Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K32H. Buried alive .


antagonist is executed after being buried alive in the ground.

Oromo, Arabs of Sudan, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Punjabi, India (Hindi), Rajastans, Assamese, Bengalis, Oriya, Santals, Ho, Birkhor, Oraons, Baiga, Gondas, Muria, Czechs, Swedes.

Sudan - East Africa. Oromo [his wife Moria and Awa; A. gave birth to twins; jealous M. threw them into the river, smeared A.'s lips with blood and told her husband that A. ate her children; the husband beat A., then tied them to the stable, where she was supposed to eat manure and drink mules urine; some spouses caught the babies, they grew up, they were told about their mother's fate; their mother was found, released and washed; the father was driven away; by a judge's verdict M. was buried alive and the cattle were driven away at this place]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2016:94-95; Sudanese Arabs [brother Abd al-Rahman and sister Zinat al-Makan live alone, decide to go to their older sister, who lives far from them; the old woman tells me to go without turning around or looking back; the brother looked around, became a hawk; the sister met her sister's husband, who was looking for a slave; he smeared her body with soot; she must get up before dawn, rub the grain; sister and hawk brother complain to each other about fate; the neighbor hears this; tells the older sister; in order not to fall asleep, let her rub the pepper into the cut; older sister She finds the youngest, everything is explained; she leaves the meat for the hawks, knocks her brother down with a broom, he turns into a man; she buried her husband alive]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 6:69-71.

North Africa. Arabs of Morocco [one wife is childless, the other has a daughter and is pregnant again; the husband brings two pigeons every day, tells one or the other to be cooked; the daughter accidentally releases her mother's data pigeons; a shepherd catches them for promising to give one, a woman does not give them, he releases them again; a woman and daughter follow them, find themselves in the forest; the mother does not pay attention to the dog, cat, donkey (daughter speaks that they come to show the way back); sees a lion; tells her daughter to climb a tree; if the lion starts eating it on the right, then she has a son, let her daughter cover the child with leaves; if on the left, she has a daughter again; lion eats on the right, the girl sheds its leaves, the lion does not notice the baby; the crow promises to help if the girl gives her half of her mother's clothes; brings a red-hot plow share; asks the lion to open its mouth, she will jump at her; throws a share, a lion dies; a girl gives birth to a crow, takes a baby; helps to give birth to a she-wolf, tigress, lioness, monkey, bear, leopard, hedgehog; each feeds her brother, gives birth to her newborn's companions; on the mountain, a girl and animals ask God to make the boy an adult; so it happened; they met a ghoul, called them to live with him; the young man fell in love with a shepherdess; the sister is jealous, promises Gulya marry him if he kills her brother; ghoul asks the young man not to take animals hunting today; at home, his sister puts them to sleep with singing; the ghoul wants to eat the young man, he asks for permission to say it before he dies three words; the ghoul allows you to say seven; the young man calls his seven animals; at home, the sister rubs the grain, accidentally shoved the hedgehog into the eye, he woke up, woke up the others, they rushed to help the young man, the gulya was torn; at home, the sister cries, says that the hedgehog pricked her, asks her to show where he buried the ghoul's bones; his brother married, his sister put seven ghoul bones in his bed, they pierced him to death; he buried, animals dig up the body, take out the bones, the young man comes to life; the chief, his wife's father, orders his sister to be buried with the ghoul's bones]: El Koudia 2003:7-14; Algerian Arabs [seven brothers hate wives Brothers' sister Aisha; they let her eat snake eggs under the guise of pigeons; her stomach began to swell; the brothers buried A. alive, but a passerby heard moans and dug her up; wise El-Moudjarrab advises feeding A. salted lamb and hang them by the legs above a basin of water; snakes crawled out of her mouth to get drunk, the man killed them and married A.; she gave birth to a boy named Hab-Hab-Roumann; when he plays with others children, they laugh at him: why does he not have a maternal