Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K32D. Replaced herding livestock .

As a result of the antagonist's machinations, a noble girl (young woman) or boy (boy) is turned into a maid or servant, sent to herd cattle or chase birds into the field. Everything is revealed - usually after people hear a song in which the hero or heroine talks about the change. Most often, the hero or heroine goes to relatives or (less often) to the groom. A liar (deceiver) accompanies her or him and is mistaken for a relative or a bride. A liar or deceiver is executed. Comorians: a liar becomes a mistress, turning the girl's parents into peacocks.

Zulu, Xhosa, Owambo, Herero, Ndau, Congo, Hutu, Isanzu, Kikuyu, Nyanja, Comorians, Mundang, Sakho, Malgashi (Tsimihety), Morocco, Western Sahara, Kabila, Sudanese Arabs, French ( Lorraine), Germans (Grimms), Kabils, Palestinians, Tibetans (Amdo, Ham), Mustang, (Lepcha), Bulgarians, Greeks, Albanians, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Olonetskaya), Lithuanians, Lutsies, Setu, Finns, Karelians, Veps, Swedes, Mordovians, Mari, Chuvash, Udmurts, Tatars, Bashkirs.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Zulu: Snegirev 1937:179-191 [Sylvanas has tamed the leopard like a dog; everyone is afraid that he will become a sorcerer; his sister Silvanecazana gives the leopard hot, it dies; Sylvanas kills it; kills a sheep, says that the blood is sheep; Ntombiyaapansi's other sister learns the truth from a fly; her father grabs Sylvanas, sets fire to the house, Sylvanas burns down with her parents; before that, N.'s father tells N. to go to a bull to another sister; on the way, the lizard asks N. to let her try on her clothes, takes her place, calls herself by her name, and the real N. is now Silauezing ("dog tail"); imaginary N. explains to her sister that was ill; the real N. is sent to guard the field from birds; she sings about what happened, the birds immediately disappear; another girl spies on N. taking her form, her things, the bull; the leader, appear from the ground enough N.; tells him to dig a hole, pour milk, tells the lizard to jump, the tail pulls it to milk, fill the hole with boiling water]; F. Johnson in Werner 1933 [when the groom takes Chief Untombiyapansi's daughter to his kraal and leaves on the way, imbulu forces her to give her her clothes, takes her form; the real W. is sent to chase birds; she summons her parents from the grave, and. exposed, the chief marries W.]: 91; scythe [brother quarreled with his sister, killed her; mother killed her son; sent her second daughter to her uncle, said she would commit suicide; in the mbulu river, she hits the water with his tail, the spray flies; says who a little wet, must take a dip; puts on a girl's clothes; the girl's uncle pretends to be his niece and the girl to be a maid; she is sent to chase birds on crops, she sings about what happened; women hear her ; mbulu slip mice; mbulu's tail chases them, falls into a trap; people poured milk into the pit, made mbulu jump; mbulu's tail wants milk, rushed there; people killed mbulu, buried them in this hole; The real niece married a man who had previously married mbulu; they have a child; a square pumpkin grew in the place where mbulu was buried, tried to swallow the child; but people cut it into pieces and burned, ash thrown into the river]: McCall Theal 1882:135-138; ovambo [the husband pulled the bow, it broke, the piece bounced into it, he died; the widow dies, tells her son and daughter to go to Dilanene; they go with a cow and a slave; the slave invites the young man to climb a tree for fruit, removes the stairs, takes the girl's jewelry, passes her off as a slave from D., she is sent to chase birds from the field; she sings about her fate her mother's cow brought with her is mooing; one woman heard, called D., he understood who this girl was; the cow led people to the tree, the stairs were found, the young man was lowered, washed from bird droppings; the slave pushed into a hole with boiling water, threw earth]: Loeb 1951:302-305; herero [a sliver bounced into the man's eyes, he went blind, then died; the widow tells two daughters to go to Vila-Nene and his wife before she dies , they will adopt them; the slave goes with them; the older sister climbs the tree for fruit, the youngest cleans the stairs; the eldest stays in the tree, the youngest comes to the VN with the slave; the slave pretends to be the daughter of the dead a girl for a slave; she is sent to chase birds from the field; she sings about herself, about her sister left in the tree; VN's wife hears this, learns her story; she and her husband take their older sister off the tree, wash her, she's all stained with bird excrement; slaves pour boiling oil down their throats]: Estermann 1961, No. 3:164-166; ndau [the husband killed the bird, let his beloved wife cook; the unloved one stole it out of envy; the husband ordered wives cross the river on a tight rope; the unloved one told her daughter after her death to take a slave, go to her sister Mgali; the beloved crossed the river, the rope broke off under her unloved one, she drowned; a girl with The slave came to the river; the slave offered to change her clothes, refused to change back, told M. that she was her sister's daughter and a slave with her; the girl was sent to chase birds from the garden; her mother's spirit He came, washed her, gave her beautiful clothes; like this every day, but every evening the imaginary daughter and M. take their clothes away; M.'s husband spies; M. digs a hole, covers it with a mat, pushes the liar there, she dies; niece takes her seat]: Boas, Simango 1922, No. 17:193-195; isanzu [mother dies; her daughter, accompanied by a slave, goes to her grandmother; on the way, a slave picks up her jewelry, appears a daughter; a real daughter is considered a slave, sent to chase birds from the field; people hear her speak to her mother, her mother in the form of a bird brings her food from heaven; an imaginary daughter is promised that her wedding day has come , pushed into a hole with hot coals]: Kohl-Larsen, Allensbach 1937, No. 30:38-39; kikuyu [when dying, father and mother tell their daughter to go to her uncle Mukuru Muriati; she is met by a cannibal, telling her to give everything jewelry, takes her form, and she is hers; MM has a cannibal sleeping on the bed and her niece on the floor; she was sent to chase birds into the field and live in a hastily made shelter, and her imaginary niece was sent to live under a good with a canopy; the girl sings, talking about what happened, birds and monkeys