K32h3. The antagonist is executed at the stake.
Theantagonist is executed by burning him alive. (Episodes in which burning a character is not a punishment, but a means to get rid of him or her) are not taken into account.
Ijo, Ewe, Loma, Arabs of Sudan, Morocco, Berbers of Morocco and Southwestern Algeria, Arabs of Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Spaniards, Basques, Corsicans, Sicilians, Italians (Piedmont, Liguria, Abruzzo), Ladins, Bretons, French (Haute-Marne, Ariège, Haute-Brittany, Lorraine, Provence, Niverne, Dordogne, Gascony, Nièvre), British, Scots, Germans (Harz, Grimms, Switzerland), Palestinians, Arabs Syria, Iraq, Bengalis, Tamils, Croats, Serbs, Hungarians, Albanians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Czechs, Russians (Terek coast), Lurs, Persians, Danes, Swedes, Lithuanians, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Baikal Buryats, Nanais.
West Africa. Ijo (kalabari) [The king's 200 wives are childless; he is advised to take a spider's daughter; her name is Adiaha, she is ugly, but no one knows she has two skins; her mother told her not to take off her ugly skin for a while; the older wife knows this, she got GG, gave it to the king, he forgot about A.; but the spider got other GJI, the king remembered, A. was beautiful, and in the morning she put on ugly skin again; gave birth to a beautiful boy ; the elder wife gave GJI for the king to throw the boy into the river; but other GJ saved him and grew up; the same with daughter A.; the king convenes fighters, his unrecognized son wins, the king brought him closer; son asked to gather people to judge the case; says everything; A. appeared in all its splendor, the king brought A., her son and daughter closer; the eldest wife was beaten 200 times with a scourge, burned, and the ashes were thrown into the river]: Dayrell 1910:11-19; eve (popo) [the king has 40 wives; he took a new one named Breni, not knowing that she was born without a hand; the rival reported; the king told the wives to go out into the yard naked; B. cooked 41 a cake and 41 pieces of chicken to throw to 41 dogs at 41 gates, ran into the forest; consistently asks the lion, panther, hyena and all the inhabitants of the forest to eat it, but each tells her to move on; the turtle created it for her her hand, gave her jewelry and sweet potatoes; as soon as her rival ate the sweet potato, her hand fell off; the king ordered it to be burned in a hole]: Paulme 1976:85-87; scrap [(told by a boy who had never seen Europeans); the man gave his ugly daughter to the chief; she became pregnant, the main wife did not like her; replaced her child with a kitten, let the boy down the river in a box; 12 years later, the child was replaced by a puppy; fisherman caught the boys, the leader of the village by the river raised them as his sons; they visit their real father, they don't say anything to him for the first time; then they come with their foster father, who tells the main wife to bring the boys' mother, who is constantly beaten; the main wife was burned alive, the boys' mother took her place]: Schwab 1947:459-460.
Sudan - East Africa. Sudanese Arabs [Hadariya's man's wife with daughter Nayya and another with three daughters; H. died, half-sisters persuaded N. to ask his father to get a young man named Green Beans (ZB); y he has 7 fathers and 7 mothers, his palace is guarded by ants, hyenas, lions, slaves; the old woman tells ants to take millet (Pennisetum glaucum) with them, something to smoke for slaves, meat for lions and hyenas; began to show different things and ask if N. was better than them; N.'s father always said that it was better; ZB wrote that it was foolish for N. to wish him as a husband that he would marry a slave; N. told the old woman sell her, ZB bought her; she went home, leaving a note: it is foolish for the ZB to hope to make N. a slave; ZB found N. and married her; the sisters persuaded N. to find out how to kill ZB; that: we must burn the seven-headed snake, spray ashes on the bed; sisters did so; ZB fell ill, his relatives took him away; N. went, met an old man, asked how to kill men in their country; old man: stab a thorn in his head ; she stabbed, put on the old man's skin and clothes, asked the birds what they ate; one said that ZB was sick, the other that if you burn their liver and wings and mix them, he would recover from this drug; N. killed birds, prepared a potion; cured ZB; asked for his sword and scourge as a reward; brought him home; ZB came, saw them, was surprised; went back; N. followed him; the sisters followed her, robbed and blinded her; The nomads picked them up; she began to weave carpets, asked them to be sold to cannibals, the carpet was exchanged for the eyes; ZB came, N. admitted; they burned the sisters, everything is fine]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 13:91-94.
North Africa. Arabs of Morocco [when she dies, a mother asks her husband not to remarry until her daughter picks up her jewelry box herself (i.e. grows up to reach it); mother's sister, who has her own blind the daughter, kind to the girl, persuades her father to marry; the aunt helps her niece get the box, the father marries her; now she tyrants her niece; she goes to the river to clean the fish and fish caught by her father asks her to let go, turns into a siren; when she learns about the fish released, the stepmother hits the girl, throws her into the dungeon; when the father opens it, the daughter sits there covered in gold; first the siren does not let her go, then lets her go out; her father puts her in a separate room, the siren gives her everything she needs; the Sultan has a holiday, the girl secretly goes there, loses her shoe; the sultan's messengers find the owner, the son of the Sultan takes her as his wife; she gives birth to a son; stepmother comes to her, offers to comb her hair, pierces seven pins, she flies away with a dove, stepmother replaces her with her daughter; the husband immediately understands the deception, cuts the imaginary wife into pieces, sends it to her mother as a gift; she thinks it's food, distributes pieces of meat to neighbors, finds her daughter's head at the bottom; each dove visits his son, sits on his shoulders; the beggar reports this To the son of the Sultan, who lubricates his son's shoulders with glue, catches a dove, takes out his pins, the dove turns into a woman again; his stepmother was burned alive]: El Koudia 2003, No. 4:19-26; Arabs of Morocco [woman always tells Luna that there is no other beautiful woman like her and Luna; Luna replies that the woman is carrying is more beautiful; the woman tells the midwife to throw away the newborn, replace her with a puppy; the husband throws it away puppy; midwife raises a girl, her name is Lalla; mother suspects the truth, gives L. a ball, tells her to go and unwind; she gets to the gulas; mother cuts off the thread so that L. does not find her way back; L. hides on on the roof, she is found by the maid of seven gulas; hides her at night, during the day L. helps her cook; they agree to divide everything in half; the brothers notice that the food has improved; the youngest hides, finds the girl, others agree to their marriage; the maid is jealous; L. wants to share the bean she finds with her, she deliberately pretends to be sleeping; the spelbob disappears; the maid fills the fire with water, sends L. for fire; ghoul by named Uncle Yazit gives fire for the right to cut her forehead; the dove tries to dry the blood with flaps of its wings, but L. thinks he's interfering with it, drives him; on a bloody trail, the ghoul finds L.'s house, tells her to stick his finger through the keyhole, sucks blood out of it; L. loses weight; younger brother spies; brothers dig a hole, tell L. to answer the gulya rude; he breaks in, falls into a hole; the maid was burned in her with him; L. asks a Jewish merchant say hello to her mother Fulana; she responds by asking for the ring to be given to her daughter; L. put it under her tongue, fell into a coma; the guli put a stretcher with her on the camel, who replied that she would not wear it a year, not 10 years, but always; the camel's name is "shoe"; the sultan's servants cannot catch her, but the old woman loses her shoe, shouts "my shoe", the camel stops; the ring is taken out of her mouth, L. comes to life, the sultan marries her; she sits on her camel, returns to her ghoul brothers]: El Koudia 2003, No. 9:53-63; Berbers in Morocco (Fez) [someone sells conception apples; woman bought two apples, one ate , the second was postponed, the husband accidentally ate it, his leg (jambe) was swollen; a month later he went to the desert, cut the tumor with a knife, a charming girl came out; he left her and returned home; she was raised by a gazelle; the prince saw her, but could not catch up, she ran like a gazelle herself; the old woman advised to leave two plates of couscous, one with salt and the other without (genies are afraid of salt); the girl began to eat salty couscous, after She could not run fast and was caught; on the advice of a Jew, the prince's ex-wife stuck a new pin in her hair and it flew away with a dove; she flew in every evening and sang, telling her story; the gardener informed the prince; on the advice of another Jew, the prince caught a dove and put it in a cage; groped for it, took out a pin, his wife was reborn; the first one was burned]: El Fasi, Dermenghem 1928:81-87; Berbers Sfisifa (SW Algiers) [the poor man picked up, brought a bird; in the morning, a ruby next to the bird; when rich, the husband went on a pilgrimage, leaving his wife and two children; the wife sells rubies to a Jew; he tells her to fry the bird; children they accidentally eat their head and heart; run away, their mother marries a Jew; at the pond, the brothers break up; the king died, it was decided to choose a new one when they find him sleeping at the gate; so one of the brothers becomes king; father returns, his wife became Jewish; he comes to complain to the king, recognizes his son; the son sentences his mother to be burned, the Arabs came and burned her]: Basset 1887, No. 36:75-76; the Arabs of Algeria [both wives Sultan are childless; he accidentally heard three girls talking; baker's daughter: if the sultan married me, I would cook couscous for everyone from one grain of wheat; carpenter's daughter: from a piece of wool she would weave burnuses; the daughter of a blacksmith: she would have two sons (one temple is silver, the other has gold temples; the other has teeth made of pearls and diamonds) and a daughter who would shine brighter than the sun; the sultan married the blacksmith's daughters; when she was about to give birth, the two former wives agreed with the midwife Settoute, who replaced the boy with a puppy and let her go to sea in a box; the same year later with the second boy; a year later with the girl; after that, the sultan ordered his wife to be kept on a chain with the dogs, fed them like a dog; the poor fisherman picked up the children; Gabriel appeared to him and said that God would provide for them; when he died, the fisherman left Grown up children have a powerful amulet: Baba-Morjan's golden bits; he should be addressed, "You are spirit and wind at the same time"; he took them to their father's city; evil wives guessed everything, asked S. help; she came to the girl and said that she was missing a mare with 10 foals; an amulet: she is across the 7 seas, her front legs are lightning, her hind legs are winds; you have to drive a golden pile (pieu) in the yard, she will be there in the morning mare with foals; S.: Hadd-Ezzine (ideal of beauty) is missing; amulet: she is among seven mountains under the protection of seven gulas; you have to sit on one of those foals and slip between the crushing mountains; every gulya needs shave your beard, comb your hair, let the mirror look at you, then they will become your friends; HE first hit the young man off his horse and lay for 40 days, but then agreed to go with him; wedding, feast; amulet created all kinds of