K29D. Drunk elephants. .
To catch an animal or bird, water in the pond is replaced with wine, honey, etc., and an intoxicated or stuck animal is captured.
Ancient Greece, Serbs, Albanians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Gagauz, Crimean Tatars, Kabardian, Balkarians, Ossetians, Chechens, Terek Cossacks, Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Persians, Turks, Uzbeks in Khorezm, Chuvash and Udmurts.
The Balkans. Ancient Greece: Xen. Anab. I. 2. 13 [Anabasis by Xenophon (ca. 430-355 BC): "From the city of Castropedion in Phrygia the Magna}, Cyrus goes through two passages of 10 parasangs to the crowded city of Timbria. There, near the road, was a spring named Midas, king of the Phrygians; here, they say, Midas caught a satire by mixing the spring water with wine" (trans. M.I. Maksimova)]; Paus. I. 4. 5 [Pausanias's "Description of Hellas" (2nd century AD): "Most Galatians, having flown to Asia by ship, began to devastate its coastal areas. Some time later, the inhabitants of Pergamon, which in ancient times was called Tevfrania, drove them away from the sea. And now the Galatians have since occupied the area on the other side of the Sangaria River, capturing the Phrygian city of Ankira (Anchor), which was once built by Midas, Gordius's son. The anchor that Midas found was in the temple of Zeus back in my day; there was also a so-called Midas Spring; it is said that Midas mixed wine into it to catch Silen" (trans. S.P. Kondratyeva)]; Philostr. Vit. Apol. VI. 27 ["The Life of Apollonius of Tiana" by Flavius Philostratus (c. 170-247 AD): "After passing the rapids, the travelers stopped in an Ethiopian village. There they were having dinner, interspersing a scientific conversation with jokes, when they suddenly heard women all over the village shouting to each other: "Hold it! Catch it!" - and their husbands are called for help, and men grab what will turn up - some stick, some stone - and scream as if they are chasing a rapist. And the reason was that for ten months a satyr, fierce to women, had been walking around the village invisibly: he had allegedly already killed two who inspired him with a special passion. Apollonius's comrades were frightened, but he comforted them: "Don't be afraid, some satyr is pampering here." "Exactly, I swear to Zeus! "Neil exclaimed. "Some time ago he was mischievous in our monastery, but we couldn't calm down the brawler." "There is even a remedy for such brawlers," said Apollonius, "and they say there was no time for this remedy. used Midas. The aforementioned Midas was somewhat related to satyrs, as evidenced by his ears, and one satyr began to joke at his relative, singing ochal songs about his ears, and even playing the flute. Well, Midas heard - I think from his mother - that if a satyr drinks wine and falls asleep, he becomes humble and kind. There was a pond near the palace: the king added wine to the water and let the satire drink, and he reveled in and was defeated. Let's prove the truth of the legend - let's go to the village chief and, if the residents have wine, splash his satire, and he will be caught just like Midasov is a mocker." That's what they decided: Apollonius poured four jugs of Egyptian wine into the trough from where they drank, and called a satire, casting a secret spell - and behold, although the satyr was invisible, wine began to decrease, as if someone was drinking it. When the trough was empty, Apollonius said: "Satyr is asleep, it's time to put up with him!" With these words, he led the residents to the Nymph Cave, which was about thirty steps from the village, and showed the satire sleeping there, but ordered him not to be beaten or scolded, for he was always done with his nonsense" (trans. E.G. Rabinovich)]; Philostr. Maj. Im. I. 22 ["Paintings" by Philostrat Lemnos (c. 190-230 AD): "Satyr sleeps here, and we will talk about him in a low voice so that he does not wake up and prevent us from admiring everything we have in front of us with your eyes. Midas caught this Satyr with wine in Phrygia near the mountains you can see. He mixed wine into the water of the spring near which he still lies, spewing wine in his sleep. It's nice to watch a cheerful breed of satyrs when they dance, it's nice to hear their antics when they laugh. These thugs are not bad in love either and attract Lydians, skillfully charming them with flattering speech. Here's another thing to say about them: they paint them skinny, with hot blood, like undiluted wine; their ears stick out, their hips are concave, they are otherwise very impudent, and they are horses with their tails. So the prey Midas caught is painted here in the picture with all these signs, like the