do not touch her fields, and they ate everything from her imaginary niece; she gave birth to a daughter by a monkey; MM found out about the song, stabbed the liar, returned a girl with honor; a liar's daughter was thrown away]: Mwangi 1983:80-85; Nyanja [when she dies, the mother tells her son to go to her brother; another boy went with him; he offered to take him across the river, asked permission to vilify his clothes; in his uncle's house he pretended to be the son of a deceased woman, and his real son was sent to chase crows from the field; each time a big crow flew in, dispersed others, shouted that her the son is sent to chase crows; some child hears and sees it, tells his uncle; the boy is returned, the deceiver is killed]: Holland 1916:140-141; Comorians [childless father promises that if the child is a child born, he will get stars from the sky and give him; M'lindwa's daughter is born and grows up; parents sheltered a humpback beggar; she overhears a father discussing his promise with his wife; the beggar persuades M. pretend to be sick - as if because of an unfulfilled vow; parents go to the forest, climb a tree up the stairs, turn into two peacocks; the beggar takes over the farm, tells M. to sleep with the cows, guard crops; peacocks come to the field, M. sings, asking not to bite corn, for the liar will punish her; the old woman hears a song, says the Sultan, they catch peacocks, restore their human appearance; A liar is buried alive in front of the palace; M. marries a prince; var.: peacocks do not turn into humans, peacocks have existed ever since]: Hatubou 2004, No. 12:56-63; Congo [Nzambi (goddess- progenitor) raised her daughter in isolation; sends her to a remote village while the house is being cleaned for rituals (purification of the paint-house); the girl is accompanied by a slave ; on the way, daughter N. asks her about the names of the creatures she sees (snake, antelope, eagle, butterfly); before answering, the slave demands to give her an item of clothing and jewelry; comes to the village dressed as daughter N., pretends to be herself, her real daughter N. passes her off as a slave; she is sent to monitor the crops; people hear her complaining song; the merchant agrees to convey the words to her mother; N. comes, restores justice, the slave is burned in the house]: Dennett 1898:128-131; Hutu [when the widower dies, tells his daughter to take all the property and go to her sister, who is married to the chief; alone the slaves know the way; the girl swallows all her cattle and slaves, goes with the slave; they bathe and the slave asks permission to change clothes for a while; the chief pretends to be his wife's sister and the girl - for the slave; she was sent to guard sorghum; she sings about her fate; regurgitated her cows and slaves; the old woman saw cows poisoning royal sorghum; the girl swallowed everything back; the old woman talks about to all the chief; he comes, sees everything; the liar student was cut to pieces; with his wife, who could not recognize his sister, the chief wanted to do the same, but the girl begged her not to do so; she became the leader's wife; her The sister was first made a maid, but then, at the girl's request, she was married to the chief's brother]: Pinguilly 1997, No. 14:167-179.

Sudan-East Africa. Mundang [Matallé's girl went to a distant village in the evenings to dance; returning, singing a song, telling her father to open the door; Hyena overheard, sang for M., father heard a rude voice, not opened it; the fortune teller advised Hyena to go to the Guianriang monster, who gave her a subtle voice; her father believed that M. had come, opened it, Hyena ate it; M. saw Hyena in blood, told two the young men kill her, put on her skin; began to grind millet for beer for her father's funeral, asked the frog for help; she told her to be hit with a millet stalk, became beautiful, and M. in Hyena's shoes was ugly; both came to to the leader, he took the Frog, sent M. to herd oxen; when swimming, she sings every day that the beautiful woman is herding oxen, and the despicable woman is in the palace; the old woman hears, advises the leader to listen; tells the hawk to grab throw the hyena's skin into the fire while M. is swimming; M. grieves for the skin, the chief grabs it, leads it to the palace, sends the Frog to herd oxen]: Louafaya 1990:117-120; Sakho: Reinisch 1889, No. 10 [from the rich The man is Schami's daughter, he married her, gave her a thousand camels, cows, etc.; when her husband returned to him, took another wife, and S. sent her to herd cows; she was met by a man, questioned, told her father; he came with an army, her ex-husband and his parents were hung in a tree, S. gave her to the savior], 13 [Abarash's father married her to the royal governor; when her husband left, her mother-in-law sent her daughter-in-law herding calves, replaced her ugly daughter, putting her daughter-in-law's clothes on her, putting her in her bed; in the steppe, her husband's friend recognized her, told him; the husband agreed with his wife, brought everyone to the king; the gathered decided that the husband's father should now wear shoes, the mother in rags, and her daughter should take out the night pot]: 64-66, 83-86; Malgashi (Tsimihety) [a woman sends her daughter Ikalo to her brother, hers accompanied by a slave; she demands clothes and jewelry for her help, finally takes everything, leaving her in rags; she is sent to chase birds into the field; the birds scream that the maid has become a mistress, and mistress maid; uncle heard; offered a test as to who would jump over the rope; the imaginary mistress jumped lightly, and the imaginary maid came up barely moving; the uncle realized that her niece was her; the maid was executed]: Haring 2007, No. 33:43-44; Sudanese Arabs [brother Abd al-Rahman and sister Zinat al-Makan live alone, decide to go to their older sister who lives far away from them; the old lady tells me not to go turning around and looking back; the brother looked around and became a hawk; the sister met her sister's husband, who was looking for a slave; he smeared her body with soot; she must get up before dawn, rub the grain; sister and hawk brother complain to each other about fate; the neighbor hears this; tells the older sister; in order not to fall asleep, let her rub the pepper into the cut; the older sister finds the younger sister, everything is explained; she leaves meat for hawks, knocks his brother down with a broom, he turns into a man; her husband is buried alive]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 6:69-71.

