K32h1. They put them in a barrel with nails .
Theantagonist is executed by putting her in a barrel of nails and letting her down the mountain or by tying her to a horse.
Portuguese, Walloons, Germans (Grimms), Romanians, Slovaks, Russians (Terek coast), Estonians, Finns, Norwegians, Danes, Swedes.
Southern Europe. The Portuguese [three sisters lived near the forest, loved each other; a witch and her daughter lived nearby; the witch persuaded the youngest to give the elders coriander and they turned into bulls; the king saw the youngest and got married; the witch put two pins in her head, the queen turned into a dove, the witch replaced her with her daughter; she told the king that she was sick; the dove arrives and asks the dog like her baby; dog: silent at night, but cries during the day; they heard it, told it to the king, who caught a dove, pulled out his pins; the witch and daughter were lowered down the mountain in barrels of nails]: Braga 2002:183-184.
Western Europe. The Walloons [the eldest, middle sons come to the witch, she gives them a potion, they turn into toads; the youngest does not drink, makes the elders spell, they come back, meet the sorcerer, the youngest saves them again; the princess is given to be eaten by a seven-headed snake; the young man's dogs kill him, he hides his tongues; the deceiver tries to attribute victory to himself; the young man shows his tongues, the deceiver is placed in a barrel of thorns; a young man gets a princess, constantly hunts, his wife tries to lime him; dogs save him, then revive him; he returns to his father]: Laport 1932, No. 300:37-39; walloons [ The sick king promises half the kingdom to one of his children who gets the de Sainte Ernelle rose (or Saint Helena's flower); either the king loses three orange seeds in the forest; or the father, when he leaves, asks what to bring to the daughters; the youngest asks for a bouquet of d'éternelles {some flowers? immortelles?} ; or the mother promises gold to the child who brings more firewood from the forest; candy to the one who picks up more grains of gold; or the king will give the throne to the one who brings him the golden ball; three or two children, among them, one girl goes in search; a girl finds a flower or other object; her brother kills her, buries her, takes a talisman for himself; a reed grows in this place, a shepherd makes a pipe out of it; or a recovered father finds a bone (daughter), she tells him what happened; either a flower that grew on the grave tells him about it; or the murderer forgets his pipe on the grave; or a voice from the grave calls to help; the body is taken out of the grave, brought to the palace, the girl is still alive, recovering; the king orders the murderer to be burned, but he puts a wax doll in his place; or the murderer is found dead; or they shoot; or the mother kills her son and buries him where he buried his sister; or the king orders the murderer to be lowered down the mountain in a barrel of nails; or drowned in a bag]: Laport 1932, No. 780:79-80; Germans [after the woman's death, a neighbor persuaded her daughter to advise her father to marry her neighbor; she has her own daughter; the father promises to marry if the water poured into the leaky boot does not leak; but the boot wet and the water does not leak out; in winter, the stepmother sends her stepdaughter for strawberries; she comes to the hut of three gnomes; she is polite to them, does not complain, sweeps in front of the entrance, shares bread; one gives her beauty, the other makes sure that at every word, chervonets will fall from her lips, the third promises to marry her king; sweeping the snow, the girl found strawberries; her stepmother's own daughter goes into the forest; she is rude, unfriendly; the gnomes make her uglier, toads fall from her lips, she will die a fierce death; the stepmother sends her stepdaughter to the ice-hole to be yarn, but the king pulls up and takes her away; she gave birth to a son, king left; the stepmother and her daughter threw her into the river, the stepmother's daughter went to her bed; the king is surprised why his wife changed; at night a duck came, turned queen, fed the baby; on the second night, on the third, she tells the cook to call the king - let him wave his sword; the spell has subsided; the king asks the old woman what to do with the one who pulls the other out of bed and throws him into the water; the old woman: let him down mountains in a barrel covered with nails; this is what they did to the stepmother and her daughter]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 13:45-50 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:42-46).