ones I just told you about, but only he sleeps from wine and snores like a drunk, breathing deeply: after all He drank the whole spring sooner than someone else would drink a cup of wine. Nymphs dance around Satyr and laugh at him, mocking him for falling asleep. How gorgeous Midas is painted, how pampered he is! This is how he takes care of his headband, his hair! He is holding a solemn baton and wearing a gold-woven caftan. Look at this! Here are his huge ears, which make his eyes look so delightful; they look half asleep, and the feeling of pleasure turns into languor. With all these touches, the painting deliberately allows us to unravel that the mystery of Midas has already been revealed and that people have learned it from that notorious reed, because the earth could not hide the mystery that she heard" (trans. S.P. Kondratyev)]; Ath. 45c [Athenaeus's Feast of the Wise Men (II-III centuries AD): "Heliodor writes [FHG.IV.425] that Antiochus Epiphanes, whom Polybius rightly calls Epiman, ordered water to be diluted with wine [ right] in one source in my Antioch. Phrygian Midas did the same thing, as Theopomp [FHG .I.289] says, when he wanted to drink Silena to catch him. According to Bion [FHG.II.19], this stream flows between honey and peons, its name is Inna" (trans. N.T. Golinkevich)]; (cf. Herodot. VIII. 138 ["History" of Herodotus (ca. 484-425 BC; trans. G.A. Stratanovsky): The Temenids "arrived in another part of Macedonia and settled near the so-called Midas Gardens, Gordiya's son. Wild roses with 60 petals grow in these gardens. Their smell is much stronger than that of other roses. According to Macedonian legend, Silen was caught in these gardens"]); Serbs [a golden ram kills a hunter; a grown son asks his mother for his father's gun, kills a ram, refuses to sell his skin to the king; uncle the young man advises him to tell him 1) plant a vine, make wine in a week (the girl he meets performs), 2) an ivory castle (the girl teaches how to pour wine into the pond, the elephants are drunk, the castle is built), 3) to get the princess; the girl teaches me to buy an eagle, carp, pigeon on the way; pulling out the feather, scales, let go; lure the princess to the ship; she will let the bird tell about herself, the eagle will catch her; throw a pebble stop the ship, swallow the carp a pebble; the ship will petrify between two mountains, the queen will ask for live water, the dove will bring it; at home, the king orders the young man to cut off his head to take the princess, she revives the young man with living water; the tsar orders to cut off his head, the princess does not revive him, the young man reigns]: Karadzich 1856 in Dmitriev, Volkonsky 1956:88-94 (=Schütz 1960, No. 10:73-80); Bulgarians [mother reluctantly informs his son that his father was a hunter; he takes his father's gun and also goes hunting; the king demands that the hunter build an ivory palace for him; the hunter pours wine into the pond from which elephants drink, they get drunk, he brings tusks; also other tasks; the hero's companions help him, he marries a princess]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 513C*: 189; Greeks (Fr. Syros, Cyclades) [the hunter sees a bird with a jewel on its head; it says that if he shoots it, it will be his happiness, and if he misses, misfortune; the bird turned its head, the bullet flew by; out of grief, the hunter soon died; his son grew up, his mother assigned him to a shoemaker, but he demanded that his father be told what his father was doing; his mother had to give him his father's gun; it happened again, but the young man shot a bird; when he was carrying the stone home, the vizier asked to sell it, the young man refused; he had to sell it to the king, who paid 30,000 piastres; but soon demanded that the young man build an ivory tower - if he could shoot this bird, he could do it too; the mother explained that the vizier set it all up; advised him to ask for 40,000 piastres to build the tower and let the vizier give them; this money is needed buy wine and bread, fill the lowland, the surrounding peasants will gather and get drunk, they must be killed, a tower built out of their bones (elephants are out of the question - human bones}; the king feels sorry that many people have died, but he rewarded the young man; now the vizier advises the king to order the young man to marry the Beauty of Peace for him; mother: let the king give a ship with 40 girls, including the only daughter of the vizier; when he sailed to that the country, the young man told the girls to wait 40 days for him, went alone; meets a Moor giant, an ant man, a water bread, a speedboat, whose every step is equal to what a