uncle; A. reports that he has an uncle; negotiates with his son that he will lead him to his brothers and begin the story as if about strangers, but in reality about himself; see how the brothers react; they cry, A. opened up to them; the brothers beat their wives for a long time, then buried them alive]: Belarus 1982:46-51; Egyptian Arabs: Spitta-Bey 1883, No. 10 [father died; three the brothers built a palace for their mother and sister; the old woman advises the girl to ask her brother to bring a singing nightingale; the elder leaves the brothers a rosary - if they decrease in size, then he is dead; the oncoming teaches him to wait for the nightingale to return to the cage and fall asleep, not to show himself to him earlier; but the young man hurried, the nightingale shook off the sand on him, he died; the rosary shrunk; the same with his middle brother (left the ring); younger Mohammed waited for the nightingale to fall asleep, ban the cage; ordered the brothers to be revived; he revived many blacks and Turks who had died earlier; M.: where are the brothers? then the nightingale revived the others; the brothers returned home, brought the nightingale; the man tells Mohammed that his turban is dirty; the mother explains: this means that the sister will behave unworthily, she must be killed ; M. refuses, leaves home with his sister; M. entered the cave of 40 thieves; they divide the food into 40 servings, M. quietly takes one; after confusion, the robbers realized that they had a young man with them; M. said he was a thief; volunteered to be a servant, stabbed sleeping robbers, brought his sister; found and brought two lion cubs; his sister found that one of the robbers, a black man, had just been wounded, went out and became with him to live, gave birth to two children; to get rid of her brother, she asked him to get the grapes of paradise; M. greeted the cannibal, she gave a balloon, he rolled, we must follow him; he reached the Garden of Eden, brought grapes; the black man advised to send M. for live water; M. hears the conversation of two turtles: only living water will heal the princess; M. filled the vessels with living water, immersed them on a donkey, came to the king, cured the princess, married her; left her one vessel of living water, the other took her sister; she spoke to him, and the black man came up from behind and decapitated her; the lions ran away; the black man put the pieces of his body in a bag, loaded her on donkey, let him go; disguised as a black man, M. came to his sister, killed her lover and children, buried his sister alive; his father had already died and he moved all his property to his wife's house]: 123-236.

South Asia. Rajastans [the brahmana's wife died, left with a 16-year-old son and a 10-year-old daughter; the brahman remarried, the stepmother has her own daughter, ugly and angry; the stepmother is tormented by work and tyrannizes stepsons; once the young man gave his stepmother's daughter to carry a basket not with dung, but with stones; after that, the father ran to kill his son; he tells his sister not to be afraid: he will turn into a crow and feed her mango; his stepmother's daughter does not leave mangoes, and stones; stepmother tells her husband to kill the crow; the crow tells his sister that he will turn into a parrot; the same; a frog (will give his sister pearls); the brother promises his sister to enter the womb of Rani and be born a prince, let the sister live 9 months selling the pearls given to her; let the sister come when the newborn cries; no one can calm him down, and his sister calmed him down by singing a song about his transformations; her took him to the palace; when the prince was 5 years old, he told the king everything; his father, stepmother and daughter were buried alive; the prince grew up and reigned; married his sister well]: Dinesh 1979:76-86; Punjabi [poor The childless brahmana found an eggplant, transplanted it into his garden; he brought one fruit, and there was a girl in it; the queen's maid sees it, tells the queen that if the king sees this girl, he will forget the queen; the queen invites the girl to live in her palace; asks her sleeping what her life is; she replies that the eldest of the queen's seven sons; the queen kills him, the girl is alive; so all 7 are consistently killed sons; after that, the girl answers the truth: there is a red-green fish in the river, there is a bumblebee in it, a box in the bumblebee, a necklace in it, I will die if you wear it; it happened, but the girl has time to return to brahmana, tell her to leave her on the bed in a deserted