Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K29A. Unharmed in fire. .11.-.13.15.-.17.19.-.22.25.-.43.45.-.

The hero demonstrates his magical abilities or cunning, staying alive in a hot bath, stove, fire, and among burning vegetation.

, Germans (Grimms), Lutsie

Bantu-speaking Africa. Congo [Nkako-tuve (dung beetle) replied to Nsesi (gazelle, trickter) that it would not burn if it was locked in the house and set fire to the house; dug a hole in the floor, waited for the coals to cool down; N. asks to lock him up, burns]: Laman 1968:168; bena is drunk [for helping a pregnant woman pick up a bunch of brushwood and put it on her head in the Tshilumi-Tshikulu forest, she promises to give the future daughter for his wife or boy to be eaten; children tell TT that they are all called Kabutondo (the woman's son's name); the mother tells him to come tomorrow, her son will have a green leaf behind his ear; K. tells everyone the boys put the leaves behind the ear; the mother says she will send her son to climb the palm tree; K. tells TT to close his eyes, open the bag, he will jump there; drops the top of the palm tree, TT carries it away, thinking it's in the bag K.; 10 boys together with K. decide to go to the god Fidi Mukulu; K. tells the spider to build a bridge over the river; elephants make their way through the forest; the dog eats a mountain of excrement blocking the path; FM locks the boys in the house, sets them on fire - if they are his children, they won't burn; K. tells the antelope to dig its way out; the boys escape, FM recognizes them as its people, builds a village for them]: Frobenius 1983:122-124; ovambo: Loeb 1951 [a woman gives birth to eggs, finds an egg broken every time; finally, an egg gives birth to a boy named Nambaisita; says he is stronger than the lord of this world; he tells him come, putting obstacles in the way; moles fill up thistles with earth, spiders weave webs across the river, elephants break hedges; N. does not eat human; makes an underground passage from the house, which Vladyka sets fire; before that, he brings melons there, Vladyka thinks that N.'s buttocks are bursting; returning home, N. lets poisonous gas into the sky, Vladyka dies, N. becomes the new ruler of the world]: 298-300; Scheub 2000 [ a woman gives birth to eggs and each one breaks; a voice comes from the stump - let the next egg not hit; Nambalisita is born from it; he says he was born on his own; kills his father, who refused him to obey; the supreme god Kalunga summons him, for he created all people; N. brings wild animals; K. shows his kraal, N.'s rhinos cared for the bull K.; the fly warns N. to choose for food dark, not light porridge; K. locked N. in a house without holes; animals came out; filled the room with pumpkins; K. set fire to him, hearing the sound of bursting pumpkins, thinks that it is dying N.; N. appears in front of K.; leaves, new adventures follow]: 167-168; Sakata: Colldén 1979, No. 87 [there is no fire in the village, the man went to Ikonsha to get it; on the way he met and took with him Elephant, Spider, Mukha, termites, etc.; The fly overhears what the icon says, tells the person; they demand 1) to knock down the tree with one blow (the termites gnawed), 2) drain the lake (the Elephant drew water, the Spider wove over the dry lake web), 3) guess which calebass the fire is hidden in (the man chose one smeared with crap); the icon decides to set fire to the guest house by pressing down the doors from the outside; The mole digs the exit to the river in advance, the Spider weaves through it bridge; the expedition returns, brings fire], 88 [the leader found out that there is fire somewhere, sent to get it; Mucha overhears what the fire owners say and tell others; they demand 1) 1) to drain the rivers Nshiri (Mole, but apparently the water spirit) drains; 2) knock down the tree with one blow (woodworm worms gnawed); 3) cut off the grass (rats cut off); 4) guess which calebass the fire is hidden in (chose the one in soot, not shiny); fire owners decide to set fire to the guest house by pressing down the doors from the outside; The mole digs an exit to the river in advance, the Spider weaves a bridge across it; the expedition returns, brings fire]: 253-255, 255-256; ndau [the grass caught fire, the hare took refuge in the hole; then lay in ash and coals, told the baboon that he was on fire and was not injured because he salivated the fire; the baboon decides to do the same burns out]: Boas, Simango 1922:153; Mozambique (ethnicity not specified) [Frog and Antelope raced, Frog lost; proposed a new competition: let Antelope set fire to the house where The frog and his wife, they will come to life; after the rains began, the water flooded the place, the Antelope saw her as frog spouses with frogs; the frog said they were in the lower world, where the frogs were born; in fact In fact, frogs just buried themselves in the ground during the dry season, where they hid from the fire; Antelope set fire to her house, died with her family]: Knappert 1997:111-112.

West Africa. Jukun [Chief Koki all feeds only on red fern; K. tells his 10 pregnant wives to go to give birth to each parent; the tenth is the chief's daughter, she has no one in the city of K.; an old woman sheltered her, she gave birth to a beautiful boy, other vultures, cockroaches, and other insects; an old woman warns a woman not to swim with others; she bathes, another replaces her boy the vulture, which is not given, returns to his mother; the boy's name is Adi-sâ-ka-koki ("Adi is more beautiful than Koki"); K. tries to lime A. and his mother; 1) tells A. to shave him, then restore his hair (that one In response, suggests restoring the grains torn off from it on the millet panicle); 2) the wife should brew beer in a day (let K. grow a scoop in a day); The hare tries mother K.'s beer, it's the most delicious; 3) defeat the enemy (other sons are given horses, A. is given a ram; A. takes prisoners, wounds the leader with a spear, he runs); 4) return the spear (A. stumbles, stung by a snake, must cross the river; Spotyk's daughters, Snakes, the Transporter, help, ask them to marry them; the same daughter of the wounded leader, takes the spear out of her father's body, gives A.); A. breaks three eggs, a city appears; The hare says that the true leader is there; K. calls the new leader to visit the feast of the appearance of spirits, A. comes through a tunnel dug by a rat and a gopher; K. closes those who come to the house (so that women do not see the spirits), sets fire, A. and his people go through the tunnel ; A. calls K., he asks the toad to dig a tunnel, she digs a dead end; by setting fire to the house, A. tells the fire to burn K.'s hair and lips, but not to kill; K. turns into Thunder, his wife (not A.'s mother) into Lightning, holds back husband's rabies]: Meek 1931:479-485.

Sudan-East Africa. Nubians [lying in a puddle, a woman gave birth to a donkey from the seed; Ahmed Son of a Donkey (ASO) beats his wife twice a day, who confirms that he is brave; the old woman advises his wife to answer that there are daredevils better; ASO leaves, meets, takes as companions Eared, Glazed, Angry, Inexhaustible (irrigates the beds with his urine); everyone first replies that if he met ASO, he would fraternize with him; the king sprinkles poison, the Eyed takes away the poisoned pieces; the king sets fire to the house, the Inexhaustible floods; the angry almost killed everyone; the king is ready to give his daughter, the ASO only takes a receipt that they are brave; each the queue cooks, the giant eats everything; when it's ASO's turn, he throws him into the fire, the giant disappears into the well; the ASO goes down the rope, the beauty says that the giant's soul is in the chest, the ASO breaks it; twins pick up, share beauty and treasures, cut off the rope; ASO falls into the fifth underworld; there the crocodile closed the river, gives water in exchange for girls; ASO promises to cause ritual scars to the crocodile on the occasion of eating him and the girl, kills; hides with an old woman, leaving a handprint on the princess's thigh; the king finds the hero, tells the eagle to take him upstairs; there is not enough meat, ASO cuts off a piece from his thigh, gives eagle; he puts it back; ASO forgives his brothers, returns to his wife]: Katsnelson 1968:78-94; Sudanese Arabs [the widow's son asks his mother to heat the bath water to a boil; if she does not say by whom was his father, he will throw himself into boiling water; when he learns that he is a fisherman, he throws a net, pulls out a golden chicken with chickens; the vizier asks to sell for 20 pounds, the young man refuses; the vizier tells the Sultan that calls a young man, buys a chicken for the same price; tells him to get 1) a winged horse; the old woman sends the young man to the desert, he puts a saddle on the horse, brings it; 2) singing water and a dancing branch (the old woman teaches cut off a branch, collect water without turning to the voices of the genies); 3) the daughter of another sultan, who is guarded by the guli; old woman: shave the sleeping fat belly on the way, sit next to him; the same, big-eared; a man with a long leg; a big eye; this is a guli; everyone becomes his companion and comrade; the big-eared hears that the Sultan's people want to burn them, the big-eyed sees how the tent is covered with firewood, the long-legged scattered the coals, the fat man, having drunk the river in advance, filled the fire with water; the same with an attempt to poison the visitors (the fat man eats everything without harming himself); the Sultan's daughter was sent away, but the big-eared and big-eyed saw and heard it, the long-legged brought her back; the sultan died of grief; after the funeral, the bird sat on the head of the fisherman's son; he was elected sultan, married the daughter of the deceased]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 29:144-148; tsamai [The mole and Guinea fowl have agreed to harvest together; The mole secretly eats grain in the bins, and when it's time for drought, it's empty; The mole suggests that they compare their excrement, looking at the sky; replaces secretions; Guinea fowl still considers him a thief; then the Mole suggests setting fire to the grass - whoever burns is a thief; hides in the ground, Guinea fowl burns]: Jensen 1969, No. 12:383- 384.

Southern Europe. The Spanish [two women have a chicken for two; they split her chicken in half; one ate her half, carried the other half to the chicken coop; half a chicken found a purse full of gold; the prince borrowed it for a month, he did not return it; half a chicken goes to the palace, takes a fox and a wolf with him on the way, putting them under his tail; on a rocky road he draws in stones; by the river he draws in the water with his back, crossed the dry; servants they throw him to war roosters, to stallions; a fox, a wolf kill roosters, stallions; thrown into a well, covers it with stones; fills it with water into the oven; the king gives him the kingdom]: Malinovskaya 2002:199-201; Catalans (many records, including Mallorca) [a half cockerel is born, or a normal rooster is cut in two along the body; he goes to see the king or marry his daughter; meets a river, a fox, mountain, etc., puts them in his pants, swallows them, puts them under his wing; the king orders him to be thrown into the fire, the rooster releases the river; into the chicken coop, the fox eats the chickens; sends soldiers - however, not to cross the mountain; half-rooster gets riches and the princess's hand]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 716:141-142; the Portuguese [many records; the rooster finds gold, money; goes to the king to recover what was stolen from him, take it to the king money, complain about something, runs away so as not to be eaten; he takes with him (swallows, carries in his pants, sticks it in his ass) a river, a fox, a wolf, a stone, bees or wasps, an owl, etc.; in the castle he is thrown into chicken coop, into the stable (fox, wolf kill chickens, horses); try to burn (water floods the fire); bees or wasps bite the king in the ass; he is eaten by the king and alive the next morning; a stone (tree) breaks the pan (glass); he is given what he demanded, or he runs away]: Cardigos 2006, No. 715:164-165; Italians (Abruzzo) [the rooster swallows a wasp, river, fox on the way; releases when thrown into a chicken coop, in stable, in a hot stove]: Del Monte Tammaro 1971, No. 100:6.

Western Europe. Bretons (West 1884) [the miller bequeathed the mill to the eldest son, the donkey to the second, and the rooster to the third and fourth; the third threw his half on the pile of manure; the fourth wanted to do the same, but the half-rooster advised him not to do this, promised to make him rich; they went to their father's debtors, but everyone said that he had no money now; then the half-cock went to get the money himself; everyone he met told him to get in the ass; this fox, wolf, swarm of bees, river; the half-rooster came to demand a debt, the owner ordered him to be thrown into the chicken coop, he released the fox, it strangled all the chickens; received money; in the second house the same (thrown into the stable, the wolf lifted the horses); in the third (thrown into the oven, released the river); the fourth ordered the servant to place the rooster in his big pants to sit down and crush him; the half-rooster released the bees); on the way back the half-rooster left his assistants where he met them; gave the money to the owner, who became the richest]: Sébillot 1910, No. 57:205-210; the French (Dauphine): Joisten 1991, No. 46.1 [west 1957; The half-chicken found a hundred ecus; the king asks to lend them to him, promises to return them to him in a week; does not return; the Half Chicken goes to demand a debt; the Fox, then the Wolf, then the Romanche River ask to take them with them; everyone gets tired soon, Half-Chicken tells her to get in her ass; the king promises to give a hundred ecus tomorrow, puts Half Chicken in the chicken coop, she releases the Fox, which strangles the chickens; the next day, to the sheep, Half Chicken releases the Wolf; the king orders Half Chicken to be thrown into the oven, she releases the river; the king returns a hundred ecus], 46.2 [western 1960; Poltsyplo found a purse, gave it to pilgrims to Rome; the owner says that they are not they will return them, let them catch up and take them back; the river asks to take it with them, Poltsyplya tells her to get into his ass; then the same bees, wolf, fox; pilgrims put Polchicken in the chicken coop, he releases the fox ; to sheep (wolf), want to shoot (releases bees), want to burn (releases river), pilgrims return their wallet], 46.3-46.8 [short versions]: 262-263, 264-265; Lopyreva 1959, No. 16 [the rooster found a purse with with money, brought him home; Mr. d'Arglan (A.) asked for a show, did not return it, threatened to lock him up with the mules; the Rooster went, met a wolf, a fox, bees and hornets, a stream, put everyone in a bag; A. threw it to the mules, he released the wolf, who bit them to death; the fox bit to the geese; ordered his daughters to strangle the rooster - they were bitten by hornets; thrown into the oven - the stream flooded the fire; A. returned the purse]: 48-51; Basset 1887 (Upper Brittany) [wife and husband share a rooster; half of the wife finds a purse full of gold, the king takes it away; the half-rooster goes to return the gold, puts a fox, a wolf, and the Seine under his wing along the way; the king throws it into the bird's yard (the fox strangled everyone), into the stable (the wolf bit everyone), into the stove (the Seine fills it with water); the king is forced to return the gold]: 187-188; the Germans [the master was at war, then went to the king; meets, takes as companions 1) pulling trees, 2) a well-aimed Shooter, 3) blowing at the mills, they turn around; 4) Speedboat (he unfastened one leg, otherwise he cannot stand on place), 5) causing frost if he puts a hat over his head; the king will give his daughter to whoever overtakes her; The runner and the girl run to the well for water; on the way back, the Runner fell asleep with a horse under his head skull; the keen Shooter saw, knocked the skull out from under his head with a bullet, the Runner woke up and ran first; the king ordered his friends to be locked in an iron room and make a fire, but the frost-causing hat pulled over; the king does not want to give his daughter, promises as much gold in her place as those who come can carry away; the one who pulled out the trees took everything; the king sent an army, the Blowing scattered him; six brought wealth home and shared]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 71:253-256.

Western Asia. Socotra [husband died; when the son grew up, he asked his mother what his father did; she lies: he traveled; planted palm trees; herded sheep; the son tries to do it, but to no avail; he sticks his hand mother for a hot meal, she cries out, May God burn you, son of a birdsman! the young man bought a cage, caught birds, gave half to the old woman; caught a dove, left gold and silver next to her in the morning; the vizier told the Sultan about this, who ordered him to bring the young man and give the dove; the next morning there is nothing around; vizier: you must tell the young man to bring the male; the young man went to that old woman, she pointed out the cave, you must shoot when you see the light, take out the cage, leave it to her, give the pigeon to the Sultan; but gold and there is still no silver; vizier: we also need a cage; the old woman gave a cage, the young man brought it, but there is no gold again; vizier: we must get the daughter of Voskhod; old woman: let the vizier's money build a ship out of gold and silver, and 14 girls as sailors; seeing a boat with girls, Voskhod's daughter wants to see the ship, he takes it away; the young man tells the Sultan that Voskhod's daughter will descend from the ship only if she is at every step killing a man and spreading the carpet is all at the expense of the vizier; when she sees the first person killed, the girl said that she would come anyway; tells the Sultan that she will marry him if he kills the birdsman's son, and not with a sword, not with flint, not poison; the young man is thrown into a hole, a fire is made, but he has an amulet, he is unharmed; the sultan decided that the fire is cold, jumped into it and burned; the young man married Voskhod's daughter]: Müller 1905, No. 2:50- 57.

Melanesia. Vedau [Tauribolena has an old wife Rekubole and a young Kauavira, she has a child; T. mistreats him, the baby cries all the time; women ask their brothers to save them from T.; those 1) mow grass, but T. bounces off the sickles, whole; 2) set fire to the grass while hunting, T. jumps out of the flame safely; 3) offer to dive into the sea for fish, T. puts his hand between the shell leaves, they slam shut, the brothers swim away; T.'s body was washed ashore, the birds began to peck at him, no one could pierce his skin; the little bird flew to the moon, dived, pierced, the water from T.'s body spilled out, he came to life, returned to wives; they asked him to open his mouth, they would throw baked fruits there; they threw a hot stone after the fruit; T. rushed into the sea, swam away, they did not see him again]: Ker 1910:103-107; San Cristobal [the name of the eldest of several Wanohunugaraiia brothers (B.); another is born, Wanohunugamwanehaora; immediately grows up, shows how to build a house to prevent the beams from falling; envious brothers 1) suggest V. deepen the hole for the next pole, put a pole on it, V. calls them from the top of the pole; 2) the brothers take him to the sea to dive for a huge mollusk; V. chewed betel in the morning, colored the water red; the brothers swim away, V. returns before them, bringing the shell; 3) the brothers take V. to the huge fish, let it swallow it; V. took a sharp obsidian with him, cut the fish's belly, went out, brought the fish home; 4) hunt wild boar (V. kills, brings it); 5) climb a palm tree for betel, it grows to the sky; V. takes off nuts, tells the palm tree to bend down, stays at home waiting for brothers; 6) brothers bake V. in an earthen furnace, taken out, he is alive; V. bakes the elder himself, eats it with other brothers]: Fox, Drew 1915:203-207 (=Fox 1924:156-160); New Hebrides [Meragbuto always spoils Tagaro's undertakings; he decides to destroy it; secretly makes a hole in his house, hides there with his wife and children, suggests that M. burn him and his family in the house so that he remains the only leader; when M. comes to the ashes, to eat T.'s meat, he finds him alive; asks him to burn himself in the house, burns]: Suas 1912:34 f in Dixon 1916:127-128; kanaka [the older brothers only give the youngest the peel of the tubers; push him himself into stove, he gets out of there alive; left on the reef, which is flooded by the tide, the youngest swims, gets to the shore; the older brother climbs a tree for fruit; old woman Tibo tells him to get off her tree, leads to himself, tells him to sleep without kindling a big fire; at night he cuts off his head, throws him on a platform under the roof; the same with his second brother; the younger one kindles a fire, puts up a wood-carved tree at the entrance to the house figure; T. does not enter him; he revives his brothers with herbs, they throw the old woman into the oven; live together]: Leenhardt 1932:409-413.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Marshall Islands (Majuro Atoll) [Letao has magical powers; sailed to Kiribati, where he is hungry; offered to cook an earthen stove, ordered it to be filled in it; the stove was opened in the morning, it is full food, and L. is sitting next to him under a tree; he convinced the chief to repeat the trick, because the chief has more magical power; but the chief died; his two wives got L. but do not want to sleep with him; he told him for the night outside the house a palm branch, it rustles, women are afraid of perfume, they asked to go to bed with L.]: Downing et al. 1992:103-106; Tuvalu (Waitupu) [when Kaulealia, Tapakea's son, became a young man, his father had an abscess forehead; T. squeezed a lizard out of him, left it in the basket, the lizard turned into a Naleau boy; no one knows who he is; he defeats his brother K. in throwing darts; when K. throws a dart, N. finds himself on in the sky; spits at kites made by local people, snakes fall; goes fishing with others, turns into fish himself, is trapped in a stone trap; he drills a hole down; becoming a spider, hides under the roof of a house in which four women; goes down to each of them like a spider, sitting next to her calls her by name; this is how N. finds out their names; in the image of a man he declares that his house is his; women do not know him name, and N. knows their names, women have to give the house to him; N. made friends with the leader, must compete in preparing the holiday; steals other people's coconuts, the snipe shouts about it, N. turns his tongue, continues to steal; filled his vessel from below with crap, disguised as food, swapped with the chief, he vomited; N. was asked to climb into the hole to hold the pole from the house, covered it with earth; he made a hole in the pole, went out; he was sent to the mistress of the lightning for fire; N. deliberately calls her loudly, wakes her son Thunder up, broke his arm; the hostess ordered him to take fire from the stone house; when N. went inside, the exit was closed; he drilled hole, came out with smoke, came to his father T. in the smoke; the owner of the lower world Pakeva asked T. to come with his son; K. refused to go, N. agreed; N. killed all the guards (sharks, whales), returned; T. and P. agreed to exchange sons; P. sent the Turtle, T. sent his fire son Te Afi; he is restless, noisy; then T. placed him in all the trees; people come from K., spirits come from N.]: Kennedy 1931: 190-195; Nukumanu [Woman Earth met the Wind that lived in the sky; then he could not go down to her, asked them to name their child Sinekepápa; this is a daughter; then the Wind came to Earth again, she gave birth to her youngest daughter Asina; Heaven found out that Earth had a daughter, asked her father for permission to go down; Earth asked Wind if he agreed to give his eldest daughter, he agreed, the eldest married; after that, a man named Opuna came to marry his youngest daughter, received; Sinekepapa gave birth to a son Naleau; he decided to go to his father in heaven (Kimulani); that mother is blind, N. touched her eyes, fell out ants, centipede, black squirrels, crabs, she sees the light, glad to see her grandson; he leaves, meets men led by Opuna who are building a guest house, mocks them; when he jumps into a hole prepared for the pole, she throws a pole at it; it turns into an ant, hides inside a pole; goes out; replaces food in an earthen oven with crap; they want to bake it in the oven, it turns into ant, crawls out unnoticed; sails to Keloma Island]: Sarfert, Damm 1931:413-436; Truk Islands [Chief Soufa has 5 wives; he orders to kill boys, save girls; one of the sisters {and wives at the same time?} S. gave birth to a son, sent him to the Wind Eater (some butterfly or bird), who lived inside the island; the young man grew up, hears screams from the shore, it's a toy boat festival; the adoptive mother made the young man like this the boat, she overtook everyone else; the boy's real mother took it from the shore; he took the boat, leaving his fingerprint on his mother's hand; S. gathers men to determine whose hand it was; sent a man and a young man was brought to the house of the Wind Eater; S. found out the fingerprints, told the young man to come tomorrow to put up poles for the community house; the foster mother tells him to dig a hole with a hole to hide when on him they will lower the pole; also let him take with him a coconut (it crunches) and a termite that will pave the way to the ground; when the young man dug a hole, a pole was lowered into it; the young man went out, S. tells him to come tomorrow; reception mother: drink water: they tell you to climb a tree for nuts and make a fire around - fill it with regurgitating water; he did so; on the third day, the adoptive mother teaches the young man to avoid raindrops; when he came to S., darts were thrown at him, none were hit; for the fourth time, his adoptive mother told him to take a knife from the sink, ocher and coal with him; the young man was trapped, lowered into the water; he chewed ocher with with lime, they thought it was the brain; coal - his stomach burst; he cut the ropes and came up, brought S. fish; on the fifth day: you will be left on a deserted island, you should take breadfruit with you; he they ordered to anchor off the shore, cut off the tench and sailed away; there was only one tree on the island; the young man put the fruit on top of his head, turned to the Rainbow God to pick up the fruit and help him escape; then hung it there caught fish; like this every day; an old man came, but the young man refused to speak to him; the next day a young man came; he was the God of the Rainbow; when he returned on the third day, he drew a boat in the sand, kicked her, the drawing became a real boat; the young man returned to S.; the next day S. and his brothers decided to sail in his boat himself; the young man told her to become sand again, the passengers were eaten by sharks]: Fischer 1954:289-306 (retelling in Lessa 1961:174-176).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo) [the poor man's chicken found the purse, the master took it away; the chicken demanded that it be returned, the master ordered it to be thrown into the well; the chicken drank all the water, jumped out; he was thrown into the stove, he regurgitated the water, flooded the fire, began to demand his purse again; he was thrown to the yaks, he ate them, became the size of a hill, covered the sun over the master's house; he put it in a chest of money; he swallowed them, demanded a purse, the gentleman returned them; the chicken regurgitated gold and yaks in the owner's house]: Tshe dbang rdo rje et al. 2007:135; Mustang [the king has 2500 wives; every day he hunts, brings a wild goat; once stopped under a tree; a girl with hair to toe came down from the tree, telling him to leave so that he would not defile her - she is from a family of gods; in fact, she is a demoness; agreed to become the king's wife on the condition that he will fulfill all her wishes; when he carries her, the other wives see smoke and sparks coming from her mouth and nostrils; she pretended to be sick and ordered 2,500 wives to be blinded, hide her eyes in a basket under the roof; the wives were locked without food or clothes; the youngest gave birth to a son, all wives fed him; he immediately grew up, went out, brought game, and then other food; the demoness found out; asks the young man to deliver a Shamo Drönyungma cow and a golden mirror from his parents; attached a letter instructing him to eat the bearer; the monk read the letter, replaced it with instructions to benefit giver; taught him magic words so as not to fry in the frying pan on which he would be put; told him to eat with pleasure the filth that he would be served first; he did everything, he was accepted royally; he points to a spinning rod and a golden needle, the old woman explains to him that her and her husband's lives are in them; in a bamboo vessel, fleas, if thrown into the fire, will die the rest of the demons; if you tear off the head of a dove, they will die their daughter Markland Gemo; whoever takes the golden mirror, all houses, fields, livestock and property will follow him; the young man destroys the receptacles of demons; walking to the house, tears off his head with a dove, MS dies; carrying mirror, brings with him all the property of demons; inserts the eyes blinded, sprinkling them with milk from a SHD cow; heals a dying father]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 29:169-173; apatani [one of Abo Tani's wives - Piisii Timii, sister of Doji spirit chief; for him, wild animals are like pets and vice versa; D. is unhappy when AT killed wild animals, and AT when D. killed pets; his wife helps AT overcome D.'s intrigues; 1) D. and his perfume offers AT to get fish out of the pond, prevents him from returning to shore; at night, PT comes, weaves a rope out of his hair, pulls her husband out; 2) gives a hawk feather and a piece of cloth; D. and perfume tells D. to catch logs rolling down, with snakes logs; then asked to climb the tree to cut off branches, set fire; AT hides in the hollow, covering the hole with a pen and cloth; the spirits divide parts of his body in advance, who eats what, AT comes out of the ash unharmed; 3) the wife gives the hawk's feather, cotton, rope; D. and the spirits tell you to cut the reeds; when the AT is cut, he rushes into the hole; the spirits try to smoke it, he drives away the smoke; Whoever has the longest arms, AT grabs his hand; D. calls different spirits, everyone gives advice, but AT only pulls his hand harder; lets go when the lord of the whole earth Sii Abo orders that AT take a suitable one to cultivate land, and D. - mountains, forests, etc.; they continue to have conflicts (for example, AT is bitten by a snake), but in general peace is observed; people are descendants of AT]: Blackburn 2008, No. 4:74-78; Angami [Matsi steals rice; people ask him to drive the deer out of the forest, set fire to the forest; M. kills the deer, climbs into the carcass, stays alive; goes to bed on the road; everyone thinks he is crazy, rejoices; one old woman laments; M. gives her a deer leg, ties her hair to the basket, tells her to throw a basket of meat in her room; she throws her head tied to the basket comes off]: Pawsey 1922, No. 3:400-401; rengma [trickster Che never works; when people go to work leaving food for their children, C. tells them to dance and eats everything himself; people agreed to lure C. into a tree and make a fire around them; C. found out He dug a hole in the tree in advance, covered it with a stove; when he got out of the hole, he lay down in the field with a dead rat under his head; feeling the stench, people think that C. is dead and decaying; every day, while the village is empty, C. steals food; children said C. is alive, people have admitted defeat]: Mills 1937:253-354.