food in abundance; the sultan invited his brothers and sister and HE to his place; HE: we won't touch food before you call all your wives; the sultan has to bring the one they keep with dogs, she was washed and dressed up; HE tells her to tell her everything; the sultan is happy; the wives were burned, S. was torn apart by two camels]: Belarus 1982:52-64; Tunisian Arabs [poor fisherman catches two every day fish; once he did not sell, but exchanged it for a bird, put it in a cage; the bird lays an emerald egg every day; the merchant sees a glow, gives all goods for 10 eggs; the fisherman is rich; left on business; with his wife Jewish lover; he tells me to cook poultry, including the stomach and heart; the sons of the former fisherman, Muhammad and Ali, returned from school and ate them; the Jew tells the boys to be slaughtered to reach their stomach and heart birds; the brothers ran away with the maid; at the fork, M. and the maid went one way, Ali went to the other; began to live with an old woman; every morning he finds gold on his bed, spends a living and gives it to the old woman ; buys a mule, and in the morning he again from the seller; the man advises buying with a bridle and feeding it with almonds; the mule turns out to be a speedboat; turns into a woman, she tells you to grab Ali, take her to the basement; all of her the house is full of cats, donkeys, pigeons; the woman turned Ali into a peacock; Ali turned to God, the bird took him to the city, gave him medicine, he became human again; the bird tells me to buy a mule again, but Don't let go of bridles; Ali brought a mule, the bird turned into a magician, he whipped and ordered the mule to be beaten; bridles should not be released even at night; Ali came on a mule to a city, stopped at an inn; The mule became a woman again and Ali married her; M. came to the same city; three birds, a female and two males, flew to the local sultan, but he does not understand what they are asking, promises a reward to anyone who understands; M. says he knows the bird's language (apparently, this is the result of eating the stomach of a magic bird}; asks to first put him on the throne and dress him in royal clothes; then tells the female to fly with the male whom loves; after that, all the animals come to him as a judge; the sultan handed him the throne; the owner of the inn sees Ali's beautiful wife, the boss wants to take her away and put Ali in prison; it comes to Sultana-M., he recognized M.; their father returned, but neither his wife nor children; he recognized his wife in the Jewish house, but she denied everything; it came to Sultan M, who brought an old maid; the mother of the brothers and the Jew were burned]: Stimme 1893, No. 6:93-106; the Arabs of Egypt [the ruler is childless; the old woman gave his wife a pomegranate to eat in half with her husband; a daughter was born Pomegranate Apple (GJ); the mother died, the ruler took another wife, her own daughter and friend are a sorcerer; a woman asks him who is the most beautiful, he replies that GJ; to get rid of GJ, let her stepmother send her to the cellar, give her dirty claps and tell her to tie stockings out of it; old woman teaches: the blue, red, and Black Sea will pass by; when the white Sea appears, you need to immerse cotton in it, wash your hands and face; stockings have appeared, the GJ has become even more beautiful; the stepmother sent her own daughter; the old woman tells to wash in the Black Sea, the girl became a freak; the stepmother told her husband that his daughter was walking with boys; he sent a vizier to kill the girl; the vizier let her go, brought the dog's blood; GJ came to 40 as a robber, all cleaned it up; the next day one robber stayed to look; the robbers left the GJ as their mistress; the stepmother asks the sorcerer if she is the most beautiful; the sorcerer: no, GJ, who has 40 thieves; stepmother came, gave the GJ a poisoned ring; the robbers put the body in a glass coffin; the prince saw, asked to give the coffin to him, decided to bury the girl; the servants took off the ring, she came to life; put it back on and asked prince, how he will reward them; when the GJ came to life, the prince generously rewarded the servants; the GJ invited 40 robbers to the wedding, asking them permission to marry the prince; the mirror again replies that the GJ is more beautiful; the sorcerer gave put a pin into the GJ's head; it will become a dove, you need to replace it with the woman's own daughter; she is ugly: it means she's sick; the dove puts the gardener to sleep, he forgets to water the trees, they are withered; the prince caught a dove, takes care of her; a sorcerer teaches a woman to ask to kill a dove in order to rub her daughter with blood - she will recover; but the prince accidentally took out the pin, the wife regained her appearance; the woman and the sorcerer were burned on campfire]: Ildan Dan 1977:25-28 in Sutrop 2018:679-682; Egyptian Arabs [at night, the king and vizier walk around the city, hearing three girls talking; each saying what she would do to become the king's wife; first will bake a cake for the king and all his troops; the second will sotket a tent for the king and the army; the third will give birth to a son and daughter with golden and hyacinth hair; when they cry, thunderstorms and showers will begin when they laugh, the sun and moon will appear; the king married them; the first two failed to fulfill their promise, sent to the kitchen with slaves; when the third wife gives birth, the other wife bribes the midwife, she replaced the children with blind puppies; the king orders his wife to be tied at the entrance, smeared with resin and that everyone spit on her; the midwife put the children in a box, threw them into the river; the fisherman found and raised them; the fisherman caught two beautiful fish, young man ( his name is Mohammed Razumny) took them to sell, the king bought them; ordered them to continue; the king's wife understood who this young man was, the midwife promised to lime him and his sister; she sailed in a jug, persuaded the girl bring a singing rose Arab-Zandyq; M. came to the cannibal, venerated his chest; she explained the way to the rose; meat in front of the goat, clover in front of the dog must be shifted; take a rose, do not leave looking around, otherwise you will be petrified; M. brought a rose; she does not sing; midwife: you need a mirror (same episodes); the rose does not sing again; the midwife: you need her mistress Arab-Zandyk; the young man got to her palace, looked out the window and began to call; after two shouts, he was half petrified, but grabbed AZ by the hair, let him go after she revived all the petrified ones; said that he was the son of the king; created a palace on the island where the fisherman lived ; M. invited the king to come to his wedding with his army; the vizier advised him to stock up on food, but the warriors could not eat everything they were offered; and when M. and AZ paid a return visit, their soldiers did not fit into the city; in the palace, M. threw a shawl over his mother; AZ told the whole story; the fisherman was made a vizier, his angry wife and midwife were burned]: Spitta-Bey 1883, No. 11:137-151 (about the same in Artin Pacha 1895 , NO. 22:265-284).
Southern Europe. Spaniards (Asturias) [poor brother collected firewood and sold it; one day he found a deep hole in the forest, at the bottom of a gold bar; after pulling out a few, bought food and clothes for the family; told a rich man about it brother; they went together, the rich lowered the poor into the hole, he gave him bars; after taking the gold, the rich left, leaving the poor to die at the bottom of the hole; the poor asks to give it to his pregnant wife: let him call son A Dios nada se esconde; one day, when the boy was 7 years old, his mother called his name loudly; two missionaries heard this, questioned the woman; told the rich man take them to where he last saw his brother; he had to confess that he was burned at the stake; when it was burning, the woman repeated: You can't hide it from God!] : Llano 1975, no. 121 in Pedrosa 2003 (Asturias): 369-371 (retelling Boggs 1980, No. 960:115-116); the Spaniards (everywhere) [the prince went to look for sea oranges; asked for an overnight stay; he was told that the snake has oranges; if its eyes are open, it sleeps; the snake was sleeping, he picked three oranges from its tree and ran away; opened one, the beauty came out, asked for a comb and soap, he did not have it, she returned to his tree; the same with the second orange; the prince bought a comb and soap; to prepare for the wedding, the prince left the girl above the spring; the maid came to fetch water, saw the reflection, decided it was her so beautiful, broke the jug; so three times; the girl laughed; the maid asked her to go down to look in her head, stabbed a pin (or rather horquilla), the beauty flew away like a dove; the maid pretended to be her , said she was fooled by the wind; the dove is talking to the gardener, who calls the king, he caught a dove, pulled out a pin, the girl was reborn; the liar was burned at the stake]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 408:227-231; the Spanish [a beautiful woman has seven sons and a daughter; the mirror tells her that there is no woman in the world more beautiful; when her daughter is older, she answers that she is more beautiful than her; the mother tells her servants to take her daughter to the forest. cripple; they bring the dog's eyes and tongue; the girl secretly lives and cooks in the house of seven robbers; they find her, they call her sister; the mother turns to the mirror again; asks the sorceress to lime her daughter; she gives a poisoned shirt; robbers put a lifeless girl in a crystal coffin, let her go to sea; the prince finds him, his parents tell him to bury the girl; the maid takes off her shirt, the girl comes to life, the prince on she marries; her mother was cooked in oil, burned by a sorceress]: Malinovskaya 2002:146-150; Basques [in the absence of her husband, the wife gives birth to a boy and a girl; mother-in-law hates her, tells her son that his wife gave birth to a puppy and a kitten; the husband orders the wife to be expelled; the mother-in-law tells the servant to kill her in the forest, bring her hands and heart; the servant cuts off the woman's hands, but brings the dog's heart; hangs the children in bags on the woman's back and chest; she tried to get the children drunk, both fell into the water; St. The virgin tells us to put the stumps of her hands into the water, her hands grow back, grab the children; St. The virgin gives a wand, with its help a clearing, a house appears; one day three hunters come; one enters a woman's room, she asks to close the window; but the window immediately opens again, and so on all night; the same with second; the third is not told to close the window; in the morning a boy and girl call him father; everything is explained; mother-in-law burned]: Barandiaran 1962a, No. 2:12-16; Basques [to a young woman with a baby a witch comes up, asks for permission to search in her head, pierces a pin, a woman flies away with a white dove; a witch is mistaken for a real wife; a dove arrives, an imaginary wife drives her away, her husband greets her; notices the pin, takes it out, the wife reappears; the witch was burned in the square]: Barandiaran 1962a, No. 25:97-99; Corsicans: Massignon 1984, No. 4 [the king is sick, you need to get a horse that is fast like the wind, the bird that sings and plays, the beauty is seven times more beautiful than beauty (la donna di sette bellezze); the eldest son goes, sees the inscription "the one who goes will not return", everything is in the inn lost at cards, remained an employee; the same with the middle son; the youngest does not stop, but pays the debts of the deceased, whose body is mocked; the road is over, the young man walks, the fox invites him to sit at her and carries that horse to the owner; let the young man refuse to spend the night in the room, but