place by building a wall around her; the king finds her asleep, comes there every day, sees a boy next to her mother's body a year later; he says that at night she comes to life, because at this time the queen takes off her necklace; says that only he, the boy, can return the candy; the Queen tries to give him poisoned sweets, he asks her to take off the necklace in return; he grabs it, brings the mother; she demands that the king throw his evil wife into a hole with snakes and scorpions and bury her alive; the king does this; takes the fairy to the palace, her son becomes an heir]: Steel, Temple 1984, No. 8:79-88; India (translated from Hindi) [after changing clothes, the king goes to town at night; hears one sister saying that if the groom married her, she would eat peas fed to horses; the other if she married her the royal cook, she would get something; the youngest - if the king married her, she would become a real queen; the king marries the youngest, passes the elders off as a groom and cook; the queen gave birth to a son, sister they threw him in a jug into the river, replaced him with a puppy; the second with a kitten; his daughter with a wooden doll; the king ordered the queen to be put on a donkey and driven away; the brahmana picked up the children, the boys Arun and Varun, the girl Kiranmala; the brahman died; the king got lost and went to his house; when the king left, K. advised the brothers to build a palace, they are building; the hermit says that the golden bird, the silverwood and pearl spring, all this on Mount Maya; A., then V. leave, turn into stone; at home the saber rusted, the bowstring broke; K. came to the mountain, the bird ordered to sprinkle water on the brothers, they came to life; at home the bird ordered to invite the king to visit; the king is given gold, he says it should not be eaten; the bird asks how a woman can give birth to a puppy; the king returned his wife and children, the sisters were buried alive]: Zograf 1964:302- 310; Assames [the husband threatens to sell his wife to the naked if she gives birth to a girl again; she gives birth, descends into the river in a vessel; the laundress pulls out the vessel, the female yasreb takes the baby to the tree, brings up, brings clothes; a merchant sees the girl, takes her as his wife; 7 older wives are jealous; ask her to cook, sew, etc.; all the work is done by themselves by order of the hawk material that the girl calls with a song; wives traced, killed a hawk; while her husband is away, the youngest wife was sold to a river merchant; the merchant hears her song, returns it; tells his wives to walk along a rope through a hole with thorns; 6 fall, the seventh passes (she does not participated in the conspiracy); the perpetrators were buried alive in this hole]: Borooah 1955:90-103; Bengalis: Day 1914, No. 1 [Duo is the king's eldest, unloved wife, Suo is the beloved youngest; both are childless; the fakir gives S. the drug will give birth to a beautiful boy; his life will be in a gold necklace, it is in a box, in the belly of a fish in a spring; D. finds out; when the young man's pigeons fly into her room, she returns them for a promise to find out what his life is like; when he finds out, he pretends to be sick, asks him to eat that fish, puts on a gold necklace; the young man dies, but his body is left in the garden; every night D. takes off necklace, the young man comes to life and eats; the sister of the god of fate, Bidhata-Purusha, learns from him that her daughter will marry the dead; she enters the boy's garden at night; they are married; she learns his secret; she has two children; she pretends to be a hairdresser, comes to D.; tells her child to cry; he calms down only when he receives a necklace from D.; his mother promises to return it in the morning; the prince no longer dies; the king orders place D. in a vertical hole, cover her with thorns, then bury her alive], 19 [the daughters of a minister, merchant and priest are friends with the daughter of a poor woman because she is extremely beautiful; the minister's daughter says she will do husband cloth that will not get dirty or old; merchant: fuel in the hearth will never turn to ash; cooked rice will remain no matter how much it is eaten; daughter of a poor woman; will give birth to a beautiful daughter and a son with with the moon in his forehead and stars on his hands; the king is looking for his seventh wife, because his six wives are childless; takes the daughter of a poor woman; I leave, leaves her a golden bell to ring when the fights begin; six wives they persuade her to call twice; both