Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K2A. The hero is brought down to the lower world.

.11.13.-.17.21.-.24.26.-.37. (.39.)

The character descends along a rope to the lower world (into an abyss, a well, etc.). The companions cut the rope, leaving it at the bottom. Usually, the character gets a girl, treasures, etc. and sends them upstairs, and companions cut off the rope to take possession of the loot. See K38, K39, K74 motifs.

Tanga, Zulu, Swahili, Nubians, Malgashi, Berbers of northern Morocco, Kabila, Arabs from Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Maltese, Spanish, Basques, Catalans (incl. Mallorca), Portuguese, Sicilians, Italians (Liguria, Ticino, Veneto), Ladins, Corsicans, French (Dauphine, Lorraine), Walloons, Germans (Hanover, Pomerania, Baden-Würtenberg), Scots, Palestinians, Aramaians, Arabs of Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Tibetans, Amdo Tibetans, Lushi, Viets, Punjabi, Baiga, Muria, Tamils, Bali, Chinese (Qinghai, Jiangsu, Zheqiang, Hubei, Shandong, Manchuria), Koreans, Hungarians, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Serbs, Slovenes, Romanians, Moldovans, Greeks, Albanians, Bosnians, Czechs, Poles, Luzhitans, Russians (Teresky Bereg, Arkhangelskaya, Olonetskaya (Zaonezhye), Karelia, Vologda, Pskov, Moscow, Ryazan, Tambov, Voronezh, Kursk), Western Ukrainians (Transcarpathia), Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, Stavropol Turkmens, Kabardian, Abazins, Adygs, Balkarians, Ossetians, Terek Cossacks, Ingush, Chechens, Nogais, Avars, Udis, Megrelians, Georgians, Armenians, Turks, Azerbaijanis, Kurds, Persians, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Bukhara Arabs, Tajiks, Mountain Tajiks, Shugnans, Vakhans, Yagnobs, Ishkashim, Bartangans, Latvians, Lutsies, Estonians, Setus, Finns, Karelians, Veps, Norwegians, Danes, Swedes, Eastern Sami (Skolts), Western (?) Sami, Komi, Chuvash, Mari, Kazan Tatars, Mordovians, Udmurts, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Uighurs, Salars, Dungans, Chulym Turks, Tuvans, Khalkha Mongols, Inner Mongolian Mongols (Chakhars), Dongxians, Buryats, Mongors, Darhats, Dagurs, Northern (?) Selkups, Mansi, Nganasans, Baikal Evenks, Central (?) Yakuts, Nivkhs, Wilta.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Tanga [three brothers go to look for wives; the eldest, the middle are afraid to go down into the hole, the younger Ugula goes down; there are three sisters downstairs, their father agrees to pass them off as brothers; the brothers raise girls rope, cut off the rope; the girls' father gives W. a Ngalo box, tells him to stand on his head; W. finds himself on the ground in an unfamiliar place; with the help of Ngalo W. turns himself covered with boils poor man; husband and wife make him a slave; all go to the tribe meeting, leaving W. at home; he appears at the meeting in beautiful clothes; he is released; he becomes handsome; tells the king to sort out his case, calling his brothers and those three girls; gets a wife]: Nassau 1915, No. 14:38-41; Zulu [brothers see a long row of pots, the eldest is frightened, the younger turns the pots over; the old woman came out, led to the younger one began to cut down the tree, the cattle came out of the tree; after driving the cattle home, the brothers came to the crevice; the youngest lowered the elder on a rope to get drunk; the elder lowered the younger one, left it, brought the cattle home, said he did not know about his brother; the honey bird led the young man's parents to the crevice; the young man was pulled out, the older brother ran away]: Snegirev 1937:139-141; Swahili [dying, the healer tells his pregnant wife name his son Hassib Carimaddini; he reads his father's books; finds a deep well of honey; when almost all the honey is taken out, the companions refuse to pull out HC, divides the money among themselves; mothers say that the son is eaten by a lion, they take care of her; HC sees a scorpion, finds a hole through which he fell into the hole, comes out into the world; the serpent sultan tells him stories; one about a person to whom the other offers a job: wrap yourself in the skin of a dead camel, the bird lifts it to the rock, you must throw off the gems from there; after receiving the stones, the owner leaves; the man walks, hides the clothes of one of the three who have arrived to swim bird girls, gets married; wife finds her clothes, flies away; he finds his wife; then she dies; the snake sultan sends HC home to his mother; in order for the sultan (people) to recover, you must eat the meat of the sultan of snakes; vizier beat HC, forced snakes to show the way to the Sultan; he orders to give the vizier the first foam when it is cooked, take the second one for himself, give the Sultan a third; the Sultan recovered, HC became a doctor, the vizier died]: Okhotina 1962:112-122.

Sudan-East Africa. Nubians [lying in a puddle, a woman gave birth to a donkey from the seed; Ahmed Son of a Donkey (ASO) beats his wife twice a day, who confirms that he is brave; the old woman advises his wife to answer that there are daredevils better; ASO leaves, meets, takes as companions Eared, Glazed, Angry, Inexhaustible (irrigates the beds with his urine); everyone first replies that if he met ASO, he would fraternize with him; the king sprinkles poison, the Eyed takes away the poisoned pieces; the king sets fire to the house, the Inexhaustible floods; the angry almost killed everyone; the king is ready to give his daughter, the ASO only takes a receipt that they are brave; each the queue cooks, the giant eats everything; when it's ASO's turn, he throws him into the fire, the giant disappears into the well; the ASO goes down the rope, the beauty says that the giant's soul is in the chest, the ASO breaks it; twins pick up, share beauty and treasures, cut off the rope; ASO falls into the fifth underworld; there the crocodile closed the river, gives water in exchange for girls; ASO promises to cause ritual scars to the crocodile on the occasion of eating him and the girl, kills; hides with an old woman, leaving a handprint on the princess's thigh; the king finds the hero, tells the eagle to take him upstairs; there is not enough meat, ASO cuts off a piece from his thigh, gives the eagle; he puts it back; ASO forgives his brothers, returns to his wife]: Katsnelson 1968:78-94; malgashi [the youngest of three brothers is Ramanungawatu ("The One Who Turns Stones"); they decided marry Iranunametsuetsu, a jochery of the leader of the underworld; he killed men who came to him, made a wall of their skulls; there was room for one skull; the elder brother began to descend into the crevice on the vine was frightened; the middle brother was the same; R. defeated the underground army, the leader gave him I.; I. with servants and wealth came out of the crevice; after that, the brothers cut off the vines, took the wife and goods R.; birds they stopped singing, the country fell into disrepair, R.'s dog howled at the crevice; demanded that Zanahari (the supreme god) revive R.; he did so; with black fat, R. came unrecognized; then washed away the grease; brothers fled]: Rodman 1965:157-161.

North Africa. The Berbers of northern Morocco [a seven-headed demon ravages the Sultan's garden; Muhammad, the youngest of two sons, wounded the demon, walked the bloody trail to the well, his brother lowered him down; M. frees two princesses, the youngest gives him a ring (if you turn, a white dog will appear and take him to the ground) and a rod (calls a black dog to carry him down)]: Cosquin 1922:493-494; kabila [the king has three wives: black woman, Arab woman; apple tree blooms in the garden in the morning, bears fruit in the evening, but apples disappear; the son of the cabin guards, did not notice anything; the son of an Arab woman is the same; the son of a black woman grabs a bird by the tail, the feathers remain in his hands; they bring them to his father, everyone sings; the father demands to get the bird itself; the mother gives a ball to follow; the brothers refuse to follow the black woman's son; meets an old woman; she teaches you to go to the city, take a bird, but without a cage; he takes a golden cage; a ghoul tells you to get a spirit horse; an old woman teaches not to take bridles; a young man took it; the king of spirits orders to get a cannibal's daughter; an old woman teaches to venerate the cannibal's breasts; the cannibal demands a hundred camels and a hundred camels for her daughter; the old woman teaches to take no more than a hundred; he brings camels to the cannibal; she gives a daughter and leaves the camels to the young man too; the same with everyone - he gets everything he gets; meets brothers; they let him down the well to get water; there's another world; women are afraid that the cannibal will eat the young man; one warns that the cannibal will give a choice of two dagger: with a golden handle and a wooden handle; the young man took it from the gold and cut the ogre in half, refusing to strike a second blow; the young man sends the woman upstairs; she gave her ring: the brothers will betray you; They really cut off the rope; a young man comes to an old woman; her goat has black milk: she eats coal and earth, there is nothing else; tells her not to herd it on foreign land; the young man goes with the goat exactly there, the milk has turned white; the eagle's nest, the snake crawls to eat the chicks; the young man killed the snake with a knife; the bird orders to prepare meat, carried the young man to the ground; he came to his father; the brothers were tied to the horse's mane; their heads were made stones for the hearth, from hand - coal mixers]: Rivière 1882, No. 10:235-244; Algerian Arabs: Belamri 1982 [ghoul steals apples from the Sultan's garden; three sons are guarding; the youngest shot at the ghoul; the brothers came by a bloody trail to a crevice in the mountains; the youngest was lowered on a rope; below is the Ghoul's palace, with three kidnapped princesses; the ghoul offers to drink a pool of water and eat a couscous pool; the prince begs Allah, his pools are empty; the ghoul decides that he and the prince are equal; the prince hacked the ghoul; sends the princesses upstairs; the youngest gives his ring; if he is turned, white and black rams will appear, they will begin butt; you have to jump on the white man's back, but the black one will take him to the seventh lower world; the brothers did not pick up the young man, told the princesses to confirm that he had been killed by a ghoul; the young man accidentally jumped on the black ram, was downstairs; came to an old woman, she has 7 sons; has been living there for 7 years, became bored; seven asked the eagle to take the guest to the ground; the old woman cooked 7 pancakes and 7 servings of meat; with a rise to each underground the eagle tier must be fed; the young man dropped the last portion, cut off and gave the eagle a piece of his flesh; eagle: the last portion is fresh, I would throw you off if I hadn't promised to take you to the ground; on the ground, the young man saw the cave is the daughter of the Sultan, she is given to be eaten by a 7-headed snake; every year, having received another victim, the snake gives the townspeople a portion of water; the young man fell asleep, the girl's tear woke him up; after each cut off the snake's heads says that the young man cut off only the first (second, etc.), and the one that the serpent received only the first (second, etc.) blow of the sword; the girl picked up the boy's lost shoe; after killing the snake, the young man came to the city, stayed in the madrasah; the sultan promises a reward to anyone who proves that he killed the snake; many come, but the shoe does not fit them, they cut off their heads; when a young man in one shoe comes, he The second came up, the sultan gave him a daughter and half the kingdom; an unrecognized young man came to his hometown; there was just the wedding of his brothers with the rescued princesses; the sultan recognized his son; expelled his older brothers; the young man received all three princesses, began to live with four wives]: 36-45; Cosquin 1922 (Blida) [three princes take turns guarding an apple tree from which someone steals fruit; the youngest injures efreet, comes to the crevice, his they go down; the freed princesses advise you to get up by yourself first, but the young man sends them first; the brothers cut off the rope; one gives a ring, tells you to return to the palace, there are two goats, you have to jump on white; a young man accidentally touches black, enters the lowest world, comes to an old woman; a bird brings a young man to the upper world]: 493; Nowak 1969, No. 175 [a bird drops its golden pen; a king sends three sons get a bird; the younger one tonsured and combed the gulya (Dämon), for which he brings him to the garden, where there are golden birds; the ghoul orders to take only one, but the young man grabs the second, is captured, brought to the local king; he agrees to give the bird in exchange for a horse; taking the horse, the young man again violates the ban on the ghoul; he will receive a horse in exchange for a pomegranate; they demand the Jewish princess for the horse; the young man gets it, the ghoul takes her form, the young man gets a pomegranate and the ghoul returns; in the same way, the young man gets a horse and a bird, keeping the princess; meets brothers who have become poor laborers; on the way home, they lower the youngest into the well, where he saves three sisters from the demon's hands; brothers pull the girls out, leave the boy underground, tell his father that the youngest is dead; the princess becomes a black slave, and the bird's feathers are made of gold turn white; the youngest saves the girl; she brings him to her city {on the ground, not underground}, gives him three magical hairs, he is hired by a jeweler; sends three objects from the underworld to the palace; Seeing them, the girls realize that their savior is alive; he burns one hair, a horse and a luxurious robe appear; the young man comes to his father, exposes his brothers; gets the throne; the black woman is done again princess, and the bird is golden; when he reigns, the young man expels his brothers, makes the jeweler pasha]: 179-181; Algeria [the sage advises the sultan to give each of the seven wives an apple, and each of the barren mares hit with a stick; foals, five beautiful sons, a black man, a blind daughter will be born; the sister asks the brothers to bring soap to the daughter of the Christian Chief, she will wash their eyes, see the light; at the fork, the black man walks one at a time on the road, the rest of the brothers on the other, fall into the service of a coal burner; a black man kills a ghoul, feeds ghoul meat to a blind vulture; he suggests that the chicks take the black man to Christians; the elder chick replies that he will need a year, the youngest that will turn out in a day; on the way, the black man feeds the flying chick with ghoul meat; the black man tells the Jew to make a golden rooster, inside the rooster he penetrates the sleeping girl, exchanges soap and rings with her, flies back to his horse at the fork; from the pen left under the stone, he learns that the brothers have not returned; takes them away from the coal burner; they invite him to go down to get water, cut off the rope; the muezzin notices the horse at the well, the horse helps to pull the black man out; the daughter of the Christian Leader comes to the Sultan, cuts off the heads of the traitor brothers, tells the Sultan to find a son; he has a muezzin; she takes a black man as her husband, takes him to her father]: Hasluck 1925, No. 4:173-177; Tunisia [after the king's death, a widow] gave birth to Mohammed; he is incredibly strong; kills the ruler's warriors; leaves wander; meets, companions Upside Down Mountain and Fettäl Elhebäl (Rotating Ropes {? Seildreher}); they enter the castle, where the treasures take turns cooking; every time an old woman comes, ties up and hits the rest; when it's M.'s turn, he cuts off the old woman's head; her head rolls away disappears into the well; companions descend M. down; there are three kidnapped princesses; M. killed the demon kidnapper, sends the princesses upstairs, each gave him 2 nuts; lifting M., the companions cut off the rope, took for himself as a princess, and the third was presented to the Sultan; he appointed them viziers; M. split one nut, there he was an assistant, brought M. to the Sultan's city; M. hired a tailor; the princess demands a dress without seams and pins, otherwise they will not marry; the Sultate tells the tailor to make them, M. calls an assistant spirit, who brought dresses; the princesses realized that M. has returned; M. demands a black horse and a black outfit from the spirit; came to the merrymaking, grabbed the bride, flew away with her on horseback; the next two days, the same with two other princesses - M. on a red horse, on a white horse; the last time he was wounded in the arm with an arrow; thanks to this, he was found; appears to the Sultan, wearing the Sultan's robe himself; the deceivers are executed, one princess was received by M., the second sultan, the third sultan allowed to give to whoever M. wanted; made him a vizier]: Spiess 1893, No. 1:3-13; Libyan Arabs (Tripoli) [the old man gave the judge 12 apples for his childless wife to eat them and give birth to 12 children; she eats 11 and half of the last, giving the other sister; gives birth to 11 normal sons and one boy- half; they go to marry their father's brother's 12 daughters; the half warns that they did not come to the uncle, but to the ogre; he covers his wife with red and his daughters with a white veil; the half put a red veil for daughters, and white for his brothers; also changed the hats of the cannibal's brothers and daughters; at night, the ogre's wife kills her daughters instead of brothers, only the latter wakes up and talks to the mother about it; brothers they run away, come to their real uncle; brothers get a bride, Half is the youngest and most beautiful of them; brothers, out of envy, tell him to go down to the well and cut off the rope; the fish gives him scales call her for help; on the way home, the Half meets the ogre's wife, who brings him to her; he advises the ogre to fatten him first; then asks to invite other cannibals to the feast, and he remains to cut wood, to bake it; asks the cannibal daughter to help, kills her with an ax, runs away, hides in an iron tower; tells the cannibal who has run up to collect all the cannibals - let them bring firewood, lay the tower, it will burn in it ; when the tower was hot, the cannibals themselves burned down; and the Half above was unharmed; he began to lift the cannibal on a rope, cut it off, the cannibal fell, crashed; on the way home, Half met another cannibal; she said that today his wife is being remarried; says she will help her promise to give her first child; put her older brother on her back, transferred her older brother to his wife, Half; became a scorpion and bit her brother to death; the father tells Polovinka that his brothers said that he was killed; the boy grew up, the cannibal met him, asked him to remind his father of his promise; the boy forgot; then she put on a ring on his finger; his mother asked where it came from, he told him everything, his parents sent him to the cannibal; a year later, his father went to visit his son; he says he found a better father and mother; the cannibal promises that She will not take away new children from Half]: Stumme 1898, No. 3:93-104; Egypt [parallels to the Palestinian fairy tale Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 3]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989:330-331.

Southern Europe. Maltese (many options; it is difficult to restore specific texts in detail from the paraphrase) [someone steals golden apples; the elder, middle princes fall asleep (or for some other reason I can't grab the thief), the younger one injures a many-headed monster, follows a bloody trail to a cave, a failure, etc.; brothers lower him down on a rope; brothers leave and carry the rope; or companions, not brothers, they they throw a rope, but the hero tied a stone instead of himself just in case; the shepherd tells the hero to jump on a white ram, but he accidentally jumps on a black ram, falls even lower; he feeds hungry chicks mighty eagle, they explain how to open the heavy iron door; or their grateful mother explains everything; this eagle is the guardian of three girls; one of them tells you to choose the rusty sword to fight the monster; his body shines because he eats gold; the eagle takes the hero and girl to the ground, he feeds and water her, cuts off the last piece from his leg, the eagle puts it back; the elder prince wants to marry the youngest of the rescued girls; she requires the groom to have a seamless dress, etc. (the hero has it); the king asks the youngest son to punish the elders; they are cooked alive or skinned, used as a rug, or napkins]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 301:33-41; Spaniards [father consistently warns three sons not to go to the service of a red-beard; he paints his beard black; makes a fire in the forest, an abyss opens, the sorcerer lowers the servant on a rope to get treasures, cuts off the rope after the treasures are picked up, the servant breaks; Ricardo's younger brother does not sit in the last basket that the sorcerer picks up, does not break; finds the bones of the brothers; asks the giant not to kill him; he does not tell him to enter the same room; R. comes in, sees three doves turn into girls, bathe; the giant knows about it, tells you to hide clothes you like; allows you to marry the White Dove (BG), gives a box with its plumage, warns you not to open it; returns to her parents, gives the box mother; his wife persuades her to open, flies away with plumage on; R. returns to the giant, who gives a nut, refers her to another giant, the Giant Master; his wife turns R. into an ant so that he overheard her husband tell us where BG is; gives an acorn; R. overcomes the sea, the fire wall, the thorns; the walnut turns into a palace, he gives them to sorcerers for their help; they solder it with a potion, BG can't wake up; warns not to drink potions during the day; R. does not sleep, breaks the lantern, thereby disrupting BG; lives with her in the castle]: Malinovskaya 2002:102-109; Basques [the girl was stolen by a bear, she gave birth to a son; he he pushed the rock that blocked the entrance to the cave, killed the bear to the village; he is too strong; asks him to make a hammer, breaks him; the other, heavier, is good; goes wandering; meets, takes a man as his companion, picking up a rock so as not to fall on the church; leveling mountains; they see a gap in the ground; they lower one, he tells him to lift him back; then Juan Oso (HO) breaks the door below, behind her the princess; she tells choose a rusty sword if the devil offers a choice; XO takes a rusty one, cuts off the devil's ear; the companions are gone, there is no rope; XO bites the devil's ear, he appears, understands them to the ground; XO forgot his hammer below , the devil brings; they come to the princess's village; she says she's cursed because she dropped the icon (? habiendo recibido al Señor y llevado en la boca del portico de la iglesia, lo lancé fuera); HO says that there is a toad under the portico stone, abandoned in her mouth; the princess got it, went beyond XO]: Barandiaran 1962a, No. 29:108-112; Catalans [the son of a bear and a woman kidnapped by that woman is extremely strong, goes to wander, meets, companions the Pine Puller, Listening, Moving mountains, blowing; they stay in the house and cook one by one; the owner hits the cook and spoils the food every time; the hero defeats the one who follows the bloody trail to the well; when he goes down, he meets a princess kidnapped by a giant; she advises you to choose a rusty sword to fight; after killing a giant, the hero sends the princess upstairs; his companions throw him in the lower world; he returns using the one he has cut off giant's ear]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 301:61-64; Portuguese [the son of a bear and a woman kidnapped by him grows up quickly eating donkey milk; when he sets off, takes an iron club; meets He takes companions from the Pine Digger, the Comparing Mountains, etc.; they come to the house in the forest, each one stays at home in turn; the monster comes, defeats the cook, throws ash into the food; the hero defeats him, He descends into the abyss; in the lower world, he defeats monsters, choosing a rusty sword instead of a new one, frees three kidnapped princesses, sends them upstairs; his companions leave the hero below; he rises to the ground, biting the monster's ear, forcing him to obey and flies up, or on the back of a bird that gives a piece of his own flesh; princesses must marry, at which time the hero comes and shows rings or other items that the princesses gave him; or raises a sword that no one else can lift; the hero marries one of the princesses, the companions are punished]: Cardigos 2006, No. 301:56; Sicilians: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 36 [someone steals apples from the royal garden; the eldest son guards, falls asleep; the same middle son; the youngest cuts off a hand that stretches across the fences; in the morning the brothers see the well, only the youngest decided to go down; killed the sleeping giant, freeing three princesses; the brothers pick them up on a rope; when the young man should get up, they cut off the rope, but he tied them stone; the younger princess must wait for it for a year, a month and a day; the old king is blind with grief, he will be cured by the water of Fata Morgana; the brothers went to look, they did not find it; in the lower world, a horse (this is FM's brother) teaches the younger Brother put an iron rod into the gate, which then slams open; then slam; a roll of wet paper into moving scissors; throw half a goat to two lions; FM water is her sweat pouring out springs; grenades nearby, three fruits must be picked; the young man did everything, and also went to the castle, kissed the sleeping FM; FM and lions are chasing, but the horse tells me to throw grenades; they turn into a river, a mountain, a mountain of fire ; FM returns; the young man meets the brothers, they take away a bottle of water, the king sees the light, divides the kingdom between his eldest sons; the youngest is imprisoned with the horse; he orders to beat and cut him; a young man appears - brother FM; the younger smashes enemies, forgives brothers, but takes the kingdom for himself; is FM, recognizes the young man as the one who kissed her, marries her brother to the boy's sister], 38 [ the elder prince goes with his father to the magnificent valley, wants to stay in his father's house; at night he hears a roar, runs out, the house collapses, he returns home in horror; the same with the middle one; the younger one is indifferent When a wild man appears, he disappears; the brothers find a well; only the youngest dares to go down; kills a sleeping wild man, freeing three princesses; the youngest gives him a ring, it is magical a stick; the brothers pick up the girls, leave the youngest one below; he calls an eagle with a stick, cooks meat, climbs the eagle to the ground; there is not enough meat, he cuts off his arms and legs; the eagle puts them on back; the youngest is hired by a tailor; the princess's ring glitters, which means that her savior is close; demands a dress, an imaginary tailor's apprentice creates it with a magic wand; the king summons men, the youngest the princess must throw a handkerchief at the groom; she throws them at the dirty apprentices; the king resettles them; the brothers hunt, the imaginary apprentice beats the game, gives it to the brothers, putting marks on their shoulders; everything opens, the king leaves the throne to the younger, expels the elders]: 234-242, 252-262; Gonzenbach 2004a, No. 7 [three princesses are missing; two generals went in search, wasted all their money, stayed in the tavern; then the poor soldier Bensurdatu went; bought the generals' clothes, took them with him; the old woman said that the two older princesses were kidnapped by two giants, and the younger dragon, all of them at the bottom of the abyss; The generals tried to descend on a rope, frightened by the noise and rumble; B. went down, cut off the heads of the sleeping giants, defeated the dragon by cutting off its seven heads, sent the princesses upstairs; when it was B. , the generals kept his rope on him; told the king that they had released the princesses, married two elders; B. found a bag that fulfilled his wishes, she carried him to the ground; sailed on a luxurious ship; even the youngest princess did not recognize him at first; he is marrying her]: 26-31; Italians (Liguria): Andrews 1895, No. 40 [husband worked in the woods, his wife took lunch, got lost, and found a cave at nightfall to take refuge; a bear came and married her; when Jean was eight years old, his mother returned home with him and they moved to town; he was taught to a shoemaker, then to a blacksmith, but he is too strong, everything is awkward; forged a huge iron club for himself and went on a journey; met and accompanied 1) playing with millstones, 2) rearranging mountains; they stopped in an empty castle, cooking in turn; from Someone goes down the chimney and hits the cook until he loses consciousness; Jean beat him himself; friends found a hole in the ground, only Jean decided to go down; there is a girl, Jean sends her to the surface, she gives a ring that will take you anywhere; the same with the second girl (magic tablecloth); the old man and the third girl are not happy with Jean, the girl called the servants, he killed them; at this time, Jean's companions left, picking up the girls ; Jean told the ring to move it to the ground, killed his companions, married one of the girls raised], 63 [the princess is gone; the king promises her to whoever finds her; a soldier named Copper Mustache (MU) took it make; took friends named Iron Heart and Dismember Bones; castle in the forest; old woman: they do not leave it alive; those who come cook one by one; an old woman comes, asks to let her warm up by the fire, beats who let her in; MU cuts off her fingers, pursues her; in the garden she raised the millstone and disappeared into the hole; the companions try to go down on a rope, but MU is not afraid; the princess gives him her handkerchief; the sorcerer appeared, Moo killed him in a saber duel, sent the princess upstairs; his companions are arguing about who will get her; they cut off the rope; but MU expected it and tied not himself, but a stone; MU finds that old woman, threatens to kill him if she doesn't lift him to the ground; she puts him on her back and flies to the ground; gives him boots by leaps and bounds to make it to the princess's wedding with one of her companions; Mu shows her handkerchief and marries himself on the princess]: 181-186, 309-318; the Italians [two senior princes do not even take the youngest Salvatore with them; then ask him to go down to the well and leave him there; there the old woman tells him to open the doors; they are followed by three princesses; the eldest gives an apple, a medium pomegranate, a younger crown who fulfill wishes; he kills the sorcerer, does not drink water (the drinkers are petrified); the king sends his sons to find the youngest; they they put a rope into the well, pick up the princesses, leave Salvator; he tells the apple to lift it to the ground; in some versions, the hero climbs a bird, feeds it in flight; the meat runs out, he cuts off the flesh from his leg, or the whole leg; on the ground, the bird regurgitates the swallowed, puts it back; S. hires a blacksmith, makes a crown for the younger princess, she calls him husband, the other two princesses as savior]: Crane 1885, No. 7:36-40; Italians (Ticino) [father sent his son to study to be a blacksmith; he is so strong that he broke an anvil; forged an iron staff for himself, went to wander; took as companions of a man who broke trees with a wooden staff and threw millstones into the sea; they were told about a castle from which they do not return; they come there, cook one by one; the owner comes, the cook hits him, but the food burns; everyone tells his comrades that he suffered from his stomach; when the blacksmith's apprentice remains, he hits the person who comes so hard that he shows a well; if you go down, you can save the three below princesses; the blacksmith's apprentice goes down, frees the princess from the chains, sends her upstairs in the basket; she left a silver apple to the savior; the same with the second princess (gives a golden apple), with the third ( diamond); the blacksmith's apprentice is left below; princesses are brought to the king; weddings in a year and one day; both elders demand silver and golden apples from the groom, they show only rough copies; student the blacksmith went out, went to earth; the king gave him the younger princess, punished the deceivers]: Keller 1981:224-228; Widter et al. 1866, No. 4 (Veneto) [the king ordered three wonderful trees to be planted in the garden, but every morning someone pulls them out of the ground; the eldest son guards them; at midnight, the trees jump out of the ground themselves, the coffin arrives accompanied by four men; the queen runs away in horror; the middle son also; the youngest is not afraid, asks what this means; the man replies that treasures are buried in this place; in the morning, the brothers dug up a coffin full of treasures; the youngest went down the underground entrance, came to the palace; there are three beauties in the yard; the young man sent them upstairs, and his brothers decided not to lift them, cut off the rope; the old woman gave him a ring that fulfilled his wishes; he wished to return to earth, but not to the palace, where his brothers; became a jeweler; the king promises girls to the winners of the tournament; the young man asked the ring for a horse and a combat outfit; was the winner, got the most beautiful girl; when he knelt in front of king, he recognized his son by his mole; his older brothers were expelled]: 20-23; Corsicans: Massignon 1984, No. 7 [the king does not allow his daughter to leave the house; one day she went out into the garden, a flower came down from the sky, she smelled it and disappeared; they're looking for her everywhere; one of the bereytors, Ghjuanigula ("Jean-Nicolas"), takes two companions with him, goes looking; in the hut they take turns cooking; everyone comes a dwarf, hits the cook, eats everything; when G. stays, he hits a dwarf, follows him to the stone under which there is a hole; G. goes down, the companions stay at the top; G. finds himself in another world, there are many boys and girls, including a princess; she says that the dwarf is wounded and sleeping, first you have to break the glass in which his soul is; G. does so, sends everyone upstairs; then sends a heavy stone; the companions think it's G., cut off the rope; G. finds an old lamp, rubs it, the spirit from the lamp, which fulfills his wishes, carries him to the ground; under the guise of a bastard, G. remains working in the royal stable; easily calmed down his horse, which no one could approach; the king will give his daughter to someone who rides a wide ditch on horseback; G. asks the lamp three times for himself and his horse for metal armor - first bronze, then silver, then gold; the king prepares his daughter's wedding; G. tells the lamp to make sure that there is crap on the plates instead of food; he invites himself to be a cook, the dishes are great, he appears to the guests in bronze clothes; then in silver and gold; the princess recognizes him; the king gives G. his daughter and crown; the companions who betrayed G. were smeared with resin and burned], 42 [on Christmas night someone steals oranges from a tree in the royal garden; the eldest, middle sons hide from the thunderstorm in the house; the middle one shoots a white eagle, which falls somewhere in the meadow; the brothers raised a stone, the youngest went down rope; consistently meets girls in marble, silver, gold palaces, sends them upstairs; the youngest gives her ring, tells no one to hug, otherwise she will forget everything; when she wants to get up himself, the brothers throw the rope; the youngest finds the girls' father {is this the eagle?} , heals his wounds with ointment, he promises to raise him to the ground, tells him to shoot a stock of thrushes; returns for the first time; the second time he reaches the ground, but the young man cut off the last three pieces of meat from his own calves , then cured him with ointment; when he returned, his mother hugged him sleeping; but when he saw the ring given in the bowl, he remembered everything; the wedding, the younger queen and his wife receive the crown], 71 [someone steals pears at night; the eldest, middle sons guard and fall asleep; the youngest sees his hand reach out, cuts it off, follows it into a hole under a stone; there is the sorcerer's palace, the princess he kidnapped, and both brothers (whose hand is also his hand pulled underground); princess: when the sorcerer's eyes are open, he sleeps (and vice versa); you have to change your sword and his sword, which is under the sorcerer's pillow; the young man did so, they began to fight, he killed the sorcerer; the same in the next underground tier (there is another princess kidnapped by another sorcerer); in the third (this sorcerer has 7 heads); the older brothers pulled the girls out and left the brother downstairs; the dog pulled the young man to land; at this time, older brothers are arguing about who will take the younger princess; she points to her real savior; wedding], 100 []: 14-18, 93-97, 157-159, 215-221; ladins [three knights went look for adventure; failure in the forest; one asked others to let him down on a rope; there's a princess; a knight defeated a one-headed dragon, then a three-headed dragon, then a seven-headed dragon; sent the girl upstairs; not trusting the companions, hung a piece of tree trunk on a rope in their place; they cut off the rope; the fox offered to hold it by the tail and brought the knight to the surface; he came to the palace where the wedding was being prepared one of the deceivers with the princess; hired him in the kitchen and threw the ring she gave him into the princess's food; the king gave the knight a daughter and a throne; the liars were torn apart by horses]: Jecklin 1878:100-103; frets: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 68 [three princesses begged their father to let them go for a walk and are gone; the king promises daughters to their saviors; three poor young men come to an uninhabited castle; when the elder cooks, the old man comes, the cook is horrified; tells his returning comrades that he has a heart disease; the same with the second young man; the third threatens the old man with a sword, he leaves; the companions failed in ground, they lowered the third on a rope; he killed dragons with three, five, seven heads, carved out and took their tongues with him, freed three princesses; the youngest gave him a ring; he sent them upstairs; the companions did not they lowered his rope, decided to say that they had released the princesses; an old man brought the youngest to the ground; he hired a baker, put the ring in the cake; the princess found him, everything was clarified; to the young man's companions beheaded]: 187-193; Uffer 1973, No. 1 [three young men went in search of a princess kidnapped by dragons; reached a deep crevice; the youngest asked to be lowered on a rope; there is a princess; there is a princess; Dragons with one, two, seven heads appeared successively, the young man cut off their heads; the princess gave her ring; the companions picked it up; decided to throw the young man down, but he guessed them intentions, tied a stone; when the companions cut off the rope, the stone fell and shattered to pieces; a gray fox appeared, told her to hold on to its tail, brought it to the ground; the young man came to the palace, where he was preparing the princess's wedding with an imaginary savior; persuaded him to leave him in the kitchen; threw a ring into the princess's food; she ordered the young man to be called, the wedding opened; each of the companions was torn apart by four horses]: 5-7 (=Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 11:50-53).