ask him to leave him in the stable; around midnight, the fox tells him to jump on the horse and ride away: the owner is going to eat who came; the young man on horseback and the fox reached the house where the bird is guarded by lions; the fox tells the lion to take the horse by the tail, then he will allow him to take the bird's cage; the lion coughed and released tail, they galloped away; the sorcerer owns the beauty; while he thinks that he now has the horse and bird, the young man takes the beauty, jumps away, the sorcerer did not have time to detain them; the fox warns that the brothers are young they went to prison for stealing, and she herself is the dead man he bought; if anything, you can call her again; the brothers pushed the youngest into the well, took the horse, the bird and the beauty; the horse bites, the bird is silent, the beauty became a freak; the fox pulled out the young man; when he arrived home, the horse was happy, the bird sang, the beauty became beautiful; the king ordered the elder sons to be smeared with resin and burned], 8 [the king became to go blind, the eldest son went for the "water of Veronica" that restored sight; did not share food with the old woman; lost cards at the inn; began to steal, was captured; the same with the middle son; the youngest offered the old woman (perhaps Madonna) should eat; she advised her to insist on sitting in the place of a gambler; he won back all the brothers' possessions; bought them; obtained water by entering the garden when the sorcerer and his the lions were sleeping; in one bottle there was water that made them blind, in the other they could see the light; the brothers pushed the youngest into the river, came to his father, said that the brother was dead, unknowingly gave his father blinding water; the fox pulled the young man out of the river; he came back, healed his father; he ordered the elder sons to be smeared with resin and burned]: 7-10, 18-21; Corsicans [there are 12 sons in a poor family; the younger Spella suggests that the brothers not be a burden to their parents and leave; they took pickaxes and shovels, came to the forest, to the ogre's house, began to work in his garden; sleep feeds them; in the evening he puts on everyone's hats; S. tells the brothers to slowly take off their hats and wear them on the cannibal's 12 daughters; at night, the cannibal cut off the heads of his daughters; the brothers ran away and hired the king to serve; he made S. chief; the brothers were jealous, told the king that S. boasted to get gold the cannibal's wand; S. began to throw nuts at the ogre and his wife when they were eating; the cannibal threw his wand at him, S. took it away; get the ogre's golden horse (got it); the blanket on the ogre's bed (got it, throwing lice); chicken with chickens; S. captured, locked in the cellar for fattening; when the ogre's wife went down for him, he killed her, put the meat to cook, returned to the king; bring the cannibal himself; S. brings the chest, says the cannibal that this is for S.; the cannibal climbed inside to see if the chest is strong, S. locked it; the king ordered to burn the ogre along with the chest and marry S. to his daughter; S. asked the king not execute his brothers]: Massignon 1984, No. 69:153-156; Corsicans [West 1959; a merchant has a daughter and a son; once tells his son to kill his sister so that he can eat her heart, otherwise he threatens to kill him; he asks her friends to carry out an assignment; they also killed a goat; the father fried and ate her heart, believing that this is the heart of her daughter; the prince met the girl, married her; became king; went to war; wife gave birth to twin boys; the Queen Mother changed the letter: the wife gave birth to two puppies; replaced the king's letter with orders to burn his wife and kill the children; the Queen left, and the servants depicted the imaginary place of burning; the children were put in boxes and lowered into the river; the miller picked them up and raised them; one day the expelled queen came to the mill and realized that they were her children; she dressed as an officer, built a house near the palace, invited all the participants in this case; told everything; dressed again as a woman; the woman's father and the king's mother were burned alive]: Massignon 1984, No. 75:166-169; Sicilians (Agrigento) [prince married Princess Teresina and suggested that if one of them died, the other would spend three days in the crypt with the deceased; T. died; while in the crypt, the prince saw and shot the snake; the snakes brought grass and revived her; the prince revived his wife, they got outside; settled in France; the prince went into trade; going on business by ship, promised to announce his return with three blank shots from guns; T. was kidnapped by the captain of the Neapolitan army, she stayed with him and forgot her husband; he was hired by the Neapolitan army; at the parade, T. and he recognized each other; at the feast, the captain threw a silver one into his pocket a fork and a knife; they were found, the prince was taken to death; he asked one of the soldiers, who was his friend, to revive him with the grass he took with him; the daughter of the Neapolitan king is ill, he promises it to whoever would cure her; the prince gave her his herb, but said he was married; let the king appoint him commander-in-chief; at the feast, he threw a golden fork and knife into the captain's clothes; the captain and T. were smeared with resin and burned]: Calvino 1980, No. 179:645-648; the Sicilians [the king is blind; the doctor said that the peacock's feather would restore his sight; three sons went in search; they climbed a tree for the night; at dawn, the youngest woke up first, went to the peacock's voice; when he reached the pond, he saw a feather come down from the sky; the older brothers killed, buried the younger one, brought the pen to his father, he saw the light; the elders said that he had taken the youngest beast; a reed grew on the younger's grave, the shepherd made a pipe, began to play; the pipe sings: Play more carefully, shepherds, don't touch me, I was killed because of a peacock feather, my brother betrayed me; the shepherd came to palace, gave a pipe to the king, she plays the same thing to her father; to her mother; to the middle brother who held him; the middle one could not finish playing; the elder refused to play, but the father forced him; the pipe repeats a song calling the brother a murderer; the brothers were burned in the town square, the shepherd was appointed chief of guard; the king spent the rest of his life without leaving the palace]: Calvino 1980, No. 180:648-650; Italians ( Liguria) [the fisherman cannot catch anything; the gentleman gives him a bag of money on the condition that he will give him his daughter; the daughter takes holy water with her and covers herself with the sign of the cross; the devil is powerless; orders the father cut off his daughter's hands, otherwise she will take the money; the daughter agrees; the devil carries the girl, but God makes the burden heavier, the devil threw her into the stream; the girl got out; settled in the grotto, where the dog began to bring her food from the royal table; the king followed, brought the handless woman to him and married her; left; the Queen Mother replaced the letters with the command to drive her daughter-in-law away; she gave birth to a boy with a sword and a girl with a star with forehead; the Queen Mother wrote that her daughter-in-law gave birth to a puppy and a kitten; the children were tied to the young queen's neck, she left; leaned to the water for a drink, the old man told me to do it more boldly, the children fell into the water, the mother's hands grew up; she found an empty palace and settled there; the king came to the palace, the children called him father; all is well; the Queen Mother was burned]: Andrews 1892, No. 5:20-24; Italians (Piedmont; p. 718; motive a pomegranate tree, the fruits of which only a girl can pick, added from the Tuscan version of Gradi) [the peasant has three daughters; the eldest goes to take dinner to his father, sits on a stump, and a snake crawls out of there, the girl runs home; the same with the middle one; the youngest carries two servings, gives one to the snake, she asks to take it with her; lives under the girl's bed; when she grows up and crawls away, gives her the ability to cry pearls and silver, laugh at the golden pomegranate seeds that will fall out of her hair, and when she washes her hands, fish will appear in the water; the sisters are jealous, lock the youngest in the attic; the prince sees her; under her window is a pomegranate tree, which grows taller as soon as the prince tries to pick fruit; the old man says that whoever can pick the fruits will become the prince's wife; the king gathers all the girls; the sisters hide the youngest, but they find her, the wedding is announced; the youngest goes through the forest with the elders; they cut off her hands, gouge out her eyes and throw her in the forest, the older sister replaces her; the poor lumberjack picked up the crippled one; became rich by collecting her silver and pearls; the snake tells her that the new wife of the prince, who is now king, is expecting a child and wants figs; the handless tells the logger to take the figs to the palace (they grew up out of season right away) and barter for eyes; next time peaches in exchange for hands; the younger sister got her eyes and hands back, they grew; the queen gave birth to a scorpion; younger sister came to the ball, the king recognized her as his true wife: pearls and gold were falling, fish were swimming in the washbasin; the older sisters were burned at the stake along with the scorpion]: Calvino 1980, No. 12:37-40; Italians (Abruzzo) [the prince goes to look for a wife white as milk and rosy as blood; the old man gives three grenades, tells him to break it by the stream; each has a naked girl, the first two immediately die of thirst, the third he immediately sprinkles water, she remains alive; he tells her to climb a tree, goes to get her clothes; the filthy sarazink comes to collect water, takes the girl's reflection for her own, breaks the jug, leaves; the hostess scolds her; so twice; on the third, the girl laughed, the sarazinka asks her to go down, she will comb her hair; killed her, injected her with a hairpin in her ear; a drop of blood turned into a dove; sarazinka explains to the prince that while he was walking, the sun and the wind changed her appearance and voice; the prince marries her; the dove bites the crumbs, leaves the cook with golden feathers; he wants to take it to the prince, the sarazink kills her, from a drop of blood a pomegranate tree grows; the dying who ate pomegranates have recovered; the last sarazink pomegranate wants to keep for himself, the prince orders to give it to the woman whose husband is dying; the woman's husband is already dead, she has left the pomegranate herself; returning, she sees that the house has been cleaned; the confessor tells the old woman to see what will happen to the grenade; she finds the girl; the prince recognizes her; the sarazinka herself says to be smeared with resin and burned on squares]: Kotrelev 1991:118-122: Ladins [the woman has 7 sons and a daughter; the woman turned her sons into foxes; then she regretted it, but it was too late; the sister came to the castle, where at midnight her brothers came to human appearance; to spell them, she must remain silent for 7 years; settled in a hut; while hunting, the king found her, married her; went to war; his wife gave birth to a boy; her mother-in-law threw him into the lake, told her son that his wife had given birth to a kitten; the same the following year; the same 5 more times; the king ordered his wife to be burned; when she was tied to a pole, 7 knights rode, each with a boy in their arms; the queen spoke and told everything; the Queen Mother was burned instead]: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 63:169-171.