times the king immediately appears; says that he will not come again, since she called him in vain; the midwife replaces the children with puppies; the king orders his wife to be dressed in leather, she must drive at the crows and dog markets; the midwife slips a vessel with the children to the potter to put it in the oven along with the unburned pots; but in the morning the potter and his wife find vessels prepared for burning already burned, one of them has children; the potter tells neighbors that his wife gave birth to children; when the children are 12 years old, the potter dies, his wife has made sati; the young man hunts, the king sees the moon on his forehead; wives They tell the midwife to settle the matter; she persuades her sister to send her brother to bring a flower from across the sea; the young man brings rakshasi deer and rhinos, she and her husband are grateful, taught to go through the thickets and across the sea; the thickets part, the waters of the sea diverge, the young man goes dry; finds a beauty, takes gold and silver sticks; when she wakes up, the girl says that Rakshasi, when she leaves, puts her to sleep with these sticks; the young man is hiding; the seven-headed Rakshasi says that her death in a pond in a box in a bee and a drone, only a young man with the moon on his forehead could reach them; the young man presses the bees, all the Rakshasa die; together with the girl and He returns to his sister with flowers; the girl tells the king the whole story because she knows her; six wives are buried alive, the rest of the heroes are happy]: 1-16, 236-256; Devi 1915 []: 72-78; Porozhnyakov 1990:16-26 [the king in disguise wanders around the city, eavesdropping on the conversation of the three sisters; one wants to marry the royal gardener, the other wants to marry the cook, and the third wants to marry the king; the king fulfills their wish; when the queen gives birth, sisters they replace the child with a puppy, they descend the river in a pot; the same a year later - a kitten; in the third year - a daughter, replaced with a wooden doll; the queen was driven away, the brahmana and his wife picked up the children, named Arun, Varun, Kiranmala; after the death of their adoptive parents, siblings build a house; a hermit advises going to Mount Maya for golden trees with diamond flowers; A., K. come there and turn into stone; the sister finds out about this when she sees rust on the blades left; puts on men's clothes, walks without paying attention to the monsters, sprinkles the statues with living water, everyone comes to life; what to do, she was taught by gold parrot; brothers, sister and parrot come back and invite the king; he says he cannot eat the gold given to him on the plate; the parrot asks how a woman could give birth to a puppy, a kitten and a doll; everything is explained, the parrot also finds the queen; the sisters were buried alive], 112-130 [the merchant went broke; the sanyashi gave him a parrot to obey and a ring; the parrot tells him to sell the ring with this money repair ships, sail east; the merchant is rich; parrot: your daughter Kajalrekha will marry a dead man, she must be taken to the forest; in the forest, a merchant goes to fetch water, a girl enters the temple, the door behind slams shut; inside there is a motionless prince; the sanyasi elder orders to gradually remove the needles from the young man's body, the last from his eyes; the old man brings his daughter Kankan-dasi, K. takes her as a maid, she takes out the last needles, prince She marries her, she says that K. is her slave; imaginary K. asks for things that the peasants use, and the real one is the Dharma-mati bird; the prince brought everything; imaginary K. cooks simple dishes, draws crows paws, real - cooks exquisitely, draws gods; the Dharma parrot talks to her, but says that the trial period has not ended; imaginary K. conspired with the prince's friend, who left traces on the floor by K.'s room; the prince told a friend to take K. to the island; from there she was brought by her younger brother, whom she did not recognize; wants to marry her; 12 years have passed, the parrot tells everything; K. connects with prince, the imaginary K. was lured into a hole and covered with earth and stones]; oriya [in folklore stories, the king, wanting to punish the wrong wound, orders to dig a hole in the yard and invites his wife to watch how much rice such a hole can hold; it is pushed into a hole, spiny branches are thrown from above and covered with earth]: Das, Mahapatra 1979:53; baiga [three wives are childless, Raja takes the