K31. Wooden seal. .19.20.41.-.43.
The character makes wood into a marine mammal or fish. It kills his enemies or drags them into the open sea.
Melanesia. Kiwai [while hunting dugongs, two young men pretend to be sick, stay at home, rape a hunter's wife named Naga; he makes a crocodile out of wood; the first three varieties of wood too light, unfit; the fourth makes a crocodile; N. climbs into it, swallows boats; crawling on land, draws furrows, creating rivers; his behavior determines the customs associated with murder enemies; crocodiles come from him]: Landtman 1977, No. 19:94-98.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Kapingamarangi [Moemoeho secretly eats coconuts from a palm tree owned by Hakatautai; he tells the palm tree to go to the village if anyone climbs it; the palm tree comes up, people see the thief; out of revenge H. makes a big fish out of wood, gets inside, grabs M.'s hook, drags his boat into the sea, M. has to cut off the tench; at X.'s house he sees his hook; H. explains that he is not the only one to feel ashamed] : Emory 1949a: 233-234.
Subarctic. Helmet [the Tlingits leave their helmet on an icy island; only one young man is against it; the Seals call him to their lair; he heals the Seal by removing the stuck harpoon; the Seals send him to the seal bubble across the sea; told to think only about home; he remembers the Seals, finds himself back on the island; next time he swims; makes wooden killer whales; light wood is not good; finally finds suitable solid (the origin of killer whales); killer whales sink the Tlingit boat, only a good young man is saved]: Teit 1917a, No. 10:451-452; tagish [(two options); the wife's five brothers leave her husband on island; the youngest was against it; the abandoned hears singing, goes down to the underwater house of the Seals; they treat him, give him a gut boat; she sails where he mentally directs it; when he comes to the house, he accidentally remembers the island, returns; sails to his wife for the second time; picking up tools, returns to the island, carves two toothy whales out of the willow; first unsuccessfully tries other types of wood; brothers they come, he tells the whales to kill them, save the youngest; they kill everyone; clear the sea of harmful creatures; the man returns home]: McClelland 1975 (2): 450-453; southern tutchoni [like Tagish, without details]: McClelland 1975 (2): 453; taltan [tagish marries a Tlingitka; his wife's brothers leave him on an island; alone against it; Seals call him to their lair; he takes the harpoon out of the wounded A seal; they send him in a bubble across the sea; tell him to think only about home; he remembers the Seals, finds himself on the island again; next time he swims; makes a killer whale from different breeds trees; a hard cedar killer whale comes to life; crashes his wife's brothers' boat, only a good brother escapes]: Teit 1919, No. 13:235-237.
NW Coast. Tlingit: Garfield, Forrest 1961 [The wife's brothers first do not take Natsihlane on sea hunting, then leave on the island; only the youngest resists this; Seagull leads N. to an underwater house, The Sea Lions send him home in the stomach of a sea lion; tell him to think of a house, not an island; at home, N. makes killer whales from fir, red cedar, hemlock, but only those made of yellow cedar remain alive; they sink their wife's brothers' boat, bring the younger one ashore; N. tells killer whales not to attack people from now on, to help them]: 123-124; Smelcer 1993 [the wife's brothers envy Natsalan's hunting luck, leave him on the island; the youngest of three brothers feels sorry for him; the island is flooded by the tide, the seals save Natsalan, send him home; he carves a killer whale from different types of wood; the fourth option (from yellow cedar) comes to life, kills his wife's brothers, except the youngest; Natsalane tells the killer whale not to attack people anymore]: 19-22; (cf. haida (Masset) [a man named Gō'tttca accidentally stayed at the rookery; waited but did not come for him; he sewed himself into the stomach of a sea lion, sailed to the mainland; without entering the village, carves a fir killer whale, it does not swim; the same from hemlock, yellow cedar; two made of yew have come to life; he tells them to leave parts of a whale, ten whale carcasses, in front of the starving village; goes to sea with killer whales, now he lives in all the hearts of sea lions]: Swanton 1908a, No. 10:385-392); Tsimshian: Boas 1895, No. 7 [the woman's daughter is married in another village, both hungry in winter; mother and daughter met each other halfway; in the middle of winter they saw a ripe rose hips; then a bird; at night there was a man next to the young woman; every day she finds the game he sent; gives birth to a son Asiwa; he grows up as a good hunter, marries; chasing a bear, goes up the valley; the bear turns out to be the leader's servant, who gives A. a