K3. A tree or rock grows.
The hero climbs a tree or rock to get bird eggs, chicks, fruits, honey, etc. He can't go down because another character makes the tree (rock) very tall or makes the tree trunk thick. See K1A motif.
Australia. Jaber-Jaber [The eagle sent his nephew The lizard to the tree to get a large egg out of the nest; he is afraid to touch the big one, takes the small ones; the Eagle tells the tree to rise tall, leaves; The lizard eventually managed to jump to the ground, cut off the Eagle's head with a boomerang]: Waterman 1987, No. 4535 (1): 122; raven [two sisters ask her husband to get nuts from the top of the tree; sing, making the tree tall; at home they say that someone killed her husband, pretends to mourn; the husband eats bark and water he finds in a tree, makes a rope out of chewed bark, goes down, kills his wives with a spear]: Waterman 1987, No. 4535 (2): 122; jauan [The eagle is angry with his brother because he does not share his wives with him; asks him to climb a tree to get eagles from the nest, sings, making the trunk tall; stays with women; the brother's skeleton falls to the ground feeds on flesh, kills brother and wives; he is now the lonely evil spirit of a rocky country]: Waterman 1987, No. 4535 (3): 122; Dieri [the man did not share food with his two sons; they asked him climb the tree to get edible larvae, told the tree to grow, set it on fire; they threw my father's skin to hide from the fire; now they're dark spots in the month]: Waterman 1987, No. 20 (1): 22; bagunji [The month does not give food to his nephew; he sends him to the tree to collect edible larvae; it blows on the tree, it grows tall, he tells his uncle to grab the sky, makes the tree low again; sleeps with uncle's wives; they run away, leaving their feces responsible for themselves; a young man steps into him, cursing women]: Waterman 1987, No. 20 (2): 22; Yualarai [Wan (raven) suggests that Balu (month) not make new ones children, but to revive the dead; he refuses; V. invites him to climb a tree to collect caterpillars, makes the tree grow to the sky; B. remains in the sky; he previously refused to marry Sun-Yi; Yi's instruction, the spirits that support the edges of the sky prevent B. from returning to earth; if allowed, Yi will kill the spirit holding the ends of the ropes on which the earth hangs in the center of the sky; B. slipped past the spirits, taking the form of an emu; went with his wives to collect the caterpillars, leaving the log where he slept and covered it with skin; Brother B. tried to kill him, but only hit the log; when the B. brothers approached, B. turned again into the emu, slipped away from them; B. and the Lizard began to make children, send them to spirits that sent them to earthly mothers; children hid in eucalyptus branches; the woman passing under them became pregnant; if B. It comes back late, it makes girls (it takes longer to make them than boys); Van (the raven) turns girls into women]: Parker 1965:49-54.
Melanesia. Cotton wool [the man did not have enough feathers to make a dance hat; he made a platform on a tree, ambushed a cockatoo; when he climbed, the tree grew to the clouds; he starved to death, corpse fell along with the platform; then it went low again]: Fischer 1963, No. 15:151-152; kiwai [hiwai-abere wanted to replace a man named Madara for his wife Sine; asked her to pick fruit, made the tree tall; came to M.; S. was pregnant, gave birth to a son; the serpent lowered her with her son, arranged a holiday, the husband who came among the guests recognized his wife, returned her and her son; killed the false wife with arrows]: Landtman 1977, No. 47:164-167; Upper arapeche; San Cristobal [betel nuts]; Pentecost; Banks Islands.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Garo [Awil and Singwil have younger sisters Nosé and Dimsé; maternal grandma secretly ruins everything girls do; mother blames them, hits them; they stick feathers to themselves, turn into doves, they talk about what happened; parents cry, but A. and S. only ask for a necklace, fly away; they are caught by brothers Anal and Gunal; A. ate his bird, and G. put it in a cage; left alone, a dove turns into a girl, cooks and cleans; A. remains guarded, falls asleep; G. grabs S., marries; A. lures his brother into a hole, falls asleep with stones; his dog and S. dig him up, S. revives him; A. asks G. climb the poplar to ruin the nests of birds; in fact, there were no nests; A. tells the tree to grow to the sky; S. gives Woodpecker a red turban (now a tuft) and an ax (now a beak), which lowers G. to the ground; A. pushes G. into a hole with burning brushwood; his wife and dog pull him out again; G. killed A. by putting a pumpkin scoop down his throat; S. and G. are happy, they have many children]: Playfair 1909:119-128 (=Rongmuthu 1960:71-78).
The coast is the Plateau. Chilcotin; shuswap [rock]; thompson; lillwat; sechelt; snohomish; Puget Sound [rock]; cowlitz [mountain]; curdalen; clickitat [rock]; yakima or paluz; vasco [rock]; ne perse [meat left on wood]; alsea; cous; upper coquil; takelma; clamate ; modoc.
Plains. Omaha and ponka; iowa [the trickster puts imaginary raccoons on the tree, asks the hero to go after them]; skidy pawnee [the trickster places imaginary raccoons on the tree, asks the hero go after them]; arpaho [rock; poplar]; kiova-apache [rock].
California. Karok; yurok; shasta; pomo; coastal yuki; vintu; miwok (Yosemite Valley) [two young men fall asleep on a rock, it grows to the sky, they don't go down; of all animals, only the Caterpillar manages to get up, bring the young men down on her back]: 1877:366-367 in Edmonds, Clark 1989:152-154, in Judson 1994:100-101; chumash [pole].
