Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K29B. Unharmed in the pit, K959.6.



hero is asked to climb into a hole, which is immediately covered with earth or into which a pole, stones, K959.6 (Posthole murder) are lowered. The hero proves his magical abilities by getting out of the hole alive.

Hausa, Italians (Ticino), Germans (Baden-Würtenberg), Porapora, Vatut, Bilbil, Bogajim, Mono (Shortland Islands), San Cristobal, Banks Islands, Lifou (Loyalty Islands), Carolinas (Yap, Lamotrek, Ifaluk, Truk, Uliti), Guam, Nauru, Gilbert Islands, Tuvalu, Nukumanu, Toto, Burmese, Oraons, Mentawai, Toraja, Alor, Ifugao, Ancient China, Chinese (Sichuan), Meo (Vietnam), Danes, Tuvans, the island of St. Laurentia, Quiche, Aguaruna.

West Africa. Hausa [Kwallabe is ugly; her mother sent her to the king's palace, but the prince drove her away, she was too ugly; then her mother swallowed her and belched her, her daughter became beautiful, came back to the palace, the prince married her; the king wanted her; went with his son to go on a campaign; his wife put a date stone in his hair; the king asked his son to go down to the well to collect water for the horses; ordered throw soil at the well; returned to the city, told his daughter-in-law that her husband had died, she had refused to eat; a bone in the prince's hair sprouted, the tree rose to the ground, the prince climbed out; his maid His wife saw him, he threw the ring into her jug of milk, told her to give it to the mistress; she identified the ring, came to her husband, ordered it to be shaved and washed; the prince hacked his father and became king]: Tremearne 1913, No. 55: 304-306.

Southern Europe. Italians (Ticino) [Giovannino's mother sent him to buy food; he was late, found himself in the woods, came to the ogre's house; his wife hid J. in the oven, but found the cannibal; ordered him to clean the well; when J. goes down, tells his men to throw earth and stones from above; he is going to dig up J. to eat; at that moment J. got out, asks why he threw chickens into the well; the cannibal tells him to take 1001 wedges go to the forest to split the tree; J. takes 999; two are missing; J. explains that the cannibal's wife told them to leave them at home; the cannibal sends them to bring them; J. tells the ogre's wife that her husband tells him everything gold; she shouts, asking again: Is that all? The cannibal answers: yes; after taking the gold, J. runs away; on the way he buys sheep from the shepherd; says that he will change his insides for sheep ones, so he runs faster; the cannibal pursues; the shepherd tells the story; The cannibal ripped his stomach open, died]: Keller 1981:236-238.

Western Europe. Germans (Baden-Württemberg) [Hans the Bear is terribly strong; hires a peasant to transport firewood from the forest; brought all the spruce trees at once along with the oxen that died from strain; ordered to dig up a garden - he did a bunch of trees with manure; they decided to ask him to dig a deep well, throw a millstone on top of it; he dug a well with his fingers, climbed out from a millstone around his neck; the peasant's wife did not want to feed him gluttonous, he tore off her head; the peasant then sent him to get three of the most beautiful women; Hans met a shoemaker and tailor on the way, put him in his backpack; they settled in a house in the forest; first The tailor remained to watch the fire; the witch came out of the chimney, put out the fire, beat the tailor; the same with the shoemaker; Hans hit the witch against the wall until she said where the three most beautiful women were; showed a hole in the ground; the tailor and the shoemaker brought Hans down; he sent the first woman upstairs, the companions got into a fight over her; when he sent the second, they reconciled, but threw the log down and took the women away; at the bottom, Hans beat the witch against the wall until she said where the way out was; with a third woman, he caught up with the kidnappers, took the first two and brought them all to the peasant, killed him, lived with three women; he was the son of a giant's daughter and princely son]: Hubrich-Messow 1988, No. 41:74-76.