Western Europe. French: Cosquin 1886, No. 1 []: 1-6; Joisten 1991, No. 3 (Dauphine) [a pregnant wife and her husband went to the forest for firewood, the bear took the woman, closed her out of the cave with a stone; the woman gave birth to a son, When he is seven years old, he fell off a stone, he and his mother ran home; his children tease him Jean de l'Ours, he hits them; tells his father to order a 10-ton iron stick to the blacksmiths, leaves wander; meets, travels 1) an ax felting trees with one blow (Jean-Woodcutter, railway), 2) Jean the Fearless (RC); only MF can climb a huge tree, you can see an iron castle from him, they they break through its wall, eat and drink; the next morning the railway remains to cook, the seven-headed cannibal (Mâgou) comes, beats the railway, the ogre's sister serves him food; the same with the RC; MF blows his head off, takes his healing ointment; twins find the ogre's sister, learn about the three kidnapped princesses, kill their sister; only MF can go down through the hole leading to the lower world (RC and railway tell them to pick them up, it's too hot or it's cold); the old woman advises saving the princesses, they are taken upstairs when they raise the MF, the twins cut off the rope; the MF crashed, but was healed with the ogre's ointment; the old woman says that the cannibal climbed an eagle; MF prepares meat, throws the eagle into its beak while it carries it; the meat is over, it cuts off its buttocks, treats itself with ointment; MF prepares meat for the eagle again, which brings it to the mountain, from where it can be seen city with princesses; MF manages to take a seat at the altar instead of the railway, beats him, marries a princess]: 58-64; Walloons [the king's three daughters are missing; he promises his daughter's hand to the savior; the soldier goes searching, but losing everything at the inn; the same is different; the officer finds them and takes them as companions; they say that the robbers robbed them; they come to the well, there is a dwarf; the soldier comes down right away He tells him to be brought back; the same is the second; the officer goes down, kills the kidnapper, sends three girls upstairs; their companions pick them up, leaving the officer below; he found the whistle, blew, perfume appeared, ready to do anything; princesses refuse to marry soldiers before they get their gold crowns back; an officer who returns to earth is hired by a jeweler, tells him to take the crown to the king; when comes by himself, the elder princess recognizes him as his savior; the deceivers were burned at the stake, the officer married the elder princess and became a prince]: Laport 1932, no.*301D: 39-41; Germans (Hanover) [wife the shepherd was looking for a cow, got lost, spent the night in a cave; a bear came there; when he left, he blocked the exit with a stone; she gave birth to a boy, at 9 months he was already grown up, incredibly strong; they went down to the village people drove the bear away; the boy was baptized by Peter Beer ("bear", PM); he forged a huge iron club for himself, went on a journey; the boulder thrower replies that he is weak compared to PB; he says that he is PB, takes him as his companions; another strongman ties and unties an iron stake (same); a third uproots trees (same); they live in a house in the forest, stay queues to cook; a long-bearded dwarf asks for food, eats everything and hits the cook; when it's PB's turn, he tied him to the bed with his beard; companions came, everyone ate; the dwarf cut off his beard, ran, disappeared into the well; PB ordered him to be lowered in the basket; there is an old woman; you can see a castle through the window; an old woman: a princess kidnapped by four giants in it; PB killed them with his club; the princess gave them a handkerchief and a ring; you can see another castle through the window, where the first princess's sister, with 8 giants with her; (still the same); the window shows the castle where her younger sister is guarded by a fire-breathing seven-headed dragon; PB killed 4 giant guards, then a dragon, then 12 more giants sitting at a table in the hall; healed his wounds with the ointment given by the old woman; the companions pulled out the princesses; for the fourth time, PB put a stone in his place, just in case; the companions dropped a stone from above and cut off the rope; PB makes the old woman tell her how to get out; she has a dragon, but must be fed in flight; cut off the last piece from her leg; healed the wound old woman with ointment; the king promises a thousand ducats to the one who will bring the rings for the rescued princesses they had when they were kidnapped; PB hired a jeweler, drank and ate at night, and gave rings in the morning, as if made them; the princesses learned from them that their savior was not far away; then appeared disguised as a beggar, showed his scarves; the king married him to his youngest daughter, and after his death, PB inherited the throne]: Colshorn, Colshorn 1854, No. 5:18-30; the Germans (Hanover) [drummer, corporal and sergeant spent the night in the forest in a tree; the sergeant saw light in the distance; they came to the castle; the table was set there; at midnight there was a rumble, and then again silence; they stayed there to live; take turns cooking; a bearded dwarf appears, asks for food, beats the cook; when it is the sergeant's turn, he ripped out part of the dwarf's beard, depriving him of his strength; they came on a bloody trail to the hole; the drummer was the first to lower - the rope was short; they took a longer one, the corporal climbed - the same; the sergeant, the long rope, went down, there was an old woman; sent it to the eldest kidnapped princess; she gave strong water, and the giant who came was sleepy; the sergeant cut off his head, the princess gave her handkerchief with a silver star; the second princess (gave a golden apple); the youngest had a seven-headed dragon; the battle was three days, the princess gives strong water to everything; the sergeant cut off all 7 heads, took his tongues, the princess gave a handkerchief with diamond stars; the companions picked up only the princesses; the sergeant descended into a world below this one, where they live dwarfs; ready to make the sergeant their king, but they cannot raise her to the ground; advised to contact an old woman, she has a vulture bird; the sergeant feeds her in flight; on the ground he came to the wedding of two elders princesses; companions told them to call them saviors; the soldier talks about everything, shows tongues, scarves, an apple; marries a younger princess; forgave his companions and married his elders]: Wolf 1845, No. 21:93 -105; Germans (Pomerania) [a son born to a peasant walks and talks immediately; tells the pastor to call him Sonderbar ("extraordinary", Z.); his parents gave him supplies and sent him to wander; carries loaded carts through the water; ordered a huge iron club for the blacksmith; bent it, hitting a rock; ordered a new one - even harder; meets, takes as companions 1) putting mountains one on another; 2) uprooting trees; juggling millstones; gives everyone to hold their club: they cannot do it; noticing a light from the tree, the strongmen came to the house; it has a kitchen and a room; they they hunt and take turns cooking; a dwarf comes, asks for food, beats the cook and eats everything; Z. pinched the dwarf's beard, split the tree and knocked out a wedge; he tore off his beard and left; a bloody trail reaches for a hole in the ground; there is a rope with a basket; satellites can't, Z. descends; he went down so long that winter and summer changed; to test the satellites, Z. sent a stone in the basket up; those the rope was cut off, the stone fell and shattered; the princess in the castle, there were three bridges to it, along which three-, six, nine-headed dragons; Z. easily killed the three-headed and hardly the six-headed; princess gave to drink strong water, Z. managed to raise the sword that hung above the well; Z. waited for the 9-headed man to fall asleep with his heads on the princess's knees, threw it away and cut off his heads; the dwarf: to return to earth, we must feed the chicks of a huge bird; its flight to the upper world takes so long that the chicks starve to death every time; Z. fed the chicks, they hid it, and it opened after the father bird promised that he would not eat it; he took Z. and the princess in his claws and flew; Z. threw food for him, a piece was not enough, cut off his legs from his calf; this piece is especially tasty; when the bird found out what was going on, the bird regurgitated it and put it back; Z. killed traitors and companions with a club, brought the princess to her father and married her; they are alive unless they die]: Jahn 1891, No. 19:120-128; Germans (Baden-Württemberg) [Hans Bear is terribly strong; hires a peasant to bring firewood from the forest; brought all the spruce trees at once together with the oxen who died from strain; they ordered him to dig up a garden - he made a bunch of trees with manure; decided to ask him to dig a deep a well, throw a millstone on top of it; he dug a well with his fingers, climbed out from the millstone around his neck; the peasant's wife did not want to feed such a gluttonous, he tore off her head; the peasant then sent to get it three of the most beautiful women; Hans met a shoemaker and tailor on the way, put them in his backpack; they settled in a house in the woods; the tailor was the first to watch the fire; the witch came out of the chimney, extinguished fire, beat the tailor; same with the shoemaker; Hans hit the witch against the wall until she said where the three most beautiful women were; showed a hole in the ground; the tailor and shoemaker brought Hans down there; he sent upstairs the first woman, the companions got into a fight over her; when he sent the second, they reconciled, but threw the log down and took the women away; below, Hans beat the witch against the wall until she told me where the way out was; with the third woman caught up with the kidnappers, took the first two and brought them all to the peasant, killed him, lived with three women; he was the son of a giant's daughter and a princely son]: Hubrich-Messow 1988, No. 41:74-76; Scots [three giants carried the king's daughters to the underworld; to get there, you have to build a ship moving on water and land; the widow's eldest son is going to build; the mother asks if he should give him a small loaf with or without a big one, he chooses a big one; cuts a tree, Uruisg (a mermaid) comes out of the water, asks for bread, the young man does not give it; a felled tree is reborn; the same with the middle brother; the youngest takes a small bread, feeds the mermaid, she tells her to come in a year and a day - the ship will be ready; the young man sails on it, takes opivala, ate, rumor as companions; the rumor determines the place under who are giants underground; they go down; the first giant will give the queen if anyone drinks more than him, the second will eat more; drink and eat, the giants burst; the third demands for the young man to spend a year and a day with him; then the young man's companions go upstairs, raise the queens, leave the widow's son below; the giant tells the eagle to pick up the young man; he returns twice because there is not enough food , you have to wait another year and a day; the third time a young man cuts off a piece of meat from his leg; on the ground, an eagle blows a whistle to call him; he is hired by a blacksmith; the eldest queen demands a golden crown from the blacksmith as she did to her when she lived with a giant; the young man calls the eagle, he brings; the same with the second (silver crown), the third sister (copper); the king orders the one who made the crowns to be brought; the servants drag the young man, but they bring a pile of stones; then a pile of garbage; the third time the servant politely asks the young man to the king; he tells the eagle to bring gold clothes; receives the elder queen; the companions are hanged]: Campbell 1890, No. 16: 244-251.

Western Asia. Palestinians: Lebedev 1990, No. 19 [the king gives his barren wife three apples to eat, she gives birth to a son three times; seeds grow three apple trees; every year the wind tears off their petals; the elders Sons Raid and Zaid guard, flee from the cloud; the younger Said shoots, follows a bloody trail to the well, descends; the kidnapped princess Dumia explains that a sleeping wounded giant can be killed only with his sword; S. kills; D. gives his dress and ring, tells him to sit on a white ram; S. sends D. and treasures upstairs; seeing D., R. and Z. throw a rope; S. accidentally sat on a black ram, got into seventh lower world; kills a snake that tried to kill piglets; the pig promises to take S. upstairs if he prepares 40 rams and 40 wineskins of water; the water is closed by the evil spirit of efreet, gives for girls; S. kills and. saves the princess; the pig takes S. to the ground; he puts lamb demand on his head, is hired as an apprentice; R. became king, expelled Z., is preparing a wedding with D.; she demands to make a ring and clothes; S.- the apprentice gives them to the owner, D. recognizes them; during the wedding, the elephant trampled R., S. killed the elephant (and the bear), D. recognized him, he reigned]: 109-117; Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 3 [the man has two sons from beloved wife, one from an unloved one; every night someone steals a sheep, sons guard from his beloved, fall asleep; chews melon seeds from an unloved one, sees a rumble (evil spirit) carry the sheep to the well and, pushing the stone away, goes down; in the morning he asks his brothers and father for help to move the stone, goes down his belt (the brothers refused to go down); below there are three kidnapped girls, the youngest says that the hum sleeps when his eyes are red; says to the gulu that he brought the smell of man with him; the young man cuts off the drone's head, the girls are raised; the younger father wants himself, cuts off his belt; the young man finds a way out of the dungeon; the youngest girl agrees to marry the young man's father if he brings the same bracelet as hers; in the dungeon she gave a pair bracelet to a young man; he shows it, kills his father with a sword, marries]: 62-65; Palestinians [ the king is sitting on the throne; a bird comes in, carries the hair out of his beard; the same the next day; the third time the king managed to snatch the feather from the bird - it is golden; the vizier advises sending three princes in search of the bird; they reached the fork, with the inscription on the stove: Heir ist der Pfad dem der Feurbrand naht; hier ist der Pfad den trennenden Tat {what's in the original Arabic?} ; and if you follow this path, you won't return; younger Kasim rides the one they don't return on; everyone left his ring under the stove; K. reached the long-haired demon, took out a razor, cut off his hair and combed; became friends; the demon does not know where the bird is, sent it to his older brother; at the same time, he sent it to the oldest; he advises not to try to get the bird, but K. is adamant; then the demon teaches that do; bring it to the garden, where there are different birds in the cages; you have to walk by to the gazebo; there is a peasant with a bird in it; grab a cage and nothing more, then run; but when K. left the garden, he tried to capture another bird; then all the birds cried out: stranger! He was brought to the king; he agreed to give the bird if K. got him a horse; the same with the horse (K. tried to take a sword hanging on the wall); now he was told to bring a grenade; the same: K. tries to tear off the second; the local king demands to get the daughter of the king of Jews Badyat el-Husn wal-Jamal; the demon gives a lit one: as long as you hold her in your hand, you are invisible; enter B.'s chambers and if her eyes are red, grab her hair and drags away, and if yellow, then run and escape; K. dragged B., the demon brought them to the grenade owner, took the form of B., K. got both grenades, and the demon returned; the same goes on (the demon turns into a grenade and a horse; the demon took them to the place where K. broke up with his brothers; there are no rings; K. met the brothers in a neighboring city, they are day laborers with merchants; he took them with him; on the way there is a well; B. advises not to go down, but K. went down, sent water upstairs, and saw a beautiful woman with a sleeping demon on her knees; killed him; the same with the two sisters of the rescued beauty; K. sent them upstairs; the brothers envy K.; lifting it to half, cut off the rope; the girls below warned, the eldest gave a pistachio and a ring in it; the second gave a bracelet; the youngest gave a walnut with a robe in it; when K. fell, B. turned into a black woman, the bird was in a white feather, the pomegranate turned black, and the horse became a nag; his father was told that K. was dead; he began preparing for weddings; K. saw white and black sheep butting; asked who liked better ; K.: white; he immediately found himself below the 7th underground tier; reached the cliff; saw the dragon chasing the snake; killed the dragon with a stone; the snake became a girl and said that this fan wanted her and constantly chased; to escape, she became a snake, and then he turned into a dragon; a little more and he would grab her; for this she would take him to his father; gave him three hairs: burn it and show up right away; K. pulled his (mutton) stomach over his head and pretended to be bald; in the girl's father's city he hired a jeweler; every day he said he found gold or two and bought something for it; girls from the underground the kingdoms agree to marry the K. brothers on the condition that they bring them the same ring and bracelet as they gave to K.; jewelers cannot do such things and are waiting for execution; K. pretended to make a ring and a bracelet, but he simply had them; when the girls saw the things, they realized that K. was nearby; the third demanded the robe that K. had given in walnut (the same); before the brothers' wedding, the king arranged a horizontal bar; K. called the woman asked her for a horse; he easily defeated his brothers, appeared before the king and told him everything; forgave the brothers, the groom on two girls rescued from the lower world, but sent him to another city; a jeweler, whom he worked, made pasha; reigned]: Littmann 2016:136-160; Arameans: Belov, Wilsker 1960:287-294 [merchant gives three daughters for three giants; falls ill; to recover, they need dancing pears, singing apples, jumping quince; three sons go to get them, leave their seals at the fork in the road; the younger Adi-bek meets an old man; he teaches him how to get a sea horse, cross he has the sea, the Black Country, the Gorky River; there will be hay in front of the lion, meat in front of the donkey, it must be changed; in the nightingale Bulbul-Khazar castle, talking apple trees, pears, quinces; beautiful there, she must be kissed; A. returns with fruit, beautiful (and obviously with a nightingale); finds and buys older brothers; they agree to be stamped by him; A. climbs into the well to get water, the brothers cut off the rope, they carry fruits (and a nightingale); A. gets out of the well, visits his sisters with his wife; the first two husbands of the sisters show the way to the third, who gives an invincible fiery sword; unrecognized A. conquers the kingdom father; seeing him, the nightingale stops crying, starts singing again, apples, pears, quinces began to sing, dance, jump; A. shows his seals on the brothers' hips; agrees to pardon them], 398-404 [someone steals a goose from Pasha's poultry house; Pasha, his brother, elder son are guarding, falling asleep; the youngest son scratches his hand, injures a flying giant, a blood trail leads to a well; only the youngest son did not suffocate from stink, went down to the bottom; consistently meets three girls, the first tells you to hit the giant with a sword on the leg, not the neck; the young man finishes off the wounded giant, sends girls and treasures upstairs; the third, the most beautiful, knows that the young man's brother will cut the rope, give three rings and a bird; when he falls, the young man will fall even deeper, must pull the hairs from the tails of three horses (he will be on the ground), tell the bird get himself to the right place; pulls a goat bubble over his head; participates in older brother's wedding competitions; summons his winged horses with hairs, wins by ripping a turban off his uncle's head; the bride says she will marry Pasha's eldest son if he gets a golden chicken with silver chickens pecking pearls, a magic dress and a shoe; these items come from those given to the young man rings; they are brought by a jeweler; everything is explained; Pasha punishes his brother and eldest son]; Syrian Arabs: Bushnaq 1987 [the king has a rare flower garden, it has an unusual only flower in the world; each someone tears the night off a flower; three princes take turns guarding him; the eldest two fell asleep; the youngest cut his hand and rubbed salt into the wound; a huge marid appeared, the prince wounded him with a sword; in the morning the brothers came a bloody trail to a bottomless well; the elder brother begins to descend, gets frightened, asks him to pick him up; the same middle; the youngest goes down to the bottom; in the marble palace, the girl: stolen flowers on her chest, the head of a sleeping marid on his knees; the prince cut off his head; an old man appeared: you have to sit on a ram to return to earth; the white and black sheep began to butt; the prince put the girl on white and he carried it out her to the brothers' father's palace; the prince sat on a black one and he carried him seven tiers down; the prince lay down under a tree; a griffin's nest on the tree; the snake crawls to eat the chicks; the prince cut off the snake's head and fed the chicks her meat; the griffin mother flew in, wanted to throw a stone on the prince who fell asleep, but the chicks explained that the prince had saved them; she agreed to raise the prince to the ground - you need to eat a sheep to fly to every next tier; after the sixth, one sheep slipped off and the prince cut off his leg for the bird; on the ground, the griffin put her leg back and it grew; the prince married the rescued princess, and the elders brothers disgraced]: 104-108; Oestrup 1897 (6) (Damascus) [the king gives three sons a golden pen; promises a throne to whoever brings the bird itself; the eldest, middle stay with the owner of the garden, who asks tell a lie; as soon as they open their mouths, they are told that this is not a lie, they throw them into prison; the youngest spends the night at a spring under a tree, kills the devil who drank from a spring and is about to eat the eagle's chicks; she brings the prince to the castle, tells him to take the sword from the wall, touch nothing else; he touches the walls, 40 devils tell him to return the sword, pull the sheath, the sword remains with the young man; the bird brings it to the girl who has a bird; he puts the girl to sleep, takes her and the bird; a lie to the garden owner begins with the words, "When I was three years old and my son was 50.. "; gets a garden, frees the brothers; they ask them to go down to the well for water, leave it at the bottom; the girl manages to give a chain and a bracelet; the Bedouin leader pulls him out and sends him to Damascus; the young man changes clothes with a poor man, is hired by a Bedouin; the girl makes it a condition to make a chain and a bracelet; the jeweler brings them, the girl realizes that the prince is in town; the prince defeats the brothers in equestrian competitions by knocking them down horse; forgives, receives a wife and a throne]: 82-96 in Semenov 1930:194-199; Iraqi Arabs [the king divorced his first wife, her son Mohammed (M.); from his second wife sons Mahmud and Ahmed; expelled the first from M.; became blind, lion's milk will help; older brothers reluctantly allow the youngest to go with them; the old man points out three roads: 1] well-being, 2) regret and remorse, 3) which they do not return; everyone of the brothers goes his own way, M. goes last; the elders met again, wasted everything, hired workers in the city; a prisoner in the genie's castle advises M. to venerate their mother's breast; now M. has become one Brother, they took him to their middle aunt, her sons to their elder aunt; her sons tell him to remove the splinter from the lion's paw; a grateful lion gives a wineskin of lion's milk, sends a young lion to carry it; M. also receives camels, gold and three girls; finds brothers, takes them with him, but stigmatizes them; brothers let him down into a well for water; there is a girl and an eagle that stole her; M. kills an eagle ( if you hit a second time, she will come to life); the girl feels that the brothers will cut the rope; if M. touches the white goat, she will take it to the ground, if she takes it down to the bottom one; M. sends the girl upstairs the rope is cut off, touched by a black goat, he fell into the lower world of the genies; there a witch gives water in exchange for girls, now it is the turn of the daughter of the king of jinns; M. kills the witch, the girl marks the savior with her blood; everyone brags that they killed a witch, but the girl throws grenades at M.; the genie flies with M. to the ground, he throws fat tails and tortillas into his mouth on the way, one piece falls, he cut off the meat from his thigh; his genie belches, puts back; older brothers and stolen goods wait in an enchanted sarcophagus; M. defeats his father's army, speaks all races, shows marks on the brothers' shoulders, heals his father from blindness; he gave him the throne, imprisoned his eldest sons]: Yaremenko 1990, No. 16:93-102; Saudia [Muhammad is the son of the Sultan from his unloved wife, with whom he divorced; Mahmud and Ahmed are sons from his beloved; Sultan blind; fortune teller: lion milk brought on the lion's back will help; the brothers went in search; at the fork, the old man points to three roads: prosperity; regret and remorse; for which they do not return; Muhammad chose the latter; the other two roads came together, brought them to the city, Mahmoud and Ahmed squandered money, one went to work in a tavern, the other to a lamb salesman; Muhammad came to the jinn's palace ; the captive girl advises to venerate their mother's breast; Jinnia hid Muhammad from her sons; then they called him brother; brought him to her middle aunt; from her to her eldest; she teaches him how to pull out a splinter from a sleeping lion and ask for milk when he stops mad in pain; the genies rewarded the young man, he came back with 15 camels loaded with gold, three girls and a lion carrying a lion on his back milk; Muhammad found brothers in the city and took them with him only after they allowed them to be branded with him; we must get water, only Muhammad agrees to go down to the well; at the bottom there is a girl and sleeping eagle; he can only be killed with his own sword; the eagle asks to hit him a second time; Muhammad: father and mother were not taught to finish off; the eagle is dead; Muhammad sent water and the girl upstairs; she gave a ring: if rub, come to the rescue; brothers will cut the rope; you have to follow that road; if a black goat hits, you will descend to the seventh underworld, and if white, you will go up to the ground; goats fought, white missed, black hit, Muhammad found himself in a hot world where genies lived; old woman: a witch at the ditch lets water once a year when she is given one of the daughters of the king of jinns; today is the middle daughter's turn; Muhammad hacked the witch; rubbed the ring; that girl told him to go to the palace of the king of the jinns; there his daughter would throw grenades at the one who saved her; so happened; the king ordered one of the jinns to raise Muhammad to the ground ; to do this, prepare 7 lamb fat tails and 7 servings of tortillas; the seventh fat tail Muhammad dropped and cut off the meat from his thigh; on the ground, the genno regurgitated the meat and put it on the wound; meanwhile, that girl She covered the camels, the lion, herself and the other girls with an iron sarcophagus; Muhammad defeated his father's army, showed marks on the shoulders of his brothers; by agreement with the girl, destroyed the iron sarcophagus; the king saw the light, The sultan returned his first wife, the second sons were thrown into prison]: Juhaiman 1999:37-47.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [(one of the "ghost stories"; a rich man meets Yakro Kharto in the forest with the head and tail of a bull, agrees not to kill him; YK meets and companions a born in the forest ( black), -in-grass (green), -In a glass house (transparent); everyone takes turns cooking, a woman comes, picks up food; everyone lies that enemies have attacked; when YK stays, he sends a woman to fetch water in a leaky vessel, finds a rope made of human tendons in her bag, replaces an ordinary iron hammer, replaces a chisel with wooden ones; the woman invites each other to tie; she cannot untie; he kills her with a chisel, a hammer, she falls into a crevice; at the bottom of the treasure, YK descends, companions pick up treasures, cut off the rope; YK plants a peach seed, falls asleep for several years, gets up on a grown tree; forgives his companions, goes to visit her parents, sees traces of a girl on the way, from which flowers grow; comes in the footsteps of King Gyajin; there demons - black yaks - fight against the gods - white yaks; YL hurts the demon king; comes to him disguised as a doctor; does not take out his arrow, but drives him deeper, he dies; the demoness pursues him, the gods lower the chain, YK is among the stars]: Waddell 1931:294-298; Mongolian translation of Twenty-Five Vetal Tales [Without a bull, a farmer happened to his cow, she gave birth to a boy with a bull's head named White-Faced Bull (B) ; B goes on a journey, takes a person born of forest, grass, wood as a companion; each one takes turns cooking; an old woman comes, asks for permission to try, the food disappears; everyone pretends that enemies attacked; B asks the old woman to bring water with a bucket of holes; replaces her rope, tongs, hammer; she cannot tie him, pinch, beat him; he hits her with a hot hammer, she runs away; friends see her corpse on at the bottom of the abyss, there are treasures there; they lower B, raise treasures, cut off the rope; B plants apricot seeds, three trees grow, he climbs them to the ground; forgives his companions; comes to Hormud, helps defeat the chimpus; H. advises B. to tell the chimpuses that that doctor, not to treat the wounded B. king of Shimnus, but to finish it off; B. finished off the king, the chain came down from the sky, B. climbed on it, but the king's wife hit him on back with a stick, smashed into seven brother stars, they became Ursa Major]: Vladimirtsov 1958:24-30; Tibetans (Amdo): Kajihama 2004, No. 2 [two young shepherds lived together; one was smart, the other stupid; during the downpour, the stupid man jumped out, waved his ax, threatening a downpour; the rain stopped; the king promises half the kingdom for his missing daughter; both young men find a trail of blood, come to the cave, clever descends a stupid man on a rope to fail; there the kidnapped princess says that the demon is wounded by a stupid man when he waved an ax; the stupid one finishes him off; the clever picks up the princess, leaves the stupid one below; he finds the shackled dragon, frees him, the dragon takes him to the ground; the foolish comes to the clever; at night he cuts it with an ax, descends the river in the basket; the maid finds it; the dragon descends, takes the precious the stone that was between his horns healed the young man; he received the princess and soon the whole kingdom, and the smart one was driven away]: 7-12; best [an unmarried man split the bamboo to make a basket, stabbed his hand, from Kúngóri grew up with splinters; three years later she became a girl; her father did not let young people approach her; a young man named Keimí took an imprint on her foot, put it by the fire, the girl fell ill; her father promised his daughter to someone who would cure her; Camey destroyed her fingerprint, K. recovered, Camey got her, took her to him, turned into a tiger on the way, grabbed his tail, and they flew like the wind; people saw it; two young men Hpohtír and Hrangchal went to save K.; came to her when Camie was away, hid; old woman: if you want to run away with K., take fire seed, thorn seed, and water seed with you; Camey pursues, the fugitives throw the seed of fire (the forest lights up), the seed of water (the river), the seed of thorns (thorns); the tiger overcame everything, but Hpotír cut it with his dao; at the Hrangchala fork he went to bed, and Hpot ír remained on guard; Kuavang came, but when he learned that those who defeated the tiger had left in front of them; when he began to guard Hrangchala, Kuawang came again; Khrangchala said he told him Hpotir, but Kuawang realized that he was afraid and took K. away; she scattered cotton seeds along the way; the young men reached a hole in the ground, pushed back the stove, demanded K.; Kuawang repeated that she was not with him; they killed all the inhabitants underground village; realized that it was not K. in front of them, but Kuawang's daughter; they got the real K.; she forgot the comb; Hpotir followed him, and Khrangchala covered the hole with a stove; K. had to marry with Khrangchaloy, and Hpotir married Kuawang's daughter; she gave birth to a boy; Hpotir cooked stones instead of rice and gave him food; while he was eating them, he climbed down the vine to the ground, came to Father K., cut off Hoangchale's head. married K.]: Lewin 1874, No. 3:84-89 (=Houghton 1893a: 78-80, =Shakespear 1912:178-182); thado [A Collection of Twenty Folk Tales in Manipuri) authored by Kh. Ibeton Devi; Moldhin Chan is the most beautiful girl; she went with her friends for brushwood before dawn; stopped to rest on the way back; a terrible man appeared; each says that one of them who cannot put a basket of brushwood on her back should ask that person for help; the MCH basket became unbearably heavy; the friends left, and MCH turned to that person; he had with her a musical instrument made of human skulls and fingers; he ordered not to tell anyone about it, otherwise he would take it away; but the young people convinced them to talk about everything; immediately everyone lost consciousness for a while, and this time that spirit took away MCH; the parents decided to find someone who would return their daughter: let him throw up a heavy stone and swallow 7 servings of food and 7 servings of wine before the stone fell; the savior would receive MCH as his wife; the condition was met by two poor brothers; the eldest was Yanchan, the youngest was Purul; seeing that the kidnapper's traces were becoming larger, P. was frightened and Y. went alone, leaving P. in the cave; the kidnapper was not it turned out; the other spirits were afraid of the strength of Y.; he jumped over the house, but the spirit that came could not; decided not to pursue I.; other spirits decided to save people and killed the kidnapper; when I. and MCH reached the place where P. remained, speechless and pointed to the cave in horror; the underground spirits took his tongue away; I went down the rope; there the spirits were quarreling over the stolen tongue; I picked up one and threw it far ; others got scared, gave up their tongue; I threw it up for P.; he decided to take possession of MCH himself and cut off the vine; in the lower world, I met a girl and married her; they have a son and daughter; I raised a vine that grew to the ground; but the wife persuaded the children to rock the vine as soon as their father began to climb it; the old woman advised them to take ground grain with them; I threw flour in the children's eyes and went up to the ground ; there a man eats chicken; says he stole it from P.'s house; he has so many chickens that he won't notice; Y. beat my brother, made him an employee, married MCH and started raising P.'s children as his own]: Oinam et al. s.a.