Burma - Indochina. Vieta [Nong goes to look for money in the capital; joins five young men; their names are Strong Shoulder (Strong), Shooter (Tags), Wind (Blowing Hard), Flyer (Running Fast), Warm-Cold (Shifting hat, creates heat and frost); the king gives his daughter for the winner in the run; you have to run to the well, bring water; the flyer comes running, falls asleep; the princess pours water into her jug, runs back; the shooter wakes up The flyer, having knocked down a mosquito in his ear; the princess refuses to marry Letuna, who instead asks for gold on one shoulder; Strong Shoulder takes the entire treasury; friends are locked in the refectory, the house is set on fire; Heat- The cold extinguishes the fire, the Wind blows the flame to other buildings; the army sent in pursuit dies from heat and cold, scattered by the Wind]: Karpov, Tkachev 1958:139-145; Karen [well-aimed Shooter meets The Bowlegged Runner, the Owner of a cool hat, the Strongman uprooting the trees, causing the Wind of the Whirlwind; the king promises a daughter to whoever overtakes her; the Runner falls asleep halfway, the Shooter wakes him up, knocking out the headboard under him; the king will pour out to burn his friends, they are saved from the fire by a hat worn; they abandon the princess, the Strongman takes all the gold, the Whirlwind drives away the army sent after them]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 173:467-471.

Taiwan - Philippines. Ifugao [Umbumabakal and his son Lumawig (an ancestor of Bontok, a character in Ifugao myths) lived in the village of Dukligan; L. even ate his fellow villagers; W. asked him to get a spear from a felled tree, knocked him down, the boy was crushed, in the evening he returned alive; W. and L. dug a hole under the boulder, fish started in the pond; W. sent L. into the hole to catch it, pushed the boulder; in the evening L. returned and brought a boulder; W. sent L. to hunt east; he came to a god of war named Mayingit ("red"); M. burned him in the fire, threw ashes into the river, two boys came out of the water; M. burned them again, 4 young men came out; then 8 young men; they went hunting, caught a woman, wanted to eat; she turned out to be their mother (i.e. L.'s mother); said that their village was burned down, their father was killed; the brothers attacked Binang village; went home, their inhabitants chased; L. cut the mountain in two from top to bottom, pushed half away, lowered the vine down; the pursuers climbed it, L. cut off the vine, the pursuers fell, died, were maimed]: Barton 1935:85-87; tsou [The lizard invited the Wild Cat to burn the meadow; stayed in the meadow, unharmed after the burn, because he climbed into a hole; said he escaped by climbing a pile of dry leaves; when it was the Wild Cat's turn, she she did; Yasher gutted her charred corpse, revived it, she ate her own guts; so they quarreled]: Nevsky 1935, No. 8:100-101; Sayama in Nevsky 1935 [starting as No. 8, Lizard and Badger; The lizard revived Badger with water; the next time Badger climbed the tree for honey, the Lizard stayed below; but Badger threw him honey, having previously smeared it with his feces; then the Lizard invited Badger to go deeper, plugged the hole with a stone; Badger called out to the old man who was passing by, who removed the stone; on the way, Badger slowly ate the meat carried by the old man; he broke his leg with a stick; the Lizard and Badger turned into a lizard and badger]: 102-103; paywan [rabbit and pangolin {ant-eater} dug edible tubers; pangolin gets them whole, and the rabbit falls apart; pangolin advises you to beat yourself by hand; when firewood is collected and the rabbit does not find anything, pangolin advises cutting his hand; both times the rabbit asks why it hurts so much; leaving the tubers to bake, pangolin suggests diving - who will stay underwater longer; underwater digs a passage to an earthen furnace, eats all the large tubers and returns with the fish in his mouth: he lingered chasing it; to find out who ate the tubers, pangolin offers relieve the need; whoever succeeds miserably ate the tubers, and whoever starts the wind {quietly} did not eat; the rabbit did it miserably, so he ate it; pangolin suggests that everyone hide in the grass, and another set it on fire; dug a hole himself and hid himself; the rabbit burned; the pangolin cut off his penis and put it between his grinned teeth - on, eat]: Whitehorn, Earle 2003, No. 75:348-349.

China - Korea. The ancient Chinese [blind Gu-sou did not like Shun, the son of his first wife; his second wife gave birth to a son Xiang; Emperor Yao gave Shun two daughters, G. and S. want to destroy Sh. S. got the levirate; G. tells S. to coat the barn with clay, sets fire to the building; S. defended himself with two straw hats, went down unharmed; G. forced S. to dig a well; S. quietly made the bottom the well side hole; when S. went deep, G. and S. threw the ground down, filling the well; S. got out through the side hole; Yao handed over supreme power to Sh.]: Sima Qian 2001:141-143; the Chinese ( Sichuan) [stepmother and blind father tell Shun 1) to raise virgin lands on Mount Lishan in three years (performs); 2) clean the well; Brother Sh. Xiang ("elephant") filled the well with earth and stones, hoping that Yao would give both daughters for him, and not for Sh. (the god of the terrain brought S. underground); 3) repair the roof, it is set on fire, the spirit of fire removes S. from the roof; 4) S. puts S. on a chair placed on a mat that covers the well; S. does not fall, the dragon supports the chair from below]: Riftin 1987a: 361-364; the Chinese [the peasant asks his sons Strongman, Blow out the Wind, Iron, Nothing Heat, Long Leg, Big Foot, Big Mouth to push the mountains and the sea; they did it, they sowed bread, the emperor ordered the harvest to be taken to the treasury; the brothers come to the city breaking through the wall; Iron breaks his sword aimed at them, at all the Heat extinguishes the fire they wanted to burn them with; Long Leg and Big Foot quietly enter the sea, where they are going to drown; Big Mouth collects water, pours it onto the palace, drowning the emperor]: Riftin 1972:218-221; Chuan Miao [an orphan steals the pen of one of the seven female ducks who have come to swim; at first, colorful, it turns out to be an old woman, then white, this is a girl; she gives birth to an orphan two sons; when they are 7 years old, they tell their mother that the father has a pen; the mother takes it and flies away; the brothers find the mother; her father promises to let them and her go, if they 1) harvest peaches for him; put them back on branches (mother puts them); 2) cultivate the plot, sow, then harvest the sown grain (mother causes wind, the grain is collected in a heap; one seed the bird pecked, the mother caught it, took the turf out of her stomach); 3) find the hidden one (the mother tells me to tickle the white horse, this is the grandfather; the same with turning into a pig); the brothers themselves are turned by the mother into sticks inside the bamboo, the grandfather can't find them); 4) sends them to the site, sets it on fire, the mother turns them into fish, they hide in clay; the grandfather lets them go with their mother; says that if they see them in the river black bubbles, they should be scooped up (dip up) if white bubbles are not; mother says black bubbles are demons, white bubbles are gold; the elder did not listen to his mother, scooped up black bubbles, the demon took his mother home; grandfather promises release the mother if the eldest grandson marries Tiger's daughter, the youngest marries the Monkey; the eldest calls the Tiger's daughter, is afraid, climbs a tree, the Tiger's daughter did not find him; the youngest brought his wife; she went to fetch water met the elder, he killed her; the youngest has to be accused of killing the Grasshoppers Monkey; the Monkeys go to kill them, the Grasshoppers sit on their heads, the Monkeys killed each other with clubs; the latter ate grasshoppers, when they couldn't take off in the morning, ate, died]: Graham 1954:278-280; yi [an elderly childless woman is about to drown herself; the old man gives her 9 pills, each of which she will be able to conceive and give birth to a son; instead of taking one pill a year, a woman swallows everything at once, gives birth to 9 boys; cannot feed them, she goes to drown them; the old man promises that they will feed themselves, gives them names: House of Power, Big Belly, Never Hungry, Never Beat Him, Long Leg, Never Freeze It, Fireproof, Never Cut It, Never Drown; a pillar collapsed in the emperor's palace, emperor promises a reward to whoever repairs it; the House of Power has put support in place; the emperor orders to eat a lot of rice as proof (Big Belly ate); the emperor is afraid of such a strongman, orders him to be killed starvation (Never Hungry comes instead); tells him to beat to death (He is not sensitive to blows); throw him into the abyss (Long Leg takes a step down); tells him to burn (Fireproof does not burn); tells him to leave him on the snowy top (He is not frozen sitting in the snow); tells him to cut with swords (they bounce off the body); tells him to drown; He is not drowned, he took water into his mouth, released it into the emperor, he was carried away the river; the tyrant is gone, everyone is happy]: Miller 1994:190-193; Koreans: Bystrov et al. 1962 [father gives his seven sons the names "Far away, but I hear everything", "High, but I'm low", "I'll open it without a key", "Hot , but I'm cold", "Cut it down - I'll grow again", "Heavy is easy for me", "Hit, it doesn't hurt"; all the rice was taken by the landowner, the brothers stole it; the landowner tries to execute the thief, the brothers replace each other; one is not afraid lashes, the other does not burn, the third does not break when he falls off a cliff, the fourth grows a severed head, and a torso from the head, the brothers kill the landowner]: 275-278; Choi 1979, No. 287 [the giant goes to save princesses; on the way, he takes three more friends - a shooter, a runner (tied one leg to his shoulder so as not to run so fast), a windbreaker; the monster offers to compete; 1) running; 2) shooting; locks in an iron cage, makes a fire on the roof; the windbreaker turns his hat, the cold wind moderates the heat; the first giant cuts off the monster's head; princesses are saved]: 113; Lin Lin, Ustin 1959 (Chinese Koreans) [girl rejects the suitors; one of the rejected pushes her off a cliff; while she falls, the young man below wove the basket, caught it; she took it by her husband; each of their six sons has special abilities ( wise, opens locks, instead of a severed head, a new one grows, does not burn, does not sink, holds any weight); the official demands money, puts the brothers' father in prison, they release him, replace him with his son, who grows a new head; those who do not burn; do not drown; a rock is thrown over the whole family, the last brother keeps it; the official leaves the family alone because it is not visible behind the rock]: 357-361; Cho 2001, № 102 [=Pack 1991:164-166; childless spouses find a baby in the forest; he grows up quickly, is extremely strong, he is called Jangsoi ("the iron giant"); he goes to war, meets, and comrades Snoring so much that a tree swayed, Moves Mountains, Pisses like a river; they easily defeat enemies; cannibals lock them in a closet, they run away, they are put in an iron closet, under it fire; The snorer summons icy wind; in the morning, sister cities kill the servants of the main winged cannibal, play gonoo with their bones; J. and the Winged fight high in the sky; J.'s hand falls; twins sprinkle wheat flour on it, throw it back, she grows; they do not allow Winged's wife to sprinkle ash on her hand; they do not let the Winged's hand sprinkle with flour, sprinkle with ash; the same happens to his head; J. beats the Winged's wife, she turns into a nine-tailed fox ; twins share treasures and supplies, return home]: 188-192; Ząng 1952, No. 71 [a childless person picks up a baby, he grows up, is strong, goes wandering, his name is Iron Shoes, he meets, takes as friends 1) snoring trees, 2) leveling mountains, 3) spewing the river while urinating; they spend the night with a woman and her four sons; at night they hear their conversation, this is cannibals; those 1) set fire to the building where the brothers spend the night, Snoring blows out the fire; 2) set fire to a pile of pine logs, the urethra floods the fire; Snore froze the stream, the cannibals froze into it, their sister cities kill]: 162-166.

The Balkans. Moldovans: Botezat 1982 [a childless man complains to an old man with a knee-length beard that he and his wife do not have a child; he sends him back home, an adult worker son, Fat Frumos; FF goes to look for the one whose loud scream he heard; this is Belief the hero; on the way he quietly eats the food of a blind old man; he guesses that he calls FF his son, says that V. has a sister Ilyan-Kosynzyan; gives a horse and two dogs; V. is sick, FF asks IC to find out the reason; he tells how an old woman in a tree asked to throw a hair at his horse and dogs, went down, started frying frogs, became a monster took out his insides, put various rubbish, said that he would die if he told him what happened; V. dies; FF burns hairs, horse and dogs defeat the old woman, FF makes her tell her where the heart is and V.'s kidneys; FF takes living and dead water there; kills an old woman; revives V., gets AI; she is carried away by the Serpent; FF follows her, takes 1) drinking the river, 2) eating the earth from hunger, 3) freezing on fire, 4) running with millstones on his legs, 5) a sharpshooter, 6) encircling ropes; Serpent 1) leaves them in a hot house (Freezer cools); 2) tells you to eat and drink a lot (Eat, Drank); 3) compare hills (The shingles them with ropes, smooths them); 4) deliver water from afar faster than the messenger Snake (The Runner pulls them out, falls asleep, the Shooter wakes him up); the Serpent gives IR, tells him to go by sea, Freezes freezes it; wedding]: 235-245; Moldavian tales 1968 [a woman has a chicken, her grandfather has a rooster, a woman eats eggs, a grandfather is starving; the woman ordered to beat the rooster - let him lay eggs; the rooster ran away, found a purse with two with money, the boyars saw, took away; the rooster behind them; he was thrown into the well, into the oven, he drank, then poured out the water; he was thrown into the herd, he swallowed bulls, cows and calves; let him into the basement with the treasury, he swallowed all the money, demands his wallet, gets it; brings all the chickens to his grandfather, spills out the money; the grandfather does not give the woman, she hits her chicken, she runs away, brings a glass bead, the woman killed her]: 22-25; Romanians [ dragons stole the sun, moon, stars, and the king's eyes; two elder princes went in search, but engaged in trade, lost money and were detained as debtors; younger Dragan Cenusha ("chenushe" means "ash" ), who had previously been sitting in ash, sat on a horse that ate hot coals, took the weapon and armor, as well as the ash cakes that his mother had given, and went in search; bought the brothers, taking gold from their ears horse; while the brothers were sleeping, killed the dragon on the copper bridge, who stole the stars, they returned to heaven; on the silver bridge, the moon; the long battle on the golden bridge; DC promised the crow more meat than the dragon promised, that sprinkled it with cold water and the dragon with hot water; DC killed the dragon, freed the sun; chipped in with his mouse, penetrated to the mother of the dragons and took away the box with his father's eyes; the dragon sent two daughters to pretend apple trees and wells, and starved and thirsty on the brothers; DC crossed them with a sword, bleed; sent the brothers home to carry their father's eyes, came to Mark Armenash himself, asked for 99 quintals of hot coals; when the dragon tried to stick her head, poured coals into her mouth and she exploded; DC went with MA to get him a bride, the daughter of the Green King; they meet and accompany someone who hears how she grows oats and seeing what is happening in another world; a tree breaker; drank; eating; capable of freezing the sea; this latter covered the sea with ice to cross to the country of the Green King; them put him in a hot iron house, and he froze it; drank and ate, drank and ate everything that was offered; to compete in running with an old woman, she put the runner to sleep with a bone under his head the dragon; the shooter knocked out the bone; they got the princess, crossed the ice, the freezer melted the ice again, the king and queen who rushed to pursue drowned; DC met the old man: there is no water, the dragon closed the spring , allows you to take water in exchange for people, the princess's turn; DC killed the dragon, cut off the tips of his tongues; a dwarf with a long beard came to his hut, ate all the meat; DC split the beech, pinched him in the trunk a beard; a dwarf pulled out a beech tree, disappeared into the lower world; DC came on a bloody trail; ordered him to be lowered into the black world on a rope; pretended to be a musician; devils promise many wagons of gold if he could free their king's beard from the beech; DCH cut off his head, ran up to the rope, twitched, but no one picked up the rope; hears the squeak of the griffin's chicks: a dragon crawls to the nest to eat them; (killed the dragon); The griffin swallowed it and regurgitated it, making it stronger; agreed to carry it to the ground; on the way, the meat ran out, the DC cut it off piece by piece from her feet and from under her knee; the princess recognized DC by her cut off tongues dragon; the brothers' wives poisoned DC's wife out of envy; he went to get live water; the old man gave him a staff and a sheep, telling him not to leave them in the forest where the entrance to hell is located; the bird dropped three feathers while flying (hair her wife) and three drops of blood (falling from her wife's cheeks); DC left his staff and sheep in the woods and went home; turned into a walnut tree]: Bîrlea 1966:384-387; Romanians [poor old people have three sons, younger Tsugulya; the fairies gave him a good fate, but the sorceress snake took away his veins; the brothers reluctantly put Ts on a mare, take him with them to hunt; the fairy gives him a belt: he can take any form to return from the Snake's strand; becoming a bee, C. flies to the Snake's house; from a conversation between the Snake and his daughters, he learns that the strands are in the chest behind the stove; next time he arrives like a fly, takes the veins; fighting, kills three Snakes- the snake sorceress's sons-in-law, gave their horses to his brothers, took the youngest for himself; the Snake tells his daughters to take a different form to destroy C.; the elder brother wants to pick grapes, C. cuts the vineyard, black blood flows; then the same is a plum orchard; the same is a stream (the brothers wanted to get drunk, C. plunged a spear into the stream, blood flowed); the witch herself flies, C. hides in the cave, then comes to the king, asks him to forge a club; heated it, put it in a hole in the fortress wall; the snake pulled the air into itself, a red-hot club fell into her mouth, she died; the boyars advise the tsar to get rid of C., suggest sending him to the Kingdom of Strier, bringing him the princess as a wife to the king; C. meets, takes as his companions 1) an eternally hungry man who plows seven with plows; 2) hares running and stroking on the run, tied a millstone to his feet; 3) freezing on a hot day, one mustache white, the other black; 4) an arrow hitting a mosquito in the sky; 5) a sage (waving a stick - birds flock); everyone, not knowing at first who is in front of him, says that he is not a hero, but a real hero - Ts; The Streer king demands: 1) eat all the breads baked in 9 ovens per day (Oat eats); 2) drink 9 barrels of wine (Drinks); 3) enter the hot oven (Freezer has cooled it); 4) bring water from the magic spring, overtaking the maid (the maid put Skorokhod to sleep, looking for him in his head; The shooter wakes him up by knocking out the horse skull left by the girl from under his head, Skorokhod came first); 5) let 50 infertile women will be born overnight (the Sage did give birth; touched the king with a stick - there is a brood of ducklings behind the king, everyone laughs); C. spared the eagle, pulled the thorn out of the bear's paw, they promised to help; brought the princess to the king, who gave her to him himself; the brothers slaughtered Ts, took the horse and the bride; C. was still a little alive, his eagle and bear were leaving, the eagle brought living and dead water, C. became the same; the eagle untied the horse C., the bear frightened the brothers; the horse killed the brothers with hooves, the king of Streer bequeathed the throne to C., he married the princess, received both kingdoms]: Sadetsky 1973:79-101; Hungarians [the younger queen and his brothers goes to get a sun-moon stallion; the neighboring king promised to give his daughter for the stallion who brought the stallion; the old woman gives the queen a brush, the second gives a scraper; the uncle says that this is the stallion of the youngest son Iron-nosed hag; at the hag's house, the queen throws his brush, turns into a cat, overhears when the hag's sons return; waits for them at the bridge, kills one by one with the help of a crow that drops drops of water on him; in the form of a cat, he overhears the conversation of the wives of the killed, promising to turn into a poisonous apple tree, pear, water; cuts an apple tree, a pear, water - blood flows; the hag pursues, the queen throws a scraper, dirt appears on the way; a horseshoe pierces the hag's legs with spikes; the blacksmith hides his brothers behind an iron gate; the brothers drill the gate, the hag sticks his tongue, it is pulled out with hot mites; she leaves; brothers meet, take Merzlyak as companions, Bey without a miss, One-eyed (sees everything), Obedala, Drink the Sea, Runner; the king promises his daughter if 1) sit in a hot oven (Frost sits); 2 ) eat and drink a lot (Eat, Drink the Sea); 3) bring clothes from the end of the world (One-eyed sees, Quick-footed pulls out, falls asleep; wakes him up without a miss); wedding]: Gidash 1953:147-156; Serbs [ the son dreams that he has become a royal son-in-law, refuses to tell his parents, they drive him away; the young man refuses to tell the king a dream, he puts him in prison, he makes a way to the princess's room, she has been living well with her for three years; the princess promises to marry the one who throws a spear over the wall, tells her to summon that imprisoned slave; he throws it over, likes the king, gets the princess; the viziers demand that he brought a squad of 1,000 people; on the way, the young man is joined by 1) listening to the grass grow, 2) overtaking birds, 3) throwing a spear to the sky, 4) eating a huge pot of corn, 5) drinking a lake; viziers offer (the winner takes the loser's wife) 1) eat everything cooked (Eats), 2) throw it into the oven and take the person out alive (Drinking fills with water), 3) overtake the winged sorceress (The runner overtakes but falls asleep, the Rumor finds out, the javelin thrower kills the sorceress, the Runner brings a jug of water); the young man picks up the wives of the viziers on the line, lives well in the palace]: Karadzic in 1853 Dmitriev, Volkonsky 1956:36-43, in Eschker 1992, No. 38:178-188; Greeks (Fr. Syros, Cyclades) [the hunter sees a bird with a jewel on its head; it says that if he shoots it, it will be his happiness, and if he misses, misfortune; the bird turned its head, the bullet flew by; out of grief, the hunter soon died; his son grew up, his mother assigned him to a shoemaker, but he demanded that his father be told what his father was doing; his mother had to give him his father's gun; it happened again, but the young man shot a bird; when he was carrying the stone home, the vizier asked to sell it, the young man refused; he had to sell it to the king, who paid 30,000 piastres; but soon demanded that the young man build an ivory tower - if he could shoot this bird, he could do it too; the mother explained that the vizier set it all up; advised him to ask for 40,000 piastres to build the tower and let the vizier give them; this money is needed buy wine and bread, fill the lowland, the surrounding peasants will gather and get drunk, they must be killed, a tower built out of their bones (elephants are out of the question - human bones}; the king feels sorry that many people have died, but he rewarded the young man; now the vizier advises the king to order the young man to marry the Beauty of Peace for him; mother: let the king give a ship with 40 girls, including the only daughter of the vizier; when he sailed to that the country, the young man told the girls to wait 40 days for him, went alone; meets a Moor giant, an ant man, a water bread, a speedboat, whose every step is equal to what a person walks in five hours; each says that he is not brave, but the son of a hunter yes; the young man replies that he is the son of a hunter; everyone gives his hair to summon him; the young man comes in the Beauty of the World, she advises him to leave while he is intact; gives tasks: 1) eat a monstrous amount of meat and hbeba by morning (the young man calls the giant, he ate everything); 2) survive in a hot oven (water bread cools it); 3) divide the grain by variety (ants separate); 4) bring an apple from afar in a quarter of an hour (the speedboat brings); now the Beauty of the World agrees to become the young man's wife; they return by ship and the Beauty of Peace promises to arrange everything; quietly killed the king and vizier, the hunter's son is recognized as king]: Hahn 1864 (2): 3-15.