Melanesia. Porapora [Dongara's younger brother went for a sago with Kambira, the wife of Imbreb's older brother; got together with her, tattooed her pubis; I. noticed the tattoo, asked D. to go down into the hole install a pole; he threw bethel gum and bones into the pit in advance, hid himself in the dig; when the pole fell and something red splashed, I. thought D. was dead; he went out through the dig, carved made of wood, revived a large osprey; ordered the mother to be found; she was sailing along the river in a boat, wearing a handbag over her head as a sign of mourning for her son; the osprey brought D.'s handbag; looking for her, the mother came to D.; he asked bring him a girlfriend; his mother found it, but K. (I.'s wife, with whom D. met) got into the boat instead of her; D. told his mother to bring I.; arranged a party, killed K.]: Schwab 1970, No. 7:783-786; cotton wool [two similar options; mogus tree (kwila on pidgin) sent people fish; in the guise of a man, she came to a girl, she gave birth to a boy; he was very strong, breaking the arms of other children; he was asked to dig a grave for the deceased man; when he was at the bottom of a hole , stoned her with twigs; he went underground to Mount Soba and stayed there]: Fischer 1963, No. 33a, 33b: 178-179, 179-180; bilbil [while Manumbu is fishing, his wife asks for his older brother Kilibob tattoo her genitals; M. sees a tattoo, pours boiling water on his wife, she turns into a turtle, swims into the sea; M. asks K. to help build a men's house to store clubs, cut out a corner a pole; he carves it in the form of M.'s wife; realizing that he has been exposed, K. suggests that M. climb into the pole hole, throws the table from above; M. escapes through a termite hole; sails in a boat, creates islands, establishes villages]: Poignant 1967:99; bogajim [Mandumba younger brother, Kilibob younger; they only fish, don't know agriculture, cook stones; one day a big woman comes, K. marries her because he is the elder; in the absence of her brothers, she pulls yams out of her joints; first the brothers are afraid to eat, then they like it; M. pretends to be sick, stays with her brother's wife, converges with her; the leaf comes to K. informs him of treason; K. decides to build a man's house; carves a scene of treason on his butt, M. sees, is frightened; K. digs holes for poles, asks M. to go down to dig deeper, lowers a pole on him; M. is alive, an earthen bumblebee dug his way, but he sprayed betel juice and so high that the sky turned colored, the morning dawn appeared; M. began to live in the forest; his son K., whose name was also found there, coming out to the sound of an ax Mandumba stayed with him; they made a huge boat where all the animals had gathered; it was carried into the sea, the storm broke the mast and sail, the Cassowary clawed the boat, it drowned; the elder M. sent the younger pull the tendons out of his mother's joints, bring them; tied them up and repaired the boat; the tendon and vein scraps hid in bamboo; when the bamboo was opened, Tamo's people living in the east came out; both M. again went to sea, threw sand from the stern, an island appeared; released a cassowary, water under its claws; then he dropped more sand, let the pig go, it began to dig it, there was no water; then he released all the animals, this became Bagabu Island; then they made another island; the younger M. wanted to live there but did not understand the local people; the elder threw sand into his mouth, he began to understand]: Hagen 1899:281-283; mono (islands Shortland) [Pacomami orders his sister to be killed if she gives birth to boys; she said a girl was born; Little Pakomami has grown up; Big Pakomami tries to kill him by 1) bringing down a tree on him; 2) Crushed a pole in a hole (he pressed against the wall, his parents pulled him out); he killed BP]: Wheeler 1926, No. 29:20; San Cristobal [the name of the eldest of several Wanohunugaraiia brothers (V.); another is born , Wanohunugamwanehaora; immediately grows up, shows how to build a house so that the beams do not fall; envious brothers 1) suggest V. deepen the hole for the next pillar, put a pole on it, V. calls out to them the tops of the pole; 2) the brothers take him to the sea to dive for a huge mollusk; V. chewed the betel in advance, painted the water red; the brothers sail away, V. returns before them, bringing the shell; 3) the brothers take V. to huge fish, let it swallow it; V. took a sharp obsidian with him, cut the fish's stomach, went out, brought the fish home; 4) hunt wild boar (V. kills, brings it); 5) climb a palm tree for betel, she grows to the sky; V. takes off the nuts, tells the palm tree to bend down, stays at home waiting for his brothers; 6) the brothers bake V. in an earthen oven, take it out, he is alive; V. bakes the elder himself, eats it together with others brothers]: Fox, Drew 1915:203-207 (=Fox 1924:156-160); Banks Islands (Mota) [Qat began to cut down a tree to make a boat, during the night the felling disappeared; he hid under a sliver, grabbed Marawa (old man- spider; Marawa); he made him a boat with his nails, it was better than the boats of the K. brothers; they lured him into the crab hole, pushed a stone from above; K. asked M. to move him to the village, met the brothers there; tied himself with boards, hung on a tree under the guise of a flying fox; the brothers took turns shooting; each time K. spit blood, as if wounded, took off, returned; at home showed the brothers their arrows; brothers they offered K. to climb the tree for nutmeg, made the trunk thick, and took K. Iro Lei, sailed away with her; M. held out his hair, K. went down it; K. sailed for the brothers in coconut, cut their boat on another island; made peace with them]: Codrington 1891:158-162 (trans. in Permyakov 1970, No. 68:155-159; briefly in Codrington 1881:272-273); Loyalty Islands (Lifou) [the father loved his youngest son more than others; the elders decided to lime him; dug a deep hole to plant a yam, they pushed his brother, covered it with earth, planted a yam on top; when the yam was ripe and dug up, the youngest held on to the tubers, shouted for the yam to be kept for his father; then he was placed at the top, drowned in the sea; After a few months, they took it out; the brother is alive and screams to save the caught fish for his father]: M'Farlane 1873:20-21.