Western Europe. The Bretons [the poor widower has children Yves and Yvonne; his father died, Eve went to look for work, hired him as a pig in the royal palace; the king noticed him, made him a valet; let him see for 5 days sister; returned, taking her portrait; the king saw him and ordered his sister to be brought; she sailed on the ship with her wet nurse and her daughter; the king ordered Yvonne to be in a glass chest during the day and did not darken from the sun; the nurse threw Yvonne into the sea, replacing her daughter; the siren brought Yvonne to her palace; Eve met the ship; the nurse said his sister had drowned; Eva had to say to the king that the girl was his sister, but she fool with smallpox; the king married because he could not break his words; the liars persuaded the courtiers, they killed Willow, threw pieces of body in a chapel in the forest; the siren gave Yvonne of living water should revive her brother, but chained Yvonne to prevent her from leaving; she had to rub her body for three nights; on the second night, a grinder spent the night in the chapel, hid and overheard, told the king, brought the soldiers ; the sister revived her brother, the warriors broke the chain, the siren disappeared into the sea; the nurse and daughter were burned in the stove; the king married Yvonne and made Yves commander-in-chief]: Luzel 1887 (2), No. 9:370-380; the Bretons [a woman has a daughter named Totally Beautiful (CPU; La petite Toute-Belle); her mother is jealous of her; the maid is called to push the girl into the well; three dragons live in the well, they are kind to the CPU, she settled in with them; when the maid comes the next day, the CPU asks to say hello to her mother; the mother sends her poisoned candy, the dragons do not let her eat them; then the mother sends a red dress; the CPU wore he died; the dragons put her in the coffin and let her into the sea; the coffin sailed to the castle, the prince brought the girl to his room; seeing that she was imperishable, his mother and maid took off her dress and she came to life; wedding; mother and maid burned at the stake]: Sébillot 1900:144-152 in Sutrop 2018:406-408; the French (Haute-Marne) [the English king hunted in France, chased a bird, didn't catch it, spent the night in poor house; the hostess just gave birth, the king agreed to be a godson, named the boy Eugène (E.); left a letter - let the young man come with him when he is 17 years old; E. set off; before This is how the godmother (marraine) warned that if he meets a hunchback or crooked, he must return; E. returned twice, but the third time his humpback classmate Adolf met him, E. went with him; A. stole his horse at the inn; when E. caught up with him, he made E. swear that he would say that he was the king's godson, A., not E.; the king believed; promised to give his daughter to his godson, but she kidnapped; all courtiers fell in love with E. (who was called A.) and A. was hated; A. says that E. boasted to get a giant's mule; the old man teaches: the giant has a thrush, he sings loudly, he must cross the sea when the thrush sings; the giant gave the mule on the condition that E. would return it later; A. persuades the king to tell E. to get the giant's thrush; the giant gave the thrush with the same condition; the giant's lantern (the same); find and return the king's daughter; the old man teaches you to ask for help; he tells you to build a ship without using iron, take with you a mule, a thrush and a donkey, 300 virgins; on the way, the giant weaves, the virgins spin; on the way, a fish castle, they it is necessary to crumble the bread, the fish missed the ship; the king of fish let his fin call it; then the ants - E. gave them millet, the king of ants gave them a paw; then the rats (gave bread - wool); crows (meat is a feather) ; giants (E. gave a lot of bread - a hair from the king's beard); the princess in the queen's castle with silver legs, turned into a lioness spewing fire; the lioness is glad; the queen orders to bring 300 measures of canvas, woven by virgins (E. gives); further tasks: 1) a garden on the site of the mountain (the giants removed the mountain, the rest of the helpers set up the garden); 2) bring living and dead water; the crows gathered, but no one knows where is the water; two old drunken soldiers appeared; the first was imprisoned, but released at the request of the second - otherwise he would not bring water; they went underground, collected water; the queen sent pigeons knock over the bowls, but the crows drove them away; the giant teaches: first demand that the Queen restore her human appearance, then kill her by splashing dead water in her face; returning to her father, the princess asked to postpone the wedding for 8 days; said she dropped the ring into the sea; the fish did not know where the ring was, the same two drunken soldiers took it out; the princess asked for her castle, where she lived with the Queen; giants, ants and others delivered; then A. called E. to hunt, shot him, threw him into a hole; the princess saw crows, revived E. with living water; E. showed the king his letter, married the princess; A. was burned alive]: Cosquin 1886, No. 3:32-43; the French (Nièvre) [the prince smashed a jug of butter carried by the old woman with a ball; she wished him love for three oranges; the prince fell ill with love and went in search with with two companions; they come to the south, east, north wind; the mother of the winds hides them every time and teaches them what to do next; they come to the castle; they oil the rusty door and it opens; they throw acorns to predatory pigs, give giants ropes to get water out of the well (they took it out using their hair instead of ropes); they let other women sweep the heat out of the oven (they did it with their bare hands); sweep the dusty dirty stairs; they comb the lousy old woman, who falls asleep for the first time in many years; the prince sees and picks up three oranges, runs away with his companions; the old woman tells the stairs etc., to detain the fugitives, but they refuse, because those who came cleaned them, fed them, etc.; on the way back, the prince opens one orange, comes out, asks for a drink, dies; the same with the second; the third opens at the source; brings the beauty to the king, who knows the prince's father and dreamed of marrying the prince to his daughter; sends the prince for jewelry and clothes for the beauty brought in, and his daughter she stabs a pin into her head and the girl flies away with a dove; the liar says she has darkened by the sun and wind; the prince's father and courtiers are surprised that his fiancée is ugly; on the eve of the wedding, a dove talks to the cook; sits on the prince's hand; he gropes and takes out a pin; wedding; the liar was burned at the stake]: Delarue, Tenèze 1964, No. 408:59-63; the French (Nièvre; same Normandy story, Lorraine, Poitou, Vendée, Gascony, etc.) [the wife of the poor miller sends her husband to fish behind the dam; he caught a little one, this is the king of fish, asks him to let go, for this she will give a lot of fish; and so it happened, the miller sold a lot of fish; his wife reproaches him that he let the fish king go; the miller caught him again; he tells his wife to eat him, his fins to the mare and dog; the wife will give birth to three boys with the sun on their foreheads, the mare three foals with the moon, and the dog will give birth to three boys with the sun on their foreheads, the mare three foals with the moon puppies with a star on their foreheads; the brothers have grown up, the eldest comes to a city where mourning: the girls are given to the seven-headed monster, the princess's turn; the young man kills the monster, receives a ring from the princess, cuts off and takes her tongues with her, promises to return in a year and day; three coal miners make her say that they killed the monster; a year and a day later there should be a wedding with one of them; a young man comes to the wedding, shows his tongues and a ring; the coal miners were burned alive; one day a young husband notices a castle in the distance, goes there; the witch gives hair to tie the dog, it turns into an iron chain; she leads the person who came to the bridge, pushes down; seeing a withered rose, the second brother sets off in search of the first; the princess takes him for her husband; he is the same as with his older brother; the good sorceress teaches the third not to let him bind with the dog's hair, let the witch go forward, make them give a reviving elixir; the young man revived everyone, forced the witch to leave the castle; the husband returned to the princess, she sees how all three brothers look alike]: Delarue 1957, No. 303:147-149; the French (Ariège; also Haute-Brittany, Lorraine, Provence, Niverne, Dordogne, Gascony) [the prince hears three girls talking; one promises to have a son, then a daughter with a star in her forehead, then another son; the prince marries her, she asks to take her sisters to the palace; the prince inherited the throne, went to war; the boy was replaced by a puppy; the next time the girl was replaced by a kitten; the third boy was a puppy again; the king ordered his wife to be put in an iron cage; the children were picked up and raised by an old man; advised them to find their real parents; the elder brother decided to find a prophetic bird; the counter gives a ball to follow; on the tree there is a cage with a bird, you must take it and you can't look back; he looked back at his voice, turned into stone; the rosary he left was covered with blood; the same with second brother; sister did not look back; the bird told her to break off the branch of the singing laurel, collect living water, sprinkle stones; all people came to life; at the king's feast, the prophetic bird told everything; the queen was returned, her sisters burned in the same cage]: Delarue, Tenèze 1964, No. 707:633-636; Walloons [a woman has one daughter beautiful, the other is not; she leaves the ugly one to the fair; a forest giant comes to the beautiful, demands food; the girl also feeds his cat and dog, who tell her what to do; the giant gives her beauty, gold falls from her lips; next time an ugly daughter stays at home; did not feed the cat and dog, behaved rude; the giant made her completely ugly with bad breath]: Laport 1932, no.*403F: 53; the British [the eldest daughter asks her mother to cook for her food, goes for fate; comes to the laundress witch; on the third day a carriage arrives, the girl gets into it, leaves; the same with her middle daughter; a black bull comes for her; she sits on it; on the way he tells me to take food and drink from his ears; they stop at the castle; they give her an apple, tell her to break it only in case of emergency; in the next castle they gave a pear, in the third, a plum; the bull brings it to a remote place, tells him to wait for it; if everything around will turn blue, which means he defeated the Old One, and if he is red, then his Old one; everything turned blue, the girl is happy, the bull has returned, but did not find her; came to the blacksmith; after working for him for 7 years, she received iron shoes to climb a glass mountain; saw a handsome man give two women (mother and daughter) his bloody clothes; whoever washes would become his wife; they can't, in their hands the girl's clothes immediately became clean; but the old woman said she washed her daughter; the girl opens an apple, then a pear, a plum; in every treasure fruit, she gives them to an old woman's daughter for the right to spend the night with her suitors; she puts sleeping pills every time; on the third day he was told that someone was grieving at his bed; he quietly poured out the wine, saw the girl; they lived well, and the laundress and her daughter burned]: Jacobs 1894:20-27 (translation of another version to Shereshevskaya 1957b: 158-161); Scots (in Guel) [Iain, the owner of the ship, sailed to Turkey and buried a Christian there; bought a Spanish princess, returned home with a princess and gold; she sends him to Spain, where the king, recognizing the clothes, the ring, the book and the whistle, realizes that the young man has brought news of his daughter; he returns home and marries a princess; they sail to Spain; the general left him on an island; he was rescued by a man on a boat, for which he demanded to give half of his wife and half of his children if they appeared; in In Spain, he whistles on the whistle and his wife recognizes him; the wedding, the general was burned alive; three sons were born; the savior comes and demands half; I. agrees; after that, the comer explains that he was the dead, disappears]: Gerould 1908:85-86; Germans (Harz) [the widower has a 14-year-old daughter, an ugly neighbor has her own; the neighbor asked the girl to persuade her father to marry her; began to tyrant her stepdaughter; she dreams twice that she must leave; she comes to the house 7 giants, the old woman hides her, then shows her; the giants do not harm her, they send them to others; they send them to 7 dwarfs, tell her to fix the jug wells, clean the beds; the girl performs, the dwarfs make her gold-haired; she returns home; the stepmother sends her own daughter; she does not help the old woman in the giants' house, they tell her to break the jug, throw beds; dwarfs tell her to be lousy; stepmother wants her stepdaughter to feel bad too; pretended to be sick, sent her for strawberries in winter; three men sit by the fire in the forest; they allowed who came to warm up, and she shared her meager breakfast; it was God, Christ and the Holy Spirit; after eating, Christ filled the girl's basket with strawberries, God made her even more beautiful, and let