Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K2a1. A commoner sees a princess being kidnapped .


demon takes away a noble girl. An ordinary person accidentally witnesses a kidnapping or accidentally finds such evidence. The girl's father sends him in search of his daughter.

Vietnamese, Chinese (Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei, Shandong, Manchuria, Qinghai; also without place of recording), Dungans, Inner Mongolian Mongols, Mongors, Darhats, Dongxians, Wilta, nivhi.

Burma - Indochina. Vieta [hardworking poor That San learns from a magician; merchant Lee Thong invites him to his place, makes him a younger brother, uses his labor; LT's turn to sacrifice Boa, TS is coming instead of him, Boa kills; LT says that the Boa belonged to the king, advises the TS to flee, brings Boa's head himself, the king makes him prince; Princess Quin Nga is carried away by a three-headed eagle; TS sees in the mountains he is wounded with an arrow, reports LT; he lies to the king that he wounded the eagle; leads the army to the abyss; the TS descends, finds the princess, sends her upstairs; LT sends her home, throws stones down; TS kills an eagle leaves a cave in the Land of the Sea, kills a monster; the local king rewards him, but he returns to his native village; the dead shadows of the Eagle and Boa put the gold stolen from the palace in the vehicle; TS they grab it, but he tells the king everything; LT is expelled, killed by lightning; TS marries KN, defeats enemies, inherits the throne]: Karpov, Tkachev 1958:28-39 (=Nikulin 1970a: 42-47; 1990:75-81).

China - Korea. Chinese (Jiangsu, Zheqiang, Hubei, Shandong, Manchuria) [in the forest, a woodcutter wounds an evil spirit that took the princess away with an ax; sends him to look for the princess, taking his brother with him; after the princess is returned, the brother pushes the hero into failure; with the help of grateful animals, he returns to earth and eventually marries a princess]: Enerhard 1937, No. 122:179-181; Chinese (Qinghai) [ the couple has two sons: a native and an adopted son; the foster man is busy with work; after going for firewood, he throws an ax into a whirlwind, a bunch of women's hair and drops of blood fall; on a bloody trail he fails; the emperor announces that his daughter has taken the whirlwind, he will give his daughter to whoever saves her; both brothers fail, his own son lowers the foster room down, he finds the demon asleep, sends the princess upstairs, his own son refuses to raise an adopted child; the princess manages to give him a pearl; with her help, the foster room can enter the underwater palace, has been married to three dragon daughters for three years; his own son recognized as the princess's savior, but cannot show the pearl; after three years, the foster returns and marries the princess]: Frick 1954, No. 26:532-533; Chinese [Min Zhu, daughter of rich Zhang - Shi-ee's bride; Wu gen is Sh.'s brother; MCH takes the Black Eagle, sits on a pine tree; S. slept under her, wounded Eagle, finds the Eagle's cave, the entrance to which he blocks with a heavy stone; talks about everything W.; behind MCH her the father promised a reward; W. helps his brother move the stone, lowers S. into the cave; he kills the sleeping wounded Eagle; W. picks up the MCH, cuts off the rope; in the cave, S. frees Carp, nailed by the Eagle to the wall; this is the son of the dragon king; the Carp brings S. to the sea, the Dragon King offers him a daughter, he refuses; then he carries him to land, gives a gorlyanka pumpkin, she turns into a horse; W. prepares the wedding, S. drives away him, marries MCH]: Riftin 1972:66-74; Chinese (unrecorded) [a nine-headed bird takes the princess, the king promises her savior; the young man notices a failure where the bird has disappeared; he is let down on a rope, the princess bandages the bird's wounds (the tenth head was bitten off by a heavenly dog); the bird fell asleep, the young man cut off her heads; the princess advises that he be the first to rise; the young man refuses; she gives he has half a hairpin, half a handkerchief; the companion leaves the young man in the dungeon; he frees a fish nailed to the wall, this is the son of the dragon king; the dragon takes him to the ground; he finds a shell full of pearls turtles; these pearls open a passage in water and fire; he goes to the bottom of the sea; the rescued son of a dragon tells his father to ask his father for a calebasa to fulfill his wishes; the young man returns on the princess's wedding day; marries, false fiance punished]: Wilhelm 1921, No. 7:13-16.

