of the oxalis from which to cook the broth for treatment; the half-deaf old woman heard the farsighted saw oxalis in the gorge, the quick-footed brought it, the doctor made medicine, the pshi recovered; only S. knows who to reward for this; on the way, Z. stayed with the khan, amazed everyone by playing the violin and by making a saddle out of leather overnight; Khan gave companions; Z. asked S. the first question; three pigeons flew in: 1) the figure that came to life will serve each of the three for the same number of days; 2) the one who they search, quietly hand over the belt to the one who is not being searched; 3) the fee should be divided not between four (farsighted, runner, doctor, old woman), but between 6 participants (including whispers); S. each time He is silent, but after the third time, after changing his clothes, he throws Z.'s ring and promises to be a good wife; on the way home, Z., while taking S., also took the daughter of Khan and the daughter of an old man who lived in a village ravaged by a monster; the father invited Z. to play checkers: the winner will blind the loser; Z. wins many times, but does not want to maim his father; the old woman advises Pshi to force Z. to spend the night with him; Z. will think about wives and will be distracted; the father won, blinded Z., ordered him to be thrown into the forest; tried to take his son's wives, but they destroyed his army; Z. hears the pigeons talking: if Z. breaks the fetters and tears off the oxalis, he will see the light; Z. did; his wives did not let him in until he talked about how he married them; tomorrow it was S.'s turn to fight with psha; Z. will help, but the son cannot kill his father, let S. do it; she cut off her head, Z. took his father's men into his service]: 91-116; Huth 1987 (shapsugi) [Prince Zedem considers his son Zedeb worthless; he tames the horse; in the absence of his father, he takes the keys to locked rooms from his mother; in six empty; he hacks the seventh; there three tied pigeons ask them to let them go; he lets go; the father tells him to take his son away and leave him asleep; three pigeons invite him to marry Silent Suret; she will marry the one who makes her speak; Z. kills a snake that eagles; the Eagle takes him under his wing, flies with him part of the way to MC; in an empty village, an old man says that the eight-legged monster of all devoured, you have to get into his only eye; Z. kills a monster; three pigeons teach you how to ask the MC how to resolve three disputes; in the presence of the MC they give answers themselves; the MS is forced to say that the answers are correct; Z. returns with MC and two other girls married on the way; his father plays with him, wins, gouges his eyes out, throws him tied up in the woods; three pigeons teach him how to eat an apple, he sees the light; together with kills his father with his wives]: 96-111; Ossetians: Britayev, Kaloev 1959:205-210 [the son marries the daughter of the Snake; the father demands to bring the ring taken to the world of the dead by the young man's late mother, otherwise he will take his wife; the wife's parents harness the mule backwards; on the way, the young man sees an ox chewing a man's mustache; spouses lying freely on the lamb's skin under the sheep's skin; others who are cramped on a cow's skin; a woman who milks two goats, milk flows over the edge of the bucket; a woman stitching mountains; old people with silver sticks at a rich table; a mother gives her son a ring; on the way back, those she meets give explanations; 1) during his lifetime there were fair judges; 2) the woman sewed well for her lover, bad for her husband; 3) two daughters-in-law insulted the third, now she milks them; 4) loving spouses are spacious on goat, quarreling on cow skin; 5 ) the ox chews the mustache of the cruel owner; at home, the father demands to plow, harvest in a day (ants, giants do everything); the father demands to bring a dwarf; this is Kotsa; the son asks him if it is possible that he, the young man did; he replies that no, with each answer the father becomes stone; the son crushed the stone, arranged the wedding], 302-312 [Black Aldar tells his son to get the daughter of the underground Haji; the giants ask to save them from Zaliag snakes; a horse teaches her to hit her mouth with an arrow; giants marry him; an old woman guards the bridge, one fang in the sky, the other under the ground, nests between the eagles's teeth; he defeats her, gets her daughter; gets her horse; the daughter of the underground Haji is happy with the young man; her father gives treasures; Karaich kidnaps her; he turns out to be a girl, takes his wealth, goes with a young man; Black Aldar is jealous to his son, asks the crooked hunter to destroy him; he feeds the young man salty, takes his eyes in exchange for water; Black Aldar fights with his daughters-in-law, cannot defeat them; the old man restores the young man's eyesight by bringing ash leaves from Haji; Haji's daughter cut off Black Aldar's head with scissors; a crooked hunter was beaten, fed to dogs]; Byazirov 1958, No. 77 [father instructs his son: in the kingdom of the dead to get a ring mothers, smell 12 plots, son performs and marries, father stones]: 333; Nogais [khan sees how the servant's son helped him; mourns that he is childless; the old man gives an apple to eat in half with his wife and give another thing to the mare and stallion; Ismail and the heroic horse Myasir are born; I. fell in love, but the girl's father took her away; I. killed a diva who intended to take another girl, her brothers give her to I.; won an Arab hero, got his sister; takes his bride, whom they are going to marry off; I.'s father wants to kill him in order to take possession of his three wives; I. says he will not be able to tear only his bowstring bow; father tells to steal onions, I. is bound, blinded, thrown in the mountains; he hears two pigeons talking: if you dip their feathers in a spring and run them through their eye sockets, you will see the light; pigeons leave feathers, I. heals; tells an Arab wife to kill his father; becomes khan]: Nogai 1979, No. 14:65-75; Kumyks: Mazaev, Kasumov 1997 (2): 29-37 [(=Khalilov 1965, No. 49:126-136); wife gives birth to forty sons, writes a letter to the merchant husband who has left; he replies that he will kill her if he finds at least one child on her return; she hides her sons in a hole; after 15 years, the merchant finds sons, takes her home; bends down above the spring, Azhdaha grabs him, tells him to give the youngest; tells the young man 1) to bring Bermes, the daughter of Almas Khan; on the way, the shepherd in the service of Azhdakh promises to help; the young man is joined by a well-aimed shooter, a milker deer, speedboat, drinking sea, wolf; win Almas Khan competitions (defeat a dog, win a run, spend the night in a hot room; a young man brings a woman; a shepherd tells her to break on the mound millstones, there are eggs with the soul of Azhdakh; a young man kills him, takes his wife and wealth; 39 brothers are jealous, offer his father to send the youngest for a bull buried by the sea; he brings him along with the herd; the same is a horse; the father orders to bring a golden pole from the dead from the dead father; he gives and teaches them to turn the young man's parents into wild boars (the origin of pigs), brothers into dogs], 38-48 [about the same; brothers in kozlov; father - Khan Kara-Batyr; Azhdakha demands what you do not know at home; these are forty sons born; but the khan gives an unloved freeze born of his late wife]; Avars [Khan has a son Ismail; when he is 18 years old, the teacher warns him not to give him meat and bone; when 20 years old, they gave him a piece of bone, he threw it out the window, was surprised at the sunlight, fell ill; the widow said that I. exchanged rings with as a girl, goes to look for her; I. defeats the enemies of seven brothers, who give him a sister, he puts a sword on the bed, explains that he will not get together with his wife until he finds that girl; goes on, meets hero Arabuzan, marries, but also puts a sword on bed; A. goes with him, they give the ring to the girl they marry, the girl recognizes her ring (which I. has found herself); I. returns to her father with three wives; A. knows that his father wants to destroy I., gives his ring that neutralizes the poison, I. eats, remains unharmed; the khan tells the viziers to kill I. in the forest; they gouge out his eyes, tie him to a tree, but they bring Khan clothes moistened with the blood of birds; the dove throws his pen on I., tells him to run over his eyes, I. heals; his eyes change, but his voice is the same; the khan does not recognize him, his wives recognized; A. kills khan, she is elected khansha, I. lives with three wives]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 23:253-257; Avars [Khan has a son Shahismail; he defeats the enemies of seven brothers, gets their sister; goes to look for a hero Arabuzinka, who defeated everyone, killed everyone; S. defeated him, it turned out that the girl took her, returned to her father with two wives; the father was jealous, wanted to destroy him; sent a horse with a saddle soaked in poison; A. ordered sit on another; gave poisoned food, A. ordered the plates to be moved; S. replied to his father that if he tied his fingers with iron, he would be helpless; the father tied him, ordered S. to be blinded, put his eyes in his son's pocket, drove him out; the pigeons said that it was necessary to insert his eyes, plunge into the lake; saw the light, but saw badly; I came to my father, he did not recognize him; the people ordered to kill the khan, S. chose khan, he had a wedding]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 24:259-260; Dargins [the padishah has 40 wives, but only one son Shahismail; found out that another padishah has an invincible son Arabuzinka; helped seven brothers defeat the Persians, married their sister; A. won, she turned out to be a girl who promised to marry the one who would defeat her; S.'s father envies that he has two wives; sends a horse under a poisoned saddle, A. guessed, S. put on his horse whoever he was brought it; my father offered poisoned food, A. found out again and removed the bowl; the father asks what to do to make S. die; Sh.: tie my fingers with an iron rod in my pocket; the padishah tied it, ordered tear out S.'s eyes, put it in his pocket; S. hears the conversation of pigeons: to see the light, you have to insert your eyes and plunge into the lake; S. saw the light, but does not see well; his father is fighting with his wives; unrecognized Sh. offers to bring him A.; accuses his father, he is executed, S. becomes a padishah]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 24:259-260; Lezgins [Jahan Shah sees a sea girl, goes blind; tells him to get clay from a place where his horse's hooves did not set foot, then he would see the light; the eldest, middle son soon returns; the youngest's horse carries him across the sea; on the way he grabs the pearl, the sight notices its brilliance, invites the king to order the young man gets the second one (the horse pulls out), get their mistress; the young man catches a sea girl, who teaches him to pour milk on the khan's back, he turns into a dog; the young man becomes king, marries the sea the girl, brings clay to her father, he sees the light; decides to kill his son to take his wife; they run, the boatman transports the girl across the sea, she gets to the robbers, puts them to sleep; puts them on men's clothes; a bird sits down on her head, an imaginary young man is chosen king; the girl tells everyone to show her portrait, bring those who recognize her; Jahan Shah, his son, robbers, a boatman are brought; she lets go robbers and boatman, gives his husband the kingdom, puts D. on a lousy donkey, lets go]: Khalilov 1965, No. 40:88-93; Georgians [father tells sons to take wives where their arrows fall; the eldest marries a princess, the middle to the daughter of a counselor, the youngest to a frog; being alone, the Frog sheds its skin, becomes beautiful, manages; the husband waits, threw his skin into the fire; mocking older daughters-in-law, the younger brother's wife asks for papers for a dress, horse, donkey or dog to visit the king; the elders wear paper dresses, ride a mare and donkey; the frog tells her husband to bring blue and white horses, causes rain, the elder's dresses are soaked, the elders have returned, the Frog and her husband stayed with the king; the king wants to take away his son's wife, gives difficult tasks; 1) plow and sow the field ( a self-propelled plow does everything), 2) return the sown grain (ants collected), 3) build a wall (a mirror beam appears), 4) bring a ring to the deceased mother from the dead; the wife spreads the handkerchief - the way to the next world; on the way, the husband sees a woman tearing off her breasts, sticking a tone (tortilla oven) to the hot walls; spouses who are cramped on cow's skin; others who are not cramped axe; plowman licked by nine pairs of bulls; mother gives a ring, says that her husband will burn in it; on the way back, the man receives answers from those he saw; the ploughman tortured the bulls, some spouses lived in agrees, others quarreled, the woman did not share bread; the son gives his father a ring, he burns]: Chikovani 1986:136-141; Armenians: Bagriy 1930 (3) [the king tells his sons to shoot arrows, take his wife where they will fall; the eldest; the eldest marries the daughter of the vizier, the middle merchant, the youngest's arrow is gone, his father kicked him out; he came to the swamp, saw his arrow in the frog's mouth, took the frog with him; settled in the city, began to hunt, leaving the frog in the chest; someone is cleaning the room; the hostess advises you to hide, throw frogskin into the fire; he grabs the beauty, burns the skin; the wife tells me to return to his father; the prince is building a palace next to his father's; the father wants to take possession of his son's wife; tells 1) to dress the whole army in a week; the wife orders to shoot an arrow into the swamp, her mother will come out, we must ask her, i.e. his wife, chest; clothes for one person in the chest, but when the first one is dressed, there are already clothes for another in the chest, etc.; 2) bring the seal owned by the prince's deceased mother; the wife tells you to shoot again into the swamp, ask her beloved donkey not to splash the foam that will appear in the swamp when the donkey appears; holding the donkey's tail, the prince enters his mother's grave, the mother tells us where the cauldron of gold is buried and with a seal, the donkey pulls the prince back, he pulls out the cauldron; 3) bring a dwarf with a beard twice as long as himself and a staff of 20 pounds; the wife tells her mother to ask her mother in the swamp for her (wife) beloved Arab; An Arab came to the king, shamed him, killed the tsar, his eldest sons and courtiers with a staff; the prince ascended the throne]: 57-65; Bunyatov et al. 1900, No. 5 [three princes shoot arrows; if the arrow falls into the deserted place, you can't marry; the youngest's arrow falls at the cliff, a passage opens in it, the old woman gives her youngest daughter; when he returns, the son finds out that his mother is dead; the king wants his daughter-in-law, the vizier offers difficult tasks; 1) pay a seven-year tribute from the king of the virgins (the wife orders to take her brother's horse and sword, with their help the husband defeats the virgins); 2) a carpet on which the army will fit (mother-in-law gives); 3) go to the deceased mothers, to find out where the treasure is buried; the elder brother-in-law and the prince jump to heaven to the dead; then the prince goes alone, sees those suffering for sins (on the way back they tell us what they were punished for); the woman's breasts puppies suck; naked freezes among scattered silks; an old man draws and drinks blood from a cauldron (meat nearby); a skinny bull in fat meadows, fat on bare ground; a man lies on a bridge across the water, water washes away worms on his sides, they reappear; a river with yk in fat meadows, fat on bare ground; a person lies across the water, water washes away the worms from his sides, they are again black, red, yellow with strips of water; the mother first offers to cross the river to her; when she finds out why he came, she gives a ring with which the treasure was sealed; tells the king to turn into a black stone; as it happened, the prince took the throne] : 89-101; Epiphany 1894, No. 1 [the tsar hates Segran's youngest son; he went to live in the forest; someone is cleaning his hut; he has waited for a frog, it has become a girl; older brothers Bala and Meghri they find him and bring him back to the palace; his father demands 1) bring a log of 50 fathoms long and thick]: 156-159; Ganalanyan 1965 [three princes shoot arrows; the elder falls into the threshold of the Nazir, at the middle - the vizier, the youngest at the cliff; the elders marry, the younger cries; the door opens in the rock, the old woman gives her beautiful daughter; the king looks at the daughter-in-law, the queen dies out of grief; the king tells her son to bring the keys to the treasury from the deceased mother; the prince turns to her mother-in-law, who tells her son to take her son-in-law to the next world; on the way, the prince sees an old woman cleaning the tandoor with her breasts (she cleaned anything during her lifetime); the mother says that the keys under the balcony pole; the prince returns, his father turned into stone]: 151-153; Orbeli 1982, No. 51 (Mox) [the son of the Eastern king goes to marry the daughter of the West; they buy the man who is beaten is the one becomes the prince's servant; while he sleeps, hears the old man talking to his sons, he explains how to get the girl; whoever recounts the words will turn to stone; the prince and the servant get the girl, they return; the servant hears the old man talking again; the king wants to take the girl for himself, pour poison around the saddle; a bird will rush at the young man in the room; at night he will be swallowed by a vishap; the servant kills a horse, a bird, a vishapa; a piece of meat fell on the face of the prince's wife; when the servant took it off, the prince woke up and thought he wanted his wife; the servant had to tell everything, he turned into stone; the wife rejects the prince for now he will not revive the servant; he stops under the plane tree, hears the old man talking; you need to pick up herbs, pour the broth on the petrified one; the servant comes to life, he was given seven cities]: 90-95; Azerbaijanis: Bogoyavlensky 1899, No. 8 [Para-Bash finds the diva's home and, while he sleeps, takes away treasures; when he went again, the diva swallowed him; son Shamil grew up, went looking for a deva; killed a snake that crawled to eat the chicks birds of Zumrrud-gushi; Z. gives his pen; S. hit a rock with them, formed a passage to the diva's house, where he forced his daughter to tell him where her father's soul was; in the bank; S. broke the jar, the diva died, S. took his living father out of it; on the way home, the father pushed S. into a hole to take possession of everything; S. got out, cut his father, came to his mother; the king will give his daughter to someone who would give her on horseback; S. calls the horse with a pen, gets into his ear, does handsome, admits that he killed the terrible diva; wedding]: 65-71; Nabiev 1988 [cruel padishah Deshkuvar is childless; the dervish gives him a drug with the condition that he give him one son when he reaches the age of 15; Khan's daughter gives birth to a boy, Hanbal's daughter, Beibal, a verbud driver's daughter, Nerbal ("son of a camel"); D. gives birth to N.; along the way, the skull warns that the cannibal dervish will bake it in a tandoor like his himself and others; he throws him into the cauldron; in the fortieth room he sees a lion, a horse, a bird tied; grain in front of the lion, meat in front of the horse, hay in front of the bird; N. changes food, lets the animals go, they help him; N. is hired by a gardener, the bird brings unfading flowers, N. gives them to the youngest of the three daughters of the padishah; the sons of the vizier and vekil cannot bring the same for the older sisters, N., having changed appearance, gives them, stigmatizing them; they marry their elders, N. to their younger sister (she throws an apple at him, showing who she wants); the padishah does not give her a dowry; he is ill, he needs broth from game; N., having changed his appearance, gives the roe deer to his older sons-in-law, stigmatizes himself, leaves his head; the padishah recovers only after drinking broth cooked from this head; only N., hiding his face, defeats enemies (this is his father and brothers), declares his older sons-in-law his slaves (they are branded by him); reveals himself, puts stamps on the forehead of his father, brothers, father-in-law, sisters of his wife; honors the mother imprisoned by D.; lives in Dervish Castle]: 218-239; Azerbaijanis (Shushi County, Elisavetpol Province) [King Melik-Nadir orders to kill daughters; when he leaves, he tells his son Ghazanfar to kill his sister if he is born; he felt sorry for the girl; MN returned, orders them to be executed, the nobleman persuaded them to be sent to the desert; G. kills seven divas, throws them into the well; the sister throws the leftovers there, one diva survived, became strong; agrees with sister G. to lime him - pretend to be sick, ask him to bring 1) melon from the diva garden; G. defeated the hero, she fell in love with him, gave him a flying horse, G. brought a melon; 2) apples from the diva garden; his heroic wife tells him to feed the terrible dog, greet the bridge; the seven-headed diva tells the bridge and the dog refuses to stop the kidnapper; the wife changed the apples; 3) the sheep tail with branched horns, which lives in the north; G. brought it, but his wife replaced the usual one, kept the magic fat tail; sister invites G. to tie his hands to test his strength; when G. cannot tear the rope, the diva cut it to pieces, put it in a bag, tied it to a donkey, drove him into the forest; G.'s dogs guarded the donkey, his wife found it, revived it with a medicine made from fat tail and magic apples; G. cut off the diva's arms and legs, burned his sister; returned to his father; found a portrait of the beautiful Shahbaz-Pari in the chest; G. follows her; takes giant Kara-Kulamali as his companions, who killed all the babies in the village; he smashes the army, gives beautiful G., warns not to step on the carpet that the father will spread out (he himself wants to take possession of the beauty), not to untie the old man's hands - this is a seven-headed diva; G. untied the old man, he took the beauty; G. summoned K., who brought him to the beautiful woman, she found out that the diva's life was in a bottle, G. had broken it; the father sends a vizier from G. with an order to destroy G.; in the desert, the vizier pulls out G.'s eyes in exchange for water; K. saved him (two pigeons: you can regain your sight with my pen), burned his father and vizier, married a beautiful woman]: Bogoyavlensky 1899, No. 13:109-120; Kurds [Aslan Pasha is a Kurdish padishah, his son is Shaismail; the Emir of Arabs migrated to him, he has a beautiful daughter Golizar; S. fell in love with G., but the Arab Emir migrated; G. left a letter: I will wait 40 days, after don't come; S. came to the castle, around an iron wall; he destroyed it, Golperi's girl in the castle; S. defeated the enemies of her seven brothers, they gave him Golperi, but he refused to meet her before Golizar will get it; at the intersection, one road leads to Sham, the second may not come back, the third one will not come back; S. went on the third, came to the Arabi-Zangi Palace; he says that he did not They come back, S. - that he came by accident, got lost; they have been fighting for three days, it turned out that AZ is a girl; says she could easily kill S., but she liked him; her brother was the leader of 40 robbers, they slept with all the women, when they came to her, she killed everyone, since then she had not taken off her men's clothes; Sh.: I'll take you, but I'll get Golizar first; S. and AZ came to the Arabs, defeated them, Golizar took them away, he settled with three wives near his father's tent; Golperi wonders, each time warns that his father wants to kill S. (poison; throw him into a hole); S. himself says that he can be killed by tying his thumbs with a string; he was blinded and thrown; two doves threw off their feather, taught him to see the light; S. pulled lamb over his head stomach, began to work for the shepherd; A. sends warriors to fight AZ, she wins everyone; unrecognized S. also fights; opens the next day; AZ killed A., S. is happy with three wives; killing supporters his father, reigned]: Rudenko 1970, No. 52:174-183.