Burma-Indochina. Vieta [hardworking poor That San learns from a magician; merchant Lee Thong invites him to his place, makes him a younger brother, uses his labor; LT's turn to sacrifice Boa, TS is coming instead of him, Boa kills; LT says that the Boa belonged to the king, advises the TS to flee, brings Boa's head himself, the king makes him prince; Princess Quin Nga is carried away by a three-headed eagle; TS sees in the mountains he is wounded with an arrow, reports LT; he lies to the king that he wounded the eagle; leads the army to the abyss; the TS descends, finds the princess, sends her upstairs; LT sends her home, throws stones down; TS kills an eagle leaves a cave in the Land of the Sea, kills a monster; the local king rewards him, but he returns to his native village; the dead shadows of the Eagle and Boa put the gold stolen from the palace in the vehicle; TS they grab it, but he tells the king everything; LT is expelled, killed by lightning; TS marries KN, defeats enemies, inherits the throne]: Karpov, Tkachev 1958:28-39 (=Nikulin 1970a: 42-47).

South Asia. Punjabi [a woodcutter finds a ruby in a bird's egg, catches a bird, becomes rich, goes on the Hajj; the wife has a Hindu lover; he asks her to slaughter the bird; two sons of a lumberjack they take her head, leave; the baby is bitten by a snake, he dies; the elder goes to look for people, comes to the city where the king died; he is elected king; the youngest is revived by ascetics, he goes with merchants, sees him in a cave a girl, follows her to the lower world; she hides it when a dragon arrives; pretends to be afraid if the dragon dies; he explains that his life is in a bird, a cage with a bird in a tree, a tree will grow, if you put Solomon's sword by the river; the young man kills the dragon; the merchant lifts the girl upstairs, leaves the young man at the bottom of the cave; he rubs the stain on his sword, two spirits appear, take him to the city where he rules older brother; there is a wedding between a merchant and a girl; the younger brother accidentally tells the king his story; the merchant is executed, the youngest marries a girl]: King 1926, No. 7:81-84; (cf. Ancient India [in the Rigveda (I, 105), the rishi (sage) Tritá was at the bottom of a deep co. etymology and the seventeen woman was tied to a wild stable for a golden chicken with chickens, a golden table; a black man; peers into the sky (first at night, then pre-dawn, morning), along which the Month, reflected in the depths of the waters, and stars float; T. calls out to Heaven and Earth to know its situation; asks for salvation for previous sacrifices to the gods, begs Agni and Varuna for intercession, finally receives salvation for Brihaspati; Rigveda Sayan's commentator in connection with I, 105 reports on three rishis Ekata, Dvita and Trita, who were thirsty and were looking for a well; when the well was discovered and T. wanted water, the brothers, flattered by his property, threw T. into the well and closed it; T. they put down a hymn to the gods miraculously received a soma and was saved; in Mahabharata IX, 38, 8 et al., the following motives: 1) the existence of three brothers born from ashes from sacrifices thrown by Agni into the water, named Ekata , Dvita, Trita ("First", "Second", "Third"); 2) the eldest two throw T. into the well; 3) T. escapes with someone's help]: Toporov 2006:480-483); baiga [Pandava wanted to know what was under earth; asked Bhimsen to go down; 8 nights and 9 days they let him down the rope; out of mischief, they cut off the rope, Bhimsen fell; the old cobra gave him a lightning horse, he returned on it, he still jumps; when Bhagavan wants to send rain, sends Bhimsen; he drags a bag of rat skin filled with water; the skin scratches against the air, producing thunder]: Elwin 1939:336-337; muria [Raja has seven wives, each with a son; he ordered the youngest to live in a stable; the Raja goes blind, the sage tells his sons to be sent for the liver of the Shining Goat; six brothers are reluctant to take the youngest; the goat jumps into the deep hole; older brothers are afraid to go down, there are snakes, tigers and scorpions; the youngest comes down, the creatures disappear, he marries his daughter Rakshasi, then her sister, then gets six more daughters Mahapurub, that He also gives a Goat; brothers pick up everyone, cut off the rope, the young man falls, breaks; girls say that they must live alone for 12 years; Goat's liver makes his father's eyes even more sick (this is an imaginary liver); a young man comes to life, a rope appears, he climbs upstairs, disguised as a dirty beggar, hires to guard the girls' house; he tells them his story, they wash and dress him; he heals his father with a real liver; Raja executes older sons]: Elwin 1944, No. 1:3-13; muria [Raja's wife quarreled with his younger brother and he left; came to Rakshasi Jal Kaniya; said he wanted to marry her sister Bael Kaniya, who lived inside the fruit of a Hungarian quince (Aegle marmelos); JK hid the young man from her husband, but he came, sniffed it out and promised not to harm him; but when he saw it, he decided to swallow it; the young man became small; when Rakshasa swallowed it, he cut his liver and stomach with a knife, went outside; Rakshasi said that only her husband could help overcome the guards of predatory animals around that tree; young man revived the rakshasa; when they arrived in the forest, the rakshasa gave the tiger a goat, a bear fruit, and a snake's milk; when the fruit was picked, Rakshasa ordered not to cut it on the way, but only at home; but the young man violated the ban; from A girl came out and began to cook; but the young man fell asleep and she could not wake him up; the underground inhabitants took her to Tarbhum Ghotul (the lower world); the young man woke up six months later; heard a voice from an anthill, dug it up; ants built an anthill on the head of a long-haired sadhu; he said he had been meditating for many years; explained that the only way to go down to TG was by weaving a rope from the bark of twelve forests; when the rope is ready, the sadhu lowered the young man, promising to pick him up if he gave a signal; the young man killed the underground inhabitants, the sadhu picked up the girl and him; BK said she forgot the necklace below, young man jumped after him; found the necklace, but could not get to the ground; two vultures came down to peck for the corpses of the dead; the female agreed to put the young man on her back and carry him to the ground; he found Jogal Karo - sadhu's daughter; she said that her father locked BK; for promising to marry her, she said that her father's life was in a bird's nest in the middle of the sea; gave a ring; the young man threw him into the sea, a frog came out, brought him to that the nest, he took it; the sadhu forbade his daughter to marry the young man, took him to the temple to sacrifice Chandi Devi; offered to eat rice on the floor like roosters peck; the young man asked to show killed a sadhu, but his blood gave rise to a thousand of them; then JK tore off that bird's legs and wings and then cut his throat; the sadhu died; the young man took BK, but JK shot him with an bow out of jealousy; mongoose revived him; BK said: let JK also be the young man's wife; all three returned to the boy's brother, lived well]: Elwin 1944, No. I.5:24-38; the Tamils [the prince and the minister's son went on a journey; one The elephant took the king's daughter; the elephant is surrounded by four circles of defenders: jackals, leopards, tigers, elephants; the prince defeated jackals and leopards; pulled the tigers out of the quagmire, who became his friend, recalled his tigers; the prince returned the princess, got him as a wife; he retired in the forest out of need, at which time the underground demon took the princess away, and the minister's son did not even resist; the tiger called the animals, they dug a hole into the lower world, the prince lowered the chain there, went down, killed the demon, sent his wife and another princess kidnapped by the demon upstairs; the minister's son threw off the chain, came to the princess's father under the guise of a son-in-law; the princess asks to postpone the celebrations for six months; the prince turned to the deity, became a kite, flew to the ground; began to live with a garland seller; made the best; threw a ring to his wife, she recognized him; everything was clarified; the minister's son was forgiven]: Natesa Sastri 1886:208-230 (a similar but worse quality option in Blackburn 2005, No. 46).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Bali [a childless woman asks for a child in front of the Durga statue; ate two mushrooms, dark brown; gave birth to an elder son, Chupak (dark, stupid, and boastful), and a younger son, Grantang (bright, modest, and brave) ; the mother died, the brothers went on a journey; volunteered to kill the giant who dragged Raja's daughter; G. killed him, the princess gave him a ring, C. attributes victory to himself; the giantess's wife dragged him away again princess; G. went down to the cave for her, killed the giantess, sent the princess upstairs along the rope; when she got out, C. cut off the rope; prepares a wedding with the princess, she tries to postpone her; C. orders to kill the spirit of a giant, if he appears in the form of a leaning man (i.e. G.); G. made a ladder out of the giant's bones and got out; he was seen and thrown into the sea; the fisherman and his wife caught him and went out; he sends the fisherman's wife has flowers and a ring for the princess; she realizes that G. lives with the fisherwoman; tells her to gather handsome young men for a competition before the wedding; G. beat C., married a princess; C. became a groom]: Hoikas-van Leuven Bomkamp 1983, No. 20:120-129.

China - Korea. Chinese: Enerhard 1937, No. 122 (Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei, Shandong, Manchuria) [in the forest, a woodcutter wounds an evil spirit that the princess took away with an ax; sends him to look for the princess, taking his brother with him; After the princess is returned, the brother pushes the hero into failure; with the help of grateful animals, he returns to earth and eventually marries a princess]: 179-181; Riftin 1972 (the recording is not indicated) [Min Zhu, the daughter of rich Zhang, is Shi-yi's fiancée; Wo-gen is Sh.'s brother; MCH takes her away by the Black Eagle, sits on a pine tree; S. slept under her, wounded the Eagle, finds the Eagle's cave, the entrance to which he blocks with a heavy with a stone; W. tells everything; for MCH, her father promised a reward; W. helps his brother move the stone, lowers S. into the cave; he kills the sleeping wounded Eagle; W. picks up the MCH, cuts off the rope; in the cave of Sh. frees Carp, nailed by the Eagle to the wall; this is the son of the dragon king; the Carp brings S. to the sea, the Dragon King offers him a daughter, he refuses; then transfers him to land, gives a gorlyanka pumpkin, she turns into a horse; W. prepares a wedding, S. drives him away, marries MCH]: 66-74; Wilhelm 1921, No. 7 [the nine-headed bird takes the princess, the king promises her savior; the young man notices failure, where she disappeared bird; he is lowered on a rope, the princess bandages the bird's wounds (the tenth head was bitten off by a heavenly dog); the bird fell asleep, the young man cut off her heads; the princess advises that he be the first to rise; the young man refuses; she gives him half a hairpin, half a handkerchief; the companion leaves the young man in the dungeon; he frees a fish nailed to the wall, this is the son of the dragon king; the dragon takes him to the ground; he finds The shell of a turtle full of pearls; these pearls open a passage in water and fire; it goes to the bottom of the sea; the rescued son of the dragon tells his father to ask his father for a calebasa to fulfill wishes; the young man returns to the day princess weddings; marries, false groom punished]: 13-16; Chinese (Qinghai) [the couple has two sons: native and adopted; the foster man is busy with work; going for firewood, throws an ax into the whirlwind, a bunch of women's hair and a drop of blood fall; on the trail of blood he fails; the emperor announces that his daughter has taken the whirlwind, he will give his daughter to whoever saves her; both brothers fail, own son He lowers the foster room down, he finds the demon sleeping, sends the princess upstairs, the son refuses to raise the foster room; the princess manages to give him a pearl; with her help, the foster room can penetrate underwater palace, married to three dragon daughters for three years; his own son is recognized as the princess's savior, but cannot show the pearl; three years later, the adopter returns and marries the princess]: Frick 1954, No. 26:532-533; Koreans [an ogre from the world stole three princesses; the king promises the youngest to the savior; an old man - a mountain spirit leads a young man to a hole leading to the ogre's lair; a young man descends into the lower world; the cannibal sleeps for 3 months and 10 days, the younger princess shows everything, the young man cuts off the cannibal's head; when the girls and treasures are brought to the surface, the young man's three servants cover hole; the mountain spirit brings the young man to the surface; the king is going to give the princesses to the servants; the young man marries the youngest, the servants are punished; var.: forty points the way to the ogre; on the way, the young man meets three warriors, makes brothers; 4 comrades save four princesses, get married; in the underworld, a young man saves a fish wounded by a crane; she brings him to the dragon kingdom; he brings a bird from there, she turns into a girl, he marries her; gets to land]: Choi 1979, No. 284:110-112.

The Balkans. See motif K38. Hungarians: Gidash 1953 [a white horse gives birth to a boy, goes on a journey; meets Koroder, Stone Crusher, Iron Flexor; everyone replies that they would like to measure their strength with the Son of the White Horse (SBL), defeated, comraded; each takes turns cooking porridge, Bakarast (a little man with a big beard takes it away); the SBL ties him by his beard to a tree, he pulls a tree, hides in a hole; only SBL decides to go down on a rope; pours porridge on B.'s stomach, eats it, leaves him tied; kills three-, six-, twelve-headed dragons, freeing princesses of copper, silver, gold castle; companions raise princesses, leave SBO underground; SBO covers the vulture chicks from the rain with its fur coat; their mother takes him to the ground; the food taken is not enough, the SBO feeds her right hand, right leg; on the ground, she gives him wine, his arm and leg grow back; SBO kills traitors, takes girls to their father, marries his youngest]: 81-89; Ortutai 1974, No. 5 [the old woman advised a childless woman swallow legumes that she will sweep out of the house; the woman found, swallowed three grains, gave birth to sons named Evening, Night Owl, Dawn; they grew up, went to seek service; the king asks to clean a well, promises three daughters; the brothers did the job, but the king admitted that his daughters were guarded by dragons; in the forest, the brothers saw a hole, stopped, took turns cooking; each time a little man the cook knocks down, eats everything; when Dawn was left, he pinched the little man's beard with a tree; his brothers let him go for promising to show him how to go down into the hole; Dawn came down, the queen gave multiplying power ring, Dawn demolished the dragon 9 heads; hitting the table with this royal stick, turned the palace into a silver apple; the same with the other two royals (12-headed dragon, golden apple; 18-headed, diamond apple); sent the queens upstairs; tied a stone instead, the brothers cut off the rope; Dawn sees blind spouses handing food to each other; their eyes were pulled out by a 24-headed dragon; Dawn quietly took the meat; then opened; the couple ordered not to herd sheep in the dragon's domain; dawn killed the dragon, returned his eyes blinded; one woman's eye was swallowed by a cat, Dawn inserted a cat in the woman eye, she began to catch mice at night; Dawn sheltered the vulture birds from the hail of chicks; the mother bird tells me to cook meat and wine, brings Dawn to the ground, there was not enough meat, he cut off the meat from the calf; the bird: it was delicious, I would know she ate you; under the guise of a beggar, Dawn came to the king, the brothers did not recognize him; they say that whoever destroys his brother should be tied to the tail of a horse, and the queen who saved him should be tied to the tail of a horse, and the queen who saved him should marry her; the royals recognized their rings; Dawn forgave the brothers, married a younger princess]: 141-150; Macedonians [someone steals apples; the elder, middle brother guard, fall asleep, the younger one hurts thief; brothers go to a hole in the ground; begin to lower the older, middle, they are afraid; the younger one goes down, kills the lamia, sends the gold, the harvest stolen by the lamia, the girl; when the brothers start pick up the young man himself, cut off the rope; he kills a snake that devours the eagle's chicks; the eagle tells him to prepare meat and wine for a month; he takes the young man to the ground, he cuts off the last piece of meat from his leg by the foot heel; the eagle heals the wound, but the recess on people's leg remains; the young man returns his treasures and his wife; (var.: a young man gets three girls in the lower world for himself and his brothers)]: Tsenev 2004:16; Bulgarians: Daskalova-Perkovska 1994, No. 301 [lamia, a snake steals golden apples (grapes, hay, etc.); two older brothers guard and fall asleep; on the third night, her younger brother (sitting on ash) manages to injure her, goes to holes, wells where she goes to the lower world; goes down, there is a girl or girls, the most beautiful gives him a ring; a young man kills a lamia; brothers take the girls upstairs, leave the young man below; by mistake a young man jumps on a black (not white} ram, finds himself in a world even lower; there he kills a snake (lamia, hala), which annually devours the chicks of a large bird (usually eagles); the bird raises the hero goes upstairs, in flight he feeds her meat, cuts off the last piece from his own leg, from his thigh; the young man shows who he is by showing the princess's ring or getting magic items; marries the youngest saved princess], 301A [the hero is the son of a bear, a horse, sat on a stove for 25 years, etc.; wanders, companions heroes with different abilities (he can drink the sea; wakes a rope out of sand; very strong); while others hunt, everyone takes turns cooking; every time a demonic character (man, old woman) comes, eats all the food; the hero kills or injures him; follows him down to the lower world; there receives a ring from the youngest and most beautiful of the girls who own magic objects; there they kill a snake (lamia, hala), which annually devoured large bird chicks (usually eagles); the bird picks up the hero is upstairs, in flight he feeds her meat, cuts off the last piece from his own leg; on earth, the hero fulfills the marriage conditions of three girls; punishes sister traitors; marries the youngest]: 96-98, 98-99; Klyagina-Kondratyeva 1951 [as soon as the old man's apple tree brings golden apples, the lamia steals them; the eldest, middle sons guard and fall asleep; the youngest pierces the lamia's tongue with an arrow, brings them an apple to his father, along with his brothers, follows a bloody trail to the well; the elder, middle brothers cannot go down because of the heat, the younger one goes down on a rope; there is a garden and a beautiful girl, the young man sends her upstairs, she gives him a wishful ring, tells him to jump on a white ram, while the black one will let him down into a world even lower; at the top, the brothers are fighting over a woman, she promises to marry the one who gives the dress which fits into a nut; a young man hits a black ram, ends up below; an old woman tears in flour instead of water, lamia closes the water, gives her a jug for a man; the old woman fed her six sons, Today she sent a daughter; a young man killed lamia with a dogwood baton, stayed under a tree; a three-headed serpent crawls to eat eagles, the young man killed him, the chicks told their mother who saved them; the eagle agrees to take them to the ground, it is necessary to prepare water, meat and bread; the young man cuts off the last 2 pieces from his feet; on the ground, the eagle returns these pieces; the young man tells the ring to appear a nut with a dress; the brothers admit superiority of the younger; wedding]: 44-52; the Serbs [the king has an apple tree with golden apples, every night the dragon takes them away; sons take turns guarding; the elder brother saw the dragon and was frightened; the middle brother too; the youngest took nuts with him, began to eat so as not to fall asleep; wounded the dragon, the blood trail went down to a deep hole; the brothers began to lower the elder on a rope, he was frightened; the same middle one; the youngest went down, three daughters the dragon is ready to help him; he finished off the wounded dragon with a club; sent the girls upstairs; seeing that the youngest is the most beautiful, the brothers cut off the rope; the youngest noticed the door, went out into the light; there the snake was going eat the eagle's chicks; killed the snake and fell asleep; the eagle wanted to peck out his eyes, but the chicks told me everything; the prince asks the eagle to take him to his city; there was not enough prepared food, the prince cut off a piece from his buttocks; when they arrived, the eagle put what was cut off back; the prince immediately met his betrothed; wedding]: Eschker 1992, No. 27:140-144; Romanians (Banat) [after retiring from service, soldier Petru immediately lost all the money; in the forest I met a tree rocking and playing with stones; they began to live in a hut, cook in turn; every time a dwarf appears riding a hare with a huge beard; eats everything, beats the cook; when P. remains, he grabs the dwarf by the beard, chases him to the crevice into which he fled; P. orders him to be lowered on a rope; cut the dwarf to pieces, but cannot get up, for his companions they removed the rope: they were afraid that the dwarf would come out; light in the distance, P. went to the ground; the house, in which a blind old woman was eating hominy with milk; P. began to eat too, the old woman felt it; if a girl were a daughter, if the boy, then a son; asked P. to herd her sheep, but not to go to the land of the dragons that stole her eyes; P. went and began to play the flutes; the dragons listened, asked them to teach them; P., playing, brought He split them to the oak tree, ordered them to put their paws into the gap, knocked out a wedge; ordered them to tell them how to restore the old woman's eyesight; dragons: there is a milk pond next to us, let her wash the eye sockets three times; P. cut off the dragons, the old woman washed her eyes, began to see; P. left the old woman, towards the fox: don't shoot, I'll give you a fox; then the same wolf and bear; P. came to town, there's mourning; the 12-headed dragon demands girls, turn the king's only daughter; the princess was left in the swamp; P. fell asleep with the princess's head on his knees; woke up from a dripping tear; the princess took one of P.'s arrows; he hit 11 heads with arrows, and the 12th with a princess's pin; cut out his tongues; the gypsy cut off the head of P. who had slept, and brought the dragon's heads to the king; a snake crawls, grass in his mouth; a fox: why is she? snake: to grow severed heads, my son was cut off; the fox took the grass, grew his head, but P. is still dead; the wolf met a woman: what are you carrying? woman: living water; the wolf took the water, P. came to life; came to the palace, showed his tongues; the gypsies were put in a barrel of nails, lowered from the mountain; wedding; after the death of King P. reigned, his animals always reigned remained held in high esteem]: Schott, Schott 1975, No. 10:65-75; Moldovans [childless old woman eats wheat grain, gives birth to a son Golden Seed (ZZ); the baby stops crying when the mother promises it marry Steppe Beauty (SK); goes to look for a betrothed, on the way, as a sign of heroism, eats a whole ram, a bull; wins, takes Drevolom, Kamnedava as companions; twins cook in turn, SAM-s- Beard-with-elbow nail (SB) eats lunch while riding the cook; ZZ defeats him, he runs away; someone cooks in the house; twins wait for three doves to turn into fairies; one goes beyond Drevoloma, the other for Kamnedava, SK for ZZ; wives lose weight, brothers take turns guarding, becoming a sliver, a stone, SB comes, beats them, demands their wings from the fairies, eats lunch; ZZ turns into a sword, pinches SB beard in the trunk of an oak tree, he pulls out an oak tree, goes into the abyss; only ZZ dares to go down, finds SK, rearranges barrels of living and dead water, SB drinks dead, ZZ cuts off his head, sends beauties upstairs, puts a stone in the basket for testing, brothers cut off the rope, the basket falls; ZZ kills the snake, grateful eagles hide it from their mother so that she does not swallow it; she swallows it three times and belches; carries her to the ground, in flight ZZ feeds and gives her water, cuts off the last piece from his game, the eagle puts it back; Woodcutter and Kamnedav made the UK a maid, starve her son; ZZ orders brothers throw a club up, she falls on them, kills them; their wives fly away with doves; ZZ brings his wife and son to their mother]: Botezat 1981:89-105; Greeks: Legrand 1881 []: 192-202; Paton 1899, No. 1 ( Lemnos) [the king's tree brings three apples a year; someone steals them; only the youngest son was not afraid of the roar, cut off the ogre's hand, brought it and the last apple to his father; the brothers are on the trail of blood, the youngest asks to let him down on a rope into the dungeon; consistently meets three girls; each says that the cannibal sleeps with his eyes open; the young man cuts off the head of cannibals, contrary to request, does not strike twice; the last girl warns that if the brothers do not pick him up, you have to jump on a white ram, he will take him to the ground; gives three nuts, dresses with flowers, fish, stars; the young man jumps on a black ram, falls even lower; the old woman says that the seven-headed monster gives water in exchange for girls; the young man cuts off all seven heads, cuts off his tongues; the king wants to marry him off his saved daughter, but he asks to be brought to the ground; he sleeps under a tree where all the birds rest at night; kills a monster crawling to the birds; birds carry him to the ground; he sits on an eagle, supplies run out, he cuts off a piece of his own leg; on the ground, an eagle puts it back on him; the young man's elder brother wants to marry the third girl rescued; she demands dresses with flowers, fish, stars; a young man pretends to be a merchant, hangs out her dresses; this is how the bride finds out that he is back; wedding]: 495-498; Albanians: Serkova 1989 [the monster crawls out of the well, eats golden apples; the king promises the eldest, middle, youngest son to marry him if he kills the monster; the arrows of the elders break against the monster's skin, the youngest kills him with a club, it falls into the well; the queen asks him to be lowered on a rope, He finds the Beauty of the Earth at the bottom, sends it upstairs, then a dead monster; when he rises himself, the servants cut off the rope; the queen goes, sleeps under an oak tree, kills a snake that has come to devour eagles; the grateful eagle takes the Queen to the ground, he feeds her on the way, cuts off the last piece of meat from his own caviar, the eagle regurgitates a piece, puts it back; gives a red one (a winged horse will arrive), white (a palace will appear), black (servants will appear) hair; the king has locked the Beauty of the Earth in the palace, will give it to whoever jumps over the ditch and the fence; the queen jumps on a winged horse; the king gives him a girl at the wedding, he recognizes his son, executes his servants]: 33-36; Lambertz 1952 [when he dies, the father tells three sons to guard the apple tree, the fruits of which are stolen by an evil spirit; the elder, middle brothers are afraid, the younger Kjelani hurts kidnapper; on a bloody trail, brothers come to the crevice; the elders are afraid to go down, K. goes down the rope; three kidnapped girls give white, red, black scarves; fighting the spirit, we must wipe it off they sweat off his face, his spirit will lose its strength; K. cuts off his head; sends the girls upstairs; when he gets up himself, the brothers cut off the rope; old woman: the white goat will take him to the ground, the black goat will lower it even lower, eat still red; two slip out of her hands, K. grabs a black one, falls deeper; kills a snake that was going to eat the chicks; Corshun mother is going to eat K. first, the chicks explain who their savior is ; K. asks to take it upstairs, the bird tells me to prepare meat and wine; K. meets the princess, she is eaten by Kutschedra (a woman with a tail and 9 tongues, tied to black clouds), who closed water sources; K. cuts off her head, the water is free; the grateful king gives meat and wine; there is not enough meat, K. cuts off a piece of caviar from her leg; on the ground, the bird puts a piece back, gives the pen to summon it; K. is hired as a servant; girls refuse to marry until they are given breast jewelry made without scissors and needles (they gave them to K. in the lower world); K. gives them; tells the bird to give him a white horse, clothes and sword, wins the older brother competition; the same - middle brother (red horse, etc.); is on a white horse, marries the youngest of the girls]: 37-49; Gagauz [brothers went in a strange way on the trail, they came to the dried well, white and black sheep were fighting at the bottom; Wanchu's younger brother offered to go down, the elders refused, lowered him on a rope; wanted to sit on a white ram, but his black pushed, V. found himself on black, fell into the dark kingdom; saw a snake crawl to the nest of a huge eagle, killed it; the eagle father is grateful; says that the five-headed fire-breathing Goguzhu-Moguzha closed the waters, passes off as people given to him to eat, now it is the turn of the padishah's daughter; you have to wet your clothes so as not to burn; V. cuts off two heads, four grow up; V. suggests that GM show how he sleeps; he puts his central head on two, covers himself with the other two; V. cuts off all 5 heads at once; the princess orders to cut off his tongues; the impostor brings the padishah the heads of the monster, V. shows his tongues; the impostor expelled, V. gets the princess; the padishah lets them visit V.'s parents; the bird carries V. with his wife, in flight he feeds her meat, bread, water; the meat ends, V. cuts the meat from his soles; the eagle did not swallow them, reaching the ground, put them back, but since then, people have a depression on their soles; brings V. and his wife to V.'s parents; after staying, V. and his wife return to the lower world]: Syrf 2013:138-145; Bosnians [when dying, the father tells the three brothers to give three sisters to be the first to come for them; strangers take the sisters away; the brothers go look for them, find them from the giant, who tells them to make a fire to their own they cannot return, he chained them to a pole; the mother sees a grain of pepper, asks God for a fourth son, even if he is just as small; the pepper is born, tells them to forge a huge iron club; the giant makes a fire with his flint, the giant becomes his slave; P. wins, takes giants with two and three heads as servants; each cooks in turn, the dwarf takes food; P. protected his beard a dwarf in a split beech tree; he tore off his beard, went underground; P. goes down, there are three girls with a golden loom, chickens, herd, hoop; they tell them to kill their dwarf brother with a wooden sword; servants they pick up the girls, cut off the rope; P. comes to the spring, where the dragon gives water in exchange for the girls, it is the turn of the royal daughter; P. falls asleep, wakes up from the girl's tears, kills the dragon, cuts off his ears; the arap tells the king that he killed the dragon, P. shows his ears, the arapa is executed; the king advises saving the giant bird's chicks from the dragon; the chicks tell their mother that P. did not attack them, but killed the dragon; the mother bird tells their mother that P. did not attack them, but killed the dragon; the mother bird tells collect a supply of meat, bread, water, feed it on the way to the upper world; P. cuts off the last piece of P. from the hip, the bird belches it, puts it back; P. kills giants, marries and gives princesses to his brothers]: Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991:52-63 (=Arkhipova 1962:30-42); Slovenes [a young hero is unable to learn from a shoemaker, from a blacksmith, goes wandering; meets, takes as companions 1) turning pine trees , 2) throwing millstones; brothers stop at the castle, cook in turn, the beggar takes food, beats the miller, the pine; the blacksmith beats him himself, the old man disappears into the abyss; the miller, the pine tree command immediately pick them back, the companions let the blacksmith down, he kills three snakes guarding gold, silver, sparkling locks, frees three girls who give a ring, a sword, companions pick up the girls, they leave the blacksmith; he makes the brownie ring the bell, the locks fail, the blacksmith goes to the ground; forgives his companions, gives them a wife, takes a third girl; the strength of the heroes is gone, but everyone went to a glorious family]: Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991:65-68 (=Arkhipova 1962:45-49).