daughter; tells him to get a mountain ram; sends an avalanche, his wife warned him to beware, he left behind his a scarecrow with clothes, hid; got a lot of rams; lived with his wife, wanted to return, his father-in-law told him to fall asleep, he woke up at the foot of the mountain; married the sister of six brothers; went with them to the rocks to hunt sea lions; they envied his skill, left him alone on the rock, but the youngest stayed nearby to save him; when the tide began to flood the rocks, A. turned into a bird, stuck a bow into the rock, he had an arrow, a friend at it, etc., sat at the end of the arrow; the water was sleeping, the mouse invited him to visit their grandfather, he went into a hole in a pile of algae; there were patients in the house who did not know the cause of their illness; these were sea lions wounded by him, A. took out the arrows they could not see, the sick recovered; the leader ordered A. to be sent home in a boat; the only good one is the stomach of a sea lion; when he returns, A. sends his stomach back; makes alder a fin whal figure, it sinks; the same from cedar; the yellow cedar whale does not sink; made a few of them, told them to turn over the brothers' boats in the morning, spare the youngest; when son A. grew up, asked his father what sea lions fed him; answered, A. fell dead, his stomach was pierced by fish bones]: 285-289; 1902 [people from the Wolf, Raven, Eagle families catch many sea lions; a man from the family There are only two bears; Wolf steals lions; he slaughters a wooden lion; the bear harpoons him, tench sticks to his hand, the sea lion drags his boat into the open sea; he has three companions in the boat; they sail to dwarfs; they fight ducks, geese, swans, cormorants, cranes; many die because feathers fill their mouths and noses; people easily curl birds' necks; grateful dwarfs take them home]: 108-115; Garfield, Forest 1961 [Natsihlane hunts sea lions better than his wife's brothers; they leave him on an island; he tries to kill a sea lion but the tip is broken; sea lions call him inside the cliff, asking for help; there the shaman treats a sick sea lion, but does not see the cause of the disease; N. sees his tip; thinks he will not take it out if the sea lions do not send him ashore; chief He reads his mind, promises to send him home; he takes out the tip, the patient recovers; he is put in the dried stomach of a sea lion, told to think only about home; he remembers sea lions three times, finds himself on the island again; for the fourth time he gets home; N. makes a killer whale from different types of wood, only the yellow cedar killer whale came to life, swam into the sea; killer whales drowned the boat of his wife's brothers, N. told them not to harm people anymore]: 81-82.
The coast is the Plateau. Comox (chatloltk) [the eldest of the four brothers makes a boat; the others don't share meat with him; he makes a seal out of cedar; his brothers harpoon it, the seal drags them into the sea; they fall into dwarf village; dwarfs are attacked by birds, their feathers fly like arrows; brothers beat birds with clubs; the younger one pulls feathers out of the bodies of fallen dwarfs, they come to life; a grateful leader puts brothers inside the whale that takes them home]: Boas 1895, No. 16:87-89; clallam (Lekuñen) [envious of the luck of ten brothers, the old man makes a sea lion out of cedar; his brothers harpoon him, he drags their boats, they they cannot cut the harpoon belts; the sea lion swims to the cave; brothers see the wives and children of sea lions in it, many women are naked; the chief tells five sea lions to take people back; they take them to Cape, come back; contrary to warning, the brothers attack the monster, their harpoons bounce off him like a rock, he brings the brothers to his house under his wife's supervision; they stoned her, sailed away; he threw stones after boats, since then the rocks can be seen far from the shores; the brothers follow her footsteps one after another, each slides and falls, the cannibal pulls out, swallows]: Hill-Tout 1907:344-346; lkungen (songish) [the wife of an unlucky hunter hides meat from him from her brothers; advises him to enchant them; the hunter turns the stump into a seal, who drags the brothers' boat into the sea; they get to the dwarfs they bring them home; brothers want to punish their sister, they don't find her]: Norman 1990:272-276; quinolt [five seal hunters give little meat to hazel grouse; he makes a seal out of cedar, he drags away a hunting boat at sea; they reach an unknown land, summoned to compete; flee persecution, return home; see motive K27]: Farrand 1902, No. 3:102-105; quileut [younger brother hunts seals, the elder makes boats; the elder's wife complains that the hunter does not give her meat; her husband makes a seal out of wood, who takes the hunters' boat to sea; they meet blind people who bury halibut into the ground and worms are