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Ifaluk (Carolina, Yap County) [Lugelung, son of Aluelap, descended to earth, an earthly woman Ilamanu gave birth to him a son, Gio, who ordered him to be thrown into the sea and wait for the birth of his immortal son; in Sea G. began to bring people fish; Wolphat came out of his mother's head as an adult; he was covered in blood, wiped himself on a coconut, since then the coconut leaves have been red; his mother tried not to look at the sky, he began to drink milk from coconut, looked, saw his father, got up, he replied that W. did not have a brother; W. heard a woman pick flowers, calling the name G., before W.; killed G., brought his head A.; began to learn wisdom A., and his parents were angry with him; he became a boy on the ground, came to the builders of the boat shed, carried a pole; people envied his strength, offered to try on the hole, lowered the pole from above, accepted W. bethel gum for blood; W. held a pole, went out; talked to men; his mother went to heaven, he stayed on earth; travels as a boy, meets groups of men, boys, makes men stick to palm trees, asks boys to fish, boat to play, gives only one, W. tells fish to bite others, boats to kill them; see motif A26]: Spiro 1951:290-292; Lamotrek [son of Eluelap Lugeileng descended from heaven, felt sorry for the leper, swapped his skin, keeping only his old gums; came to Yol (the first man, his wife Yat); only his daughter Elamalor gave him food and drink; he took her wife, became handsome; she gave birth to a son Olifat; or Eluelap made an incision on the crown of Elamalor, O. left; joined the people who were building the house; he was a stranger to them; when he went down to the pit for a pole, a pole was thrown on him, but he became an ant, got out, took on human form again; on Elato Island, it is said that O. brought fire and taught him how to cook]: Krämer 1937:147-148; Voleai [Olefat was born 4 days after his mother became pregnant, cut off his own umbilical cord; started drinking coconut juice, threw his head back, saw his father Lugeileng in the sky; came to heaven, he quarreled with everyone there; when the house was being built, he took coal and red clay with him in advance; he went down to the pole pit, threw a pole on him, he took refuge in a side cave, threw clay up first, then coal, others thought it was blood and bile; it made a hole up the center of the pole; since then, the trees have a core; the builders were surprised that he was alive, sent food to Thunder; O. hid in empty bamboo, the Thunder strike did not kill him; he was sent to take food to Stingray, he returned safely; then fela fish; he did not find it, left food to others; fela killed him; Lugeileng revived him, O. said he slept]: Krämer 1937:281-284; Ulithi (West Carolinas) [Lugeiläng visits earthly woman Thilpelap, returns to heaven; Olofat (Iolofäth) is born an adult from her head; starting drink coconut milk, looks at the sky, sees his father, rises to the sky on a column of smoke; on the first tier, boys play with scorpion fish, do not give it to him, he makes fish develop poisonous thorns; on the second, the same with sharks, on the third with poisonous rays; on the fourth, people build a community temple, suggest O. dig a hole, throw a pole into it; he took red clay and leaves in his mouth in advance (as if blood), dug a horn; went out along a course dug by termites; sat next to his father, who was also at construction; everyone caught turtles, O. crab, but he secretly took the meat out of the turtles, put it in the crab; one fish He was killed and buried, his father pulled him out alive]: Lessa 1961, No. 1:15-19; Truk Islands [Chief Soufa has 5 wives; he orders to kill boys, keep girls; one of the sisters {and wives at the same time?} S. gave birth to a son, sent him to the Wind Eater (some butterfly or bird), who lived inside the island; the young man grew up, hears screams from the shore, it's a toy boat festival; the adoptive mother made the young man like this the boat, she overtook everyone else; the boy's real mother took it from the shore; he took the boat, leaving his fingerprint on his mother's hand; S. gathers men to determine whose hand it was; sent a man and a young man was brought to the house of the Wind Eater; S. found out the fingerprints, told the young man to come tomorrow to put up poles for the community house; the foster mother tells him to dig a hole with a hole to hide when on him they will lower the pole; also let him take with him a coconut (it crunches) and a termite that will pave the way to the ground; when the young man dug a hole, a pole was lowered into it; the young man went out, S. tells him to come tomorrow; reception mother: drink water: they tell you to climb a tree for nuts and make a fire around - fill it with regurgitating water; he did so; on the third day, the adoptive mother teaches the young man to avoid raindrops; when he came to S., darts were thrown at him, none were hit; for the fourth time, his adoptive mother told him to take a knife from the sink, ocher and coal with him; the young man was trapped, lowered into the water; he chewed ocher with with lime, they thought it was the brain; coal - his stomach burst; he cut the ropes and came up, brought S. fish; on the fifth day: you will be left on a deserted island, you should take breadfruit with you; he they ordered to anchor off the shore, cut off the tench and sailed away; there was only one tree on the island; the young man put the fruit on top of his head, turned to the Rainbow God to pick up the fruit and help him escape; then hung it there caught fish; like this every day; an old man came, but the young man refused to speak to him; the next day a young man came; he was the God of the Rainbow; when he returned on the third day, he drew a boat in the sand kicked her, the drawing became a real boat; the young man returned to S.; the next day S. and his brothers decided to sail in his boat himself; the young man told her to become sand again, the passengers were eaten by sharks]: Fischer 1954:289-306 (paraphrased in Lessa 1961:174-176); Carolinas overall: Lessa 196:82-84 [roughly like Ulity, Louis de Freycinet 1819 on Guam, and Luis de Torres on the Kotzebue Expedition, 1815-1818], 84-88 [then But there are many versions, Yap]; Yap [a girl with skin disease was moved to the edge of the island; Yelafad came down to her, cured her, returned to heaven; she gave birth to a son; when he was eating coconut, he looked up I saw my father, took to heaven on a column of smoke; J. has many children there; the youngest is more successful in everything; the elders decide to destroy him; offer to go down to the pole pit, throw a pole from above, the boy finds himself at the top of the pole; they do not share food with him, ants bring him food; he threw the shark's shell, which gnawed, so the sharks got teeth; then the brothers told the youngest to take the fish to some a dangerous character; he plunged his spear