North Africa. Western Sahara [seven brothers hope that their mother will now give birth to a daughter; a girl is born, but the maid mistakenly picked up a large spoon rather than a small one - a sign that a boy was born; brothers they leave; the girl Shreser Dahbú grows up, rides a camel to look for her brothers; the black maid Kumba walks; makes the SD switch places - SD on foot, she is on a camel herself; swims in dairy the river, becomes white; tells the SD to swim in the resin river, the SD becomes black; the brothers (the eldest is Ahmed) take K. for their sister, the SD is sent to cook, herd camels; A. hit her, blood do not wash off clothes, cadi explains that this is because they are blood relatives; A. offers both girls goat meat; K. eats giblets greedily, SD takes a rib, does not eat; A. tells K. camels, takes her sister to the river of milk, she swam, turned white; other women, out of envy, forced her to swallow a snake egg; said that she was pregnant, A. hears sounds from her stomach, believes it The child moves, tells her to be thrown into the well; she hides in a cave, her hair sprouts with grass; the shepherd is surprised that camels do not eat grass there, tells the owner; he digs up the SHD, marries her; one of the brothers is trying to penetrate her, he has a snake assistant, whom he saved from the eagle; the SHD husband thinks that his lover wants to penetrate, he is trying to kill the young man, the snake protected him; the husband gathers people to kill brothers, SD warns them of danger, they run away]: Aris, Cladellas 1999:39-46; Morocco [seven brothers are waiting for their mother to give birth to; she gives birth to a daughter, but the mother's sister does not put up a spindle, but stick; brothers think that a boy has been born again, they leave; the daughter has grown up, asks why people call her the sister of seven brothers; goes to look for them; a servant and maid are with her; her parents gave her an amulet, she has it in hair, they see what's wrong with her; the servant finds him, breaks him; she is bathed in a black river, she becomes a maid; the servants themselves bathe in white, ride her camel; the elder brother is a sultan, others are bosses provinces; the elder recognizes the camel and the dog, believes that the woman on the camel is his sister; the real sister was sent to herd camels; she turns to the camels, talking about herself, they listen to her, not they graze, lose weight; the sultan arrives, she tells him everything, the camels begin to graze; the sultan tells him to take his imaginary sister, husband and real sister to those streams; the imaginary husband and her husband drink black water, the sister is white, everyone regains their true form; the liars are burned; the brothers' jealous wives persuade their sister to swallow an egg if she loves her brothers; she is pregnant, the brothers drive her away; she comes to old people; they feed her salty meat, hang her upside down, she belches seven snakes; old men send a letter to the Sultan; her sister is returned, his wives are executed]: El Koudia 2003, No. 6:33-38; kabila [girl Dania goes to her 7 brothers; her father gave her a magic pearl, a camel and a slave; on the way, the girl washed herself in a slave spring, and a slave at a spring for the free; demands that D. got off the camel, but the pearl tells me not to be afraid; next time the pearl is silent, the slave pulls D. to the ground, pretends to be the brothers' sister, and D. as a slave; the girl was sent to herd camels; she wants a rock to grow to see her parents' home; talks about what happened, camels cry except for one who is deaf; the youngest brother spied and overheard; the old man advises the brothers to remove the handkerchief from the girls' hair - the sister's hair should be shiny; the brothers forced the slave to take off her handkerchief, were convinced of the fraud and killed her]: Rivière, p. 45 in Cosquin 1887:200-201; (cf. The Arabs of Libya (Tripoli) [seven brothers ask their father's sister: if their mother now gives birth to a girl, hang a spindle on the fence and we will come back, and if the boy is a sickle, we will leave home; a girl Ud was born Yes, but my aunt hung a sickle; 15 years later, W. once quarreled with her peers, who said that her 7 brothers left home because of her; her mother gave her a camel, a black maid named Barka and her husband- black man; a day later, the maid demanded that W. get off the camel and let her sit; W. called out to her mother, who told B. to walk; but on the third mother she no longer heard her daughter's voice, B. forced her switch seats; the caravans sent them to the brothers' house; before approaching, the maid put W. on a camel but smeared her with resin; the black man threatened to kill her if she told her; her tear fell on her arm, her older brother erased the tar, W. admitted that he cut off the heads of a black man and a black woman; when leaving, the brothers tell her sister to always give the cat what she eats herself; once she found and ate a bean; cat demanded half - this particular bean, not the other; but the bean had already been eaten and then the cat extinguished the fire; W. came to the ogre for the fire; he covered himself with one lip, put the other under him; for the coal he demanded from W. a strip of skin from ear to thumb; W. went home, leaving a trail of blood; the raven flew from behind and covered the drops of blood with earth; W. scolded him: he frightened her; then the raven removed the ground, revealing blood; the ogre came and asked what W. saw; she replied that she saw him sleeping on silk and closing himself with silk; the cannibal laughed and left, breaking one of the six wooden doors; so every time the seventh iron door remained, W. sent a letter to the brothers with a dove; the brothers rode before midnight, the cannibal had not yet arrived; they dug a hole with hot coals in it; W. replies to the ogre that he covers himself with his own lip and sleeps on his lip; he broke the door but fell into a hole, burned down; one fingernail bounced; pricked W. in his arm and she lost consciousness; the brothers told the camel to take her body home mother; he was stopped by three young men, found a body, one removed the ring from W.'s finger, his fingernail also fell out, W. woke up; returned to her brothers, they returned to their parents with her; stay with them]: Stumme 1898, NO. 2:81-93).

Western Europe. The French (Lorraine) []: Cosquin 1887, No. 61:197-199; Germans [the old queen sends her daughter to her fiancé, the queen of a distant country; gives a horse named Falada; a handkerchief with three drops of her blood; maid; on the way, tells the maid to take water into the gold goblet and give her; she refuses to be a maid; the princess got off her horse, got drunk, but not from the goblet; three drops of blood: if if the mother knew about it; the same for the second time; she sailed away on the third handkerchief, the princess did not notice it; the maid forced her to change horses and clothes; upon arrival, the liar asked for a maid, i.e. a real princess, a job, she was sent to herd geese; the liar asked the groom to order the horse to be beheaded because she was afraid he would tell everything; the princess bribed the flayer to hang F. above the gate; when he chases geese, he turns to F., and the head responds: if mother knew; the shepherdess Kurdchen wanted to snatch the princess's golden hair, but she caused the wind, he ran for his hat, and she combed her hair at that time; so three times; K. complains to the king and talks about the conversation between a goose and a horse's head; the old king followed, began to ask questions; princess: I swore to remain silent; king: then tell the iron stove; the queen gets a real princess; the king tells an imaginary story, asks what the liar is worthy of; she answers: put her naked in a barrel covered with nails, let her horses carry her through the streets; that's how she was executed]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 89:296-301 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:236-241).