person walks in five hours; each says that he is not brave, but the son of a hunter yes; the young man replies that he is the son of a hunter; everyone gives his hair to summon him; the young man comes in the Beauty of the World, she advises him to leave while he is intact; gives tasks: 1) eat a monstrous amount of meat and bread by morning (the young man calls the giant, he ate everything); 2) survive in a hot oven (water bread cools it); 3) divide the grain into varieties (ants separate); 4) bring an apple from afar in a quarter of an hour (the speedboat brings); now the Beauty of the World agrees to become the young man's wife; they return by ship and the Beauty of Peace promises to arrange everything; quietly killed the king and vizier, the hunter's son is recognized as king]: Hahn 1864 (2): 3-15; Albanians [the son asks the mother who his deceased father was; she does not want to speak, then admits that he is a hunter; the young man finds, cleans up father's gun, becomes a good hunter; in a distant forest she sees pieces of meat hanging on a tree; touches them, the meat turns into the Beauty of the World; she explains that a black dwarf appears at night, revives it, and when he leaves in the morning, he cuts to pieces again; under the tree, the young man picked up two precious stones without telling the beauty; brought her to his mother; at this time the king died, the new one forbade lighting the lights; the young man did not know that the stones he had taken were glowing; the young man had to bring the stones to the palace; on the way, the vizier tried to persuade him to sell them, but the young man gave them to the king; in order to take revenge, the vizier told the king that the young man could bring there are many such stones; the wife tells her to hit her so that tears fill the pot; these tears must irrigate the stones in the mountains; the young man brought stones to the king to build a palace, he is happy; once killed a lynx, despite his wife's advice, carried the skin to the king; again refused the vizier, who wanted to buy it himself; he persuaded the king to bring many skins to decorate the entire palace; the wife orders to fill the spring with wine, lynxes they will get drunk and drunk; the king received skins; the vizier suggests sending a message to the deceased king so that he will also rejoice in his son's wealth; the wife orders that all residents write letters to the next world; tells their husband to take them on horseback and return unnoticed; keeps her husband and horse starving so that people believe that they have been to the next world; writes answers to all letters; in response to the king, his late father asks send a vizier; the vizier demands that the young man survive in boiling oil; the wife gives him herbs with which the dwarf revived her; the young man is unharmed; the king orders the vizier to be thrown into boiling oil, makes a young man a vizier ]: Pedersen 1898, No. 8:53-67; Gagauz people [the master kept the worker for a long time, married, then let him go of the house; he left home, three sons grew up, found a father alone, asked to marry them; older brother Ivan refused to marry; tells the brothers 1) not to hesitate on the road, 2) promise nothing to anyone, 3) tell only the truth; the brothers went home with their wives, the devils surrounded them with a wall, asked them to give them I.; tied them up I.; I. brothers: I ordered not to hesitate or promise; but I will be saved; the elder devil tells I. to run the household; one horse asks to take care of her, promises to help; I. finds a pen; the lame devil says to the main thing, that I. will be able to bring all the bird; horse: I warned that the pen would be in trouble; tells me to beat the lame man, let him bring alcohol, peas and a table; the bird pecked a rumble soaked in alcohol, became intoxicated, caught, but sad; lame: let I. bring the bird's nest, it will be cheerful; horse: let the lame bring a knife and needle and thread; stab me and get inside; the king of birds will fly to peck; grab it and demand living and dead water and a bird's nest; I. revived the horse with water, brought the nest to the main feature; lame: let I. find out why the sun turns red at sunset; the horse orders to put a table on the seashore, there is also a mirror and shoes; a girl came, looked in the mirror, put on her shoes, I. caught her; lame: I. undertakes to bring this girl's herd; horse: let the cauldron, canvas and resin bring a lame man; I. wrapped the horse with tarred canvas, the sea stallion began to fight him, but could not tear the canvas; the sea horse was defeated, I. sat on him, followed by a mare with 300 foals; lame: I. undertakes to milk the mares, boil milk, swim in it; I. mares cooled the milk, I. swam, became handsome; the wife offers the main feature to swim too; he cooked in hot milk, I. took his wife and horses, devils took him into captivity]: Moshkov 1904, No. 43:66-71.