into the gate, thus bewitching them, entered, there was the character's naked wife, the young man got along with her, left the fish, left; the wife told her returning husband about it; he sent it to catching up with flint and spear, they caught up and killed the young man; Elder Yelafad found him seven days later, revived him, gave him the ability to cause thunder]: Müller 1918:695-697; Nauru [Areou Te Kitekite (AT) competed with brothers to throw whom into heaven; entangled the brothers' ropes, was abandoned himself; climbed a banyan tree, people were playing a game below; to find out the names of the two leaders, AT entangled their ropes in the branches; people laughed at the names of the leaders, A. recognized them; came to the elder Areou; he sent him to fry fish to his wife Lightning for fire; AT deliberately drops the fire, taking more and more portions from Lightning, so takes everything; burns and breaks the Thunderbird's wing; when AT entered the house, Elder A. slammed the door shut, but AT dodged, survived; went down to second heaven, built a house there, he mixed them into their food all kinds of dirt; they asked to dig a hole under the pole, lowered the pole from above, buried a hole; he dug a way out, came back; met a woman, she rejected him; when she fell asleep, AT cut off her genitals, gave her Her sons, who did not recognize them, brought them to their mother, everyone was ashamed; he was rejected by another woman; he asked her husband to fry him in the fire; he returned, there was fish in the coals; the husband agreed to fry himself, died; The people who built the house tied him up, threw him into the sea; he sailed home, talked about his adventures]: Maude, Maude 1994, No. 2:39-43; Gilbert Islands: Koch 1966 (Nonouti Atoll, West 1963-1964) [accepting In the form of a rat, lizard and other animals, Nareau runs under the feet of the community house builders, who are trying in vain to kill him; he appears in human form, asked to help dig a deep hole under a pole; he digs a hole with a dig; when he goes down, a stone is thrown at him, the hole is covered with earth; they want to feast, but N. suddenly appears; but he has no wife, no one to serve food; he tells ants to bring him from every dish; N. ran to his boat, others rushed to catch up, he threw his tooth behind him, which turned into sharp stones; the pursuers injured his legs and returned]: 23-24; Maude, Maude 1994, No. 2 [ Nareau steals fruits from others; those who build a community house ask him to climb into a hole, put a pole on top, N. goes through the dig; to take possession of Nautima's wife, bakes himself in coals, comes from outside takes fish out of the coals; Nautima asks to bake herself, dies; the wife dies of grief; in order to take possession of Taranga's wife, N. became a baby, the woman picked him up, took him to bed; at night he copulated with her , she gave birth to three children with him]: 61-64; Tuvalu (Waitupu) [when Kaulealia, Tapakea's son, became a young man, his father had an abscess on his forehead; T. squeezed a lizard out of him, left it in the basket, the lizard turned into Naleau young man; no one knows who he is; he defeats his brother K. in throwing darts; when K. throws a dart, N. finds himself in the sky; spits at kites made by local people, snakes fall; goes fishing with others, turns into fish himself, he is driven into a stone trap; he drills a hole down; becoming a spider, he hides under the roof of a house with four women; he goes down to each , sitting next to her calls her by name; this is how N. recognizes their names; in the image of a man he declares that his house is; women do not know his name, and N. knows their names, women have to give the house to him; N. became friends with chief, must compete in preparing the holiday; steals other people's coconuts, the snipe shouts about it, N. curls his tongue, continues to steal; filled his vessel from below with crap, disguised as food, changed with the leader, he vomited; N. was asked to climb into the hole to hold the pole from the house, covered it with earth; he made a hole in the pole, went out; he was sent to the mistress of lightning for fire; N. deliberately calls her loudly, wakes her son Thunder up, broke his arm; the hostess ordered him to take fire from the stone house; when N. went inside, the exit was closed; he drilled a hole, came out with smoke, came to his father T. in the smoke; the owner of the lower Mira Pakeva asked T. to come with his son; K. refused to go, N. agreed; N. killed all the guards (sharks, whales), returned; T. and P. agreed to exchange sons; P. sent Turtle, T. sent his fire son Te Afi; he is restless, noisy; then T. placed him in all trees; people come from K., spirits come from N.]: Kennedy 1931:190-195; (cf. David 1899 (Funafuti) [a little man Niriao has sailed to the island; there are four brothers sitting in a house at four pillars; N. says that they deny his house; they agree to give him the house if he finds out their names ; he hides on the roof, lowers the spider on his older brother, others say: something is crawling on your forehead, Nautiki; the same with other brothers: Nautaka, Valivalimatanaka, Naka; N. calls brothers by name they have to give him the house; after visiting it, N. leaves, comes to the place where kites are let; leader Kanα is the best of all; N. spits on this snake unnoticed, it falls to its side; N. had no teeth , he put in pieces of coconut; if he laughs, the pieces will fall out; N. is asked to go down, dig a hole for the pole with others; when he went down, a pole was lowered on him, N. died]: 104-107); Nukumanu [Woman Earth met the Wind that lived in heaven; then he could not go down to her, asked them to name their child Sinekepápa; this is a daughter; then the Wind came back to Earth, she gave birth Asina's youngest daughter; Sky found out that Earth had a daughter, asked her father for permission to go down; Earth asked Wind if he agreed to give his eldest daughter, he agreed, the eldest married; after that a man named Opuna came to marry his youngest daughter, got it; Sinekepapa gave birth to a son Naleau; he decided to go to his father, Kimulani; his mother is blind, N. touched her eyes, ants fell out, centipede, black squirrels, crabs, she sees the light, glad to see her grandson; he leaves, meets men led by Opuna who are building a guest house, mocks them; when he jumps into the prepared for a pole, a hole, it throws a pole at it; it turns into an ant, hides inside a pole; comes out; replaces food in an earthen oven with crap; they want to bake it in the oven, it turns into an ant, unnoticed crawls out; sails to Keloma Island]: Sarfert, Damm 1931:413-436