Western Asia. Palestinians: Bushnaq 1987 [Jubeinah is incredibly beautiful; a prince from a distant country decided to marry her; he was advised to kidnap her - if her parents would not agree to the marriage; all girls called to the wedding; J. went too; her mother gave her a blue bead; along the way, a black nubian maid led J.'s horse along the other road, demanded to get off; bead: get out, black; but when J. leaned down to the river, the bead fell into the water; first she answered from the water, then her voice was not heard; the maid smeared herself with chalk and J. with charcoal; the prince took the maid and J. sent the sheep to herd; she sings about it, sheep they cry, do not eat; the prince went to find out why the cattle were losing weight, heard everything; washed off the chalk from the maid, threw her into the fire; washed off coal from J., married]: 206-208; Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 13 [when he saw the cheese seller, a childless woman asks her daughter as white as cheese, gives birth to Jbēne ("cheese"); girls call her for fruit, she tells them to ask her mother for permission, mother refers to father, father to aunt her father, she lets her mother's aunt go; J. climbs a tree, sheds fruit, the girls fill their baskets with fruits, her with snails, leave; at dusk she is afraid to get down (var: she got down, I saw snails, climbed back, pick fruit for herself); the rider sees her, promises not to touch her, takes her away; she gets dirty with black, she is considered a maid, sent to herd sheep; sheep lose weight because J. talks about her fate, the sheep cry; the emir's son overhears, takes her as his wife; she finds parents, takes her home]: 122-125; Yemenis (South Yemen) [seven girls go for fruit; all well dressed, only the youngest is simply dressed; each refuses to climb a tree, the youngest is; the rest fill the baskets with fruit, leave; the girl herself cannot get off; the gargoon (forest genie) comes up, the girl greets him; he says he would eat it otherwise; so with each of the six garguffs; the last of them offers to jump on his arm; if she falls on his thumb, he will eat it if the index will return to the tree, the middle one will marry, the ring finger will kill, the little finger will return her home; she jumps to the middle one; he brings her to his castle, tells her not to open the seventh room; one day she discovers - there are human remains; from that time on, Garguf's wife falls ill; he suspects the cause; comes in the guise of a mother - the wife does not reveal the truth; in the guise of a friend - reveals; wife goes to the steppe, meets his younger brother's grazing sheep, brings him to himself; the garguff pretends to go with his wife's brother on business; kills him, brings meat in the basket; the vulture takes his finger off the ring, drops , the sister found; refuses to eat meat; buries it, a tree grows, a baby boy appears on the branch; the garguff believes that his wife gave birth to him a son; the boy has grown up, his sister reveals the truth to him; teaches him to hit Garguff once with his sword when he falls asleep (his eyes will be open); after taking valuables, brother and sister return to people]: Daum 1992, No. 5:55-69.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo) [daughters of King Gold and Silver, they have a Wooden maid; she suggests seeing whose vessel does not sink in the river; gold and silver are sinking, Gold jumps into the river, Silver is afraid to return to her father; together with Wooden she comes to the place where the king gathered the girls, marries the flower that he has thrown; catches Silver, Wooden takes away, marries the king, Silver is sent to herd cattle; she complains by the river, Zolotaya comes out of the river, says she became the wife of the River King, gives food, tells her not to show leftovers at home; Silver violates the ban, Wooden She goes to herd the cattle herself to kill Gold; Silver's tear drips on the king, she tells everything, he prepares a hole with fire at the bottom, covers it with cloth; Wooden returns without killing Gold, falls into a hole; Silver marries king]: Tshe dbang rdo rje et al. 2007:214-215; Tibetans (Ham) [the chief's daughter with a golden bucket and a maid with a wooden bucket went to get water; the maid persuaded the lady to quit buckets in the water; the golden bucket drowned; the girl was afraid to go home; the maid came and said this to the chief; he said he was not angry; the maid told the girl that her father threatened to kill her, offered to run, changing clothes; the chief they met and the neighboring chief to whom they came notice the change, but the girl denies everything; the chief's son sends her to herd cattle; she hangs yarn on the trees, that turns into threads herself; throws pebbles, and then collects - the cattle first disperse and then gathers themselves; the leader's son veiled proposes to the leader's imaginary daughter, but she does not understand; the next day, the chief's imaginary daughter went to herd the cattle; the real one told me what to do, but she failed - the cattle did not gather, the yarn did not hide; the leader's son turns to the imaginary maid, who replies in the sense that she comes from a richer family; the chief's son looks closely at the maid and girl's hair and the contents of their purses, understands who is who; sends both girls to the temple; their horses you will have to tie the girls to their feet; a partridge is put in the maid's purse; she takes off, the horse gets frightened, drags the maid with her, tearing her to shreds, and the chief's daughter's horse stands still; wedding]: Lhamo 2012:201-206; Mustang [a demoness and daughter live in the upper reaches of the valley, a woman and her daughter live in the lower reaches; a woman went to look for the missing cow, a demoness invited her into the house, killed her; a daughter, a demoness, went made her a maid; told her to herd a cow, her dead mother became her, gave her daughter sweets; the demoness hears a girl chewing something at night, walking with a cow herself, she stains her clothes with manure, the demoness decides to slaughter her; the cow tells the girl to hide her head, hooves and skin behind the door; the demoness and her daughter go to the party, telling the girl to separate peas, beans, barley and wheat; reborn the mother is doing the work, the remains of the cow have turned into a luxurious attire, the girl came to the party, lost her slipper on the way back; the servant brought it to the king; he tells all women from 16 to 16 to try it on 40; the demoness and her daughter go to the screenings, the mother remains to pick up the grain, sends her daughter to the palace, tells her to be the last to come; she becomes the king's wife; when the demoness and daughter return home, everyone is there dirty with chicken manure; the demoness sends her daughter to hire a poultry house, tells the queen to stick a pin in the back of her head, she will be speechless, change clothes with her, take her place, and the Queen will be a poultry house; but before that, the mother had given her daughter three cowries; she was sent to herd cows; she took kauri, a young man appeared to herd cows, and three girls who began to spin the yarn given to the girl; they pulled out a pin, the queen was speechless, told the king everything, who ordered the liar to be beheaded, her body was burned, her head was hidden under sweets and meat; the Queen, disguised as the demoness's daughter, brought her a gift; she found her daughter's head, rushed in pursuit; the queen ran, threw a piece of coal (darkness), a brush for her head (a thorny forest), a mirror (an ice field); on the ice, the demoness slipped, fell against a stone, crashed to death; all is well]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 39:218-223; (cf. Lepcha [Kom-tar-hep sisters and younger Zer-tar-hep, garden keepers in Rum (country in heaven); Z. dreams that the witch Tan-gap will come; she comes to marry the king of Lyang-bar (a country on earth); on the way, she tells her to swim, cuts off K.'s head, puts on her clothes and jewelry; spares Z. for her promise not to reveal a secret; under the guise of K. goes to the king, Z. too, but she is sent to herd cattle, pigs, birds; Z. comes to the shore, sees K. spinning under water; K. goes out, takes out food for his sister; returns to the river in the evening; T. notices how a hidden piece of meat fell out of Z.'s apron; the next day tells Z. babysit her child (this is a huge spider), goes ashore, answers K., she goes out, T. cuts off her head again; every day she eats one sheep, pretending to count them; the next day Z. tears again drips on K., she goes out; under water K. is now large, the spinning wheel is too small for her; the king tells Z. to tell the truth; kills, cooks a spider, feeds T.; pushes her into a hole with stakes, cuts off her head, feeds flesh to birds, pushes, sprays bones {K.'s fate is not said}]: Stocks 1925, № XXXIII: 445-447).