Central Europe. Russians: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 137 [childless tsar and queen dream that the queen will become pregnant from eating a ruff; the queen ate the fish, the cook licked the dishes, the cow drank the slop (var.: mare); each gave birth to a boy; Ivan Bykovich (IS) is stronger than the prince and the cook's son; raises a stone, under it three horses; brothers come to Baba Yaga, then to the Smorodina River; IB kills 6-, 9-, 12- the head monster (the last one, cutting off his fiery finger, with which he put his severed heads in place); information security overhears with a sparrow how the wives of monsters promise to turn into an apple tree, a well, a bed; not lets her brothers come, cuts his wives to pieces; the witch dragged IB into the dungeon, her husband lies there, 12 heroes raise his eyebrows and eyelashes with an iron pitchfork; he does not avenge the information security for the death of his sons, but orders him to get the queen golden curls; you have to hit the oak tree, the ship will come out; Obedailo, Opivailo, Soaring in the Bath, Stargazer, Floating Ruff; Obedailo eats everything, Opivailo drinks, Soaring cools a hot bath; information security gets a wife; she turns into a star, flies to the sky; the Stargazer returns her; she turns into a pike, the Ruff returns her; the old man agrees to walk along the pole above the pit; the princess of golden curls makes him fail, goes beyond the IS]: 278-286; Karnaukhova 1948 (North) [grandfather gives the Rooster the last crust; he tears off the stove in the yard, which bakes pies himself; late In the fall, the master comes in, the old woman treats him to strawberry pie; the master stole the stove, calls the guests for pies; the Rooster climbs out the window, screams that the master is a thief; the master tells him to throw him into the pond, he drinks it ; into the oven, he fills the fire with drunk water; frightened guests run away, the master falls, the Rooster returns the stove to the old man and the old woman]: 99-105; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, 1929, Ust-Tsilma, Vasily Sobol, Nenets, he went as a "leader" with herds of deer all his life, i.e. he was a farmhand shepherd) [The queen cannot give birth to an heir, the tsar decides to buy a gold-head fish, goes to the fishermen, in the third tone catches it. The fish is eaten by the queen, the maid and the bull (he gets the garbage), on the same day they have sons: Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan Devi and Ivan-Bykovich, grow up by months, do not feel their strength - they are maimed in games other kids. The children's parents complain. Three fellows go to the field, meet an old man, he says that going to the right will kill their horses, and to the left will kill them. They return to the king, asking for horses, Ivan Bykovich does not find a horse in the royal stable. He asks the blacksmith to tie a hundred pounds of club, throws it up so that he can hardly see it, catches it easily (his hand does not move), asks him to tie a club of two hundred, then three hundred pounds. He throws the last one, and she comes back quickly, he almost drops it when he catches it. At the crossroads, the fellows turn right, throw a tent at the Iron Bridge and agree to watch one by one. The first two fellows fall asleep on guard, instead of them with a 3-headed one, and the next night, Ivan Bykovich fights with 6-headed Pogany Idol. It invites Ivan to blow into the open field, but he gives way to Idolishch, it blows, and all living things burn three miles in the field. While she admires her work, Ivan cuts off her heads. In the morning, Ivan Tsarevich and Ivan Devi say that they did not sleep at night and did not see anyone. When it comes to Ivan Bykovich's turn, he leaves a knife to his comrades and warns that if he bleeds, they must run to the bridge. The beginning of the fight repeats, Ivan cuts down 8 heads from Idolishche, the latter remains, he asks for permission to take off his left boot, launches him into the tent, then his right one - the brothers wake up, see that the knife is covered in blood, they help fight, go waist-deep into the ground and defeat Idolishche. Three fellows come to the big house, Ivan Bykovich turns into a "goosebumps", overhears how inside an old woman ("nose to ceiling") advises daughters-in-law, wives of three Idolishches, to take revenge on Ivan, turn around poisoned with spring water, berries, and a golden bed. Ivan Bykovich saves his brothers from death three times, water, berries and a bed turned into women when they began to cut them, their heads were cut off. They hear the chase, they hide in the forge. The old woman demands that the blacksmith give them away, he asks her to stick his tongue through the door, and hits him with a copper, tin and iron rod, only the tin rod does not tear. The old woman turns into a horse, Ivan Bykovich saddles it, the old man asks if Ivan will give up his horse if he manages to overtake him, Ivan agrees and loses. The old man hangs his horse on his horse, promises to return it if Ivan gets Elena the Beautiful for him. Ivan Bykovich agrees, he meets Yaryshek on the way ("a thin leg, a golden cap, his forehead is covered, his eyes are out"), one knows how to carry people across the sea, the other to marry, the third to wash in the bath, the 4th carry people in space ("from place to place"), eat the 5th bread, drink water on the 6th, meets a woman who can travel 3 miles in 3 hours. He takes everyone with her. He meets three more Yaryshki: one brags: "I'm buzzing with a foot", the second can shoot with a cream, and the third catches what falls to the ground. One Yaryshko takes a spoon out of his pocket and carries everyone across the sea. The other performs the king's task - washing in a very hot bath ("heat for five soots"), the third goes to marry. The king locks visitors in a ram and sets them on fire, Yaryshko takes them to a safe place. The king makes you eat all the bread in the city, Yaryshko eats everything. The other drinks all the water in her magpies in the city's shops. The Tsar promises to give his daughter if the visitors drink all the water in the well, Yaryshko drinks. Then she orders the princess to get a dress from the state far away in 3 hours, send the old woman, on the way back she falls asleep, Yaryshko "whipped with a foot", she woke up and arrived on time. The king gives his daughter. Yaryshko carried the first one across the sea, at night the princess flies to heaven and turns into a star. Yaryshko saw an extra star in the sky, another shot a cream, the latter caught a shooting star and gave it to Ivan Bykovich. The princess does not want to marry the old man, and persuades Ivan to deceive him when he asks him to walk on the boards above the hole and let him go first. He does so, loosens one of the boards, the old man falls into a hole on the "iron sperm". Ivan takes the old man's good, burns a mare, marries Elena]: Karnaukhova 1934, No. 163:340-348; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pomors) [Fedor Tsarevich is walking in the garden, someone is calling; this is a gloomy grandfather ( DU) from the underground pantry; asks his father to get the key and release it, promises to help; F. asked for the key and unlocked the door; expelled; he was given a soldier as a companion; he asked him to go down to the well; pulled out after F. changed his dress and status with him; went further: 7 wives picked berries, one eye in all; F. asks the DU to give them eyes; came to another king, F. became a groom; the soldier persuaded the servants to say that F. can get Mary blue-haired from the kingdom of far away; the Remote Control tells him not to take the king's ship, to pretend to do it himself; those ripe women sent for their son, everyone can do something special; Marya demands to eat all the cereal (one of the servants ate); drink all the kvass (the other drank); wash in a hot bath (DM himself blew and cooled); Marya rushed from the ship into the sea, the servant drank it, hers returned; she rose as a star into the sky; the stargazer found an extra star, the shooter shot, M. fell on the ship; everything opened; M. married the tsar, and the royal daughter married F.]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:211-215; Russians (Olonetskaya: Shokshozero) [Ivan Tsarevich went to marry foreign lands; his sister found out that his bride would kill him; Nikita Mol is in prison; promises to help if the princess releases him and find him in 39 more satellites Nikita; the ship stuck, there is noise on the mountain: three share an invisible hat; NM fired an arrow - who is faster behind it; took the hat; elsewhere - a magic tablecloth and a jug about 12 stigmas; the same; in they took two in third place: one to take a steam bath, the other to eat; the queen orders to take a steam bath in a hot bath, the companion cooled; eat a lot; the other companion ate everything; cook shoes, what she had; NM in an invisible hat stole her shoes, the craftsmen made new ones for the queen; cook dinner (magic tablecloth); got married; NM went to bed; the queen threw her leg over him to press him down, but it didn't work out; everything is fine]: Onchukov 2000, No. 56:214-215; Russians (Gorkovskaya) [millstones make pancakes themselves from old people; the master took them away; the rooster came to demand back; he was thrown into the pond, he threw him into the pond drank; into the oven - poured the pond and flooded the fire; the rooster was fried, the master ate it; he demanded a millstone from his stomach, pecked the master's stomach, took the millstones, returned it to the old people]: Borovik, Mirer 1939, No. 21:29-30; Russians (Voronezh) [the tsar aims at the eagle three times at the oak tree; agrees to feed it for three years; every year the eagle tries his hand; after the third, he puts the tsar on his back, carries it, throws it three times in the sea picks it up again, so that the king will feel the same fear as he did when the king aimed at him; the eagle's younger sister refused to feed the king, let the dogs down on him; when the eagle carried the king further, behind the younger sister's house is burning; the same is with the middle sister; the elder feeds generously; then the eagle gives the king a ship and two chests: red to unlock in the backyard, green in the front; but the king opened the red on the road, cattle came out of it; a man came out of the water, put the cattle back for promising to give what the king of the house did not know; at home, the king unlocked both chests, a garden appeared out of the green one; Ivan Tsarevich was born at home; when he grew up, he was left on the seashore; Baba Yaga's hut nearby; she teaches: 12 spoonbills will fly to the sea, take off their clothes, swim, hide the clothes of the eldest, Vasilisa the Wise; gives for a promise to help when I. comes to her father, the Water King; I. met, took Obedala, Opivala, Moroz with him; water orders to build a crystal bridge overnight (the servants of the VP did everything); plant a garden (then same) recognize the bride from his 12 daughters (she will wave her handkerchief; fix her dress; the fly will fly); tells me to eat a lot; drink; survive in a hot bath (assistants helped); the young are running, the VP turned horses into a well, a ladle of himself, a prince as an old man; pop and church; a honey river with jelly shores, a prince - a drake, VP - a duck; the water began to drink, burst; VP tells you to go forward to your parents, but not to kiss sisters; I. kissed, forgot VP; takes another wife; VP chipped in as a beggar, brought a pie with a dove in it; dove: you will forget me like I. Vasilisa Premudruy; I. remembered that everything is fine]: Afanasiev 1958 (2), No. 219:171-177; Russians (Kursk, Fatezhsky District) [The unlucky one goes to travel, meets a man who "knits himself " ("If I don't contact, I'll run around the world one day"), takes him with him. They are then joined by a shooter who shot a gun into the fly's left eye, a man who wrapped around the forest and started dragging it home, a man whose breath gives birth to the wind ("a man with his nostril clamped , and the other blew and set in motion a centuries-old forest"), a man who, wearing a hat, warms everything around him and freezes when taking it off. They come to the king, who promises to marry her daughter to someone who can overtake her and be the first to bring water in jugs from the pond. One of the travelers, having collected water, falls asleep on the way back (puts his head on the horse's skull and falls asleep) and leaves the jug, the princess pours its water. The hunter shoots at the horse's skull, the traveler wakes up, manages to get water again and get ahead of the princess. The king orders all travelers to wash themselves in the bath, hoping that they will "burn", one of them takes off his hat and no one dies. The king sends an army against the travelers, one of them draws in the air and warriors with his nostrils, then exhales the other and the army dies. Travelers demand that the king give them his daughter, but instead he suggests that they take as much gold as they can carry. They ask for a bag of 1,000 cowhides, a traveler who dragged the forest takes away all the gold, leaving the kingdom without money]: Aristov, Pavlov 1939:55-56; Belarusians [after the death of his wife, the husband wants marry her daughter; she goes to the mother's grave; the mother advises asking her father to dress like stars and a month; then the same shoes; horses (the same); for the fourth time: let the widow take the widow with three daughters; the stepmother tyrannites with work; the cow helps: enter one ear, get out of the other - the canvas is ready; the stepmother sends her daughter to spy, her own mother teaches her to sleep, removing the lice in her hair; the same with the second; the third put the third eye in; sleep the peephole, sleep the other, and the third looks; the stepmother tells the cow to be slaughtered; bones and giblets are buried under the window, an apple tree with golden and silver apples has grown; no one can reach them; in We went to church on the holy day, and the stepmother poured poppy seeds into the ash and ordered them to be cleaned; on the advice of her own mother, the horses did everything; dressed like a month and stars, the stepdaughter went to church; the prince smeared the threshold resin, one slipper stuck; they began to try on, only the stepdaughter came up; the apple tree bent towards her; the stepmother comes to visit, turns her stepdaughter into a fox in the bathhouse, replaces her daughter with her daughter; midwife carries the baby, calls the fox, she throws off the fox skin, feeds; the prince spies, burns the skin; the stepmother and her daughter are tied to the horse's tail]: Romanov 1887:292-295 (=Potanin 1891:155-157); Belarusians (Kozyanskaya vol., Gorodok district, 1888-1891, western city Vasiliev from a local beggar). [Tsar Basil has no children. He is fishing and has 12 fishermen. They go to sea, catch 3 perches. They bring them to the king and say that if the queen eats them, she will give birth to a hero. The cook cooks perch, throws scales and giblets (awls and vantrobes) under the table, the female eats them and becomes pregnant. The cook tries a piece without the hostess noticing, and also becomes pregnant. The queen eats fish and becomes pregnant. After 3 years, the first female gives birth to a son, he is called Taraturok. Then an old cook gives birth to her son Ivan. Then the queen was Vasily Vasilyevich. After 2 weeks they start walking, T. is the strongest. When their sons are one month old, they ask their father to forge clubs for them. T. asks for a mace of 12 pounds, a cook's son at 8, and Tsaritsyn for 6 pounds. The king gives them maces, and sons go to the field and throw maces into the sky. Each crumbles, hitting T.'s forehead, the knees of the cook's and queen's son. Then the sons ask their father for a mace of 24, 12 and 10 pounds. With these clubs, they set off and come to the land of Yuda-Antiyuda, the lawless head. They have food and drink, but they don't have people. Lots are drawn to who should be in charge: the youngest is Ivan Kukharkin, the middle is Vasily Vasilyevich, the eldest is T. On the first night, Ivan guards at the viburnum bridge, gets scared, runs away and falls asleep. T. goes to the bridge, meets Yudu-Antiyuda with 9 heads. Strength is measured: Yuda orders to make a current of 50 versts, T. does 65 versts, Yuda only 60 versts. They fight, T. wins. On the second night, Vasily Vasilyevich guards at the Kalinovy Bridge, gets frightened, runs away, says that the tsar's son should not be on guard, and falls asleep. T. goes to the bridge, meets Yudu-Antiyuda with 12 heads. Strength is measured: Yuda orders to make a current of 75 versts, T. does 125, Yuda only 100 versts. They fight, T. wins. On the third night, T. is going to watch, gives the brothers a glass of vodka, a glass of water, a wax candle and a greasy candle, and what happens to T. (if he is made of wax, he is killed). T. goes to the bridge, meets Yudu-Antiyuda with 15 heads. Strength is measured: Yuda orders to make a current of 250 versts, Taraturok does 225 versts, Yuda says 275. They fight, T. cuts down five heads, asks for a break, throws his boot at the house where the brothers fell asleep, the brothers do not wake up. They fight on, T. cuts down three heads, asks for a break, throws his boot at the house where the brothers fell asleep, the brothers wake up and run to help. Yudu wins. Yuda turns to her sisters, father and mother before her death, and her mother responds. T.'s brothers go to bed, and he overhears how Yuda's sisters and mother want to kill them (turn into a bed, a stream with a scoop, an apple tree with apples and a pig to eat them). The brothers are going home. They want to sleep, they see the bed, T. hits the bed, all that's left is a pool of blood. They go on, they are thirsty, they see a stream, T. hits him, all that remains is a pool of blood. They go on, they want to eat, they see an apple tree, T. hits it, all that remains is a pool of blood. They resort to Volovnik, give him money, and he promises not to give it to the pig. They resort to the groom, give him money, and he promises not to give it to the pig. They resort to blacksmith Solomon, give him money, and he promises to defeat the pig. The pig spills through the gate, and the blacksmith and his 12 students grab it with tongs and forge it into a horse. T. gives them money for a horse, sends their brothers home to their father and goes to the forest. On a pine tree sits a grandfather with a fingernail, a beard from an elbow, Father Yud, shoots T. with a tar whistle gun, interrupts the mare in half. T. kills him. He goes on, meets heroes (Korob-Korobanovich, Syavbit, Gorovik, Glutton and Moroz) who join him. They come to the tent where Elephant Ivanovich sits with his head severed off, asks T. to fix his head and return his wife Symiikhlida Mikhailovna from Vyriyon Antienovich, gives him his horse, sword and spear -Good, tells us what needs to be done. T. kills dogs, enters the fortress, jumps up to the 12th floor on horseback, breaks the door with a spear, cuts off Vyriyon Antienovich's 12 heads with a sword, pierces his heart with a spear, brings two bottles of water and his wife to the Elephant Ivanovich. The wife takes root in Elephant Ivanovich's head, he goes with T. They come to Baba Yaga's house, and 12 daughters of Baba Yaga, beautiful women, are sitting near the house. T. ties his horse to seven rings. Baba Yaga returns home, intends to kill whoever comes, sends her daughter to heat the iron bath. T. sends Frost there, which covers everything with frost. T. beats Baba Yaga for being cold in the bath. Baba Yaga sends her other daughter to heat an iron bath. Same thing. Baba Yaga heats the iron bath herself. T. sends Frost there, he can't do anything, then the Glutton helps him, fills everything with water, and covers Frost with ice. T. beats Baba Yaga for being cold in the bath. Baba Yaga feeds well done, everyone eats up except Glutton. T. kills Baba Yaga and marries her daughter. Comrades T. disperse, T. returns to his father. His father is dead, Vasily Vasilyevich rules, and Ivan Kukharkin is a janitor. T. kills Vasily Vasilyevich, rules himself, takes Ivan to his chambers]: Romanov 1901, No. 30:262-276; Kashubas [the king will give his daughter to someone who makes a boat that sails on land and water; two sons the peasant decides to try it, refuses to talk to the old man; he says that they will only make a gutter for the pigsty; the third younger brother politely answers the old man, made a boat; the old man tells him to take Anyone the guy meets; he meets three old men; one drinks and cannot get drunk, the other is cold even in the sun, the third eats a lot; the king tells you to eat 12 loaves of bread and 12 bulls per night , drink 12 barrels of wine, sit in a hot iron oven; old helpers do everything; war has begun, the king demands that the groom defeat enemies; the old man teaches where to get a horse and a bag with an army; the young man was wounded, the king bandaged his leg with half of his handkerchief; after the victory he ordered to find the brave man; the boy was found sitting in ash; the servant sent in search killed the hero and the second servant sent with him, bandaged his leg with a handkerchief and married the queen; the old man revived the dead; everything was clarified; the deceiver was torn at the gate, four bulls tied to them; after the feast, the narrator was beaten into a cannonball and shot, flew to your table and sat]: Lifshitz-Artemyeva 2017:196-200; Poles [many records throughout Poland; options close to Kashubian]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 513:165-166.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Nogais [Azdaa asks the old man to give away what you do not know at home in 18 years; son Shaar Soltan grows up, daughter A. Shaarkhan helps 1) sit on knives (puts it flat), 2) get corals from the sea (gives a note to the sea a.), 3) firewood from the forest (a note to wolves and bears); 4) the horse tells you to cut off and take a piece of it in his mouth hooves, SHS does not burn in the fire; 5) c. tells you to throw the SHS off the roof, S. spreads felt at the bottom; Sh. and SHS run away on horseback, turn into 1) an old man and an old woman picking apricots, 2) taking a bath in mosques; by the sea, Sh.'s mother tells her to eat sand for seven years; seven years later, S. is caught from the sea by an old man and an old woman; pigeons say that Sh.; ShS opens Sh.]: Nogai 1979, No. 12:47-54; Kalmyks [eight brothers marry eight sisters; the youngest ninth brother is Iestir; the Serpent orders him to be sent to him, otherwise he will destroy everyone; demands to get the daughter of a rich khan; on the way, I. meets a man sucking grass, and takes the other, who drinks two seas, with him; the khan orders to turn fresh bone into an old one (the sucked grass sucks all the juices out of the bone); fires fire on his brothers, drank it; Fox takes the form of a girl, goes to the Snake instead of her; the Serpent gives his soul a chest for the bride; I. kills the serpent's soul, marries the khan's daughter, leaves his brothers with him]: Badmaev 1899:6-9 (quail in Basangova 2002:40-42); Karachays or Balkarians [dzhigit goes to get a beauty; meets, takes as companions 1) running with millstones tied to his feet; 2) far seeing; 3) understanding the tongue of ants; 4) drinking the river; the girl's father tells: 1) to overtake the sorceress (the runner undertakes to run, the old woman gives him a sleepy potion; the far-seer sees it, throws a stone, runs, wakes up, comes first); 2) sit in the oven for the night (water bread cools her down); 3) guess when the khan's daughter gets up; the farsighted sees everything, the khan gives her daughter; the dzhigit leaves assistants where he met them, brings his wife]: Aliyeva, Kholaev 1983:77-82; Karachays [the father agreed to marry one hundred sons to one hundred daughters of another; the youngest is Kichibatyr, he is left to guard the house; he orders to throw three balls of oil on the rocks, they they part; on the way back, there are three felt balls, the rocks will mistake them for oil; tells them not to approach the fire, even if it gets very cold; the wedding procession began to freeze, came to the fire, stopped, in the morning, a monster is nearby, demands K.; tells K. to get him the daughter of Khan, who is by the sea; the khan demands to hit the eye of a needle with an arrow, catch a hundred out of thousands of running chamois, spend the night in a hot iron at home; K. meets, takes as companions a shooter, a chamois catcher, a sailor; they fulfill the conditions (the hot house is cooled with water); the princess saves a snake from the well, she promises to help her; K. gave the girl monster; the snake ordered to offer to be chained, it will become a chain; it became a snake again, the girl and K. ran away, and the snake stung the monsters to death; everything is fine]: Rumyantseva 1981:101-111; Stavropol Turkmens [Taga tells his father that he will not tell him a dream, he kicks him out; he does not tell the Eastern Khan, he puts him in a dungeon; the slave says that the Western Khan will go to war if the East does not guess which of the two mares is the mother and which is the daughter; T. says that the mother will eat peacefully and the daughter will frolic; the Western one requires a hero who will send an arrow to his palace; T. destroys the wall of the palace with an arrow; the western one asks T. to come to him; he takes old people with him on the way; one sees a needle a hundred miles away, the second pours water from the river into the river with his mouth, the third throws mountains, the fourth grazes hares with millstones on their feet, the fifth whistles so that the ground trembles; they are soldered, put overnight in a hot iron shed, the one who drinks water cools him; the khan promises a daughter if someone will overtake him to the old woman; the runner overtakes him, but she gives him a drink, he falls asleep; the far-seeing person tells the whistler to wake up the runner; the khan does not give a daughter, then the strongman takes his palace; T. gets a daughter, goes to Eastern Khan; from his wife taken from an Eastern Khan, he has a son; in that dream he saw two suns (two khans) and a star (his son) in the middle]: Bagriy 1930 (2): 84-90; Abkhazians [Janym marries his sister six adau brothers (giants) who demand 1) build a fishbone house; Sister J. Quara tells us to bring red stones from the sea into the dried channel, scatter millet; the pebbles pulled fish bones out of the channel, the Atsans built a house out of them; 2) deer skin, each hair of which sings; sister gives needle and scissors, they take off the magic deer's skin; 3) the brothers are going to burn J. in the iron house; the fox gives the marsh root to cool the house, gives its claws and bars to six comrades J., who kill six adau; wedding]: Bgazhba 2002:153-159; Abaza [young man went to marry; meets, companions water bread, drawing in the river with his mouth, a runner with a stone on his shoulder to run not so fast shooter (hits a needle at the top of the tree with an arrow); pull out a wolf that people have driven into a swamp, who gives fur to summon him; the bride's father's tasks: 1) sit in a hot iron house ( the water bread cools down, releasing the water); 2) overtake the old woman (she put him to sleep, planted the chicken to peck the grain in the sieve, the runner thinks that the old woman is looking in his head); the shooter knocked down the sieve, the runner woke up, overtook the old woman; 3) whose dog is the fastest (they let the wolf in, he ate the prince's dog's leg); got a wife]: Tugov 1985, No. 48:139-142; Adygi [Psha's son goes to marry the daughter of another psha; meets and companions ants running with millstones on his feet, keen, listening to a conversation, drinking the river; the girl's father demands 1) to overtake the old goose; she gives the speeder sleeping pills, the farsighted sees, wakes up the runner, throwing a stone, he overtook the old woman; 2) the sensitive one hears that the pshi is going to tell them to spend the night in a hot oven; water bread drank water, and spewed in the oven; 3) guess the hour when a girl gets up and sits down to sew; keen sees everything, tells; the young man gets a wife]: Kerashev 1957:235-240 (=Maksimov, Kerashev 1953:149-155); Ingush: Malsagov 1983, No. 143 [chicken Akhkotam plowed the field with her legs and wings, sowed millet; Ati's horses poisoned the crops; Akhkotam goes, meets a fox, promises to eat it, Akhkotam swallows it herself; the wolf; Ati throws her into the river, Akhkotam He drinks it; throws it into the chicken coop - the fox strangled the chickens; the wolf bit sheep into the sheepfold; into the fire - releases water, Ati's farm swam; he returned the millet]: 284; Tankieva 2003 [mother tells her son to protect wheat from birds; he fell asleep; he fell asleep, said he had a good dream; refused to tell his mother, sister, he was kicked out of the house, he refused to tell a dream to pacchaha, thrown into a hole, playing zurna there, daughter of pachchaha fell in love with him; Pacci wants to marry the daughter of a neighboring pacciah, but is refused; a neighboring pacci sent an onion: if someone pulls it, I will give your daughter and half of the possessions; only the young man in the hole pulled it when Pacci himself came to ask him to do this; destroyed the corner of the tower with an arrow; Pacci sent the young man to a matchmaker; on the way he meets and companions 1) listening to the children of yeshap playing alchiki across the 7 seas; 2) changing goiters in pigeons on the other side of the sea; 3) chasing fallow deer on one leg; 4) shooting at a leopard seven mountains; 5) drawing the sea into the hollow of a tooth; 6) moving the village from place to place from 9,000 hearths; everyone says, not knowing who is in front of him, that he is not a miracle, but a young man who destroyed the corner of the tower with an arrow; at pachchah, the listener hears that they want to add poison to their food (friends changed food); runner runs in a race with the witch, she offers a drink and a snack, the runner falls asleep; the listener finds out, the shooter wakes him up, the runner overtakes the witch; at night the house was set on fire, the drawing sea was flooded with fire; but the bride was given only when the hero lifted his seat on his back and carried it; then the boy woke up - he dreamed of it all]: 201-206; Kumyks: Kapiyeva 1974 [39 brothers leave with his father to look for a wife 40 sisters; the youngest fortieth Malik-Mamed stays at home, warns not to spend the night near the city of Palace; married 40 poor daughters, go back, spend the night by the river; in the morning it turns out that they mistook a snake for the river Ashdag, who surrounded them with a ring; lets go for promising to give MA; demands that he bring him the daughter of the Shah Devas; the wolf tells them to find a good horse; MA finds, gives the old one to be eaten by the wolf; on the way meets and comrades Fastfooted, Climber, Water Bread; Shah Devas 1) tries to burn them in an iron hut, Vodkhleb regurgitates the water, cools it; 2) the Shah orders to bring water faster than the lame old woman; Speedy overtakes her, but she gave him wine, he fell asleep; MA woke him up with an arrow, he caught up with the old woman, was the first to return with a jug; 3) Rock defeats the local strongman; MA gets a girl; wolf says that the soul is a snake in an egg in a huge partridge; MA breaks an egg, Ashdagha dies, MA marries Khan Deva's daughter]: 65-71; Mazaev, Kasumov 1997 (2): 29-37 [wife gives birth to forty sons, writes a letter to a merchant husband who has left; he replies that he will kill her if he finds at least one child on her return; she hides them in a hole; after 15 years, the merchant finds his sons, leads her home; leans over the spring, Azhdaha grabs him, tells him to give the youngest; tells the young man 1) to bring Bermes, the daughter of Almas Khan; on the way, the shepherd in the service of Azhdakh promises to help; the young man is joined by a well-aimed shooter, a deer milker, a speedboat, drinking the sea, wolf; win Almas Khan's competitions (defeat the dog, win the run, spend the night in a hot room; a young man brings a woman; a shepherd tells her to break a millstone on the mound, there are eggs with the soul of Azhdakh; the young man kills him, takes his wife and wealth; 39 brothers are jealous, offer the father to send the youngest for a bull buried by the sea; he brings him along with the herd; the horse is the same; the father tells bring a golden pole from the dead from the dead; he gives and teaches them to turn the young man's parents into wild boars (the origin of pigs), brothers into dogs], 38-48 [about the same; brothers into goats; father - Khan Kara-Batyr; Azhdakha demands what you don't know at home; these are forty sons born; but the khan gives an unloved freeze born to his late wife]; Avars [to marry, 49 Khan's sons go look for 49 sisters, disappear; Sulaiman is born, they hide from him that he had brothers; he offends other children, breaks the widow's jugs; the old man, the widow advise him to look for brothers better; he meets them in the forest, guards with them, then they recognize him by his ring; someone steals horses, S. remains guarded, kills seven sledge giants, finds wealth and 50 girls in their cave; one-eyed on the way back the father of sledges and girls is enough for S.; the brothers are afraid and leave; the cyclops tells the white horse to feed flint, black wheat, S. does the opposite; the cyclops orders to bring the khan's daughter; S. rides a white horse, takes companions of people with different abilities (1) runs fast, 2) sees well, 3) hears well, 4) drinks the sea, 5) splits and connects rocks); without recognizing S., everyone replies that the real one strongman - S.; Khan promises to give his daughter for the winner of the competition, companions help them win; 1) horse racing, 2) defeat the bull, 3) running (the runner is put to sleep, but he is woken up with an arrow); they try to burn satellites in in the copper room, the drinking sea spews water; S. brings the Cyclops a girl, tells her to find out where the Cyclops's soul is; he first replies that he is in a stick (his wife decorates her), then three eggs in the chest under a pile of garbage in a hut in the desert, only a white horse knows the way; S. kills the Cyclops, brings his wife home]: Saidov, Dalgat 1965:184-197; Dargins [Alikhan-batyr goes to marry Tetli Khanum; Vaik's wife, Having made ropes out of snakes, built a threshing mill out of turtles and frogs, harnessed pigs and threshed on steel; A. blew and she flew overseas; he meets and takes as companions the moving Mount Hunkar, listening to Lippara, making Chugurchi flowers dance with a game, drinking the sea of Urhuhup; each first says that he is not strong, but A. does; W. drank the sea, the companions moved dry to another side, runner Tsatakhan was met there; Father T. promises a daughter if A. 1) wins the run (he fell asleep, L. heard it, C. woke it up, H. put a mountain in front of the khan's runner); 2) will defeat the bull (A. won, and the second , who was let in from behind, C. made him dance); 3) A. and his comrades were locked in a steel house, lit a fire (W. flooded the house and half the city); 4) bowls of poison were placed in front of them at a feast, L. heard it, C. changed the bowls, the vizier and his men died; A. received a wife, chose a bad arba, a plain foal, as a gift, and all the khan's wealth could fit on the arba]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 9:131-134; varnishes [in while it rained, an apple fell on the royal roof; the queen ate it in half with her husband, gave birth to 40 boys; the king was frightened, told them to be left behind the mountain; later he returned, 40 young men named him father, asked marry 40 sisters; the king put on iron boots, took a steel stick, went to look for brides; the father of 40 daughters met him, also with an iron stick and iron boots; the father and 39 sons went for brides, and the youngest Susuna stayed at home; S. to his father: when snakes fall from the sky and the stone rain falls, do not stop anyway; but when the stones fell, the young insisted on spending the night; at night they were surrounded by a ring of snakes, demanded their younger brother S.; tells S. to get the daughter of an overseas king; S. meets, takes as companions a person who shoots at the sky at birds, drinks and spews the sea; the king orders 1) overtake the old woman; the shooter ran, fired an arrow in the old woman's back and overtook; 2) climb a tree with a full bowl and go down without splashing; S. completed the task, but from the top of the tree he saw his mother in mourning for him, he dropped a tear; but the king was convinced that it was not water; 3) spend the night in an iron room; the king ordered to make a fire around him, but the water bread spewed the water and cooled the room; the princess did not want to see the snake; the shepherd advised the snake to ask the snake for a sword in a felt sheath; S. cut this sword by a snake; half became a dog, the other a pig, they began to chase each other; S. received two wives: the princess and former bride]: Khalilov 1965, No. 51:137-142; Rutultsy [when dying, the hunter tells his son not to go to Mount Tseylakhan; the son goes, kills an animal with glowing skin; the witch learns about this, tells the padishah, who orders to make a house out of animal bones, to bring the daughter of the padishah of jinns; the father in a dream tells him to bury clay figures of frogs and snakes, and an ivory palace appears on this site; in search of a country of genies, a young man meets, companions a person playing with mountains, drinking the river, eating; the genies padishah tells 1) to eat a lot (eats); 2) stay in the room around which made a fire (drinking pours out the river); 3) win the run (the man who played mountains threw mountains in front of the opponent); the young man got a girl, the padishah died of a broken heart, the young man married, was elected padishah]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 34:325-327; the Curins [the childless queen suddenly gave birth to 40 sons; after that, the king left home; the wife hired nurses, raised sons; the younger Melik Mammad calls the brothers to find a father; they he was found and threatened with death if he did not marry them to 40 sisters, daughters of one father and one mother; the king found; MM punishes the brothers not to stay in the Palace; but they spent the night there, and in the morning surrounded by a huge snake; he will let everyone go if MM comes to him; MM has come, the serpent tells him to get the daughter of the king of divas for him; the wolf tells MM to ask the serpent for a horse; MM stabbed his horse for the wolf; MM meets , they accompany someone who milks deer on the run; throws stones; drinks the river; the king of divas tells me to spend the night in an iron room, they covered it with firewood, regurgitated water, and the room has cooled down; run with a lame old woman for reindeer milk; the old woman gave wine to the deer milker, he fell asleep; MM saw it, shot it, the milker woke up, killed the old woman, brought milk; overcame the hero (throwing stones overcame); MM got the daughter of the king of divas; came to the wolf; the wolf orders to kill a huge hare, an egg in his heart, a snake's soul in the egg; MM broke the egg, the snake died; MM married the daughter of the king diva and the girl, brought by his father; his father gave him the throne]: Lionidze, Sultanov 1892, No. 5:204-208; svans [Satana's three sons agree to guard Bagatvir's golden apple tree; the elders fall asleep, the youngest injures three daughters of Heavenly Lord Chirkhaili, moistens their scarves with their blood; comes to him, treats the girls by mixing their own blood into their milk; receives medium blood, although C. warns that she is the bride of St. George; at night, the elder brother kills the younger, the middle elder, commits suicide; the bride of St. Giorgi asks to let her go to the water, turns into foam, back into a woman in the girl, gives birth to three sons; they offend the other boys; the old woman says that their grandmother is poor Satana; they ask an adoptive mother bake khachapuri, presses hot khachapuri to her chest, who admits that their fathers killed each other; Kintiz cuts off all three heads, but one (Badrild) lost a tooth and became a woman , a woman with a stone; K. hit the stone with a sword, Soslan fell out of it, K. considers him a son; S. killed K. with his own sword, came to his grandmother; she orders to tie a bell to each fur of the horse; their ringing frightened Yerechhava's horse, S. killed J.; S. descends to the lower world to the devas; does not burn in the fire, is not crushed by a rock, does not cook in boiling water; S. killed the devas by colliding them with their foreheads]: Jidziguri 1973, No. 11:86-92; Georgians: Dzidziguri 1971, No. 4 (Racha) [after learning that his wife gave birth to 20 sons at once, the husband leaves; the youngest son Batribeg finds his father, sends him to look for 20 sisters for them to marry; he finds them, but on the way home, the dragon captivates everyone, letting everyone go for the promise to bring B.; B.'s wife cuts off her hand, gives it to him; the dragon raises B. to heaven, asks him to get a wife for him; on the way, B. takes the catcher as his companions hares listening to ants, a sharpshooter drinking the sea, swallowing clods of earth; the king closes those who come in an iron room (obviously hot); a drink regurgitates water; the runner wins the run the bride, but falls asleep; the listener hears this, the shooter wakes up the sleeper when he gets into a bottle on his chest; eats everyone wins food; the dragon turns into gold and silver, B. marries]: 73-77; Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 98 [the chicken found a millet seed, sowed, grew millet, the royal herd trampled it; the chicken drove the herd, the horses fell off the cliff; began to insult the king; the king fried it and ate it; he screams from belly that went to heaven; got out; he was thrown into the treasury; he gave the entire treasury to the beggar; he was thrown into the stable, then into the goose, he released the wolf, the fox, they killed horses, geese; he was thrown into the sea, he drank it, filled it with water in the tone; continues to tease the king]: 156-158; Armenians: Harutyunyan 1986 [the pop strongman met the Son of the Bear (SM) in the forest, he overcame him; began to live with him, ate everything; pop gave it to the king; the witch advised to send SM to 40 devas for firewood; he easily defeated them, they cut wood and brought them; another witch offered to send SM to bring King Frangistan's daughter; along the way SM meets, takes along 1) Runner (millstones on his leg), 2) Drank, 3) Obedala, 4) Hearing, 5) Carp game (stones, trees dance), 6) Strongman (wears mountains); king tells 1) eat a lot, 2) bring water from the source of immortality (The runner overtakes the royal messenger); the king tries to burn his companions in the bathhouse, Drank regurgles the water, cools it down; The rumor finds out that they want to poison them, Igrin drives them plates of poison to the king, he and the queen die; SM sheds her bear skin, marries a princess, reigns]: 29-36 (=Ganalanyan 1965:72-79); Wingate 1911, No. 7 [the young man refuses to tell a dream to his parents, his father drives him out; to the king of the East; he puts him in prison; he breaks through to the king's daughter; King West gives tasks, the young man teaches the princess how to solve them; the king takes him as his son-in-law, sends the daughter of the king of the West to get it; on the way he meets the Listener, the Runner, the Porter, the Eater, the Waterbread, the Pipe Player; the Eater eats everything, the Water Bread floods the fire in which they were put, the Porter takes away the palace; the king gives his daughter; the young man tells his parents his dream: two suns (two wives) on the sides, a star (the son born by his first wife) in his heads]: 476-481; Turks {the hero's name is Half-Rooster, although oh he speaks of a man and does not mention his half-heartedness} [The half-rooster went to aha, who owed him 3 gold; Wolf, Fox, River ask for fellow travelers, he shoves them in his ass; yeah, ordered P. in a goose for geese to peck; P. in the barn, he was set on fire, the river poured water; into the pantry; P. fills his ass with gold, puts 3 coins in his mouth, says that he took the debt, leaves; asks the old woman to hit him in the ass with a roller; she does not want to, then hits, three coins fall out; she wants more, but P. does not allow it; he became rich]: Stebleva 1986, No. 11:33-35.