The Balkans. Romanians (Banat) [after retiring from service, soldier Petru immediately lost all his money; in the forest he met a man rocking trees and playing with stones; began to live in a hut, cook in turn; every time a dwarf appears riding a hare with a huge beard; eats everything, beats the cook; when P. remains, he grabs the dwarf by the beard, chases him to the crevice into which he disappeared; P. orders him to be lowered rope; cut the dwarf to pieces, but cannot get up, because the companions removed the rope: they were afraid that the dwarf would come out; light in the distance, P. went to the ground; the house, in which a blind old woman eats hominy with milk; P. became also there, the old woman felt it; if a girl would be a daughter, if a boy, then a son; asked P. to herd her sheep, but not to go to the land of dragons that stole her eyes; P. went and started playing flutes; the dragons listened, asked them to teach them; P., playing, brought them to the oak tree, split them, ordered them to put their paws into the crack, knocked out a wedge; ordered them to tell them how to restore the old woman's eyesight; dragons: next to us is milky pond, let him wash her eye sockets three times; P. cut off the dragons heads, the old woman washed her eyes, began to see; P. left the old woman, towards the fox: don't shoot, I'll give you a fox; then the same wolf and bear; P. came to the city, there is mourning; the 12-headed dragon demands girls, the turn of the king's only daughter; the princess was left in the swamp; P. fell asleep with the princess's head on his knees; woke up from a dripping tear; princess took one of P.'s arrows; he hit 11 heads with arrows, and the 12th with the princess's pin; carved out his tongues; the gypsy cut off the head of P. who had slept, and brought the dragon's heads to the king; a snake was crawling, grass in his mouth; a fox: why did she need it? snake: to grow severed heads, my son was cut off; the fox took the grass, grew his head, but P. is still dead; the wolf met a woman: what are you carrying? woman: living water; the wolf took the water, P. came to life; came to the palace, showed his tongues; the gypsies were put in a barrel of nails, lowered from the mountain; wedding; after the death of King P. reigned, his animals always reigned remained in high esteem]: Schott, Schott 1975, No. 10:65-75.
Central Europe. Slovaks [when the forester brought the hare, the wife was going to cook it, but the cat stole the meat; the wife cut off her chest and fried her husband; the next day she told me; they agreed to kill first Yaneka, then Evichka, the forester's children from her first marriage; E. heard; taught me to run into a room where her stepmother would comb her hair, grab the ribbon, run away; she would pretend to run after her brother to get her back ribbon; seeing that the children were already near the forest, the stepmother cursed them: let them turn into animals from whose footprint they would drink; E. does not allow Y. to drink from a bear, a wolf, he drinks from a deer, becomes a deer; she drinks from a well herself, becomes a gold-haired beauty with a star in her forehead; she is found and married by a young king; in the absence of her husband, she gives birth to a boy with a gold star in his forehead; the old woman pushes E. into water, replaces his daughter in bed; the baby cries, the deer takes him to the Danube, asks the ducks to show the way to his mother; the ducks answer that she is one of them; the mother arrives as a duck, becomes a woman feeds the baby, returns to the river; like this every day; the king returns, the imaginary wife wants reindeer meat; the king goes after the deer when he carries the baby to his mother; the king grabs the wife, she turns into ducks, monsters {it is not said which ones}, but he does not let go; E. and Y. take on a human form; the king asks the old woman what anyone who tried to kill two innocent people and condemn the third to misfortune, she replies that this should be put in a barrel of nails, lowered from the mountain; this is what they did to the old woman and her daughter]: Dobšinský 1970, No. 12:69-74 (a little abridged translation in Bogatyrev 1955:110-116); Slovaks [stepmother has agreed with her husband to kill and eat his son and daughter; the children run away, the stepmother tells you to turn into something you will drink from; Eva does not Gives Yanko to drink from a bear, a wolf, he drinks from a deer, becomes a deer; Eva drinks from a well, becomes a gold-haired beauty with a star in her forehead; she is found, married by a young king; absence of a husband, she gives birth to a boy with a gold star in his forehead; an old woman pushes Eve into the water, replaces her daughter in bed; the baby cries, the deer takes him to the Danube, asks the ducks to show the way to mothers; ducks answer that she is one of them; mother flies in as a duck, becomes a woman, feeds the baby, returns to the river; like this every day; the king returns, the imaginary wife wants reindeer meat; the king follows the deer when he carries his mother's baby; grabs his wife, she turns into ducks, monsters, but he does not let go; Eva and Yanko take on a human form; the old woman and daughter were put in a barrel with with nails, they lowered him down the mountain]: Bogatyrev 1955:110-116; Russians (Teresky Bereg) [the man has an evil wife; he found a hole in the forest, covered it with cloth, decorated it around, said that there was gold, the woman rushed and failed; bored, the man lowered the rope into the hole, but pulled out the line; he said that the woman ate all the devils's ears in hell; promised to enrich the man; he would move into the merchant's daughter, the man would give her water, hell, the man will be rewarded; the devil warns: he will move into the princess and let the man no longer interfere; the prince demands that the man heal, otherwise execute; the man orders to make a barrel of nails, put dogs inside; the man rolled the barrel and said that there was a woman in the barrel; the devil jumped out of the window and back into the hole, and the man got the princess as his wife]: Balashov 1970, No. 113:248-252.