Iran - Central Asia. Shahname [Isfandiyor, son of Shah Gushtasp, performs feats and saves Iran from enemies; each time G. promises to give him the throne, but instead either disgraces him or sends him on a new campaign; Having learned from the sage that I. was destined to die at the hands of Rustam, G. sends him to Sistan and orders R. to be brought in chains; R. does not want harm to I., but refuses to be bound; in a duel, I. severely injures R. with arrows; father R. Zol Doston pulls out the feather of the Simurg bird that fed him; Simurg arrives, heals the wounds of R. and his horse Rahsha, gives an arrow with a fork in which R. will hit I. in the eyes; I. dies from this arrow, trusting him Rustam to raise his son Bachman]: Ulug-zoda 1989:207-268; Persians: Osmanov 1987:52-56 [the king has three sons with different wives; he is blind; dervish: let the sons bring a pearl leaf, and for this purpose divas will win; at the fork there is an inscription: if three follow the same road, they will die; let one on the right, two on the left; the younger Malek-Mohammad went on the right; came to the diva, his sister was at home; first she turned MM into a broom, then, taking an oath from her brother, showed him MM; the diva offered to fight; MM won, put a ring in the diva's ear; the same in the second, in the third fortress; the third diva teaches how to go to the pearl a tree and tear off a leaf; drink singing water; untie the ties of 40 trousers of a sleeping girl, except for the last couple; kiss the girl; bringing a leaf, MM took the sisters of three divas with him, found brothers who worked for the sellers of chowder and boiled lamb (calle pace); the brothers threw MM into the well; the youngest girl came back and pulled out the MM, they secretly returned to the palace; when the king saw the light, he ordered to wrap it MM's mother in sheepskin, throw it on the roof of the bathhouse and give one cake a day; the owner of the pearl tree flew in with her palace and garden on a flying carpet; ordered to show who took the leaf; refuted the lies of the older brothers; MM ordered lions and tigers to eat his brothers and the leopard to eat his father; married the owner of a pearl tree and three diva sisters], 267-278 [the dervish gave the padishah's wife an apple, she ate and gave birth to a son and a sword; the child breathed when a hole was drilled in the sword and a sword was hung around the baby's neck; the boy was named Jantig ("life by the sword"); when he grew up, he went to the forbidden part of the garden, there portrait of beautiful Chelgis; D. with two horsemen (one counts minutes, the other star) goes in search; the dragon has closed the water, the padishah's daughter brings him food so that he does not devour her brother, whose turn is to be given to be given to be eaten; D. killed the dragon, but a dove flew out of its mouth; D. received the princess but gave her to the Stargazer; elsewhere, the old woman says that ships carrying wheat from across the sea are sinking; D. hacked down a dragon leaning out of the water, and a dove also flew out of his mouth; D. marries Princess Minutocheta; D. meets C.'s wet nurse; if she talks about her, she will be petrified, but she can be overheard; D. overhears an old woman talking to herself; learns how to lure C. out of a diva's ear without turning into a stone; D. and C. jump from divas, throw a sword (wall of swords), salt (salt mountain), a jug with water (sea); The white diva asks how to swim across; D. advises you to stick your head into the cave that the jug's corolla turned into, then you'll take off; the divas shoved, fell into the sea and drowned; C. dropped two hairs, D. thoughtlessly threw them into the well, they sailed along the stream to the padishah; the old woman volunteered to find the owner, gained confidence in C., threw D.'s sword into the well, D. lost consciousness, C. was brought to the padishah; C. says that he must observe 40 days of mourning; the Stargazer sees that star D. has turned pale, together with Minutochet they find D., pull out a sword; all three come to town under the guise of dervishes, D. and C. exchange notes, D. kills an old woman, brings C. to his father's kingdom; C. warns that his father will dig a trap hole (you have to jump over when entering the palace), give poisoned food (check on a dog); D. changed food, the father died himself; D. reigned, lived well with C.]; Uzbeks [the old gardener gave King Balkh a parrot; when the king was gone, the 40th wife asked if she was more beautiful than anyone else; the parrot replied that Mislab was more beautiful than anyone else on the banks of the Nile; his wife told her to cook a parrot, but he asked the maid to kill the turtledove and take it to the forest in a cage; the gardener found and brought the parrot again, who told the king everything; the king ordered to poke out 40 to his wife and throw her eyes into the zindan; she gave birth to a boy Bakhodur; the king ordered him to be pulled out, and went to look for M.; B. grew up, took the throne; no one enters room 40; when the vizier handed the keys to B., he I looked into it and saw a portrait of Princess M.; at this time the tsar entered Castle M., tied her up sleeping; untied her when she called him her lord; put him on a horse, flew, threw her into the river, and when he He swam out and then became a young man; M. ordered the diva to move her castle, her and the king to Balkh; her army of divas defeated Peri's army; M. ordered the 40th queen to be released, her eyes returned; M. fell in love with B.; B. in a duel defeated his father, married M., but his father left and never returned]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (1): 546-558; Baluchi [the king sends a vizier for forgotten rosary; that is long gone; sends his son Sha-Trasan 'a; he sees the vizier with the king's wife, takes the rosary; the vizier gets back earlier, tells the king difficult tasks for S.; the old man teaches what to do; 1) build a city (the old man creates); 2) a tree of laughter and crying; the buzlanga has a process on her leg, S. hides in a hole, grabs a buzlanga for the process; lets go, for this other buzlangs bring a tree; 3) a tree of forty songs; S. rushes to suck the breast of a buzlanga woman; that tells his sons that this is their new brother; their puppy leads him to the buzlanga who kidnapped their fiancée; S. kills him with a sword, gives the girl to his named brothers, who bring a tree; 4) a girl from Green cities; S. meets buzlangi, who constantly bakes and eats bread; he says that he is accumulating strength to overcome Sh.; S. says that he knows S., wins buzlangs, takes it with him; the other throws a sling out of the country to the country; I do this so that S. does not run away from me; the same; the third listens to what is being done in another country to prevent S. from running away from him; the same; the fourth walks from country to country: the same; Sh. puts a bridge over the ditch for ants, they promise to help; Skorokhod (the fourth buzlangi) delivers S. to the girl, who kisses the sleeping woman; the next night the girl cuts her finger to stay awake, talks about her father's conditions; 1) separate millet from wheat (ants separate); 2) eat lots of bread and meat (the first satellite eats); 3) overtake the royal speedboat; the companion went to bed, listening to learn about the danger, the slinger throws a stone in time, waking up the sleeper; on the way home, S. puts his sword between himself and his wife; at home, the king himself gives him the girl he has received; 5) get a horse with forty foals; the old man orders to throw him into a well of camel hair; the horse cannot drink, promises to fulfill Sh.'s wish; he and his men sit on its foals; when the king, vizier and others sit down, foals fly into the air, ask, throw off riders to mountains or water; Into water; they throw them into mountains]: Zarubin 1932, No. 9:104-121; Yagnobs [the king tells seven sons to shoot with guns {the Yagnobs have not used onions for onions for a long time and guns one word}; wherever the bullet hits, take the wife; the youngest's bullet flew into the steppe, picked it up by a monkey, brought it to the cave; the old woman, the mother of the monkey, ordered her to go to bed, in the morning a beautiful woman is nearby; the king called everyone to the party, refused to go out so as not to meet the monkey; he was lied that the monkey was gone; he went out, saw a beautiful woman, decided to kill his son, take his wife for himself; his daughter-in-law gives his father-in-law sleeping pills, they and her husband are running (text ends)]: Andreev, Peshereva 1957, No. 7:65-67; Yazgulyam residents [a man has two sons from one wife, one from the other; he tells them to shoot wherever bullets hit, take wives there; bullets the elders were in a house where there were two brides, the youngest in a stone scree; he dug for a year, there was a door, a woman; she put on a skin, became a snake; he threw the skin into the fire; the wife was afraid of misfortune; the brothers came, fell in love with her, told the father to get the youngest out of the light; he told me to get 1) a magic flower like; wife: three bets will come to the lake to swim, one flower on her dress; to grab it, run without turning around, otherwise you will petrify; the husband brings a flower; 2) a mare with 40 foals; wife: jump on a mare by the same lake, the foals will follow her; 3) a cauldron with 40 ears; wife: Almasti sleeps with her head on him; when eyes open, sleeps, we must grab it and run; 4) bring the news from the dead; the son tells his father to climb on a pile of firewood to catch another world, sets fire to firewood, the father burned down; the brothers put the youngest in a bag, carried to drown, left on the shore; he told the shepherd that he was being forcibly married, the shepherd changed places with him, thrown into the river; the youngest comes, chasing the herd, says that from the bottom; the brothers tell them to be thrown into the river; The young man poured flour chatter on their wives' blankets; they thought they were dirty; he said that they had disgraced the house, tied mares to their tails, and the horses tore them to shreds]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 7: 108-113; Shugnans {? I.I. Zarubin's archive; Zarubin mainly seems to have worked with the Rushano-Shugnan languages} [the tsar gives his son the keys to 40 treasuries, but did not give one; the prince stole the key, unlocked the casket, and contains a portrait beauties; the king noticed that the son was turning pale and the portrait was gone; allowed his son to go in search; stayed in town with an old woman; that girl was just having a wedding; the prince put on women's clothes, winked the girl she told me to send that woman to her, they united; the girl teaches her to steal during her wedding to the king; they came to the castle, whose mistress tells everyone to fight her; the prince defeated her and he also married; at home, the king fell in love with one daughter-in-law and the vizier with another; they decided to kill the prince; they took him hunting, there was no water, the vizier promised water in exchange for his eyes; the prince's hound hid them under a stone; the dog brought the blinded prince to the water, brought a cake from his wives; he hears a parrot saying to the starling: we must wipe the eye sockets with the leaves of this tree, then insert his eyes; the young man tore off the leaf, the dog she brought her eyes; disguised as a dervish, she comes to the king; replies that she knows how to play the rubbe and persuade a woman to love whoever she needs, but for this he must be left alone with her; he dug a hole with his wives, his wives they pushed the tsar and the vizier into it, the prince cut off their heads]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 32:316-326; Tajiks [the man gave the childless padishah and vizier an apple each, both had sons; their kept in a dungeon; one day a horse pierced a hole with its hoof; the padishah showed his son, whose name is Sultanmahmad Mirzo, the whole palace except one room; SM broke the constipation and found there a book with a portrait of a beautiful woman Bibiruzbi; fell in love, went in search; the son of the vizier is with him; the dragon tries to eat the black woman, the SM killed the dragon; the black woman promised to serve the SM; he pulled a splinter out of the lion's paw, the lion gave him a lion cub; they stayed with an old woman; at night half of the city is lit; this is the light from Bibiruzbi's face; the old woman married SM for her son and he was hired as a groom to the padishah; B. asked him to be a gardener; fell in love, they come together; the maid also wants love, but the SM refused; then she reported to the padishah; SM is captured; the padishah tells me to play chess: SM will either receive B. and the throne or be hanged; SM won, did not take the throne, but asked B.; the padishah ordered him to be hanged, but the jailers only imprisoned him; B. found him, released him all; 4 padishahs attacked them; SM let a black woman and a lion on them, they defeated the enemies; padishah asked for forgiveness; SM brought B. home; his father wants to kill him and sends poisoned clothes, a horse, tries to strike; knight Zahrak does not allow SM to touch the poison, deflects the padishah's hand; padishah killed, SM reigns]: Niyazmukhamedov 1945:66-82; mountain Tajiks [three sons of the Shah shoot arrows; the elder's arrow fell at the gate of Kaziya, the middle - the mufti, the youngest - to the frog on the river bank; young man brought the frog home, she said that she was the daughter of a bet, put on frog skin so as not to amaze people with beauty; the young man asked to lose the skin, burned it; the older and middle brothers want a beautiful woman for themselves; Shah sends her youngest son to visit his grandparents in paradise; the bet's daughter brings three apples from Mount Kof, tells her husband to ask her to collect a mountain of firewood, climb it, set it on fire; she picks it up; tells him to take it father apples, say that grandparents are waiting for them to visit; the Shah and his elder sons let themselves be burned, the youngest becomes Shah]: Rosenfeld, Rychkova 1990, No. 2:37-38; kafirs (prasun) [at Munjem Malika is two unloved wives; he rides a horse, meets a woman, marries, puts her on the golden throne, leaves her a bell; witch wives torment her, she rings the bell, MM comes back, tells her not to call for no reason; she gives birth to a golden-haired boy and girl; witch wives ruin the bell, throw children into the bulls' barn, tell their mother that she did not give birth to anyone; in the morning, children sit on a bull's horn, witch wives throw them in a chest into the river; the river wants to carry them to the mythical Lake Sujum Sur in the upper reaches, the boy tells them to be carried down to the meadows of Mary; Mara picks up the children, his witch wife pretends to be sick, asks for medicine from her mother, gives a letter; Amawal-Ra replaces the letter, the grandmother does not kill the boy, accepts it with honor; he demands to scoop up water with a barley sieve, pour it into a sieve for bring him millet; at this time he takes his mother's nose (MM cut it off because his wife did not give birth) and the bird from the shelf; when the boy strangles the bird, the old woman and her daughter die; the boy is hereinafter referred to as Manjem Malik; goes up the river with Mara; sends Mara back, tells him to wait for him in the fall with six Prasun villages; comes to Kushtekhi, asks his mother to bring a bucket of ploughing, throws a ring there, worn by his mother on his finger when he was born; his mother happily rushes to him, he pushes her away because she did not breastfeed him; attaches her nose; runs his finger over an empty bucket, it fills with colostrum, tells the mother to drink it, drinks it herself; turns into a baby, sucks milk splashing from his mother's breasts; becoming a young man again, she goes to take revenge on his father; kills, paves a valley above him; when he moves, earthquakes occur]: Yettmar 1986:74-76.