it be from her lips when she spoke , gold coins were pouring in; when the stepmother saw the gold, sent her own daughter for strawberries; but three of them did not give her a seat by the fire, and she did not share food with them; when she asked for strawberries, three replied that it's winter; God ordered the girl to grow horns on her head; the count saw the stepdaughter and married her; after giving birth to a child, she wrote a letter to her father, but it fell to her stepmother; she appeared in the absence of the count, pushed her stepdaughter went to the lake and replaced her daughter; when she saw his wife with horns, the count wanted to die; at night, a real wife appeared and asked the poodle to bring her baby to feed her; she had a chain on her leg; she says that she would come twice more, and if she was not released with a golden sword, she would be drowned forever; as she spoke, gold coins fell from her lips; the servant heard this, told the count; the next night he saw and heard everything himself; collected the fallen gold coins and told the blacksmith to forge a sword from them; on the third night he cut the chain with a sword; ordered his stepmother and daughter to burn them, and placed his wife's father in the palace]: Prö hle 1854, No. 5:13-20; the Germans [the king went out with two ministers; three girls were grazing cows; the eldest shouted that she would marry the one in the middle, i.e. the king; the other two for those on the right and left; after marriage, the queen gave birth to a boy with a star in his forehead, the sisters threw him into the Weser River, said that the queen had given birth to a puppy; the bird screamed that the boy would become a lily; the fisherman pulled him out, adopted; a year later, the same with the second boy; then with the girl (they said that she had given birth to a cat); the king threw his wife into prison; when they heard that they were foundlings, the children told the fisherman to confess everything; the elder went looking for her father; answered the old woman rude; she carried him across the sea; the same with her second brother; the sister is kind to the old woman; when she carried the girl across the sea, she gave her a twig and taught her what to do: walk by black dog, throw a twig on the doorstep of the castle, take a bird cage, scoop up a mug of water, hit the dog with a twig on the way back; she turned into a prince; sister, brothers and prince returned to fisherman; the younger brother met his father while hunting, brought him to him; the bird told him everything; the king released his wife, the daughter let her drink water from the mug, she recovered; the wife's sisters were burned; the queen's daughter went out for the prince]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 96:324-327 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:263-266); Germans [a rich, unkind brother was a goldsmith, a poor broom knitted; he has two twin boys; poor saw a golden bird, threw a stone, a golden pen fell, the jeweler brother gave a lot of money for it; then the poor man found a bird's nest, brought an egg; then he knocked down the bird, sold it to his brother; he told his wife to fry it; who will eat her heart and liver, he will have gold under her pillow in the morning; while his wife was away, her nephews ran in and ate the pieces that had fallen; the frightened wife fried her husband's heart and liver, and the boys in the morning they found gold under the pillow; when he found out about this, the rich brother advised the poor to take the boys to the forest - they contacted the devil; they were found, sheltered by a hunter, saved the morning gold; the brothers grew up and went on a journey; the hunter gave everyone gold, a gun and a dog; let them stick a knife at a crossroads; if it rust, the other brother is in trouble; brothers hunt, feel sorry for animals, everyone gets a rabbit, a fox, a wolf cub, a bear cub and a lion cub; the brothers broke up, the youngest came to the city, where all the girls were given to be eaten by the dragon, the turn is royal; on Dragon Mountain, the young man sees three bowls: who he will drink, he will be able to get a sword from under the door threshold; the young man drank, became a strongman, took out a sword; cut off seven snake heads, the animals tore the body to shreds; the young man carved and hid dragon tongues; the queen gave him her handkerchief, divided the coral necklace between the animals, the lion got a gold lock; everyone fell asleep; the marshal cut off the hunter's head and took the princess away; she made it a condition for a wedding in a year and one day; the animals wanted to kill a hare that did not wake them up, but he promised to get a reviving root; first the lion put the young man's head backwards, then tore it off and put it right; he argued with the owner taverns that she would eat bread from the royal table; the queen recognized the hare, who brought the baker to the tavern; the same with the fox (bring meat); the wolf brought vegetables, the bear sweet, the lion brought wine; after eating, the young man came with the animals to the castle and showed his tongues; the marshal was torn by four bulls, the young man became a young king; chased a white deer in the forest; spent the night by the fire; the old woman asked to let her warm up and hit the animals with a twig; they were petrified, the old woman touched the king with a twig; there were many similar stones nearby; the elder brother saw that the knife was rusted; the queen mistook him for her husband, but he put his sword on bed; in the forest he knocked an old woman off a tree with a silver bullet; made the petrified revive, the brothers burned the old woman in the fire; the forest became transparent and bright; when he learned that his brother slept next to his wife, his king hacked, repented, the hare revived the dead man; the Queen identified her husband by the golden lock she gave him to the lion; the king found out about the sword in bed]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 60:212-227 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:171-187); Germans (Switzerland, Canton of Valais) [the king has forbidden lighting a fire in the evening (Feierabend); the messengers saw the light in the poor house; the spinner explained that her sister had gone to bed and she She fell asleep at the spinning wheel, so she forgot to turn off the lights; she dreamed that she had two children, one with a gold star and the other with a silver star on her chest; the king forgave the girl and his son married her; the old king soon died, and the Queen Mother hated her daughter-in-law; when she gave birth to two boys, she put them in a basket and took them to the forest, and told her daughter-in-law that she had a miscarriage; the hunter found and raised babies, although he has 10 children of his own; sent them into the world with a note; it describes how he found the children; after reading it, Vogt left them to work in the garden; the rumor of boys with stars on their chest reached king; the queen was sold by the king's mother to a foreign land as a slave, but then bought again, making her a maid in the city where her husband reigned; when he heard of the young men, the king told his mother that he would go see them ; she gave him a sleepy drink; so twice; the third time he simply said he would go for a walk; met his wife and sons, his wife told him everything; the Queen Mother was burned like a witch]: Jegerlehner 1913, No. 143: 120-122.
Western Asia. Palestinians [the man has two wives: his brother's daughter and an outside woman; both are childless; the sheikh advised him to go to a ghoul, who will give conception grenades; the man greeted the ghoul, otherwise he would eat him; The ghoul sent to his older brother; he sent him to their sister; the man venerated her long breasts and covered a handful of her torment; she told her to go to the garden; the ghoul sleeps there - put one care under him, covered himself with the other ; grab two grenades and run; on the way home, a man ate half a grenade intended for his wife, who is his brother's daughter; she gave birth to a half-boy, and the other wife Hassan and Hussein; they grew up ; the brothers went hunting on horseback, and Polovinka went on a lame goat; as soon as he caught the deer, gave it to the brothers, for which they allowed them to burn his seal on their backs; at home he told his mother and showed the seals; when they They went hunting again, then came to the drone; the brothers say that their horses eat barley with milk, and Polovinka said that his goat eats chaff; says that he will not fall asleep until the gulya brings him water in his wineskin; she brought it, he made a hole in it so that water would drip on him; then says he would not fall asleep without a stuffed rooster; then stuffed lamb; this is how the night passed; in the morning Half tells the brothers to run; gulya tells the milk in the bellies of the horses to thicken, the horses stopped; all three brothers flew home on the Halves goat; Half promises to bring the gulya herself; dressed up as a halva seller; gulya ate everything and climbed into the box finished eating the leftovers, and the Half slammed the lid shut; she was burned in the drawer]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 6:84-88; Syrian Arabs [the husband of three childless women received apples that cause pregnancy; two wives they ate an apple each, and the third half; the deferred soul mate was eaten by a donkey; the first wives gave birth to Hassan and Hussein, and the third to the baby Nuss Nassis (Halbsogroß); the brothers go hunting on horseback, animals are shot, NN rides a goat, hunts birds; Gulya tells her brothers that she is their aunt (their father's first wife), leads them to her; at night, NN hears her muttering to herself that she will eat the visitors; NN says that he is hungry, the gulya cuts the ram; and so until dawn - everything wants and demands something; in the morning, the brothers tell the ghoul that their horses are drinking strained water; gulya runs to filter the water in the well; at this time the brothers gallop away, but the gulya magically stops the horses, all three return home on the goat NN; NN. buys a chest, comes to the drone under the guise of a merchant; offers to climb into the chest to see what of the goods she likes; slams the lid; the gulya was burned with the chest]: Kuhr 1993:79-81; Iraqi Arabs [the king overhears the conversation of three sisters; if the king marries her, one hundred carpet cover half the kingdom, the other will bake a loaf that the army will feed up, the third will give birth to twins with silver and golden hair; the king consistently marries girls; the first two have not fulfilled promised, sent to work in the kitchen; when the younger sister gave birth to twins, the sisters persuaded the midwife to replace them with puppies, let them down the river in a box; they were picked up by a fisherman; the king ordered his wife to be buried up to the chest at the door, let everyone who enters throw a stone at her and spit; bring the sisters closer again; when leaving, asked what to bring to their wives; the elders ask for a precious dress and necklace, a younger doll of patience and a knife patience; the king forgot them, but the ship did not move; he found an old man with a patience doll and a knife of patience; he gave them under conditions to follow his wife after she received these things ; the king hears the youngest wife telling her story to the doll; her heart burst; she wants to stab herself with a knife, but the king stops her; the king returned his wife, looked for her sons, and the fisherman brought them; older wives and midwife burned]: Stevens 2006, No. 33:157-161; Swamp Shia Arabs (southern Iraq): Yaremenko 1990, No. 3 [when the sultan goes to Hajj, his youngest daughter Fatima, whose mother died, asks for an "od al-Marasi"; Od al-Marasi gives her three nuts and a mirror; F. breaks the first walnut, a palace appears; a servant comes out of the second, O. himself comes out of the mirror; he breaks the third walnut, a bath appears; the daughters of the Sultan's young wife throw pieces of glass into the bath; O. is wounded, disappears; F. arranges a bathhouse, lets the women wash for an interesting story; one talks about a boat in which A wounded young man swims; F. hears pigeons talking - they must be burned, the ashes will cure O.; F. comes under the guise of a doctor; O. recovers, lives with F. in another country], 21 [the Sultan's daughter rejects the grooms; sculpts a handsome young man out of amber and other rubbing, begs God to breathe life into him; the father agrees to marry him his daughter, his name Sultan Ambar ("amber"); the king's daughter in a distant country sits on a vessel, arrives on it, puts the young to sleep, takes A. away, makes them forget the past, husbands; the Sultan's daughter tells her father to buy her steel boots and an iron motor, goes in search of her husband; receives a reward 1) a hen with chickens collecting pearls for finding a prince kidnapped by a black slave (the slave was burned); 2) a pearl dress with diamond threads for curing the prince (he's all time eats, she extracts snakes from him, he recovers); 3) a diamond bird with agate eyes for healing the princess from madness (witches put that potion, burned the witch house); comes to kidnapper A.; buys three nights with A. for three treasures; the first two A. sleeps; his wife's tears stain his clothes; the tailor explains what's going on; the third night he doesn't sleep, remembers everything, runs away with his wife ; the witch's vessel loses its strength, she cannot chase]: 32-35, 117-124.