The Balkans. Bulgarians [the king meets three sisters; the first promises to feed an entire army, the second to dress an army, the youngest to give birth to two boys with golden vihras; the king marries the youngest; she gives birth boys, the maid replaces them with two black puppies, takes the place of the queen; the king tells him to smear tar on his wife's head, send ducks "and tits" to herd {geese?} , she is called Patarena ("duckling"); the children are buried, two apple trees have grown in this place, they bend down so that their mother can pick apples, rebuild when the new queen wants to pick apples; she says cut down apple trees, make a bed out of wood; at night, one brother says that his father is lying on him and the other that he is wearing a maid; she tells him to burn the bed; two sparks fall into the geraniums {apparently a well}; Patarena tells her story; two boys jump out of the well; the king asks the new wife if she wants two horses or two knives; she wants horses, she has been torn apart by horses; the king has returned her former wife] : Karaliychev, Valchev 1963:400-402; Greeks [the widow king goes to war, leaving her daughter; the eagle tells her she will marry a dead man; the nanny advises the princess to ask the eagle to take her to him; there sleeping prince; it is written that you should sit awake at his bed for 3 months, 3 days, 3 hours, 3 hours; if you sneeze, wish you good health; some girl offers herself as a maid; at the last moment, the princess falls asleep, the maid wants health, the prince marries her, the princess sends her to herd geese; she asks for a millstone of patience, a hanged man's rope, a butcher's knife; until he reaches them, his ship does not moves; the prince spies, hears the millstone telling me to endure, the rope to hang himself, the knife to stab himself; everything opens; the princess tells not to hang the maid, but to drive away; the young come to the returnee with wars to the princess's father]: Megas 1970, No. 29:70-74; Albanians [the childless queen asks the Sun for at least her daughter, she will return it when the girl is 12; when she is 12, the sun takes her, makes her daughter; girl wants to see her mother; the Kulshedra dragon says it will eat her if he is trusted to deliver her; the deer brings her to the mother; the holiday; the girl pushes the door, she opens and slams behind her; there's a garden where everything is turned into marble; the king's book says that he will be revived by someone who stays awake for 3 days, 3 nights and 3 weeks; a girl buys a maid, tells her to wake her up when the time comes; she does not wake up, king comes to life, the maid pretends to be a princess, the princess goes to herd geese; the king overheard her lamentations, married her; the maid was cut to pieces]: Elsie 2001, No. 22 (without pagination).

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Pomors) [the prince's arrow hit the Firebird's cage; the Firebird promises to give it back if the prince releases it, promises to help; the tsar drove his son away, giving him a footman; he invites the prince to go down to the well; raised him for his promise to change clothes and status; the prince was told to herd the goats; they run away, the Firebird brings them in the evening, gives the prince a magic tablecloth; the princess peeked, asked for a tablecloth, the prince gave it back; received harps from the Firebird, the goats were gathered again; the dying grandfather of the Firebird gave the prince a heroic horse for saving his granddaughter; the prince smashes on him enemies, gets the royal crown; gives it to the footman, for which he cut off his big toe; the same twice more (cut off his finger from the other leg, then her finger); the princess must marry the footman, but the prince presented fingers; wedding]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:152-157; Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Sumy Posad) []: Razumova, Senkina 1974, No. 59:289-291; Russians (Olonetskaya): Nikiforov 1961, No. 80 ( Zaonezhye or Pinega, Karpova Gora, 1927, K.L. Fofanov, 65 years old) [The king has many sons, he hopes that his wife will give birth to a daughter, leaves and asks him to hang a spinning wheel on the gate if a girl is born, a gun if a boy is born. The queen hangs up the spinning wheel, but Egibova replaces her, the tsar gets upset and leaves. Annushka grows up and goes looking for her father, Egibova accompanies her. On the way, the cuckoo warns the girl twice that Egibova wants to replace her, urges her to get out of the sleigh and not listen to Egabova. Egibova invites the girl to wash her face in the stream, not to listen to the cuckoo, she puts her daughter in the princess's place. The Tsar's daughter Egibova is represented as a princess, and Annushka herds cows. The cuckoo talks three times about what happened, and the royal servants report it to the king, he drives them away, goes to the pasture himself, hears the cuckoo's words. The tsar invites Egibova and her daughter to take a ride in a wagon, sits on a goat, asks her to hang her faces from dust, pushes the wagon into a deep hole, and orders the servants to bury them. Egibova turns into a fly, a mosquito, flies out of the hole, but the servants bury it. The Tsar returns the princess to his kingdom]: 185-188; Karnaukhova 2008, No. 2 (Olonetskaya, Zaonezhye, d. Shunga-Bor, 1926) [The Tsar's only son goes hunting. He enters a foreign kingdom, meets a beautiful woman, falls in love, and marries. He's going back. The bride is going on a journey, she is given a Chernavka girl as her service. They choose a short path through the forest. The bride is tired, drinking from the well. The maid pushes her into the well, she clings and asks her to be pulled out. The maid refuses. The bride offers a dress. The maid refuses. The bride offers pearls. Same thing. The maid makes a condition - to be princess in her place. They change their dress and position. The real princess has golden braids, and the black woman covered her head with mud. Ivan is getting married to Chernavka. Suspects fraud. Chernavka asks to send the princess to herd the cows. The princess herds her and is being bullied. In the evening, the princess washes her face with milk, her braids turn golden. He comes to Ivan at night, shames him. In the morning Ivan talks about this black woman. She says he had a dream. The princess comes again. Ivan grabs her braids, she runs away, and I. leaves golden hair in her hand. In the evening, he goes to see and find out the true bride. Chernavka was tied to horses and let her go through the field. Wedding]: 55-57; Onchukov 1906, No. 218 (Olonetskaya) [three brothers went to St. Petersburg; sent home an employee Yegibikha; ordered her sister to be sent to St. Petersburg; her parents send her accompanied by E. and a dog; ways E. offers to swim; the dog says that the mother did not order to swim, told her brothers to make her way; E. hits her with a stick, one leg flies off; next time the second leg; the third; kills the dog; N. bathes, E. goes out earlier, makes her change clothes; N. is mistaken for a maid, sent to herd cows; brother overheard her complain to the Sun, brings her home; E. was shot at the gate]: 486-487.