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Toto [Itpsa called his brother Pidua to dig water bodies so that people and animals would not suffer from thirst; P. said that he would work at night, and I. would work during the day; but he did not dig for business, but only directed mountain streams - let them dig as they could; deciding to get rid of I., invited him to measure the depth of the dug hole; when he jumped into it and bent down, P. brought down the ground with stones from above; but I. destroyed the mountain and the result of that landslide is still visible today; since then, the brothers have been at odds, and P. causes landslides]: Majumdar 1991, No. 4:208-209.

Burma - Indochina. The Burmese [the king learns from the soothsayers that the hero Ngathaun Launa must be born; orders the extermination of all pregnant women, the mother of NL is saved; he is told that NL has already grown up, the king orders to exterminate young man, NL is saved again; NL relatives want to destroy him themselves; father tells him to lie under a tree that he cuts down, goes home, NL drags the tree on him; father leaves it in the forest with tigers, tiger afraid of NL, asks not to kill; relatives dug a deep well, asked NL to go down to dig, covered it with earth; NL got out, left; sees a pig falling from above a tree; she spit out mercury the balloon, NL took it, flew up a tree; the pig died of grief, NL fried it and ate it; changes the ascetic's ball for a magic bag, rope and cane; at night he sends a bag for the ball, now owns everyone four items; tells the father to marry the king's daughter; the king agrees, gives his daughter and the throne; NL rewards the ascetic]: Zapadova 1977:15-20.