Baltoscandia. Icelanders [one king has three sons and the other has a daughter; her father is dead; the king asks the princess which of his sons she wants to marry, but she has a hard choice; the king decides to marry the one who will get the most valuable treasure in a year; the eldest bought all-seeing glass from another princess; the middle one bought clothes from a dwarf that you can instantly fly anywhere; younger bought an apple from a merchant that treats the sick and revives the dead; the eldest saw the princess on her deathbed, the middle one brought all three to her, the youngest brought her back to life; there is no choice, so the king invited his sons to shoot at the target; the eldest missed badly, the middle one almost hit, and the youngest's arrow disappeared somewhere; the eldest went to a foreign country, the middle married a princess and went to her kingdom, and the youngest also decided to leave; stopped at a stone in the forest; 10 horsemen appeared and took him with them to the city; it was ruled by a young queen; said that she fell in love with a young man and wanted to give he had his own kingdom; he married her; meanwhile, a woman came to the old king, trusted him and married her, although the courtiers were against it; she assured the king that the youngest son was preparing for him death - let him lure him to him; he came and the king ordered him to complete three assignments in a year, otherwise he would execute him; 1) get a tent that can accommodate a hundred people, but which you can take in your hand; 2) water, which cures any disease; 3) bring a person unlike any other in the world; when the youngest son returns to his wife, she says that she has such a tent; water in a nearby dark the cave, guarded by 7 lions and 3 vipers; the wife went to the cave, threw the lions in the wild and the snakes by the pig; she brought water; an unusual man is her brother, who owns an island nearby; he is three feet tall, a beard of 30 cubits, one eye in his forehead; he has a dog face and cat eyes; the princess's father conceived him with a giantess; you have to come to him in royal vestments, be very kind and give him a ring that he had long wanted to have; the dwarf is glad they came to the king; the dwarf killed the queen with a pole with which he moved, and she immediately became a terrible giantess; the king was brought to life with living water; he was guilty to his son and handed over the kingdom to him]: Poestion 1884, No. 14:103-118.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [Khan's son steals his father's key to the fortieth room, sees her as a portrait of Malhuan (she is the daughter of Khan Kalmyks); together with the vizier's son, he goes to look for a beautiful woman; one or the other are cannibals show the way; M. changes clothes with the vizier's son, stays with the khan's son; the vizier's son stays with M.'s people, falls in love with her sister, takes her away; hears a conversation between two crows; one says that the khan himself he will try to kill his son in order to take possession of M.; shower the poison of his horse, his beloved kitten, poison the food; whoever says will become coal, a stone; the vizier's son will kill a horse, knocks over food, kill a kitten; the blood stone falls on the sleeping M., the vizier's son bends to erase it, the khan's son accuses him of an attempt on his bride; they want to hang the vizier's son, he tells his story, turns into stone; the vizier gouges out the khan's son's eyes, loads a black stone on him, drives him away; he comes to the stream, his water restores his sight, revives the vizier's son; both come to the Khan's wedding with M., return their wives, turn khan into a wolf, vizier into a dog]: Daurenbekov 1979:206-212; yellow Uighurs: Stuart, Jhang 1996:40-43 [two brothers tyrant her sister; she dreams that the sun and moon have entered her; finds in a golden spinner in the spring, hides it on his chest, it disappears; so twice; the third time he puts it in his mouth, swallows it; the brothers drive it out, giving it a mare, a dog and three goats; all animals immediately brought offspring, sister gave birth to a boy Gesar; brothers send a crow, a dog to kill him, G. easily kills them; send a monster; G. turns into an egg, teaches his mother to advise the monster to swallow it, gets stuck in his throat, grows up, the monster dies; they come by themselves, supposedly with gifts; when they leave, one returns, nails the baby to the cradle, puts a stone on top, lowers it into the river; the mother finds him, cannot move the stone, G. throws it off, gets up unharmed; they live in a hut; two princesses look at them, thinking of destroying the hut; G. accuses them of stealing marmots, finds marmots in their clothes; the khan will marry the eldest for the one who 1) wins the race (G. overtakes the riders on a bull), 2) threads a thread through a twisted horn (G. ties it to an ant), 3) covers the mountain with silk (G. throws a piece of silk, he covers the whole mountain), 4) recognizes the bride among a hundred horsemen (the goose reports that a bee will curl next to her); G. gets a wife], 44-50 [the monk tyrants his sister; after the death of her mother, she has a white mare and a dog; there , where the mare urinated, a pine tree grew; then the mare, dog and girl became pregnant; the girl is pregnant for three years; in a snowstorm, a monk sends her to the mountains to die; she gives birth to a son Gesar with a pointed nose and with big ears; where he is, it's warm; Uncle G. comes to poison him, but G. offers him poisoned tea, he runs in fear; sends a dog, an eagle, G. kills them easily; Khan's three daughters go into G.'s hut, only the youngest likes him, although he is poor; the girls come back, the bodies of the older ones are covered with ulcers; the youngest agrees to marry G., her sisters are immediately healed; G. is a powerful man, the sisters regret not they are his wives; Khan sends G. to kill a terrible monster; he has one human head and 8 different animals; the captive teaches him to swim to the monster on an island on a sheep; with difficulty, but G. kills all monsters with a sword; during this time, White Khan kidnapped G.'s wife; he finds him, they fight, his wife sprinkles peas under BH's feet, he falls, G. kills him; Khan transfers power to G.]

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans [(Kyzyl district); Arolbai-Ego Khan is increasingly returning without a horse and people; the eldest wife promises to sew a robe and boots, the youngest promises to give birth to an assistant hero; the eldest orders to replace a boy born as a puppy, throw a boy to horses, camels, rams; they feel sorry for him every time; then into Lake Altyn-Kul; the husband broke his younger arm, leg, gouged out his eye; she stayed with the old woman- a maid; they were attacked by a lame foal; the woman broke her mouse's leg, the bird's wing; they were cured by grass, the woman also recovered; her son comes out of the lake to play; the old woman has not been able to catch him for a long time; then he is lured into a bag full of grandmothers; his son admits his mother when splashes of her milk fall into his mouth; he hunts larger animals; his mother and old woman are warned not to hunt iron The deer, whom AE never defeated, left his knife in it; the boy kills him with an arrow into an uniron-covered spot on his forehead; cuts meat with his father's knife, makes a huge yurt out of his skin; AE sends people to an old nomad; only two decide to come up, find a yurt the size of a mountain; the young man sends his father his knife with them; he flies like a bird, finds out that his father will recognize him when he has a name, a heroic horse and weapon; his mother calls it Hirek-Kirves, the blacksmith Tolon-Aryk-Darkhan gives everything she needs; tells the mother to insert a lamb's eye instead of a gouged one; HC arrives hawk, hears what the father would like to marry the daughter of the three-headed Hormozd Killed; he kills UH, brings his wife; the father tells him to get the monster's fangs, his father's lost sword, the net from the bottom of the sea, the great-grandfather's fur coat from the underground peace; the wife gives advice on how to carry out the first assignments; Erlik gives a fur coat (dahu), says that as soon as AE receives it, he will come to him with his wife; the son receives all the inheritance, becomes khan]: Shishmarev in Potanin 1883, No. 181:600-618; Buryats: Dugarov 1990 [the elderly have a daughter, Nogoondar, a favorite of the goddess Green Tara, and a son Sagaandar, a favorite of the goddess Belaya Tara; he produces too much animals, parents decide to destroy him; father makes a trap pit in front of the house, the mother prepares poison; the horse warns of danger; S. enters the house, but cannot refuse to touch the poison with his finger, falls dead; old people throw the coffin with the body into the Black Sea; after that, Buha Khan gouged out the old people's right eye, crushed it on his right hand, took away property, took it into slavery; Sister S. N., who was preparing wedding clothes for Khan's daughter; S.'s horse tells her to dress as a man, ride to the sea; on the way she kills a 15-headed mangadhai; promises to marry a 25-headed man, for he promises to save her for this brother; he immediately kills his former wife and sons, tells him to build a tower on the island and catch the coffin, but the sea has smashed everything to pieces, and N. hid in the hawthorn bushes; sees an ice floe, she tells her voice Brother to marry only Habsargalt Mergen; 3 heavenly swan fairies pulled out an ice floe, inside a coffin, containing the baby S. had become; he grew up, but 7 pot-bellied khans killed him again; horse: he will be revived by 3 daughters of the celestial Eseren; N. arrives as a bird, overhears 3 brothers and 3 sisters praise S. and N., who are better than them; in the form of a man, he marries three sisters; so that she is not exposed, negotiates with a horse : When the elder maiden enters the imaginary man, the horse will seem to fall off and ride along the Milky Way, and the owner follows him; N. invites three maidens to swim in a lake of living water and brings her brother's body there; they he was revived, he pretended to be their women, and N. returned in women's clothes; S. married the youngest of the maidens; one day she went to visit her father, and S. went hunting; N. did not keep track of the cattle and behind the hearth; N. went to look for fire, went to the old woman, she drank her blood, gave smut, N. barely returned and died; S. killed the old woman with an arrow, put his sister in a box, tied a red deer to her horns; the old man and the old woman they found a coffin, and a little girl in it; she grew up, married H.-Mergen, gave birth to a whiny daughter; S. comes there, enters under the guise of a beggar, his sister recognizes him, he takes on his true appearance; comes to Bukha-khan, who has his parents in slavery; he reveals himself to them; tells them to respond insultingly to Khan and Hansha in the morning; they run in, S. kills Hansha, becoming a snake, and Khan in a duel; returns Khan to his parents appearance]: 266-282; Khangalov 1960, No. 118 (Balagan Buryats) [=Dugarov 1990:259-266; retelling in Holmberg 1927:488-489; Tsar Gondola's eldest wife has a son Mu-Monto, known as a fool, the youngest has Altan Segse; MM herding sheep, saw a whirlwind of fire and inside a ball, pulled off the ball with his staff, he turned into king Mogo-Khan; he was defeated by Galta-Mogo-Khan, now released, invited him to visit; MM comes, on advice the khan's subject asks Princess Agu-Nogon as a gift; the khan gives a daughter, a bird and a puppy with her, he must catch game; the puppy does not catch, MM hit him, accidentally killed him; woke up in the palace, next to a beautiful woman, from fear ran away to the city; returned, the beautiful woman explained that she was his wife of the Academy of Sciences; the brother came, returned to his father, told about MM, G. decided to kill his son out of envy; asks him to go to the next world, pick up the saddle and horse from grandfather (i.e. from G.'s father); the wife teaches me to go north, grab the fox's tail, she will lead; in another world, skinny horses on juicy grass, shiny on stones; officials and shamans in a resin cauldron; naked women hug logs, men tied hand and foot; one woman is happy, another dies of hunger; grandfather MM explains: happy was generous, hungry stingy; hugging logs were wrong husbands were bound to steal; officials and shamans stole; women with their mouths sewn up slander and flattered; those horses whose owners grazed well are obese here, and who are bad - thin; gives a horse and a saddle; Khan father tells his son to return the ram and 9 skins donated to Esege-Malan; the wife gives skeins of thread to rise to heaven; EM promises to return everything, incinerates G. and his palace with lightning; only MM's mother remains, became live with his son and daughter-in-law]: 308-314; the Mongols [the boy, playing, poured Mount Altan-Sumber; his father was afraid that his son would become his enemy, decided to lime him, pretended to be sick; I will recover with my lungs and in the heart of the fifteen-headed black mángas, ruler of the southern lands; told his son to ride a lousy foal, his mother ordered him to ride the best horse; the girl replies that when m returns kind, Dust rises on the northern slope, and when angry, a blizzard rages on the southern slope; the young man replied kindly m that he was afraid of those behind him; m looked around, the young man cut off his head, brought his father what he needed; father orders to bring a black camel, the ruler of the northern lands; the camel agreed to take the young man home; the dust he raised killed his father and soldiers sent to kill his son; the son began to live with his mother]: Mikhailov 1962: 66-68 (=197:75-78); Dagurs [mother is dying, her adult daughter and son made a coffin; son went hunting; at this time, the 9-headed monster ate half of his sister; when the brother returned, he thought his sister looks terrible; asked her to try on the coffin - if it suits her, then her mother; boarded up the lid, threw it into the river; the mother died, the son buried her; the coffin swam, the woman gave birth to a son, he speaks from birth, strong; A year later, he knocked out the lid, built a hut out of coffin boards; hunts increasingly large game; the woman's brother came to them by accident; she said that the owner of the lower world did not accept her; the brother said let him the nephew will find that monster and return half of the mother's body; the monster had to regurgitate what was swallowed, the son restored his mother's body; now the uncle demands that nephew 1) bring a huge wild boar ( he brought them); 2) planted 900 thousand trees, inhabited them with 500,000 animals (the young man asks for help from the monster, he is the owner of the mountain, everything is done); when the uncle comes with his people, the nephew lowers animals, they tear them apart]: Stuart et al. 1994:162-163; sirongols [{the scan does not contain page 223}; the old man gave the young man a trap to catch a heavenly maiden on the lake for her gold bracelet; he gave it to the prince Yamantaku; the nobleman advises the king to take her away; the king orders to kill her son; the girl put on the crown she was wearing on the lake, left Ya on the lake, giving her bracelet, and flew away herself; I went to look for her; went to two the butting rocks, followed by the source where his wife's maid Y. came; he threw a bracelet into her jug; his wife recognized him, her father allowed her to live with Y.; out of 20 gifts, this is the real Nogon Darikha]: Potanin 1893, No. 30:223-224.

Western Siberia. Entsy [Morrede hunts with a deer; he has a small son and a bigger one who has no legs; M. does not tell him to feed him, his mother feels sorry for him; every time his father is hunting, the son teaches his mother that do; she cooks a big hole, her son hides in it; enemies come, the son kills them one by one; when the father returns, the son breaks his foot; his legs appear (they were before tucked?) ; he wants his father to suffer as he did; M. recovered, began to listen to his son in everything]: Dolgikh 1961:117-124; Kets: Alekseenko 2001, No. 42 [(according to Dulzon 1972, No. 111:111-113); the son is married, he has child; father asks his son to lie on a tree to measure the boat blank; cuts his neck, rafts the river in a boat; his wife Bangsel descends (a shamanic journey to the lower world), revives and returns her husband], 43 [western 1960; the old man sees a Calbassam woman on the other side of the river; then his son sees her, takes her as his wife, they have a son; to get rid of his son and take his wife, the old man "sends him down on the dead sleigh"; K. goes there to the little people; in each of the seven plague, the old woman throws her key, the rope breaks; in the seventh, the Big Old Woman threw her husband ashore, he was already dead; the old woman and K. carried it and sang it]: 100-102, 102-103.

Eastern Siberia. Verkhnealdan Evenks (Timpton District of Yakutia) [Kachi got a girl in battle; his father ordered his son's eyes to be pulled out, lowered into the ice-hole, takes the girl; the old man pulls out the drowned man, the bird helps to insert his eyes, K. comes to that woman, talks about what happened; the old man is beheaded]: Voskoboynikov 1980:49.