Baltoscandia. Estonians: Järv et al. 2009, No. 6 (Viljandi) [the tsar went to war, ordered his three daughters not to be allowed out of the house, they asked the maid to be released, disappeared; the king promises them to be married to those who would return them; a soldier, an officer, a general go; in a house in the forest, they cook in turn; a dwarf with a long beard eats, beats the cook; when it is the soldier's turn, he hits the dwarf with a copper, silver, gold rod, forces raise a stone under which there is a hole into the lower world; only a soldier descends, kills one-, two-, three-headed serpent who guard three princesses; sends the princesses upstairs, receiving her from each dress; puts a stone in place, the general and officer let go of the rope; the soldier finds copper, silver, gold whistles, servants, horses appear, carry the soldier to the ground; he is hired by a tailor, does pretending to sew wedding dresses for princesses; they recognize their dresses; a soldier asks a general, an officer, how to punish someone who let another man down the hole, who took another woman from another; let him down the mountain in a barrel with nails, tied to eight bulls; they are executed accordingly; a soldier marries a younger princess, others are presented as queens]: 54-57; Mälk et al. 1967, No. 61 [the widow asks the girl to persuade her father also a widower, to marry her; he sets the condition: to bring water in a leaky boot; but the water does not flow out, for the widow is a witch; now the stepmother tyrannites her stepdaughter, cares for her own daughter; in winter she sends for strawberries; she comes to the house where the old people; shares the dry crust that her stepmother gave; the old men tell me to take a shovel with a broom, clear some of the snow from the ground, there are strawberries; goodbye one of the old men wants gold to fall from the girl's lips; others: to make every day prettier; marry the king; every day would be better than yesterday; to wear warm clothes; stepmother is friendly about everything asked, sent her own daughter; she is rude to the old people, she grabs what they eat, refuses to remove the snow; they make toads fall off her lips, so that she does not get uglier every day, she does not get married would; a girl with gold on her lips was seen by a king, married; she gave birth to a boy; the stepmother was hired as a maid, turned the queen into a duck, replaced her own daughter; the servant noticed how at night A duck arrives, becomes a woman and feeds the child; she teaches the servant to tell the king: when a duck flies in, you must cut off the duck's head; this can only be done the next night, there is no further salvation; king he did so, brought his wife back, stepmother and daughter were lowered down the mountain in a barrel of nails]: 160-164; Finns [mother died; widow neighbor, who has her own daughter, persuaded the girl to advise her father to marry her; began to tyrant; sent in winter in one shirt for strawberries; the girl asked Frost to give her warm clothes, he gave her; she came to the house, there are three little men, the girl shares bread with them; they snow sent her revenge, strawberries under her; one gave the girl even more beauty, the other made gold coins fall from her mouth, the third promised that she would marry the queen; the stepmother sent own daughter; she refuses to take revenge on the snow; little men make her even uglier, toads fall from her lips, she is destined to die miserably; one day her stepmother gave her stepdaughter a piece of bread; he rolled, the girl behind him; a ram asks him to cut his hair, the cow to milk, the sheaf to tie; the girl does everything; comes to Hiishi's estate; his wife is at home, she tells him to heat the bathhouse and at the same time weave cloth out of wool; while the girl was drowning, the mice hid and weaved everything; H. orders to milk the cows, these are she-wolves and bears, the cat milks; strain the milk - sparrows perform; Hiisi himself came, gives a bell, extinguishes the splint - he will catch by ringing bell; mouse runs around with a bell; in the morning H. gave the girl gifts, put her on the cart and sent her home; old woman H. tells the cow, the ram to detain her, they refuse; tells the oak to beat her with branches, her sheaf defended; the stepmother sent her own daughter to H.; she refuses to shear the ram, milk the cow, knit a sheaf; drives away mice, cats, sparrows; the mouse did not run with a bell, H. caught the girl and crushed her badly; on the way back, the oak whipped off, the cow beat her hooves, the ram butted; the girl returned barely alive; the stepmother sent her stepdaughter to wash her skeins of wool in the ice-hole; the Queen saw her and married her; she gave birth to a son; her stepmother came, cut off her golden hair, tied her daughter over her head, pushed the Queen's wife into the water; the horse pulled her out, hid her in a stable; the king found her there; asks the old woman what to do with those who replace their wife and push the real one