Central Europe. Czechs: Karaliychev, Todorov 1969 (4) [Yanko's ninth son is the strongest; leaves home, wins, takes Vyrvidub, Lomayiron; dragons kidnap the king's three daughters, their sister brothers go search; everyone takes turns cooking; a dwarf with a huge beard knocks down the cook, eats porridge; I. hits a dwarf, he shows a hole where the dragons have disappeared; only I dare to go down; kills three-, six-, twelve-headed dragons, freeing the princesses of copper, silver, gold castles; sends them upstairs, then the stone, the twin brothers cut off the rope, the stone falls; I. kills a snake ready to eat the chicks ; they explain to their mother that he is their savior, not their enemy; the bird carries me on itself, he throws meat into her beak, pours water, cuts off the last piece from her leg; on the ground she spits it out, puts it on; I beats, but forgives his brothers, all three marry three rescued princesses]: 71-88; Němcová 1990 [Mikesh asks his blacksmith father to give him iron to forge a staff; he gives 25 pounds, then 7 quintals; M. wanders, meets, and companions a mill worker (one carries a millstone), his name is Cuba; the carpenter Bobesh in the forest (pulled out and carried a spruce); the king's three daughters disappeared when each was 18; friends go to look for them; in the forest, B. finds a cave, food, drink, beds in front of it; M. and K. go to bed, B. guards, falls asleep; a long-bearded dwarf comes and hits him; friends enter the cave, there is a kitchen; B. stays first to cook; a dwarf appears, says the meat is in the chimney; B. climbs the stairs, the dwarf cleans it, B. breaks his neck; but the parchment has a spell written, M. reads, B. comes to life; the next the day is the same with K.; M. tears off the dwarf's beard, he turned into an old woman, she disappeared into a cave; the old woman returned, M. demanded to feed them, then tell them where the princesses are; in the dragon's cave; the old woman M. lowers on a rope, there is a castle below; the old woman teaches how to light a candle, she will dazzle the guarding lions, then kill them with Mikesh's iron staff; B. and K. raise the girls to the ground; the old woman warns that they they will throw M. into the abyss - let her tie her staff first; they raise their staff, throw it; the old woman says that she is the youngest enchanted princess; everything that happened was a condition for her release; it remains to throw the dragon into the sea; take a barrel of meat in the castle, jump on the dragon, he will fly, feed him meat on the way; throw the barrel down by the sea; the dragon will go down, put him to sleep with a candle and kill him with a staff; the old woman will become a girl; for M. to identify her, she gave him half of her ring; the boat took M. from the sea to the shore, disappeared; the returned princesses asked her father to postpone the wedding with K. and B. for a year; M. found the castle, threw half of the ring into the wine goblet, told the innkeeper to take it to the princess; she recognized her ring; M.'s wedding with the princess; they came to her father; the liars fled; the elders princesses found other husbands]: 100-119; Poles [every night a witch in the form of a huge falcon breaks church windows; the elder, middle brothers guard, but the witch sleeps and they fall asleep; younger puts thorns under his chin and wakes up when he starts to bite his nose; a shot hits a falcon in the wing, which falls on a stone, opens a hole in it and the witch goes underground; the young man tells his brothers pull him down on a rope; in the castle, the princess combs her golden hair; explains that a witch can only be killed with a heavy sword that hangs on the wall in the next room; there the second sister combs silver hair; the third leaves the third room and gives the young man drops that make him strong; now he can raise his sword, kills the witch; sends princesses and treasures upstairs; fearing betrayal brothers, puts a stone in his place; lifting it to half, the brothers let go of the rope; the young man walks along the blooming plain to meet the magician; he will carry the young man to the ground if he helps him save his children ; they are on an apple tree; a young man climbs an apple tree; at midnight a huge worm crawls down the trunk to devour the children in the nest; the young man cut off the dragon's head; then the man put the young man on his back and carried it to the ground; the young man returned home, only the bride recognized him; the brothers returned the treasures and fled; the young man returned them, shared them equally and married the princess from the golden room]: Woycicki 1920:71- 74; the Luzhitans [the king's apple tree brings three apples a year, but they are kidnapped each time; a brave soldier guards, sees a cloud that has disappeared in a thorny bush; the king tells you to dig there, and the entrance opens into the abyss; the elder queen descends; there are three princesses below; they show where the sword and strong water are to drink; he kills evil spirits; sends princesses upstairs; one gives a ring of sun, the other with the sun and moon, the third with the sun, moon and star; the other brothers did not raise the elder; he found a good spirit that brought him to earth; got a job as an apprentice to a jeweler; the king orders to do such rings that the princess asked for; the young man shows them as if he made them himself; marries his younger brother, older brothers to older princesses]: Veckenstedt 1880, No. 16:244-249; Western Ukrainians ( Transcarpathia, Mukachevo district, s. Puznyakovtsy) [The tsar has a vegetable garden with golden carrots, it is stolen, the soldiers cannot protect it. The gypsy woman is guessing at the maps: only one of his three sons will cut carrots. The elder takes corned beef, bread and wine with him. The mouse asks to share, he kicks her. He falls asleep at midnight, the carrots are eaten in the morning. It's the same with the middle son. The younger one treats the mouse. She says that golden carrots are eaten by a golden bear. When she comes, she will bite the sleeping prince's ear, he will wake up and must shoot without looking. The prince injures a bear and follows the bloody trail with his brothers to the hole. They chain the elder, he does not return, then the middle one (the same). The youngest comes down, walks across the field, sees a hut. There's an old woman on the stove, he bows to her. Baba thanks and says she would have eaten it otherwise. I haven't heard of the gold bear, she gives me a bottle of strength and a ring that calls 12 devils to help. The prince comes to another hut, where a woman is older than the first one on the stove. Thanks for the welcome, otherwise I would eat it. I haven't heard of a golden bear, she gives me a bottle of strength and a ring that summons 24 devils. She sends her to her sister, who is so old that her eyelids are covered with brines. Baba thanks for the greeting, otherwise she would eat it. I've heard about the bear, but I don't know where it is now. It gives a bottle of strength and a ring. The prince comes to a bridge made of braids, 12 devils fight on it, and he cannot cross. At this time, the girl rides on a wagon drawn by two dogs. This is the first woman's daughter. The dogs enter the swamp and cannot pull out the wagon, the prince pulls it out. The girl gives the boat, she carries the prince herself and returns to the owner. The prince comes to the bridge with razors, with 24 traits fighting on it. She can't cross, the second woman's daughter is riding the wagon (all the same). The prince comes to the hut, where there is a snake (shuffling). She is not at home, and the third woman's daughter cooks food, she's a snake cook. He tells me to run, the prince is not afraid. Snake: It smells like a sinful soul. The prince drinks a bottle of strength, defeats the snake, which promises to tell you where the golden bear is - the wounded man is lying at home. And the prince's brothers are hanged upside down in her chimney. She revives them with live ointment, and the prince goes to the golden bear. She drinks a second bottle of strength, starts to fight, whistles at the ring given by the first woman, 12 devils help defeat the bear. The prince rips off his skin with gold fur, cuts off the tip of his tongue, puts it in his pocket. The snake is calling to fight again. The prince drinks the third bottle of strength, the snake overcomes, he whistles at the first ring, 12 devils come running, and help kill the snake. He takes all three girls and brothers with him, comes to a hole in our world. First they raise girls, then brothers with bear skin, and the younger one puts a stone in his place because the brothers have an unmarried relative, a third girl for him. The basket with the stone is raised to the middle and released. The prince remembers his second ring and whistles. 24 traits come. He orders them to make an invisible hat, a boot that carries where they need to go, and a sword to cut everything he commands. The boot brings it to his father. There's a wedding, the prince takes off his invisible hat and is hired by a servant. He puts the rings of their mothers on plates for the girls and tells the king everything. The king allows him to treat his brothers as he pleases. He puts them in prison, marries the most beautiful of the three girls]: Day 1981:45-50; Western Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Khust District, p. Gorinchevo) [in the 77th state, behind glass mountains, behind milk streams, grandfather and woman live, there are no children; the old woman asks her grandfather to make a child and a cradle out of wood; he cuts down a sycamore, combs the boy, him they call Yavorovy Ivan (YAI); makes a cradle, a woman shakes her, the child does not come to life, grows up; two years later he goes to the forest, helps his grandfather; snakes (shufflers) took three royal daughters; their savior will receive one of them and the state; YAI goes in search, meets a gypsy, becomes friends; they find a hole, wind a rope, fix them on the stove; one will take the youngest daughter, the second will take the middle daughter, the eldest will serve; YAI goes down, hears a girl singing, she is in a hut rotating on a chicken leg; girl: her husband has five heads, he has strong water; YAI drinks water; an iron club falls into the yard, YAI throws her back, snake sees that someone strong is in his yard; comes in, says he smells sinful; wife: this is my brother; they shake hands; the serpent eats melted tin dumplings, drinks water, then goes to fight; snakes He hammers JAI knee-deep into the ground, YI to the waist, the serpent to the arm, YAI to the neck; begins to beat off his heads with a club, but they come back again; the girl sprinkles ashes on them, the head cannot grow, the snake kill; the girl says that she and YAI belong to each other; YAI tells me to collect everything valuable, lock the house, wait for him; puts on a snake's clothes, takes his sword, comes to her middle sister; she also plays harmonica and sings; her husband has ten heads, drinks special wine; YAI swaps barrels of water and wine; when approaching, the snake throws a club of 12 quintals; YAI drinks wine, throws away the club; (hereinafter the same as in YAI changes his sword to the one that the stronger snake has, comes to the third hut; there is a younger princess; the snake yells at his wife who found her with her lover, breathes fire from 12 mouths; Yai hides from by the door; when the heads show up in the hut, tells her sword to cut them; the elder princess puts all the jewelry in cream, the middle princess puts them in an apple, the youngest in a walnut, Yai puts them in her pocket, sends them upstairs the royal daughters, the gypsy pulls them out and goes away with them; Yai walks along the path day and night, comes to the hut, there is a woman, she has eyelashes to the ground; she calls him a dog son, agrees to take up duty, tells her to take a pitchfork and raise her eyelids, otherwise she does not see him; YAI raises her eyelashes to the woman, she recognizes him as YAI: the sycamore from which he was made knows him; she will take care of the mares: herd three times and bring back, otherwise your head is down; mares are women's daughters; the woman gives YAI a sleepy cake; when YAI wakes up, there are no mares; the fox asks for a cake, tells me to go home and become in a manger: mares have become chickens, the fox begins to torture them, the chickens run into the barn, become mares, YI ties them up, reports to the woman, who hits them with an iron pitchfork for letting themselves be caught, tells them what they should do; on the second the day is still the same, the wolf promises to help if YAI treats him to bread; explains that mares have become crows; the old horse lying on the manure will say everything to do; horse: there is a twig in its tail, they need wave and say: "Stay in place"; three crows sitting in a tree fly into the barn, become mares; the woman hits them with an iron pitchfork: they probably sleep with Ivan, love him, want to destroy her; On the third day, YAI gives a cake to the bear; he advises him to go home, there is an ox on the second pile of manure, he will explain what to do; the ox tells him to take two twigs from its tail, one wave to the left, the other on the right, until the mares appear, ask the woman for an old horse for his service; the mares turn into crayfish, swim from pool to pool, YAI hits them with twigs, turns them back into mares; the woman tears her hair, tells him to ask what YAI wants; he asks the old horse; the horse advises the woman to bow down, the woman spits after him, he has time to close the door, otherwise he would burn down; the horse asks how to go - in the wind or against winds, soars up, asks to see what's behind them; YAI sees a black cloud, it's a woman, a horse tells you to throw the comb (thickets from ground to clouds); the cloud is almost catching up, but they cross the border of the earth; woman screams terribly, crumbles to dust; the horse offers to go to the royal city; woman: three royal daughters have returned, the wedding is being prepared, the gypsy takes the youngest; YAI is hired by a shoemaker; princess ordered to make shoes like they had not done before; Yai takes out her younger sister's shoes out of the walnut, hangs them on a carnation; in the morning the younger princess comes and tells the shoemaker that he did not do it, but she also it is necessary to go to the tailor; YAI runs to the tailor, takes out his dress from the walnut; the princess calls the craftsmen for her wedding; YAI tells the horse to climb into his left ear, there are beautiful clothes; they fly to the palace; gypsies to the king: this is an angel going to the wedding; when she sees YAI, the bride cries for joy, but the gypsy does not confess; YAI puts plum, apple and nut on the table; the older sisters take out their wealth, and the youngest's nut is empty; she Understands everything; gypsies are executed, YAI marries a younger princess]: Lintur 1969:151-160; Western Ukrainians (Transcarpathia) [the king has a golden carrot, someone steals it at night; the eldest son hits the mouse, prince fell asleep, carrots were stolen in the morning; the same with the middle son; the younger one feeds the mouse, which wakes him up when the golden bear arrives; the prince shot, wounded the bear; the brothers are on the trail of blood; the older brother went down into the hole - did not return; the same middle one; the youngest went down, there is an old woman, he bowed; she praises: otherwise she would eat; she does not know about the bear, she gives a dance (?) , in which strength, and a ring with 12 helper devils; the prince comes to another old woman, even older; she sends to her sister is even older; both also give a bottle and a ring; on a braid bridge devils, the prince pulled a kishasonka cart out of the swamp (apparently, the Kishasonka is a girl), she gave a boat that crossed the bridge to the other side; the next razor bridge (the second girl); in the shuffler's house, the third a girl, she is the daughter of that third old woman; the prince drinks from a bottle, gains strength, overcomes the shuffling, she reports that the golden bear is lying wounded, and her brothers are hanged upside down; revived them; The prince drank strong water from another bottle, but the bear still prevails; then he summoned 12 devils, they killed the bear; the prince took off his golden skin and cut off the tip of his tongue; on the way back, the prince drinks from third bottle, struggling with shuffling again, killed her, took all three girls with him; the girls were picked up (who?) to the ground, followed by brothers; the prince tied a stone instead of himself, the brothers cut off the rope; the prince summoned 24 devils from the third ring, demanded an invisible hat, speeding boots, and a sword that cuts everything; arrived at the brothers' wedding, the girls recognized their rings; the prince married the most beautiful; put the brothers in prison; then released; maybe they still live if they didn't die]: Day 1981:45-50; Belarusians (Mogilevskaya, zap. 1888-1891, d. Novaya Bych, Bykhov. u., from kr. Pavel Ivanova, 45 years old, illiterate) [The wife gets lost in the forest, she is carried away by a bear, after 3 years she gives birth to her son Ivashka a bear ear; after 3 years he grows up and leaves, meets Duba-Dubovik and Gora- Gorovik, three of them go; they find a house, leave Goro-Gorovik to cook dinner, go hunting themselves, Kashchei ("Koschey") appears, demands to bring him into the house, put him at the table and serve food, eats the ox, flies away, Gora-Gorovik cuts another ox, puts it to cook, comrades come, the meat is raw, Gora-Gorovka does not talk about Kashchei; the same is repeated with Dubo-Dubovik; Ivashka remains to cook dinner on the third day, Kashchei arrives, Ivashka refuses to obey his orders (does not bring him into the house or sit down at the table), drags Kashchei into the forest and pinches Kashcheev's beard in the oak crevice, his comrades return, Ivashka feeds they follow Kashchei, but he flew away; the three of them go after Kashchei, come to the forest, Dub-Dubovik clears the road, Gora-Gorovik digs up a mountain, find a huge stone and a hole under it, make cowhides belt, Ivashka goes down, agrees that in a year his comrades will be in the same place; Ivashka goes underground, finds a copper house, where the girl says that they have not seen a Russian person here, they live behind Kashchei the Immortal, the girl offers to marry, but Ivashka spends the night and goes to look for Kashchei; she reaches the silver house, there is also a girl sitting there, the story repeats; Ivashka reaches the golden house, there the girl warns Ivashka that Kashchei is stronger; Kashchei arrives, senses the Russian spirit, the girl calms him down and finds out where Kashcheev's death is hidden (there is a casket in the sea, a hare in the casket, a duck in a hare, an egg in the duck, Hit Kashchei on the forehead with that egg); Kashchei flies away, the girl tells Ivashka, he takes a gun, wants to kill a wolf and a kite (and eat it) on the way, but the animals ask for mercy and promise that they will be useful, Ivashka sees sea cancer on the shore, does not kill, but helps him sail into the sea; in gratitude, the cancer brings Ivashka a casket from the sea, Ivashka breaks the lid, the hare runs away, the wolf catches the hare and tears it, the duck flies away, a kite catches her, tears her apart, Ivashka carries an egg to wash it in the sea, but drops it, the cancer returns the egg; Ivashka comes to Kashchei, hits the forehead with an egg, Kashchei dies; Ivashka takes the girl, regrets leaving her a golden house, a girl takes an egg, rolls it around and the house gathers in an egg, Ivashka puts the egg in her pocket, the second girl collects a silver house into an egg in the same way, the third a copper house; they come to going upstairs (exactly a year has passed), comrades pick up the girl from the copper house, argue who will marry her, she assures that she is "more beautiful" than her, raise girls from silver and gold houses, decide marry them, and the first as servants, and Ivashka cut off his belt on the rise so that he breaks; Ivashka ties a stone instead of himself, his comrades cut off his belt, the stone falls back, Ivashka grieves and leaves; hides from the cloud under the oak tree, birds scream, he climbs an oak tree, covers the chicks from the rain, then gets off and hides, the bird Half-Gritsa arrives, promises to thank his chicks for saving his chicks deliver it upstairs, Ivashka must prepare 2 barrels of any meat; Ivashka collects 2 barrels of snakes, frogs, mice, ties the barrels under the wings, they fly, Ivashka throws meat from barrels, meat into the bird's mouth ends, Ivashka cuts off his caviar; the bird takes him out into this world, finds out what kind of meat was at the end, expectorates, caviar grows; Ivashka comes to town, is declared a shoemaker ("Ivanichka Drunkard"), She does not know how to sew, she lives with a Jew; a girl from the golden house promises to marry someone who sews the shoes she had in her golden house, Ivashka takes an order through a Jew, drinks for two days, on the third day, she rolls a golden house out of the egg, pulls out her skulls, the Jew takes her skulls; the girl asks for the same dress - the story repeats, the third condition is the same crown; Ivashka goes into service to to the blacksmith, pulls out a wreath in the same way; the girl comes to the blacksmith, finds out who made the wreath; they get married; Dub-Dubovik and Gora-Gorovik marry two other girls, each living in their own house]: Romanov 1901, No. 36:340-347; Russians (Terevsky Bereg) [the elder prince asks to let him down for a walk on an open field; disappeared; the same middle one; younger Ivan: Let me go, and don't let him down, I'll go; I got to brothers, the forces are dark and dark against them; I. went around her, entered the house, where the girl weaves a crumb; she would click with stuffing {a kind of surf comb duck} - a horse and a man would jump out and go to service; I. cut off the stuffing, shot the girl; the brothers beat the force and burned the house; they are going - a stove, a hole under it; I. asks him to lower it, there are three houses and three girls, each wiped her kingdom in an egg and put it in her pocket; the brothers raised two girls; third Ivan: they argue over me; stayed with I. in the lower world; I. sees a man, another hits him on the head with a hammer, the man asks him to be redeemed; after the third time (the price is 100, then 200, 300 rubles, I. bought and brought him as an employee; he promises to bring him to the ground; brought him to the sea, a whale sailed, he limited his hand, became a ship; sailed, the servant does not sleep at the wheel; three birds flew in; first: I. he went to the earthen horde, took his beautiful wife and a prudent woman; second: that his own mother died, the father married Baba Yaga, his stepmother would give wine, he would drink it and tear it apart; third: a whoever hears and retells, will be petrified knee-deep; the next night the same (the stepmother will bring her shirt; she will petrify up to the waist); on the third night: the stepmother will bring a silver spoon, I. will take a sip and tear it apart; He who told everything will be petrified; they came; the servant threw wine on the dog, he disappeared; threw his shirt on the goat, he disappeared; and threw the spoon out the window; after telling everything, he petrified; old man: the son will be born, releasing him blood from under his throat on a stone, the servant will come to life; the son also came alive, only the scar remained]: Balashov 1970, No. 40:126-133 (=1991:86-101); Russians (Arkhangelsk, summer coast of the White Sea, Nyonoksa) [ After going fishing, the three brothers walk along the blood river to the barnyard. One is left to fry the bull, the others hunt. He appears with a fingernail, a beard from an elbow (hereinafter referred to as Himself), demands to take him to the table, eats a bull, hits his brother and leaves. The brothers return, spend the night hungry, and the next day the other brother stays to fry the bull (same). On the third, the youngest Ivan does not agree to carry Himself to the table, hangs him by the beard to the matitsa. The brothers come back, eat and throw bones at Himself's beard. They let him go and move on, and Himself goes under the rock. The brothers cut the belt out of all the bulls in the yard and lower Ivan into the hole, promise to wait for him and pick him up when he pulls the belt. Ivan enters the kingdom of copper and sees a red girl. She weaves and soldiers jump out of each cotton with stuffing (a bird in a loom) and two more, saying that this is an army against Ivan the Fool. Ivan asks her not to weave. She sends him to her sister in the silver kingdom, everything repeats itself, she to the third girl in the golden kingdom (the size of a sieve). She also agrees not to weave more soldiers, tells me how to get three girls out and defeat Himself. Ivan finds him by the sea (in a strong spirit), they are fighting, thirsty and leading Ivan to the field. There are bowls with strong and empty water, the girl swaps them in advance. Ivan drank a lot, defeated Himself - he put it in the palm of his hand, pressed down the other. He took the girls, rolled each of the three kingdoms into an egg. Brothers raise girls, but they don't want Ivan. A girl from the golden kingdom begs her betrothed (Ivan) to get her betrothed. They lower his rope, Ivan ties a stone to his belt, and his belt breaks off. The brothers wanted to marry the girls, but they refused. A girl from the golden kingdom goes to work as a cook for her ass. Ivan in the lower world is hired by a blind old man as a shepherd. The old man warns that Baba Yaga pulled out his eyes and will pull Ivan out. Ivan herds the herd in Baba Yaga's field, she sends her daughter to grab him, Ivan tears off his daughter's head and brings him home to the shop, and tells the old man that it is birch bark for bast shoes. She does the same with her second daughter. On the third day, she drives the cattle to Yaga's house, and she goes out to catch them. Ivan sits on horseback, holds her hair, chains Baba Yaga, cuts her with iron bars, and she says where the old man's eyes are. With his eyes inserted into the old man, Ivan cuts Yaga to death. The old man gives Ivan a bird to get to his world and feed the bird a bucket of meat in flight. Ivan returns to his village, finds out that girls don't want to marry his brothers until they get dresses from their kingdoms, Ivan rolls out kingdoms, takes dresses and rolls the kingdoms back. The girls understand that Ivan is near. Two marry brothers, a princess from the golden kingdom for Ivan]: Onchukov 2008, No. 86:226-229; Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [two princes went for a walk with their sister Maria, lost her; father gave a portrait sisters, let them look; after their departure, the Queen gave birth to another son named Pokati-Pea; the brothers came to her sister, she hid them; Raven Voronovich flew in - shuryaks, come out; he killed them and drank alcohol - like alive; tells his wife that death was written to him only from Pokati Groh; PG grew up, "threw my grandmother in the back of the back"; she cries: your two brothers and sister did not bother me; PG comes to my sister, not hides; greets BB, both shake hands to blood; both eat and drink a lot; when flying away, BB tells him not to enter the back room of the front stable; PG goes, there is hay in front of the lion, meat in front of the horse, PG shifted; then he opened the door - two girls flew out and disappeared; PG ran to BV's mother, asked for forgiveness; she persuaded BV to forgive too; both go to war, PG on the horse that BV fed meat; when BB fed meat; when BB fights, a street will wave in one direction, a lane in the other; but there is only more enemy power; PG came to the blacksmiths: soldiers appear from hammer blows, non-commissioned officers in another place, girls in the third they sew on the hoop like they are poked with a needle - officer; PG: amen to your work; they are grateful for stopping them; the warriors are no longer there, BV killed everyone, joyfully rolls like a hay pile; PG killed him; guilty in front of his mother, she led her to the well to collect living and dead water; PG drowned it in it, took water for herself; revived the brothers, went home with them and his sister; picked up a stone, a hole under it, told his brothers put him down in his belts; sent two girls to his brothers from below, but they couldn't pull him out; married those girls; PG came to the old man, began to herd his oxen; he tells them not to drive them to protected meadows; PG drove there, towards the monster with three heads, he killed him; the next day about five heads, the same; then six; hid these heads under the bed; the old man found it, glad; promises to ask The firebird, will it carry PG to the ground; sitting on the bird, PG feeds the poultry meat, it is over, it cut off its legs from its calves; the bird flew to the ground, died exhausted; PG revived it with living water, it regurgitated the meat from his legs, he took it with dead and living water; returned home, got married]: Smirnov 1917, No. 11:111-121; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Leshukonsky district, p. Vozhgory, 1928) [Pop got lost, met a bear, helped arrange a den, and winters in her. Palfil Popovich (PP) was born to a bear. In spring, pop returns to the village with his son. Popadya does not immediately recognize her husband, she is happy. PP is large, eats a lot, it is difficult for parents to feed it, they send it to the forest to herd cows. PP catches a bear who wants to pick up a cow, brings him to the village and locks him in the barn. The maid comes in when the bear eats the last cow. Pop sends PP to the king for tribute, he rides a bear, meets an enchanted man. To break free from the spell, he must "bring the mountains to one place." PP helps him, they go together. It's the same with having to uproot an oak tree. The three of them and the bear come to the king, the PP demands tribute, the king pays to leave as soon as possible. PP gave one bag of gold to his ass, and left with the other four. The three of us stayed in a hut, catching bulls. Two go to town for food, Gornik stays to cook, an old man appears from under the floorboard, demands a treat, the man refuses, the old man beats him, eats everything. It's the same when Dubnik stays to cook. PP defeats the old man, reproaches his comrades for not admitting why the food was not ready. PP wants to know if there's any other ground under the floor. He cuts bulls, makes belts, and his comrades pull him down. PP enters a copper, silver and gold tower, meets three girls, reports that the old man who stole them is dead. The girls are happy and ask to take them with them. It's a pity for PP to leave the tower. Everyone throws the ring from her hand onto the roof, the tower turns into rings, they are given to PP. Satellites lift the girls, but the PP is too heavy, the companions cut off their belts, the PP falls, goes waist-deep into the ground. He is hired by a blind old man to herd cows. He shows the border of the Baba Yaga glade and forbids herding cows there. The PP complies with the ban three times, and the fourth time she drives cows to Baba Yaga's land, she is angry, he promises not to bring cattle to her anymore. The cows are full and roaring. PP takes the herd back to Baba Yaga's meadow. She says she would fight with the PP hero and hear about his strength. We agreed to hit three times. Two PP blows do not harm Baba Yaga, then PP hits the mortar, Yaga becomes a woman, he puts her in a bag and tramples her, lets the old man feel at home, who makes sure that Yaga has been killed. PP kills one of the bulls, climbs into his skin, catches a crow that has flown up, sends the other for living and dead water. After receiving water, he tests it: he tears the bird, then revives it. He offers to cure the old man's eyes, sprinkles dead and living water, he sees the light, and in gratitude promises to bring the PP to the ground. His witch daughter does this, she eats people and knows how to turn into a bird. Orders to tie an iron spear and prepare 40 barrels of meat and 40 water. There was not enough meat, PP cut off its calves. The bird says its meat is sweet and would eat it, but his father's request doesn't allow it. Spits out swallowed, PP's legs are intact again. After 10 years of absence, PP returns to his kingdom, the girl from the golden hut is waiting for him, he marries her. PP punishes his comrades: he cuts off one arm and the other's leg. He puts up a silver and gold tower, lives in them]: Nikiforov 1961, No. 109, 272-278; Russians (Karelia) [someone steals turnips in the tsar's garden; three princes take turns guarding; younger Ivan sees humpback man; helps him tear his turnips; he leads him to the dungeon to play cards; I. won; peasant: guess which bird is a parrot, which bird is a help and which is a swan; dog: it's a fly, a mosquito and louse; the peasant gave I. Mary the princess; her brothers lifted her belts, and lifting I. cut off her belts; I. was born in underground passages; his backyard grandmother teaches him to pretend that he does not know how to sit in the stove in Baba Yaga's house ; we must ask you to show it, put it in the stove itself, run; gives a brush, a comb and a mirror; I. threw the comb - the forest, the brush - the mountain, the baba yaga gnawed; the mirror is a river of fire, Baba Yaga swam, burned down; I. I came to the city to my grandmother, she hid it in the closet; Maria Tsarevna came; grandmother: where is your longing? M.: the ram has a horn; the grandmother gilded the ram; next time M. admitted: there is a stone on the lake, there is a chest in it, a duck in the chest, an egg in the duck, her longing in the egg; I. and her grandmother sailed in a boat on the lake, fished stone; on the bank, I. dropped an egg, the hare brought it to him; his grandmother hid I. in the closet, cooked scrambled eggs for M., she ate, the longing was gone, she wished I.; they kissed, came to the tsar-father, the brothers were kicked out; began to live well]: Azadovsky 1947, No. 15:102-105; Russians (Zaonezhye or Pinega, Poganets, 1927, E.F.Fofanova, 12 years old) [The king takes turns sending his sons to watch the garden where apples are missing. The elders fall asleep and don't see the thief. The youngest sees that the apples are being stolen by a polar bear. He asks his brothers to let him down into the hole from which the beast comes out. He finds himself in a copper hut, the girl transfers threads from ball to ball, feeds and poit-puts to bed (at the request of the guest), learns about his goal and says that there are 2 more girls and a grandmother ahead. In a silver hut, a girl winds silver threads, everything repeats itself, and the same goes in a golden hut (a girl with gold threads says that the bear lives with her grandmother). He promises to marry each of the girls. Ivan turns his hut on his chicken foot, the old woman tells him that the bear will force him to heat the bathhouse, and then ask him to give it up, but this cannot be done, otherwise the beast will eat him. He follows the old woman's advice, does not give up when the bear asks, the beast writhes and dies. Ivan rips off his skin, picks up his grandmother and three girls. Every girl twists the hut into a ball and puts it in her pocket. They go to the hole, Ivan warms the crows with a bear skin, sends them upstairs to the girls' brothers, and they start fighting over them. The brothers lift Ivan up, but not completely and throw him back into the hole. The raven brings Ivan to the surface of the earth, and on the way, the bird eats the bull's meat it brings, which Ivan throws into his beak when it ends, cuts off the meat from his legs. The raven sees that the prince is limping, spits out his meat and putting it at his feet. He returns to his kingdom during the wedding of a girl from a golden hut, marries her, she develops a hut out of a ball]: Nikiforov 1961, No. 77:175-178; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, 1908, Lapinskaya volost , an 18-year-old girl A.S. Filatova, lived as an employee in different villages of Pomerania, composes ditties and songs/"folk poetess"/, illiterate) [The Tsar and Queen notice that someone is in their garden at night steals turnips, sends sons to watch. The two oldest sons didn't see anyone. The youngest Ivan sat on the fence, "sings songs, counts the stars", sees a humped man tearing his turnips, comes up and helps him pick up. The man invites Ivan to his dungeon, Ivan takes his brothers with him. They stay at the entrance, Ivan comes in, beats the man at cards, the man invites Ivan to guess which of the birds is a parrot, a bird, a white swan. Ivan goes out to think on the porch (smoke), the Mukhtotska dog suggests that it is a fly, a mosquito and a louse, respectively. The old man gives Mary Tsarevna for Ivan with a large dowry. Ivan's brothers lift Mary in their belts, as soon as they started lifting Ivan, cut off his belts, and he fell into the dungeon. She walks into her grandmother's backyard hut, asks how to get home, she shows the way past Jaitsna Babitsna's hut, warns that she will want to eat Ivan, put it in the oven and advises her to ask show how to sit in the heat properly. He gives Ivan a brush, a comb and a mirror to escape from Jaicna-Babica's chase. Ivan followed his grandmother's advice, put Yaitsna in the oven and ran away. She knocked out the stove flap with her feet and chased Ivan. He throws a comb, a forest grows, Yaytsna gnaws through it, throws a brush - a mountain appears, it gnaws through it, throws a mirror - a river of fire appears, it rushes into the river and burns down. Ivan comes to his city, goes to his grandmother's house, who says that Maria-Tsarevna visits her. The grandmother puts Ivan in the closet and asks where her longing is, the princess replies: "The ram has a horn", the grandmother has gilded her horn. She put it on the table, then Marya said that her longing was in the lake, in the stone chest, duck, egg, and longing in it. Grandma and Ivan caught a stone and took out an egg. Ivan drops it and can't find it, the hare brings the egg. My grandmother put Ivan in the closet, made scrambled eggs out of eggs, and treated Mary to her. Marya's longing passed, Ivan came out of the closet, they told the truth to the tsar, expelled the brothers from the kingdom and got married]: Tseitlin 1911, No. 10:5-7; Russians (Vologda) [Tsar and Queen are childless, both 80; the king tells the fishermen to throw a net for his luck; the pike looks like gold; the king tells the nanny to bake a cake; the middle part was eaten with the queen, the one where the head was eaten by the nanny, the tail was eaten by the dog; everything they gave birth to a boy, only the son of a dog has dog ears; the priest gave the names: Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan Nyankin, Birth; brothers grew up; C. suggests considering the elder who will continue to throw the 4-pound club ; he himself threw the furthest; went hunting, got lost, stopped in an empty house, a bridge across the river; the brothers take turns guarding; the IC sees a three-headed monster riding, disappeared, did not say brothers; the same IN (6-headed); on the third night S. leaves a glass: if full of blood, hurry to help, and if the blood is over the edge, save themselves; the 12-headed monster prevails, S. threw his boot, the gate disappeared, the horse ran, helped kill the monster; S. put 12 heads under a heavy stove; the brothers apologize for hiding and not helping; when they went, S. asks to return - he forgot his gloves; he fell off the stove, under it 12 heads; the brothers kept silent; three sisters of the sorceress gathered; one promises to become an apple tree, the other a feather bed, the third a well; the brothers want to eat apples, lie on the feather bed, drink water, S. does not give; the brothers find a hut, hunt, cook in turn; a dwarf with a long beard came, ate everything, beat the IC; the same with the IN; S. beat the dwarf, pinched his beard in the stump; he uprooted the stump, left, a bloody trail leads to a hole; S. orders to kill a bear, make it out of belt skin, lower it on her belts; the girl of the copper kingdom sends a silver bear to the girl, she to the girl of the golden kingdom; each asks marry her; the girl of the golden kingdom orders to change wells with strong and weak water; the dwarf drank weak water, S. killed him; S. sends the girls upstairs, each turned her kingdom into a ball; when the brothers picked up S., they were flattered by the girls, cut off the belt; S. fell, found the Firebird, she carried him upstairs, because he defeated her villain; the IC took the maiden of the silver kingdom, the JIN took the copper kingdom, and the girl He has the golden kingdom as his servants; having learned how it was, the tsar executed the IC, drove the IN away, made S. an heir, he married the princess of the golden kingdom]: Gura 1965, No. 20:230-233; Russians ( Vologda, Belozersky Krai) [Tsarevichi Fedor, Vasily, Ivan; whoever brings a jug of twelve stigmas with living water from the Blue-eyed girl, the tsar promises half the kingdom; F. reached the intersection, on the stove inscriptions: to be hungry; he is full, but the horse is hungry; to sleep with the girl; rides along the third road; the girl put him against the wall, he fell into a hole; the same with V.; I. turned to the road where he was hungry; the hut on with a chicken leg, on a dog's shank; turn your back to the forest and in front of me; there Baba Yaga, Blue-eye is her niece, brother's daughter; gives her horse, he is better than I.'s horse; I. comes to her second sister Yaga, she gives an even better horse; to the third; she teaches you to jump over the wall, take water; I. sinned with S., so the horse, jumping back, hit the strings; S. after one baba yaga to another; "I don't feel sorry that the horse I got drunk, because it's expensive that I didn't cover the well"; S. caught up, they got engaged, she promised to come in three years; girl I. shoved her down, brought her brothers out of envy; they threw him into a hole out of envy, he flew three days and three nights; Nagai birds squeak on an oak tree by the sea, I. covered them with a robe; they tell their mother about this, the bird is ready to raise I. to the ground, let her cook meat; almost enough, he cut off fingers and toes; bird: did not know what was so tasty; regurgitated, I. put them back with live water; S. came, demands "guilty"; F. goes, then V.; sons think that this is the father, S. - no; and when I. comes in the form of a drunkard, it's him; wedding; older brothers were expelled]: Azadovsky 1934, No. 8:186-199; Russians (Pskov) [the tsar has two kingdoms; he sends people to find out why in one of kingdoms, the people do not know where to go; the old man is sent: you must throw the seine three times; the first two times you will get a lot of fish, throw it away; on the third, three white fish pike; let the princess eat - then the tsar finds out where the people are going; the cook cooked fish, also tried it herself and gave birth to her son; everyone gave birth to a son: Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan Kukharkin, Ivan-Suchkin-Ploshkin (ISP); they grew up quickly, went in search; before that, the ISP whistled in three stables, each with only one horse left, the brothers took them for themselves; chose the one who would throw the club higher as the eldest; when he threw the ISP, they had time to drink tea before it fell; made him senior; stopped at the bridge over the Kalinovka River; they guard in turn, but Ivan Tsarevich and Ivan-Kukharkin fall asleep, all three times at the ISP bridge; each time the snake drives the ISP into the ground "on the trail", and The ISMP cuts down all three heads of the snake; the third snake drove the ISP to the waist, and the ISP blew only two heads off, but the horse finished off the snake; as a fly, the ISP overheard the snakes talking; one would thirst, the other would turn around a spring, the third has one mustache in the ground and the other into the sky: as they go, so in her mouth; the brothers went, thirsty; the ISP crossed the meadow - blood, crossed the key - also blood; told the brothers to go forward, they they drove into the snake's mouth, and he told the blacksmiths to light the horn; the snake gnawed through the iron doors, stuck its tongue, began to beat her tongue with a hammer; the ISP beat until the snake regurgitated the brothers, and herself died; a gold-haired ram ran out; the ISP threw a club at him, and the ram grabbed it and carried it down the hole; the ISP tells the brothers to lower him on a rope; picked up a club, came to the copper kingdom, there was a girl, a serpent flew in , the ISP killed him; the same in the silver kingdom; in the golden kingdom, the princess hides under the hem, the serpent flies around, the ISP, according to the princess's teaching, grabbed him by the tail, the serpent flew, hit the ground and shattered to pieces; each of the princesses turned her kingdom into an egg; the princess of gold branded the ISP with her ring and ordered the snake to take the tail: it would deliver it wherever you wanted; the brothers pulled out the princesses, began to argue over princesses of the golden kingdom, decided to get rid of the rival, raised the ISP to half the hole and threw it; the ISP shifted the snake tail from hand to hand, found himself on the ground, exchanged clothes with the old woman's son, came to feast; the princess saw her stigma on him; traitor brothers were shot]: Chernyshev 1950, No. 2:10-18; Russians (Moscow) [the old man weaved bast shoes, sold; 12 brothers are dragging a mare; the old man gave for her what he took by the bast shoes; the mare has a pearl tail, a golden mane; tells him to sit on it, but not cling to the clouds with her head; at home, the mare immediately necklaced and gave birth to a foal; the landowner bought it for 500 rubles; mare to an old man: but he forgot about me; he fed her, she flew to the steppe and gave birth to a son Ivan-Kobylin (IK); he went to rescue the princess, she was carried away by a 12-headed serpent; met Gorynya and Dubynya as companions ; they were afraid to go down into the snake kennel, IK went down; the princess's serpent is on her knees, she is looking for lice in his heads; tells him to change strength with impotence; the serpent drank impotence; they fight on sabers; IK: Serpent, look around, your kingdom is burning" the serpent looked around, IC cut off all their heads; the princess gave her ring; her companions picked her up; IK tied a stone, they cut off the rope, believing that they were raising IC; 12 cabbage rolls they promise to take the IR to the ground, tell them to prepare water and meat; the last portion was not enough, he cut off the caviar from his right foot, divided it into 12 parts, gave it to cabbage rolls; on the ground, the birds coughed up pieces, put them back ; the mare's mother came running, hit the stone, the crows began to peck at her; IK grabbed the crow, ordered the crow to bring alive and dead water, revived his mother; dressed as a beggar, he came to the princess's wedding with Dubynya; the bride recognized her ring; Dubyn was opened across the field, IK received the kingdom]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 23:58-61; Russians (Moscow) [three princesses went to the garden, the whirlwind took them away; the tsar promises one of the daughters and half the kingdom; the son of a peasant went in search; meets, takes Ivan Kamnelom as his companions, Ivan tear an oak tree; they cook in the hut in turn; a man comes in with a nail beard from his elbow, everything eats, cuts out a belt from the cook's back; when Ivan the peasant son (I.) remained, he pinched his beard into the stump; he escaped, they followed the trail, under the hole stone; there was first cold, then fever; only I. endures went down; I. killed a three-headed serpent at the copper palace, saved the princess; the same from the middle (six-headed), golden (nine-headed); each princess turned her palace into an apple; the princess was raised, the youngest gave the golden apple to Ivan; the brothers began to pick it up, cut off the rope; I. did not break; there were three chicks in the oak nest, a snake crawls towards them, I. killed her; for this the bird carried him to the ground; the king promises the youngest daughter to the one who will get the gold rings she had in the lower world; I. built a palace, with rings in it; the brothers were forgiven]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 24:61-65; Russians ( Ryazanskaya) [the queen was walking in the garden, she was carried away by a whirlwind; three sons went in search; the eldest two cannot, the youngest Ivan Tsarevich picked up a stone that covered the hole in the ground; tells him to lower him on a rope; in a girl in the garden, a serpent arrives, I. knocked down all three heads for him; the princess called her brothers, these are Wind, Whirlwind, Storm; they answer that the kidnapped queen overseas from the Cat the Immortal; gave a horn to summon her brothers, they carried across the sea; cancer, wolf, kite ask not to eat them, promise to help; Ivan's mother turns him into a spider, hides him in cracks; says K. that she dreamed of his death; K.: my death in an oak tree in the forest, under it there is a chest, there is a hare in it, a duck in the hare, an egg in the duck, a needle in the egg, his death in the needle eye; I. found, opened the chest, the wolf caught up with the hare, the kite caught up with the duck, the cancer took out an egg that fell into the sea; K. died; on winged horses, I. and his mother flew to the exit to earth, the princess was there; the brothers pulled the women out, and I. left; he blew into the horn, the Whirlwind carried him to the ground; he began to live with the old woman in the city; she says that the brothers brought her mother and girl; the girl demands the dress she had; Whirlwind, Wind, Storm get; the same - shoes; the girl came to the old woman, found out I.; the brothers were forgiven]: Samodelova 2013, No. 64:71-74; Russians (Voronezh, Ertil district, p. Pike, 1965) [Cripple Ivan does not get up from the stove, his parents go to the forest, he stays at home. The old man knocks, asks for a drink. I. says he can't walk, he orders. He gives me a drink of water twice, I. gains strength, "Yes, if there was a pole in the ground, I would turn the ground upside down," the old man gives a third drink and his strength becomes a little less. I. brings lunch to his parents and easily uproots trees. He goes "to look at the white world, show himself", on the third day he sees sleeping heroes, wants to kill them, but thinks about it, wakes them up, asks him to take him with him to save the girl from the snake. He says that the oldest will be the one who lifts the big stone, becomes the oldest. They approach the crack, one of the heroes descends on a rope, refuses in the middle of the way, and I. He walks into the hut and learns from the old woman about three girls and three snakes (3-, 6 and 12 heads). He comes to the first girl, hides, the snakes return, they go out to fight, the snake drinks water from under the oak tree, Ivan offers a drink from under the birch tree. The serpent blows, Ivan kneels into the ground, Ivanov's whiff of snakes leaves him to the waist, Ivan knocks his heads down with a baton. She frees the girl, takes her personalized ring, defeats the second and third snakes more easily (she drinks water from under the oak tree), the girls give him personalized rings. The heroes raise the maidens, and leave Ivan behind. Baba Yaga: If she catches a white sheep, it will fall to the ground, if the black sheep falls down to two more lands. And enough black. He sees a nest with chicks on an aspen tree, asks their mother to carry it to the ground. She agrees on the condition that he has a vat with animals to feed her on the road. I. flies to the tsar, goes to the wedding, shows his personalized rings, the rescued girls recognize him, the tsar gives Ivan his daughter as his wife]: Kretov 1977, No. 42:81-83; Russians (Tambov Region) [An unclean spirit stole Anastasia the Beautiful from Tsar Pea; three sons go in search; the youngest Ivan sees how three spoonbills became maidens, began to swim; I. hid the sash as the most beautiful; she replies, that his mother was kidnapped by her father Raven Voronovich; tells him to follow a bird with a golden tuft; I. goes with his brothers, they bring him down to the lower world; 33 spoonbill girls in the copper, silver, golden kingdoms they send I. to go for a ball; the princess of gold gives a ball to go to the pearl kingdom, where mother I.; orders to rearrange vats with strong and low-power water there; I. enough BB, makes him give him a road- a feather; princesses and mother I. turned the four kingdoms into balls, the I. brothers pulled them all out, cut off the rope, lifting I.; 12 fellows carried him to the ground; I.'s father executed his wife, wants to marry the princess the golden kingdom; she demands to sew boots, then a dress without measure; I. does everything, hiring artisans and revealing hidden kingdoms; the princess tells I. to cook in milk, he becomes handsome; his father jumped, cooked; I. marries, reigns]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 130:239-243; Russians (Kursk, Valuisky District) [The only son of a poor widow is forced to beg, then he is hired by to a rich old man, promises to do it for three. He grinds his life, agrees with two men to work together. At night, they look for fire in the field, the grandfather by the fire agrees to give fire in exchange for a fairy tale, the men can't tell, he cuts a belt out of their backs. The widow's son agrees to tell the story, on the condition that the old man does not interrupt him. He tells stories for a long time, then says that his grandfather rode his old grandfather in the next world. The old man screams "you're lying", the widow's son clamps his beard in the crevice in the stump, takes the fire. Guys want to see an old man running away with a stump. They follow the trail from the stump that leads them to a bottomless hole, the widow's son comes down and finds himself in another world. In the mansions, three beauties warn him of an evil old man, the youngest shows kegs with weakness and strength, he swaps the contents. The grandfather returns, senses the Russian spirit, the widow's son goes out to fight with him, then both drink from kegs. The widow's son wins, takes treasures and three beauties, but men only pull girls out. He sees that the chicks are threatened by thunderstorm and rain, and covers them with a cloak. In gratitude, their mother promises to take him out of the dead, he collects meat for her on the road. The meat runs out on the way, and the man is forced to cut off his thighs. When a bird lands and finds out what it has eaten, it spits it out and returns it to its place]: Aristov, Pavlov 1939:73-76; Belarusians (West in Bryansk Gubernia) [The mink beast destroys cattle; only the king's youngest third son goes to guard, fights the beast, which goes underground; brothers on a rope bring the prince down; there a horse is waiting for him; he comes to the princesses in copper, silver, gold (younger) palaces, they teach their brother Norka to cut off his head; he sleeps on a stone in the middle of the sea, the prince kills him; the sisters place their palaces in three eggs, give it to the prince; brothers they raise their sisters, cut off the rope; the prince suspected this, tied a stone to it, did not break; during a storm, he covers the chicks of a mighty bird from the rain; their mother takes it to the ground, on the way he feeds the bird ; is hired by a tailor; he says that the princesses agree to marry only the one who sews the dress they used in their kingdoms; the prince pulls everything out of the eggs; the youngest identifies him among the beggars by the ring; three weddings]: Afanasiev 1938 (1), No. 132:247-251; Ukrainians [(reported by A. Maksimovich, probably translated from Ukrainian to Russian); the beggar tells the childless tsar to strain seven-year-old girls, seven-year-old boys weave out a seine overnight, they catch bream in the sea; the queen ate, cook she ate the bones, the dog ate giblets, three horses drank slop; the queen, the cook, the dog gave birth to a boy (Ivan Tsarenko, Ivan Povarenko, Ivan Suchenko), horses - to a foal; three brothers saddled them, let's go on a journey; the IS arrow flew the farthest, to the kingdom of far away, he was recognized as the elder; the brothers take turns coming to Bely Polyanin, he connects the elders, IS defeats him, the BP is taken sister; everyone takes turns cooking dinner; every time a grandfather arrives in a mortar, eats up, beats the cook, takes off his skin from his back; IS hits him, clamps his beard into a stump, he goes into a hole in the ground, dragging a stump; IS on his belt follows, consistently meets three princesses, kills the three snakes who kidnapped them; before a fight with the third, 12-headed, replaces his club with his club; the princesses curtail their wealth in golden, silver, copper eggs, give IS; when brothers raise princesses upstairs; when IS, BP cuts off the rope; IS comes to his grandfather, drinks strong water, that is weak; asks not to kill him, gives him a chair and the wool of three horses; IS sets fire to the wool, the horses are, the red IS returns to earth; is hired by a jeweler, who brings the princesses to the wedding by a ring, everyone recognizes their own, given IP; IS fits into the left the horse's ear, gets out of the right well done, removes the roof from the house (this was the task), raises the PSU, throws it, he breaks to death; three brothers married the princesses]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 139:292-298.