Iran - Central Asia. Mountain Tajiks [after the death of his father, Sodikjon catches sparkling fish, gives it to the Shah; the vizier persuades the Shah to tell S. to bring colored water for the fish, a stone pool, a climbing tree; every time those in love with S. peri do what they want; the last task is to bring the daughter of a Shah who does not exist in the world; on the way, S. consistently meets giants, takes them as companions; this is Oj-Omedala, Oj- Opivala, Oge-Sharpshooter; digs a way into the girl's chambers, she explains how to fulfill her father's conditions; 1) split the log with one blow; 2) spend the night in a red-hot room (Opivala drinks and belches the river); 3) eat a lot; 4) hit an egg from three miles; 5) choose a wife among hundreds of girls (she will wear a canvas dress, dirty boots, she will sit on a white donkey); S. kills the Shah, at his home wife kills Shah and Vizier who sent S.; S. gains wealth and power]: Rosenfeld, Rychkova 1990, No. 1:22-37; Tajiks [fisherman's son catches Guldor fish, which his late father missed; her takes the padishah; demands that the fisherman's son get Princess Chin-Mo-China; he saves an ant on the way, takes a river drinker and a catman pouring a hill as his companions; the princess's father tells me to oversleep in a hot copper bath (drinks cool), overtake the camel (the catman pours a hill in front of him), sort it out by grain varieties (ants disassemble); the princess marries the padishah, is capricious, the fisherman's son releases fish into the river]: Amonov, Ulug-zade 1960:156-163; Tajiks [padishah is ill; doctor: let them catch a white gazelle, slaughter him in the presence of the padishah, give him a drink of blood; the prince went with warriors, saw a poor girl, promised to send matchmakers, brought a gazelle, but her blood is no easier; the doctor: the right gazelle has a necklace around her neck, rings on her legs, 40 peri are guarding her; the prince saw a gazelle, but the main peri, Nigora, first ordered that the conditions be met: 1) run with the gazelle to Balkh and overtake it; 2) build a palace between heaven and earth; 3) sit in a hot tone for 7 days and cook pilaf there; if you do, we will become your slaves, and if not, we will die in prison and leave the bodies to snakes; 40 baklavons fled, did not overtake the gazelle, were thrown into prison; the shepherd's daughter Nulsanam {the one I first saw prince?} put on men's clothes, came to the old man; three doves flew to his three sons, turned into peri, became wives of sons, took them away, sons went in search and disappeared; in a dream, an old man teaches G. to hit each other with three swords, a horse will appear, come to the cave, go down on a rope, the divas are sleeping at this time, take a ring from under his tongue, after which the diva will become a servant; three young men the caves were lowered by G., she took the ring, ordered the diva to return the kidnapped young men and then take them all to the boy's father; the young men became G.'s assistants; the elder overtook the gazelle; the diva rose to the sky, and G. said peri: let the diva now be served with stone and solution; peri: the second requirement is fulfilled; the third young man Bahrpakhlavon sat in good shape, cooked pilaf; Nigora G. gave the main peri to her brother, the rest baklavons released from prison; the padishah recovered, the prince married G., received the throne, appointed brother G. as a vizier]: Osmanov 1989:371-379; the Vakhans [seven sons go to look for seven sisters to marry them; remaining on guard, the younger Sultan Nasab offers 39 robbers to get the king's seven daughters; raises the robbers to the fortress, kills one at a time, moves objects in the room the youngest princess; the king sends the old woman to find out everything, marries his daughters to his brothers; SN warns not to stop in the blooming garden; the brothers stop, where the dragon tells him to give him SN; demands to bring him the Queen with Hair to Forty Gyazov; SN meets, takes Strelka, Vodokhleb as his companions; saves rats and mice from hunger; the Queen tells 1) to spend the night in a steel room (they are bred around fire, Waterbread floods), 2) overtake the Wind-footed maid (The shooter breaks her jug while she returns, SN brings water), 3) collect scattered millet (rodents collect); SN marries the Queen; An eagle dragon arrives, the Shooter easily kills him (he was his student); at home, the older brother wants to marry SN's wife; SN heals by throwing a handkerchief over him, rejuvenates the blind father, the older brother cancels wedding, SN reigns]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 14:172-180; Ishkashim [the youngest of the seven princes asks his father to marry them to seven princess sisters; the father replies that there is no such king; the brothers go in search themselves; at night they decide to hunt alone; six returned empty-handed ("fox" means failure); the youngest met 40 robbers; suggests that he climb the wall himself the king's dwellings, and then lifting them one by one; each one is beheaded; enters the room where the king sleeps, then into the one where his seven daughters are; arranges objects; when he returns, he says "lion" (i.e. luck) to the brothers; the king is looking for a hero, the young man has opened up; the king gives his seven daughters to the princes; on the way home, the brothers and wives stop for the night; a dragon has come out of the lake, demanding to get fruit for him from Mount Kof; a young man on the way, he meets and companions three dragons; the owner of the fruit locks them in an iron room and makes a fire; one dragon has filled everything with water; the owner demands to level the mountain (completed); sketch a mountain of game (the dragon shooter performed); the owner demands that when he goes, there is not a drop of water under his foot; one of the dragons drained everything; the owner gave the fruit, the young man gave it to that dragon, the brothers and wives returned home]: Pakhalina 1959, No. 4:123-129; Sarykoltsy [a childless person sees a pomegranate in the river, takes it; a dragon comes out, gives two grenades, let his wife, a mare, a dog eat them; a son, a foal, a puppy must be eaten by a son, a foal, a puppy send him; then all Troy will give birth again, these people can keep for themselves; Joneyhair is born; after finding out what is going on, he rides a horse and with a dog to the river; the dragon orders to get the princess; wins, takes assistants of the Ice Bear Beast, the Fiery Beast, the Shooter Beast, the Shovel-Bearer; does not crush ants, their king gives his mustache to summon it on occasion; the same with mice; the princess's father offers tests; 1) sit in a cold house (Fire Bearer warms, 2) in a hot house (Ice Maker cools down), 3) turn the forest into arable land (Lopatonbearer performs), 4) collect millet scattered across the field (ants collect); 5) lead firewood on the donkey (the witch turned into a donkey, then became a bird, flew away with firewood, but the Shooter hit her, she became a donkey again); the mice gnaw the wall into the princess's room; she warns that her father will expose his horse against J.'s horse, his dog against his dog, tells him to cut the iron deck with a wooden ax; gives a bunch of his hair, they help cut it; the horse and dog J. win; the king gives his daughter; He then sends an old woman to turn J. into a donkey; J. changed the potion, it was eaten by an old woman and a dragon, and became donkeys]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 27:273-285.

Baltoscandia. Kalevala. Rune 31:383-391. The woman has three sons; Untamo stayed at home, and Callervo went to Karelia; they quarreled with fish over nets, W. killed her brother and his warriors; a pregnant woman from the whole family survived, with Cullervo's son is born in captivity in Untamola; he thinks of revenge since infancy; he is thrown into the sea in a barrel (swims out), burned in a fire (whole), hung on an oak tree (alive); he was allowed to look after the child, he killed him; clear the field - knocked down the entire forest and bewitched the field so that barley would not sprout on it; weave a wattle fence - made an impassable log fence; to thresh - rye turned to dust; W. sold it to Ilmarinen ( var: to some merchant). Rune 32:391-404. I.'s wife appoints K. as a shepherd, and angrily bakes a stone in his bread. Rune 33:404-411. K. breaks the knife he inherited from his relatives against him, he is terribly angry; on the advice of a crow, he drives the cows into the swamp, brings home a herd of wolves and bears, which tear the mistress to pieces. Rune 34:411-417. K. runs away from I. learns from an old woman that his father, mother, brother and sister are alive, finds them on the border of Lapland; his mother considered him dead. Rune 35:417-425. K. is of little use at work; his father sends him to take him to serve; on the way back, he meets his sister, who disappeared as a child after going for berries and seduces her without recognizing her; both tell each other To a friend who they are; realizing that she is together with her brother, the sister rushes into the waterfall; the mother forbids K. to commit suicide; he decides to take revenge on Untamo. Rune 36:426-434. K. kills everyone in Untamo; when he returns, he finds an empty house and only a black dog; comes to the place where he seduced his sister, stabs himself with a sword; Ingrians (Toksova, D. Europaes, 1847) [ the son of the sun came to Tuoni, Manala to marry his daughter; he demanded to run over needles, blades, knives; twist a rope out of a chaff, tie an egg in a knot, take a steam bath; the groom did everything and took the girl; 9 years later she ran back to her father]: Kiura 1990, No. 17:67-70; Karelians: Evseev 1950, No. 152 [Ira puts three strawberries in her mouth, gives birth to the elder Väinämöine, middle Ilmoilline, the youngest of Dygamoyone; V., D. could not harness the horse, I. harnesses, goes with his brothers to marry Catherine; the old man who meets swallows I., he forges in his womb, breaks his ribs, goes out ; K. requires 1) to plow the snake field (I. plows), 2) to swim through the forest lake (swims without soaking clothes), 3) evaporate in a hot bath (I. cools the bath with a spit); K. is lucky by sea, glob three times breaks, I. creates an island every time, K. hides every time, becoming a fish, a star, a mirror in a hollow; I. finds it three times, tears it apart, throws it into the swamp; the bones have become driftwood, blood berries, flesh in hummoils, soul with a seagull], 176 [virgin Iroi gives birth to Väinämöine, Ilmoilline, Yugamoyne; little woman Lulelina tells I. that Hiizi-Hiime's daughter, granddaughter of Vägi Vuonehen Katerina on giving out; she brings Suomen Voitto and Vohvolaine-Voimoraine water, and I. beer; 1) bring a piece of gold (Wain. gives); 2) take a steam bath in a hot copper bath (Wain. cools); 3) plow snake burn (Wain cools) . heals bites); 4) bring the sleeping Almighty Ukko (Ukko-Ylizen) to the wedding; the snake swallows I., he makes a forge out of his shirt, furs out of his pants, his fists are hammers, his knees are an anvil, goes over his side, ticks grab a snake by the neck, so she drags him to the wedding; I. carries his wife in a sleigh, she sees the trail of a hare, wolf, bear; says that it is better to follow this trail; I. turns her into a seagull], 179 [ virgin Iroi gives birth to an elder, second and blacksmith Ilmoilline; I. forges a folding knife (pants - bellows, fingers - ticks, knees - anvil); an eagle flies with many people under its wings and on his back, says 1) plow a snake field; 2) bring Katyan a wedding dress from across the nine seas; Igä-buabo promises to give if he dances on her tongue, swallows I.; he makes a knife (tick fingers and etc.), rips open her stomach, goes out, brings Katya a box; 3) K. offers to wash herself in a hot bath, I. cools her down; when K. takes her home, she disappears, becoming a grain of sand at the bottom, a star; I. sees her she immediately returns; he turns her into a seagull]: 303-307, 358-363, 365-368; the Finns [the king does not want to give her daughter; promises her to someone who will build a ship moving by water and land; two The brothers tell the forest old man that they are going to make pig feeders; no matter how much they work, feeders come out instead of the ship; the younger brother is held for a fool; he shares his last bread with the old man, answers what he wants a ship; the old man gives him a ship, tells him to take those who meet on it; this is 1) holding one leg in his hand, 2) closing one eye, 3) opening only half a mouth, 4) having five in his stomach winter; the king orders to bring water from afar for the bath; the one who held his leg turns out to be a speedboat, falls asleep, the one who opens his second eye sees it, the one who opens his mouth calls out to him; the king tries to burn his friends in the copper bath, the fever cools down five winters; the king gives birth to a daughter]: Viiding 1980:21-26; Karelians (Kalevala District) [wife, dog and cat gave birth to boys in the same night; all three went to see the world; stopped in a house by the bridge; the Woman's Son is the first to guard, but falls asleep, the Cat's Son goes; the Three-Headed Serpent rides across the bridge, his horse stumbles; the Cat Son cut off his head, hid it under the bridge; the same the next night (Dog Son's turn, the Six-Headed Serpent); the Nine-Headed Serpent rides on the third night; the Cat Son left a sign in the house, but the other two didn't wake up, he had a hard time cutting down the ninth head; all three let's move on, but the Cat's Son returned ("forgot his hat"), eavesdropping at three windows; for each wife of one of the snakes, his son is slaughtered and promises to turn into a well and a ladle, a feather bed and a blanket, a table; a horse lies down, warning not to drink, not to go to bed, not to eat; the horse is stopped by the Bone Man, tells Elena the Beautiful to get; the Cat Son meets and companions invisible people; one knows how to steam in the bath, the other eats a lot, the third to shoot; the king will give it to Elena if the groom withstands the hot bath, eats a lot, falls into Elena's ring three miles away; the vaper cools the bath, the Eater eats everything, The shooter hits; Cat Son marries Elena; Elena's mother's sister gives a fire arrow: when the Bone Man laughs with joy, let her into his mouth; the Bone Man burns]: Onegina 2010, No. 8:108 -110; Karelians (but maybe Finns) [the old man carved a doll out of an alder chock; the old woman put it in the cradle and rocked for three years; the chock became a boy, he immediately asked his mother for bread; became beautiful and a strong man; the sun, month and dawn are gone, people live in darkness; the king has a potion; a person who drinks three bottles can free the dawn, six a month, nine can the sun; 9 only Alder Chock (PTS) could; drunk 6 and 3 bottles went with him; woman: an evil man is to blame; he cursed the sun for being hot, a month prevented him from stealing, dawn woke up early; they were taken away by 9-, 6- and three-headed snakes; half of the city is crying, half laughs; the king must give the eldest daughter to the three-headed snake to be eaten; if he does not give it back, the serpent will eat half of the city; the hero, who drank three bottles, cut down two snake heads; threw his shoe the companions lowered the dogs, they tore off the third head; dawn has risen; half is crying again, half is laughing; the middle daughter; the six-headed serpent from the sea; the sixth head was torn off by dogs; the month has risen; the third day is same; youngest daughter; PTS cut down 7 heads; snake: look, the sun is rising; the serpent turned around, PTS cut down another head; look, your house is burning; the serpent did not look; your wife is disgraced; looked, PTS cut off head; the last one was torn off by dogs when OCH threw his shoe; on the way back, OCH, turned into an ermine, overhears the conversation (with women who are wives of snakes?) Syuoyatar snake mothers; will starve, cover the tables; if they hit the cross with a sword, then there will be no hunger or tables; thirst (forest lake is the same); sleep (bed); whoever repeats my words will turn into blue cross; PTS destroyed tables, a lake and one bed; the companions have already rushed to the other two, S. ate them, took their horses and chained them; walking through the forest, PTS sees 9 blind girls and an eye on a stump; S. girls dazzled, leaving them one eye for everyone; he gave them back their eye, they taught them to get the horse back from S.; PTS cuts chains; S. gives all the girls eyes to see who is there; but they say no one; S. came by herself , grabbed the OCH; first ate the girls for deception; will let the PTS go if she gets Katrina from the beautiful Kii River; OCH sails in a boat, meets, takes five with him: Psar, Spoon Khrapun, Vaper, Eater, Aqudier; Kennel pacified the dogs; Spoon Khrapoon protected from the fire when they set fire to the barn where the swimmers slept; The vaper froze the hot bath; The Eater ate cows and sheep; Wonos brought water in the sieve; PTS received K.; Through clothes wine leather/The body glows under the skin/The bones under the body are visible/In the middle, the heart beats; on the way back, the companions one by one stay where the PTS picked them up and take what they brought with them parts of the boat; a narrow hollow remains; so that K. does not soak the hem, PTS picked it up with his little finger; S.: if you touched K. even with a finger, let him break off; gnaw off his little finger; PTS: if you tormented blind sisters, let the sword break off; gnaw off his little finger; PTS: if you tormented blind sisters, let the sword break off cut you into 10 pieces; cut you; PTS burned parts of S.'s body, took the horse, silver and gold and K. as his wife; when they saw PTS, the parents became younger; PTS ask where his comrades are; I had to tell you, he turned blue cross; Katrina was married by the king, she gives birth to healthy sons and daughters; the storyteller was given a waxhorse, a turnip saddle and a pea whip at the wedding]: Concca 1991:134-154; Lutsie (West 1893) [in In the forest, the man leaned to the water for a drink; the waterman grabbed his beard: give what you do not know at home; a son was born at home; grew up, went to the forest, the mother gave 9 cakes with her milk; the devil got involved; the boy consistently throws cakes over his left shoulder; they close the way to the line, he runs to the spring every time to drink; the blacksmith hid the boy; the devil demands to be unlocked; the blacksmith: spill his tongue; grabbed his tongue with hot mites, the hell ran away; the blacksmith gave a horse, tells him not to look at what he met; the young man did not look at the underground dwarfs, at the naked old women, but looked at the girls out of the corner of his eye; the horse was gone; hell tells him to get a princess; gives him ducks, piglets and veal - these gifts are enough; he gave it to a wolf, bear and swan; on a stone a man as tall as a thumb advises to take it with him; a young man comes to the king; king: in the forest 9 years ago I lost 30 stallions; bring and get a princess; bear brought; 30 oxen: wolf brought; princess lost a ring in the sea: get it; swan dives, with I got the third attempt; the king tells you to go to a hot iron bath; the man with a finger enters first, the bath becomes cold, the tooth does not fall on the tooth; so three times; swim in boiling water; the man with a finger First, the water is warm, wash well; recognize the princess among many girls; she warned: she will stand on her left heel; next time: I'll stand on tiptoes; third time: I won't be among others, I'll carry a bowl through the meadow; the king sends the young, giving money and gold; that's the hell, a grave with burning resin, a rope through it: go, I'll get the horse back; young man: show me how; hell went on the rope, the young man cut it with a sword the devil fell into the resin, only the smoke remained; came home on horseback; wedding; ate and drank, flowed down my lips, didn't get into my mouth]: Annom et al. 2018:215-220; Latvians [four brothers left home a long time ago, now The Fifth Strongman comes; he meets the brothers consistently, they are the Sharpshooter, the Cold Worker (if he puts his hat over both ears), the Runner, the Wind-maker (keeps one nostril closed); the king promises a daughter to someone who will overtake her; The runner overtakes her, falls asleep, the Shooter knocks a bone from under his head; the king heats the stoves around the room with the brothers, they bring cold; the brothers agree to take a bag of money instead of the princess; The strongman takes everything away, Vetblower drives away the army sent after him; one soldier is entangled in twisted roots, still visible there]: Aris 1971:152-154; Lithuanians: Löbite 1965:62-65 [the master took away from the elderly millstones; the rooster went to take it away, took it as companions on the way, swallowed a fox, a wolf, a bear; the master ordered geese, horses, bulls to throw it; the rooster released a fox, a wolf, a bear, they strangled everyone; the master ordered the rooster to be thrown into the well, then into the oven; he drank, then regurgitated the water; the master rushed at the rooster with the ax, the ax killed the master, the rooster brought the millstone back], 179-182 [the father promises an inheritance to someone who will build a flying ship; two eldest sons cannot, the youngest beggar makes a ship, he flies away on it; takes 1) a runner (tied trees to his legs), 2) a eater (eats birches), 3) water bread ( drinks the lake); 4) the arrow (hits the mosquito), 5) the rumor (hears the grass growing), 6) the creator of the cold (if he takes his finger out of his mouth, frost); the king betrays his daughter, demands 1) race (the runner runs , falls asleep, the shooter fires an arrow, wakes him up); 2) find out the time on the clock a hundred miles away (the rumor and the shooter see and hear everything); 3) eat all the food in the palace (the eater eats); 4) drink all the wine (water drinks); the king locks everyone in the upper room, makes a fire under it, creating frost, moderates the heat; wedding]; Grishina 1993 [the master dreamed that he bowed to the star for a month; farmhand: you will bow to me; master furious, the farmhand ran away; meets a man who runs with logs tied to his legs (not so fast); eating a birch tree (hungry); drinking a lake; hearing a mosquito seven miles away; hearing, how grass grows; creates frost if he takes his finger out of his mouth; the king tells those who have crossed the border of his possessions to complete difficult tasks; 1) overtake the speeders (the runner overtook); 2) see a hundred miles away how many hours (listening and seeing: they show 10 and beat 12); 3) eat all the food in the castle per night (hungry ate); 2) drink all the wine (drank); the king locked those who came in a room with iron floor, ordered a fire to be made; when the door was opened, there was frost in the room; the king gave the farmhand a carriage with trotters; when the farmhand reached his master's land, he bowed to the carriage; farmhand: the dream was fulfilled]: 12-17.