into the water; old woman: put in a barrel of thorns, throw it into the water; they did so with the old woman and her daughter; everything is fine]: Concca 1993:94-104; Danes [after wedding king and queen find a note on the bed: they are destined to remain childless; the old woman teaches the Queen to leave a mug upside down in the garden for the night; in the morning there will be scarlet and white roses under her; if eaten scarlet, a son will be born, if the white one is a daughter; the queen ate both and gave birth to a wyvern (a two-legged dragon); he tells the king to recognize him as a son, otherwise he will destroy everything; then tells him to marry; they chose a princess, in the morning she dead; same with the second; the third bride is the daughter of a shepherd; the old woman tells me to wear 10 clothes before her wedding night; the groom will say: beautiful maiden, take off your clothes! the answer is: king wyvern, throw off slough! he has only 9 of them; dropping the last one, he will turn into a pile of meat; you have to beat it with birch twigs dipped in vinegar, then wash it in milk and wrap it in 9 sheets; then fall asleep; when the girl is in the morning woke up, handsome next to her; when her husband was at war, his wife gave birth to twins; the Red Knight changed the letter: two puppies; changed a letter from her husband: burn his wife and offspring; the Queen Mother hid the children, sent daughter-in-law away from the castle; a crane and a swan flew in, squeezed milk out of her breast, drank it, became princes; the king returned, the Red Knight was placed in a barrel of nails, tied to a horse and driven her; the woman wanted to return to the king, although both princes also wanted her; (hereinafter, p. 465-475 11 more one-story versions; according to one, the hero is not a wyvern, but a serpent]: Holbek 1987:460-465; Danes [ to get rid of her stepdaughter, her stepmother sends her to a mound with dwarfs for berries; on the way, the old man gives the girl food - let her feed the dwarfs; they are grateful; let her become more beautiful day by day ; roses and lilies grow where she steps; gold and silver fall off her hair when she combs her hair; stepmother sends her own daughter to the dwarfs not with food, but with a stick; they make her spit they turn into frogs and toads, a calf tail grows on her forehead, she emits gases at every step; the heroine's brother is in the king's service; she sends him her portrait, the king wants to marry her; on the way, her stepmother throws her off the ship, turns her into a duck, replaces her with her own daughter; the king is furious, throws the heroine's brother in prison for deception; in the form of a duck, the heroine enters the kitchen, asks about her brother and half-sister, says he can only come twice more; the king tells the maid to catch the duck; draws a cross on her beak, she becomes a girl again; the king marries her, frees her Brother, stepmother and her daughter were placed in a nail barrel]: Holbek 1987:523; Swedes [the perpetrator of the crime (murder, infanticide, incest) is placed in a nailed barrel and rolled until then until the executed man dies]: Klintberg 2010, No. Y113:450; Norwegians [after the death of their parents, three brothers went on a journey; the older ones did not want to take the youngest, but the one, Zapechnik, came to be hired by the same king; it turned out that he did a better job; the brothers, out of envy, told the king that Z. could get the king's most beautiful princess instead of his deceased wife; Z. He went on a journey, sat down on a spruce tree, shared his food with an old woman who came up; she promised to help him; as soon as he got up and went, he saw the pipe; picked it up, blew, and the dwarfs appeared: what do you want? sent to the troll castle, where three princesses take on any shape; became three lemons; Z. took them to refresh themselves later; cut one, a girl appeared, shouted, "Water!" , and since there was no water around, she died; the same with the second lemon; when he opened the third one, he managed to run to the pond and bring water; gave the girl a cape, she climbed the tree, and he went to the king; at this time the cook came to get water and saw the princess's reflection, took it for her own; decided that such a beauty did not care about carrying water; but when she saw the princess in the tree, she threw her into the pond, put on her cape and climbed on her place; the king did not like the girl, but he believed others that she should be the most beautiful; when she became queen, the cook caught a silverfish in that pond and told them to burn it; pieces of silver in the ash; told me to bury it; a linden tree with silver leaves grew in this place; the Queen ordered it to be cut down; the maids picked up the chips, but they were like silver; one sliver turned into a child, and he quickly grew and became princess; she told Z. everything, and he told the king; the king married her, and the cook was placed in a barrel of nails and rolled]: Stroebe 1922b: 15-20.