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars (Bakhchisaray District, Karalez) [the padishah has two sons; he does not order to hunt in the west and east, let them go towards the Kaaba; there is no game there, the elder suggests going east; in the well can be seen for a month; the youngest begins to lower the elder, he tells him to pull it out: he burns; the youngest comes down, does not tell him to pull it out; below the door the beauty has a golden tray, on it a golden greyhound chases a silver hare; then a man nailed to the wall, the young man freed him; the dove at the spring tells him to return to the beautiful woman; she is the daughter of the seven-headed Azhdakh, gave Zulfikar the sword; the young man drove Azhdakha into knee-deep, cut off 6 heads; the seventh refused to cut - you are not my father's pair of oxen; the young man sent the girl and the treasure upstairs, then the older brother threw the rope; at home told his father that the youngest was gone to seek his fate; the youngest plunged into the spring and found strength; in the city, the old woman gives her urine instead of water; the seven-headed ajdaha gives water in exchange for the girls; the turn of the padishah's daughter; the young man fell asleep at her place on his knees, woke up to her tears; the young man and Azhdaha drive each other into the ground; the young man drove him to his knees, cut off six heads; abandoned the daughter of the padishah, who gave him gold; he crawls to the nest of the bird Chan-Kushu a three-headed snake, the young man chopped it, fed the chicks meat; Chan-Kushu thinks that he killed her chicks every year, but the chicks explained everything; the young man asks to take him to the ground; took a barrel of meat and a barrel with him water; the last piece was cut off from his thigh; on the ground, the bird put it back; the young man came to his older brother's wedding; the bride: I have been in mourning for 40 days; the young man sees a young man under his window; the young man pointed a mole to his father recognized him in his body; his elder brother was beheaded, the youngest married a rescued girl]: Zherdeva 2020, No. 30; Kalmyks; Stavropol Turkmens; Kabardian residents; Abazins ; Adygs; Ossetians; Terek Cossacks (art. Borozdinskaya) [the tsar's eldest daughter asks to let her go to the "unhappy" garden; there a storm rises and takes her away; the same with her middle daughter; when the youngest began to ask, she was chained to bed, covered with iron canopy and left in the garden in a room with 12 iron doors; a 12-headed serpent arrives, takes the girl along with the bed; Ivan Tsarevich calls to find the kidnapped, takes three generals as assistants; sees how 12-, 9- and 6-headed snakes fly out of the passage to the underworld one by one; I. tells the generals to lower him on a rope into the underworld and wait above; comes to a city where all tailors; those they give I. a ball of thread and tell him to throw it in front of him; the ball leads to the palace; the princess says that her husband is a 6-headed serpent; hides I. in the room, in it a tub with strong and a tub with powerless water; I. tries both; changes tubs in places; takes a kladenets sword from the royal daughter, hides; a 6-headed serpent who has arrived drinks powerless water instead of strong water and falls asleep; I. cuts off his heads; princess gives I. a ball of thread; he rolls to the palace in which her sister; I. drinks strong water, moves the tubs of water, kills the 9-headed snake; the princess gives a ball of thread; warns that the younger sister's husband - 12-headed serpent, he shackled his 12-headed father in the basement; with the help of a ball of thread, I. finds a crystal palace; meets the princess there, drinks strong water, changes the tubs; a snake that has arrived falls asleep; I. cuts off his 9 heads; the serpent growls, his father hears, breaks 6 chains; I. princess: "Run to your father-in-law soon; if he asks what this noise is, you say that a strong storm has risen, turned it around The root is a large oak tree that stood by the window: this oak tree hit the palace and broke all the windows; yes, take an iron pitchfork, hot; when my father-in-law says: "Raise my eyelids with a pitchfork, I'll see what is being done" , if you are in the eye with a pitchfork, and I will come to help you; the princess runs to the basement; I. cuts off the remaining 3 heads of the snake; the princess says to her father-in-law what was ordered; father-in-law: "Take a pitchfork, yes raise my eyelids - I'll see what is being done"; the princess stabs his eyes with a hot pitchfork; I. comes running and killing him; regrets not seeing such a palace on earth; the princess gives him a silk shawl with with the words: "Wave them - I give you this palace"; I. waves his handkerchief, a golden egg appears in his hand; with the help of a ball of thread, I. returns with the princess to her sister; she also gives him a silk shawl; I. waves at them, gets a silver egg; throws a ball of thread in front of him, goes with both princesses to their older sister; waves her handkerchief, receives a copper egg; when he reaches passage, I. alternately ties the sisters to the rope, the generals raise them; saying goodbye to the third princess, I. takes off her personalized ring; I. ties a stone to the rope; the generals raise it to the middle and let go; they tell the king that they saved his daughters; the younger princess refuses to marry the general and tells the truth; the king does not believe, but postpones the wedding; I. wanders; the time of rain climbs into a huge nest in a tree; there are three chicks; I. covers them with his last hollow and warms them; the chicks tell the vulture bird about their savior; she offers I. help, orders to prepare 12 barrels of game and 12 barrels of water; during the flight, I. feeds and wateres it: "When the bird looks to the right, it will splash water on it; if it looks to the left, he will throw a piece of meat"; there is not enough meat for the whole journey; I. cuts off meat from both calves, feeds the vulture bird; it flies into the light, falls to the ground; asks I. what kind of delicious meat was the last time: when she finds out, she expectorates both calves and puts them on I.'s legs; he heals, goes to the king; the youngest princess recognizes I. by the ring on her hand; the king orders the generals to be tied to horse tails and let them go across the field, the youngest daughter marries I.; I. waves silk with scarves; three palaces appear; one of them I. gives to the elder princess, the other to the middle princess, and lives with his wife in the third]: Butova 1889, No. 3:128-141; Ingush; Balkarians (Western 1965) [Three sons often hear from their father: "Persimmon, ah, persimmon!" ; father: you can't find the persimmon you want; sons went for persimmons; at the fork, the elder brother walks along the road where "the walker will be hungry", the middle brother will "wear out", the youngest "will be deadly dangers"; the youngest venerated the Emegenshi's nipples; her husband came; he teaches: you must walk between the crushing rocks; cross the river (Kyzyl-Kan-Cherek, "blood-red river") without looking for a crossing; there are persimmons; under persimmons Emegen sleeps with his head on the beauty's knees; the young man brought a persimmon, the brothers decided to destroy it; threw it into the river, took the persimmon; father: what happened where the persimmon grew; brothers do not know; father: you are not her found; then the youngest son returned; his father: that woman with emegen is your mother; the brothers followed her; that friendly emegen: your mother's kidnapper is the strongest emegen; only his own can be killed with a knife; the older brothers were frightened, the youngest took a knife out of the tree and cut off the head of emegen; mother: Emegen had three prisoners below; the younger brother went down; the brothers picked up the girls and treasures, cut off the rope, picking up the younger one; but he got out; the girls demand from the grooms the jewelry they had; the younger brother comes to the jeweler, gives him their real jewelry; the youngest realizes that the young man is alive; tells confess to the jeweler that he did not make what he brought; but still everyone made peace]: Malkonduev 2017:331-340; Chechens [the young man goes to face off with seven Nart-Orsthoys, who pass off his sister as him ; when he goes home with his wife, her brothers warn that they will be mirrored at the river crossing; the young man held on, and the horses and wife fell into the lower world; the young man made a hut, they came to live with him two more; you can see how a girl went to the lower world; the companions can't go down - it's hot, the young man went down, there were three girls, he sent them to the ground when he started getting up by himself, the companions cut off rope; the old woman says that there is a Sarmak by the stream, does not provide water, the young man cut it into 9 pieces; the old woman: there are white, gray and black sheep on the road, if you touch the black one, you will go even lower; a young man takes a white man, goes up to the ground; finds his father; insidious companions have been expelled, the young man marries the girl he liked raised]: Malsagov 1983, No. 25:126-128; Nogais [ the woman rolled out the dough (reed), covered it with a tablecloth, and when she took it off, the boy Kamyr-Batyr was there; he grew up, took a horse from his father, went on a journey; he met and took several as companions Dow, everyone says he's not amazing, but K.; one pulls trees, the other throws rocks, the third drinks the sea; they put up a hut, cook one by one; an inch tall rider, a 40-inch beard He eats everything, ties the cook with his hair; when K.'s turn, he tied the dwarf between the trees; he uprooted them, the trail led to the well, K. went down on a silk rope; there are three daughters of a dwarf, one gave K. strong water, he killed a dwarf, sent the girls upstairs, his companions threw the rope; K. came to the old man; he teaches him to sit on a white ram, but K. accidentally sat on a black one, he threw it off below; below, the old man advises killing Azdag, which eats the chicks of the Caracus bird, which will take it to the ground; K. killed Azdag, the chicks hid it; the wind rose (from the wings of the mother bird), fell from the sky tiny icy (her tears); the bird tells me to cook meat and water for 9 months; K. cut off the last piece from the thigh; the bird swallowed it and spit it it out healthy; K. executed treacherous companions, took it girls]: Kapaev 2012:209-218; Avars; Udins; Megrelians [the blind king kept three sons in the castle, prohibiting the servants from talking to them; they grew up and made the cook say what is outside the castle walls; they broke the doors, went to look for a cure for blindness; at the fork there is an inscription: if you go to the left, the horse will die, to the right you will come back late; the elders go to the right, the hell wins at their cards, makes them a perfume and baker; the youngest goes to the left; the giantess laughs, the young man has time to say hello to her, the horse falls into the abyss in fear; the giantess sends to her sister - the same, a young man with she can hardly greet him; the third has a splinter in his leg; only the young man pulled it out, she gave medicine; the young man found the brothers, broke the line; three brothers saw a crevice, but the youngest did not frightened to go down to the bottom, although it was hot; freed three beauties, sent them upstairs; the youngest warned: the brothers would cut the rope; if you sit on a white goat, it would carry it down, the black one would lift it upstairs; the young man sat on a black one, returned to a jeweler; before marriage, beauties demand a talking golden hare; the young man brought it, the girls recognized the savior; he cured his father, who gave him the throne, the older brothers drove away]: Lominadze 1894:44-48; Megrels (Eki village) [mother of four daughters conceived a son by swallowing grain; named Kazhandi; he ordered an unthinkably heavy club and bow and arrows from the blacksmith, went wander; met and accompanied Ahmet (moved mountains) and Bosch (raised part of the land); they live in the forest, cook in turn; a priest comes, connects the cooks, eats food; when K. stays, he beats the priest, he runs away, his companions follow him, he disappeared into a hole in the ground; his companions let K. into it; there is a house where the priest dies, he has three daughters; K. filled the priest with hot bacon; sent girls and treasures upstairs; wanting to test his companions, put a stone in the basket instead of himself; they cut off the rope; K. comes to the old woman, who has only dirty water; for each jug of water you have to give the human dragon; K. killed the dragon; he is advised to return upstairs on the back of the eagle, prepare meat for the journey; there was only enough meat halfway, the eagle returned; K. came to the people who guard the giants causing the wind; K. released the giants, the hurricane began, they were caught again; K. flies the eagle again, gives meat from his leg; on the ground, the eagle heals the wound by touching it with its pen; K. married the youngest of the girls, the companions apologized]: Mashurko 1894:393-399; the Megrelians [attacked by the Turks, one daughter-in-law left the baby in the forest, ran away; the king's son, who loved to hunt, saw Ndemi, on whose chest a boy of his age plays; asked the king for an army; ordered to cover the clearing with straw, burn it; Ndemi ran away, the boy stayed; he was taught to live like a human being; he is smart and strong; the king forbid his son to enter one room; Ndemi's pupil broke down the door, there was a portrait of the beautiful daughter of black Ndemi; the king had to let his son go, Demi's pupil went with him; black ndemi gave his daughter, but warned that a white ndemi from the lower world could kidnap her; the prince sent an Ndemi pupil to inform his father about the wedding; at this time, the white ndemi took the bride; Ndemi's pupil ordered him to be lowered through the hole into the lower world world; the swineherd said that the white ndemi was having a wedding feast; disguised as a beggar, the Ndemi pupil approached the bride; advised him to find out what the soul of the black ndemi was; he first said that the dog was the wife began to caress the dog; then: in a deer in the forest; a ndemi pupil shot a deer, a hare jumped out of it, a box in the hare, with two flies in it; Ndemi's pupil blinded them; came to the black ndemi, tortured the flies , he died; Ndemi's pupil sent the princess and gold to the ground in a basket; when the servants picked him up, they cut the rope; he clung to the stones, climbed to the ground; he and the young went to the kingdom prince; Ndemi's pupil does not sleep at night; three angels in a tree: the young father will give him a gun, it will shoot him; give him a young dress, it will burn it; whoever reveals the secret will petrify; Ndemi pupil ordered to give the gun and dress to the servant and maid - both died; the young had a son; the pupil Ndemi naked his sword and looked; the boy shouted that he wanted to kill him; he told everything and petrified; old woman: weld a hundred ears of Ndemi and a son, pour it on a stone; Ndemi's pupil came to life, and the king's son also recovered]: Petrov 1890, No. 2:279-291; Georgians; Armenians; Turks; Azerbaijanis; Kurds.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians; Uzbeks; Turkmens; Bukhara Arabs [Hasan, Hussein, Muhammad - Aliya's children - went hunting; one way: a person will go - will not return, the second - will go and will return, the third one is not known if he will return; M. went to the one from which they do not return; M. came to the garden, there are 7 divas; each one comes in turn to see who is in the garden; M. took turns tying each to a tree; Jamhur's elder seventh brother saw M., who defeated him, forced him to give his sister Zeynul'Arab; the divas lit a lamp at night so that Z. would not be carried away by another divas; M. did not know about it, turned off the lamp, divas took Z.; another diva lowered M. into the well where the kidnapper lived; M. killed him, sent Z. upstairs, and the first diva carried her away and left M. in the well; the horse pulled him out; M. returned; A. sent an army, killed the diva; M. began to live with Z.]: Vinnikov 1969, No. 30:193-195; Tajiks [blacksmith's son Halim tells his father to tie him an iron chain weighing 40 pounds, goes to wander; meets, wins, takes Sadakan as his companions, who uprooted trees; someone ate all the supplies, took away animal skins; at the bottom of the divas gorge, H. kills him with his chain, the heroes go down, free the captives, the most beautiful X. takes him as brides; throws a chain to the edge of the gorge; S. rises, followed by a girl, then he drops the chain over H.'s head; a cloud flies up, throws H. the ram, he eats, recovers; threw the chain up again and got up; saw that the chain helped him pull out a huge bird; came to a city where the dragon devours a camel, a ram and a girl every day; when the dragon comes out of the river, H. kills him with a chain, saving the padishah's daughter; padishah: X.'s bride, kidnapped by the insidious S., can only be found by the Simurg bird; H. killed a snake crawling to devour the chicks with a chain; Simurg carried H. to the island where his fiancée; on the way, H. feeds her sheep, He cuts off the last piece from his own thigh; when he reached, Simurg touches the wound with his beak, the wound has healed; H. drove S. into the ground and returned home with his bride]: Amonov, Ulug-zade 1957:103-108; mountain Tajiks (Karategin) [Jamhur, his 7 brothers and their sister Zainal-Arab lived in Kalai-Jamhur; there were Imlok5a possessions nearby; Hanafia and his Arabs defeated him, converted him to Islam; H. defeated D. and his brothers, got a PRO; Devi Safid (the white diva) kidnapped her; H. and I. came to the well, H. went down on a rope, killed the diva, sent ZA upstairs; I. took her, left H. in the well; but the horse H. pulled him out; ZA refuses to marry I., asks for 40 days of mourning for her husband; H. defeated I.'s army, but was wounded; Shah's daughter Zanka came out; he took both wives - PRO and Z]: Mandelstam, Rosenfeld 1960:101-104; Shugnans [ the bear takes the hunter away, makes her husband; she has a son Bear (M.), 3 years later as a 20-year-old boy; he kills the Bear, comes to his house with his father; kills the royal hero, who offered to move his leg off a gold bar; forced; meets, wins, takes Saxifram, Tree Uproot, Mill Straightener with his little finger; twins live in the fortress, one by one cook; every time an old woman comes, eats all the pilaf, beats the cook; everyone is silent about what happened; when it is M.'s turn, he cuts off the old woman's head, she hides in a crevice; his companions lower him on a rope then; sends the princess and treasures upstairs; the companions leave, leaving M. below; there is a horse: whoever whips twice will take him to the upper world, some once to the lower world; M. hit once, turned out to be below; sends a peasant to buy bread, tames lions, plows lions, kills them; they killed two people a day; he is made king; he sees Simurg's chicks, one cries, he will now be eaten werewolf; M. kills a werewolf, Simurg takes him to the upper world; he takes the rescued girl, drives his brothers away, becomes king]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 3:74-84; Wakhans [ the cat tells the sheep that today it will be stabbed and it will eat its fat tail; the sheep asks the cat to bring a knife, cuts off its fat tail, the koshla opened the door, the sheep went to Mount Kof, gave birth to a herd of sheep and a boy May- Zman ("son of a sheep"); tells him to go to people; the Ministry of Health meets, wins, takes Chinorboz ("playing plane trees"), Kuboza ("playing with mountains"), Khdorgboz ("playing with millstones") as companions; satellites they come to an empty house, food is ready there; they take turns guarding; a girl comes out of the crack in the pole, washes, paints the rest, puts the food dish, turns into a needle, goes back; the person who remains stains his face with mud without anyone noticing; when the Ministry of Health remains, he sprinkles salt on the cut, grabs the girl, the companions agree to be his wife; the Ministry of Health tells his wife to watch the fire; she I dropped a red bead, thought that the coals were turning red, but they were out; she saw smoke over a pile of stones, came, there were Barzangi; tells me to sprinkle the road with fried lice, then the dung in the hearth will catch fire; on the trail rides a goat, sticks needles into bread, tells the girl to dance on them, she hurts her legs, he drinks blood; the companions take turns guarding, everyone is afraid; the Ministry of Health hits with a dagger, kills 5 Barzanga's heads, the sixth under the stone, the seventh ran away, returned with the army; the Ministry of Health burns the hairs of the mother sheep, which heals its wounds and the wounds of his companions; the Ministry of Health orders him to be lowered into the hole under the stone, where the sixth head disappeared (satellites tried, but couldn't); Barzanga's shepherd below; the Ministry of Health asks him how to count the cattle (hit the tree, how many leaves did not crumble, so many sheep were gone), how to cross the river (say, "chuck", water they will part), where the soul of our grandfather, i.e. Barzanga (in the staff, if you break it on the knee, he will die), grandmothers (in the stones with which salt is crushed; hit each other, the wick will flash, blow it out), himself shepherd (in a lice on the back of the head); the Ministry of Health suggests cleaning the shepherd's head, presses the louse, "pulls on the demand that was on the shepherd's head"; under the guise of a shepherd, crosses the river; grandmother asks for a sheep, a goat, he brings a ram, a goat; says he's messed up in the sun; breaks his staff, blows out the wick; sends cattle upstairs to his companions; tells them to drag himself, but does not tie himself; they cut off rope; a forest grew out of a thorn that fell into the leg of a Simurg bird; the Ministry of Health frees Simurg; her children think that the man wants to kill her, she explains everything; she tries to raise the Ministry of Health to the ground, there were not enough supplies, he throws meat out of her hand, but she comes back; the next day, from her leg, they reach the ground, Simurg belches, puts back pieces of meat from the Ministry of Health; gives two feathers - turning them into an old man and a young man; disguised as the old man comes to his companions, becomes young, kills them with a dagger; lives with his wife]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 12:153-163; Yagnobs; Ishkashim; Bartangans [the tsar gave his son The keys to 40 treasuries, but did not give one; the prince stole the keys, found the portrait in the chest, fainted; the king had to let his son look for the beautiful woman; Vezirbach ("son of the vizier") caught up with him and went with him; they came to that girl's house; she has 12 brothers, they cannot lift the cauldron, V. picked up one; the diva brothers came, V. broke their arms; the prince and the divas ate 12 carcasses per serving, and V. gave 12 carcasses of meat; the divas gave the prince their sister; they gave the keys to 40 rooms, but did not give one; the prince broke the castle, there were divas on chains; asked for water; after drinking water, tied the prince with his hair and took his wife to the next world; V. went to search, telling him to wait 110 days; as soon as V. left, the divas tied the prince and left; but the lame divas untied and tied them again for their return; V. ate bread from that diva's sister, went down to the lake for the diva; there the prince's price is looking for a diva in his beard; V. killed a diva; sent a girl upstairs; when he was pulled out, when he saw that it was not a diva, they threw him back; V. came to the old woman's house; at night he went out: on one side laughter, in another cry; the dragon demands a man every morning, a jug of butter and two bags of bread; it's the king's daughter's turn; V. fell asleep with his head on her lap; woke up from a fallen tear; cut down all 7 heads the dragon; the dragon became a bridge over the river; the servant said that he killed the dragon, but only V. was able to raise his heads; the king gave V. the bird Simurg; V. sat on one wing himself, loaded the other with meat; Simurg she carried her to the ground, gave a white feather and a black feather; to be an old man, you have to stick white in your head and black in your head; for that girl, V. took her away; the prince did not complain about the diva brothers for that they tied him up; he returned home with V. and his wife; his father went blind; the prince rubbed his eyes with a handkerchief and he saw the light; everything is fine]: Sokolova 1960, No. 6:32-40.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [the blacksmith forged his son, Iron Martyn; he ordered him to forge a giant club, went on a journey; he met and accompanied the Overturning Mountain and the Overturning Oaks; they they climb into a hole, there is a palace, everyone cooks in turn; The copper beard asks for food every time, drinks all the soup; ZhM pinched his claws in the log; he broke the log, went to the cave; only JM agrees go down; killed the Copper Beard and other devils, sent the kidnapped princess and gold upstairs; the companions wanted them for themselves, did not pull them out the ZhM; he killed pigs, cows, horses, devil; girl: devils in lake the water is muddy, they do not allow the shirt to be washed; ZhM killed the devils; covered the eagles from the rain; the eagle orders to prepare meat, carries it across the sea; the last piece of the FM cut off from its leg; the eagle regurgitated, put it back; JM took the girl and gold from his companions, found the king whose daughter was stolen, reigned after his death]: Niedre 1951:147-156; Lutsi (1893; the informant heard a fairy tale from those who did not know Estonian) [spouses childless, her husband died, the widow cried, peas grew out of her tears, there was only a pea in the pod; she ate it, gave birth nine months later; the boy was strong; mothers: if she waited to eat, he would be even stronger; ordered a five-pound iron club from the blacksmith, threw it up, a day later it fell, he put his finger up, the club split; the 10-pound one bent; the 15-pound one remained intact, good; Pea meets, takes as satellites 1) pulling oaks; 2) rearranging mountains; they hired the owner for the right to carry what they could; he ordered to level the mountains; they began to make ropes out of sand, throw them over the mountains, pull them off from the place, now the field is flat; one took all the flour from the owner, the other all the grain, the third all the cows; set up a farm in the forest; the demoness (mustabaaba) began to go to them, eat everything; remained on guard pulling trees; she spat in his eyes, ate everything; the one who moved the mountains was the same; G. beat her with a club, she grew to the clouds, he kept hitting, she shrunk again, he tied her to an oak tree; she pulled her out the oak tree and went to the lower world; only G. decided to go down; killed the woman's five-headed son; the girl knits stockings, G. pulled the rope, both were picked up, he gave it to the oak puller, went down again; killed the 1-headed, gave it the second girl who moved the mountains; for the third time she fights with the 15-headed; drove him into the ground waist-deep, and he drove him up to his neck; agreed to take a break; G. drank strong water, and gave the enemy weak water, killed him; went upstairs, but G. went down for the fourth time; the companions are sorry that G. took the most beautiful girl for himself, threw the rope down; thunderstorm, eagles on the Christmas tree say that whoever protects them from the weather is theirs mother will help; he covered them; chicks: don't leave until mother arrives; eagle: I know G., when he was born, the earth trembled for three days; the eagle agrees to carry it across the Sea of Fire, but let it fill three barrels forest birds; he spit them; there was not enough meat in flight, the eagle tells her to cut off and throw her little finger first, then her calf; then the little finger of her legs; flew; G. caught the little cat, began to twist; ordered the daw bring living water from the island in the sea of fire; my body has healed with this water; I came to my wife, forgave my companions, but drove them away; they began to live, they probably live now]: Annom et al. 2018:93-100; Estonians: M.E. Eisen in Põder, Tanner 2000 [the king's horses disappear one by one; the older, middle brothers fall asleep, the younger one injures a polar bear that has come out of the ground; tells him to go down to a hole for the bear, he receives copper, silver, golden eggs from three princesses kidnapped by a bear; wakes up a sleeping wounded bear, kills him; brothers raise girls and treasures upstairs, and the younger brother does not let the rope down; he kills a snake fighting an eagle; he agrees to take the young man upstairs, asks him to feed the bull's meat on the way; the young man cuts off his legs from his calf, he is the most delicious; he is hired by a shoemaker; brothers they said that the youngest is dead, they marry the princesses; they hope that the young man will return, tell the grooms to bring the shoes they had in the lower world; the young man takes out copper egg shoes and sends them with them shoemaker to king; same - clothes made of a silver egg; locks - made of gold; a young man marries a younger princess, brothers marries elders, reigns]: 36-46 (=Raud 2004:190-196); Järv et al. 2009, № 6 (Viljandi) [the king went to war, ordered three daughters not to be allowed to leave the house, they begged the maid to let them go, disappeared; the king promises them to be married to those who would return them; soldiers, officers, general go; in a house in the woods on queues are cooked; a dwarf with a long beard eats up, beats the cook; when it's a soldier's turn, he hits a dwarf with a copper, silver, gold rod, makes him lift a stone under which a hole into the lower world ; only a soldier goes down, kills one-, two-, three-headed serpent who guard three princesses; sends princesses upstairs, receiving her dress from each of them; puts a stone instead of himself, general and officer they let go of the rope; the soldier finds copper, silver, gold whistles, servants and horses appear, carry the soldier to the ground; he is hired by a tailor, pretends to sew wedding dresses for princesses; those recognize their dresses; a soldier asks a general, an officer, how to punish someone who put another into a hole, who took another woman from another; bring them down the mountain in a barrel of nails, tie them to eight bulls; them executed accordingly; a soldier marries a younger princess, others were presented as queens], 7 (Viru-Nigula) [Shaggy Ivan (I., Karvane Iivan) asked the owner for a seven-pound iron staff for payment; meets , takes a tailor and a shoemaker as companions; in a house in the forest they take turns cooking, a dwarf with a beard eats everything every time; I. hits him with a club, he falls into the ground; I. goes down after him, beats him many dwarfs; I. survived; I. tells him to transport him across the river; there are three strands in the house; when baptized I. looks, their gold yarn immediately breaks; the girls are the daughters of King Kungla; the eldest changes in some places bottles of strong and weak water standing in the heads and feet of the Old Devil's bed; I. fights him, kills him with a club; tells the dwarf to carry himself, princess, gold back across the river; satellites they picked up the princess and gold, did not lower the rope I.; he tells the dwarf to carry him to the ground; forgives his companions, marries the princess]: 54-57, 58-62; setu [the man walked with the bear, he danced; in the house, where he spent the night, the bear became pregnant with a girl; she gave birth to a son with bear ears; he is incredibly strong; he was nicknamed Ivvan the Bear; he took three companions, went on a journey; earned a living woodcutters; each one cooks in turn, a dwarf with a big beard comes, eats up the cook; when he remains IM, he hits the dwarf, lets go, he hides in a hole; IM goes down there on a rope; successively meets three kidnapped princesses, one spins copper, the other silver, the youngest gold; on the way to each two lions, IM kills them by hitting each other; each replaces bottles with strong and with weak water; the devil kidnapper drinks weak, IM kills all three, driving them into the ground; sends the princesses upstairs, the youngest gives him a ring, it splits in half, the princess and IM take half; the companions are not they lowered the rope to pick them up; he comes to a pine tree on a hill, devils climb like mice from under the pine tree, kill them all, cut off their tongues; on the pine tree there is an eagle's nest, IM feeds eagles with damn tongues, they incredibly tasty; when a giant eagle arrives, the eagles do not want the horse it brought, they say that the food was better; the grateful eagle agrees to bring THEM to the ground; he throws it in flight across the sea cooked food, it is not enough, he cuts his meat off his calves; lies down for almost a year while he can walk again; comes to the king when the younger princess should marry an imaginary savior; she recognizes half of the ring; the deceiver was left in a barrel in the forest, the wolf lowered his tail into it, the deceiver got out, was happy to be alive; after the death of the king, IM inherited the throne]: Sandra 2004:270-275; The Finns [the king has three sons, the eldest is a fool; the king (the other), the general and the courtier lost a daughter, the king sent his sons to look for them; the fool has 7 pounds of sword; they reached the cliff, it failed, the brothers let the elder down there; he came to the copper palace, where one of the missing girls was; her husband had 7 heads and 10 horns; he came and offered to drink; the young man poured out unnoticed, and the 7-head drank fell asleep, the young man cut off his heads; the palace turned into an egg, the young man put it in his pocket and they came to the silver palace, where the general's daughter is; the same (the monster has 8 heads); the same in the golden palace (10 heads and 15 horns ); the brothers picked up the girls; the young man put a stone in the basket instead of him, the brothers cut off the rope; there were naked eagles in the nest, he covered them with a cloak, they fell asleep; for this, the eagle carried him to the ground; he dressed play as a musician at the wedding of the general's daughter {it should have been: a princess}; she recognized him, his father ordered the brothers to hang, the eldest married Genetal's daughter]: Löwis of Menar 1927, No. 28:81-84; The Finns [a man carved a boy out of an alder and rocked him for three years; he came to life, eats a lot; the man sent him to work; he is so strong that they try to lime him, but everything is useless; asked go down into the well and threw it on top of the millstone - he threw it back; finally left; met and accompanied a fisherman (threw his huge hook into the sea), a boulder thrower; they reached the hole in to the ground; the companions tried to go down, but at first it was cold, then hot; the Alder came down, sent back two girls, but his companions did not pick him up; he saw an eagle's nest, covered the eagles with a frock coat; a grateful eagle carried him to the surface; he cut off his companies' heads]: Löwis of Menar 1927, No. 32:96-97; the Finns [three brothers and three sisters; the sisters were carried away by a whirlwind; the older brother went in search; after three years he is average; the mother does not want to let the youngest go, but he insists; asks the blacksmith to make iron shoes, a club and a chain; he reached the mountain, where his brothers are; one of his hair has grown to the ground, another moss grew on his head; the youngest threw the chain up the mountain and climbed it; then the heather plain, the brass house rotates on it; he told him to stop; the younger sister is in the house; let the brother will go around the house three times against the sun, then he will see a keyhole; the husband came; they agreed to help each other; everyone will know if there is blood on the headscarf; the same in the middle sister's silver house; in the elder's golden house; the young man came to the hero; she was sleeping, he grabbed her; let her go when he agreed that he should not be her father or brother, but her husband; went to fight; the blacksmith makes 300 warriors per night and, if a girl does not destroy them in a day, it will be bad; she forbids the young man to enter one of the rooms; he entered: there are all kinds of animals hanging by the legs, some by the horns, asking for release; he released one and the others; they tore the young man to pieces and threw him into the river; blood came out on the brothers' headscarves; they turned into a snake, a mouse and a fish; the man who became a fish found a young man; the girl watered the remains elixir, everything grew together, the young man came to life stronger than before; persuaded the girl to take him with him to fight forged warriors; he went to the blacksmith, said that he knew his craft and would forge him a new one head; smashed his head with a hammer, new warriors did not appear again; they went to the young man's homeland; the brothers took their sisters; but when the young man lowered the bride down the mountain, his brothers cut off the chain and they took the girl; the young man spent several years on the mountain, overgrown with hair, dressed in reindeer skin; then he saw a blind old man with a huge beard below; asked for help; he held out his beard, the young man jumped on her like a soft blanket; touched the old man's eyes, he saw the light; old man: hurry up, your brother is preparing a wedding with your fiancée; when he got home, the young man climbed the floor of the shelves in the bathhouse; maid: hell! the bride understood, brought clothes, cut her hair and washed it; wedding]: Löwis of Menar 1927, No. 31:90-96; the Finns [a man carved a boy out of alder and rocked him for three years; he came to life, eats a lot; the man sent him to work; he is so strong that they try to lime him, but everything is useless; asked to go down to the well and threw him on top of the millstone - he threw him back; finally left; met him, took into the companions of a fisherman (threw his huge hook into the sea), a boulder thrower; they reached a hole in the ground; the satellites tried to go down, but it was cold at first, then hot; Olkhovnik went down, sent two girls back, but his companions did not pick it up; he saw an eagle's nest, covered the eagles with a frock coat; a grateful eagle carried it to the surface; he cut off his companies' heads]: Löwis of Menar 1927, No. 32:96-97; Finns: Schreck 1887, No. 16 (Satakunta) [predictors tell the king not to let three daughters out of the house until they are 20; when the youngest is 15, the king lets go daughters and servants into the grove, there is a rumble and the girls disappear; those who go in search do not want to take the young groom, return with nothing; the groom meets the old man, asks for help to pull the ax out of the stump, the old man sticks his finger, the guy takes out his ax, his finger is pinched, the guy promises to release the old man if he says where the kidnapped princess is; the old man: they are at the mountain kobold; the youngest in an iron underground cell with with an iron crown and an iron ring; others in a silver, gold chamber, with silver, gold crowns and a ring; the guy freed the old man; he gave a rope, a sword, a flask of living water and a pipe; if start playing with her, the old man will come to the rescue; the king allowed the guy to go after the princesses; the guy called the old man, who drove him to the iron door in the mountains, told him to hit her with a sword, the door fell apart, behind her a younger princess and a kobold; he has a horn, one eye, he can't see well; he smelled a man, but the princess said that it was the raven who flew by, carrying carrion in his beak; the guy heated the poker in the hearth, burned the kobold's eye; He cut off the head of the blinded man; the old man ordered to leave the iron crown, cut the ring, take half for himself, return half to the princess; the same with the princesses for silver and gold animals; the old man picked up princesses on a rope; when he wanted to pick up the guy, the courtiers arrived in time, cut the rope; told the princesses to tell the king that they had released them; the guy did not crash to death, drank from the flask alive water and recovered; played the flute, an old man came, put the guy on a crow, he carried him to the ground; the guy hired a blacksmith; princesses demand their own crown; the blacksmith can't make; the guy summons the old man, he gives these crowns; the blacksmith brings the iron, silver crowns; the guy calls the old man, who gives horses and a carriage, the guy carries the golden crown himself; the courtiers sent murderers, but they are not realized that this gentleman was a former groom; the guy showed the princesses his halves of his rings; the princess in the golden crown called him husband and gave the kingdom; he punished the courtiers: he told one to wear bast shoes from birch bark, another ride a pig, a third was thrown into the air]: 137-151; Viiding 1980 [the blacksmith met a forest girl (metshaldja), married; Matti's son is immensely strong, parents of other children complain to him; to get rid of M., his father tells him 1) to bring firewood from the forest, where bears and wolves (easily dispersed the animals), 2) fish from the lake, where the monster (M. beat him with a fishing rod), 3) money lent to the king ( beat the royal soldiers, brought money); M. goes wandering, meets and takes as companions 1) a fisherman trying to catch the same water monster with a cow, 2) hitting boulders against each other (replies that waiting for martial arts M.; after finding out who is in front of him, refuses to fight, obeys), 3) who has dammed the river; in the pen of a cow, the companions cut one, leave the fisherman to cook meat; the old woman Iron Tooth binds him, eats everything; the same with the others; M. throws her into the crevice himself, the companions confess what happened to them; the old woman is released, hides in the abyss, the companions bring M. down there; the kidnapped princess orders to replace bottles with strong and weak water; M. defeats the old woman, who drinks weak water, dies; companions lift the princess and treasures upstairs, cut off the rope, raising M.; the eagle on her back takes M. upstairs; M. throws his companions into the abyss, marries a princess]: 9-20; Concca 1991 [the man escaped from court; met with a forest maiden; when she gave birth to a son, he took the boy and returned to the village; the guy is monstrously strong, it's better to get rid of it; his father sent him to the king to pick up the allegedly borrowed gold and silver; the king sent soldiers against M., who easily killed them with an iron staff; he had to give gold and silver; Father M.'s griffin poisons an oatmeal field; M. met and accompanied an angler (fishing rod - pine, bait - cow) and climber (turning rocks); remained to guard the field, one by one cook; an old woman with an iron tooth comes out of the crevice, beats the cook, eats everything; when M. is left, he killed the old woman, threw her bones into the crevice; tells him to be lowered down on a cowhide belt; below the girl advises to rinse with water from the trough, and pour another one in return; the same old woman appeared, began to fight; M. drank strong water, and the old woman drank weak (apparently died); the companions raised the girl to the ground and good, they cut off the belt; in the lower kingdom every day they give the dragon a girl and a sheep, the princess's turn; M. sleeps on her lap; a three-headed dragon comes out of their seas; M.: look, your house is burning; the dragon turned around, M. blew his heads off; the next day the same (the six-headed dragon); the third half of the kingdom laughs, the other cries; waiting for the nine-headed dragon; M.: the monster is even more terrible behind you; the dragon turned around, M. blew his heads off, the girl put M. a sign on her forehead with a ring; M. abandoning the princess, wants to go back to the ground; king: this is only on the griffin bird; flying with M., the griffin throws off three times He catches him; every time he says that he was afraid in the oatmeal field when M. shot at him; on the ground, the griffin forbids M. to drink from the spring; M. did not listen, an iron cat jumped out of the spring, tore out her beard; M. ran into the forge; the blacksmith heated the blank, asked the cat to open her mouth: he would throw M. there; but threw iron, the cat died; the girl rescued from the lower world promises to marry someone who will pull the bow; the Angler and the Rock can't, M. fired two arrows from the bow and told them to pick them up; they went and did not return; M. married a girl]: 26-35; Karelians: Concca 1959 [childless man carved an aspen doll, she came to life, this is Osinovich, very strong; he leaves his parents, meets and companions an angler (chain - forests, horse - bait) knocking a rock on a rock; they take turns cooking; a dwarf with a two-cubit beard comes out of the ground every time, eats everything; when O. remains, he pinched the dwarf's beard between the logs of the hut; tells him to lower him into the dwarf's hole; his daughter is there; he sends her in a cradle upstairs; companions cut the rope; O. sheltered the crows from the cold rain; they ask his mother not to harm him; the crow carries him to the ground, he feeds her with cow meat, it ends, cuts off the last piece from his leg; the crow disappears his leg; O. takes the bride, drives away his comrades]: 23-26; Onegin 2010, No. 42 (Kalevalsky district) [the old man and the old woman have no children; the old woman asks her husband to cut down an alder chock, it would be something to rock in the cradle; the chock became a boy, he grew up quickly, incredibly strong; plows so that he ruined a horse and broke the plow; cutting down the forest, breaks the ax; leaves, meets, takes as companions the puller trees and hitting one rock against another; they come into the house, cook one by one; a dwarf with a long beard eats everything, hits the cook; when it is the turn of the Alder Churka (OCH), he split the stump, pinched the dwarf began to beat his beard; he cut off his beard, disappeared into a hole in the rock; OCH went down on a rope; there the kidnapped princess% says that the dwarf is now sick; teaches you to swap bottles of living and dead water; the dwarf died; the princess gave PTS her ring; the PTS's companions picked her up, and the PTS left her; the dwarf's wife agreed to raise the PTS to the ground: she became a crow and carried her upstairs; PTS came to the king, the princess recognized the ring, deceivers were shot]: 379-384; Schreck 1887, No. 3 (Olonets) [the hunter met Tapio (forest owner)'s daughter Tapiotar; she ordered her to become her husband, otherwise she would kill her; Mikko's son Miehiläinen was born, led his father home; T. caught up, but her son easily threw her away; at home MM plays ball with children; maimed the girl three times, breaking her arm, leg, ribs with a ball; each time her father gives MM a job; 1) bring firewood (MM ordered predatory load the sleigh with fir trees, harnessed them and brought them a cart; 2) two barrels of fish (MM fished water with a fishing rod from the trunk of a spruce tree, forced it to catch fish, load it, bring it; 3) return what was allegedly borrowed to someone else gold to the king; MM came on a cart drawn by predators, water chases, got gold; went on a journey; met, took as satellites 1) throwing rocks, 2) with the hands of the river guide; they came to an empty house, cows next to them; they decided to cut them one by one, cook them one by one; a witch came, put her head under the beam, ate everything; the cook freed himself, cooked the bones, said that the soup had leaked through the cracks; the same second time; the third time MM cooks, he put the witch under the trough; friends came to a hole in the ground; they made belts out of cow skins, lowered MM down; there's a house on the seashore, silver- the golden beauty tells her mother to be afraid; the witch came, MM defeated and killed her; the companions picked up the treasures and the beauty, cut off her belt; the bird brought MM upstairs; there his two companions are fighting, sharing treasures and a girl; MM threw both into the hole; MM and his wife started living in a witch's house] (=Goldman 1953:12-30): 14-27; (cf. The Finns [the queen disappears; her three sons grow up; first the eldest goes in search; the old man orders to shoot at the oak tree first: only the one whose arrow pierces the oak tree will reach the target; the eldest, middle son miss; disappear; the youngest gets in, comes to the castle by the mountain; finds brothers nearby; you can't enter the castle door - the bell will ring, the owner will return; the brothers enter through an underground passage; the youngest finds, brings the mother; the brothers pick her up; when the youngest tries to get out, they close the exit with a heavy stone; the youngest accidentally finds a wand from which you can summon a person to perform any wish; brothers tell his father they saved his mother; the youngest is hired by a shoemaker; the saved queen wants the same shoes as the shoes he had in that castle; the youngest son tells his assistant to bring them ; the same - a wonderful outfit; a precious crown; a palace by the sea; the king himself goes to find out who lives in it; the son tells everything, the king beat his eldest sons]: Goldman 1953:107-118); Veps: Vinokurova 2006 [a soldier saves the royal daughters, deceives officers to find himself in the underworld; saves hawkish chicks from starvation there; for this, a hawk takes him to the ground; in pzti eats pork and bovine meat from barrels made of 40 cows leather drinks 40 buckets of water; the soldier cuts off the last piece from his buttock; after reaching the ground, the hawk spits back to the soldier's flesh]: 70; Vlasyev 1941, No. 2 (told in Russian) [priest Diy-Popovich's son is too strong; he brings a log on a bear from the forest, collects water taxes; meets and companions Dubynya, Usinya, Gorynya; they cook one by one," himself from his fingernail, beard from elbow" hits the cook every time, eats everything; D. wants to cut off his head, but cut off only his beard, the dwarf falls into the dungeon, D. tells him to lower him on his belts after him; killed dwarf, freed three princesses, each gathers the palace in a handkerchief; the companions raise the princesses, cut off the rope; D. covered the chicks from the cold, fed them; their kite mother takes D. to the ground, he throws her pieces of meat, the last piece of her caviar, the bird regurgitates it, applies it; two princesses have married their companions, Elena from the golden palace is waiting for D., demands the same shoes and dress; D. unfolds the palaces, gets it; Usinya was shot, Dubynia, Gorynya were demoted]: 15-25; Eastern Sami (Skolts) [the king has three daughters missing, two generals and a boy went to search; they live in a house, one by one cook; every time an old man comes, hits the cook, eats everything; when it's the guy's turn, he promises to feed the old man if he helps him split the log, pinches his beard, makes him tell him where princesses; they are underground by one-, two- and three-headed dragons; you will have to weave the rope for three months to go down; a sword on the wall in front of the entrance; to be strong enough to understand it, you have to turn the crane, drink strong water ("like butter"); there are playing cards, they must be turned over, stairs will appear; the guy cut off the dwarf's head; the generals are afraid to go down, the guy climbed, drank water, took a sword, opened three the doors behind which three princesses killed three dragons; the generals took the princesses upstairs, but didn't pick the guy up and said he was dead; the younger princess told her to be brought back; the guy remembered the cards a ladder appeared, they climbed to the surface; the king married the boy to his youngest daughter, but did not give his daughters to the generals, they took other brides]: Lagercrantz 1961, No. 305:173-181; Western (?) Sami [the Swedish king has three daughters missing, the man volunteered to find them; on the way he meets two more consistently; each cooks in turn; the Legless Handless (BB) comes, presses down his hair the cook eats everything with a log; when the hero remains, he offers BB food himself, he promises to help; all three want to move the stone, when the hero calls, BB shifts, under the stone, the hero goes down; kidnapped the queen orders to change barrels of strong and weak water; hell comes, the hero defeats him; the same with the second royal (double-headed line), with the third (three-headed); the hero sends the queens upstairs; gets up, sees that the companions are arguing about who will take which one; when they see the hero, they cut off the rope, he is again underground; he is hired as an employee, the owner does not tell him to enter the same room; the hero comes in There is Thunder, he tells you to take an iron chair, a flint flint, a comb; they run away, the hell pursues, the abandoned crest turns into a forest, the devil comes back for an ax; the flint is a mountain, behind a drill; the chair is a river of fire; the thunder brought the hero to where the companions quarreled, took the most beautiful queen, others are still arguing who to get who]: Klaus 1995:39-46; Norwegians [the old woman promises The king that he will have three daughters tells them not to let them out of the house until they are 15 years old; the Queen gives birth to three daughters one by one; one spring they ask the guard to let them into the garden, they are taken away snow whirlwind; captain, lieutenant and soldier go in search; see an abandoned estate; a soldier throws meat to a bear and a lion, they let them pass; companions cook one by one; comes to the captain, lieutenant the dwarf asks for a coin, hits; when the soldier remains, he splits the log, invites the dwarf to look into the crack, pinches his beard; he has to tell him where the princesses are; the soldier lets him go; satellites raise the stove, under it the way to the lower world; only a soldier descends in a basket through water and fire; in the castle, the princess spins a copper thread; gives a drink of strong water, hides; a three-headed troll comes, falls asleep, a soldier cuts off his heads; the same with a princess spinning a silver thread, a six-headed troll; a golden, nine-headed; companions pick up princesses and treasures, cut off a rope; younger managed to give the soldier her golden ring; the soldier opens the closet, the chicks fly out, cannot pick it up; call her eagle mother; she carries the soldier upstairs, he feeds her prepared meat; she brings him to the king's palace, gives a whistle to summon her if necessary; a soldier is hired by a jeweler; the younger princess demands the gold playing board she had in the lower world; a soldier summons a bird, she brings the board, the jeweler gives the princess, confesses that he did not do; the soldier marries, gets half the kingdom, the captain and lieutenant are executed]: Asbjíørsen, Moe 1960:31-48; Danes [husband told his wife 10 years feed his son Hans with breast milk; he could not tear out the tree; for another 10 years he could; H. is too strong to work normally; the pastor sent him to the forest for firewood, where demons, H. threw them away, brought a cart with with a mountain of firewood and horses; the pastor sent H. to bring the paper from hell; the devil suggests: whoever throws the rim higher; H. pretends to throw it to God the Father, asks not to do it, gives the paper; the pastor is forced to pay a load of money; H. tells the blacksmith to tie an iron club for him; meets and companions a stonecutter, a woodcutter; they come to the castle, cook in turn; every time he comes a witch, hits and throws the cook into the basement, eats everything; H. takes away her magic ointment, saves her friends, the witch is gone; H. finds a hole in the ground, tells him to go there; beat the witch, sends him upstairs two princesses; then put down his staff; companions think it was H., cut off the rope for them to get both princesses; H. killed the seven-headed troll, freed the third princess; forced the witch to carry them to the ground; the princess gave him one thing like half the sun, the other like half the moon; the king demands just such things; H. hired a jeweler, pretended to forge the things themselves, came to the palace, married a younger princess who recognized him as her deliverer]: Suritz 1991:14-19; Danes [the youngest of three brothers is a loser; hired; sends letters asking for money, then he will receive a rank; brothers come and find out that this is a lie, he is still a private; he leaves, meets a sergeant and a major; they live in an empty house; every time it is time to cook, the dwarf does not allow the cook make a fire; when it is the turn of a guy (i.e. a former soldier), he splits a log and asks the dwarf to put his hand in the crack, his hand is pinched; makes him say where the princesses kidnapped from the royal castle are and golden moon; companions bring a guy on a rope into a cave; he kills the husbands of all three princesses; sends princesses upstairs; sends a stone instead, the companions let go of the rope, believing that now got rid of the guy; he finds a piece of paper that says "Master Hans"; as soon as the guy says the name out loud, Hans appears and waits for an order; takes the guy to England, where the sergeant and major are preparing marry princesses; princesses demand that they be offered the golden moon they had in the underworld for their wedding; the guy hired a jeweler and at the last moment tells Hans to bring the moon from caves; the jeweler admits that the moon was not made by him, but by a worker; he is called to the palace; married to a younger princess, and the sergeant and major were flogged to death]: Holbek 1987:510-511; Swedes [when son a peasant 16, he takes him to the city, he sees a gun, easily raises it with one finger, carries it on his shoulder; tells him to be called Bären-Öra; at the age of 20 he takes an iron club, goes on a journey; overcomes martial arts, takes companions 1) a river damming with a beard, 2) pulling a spruce tree; the companions live in a forest hut, cook one by one; the troll comes twice, eats everything; when BÖ stays ;, he hits the troll with a club, he leaves, pulling out an oak tree out of anger and dragging it with him; friends follow the trail of failure in the mountains; not far from the sea, friends take all the ropes from the locals, lower BÖ down the rope; there is a castle and a torn oak tree; the princess gives BÖ a drink of strength, not a drink of weakness; a BÖ troll clutching his sword is killed by a club, his sword is killed by the troll's mother; the princess was kidnapped 10 years ago from Arabia; BÖ sends the princess upstairs; then puts a stone in the basket; the companions think they are picking up BÖ, cutting the rope; bringing the princess to Arabia, a year later she must marry one of her imaginary saviors; BÖ finds a whistle, a servant comes out to the sound, serves food, royal attire, fast horses; they jump to Arabia, BÖ marries a princess, companions fleeing]: Stier 1971, No. 1:5-11.