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2013, No. 93 [9 brothers have left, Elyana's sister is at home, she has a coachman bunny; laume calls to swim: there is a wine well in the middle of the river, at the edge of silk; bunny: a blood well and algae; laume consistently comes out, tears off the bunny's leg, then his head; turns himself into a flea, E. into a louse: whoever comes out of the water faster will put on clothes; a flea is faster than a lice; laume takes the place of E., and that he grazes the horse and sings: laume is sitting at the table, and E. herds the horse; the brothers heard it, returned his sister; they smeared the horse's stomach with resin, glued the laume, the horse smashed it to shreds; when the snow shines in the sun, it glitters fat laume], 94 [when going to war, 9 brothers tell their mother to hang out an ax if a son is born (then they won't come), a spinning wheel if her daughter (then they come); laume-ragana replaced the spinning wheel with an ax; her sister grew up went to her brothers; laume ragana followed her in a trough drawn by a pig; persuaded the girl to get off and wash her face, drove off in her wagon wearing her clothes; the brothers mistook her for a sister, and sent her sister to herd horses; she sings about what happened, her older brother understood; her sister was returned, the laume-ragana was tied to a harrow and the horse was released; the gleam of snow in the winter in the sun is her scattered bones]: 208-210, 210-213; Lebite 1965:101-104 [The father left each of the nine sons a stallion, and his daughter Elenita their mother, a mare; E. goes to look for brothers, stallions respond to the mare's laughing; Laume appears, dressed in rags, rides in a trough , drawn by a pig, the reins are guts; offers to swim in the river, says that milk flows in this one, blood flows into the other; the bunny saved by E. tells us not to believe - blood in this river, milk in another; L. breaks his paw; so several times, L. broke all her legs, twisted the bunny's neck; while E. is swimming, L. dresses up in her dress, tells her to go in a trough; the brothers take L. for E., send E. asks Months how her deceased parents live in paradise; The month praises their lives, L. shouts that they are not living well; the brothers hear E.'s song, take turns listening, everyone falls asleep, the youngest does not, asks look in his head, notices a familiar ring on E.'s finger, she talks about L.; the brothers smear the mare with tar, L. sticks to his legs, arms, body; the mare takes it wherever the animals do not wander; brothers with they live well as a sister], 130-132 [brother Jonukas and sister Elenite are orphans, they go on a hot day, Y asks permission to drink from a horse trail; the sister replies that he will become a foal, a goby; he drinks from lamb, becomes a lamb; the king marries E.; the witch pushes her into the water, dresses up in her dress, tells her to slaughter the lamb, otherwise he will not recover; the servants hear the lamb calling his sister, she to him answers from the water; the king tells us to catch a goldfish, it turns into E., the lamb into J.; the witch is executed], 133-135 [while the old people are clearing the felling, the Swan arrives every day, turns into a girl, puts the house in order; the old man hides, burns his wings, the Swan remains with the old people; the king notices her, brings her to the palace, she gives birth to him a son; swans fly over her, offering to shed her wings; she refuses his father, mother, takes wings from his swan friend, flies away; her friend dies; the king marries Lauma; the Swan regularly flies to his son, the rest of the time the baby sleeps; the king spies, the old man advises to smear resin on the windowsill; the king catches the Swan, tears off his wings, executes Laume; (translated in Zheleznova 1974:174-178]; Schleicher 1857 in Espinosa 1930 [nine brothers leave from home, the elder puts a gold ring on his sister Onutte's finger; O. grows up, her mother lets her look for her brothers; The hare asks to take him with him, sits in her cart; laume swims in the sea, called O. they say that there is a river of milk behind them, and wine is oozing from the shore; the hare explains that it is a river of tears, and blood is pouring from the shore; Laume stretches out the back leg of the Hare in anger; the same with the other laume, she sheds The hare from the cart; the third makes O. swim with her; turns her into a louse, himself into a flea, whoever jumps out of the water first wears beautiful clothes and the other wears old leather; puts on O.'s clothes, but the ring stays with O.; they come to 9 brothers, O. is sent to look after the horses; O. talks about what happened to his skate, his older brother hears it, tells O. to wash his hair, sees the ring; washes O. dresses beautifully; the brothers put a horse in the doorway, smear it with resin, the name is Laume, she is glued with one hand, leg, other, stomach; the horse is whipped, it carries Laumer-baby story against the rock, half falls into the water, half to land; therefore, the skull]: 146-148; Lutsie (Western 1925) [9 brothers went to the forest; if the mother has a son again, let him hang an ax on the gate, if the daughter has yarn; a daughter was born, but vanakuri (hell or devil) was replaced with an ax; sister goes to the brothers for a rolling kolobok; the devil's daughter joined, a piece of horse manure rolls in front of her; when they come to brothers' house, tells the girl to spit on her; she spit and took her form; the devil pretends to be her sister, and the sister let her herd the cattle; she asks for a swing; they did; she swings and sings: Rikki-rakka , bring my brothers' clothes from the forest; the brothers are surprised that she has so many clothes in her chest (each with a set); she told them everything; they made the hell spit on her sister, the sister accepted hers true appearance; gave clothes to brothers]: Annom et al. 2018:182-184; set: Normann, Tampere 1989 [9 brothers ask their mother to hang a yarn frame on the gate, if a sister is born, an ax - if brother; damn (vanahalb) changed yarn with an ax, the brothers did not want another brother, went to live in the forest; the girl grew up, says that all the children have brothers and she does not; the mother explains that they are gone, gives cakes; every day, the sister and the dog go for a rolling cake to the next fire place in the brothers' parking lot; by the stream, the devil's daughter offered the girl a ransom, exchanged clothes with her; both came to the brothers, the devil's daughter called herself their sister, the sister was sent to herd pigs; the younger brother hears her calling her dog to bring a box containing mittens for nine brothers, complains that it was made maid; brothers call sister, drive the hell away]: 37-43; Sandra 2004 [after learning that the mother must give birth again, 12 brothers move out, telling the mother to raise a spinning tool above the roof if born a girl, and an ax, if a boy; a girl was born; the devil replaced the spinning tool with an ax, the brothers are disappointed, they go to