Amur - Sakhalin. Udege people: Kormushin 1998, No. 51 [old Kanda tells his wife that their son is catching too much game; makes a coffin, invites his son to lie in it, pushes him into the river, ties him to the coffin a dog; one or two girls push the coffin away from the shore; the third realizes that K.'s son is in it; inside she finds frogs, toads, snakes, a ring finger; puts his finger in the cradle, he turns into a good job; for with his soul, a girl rises to heaven to old woman Koya; she gives her soul, the girl takes the lively man as her husband; they sail to his parents; the first and second girls hang themselves in grief; the young man's father cooks his boots; son kills his father and mother with a spear, lives with his wife]: 189-200; Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 30 [old Hutu tells his wife that their son is catching too much game, offers to get rid of it; they they ask him to lie in the coffin, fall asleep with snakes, snails and other reptiles, let him into the water; Emande's girlfriend pushes the coffin back into the water when she finds out what's inside the reptile; Bele pulls him out, finds an uneaten finger, washes, puts it in a cradle, a person is reborn; marries B.; E. hangs up in grief; seeing how poor his parents are, the endyga decides not to kill them, but simply leave them], 33 [y old man Kandá is Ayaulá's beloved wife, her daughter Gandusa, and her unloved Gaule, her son Meehi; K. pulled out his unloved eyes, threw it into the river; A. became as a bird, overheard that two girls were playing across the sea through his mother's eyes; he sailed, took it out, returned her mother; the beauty's father demands seven identical fox tails for his daughter; the daughter teaches how to find a fox with 8 tails, he cuts off 7, gets a wife; K. tells him to bring a tree with gold and silver leaves, bark in the form of snakeskin; A. finds him, abandons him, it grows near his house; at night, the storm takes K., his beloved. wife and daughter]: 223-227, 241-251; Lopatin 1933, No. 3 [neighbors complain to the old man that his son will kill all the animals, there will be nothing to eat; the old man makes a coffin, tells his son that it is good to rest in it, pushes him into the river; the young man's white dog follows him along the shore to the house where the girl lives; she drags the coffin out of the water, the hook breaks off; the same with another girl; she tells the dog to run to the snake, she will lie down as a bridge to the island, There will be another girl; seven days later she catches a coffin, a turtle inside; the girl hangs her leg on a branch, she spits the young man's fingers in the sun; the girl sews them to the doll, the young man comes to life; the turtle says he should go to seventh heaven; there he hides the boy's toy, he takes him to his sick sister, the young man heals her, takes her as his wife; they go down, he takes his second wife, who is his revived, refuses to pull out the coffin, she hangs up; his parents are starving at home, he lowers their meat, kills both with a knife; happy with his wives]: 247-250.

Japan. Ainu: Batchelor 1927 [a man leaves his sister's son on the island; local Swan People use human meat as bait; their leader tells the young man that his uncle sold it to them; sends him home to self-propelled boat; young man and mother kill uncle, take his wealth]: 381-385; Etter 1949 [=Batchelor]: 113-114; Pilsudski 1912a, No. 25 [two man's wives warn his nephew that his uncle he is going to kill him; they give him food, shoes, clothes on the road; he meets two divine sisters, marries the youngest; returns rich; his uncle gets poorer, falls ill, dies]: 222-229.

SV Asia. Itelmen [Ememkut marries a forest woman Yanamltsyah; his father Kuth tells him to hunt bears, pushes him into a bear den, lies down with I.; she wears a nettle shirt, she burns K.; the bear sends E. home; K. tells her son to fish, pushes him into the water, Char sends E. home, he finds his wife K. again; K. digs a trap hole, pushes E. into it; he digs a turn, comes back again, tells wolves and bears to break K.]: Menovshchikov 1974, No. 176:524-527; Chukchi [western in 1955 in Nunyamo; sons asked their father to make them boats to play; to get rid of them, he made a trough, put children in it, stabbed them, put them at sea; the children were picked up, raised by the Eagle and the Eagle, given them eagle kitchens; when they caught the biggest whale, the Eagles let them go to their parents; at home, the sons stood up for their mother, who was beaten by their father, kicked him out of the house, built a good yaranga for themselves]: Anonymous 1958:70; tundra yukaghirs (p. Kolymskoye, Nizhnekolymsky District) [when the first child was born, Lamado, his father threw him away, said that he was not him; his wife secretly fed him; the second was born; both grew up, became hunters, L. married; the youngest too wants a wife, plans to kill L. with his father, give his wife to the youngest; the father demands that L. bring the bear, the mother gives horsehair, L. brought the bear, leading the hair on a leash; when L. is gone, the youngest came to his wife; wife: if he were a husband, he would have chopped firewood; the youngest volunteered to do it himself, his hands stuck to the axe, the ax to the tree; in the morning L.'s wife let him go; he came to his father and replied that he had spent the night good; the second time is the same (when leading the wolf; bring water; the hand stuck to the cauldron, the cauldron to the ice); the third time, draw the line; L. refused; the father grew old, came to live with L., he made a father and his younger brother with woodcutters and water carriers, surrounded them, and took care of his mother; he has many children]: Kurilov 2005, No. 24:275-279.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos: Menovshchikov 1985, No. 39 (Naukan) [same in Rubtsova, Vakhtin 2019, No. 1:23-40; father lets his young son kayak into the sea; he ends up in the country of Orlov; two girls raise him, their father gives him eagle plumage; he grabs a fire-breathing whale, which drags it under water, the Eagle sisters help lift the whale into the air; the eagle wants human; the young man brings his father to eat him ; mother brings, she lives well with the Eagles]: 88-93; Bogoras 1913, No. 7 [a man always beats his wife; she turns a bucket of water into the sea, a bag of meat into a boat, sails away with her young son; sails to to an old man, that daughter; at night an old man sends his long penis scratching the baby's neck; a woman avoids copulation; runs away, turning a bucket into a lake; throws a piece of his hair, it turns into forest; climbs a tree; an old man sees her reflection, dives three times; hears her laughter, sees her in a tree; cuts a tree with his penis; a woman jumps on another; a fallen tree has crushed an old man to death; a woman gets to another old man, who has five daughters; the old man stretches the baby's dicks, turning him into a young man; shows the woman a scar around the young man's neck from being hit by a penis, she recognizes her son; the old man and his daughters They show him how to wear eagle clothes; in the form of an eagle, a young man tries to pick up a mammoth, his claws get stuck; the eagle sisters help him; he brings whales and humans for an old eagle who eats human ; mother tells her son about his evil father; Eagle son takes the boat with his father into the air, throws it, brings the mother's father's corpse]: 426-429; Van Deusen 1999 [husband beats his wife; grandmother {apparently husband's mother} tells her to run, creates a barrel, puts a woman and her baby in there; she is nailed to the shore, the woman comes to a house with meat supplies; the owner returns, asks her to be his wife; the woman stings the baby, says that used to sleeping outside, goes out, runs away, climbs a tree; a man chases, sees her reflection in the lake, throws himself into the water; a woman laughs; he notices her, saws a tree, it falls on him, he crushed to death; a woman with a baby comes to a yaranga, throws sand on the coating; an old woman in yaranga tells her daughters to know if it is raining; they see a woman; the old man tells her to be driven away if the baby is girl, invite if a boy; a woman first gives the baby, then enters herself, sees a healthy young man; this is her son, who immediately becomes an adult, he shows his mother a mole on his body; these people eagles, they give the young man an eagle robe, teach him to fly; he brings whales and deer; flies to Chaplino, brings a kayak with a man from there, throws it, the man in the kayak crashes, it was that cruel husband, the father of a young man- eagle]: 94-97; Nuniwak Island: Lantis 1946, No. 12 [the chief sews his mischievous nephew into an empty sealskin wineskin, throws him into the sea; he is nailed to the shore where mother, daughter, big live an eagle; a young man takes his daughter as a wife, an eagle brings them lahtaks and a caribou; the hero asks the eagle to take him to his uncle, who swims in a kayak, his nephew drowns him; asks the eagle to bring a wife for his grown-up son; he brings the chief's wife; two half men come with one hand, one eye, half mouth; start breaking the house; that woman kills them; she had a shale nose and walrus wings]: 281; ( cf. Himmelheber 1951 [the hunter wants a daughter (she will grow up, bring her son-in-law into the house); the wife gives birth to a son, he grows up, the father goes hunting with him, returns alone; gives birth to a second son - the same; daughter; she grows up, meets a young man in the tundra, meets him; a father finds a daughter with young men, says they are her brothers; brothers and sister sail away, establish a village, forget their father]: 109-111); Kodiak [see motive K27; a man kills his sister's sons; she pretends to have given birth to a girl, the brother finds out the truth; 1) drops a wedge into the crack of a log, asks her nephew to get it, knocks out other wedges; the young man escapes; the uncle lets in a nephew at sea in a box or in the skin of a seal; he sails to the land of the Eagles, receives eagle plumage; brings a whale to his uncle's village; an uncle drives the boy's mother away from the meat; an eagle nephew raises his uncle to air, throws into the sea]: Golder 1903, No. 8:90-95; chugach [Sergeant Sheely is an uncle, Kumariak's eagle is a nephew; S. does not give meat to grandmother K.; K. creates a whale washed ashore; S. drives grandmother K. away from the carcass; K. in the form of an eagle grabs S. by the head, carries him away, throws him into the sea; takes his two wives; when he is old, he makes two men out of whale bone; when he dies, these men become husbands of widows K.]: Birket-Smith 1953:159-160; Aleuts: Jochelson 1916, No. 3 (Umnak) [Aliguyah began to kill his wife's relatives; went to another village, started a family there; returned, killed everyone in the old in the village, leaving only their first wife and two sons alive, but taking away all their property; boys learn to catch birds with snares, their mother cooks, sews bird parks; boys began to train using hands instead of tambourines, and when they clapped their hands, the flame burned; we came to the village where their father played games in their honor; they clapped their hands, the house caught fire, their father recognized them, they pushed everyone down the stairs, killed a father and his men]: 300-302; Jochelson 1990, No. 35 (Unalashka) [a man kills his sister's sons; she pretends to have given birth to a girl, her brother learns the truth; 1) drops a wedge into the crack of a log, asks her nephew get it, knocks him out other wedges; he escapes as a beetle, brings firewood; 2) his uncle takes him to hunt seals, sews him into the seal, throws him into the sea; his nephew sails to the country of the Eagles, gets two wives and eagle plumage; flies to his mother, brings a whale to his uncle's village; an uncle drives the boy's mother away from meat; an eagle nephew lifts his uncle into the air, throws him into the sea; returns to his wives], 43 (Umnak) [= Johelson 1916, No. 4:302-304; Kanaagutukh keeps only women in his villages, kills all boys; one woman hides her son; when K. finds out the truth, he seeks to destroy him; 1) a young man splits a log, brings firewood; 2) K. pushes him off a cliff, taking him to hunt for cormorants; he descends like a feather that his mother gave him, brings cormorants; 3) K. leaves his son on the island; he hides the seal in advance, sews himself into its skin, sails to the Eagles; lifts his father into the air, throws him; makes slaves mistresses; returns to the Eagles]: 269-277, 329-333; Lyapunova 1984 (Commanders) [in only women in the village of the chief (they also do all the men's work); men are exterminated, the chief kills the born boys; one woman hides her son under the guise of a girl; the chief discovers him when he knocks down flying birds with stones; the chief tries to 1) pinch him in the tree trunk (the mother gives a magic bone wedge); 2) throws him off the cliff (the mother gives magic feathers); 3) takes seals to the fishery, leaves on an island; with a woman's knife, the boy takes off the skin from the seal, sews himself into it, swims, throws it to Orlov Island; the young man marries, learns to fly in the skin of an eagle, to his mother's village, brings her two whales ; the chief tries to take them away, the young man takes him into the air, throws him into the sea; when he returns to the village, swaps idle women and slaves (including his mother), flies to his wife]: 27-28; Inupiat Bering Strait [orphan Seetuk lives with her uncle, studies from him; his uncle's wife eats all supplies, tells her husband that his nephew is doing it; uncle puts S. in a box, ties a lid, lowers him into the sea; the box sticks to the shore; S. frees himself, hunts, gets everything he needs; someone brings fish, deer, wolves to his house (they have valuable skins); two brothers and sister arrive; she is ready to marry S. if he overtakes her and defeats an evil opponent; S. first lags behind, then witches, overtakes; the girl's father gives him polar bear skin; S. defeats the opponent in a ball game (this is a big stone); in diving into sea; kills with an arrow when he appears in the guise of a bear; S. marries, father-in-law gives him hawkish plumage; S. flies to his native village, raises his uncle, throws him into the sea, before taking off his bird's clothes and saying , why he is going to kill him; brings his uncle's corpse to the village, tells his story; people kill his uncle's wife, bury him with her husband; S. returns to the Hawks, becomes their leader]: Garber 1940, No. 27: 204-215; Bering Strait inupiate (kingimiut kingikmiut peninsula) [husband first, then wife die; four brothers are still young, it is difficult for them to pull their mother's corpse out of the dugout; her brother and others are not help them; orphans grow up, Ilyarunik is the elder; his uncle lowers him on a rope on a rocky cornice to collect bird eggs, throws a rope, leaves; at night I. jumps down, flies like a bird, dives with a seal, returns home; kills a monstrous walrus skin and a huge cannibal shrew]: Lucier 1954:223-224; Northern Alaska Inupiate (Noatak): Hall 1975, No. EH13 [man cheats on his wife with widow; woman makes a small kayak, sails away with her son; sails to Eagle's home; Eagle teaches her stepson to turn into an eagle, hunt whales; tells not to touch the spewing fire; the young man violates the ban, his claws get stuck, stepdad saves him; young man finds a real father, lifts him into the air, throws him somewhere in the mountains], PM5 [every time a younger brother's wife gives birth to a son and he grows up, older brother kills a nephew; the couple pretend that a girl was born; the uncle suspects the truth, puts his nephew in a hollowed out log, covers him, lowers him into the sea; he is nailed to the land of eagles; two eagle girls find him; he is taught to fly, not told to grab a fire-breathing whale; he grabs, gets stuck with his claws, eagles save him; he marries; goes to his uncle, kills him with his hands, crushed from above], PM73 [ his uncle's wife cheats on him with his nephew; his uncle locks him in a hollowed out log, lowers him into the river; an eagle girl finds him, brings him to heaven; he is taught to fly; he takes the kayak with his uncle into the air, throws him, uncle dies]: 97-102, 125-130, 276-278.

Subarctic. Koyukon: De Laguna 1995, No. 29 [a man is jealous of his two wives for his nephew; splits a log, hollows out a container in two halves; invites his nephew to lie down; when it turns out that a container by his standards, connects the halves, lets him into the river; a log floats along the sea to the shore; a porcupine gnaws through the ropes; a giant adopts a young man; sends him home with a load of meat; his wife's uncles died, he took two others; tries to run over his nephew with a falling tree; he presses him down, leaves him to die; marries his widows]: 224-229; Attla 1983 [The raven is jealous of his two wives for his sister's son; lures He in a hollow, binds him, covers him with a lid, lets him go downstream; for several months the young man feeds on his dry excrement, becomes a shaman; Porcupine and Mouse free him, the giant helps to him; he returns to his native village; replaces his severed nails with Raven's nails; he throws them into the fire, falls ill, dies; the nephew takes his wives]: 141-169; tanana [The raven comes hunt an island with his hawk nephew; sails alone in the boat; takes the Hawk's wife; returns a year later, believing that the Hawk is dead; turns his feces into a man to guard the boat; he screams, but the Hawk jumps into the boat; when sailing away, he advises the Raven to eat mice; the Raven chokes on the bone, dies; at home, the Hawk kicks his wife in the stomach, from there many crows fly out; the Hawk lives with his wife again]: De Laguna 1995, No. 19:177-179; tagish [a man teaches his sister's sons to make a boat, offers to climb into a split trunk, knocks out a wedge, boys die every time; their mother cries when she wakes up, Sees Loon, she gives her a piece of quartz, led her houses to heat it, swallow it; she gives birth to a boy Hot Stone; he grows up quickly; when his uncle knocks out the wedge, he inserts the spacer again; the uncle climbs in himself, he the wedge knocks out, the uncle dies; he comes to tickle his uncle's two wives, who keep their hands pressed to their bodies, it causes a tide, they raise their hands, birds fly out from under them, the young man tells the water to fall]: McClelland 2007, No. 73a: 356-359; taltan [jealous man takes his sister's sons to sea, drowns one by one; says they drown by accident; Raven is younger; takes a toy boat with him; falling into water, turns it into real water; so she returns home several times; comes to her uncle's wife, plays with her; tickles her, forcing her to raise her hands; a jay and a woodpecker fly out of her armpits, she dies; Uncle chases Raven, but he sails away]: Teit 1919, No. 1.1:199-200.