Volga - Perm. Marie [the childless queen finds a baby in the restroom, the king calls him Babi Son; he asks his father for two friends, leaves; they stay in an empty house with plenty of food, take turns watching; At midnight, an enemy arrives on three, six, nine horses, BS kills everyone, his comrades sleep; overhears how the sisters and mother of the opponents agree to kill BS and his comrades; younger sister turns into sand a hundred miles and a stream, the middle one - 200 versts and a tea room, the eldest - three hundred versts and a pub; BS does not allow comrades to drink, cuts demonises with a sword; their mother pursues, BS and comrades hide in Ilya Murovin's forge; he offers to stick out his tongue, clamps his vice, the demoness was burned; THEY ask them to bring self-playing harps; BS brings, violates the ban not to cut cow's intestines, he cuts, harps disappear; IM and his brothers are looking for a wife for BS; her father demands 1) drink 40 buckets of wine, eat the same amount of porridge (they do everything); 2) wash in a hot bath (they are unharmed); BS gets a wife, they tell them three do not touch her at night; she puts her hand, leg, chest on the BS, he begins to suffocate, IM hides, every time she hits a woman, she vomits lizards, snakes, frogs, caked blood; after the third night, the wife safe; BS returns to his father]: Chetkarev 1948:20-28; marie [Rooster and mill: a rich man steals a wonderful mill from an old man and an old woman; a rooster comes to a rich man and demands a return kidnapped; he is thrown into the water - he drinks it, throws it into the oven - floods the fire; the rich man gives the mill]: Sabitov 1989, No. 715A: 421; Mordovians: Samorodov 1972 (moksha) [the prince is strong, cripples playmates, leaves with an iron club; takes two heroes as twin brothers; each takes turns guarding the bridge; the twins sleep, the prince kills a 6-, 9-, 12-headed snake himself each time, hides his heads under the bridge; overhears how snake wives promise to become a spring, an apple tree, a bed, poison, strangle heroes; the mother of snakes will smash one lip to the sky, the other to the ground, lower one breast to the ground, the other will raise to the sky; whips over the spring, apple tree, bed, blood flows; the prince's horse jumps over the old woman, she swallows her sister cities; by order of the prince, the blacksmiths ask the old woman to stick out her tongue, they press with ticks, she regurgitates the swallowed; the prince's horse disappears; she solders the watchmen, takes her away from the wizard; he looks in the mirror, catches up on a three-legged horse; promises to give up the horse if The prince will bring the youngest sister from a glass house at the bottom of the sea; takes as companions someone who is cold on fire, who drinks endlessly, who turns into fish; twin brothers complete the tasks of an old woman (one cools the hot bath, the other drinks and eats forty barrels of beer and forty pounds of bread); the perch sister catches the bride swimming away with fish; the wife creates a ditch with hot coals, a magician on a three-legged horse dies in it; the old man cuts the girl, takes snakes, frogs, worms, etc. out of her, revives the clean one, gives it to the prince]: 221-235; 1985 [someone stole the sun, moon and stars; only Ivashka Primetliv volunteered to go; he was given a coachman; while he sleeps, IP goes to the bridge; a 5-headed serpent pulls up; they fight, then the snake offered to rest; IP took possession of the right barrel, and the snake had to drink from the left; IP cut off the snake's head; the next night, a 7-headed serpent; the same; then 9-headed (IP changed the barrels again); IP killed the snake; took the lights; tells the coachman that he must return for forgotten mittens; hears a conversation between mother and widows snakes; widows promise to become a spring, an apple tree, a strong storm; IP cuts the spring and apple tree with a sword, blood and pus flow; they hide from the storm in the forge; the blacksmith suggests licking the door with his tongue; IP took his tongue ticks, sat on a snake, followed the coachman; the girls he met: the guy is good, and the horse is rubbish; the same is the guys; the IP is silent; the same is the old man; the IP scolded him, and the old man to him: why are you riding my parent you go; girls and boys surrounded the IP, ask the old man what to do with him; old man: let Buryaga's daughter get it (like Baba Yaga); IP went to look for Buryaga; meets, takes a cooler as his companions hot baths, counting fish, stargazer; B. is invited to wash in a hot iron bath (the cooler has cooled it); B. tells her daughter to disappear in the water, disappear into the sky; the counters of fish and stars have returned her, IP gave the old man, received lights; came to the king, began to release stars, then a month, the sun; took the king's kingdom and married the girl he had brought]: 273-278; Chuvash [Exrem Patsha dreams 12- head serpent on a seventh horse; orders to build a tower, a mirror above, whoever sees that horse in it will receive half the kingdom; Ivan Batyr sees, receives soldiers to help, goes to the bridge; soldiers are sleeping, I. watches ; every night successively kills 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-headed snake; crushed by the latter's carcass, the seminary horse frees him, makes I. a fly so that he knows what the snake wives are preparing on the shore of the bloody lakes; one will become a meadow and a river, the second will rest an apple tree, the third will rest one lip against the ground, the other against the sky; I. cuts a meadow, an apple tree; the horse teaches you to ask the third snake to let his comrades pass, lower his upper lip, himself jumps, I. cuts a snake; old man Chige-Khursukhal himself from his elbow, a beard teases with a fathom, jumps up on a seminary horse, promises to give it back if I. brings the bird's daughter Maxim Patsha; I. meets, takes in companions a cup of water, Frost, Glutton; M. requires 1) cook and eat lots of bread, 60 bulls (Glutton eats), 2) sit in a hot bath (Frost cools, the cup collects excess water); I. takes away daughter M., Glutton and a cup stop the chase by regurgitating what was swallowed, spilling water; daughter M. Mary tells her to be given to C. with her feet forward; she quietly turns into a needle, I. brings her home on a seventh horse; E. wants to take Mary away, she makes sure that a bullet from his gun kills him; I. gets the kingdom]: Eizin 1993:64-77; Kazan Tatars: Bashirov, Yarmukhametov 1956 [childless old man and old woman made a boy out of dough, he came to life, he was named Kamyr ("dough"); strong, crippling peers; asks the father to order an iron club for the blacksmith, goes wandering; meets, takes as companions 1) a runner (walks with his legs tied), 2) clamping his nostrils with his fingers (if he blows, he will rise storm), 3) an old man with a hat on one ear (if he puts it on his head, a blizzard will rise), 4) a shooter (aims at a fly's eye 60 miles away), 5) another old man pouring mountains; K. marries Khan's daughter, he demands 1) to overtake the speedboat (the runner fell asleep, but the shooter woke him up with an arrow, the runner won); the khan tries to burn K. and his friends in the bathhouse (the old man put on his hat, it became cold); the khan lets the soldiers at K., the blowing one dispersed them, the old man poured a mountain over them; K. got a wife]: 5-11; Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 32 [the rooster found a gold ring; bai borrowed it for a week and did not give it back; the rooster went to bay, met a bear, a wolf, a fox; everyone offers to go with him, he let them into his mouth; bai locked the rooster with the horses, the bear lifted them up; with geese; the fox bit; with rams; the wolf bit; the rooster was thrown into the well, he drank water; threw them into the oven - regurgitated the water; he filled the fire again into the cauldron to cook; released his animals, they destroyed the Bai retinue, shared the good]: 88-89; the Bashkirs [after the death of their parents, 10 brothers go to look work, refuse to eat the old woman's unsalted soup; the youngest eleventh Karasa-batyr eats, she orders to first destroy the Yalmauz talismans, then fight; the girl says where the mascot is 7-, 12-headed Yalmauza, K. kills him; the same in the palaces of the 9-headed; K. frees prisoners; meets brothers, gives 10 girls to each, takes three for himself; at night, Azhdakha filled his brothers, releases K. bring Kurenmyas Khan's daughter; K. meets, takes as companions 1) a one-legged runner, 2) a tall man catching birds with his hands, 3) listening, 4) drinking a lake; khan demands 1) to overcome the bull; 2) not after splashing milk, climb a pole, ring the bell; 3) overtake the speedboat (60-year-old woman); 4) spend the night in a hot bath; the companions do everything together; the khan turns his daughter into a knife, a pillow, a writing pen, tells you to choose among 12 samovars, 12 feathers, 12 scribes; K. makes the right choice every time; the girl turns into a fish, Drunk drains the lake, companions cook fish, imaginary fish jumps out of the cauldron; turns into wheat grains, I feed them to duck, the girl takes on her former appearance; flies away like a duck, a bird catcher grabs her; Lisa offers to give it to Azhdaha instead of a girl; azhdaha believed; K. lives with four wives]: Barag 1988, No. 32:200-213; Udmurts [a person is going to cut fir, there is a devils' home inside; he is offered to sleep on the second floor; on the first night Satan throws a heavy stone on him, hot iron on the second; each time a person hides in advance, in the morning replies that cockroaches and bugs have annoyed him; he is going to be burned in a hot bath, he pours water on it in advance, shouts that it is cold; invites the devil to find the ends of the rope lowered into the lake, ties the rope into a ring in advance; he usually hangs the lake to the sky; the devils ask not to do this is given gold]: Kelmakov 1978, No. 2:114-117; Bashkirs [40 sons, younger Altynduga; one did all the work that his father and his eldest 39 sons are used to doing (to return the herds from pastures and lock him in stalls); chose an inferior haircut, he turned out to be a heroic horse; brought a sword to the rock above the door: take your soul in it; next to the house with girls% horse: one of them is your fiancée; A. asks her father to find them 40 sisters to marry; the father met an old man: he has 40 daughters; the father left A. at home; he told me where to go; on the way back, do not stop in the garden or tear up there berries, the garden is owned by the seven-headed monster Yalmauz (cannibal sorcerer or snake); they began to tear berries, Y. demands that A. get him a deva's daughter from Mount Kaf, take his fiancée hostage; A. goes along the way meets, takes satellites 1) an arrow (an arrow fired into the sky falls three days later); 2) drank (drinks the lake, letting water through his teeth, the fish remains in his mouth); 3) a runner with millstones on his legs; the king will give his daughter to someone who climbs a pole without splashing a glass of honey on his head (A. climbed, saw his house from the top, cried, but proved that drops are not honey, but a tear); 2) shoot an arrow through the gold ring (shooter let go); 3) overtake the old runner, run for 13 days; the old woman put the Runner to sleep, covered it with a pot; A. saw from the top of the pole, the Shooter woke up, hitting the pot with an arrow; 4) survive in a stone house, and around - burning firewood with 40 soot (Drinker flooded the fire); A. and his companions go to Mount Kaf, and the princess will be picked up on the way back; at the top of Kaf A. leaves kurai: if blood flows from him, not milk, then trouble; he goes on alone; the old woman sends him to the older sister, she to the oldest; she says that the deva has 3 heads, his brothers have 6 and 12; offers to take off the kamcha, A. cannot; gives a drink strength - then I could; hit this bump near the girl's house, a ditch will appear, hide in it; the girl will howl animals - no one; so several times; she will kill all the animals and go to bed; she must be beaten kamchoy until she submits; having become the wife of A., the girl advises her deva uncles to wait under the bridges they will cross; A. killed the devas, settled with his wife by the sea; an old woman sailed on the board: all drowned, left alone; stayed with A. and his wife; advises her husband to ask her husband what his soul is wearing; A. in the insole of her boot; the old woman burned the insole, A. did not notice; in a sword; the old woman threw her sword into the sea, A. died, the old woman lured the girl into the boat, brought her to the king, who sent her; A.'s friends on Mount Kaf: blood instead of milk; Drinking saw bloody fish; fish: cut her eyes on the sword (since then these fish red-eyed); He drank water, found the sword, A. came to life; friends came to the kidnapper, destroyed the king, his army and the old woman, divided the prey; A. offered to divide the girl; in fear she vomited blood; so he purified her bad blood; on the way home he took the princess given to him by the king; killed Yalmauz and took the princess intended for him; stayed with three wives]: Barag 1988, No. 34:219-234.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Potanin 1972, No. 1 [Bulat-Pai had horses that ate people; people avoided him, he took a hundred horses, migrated, leaving nine sons at home; horses flew away like birds, he kept one by the tail; his 70-year-old wife became pregnant, ate this mare's tostyuk (brisket), gave birth to a son Yer-Tyustyuk; people ask why he is not looking for his nine brothers and nine thousand horses; he clamps his parents's thighs, makes them tell the truth; comes to nine brothers, takes an eight-legged horse; the youngest, then the rest of the brothers recognize E.; the brothers return to his father, now he is again rich; they put him on a sixth horse, told him to find ten brides-sisters; the old woman indicates where to look; B. and nine sons take the brides home; the youngest is Kenjackay; the old woman warns not stop at the Bai-Terek tree; B. stops, sees a lung on the water, hits with a stick, it turns into an old woman (kempir), grabs B. by the beard, lets go for promising to give E.; K. asks E where his goldmoney; he thinks he is left by the Bai-Terek tree; K. talks about an old woman, gives a chain mail she took from home, a horse; E. grabs the grandmother, the old woman chases him, he falls under the horse land, where 80 old women promise to let him go if he brings the khan's golden braid; on the way, E. takes as companions a mountain raising, drinking a lake, finding out fate; the khan tries to burn them in an iron house, a drink fills the fire; in another house, a knowledgeable person says that an iron mountain will be thrown at them, he can catch it; the khan orders them to get the cauldron out of the well; they take it out, he gives his daughter; E. cuts off his head, brings him old women, they let him go; the young birds of the Alyp-Kara-Gush bird are crying in the Bai-Terek tree; the dragon (Azhdagar) is approaching, E. kills him with a sword; the cubs say that the mother will come with a storm; she swallowed and E. regurgitated; takes her to the upper world, he gives her water and feed her, and finally cuts off the meat from her thighs; on the ground she regurgitates meat, puts it back, gives her a pen; the man in whose house E. stopped dug a hole, E. fell there; burned the feather, the bird carried it upstairs; E. returns, his wife is the first to recognize him, everyone is happy]: 104-116; Sidelnikov 1952 (Akbulak district, Aktobe region) [the son of a poor old woman caught a golden doe and took the khan; the vizier advises not to give the young man rewards, but to demand a fallow deer stand, one wing is gold and the other is silver; the mother went in search; the old woman sews a gap in the ground; says the master makes such stands near Mysyr for 1000 dill; the young man received a stand, but the wings are simple; on the way, wells with gold and silver water, the young man immersed him in they are the wings of the stand; now the vizier advises to order to bring a golden tree; the old man teaches: the hare will run, hide in the den, there are two pits, the hare to the left, and you to the right; there is a cave of 40 robbers; it is necessary take to cook them lunch and hit the cauldron with an iron stick; the old man gave this stick; there is salt in the chest, you have to salt the food, the robbers will eat it and die right away; there's a golden tree; you have to rest, close your eyes and pull - the tree will be in front of the palace; but the young man forgot to knock on the cauldron, remained a cook for the robbers until the old man reminded him in a dream; now the viziers are advised to deliver the beautiful Kunkey; the young man goes, meets, companions giants; 1) holding mountains in his hands; 2) hearing everything; 3) holding two lakes of water by his cheeks; 4) a speedboat (tied to each leg on a rock); a young man rescued an ant from a pit (dal wing); Kunkei is guarded by a dog, the first giant killed her, leaving the mountain; Khan Father K. proposes to defeat the bull, the giant killed him; overtake the old woman; she gave the speedboat wine; the hearing says that the speedboat sleeping; the young man hit the ground with an iron stick, the speedboat woke up, threw sand in the old woman's face, came first; to find K.; hearing: she is in an underground palace; her brothers found her; the khan invited them to the iron house, ordered to burn, the water holding his cheeks cooled the house; to identify K. among 40 beauties (the ant crawled to her feet); the young man took K., left every giant where he met on the way back; K. told the young man ask the khan and the vizier to go out to meet her; turned the khan into a wolf, a vizier in the forest; the young man became a khan, married K.]: 253-260; 1952 [the poor young man catches a gold-haired doe, gives it to the khan; the vizier consistently advises to send a young man for a winged fallow deer stand, goldwood, beautiful Kunkei (= Kunslu, "sunny beauty"); the old woman sends her to Mysr, where the master makes a stand; the old man sends to the cave of robbers, gives an iron stick, orders to hit the cauldron with food, the robbers, after eating, die, the young man takes a tree; the strongman listening, drinking the lake, the speedboat join the young man; he saves ant; strongman kills the terrible dog K.; defeats a bull; a speedboat overtakes Father K.; the listener finds K. (task: find the hidden one); they are locked in a bath, water bread regurgitates water; the ant indicates which of the 40 beauties K.; K. turns the khan into a wolf, the vizier into a fox, marries a young man]: 253-260; Karakalpaks [They want to take Abdullah to work for the khan, he runs away; hiding in a tandoor, he overhears the conversation between the girl and the horseman; at night he comes instead of a horseman, runs away with the girl, she can only become his wife; the king appointed A. a vizier, others are jealous, advise the king to take away A.'s wife, to do this, send him to bring the daughter of the Khan of Msyr; her fiancé must overtake her runner, defeat her fighter, and go out unharmed out of the fire, to withstand the blade's blow to the forehead; the wife gives her curl to protect her forehead; on the way, A. is joined by his namesakes: a giant strongman catching birds on the move, drinking the river; companions defeat the runner and fighter, water bread is not afraid of fire, the blade falls to pieces on a curl; A. arrives when the tsar wants to take his wife; the people put A. on the throne]: Volkov, Mayorov 1959:114-119.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Siberian Tatars (Tyumen) [was bai Tokpay-bai, he has 9 sons; they drove herds, at which time his mother became pregnant; wanted a horse sternum (tyustyuk); gave birth to a son Ir-Tyustyuk; playing with money , he hurt the lousy guy; he: you'd better find your brothers; IT gave him all the money, including gold, asked his mother to cook wheat, pressed her hands against the cauldron, she had to tell him; IT found the brothers , unrecognized began to live consistently with everyone, eating everything; they got to know each other, the brothers agreed to return to their parents; IT tamed the foal and the mare, began to ride them; the elder brother asked his father marry him to 10 sisters; he stayed in a fisherman's yurt; when he saw 5 hats, he cried, the other 5 laughed (at first he thought there were only 5 brides in the house, and then realized that there were 10); the fisherman gave his daughters to bay; the youngest Kunjakei tells him to spend the night on a waterless hill; bai got angry, stopped by the water, his lung swims there; bai hit him, it became an old woman (kempir) with seven heads, began to strangle him; refused take horses, 9 sons, IT demanded; Bai promised to leave her a goldgrandmother and send IT to pick her up; after the wedding, IT asked about her grandmother, IT was going to follow her; K. told Shal to sit on a white horse guiruk, take Ak-Polat's white sword, Ak-syrmal white chain mail; S. says IT that Kempir-jalmouth is sitting in place of the yurt; she replied that she could not get up; S. became huge, then small, IT grabbed grandmother, galloped; they began to fight with the old woman, both fell into the ground; S. left IT one hair to call her; IT meets, companions 1) hitting one mountain against another, 2) drinking the lake, 3) a runner who catches animals easily, 4) hears from any distance; they came to Ulmis Khan (it was his daughter who sent those comrades to IT to marry her); they said that a fugitive had allegedly fled to the village of UH, demanded daughter UH; he orders 1) to overcome the strongman (the thief overcame the mountains), 2) overtake the old woman (the runner overtook); the khan put IT and his companions in an iron house, put firewood, set fire (water bread flooded the fire) ; the listener said where his daughter UH was hidden (underground); IT went home with the girl he took; Choyun-gulak came out to him, invited him to his place, joined the fight; IT defeated him, but the saber did not take him, CHG defeated him; Sh. ran to his comrades, who saved IT; IT asked ChG's wife to find out where his soul was; she made their child cry, explained to CHG that the child wanted to add his soul to his father's soul; CHG: on top of the mountain There is an iron box at the bottom of the well, with 4 quails in it; IT killed them; everything is fine]: Radloff, Proven, IV, 443 in Potanin 1916:89-93; Chulym Turks [sister got two hero brothers drunk; neighbors dug a hole and they lowered them into it, throwing half a horse carcass and a piece of wood; they sobered up, made a balalaika, began to play; the old woman heard, pulled out the heroes; said she would overtake the goat; they took her with them; more another old woman; an old man drinks a lake, pours it into another; he was also taken; they lit a fire in front of the city; king: who are you? ready to compete in running; the king sent the old woman; the heroic old woman overtook her, went to bed; the king got her dirty and ran past her; the heroic woke up, overtook her; the tsar dug a hole, covered her with silk; another old woman warned not to walk on silk; the king wants to burn them; the lake who was drinking flooded the fire with water; everything swam; the brothers tore his sister with horses]: Lukina 2004, No. 5.5:100-103; Khakas [Rooster and Seven chickens were taken to the steppe; they decided to fly to the birch tree, where there are birch buds; the Wolf ate the chickens; they flew to live in the poor woman's yard; buy took away her hand mill, she and her son went to collect alms; the Rooster flew to the bay, shouted, demanding that the mill be returned; Bai ordered the horses to throw it, then to the cows, but they did not trample it; throw it into the oven; took the Rooster out of the oven, buy it; The rooster in his stomach began to yell; bai ordered to beat himself in the stomach; his stomach burst, buy died, the Rooster grabbed the mill, threw it at the Wolf, he burst, live chickens flew out; the widow and son got the mill back, became live in prosperity]: Balter 1958:53-56; Altaians: Katash 1958 [seven khans lived on earth; their names were Big Mouth, Long Arm, Sorcerer, Slukhach, Runner, Strongman, Big Eye; they all easily defeated exterminating those living on earth; Karat Khan decided to kill them; the rumor overheard that he was going to put them in an iron chest and fry them; they were served poisoned meat at the Khan's headquarters; the sorcerer did so that it was eaten by the khan's people; when seven were lured into an iron trap and a fire was made, the Big Mouth, which had drunk the lake before, cooled the trap; the Strongman knocked down the door; with the help of the Runner they ran away; but Pure Spirit ( Ulgen) forced them to commit suicide; they threw themselves off a cliff and turned into seven stars; the Big Dipper is called Jeti Kaan ("seven khans")]: 10; Surazakov 1979 [("Maadai-Kara", song 3); Kogyudey- Mergen rejected Erlik Kara-Taadi's daughter; CT arranged KM to drive his horse away, took another one; it was a snake, he brought KM to CT; the old horse turned into a golden eagle, carried the KM to the ground; his parents tell him that Ai-Kaan lives at the edge of the world, he has a daughter, Altyn-Kyuskyu; KM follows her, meets her, companions six heroes who look like him; KT tries to destroy KM, but does not know which of the seven he is; everyone of the heroes has a special ability; K.- water floods the red-hot iron house in which they were left; K. -the mountain wins martial arts; K.-fire destroys enemy weapons; K.-jumper runs first to bring a handful of sand from afar; CT puts him to sleep with alcohol; K.-Earth hears it, K.-shooter wakes him up with an arrow, K.-jumper wins; also knows where a hole in the yurt is dug; KM gets AK, but CT takes it to the lower world; KM breaks through a mountain with a hammer, returns his wife; Ai-Kaan tells me to get the fin of one of the two whales {apparently ker-balik}, on which the world rests; then bring the bear; KM pulls out and leads, Ai-Kaan tells you to take them back; KM and his wife return home]: 157-210; Surazakov 1982 [Kogyudey-Mergen in Six heroes meet in turn on the way (listening, moving mountains, jumping, shooting, drinking a lake, throwing stones); KM whips them, they accompany him to matchmaking to his daughter Erlik Kara-Taadi; she does not know which of the CM who came; in all versions (Altai, Khakass, Kyrgyz, Kazakh), those who come are imprisoned in an iron or stone palace, heat it; a drunk lake pours water, cools the palace; others defeat the local strongman, learn about the trap pit, catch the failed ones there]: 127-128; South Altai Tuvans [8 sons of Bai Nasar They chased 800 horses and did not return; when BN and his wife ate horse breast, his wife gave birth, their son was named Er Töstük ("brisket man"); he grew up; one old woman was weaving, he stepped on the thread and tore it ; the old woman told him to look for his brothers better; the father said he had no brothers, he had been deceived; another old woman's grandson pulled ET's bow, ET hit him, the boy died; and this old woman told him better Find brothers; ET found brothers first and then horses, they returned home; BN went to look for nine sisters to marry; found them; their father did not tell them to spend the night at the Chushurlug Chuduk on the way back, but BN did not heed the warning of her younger sister destined for ET and spent the night there; she sent a man to her father asking her to give her a hemp shirt and the best mare and camel for ET; he I did not want to, but gave it away; in the morning there was no mare; BN went to the place to sleep at the Salt Well: the mare is there, and next to the jelbege, covered it with one ear, put the other under him; BN asks to give the camel; jelbege says she can't get up, let BN come by himself; he comes up, she grabbed him, threatens to eat him, refuses to let him go in exchange for his 8 sons, for 800 horses, agrees to let him go if he gives ET; BN promises to leave the jelbig with his son's triangular file, with which he sharpens arrows; says he forgot and send ET for him; the bride tells ET everything; he asks his father which horse to ride; BN: sit on a six-legged and take an eight-legged with you; bride: no, sit on the horse my father gave me, wear that hemp shirt; 8- and 6-legged horses won't last 6 and 8 years; when ET sits on a horse, he tells you to shout to Jelbig: What kind of children do you have behind your back? she will look around, grab the file and jump away; they run away and find themselves in the underworld of the serpent Bobbuk Khan; the horse tells you not to be afraid of snakes that crawl inside ET and go out; because ET was not afraid, two snakes turned into khans; ET says he came to get Temir Khan's daughter for Bobbuk Khan; he is happy and lets him go; ET meets people, everyone answers (at first not understanding who is in front of him) that he would like to become ET's companion; the first knows how to catch birds on the fly; the second hears everything; the third eats a lot; the fourth drinks and pours the sea back; T. will give his daughter to the winner; ET the mare wins the run; the mountain carrier wins the fight; eats the most; drinks three sips, but the sea level has fallen by only three fingers; the ET horse dives: if black blood flows, he died, and if colorless, he took out a cauldron; first colorless blood rises, then black blood rises, but then the horse swam out, brought a cauldron; the listener heard that T. was going to burn the heroes in the house; a mountain raiser turned the house upside down, they went out unharmed; T. ordered to serve the poisoned meat, the heroes changed their portions and portions of the khan's subjects, they died; ET brought daughter T. Bobbuk Khan; he gave a girl to Chünkee and five men in return; on the way, the men died; ET and her girl spent the night under the larch; it rained, and Khan Gärdi birds in a tree A snake crawled; ET shot the snake with a bow; in the morning hail began and Khan Gerdi flew in; when she found out what had happened, she carried ET with girl S. and the horse to the ground; but Jeelbege's son Schojun Gulak (SG) was already waiting there; he took C. and the horse and pushed ET into the hole; the horse managed to throw a flint into the pit; ET cut out the fire, burned the pen given to him by Han-Gerdy, who appeared, lowered its wing into the hole, and ET got out of it; ET and C. agreed that ET will hide under the cradle in which C.'s son is from SG; she will stab the baby, he will cry, SG will begin to ask why; C.: the baby says he is ET's son, not SG, since SG does not want to leave him around with him his soul (the receptacle of life); SG whispers to the baby (and ET hears) where his soul is; 70 moose will come to the Saltwell, inside a brown box, in a shower box; ET is waiting (moose are afraid to approach, but SG calms down: he killed ET), ripped open the brown man's stomach, 9 birds in the box; he killed 8, left one, came to the SG, began to fight him, ordered C. to kill the ninth; there were 9 birds in the box again, but C. killed everyone and SG died ; his son jumped up, but ET threw him into a 70-planted hole; when ET returned home, making a camel, as predicted, gave birth to a camel; the bride waiting for ET became 15 years old again; holiday]: Taube 1978, No. 37:192-206; the Buryats [the Chinese king's beloved wife died; he began to mourn her and told his subjects to do the same, quitting their jobs; the youngest of the seven Black brothers Kuznetsov is sent to Abay- Geser Bogdo Khan for help; he says he needs the severed heads of seven Black Blacksmiths; the sent talks about this to his wife, the demand is made famous, people send Geser seven required heads; he makes bowls out of skulls, fills her with wine, goes up to heaven to his grandmother Manzan-Görmö, solders her, steals erdeni (magic objects), begins to descend to the ground; MG discovers the loss, orders the grandson to fall into the courtyard of Albin Tama (tama is hell); then feels sorry for him, squeezes milk from his right breast, throws him after him; G. is at home milk turns into the Milky Way; the bowls abandoned by MG form the Big Dipper; G. comes to the sleeping king, tells him to bury the deceased, put the dog in her place; says to the awakened person that mourn sin; the king orders G. to be placed in a tama with lice, little lice, snakes, frogs, worms, fire, frost, tar, in a burning tama; with the help of erdega, G. destroys tama every time; gives him his daughter as his wife]: Khangalov 1959:276-282; darhats [Alahay-Mergen cannot be killed, but the warriors of the mangus king tied him with iron, threw him into a deep hole, stole cattle, took his sister to wives of the Mangus king; Magpie and Raven cry, for they are no longer thrown giblets from AM's slaughtered cattle; AM asks them to bring Khan Garudi, she lowers her wing into the hole, AM gets out; two servants of the Mangus king, blind and armless, they tear iron with their teeth, freeing AM; he finds his younger brother, they meet, take the Listener, the Runner, the Thief as friends (quietly plucks the feathers of the flying magpie) Drinking the sea, rearranging mountains; they put poisoned wine on the manguses, win 1) by shooting in the needle's eye behind seven mountains, 2) in horse races, 3) in wrestling; the mangus khan puts them in a yurt sets it on fire, the Drinking Sea floods the fire, the subjects of the Mangus king drown in the water, the Mountain-raiser crushed him with a mountain; the kidnapped AM sister seven return her property, they climb the mountain themselves into the sky, turn into seven Burkhans (seven stars of the Ursa Major)]: Sanzheev 1931, No. 3:87-93; Mongols: Skorodumova 2003:5-8 [poor brother works for a rich man, he feels sorry to cut trees; in a dream, a woodman pierces his tongue with needles, he now understands the language of animals; the Raven tells the Raven that the Khan's son is ill because a snake crawled into his mouth; we must throw the meat of a fatty mare into the fire, breathe smoke; the poor man heals the khan's son, asks for 7 skinny mares and a bad horse under the blanket as a reward; on the way he meets and satellites 1) moving mountains, 2) listening to what's underground, 3) shooting into the sky, 4) quietly changing feathers to crows and magpies, 5) drinking the river, 6) chasing mountain sheep; the khan will give his daughter to the winner of the competition; 1) the strongman defeats the wrestler, 2) the shooter hits the golden circle between heaven and earth, 3) the runner overtakes two old speeders (they put him to sleep with a stroke on the head, but he woke up); the khan sent an army, drowned him; friends rose to heaven, became The constellation Ursa Major is Seven Elders; the little star is the princess], 8-13 [two brothers meet a shooter (shoots at birds behind the clouds) listening to what is underground (buried to the waist), a strongman ( moves mountains), runner (catches antelopes); the rumor hears that Shaazgai Khan is going to attack overseas; they meet a drink, he drained the sea to the bottom, they passed, took him as a friend; S. offers competitions 1 ) Khan's shooter pierces a mountain with an arrow, an arrow gets stuck in another mountain, the Shooter gets stuck in five mountains, gets stuck in the sixth; 2) wrestling (the strongman defeated the khan's fighter), 3) running (Khan's shaman fell from fatigue); wise man Tushimel Saran suggests deceiving seven, burning them in a cast-iron yurt; the rumor hears this, opivalo floods the yurt and the entire city of Khan with water; they ascend to the sky, become the Big Dipper]; the bird Hangarid was carried away by Khan's 25-year-old daughter; eight sons of an old man (shooter, runner, keen, smelling, sucking wind, swallowing the sea, stopping the moon and sun; the youngest capturing the intangible ) We went in search. They shot H., caught the princess in flight, brought the khan; the father decides to make khan the one who catches the arrow fired into the sky; caught the youngest, became the North Star, the rest became the Ursa Major] 58-64 [Alhay Mergen is surrounded by a mangas army; older sister Tsetseng Tever becomes his wife with him, younger Gunar Shar runs with 7 horses; AM cannot be killed, he is shackled, thrown into a hole; he asks the crow and the magpie to call the Hangarid bird, who lowers the feather, pulls AM out of the hole; two poplars turn into people, break its shackles; AM finds the GS; they meet, take them as companions 1) listening, 2) a runner, 3) quietly taking out the feathers from forty, 4) opival, 5) moving the mountain; at the khan of mangas, the Thief quietly changes the poisoned water to clean water; multi-headed mangas offer 1) shoot at target (AM arrow flies through the mountains), 2) horse racing (mangas horses fell from fatigue), 3) struggle (fish grew out of pieces of mangas thrown into the sea); they want to burn the heroes in the yurt, opilo fills everything with water , the mangas was crushed by a mountain; the CC was tied to seven horses; 7 heroes and 7 red horses ascended to heaven, became the stars of the Ursa Major]; the Mongols (Ordos) [two brothers meet, take twin brothers 1) who shot a bird, it fell only at the end of the day; 2) listening to what creatures in three worlds were doing; 3) rearranging mountains; 5) catching up with gazelles; 6) drinking the sea; they made it older brother, they crossed the sea dry, he regurgitated the waters back; they came to Shajagai Khan, he offers competitions; the listener learns about everything in advance; 1) shoot - the shooter pierces five, and the man SHH only two mountains; 2) the one who raised the mountains defeats the fighter Sh.; 3) the runner overtakes the White Old Woman Sh.; 4) Sh. Invites you to feast in a cast-iron house, makes a fire around, the swallowing sea regurgitates water; S. drowned; sister cities returned and became stars of Ursa Major]: Mostaert 1937, No. 32 in Solovyov 2014; Dagurs [in the north Chunjina is Hungduledi Mergen's older sister; his fiancée is Tarelan, third daughter Tulamir Mergen; in the south, Archuni Mergen with three wives; while XM is not at home, A. took his sister; she wrote about it in blood; XM jumps to save her; the horse orders to kill AM's guards and spies - a wild boar, an owl, snake; the snake must be hit from the inside by cutting his heart; XM jumps into his mouth, hurts his heart, but the snake's blood poisoned him, he lies breathless; the horse resorts to TM for help, he rides his 8-legged horse, but cannot defeat AM; his daughter tries unsuccessfully to revive XM; he is revived by a heavenly maiden; XM marries both; kills AM's sons, after a difficult battle, himself, then his three wives; brings sister home, but during this time his heavenly wife and two children were taken to heaven by her heavenly father; XM climbs there from East Mountain with deer antlers that have grown to the sky; finds sons and wife; wife gives a hat protect the head and pen to moderate the heat or cold; father-in-law offers tests; strongmen hit XM on the head with iron sticks (the hat protected); he is planted in an ice cellar, then in a hot cellar (the pen is warmed and cold); he gets a wife, and their children go back to the ground through the antlers of a deer; they live well; XM's sister married a good hunter]: Bender, Su Huana 1984:69-82.