fourth; when leaving, gives bell; she rings idle, he promises not to come again; she gives birth to a son and daughter, wives let them down in a box into the sea, tell the Raja that she gave birth to a stone, he sends her to chase crows from the field; their picks up a sadhu; leaving, leaves them with magical power; a young man creates a palace; one of the Raja's wives tries to poison the children with cottage cheese; then he advises them to get a lotus, he is guarded by rakshasa, snakes, tigers; the young man kills them; then the wife persuades her sister to advise her brother to marry the Stone Maiden; her voice turns into stone; the young man stones to the neck, but splits himself and others with a magic wand; marries; old Rakshas helps him; his wives ask the raja to arrange a party, the food is poisoned; the rakshasa eats everything; the young man calls his father to his palace; the wives are buried alive, the expelled is returned]: Elwin 1944, No. 4:204-209; Santals [6 brothers are married, the youngest seventh sees their wives climbing a banyan tree in the absence of their husbands, flying away in it to devour people and commit atrocities; when they return, the witches notice the young man, stabb him in two needles, turning them into a dog; the king's three daughters reject the suitors; he allows them to choose their own husbands; each ties a thread to her husband (the eldest is white, the middle is red, the youngest is blue); flies with They sit on men with white and red threads, with blue threads on a dog; the younger princess agrees to marry the dog, notices needles, pulls it out, the dog turns into a young man; the young brothers push the witch wives into well, covered with earth]: Bompas 1909, No. 43:281-284; ho [the childless Raja has three wives; the brahmana orders to give the eldest mango; she shared with the second, and the youngest got the peel and bone; but gave birth only the youngest; the elders replaced the child with a broom, and the child was thrown into a hole where the potter took clay; the baby crawled out into the lakes, became a lotus flower; everyone tries to get it, the flower is not given and reproaches them; Raja's youngest wife was the last to be brought, whom he settled in a shack; her milk immediately splashed on the petals and the lotus turned into a child; the potter's pit was deepened and the two older wives were buried alive in it]: Halder 1916, No. 16:293-295; birhor [at raja 7 rani, everyone is childless; the brahmana tells you to knock down the number of mangoes from the tree and let the wives eat it; but only one mango fell; the wives shared it, and the youngest only the peel got; only she got pregnant; when she left, the Raja ordered them to beat the gold drum if a boy was born and a silver drum if a girl was born; a boy and a girl were born; 6 wives replaced them with a broom and with a head, and the midwife threw the children into a hole where the potter dug clay; the potter and his wife found them; the Raja drove the youngest wife away; the older wives saw the children and poisoned them, the potter buried them; from the boy's grave a sycamore tree grew, and the girls grew a pinjār tree with beautiful flowers; when the Raja's servant tried to pick a flower, brother and sister exchanged lines and the pinjār tree rose into the air; the same when he tried to tear off the Raja himself; the same from each of the wounds - the tree only rises higher; then they found, washed, brought his youngest wife in a palanquin; both trees turned into a boy and a girl and sat on their knees mothers; the Raja returned them triumphantly, and for the older wives they dug a well, pushed them into them and buried them]: Roy 1925, No. 13:468-475; Oraons [brother wants to marry his two sisters; they run away; they suffer from thirst in the forest, ask the tree to bend down, it raises them to the sky to the lake; the younger sister throws her ring, the dried lake is filled with water; after drinking, the youngest demands the ring back; the eldest goes deeper into the water, throws her a ring, drowns; the youngest climbs a tree, cries, tears fall on the raja, he marries her; leaves her a flute, she blows aimlessly, the Raja says she is no longer will return to the sound; six childless wives throw the new wife's child into the lake, replace it with a broom; the Raja expels the woman in labor; under water, the older sister nurses the boy; the last one turns into a flower on the shore, the boy sits in a flower, is not given to the vizier, the raja, six wives; the aunt tells the boy to give the flower only to his own mother; the