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars: Useinov 1992, No. 14 [Usein, Asan's son, shoots a bird, which asks not to kill it, sell it to the padishah; he leaves U. as a bodyguard; the viziers persuade Padashah 1) to order for a bird to build an ivory palace; she teaches W. to pour wine into the lake, the elephants are drunk, W. builds a palace; 2) to get the daughter of the king of jinns; the bird orders to feed the kites with meat, the bees with honey; on the way W. He takes a meal, a cliffbreaker with his fist; the kite gives a feather, ants (W. fed them with millet) and bees on the wing; the king of genies tells 1) eat the yogurt cauldron, remove the rock, sow the earth ( satellites complete tasks); get living water from Mecca to resurrect a dead stallion (kites bring); count grain in bags (ants); recognize daughter among 999 girls (the old bee finds out); at the sight W. Padishah, who returned with a beautiful woman, turns into a pig, viziers into dogs; W. gets married]: 186-199; Radlov 2011, No. 10 [Baltaji Oglan did the same thing as his woodcutter father; at night he saw how the gates of heaven opened, and in the morning he sat next to him; he began to carry firewood on it - too much of it; the padishah asked for wood to build one building; BO asked for a huge ax and a barrel of wine; the elephants came to drink wine, drunk, fell asleep; BO brought wood to them to build two buildings; after receiving the award, BO got to 40 robbers; the drink ran out, went to look; three girls in the genie's palace; one asks put his back to get the grapes, but disappeared and BO went knee-deep into marble; he managed to grab her bracelet {marble is not mentioned anymore}; they tried to sell it to the Karaim, but he announced that his bracelet]; Kabardian people []: Folk tales 1872:114-118; Balkarians (western 1955) [when dying, the father forbids his son to hunt in the black forest, where the fire is burning; the son grew up, went there, shot, the golden eagle fell, he offered it to the king; the king gave three gold coins for the eagle; the servant is jealous, says that the orphan boasted to get three rounds of golden horns; the mother advises to ask the king for a hundred barrels of vodka, carts and people; the lake replaced the water with vodka, the tours became intoxicated, they were delivered to the king; the king gave them one hundred carts with carters; servant: an orphan mocks, could get a girl; mother advises asking the king to give money from the servant's funds to build a golden boat; on the way, an orphan saved a goldfish from a big one fish, dove from the falcon; the orphan lured the girl into the boat, but when she fell asleep, she became a fish and disappeared; the fish returned her; the girl flew away as a bird, the dove returned her; the king gave the girl a golden boat; servant: the guy mocks the tsar; the tsar orders the execution of an orphan; the girl killed the tsar and servant, married an orphan, he became king]: Malkonduev 2017:431-436; Ossetians [three brothers did not get anything, they swore never hunt; the elder sees a golden-haired deer, he asks him not to shoot, the elder shoots, the arrow pierces him; the middle brother; the younger one buried the elders, wounded the deer, that asked him to bandage his wounds, bring them into his house and close the windows and doors tightly; food and drink from the left family, dancers and dancers come out of the right, the young man plays the flute for them, then they they return to the horn; Aldar found out, ordered to bring a deer, but it is impossible to turn the horns away; Aldar tells me to bring a girl who was not born to father and mother; the deer tells me to go to the mound, turn to the woman; she came out of the mound, hid the young man, asked her Waig sons to go to their father, sent the young man on this horse; the eagle and the fish give their feather and scales to summon them if necessary; the young man offered to splash to her companions, the girl went out to watch, he took her away; she became a bird (caught an eagle), a fish (she caught the fish), promised not to run away anymore; the young man brings her to Aldar, who puts the girl in the tower tells you to get ivory to make furniture; the deer teaches you to fill the pits with intoxicating drink, salt and tobacco, the elephant began to drink, fell dead; the girl tells Aldar to fill two cauldrons with milk, one of them boil; tells Aldar