Western Siberia. The Nenets [a two-deer rider, he has a larch sledge, meets and takes Swan Malitsa as his companion (he waves the right hollow, the northern blizzard is circling, the left is the southern one), drinking the lake, catching up wild deer, knocking over hills, seeing a ride for many days, listening seven days away; coming to the iron plague, wearing a giant, a giantess and a girl with iron ornaments; an old woman The plague heats red hot; first the lake who drinks, then the Swan Malitsa cool it down; the giants give their daughter, but she immediately runs away; the groom's assistants see, catch up, bring her]: Tereshchenko 1949:146-151; nganasany [the king sent a man to marry Solntseva's daughter; he goes, meets, takes with him an all-seeing and hearing, well-aimed shooter, who is not afraid of frost, catching up with a deer, although to his foot a stone is tied, a strongman capable of moving mountains, causing a blizzard, drinking a lake; the all-seeing says that there is a girl in the house, the shooter breaks the castle, inside is a golden, glass room, the girl burns copper and iron firewood disappears; causing a blizzard and water bread extinguish the fire, the strongman breaks constipation, the runner catches up, grabs Solntseva's daughter after the shooter knocks down a stone from his leg, and water bread drinks the lake behind which the girl hides; on the way back, the first person leaves his comrades where he met them, tells them to become the owner of the water, the owner of the blizzard and snow, the owner of mountain animals, the owner of wild deer, a giver of hunting luck, giving newborns good eyesight and hearing; the man brought Solntseva's daughter to his place, since then the sun has been shining]: Voskoboynikov, Menovshchikov 1951:112-117.

Eastern Siberia. Aldan Evenks [the girl caught a duck, began to play with it; the Moxovul bird flew in, promised to marry her; M. came as a man, took the girl away; her brothers Altaney and Tyvieney came to The old man, who said that their sister's kidnapper was the hero Kire; told him to take the people he met with him; this was Mukilka (water swallower), then Kurbeltun (throwing a big stone); they came to their sister; the house where they were stopped, set fire, M. fills the fire with water from their mouths; the brothers return his sister; later Kire and the double-headed eagle to Kirelta come again; the brothers are powerless against him, but Kurbeltun breaks his wing with a stone, brothers finish him off]: Vasilevich 1966, No. 17:269-272; Amur Evenks (Tynda) [sister asks the brothers to catch her bunny, takes off his skin, writes a letter on it, asking Kurengoy to marry her, kill his wife, descends in a box down the river; tells the brothers that the bunny was carried away by a hawk; K. kills his wife, comes to the girl, blocking the exit with a net; the younger brother flies out with a fly, the elder gets stuck with a butterfly; he is killed, one eye is pulled out; the youngest finds the grave of his wife K., pulls the woman out of her, she finds, pulls out, revives his older brother; an eye is missing, she inserts the eye of the beast in him; brothers they meet, take them as friends 1) throwing stones, 2) drinking the river; K. drinks them in the house, locks them, sets them on fire; a drunken river is flooded by a fire, a stone-thrower knocks down the door; brothers kill K. and his sister ; the younger brother flies out like a fly, the elder gets stuck with a butterfly; he is killed, in]: Vasilevich 1966, No. 17:272-276; central (?) Yakuts (place of recording not specified, meeting I. Dedyukin) [an old man and an old woman live on the outskirts of a big city; the old woman finds a boy in the dough, calls Testo Bogatyr; he meets a strongman, whom the tsar ordered to tear up stumps, level ravines and mountains; the second, who is told to punish people with rods; the heroes take turns cooking; an old man with a hundred inches of beard, one inch tall, eats cooked meat from Punishment and the Mountain; the dough himself ties him to a pole by the beard; he breaks down, goes into the gorge; the dough descends on the rope; the dying bearded man gives him two daughters; the twins lift them up; when the Dough is picked up, the rope breaks off; The dough meets five daring men (an archery, a runner with a sensitive sense of smell, a subtle ear, drinking the sea); they go to marry the daughter of the King Worm; the runner overtakes her, falls asleep, the shooter scratches his nose with an arrow; The king tries to burn them in a cast-iron barn, the drinking sea floods it with water; they kill Worm, Testo marries his daughter]: Sivtsev, Yerofeev 1990:122-127.

Amur - Sakhalin. Manchus (Liaoning) [Once upon a time, there were 36 hunting and fishing tribes in the Hunchun area, and one of them, the Tulun tribe, had a young man named Tuhule; his body was born covered with scales, and his feet were like duck legs; on the third day after birth, he climbed into the sea and did not get out; his tribesmen thought he was a product of evil spirits, wanted to kill him; his parents ordered get out of the water only at night so that no one can see; this is how he lived for fifteen years; after that, his tribesmen found out that he was alive and decided to lime him; one day he came out of the water to eat at home; his tribesmen dug a hole on the road and filled it with sharp stones; on the way back, T. fell there, but its scales were so strong that the stones he fell on turned to dust; after that, his became even more afraid; when T. was 16, his parents died; on the fifteenth day of the seventh moon, T. came to his parents' grave and cried so loudly that even the moon and stars disappeared into the clouds; after sacrifices, he returned to his parents' home and fell asleep only at midnight; his tribesmen set fire to the house; the next morning they found T. asleep, only his scales turned red from the fire; when he woke up, T. found that his parents' home burned down, went back to sea and had hardly left since then; three years later, a mountain collapsed near Hunchun, a flood began and stones blocked roads; people decided that T. was to blame for this; T. also secretly came out of the sea with a flock of turtles and began digging canals, draining water and moving stones, so that three evenings later the waters subsided and the roads were cleared; people decided that they were saved by heavenly deities and began to make sacrifices to them; the following year there was a great drought; people again decided that T. went to the sea to kill him; but T. felt sorry for them, again in the evening secretly came out of the sea with a flock of turtles, set up an irrigation system and returned in the morning; the fish dissuaded him, but the next day he continued to work; people again thought that the heavenly ones helped deities, and T. is to blame; began to throw stones into the sea; the underground evil spirit Yeluli had 81 fire dragons; one day E. came with dragons to the Hunchun area, starting to destroy everything around him; some residents died, others fled to the mountains, others became slaves to E.; T., accompanied by a flock of turtles, came out of the sea and began to fight dragons; turtles spit water and extinguished the fire; but he was magical; T. was burned, half of the turtles died, and it was only with great difficulty that they managed to break through the environment and return to the sea; an old sea turtle told T. that magic fire can be defeated by True Ice, which you can get it from Vladyka Tulunbu (the ancestor deity of the Manchus); T. went to look for him, reached the end of the East Sea, asked the fish for directions, and went south; reached the end of the South Sea, asked for directions to clams with curled shells, and went west; he met an old beaver who said that after going to the end of the West Sea, we must turn north, go to the end of the north the sea, and then you will see the icy mountain on which Vladyka Tulunbu lives; three days later, he and his beaver reached the end of the west sea; the beaver ordered to find the sea otter; T. went north and through I was surrounded by ice for a while, lost consciousness from the cold; a sea otter appeared, ice parted in front of it; it warmed T., led him to the palace on an icy mountain; T. said goodbye to the otter and went in inside; Tulunbu was the lord of the North Sea, and when T. asked him for help, he taught him archery and spells against evil spirits; gave him a barrel of a thousand-year-old pine tree with ten thousand years of ice of the North Sea, a bow that kills evil spirits, three arrows and garments piercing evil spirits, protecting them from cold and heat; T. went back through the North, West, South and East Seas; at home found defeat and desolation, decided to take revenge; after Eluli's invasion, people decided that T. had brought him and hated him more than before; T. came to the village and asked for help in the fight against Yeluli, but people did not believe him and hid in caves; Eluli sent fire dragons to kill T., but true ice from the North Sea extinguished their wonderful fire; Eluli sent hordes of evil spirits, but T. fired three arrows, they turned first at thirty and then at three hundred, and they killed half of Eluli's army; Yeluli himself was hit by an arrow in the eye, and he fled north. T. threw three pieces of true ice after him, and they turned into three icy mountains that chased the retreating evil spirits and drove them far north of the North Sea; there Tulunbu waved hand, and three icy mountains closed around the remains of evil spirits; T. again summoned sea turtles and used them to put the mountains and rivers in order and restored the destroyed settlements to their original appearance; people came out the cave, began to ask T. for forgiveness; t, asked them to monitor the grave of his parents and, accompanied by turtles, returned to sea; since then, all the inhabitants of Hunchun began to honor Bishop T., but no longer met him; when a fisherman falls off the boat, but someone raises him to the surface and takes him ashore, this is Tuhule Mafa]: Chen Wang 1989 (31): 55-66.

Japan. Kojiki ch. 18:64-66 [Oo-namuji marries Susanoo's daughter; S. tries to destroy him, his wife gives talismans against opsations; 1) spend the night in a cave with snakes; 2) with stacks and bees; 3) tells you to look for an arrow fired, surrounds the plain with fire; The mouse says how to hide; O. stomps his foot, falls into a hole, waits for the fire; the mouse brings him an arrow; 4) S. tells looking for insects in his head, these are legs; the wife gives O. red clay, he spits it out like bitten legs; O. ties the sleeping S. by the hair to the rafters, fills the entrance to the house with a rock, runs away with his wife, taking the Sword of Longevity, the Bow and Arrows of Longevity, Heavenly Talking Koto; she hits a tree, S. wakes up; O. and his wife manage to reach the exit from the Underground Land (Umi Country Passage ); S. predicts him to become God the Ruler of the Great Country; O. develops the land]; Ainu: Etter 1949:65-67 [gods compete to see who to rule the world; 1) withstand frost; 2) sit on fire; 3) not laugh while listening to funny stories; Kirumi wins; only smiles slightly when the gods imitate copulation, says that such a smile does not count; hides millet seeds in a cut under her skin, brings them to the ground; the dog says that K. is going to carry the seeds; K. throws ash into her mouth; dogs have not spoken since then], 156-158 [the young man sees the goddesses bathing, hides the clothes of one of them; hears in the dream that she is the bride of Ripun-kando-koro-kamui; he is thrown down from the sky, summoned for testing; the goddess gives him a fan that causes cold and heat; the young man 1) sits in a cold house; 2) jumps on a fiery horse; he is sent to earth with his wife; she gives birth to a son and a daughter; returns to heaven with her daughter].

SV Asia. Chukchi: Bogoras 1928, No. 3 [an orphan rejects brides; goes up to heaven to marry Arcturus's daughter; he locks him in a room where he sends first a burning fire, then a hail of stones; young man remains alive; penetrates a girl, takes her as his wife; her father allows him to take her; on earth a young man hides her from people; one day she goes out; those who look at her die of her beauty]: 322; Menovshchikov 1974 , No. 65 [an orphan goes to look for his uncle's wife, kidnapped by Kele; slips between the rushing mountains at the end of the world; a bird boy teaches him to give meat to two Kele guards; Kele the kidnapper suggests 1) jump into the fire hole (orphan comes out safe); 2) visit his (kele) wife's house (orphan is alive, kills Kele's wife with an arrow); Kele the kidnapper allows him to take the kidnapped woman and return to people]: 242-248; Sangi 1989 [sister of two The brothers are kidnapped; a woman looks into the house, tells her older brother that the kidnapper lives overseas; the brothers make a boat, swim between the crashing rocks, only the steering paddle is crushed; the brothers see a man who catches a lot of sea animals with a net; the elder hides under carcasses, is brought into the house, opens to his sister; the owner tells the brothers to sit on the floor, he jumps; animal bones turn into dangerous animals; brothers do not fall; the owner throws his younger brother against a sharp whale shoulder blade, his head is clean; the elder bounces; throws the owner against the shoulder blade, killing him; puts his heads , reviving the owner and brother; the owner closes the eldest in the stone house, sets him on fire; the brother does not burn; closes the owner in the house, he burns down; brothers and sister fly home in the form of seagulls; despite warning a slave, the youngest bites on the way to Navaga, remains a seagull forever]: 430-437; Russified, probably tundra yukaghirs (mestizo spoke Russian) [Raven-Man kidnaps a girl; her the mother gives birth to a son, he grows up; parents lie that they did not have other children; his arrow falls into the house of the Old Underworld; she tells the truth; he comes to the kidnapper, splits iron nuts slower than the owner, burned in the bathhouse; the same episodes with the new brother; the third splits nuts faster than the Raven, burns him in the bathhouse; revives the dead brothers from the bones; everyone returns home to their parents]: Bogoras 1918, No. 2:41-48.

The Arctic. The island of St. Lawrence [boys and girls played, each took a pair, one girl was left without a pair, sat on her skull in her face, said he would be her pair; her skull took her away; her older brother Ayvanga became everyone ask questions; the old man explained that it was necessary to make a boat faster than a duck; A. and his four brothers made boats out of different wood and broke them when they could not overtake the ducks; finally found a suitable tree and swam; there are cliffs ahead, many dead birds and seals in front of them; the boat slipped, only cut off the very stern of the kayak; on the shore there was a man, they promised to give him a knife, he said that the leader had brought a new wife; A. killed him to prevent him from reporting them; through a hole in the dugout, the brothers see the audience, their sister cooks; met with his sister; the chief asks what the wife is concerned about; she answers that her food was too monotonous, the chief promised to bring other meat; A. went to the old woman, killed her, put on her skin, and the other brothers came to the chief and he offered to fight; the local young men followed the old woman, they carried it, because she usually cannot walk, they wonder why it is so heavy; the leader easily defeats and kills each of the younger brothers; when he is going to kill the youngest, A. takes off the old woman's skin, kills the leader, everyone is happy; A. revives both the brothers and the leader; the competition continues the next day; A. is lowered into the hole, she is covered with burning firewood; in the pit A. hid under the shoulder blade of a whale; to him they lowered the rope, he went out; the leader was subjected to the same test, burned down; the brothers go to the shore, taking his sister and another girl; towards an old man and an old woman, holding human figures and a wand; like they only hit the figure with a stick, one of the brothers falls dead; A. kills the old people themselves, revives the brothers; a whale chases the boat into the sea; the brothers consistently throw the girl's garments, the whale lingers every time; when a girl stays naked, they throw her whale herself]: Slwooko 1977:54-60; Kodiak (Karluk) [mother gives her son a pen, a pebble, a needle; the old man pushes him off a cliff, he lands with a feather; marries a cannibal's daughter; she sends him to her brother's steam room; he turns into a pebble, withstands the fever; kills his wife and mother-in-law with a needle; marries the leader's daughter]: Golder 1909, No. 2 : 12-13; Northern Alaska Inupiate: Ivanoff Brown 1981 (Selawik) [Nunamiu and his wife Qimmiq have four sons, they go and go; N. conceives a fifth, making a fire to make his wife's vagina sparks fell; a son Qayaq is born; his father magically educates him in strength and dexterity, gives amulets made from the bodies of insects and small nimble animals (weasels, minks, shrews); cooking parents supply food, K. goes up the Kobuk Valley in search of brothers; his father tells him to take his uncle with him, whom he meets on the way; an unfriendly man enters K.'s hut in the parking lot , he throws it away, he turns into a woodpecker; he picks up a broken wolverine tooth from a beaver hut; a man sleeps with him, leaves in the morning, it was a wolverine; K. says to the man who came up that his big a finger eats people like him; a man runs away in fear, turns out to be a trot; someone voracious behaves strangely, rushes at K. with a knife; K. offers him to die in the fire, he jumps into the fire and burns; in in the village of K. gets married; in the spring, the wife expects her father to cut her to take out the child; K. teaches her how to give birth in the usual way; he goes on, meets a giant; he says that his two wives will come soon and fight; let K. cut both strands, first the one that comes from the sea side, because she is aggressive; after urinating, the giant flooded the whole valley; K. does this, the giantesses bandage their wounds, the husband sends them to clean them up at home; wives live with the giant only in spring; a giant kills a caribou with uprooted larch; K. leaves, prepares material to make a boat, wants help; spies, sees that the Fox Girl roasts meat, Squirrel melts resin, female birds sew the boat's skin, the Beaver prepares the frame and oars, the Raven prepares the dart for birds, the Wolf and Wolverine scrape the edge, the Bear knocks down trees, cleans branches; then everyone is dancing, Woodpecker hits a tambourine; K. jumps up, grabs Lisa, she remains human, others run away in the form of animals and birds; in summer K. swims down the Yukon, his wife becomes a fox again; K. meets , takes his uncle with him; they see how a person breaks off fir chips, they fall into the water, turn small ones into trout, large ones into salmon; thanks to this, there is fish; on the shore there is a house, bones and skulls his brothers, a naked woman; K. throws a lahtak's head into her vulva, her head tears the cannibal; K. buries her bones; there is a shiny ball on the tree, he attracts K., he hangs in a trap; the cannibal brings him home , his two children say that the game opened their eyes; the cannibals fell asleep, K. cut off their heads; K.'s boat slips between the crashing rocks, only the paddle is crushed; the giant in the boat and K. are thrown at each other darts, the dart K. cuts off the giant's head; enters the house, the giant's wife throws the ulu, K. throws it at her, cuts off his head; the door is closed, he gets out as a mouse; turns into a trout, bites off the tip the fisherman's jails; comes to him, offers to repair the prison, pierces the fisherman; turns into salmon, climbs into the fishermen's net; the chief's son eats his head, the bone gets stuck in his throat, he dies; the bones are thrown into the hole, K. is reborn, he is shot, he runs away; they swim to the sea; the uncle left, turning into a lynx; K. becomes a falcon; the leader of the people catches him, eats him, he revives from bones, marries the leader's stepdaughter; he wanted her for himself; sends a storm, K. steals the boat into the open sea; K. regurgitates the pebbles given by his father, the wind has subsided; K. burns the leader's face with this stone; he orders split a log into firewood; this is how he killed many of his stepdaughter's suitors; with the help of an amulet caress, K. performs the task, the leader is surprised that K. is alive; the leader orders to shoot partridges, K. kills a huge bird there- cannibal; crosses an abyss on a log, K. falls, but returns unharmed; crawls away from the community house where the leader wanted to burn him; K. dodges the arrows fired at him, kills the soldiers himself chief; ties him naked to a pole, leaves him in the cold; appoints a new leader, flies away with a falcon]: 40-114; Keithahn 1958 (Kobuk River) [brothers sail one by one down the Kobuk River, disappear; younger Ugungoroseok receives amulets from his parents; his father tries to kill him, he cannot, believes that he is strong; O. swims along the river, kills women who killed travelers (throws the seal's head into the dugout, the head fights with the woman, both die; replaces her hat and the hair of the old woman's daughter, the old woman kills her daughter, turns out to be a bear); throws a harpoon at the attacker, kills the old woman, puts on her skin, comes to heal the wounded, tells him to turn off the lights and sing, finishes him off; touches something with an oar, sticks, the owner of the trap brings it to his two boys, falls asleep, O. kills him with a stone, sees what it was bear with cubs; when he reaches the sea, marries; kills two ferocious dogs, father-in-law says they were his hunters, decides to kill his son-in-law; 1) get a tree for the boat (the log rushes at O. when he begins to cut the females, he splits it); 2) walrus skin for the boat (the storm begins, O. calms the sea); 3) the father-in-law pours resin on the hearth in the dugout, O. hides caress behind the turf; takes his wife and daughter to to his home, the storm calms down only when he throws them into the sea; O. finds them alive with his father-in-law, burns him in the dugout the way his father-in-law wanted to burn him; brings the family home; sees along the banks of the river dens instead of dugouts where hostile creatures lived]: 52-61; inupiat (Northern Alaska?) [see motif K27; Kajartuarungnertok travels, meets strange creatures; turns into a falcon, falls into a trap; Umialik asks his adopted daughter to cook a falcon, eats it, asks his daughter to throw away the bones; K. turns into a man, marries a girl; W. tries to destroy him; W.'s people set fire to the dance house, locking K. in it; he turns into a caterpillar, crawls out; at the end After all, he kills W. and his people himself]: Ostermann 1952:246-253.

Subarctic. Ingalik [the Nonnegus brothers come to marry Kamushaisyuk's daughter one by one; he kills everyone; N. himself remains unharmed when K. causes a storm at sea; brings from firewood in the forest, taming two bears K.; remains unharmed in a hot dugout; gets a wife: kills her on the way home, avenging her brothers; leaves the corpse at the top of K.]: Chapman 1914, No. 3:19-21; atna [many go to get the chief's head, no one comes back; the Raven tells his grandmother that he will get it; the chief suggests that he 1) climb into the steam room, throw hot stones there, the Raven digs under the floor a hole, hides in it; fat is poured there, everything burns; when the fire goes out, the Raven comes out; 2) the leader lets an icy wind into the steam room; the Raven has a hare skin with him, he turns it into a hare cape, remains alive; 3 ) the chief tells you to swim, the Raven dives, breathes through the tubular stem of wild celery; the leader's men poke on the bottom with a knife; the raven bleeds from his nose to think he has been killed; he swims out; 4) commands play, throw at a knife dug in, the Raven dodges, throws a local man, who is cut in half; the raven pretends to leave, turns into a woman, comes back; the chief says that a woman for him; his people notice a crow's tail; an imaginary wife tells the chief that his beard is pricked; the chief gives a razor to shave him, the Raven cuts his throat, cuts off his head, leaves, tells people that their uncle falls asleep; flies out the chimney, puts traps behind, the pursuers die in them; the raven brings the chief's head to his grandmother]: Tansy 1982:23-28; tagish [seven brothers push the mouse into the water, younger the eighth picks it up; his wife is dirty, replies that let him marry the daughters of the Sun if he wants clean ones; the old woman (this mouse) tells him to bring three buttercup stems, Canadian jay skins and hummingbirds, makes him two arrows and a bow from buttercup stems, the other arrows are made of ordinary wood; teaches him to launch buttercup arrows into the sky, then the rest, there will be a chain of arrows, place a buttercup bow at the end; gives a whetstone, a piece of ice, two pieces of dried fish; in the sky, the daughters of the Sun are swinging on a swing (there were no swings on the ground); the young man first flies up, wearing the skin of a jay, he is driven away; then in the form of a hummingbird, the younger sister catches him, the elder buys him from her for a spoon from the abalone shell; the sisters fall asleep, the young man takes his form, sleeps with them; in the morning the Sun tells the young man to bring water; she is where two dangerous birds are like eagles, he throws them food, they let it pass; the sun cooks the young man in the cauldron; taking a piece of ice, the hummingbird boy hangs under the lid, freezes, not cooked; (hereinafter the pass in the recording); he descends to earth with the eldest daughter of the Sun; the father gives her a pen if it gets wet, the husband is unfaithful; to the boy's relatives, his wife at first seems like a ray of sunshine; the former wife is jealous, tears the boy's clothes, the pen becomes wet, the daughter of the Sun disappears; her father burns the inhabitants of the earth with heat, a young man and four others (apparently his brother and wife and sister and husband) are saved, because he has ice, they sat in the shade under by the shore; the young man returns to heaven to the daughter of the Sun]: McClelland 2007, No. 53:282-288.