South Asia. Bengalis [the rich man went bankrupt and died, his two sons were orphaned; began to steal peas in the field; there was a gold-colored calf, went with his younger brother; the elder married and the wife did not like young man; offered to look in his head, cut off his head; the calf found the body and head, joined it, revived it with grass; the older brother's wife pretended to be sick, demanded blood from the calf; he offered the butcher to take blood but not meat; blood and meat, but not bones; it did not help; then the calf and the young man ran away; when they reached Peri Island, the calf died, telling them what to do before; first the peri flew in, but not they touched the carcass; then the Gorur bird flew in; the young man grabbed her and released her after she married her daughter; the wife created a house, they healed well; one day a royal horse ran in; his wife hit him with his palm on his forehead; seeing the print of a beautiful palm, the king wanted to take the woman away; demanded that her husband 1) collect a hundred measures of mustard seeds scattered across the plowed field overnight (the birds collected; the king of birds, that is, Gorur, noticed that one seed is missing and found it in the eye of a blind bird); 2) bring the tigress's milk (the wife teaches me how to set fire to the forest, the tigress will run, leaving the cubs; they must be fed, grateful tigress will give milk; the man brought milk to the king, and a tiger cub next to him); 3) go to heaven to visit the king's parents; the wife quietly took her husband from the funeral fire and hid it in an underground room for six months; A year later, a man came to the king and said that the king's ancestors were prospering, but they did not have a barber, so they asked them to send them (the king invented difficult tasks for the hero at the instigation of a barber); the barber was burned, the king gave a man a gift and appointed a vizier]: Devi 1915:84-96; Tamils [(continued, beginning in M198; Alakapuri was ruled by the just king Alakesa; one of the four ministers heard crying in the temple Kali; the goddess herself cried - the king is in danger; rice will be brought in in the morning, he is poisoned with snake venom, only the first handful is dangerous; King Vijayanagara will send a basket with arrows in it; the king will ask him to open it and he will die; a snake will enter his bedroom; but if the king avoids these dangers, he will live to be 120 years old; the minister put the royal outfit on his servant; he, disguised as a king, went to the basket, arrows pierced him, king saved; when he was about to eat rice, the minister asked for the first handful, the king was offended; the minister climbed into the bedroom, killed the snake, a drop of blood dripped on the queen's chest, he wiped it off with his little finger and cut it off; the queen woke up, asked the king to execute the minister; three other ministers ask the king to consider the decision and give examples of haste; 1) the hunter owes the merchant, paid the dog as a debt; she bit to death his wife's lover the merchant, showed him the place where his wife buried the body; the merchant kicked his wife out, sent the dog back to the hunter as a token of gratitude; the hunter met her along the way, thought she had run away and strangled her; when he found out what was going on, bitterly repented; 2) the brahmana had a long-awaited son; a snake crawled to the baby, the mongoose killed her; when she saw blood on her face, the brahmana's wife thought that he had killed her baby, killed the mongoose; understood mistake; told her husband everything, committed suicide; the husband killed the child and also committed suicide; 3) the wife left the blind brahmana for her lover; the brahmana was saved by a husband and wife from the low caste, the husband told the wife to be guide; but when they began to think about how to arrange the life of the blind man, he began to shout that a man from the lower caste wanted to take his wife away from him; the Raja ordered his husband to be hanged and his wife burned; the brahman was deep repented, the Raja found out, the execution of the spouses was canceled, the brahmana was burned; 4) the brahmana's pet parrot asked him to let him go, brought mango seed, whose fruits rejuvenate; the brahmana took the seed to the king; grew up a tree; the king gave fruit to an old servant, he died; his wife immolated himself; the brahmana's eye was pulled out; the brahmana and his wife killed a parrot, went to repent; an old woman decided to end with her, ate the fruit, became young; it turns out that the snake's venom fell on the mango eaten by the servant; the king returned the brahmana, who became young, saw the light; but you can't return the parrot; {two more stories; the king admits that he was in a hurry}]: Kingscote 1890, No. 13:140-186; the Tamils [Raja's son and the minister's son went hunting; when entering the temple on the mountain, the prince saw a portrait of a beauty with a bouquet in her hands; stunned: he must to get a woman and a bouquet; the priest sent the minister's son to the artist; he said that he had bought a radiant female nail from the hunter and recreated the appearance of someone to whom the nail could belong; the hunter directed him to the banyan, under which he found a fingernail; the minister's son remained under the banyan; every day the snake eats eggs in the nest while the parent birds fly across 7 seas for food; the minister's son hacked a snake, the chicks spoke about it mother; she told me how she picked up a shining nail across the 7 seas; took the young man there; he picked up diamonds and gold on the roof of the palace; the bird gave a pen to summon it when it was time to fly back; the young man became sell jewelry near Raja's house; dug a secret passage there; told Raja that he would leave for a week, and he made his way to the palace, made an agreement with the princess, and warned the Raju that he would bring his wife to his place; Raja's face seemed familiar, but when he went to the palace, his daughter was there again; the minister's son flew away in a male bird and the princess on a female; to check on the prince, the minister's son told the princess to say that animals tore him to pieces; the prince immediately cut off his head, and the princess was stabbed to death; the minister's son brought the coffins home; the minister's son and the prince had wives at home; the minister's son's wife promised to cut off her right hand in the temple of Kali if her husband returns alive; Kali stopped her and, for her piety, gave her strength to raise the dead; the prince's wife decided that the minister's son killed her husband and demanded his execution; son the minister warned his wife that the birds had vowed him; if he told what happened, he would fall to pieces; but if they were folded, he would come to life; the minister's son had to tell everything; his his wife revived him and revived the prince and princess; his ex-wife was burned alive in a lime kiln]: Blackburn 2005, No. 47.
The Balkans. Croats (Dubrovnik) [the father died when his 13th son was born; the brothers grew up, went on a journey, stayed at the ogre's house for the night; the hostess warned that her husband would come in the evening; the youngest does not sleep, hears how the hostess teaches her husband to distinguish sleeping boys from his daughters: boys have red hats, girls have gold chains around their necks; younger brother puts hats on girls, chains on brothers; in the morning the brothers left, the youngest went alone, hired the king to make coffee; the brothers were jealous, told the king that his cook could steal the cannibal's blanket; the young man came to the ogre and advised him first to fatten him; he put him to sleep on the floor; at night the young man began to pull the veil; the cannibal decided that his wife was pulling the veil, threw the blanket on the floor, the young man brought it to the king; the brothers advise bring the youngest a golden talking cannibal parrot; the parrot flew with the young man because he gave him sugar; bring the ogre himself; the young man brings the chest, pretends to be looking for an ogre's enemy himself, so that fry alive; the ogre climbs into the chest to see if he is strong, the young man brings it to the king; the ogre was burned, the young man received the princess and then the throne]: Schütz 1960, No. 6:54-60; Croats [from the poor the couple has 9 daughters; when the tenth was born, her husband carried her to throw her into the sea; his voice forbids him to do so three times; he saves the girl's life; when she cries, diamonds fall off her, when she laughs, roses; the girl grew up, the Queen went into the house, saw her, decided to marry her; on the way to the palace he left three times; the cook tells the young wife that her husband ordered her eyes to be pulled out; cut off her hands; throw her into the river; replaces the woman with her daughter; at the feast she was laughed, but snakes fell from her lips; after that, the prince and his servant retired to the forest for 7 years; the real wife was pulled out of the river by a hermit; she tells her to water her , water turns into gold; the hermit makes a spinning wheel out of gold, the woman tells her to exchange it for eyes; then the cord (Litze) for one hand, the spindle for the other; now roses fall from her lips again, from her eyes diamonds; she gave birth to a son and a daughter; 7 years later, the Queen and his servant enter this house, everything is explained; the cook and daughter were doused with oil and burned one, the other was torn apart by four horses]: Schütz 1960 , No. 177-188; Serbs [Turks and Turkish women go to the bathhouse and pay small money; one does not have money, she is not allowed in; but she gave birth to a happy girl: if she bathes, the water turns golden, laughs - mallows fall from her lips, cries - tears turn into pearls, steps - the grass turns green behind; after buying the girl, the woman collected gold and went to the bathhouse; got rich; {the girl grew up}; the prince decided to marry to her, sent a wagon with a gypsy maid for her; she snatched the bride's eyes, threw her out of the wagon, dressed in her clothes; the girl was picked up by an old man; she became rich thanks to her; she asked him to sell pearls in exchange for eyes; the liar agreed to give one eye; in the evening she told the prince that thinking of her parents, she cried and here were pearls; she gave the other eye for mallows; the prince became king; drought, hunger; king gives out horses, two to each, so that people take care of them; the old man received skinny naws; after the disaster ended, people returned their horses - all skinny; old man: let my daughter take them out; when he steps, she turns green grass, so the horses recovered; everything became clear; the king married the girl, and the gypsy woman was smeared with resin and burned]: Eschker 1992, No. 26:138-140; Hungarians [the merchant got lost in the forest, promised the best of the three daughters to whoever took him out and three more bags of coins: gold, silver, copper; the hedgehog took him out; and the king got lost, also promised a daughter and money, not bags, but carts; the hedgehog and brought him out of the forest; the poor man promised to adopt a hedgehog; in the evening he knocked on his door; told him to feed him, sitting him at the table, and not somewhere under the bed; sent him to buy a black rooster and an old saddle; he came on a rooster to pick up the merchant's daughter, I chose the middle one; took me to my place, she cries, does not want to; hedgehog: then come back, you are not worthy of me, I'll only take the money; the hedgehog came on a rooster to the king; the older and middle princesses refused, the youngest and the most beautiful woman agrees to do her father's will; on the way she asks to get into her carriage, and not to ride a rooster: she is not afraid of the hedgehog and he does not disgust her; after that, the hedgehog turned into a prince, the rooster into a gorgeous horse, the saddle turned golden; a marble palace appeared under a copper roof and on a cock's leg, all gold inside; when they learned of the happiness of the younger princess and the merchant's three daughters, they were desperate; one drowned in a well, another in a pond, a third in a river, and the fourth also committed suicide (it is not said how), but the merchant's second daughter decided to destroy the princess; taking the guise of an old woman, she was hired into the palace; when the king went to war, his wife gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl; the old woman left