Volga - Perm. Komi [the bear stole a woman, she gave birth to a son Misha, they ran away, M. killed a chasing bear; they live with the woman's ex-husband; then M. goes on a journey; two do not let him through bridge, he takes them as companions; they stop in an empty house, cook one by one; an old man comes, eats everything, beats the cook; M. hits him himself, he runs, disappears into a hole in the ground; M. goes down, there is a house with silver roof and girl; M. defeated the old man, found a ring on his finger, the old man's possessions curled up into an egg; M. came to two girls in a house under a golden roof, put on a ring, it all curled up too into the egg; putting it in his pocket, M. sent the girls upstairs; when the companions began to pull M. out, they let go of the rope, M. fell down; came to his senses, put on the ring, called his assistants, they carried him to the ground; took the girl from his companions, married her]: Uotila 2006, No. 33:177-187; Udmurts [someone steals peas from his butt; pop guards, finds a child in peas; Mikhailo Popov grows unusually strong, cripples other children; the pop sent him to bring the sheep out of the forest with wolves and lock him up with the sheep; M. brought the wolves, they ate the sheep; the same was to bring bulls (brought bears); the men advise sending M. to the lake, collecting with hell rent; hell offers to race, M. sent a hare instead of himself; throw weights; M.: I'll throw it on the cloud; hell asks not to throw; devils give money; M. tells me to pour into a hat in which made a hole, filled a big bag; hell offers to fight, M. sends a bull instead of himself, i.e. a bear; M. harnessed a bear and a devil into the cart, brought money to his ass; M. left them to work at the mill, went further, met, took Usinya (twists his mustache Kama), Gorynya (shakes the mountain with his little finger); they take turns cooking; the man from the nail, the beard from the elbow beats the cook, goes underground again; when M. stayed, he beat the peasant, pinched his beard, he cut off his beard, went down the hole; only M. decided to go down on a rope; the girl sews a paper dress, walks with M., rolling his hut into an egg; the same a girl with a woolen dress; with a silk dress; that man is their grandfather, went to grow a beard; Usynya and Gorynya picked up the girls, did not pick up M.; M. wants to kill the cat; the duck; they ask not to kill; then they transport M., pretend that they want to throw it off; M.: I didn't kill you; so three times; cat: I have no strength, I want to eat; M. cut off meat from caviar, gave it to the cat; on earth M. changed clothes with an old man; came to Usyn and Goryn, drove them away, began to live with three girls]: Kralina 1960, No. 43:108-118; the Udmurts [three daughters of the tsar were carried away by the serpent Azhdagn-Kyy; the soldier drank his salary in the tavern, boasted that he would return the princess; summoned to palace; asked permission to feast duty-free for three days and two comrades; they found a hut in the forest, with a bull, and stay at home in turn; old man Kuat Sultush came, a quarter tall, beard 6 fly fathoms, beat the guard; on the third day, it was the soldier's turn, he beat the COP himself, forced him to be brought to where the princesses were; he brought him to the hole; the soldier killed him, ordered his comrades to put him on chains; In the underworld, the princess in the copper house taught him to change barrels of strong and weak water; a 6-headed serpent came with thunder, rain and hail, the soldier killed him; while he was sleeping, the princess put a seal on his forehead, rolled the copper house into an egg, gave it to the soldier; the same with another princess in a silver house (9-headed serpent), in gold (12-headed); two comrades raised the princesses to the ground, then cut off the chain; the soldier found balalaika, hit it, a ram came out, the soldier climbed it; he was let into the hut; he rolled three eggs, copper, silver, gold palaces appeared; the princesses noticed, stopped the weddings, demanded one shoe, a second handkerchief, a third dress; the soldier sent everything they needed to the princesses and the old woman; they asked to invite a tailor to the wedding; he came with a balalaika, hit it, and a man with seals came out of it on the forehead, which the princesses put; the king executed two comrades of the soldier]: Potanin 1884, No. 5:232-233; Chuvash; Marie [childless old man and old woman made their son out of dough (nönchyk), he came to life, Nönchyk-patyr became; he was told to gather guests, N. asks his husbands to come without wives; he was sent for his wives, he asks them to come without children; sent for children, he loads the children on the cart with a pitchfork; from him they decide to get rid of them, send them to the far field for sheep; he brings wolves; bears instead of horses; brought the devil girl; his father tells him to leave; N. asks the blacksmith to forge a weight, throws it under clouds; the one with 150 pounds crashed on his head, withstood 200 pounds; N. met, took Tumo-patyr ("oak") and Kürtnö-patyr ("iron") with him; they take turns cooking; an old dwarf with beards, eats up the cook; N. hung him by the beard on a birch tree; he fell off, left; the boys reached the stone, under it a hole; T., K, afraid to go down, N. went down, there are three girls, they say that his father returned without a beard, went to the bathhouse; N. killed a dwarf, burned it in the stove; sent the girls upstairs; when he got up himself, the companions cut off his belt; N. fell to the waist into the ground; grabbed the wolf's tail , he pulled him out; the old woman complains that the serpent closed the water, gives the princess's turn for the girls; N. killed the snake; the bird Arslan-Kayyk carried him to the ground; there T. wants to marry a girl out of the ground; she found out his ring given by N.; N. suggests shooting arrows up; T. and K.'s arrows pierced them, N.'s arrow went into oil; he began to live with his wife]: Tudorovskaya, Eman 1945:39-49; Marie [son of a mare, son of a wolf and the bear's son came to the house where three girls were making pancakes; the skull would eat them when he came; but the pancakes were eaten by the young men who came; the skull was furious, went to bring 300 warriors; the boys prepared 300 arrows; all three were killed; the skull took the girls underground; the mare has three souls; she found a son, gave him a soul, he came to life; asked two comrades to be revived; the mare and gave them souls, died herself; her son wrapped her in birch bark, buried; the comrades lowered the mare's son on a rope into a hole in the ground; below the house, in which an old woman, hid the mare's son under her hollow; her three sons came, each brought three deer; they feel a man they promise not to harm him; in the morning they showed the way to the skull; the mare's son came to another woman; she has no water, a serpent has been lying on the way to the river for three years; a young man killed him with a club, brought water; a woman shows the way to the house of the skull; do not enter, wait for the wife to go out; the wife says that she goes to fetch water and has a baby; the wife of a wolf's son herds cows, and the wife of the bear's son sleeps with a skull; promises to ask the skull where his soul is; the woman quietly stabs the baby with a needle, he cries, she explains that the baby wants to know where the soul of his skull father is; skull: in a duck on a pond in the middle of the forest; woman stopped stabbing with a needle, the baby died; the mare's son went to the skull and killed the duck, which died; the mare's son brought the women to the rope; his comrades picked up the women, and he was only half the height, threw off the rope ; he fell on his feathers; came to the sons of the first old woman; two say they cannot carry him to the ground; the third tells him to prepare meat and feed it when he flies upstairs; the mare's son cut off the last piece from his leg; the old woman's son blew on the wound, healed his leg; married his wife; confesses (alive?) mother, that his comrades were worse than he thought]: Beke 1938, No. 36:311-324; Kazan Tatars [someone steals padishah's golden apples; the eldest, middle sons fall asleep; the youngest throws at a 15-pound weight that has arrived; the bird has become human, runs away, disappears in failure; the older brothers remain, the youngest descends; at the intersection there are inscriptions: "death road", "satiety", "road of hunger"; a young man is on the road of death; there is a padishah girl of a copper treasure; a young man finishes off a diva, a girl gives him her seal, sends a silver treasure to the padishah girl, so to the padishah girl of gold treasure, those they also give seals; the older brothers pulled the girls out, left the youngest one downstairs; he came to the blind old men; they do not tell the diva to herd cattle on earth; the young man goes there, brings living water, returns it to the elderly sight; revives the tree-turned warriors of the old man who himself was a padishah; he gives the young man a mare that takes him to the ground; only he gave the clothes that the girls demanded; came to the wedding, not dressed or undressed, wrapped in a net; showed the seals; took a girl of gold treasure; gave the other two brothers whom he forgave]: Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 46:190-199; Mordovians [ the old man promises poor young man Rav-Zholdyamo gold on the verina of the mountain; tells him to climb into the horse's carcass, the raven brings it to the top of the mountain, the RJ frightens him, lowers the bags of gold to the old man, then burns the rope ; RJ kills a kite chasing three ducks; they lower RJ to the forest hut, turn into girls; RJ hides the youngest's dress, marries, brings her mother's wife; she gives her a duck outfit, she flies away; three old brothers consistently send RJ to one another, pointing the path of a flying duck; the eldest gives a flying carpet and an invisible hat, teaches a crow who is going to eat a duck to deceive; RJ returns home with his wife]: Samorodov 1972:132; Bashkirs: Barag 1988, No. 10 [an old woman eats a grain of barley, gives birth to Arpa Batyr; he wanders, throws a mace at Semera's bird, she flies away; A. meets and companions a Mountain Fighter (pounding mountains against each other), a Water Fighter (collides lakes and rivers); an old man with a long beard defeats the Water Fighter; A. hangs him by the beard; he goes to the underworld; only A. dares to follow him; the old man's three daughters blow at him to recover; A. promises to disappear if the girls follow him; cuts off his head, tells the girls that cured their father; companions pull out the girls, cut off the rope; A. kills the ajdaha dragon, which is going to eat Semere's two chicks; the chicks first hide it from their mother, then ask her to take A. to the ground; he shot birds, S. feeds them on the way; kills companions, takes three wives], 12 [poor elderly spouses cut down a birch tree in the courtyard of the mosque; for this they were exiled to Siberia; they were born Akyal-batyr; he meets and satellites the overturning mountain Tau-batyr, transplanting trees in Urman Batyr; the satellites take turns cooking, the old long-bearded dwarf defeats the cook, eats meat; A. hangs himself the old man by the beard; he breaks down, goes into a hole; only A. decides to go down; the former old man owns water in the lower world, gives it sparingly; A. cuts off his head; hits the target with an arrow, gets the daughter alone Khan, then the daughter of another; having defeated the hero, makes her the third wife; sends them upstairs; when he climbs himself, the companions cut off the rope; kills Azhdaha, who devoured the chicks of the Samrug bird; she takes him to the ground; he feeds it with sparrows and starlings, cuts off the last two pieces from his legs, the bird puts the pieces back; A. forgives his companions, gives them a wife, keeps a hero for himself; an old mother of devas persuades his wife to find out where A. has a second heart; takes out his second heart of stone from under his arm, A. falls asleep, the devas take his wife away; T. and W. find a heart of stone in the stream, revive A.; all three go war against devas; A. puts a ring in the porridge prepared for his kidnapped wife; frees his wife, kills devas], 23 [a childless old woman makes her son out of dough, this is Kamyr batyr; he is strong, cripples other children, his father drives him away; he meets and takes the names of Batyr and Tau-batyr as companions; they sleep in the hut, three girls cook, leave; on the third day, the warriors catch them; in their absence, they come to their wives Karsyk, tells her to look in her hair, sucks their bone marrow; I., T. guard, everyone sees, but is afraid to say; K. cuts off the old woman's head; she promises that there will be a thousand heads; every day an army of demons More and more, the batyrs are defeated, their wives are kidnapped; K. on a rope descends into the lower world; women pinched the baby deva, they say he cries to be at the father's soul; dev: she is in a dove, the one in the chest, a chest in a mare; K. kills a deva, companions pick up women, cut off the rope; Azhdaha closes the water, K. kills him; kills a snake crawling to eat the chicks of the Samrigush bird; she agrees to bring K. to the ground; on the way, he feeds her starlings, cuts off the last piece from her leg, the bird puts it back; K. offers I. and T. to shoot up, fallen arrows kill them, K. gets three wives]: 75-78, 81-99, 154- 158; Bashkirs [the merchant's son lost, his father sold him as workers; the owner let the rest of the water down the well; there was gold, the young man sent a bucket of gold upstairs; the owner did not lower his rope; he came to to the old man, he brought him back (it is not specified how); the owner sent the young man with a letter to his wife; the young man opened the letter, changed the order to kill the young man with an order to marry him to his daughter; the young man wins checkers against the khan, receives his daughter; becomes a khan; forgives the former owner]: Zelenin 1991, No. 105 (100): 450-452.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Tursunov 1983:50-54 [the old woman's daughter was stolen by an ogre; she went to look for her on a salt horse ("sary at"), did not find it, became pregnant, named her son Saryat; he is strong, playing maims others, to him they advise you to go looking for a sister; the mother admits that S. had a sister; on the way he consistently meets and companions three giants from whom the cannibal stole their mother, sister, and younger brother; they they cook in turn; the cannibal is an inch tall, a beard of 40 inches eats meat, beats the cook; S. began to strangle him, but he ran away, went to the well; the giants lowered S. on the arcana; the sister tells the sleeper to cut off the head the cannibal with his sword, which hangs on the wall; S. insists that his sister be raised first; the giants picked her up, S. left her at the bottom of the well; his sister managed to say that two cats (ram- producer), white will take it to the ground, the blue will descend into the underworld; S. hit the blue with his sleeve, was below; two people are chasing a cow, it is mooing (the dragon will eat it today), one person is sad ( will eat tomorrow), the other laughs (eats the day after tomorrow); the dragon swallowed S., he came out from the other end, the sword cut the dragon, he died; the khan asks S. to help the bird Samruk, whose chicks eat every year dragon; S. killed the dragon with a sword; when the bird arrived, the wind rose, the stone hail began; the bird swallowed S., but regurgitated when it found out that he had saved the chicks; carried it to the ground, there was not enough meat, S. cut off a piece from his leg; the bird took it back; S. returned his sister, cut off the giants' heads], 93-98 [Tobyktay leaves for three months; if the wife does not give birth to a child during this time, he will take another one; she makes a figure of a boy out of dough, he comes to life, his name is Nanbergen (nan - "bread"); T. collects all the women whose apple is taken by N., that mother; he takes it from his mother's hands; grows up as a hero; goes to the mountains Shurkandy, where Temir-Batyr and Su-Batyr live ("iron", "water"); they called him Nan Batyr; friends take turns cooking; an old man with an inch tall, with a seven-inch beard beards, eats up the cook; N. tied him for beard to the birch tree; he uprooted it, went into a crack in the ground; N. descended on the arcana, cut down the bearded men, freed the prisoners and the girl; she was raised first, the lasso was cut off, N. fell, his doctor cured; he went to earth, killed T. and S., married the freed girl]; Coyaud 2012, No. 94 (Xinjiang) [Tobykbey is leaving for three months; if the wife does not have a child during this time, he will take another one; she makes a figure of a boy out of dough, he comes to life, his name is Nanbatyr (nan - "bread"); T. collects all the women whose apple is taken by N., his mother; he takes it from his mother's hands; grows up as a hero; finds out that in the mountains The Shurkandy live Timur-Batyr and Su-Batyr ("iron", "water"), come to them; they hunt together, cook together; a thin old man with a long gray beard breaks in, wins the cook, eats everything; when N. remains, he pinched the dwarf's beard in the poplar; he pulled out the poplar, left; friends jumped to a hole in the ground; N. was lowered on a rope, a dozen of the same dwarfs are drinking below, N. killed them, hacked them iron door, freed hundreds of prisoners cooked by dwarfs for food; went on, killed that first dwarf, freeing the girl; her companions pulled her out and threw the rope; N. saw how crippled the ant recovered, did the same thing {it is not said whether the ant ate some grass or drank water}; N. got to the ground; learned from the shepherd that T. and S. do not feed the kidnapped girl, they want to make her a wife; N. cut off T. and S.'s heads, brought the girl to her parents' house]: 241-247; Kyrgyz; Uighurs; Salars [the horse gave birth to Atdn Qihkhn Masinbo; he set off; shot a bow at rocks, from there Daxdən Qihkhn Daxdakhu came in; they continued their journey together; AtQm shot wood salt, from there Agh月xdən Qihkhn Monigu came in; all three fraternized; one day came home and saw that the food was cooked; the next day, DQD stayed to guard the house; saw the Sun Girl, Moon Girl and Star Girl cooking food; DQD turned into a stick and lay outside the door ; the girls used him as a poker; DQD told his brothers about the incident; AgQM remained on duty the next day; he turned into a bench and could not catch the girls either; then guard the house AtQM stayed; he hid on the roof and frightened the girls with his scream; they agreed to be sister wives; AtQM stained DS's face with black paint; DQD and AgQM married DL and DZ; DS became AtQM's wife; when the brothers went hunting, the girls stayed at home and embroidered; the cat confused the threads and one of the girls beat her; the cat put out the fire; the girl went looking for him and came to the old woman; she shared the fire; began to come to the girls every day, and asking her to look in her head and drink their blood; the girls began to wither away; husbands noticed it; DQD stayed to guard the house and turned wearing a saddle cover; the old woman sat on her and sucked the girls' blood; DQD could not stop it; AgQM remained on duty the next day, but also to no avail; AtQM hid on the roof and waited to arrive old women; killed her by shooting her nine heads (which appeared one after another); when DS washed her hair, DQD and AgQM realized she was beautiful; told the girls to throw combs into the well; the DL and DZ combs were wooden, and the DS crest was golden, and therefore drowned; atQM went down to the well on a rope and took out all three ridges; then handed them over to its brothers; they let go of the rope and AtQM fell down; met them there a man with a grindstone and told him what had happened; the man promised to help and told him to catch a hundred sparrows; atQM brought 99; the man turned into an eagle, told him to sit on his back and feed him in time sparrow flights; sparrows ran out, AtQM cut off a piece of meat from its leg; when they landed, the eagle saw that AtQM was limping, and when it found out what was going on, regurgitated a piece of his leg; AtQm came to his wife, asked Look for her in his head; his wife cried, said her husband had a similar mole; AtQM admitted he got out of the well; then went to his brothers and killed them with one arrow]: Ma et al. 2001, No. 4.1: 39-60; salars [in a mountain village, a mare swallowed a piece of red cloth, gave birth to a boy, named Atentsigen Masymu ("a child born by a horse"); he became a hunter; he shot excellently onion; one day in late spring and early summer he stopped on the bank of the river and began to sing smoke from the crevice. "Hey-hey-hey, what kind of little guy is this freaking out here? If a passer-by, then go your own way, if you are looking for relatives, let's get to know each other"; a young man in white clothes came out of white smoke; M. said he was looking for relatives, offered to become sister cities; the young man took the name Dashitentsigen Dashidagu ("a child born from a boulder"); young men came to the forest, saw fog come out of the grove; M. shot, a young man came out, also became a sister, his name was Agaishitentzigen Munigu ("child born from a tree trunk"); the brothers began to cook; three white doves sank to the lake shore, removed their plumage, turned into girls, threw themselves into the water to swim; these are the celestials of Guni Ana, Ie-ana and Yulutusa-ana. ("Sunny Maiden, Moon Maiden, and Star Maiden"); the brothers took their clothes; the girls agreed to marry them; three married couples returned home and began to enjoy life; but G., M.'s wife, suddenly she became gloomy and taciturn, and frowned, refused to explain why; one evening her fire went out; she saw smoke from the chimney in the distance, went to ask for fire; old woman Mansikhanyer was in her house ( nine-headed demon); gave fire, but put sesame seeds in her pocket so that they would fall through the hole on the road; began to come to G. to comb each other's hair; G. began to think how from her to get rid of it, told her husband; was the first to guard; Dashidag; he turned into a pillow and sat on the doorstep; Mansikhanyer came, sat on the pillow; when she left, D. complained that it was terribly heavy, he was nothing could not do it; the next day Munigu turned into a broom; Mansihaner swept the yard with it; G. told her husband that Mansihaner could only be defeated by cunning; Masymu hid and shot only when Mansihaner turned into a nine-headed six-armed blue-faced fanged monster; Masymu and Mansihanyer began to fight, Mansikhanyer went to a hole under the mill; Masymu ordered him to be lowered on a rope; G. broke the mirror and gave it half; in the lower world, M. met an old man who told him not to scream; M. shouted, a tiger appeared, M. killed him with a sword; elsewhere M. was attacked by a boa constrictor, he shot him and hacked him; they were two Mansihaner commanders; M. exchanged clothes with the shepherd, drove cows and sheep; Mansihanier: "Go faster, faster! Finish eating and go to lick your wounds faster"; M. 8 heads wounded with an arrow enjoyed being licked by shepherds; M. prepared cow tongues in advance and began to stroke Mansikhanyer's wounds with them; she screamed from The sword hurt, and M. hit her sword, but Mansihanyer slipped out and ran, and then rushed at M.; feeling that M. was stronger, she emitted a cloud of black smoke, rushed to run, but M. pointed a mirror at her light and killed with arrows; I heard a scream, an iron cage came up, inside the eagle, asking for release, around the bone; this is the real Mansikhanyer nest; an eagle flew in, the eagle first hid M. under the wing, then told his mother who saved him; the eagle agrees to take M. to the ground, tells him to harvest 100 sparrows; the last sparrow was not enough, M. cut off the meat from his leg; met his wife they recognized a friend a friend in half of the mirror, so changed from exhaustion; Dashidag and Muniga forced G. to work when she refused to be their mistress; under the guise of a beggar, M. offer to entertain them with archery; pierced both with one arrow; people were prosperous, M. and G. are happy until old age]: Chen, Wang 1989:420-439; Dungans; (cf. Dungan Chanji, northern Xinjiang [the old woman only has a horse; one day she returned - she is a boy, he is a Brother Horse; he went on a journey, broke a rock with an arrow, and Brother Stone came out; then If the tree is split, Brother Elm came out; they cultivate the land, hunt; someone cooks and tidies in the house; they take turns guarding, two fall asleep; when it is Brother-Horse's turn, three white doves arrive, become girls; he asks them to marry him and his brothers, but first become doves again; invites the brothers to choose; takes the rest for himself, the pigeons become girls; the cat comes, stays, mischievous; the women slapped him, for which he put out the fire and left; the women went to look for coals; the shepherd says that the fire is owned by a nine-headed monster, let them go to him; the maids took them deep into the cave; the monster's human body and 9 heads, all but the central one, are blind; he orders to give fire and a bag of beans; it has a hole, the beans woke up on the way back; the next day the monster followed this trail, sucked the blood of women; then the eyes on his other heads see; so many days; The horse brother notices that the wives are losing weight, they tell him everything; the first is Brother Elm, then Brother Stone, both are afraid; Brother- the horse hits the monster in the eye with an arrow, he runs; the horse brother releases the shepherd, comes to the cave under his guise, taking a sheep's tongue with him; the shepherd must lick the monster's damaged eye; the horse brother strokes it with sheep's tongue, the monster hurts; he says that his tongue is rough because he has a cold; then kills the monster, cutting off all his heads; distributes the monster's property; his brothers want to take possession of everything themselves; lead Brother- the horse looks at the lotuses, is pushed off a cliff; he fell on the lotuses, is alive, but cannot climb back; healed the swan's wing, he lifted it upstairs, the flight lasted three days and three nights; he returned home after year; they did not recognize him, his wife did not recognize him, he cries; he takes his bow; the brothers say that only the Horse Brother who fell off the cliff could pull it; he shoots at the stone, the Stone Brother disappears into the stone; shoots at the elm - The Elm Brother returns to the tree; since then, there are stone steps at the gate and the elm trunks are cracked; Brother Horse's wife has stayed with him, and the other two women put on their pigeon robes and flew away; since then people near Mount Bogota love white pigeons]: Shujang Li, Luckert 1994:111-118).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Chulym Turks [three swan maidens (aka ducks) fly in, clean the house for three brothers; the elder, middle brothers see nothing, the youngest hides the girls' clothes, the brothers get married; the hell comes out pipes under the hearth to drink women's blood; younger brother shoots, hell, taking the youngest's wife, falls into the ground; brothers lower the youngest on a rope; the woman gives the devil - the iron king vodka, that says that his soul is seven eggs in a box, a box in the stomachs of seven deer; the hero pulls out, breaks eggs, kills a devil born to a woman's son, his brothers pick up the woman, the elder cuts off the rope, picking up the younger one; he falls; sees how the mouse has recovered, gnawing grass, heals himself; the kite cooks meat, lifts the hero to the upper world, the meat runs out, the hero cuts off the flesh from his leg; the kite regurgitates this a piece, puts it to his leg; the hero marries; shoots in the air, an arrow pierces his older brother]: Porotova 1980:76-80 (=Lukina 2004, No. 5. 12:117-122); Tuvans; Khalkha Mongols; Mongols Inner Mongolia (chahara) [Türgen arγatu (TA)'s elder brother tyranite younger Tegüs jayaγatu (TD); demon fox with 8 souls (mule, snake, spider, frog, boar, pheasant, ax; {o the eighth is not said; then, when souls are destroyed, some other incarnations are said} kidnapped Princess Najid (N.) and took her away on his mule; she lost her shoe, TD found it; the king promises her daughter's hand savior; TA and 500 warriors go together with TD; seeing a hole in the ground, TD went down; TA took the warriors away; N. told what room the demon's souls are in; the main one is in the golden turtle; TD killed the yellow dog, snake, spider, boar; returning, N. became angry with the mule, hacked it with an ax; then became angry with the ax, broke it against the stones; only soul was left; demon and so on fought for a long time, N. helped to finish it off demon; N. went upstairs with treasures, went to the warriors; TA bribed them, ordered them to fill up the way out of the ground; the heavenly messenger brought TD to the ground; the warriors confirmed TA's words and the king wants to marry N. for him; N. objects; TD returned, married N., TA expelled]: Heissig 1985, No. 7:127-136; Dongxiang; Buryats [same as the Mongols, western in Aginsky District, Chita Region; older brother is going to study the charms of seven wizards, has not learned; the youngest spies quietly, so he has learned; tells the eldest to sell a beautiful horse to the wizards, but without a check, he turns into it; the eldest sells to wizards with with a bridle; they intend to kill the horse, but first lead to a watering hole; the horse turns into a fish, the wizards into a pike; the fish into a lark, the wizards into hawks; the lark falls to the llama's knees, (turns into a bead rosary), the llama put it in the rosary; seven wizards are asked to give the rosary, the llama tears them up; the wizards became chickens, began to peck balls; the young man became human, killed chickens with a stick; the llama says it's a sin murders must be redeemed, sends the young man to bring the burkhan from the tree, but at the same time he must remain silent; the young man does not hold back three times, comments on Burkhan's story, he disappears; but sin is redeemed; first story: Tugal Masan was born with a calf's head, went on a journey, met, accompanied White, Black, Blue Tarba; they take turns cooking, each time an iron woman takes food; TM replaces her iron rope, pliers and hammer are wooden, she hits, she hides in a hole; TM descends on a rope, finds the woman dead, sends her wealth upstairs, cannot get up by himself, because Tarbes were released rope; falls asleep for 12 years, during which time a sandalwood grew from the bottom to the edge of the pit; TM climbed it, did not punish Tarbes]: Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 12:191-201; Mongors [poor hunter Zhangmu sees a black whirlwind, shoots, and a shoe falls from there; the emperor announces that his daughter has disappeared, sends her images; J. recognizes the princess by her shoe; with two generals comes to the cave, those they lower J. on a rope; he finds the princess, sends her upstairs with a bracelet from her; ties a stone instead; the generals pick it up, cut off the rope, take the princess away; J. frees the attached son of the Dragon King; he brings him to him, the Dragon King gives a vessel that gives you everything you want; after seeing his mother, J. asks the vessel for good clothes, comes to the party about the princess returns; she sees her bracelet, tells her father; he gives her daughter to J., decapitates generals]: Stuart, Limusishiden 1994:168-169; darhats [Kityt-Hu ("son of a Chinese") shot 15- head mangys, then shot something flying, the arrow fell in blood; the warriors say they are looking for Sain-Khut-Taiji, carried away by a 25-headed mangys; they go together where something black fell; KH they lower the wounded mangys on a belt; there the stolen SHT orders the wounded mangys to be shot in the side, the mangys dies; the girl was picked up, but the belt was not lowered for the KH; he drinks live water, frees the man chained with mangys Lusay Khan; he takes him to the ground; the Kh comes to the father of the SHT, who gives him a daughter, makes him the first noyon; the warriors who say that they saved the girl are executed]: Potanin 1883, No. 157:529-531; Dagurs [the bear took the girl, she gave birth to a boy; they ran away, the bear followed, the boy killed the bear with a stone; very strong, accidentally killed a bull in the village; to get rid of him, the official tells him to kill a tiger, a dragon; he does it (the dragon swallows it, he cuts his heart); stays in an abandoned house, two spirits come there, he grabs them, they ask him to make his helpers; he enters a giant, the bear's son cuts off his head, but his head grows again; so many times, then the monster becomes small, disappears into the abyss; companions descend the bear's son on a rope; the kidnapped beauty says that the monster's life is in two metal balls; the bear's son takes them, the monster dies; the companions pick up the girl on a rope, cut her off; the old man says that a huge bird can take them upstairs; they fly for 17 days, the bear's son throws food in her mouth; the 18th runs out of supplies, he cuts off the meat from his leg; the bear's son kills companions, takes the girl as his wife, gets a high position]: Stuart et al. 1994:114-116.