to swim in boiling water, he is cooked; she bathes in the cold with the young man; wedding; food and drinks are taken out of the deer antlers, dancers come out]: Britaev, Kazbekov 1951:178-186; Chechens [the father is blind, the eldest son reaches places where the snow is red, brings medicine from there, the old man is dissatisfied; the middle man is dissatisfied; the middle son is the same; the youngest father tells him not to pick anything up on the way, he picks up a golden feather, a ball of thread; 1) seeing the pen, the prince demands to get a bird; the horse teaches to tell the bird that Timar (the young man's father) is blind, pour intoxicated millet into the river, scatter millet; the bird got drunk, came up to peck, the young man brought her; 2) when he sees the ball, the prince wants the girl who has rolled it; the horse teaches that the ball will lead to the girl; I must tell her that T. is blind; the horse prances, the young man picks up the girl; 3) she promises to marry a prince if he buys himself in the milk of a sea mare; the horse tells him to wrap himself in cloth; in a battle with a horse that has come out of the sea, he chews on his meat, and he only tears off the cloth; the sea horse agrees drive mares with foals out of the sea; the young man is the first to bathe in hot milk, the horse cools the milk; the prince kills with hot breath; with the bird's feather, the son restores his father's sight and youth, passes the girl off as him ]: Malsagov 1983, No. 15:95-100; Terek Cossacks (Naur) [the tsar goes blind, sends his sons to bring land from the country where he was, he will see the light from it; the eldest, middle son brings land where it is covered gold, where the tree exudes milk and water; the king says he was next; the younger chooses a frozen gelding, comes to the right place; on the way back he picks up a golden pen; stops at the Sultan's place; wanting to take possession of the pen, the vizier suggests 1) sending the prince for the sea maiden; at the bottom (all on the advice of a horse), the prince gives the wolf, in front of which lay hay, meat; ram instead of meat, hay; they let them into palace; oils 90 doors; the queen tells the doors, the wolf, the ram to detain the prince, they refuse; the prince brings it to the Sultan; 2) get the bird whose feather was golden; the horse tells them to sprinkle cereals, replace the water in the lake with wine, hide in the camel's carcass, leave the other to the birds; the prince grabs the intoxicated king bird pecking meat; 3) the milk of the sea king's goat; at the bottom of the sea, the horse fights with a goat, wins (the horse is covered from goat bites by camel skins); 4) swim in sea goat milk (it is boiling); the horse spewed water into the cauldron, cooling it; the sultan began to swim - cooked; the prince plants the vizier to prison, marries a queen of the sea, treats his father for blindness]: Vostrikov 1904, No. 1:66-74; Georgians: Kurdovanidze 1988 (1), No. 67 [vizier Alumbar is old, the king released him; he has three daughters; everyone offers to go to serve wearing a man's dress; the older and middle ones are frightened when he rushes at her dressed as an Arab; the youngest: if you did not look like my father, you would blow your head off; the father sends the imaginary son to his friend deva; the "young man" calls himself Almaskhan; the eldest, middle daughters of the deva say they spent the night with A. as brother and sister; the third - as husband and wife; teaches them to choose a plain skate and a ring with a red stone; the horse gives her hair; the king's daughter calls A., he does not go; she is angry, pretended to be sick, needs the liver and heart of a boar; A. burns her hair, a horse appears, leads to the lake, where a boar comes, tells the lake to be poisoned with opium; the boar falls asleep, it is easy to kill him; the princess asks to know the secret of the petrified city; on the way, the horse orders to give honey for flies, cheese for ants; in one house, the king of the city, petrified to the waist; the servant told him that the bulls are losing weight because the queen harnesses them at night; the king goes instead of the servant: the queen's lover is the king kajay; in the morning, the king makes it clear that he knows everything; the queen turns the city into stone, feeds the king every day and hits her with a stick; A. grabs the queen who has entered, she tells her to be petrified, but thanks to her ring, the spell does not work; then the queen tells A. to become a woman if he is a man and vice versa; A. becomes a man; the queen breaks the spell from the city and the king, A. kills her; the king's daughter accepts A., but