them in a basket in the forest, and the queen said that she had given birth to monsters and had to be thrown into the river; the white deer raised the basket on horns, came to the river, called a forest nymph and she raised children for 7 years; once she sent a girl with a mug to bring water; she saw a golden bird, ran after her, and suddenly she had only mug pen; same with the boy; the bird explained that the nymph was not their mother and took them to their real parents; on the way they came across a pile of gold and dice; collected gold; stopped at a stand in the courtyard, where three gentlemen are playing dice; the boy also began to play and won all the money; one of the gentlemen said that there is a marble palace in the blooming garden; if you touch it three times with a gold stick, he will become a golden apple and you can move it wherever you want; they played for this palace, the boy won and got a wand; when he reached the palace, he turned it into an apple; the bird brought the king father to the palace boy and his sister; ordered the apple to be turned into a palace again; gave a sign with the coat of arms and the names of the children on it; it can only be shown to her father; the king wanted to come to see the new palace right away, but the old woman gave him a potion and he fell ill; said he was going off on his own; advised the boy to get a talking tree; the boy, whose name was Yanoshka, went in search; the hairy devil at the first castle asked if he was I. and sent to the older brother, he to the oldest brother; he gave a golden stick to open the stone fence; you have to go around the tree three times and run, otherwise the fence will close and I will turn to stone; I did the right thing, I didn't paying attention to the beautiful dancers, he ran home, and the tree was already in the middle of the garden; the king wants to go to see the miracle again, is poisoned again; the old woman offers to get a bird to sing at this tree; I made the same journey (three devil brothers), entered the garden, reached the ninth room, but took not a sweet bird with simple feathers, but a golden one; immediately petrified; now my sister, her name, went Marishka; the same meetings; she took a rusty cage, revived her brother with a gold stick and they both returned; the bird sang on the tree; the king is poisoned again, the old woman offers to get a silver lake with a golden one fish; I went, the same meetings with the devil-brothers, the same rules (run around the lake three times); this time the king did not drink coffee with poison, came with his wife; the young man showed the king a sign, the couple recognized the children; an old woman was burned at the stake made of sulfur]: Curtin 1890:517-545; Albanians [peers tell the young man that his brother is Pasha in Baghdad; the mother admits that this is so, is afraid for her son; he goes, meets barefoot, comes back; goes again, meets him again, he becomes a companion; the young man is thirsty, lowers him barefoot into the well; pulls him out for his promise to recognize him as Pasha's brother and to become barefoot; Pasha accepted them; the imaginary brother wants to get rid of the present; persuades Pasha to offer him difficult assignments; 1) kill Kukshedra (dragon; young man kills); 2) get the daughter of the Persian Shah; the young man sets off , meets and companions a runner drinking the river (catches up with hares); kills a snake that tried to eat an eagle's chicks, which gives its pen; he does not step on an anthill, the queen of ants gives a wing; The shah demands 1) eat 300 plates of food (drinks); 2) overtake riders (runner overtakes); 3) separate wheat, barley and millet (ants separate); get living water from a cave on a mountain at the edge of the world (the eagle brings it); Pasha's imaginary brother kills the present with a sword; the Shah's daughter splashes living water on it, he comes to life; reveals his secret to Pasha, since the dead and alive does not have to follow his oath keep quiet; the deceiver was burned in the stove]: Elsie 2001 (without pagination); Bulgarians [the bird predicts the girl that she will marry a dead man; to avoid prediction, she (with her mother) leaves and finds herself in a palace (fortress, etc.); to revive it, a girl must sit next to her without sleep (fan it, read a psalter, fill the vessel with tears) for three days and three nights (40 days, six weeks, three years); when the term is almost over, the girl buys a slave (asks a gypsy woman) to sit in her place; the dead man wakes up and marries a slave (gypsy), and the girl becomes a maid; asks animated so that he could bring her a stone of patience and a knife; tells a stone (and apparently wants to throw himself on the knife, but an angry man prevented her); he marries a girl, the slave was driven away or burned]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 437:154-155; Greeks (Syros) [in the evening at work, the older sister says that she would like to marry a royal cook, the middle sister would like to marry a treasurer, and the youngest a prince and give him three children, Sun, Month and Morning Star; the prince in disguise stood outside the window and heard and fulfilled the sisters' wishes; went to war, leaving his wife pregnant; mother-in-law told the midwife to throw her children into the river, replacing him a puppy, a kitten and a mouse; the midwife put the babies in the basket; the shepherd noticed that one goat was returning with an empty udder; found three children, raised them, put them in a tower; mother-in-law sent her daughter-in-law to chicken coop, but the prince no longer asked about his wife; once he saw a tower, a girl in the window, two young men taming horses near the tower; the prince thought that his children should be like that; the mother told the prince that he saw the elves; scolded the midwife, ordered the survivors to be killed; she came disguised as a beggar and told the girl that she was missing the branch that produced music; the brothers went in search; the counter the monk explained that two dragons were guarding the branch; at midnight they would fall asleep and should be shot in their mouths; the brothers killed the dragons, brought a branch; when he saw the young man, the king rejoiced, and the mother said again that it was elves; the midwife persuades the girl to ask her brothers to get an all-seeing mirror; monk: 40 dragons are guarding him, they sleep one by one; the brothers killed them all, brought a mirror; midwife: there is not enough bird Dikjeretto; when she looks in the mirror, she talks about what all people in the world say in any language; the brothers left her sister a shirt on: if they turn black, they are in trouble; the monk refused to help - why does a girl send her brothers to death out of a whim; they went to the bird and she turned them into stone; the shirts turned black, the sister went to look for brothers; the monk: you have to undress naked, go to the bird from behind and grab her legs; the caught bird told her to go for living water between the crushing rocks; the girl slipped through, the rocks tore off only a piece of her dress; the sister revived the brothers, they all returned, the shepherd had a feast ; the prince came, the girl showed him a branch, a mirror and a bird; the prince called them to his place; the bird ordered him to take it with him and let the girl invite the prince to try what she had cooked: eggplants, and inside diamonds; prince: how can eggplants contain diamonds; poultry: how can a woman give birth to a puppy, kitten and mouse? the bird told me everything; the prince returned his wife from the chicken coop; the midwife was beheaded, the queen was burned]: Hahn 1864 (2), No. 69:47-58; the Greeks [the Moirs endowed the newborn princess with all the virtues, But if a ray of sunshine falls on her at the age of 15, she becomes a lizard and spends 5 months at sea; when leaving, the king asks what to bring; the daughter asks the mountain giant; the giant's barber teaches how to approach him; he brings him to a room where there are portraits of beauties; the king replies that anyone can only wash his daughter's feet; the giant shows the last portrait - this one is fit to be a maid; the giant tells him to bring it daughter; she is on a ship in a palanquin with a wet nurse and her daughter; the nurse lured her out of the palanquin, she became a lizard, fell into the sea; the nurse convinced the king that in 5 months her daughter would be back beautiful; the giant sent the king to the stable, instead of his wife he went down into the mountain, where he is the king of one-eyed giants; does not tell him to enter the same room; the wife went in; there is the giant's mother; says he knows about substitution; the wife pretended to be sick - let the giant tell me to catch all the fish in the bay and burn them; at this time, the princess became a girl again; the wet nurse and her daughter were burned; the giant in a quarrel with mother; because mother and wife are in friendship, the giant tyrants his wife; she runs to her father; the giant orders to make a golden chest, climbed there, the wife ordered him to buy it; when he heard a rustle, told the soldiers to pour it into the hole is boiling the broth; the giant died]: Schmidt 1877, No. 13:98-104.
Central Europe. Czechs (Moravia) [three girls came to the royal garden; one would like to marry a royal servant, the other a aspiring servant, and the third would like to marry a king and give birth to a boy and girl with golden crosses on his foreheads; the king hears it, marries the youngest girl, gives the other two for a servant and for a striving; the king went to war, his wife gave birth to the promised children, the old grandmother wrote that the puppies were puppies; the king ordered leave his wife to wild animals in the garden; the animals did not touch her, the count saw her and brought her to his castle; the grandmother lowered the newborns in a chest along the river, putting jewelry there; the fisherman found the children; they grew up and went look for real parents; bought that garden, invited the king; the grandmother changed the letter: there is not enough fountain from which gold pearls would flow; the godfather gave Frantisek a rod to open the mountain inside monsters are chained; you don't have to look back, but collect water from the pond and pour it into the fountain - it will become pearl; grandmother in a year: you need grass to play music; godfather - grass seeds in the same mountain (same); in the third year: there is no bird that would quail this grass; godfather: a bird in that mountain in a tree; F. climbed on it, fell, petrified; Frantishka went by herself, quilted the stone with a twig, revived her brother; they brought bird; everyone told the king; the count brought him his wife; his grandmother was burned at the stake]: Lifshits-Artemyeva 2017:412-417; Russians (Tersky Bereg) [the shadr wolf devoured everyone, brother and sister remained: Ivan Tsarevich and Martha is a princess; the bull offers to sit on his back, takes the children away; they throw a comb (forest, wolf gnawed), flint (mountains, the same), a "raft" - a river of fire; the wolf remains on the other side; the bull tells him slaughter; the dog Heavy will jump out of the first blood, Light from the second; make a hut out of bones; I. goes hunting, M. at home; the wolf seduces her from the other side, turning into a man; tells throw a bull bone, it turned out to be a boat, he swam across it; M. pretended to be sick, sent her brother to get milk to the she-wolf; she gave milk and gave a wolf cub; then the bear (gave a bear cub); a lioness ( lion cub); wolf Marfa: you can't take him with animals; M. brother: send animals far away to the kingdom of far away; there is a lake, a duck on it, an egg in the duck - let them bring an egg; I. sent dogs and animals; a wolf came out; I.: let me evaporate in the bath, the meat will be softer; the wolf allowed; the bird to Ivan; quieter swamp, your dogs are still running there; just ran; just started running back; not far away; near; animals the wolf was torn to pieces; I. found a queen, and M. became a seamstress; hid a wolf's tooth in the feathers of Ivan's pillow; the tooth entered I.'s head, he died and was buried; the animals escaped from the barn, dug up the grave; rubbing against I.'s head, the tooth entered T., he died, and I. came to life; He began to rub easily against T., L. died, and T. came to life; then the wolf cub; the bear cub; the lion cub; they began to rub against the ground: and the lion cub came to life; Martha was burned at the stake, Ashes were fired from a cannon]: Balashov 1970, No. 64:217-220.