NW Coast. Eyak [a man always kills his children; a wife hides them in a hole; he hears a noise, his wife explains that they are crows, that she threw away shells, etc.; children grow up and kill their father]: Johndon 1978: 59; Tlingits: Veniaminov 1940 (3) [there was no light; a man hides his wife in a box, kills his sister's children out of jealousy; she, on the advice of her mother, swallows sea pebbles, gives birth to Elya, hides him from her brother; E. kills a forty-like bird, puts on its skin, sticks his nose into the sky, puts a duck skin on his mother; E. opened the box with his uncle's wife, his uncle threw it into the sea, E. came back to the bottom; uncle caused a flood, E. stuck his nose into the sky, after the flood fell west on algae, these are Queen Charlotte Islands; picked up chips of gigantic pine in his nose, where he flew, threw it, where it grows]: 38-43; Kamensky 1906 [fir for Only one toyon built dumplings; he kept his wife in a drawer; she was guarded by 8 birds that flew out if someone came into contact with a woman; his sister Kikuhinshi (daughter of Kikuhinshi) had eight sons; out of jealousy, the uncle took everyone to sea, threw them overboard, or hammered them in hollows; K. ran away, took Heron as her husband; she brought her a pebble, she swallowed it (or gave a pebble Killer Whale, or Killer Whale advised me to swallow it); K. gave birth to a son, El (Raven); he opened the box with his uncle's wife; he locked it in the deck, E. broke it; uncle caused a flood, E. put on the skin of a magpie, he clung to the sky with his beak, its tail and wings became wet; put a duck skin on his mother; after the flood, E. fell into the sea on seaweed, the sea otter transported it to land (or E. sank directly to land); picked up cones in his beak and fir chips, distributed fir trees around the world, taught people how to make dumplings]: 71-75 (translated in Kamenskii 1985:59-60); Golder 1907c [jealous keeps his wife in a box, kills his sister's sons; she swallows hot a stone, gives birth to a Raven; he opens the box, copulates with his uncle's wife; he causes a flood; the raven hangs under the sky, with its beak into it; hides spruce chips in its beak; after the flood, a forest grows out of them] : 290-292; De Laguna 1972 [as in Golder; Uncle - Month; Raven pulls hair out of a woman's armpits, throws it into a chimney, it turns into woodpecker feathers; puts the mother in the puffy skin of a duck]: 844-845, 848-849; Garfield, Forrest 1961 [brother and sister, no other people; sister swallowed white pebbles hoping to die like this; but became pregnant, gave birth to a Raven; gave birth to a Crane; uncle wants to kill the Raven, knocked down there was a tree on him, but he was born of pebbles, the tree broke; his uncle caused a big tide (i.e. a flood); the raven put on the sandpiper (Scolopacidae) bird skin, flew to heaven (var: he married the daughter of the Sun there); going down, he clung to the cloud with his beak, waited for the water to come down; the raven wanted to fall into a grassy place, and so it happened]: 15-16; Swanton 1909, No. 52 [a jealous uncle kills the sons of his three sisters; the fourth husband gives his son a bracelet that helps him become a feather ball in a moment of danger; the uncle demands 1) to approach a huge oyster (the young man is swallowed, cuts the oyster from the inside), 2) catch a monstrous octopus (brings it to his uncle), 3) climb a tree (the uncle climbs after him, pushes his nephew down, he lands with a feather); the uncle ties the young man to the board, throws him into the sea; three sisters find him, he marries two; visits his uncle's wife, kills himself, returns to his wives]: 198-203; Hyda: Reid, Bringhurst 1989 [Raven marries a Creek woman; Wealthsound's girl is their descendant; says the young man who picked her up and his relatives, when her brother threw a frog into the fire, the frog's mother looked for her child; the old men told Wealthsound to hide in a latrine, the others were killed earthquake and fire; the boy's parents adopt a girl of the same kind (their coat of arms is dogfish, a little shark); W. marry the mainland; her son complains that other children are teasing him rootless; mother with their son returns to the Hyda Islands; her adoptive parents have already died; the named brother W. receives her and his nephew; finds him with his wife, puts him in a box, lets him go to sea; he is washed ashore in Orlov country, Orlitsa takes a young man as her husband, her father gives him eagle plumage, tells him not to miss a large mollusk (clam); he is enough, dragged under water, the Eagles come to the rescue, everyone grabs the other, everything the chain of Eagles almost hides under water, the old Orlitsa pulls them out, but the young man remains under water; at the request of his wife, her father pulls his bones from the bottom, revives him; agrees to send his son-in-law and daughter to a country of people; gives three pebbles; when a young man and wife get tired of flying, they throw a stone, it turns into an island, they will come to it; so three times; at home the young man finds his mother; all women want it, he answers In return; the eagle wife sees the water become cloudy, flies away; wearing eagle plumage, the husband flies after her; she tells him to return, he refuses; then she deprives him of his plumage, he falls into the sea; falling, hears frog croaking]: 93-103; Swanton 1905 (Skidgate) [uncle glues his nephew with tar to a log, lets him into the sea; a log sails to the country of Eagles; a young man marries the leader's daughter; he is given eagle robe; he lifts whales and other marine animals into the air; once almost dragged under water, his eagle mother-in-law manages to pull it back; he flies in the form of an Eagle to his uncle's village, kills him inhabitants]: 271-273 [the nephew throws chips into the hearth; the fire breaks out, he sees the genitals of his uncle's wife; points to the red woodpecker, says he saw something like this red; the clam (Clam) almost drags him under water; in the village, an eagle young man lifts one person into the air; another grabs him by the legs, followed by others; the eagle lifts a chain of people into the air, throws him into the sea], 273-276 [ the nephew is in love with his uncle's wife; the uncle's slaves smear the bottom of the boat with resin, masking it with feathers; they throw a young man with a board glued to him into the sea; he kills (without details) all but two of the inhabitants of his uncle's village his younger sisters], 277-280 [nephews had the right to sleep with his uncle's wife; he sends nine nephews one by one to split a log, they get stuck, die; the tenth trains swimming in the sea, breaking off the fir's paws; 1) the uncle splits the log, asks his nephew to get the wedge that has fallen into the gap, takes out another wedge; the nephew tears the log, brings it to his uncle; 2) the uncle asks for cormorants, pushes his nephew off a cliff; he turns into a feather; caress, climbs a rock, brings cormorants; 3) brings burning bark; 4) his uncle pushes him into the shell of the mollusk, the nephew tears it apart; uncle puts him sleeping in a box, throws him into the sea; he sails into the country of the Eagles; marries the leader's daughter, receives an eagle robe; lifts his uncle into the air, throws him into the sea; he turns into a sea spirit]; Smelcer 1993 (Masset) [uncle is angry that his nephew does not study well; closes him in a box, throws him into the sea; becoming an eagle, his nephew lifts his uncle into the air, throws him into the sea]: 49-50; Tsimshian (b. Ness) [while the chief is hunting, his nephew sleeps with his wife; the chief finds them, kills his wife, glues his tied nephew with resin to the board in the boat, descends down the river; the boat reaches the sea, the resin melts in the sun; The mouse invites the young man to his uncle; animal people and birds sit around (in appropriate suits); the young man marries the daughter of the Eagle Chief; she gives him a stone to knock out her vaginal teeth; former the grooms are all dead; the wife gives the young man eagle plumage; he gains fame by helping to bring the big whale; the father-in-law leaves a huge oyster as bait, she pulls her son-in-law to the bottom; in response, the wife is ready starve himself; then the father-in-law opens the hatch in the floor, goes down to the sea, pulls out his son-in-law's bones, revives him; the young man wants to see his native village; his father-in-law gives him three pebbles; when his son-in-law throws them into the sea, they turn into islands, he rests on them; together with his wife they bring people lots of food; the young man hunts like an eagle; converges with an ordinary girl; then the eagle wife flies away; he tries to follow after her, she falls into the sea, drowns; she returns home, starves herself; her father-in-law revives her son-in-law again, who stays with the eagles]: Barbados 1953:42-52.