South Asia. Agaria (God-dhuka Lohar, Chhattisgarh Center, Raipur District) [wild boars ruin the Raja field at night; he consistently sends seven sons to guard; each falls asleep, only the youngest hurts himself fingers, rubs pepper, catches one of Bhagavan's seven horses, she tells her to let her go, will come when necessary; the raja drives away the eldest sons, but the youngest leaves with them, they make him their servant; raja a daughter promises to whoever rides a horse over the palace; the youngest is sent to water horses, but hires a woman for this purpose, and he rides Bhagavan's horse; the raja orders all men to be brought; the young man appears in uniform a beggar, but the princess chooses him three times; his brothers pushed him into a well, covered him with earth, took the princess; seven Bhagavan horses dug a well; the Raja executed six brothers, gave his daughter a lush wedding]: Elwin 1944:170; Oraons (South Chhattisgarh, former Bastar State): Elwin 1944, No. 5.3 [six brothers are working, the youngest seventh loafer; they dig a hole in the field, tell him to bring lunch, the elder throws an ax into the pit, asks the younger one to get it, it is covered with earth; the rat has made a hole, the boy returned home, told about what happened, went into the forest, built a house out of cow manure; Mahapurub sent him a fisherman's daughter as his wife]: 172; Hahn 1906, No. 35 [six brothers are married, working, the youngest is single, stays at home; the brothers dug a hole, threw it into it, buried it, and he was home before; sent them to forest, he brought 300 tigers; found a diamond, bought a horse with it that jumps high and far; and the brothers' horses crashed]: 66-68.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Toraja: Adriani 1910:321 in Dixon 1997 [The Rogue Monkey offers to help hollow out the coffin for the deceased; the chief tells everyone to take turns to lie down in the coffin and try it on; when the Monkey lies down, the coffin hammered up and burned]; Teselkin 1959 [the old man's wife gives birth to a son from the right palm; a passer-by gives him the name Pong Bulu Pala ("hairy palm"; a wart with hairs is considered a sign of happiness); three older brothers are jealous of PBP, 1) buffaloes are driven at him (they bypass the boy), 2) throw them into manure (buffaloes are not trampled), 3) thrown into the river (the river brings him ashore); he goes up the river, marries, bringing him into the house wives good luck; 4) brothers come, offer to dig the grave for their father, ask the PBP to try on, bury it (the dog and the rooster tear it off); 5) the brothers offer to make a coffin for the father, tell the PBP to try it on, tie it rattan, thrown into the river; wife, rooster and dog take the coffin out of the sea, revive the PBP from the bones; after the death of their parents, the PBP and the rooster fly to heaven, turn into Orion and Sirius; the wife into a winged white ant (these ants fly out on the eve of the rains, when Orion and Sirius appear), dog in wingless]: 85-96; mentawai [the boy and his older sister were given only immature and rotten fruits; when they began to eat them, the fruits became ripe; then everyone sailed away, leaving the orphans alone; the water monster took pity on them, called them their father's sister, transported them across the river, taught them rituals una construction (patrilineal ancestral group, community home); under their leadership, they began to build uma, a crocodile worked for orphans; out of envy, the boy was asked to climb into a pole hole, thrown at him pillar; he became the spirit of the earth, rocked him, people died, his sister, her husband and her husband's uma remained; sometimes even now he shakes the ground]: Schefold 1988:73-74; Alor: DuBois 1944:166-167 [Masingbal went to on the coast with his six brothers, they abandoned him; in a dream, his mother and father told him how to avoid the cannibal village and get to where Farik lives; F.'s two daughters washed off his shroud, coffin and worms with fire; they fed him, went to bed with him at night, but he treated them like sisters; they said this to his father, F. told M. to have sex with his daughters; M. and his wives went to work in the fields; digging up a rhizome, made a hole, I saw my native village below; he went down with his wives, but entered the village alone, covered with skin disease; only one girl gave him a drink and was friendly; then he entered the village solemnly, left that girl married gongs and pigs; this is Dry Land Woman; she told M. to get a mango from the tree, threw away the stairs (his heavenly wives saved him); threw a stone at him when he was in the pit digging up tubers (his heavenly wives revived him); cut down the roots of the arek palm tree, he climbed, fell (his wives revived him); M. and his father-in-law, gongs, heavenly wives, and good people from the village rose to the sky; Sushi woman and all the bad ones were washed away by a landslide], DuBoie 1944 [Masingbal has six sons; leaving his pregnant wife, he tells him to kill the child if a boy is born; she hides the boy in the mountains, buries a coconut walnut; returning M. plunges a spear into the imaginary grave, splashes milk; the rooster tells him the truth; M. sends six sons one by one to kill his younger brother, who refuse, saying that he looks like father; M. kills him himself; two women replace torn organs with dogs, revive the young man; he returns to the village, his father tries to kill him "as in a myth, where his wife is trying to do it"]: 168 (retelling in Lessa 196:183).