Iran - Central Asia. Lura [the king has three sons, the youngest Jahantigh; his father's wife offered him love, J. refused; the woman grabbed him by the clothes, he cut off the piece of dress that was left in her hand, ran away; she accused him of attacking her honor; the king wanted to execute her son, but the vizier advised him to simply expel him; the older brothers left with the youngest; at night they take turns keeping the fire; when J. is awake, the wind blew out the fire; J. came to 16 demons; they cannot get the princess, because at the entrance there are bells that start ringing when they approach and the guards wake up; J. suggests stuffing into cotton bells; then tells demons to go up one at a time and kills everyone; kisses the princess and changes rings with her; brings a brazier to the brothers who are still sleeping; in the city everyone pretends to be him destroyed the demons; when J. came, the king wants to give him his daughter, but he gives in to her older brother and moves on; in another village, the inhabitants are exhausted; the dragon has closed the spring, every day gives water for the sheep, bread and girl, turn of the royal daughter; clenching the back of the sword with his teeth, J. and the girl rushes into the dragon's mouth, ripped it apart with the blade of a sword; the girl marked the savior with dragon blood; all the springs were immediately filled; men gathered, the princess found her savior; J. gave in to her middle brother, went on; J. came to a city whose inhabitants are invisible; the fairy saw J. in a dream and will break the spell if J. comes to her; when she sees it, she made everyone else visible; J. married his servant to the fairy and came to a city where there are only women; the fairy king invites everyone to overcome him, but no one he cannot and he killed all men; the old woman teaches: we must take possession of the king's seahorse; hide in the stable; the horse will light up, the king will come to give him sugar; so twice; the third time the king whips off the horse and leaves; then J. the horse's path will be blue; after defeating the king, he can be released only after he says "with my mother's milk and father's pain"; the fairy king gave his daughter J.; once the wife combed her hair and her hair fell into the river; the prince picked it up, the old woman promised to get the owner if she was given as much gold as she weighs; she came to J.'s wife; she did not want to keep it, but J. told her to keep it; the old woman persuaded J.'s wife to find out what his strength was; his wife pretended to be offended, J. admitted that his strength was in the blade in his arm; when he fell asleep, his wife took out the blade and gave it to the old woman, she threw him into the river, put the woman to sleep and took him to the prince; J.'s wife told him she was in mourning for 40 days; his older brother J. saw that his star had set and his middle brother knew how to be underwater; they came the middle one took the blade from the bottom of the river, J. regained consciousness; the brothers bribed the old woman to take J.'s wife out of town; J. returned his wife, ordered the old woman to be burned]: Amanolahi, Thackston 1986, No. 1:1-9; The Persians [12 princes promise to leave home if their mother does not give birth to them a sister; they left, and after 7 years their mother gave birth to 12 girls; they went to look for brothers, the youngest came to the youngest; his wife hates her; a neighbor advises to feed her husband's sister salty food, and then let her drink from a jug in which there are snakes in the water; the girl's stomach is swollen, her brother believed that she was pregnant and kicked her out of the house; the prince picked her up, she recovered, he married her; her brother's wife snuck into marriage, cut off the heads of the prince's little brothers and put a knife next to the young one; she was kicked out again; she met Peri; she revived slaughtered boys and lodged them in a palace in the desert; the Shah met them and everything was clarified; his brother's wife was burned at the stake]: Ottomans 1987:295-298; Persians (Farce, Khorasan) [only the youngest of the three princes does not sleep guarding his father's grave; every night he kills a rider who comes to ruin the grave; each of the three horses gives his own hair with which he can be summoned; horses help to complete difficult errands and get three princesses - for yourself and your brothers; options: horses are sorceresses; jump over the pool; remove oranges from the top of a glass pole; brothers throw the youngest into the well, his they save, the brothers were burned]: Marzolph 1984, No. 530:111-112.
Baltoscandia. Danes [the poor man went to sell the canvas; the old man offers to buy for a promise to give what his wife wears under his sash; the poor man does not know that his wife is pregnant; the old man tells him to bring the boy when he turn 10 years old; briefly turns him into a hedgehog, a deer, a falcon, gives him the name Grenhat ("green hat"), tells him not to baptize; when G. is years old, the old man tells him to be a hedgehog, a deer, a falcon for five years; now he is Knight Grenhat, who can turn into these animals; the old man tells him to hire a groom for the king, to fear the Red Knight; the princess fell in love with G.; the KR himself wants to marry her; tells the prince that G. can get the most beautiful girl; in the form of a hedgehog, deer, falcon, G. penetrates an overseas princess, promises to marry a prince, she leaves with him on a ship; the Kyrgyz Republic pushed G. into the sea, brought the prince himself princess; the mermaid saved G., he is in her palace; the princess pretended to be dumb; they want to burn her; the mermaid let G. save her, he appeared in the guise of a hedgehog, threw a fire; the princess revealed the secret to her sister Prince, she fell in love with G., both fell silent; they want to burn them, G. threw a fire in the guise of a deer; they fell silent again; the mermaid does not want to let G. go - let them burn them so that G. forgets them; he only asks to lift him up above the water to see the fire; flew away with a falcon, scattered a fire; the prince married an overseas princess, G. married the prince's sister, and the Kyrgyz Republic burned]: Suritz 1991:67-74; the Swedes [the drowned queen comes on Thursday in a white dress; she is held by a chain; asks the dog about his son; for the third time she says that she will now turn into a mermaid; the king grabs her, cuts the chain; the false queen is thrown into molten lead]: Schröter 1822: Bolte, Polívka 1913:86-87; Lithuanians [two fisherman's sons go on a journey, stab a knife into a pine tree, which will rust, so trouble; the elder does not kill a hare, a wolf, a lion, a bear, they promise to help; in the city, the queen is given to a nine-headed snake; the animals of the older brother kill the snake, the queen cuts off his tongues; while sleeping, the young man makes the queen say that he killed the snake; at the wedding, well done, shows his tongues, marries the queen, the young man was burned; the witch covered the pomelo in the sun; well done, she splashes water on him and his animals, they turn into stones; the younger brother follows, also does not kill animals, takes him as an assistant; the younger brother is mistaken for the elder, he puts the royal sword among himself; comes to the witch, pulls out her cauldron, splashes on the rocks, they become animals and people again; the eldest returns to his wife, the sun is shining]: Lebité 1965:163-167.
Volga - Perm. The Bashkirs [when leaving, bai asks four wives what they will prepare for his return; 1) every day I will shoot a sparrow with 40 ribs, feed him meat to a hundred servants; 2) I will sew sandboots; 3) I will sew mittens made of lice skin; 4) I will face two sons with golden heads, pearl teeth, silver hair; all fulfilled their promises; before returning, the bai replaced the babies with a black puppy, his mother with Forty servants sent them to the forest, the children were thrown under the feet of mares; the youngest wife comes to breastfeed the puppy, finds a mare that feeds her babies; returned the children, lets the puppy go; the babies have been dumped the cows - the same; geese - the same; thrown into the water; bai ordered his youngest wife to break her arm and leg, gouge out his eye, lock him in a deaf log house with the puppy; the puppy got out, the man cut a hole in the log house, the puppy brought the man to the bay, he talks about the log house; the eldest wife: this is not a miracle, near the lake a mare is screwing at every step, drinking on the lake at a watering hole; a black puppy asks his mother to make a halter brings a mare, followed by a herd; everything repeats itself; the second wife: diamonds and yakhonts are at the top of the mountain; the puppy asks his mother for a tablecloth, brings gems; the third time the traveler cut through the door in the log house; the third wife: there are two boys in the river, going out to play on the sand; mother's puppy: give me a nightmare, four horns of milk: goat, cow, mare, their own; the boys began to play nightmare when they drank mother's milk, fell asleep; the puppy brings their mother, the bay is invited to visit, he understood everything; the eldest wife was offered 9 mares or 9 arb firewood; she likes mares better, her hair is tied to them, where her back touched the ground, there mountain ranges rose, where the hair was marsh grass hummocks, where the back was lakes; the second wife chose firewood, it was burned; the third was tied to the tails of 9 mares]: Barag 1989, No. 70:336-343.
Turkestan. Kazakhs (Iletsky District, Turgay Region) [=1971 (1): 33-45; =Daurenbekov 1979:35-45; =Tursunov 1983:180-189; Khan's son overheard his older sister promise to weave him a gold carpet, the second to feed the people with one egg, the youngest to give birth to a son with a golden head, a daughter with a silver head; the khan's son marries, in his absence, the older sisters tell the witch to replace the children with the younger puppies and babies throw in a chest into the river; the khan orders his wife and puppies to be left in the desert; the fisherman catches the chest; the boy was named Kudaibergen, the girl Kunslu ("sunny beauty"); the old people died; Kud. kills saigas, Khan gets nothing; older wives send a sorceress to persuade Kunsla to ask her brother to get it; 1) self-playing dombra (Zhalmauyz-Kempir helps to get it here and then); 2) everything showing a mirror; one Simurg chick cries (the dragon will eat Idahar today), the second frowns (tomorrow), the third laughs (last); Kum. kills the dragon, Simurg carries it between the crushing mountains, he She takes a mirror, on the way back the mountains tore off Simurg's tail; 3) Tasshilar's daughter as his wife; this is Aislou, she is taught under water by the late adopted father, a fisherman Kudaibergen; at Kood's house. A. turns a sorceress into a needle; Kud. became friends with his father khan; A. tells the demons to build a canal, a bridge; the khan returns his wife, the sorceress was burned, the older wives were torn apart by horses]: Sidelnikov 1952:178-190.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Baikal Buryats (Tunkinsky) [Zagar Mashad Khan has 3 wives, 64 teeth in her mouth; the eldest wife promises to sew a deagle by his return, the middle wife promises to make boots, the youngest to give birth to a son with gold chest and silver ass; the older khanshi, out of envy, cut the boy in half, replaced him with a puppy, buried the remains under the threshold; the returning khan wants to kill his youngest wife, but cannot open the door, something interferes under the threshold; the middle khansha dug up the remains, threw it into the well; the khan's horse does not come to the well; the middle khansha took out, rubbed the remains, fed the cowhide cow; she brought a calf with gold breasts and with a silver ass; the khan fell in love with him, the eldest khansha pretended to be sick - we must eat the calf's liver and lungs; the servant led the calf, which escaped, ordered the liver and lungs of the dead dog to be brought to the khan; A guy comes, tells the whole story, shows his body; Khan hugs him, both hanshas were burned at the stake]: Dugarov 1990:27-31.
Amur - Sakhalin. The Nanais [a wild pig became pregnant, gave birth to a boy; she made a bow and arrows for him with her teeth and fangs; when he killed a wild boar while hunting, his mother stopped coming to him; he went on a journey, He meets three boys successively, they are children of the moon, the star, the sun; they come to people, four women raise them, the named brothers stay, get married, the son of a pig comes to another woman; leaving to hunt, tells his wife not to give his bow and arrow to anyone; an old woman with a thin neck and a big head tickles the woman until she tells her where the bow and arrows are, she takes them away; the husband comes, all broken, dies after telling him where his brothers are; the son of the sun can renew what is broken, the son of the moon can read traces, the son of a star can swim in a lake of fire; the son of the moon leads to the lake, the son of the star pulls out old woman Senge and fragments of bow and arrows, the star's son makes them whole; the old woman was burned, the mergen was revived, he married the youngest Pudin, who could not keep him, everyone came to live in Mergen's homeland]: Kile 1996, No. 15:183-191.