Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K2a2. The kidnapped princess drops her shoe .26.33.34.


monster rushes past the young man, taking the princess away. The young man picks up the princess's lost shoe or, after shooting, finds the princess's curl. He goes in search, goes underground and saves the kidnapped.

Chinese (Qinghai), Dungans, Inner Mongolian Mongols (Tsakhars), Mongors, Dongxians.

China - Korea. Chinese (Qinghai) [the couple has two sons: native and adopted; the foster worker is busy with work; after going for firewood, he throws an ax into a whirlwind, a bunch of women's hair and drops of blood falls; on the bloody then he fails; the emperor announces that his daughter has taken the whirlwind, he will give his daughter to whoever saves her; both brothers fail, his own son lowers the foster house, who finds the demon asleep, sends the princess upstairs, her own son refuses to raise an adopted child; the princess manages to give him a pearl; with her help, the foster room can enter the underwater palace, has been married to three years daughters of a dragon; his own son is recognized as the princess's savior, but cannot show the pearl; after three years, the adopted child returns and marries the princess]: Frick 1954, No. 26:532-533

Turkestan. Dungang [Ponwyn hears a girl scream from the sky, throws a rocker arm into the whirlwind, his shoe falls; finds out that the emperor's daughter has been carried away; takes warriors and his friend Duanzhian; goes down a rope in cave; the princess teaches how to cut a sleeping snake with his own sword; when the princess is raised, D. tells him to remove the rope and fill the entrance; P. frees the son of the dragon king; orders him to take a drum from his father as a reward; he gives everything he needs; P. comes home, where D.; D. spies on the drum turning into a girl (this is the youngest daughter of the dragon king); throws P. into the well; the drum covers the table with crap, flies away complain to the emperor; P. is pulled out, he shows half of the bracelet given to him by the emperor's daughter; receives it; D. is buried at the crossroads up to the neck]: Riftin et al. 1977, No. 8:73-79.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols of Inner Mongolia (Chahars) [the elder brother of Türgen arγatu (TA) tyranite the younger Tegüs jayaγatu (TD); a demon fox who has 8 souls (this is a mule, snake, spider, frog, boar, pheasant, ax; {the eighth is not mentioned; then, when souls are destroyed, there are partly different incarnations} kidnapped Princess Najid (N.) and took her away on his mule; she lost her shoe, TD found her; the king promises daughter's hand to her savior; TA and 500 warriors go with TD; seeing a hole in the ground, TD went down; TA took the warriors away; N. told what room the demon's souls were in; the main one was in the golden turtle; TD killed a yellow dog, a snake, a spider, a wild boar; on his way back, N. became angry with the mule, hacked it with an ax; then became angry with the ax, smashed it against the rocks; only one soul was left; the demon and so on fought for a long time, N. helped to finish off the demon; N. went upstairs with treasures, went to the warriors; TA bribed them, ordered them to fill up the way out of the ground; the heavenly messenger brought TD to the ground; the warriors confirmed TA's words and the king wants marry N. for him; N. objects; TD returned, married N., TA expelled]: Heissig 1985, No. 7:127-136; Mongors [poor Zhangmu hunter sees a black whirlwind, shoots, and a shoe falls from there; emperor announces that his daughter has disappeared, sends her images; J. recognizes the princess by her shoe; with two generals comes to the cave, they lower J. on a rope; he finds the princess, sends her upstairs, receives a bracelet from her; ties a stone instead of himself; the generals pick it up, cut off the rope, take the princess away; J. frees the tied son of the Dragon King; he brings it to him, the Dragon King gives it to him a vessel that gives everything you want; after seeing the mother, J. asks the vessel for good clothes, comes to the party for the princess's return; she sees her bracelet, tells her father; he gives her daughter to J. decapitates generals]: Stuart, Limusishiden 1994:168-169; Dongxiang [a woodcutter hit a tornado with an ax, women's shoes fell out, blood flowed; rich Jan promises her kidnapped daughter savior; woodcutter follows a bloody trail, a friend lowers him into a hole; an old woman hides him from a seven-headed monster, learns how to kill a monster (cutting off heads, pulling out veins, killing centipedes); woodcutter sends abducted women upstairs; picking up daughter D., a friend cuts off the rope; the serpent is going to eat the Kite's chicks; the woodcutter kills a snake; the Kite orders to catch a hundred birds, puts the lumberjack on his back, that throws birds into his beak, a little short; next time the woodcutter stores 99 birds, says a hundred; throws his knee into the Kite's beak; on the ground, the Kite regurgitates his knee, since then the kneecap separated from other bones; D. drives away the imaginary savior of her daughter, passes her off as a lumberjack]: Todaeva 1961, No. 4:90-93.