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap: Teit 1909a, No. 1 [Coyote wants to take possession of his son (or nephew)'s two wives; asks for feathers from the eagle's nest on the rock; advises wearing better clothes and leaving them on the ground before climbing; tells the rock to grow; pulls on his wrinkled skin, puts on a young man's clothes, takes his wives; migrates with them; women Rat and Mouse make the rock low again; the young man turns his pubic hair into the thickets where rats and mice now live; finds the Coyote camp; leaves him with his older wife, takes back his youngest], 53 [Coyote and his nephew are both married; Coyote turns his excrement into eagle's nest, invites his nephew to go for feathers, leave his clothes below; lifting his eyelids, makes the rock high; tightens his saggy skin, puts on his nephew's clothes, speaks to his own wife at home, that her husband is dead; her nephew sees two women below, the Spider and the Mouse, collecting Indian hemp; calling them four times; both singing, the rock becomes low again; he makes hemp out of his pubic hair better quality, gives women; further = (1)]: 622-623, 737-738; Thompson: Boas 1895, No. II.5 (ntlakyapamuk) [=2002:87-88; Coyote's son has two wives, Coyote wants one for himself; sends his son to a tree for a bird; the tree grows; when the son jumps into the sky, the Coyote makes the tree low again; the young man wants to pull out the roots; it turns out that these are holes in the sky, i.e. stars; turns two old women into birds; Spider spouses bring him down to the ground in a basket; his wife and son meet him; he kills a deer, sends a Coyote after him; the Coyote drowns in the river; turns into a piece of wood; two women make a plate out of it; that devours food; they throw it into the fire; it turns into a baby; they make him a servant; they keep fog and wasps in the vessels; when left alone, the Coyote opens the vessels, releasing fog and wasps into the world]: 17-18; Teit 1898, No. 2 [at the beginning of time, Coyote makes a son out of clay; he bathes, dissolves in water; from resin he melts in the sun; from white stone he lives, his name is Nlixentem; Gagara and Duck give him daughters as wives, one is dark skinned, the other is light; the Coyote turns his excrement into eagle chicks, asks his son to climb a tree for them, tells the tree to grow tall, comes to his wives in clothes and appearance, takes a bright one , drives away the dark-skinned; N. walks along the heavenly plain, pulls out large edible rhizomes, the wind blows out of the holes, these rhizomes are stars; enters an empty dugout, takes a basket, baskets attack him; he puts the basket back, tells the baskets to become men's servants; the same episode in a dugout of mats; awls; combs, birch bark vessels; N. comes to two blind old women; they eat rotten wood, pass food to each other, N. intercepts it, old women quarrel, accusing each other; feel a man, say that he smells bad; N. turns them into two types of hazel grouses; comes to Spider spouses, who call themselves his grandfather and grandmother, are lowered to the ground in a basket; N. finds a faithful wife and son; the Coyote people are starving, the Raven discovers N. who has returned, gets meat for his children; people force him to confess where the meat comes from; they return to N., celebrate, ask him to take his second wife back; N. sends the Coyote for the carcass of a dead deer, the Coyote falls into the river, swims to the dam, after her two sisters keep salmon; turns into a wooden plate; eats food, throws a plate into the fire, Coyote turns into a baby, sisters adopt him; in their absence, he breaks the dam by releasing salmon into rivers; goes downstream; asks three or four girls if they want salmon, the youngest answers, Yes; he sends his penis to her across the river, the end stays in the vagina, the girl gets sick ; Coyote carries salmon across rivers; a group of girls replies that they want mountain sheep meat, not salmon; in this place, the Coyote creates rapids; disguised as a shaman, comes to the sick person, asks everyone to sing loudly, leave him with the girl in the steam room, copulates, removes the end of the penis, the girl recovers; the Coyote creates fake berries on the bushes, negotiates with the Grizzly to eat her supplies first, then him; runs away, berries dry up]: 21-29, 88; lillouette [like Thompson, No. 2]: Teit 1912b, No. 8:307-209; sechelt (sisiatl) [the young man has two wives; he shot an antelope, sent his father to bring meat; he has A strap bursts at the crossing, it is carried away by the river, it turns into a piece of wood, the woman picks it up, uses it as a plate, the food disappears from it; the woman throws the plate away, it turns into a baby; a woman He raises him, four days later he grows up, leaves; turns his excrement into birds, talks about it to his son, who climbs a tree, the father tells the tree to grow; in heaven, the son comes to two blind women, slowly takes their food; makes them sighted; catches salmon for them; they open a hole in the floor, they lower it in the basket; he opens his eyes ahead of time, the basket comes back; the second time he goes down, his little son recognizes him; he and his mother say that his second wife left with the boy's father]: Hill-Tout 1904a: 43-45 (retelling in Lévi-Strauss 1971, no. 676:338); snohomish [Fox and Norka went travel; Norka said he would go see what was ahead; wrote into water, turned urine into salmon, gave it to Fox; he fried and ate; got sick; asks the two little girls in it ( probably their excrement), they laugh, Fox got pregnant; gave birth to a boy, he grew up quickly, married Butterball (?) and the bird, he loves the first, the second does not; the fox wants to take possession of his son's wives; asks the "counselors", who tell them to turn them into white birds; the son Fox undressed, climbed a tree, it is higher and higher, to the sky; "birds" returned to Fox; he put on his son's clothes, came to his wives, said that his father was dead; B. understood what was going on, the bird wife believed; the fox took the bird, B. did not agree with him; in heaven, Fox's son came to the gray-haired man the old man; this is the Spider; he said that the country where the young man came from was the third below; began to let him down; when it was warm, the young man realized that he was on earth; in gratitude he gave the spider 4 dressed reindeer skins; bald; caught up with his faithful wife, she touched his head, his hair grew again; first she carried her husband in her basket; then he told Fox and his bird-wife to bring the deer he had killed; bewitched the strap, that constantly eager; the fox and his wife rushed to catch up, his wife was carried away by the river, the Fox hardly swam out; his advisers said that there are two women down the river, they have a dam with a salmon trap; the fox turned into a wooden dish, swam into a trap; the women picked it up, she devours all the meat they put in it; they threw the bowl on the floor, it turned into a baby; when the women are not there, the fox goes to the dam and takes salmon from there; counselors tell you to break the dam; the head and back must be covered with baskets - these are the only vulnerabilities on the body; the women rushed to the Fox with the jails, but they are stuck in the baskets; the Fox led fish up the river; came to a woman with her daughter, married her daughter, speaks a miraculous language as if he were a mountain leader; salmon ran out; wife gave birth to a girl, left her Lisa and left; she grew up in a few days , married Mountain Sheep's son; the fox went to visit them; the baby, whom the daughter gave birth to, had fat diapers, the Fox ate them; when the Fox stole the stone hammer, his daughter kicked him out; the fox began to play, throwing them up his eyes, the Raven took them away; Magpie suspects that the Fox is blind; he says he sees a star that Magpie does not see; when she came, he pulled out her eyes and put her in; the fox came to the fat old woman- illnesses; she says that her two granddaughters went to a place where Raven shows Fox's eyes to everyone and the audience is dancing around; the fox asks the old woman in detail about her usual behavior, wants to kill; she claims that you can't kill her with a stone, a club, water, fire, a magic root; Fox's excrement is advised to beat her with nettles; she dies, the Fox put on her skin; counselors: spots under the eyes, tell your granddaughters that you are hurt; the granddaughters carried the imaginary old woman, the Fox copulated with both; the fox began to sing, everyone liked it, he called his eyes, they returned to his eye sockets, he ran away, the pursuer showed his penis, everything was enveloped in the fog, the Fox escaped]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 20:399-411; Skagit [Coyote's son is married to Turtledove and Duck; the Coyote wants them himself; creates a woodpecker, sends his son to the tree for him; the woodpecker soars higher; the Coyote waves his penis, everything drowns in the fog; puts on his son's clothes, marries the Duck; the Turtledove rejects him; the Spider lowers his son from heaven to earth; he comes to the Turtledove, the Duck leaves the Coyote; creates a river; the Coyote crosses it, is carried away by the current; it turns into a wooden bowl; two women Magpie and Snipe pick it up; the food left in it disappears; they break the bowl; the Coyote turns into a baby, women are raising him; in their absence he eats food; they guess they want to punish him]: Hilbert 1985:66-72; Puget Sound: Ballard 1929:144-147 [Coyote's son has 4 wives-2 Gorlinka sisters and 2 duck sisters; the eldest Gorlinka has a baby son; Coyote asks his two sisters for advice; these are berries in his belly; on the advice of the "sisters", the Coyote makes an eagle from his excrement; asks his son to take off his clothes, get the eagle off the cliff; takes his form, puts on his clothes, takes his Duck Wives; Gorlinka wives do not believe in her husband's death, leave food for him; The Spider lets down the hero, his The son recognizes him; he becomes small, the turtle wives carry him in their luggage; the Coyote returns his son's clothes, she stinks; the young man causes rain, the Duck wives find themselves in the water, turn into ducks; the Coyote swims down the river to the dam, behind which five women (these are carrier birds, Sandpipers) keep salmon; the Coyote turns into a baby; five sisters (birds Transporters) keep the salmon behind the pond; The coyote turns into a baby, women pick him up; he breaks the dam, releasing salmon into the river; cooks salmon, falls asleep; 5 wolf brothers smear fat on his lips, eat salmon, leave], 147-148 [from son The coyote has 4 wives - 2 Neck Sisters and 2 Salmon Milks; the Coyote likes them because they are white; he makes a nest and eagles out of his crap, puts them on a rock, asks his son to climb with his clothes off; the rock grows, the birds turn back into crap; the Coyote takes the Milk Wife, the Gorlinka wives live separately, leave their husband baked tubers; the Spider lets the hero down, his son recognizes him; he becomes small, Gorlinky Wives carry it in his luggage; the young man causes rain, the Coyote swims down the river to the dam, behind which five women (shipping birds) hold salmon; the Coyote's "sisters" advise him to turn into a baby; women pick him up; he breaks a dam, releasing salmon into the river; he goes after them, cooks them, falls asleep; 5 wolf brothers smear fat on his lips, eat salmon, go away; Coyote does the same to the Wolves; arranges a waterfall above which salmon do not rise]; colitz [Coyote's son has four wives; K. tells the fire to blaze, women jump up, K. sees their legs; turns his crap into a bird, a hill - up the mountain; his son shot a bird, took off his clothes, climbed the mountain; the mountain grows, the bird turns into excrement again; K. puts on his son's clothes, comes to his wives; two white-legged take him, the other two (one has a child) suspect the truth; a spider helps son K. go down a rope to the ground; he finds salmon hidden for him by his faithful wives; returns, allows his father to keep two wives; causes rain; Coyote and his wives fall into the river; wives drown, turn into mice; K. swims downstream; see H18 motive]: Adamson 1934:243-245; upper colitz [Coyote's son Eagle is married to two mouse sisters and two turtle sisters; when the Coyote puts sparkling wood into the fire, the women throw off their clothes, he sees that the Mice have white vulvas and the Gorlins have black vulvas, prefers white ones; does eagles from their excrement, puts them on a rock, sends the Eagle to get the chicks; he takes off his clothes, climbs a rock, finds excrement there; the Coyote makes the rock smooth, puts on his son's clothes, takes him appearance, tells his wives to migrate, takes Mice; the old spider lowers the Eagle to the ground; the son recognizes him; he kills a deer, tells the Coyote to carry it, causes rain, the Coyote is carried away by the river; the Coyote asks for trees help, predicts the usefulness of those who hand him their branches; turns into a dead deer, swims up to the boy; the boy's grandmother knows it's a Coyote, runs to beat him, he swims away; in the form of a baby in In the basket, the Coyote comes to five virgin sisters; they raise him, the youngest does not like him, because lying on their knees he always puts his hands between their legs; they have a pond with fish; in the absence of girls The coyote gets up from the cradle, digs a ditch; the sisters come running, hit him, but he manages to release the salmon; first he screams, Down the river, then catches up, screams, Up; so in few salmon in the upper reaches]: Jacobs 1934, No. 2:103-107; curdalen: Reichard 1947, No. 4 [Coyote's son has a wife Tern (Sterna aurantia, tern) and Black Swan (CH); Coyote's son has a child, all of her they love, the Tern is childless, disliked; the Coyote decides to take the Tern for himself; Asks his "advisers" (excrement); while the young man climbs up the tree, Coyote looks at him, raising his eyebrows, thus forcing him go up to the sky; he takes Tern as his wife; in the sky a young man killed an elk; hears the voices of cannibals; each has two sticks, one tied to the bones of dead people, to the other - moose; one knocked down the other with a stick to the ground, he has long spider legs; he asks for an elk in exchange for protection; two beaver women bring a young man to their place; a young man kills a deer, then another; the first carcass disappears; Beavers they say that he killed their husband, they smile; the young man kills the deer again, sees how long-legged, round-bodied comes to eat it; kills him; wives cry, it was their father; the young man revives him, the Spider calls him son-in-law; wives know that the husband misses his wife on earth, ChL; a young man comes to two blind strands quarreling over a hemp stem; gives them hemp, they lower it from the sky in their box; she descends in four moves, jerks like spiders descend; on the ground, the young man pulls the rope, the box returns to heaven; the son recognizes him, the CH tells how badly the Coyote treats them; the young man beat the Coyote with a stick , Tern, his brothers and mother]: 77-80; Teit 1917e, No. 3 [Coyote is jealous of his son; asks him to climb a tree, get eagles from the nest; blinking makes the tree grow to the sky; there the son comes to two Spiders who fight over Indian hemp; gives them hemp, they lower it to the ground in a basket; he kills their father]: 120-121; clickitate [a man named Onion had Grizzly and Black wives Bear; Grizzly warned that she was on her period and should retire for a while; after her period was over, she asked her two children to bring her normal clothes; brother and sister saw that the mother gradually turning into a grizzly; warned others; The bear climbed the tree, the Vulture turned into a door curtain, the bow became a bow, brother and sister fled with the help of the dog; the Grizzly destroyed objects that people had become; all that remained was the Coyote, who became a piece of rotten wood; he said that if the Grizzly touched him, she would have fly larvae in her ass; said in which direction the brother ran and sister; they grew up, married to each other; sister does not tell brother/husband to go to a certain area; he goes, meets his mother there; she offers to look in his head, kills; daughter creates the source; pushes the mother off the cliff when she drinks; the Grizzly dies; the Coyote appears, the woman throws her things into the fire, then burns herself; the Coyote raises the boy; this is the Eagle, he grows up, marries three Mice, Gorlinka, Cricket; the Coyote puts willow branches in the fire, the flame breaks out, the women lift their legs; the Coyote sees the Mice are white, the other two wives have black genitals; he likes white ones; he turns his excrement into eagles; sends the Eagle to the rock to get feathers; makes the rock tall; takes the form of a son, puts on his clothes, takes his wives, Mice, mistreats Cricket, and Gorlinka; The Spider lowers the Eagle off the cliff; Gorlinka's son recognizes his father; the Eagle kills the deer, tells Coyote to carry it, it rains, the Coyote is washed into the river, swims downstream, turns into a dead deer; his a girl picks up; her grandmother knows it's a Coyote, wants to hit, he swims on, turns into an old man, stays with five unmarried sisters; they own a salmon lake; he makes them sticks- diggers, digs runoff from the lake himself; sisters beat him, breaking five bone spoons with which he covered his head, but he releases water and fish; he catches fish in the river, bakes, falls asleep, Wolves eat it; Wolves fall asleep, Coyote steals birds' eggs; makes rapids on the river that salmon should not rise above]: Jacobs 1934, No. 31:79-91 (retelling in Lévi-Strauss 1971, No. 606a: 233-234); ne percay [Coyote's son is the best hunter; he makes fire by kicking a log; Black Cricket and White Swan are his wives; he climbs a tree to get the prey left; the Coyote makes the tree grow to the sky; puts on his son's clothes, takes the White Swan; cannot cause fire from a log; Black Cricket leaves with his son; Spiders bring Coyote's son down from the sky on a rope; Black Cricket's son is the first to recognize his father; White The swan turns into a swan out of shame; the son of the Coyote sends him to bring meat, separates him from the camp by deep gorges; the Coyote sails along the river on a raft in the form of a baby; the eldest of the Swallow Sisters picks it up; he breaks their fish dam, releasing salmon into rivers]: Phinney 1934:376-381; yakima: Hines 1992, No. 44 [Coyote's son is married to three sisters, the youngest Coyote wants himself; asks for a son climb a tree for eagle feathers, advises him to take off his clothes; leans a tree with branches against a smooth trunk; then cleans, puts on his son's clothes, migrates with his wives; two days later the son goes down; the youngest wife hides him in her bag; he kills Coyote with a truncheon, throws him into the river; the Coyote turns into a baby, swims to the dam, behind which five sisters hold salmon; while they are away, he breaks the dam, wearing five wooden scoops; sisters break scoops but not Coyote's head; Coyote threatens his "sisters" with rain if they don't teach him how to catch salmon; where he is given wives, he makes good places for fishing where they don't give is bad], 45 [Coyote's son has two Swan Wives from the coast, two Gorlinki; he loves Gorlinka, Coyote likes Swans; he makes artificial eagles, invites his son to go after them on the rock, taking off his clothes, makes the rock smooth, puts on his son's clothes, says that Coyote stayed on the rock; sleeps with the Swans; Gorlinki know that it is not their husband, they leave food for him in the parking lots; through for five days, the Spider lowers the young man off the cliff; he kills a deer, tells the Coyote to bring it, he is carried away by the river; the Coyote turns into a baby, picked up by five swallow sisters who held the fish behind the pond; breaks a dam with wooden shields over his head; the sisters break them, but the Coyote is intact]: 121-126, 126-131; Vasco [the chief has a hundred wives, copulates with everyone in turn every night; kills sons, raises daughters; his hundred slaves scatter sand around the house to see any traces; the chief can walk on water; Chief Vasco's daughter buys for 50 slaves; she gives birth to a son, lies like a daughter; her husband lets her go to parents; there the son grows up, gets strength from thunder and lightning; also walks on water; at night he copulates with all his father's wives; the father sees that the son's footprints are greater than his own; the son defeats the father, who falls into the water; the son takes ten wives, lets the rest go]: Curtin 1909b, No. 4:248-253; Vasco [Coyote makes eagle chicks out of his giblets; sends his grandson Eagle to get feathers; makes the rock tall; takes the form of a grandson, puts on his clothes, sleeps with his two wives Mouse and Woodpecker; Thunder splits the rock, the Eagle descends, catches up with the family, his wives welcome him; the Coyote is washed away by the rain in the river, he turns into a piece of wood; two sisters pick it up; he turns into a baby; when they are not there, he takes on their true form, eats their fish; destroys the dam, releasing salmon into rivers; showers his sisters with ash, turning them into birds]: Curtin 1909b, No. 5:264-267; Vishram: Hines 1991, No. 11 [(two options); the chief has two hundred wives; he orders to kill boys, save girls; sand around every night at home to know that no one came; Nee-t-T lies that she gave birth to a girl, gets permission to visit relatives; her son grows up, trains strength; comes to his father's house, in the morning he sees that The trail is greater than his own; sends warriors, his son kills them all, kills his father]: 95-100; tillamook [the youngest of five brothers marries; he has five sons, they live with his uncle; he turns in an elk, glances four people one by one when they hunt him; warned by Blue Jay, the fifth kills an elk with his eyes closed; finds dentalium and two miniature ones in his moose shell boats; gets married; people on the other side of the river offer him their girlfriend; he refuses; they leave him on a cliff in the ocean; he attaches mollusks with elk tendons to the rock, since then the shells hard to rip off; makes boats big, returns to his wife]: Edel 1944, No. 2b: 118; alsea [the hero's father sleeps with his two wives; creates a bird in the tree; the hero's son asks him to get it; tree grows up, the hero goes to heaven; the thunders bring him down wrapped in whale skin; the hero returns, puts his father in whale skin on hot rocks, throws him into the sea; he turns into a whale, then finds his former appearance]: Frachtenberg 1920, No. 5:75-81; Cus: Frachtenberg 1913, No. 3 [the old man has a son, he has two wives and two young sons; the old man went to relieve himself, noticed blood on his excrement, the woodpecker began to peck at them; he called his son to get the woodpecker, ordered him to climb the tree, because the arrows do not reach; the young man climbs the tree into the sky; the old man makes himself young, takes the property and the son's wives; the young man walks through the windless heavenly plain, sees two cranes, shoots, the cranes disappear, the young man follows them, comes to the house, where an old man and an old woman say that the young man almost shot them; they explain that when the Sunwoman gets up and comes, she stops and eats people's stomachs; hides the young man, but the woman smells; leaves; the young man catches up with her, copulates with an icy penis; tells her be kind; marries an old man's two daughters; he deliberately drops a hammer into the water, tells his son-in-law to get it, covers the pond with ice, the son-in-law breaks the ice with a hammer, gets out of the water; the father-in-law lowers his son-in-law in the basket on rope to the ground, giving a lot of property; the young man sees his children; raises his wives and children in the basket to heaven, and the old man becomes old again, falls into the water; tells the whale to swallow him; the whale takes him to the shore ; he eats manzanita berries, but they fall out of his ass; he inserts a plug of grass; bakes skunk cabbage; puts the top, catches salmon, dries them; all the dried salmon are back in the river {it's not clear why} ; so now salmon come to rivers every year]: 21-37; Jacobs 1940, No. 29 [Coyote turns his excrement into woodpeckers; sends his son to get woodpeckers from the tree, tells the tree to grow to the sky, then descend, copulates with both of his son's wives; the hero stays in the sky, meets the Sun Girl; copulates with an icy penis (the sun has not been so hot since then); the Sun sends him to his sister; old people teach you to overcome challenges; 1) harpoon salmon (the hero misses four, hits the fifth), 2) get a hammer from the bottom of the lake (the water is covered with ice, he breaks the ice with a hammer; the opponent can't break, the hero saves him), 3) hunt an elk (this is the Old Month himself, he is scared), 4) knock down a tree (the hero bounces when the tree falls), 5) cut the whale (he swallows the hero and swims away; the hero gets out of womb, swims on a log; people in the boat bring him back); The month recognizes his son-in-law; the old spider woman lowers the hero and his wife in the basket to the ground; the hero's children are almost blind, because the Coyote touched their eyes with his penis; the hero puts a coyote skin on his father, turns him into a coyote; the Spider takes the hero with his wives and children in the basket back to heaven, he now lives there]: 214-221; Klamath [see motive F2; old man Kmukamch tells his son named Aishish to get birds; advises him to undress before that; makes reeds or pine trees grow; puts on his son's clothes, comes instead of him, takes his wives; butterfly sisters save A., he returns]: Barker 1963, No. 4 [larks in reeds; A. marries Butterflies and other insect women; tells his son from his bullfinch wife to throw five K. hearts into the fire, which he has at his feet; K. dies]: 37-45; Gatschet 1890 [sends eagles to get, but A. finds larks in the nest]: 94-97 [a nest on the stem of horse sorrel; Chaffinch, Crane, Water Hen are faithful wives; A. tells his son throw his grandfather's phone into the fire; he dies; comes to life, sets fire to the sky; A. and his family hide from dripping resin], 99-101 [Wild Duck is happy to have a new husband; Water Hen, Squirrel, Chaffinch and especially the Crane they mourn the old].