Western Siberia. Nordic (?) Selkups; Nganasans; Mansi [someone ruins a turnip field (turnip); an old man goes to guard, a bear kills him; an old woman goes, a bear takes her away, she gives birth to a son, he is a bear below the waist ; they run away, the son kills a chasing bear; goes to look for his wife, meets a noseless man on the way, then a madman, both hear the voices of women from the lower world; the bear's son asks to let him down on a rope in a hole; there is a dragon, the son of a bear, cuts off his heads with an ax; sends three girls on ropes upstairs; when he gets up himself, the companions cut off the rope; he asks the eagle to lift it to the ground; prepares meat , feeds in flight (three months); chases satellites, marries] Munkácsi 1995:118-120.

Eastern Siberia. Baikal Evenks (Barguzin) [father, elder, middle brothers leave, disappear; the youngest is walking, the old man teaches how to ride a heroic foal; at the crossroads there is a stone with the inscription "Right dear black, left white"; the young man's father walked on the right, brothers on the left, he walks on the right; the old woman teaches him to go to Chagan-kan, around his house there is a river of blood, the banks are made of human bones; gives a pestle throw if C.'s daughters are chased; the horse transfers C. to the roof of the house, tells them to change the barrels of poisonous and eternal water; steps over one of C.'s daughters, jumps away, C.'s daughters are chasing, they can't pick up or bypass the abandoned pestle, stop chasing; comes to the daughter C., whom he has stepped over, now she is his wife; they find the remains of the young man's father, he is revived with eternal water; the young man delivers father, wife and old woman to the stone with the inscription, goes to look for brothers; throws the girl who threw his brothers at her into the pit, pulls out the brothers; an old man comes, asks for a knife, hides in a hole, in that knife there was a young man's soul; a young man descends on his belts, a girl shows where the knife brought by the devil, the young man takes it, changes barrels of poisonous and eternal water; the devil drinks poisonous water, dies, drinks after him, the devil's wife dies; brothers pick up the girl and wealth, cut off the rope; the young man is maimed, the mouse hits, she eats grass, recovers, he also recovers; C.'s daughter is sacrificed by a snake, the young man inserts He falls into the mouth of a birch tree, kills a snake; he falls asleep, throws him into the water; the girl pulls him out, revives him; the young man saves the spider's children from the fire, he gives a net to the upper world; the young man comes to the brothers' wedding disguised as an old man, takes his form; stays with three wives, older brothers tied to horse tails]: Poppe 1927, No. 2:18-31 (=Voskoboynikov 1958:72-79, =1973, No. 18:80-89); Yakuts (places records are not listed, links to the archive and collection of I. Dedyukina; at least central ones?) : Ergis 1967b, No. 92 [the old man marries an Abaasa girl, the hero Morkun is born; kills his mother, comes to the hunters; everyone is on duty one by one; every time a shaman comes, beats the rest; M. defeats him , pursues, falls into the lower world, heals with the help of a wonderful mushroom; becoming a squirrel, searches for a sick shaman, becomes a hero, kills him; takes his wives; friends raise women, the rope is cut off; M. climbs to the ground on a wonderful tree; is wounded with a self-propelled knife, healed with living water; settles his comrades in uninhabited places; M. has a son, Homurduos (Beetle); M. fights against the spirit of the wind and bad weather, H. climbs into his ear, gnaws; the daughter of the murdered Elena Pyshnotelaya pursues H., he defeats her, takes her as his wife], 93 [the old man has a son with an Abaasa wife; the mother wants to eat her son , he wakes her up himself; the father could not wake her son, wanted to slaughter her, the son goes to the forest; finds three comrades, they live in a forest house; the dwarf beats friends, the old man's son defeats him, pursues him in the lower world; the old man's son heals (kills) him, marries his daughter, rises to the ground], 97 [Aldyarhai Aidaan leaves home, takes three (four) people as companions; they hunt, go home one by one; The abaas comes out of the stone, beats the guard; AA beats him, cooks dinner for his comrades; goes down to the lower world, saves three girls; their comrades pick them up, throw them AA; he promises his daughter the devil to marry, she takes him to the ground; AA kills her, one of her friends, marries one of the three girls himself], 194 [The old man finds a child made of dough. He grew up to be a powerful hero. They're sending him somewhere else. Heroes Haya and Nakaz join the Test Hero on the way. They all live in an empty city. A little old man with a long beard appears from the lower world and fights with heroes. The hero dough pursues him, descends into the lower world, takes the old man's daughters, and keeps him alive. The hero dough's comrades pull the girls upstairs and leave him in the lower world. The hero dough joins the heroes (runner, rumor, shooter and able to drink the sea). They go to marry the daughter of the insect king. They are saved thanks to a hero who can drink any amount of water. They kill the insect king, the hero dough marries his daughter]: 179, 179-181, 210.