Turkestan. Dungang [Ponwyn hears a girl scream from the sky, throws a rocker arm into the whirlwind, his shoe falls; finds out that the emperor's daughter has been carried away; takes warriors and his friend Duanzhian; goes down a rope in cave; the princess teaches how to cut a sleeping snake with his own sword; when the princess is raised, D. tells him to remove the rope and fill the entrance; P. frees the son of the dragon king; orders him to take a drum from his father as a reward; he gives everything he needs; P. comes home, where D.; D. spies on the drum turning into a girl (this is the youngest daughter of the dragon king); throws P. into the well; the drum covers the table with crap, flies away complain to the emperor; P. is pulled out, he shows half of the bracelet given to him by the emperor's daughter; receives it; D. is buried at the crossroads up to the neck]: Riftin et al. 1977, No. 8:73-79.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols of Inner Mongolia (Chahars) [the elder brother of Türgen arγatu (TA) tyranite the younger Tegüs jayaγatu (TD); a demon fox who has 8 souls (this is a mule, snake, spider, frog, boar, pheasant, ax; {the eighth is not named; then, when souls are destroyed, there are other incarnations} kidnapped Princess Najid (N.) and took her away on his mule; she lost her shoe, TD found her; the king promises a hand daughters to her savior; TA and 500 warriors go with TD; seeing a hole in the ground, TD went down; TA took the warriors away; N. told what room the demon's souls are in; the main one is in the golden turtle; TD killed a yellow dog, a snake, a spider, a wild boar; returning, N. became angry with the mule, hacked it with an ax; then became angry with the ax, broke it against the stones; only soul was left; the demon, etc., fought for a long time, N. helped to finish off the demon; N. went upstairs with treasures, went to the warriors; TA bribed them, ordered them to fill up the way out of the ground; the heavenly messenger brought TD to the ground; the warriors confirmed TA's words and the king wants to extradite N. for him; N. objects; TD is back, married N., TA expelled]: Heissig 1985, No. 7:127-136; Mongors [poor Zhangmu hunter sees a black whirlwind, shoots, and a shoe falls from there; the emperor announces that his daughter has disappeared, sends images of her; J. recognizes the princess by her shoe; with two generals he comes to the cave, they lower J. on a rope; he finds the princess, sends her upstairs, receives it from her bracelet; ties a stone instead; the generals pick it up, cut off the rope, take the princess away; J. frees the tied son of the Dragon King; he brings it to him, the Dragon King gives the vessel, who gives whatever you want; after seeing his mother, J. asks the vessel for good clothes, comes to the party for the princess's return; she sees her bracelet, tells her father; he passes his daughter off as J. decapitates generals]: Stuart, Limusishiden 1994:168-169; darhats [Kityt-Hu ("son of a Chinese") shot a 15-headed mangys, then shot something flying, the arrow fell in blood; warriors they say they are looking for Sain-Khut-Taiji, carried away by a 25-headed mangys; they go together where something black has fallen; the KH is lowered into a hole on a belt; there the stolen SHT orders the wounded mangys to be shot in the side, mangys dies; the girl was picked up, but the belt was not lowered for the KH; he drinks living water, frees Lusay Khan, who was chained by mangys; he takes him to the ground; the KH comes to the father of the SHT, he marries his daughter, makes the first noyon; the warriors who say that they saved the girl are executed]: Potanin 1883, No. 157:529-531; Dongxiang [the woodcutter hit a tornado with an ax, women's shoes fell out of there, blood flowed; rich man Jan promises the kidnapped daughter to her savior; the woodcutter follows a bloody trail, a friend lowers him into the hole; the old woman hides him from the seven-headed monster, learns how to kill the monster (cutting off the heads, pull him out veins, kill centipedes); the woodcutter sends the kidnapped women upstairs; raising the daughter D., the friend cuts off the rope; the serpent is going to eat the Kite's chicks; the woodcutter kills the snake; the Kite orders to catch a hundred birds, puts a lumberjack on his back, he throws birds into his beak, a little short; next time the woodcutter stores 99 birds, says a hundred; throws his knee into the Kite's beak; on the ground, the Kite belches the knee, since then the kneecap has been separated from the other bones; D. drives away the imaginary savior of his daughter, passing her off as a lumberjack]: Todayeva 1961, No. 4:90-93.