the king releases him from service; A. marries a deva's youngest daughter]: 293-304; Chikovani 1954, No. 6 (Kartley, p. Breti) [the king is blind, asks his sons what is fuller, faster, more beautiful; only the youngest son says that spring, harvest, look; the king sends him back his sight; the horse advises to help the king of the West in his the struggle against the king of the East; the envious courtiers of the king of the West order to send a young man to buy ivory to build a palace (the horse tells you to pour wine into the pond, the elephants are drunk), for the king bird (the horse tells you to lie under the heap grains, grab the king bird), for a beautiful woman from the country of Nigozeti; she is a mare, the horse's sister, stronger than him; there is a bone at the door in front of the goat, hay in front of the wolf; they need to change their food, open the closed doors, close - open; the young man grabs the beauty, the doors, the goat, the wolf refuse to help, are happy to change; the horse holds a mare; the beauty asks for a bath with boiling milk, pushes the king, the courtiers into it; the young man gets kingdoms, beauty; horse shows where the drug for blindness (it flew to heaven); father saw the light]: 49-53; Armenians: Ganalanyan 1965:121-133 [hunter's son kills Sham-chrakh with with glowing skin; gives to the king, not the vizier; the king orders to pay, the vizier only beats the young man, persuades the king to give new assignments; the ivory palace (wine was poured into the stream, the elephants became intoxicated, they were killed); a tree of paradise (asks the king for a ship, throws food to the fish, they give wood); Princess Fariza khanum; takes a ship with musicians from the king, sails, takes a strongman as his companions, eats, opivala, a musician, whom sheep dance, rumor; the king's tasks 1) eat a lot; 2) defeat the pahlevans; 3) opilo fills with a gunpowder charge when they want to blow them up; 4) the musician changes poisoned dishes, the servants die; On the ship, the princess throws a handkerchief, knife, needle into the sea; the ship begins to sail back, but the fish return objects; at home, the strongman kills the king and viziers, the hunter marries, becomes king], 134-141 [son of the deceased the fisherman throws nets three times, each time he catches a frog; brings him home to his mother; both wonder who cleans the house; the son spies on how the frog turns into a girl, throws his skin into the fire; the old woman persuades the king to send an army to pick up the girl; the girl destroys the entire army with a sword; the old woman advises the king to ask the young man to bring his mother forty horses; the young man pours wine into the stream, the mare gets drunk, the young man comes in it; bring a wife for the king; on the way, the young man feeds the dog and baklavana, takes as his companions a lake drinking, a hungry miller eating flour, pushing his little finger a millstone, listening, standing on his head; eating everything eats, the dog and baklavan defeat the royal, opilo drinks the water they tried to flood the room with, the young man throws the ring into the poisoned food, separating poison; the king gave his daughter; during this time the king took the young man's wife to his palace, poisoned the water in the bathhouse; the young man collected poison with a ring, pushed the king there, became king, and passed off the girl brought as his baklavan]; Khachatryants 1933 (Ararat Valley) [the royal daughter disappeared, the old woman's daughter found her, the tsar sent Nazir to the stallion Lulizar; the old woman's daughter went to the tsar with the princess; L. ordered the old woman's daughter to ask him as a reward; king: if I give L., I will give my daughter to an old woman's daughter; {here is a logical pass; apparently, the old woman's daughter is wearing men's clothes}; the princess is dissatisfied, the king sends her imaginary son-in-law to bring Brother L.; L.: fill the spring pool with wine, brother will come out of the sea, get drunk, I must tell him that his brother is calling him; Nadir suggests sending his imaginary son-in-law to the devas for 7 years of arrears; L. tells him to tie his tail to marble slab, turns it out, under it devas, arrears in the knot, the girl grabs the knot, leaves for L.; the king sends devas to the mother for a rosary; the girl steals the rosary from the sleeping old woman; she sends a curse: if you are a man, become a woman, if a woman is a man; the princess is happy]: 173-179; Azerbaijanis [Mammad plowed the land; asks the mother who the father was, what was left of him; she says that hunter, the gun and gunpowder were left; M. took the gun