The Midwest. The Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [see motive L70; Wai-Mishus has two wives; one scratches her body with raspberry stems, accuses the other's son of attempted rape; the young man's name is Iyas; V. leaves him on the island, tells the seagulls to kill; The seagull carries I. on his back, defecates on V., returns to the island; the Green-horned serpent transports I. to the other side; on his way, I. meets strange and dangerous creatures; comes to the mother; tells her to throw another wife's child into the fire, who mocks her; lights the ground with arrows, he and his mother are unharmed, V. burns; I. turns his mother into a robin, yourself in a toad]: Ray, Stevens 1971:112-120; Swamp Cree (West Bank Hall. James) [Ayas tyranted his wife, the son objected; then he went with his son to the island, left, left unnoticed; the young man was also Ayas; the horned creature was lucky to the shore, asking him to warn him if there was a thunderstorm; He ordered the shores to go by foam, sailed away himself; on the shore, A. saw Thunder smash his savior to pieces; a drop of splashing blood reproached him; A. came to his grandmother; she gave a small pot of food; if A. eats everything, he will not die when he meets dangerous creatures; A. ate with difficulty; entered the teepee, where there are two blind old women; moved their pot of food; they say that A. must have come; they want pierce him with his sharp elbows; he threw the skin on which he slept, the old women pierced each other; sharp bone shoulder blades hang above the path; A. jumped over them, but hit them, the dog barked, the owner ran out; A. disappeared into a hole, wearing a mink skin given by his grandmother; spent the night with a man who killed sleepers with his big leg; A. did not sleep, plunged his grandmother's point into his leg, killed a man; came to his mother; at his father another wife and child; A. told his mother to throw this child into the fire; when he sees his son, the father pretends to be happy with him; A. fired arrows, killed his father, the ground caught fire; his mother became a good plain by the lake, himself A . - the larch from which skis is made, old woman {stepmother A.?} - stone]: Ellis 1885, No. 9:45-59; Eastern Cree: Petitot 1886, No. 1 (Quebec, Lac Hameçon) [one of the two wives hates the other's son; asks for a live partridge, puts it under her clothes, scratched, accuses the young man (his name is Ayatz) of trying to rape her; his father takes him to the island to collect seagull eggs, throws him; A. puts on the skin of a seagull, flies over the water, falls on a rock; a water snake Pisikiv plants him between the horns, tells him to warn him if thunderclouds appear, takes him to the shore; A. passes the Earth's Mouth, throwing stones at it; flies to his mother as a bird, takes the form of a human being; fires an arrow, setting fire to the world; those who were kind to him are saved]: 451-459; Skinner 1911 (Ruperts House): 92-95 [Aioswé has two wives, he is jealous of one of them for his son from the other; seeing her tracks touches (without details), considers it a sign of treason; swims with a young man to the island to collect bird eggs, throws; Walrus (i.e. a horned monster) transports the young man, asks him to say if he hears thunder; a young man lies as if the roar they hear is being made by Walrus himself; next time it throws the rider into the water, but the shore is near; Thunder kills the Walrus (Var.: he escapes; seagulls carry the young man ashore); old woman explains what to do on his way home and on his return, gives a skin of affection in his winter outfit; comes to two old women (obviously blind - they do not see who has come), they have sharp elbows; a young man attaches a bundle to the stick, sticks them between them, they pierce each other; human bones hang along the path; if touched, they thunder, dogs will hear and tear; the young man digs an underground passage, but touches bones; dogs scream that it is the son of A.; the young man sticks out his head caress, people think that the dogs were wrong, they kill them; at home, the young man fires an arrow, setting fire to the ground, the second makes the water boil; A. asks how to escape, the son advises to sit in a vessel of bear fat, A. burns; the son draws a line in a circle, the son and mother are safe inside her; the son offers to become birds; the mother turns into a robin, the son in Canadian jay], 107-108 [Aiacciou is the son's enemy; the son outlined a safe area, A., his second wife and everyone else did not believe that they would be saved there alone; the young man fired arrows in four directions, peace caught fire; the young man, his mother and sister remained; the young man told all the animals where to live and what to do; The rabbit wanted to be a Beaver, had already jumped into the water, but the young man pulled him out, saying that he was too long legs; The squirrel wanted to be a Bear; the young man said she was too noisy; the squirrel cried, white marks under the eyes remained; someone wanted to be a Deer (the narrator does not remember); the mother made Malinovka, his sister - Woodpecker, himself a Raven (blackbird)]; northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [Wai-Mishus has two wives; one scratches her body with raspberry stems, accuses the other's son of attempted rape; the name of the young man Iyas; V. leaves him on the island, tells the seagulls to kill; The seagull carries I. on his back, defecates on V., returns to the island; the Green-horned serpent transports I. to the other side; asks to let me know if a black cloud will appear; I. is silent, the Thunderbird carries the snake, I. manages to jump ashore; the snake revives from pieces of his skin; the Fox helps I.; an old man with a huge leg presses asleep travelers; The fox bites his leg, pus pours out, the leg becomes normal, the monster dies; ropes hang from the sky between two rocks; I. throws roots to them, runs through himself; the woman and her three daughters have teeth in their vaginas; I. pokes a stone, breaking their teeth, women are grateful; two blind old women with sharp elbows kill travelers; I. throws clothes between them, old women pierce each other; I. revives them, cuts off their tips, heals their eyes; comes to the mother; tells her to throw another wife's child into the fire, who is bullying her; lights the ground with arrows, he and his mother are unharmed, V. burns; I. turns his mother into a robin, himself into a toad]: Ray, Stevens 1971:112-120; Ojibwa: Jones 1916, No. 26 [Because of his son, the Meat Thief was late to collect tea eggs; for this he left the young man on the island; a huge serpent carried him to the mainland; Thunder they lifted the snake into the air, but the young man revived it from a drop of blood; received an inexhaustible supply of food along the way; his friend Norka killed an old woman trying to feed him pus (?) ; arranged for two old women with awl elbows to kill each other; did not come across hanging shoulder blades giving an alarm signal, but crawled through a hole dug by a small animal; entered the village in the wrong place His father was waiting for him, but immediately went to his mother; restored her sight; firing arrows into the air and water, burned all enemies; spared his father, who promised to be good]: 378; Radin 1914, No. 35 [father envies the younger son, because he is a good hunter; sends him to kill a giant, a cougar, a horned water snake, an elk; a young man kills them all; puts on a moose, it freezes, he cannot free himself; his sister He turns into a wolf, finds a brother, makes a fire to free his brother; he lets his father and brothers eat the flesh of a horned serpent; they themselves turn into snakes; the young man cuts them to pieces; the pieces turn into toads, snakes, frogs]: 67-70; kickapoo [the father is jealous of his youngest son's hunting luck; tells the Deer, the Moose, the Bear, the Water Monster to kill him; the young man sticks to the Monster's horn sticking out from under the ice; the father tells people to leave his son; the sister stays with his brother, brings him his witchcraft; he kills the Beast; gets a lot of meat; other people are starving; brother and sister give meat to the Raven to feed her children; people come back; father and his older sons eat meat, turn into frogs]: Jones 1915, No. 8:55-67.

Northeast. Naskapi [Chief Ayashi has two wives; the youngest is afraid that he will make the eldest son heir; asks the young man to shoot the partridge, puts it between her legs, scratched; Ayashi is lucky the son collects the eggs of birds, throws him on the island; his mother expels him, showering her with hot coals; the Seagull is unable to lift the young man; the Horned Serpent (catfish) carries him; he lies as if the sky is clear; jumps off ashore, Thunder hits the Snake; a hook hangs above the path; the fox rises to the sky, pulls up the hook, the young man runs past; two dogs guard the path; the fox turns into a weasel, the dogs bark, Ayashi them kills for unreasonable anxiety; a young man comes to two women; they have toothy wombs; he first introduces flint, breaking their teeth, then copulates; returns home; turns his father into a frog, his mother into robin]: Speck 1915c, No. 1:70-74; (cf. [Aiasheu sees scratches on his wife's chest; she explains that she caught a partridge, but he thinks it's a sign that his son copulated with her; she takes him to the island to collect bird eggs, leaves her there; mistreats his wife; when she says that her son is back, A. pushes her into the fire; the young man saves his mother, burns his father; the mother turns into a robin; her chest turns red from a burn]: Millman 1993:93-94); Montagnier: Desbarats 1969 [like Nascapi, J41A motif; Chief Ayasheu; Raven, two Loons unable to carry a young man, a Horned Being carries; Fox digs an underground passage under Lying across the path with his Big Leg; under his clavicles hanging on a rope; a hook crawls behind the young man, he throws his caribou leg at the door; in the house of two blind old men with sharp elbows, he throws his jacket at the door; old men pierce each other; a young man sends his mother to hit his father with her head; shoots, the ground lights up, a father and his younger wife die in the fire; a young man turns his mother into a robin, himself into a hawk]: 6-12; Savard 1979, No. 2 [Ayasheo (apparently from the word "crow"; note 17:74) takes his son named Ayashish to the island to collect bird eggs; sails away, leaving him there; a horned serpent carries him to the metric; tells take a stone with you, say if a cloud appears; when he sees a cloud, A. hits his horns with a stone, he swims faster, reaches the shore, he is now an adult; to overcome the obstacles sent by him as a father, his grandmother gives him his white Fox as his companion; the crest turns into a forest, A. passes through it; the fox makes a hole through the thrown resin; the bone pestle has turned into a rock; he went around it; met his mother; she says that his father throws hot coals at her; A. enters his father, shoots up and down; the ground lights up; he advises his father to hide in the prepared fat; he goes up with his mother ; father dies in boiling fat; all animals come to the lake of fat, drink; the sea lion dived, became fat; the beaver crawled; the caribou only drank, the fat in his stomach; the partridge rubbed its wings and back; the hare soaked his paws and touched his shoulders]: 12-14; mikmaq: Parsons 1925, No. 1 [the husband's father comes to his daughter-in-law, pierces her heart with a burning sliver, rips open her stomach, throws his insides into the river, her body takes him away, eats; her six-year-old son lures him ashore in his guts; he returns to the river if he sees his father; the father catches him, gives him blue jay feathers; the older brother says that the father told him kill their grandfather's mother; they burn their father in the house; the one found in the intestines pushes his bones, they turn into mosquitoes; brothers pour boiling fat on their grandfather, let the grandmother fry his heart, kill her with an ax]: 56-59; Speck 1915b [the woman has a 6-year-old son, she is pregnant again; her husband tells his father to kill her; the old man tells the woman to bend down, burns her heart with a stick, throws her insides into the water, takes her body to eat; the boy tries to catch his little brother in the water; finally brings him home; when his grandfather appears, he returns to the water every time; the old man catches him, gives him blue jay feathers; the older brother tells how their father told their grandfather to kill their mother; they burn their father in the house; found in the intestines (NC) pushes his bones, they turn into mosquitoes; brothers pour boiling fat on their grandfather, let the grandmother fry his heart, they kill her with an ax; they go to kill other giants]: 61-64; Whitehead 1988 [a woman marries her son Kukwes (an ogre giant); for her and her son, he hunts animals, for herself and her parents, people; does not tell you to touch the bear's stomach; the son hits the stomach with an arrow, the liquid drips, K.'s strength melts; he allows his father to eat his wife; the old man heats his iron staff, pierces his daughter-in-law, gutts, the child is thrown out of her womb into the river; the turtle raises him, he goes out to play with his brother; he asks his father to make two bows, two arrows, etc.; the boys make a mess in the house, the family is forced confess to his father; father makes jewelry from bird tails; Domestic grabs in Rechnoy's house, keeps, father comes running; first Rechnoy throws his tails into the fire, then smiles; the father fell asleep, the brothers burned him in house; the bones are crushed, they turned into flies, mosquitoes, sand fleas; because they were pushed on the doorstep, insects enter the house through the entrance; the river beats the birch tree with a spruce paw, since then there are traces on the bark; brothers put to sleep the grandfather, looking for insects, is covered with fat, burned, the liver is given to his wife, killed with an ax; the bull frog hides all the water in his house in birch bark buckets, gives it in exchange for women; The river kills A frog breaks blood vessels, water fills rivers; brothers sail in a boat, River kills giants; Porcupine drowns so hot that Domashny dies; Riverboat wraps in a blanket, Porcupine dies herself , Rechnoy revives his brother; Kluskap's house is guarded by geese, River tells them to remain silent; K. causes frost, Domashny dies, revives him in the river morning; Domashny receives from K. a growing beaver skin, is done merchant; Riverside marries Skunsiha's daughter; she takes him to collect bird eggs, leaves him on the island; seagulls bring him home; mother-in-law tells her to sleep with her, tries to strangle her with her gases, he makes in a hole in the blanket; she throws it into a hole, at the bottom the Turtle devours his sons-in-law; the river gets out; meets a man walking on bent legs, kills him, makes a door out of him, brings the corpse to his relatives; from the faces of those snakes and frogs fall; both brothers return to the island, turn into two stones]: 140-154; seneca [the old man lives in the same house as his nephew, tries to destroy him; the skull of another young man's uncle tells him that the old man has killed all his relatives; helps with advice; his nephew and uncle offer each other challenges; the uncle freezes to death; the nephew revives another uncle from the skull; frees a sister enclosed by an old man in a box]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 118:586-607.

Plains. Sarsi [a shaman has four wives, he kills boys, leaves the girls to marry them too; one woman lied that she gave birth to a girl, dressed her son as a girl, then sent them away; the husband found out called her son "the last one left"; the young man grew up, received sacred power from the willows under which he slept; later he slept on the edge of a cliff, the shaman sent the wind, the young man fell off the cliff, but became a dry leaf and went down; made a suede cape, painting it with the image of a hawk with sparrows around; taught his mother to cover it with a cape if it became a skeleton; he became, she did everything right; a hawk flew up, followed by sparrows ; when he was crossing the river, the shaman sent two big fish at him, they did no harm to him; the shaman stabbed his arm and asked his wife (i.e. the boy's mother) to pull out the splinter, but she quietly drove her deeper; infection has begun; the shaman consistently sends his wives to the young man for help, he takes them for himself (except for the ugly fourth), cuts the shaman to pieces, people take the kidnapped women]: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 30:38-39; assiniboine [woman falsely accuses her husband's stepson or younger brother of trying to rape her; husband leaves the hero trapped; he returns]: Lowie 1909a, No. 7a [woman falsely accuses his stepson of trying to rape her; the husband takes his son to the island to collect seagulls eggs, throws it there; Seagull advises killing a seagull, pulling its skin over himself; twice he will meet interpreting rocks (more precisely abyss, the hole of which closes and then opens), must throw them a fish every time; the mother shows the young man her tongues on her body, says that her husband is torturing her; the young man tells her to leave the child with another wives into the fire; when his father comes out, the young man lowers the sun from the sky beyond the rays, the father dies from the heat], 7b [the older brother sends the youngest to the tree for the eagle's chicks; cuts a tree; the young man falls into the river, escapes , becomes a strong shaman; a woman repents of what she has done], 7c [the older brother leaves the youngest on the island; a horned serpent appears out of the water; the young man kills the enemy, gives half a scalp to a snake and him old wife; swims on a snake; he tells him to hide under a log; an angry brother sends a giant mosquito, his sting gets stuck in a log; the hero kills his sister's husband, who mistreated her; kills her brother, causing heat; scratches her brother's wife's back with a badger claw; makes her a slave to her parents]: 150-151, 151-152, 152-154; Pawnee (kitkehahki) [woman gives birth to a puppy, her husband White Mocassins (BM) throws him into the stream, Oyster picks him up; says he wasn't thrown away by his BM father, but by a witch; the puppy turns into a boy, finds his quiver, finds his people, stays in his father's house; is different hunting buffalo, marries the chief's daughter, they have many children; chases a deer, who turns into a woman, says that his father wants to kill him; the young man invites his father and others to his house, calls him to competition; makes dad poke his head at all objects; screams, BM and his men fall dead]: Dorsey 1906, No. 53:192-194.