Amur-Sakhalin. Nivhi [a flying milk carries the daughter of the head of a Manchu city in a bag; a man goes for firewood, sees a milk, hits with a stick, follows a bloody trail to the ground; the boss promises give the daughter to the savior; the man is lowered on a rope; there is a woman in the house, the man took her away while the girl was away; the father raised his daughter; when he picked up the savior, cut off the rope, he broke]: Pilsudski 2003, No. 16: 122; Wilta [western 1938; a huge bird descends into the palace chimney and takes the chief's daughter; Gawhat was mowing hay at that time and saw how it happened; the chief gives him soldiers, tells him to find his daughter; he is on they lower him into the hole with ropes; the woman hides him, her cannibal husband falls asleep, G. cuts off a bunch of red hair on his head, he dies; G. rings the bell, the soldiers raise the woman; when they raise G., the rope is cut off; in the house, G.'s devil finds vessels with white and red water; red water is healing, revitalizing; he revives the child hanged by the devil; the child's parents give G. a two-headed sevon (?) , he lifts G. upstairs; the leader does not believe G.; his daughter comes in, says that G. saved her, he has her ring; he marries her]: Petrova 1967, No. 8:148-150 (=Medvedev 1992:316-319; detailed text with a little with further details in Sam et al. 2012:113-118); Wilta [Geuhatu lives on the outskirts of the city in a grass house; mowing grass near a sacred tree, sees an iron bird the size of an iron bird descending the tree house; on the bird's back a beautiful woman cries: golden tears are pouring from her left eye, silver tears from her right eye; asks her parents to inform her about her; G. climbed the tree to a hole in the sky, but remembered that food Not with him, but went down; two chiefs came to pick him up and took him to the owner; G. first replied that he did not see anything, and then told him everything; G. received 70 soldiers and an iron flying steamer, which went up to the heavenly hole; G. tied a rope and ordered him to be lowered; there were three roads from the intersection: to the dead, to the sun and to hell; G. tied a rope to the hemp {so as not to get lost on the way back} and went to hell; in the house that woman, she hid G.; said that when the hell came, bringing a man in one armpit and a seal in the other, she would persuade him to let him look for lice; when he will fall asleep, G. must cut his red hair on top of his head with a sword; the first time the devil smells something, but the woman says it's the smell of a bear that the devil recently brought; when the hell fell asleep again, G. cut hair, hell died, his body was welded and burned; they reached the fork along the rope; the woman tells G. to get up first, he refused, she gave him her gold ring; he was picked up, and when G. cut off the rope; G. put his finger in the red water flowing nearby, his finger fell off; put it in white water - recovered; drank white water and recovered; found a barely alive person tied to a tree, gave him white water with water; he led him to his parents, ordered them to reward not gold and silver, but an idol; tied two rods to their feet, they crossed the water; having received an idol, G. met an old man; he had a handkerchief, in to whom the city and soldiers with guns; changed with the old man, and then ordered the soldiers to take away the old man's idol; the same with another old man who has a staff with soldiers; G.'s wife is passed off as another who called himself her savior; G. threw that gold ring into a glass of vodka; the woman recognized him and called G. the savior; the owner: that deceiver must be killed; now G. is rich and with two wives; {the end is unclear; where second wife? named Lord of the Sea}]: Ikegami 2007, No. 17:67-85.

(Wed. SV Asia. Coastal Koryaks (west. A.N. Zhukov, village. Palana, 1958; Russian borrowing) [the hunter fell into the bear's den; the bear gave birth to his son Kainyvil (Bear Ear); he is a man, only bear ears; four years later K. asks his father bring him to his house; his father replies that the Bear will catch up with them, kill them; they run away, K. kills the Mother Bear with his fist; K. is too strong, maims other children; goes to the tundra; meets, takes companions 1) a man carrying a birch tree; 2) carrying a hill with cedars; 3) carrying a riverside tundra; they come to the house of giants; K. lies down on their owner's bed; beats (to death?) him and the three with whom he came; K. comes to the old man, talks about the defeated giants; the old man was their father; he offers K. the bride inside the hill; lowers him into the hole on a rope, cuts off the rope; The spider picks him back; he hits the old man, hangs him by the rib in the house, sets fire to the house; returned home; there his father, the Cossacks pulled out his eyes; K. killed the Cossacks; the father said that there is a cure for blindness made from the liver; the neighbor says it is the liver of a man with a fiery head named Fire; gives a sword, teaches what to do; K. goes to the sunset, where the earth is red; cuts off O.'s head, cuts off the liver, takes bile, runs away; the fire is behind him, he has time to leave; he smears his father's eyes with bile, he sees the light]: Menovshchikov 1974, No. 139:434-447).