Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K32F. A bird son saves his mother. 19.

A woman or girl raises a bird of prey, which brings her food and fire. This usually happens after an evil spirit leaves a girl or young woman in a tree or island.

Kiwai, arapesh, Dauan, bukavak, Vedau, Mono, Loyalti Islands (Lifou).

Melanesia. Kiwai [hiwai-abere wanted to replace Koudabo's wife Bockarie; became an octopus when B. stabed him with a spear, a stream of blood threw her far into the tree; H. put it on clothes, pretended to be sick, hid her face from her husband, did everything clumsily; sitting on a tree, B. ate her earlobe, became pregnant, gave birth to a hawk (the origin of hawks), who brought her food, took her straws from her underskirt to her husband; he found, lowered B., killed H. with arrows, burned the body]: Landtman 1977, No. 46:160-164; arapesh [two wives of one man hide under a tree in the rain; one compares the aerial roots of the tree to the husband's penis, the other agrees; at night the husband sleeps with one of the wives, the other sleeps separately; that tree comes, its aerial roots pass through the woman's vagina and anus; In the morning, the husband circumcises them, thinks that the wife is dead, throws them into the sea; the waves free her from the roots, she gets ashore; feeds on fish dried in the sun; sees the osprey incubate the chick, catches it, when he hatches; he grows up, brings her a fire drill, an ax, a yam, a tarot, a child; she forgets to warn him not to hunt an octopus; an octopus drags and eats a bird; a woman picks up in feathers, brings water, attaches them to the hut; at night they turn into women, children, pigs and dogs, have fun; she spies, goes out, asks not to hide anymore; people stay, form a village]: Fortune 1942, No. 52:234-235; Dauan [Dórgai (female spirit, demoness) Gidzö took the form of an octopus; when beautiful Bukari was collecting shells, grabbed it, took her form, planted B. in sent her drum to sea; took its place from her husband Maiwasa; M. suspects that it was not B., but dogai; B. sailed to the island, ate seeds from her ear jewelry; gave birth to an egg like an osprey; a son was born -a bird, began to fish, feed his mother; grew up huge, began to bring dugongs; B. sent him to her brothers, tying a seed to his leg, by which they knew that it was her messenger; the son brought fire and water; M. brings B. home, she kills the dorgai with a stick]: Haddon 1890, No. 1:49-53; bukavak [Aguwê has her first period, her parents left her in the hut, went to the field themselves; the forest spirit noticed her; she arranged with another girl to go by boat at night to fish with a torch; the spirit took the form of a friend; when he sailed to a fallen tree stuck at the mouth of the river, threw it, swam away in the boat; A. found an egg ospreys, smashed, raised a chick, he is like a son to her; he wears heavy weights; carries her fish; brought her fire; carried her across the sea to her village; parents, brothers and sisters are happy; her father found the spirit in the house, threw it into the fire, it burned down]: Lehner 1931a, No. 2:39-42; vedau [one girl is the most beautiful, others are jealous, take clams to the island, sail away in a boat, leaving one; she eats mango, throws a seed; the tide floods the island, but the mango tree manages to grow from the seed, it climbs it; the Manubada osprey married her, brings her fish, but she cannot eat it raw; she gives birth to a son, tells him to fly to the shore, sit on a tree, wait for her father to come up, ask him for tarot, pot, fire; the osprey son flew ahead, the girl's father sailed for her in the boat; when she returned home, her son said he was just a bird, flew away; his mother marries his former fiancé]: Ker 1910:57-61; mono (Shortland Islands) [a woman raised a manualai seabird (similar on a little eagle); he brought her fish, fire, water, betel; took her to her home]: Wheeler 1926, No. 35:27; Loyalty Islands (Lifou) [young wife is expecting a baby; she was swallowed by an octopus, belched on on a deserted island, made her not give birth to a son, but an egg; a hawk hatched from it; she catches fish for her; she sends him to her mother to bring her clothes, fresh water, fire, earthen stones stoves; he brings everything; at this time the octopus turned into a woman, tried to marry a real woman's husband, but the imaginary woman cannot speak, but only repeats what he said to her; the wife sends a hawk Tell her husband to kill a liar; a hawk shows how to tie a liar, tie her to a rock and throw her into the sea; leads to an island where wife, husband takes his wife]: Hadfield 1920, No. 16:254-260.