NW Coast. The Tlingits [Killer Whale invites the Raven to the steam room, is going to bake it; the Raven has a piece of ice with him; he says he is cold; the killer whale is shamed]: Swanton 1909, No. 31:89; Hyda (Masset): Swanton 1908a, No. 2 [(written by a young Indian who has been to the mainland, perhaps borrowing; the protagonist is not named); the hero comes to a house whose leader hovers and eats children; the hero himself turns into a child, the chief puts him in a box with hot stones, pours water on top, closes him; the hero is unharmed; the leader agrees to get into the box himself, cooks; the hero says about orphans we must take care, leaves], 18 [the young man lives with his grandmother; she gathers a mollusk on the littoral, every day finds herring under a certain stone, each time more and more in number; the young man makes himself a shaman costume and a tambourine; heals the sick; makes his home bigger; walks by sea to marry the daughter of the Many-Ledges rock; the Heron gives him a witchcraft; you can't enter the rock house; he turns into a knot on on the shore, the daughter of the Rock picks him up, shows him to his father; he throws him into the fire; at night the young man comes to life from ash, takes the daughter of the Rock as his wife; father-in-law tells 1) to bring the bark of the tree (it burns, the young man uses his the remedy brings; the same in other cases); 2) puts the son-in-law in a box of hot stones, he is unharmed; 3) kill an eagle; 4) a seal, 5) an octopus; the father-in-law is desperate, his assistants are destroyed; the young man brings his wife home, both walk by sea; the wife warns other women not to answer; he answers, the water she drinks becomes dirty; she goes to her father; he follows, she looks at him, he falls through the water; father-in-law pulls out his bones, his thigh is missing; his wife revives him, but one leg is shorter]: 350-361, 417-426; bellacula: Boas 1898, No. 5 [see motive K27; young man comes to To the sun, which covers it in a hot cave, the young man opens a bubble with a cold wind, freezes the room]: 73-83; McIlwraith 1948 (1) 671 [see motif K27; four brothers come to the Sun; he gives their daughter is their wife; twice heats the house unbearably, but the younger brother makes the air cool], 1948 (2): 467-472 [two var; four boys fall asleep on a log, carried to sea; fall into the Land of Ash, Nuskyashek's possessions; when the wood burns, its essence ends up in this country; N. eats the corpses of drowned people, they are salmon for him; the old woman warns boys not to eat his food (this is human eyes), gives a green stone; with it, boys can easily tolerate the heat sitting between two fires; if N. noticed sweat on their noses, he would eat them; N. sends them home, which is only one an inch away from them; they were away from home for a year]; Nootka (south west coast of Vancouver) [see motive L41; after killing the cannibal and her husband, Eut-le-Ten became chief; decided to marry the daughter of a heavenly leader; ordered prepare an arrow; shooting at the sky, he made a chain; two blind old women in the sky are preparing food, E. quietly intercepts it, they quarrel; he confesses, makes holes in their eyes, restoring their sight; old women give him the strength to overcome challenges; turning into the puddle of tears from which he once arose, E. crosses the lake with frogs, catfish (which grabs the sun during eclipses), two snakes; breaks stakes which he should have run into; unharmed in the fire; turns into a puddle of tears when a log rolls at him; gets a wife; later returns to earth]: Carmichael 2006:37-41.

The coast is the Plateau. In addition to Thompson and chilcotin: the chief and his men come to (for) sea spirits; one of the challenges is to endure a hot steam room. Quarry [in heaven, father-in-law puts her son-in-law in a hot steam room; he pulls out ice, then moderates the cold]; chilcotin [the old woman gives the young man amulets with cold and heat; the Sun puts the young man in a hot steam room, then freezes it; thanks to the amulets, the young man is alive]; Thompson [The ogre makes a hot fire in the house; father and son put ice on their faces, sit unharmed]; quinalt [ Beaver and Otter dig a passage to the river, enjoy the coolness; rivals almost cooked; upper chehalis [Blue Jay takes ice with it, Partridge bursts in the heat]; clallam [two brothers climb to heaven to take revenge on the Sun that killed their father; marry the daughters of the Sun; the Sun demands to withstand the hot fire; sons-in-law throw shells into the flame, the heat subsides]; cowitz [Eagle digs, local boy bursts from the heat]; lower chinook [the chief puts ice under his people's feet and the spirits burst from the heat]; clackamas [people dig a hole in the steam room to the water]; tillamook [Ice and its people visiting marine people; live whales heat the steam room with their breath; Ice blows, wind blows away whales]; see motif L62 [stone man explodes]; upper coquil [Wind-woman lives alone; ripping off the bark from the tree, he finds a baby; he stops crying as soon as she calls him "my brother"; he becomes a good hunter; rejects girls who come; goes to marry Thunder's daughter; Woman- The wind pests - if the young man is in trouble, he will fall; the young man first stops on the other side of the river with the elderly; they have two daughters, he marries them; Thunder's second daughter has long nails, she is dangerous and ugly, kills people; Thunder tells 1) to bring eels (these are rattlesnakes, the young man hits them with a stick, brings them, Thunder throws them back into the river); 2) after the steam room, Thunder offers to dive, covers the river with ice , the young man breaks through the ice, goes out; 3) fight, Thunder can not defeat the young man; 4) the ugly daughter of Thunder invites the young man to look in his head, wants to cut it off with his nails, but they break, and she herself falls dead; 5) The thunder leaves the young man in the hot steam room, closes the exit; the young man digs a passage to the river, gets out; 6) The thunder bends the tree, sits on the top of his head, tells the young man to stand at the base, jumps, breaking a tree, but the young man also jumped back; 7) get the nest out of the tree; the young man climbs, the tree grows almost to the sky; the young man smoothly descends through the air like a piece of moss; 8) The thunder leaves the young man snowy mountains, he is barely alive, but returns; at this time the pestle cracks, the Wind-Woman comes, demolishes the house of Thunder, destroys it, brings firewood to those poor old people with whom the young man and whose daughters he is staying married]: Jacobs 2007:172-279.

Northeast. Mikmak: Speck 1915b [the woman has a 6-year-old son, she is pregnant again; her husband tells his father to kill her; the old man tells the woman to bend down, burns her heart with a stick, throws her insides into the water , takes the body to eat; the boy tries to catch his little brother in the water; finally brings him home; when his grandfather appears, he returns to the water every time; the old man catches him, gives him blue jay feathers; older brother tells how their father told their grandfather to kill their mother; they burn their father in the house; Found in the intestines (NC) pushes his bones, they turn into mosquitoes; brothers pour boiling fat on their grandfather, give grandmother fry his heart, kill her with an ax; they go to kill other giants; Marten's grandmother says that the Ox Frog took all the water, gives it for the girl; NC sends Marten, he brings dirty water; NC he goes by himself, kills the Frog with an ax, sends girls home, breaks blood vessels, the rivers fill up again; the brothers come to the Porcupine makes a hot fire; the brother dies, the NK complains about the cold, the Porcupine dies of heat, NC revives his brother; interpreting rocks crush passers, NC breaks them with an oar; on the lake, geese are Gluscap's guards; NC tells them to remain silent; NK and G. both have time to smoke a pipe; NC withstands the cold and the wind; G. gives an inexhaustible piece of fur, NK's brother becomes a fur merchant; NK gets married; his mother-in-law takes him to the island to collect seagulls eggs, throws him there; seagulls bring him back; at night his mother-in-law lies down with him, tries poison with his gases; he made a hole in the blanket with a knife; threw it into a hole, at the bottom of her turtle always devours her sons-in-law; NK got out, kill him]: 61-64; Whitehead 1988 [a woman marries her son Kukwes ( cannibal giant); for her and her son, he hunts animals, for himself and his parents - people; does not tell you to touch the bear's stomach; the son hits the stomach with an arrow, the liquid drips, K.'s strength melts; he allows father to eat his wife; the old man heats his iron staff, stabs his daughter-in-law, gutts, throws the baby out of her womb into the river; the turtle raises him, he goes out to play with his brother; he asks his father to do two bows, two arrows, etc.; they make a mess in the house, the family is forced to confess to his father; the father makes jewelry from bird tails; the house grabs the River in the house, keeps it, the father comes running; first The river throws his tails into the fire, then smiles; the father falls asleep, the brothers burned him in the house; the bones are crushed, they turn into flies, mosquitoes, sand fleas; because they were pushed on the doorstep, insects enter the house through the entrance; River beats the birch tree with a spruce paw, since then there are traces on the bark; brothers put their grandfather to sleep, look for insects, cover him with fat, burn him, let his wife eat his liver, kill her with an ax; Bull frog hides all the water in his house in birch bark buckets, gives it in exchange for women; the River kills the Frog, breaks blood vessels, the water fills the rivers; the brothers sail in the boat, the River kills giants; the porcupine drowns it's so hot that Domashny dies; while the River is wrapped in a blanket, the Porcupine dies herself, the River brings her brother to life; Kluskap's house is guarded by geese, the River tells them to remain silent; K. causes frost, Domashny dies, revives him on the river morning; Domashny gets a growing beaver skin from K., becomes a merchant; Riverside marries Skunsiha's daughter; she takes him to collect bird eggs, leaves him on the island; seagulls they bring him home; his mother-in-law tells her to sleep with her, tries to strangle her with his gases, he makes a hole in the blanket; she throws him into a hole, at the bottom the Turtle devours his sons-in-law; the river gets out; meets the walking on bent legs, kills, makes a door out of it, brings the corpse to relatives; snakes and frogs fall from their faces; both brothers return to the island, turn into two stones]: 140-154.

Plains. Assiniboine [the sorcerer takes the hero's wife; the hero's grandmother and the Wolf help him; the sorcerer offers a competition; 1) stand in boiling water, 2) break an iron pole with an arrow, 3) sit in a hole with with hot stones; the hero wins, kills the opponent and his men; the father of the unfaithful wife cuts her alive into pieces himself; gives his son-in-law a youngest daughter]: Lowie 1909a, No. 51:210-213; Crowe [young man marries Bisonikha and Corn; both wives give birth to a son; Bisonicha and her son turn into bison, go to her mother; Bisonicha mother-in-law wants to eat him, demands 1) identify her son among ten calves (son, I move left ear), 2) identify my wife among ten cows (son, I'll throw my tail over my mother's back), 3) identify my bed among ten (son, I'll hit the pillow with my tail), 4) stand hot steam room (mother-in-law is the worst), 5) bring a tree for firewood (there is a nest of thunderbirds at the top of the tree; the hero asks his father for help, he breaks the tree with lightning), 6) bring the wolf (the hero asks wolves send one of them with him), 7) bring reeds growing between moving hills (hills are mother-in-law's knees, reeds are her pubic hair; swallow brings three times, fourth time hills pinch her tail ; Corn sprouts from the ground, freeing the swallow's tail), 8) race around the world (magpie, snipe, duck help the hero, mother-in-law falls); Bisonicha sends buffalo to people, Corn sends corn to people]: Lowie 1918:110-115; mandan [man marries Bisonicha and Corn; jealous Bisonicha quarrels with Corn, goes with her son to the buffalo; husband follows them in the form of a hawk; bisonicha mother-in-law gives difficult tasks to kill his son-in-law; his son helps to complete the first tasks with advice; 1) enter a house with a stone door (the person turns into a feather, the door falls but does not press him), 2) identify the bed his wife (the calf son butts the bed three times), 3) identify the son among ten calves (the son moves his ear), 4) withstand the hot steam room (the spider hides him in the fourth underground tier), 5) bring firewood (on an eagle sits on poplar, sends lightning; splits the tree so that the hero can take firewood), 6) bring red cubs (the flame is full of wolves; wolves do not eat the hero, give him cubs; like other dangerous ones creatures, they are all servants of the bison; she lets them go when her son-in-law brings them), 7) bring white beavers (sharp flints fly from beaver tails; beavers give beavers), 8) bring arrow blanks ( bushes grow in a gorge that is mother-in-law's ass; a person is inside her; flies out like a swallow, brings blanks), 9) view a distant island (The Raven gives the hero his sharp eyes), 10) loudly shout (The Seagull gives his voice; the hero's cry is louder than the roar of Mother-in-law Bisonicha), 11) race (the whole world is Bisonicha's home; the hero turns the earth into a swamp in the way of the buffalo; a silver fox, a red fox, the coyote run for the hero three-quarters of the way); the old woman spreads the ground, summons four herds of bison upstairs one after another; the first three are strange, the hero abandons them; in the fourth herd, his wife and son; the hero brings buffalo to people]: Bowers 1950:276-281; Omaha and ponka [a man marries Corn and Bisonikha; their sons fight, Bisonicha and his son go to the buffalo, the man follows them; his magic pen helps overcome difficulties; Bisonicha mother-in-law 1) tries to destroy him in a hot steam room (he is not hot, she loses consciousness); 2) demands that his wife be identified among her four sisters (he identifies); 3) identify the son among the calves (the son reports that he will run sixth); 4) the mother-in-law races with his son-in-law (the pen carries him, he wins); 5) tells him to swing on a swing on the edge of the cliff (rope bursts, he flies like a feather); Father-bison tries to hurt him; he kills his father-in-law and mother-in-law with arrows]: Dorsey 1890:157-162.

Southeast USA. Koasati [the cannibal told Rabbit that he was going to sow beans; The rabbit came to the ogre's wife: Cook me beans! Ogre: Isn't it true? Ogre: Yes (he meant: I will really sow beans; my wife understood: You can cook rabbit seed beans); when the cannibal came home, the Rabbit said that if he was angry, can cut it in half, and he will lie on the chest to do so; the rabbit bounced, the cannibal broke the chest with an ax; then lay down on a stone - the cannibal broke his ax; I can only be burned in the house; when I am burn, you'll hear my testicles burst; Rabbit dug an underground passage in the house, got outside and waited; when the ogre saw the Rabbit alive, he decided to make friends with him; they spent the night under a tree; when the ogre fell asleep, the Rabbit began to pour hot coals on him, and cold on himself; they came to the river (stream?) , Rabbit offered to jump; jumped and then back; the cannibal jumped, and when he was going back, the river split {incomprehensible} and carried the ogre overseas]: Swanton 1929, No. 57:207-208 (translated in detail and in the original language in Kimball 2010:12-15).

California. Karok [father-in-law puts son-in-law in the steam room; hot resin drips from the ceiling; son-in-law hides under the floor]; shasta [endurance competition; Coyote digs a side exit from the bath]; yurok [The Pilukhu-Kerrek converter (P., "far downstream sharp buttock"; he has a really sharp ass) travels; ten brothers take turns offering tubes with increasingly strong ones tobacco; P. sticks his throat and body with a flute, blows smoke on it, is not poisoned; in a hot steam room, he tells an invisible assistant to pour water, does not burn; turns brothers into ordinary people; see motive K27]: Curtis 1976 (13): 185-187; screw [The sun puts the hero in an earthen furnace; he gets out with a knife; overcomes other challenges; throws the Sun into the sky]; wappo [The hawk marries two old month-old sisters; Hawk's grandfather Coyote helps him withstand the steam room and carry out other dangerous tasks; The month is barely alive after the bath]; pomo [The sun kills people in steam room; sons of the dead withstand the heat, kill the people of the Sun]; pomo [Guksu invites Eagle to the steam room, he dies of the heat; Tkodok puts G. to sleep, he dies in the steam room]: Barrett 1933, No. 42:195-196; chumash [The Bat is a friend of the Coyote, it all goes back; Coyote offers to take a steam bath, can withstand the heat better; the Bat's legs are burned; during the battle, the Bat Coyote sits on his back, both fire arrows, so they defeat enemies]: Blackburn 1975, No. 33:211-217; cahuilla [when hunting rabbits, the hero's half-brothers set fire to the bush around him; hero sinks into the ground, fire passes over it]: Hooper 1920:368.

The Great Southwest. See J56, J60 motif. Navajo; Hopi; Eastern (Kochiti) and Western (Akoma) keres; Zunyi [Knife wings kidnaps the young man's wife and many other women; the young man goes looking for her; hedgehogs make him tar a copy of the kidnapper's ice clothes to replace it; gophers give a salt ball to help you walk between cougars and bears through knife steps; Knife wings offer challenges: 1) pluck trees alone hand (gaffers gnaw at their roots for the young man); 2) sit in a burning fire (Knife wings burn in his changed shirt, the young man remains alive); the young man cuts the kidnapper's corpse into pieces, throws them into the sky, creating stars (head: star following the sun; one leg: the Morning Star; arms: Pleiades; lungs: all small stars; hips: Orion's Belt); spiders bring the young man and liberated women down to the ground; young man comes to his grandmother, descends with her to Coluvelakvi]: Parsons 1930, No. 6:24-32; Hopi [the ogre leaves the hero in an earthen furnace, he hides in a wormhole]: Stephens 1929, No. 9:21; havasupai [fleeing from the Ogre Sun burning the earth with fire, animal people hide in an ant hole]: Smithson, Euler 1994:68-69; yavapai: Gifford 1933a (SV yavapai): 349-364 [people lived underground at the bottom of a deep hole; there was a pine tree ("dog-tail tree") wrapped in a vine; people climbed it to the ground, their leader was Hanyiko' (Frog); his shaman daughter made him fell ill; before he died, he ordered him to be burned and watch the stars; when two stars appeared in the east before sunrise, they would be feathers adorning his head; in 2 months, 5 stars would appear, this is his right hand ; in 3 months it will be cold, his whole body will be visible; the red star will celebrate 4 months; corn will grow on his grave; when the corpse is burned, everyone surrounds the fire, but the Coyote jumps over a short Badger, grabs, carries, eats his heart; before that, people said that the deceased would be reborn in four days; Coyote: let him die forever; H. died forever; they agreed with Coyote; his daughter died, people refused to change their minds; it snowed; people: the mountains were covered with cornmeal; Coyote: snow; so the snow does not consist of cornmeal; when it rained, the dry tree did not get wet; Coyote: let it get wet; because Coyote took possession of H.'s heart, water poured out of the hole from which people came to the ground; people placed all kinds of seeds and sealed the girl in the hollowed out pine tree trunk; after the flood, the girl went out, the others died; she lay down so that water dripped into her vagina, the sun was shining on her; conceived and gave birth to a girl; she grew up, her mother placed her in the same place, but Water and Sun were not wanted to get along with her daughter; then the mother covered her with her body and the daughter became pregnant; her son Skatakaamcha; his mother took the eagle and fed her chicks; he interrupted the partridge's leg; when he fixed it, she talked about the fate of his mother; S. decided to kill a monstrous bull (bison?) ; The badger dug an underground passage under him, S. stabbed the monster with a hot knife, killed him; put on a blood-filled stomach; the eagle brought it to the nest; the eagles say that the prey is alive, the eagle does not believe; the eagle flew away, the eagle flew in, S. killed her with a hatchet; told the eagles to remain silent; killed the eagle when it returned; threw the eagles out of the nest; made the rock half as low, but no more; The Bat lowered it in the basket ; he opened his eyes, they fell, the Bat was injured, S. cured her; came to his grandmother, who was crying; he threw eagle feathers at her, said he killed both eagles; married; The Wind stole his wife; Spider warns that Wind offers to compete, kills losers; S. beat him in a ball and ring game; won a competition whose hair is longer; Wind stabbed S. 4 times without causing harm; S. killed him with a knife; threw one hand to the east, the other to the south, one leg to the west, the other to the north: let the wind blow from different directions; S. brought his wife back; grandmother: there is a bad Chewasistesikkaamcha; S. came to him into the house, slowly throws food away for fear of being poisoned; killed C. with a knife; Bear's arrow reeds; S. invites him to marry his grandmother; he gave reeds; believes that the best tips are coal ; S. killed him with flint; the tree for the ends of the arrows at the Owl; S. and offered him his grandmother as his wife; she found the heart of the Owl, it was on the sole; S. shot there, killed the Owl; an bow tree in the canyon with converging and diverging walls; S. put a deer horn between them; went east to his father the Sun; the Sun's wife warns that the Sun will try to kill S. in the steam room; but S. is not afraid of the heat; the Sun recognized his son, let him choose a horse; a man at the cliff pushes passers-by with his foot; he grew up with his back to the rock; S. lets a chanterelle first, it dodges; then a rattlesnake, the man is afraid of it; S. disconnected him with an ax from the cliff, threw it into the abyss; below 6-7 women devour the fallen; S. threw that man's stomach into the fire, he burst into the eyes of the women, S. hacked them; there was a boy, he ran to the cave, S. did not I managed to get it, left the snakes to guard, but they fell asleep; the boy left, creating new ones like him; grandmother: you can't handle them], 402-412 (Western yavapai) [people live underground; younger brother invites the elder to illuminate the world; he makes a disc, smears ocher, hangs it, but the younger one makes a disc of white lime, smears ocher; it gets light but too hot; the younger brother asks the eldest to raise the sky with a reed pole, he did it; at night, the elder brother touches the genitals of his two daughters; they hide on the shore under the willow, where he relieves himself, and swallow his bowel movements; he begins to lose strength, tells him to be cremated after death; people sent the Coyote for fire, at which time they lit a fire, standing around; the Badger was lower than the others, the Coyote jumped over him, took his heart and ate it; the burnt heart had to lay the ground, cultivated plants would grow; and so only one corn stalk would grow; the best cobs went to the Hopi and Navajo, and the worst yavapai; people decided to get to the upper world; the hummingbird found a hole in the sky; under the guidance of their younger brother, they planted a pine tree and a vine that wrapped around it; they climbed up, but the old man and his two granddaughters stayed; when they got to the ground, from water poured in the holes; the flood was caused by those two daughters of the older brother who turned into frogs; people hollowed out a pine tree, put food inside the girl and sealed it; only the girl survived, the rest drowned; she lay down with her vagina under the rays of the sun and under drops of water, conceived, gave birth to a daughter; she grew up, tried to repeat everything, but the Sun and Water recognized their daughter, conception did not occur; then the mother covered her daughter's body with her body, the Sun and Water did not notice the substitution; the daughter gave birth to a son Matinyaupakaamcha; the eagle took her to its nest and ate it, M. stayed with her grandmother; interrupted the bird's leg with a stone; she: if you'll cure him, I'll say something; when he finds out that the old woman is not his mother, but his grandmother, killed the eagle, on the advice of his grandmother, by heating the tip of his spear; the grandmother sends him to kill the bison (ox); the badger and the gopher dug an underground passage under lying bison; the mouse plucked the hair from where the heart was, explaining that its children were cold; M. pierced the bison from below; he plunged his horn into the underground passage, but M. dodged; made a cape out of the skin, and under it bison blood; allowed the eagle to grab itself; blood gushed, the bison decided that M. was killed; the chicks see that the prey was alive, but the eagle did not believe; when it flew away, M. found out where the eagle would fly; becoming a lizard, smeared with resin the place where the male and female sit; killed the eagle; told the chicks to remain silent, otherwise they would kill; The Bat lowered M. in the basket, ordering them to close their eyes; he opened, they fell, M. broke the Bat's bones, but cured her; M. looked into the grandmother's house through a hole in the roof; called her; grandmother: the wind was whistling; when he saw her grandson, she began to dance with joy; the bald eagle took M. to an island on the lake; there were already many prisoners there; M . ordered the prisoners to eat crushed flint to the eagles and hide, digging an underground passage; the eagles died; the crane stretches its leg across the lake; people cross it like a bridge; children fall into the water, turn into ducks; M. decides to make a bow; the grandmother warns of dangers every time where to look for bow materials; onion wood where the canyon walls converge and diverge; M. shoved between they have a deer horn, took out the material; reeds for arrows owned by Owl; M.: I propose marriage to my grandmother; Owl is glad, he gave reeds himself; when Owl came, M. told his grandmother to find out where his heart was; in the sole legs; M. shot there, killed Owl; the grandmother straightened her vulva with an arrow; when M. looked, the arrow broke; where the flint for the tips, sparks fly out; M. covered himself with a turtle shell, took out flint; wood for the front of the arrows owned by the Bear; M. called him to marry his grandmother; said he was making charcoal tips; The bear believed, shot M. with a coal arrow with a tip, and M. killed him with an arrow with a flintlock tip; grandmother: cut the deer in a clearing, not under a tree; M. began to cut under a tree; a naked woman came down from the tree, chased M. to get along with him; the grandmother hid it under the hearth; but the woman began to write there, M. got out; M. made penises out of blue stone, quartz, lava and clay, used it every single night, breaking off women's vaginal teeth; she became his wife; she was actually a bear; offered to drive game at him; he hung his clothes on a pole; three or four bears rushed at her, M. killed them, pulled out their fangs and claws; Spider told M. that the Wind took his wife away; let M. compete with him outside, not in his cave; who would chase the ball faster; M. won all the prisoners and the life of the Wind; who has longer hair, M. won again, killed The winds were a club; they spent the night in the Wind Cave; the wife became snakes in front of the entrance, M. jumped over them; M. went to look for his father, the Sun; spent the night with people who wanted to kill him; closed him for the night eyes with pebbles ("glass eyes"), the owners think that he is awake; the Sun's wife to her husband: your son has come; he wants to test the visitor, invites him to the steam room; M. all gives up a couple and says it's cold, The sun believes he is his son; M. tamed the horse, went home; the Sun and the Cloud began to argue over him; each painted one half of his body; M. returned east to the Sun, and the grandmother went west to the Sun, and the grandmother went west to ocean].