and left; chased the gazelle, he ran to the fortress, where the girl was hanged by the hair; pointed to the bottle with the soul of a deva; M. broke the bottle, the devil fell from heaven and died; M. took the girl, took the jewelry, returned to his mother; the girl orders to give gazelle to the king; the king orders the vizier to give M. a lot of gold; the vizier asks M. to share, he refuses; the vizier advises the king to send M. for golden and silver geese; the wife advises to ask the king for a horse, honey and oil at the expense of the vizier; it is necessary to scoop water from the spring, pour honey and oil into it, the geese will be smeared wings and I will not be able to fly; vizier to the king: the daughter of the Indian padishah is missing; wife: this is my sister; let the vizier's money be used to make a ship of gold and silver boards; they sailed to India, Nurjahan- khanum boarded the ship to see him while talking to her sister, the ship sailed away; the tsar married N., cut off the head of the vizier, appointed M.]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:61-66; Turks: Stebleva 1986, No. 20 [padishah is blind; dervish: the cure for your eyes is the land where your horse has not set foot; the eldest son brings land from a hill from behind seven mountains; padishah: I hunted partridges there; middle - from the bottom of the abyss for seven mountains (he went there to hunt ducks); the youngest; the youngest feeds the foal with barley and raisins; rides at night, sees the light, raises a shining wing; horse: it will bring misfortune; Shahzade stopped at the old woman, his wing instead of a lamp; the local padishah forbade lighting the fire; the servants came to Shahzade; he gladly gives his wing to the padishah; he tells him to get the bird itself; this is the padishah birds; you must hide in the remains of a mule; grab the padishah of birds when carrion arrives to peck; shahzade brings a bird; the vizier advises the padishah to tell the young man to build an ivory palace; horse: must pour raki into the pond, the elephants will get drunk; shahzade brought tusks, built a palace; the vizier advises sending him for the Most Beautiful Man in the World; the horse taught her to sneak up on her from behind and beat her with pink twigs; this the girl demands that the padishah bring her mares, bathe in their milk and then become younger; the horse teaches him to cover him with 40 buffalo skins; on the seashore he will fight the sea stallion and he will not gnaw the last skin; she will take mares to the island, you need to take the red and dark bay; the girl began to wash the padishah with the milk of a dark bay mare and only the skeleton was left of him; began to wash the shahzade with milk red-breasted, he found eternal youth; Shahzade brought the land, his father saw the light; they achieved their desires]: 62-69; Kúnos 1901 [the poultry farmer died; the son found his father's snare, caught a crow; she persuaded her let go; a wonderful bird was caught in the snare, the padishah bought it for a lot of money; the vizier advised to demand ivory to build a palace for the bird; the crow advises to ask the padishah for wine, fill the ditches where elephants drink, they will get drunk, fall asleep; the young man brought tusks; but the bird is silent; the vizier advises to tell the young man to deliver the bird to the owner; the crow tells him to ask for the ship, lure the queen to him 40 peri; seeing peri, the bird sang; before the wedding, Peri fell ill: she needed the medicine left in her palace; the vizier suggests sending a young man; the crow gives a pen to touch the two lion guards, they will miss; The young man brought the medicine, came to Peri with the crow; the crow was her punished maid, but now she forgave her; the padishah married her young man and made her a vizier, the former vizier was driven away]: 134-142; Walker, Uysal 1966, No. 4 [son of a late fisherman (SR) catches a turtle shell; someone cooks and cleans the house; SR spies, sees a girl, SR breaks the shell, marries; the king orders to turn off the lights in the city, sees the light coming from the wife of the SR; the vizier advises to give her husband tasks; each time the wife tells you to press the seal against a stone on the seashore, an Arab will come out, fulfill his wishes; 1) bring 10 lions that 10 lions of the king will defeat; 2) feed the city; 3) build a wall with an iron gate around the city; 4) bring a wild mare with 40 foals from the mountains (a bridle appears instead of an Arab; fills the pond with wine; the mare is drunk; the foals followed the mother); 5) the king personally comes up with the task of bringing the sister of the seven giants; the SR's wife cannot help; SR meets Edal, Drinker, Flutist, Omniscient; giants they tell 1) eat 7 meat boilers, 2) drink 7 wineskins of water; 3) give poisoned bread; companions complete tasks: The omniscient knows which bread is poisoned, the Flutist makes the plates dance, change places, the giants are dead; the sister of the giants kills the king's warriors and himself, SR reigns]: 55-63.