Southeast USA. Natchez [boy asks his father to make him more arrows; confesses that he is playing with another boy; together with his father they catch Wild; father warns of dangers; brothers are transported across the river an old woman; she attaches herself to their backs; they can hardly take her off after dousing her with boiling water; make a pipe out of her nose; bathe where the leeches are, they crush them; watch the father let the deer out of the hole in the mountain and kill him ; they release all the deer and other game; the father brings people to kill the brothers; they place a row of Ducks, then a row of Geese, Cranes, Quails for protection, fill the empty reeds with bumblebees, hornets, wasps; those they sting attackers to death; brothers turn father into a crow]: Swanton 1929, No. 6:227-230; tunic [woman falsely accuses her husband's nephew of an attempt on her honor; uncle takes him across the sea; crocodile carries him back; the hero kills his uncle and his men, turns into Thunder]: Swanton 1911:321-322; screams [two sisters go looking for the Beaded Spit (PB); Rabbit pretends to be him, pulls it out vultures have a few beads, puts them in her mouth; sleeps with one of the sisters; sisters leave, get to Gopher, who eats their provisions; the closer the house of the Killing Turkeys (i.e. PB), the more feathers lie on road; the owner tests the girls, telling them to bring water with a sieve; the one with whom the Rabbit combined pours out water, the other turns into beads; sends the first PB, takes the second as his wife; she is pregnant; he calls her from the other side of the river, asking her to fit a boat; from a distance she sees the figure of a woman in the house; she does not bring a boat, PB swims, hits her imaginary wife, she disappears; it was Kolowa, who ate a real wife; in his wife's torn womb, PB finds a live baby, throws him into the thickets; the son has grown up, asks him to make two bows; the father spies and sees how the second one comes out to play with him a boy who comes from the afterbirth; a father turns into an arrow, a ball of grass, a feather, Thrown away recognizes him every time; finally caught, tamed, his name is Fatcasigo (Not-doing-right); father warns not answer, if someone asks to transport him from the other side of the river, it will not be him, but Kolova, who ate them; the old woman calls, F. insists that they transport her; the old woman asks F. to take her on her back, shouts "Kolowai, Kolowai", refuses to get off; F. hits her, sticks her hands, legs and head; brother also hits and sticks; father soaks them with hot water, K. flies away; father does not tell me to get two eggs with trees, F. persuades his brother to pick up the eggs; the storm immediately takes their father away, he returns; lightning begins to strike around, the brothers get off the tree; the brothers spy on the father, see the corral in which he keeps bears, deer and all animals; releases them; their father sends them to a character named Long Nails for tobacco; a crocodile transports them across the lake, teaches them how to grab tobacco and run; transports them back, Long Nails do not have time to catch up; F. suggests filling the house with stinging insects; brothers place watchmen who should warn them of their father's approach; these are the Blue Crane, the Wild Goose, the Pelican, Partridges; the closest ones when they screamed, the brothers release insects, they bit their father to death; the brothers turn him into a Crow; F. goes west, his brother goes east; when you can see him in the west a red cloud, this is F., when it's in the east, it's his brother]: Swanton 1929, No. 2:2-7; Seminoles [someone kills the newborn's mother; the discarded afterbirth turns into a second boy; he's wild, lives in the forest, comes to play with his brother; father turns into a log to catch him, but is recognized; throws feathers down the wind, Wild stays to play with them; father does not tell me to go to the lake; brothers approach catch small aquatic animals; water rises to the roofs of houses, then descends; brothers kill their uncle in a nearby village; father tells people to kill them; brothers release wasps and bumblebees, all people are killed; The brothers come to the old woman; she asks to collect firewood for the fire; the Toad warns that she is going to burn them; they themselves push the old woman into the fire; four horses jump out of the fire, the brothers take the white one; they find themselves among predatory animals; they shoot up, the arrow pierces the sky; which means that they will get to the sky, shoot themselves; in the sky, Thunder gives them their daughters as wives; they have many bad ones children, so people are afraid of thunderstorms; these two brothers are Thunder and Lightning]: Greenlee 1945:142-143; Alabama [a person has a son and an adoptive orphan; he only brings them the skins and liver of hunted animals; warns not to answer the call of strangers; an old woman comes, asks the boys to look in her head for her lice the size of corn kernels; next time someone asks the boys to transport him through the river; on the other side he asks him to carry; refuses to get down; the boys pour boiling water on it, stuck behind; the boys followed their father; saw him approach the pen where the deer were; killing one, takes off the skin and throws the meat into the pond to the female frog; when the father left, the boys called the frog with the same signal; she came out laughing, they shot her; when he found her corpse, the father cursed the boys; told others that they killed a man and deserved to die; the boys gathered stinging insects into a calebass; when people came to kill the boys, they released insects, hid themselves in a hole; those who came were bitten to death; when they found their father's corpse, the boys cut his ass, and a crow flew out]: Swanton 1929, No. 16:133-134; koasati [father brings only deer liver to his two sons; they watch him; he summons a woman from the pond, feeds her; brothers call her, kill her; it was the Frog; the father brings warriors to kill his sons; they fill the vessels with wasps, hornets, etc., release insects, enemies killed; father turned into a crow]: Swanton 1929, No. 16:181; biloxi: Dorsey, Swanton 1912, No. 28 [Uncle Tuche tells him to be ritually isolated in the house; uncle's wife asks to shoot her a squirrel; T. shoots through a gap in the wall; his sister pulls out the squirrel's claws, forgets one; his uncle's wife scratches her body with it, accuses T.; his uncle tells him to bring special arrowheads, white turkey feathers , deer tendons; Rabbit, Deer help T.; he kills the evil Old Man who unfastened him; the uncle asks the Eagle's chick to play with it; the Eagle gives the chick, which devours the baby; the uncle takes T. to on the other side of the sea, burn grass, leaves; the woodpecker lowers T. his tongue like a rope to climb a tree when the cannibal approaches; The owl makes a ladder out of tree mushrooms, one mushroom attaches weakly; the cannibal climbs mushrooms, falls, her dogs rush at her thinking it's T.; they let her go in the morning; T. comes to her, marries her daughters; she tries to kill him; he falls into her trap; she asks where to hit her; he replies what's in the head; she doesn't believe, wants to hit her ankle; he hits her with an ax himself, cooks her body; she comes to life; her daughters put hot iron into the hole in her head, she dies; T. and his wives swim across the sea in a crocodile; T. throws food at him, then shoots arrows in front of him, then flies ashore with his arrow; tells his sister to throw his uncle into boiling water baby; kills uncle's people; turns into thunder, sister into snipe; toads sing in the rain as T. told them to open the door], 31 [Goldfinch is older, Redbird is younger brother; every time their father does not tell them to open the door Goldfinch opens one of the buildings; lice, fleas, bison jump out from there; the father puts lice and fleas back; after losing the buffalo, he wants to kill his sons; they tear hornet nests, the father's people are bitten death; father hides in a hollow; Goldfinch pulls him out, cuts him, bathes in his blood; Redbird runs away, brother sprays him with blood, but this bird's plumage is not entirely red]: 99-107, 114-116.

California. Yurok; Karok; Pomo [Coyote is Thunder's father; hides in the forest, rapes his wife; Thunder throws him into the earth stove; asks his wife why she cries; kicks him out of the house; she falls into the sea, gives birth; Thunder asks her to bring a baby, cannot catch her in the water; turns her into a seal; throws all her beads and necklaces into the sea, they turn into shells, fish, etc.; marries a Duck]: Barrett 1933, No. 41:193-195; wappo [Hawk comes to the house of the Month; Coyote, Hawk's grandfather, lives there, helps his grandson; makes hugs safe with two sisters of the Month; The Month always kills sisters' husbands; Hawk 1) remains alive in a hot steam room; completes tasks 2) bring arrow reeds (he is guarded by bears and winged rattlesnakes; two hummingbirds bring reeds to Hawk, explain that monsters are these are relatives of the Month); 3) bring red earth (apparently to color arrows; it must be taken from the mouth of the cannibal wife of the Month, it is red earth; hummingbirds take it out and bring it to the Hawk); 4) bring two eagles (obviously ahead of arrows; when the Hawk climbs a tree, it rises into the air, the Coyote pulls him back), 5) drive the deer, kill the spotted one to reach the arrow tendons (two owls they kill a deer, it was a relative of the Month, it consisted all of tendons), 6) catches siren fish (this is the sister of the Month, two drakes kill it); the Hawk breaks the branches of the pine tree; during which the Month kills him with an arrow; Hawk's body is burned, a hawk flies out of ash, returns to his country; the eldest wife gives birth to his son, the youngest to a daughter; an old coyote helps them grow up right away; mothers do not tell them to go to the pine tree; they they go, find onions and traces of their father's blood; the young man breaks pine branches in front of the Month, kills him with an arrow; the sisters of the Month are crying; the month-uncle (reborn?) comes, offers a competition in running; Coyote helps the young man win by creating thick grass, the Month is entangled in it; they run on; in the steam room, the young man knocks his head off the Month with a poker, she is alive, he breaks it with a poker]: Radin 1924, No. 11:93-141; luiseño [when hunting rabbits, a young man always turns into a hawk; others are jealous; he no longer turns into a hawk; his uncles want to kill him; ask him to go down on a rope to the eagle's nest on the rock, cut off the rope; the eagles feed him, but his body dries up due to lack of water; the mother asks the Eagle to let her down the remains of her son; rubs them with hot water, son comes to life; tells a good old woman to leave the village; sets fire to houses at night, kills everyone with arrows; mother and son come to the spring and turn into stones]: Curtis 1976 (15): 105-106.

Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 2 [The Sun is married to the Moon; his sister has many sons; each time he asks one of the boys to accompany him on the hunt; he eats each; one of he found the bones of his brothers, ran to his mother; people called the Sun to the party, gave him drink; he came with a necklace made of the teeth of the killed tribesmen; he was thrown into the fire, he was badly burned, so bright and hot; The moon was only slightly burned trying to put out the fire and save her husband], 4 [The sun is married to the moon, both cannibals are equally bright; the Sun killed boys (apparently sister's sons) in the forest; people poured over the Sun and Moon with boiling water; the wife jumped into the water, so she became dim], 5 [The sun killed the children of its four sisters; every day he was given a boy or girl in turn; only the son of the last sister was left; the husbands of the sisters they poured boiling water over the Sun and Moon; the moon jumped into the water, lost its heat; both climbed a rope into the sky]: 30-31, 36-37, 37-38.

Southern Venezuela. Makiritare [to punish her sister, Thunder kills her two sons; puts their hearts at the fork in the tree; they turn into Dinoshi's giant harpy eagles with armor on their chest; The anaconda creates the first curare; the trumpeter bird learns that Dinoshi's back is vulnerable to arrows; they are killed with poisoned arrows; their feathers and bones are turned into bamboo for making wind guns]: Civrieux 1960:183-184 (retelling the same story in 1980:85-87); Yanomami [(Cocco 1972:314-316); Kasé-Nudu thunder owner hunted prey with lightning; does not tell his sister to come to her a plot of cassava; she came; he took her two children into the forest, killed her with thunder, put their hearts at the fork in the tree; they turned into huge Dinoshi harpy eagles; the killer was frightened; the tree became a mountain with a nest harpies on top; their feathers are like armor; Enneku, the murderer's wife, went after them, they ate her; they grabbed them, carried people away; Kudene (looked like a water snake) made curare; the trumpeter bird found out that D. was not behind they have armor; K. hit them with an arrow; fallen feathers turned into bamboo for wind guns; where they fell, the best bamboo grows]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 126:222-225.

Guiana. Pemon [maternal uncles curl Marité, who is a lucky fisherman and hunter; called to catch chiré birds, descend on a vine into a cave, one of them named Itariká-Wenin (IV) prunes vine; a year later, M.'s hair became long like a woman's; frog Ware spits some chewed grass in his eyes, he sees a way out of the cave, they go out, live by a frog; his relatives find him, catch him, smeared with pepper, they give him back his speech; at the festival he sings about what happened, knocks out Eve's eyes with a rod; dancing and beating off the rhythm with a rod, M. wonders what spirit he should turn into, rises to heaven, becomes a Scorpio constellation; his uncle Tamuekán (=Chirikavai) follows, turns into the Pleiades]: Armellada 1988, No. 68:168-170.

Central Amazon. Munduruku: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890 [Rairu has more shamanic knowledge than his father Karusahaibi; his father is his enemy; 1) asks for an arrow from a tree; R. tells the thorns on the trunk turn around, climbs a tree, brings an arrow; 2) K. sends R. to the garden, knocks down all the trees on it, he is alive; 3) sets fire to fallen trees, R. hides in a hole; 4) K. makes a battleship out leaves; R.'s hand sticks to him, the battleship drags him down the hole; R. gets out, reports that there are people in the hole; see motive E5A]: 250-251; Murphy 1958, No. 29 [Akainoatpyo - nephew, Karujuribo - his uncle; K. turns into deer and other animals, A. cannot kill them; Grandma A. advises him to kill the tapir with his hand in his ass; the tapir is K.; he jumps up, drags A. through Tapazhos, frees him, emptying his stomach; advises choosing a third crocodile with trees growing on its back to cross the river; now the name A. is Perisvat; P. rejects two smaller crocodiles, swims on big; lies that the crocodile's belching is fragrant; jumping ashore and screams that it stinks; at night, Inambu prevents P. from sleeping with conversations; P. breaks her eggs, since then the Inambu has laid only three eggs; P. kills a monkey, sleeps in a hollow; this is Jaguar's lair; he demands that P. give him parts of his body one by one; P. gives him the monkey's limbs and liver; leaves the excrement responsible for himself, climbs on wood; Jaguar eats excrement instead of P.; P. spends the night with a man whose leg bones are devoid of flesh, pointed; he tries to pierce P.; when his leg pierces a tree, P. ties it with a string; in the morning frees; copulates with Jaguar's wife; he chases P., P. turns into a battleship, scratches Jaguar's eyes; Jaguar makes new ones out of wood latex, since then they shine; P. spends the night at Inambu fire; refuses to lie with her in a hammock; she flies away, carrying fire; P. falls into the hunter's trap with both hands and feet; he leaves the old woman to guard the prey; the staukha falls asleep; ant, bee, wasp, the monkey frees P.; the hunter beats the old woman in anger, she turns into a bird; P. returns to his grandmother; dies when she rubs his uruku]: 95-102.

Montagna. Kashinahua [the river overflowed, the woman caught on the log; the bees bit her eyes, she became blind; gave birth to twins; they grew up, she led them to her brother; crossing the green, white, black rivers, they got there; the brother did not want the blind sister to live with him, killed her; the brothers killed her uncle with poisonous arrows; stayed with his wife (it is not said that they married her)]: Shenipabu Miyui 2000:59-62.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Guarazu [the father sends his son to the tree to get fruit for his mother; leaves, tells his wife that his son was torn to pieces by a jaguar; the animal hausi lowers the boy to the ground, advises to lure the vultures in a piece fell, ask them for strong horns; Vultures consistently bring horns from three different types of wood; the third time the horns do not break against the trunk; the boy puts them on, turns into a deer, kills his father horns; this is how deer appeared]: Riester 1977, No. 22:260-262.

Southern Amazon. Vaura [the young man has an affair with his uncle's wife; he tells him to bring 1) a scraper made of a poisonous snake's tooth to make ritual cuts to his body (catches a snake by throwing a circle of embir fibers over it; it becomes bark when cuts are made with a poisonous scraper), 2) a heavy tree (termites gnaw out the core), 3) fruit seeds (for a rattle?) from a rattlesnake (locusts got it), 4) the arrow reeds owned by Fire (the bird brought it), 5) the fruits of a genipa growing on the island (the spider brought it, the piranhas did not eat it), 6) the cannibal belt (Jacou's bird helped), 7) a drawing of a house like cannibals (he tells cannibals that he sleeps with his uncle's wife; they laugh, he examines the house), 8) a battleship's claw (goes down the hole, kills an battleship), 9) get a chick harpy eagle (uncle makes the tree tall; the young man descends on a vulture); the grandmother helps to fulfill all errands with advice; the young man turns into a deer, kills his uncle with a horn, marries his beloved]: Schultz, Chiara 1971:111-119; trumai [man meets sister, boy is born; he grows up sleeping with his father/uncle's wife; he tells me to get 1) coloring fruit from the tree where the snake lives (the hero scared off her), 2) cross the river with piranhas (the hero is bitten, recovered), 3) bring valuable wood from the Rain House (Rain copulates with his wife many times, falls asleep, the hero pulls out wood); uncle throws the hero on a tall tree; a flying creature heals him; an uncle makes a deer to kill a hero, but a deer kills himself; the hero sleeps with his uncle's wife]: Monod-Becquelin 1975, No. 12:80-92; paresi [Erwaxixi - Káymare's son, converges with his younger wife; he gives his son tasks; the grandfather teaches the young man how to complete them; 1) get a vine from the tree (it must fall on the young man's head; the bat cuts it off), 2) cut it off arrow reeds (snakes must bite the young man, kabipara cuts), 3) bring reeds from the other side of the river (Euterpe ripesti knocks down a tree, makes a bridge; the second time the father destroys the bridge; the young man lures vultures, covered with dead fish, catches, pulls out feathers, flies across the river); turns into a deer, kills his father with horns; takes his wives; they notice blood on his head, kill him]: Pereira 1986, No. 14:236-242; umotina [nephew sleeps with uncle's wife; uncle's name Etoriká; E. sends him to a palm tree for nuts; other young men climb; E. cuts a tree; the young man was taller, fell far from at home, and did not drown in the river like others; in the forest he pretended to be dead, grabbed the uruba, but it began to fly in circles; the young man broke his wings, he fell; from the hill the young man saw the house, came to his mother; told her when will wash his tired husband, splash sand into his eyes; he is furious, then sees his son, is afraid; (the text is cut off, turns to a European story)]: Schultz 1962, № p: 250-252; bororo [the young man has a connection with a young stepmother; the young man's grandmother teaches him what to do every time; his father tells him to 1) kill a jaguar, 2) get a rattle from the perfume (locusts get it), 3) get the nuts of a palm tree growing in the water (in the lake) dangerous spirits; a spider carries a squirrel, it brings a nut), 4) get chicks from the cliff (the father throws the stairs, the young man goes down with vultures); turns into a deer, kills his father with a horn; when wives the father finds out about this, he kills them too]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 104-105:198-209.

Eastern Brazil. Ramkokamekra [a village prostitute hears a guinea pig scream three times; realizes that it is heard inside her; Auk's son asks if she is tired of carrying it, she invites him be born; promises to kill if a boy, raise him, if a girl; buries a boy; her mother is dissatisfied, tears him off, his mother has to raise him; he can turn into any animal, becoming with a jaguar, frightens people; his mother's brother kills him with a club, buries him, he returns; pushes him off a cliff, A. flies off a dry leaf, builds steep cliffs around his uncle, he barely got out; kills with a club, burns; after a while, the elders sent two people to bring ash, found a white man in that place who built a house and created blacks, horses, cattle from different types of wood; he called for to his mother, it was Emperor Pedro II; (p. 234: Magellanic Cloud - ash from the burnt anthropomorphic character Auke]: Nimuendaju 1946a:234, 245-246.

The Southern Cone. Araucana Araucana [5 texts; two nephews marry Uncle Latrapai's daughters; he tells 1) to cut down an oak tree with one blow (text 1); cut down a tree that spews fire when hit (texts 3 and 5); cut down a large tree near the volcano where thunder Pilyan lives; L. gives axes that break when hit; brothers ask P. for an ax, an ax (= thunder) falls from the sky, they knock down a tree with one blow or all oaks; or wives extinguish the fire with snow), 2) knock down a firestone (wives extinguish with rain and snow), 3) kill Guanaco the ogre (swallows one young man, he cuts the monster's heart, brother helps get out outside), 4) kill a bull (caught by the Thunder Arcana)]: Lehmann-Nitsche 1929:42-51 (=Lenz 1896, No. 5:31-36).