Mesoamerica Otomi [the woman kept her daughter in the drawer, did not let him out; the young man made wooden spoons, bowls, came disguised as a salesman; the girl asked her mother to buy it; when she saw him, the girl felt itchy; when she went swimming and took off her dress, found a corn kernel in it; she rubbed it and threw it into the water, the shrimp took care of it, the fish raised it, since then some have dark spots on their backs; boy grew up, asked the girls who were washing their clothes to cross the river; they refused; then persuaded them to stand in a row to cross their backs; as they walked, the girls turned into frogs; came to his mother, she made clay vessels, he smashed them with arrows; she scolded him, he explained that he was her son, whom she grinded and threw into the water; he began to play an instrument her grandfather; told him to stop: another, angry, grandfather would hear him kill the player; he came, took the young man to the temazcal, closed the door, gave a couple; opened it, intending to cut and eat the cooked one; the bathhouse was empty, the young man came from the spring, all wet; then the grandfather offered to separate the black grains from the white ones; the young man covered the vessel with a cross, the grains separated; but the grandfather could not separate; the young man offered to catch the abandoned a stone; the young man caught; he threw the stone himself, and when he fell, he threw cornthorns (espigas) into his grandfather's eyes, the stone hit him in the head and killed him; asked his mother for cakes, she replied that they were eating here only bones, nothing else; he told me to take the pot, it boiled, it contained tortillas; told me to cook the field, the first corn grew on it]: Oropeza Escobar 2007:185-191; Totonaki [Thunders offer competitions; 1) playing ball (can't kill a young man with a ball); 2) who will eat beans and corn faster (ants carry pieces of food out of the young man's mouth); 2) who will drink lots of water faster (The mole makes a hole in the young man's vessel, water pours out); 4) the steam room (Gromov's brooms have withered, the young man's broom is covered with flowers); the young man gives lightning to the Thunders, orders them to arrange thunderstorms and showers (there were no clouds before; the young man was corn, revives every year]; kekchi, mopan [see motif K30; Kin has Shtaktani's wife; she cheated on him with his brother Shulab; he fed lovers bitter pepperbread; S. ran to the river to drink, agreed to go to Vulture; Keen comes to give him a toothache, heals him, puts him to sleep, takes S.; The Vulture stalks them; one option, burns down the house they sleep in; Keen burns a bush in the house, ascends to the sky with his wife, becoming the Sun and Moon; after finding a charred bone, Vulture thinks these are K. and S bones]: Thompson 1930:136-137; quiche [being tested in in the lower world, brothers do not burn in the House of Fire]; Hakalteka [Mother Virgin gave birth to Our Father in the field; her brothers gave him an ax, he knocked down the forest with a few blows, and they all cut down the same tree; they They tied him to a tree, set fire to the felled vegetation; he told the gopher to gnaw through the fetters, hide it in a hole, left a tree that looked like burnt bones; the brothers began to eat, throw bones into the tree; Our Father turned bones into all animals; the brothers opened the corral, some of the animals ran away, became wild; he invited the brothers to climb the tree, it grew to the sky, he ripped off the bark from the bottom a lake created a trunk (to make it smooth and slippery) around; the brothers turned into animals (monkeys)]: Peñalosa 1995b: 153-157; acatec [Our Mother's brothers are unhappy that she gave birth son, Our Father; they call him the son of a widow, took him to the plot, forced him to cut down the forest, then tied him up and let him fall; but Aguti dug a hole and Our Father hid in it; the brothers began to dance, eat, they threw bones at Our Father's face; he collected them, made a corral, buried them, all existing animals appeared; the Ancient People (i.e. the same brothers) discovered it, the animals scattered, only pets remained; Ours The father danced better than the brothers; they admitted it, threw away their costumes and masks; Our Father told them to climb the tree, ripped off the bark to make the trunk smooth, made a lake around them, turned them into monkeys; (hereinafter about the persecution of Our Father by kings, his nailing to the cross and his ascension)]: Siegel 1943:121-124; tsotsil [The moon is the mother of the Sun, who is 6-8 years old; his older brother is walking with him, wants eat, throw it into the abyss; the sun falls to the top of the cliff; the monkeys form a chain, lift it up; his brother leads him into the thorny forest, sets fire to the thickets; Solne hides in a flea hole, again returns home; throws cotton thread on the branches of the tree, the branches turn into a hive; he invites his brother to go for honey, asks him to throw honey too; he throws only wax; the Sun asks Agouti to knock down wood; turns pieces of wax into mice and scorpions, which help to knock down a tree; brother falls; The sun creates all kinds of animals from the blood and flesh of the deceased; the red parrot is made of blood; the muzzle bakers - from a cake taken by the Sun from his mother]: Rubel 1964:51-53; mom [God's mother's brothers leave him bound, set fire to the vegetation on the plot; he hides in the agouti hole]: Siegal 1943:122 ; ishil [father-in-law leaves son-in-law and daughter in a hot steam room, they walk down the wormhole]: Colby, Colby 1981:182; Peñalosa 1995b [Virgin mother gave birth to Our Father in the field; her brothers gave him an ax, he knocked down the forest with a few blows, and they all cut down one tree; they tied it to a tree, set fire to the felled vegetation; he told the gopher to gnaw through the fetters, hide it in a hole, and left the tree, like burnt bones; brothers began to eat, throw bones into this tree; Our Father turned bones into all animals; brothers opened a corral, some animals ran away, became wild; he suggested brothers climbed a tree, it grew to the sky, he ripped off the bark from the bottom of the trunk (to make it smooth and slippery), created a lake around; the brothers turned into animals (monkeys)]: 153-157; zapotecs: Parsons 1932a, No. 1 [two orphans Sun boy and Moon girl live at Sus Ley ("barren woman"); they hunt, but she gives everything to her old husband Gol Gisa'; he lives in the woods, nothing does; St. Anton always helps children with advice; twins kill GG, let SL eat his heart under the guise of a deer's heart, stuff his scarecrow with stinging insects; when SL touches her husband, insects fly out; she and her brother Ros (a worm living in the mud) wants to burn the children in the steam bath; they run away, strangle SL with smoke in her house, pick up her loom parts, ring, jug, comb; Ros turns into a snake, chases twins; they throw the objects they take, they turn into different mountains; they throw hot stones down R.'s throat, he dies; the sister grabs the bright right, and the brother grabs R.'s left, dim eye; the sister is thirsty; brother makes a hole of water; offers in exchange for the rabbit's bright eye; lets his sister approach the water when she puts her eyes on the ground; God assigns the boy to become the sun, the girl to become the moon; when they have risen, everyone rebengulal ("los idolos", first ancestors)]: 281-283 (=1936:222, 324-327); Stubblefield, Stubblefield 1969 [old woman Läy and old Gisaj were before anyone else in the world; G. lay all day long at the entrance to the cave; S. I brought him food 13 times a day, I was very tired; one day I discovered how to cook corn, then how to weave and make clothes; on the seashore they found a box with a boy and a girl in it; they raised them, they carried food for G.; a man told them that G. was not their father, called them to him, gave eggs to throw one G. into the head, the rest into the body; he would die, take out his heart, fill G.'s body with wasps, let S. cook the heart is like the heart of a deer; a frog from the river told L. that she was going to eat her husband's heart; L. came with her children to G.'s body, turned it over, the wasp bit her, the children ran away; L. complained to her brother {? ; he is her husband's compadre, but hereinafter referred to as her compadre}; he advised using a suction stone and sucking the babies back; L. is going to burn the children in the steam room; the boy drills in the floor beforehand exit; run away, leaving the leaves with magnesium; they burst in the heat, L. and his brother think their brains are bursting; L. does not find their needle, mirror, comb; children have filled the suction stone with pepper in advance, L. breathed in, almost died; her brother (compadre) is a serpent, chasing children; they throw a machete (lake), a needle (vine), a comb (also a vine), a mirror (fire, the snake is burned); the girl is thirsty; to get water, ready to sacrifice her eye; God comes up, tells her not to do it-she will become the moon, her brother will become the sun]: 47-62.

Honduras-Panama. Kuna [in the garden area, the Crocodile surrounds the Sun with fire; battleships and other animals dig an underground passage, the Sun goes through it]: Chapin 1989:74.

The Northern Andes. Embera [master of the earth and master of the underworld compete, both stand the test; 1) spend six days in a burning stove; 2) spend many days underwater; var.: God comes out young from boiling bonfire, only bones remain from the jaguar]: Pinto García 1978:134-136; Kogi: Preuss 1926, No. 9 [the hero wears vulture clothes, while white; the vulture chief in human form catches him , gives his daughter; the hero lives with her; the shaman locks them in the house and sets it on fire; the hero takes the seeds and shoots of all cultivated plants, flies away with his wife; his clothes turn black; invites them to visit father-in-law and mother-in-law; they go through a site prepared for burning; spouses set fire to him, father-in-law and mother-in-law burn]: 205-211; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1951 (2), No. 6 [together with vulture people and people of Thunder (Makú) ;) Duginavi lives in heaven; asks the Vulture King to lend him his white clothes to go down to earth; cultivates a field on the ground (puso a hacer un sembrado), feeds on fallen animals, returns for the night ; Thunder's people are surprised that he has a lot of food; Téiku (inventor of axes and machetes) and Nyiueldue (owner of gold, boats, trees) trap D., N. puts him in a cage, leaves his daughter guard; D. turns into a man, converges with a girl; N. closes lovers in the house, sets fire; D. covers the girl with his wings from fire and ash, since then the feathers of the Royal Vulture from the back seem would be charred; when two immature calebasses prepared by D. burst, N. thinks that the lovers have burned down; D. brings the girl to his field, where cassava, yam, sweet potato are bursting; N. sees ants dragging pieces of yam, etc.; comes to the field, does not recognize D.; he sends him to the middle of the plot to dig cassava, sets fire to the site; N. burns, the Vulture King, who borrowed his clothes to D.; see further motif G9, motif K8A]: 38-39.

Guiana. Lokono [the hero sticks a flute through the fence, turns into a fly and crawls into the hole]: Coll 1907-1908, No. 2:484; vapishana [man catches the Royal's daughter on the lake Vulture, brings home; she is a woman during the day, a bird at night; her mother-in-law is unhappy that she is staining the floor with her excrement; the wife decides to leave; the man sits on her, closes his eyes, they find themselves on sky; father-in-law asks 1) to take the sand flea out of his leg, pulls his eyes out, hides it in a vessel; The rat finds and returns his eyes; 2) climb the miriti palm tree, throw fruits down; makes the trunk fat, man falls; father-in-law thinks he crashed; at night a man comes to life, comes back; 3) make a bench with the image of his head; the lizard defecates on Vulture, who takes off his handkerchief from his head, it is clear that two heads; pinicapau makes a bench; 4) build a house on a rock (birds do); 5) prepare a plot for a vegetable garden; ants do it in six days; Vultures set fire to the plot, the Spider saves a person, inviting him to climb into his hole; lowers him to the ground to his mother in the basket]: Wirth 1950:193-196; waiwai: Fock 1963 [Kurum-yenna (Vulture People) are jealous that Shoheli has a beautiful wife; they say 1) clear the plot, 2) sow and harvest, although there are only rocks (ants do everything), 3) catch fish (the frog drinks water from the lake, Sh. collects fish, the frog regurgitates the water back), 4) again clear the site; set fire to vegetation, Sh. hides in a lizard hole; turns Kurum-yenna into vultures, tells them to eat carrion; Sh. and Wayam remain, decide to become animals themselves; Wayam becomes a turtle (wayam), Sh. - small sloth (shoheli)]: 65-67; khishkaryana [{the text is sketchy}; Sloth is Vulture's son-in-law; father-in-law tried to burn him in the field, son-in-law escapes from the fire in the burrow of lizards; father-in-law tells me to make a bench out of stone, he made]: Derbyshire 1965:41-43; oyampy [escapes from the fire in the spider's hole]: Grenada 1980, No. 53:312.

NW Amazon. In addition to desan and chikun: the hero jumps into the river. Makuna: Århem et al. 2004 [see motif J15; Meneriyo turned onto the path leading to the cannibal ~Gãs; he kills her with a dance rod; G.'s mother rescued her baby Ryãkomakü (her son from her Brother Month-old), releasing him into the river; R. goes ashore to play, painted butterflies (they were white); Mawão's three daughters buried one of them in the sand, wrote on the sand, butterflies flew, R. came up to them, the girl grabbed him; he stopped crying in the younger one's arms; he grew up in a day; W. had to take him to G.'s house, tell him about his mother's death; W. tied him bitter leaves; G. licked, it turned out to be bitter; in the forest G. became a jaguar, but R. became a lizard, escaped; at night R. put a deck in his hammock, G. attacked it; in the afternoon G. and his brothers began to throw M.'s head was like a ball, and R. was given a lighter calebasa; if R. did not throw his own over the maloka, he would be eaten; R. transferred strength from his mother's head to the calebasa, threw his ball; since then, children have been forbidden throwing the ball over the maloka (it's like throwing his mother's head); R. threw garbage into the backwater, puño (Serrasalmus rhombeus) and piranhas appeared; he created a fruit tree on the shore, fish constipation like bridge; when G. and his men went, R. told the bridge to fall apart; everyone was eaten by piranhas, but G. only weaned their feet, he rose to heaven; W. invited R. to burn the site from the middle, lit it himself around the edges; R. became a fish in a hole of water, waited out the fire; W. sent R. for Thunder's daughter; R. replaced Thunder's lightning club with a wooden fake; R. brought G.'s daughter to W., telling her to be unfaithful; she took the Pisces Leader as her lover; knocked on calebass on the water, calling him; the bird told W. about it; W. killed his lover with an arrow, cut off his penis, gave it to his wife under the guise of a fish; told her what she ate, turned him into a dolphin; the fish began to fight with W., he had them won, went up to heaven; in the morning W. appears in the form of a rainbow]: 484-494; Trupp 1977 [jaguars eat a woman; baby Ri Hako Makö jumps from her womb into the river, caught by the Umawadö sisters, a snake- rainbows; he kills jaguars; W. heals the escaped jaguar, tries to kill R.; 1) sets fire to the vegetation cut down on the site by sending R. there, he turns into a fish, jumps into the water; 2) tells him to bring Thunder's daughter; W. finds Thunder sleeping, replaces Thunder's club with his own, kills Thunder, comes to W. with his daughter.]: 50-56; Desana: Kumu, Kenhiri 1980 [jaguars eat a young man; his grandfather gets a leg bone , throws them into the lake; the bone turns into two fish, the old woman has difficulty catching them, brings them home; at night, the fish turn into crickets, gnaw through the ropes of the hammocks; one day they turn into a young man, an old woman asks them to help her knead pottery; brings them to the site, sets them on fire, but they don't burn; she did this to temper them]: 171-172; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1971 [the battleship hid from the world fire in Nora]: 34; vacuenai [Major Illness (BB) killed his wife's brother; she folded the bones of the victim into a calebasa; one day she forgot to take him to the station, BB opened the calebas, found two crickets inside, crushed them; those came to life, fixed each other's guts, turned into a young man Duiménai (D.); their aunt is happy; 1) BB leads D. to fish; he goes elsewhere, turns into a jaguar; D. turns into a hummingbird, the jaguar does not finds them; taking out insects from D., BB cannot flatten their heads; they also sent jaguar ants, which dug into his feet; 2) BB sends D. to the middle of the site, sets fire to the vegetation; D. turn into leaf cutter ants (they have existed since then), leave the plot underground, at home before BB; 3) BB asks a woman to kill D. while fishing with poison; D. kill her, turn her into a pack, they feed her meat with her hair in; BB choked on it, died]: Hill 2009:25-29; Tariana: Brüzzi 1994:114-134 [there were few first ancestors on the river island; then they became jaguars, spirits; one young man raped a girl; they decided to kill him; when everyone became falcons to catch flying ants (saúva), everyone attacked him; he tried to escape, turning into different creatures and objects: a bird (like a swallow), a tree with large roots, a macaw parrot, a monkey; when he became a monkey, others became jaguars and ate it; on the other island lived an old man and an old woman; an old woman sent her husband to get a piece; the old man got little fingers with three bones; the little finger fell into the river and became three fish P otamorrhaphis guianensis; others accused the old man of saving a piece, but the old man convinced them that he was innocent; the old woman caught the fish and peppered them, but they became crickets; the old woman put them in the pot, put them on the fire, but they became boys; the old woman began to raise them ; they threw pepper in the old man's eye; he took them to the site to burn them, but they jumped out of the fire unharmed; they left a turtle on the path, the old man stumbled upon and fell; scolds the old woman - because of her, these unbearable boys; an old woman took them to the site; there women pluck unripe fruits, they turned into agouti; brothers climbed a tree, an old woman sent ants, brothers fell, died, came to life; an old woman died of a spider bite, they revived her; turned into beautiful birds, girls after birds, birds became young men again, got together with girls; the relationship continued, one said; jaguar people are trying kill the brothers, but they easily turn into anyone, elusive, do not drink poisoned kashiri; the opossum killed the inamba, but ate the inamba harpy eagle; the relatives of the victim sent the brothers to kill the harpy eagle: let they will decorate it with feathers if they want to become shamans; they have caught eagles in strong nets, become shamans; dabucuru needs fish; one brother has become a woman, the Big Serpent has come to meet her, two others killed him; the brothers cut the body into pieces, and fish appeared out of them (p. 125-126); the brothers went out and returned, increasing in number; they answered the jaguars that their name was Bitter Jaguar, The Broken Teeth, etc.; they tried to bite - bitterly, teeth break, etc.; it is not clear which of the audience are the real three brothers; the brothers went to heaven to steal the Thunder club sword (lightning is its shine); Thunder gave fake; while Thunder was sleeping, they replaced his real club with a fake; from the lightning of Thunder, the brothers fell apart and came to life, and killed him with their lightning; revived; with this lightning they killed all the jaguars, but also the old woman ; climbed to the very upper tier of the sky], 211-215 [Iauaretê people ate their grandfather and tried to keep nothing left (i.e. burned bones, drank from kashiri); but one named Yeet something threw it away; the thunder thundered and three pirapucu fish (from the crucian carp family) appeared; his wife, the grandmother of the fish, put them in a basket of peppers; they turned into little men, "people of blood" - Diroá; grew up and matured; as birds, they flew to the field where Iauaretê worked; they tried to kill them, but did not catch them; and the birds became young men again and met I.'s girls; then they returned as birds again home; their grandmother took them to catch winged female ants (a treat); they threw fruits at the girls; the grandmother released ants from their vagina, they climbed a tree and D. fell; the grandmother revived them; they made them alive; they made it so she was bitten by a spider; she died, they revived her; I. tried to cut down trees on D., but they rejected them; I. set fire to the site so that D. burned down, but they were unharmed {it is not said how they did it}; D. got into the boat and they swam a long distance, waving their oar only once; asking people what they are doing; - We are preparing batons to kill D.; D. killed them ourselves; elsewhere they killed an anaconda that was in a tree, and fried; went to kill the harpy eagle; his mother cooks resin; D.: why resin? - Kill D.; they killed her, made a whistle out of bone to lure harpy eagles; they flocked, D. killed them; the feathers of D.'s two dead eagles were turned into humans; when, after the holiday, I. intended to kill D. , a lot of people {warriors} came out against them; D. offered them to try eating resin, she tied their mouths, they couldn't eat D.]; Moreira, Moreira 1994 [(the episode of trying to burn heroes on the site at p . 27); Yaipihkana people beat Diroá {os Diroá - two or more of them} to death; traveled from one place to another, various characters from among J. ate D. {an insect is mentioned; no further animal species have been identified}; no one should have thrown away even a part of D.'s bodies; grandfather D. Yatoem also ate, threw a bone, she went horsefly, fell into the water, turned into fish; there was a thunder; I said it meant they were going to die; my grandfather did not admit that he left it; Grandma D. caught the fish I put them in a bag of pepper, began to smoke, but they were alive; they were mischievous, my grandfather threw them into the river with the pestle, they came back; my grandfather can't do anything with them; my grandmother tried to burn them, they don't burn; they went to clear the area, the grandfather sent poisonous spiders, one bit, D. {the brothers' name is also Diroa as in the previous incarnation} pretended to die, immediately came to life; the grandfather sent ants, D. drove them away; equipped the axes with piranha and jaguar teeth, and the trees immediately fell from the blows ; cleared the whole plot; his grandfather set him on fire, D. hid inside the tree, the grandfather is sure they burned down, returned home, D. is already there; continued to be mischievous; went to kill those who ate their fathers; met Wahto, he made a paddle to kill D., did not recognize D., replied that he was waiting for D. to hit them with an oar; they asked them to show how he would hit; they hit him themselves, killed him; then the same with the Bat, Battleship and others {not identified}; Ya'koro said that he and his children did not eat D., D. did not kill him; both D. sailed in a boat with his grandfather, although he did not want to take them; threw the hook, pulled out the anaconda, cut them apart, they turned into different fish (so several times in different places); brought fish for the dabukuri festival; at the festival, one D. came out, two identical ones came back; two came out, four returned; etc., it became many D.; Y. women began to disappear one by one; D.'s jewelry was made from the claws and fangs of predators, these jewelry devoured women; the old woman tried to bite D., but they were like steel, or bitter, or other unpleasant taste; in exchange for the fish brought by D. Y. gave them the meat of birds and animals; D. spruce, threw a seed, it turned into an animal or bird of the appropriate species, which began rushing inside the little one; so when something bad happens, animals and birds come close to the house; D. went to heaven to Grandfather Thunder for a club to kill Y., but he gave a weak one; D. tried wild boars , they were only stunned; he put a good Thunder under his head; D. put him to sleep, changed his club; I put the birds to guard, D. put them to sleep, killed all I.]: 26-32; uitoto [becoming an iguana]: Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 19:156; Okaina [(western 1980); Gotátzika has a daughter, her suitors (these are the people of Ñamrako:Ma:Ndio, the Morning Star) disappear; then her son marries her ñ; father-in-law 1) gets up at night to kill him with a club, but his son-in-law only pretends to be asleep, jumps up; 2) tells him to get the game out of the trap, the son-in-law does not fall into it; the son-in-law finds the skulls of previous son-in-law; 3) does not fall into the trap, when sent to get fish out of it; 4) G. tells you to cut down the tree, quietly puts the chips back; the son-in-law asks his father for help, he sends rodents, they carry the chips to the river, throw them into the water, those turn into all kinds of fish; the chopped trunk continues to hang, it is held on top of it by a sloth, this is the spirit of G. himself; the son-in-law's father sent various biting insects, the sloth let go of the tree, it collapsed, the ground trembled (the origin of the earthquakes); 5) burn the vegetation on the site; around the fire sent by the young man's father, the iguana, carried him out of the fire; now his son-in-law left his father-in-law in the burning area, which burned down; daughter found his father's bones; his son-in-law revived him with tobacco, told him to be good; they went to ñ., father-in-law swallowed the fish, his son-in-law pulled him out alive]: Blixen 1999, No. 9:205-238; chikuna [the hero's sons leave burning house through blowpipes stuck through walls]: Nimuendaju 1952:132

Central Amazon. Munduruku: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890 [Rairu's shamanic knowledge is greater than his father Karusakahiby; his father is his enemy; 1) asks to get an arrow from a tree; R. tells the thorns on the trunk to turn, climbs to a tree, brings an arrow; 2) K. sends R. to the plot under the garden, knocks down all the trees on it, he is alive; 3) sets fire to fallen trees, R. hides in a hole; 4) K. makes a battleship out of leaves; R. sticks to it, the battleship drags it into the hole; R. gets out, reports that there are people in the hole; first ugly ones come out, then beautiful ones; the rope breaks off, some of the beautiful ones remain underground; K. paints people; many start napping, he turns dozing off into birds, bats, wild pigs, butterflies]: 250-251; Murphy 1958, No. 4 [Karusakaibö promises a newborn daughter as Daiïrú's wife; that dies after copulation; K. sends D. to a tree for an arrow, he does not fall; on a palm tree with thorns on the trunk, which is not peeled off; to the site, sets fire to the vegetation around; D. turns into an armadillo, climbs underground (Var.: K. asks D. to grab the tail of the battleship, which drags D. into his hole); D. gets out, reports that people are underground; wild Indians come first, then peaceful Indians, then munduruk; a flying bird cuts the rope with its beak, the most beautiful people remain underground; only K. has a wife, he makes other women out of clay; they do not have a vagina; agouti, paka, squirrel and other animals have become copulate with them, making vaginas, so they were of different shapes; D. sprinkled rotten wood decay on them, so the smell; K. invited D. to swim, ordered them to take a flat stone on the way, carry it on his head; the stone began to grow, turned into the current sky; roots grew from D.'s nose, it turned into an apoi tree (high in the jungle); it still supports the sky, but it is not known where]: 77-79.

Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara [spider]: Nimuendaju 1915, No. 9:298; Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 25 [the bachelor picked up and raised a female royal vulture; dreams that if she were a woman, she would cook if he cooks, a man finds a girl, grabs her feather clothes, marries her; offers to visit her relatives; she replies that her father is dangerous, but still takes her husband to heaven; father-in-law requires 1) to make a hollowing boat in a day (the woodpeckers made); 2) clear the site (also woodpeckers) in a day; the father-in-law orders to set fire to the vegetation cut down on the site, starting from the middle; The spider hides the person in his mink; when he goes out, the man asks the harpy eagles for help; they took him, his wife and son to their village, they stayed there to live]: 150-151; spiking [sit on fire and keep the pan]: Nimuendaju 1920:1018, 1021; zhuruna [sons of a deity sitting on fire].

Bolivia - Guaporé. Eseeha [Docuei'ai (guazo, small deer) was the first to cut down the forest on the site, and told the Anteaters (aná, oso bandera) to work; they saw that D.'s site was small, cut down the forest around; when D . on their property, the Anteaters set fire to their own; D.'s cries were heard by his father Edósiquiana (the owner of animals, now translated as "devil"), who saved his son, but he has since had dark skin and little hair; E. moved D. to where the Anteater's mother lived; D. asks why the pot was on fire; Boil the deer; D. asked her to show her how she would do it, pushed it into boiling water; almost ate it when they arrived Anteaters; he fell into their trap, stuck with all his limbs and head, since then they have been flat, thin; became a deer; the Vultures thought D. was dead; when Condor pecked his heart, D. came to life, grabbed Vultures, began to torment, since then they have their current appearance; let go of their daughter for promising the biggest; he brought his daughters, D. chose the one he liked; became a deer, still lives in the forest; his wife ( Vulture's daughter) went to look for another husband; Pucarara's snake, she had no teeth, asked to insert a thorn, bit the girl to death; the girl's sister {practically, it's herself} escaped, the snake behind her, the man hides it in his daquidei, killed the snake, cut the current snakes out of pieces; the husband turned into an animal, the wife is pregnant, left, went to the Jaguars; Jaguariha tells her brother that a girl has come pig; the one who came hid under a tacuara (basket?) , her tooth ornament clapped, the Jaguar found her, ate it, the baby fell out of her ass, got to her grandmother, she put it in a calebass; the boy grew up instantly, the grandmother told me to be careful not to eat it like a mother ; the arrows did no harm to Jaguar, he killed him with a gun]: Verna 1985:69-71; chacobo [the hero hid from a world fire in a battleship's burrow]: Kelm 1972, No. 3:223; tupari [first ancestors Waledad and Wap decided to steal Woodpecker's ax to cut down a tree with edible nuts; Valedad sent a gadfly to bite Woodpecker, the brothers cut off Woodpecker's feathers so as not to catch up; he set fire to the world in revenge; Vap burned down, Valedad waited for the fire in the Spider's hole, blew, the wind brought Vapa to life; instead of an anus, Valedad and Vapa had a tail, food was spewed through their mouths; Spider's wife and daughters gnaw off their tails, made anal holes; when the tree was cut down, streams of water poured from the sky; Valedad picked nuts, planted]: Caspar 1975:190; openwork [nora embauba]: Maldi 1991:260.

Southern Amazon. Paresi [like a chacobo, with its own people]: Pereira 1986, No. 2:47.

Eastern Brazil. Northern kayapo (kuben-kran-kegn) [Takakö and O'oimbre knocked down trees on the plot, set fire; O. chopped tukum nuts in the middle of the field; T. told his wife Kaprakudyo that her brother had burned down; she cried, T. promised to revive O.; came to the field, saw O., who was still chopping nuts; when the fire surrounded him, he hid under a tree trunk; T. and O. planted what they needed and returned home]: Dreyfus 1963, No. 18:186-187.

The Southern Cone. South Tehuelches [Elal flies Swan to the Sun and Moon; the Sun's servant bird warns him of dangers; 1) The sun creates a swamp on the way of those who come, E. dries it, leaving it stone; 2) makes a hot fire, E. blows it out; E. asks their daughter to marry; The Sun demands 3) kill a dangerous guanaco and 4) a bull (E. kills with an arrow), 5) bring a dangerous flint scraper (not specified in than danger, E. brings); The sun makes the daughter ugly and the maid beautiful, but E. makes the right choice, gets a wife; they have a son; the wife gives him the wrong name, so the son rushes into the sea; E. throws his wife after him, she turns into a manatee]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 52:88-89.