Iran - Central Asia. Persians [when dying, the hunter tells his wife to hide his hunting equipment from his son; he accidentally finds it; catches a gazelle, refuses to sell it to the vizier, gives it to the Shahanshah; the insulted vizier suggests 1) send a hunter for another gazelle, a female (brings); 2) for a pair of weasels (Khizr turns peas into weasels); 3) an ivory throne (Khizr teaches you how to pour wine into the lake, elephants got drunk, people got tusks); 4) the daughter of King Peri; H. teaches you to take two ants rolling a ball across the steppe on the way to his companions, an old man standing on one leg and holding a rock on his shoulder (they will give a bunch of hair), an eater of all flour at the mill; companions and ants perform peri tasks (deliver a letter to Iran and back in a day; separate wheat, barley and millet, eat a lot); the young man returns from the peri; 5) the vizier advises sending him visit the deceased fathers of the vizier and shahanshah; the young man promises, invites the vizier and the shahanshah to wait on the throne on a pile of firewood, burns it, marries a peri, reigns]: Osmanov 1958:34-49; Uzbeks in Khorezm [ there were tugai on the site of the Khazarasp fortress and 1,000 winged horses lived; Suleiman-Paikhambar saw them, but Dev Cowes said that only Dev Samandun living at the bottom of the sea could catch them; K. proposed to announce that Suleiman is dead and his throne is free; Samandun came out of the sea, he was captured; he taught him how to pour wine into the pond; the tulpars became intoxicated, Suleiman ordered them to grab them, cut off their wings; then ordered the devas to build a fortress Kharazrasp ("khazor" - a thousand, "asp" - horse]: Snesarev 1973:49.
Volga - Perm. Chuvash [someone tramples on wheat, father tells sons to guard; the eldest, middle fall asleep, the youngest Ivan catches a horse; sells to the king for 3 carts of gold; picks up a golden pen; is hired by the king as a groom ; cleans the horse with a golden pen, he becomes prettier; another groom to the king: I. boasts to get the golden bird itself; the horse advises to put wheat and a barrel of wine on the bird, she is intoxicated, I. brought it; groom: I. boasts get the water's daughter; the horse orders to make a ship moving on water and on land; the water's daughter enters the ship, he takes her away; the water's daughter refuses to leave without a dowry; I. returns to water, he turns into a bull, I. defeats him, brings his whole herd behind him; the water's daughter tells him to swim in boiling milk; I. takes 3 hair from the horse's tail, unharmed; the king is cooked; I. became tsar, married a water daughter]: Chuvash tales 1937:280-283; Udmurts [the couple are 70 years old; a passerby came in and left; after that, the old woman and the mare became pregnant; the old people decided that in their age a son no longer fed, they threw him into the field with the foal; both grew up on their own, the boy rode on a foal; the horse persuades him not to pick up the golden pen, but the boy picked it up; joined the king's service; others out of envy, the servants told the king about the pen; the king demanded that the bird itself be brought; the foal brought the boy to the tree on which the hawk, who had lost its feather, was sitting; ordered him to leave the wine trough, the golden hawk got drunk, the boy brought him to the king; the servants told about the foal, the king ordered him to get a herd of the neighboring king; the foal took the boy there, told him not to look while he fought with the local stallion; the boy looked, the foal fell with its belly bursting; a crow flew on the carrion; the boy caught her; she asked her to let her go, brought live water, the foal came to life; after that, the boy did not watch the foal fights; he defeated the stallion, the boy brought a herd; then the servants persuade him to send the boy for the princess's ring of the kingdom where the herd came from, and then for the princess herself; then the narrator did not remember; at the end The king tells the boy to dive into a cauldron of boiling resin; he dived with a foal, whose snot protected both from tar; then the king and his servants dived, died; the boy reigned and married the princess]: Potanin 1884:227-229.