eaten; Keith agrees to take the hunters home; younger brother sprays older water, which turns into stone]: Andrade 1931, No. 23:63-69; snohomish [three brothers they hunt seals, the fifth makes boats; his wife eats all the meat herself, says that his brothers do not give him; he makes a wooden seal that drags his brothers' boat overseas; dwarfs live there with a little one with their mouths, they eat larvae; they fight ducks, snipes, geese; brothers kill birds, treat wounded dwarfs; when they become killer whales, they return home; they lure their fourth brother to pick eggs; he loses his way, dies] : Haeberlin 1924, No. 35:428-430; skagit [wife lies as if her two brothers do not share food with her; husband's father turns the log into a seal; he takes the brothers' boat far out to sea, they cannot prune tench; get to dwarfs; they are attacked by ducks, piercing them with feathers; brothers easily kill them with an oar; revive dwarfs by pulling feathers out of their bodies; dwarfs give them dentalium, send them home on a whale; people rejoice, food becomes abundant]: Hilbert 1985:73-86; Puget Sound [resume; Pheasant's wife's brothers hunt; gave her food and asked her to feed her husband; but she ate everything herself with her children; deciding that they have not shared food with them, the Pheasant carves the seal out of wood and revives it on the fourth attempt; his wife's brothers follow him, fall into the fog, to the end of the world; a dwarf appears, he is incredibly strong; leads brothers to the village; all the inhabitants there are old dwarfs; they eat raw food, they have mountains of detailing shells; dwarfs are attacked by ducks; brothers easily kill them and show that meat should be cooked; dwarfs send brothers home on a whale, giving them dentium shells; brothers return home]: Bierwert 1990, No. 7:233-237; Niscualli [three younger brothers quarrel with the elder; harpoon ( done by him?) a seal, he drags them across the sea, they can't unhook the tench; they see a dwarf in a boat, they steal fish from him; he brings them home; geese attack dwarfs, kill them with feathers; brothers revive dwarfs pulling feathers out of their bodies; for this, dwarfs send their brothers home on a whale's back; they turn into turtles along the way]: Kane 1859 in Boas 1916:868; snookually [the younger brother does nothing, the older brother does nothing, the elder brother does nothing, the older brother does nothing a good hunter; carves a wooden seal, he drags the youngest's boat into the sea; the youngest steals fish from a man who catches it while diving; sees duck war; turns into fish to return home]: Calhoun 1946, No. 4:42-43; Puget Sound [two brothers hunt seals and dolphins; their sister hides meat from her husband; he makes a wooden seal, he drags the brothers' boat into the sea; the brothers fall to giants; the youngest is eaten by giant mosquitoes; the older giant with a supply of dried fish is placed in an incision in the whale's body; the whale brings him home]: Ballard 1927:77-80; cowlitz [wife died, in this time, the husband cannot hunt and eat fresh meat and fish, he must go to the steam room every day; the fast has been going on for 5 months; a man asks a fisherman to give him fish for his little daughter; he does not give: ruin my luck; a man makes wooden fish, tells it to be real; when a fisherman and brother harpooned it, she dragged the boat far down the river; there are birds the size of a bear; the fisherman hid his brother under the boat, I went, met an old giant, who told me to go after his brother as soon as possible; he was already eaten (the old man calls these birds mosquitoes); the old man bakes and eats several salmon, a person cannot eat like this many; another giant came, one-legged, began to break the top of the first; the first put a man around his neck, began to fight the one-legged, killed him; while the man was gone, no one could defeat the other; summer passed, the giant hollows out the whale like a boat, sends a man in it, giving abundant supplies, telling him not to look out until the whale reaches the shore; he has sailed, his wife is in mourning - she thought her husband was dead; since then people who follow taboos are allowed to eat dried salmon]: Adamson 1934, No. 40:238-240; clackamas [older brother makes boats; sends son to the younger one for fat; he insults him; older sends a wooden seal to drag the hunters' boat into the sea; they come to the seal woman; there is also a bumblebee woman with teeth in her vagina; the hero inserts a stone; teeth break, the woman menstruates; the spirit- the assistant gives advice on how to win the competition (see motif K27); people come to the sturgeon spouses; the wife bakes herself; the sky hits the ground; on the way home, the boat passes under it five times; the last time only food is slightly affected; hunters return; humans turn into birds and animals]: Jacobs 1958, No. 26:207-226.