Raja washes and dresses the expelled wife, the boy approaches her; the raja buries six wives under the threshold, returns his wife and son]: Elwin 1944, No. 7:386-389; gondas [looking for water in the forest, the Raja and her servants come to the palace of the ogre Natiyamal Dano; his daughter has a thread, water on it comes from the sea (the gondas do not know that the sea is salty); whoever does not drink to the end will be executed; the Raja cuts off the thread, takes the ogre's daughter as his wife; she tells him to expel and blind six former wives; the youngest pregnant, son grows up, stepmother demands that he get rice that ripens in a day, wild buffalo milk, Hansraj's horse from ND Palace; sadhu is happy with everything; running away from ND on horse H., the young man throws behind him calebasa water (river), stick (forest), stone (mountain, ND stops pursuing); stepmother demands to get the maiden Angarmati, the daughter of ND; the young man brings her on horseback; she returns her sight to the dazzled; Raja buries his evil wife alive, brings back his son and six wives]: Elwin 1944:197-202 (Zograf translation 1971, No. 41:170-175); muria: Elwin 1944:147-152 [god Kanda Hurra gave Raja seven mangoes for his seven infertile wives; the elders gave the seventh mango to the hare; he ate it, spit on a rock; the youngest wife swallowed the stone; all gave birth, the youngest gave birth to a hare; the Raja drove her out; the merchant and his wife picked it up; the child grew up, shed hare skin, the merchant's wife burned it; the young man sends the Raja a letter asking him to give him the throne; the letters have been changed, the Raja allegedly asks 1) to come on horseback with a peacock tail (KH shows where horses are like this in the forest); 2) bring a silk turban from a tree across seven seas (the tree flower turns into a Fire Maiden, she revives the young man, when a bird grabs him and throws him down, he brings a turban); 3) bring a rakshasi drum (this is the mother of the Fire Virgin, she gives the young man her necklace, Rakshasin recognizes it; Virgo says her mother's soul is in the basket; he takes the basket and drum); runs away with Virgo, throws coal (everything burns), bamboo (bamboo thickets), pebble (mountain), sand (river, rakshasi stops chasing); courtiers who changed letters are buried alive, the young man reigns], 202-204 [seven wives childless; Raja takes a beggar and she becomes pregnant; when he goes hunting, he gives her a flute to call for help; she plays for nothing, he promises not to come again; she gives birth to many sons and daughters; other wives they tell the Raja that she gave birth to a grain grater; he orders his wife to be expelled; the children are first thrown to buffaloes, then into the well; they are found by Marar; wives give grown-up children magic bread, they turn into monkeys; the girl did not eat, followed her brothers; her tear fell from the tree on the hunter; he marries her, restores her human appearance to the brothers; they are mischievous, the Raja tells them to bring them, they tell their history; their mother is brought, her milk flows into their mouths; other wives are executed: hung, nailed to a tree, buried alive].

Central Europe. Czechs [the soldier returns, the father is dead, the sister is slutty, he beats her, ties her up, goes through the woods to the castle, the captive queen shows where the treasures, the self-made sword of cannibal robbers, he kills them ; the sister pours water on the chieftain's head, she grows to the body, they decide to lime their brother; the sister pretended to be sick, demands to get a wolf cub (the she-wolf gives), the same bear cub, the lion cub; the cannibal advises invite his brother to swim, take his sword; the soldier managed to jump out of the water, call the animals, killed the ogre, tied his sister to a tree, to another horse's carcass to eat and suffer longer; a soldier kills a dragon, to whom the queen is given, cuts off his tongues, the queen hangs chains on his animals, gives him a ring; the servant takes the heads, says he has killed the dragon; the soldier returns a year later, shows his tongues; the servant was executed on an iron mare; the queen returns her husband's sister, she puts a poisonous trap on her brother, the animals revive him, the brother tells her sister to be covered with sand; the animals are beheaded, they become knights ]: Bogolyubova, Talova 2000:195-217.

Baltoscandia. The Swedes [the perpetrator of the crime (treason, infanticide, sex with animals) is walled up or buried alive]: Klintberg 2010, No. Y112:450.