live in the forest; when the daughter is 12, the mother sewed 12 shirts, baked 12 buns, sent bring gifts to the brothers; the girl found a place where her brothers had lunch, stopped eating herself; the damn daughter came, promised to take her to her brothers; took buns, exchanged horse manure; came with a girl to her brothers, declared herself a sister, and ordered her true sister to herd pigs, but not to give food; her older brother hears her song, asks, secretly brings her into the house, gives her food and drink; shows the brothers the shirts her sister had brought; the brothers filled the barrel with water, put a hot stone; when the water boiled, they offered the devil a drink, pushed her into the barrel, the devil cooked]: 234-235; Finns [when a mother is pregnant for the tenth time, her 9 sons go to the forest; one comes to find out who was born; he tells the mother to leave a spindle in front of the gate if she is a girl, and an ax if it is a boy; mother she left the spindle, the witch changed her with an ax; when her daughter grew up, her mother told her everything; the daughter cries all day long; her mother collected her tears, baked a pie on them, he rolled, the girl with her dog behind him; the witch met her, offered to swim in the pond; the dog did not allow her, the witch broke her leg; the same at the second pond, the dog walks on three, then on two legs; then on one; at the fourth pond there is a witch killed the dog; she had to swim in the fifth pond; the witch told her to splash water into her eyes, splashed her eyes herself, they changed their appearance and the girl was speechless; the brothers believed that the witch their sister; when the sister was herding the cattle, her voice returned and she sang about her misadventures; the younger brother heard; the brothers agreed with her sister that she would return not in the evening, but in the afternoon, to say that she was in pain eyes; they told the witch to splash water into her eyes, the sister and witch changed their appearance again; the brothers dug a hole outside the bathhouse, filled it with burning resin, covered it with a rug; the witch did not want him they forced her to step, she failed, her brothers closed the door; when she burned, the witch said that her eyes would be grasshoppers (Grille), her ears would be vorons, her hair would be magpies, her fingers would be crows to torture people]: Salmelainen 1947:60-75; Karelians [(Europeus, 1845); the old woman has nine sons; began to give birth; sons tell me to hang a spinning wheel with a tow if a daughter is born; Xueyatar replaces the spinning wheel with an ax, sons do not return; the girl grew up, kneaded a bun in her tears, went to look for her brothers, took a dog; S. invites the girl to swim five times, the dog does not tell him every time, S. consistently tears off the dog's four legs and head; suggests that the girl spit in her face, change her appearance, taking away her memory; while the girl herds the cows, S. restores her memory; she sings about what happened, the brothers hear, tell S. to spit in the girl's eyes, the appearance becomes the same; the brothers cover the fire pit with a carpet, S. falls into her, manages to tell her that the sizhiks fly out of her eyes, from magpie hair, from vorona ears, vorona toes]: Evseev 1981:239-241 (retelling Petrukhin 2003:73 -74; same story, but fewer details in Onegin 2010, No. 34:317-319); Veps [ the girl's mother died, her husband married Baba Yaga's sister, that daughter Varvey; her stepmother and V. tyrant their stepdaughter; they go to the party, the stepmother hopes that Ivan Tsarevich will like V.; tells the stepdaughter to separate the oatmeal from ash; the girl cries at her mother's grave; she tells you to cut off the twig, wave it crosswise, the work will be done; she will also send a horse and outfits; you must return before midnight; going into one ear of the horse and leaving another, the girl became beautiful; at the festival she was taken to the royal mansions; V. asks I. to let the bone absorb, he threw a bone at her, her leg broke; stepmother: let's make a new one out of the hook; made her a crooked wooden leg; I. smeared tar on the door jamb, the girl left, grabbed the jamb, the ring stuck; next time, separate the millet from the sand; I. threw the bone at V., her finger broke; stepmother: we will attach a die; the girl's slipper stuck to the doorstep; the third time, separate the flour from the ground; I. threw the bone, V.'s eyes leaked out; stepmother: let's insert the sheep; the girl's hat stuck; I. collects all the girls try on a ring, a slipper, a hat; they only fit Zamarashka; the wedding is being prepared; the stepmother tells her to go between her legs, sends her horses to herd, dresses her daughter in the girl's clothes; when the bride is riding, the girl shouts that they are carrying a poker leg, a wooden finger, a sheep's eye; the mother's daughter was stripped, naked under the bridge, the girl was dressed up; after 9 months she gave birth; stepmother thinks it's her daughter; goes through the bridge, broke the pipe, from there the voice, "Mom, it hurts!" ; the daughter is almost rotten, but the stepmother promises to make her wife I. anyway; tells his wife I. to walk between her legs and fly with geese, and dressed her daughter and brought her to the bedroom; the child cries; the goose asks the shepherdess bring her baby; seeing a flock of geese, the shepherdess asks if they have the mother of the child; they say that in another pack; in the third; the goose came down, shed its wings, began to breastfeed the baby; the same the second day; on the third, the shepherdess talks about everything I.; he came, burned his wings; I. says to his mother-in-law that he wants to slaughter a bull in the room; she hides under the bench; he hits her with an ax, every time he says that the bull kicked; finished off, the body was thrown away; the imaginary wife was cut into small pieces, put in a net, tied to the horse's tail; where the head fell, there was a rock, where the eye was a wormwood, where the nose was a spring, where the leg was there poker, where the ass is the turf (Kuna langtob pä, siga kasvab kallö, kuna silm - siga silmalähte, kuna nena - sige rodnik, kuna käzi - sihe harav, kuna döug - sihe kouk { transfer?} , kuna perze - sihe turbaz)]: Onegin, Zaitseva 1996, No. 3:42-51; Swedes [after the death of his wife, King Ingevall takes a new daughter, she has her own little daughter; stepmother hates the daughter of his first wife; girls they grow up, the king sends for them; on the bridge, the stepmother's daughter threatens to throw the king's daughter into the water, tells her to change clothes; the king's daughter is sent to herd geese; she sings, asks geese to be transported across the river royal daughter, they do it; the herd boy must look for the bridge; the girl opens her mother's jewelry box, tells the wind to tear off the boy's hat so that he runs after her without peeping; the king asks the boy about the girl, he replies that he does not like her, talks about what he saw; the king spies, admits the daughter, the stepmother's daughter sends geese to herd]: Cox 1907:193-194.