The Great Southwest. A rock. Navajo; Western Apache; Chiricahua.
Mesoamerica Kekchi, mopan [honey]; kanhobal [get feather costumes from the tree; hero's brothers turn into monkeys]: La Farge 1947:52-56; quiche [get shot birds; brothers heroes turn into monkeys]; jacalteka [mischievous grandchildren climb a tree for honey; grandmother gets tired of waiting for them; hits a tree with a stick, the trunk becomes tall and thick; children turn into monkeys, stay on the tree (monkey origin)]: Montejo 1991:43-44; Peñalosa 1995b [Mother Virgin gave birth to Our Father in the field; her brothers gave him an ax, he knocked down the forest with a few blows, and they They all cut down one tree; they tied it to a tree, set fire to the felled vegetation; he told the gopher to gnaw through the fetters, hide it in a hole, and left a tree that looked like burnt bones; the brothers began to eat throw bones into this tree; Our Father turned bones into all animals; the brothers opened a corral, some of the animals ran away, became wild; he invited the brothers to climb the tree, it grew to the sky, he tore off the bark from the lower part of the trunk (to make it smooth and slippery), created a lake around; the brothers turned into animals (monkeys)]: 153-157.
The Northern Andes. Guajiro [Fat man lures the hero to the tree for fruit; (falling down?) the hero finds himself in a distant forest]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 32:90.
Llanos. Sicuani [palm kernel starch]; cuiva [fruit?]
Southern Venezuela. Yanomami [the youngest of the four Horonámi brothers ran away from the jaguar, stabbed his leg, sat down to remove the splinter, asked the tapir for help, the jaguar rushed after the tapir, thinking he was chasing H.; the jaguar killed tapira, understood the mistake, caught up with H., but he made his teeth soft, the jaguar bit in vain; H. ran away again, then his teeth hardened again; H. caught fish, the jaguar rushed at him from behind, killed him; next In seniority, the brother hunted monkeys, the monkey mother killed him, the brothers found the skull, burned him, drank ash; the two remaining brothers killed the monkey mother, hitting her with arrows in both eyes and all fingers; jaguar killed the youngest of the survivors; the last brother asked the monkeys to pick up the fruits; they offered to climb on their own; he climbed, the tree grew to the clouds; the lizard heard cries for help, put him on his back lowered it to the ground; he returned home, the house was surrounded by jaguars, he climbed the tree unnoticed; next time he climbed the tree again, where the monkeys (the woodpecker helped by pecking the hollow to climb), the tree again grew up, the lizard lowered it again; but the jaguars killed it and ate it]: Polykrates 1967:289-282.
Western Amazon. Maihuna [honey]; siona [fruit]; sekoya [fruit].
NW Amazon. Fruits, if not otherwise. Kubeo [Kuwai has two brothers, they have one wife for three; K. tells the brothers to get fibers for the hammock from the palm tree; makes the tree tall, cuts it down; the wind blows the brothers away, they turn into two rivers: legs - mouth, arms - tributaries, heads - whirlpools; K. returned to his wife]: Goldman 1963:147; barasana; kabiyari; bare; uitoto; okaina; chikuna [huge the fungus grows along the perimeter of the tree trunk].
Montagna - Jurua. Fruits. Konibo; shipibo; chayahuita: García Tomas 1994 (3): 179-180 [people complain to Kumpanama that the peach palm is too low, paki eat fruits; K. climbs a palm tree, tells her to grow up, cannot get down; the tree falls far to the west, K. breaks into dust; Paka finds his heart, brings him home to cook; the pot bursts, his heart turns into K., he turns Paku in paku], 182-183 [K. makes the peach palm tall so that the paki do not eat the fruits; cannot get off; the ant advises people to cut down the palm tree, it falls to the top of the sea; the crab eats K.; Paki is found his heart, they want to cook; K. comes to life, turns Park into a pack], 186-187 [boys pick unripe fruits from a peach palm tree; K. makes it high to the sky, cannot get down; an ant manages to climb to it; K . tells him to tell people to cut down a palm tree; she falls into the sea, the crab eats K.'s flesh, his heart pops up; old Paka picks it up to cook; K. comes to life, thanks Puck], 188-189 [as in (186-187), starting at (179-180); K. turns Paku into a paka]; chacobo [see motif J16]: Balzano 1984 [Kako climbs a tree, Mutum makes it grow; brother lets the pole go down]: 31; Kelm 1972, No. 1 [Mutum does not tell us where the couple gets the nuts; Kako climbs the tree himself, Mutum makes it high to the sky; then makes it what it is now; Kako asks his sister and brother to give a hook for him; they try to give him a caiman, a snake; finally, a hook; Kako descends]: 213; Siriono [the hunters found a fruit tree; one climbed, ate the fruit himself, and threw only one green fruit to the others; the one below threw the fruit against the tree, it grew tall; the one left above caught and killed the bats; when they went rotten, the vultures flew; they were grateful, they raised the man by the hands, hair and The anus was lowered down; since then they have been eating carrion; because people left it in the tree, man told them to be mortal]: Priest, Priest 1980, No. 2:75-79
Bolivia-Guaporé. Moseten; moseten.
Southern Amazon. Vaura; trumai; kalapalo; nambikwara [tree becomes thick]; paresi [tree becomes thick].