Taiwan - Philippines. Ifugao [Umbumabakal and his son Lumawig (Bontok's ancestor, a character in Ifugao myths) lived in the village of Dukligan; L. even ate his fellow villagers; W. asked him to get a spear from a felled tree, knocked him down the boy was crushed, in the evening he returned alive; W. and L. dug a hole under the boulder, fish started in the pond; W. sent L. into the hole to catch it, pushed the boulder; in the evening L. returned and brought a boulder; W. sent L. to hunt east; he came to a god of war named Mayingit ("red"); M. burned him in the fire, threw ashes into the river, two boys came out of the water; M. burned them again, 4 young men came out; then 8 young men; they went hunting, caught a woman, wanted to eat; she turned out to be their mother (i.e. L.'s mother); said that their village was burned down, their father was killed; the brothers attacked Binang village; went home, their inhabitants chased; L. cut the mountain in two from top to bottom, pushed half away, lowered the vine down; the pursuers climbed it, L. cut off the vine, the pursuers fell, died, were maimed]: Barton 1935:85-87.

China - Korea. The ancient Chinese [blind Gu-sou did not like Shun, the son of his first wife; his second wife gave birth to a son Xiang; Emperor Yao gave Shun two daughters, G. and S. want to destroy Sh. S. got the levirate; G. tells S. to coat the barn with clay, sets fire to the building; S. defended himself with two straw hats, went down unharmed; G. forced S. to dig a well; S. quietly made the bottom the well side hole; when S. went deep, G. and S. threw the ground down, filling the well; S. got out through the side hole; Yao handed over supreme power to Sh.]: Sima Qian 2001:141-143; the Chinese ( Sichuan) [stepmother and blind father tell Shun 1) to raise virgin lands on Mount Lishan in three years (performs); 2) clean the well; Brother Sh. Xiang ("elephant") filled the well with earth and stones, hoping that Yao would give both daughters for him, and not for Sh. (the god of the terrain brought S. underground); 3) repair the roof, it is set on fire, the spirit of fire removes S. from the roof; 4) S. puts S. on a chair placed on a mat that covers the well; S. does not fall, the dragon supports the chair from below]: Riftin 1987a: 361-364; meo (Vietnam) [parents send two daughters to find grooms for himself; the youngest chooses a hardworking guy, and he chooses her; the eldest also finds a husband; the father promises a magic box to one of the son-in-law who works faster and better; the youngest's husband is ahead of her husband in everything the eldest; he invites him to go down into the hole, dumps a boulder on him; the father sends a kite from the box, he finds the young man, the father revives him; the eldest husband is torn to pieces by a tiger; the older sister speaks to her husband the youngest, that the youngest drinks blood; smears her sore lips with blood; the husband believes the youngest rushes into the waterfall; the husband lives with the eldest, they are poor; two fish promise to show her husband his wife at the bottom; she says she goes out Married in heaven, goes to heaven, promises to throw off her husband's rope; the husband falls asleep, the older sister climbs a rope to heaven for the youngest; the Heavenly Lord throws a bridge to her husband so that he can go up to his wife; lets both go to the ground; tells the eldest to cut down the banyan tree on the moon; the felling overgrows the hedgehog; the sister sticks to the banyan, now visible there]: Nikulin 1990:52-62.

Baltoscandia. The Danes [the blacksmith went to sea for three days and returned with a huge catch; did not say he lived by a siren; 7 years later, an adult boy came to him and called him his father, he himself Hans; no matter how much he eats, everything not enough; asked his father to forge a monstrous iron club, went to hire an employee; warned the owner that he was eating and working for 12 people; he was allowed to threshing grain; he broke flails, demolished buildings , ground different types of grain into one heap; blew and the chaff flew away; then into the forest for firewood; uprooted trees, brought it on his back; he was asked to clean the well to throw stones; guy: remove from the edge of the chickens, pebbles fall; then they threw a millstone at him, he fell on his shoulders, and his head was in a hole; he got out from the millstone around his neck; threw off his toe, squeezing the owner's toe; sent him to fish to hell a lake from which they did not return; the main devil Erich began to drown it, H. beat him with an iron truncheon until he promised to send all the fish from the lake to owner H.; the whole yard and house were covered with fish; sent to collect interest on the loan from the devils in hell; they don't unlock it, H. knocked out the door of hell, they poured him a bag of gold and silver; he gave half to the owner and the other to his blacksmith father; thought it was inconvenient to deal with people and went back to mother siren]: Grundtvig 1879:66-87.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans (Kara-Khem) [it was a long time ago, when the rivers dried up from the heat and the birds' beaks melted; Anchi Kara was orphaned, the last goats were slaughtered, the game could not be found; he began to sing and all the animals gathered for him ; then they disappeared; the raven told him to take three beads out of his nest, swallow them to understand the language of birds and animals; AK hears two herons talking; they talk about a lama who read a holy book, threw out, stole a tripod from someone else's yurt, put it on his head, the tripod was hot, the llama went bald; then the conversation was a hare, a wild cat, a wild ram, a wild boar and a fox; everyone says how he will kill a person ; hare: he will look with his own oblique eyes and the man will bend; boar: slaughter with fangs; ram - cares; cat - breaks with claws; fox - scratches with claws and slaughter with its tail; AK is enough for everyone, tells not to attack at people, but to do what these animals are doing now; he did not grab the fox, it ran away on its own; AK comes to Darynsa Khan, whose daughter Nagyr Chechek is blind; that bald lama is nearby; AK spoke about what he learned from herons, promised to cure LF; hears two swans talking; LF will cure the juice of blue flowers growing in the sky; swans promised to bring flowers; llama advises Khan to cut off AK's arms and head if he does not cure LF before sunset; at the last moment, the swans brought flowers and the LF saw the light; but, at the instigation of the lama, the khan promises to give AK his daughter only if he gets out of the hole; he was thrown into the hole, stoned in the exit; realizing that AK understands their language, the mice have dug their way out; now the khan sends AK south to kill the shulbus; swans teach them to find a black foal with a white spot on its forehead, ride it to a long snake, ask her wrap rings around the shulbus, knock out his only eye with an arrow himself; the shulbus died, the vaults of his cave collapsed; the khan drove the llama away, and AK married the NF and took Kara-Khem to his place]: Taube 1978, No. 30:137-146.