Volga - Perm. Mordva: Evseviev 1964, No. 27 []: 212-214; Pomerantseva 1973 (Erzya) [=Anikin 1909:? ; three brothers go to Siberia to seek happiness; after that they have a sister; she is teased that she does not have brothers, her mother has to talk about them; the girl goes looking for them; on her chest the mother's tears remain, they will call for help; old woman Varda offers to swim, wears the girl's clothes; for the first time she hears her mother's voice, the second time she washes off the girl's tear; the brothers take V. for sister, sister for a prodigal girl; they send V. to guard the threshing floor from birds, she tells the birds to peck everything; they send a real sister, her birds clean her threshing floor; the brothers hear the truth from her sister, give her her clothes back]: 50-56; Samorodov 1972 (Erzya and Moksha) [Vardyne (a semi-mystical creature, an evil envious girl, ragged) teases Anyuta that she does not have an older brother; her mother says there are two in another village; gives beautiful clothes, leaves his spit on them, he will call for help; V. invites A. to swim three times, puts on her clothes; the third time the spit is washed off, the mother does not hear a cry for help; the brothers take V. for A.; the real A. tells the birds to peck for the chaff, and V. tells the grain to bite; the brothers hear A. complain to the Month; tie V. to the stallion's tail; the brothers' wives kill the horse, then the son, accuse A.; brother leaves A. in the forest, holding his fingers in oak; fingers and clothes rot, A. lives in a hollow; her master's son marries her, he is taken as a soldier; she gives birth to a son with an iron heel, a stone crown, there is a moon on the back of his head, the sun is on his head; (A.'s letter to her husband is apparently replaced); the husband orders that by his return there should be neither wife nor son; father-in-law ties the child to A.'s chest, drives him away; the old man orders to lower hands into the river, fingers grow back; A. meets her husband, then brother, tells her story]: 252-261; marie [Changed sister: on the way to seven (three) brothers) daughter trait (ya üdir) makes her sister change her dress with her; brothers take their sister for a maid, force her to work; the truth turns out, the liar is being punished]: Sabitov 1989, No. 533:33; Tatars [seven brothers go to look for brides; if a girl is born, let the mother put a spinning wheel and spindle above the gate, and if the boy, a bow and arrows; a seven-year-old neighbor replaced the spinning wheel with a bow; the brothers saw and did not return home ; Multal has grown up; a neighbor advises to put hot wheat grains on her mother's breast - she admits that she had sons; a neighbor, together with M., tells her to take an arba, a dog, a cat and a rooster and go looking for it together brothers; tells them to swim, makes them change clothes; without M. the arba does not go; the neighbor takes M., but passes her off as a stranger and herself as a sister; at night M. grazes horses, sings about what happened; one of the brothers hears; brothers ask the liar if she wants a basket or a ponytail; she wants both; she was planted in a basket, tied to a ponytail]: Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 19:182-186; Chuvash [7 sons of a pregnant mother: if you give birth to a boy, throw a cochedyk on the road, if the girl is a spindle; the woman gave birth to a girl Piguet, but the neighbors replaced the spindle with a nomad; the brothers went far away; girlfriends tease P. with a murderer - because of her, the brothers disappeared; the mother does not confess; the old woman advises to go to the window, ask her mother to breastfeed, pinch her chest with a window frame; the mother confesses; P. went to brothers, the mother gave her two drops of her milk; with P. the daughter of Baba Yaga Harham; they are sailing in a boat, swimming, H. took P.'s clothes, P. complains to the mother, she shouts for H. to return; this is one drop of milk; the third time is gone by a drop, the mother does not hear; P. in the boat asks the daw, forty to take her earrings to her brothers; those: better die; the cuckoo carries it; the brothers jumped in search, brought both girls, but P. they hold for H. and H. for P.; the imaginary H. is sent to water the horses, the younger brother hears her complaint song; the old woman ordered to invite both girls to jump over the fire; the real P. jumped over, H. burned down; the brothers' wives are jealous of their husbands for their sister; they tied P. to a birch tree by the braids; the brothers found her; ask their wives if they want a greyhound dog or a stallion; wives: of course, a stallion; they were tied to their tails four stallions were driven across the field; the head became a pomelo, hands raked, legs with a pitchfork; P. was passed off as a forest prince; the narrator feasted at the wedding]: Yukhma 1990:361-368; Udmurts: Uther 2004 (1), No. 403:237; Bashkirs: Barag 1989, No. 27 [Bagribaxa learns from a neighbor that she has brothers; asks her mother to fry peas, puts hot peas to her chest, her mother admits that the brothers have disappeared for seven seas; B. goes to look for them, her friend Kyunhylu is with her; they are swimming, K. offers to change clothes, mistaken for a sister, B. was sent to look after the horses; she sings a song about how the brothers' horses they drink water, one of the brothers hears, they recognize their sister; they tell their wives not to let her go from the yard; they take Bagribax to pick berries, wrap her in horseskin, hide her under the bridge; the youngest daughter-in-law did not want to cries; brothers come back, sing about gifts for their sister, hear her song - let the wives take the gifts; brothers find a sister, bring it in the chest; only the youngest daughter-in-law was able to pick him up]: 143-145; Bessonov 1941, No. 37 (Zlatoust) [7 sons went hunting for the 7 seas; the daughter was born after their departure and went to look for them; the father then put the cart, fast as the wind, a bull, a rooster and a maid; quietly put it down a sliver and three spits on it; they speak her voice; the maid tells the girl to swim, puts on her clothes, the girl cries; the mother's voice tells her to return the clothes, threatens to cut the maid's head; the girl sings: scream, rooster, roar, bull; everything repeats itself; when the maid is dressed as a girl, the rooster does not scream, the bull does not roar, the cart does not go; in the fourth sea, the spitting is over, the maid began to beat the girl, she has to tell the cart to go; the brothers mistook the maid for a sister, and the sister was sent to watch the threshing floor; she sings, complains, the brothers hear, ask questions, went to the market; the brothers' wives do not like their sister, but love maid; they wrapped their sister in bull skin, put them under the bridge, and the maid was dressed again; as they crossed the bridge, the brothers heard the sister's voice; they ask the wives and the maid: do you need 40 carts of firewood or a piebald mare? they want a mare; they have been tied to their tail; where their heads touched the ground, marsh hummocks formed, where their backs are lakes]: 204-207.