Amur - Sakhalin. Wilta [Western 1938; a huge bird descends into the palace's chimney and takes the chief's daughter; Gavhat was mowing hay at that time and saw how it happened; the chief gives him soldiers, tells him to find his daughter; he is on they lower him into the hole with ropes; the woman hides him, her cannibal husband falls asleep, G. cuts off a bunch of red hair on his head, he dies; G. rings the bell, the soldiers raise the woman; when they raise G., the rope is cut off; in the house, G.'s devil finds vessels with white and red water; red water is healing, revitalizing; he revives the child hanged by the devil; the child's parents give G. a two-headed sevon (?) , he lifts G. upstairs; the leader does not believe G.; his daughter comes in, says that G. saved her, he has her ring; he marries her]: Petrova 1967, No. 8:148-150 (=Medvedev 1992:316-319; detailed text with a little with further details in Sam et al. 2012:113-118); Wilta [Geuhatu lives on the outskirts of the city in a grass house; mowing grass near a sacred tree, sees an iron bird the size of an iron bird descending the tree house; on the bird's back a beautiful woman cries: golden tears are pouring from her left eye, silver tears from her right eye; asks her parents to inform her about her; G. climbed the tree to a hole in the sky, but remembered that food Not with him, but went down; two chiefs came to pick him up and took him to the owner; G. first replied that he did not see anything, and then told him everything; G. received 70 soldiers and an iron flying steamer, which went up to the heavenly hole; G. tied a rope and ordered him to be lowered; there were three roads from the intersection: to the dead, to the sun and to hell; G. tied a rope to the hemp {so as not to get lost on the way back} and went to hell; in the house that woman, she hid G.; said that when the hell came, bringing a man in one armpit and a seal in the other, she would persuade him to let him look for lice; when he will fall asleep, G. must cut his red hair on top of his head with a sword; the first time the devil smells something, but the woman says it's the smell of a bear that the devil recently brought; when the hell fell asleep again, G. cut hair, hell died, his body was welded and burned; they reached the fork along the rope; the woman tells G. to get up first, he refused, she gave him her gold ring; he was picked up, and when G. cut off the rope; G. put his finger in the red water flowing nearby, his finger fell off; put it in white water - recovered; drank white water and recovered; found a barely alive person tied to a tree, gave him white water with water; he led him to his parents, ordered them to reward not gold and silver, but an idol; tied two rods to their feet, they crossed the water; having received an idol, G. met an old man; he had a handkerchief, in to whom the city and soldiers with guns; changed with the old man, and then ordered the soldiers to take away the old man's idol; the same with another old man who has a staff with soldiers; G.'s wife is passed off as another who called himself her savior; G. threw that gold ring into a glass of vodka; the woman recognized him and called G. the savior; the owner: that deceiver must be killed; now G. is rich and with two wives; {the end is unclear; where second wife? named Lord of the Sea}]: Ikegami 2007, No. 17:67-85; nivhi [flying milk carries the daughter of the head of a Manchu city in a bag; a man goes for firewood, sees a milka, hits a bloody one with a stick the trail goes down to the ground; the boss promises to give his daughter to the savior; the man is lowered on a rope; there is a woman in the house, the man took her away while the milk was away; the father raised his daughter; when he picked up the savior, cut off the rope, it crashed]: Pilsudski 2003, No. 16:122.