The Arctic. The island of St. Lawrence [boys and girls played, each took a pair, one girl was left without a pair, sat on her skull in her face, said he would be her pair; her skull took her away; her older brother Ayvanga became everyone ask questions; the old man explained that it was necessary to make a boat faster than a duck; A. and his four brothers made boats out of different wood and broke them when they could not overtake the ducks; finally found a suitable tree and swam; there are cliffs ahead, many dead birds and seals in front of them; the boat slipped, only cut off the very stern of the kayak; on the shore there was a man, they promised to give him a knife, he said that the leader had brought a new wife; A. killed him so that he would not report them; through a hole in the dugout, the brothers see the audience, their sister was cooking; met with his sister; the chief asks what the wife is concerned about; she answers that her food was too monotonous, the chief promised to bring other meat; A. went to the old woman, killed her, put on her skin, and the other brothers came to the chief and he offered to fight; the local young men followed the old woman, they carried it, because she usually cannot walk, they wonder why it is so heavy; the leader easily defeats and kills each of the younger brothers; when he is going to kill the youngest, A. takes off the old woman's skin, kills the leader, everyone is happy; A. revives both the brothers and the leader; the competition continues the next day; A. is lowered into the hole, she is covered with burning firewood; in the pit A. hid under the shoulder blade of a whale; to him they lowered the rope, he went out; the leader was subjected to the same test, burned down; the brothers go to the shore, taking his sister and another girl; towards an old man and an old woman, holding human figures and a wand; like they only hit the figure with a stick, one of the brothers falls dead; A. kills the old people themselves, revives the brothers; a whale chases the boat into the sea; the brothers consistently throw the girl's garments, the whale lingers every time; when a girl stays naked, they throw her whale herself]: Slwooko 197:54-60.

Mesoamerica Kiche [Sipakna, the eldest son of Vukub-Kakish, bathes, sees 400 young men carrying a log; undertakes to carry it alone; fearing his strength, the young men suggest that S. dig a deep hole and throw it on him log; S. made a side recess in the pit in advance, hid in it; cutting off his nails and hair ends, let the ants carry them; seeing the ants, the young men were convinced that S. was dead, got drunk, S. got out, knocked them down They are home, they all died, turned into Motz stars (Pleiades; identification according to R. Lehmann-Nitsche. Astronomía indígena sudamericana. Buenos Aires 1925. P. 16, 18)]: Popol-Vuh 1959, Ch. 7:24-26.

Western Amazon. Aguaruna [A predator (el Carnívoro) killed a pregnant woman, gutted it, washed the meat in the river, found an egg in her stomach, put it on a stone to bake it later, and the goose took it to its nest below along the river; a boy came out of the egg, the goose raised him; the boy began to come to the site of the murdered mother, ate hot pepper there; the boy was radiant, he was the sun; the Predator's wife noticed that their in the area (they considered him their own) someone eats all the pepper; the Predator waited for the boy, called him a son, brought him to him; made him a small sarbakan; wanted to shoot flies that stuck to the Predator's body, and fell into each without injuring the Predator; the Predator offered to build a house, asked for a pole hole to go down to deepen it, lowered the pole from above and threw earth at the hole; the Sun got out through the hollow core of the pillar ; both pretended that nothing had happened; the Sun became a young man, the Predator made him a big sarbakan on the condition that he would bring him all the game; the Sun brought birds, the Predator barely fried them, devoured them raw; made rattling pendants in his ears for the Sun to hear him approach; left alone, played the flute from his mother's skull; the Sun destroyed all the birds, the dove remained; asked to shoot from sarbakan with bird feathers, the birds were reborn; the dove told everything; ordered the pendants to be fixed so as not to make noise, come quietly and see what the Predator was doing; he tried to hide the skull and skull rolled under the Sun's feet, tears are dripping from his eyes; the Sun has created a tree whose fruits are loved by deer; the predator ordered him to go hunting tomorrow; the Sun made him a spear out of bad wood, bewitched him not to fall into target, and the Predator made a good spear for the Sun; since the Sun hit the target, he was the one who went hunting; let the Predator send his wife to the site for cassava; the Sun turned her into a deer, killed her, but her head human; The sun told the digging stick to be responsible for it; brought home a deer without a head; The predator eats meat, the Sun pretends to call "its mother", answers the digger stick; the Sun sent the Predator to swim, brought his wife's head, cursed all objects to rot immediately; when he saw his head, the Predator wanted to kill the Sun, but everything he picked up fell to dust; the Sun pierced the Predator with a spear, nailing him to the ground; a vine grew and tied him; the Predator's back took root; a flower grew out of his penis, hummingbirds flocked to it, the Predator caught them and ate them; once he almost ate a man, the Sun decided to transfer it to the end of the world; the toucan and woodpecker cut off the roots, lifted the Predator into the air; the Sun created a fruit tree, many birds rushed to it; the Sun told the Predator about the tree, he did not resist, he sucked his guts the birds gathered; did not want to fly, but the birds carried him; they screamed "like a balsa" (i.e. light) and he shouted "like a rock"; at the edge of the world downstream, the Predator could only grab and eat fish, catch it all; then The sun left him with only one hand free; he turned into a tree, and the three women promised to him in red, cream and gray clothes (they are actually birds) turned into leaves; at certain times of the year, leaves they dry up, and the wind brings birds from the lower reaches of the river; these birds bring the souls of the dead to the Predator, but they themselves say they hunt monkeys; when birds arrive, many people die; when corpses are smoked, birds drive away]: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (1): 135-169.