Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K32i. Two caregivers next to the sleeper, ATU 437, (ATU 894) .

The girl finds the body of a young man who shows no signs of life and must sit next to him for a certain time so that he can come to life and marry her. She usually leaves at the last moment and an impostor becomes the wife of the revived person.


Berbers, Moroccan Arabs (?) , Tunisia, Egypt, Spaniards, Italians (Veneto, Calabria), Qatar, Syria, Yemen, Bodo, Hindi (?) , Chemical plowmen, (Assamese), Bengalis, Konkani, Kannada, Greeks, Bulgarians, Albanians, Chechens, Dargins, Armenians, Turks, Azerbaijanis, Persians, mountain Tajiks, Uzbeks, Pashayas, Latvians, Lithuanians, Uighurs.

North Africa. The Berbers of Morocco (Fez) [when the king finally had a daughter Lalla, he imprisoned her in a glass palace and ordered her to feed her only boneless meat; when the princess was 15 years old, the former maid died, and the new one did not know about the ban; the princess hit the bone against the wall to extract her brain; the glass broke and the garden was viewed; there was a young man in the garden, Ahmed bin Amar; they fell in love; A. says the palace is beautiful , but there is not enough veranda; L. demands a veranda from his father; then new similar requests; finally, A. says that it is not enough for him and L. to sit next to each other; L. is unhappy; the old woman killed L.'s favorite bird; L.: let the one who killed the bird be as miserable as I am out of love for A.; the sultan tells the eunuch to take L. to a deserted place, slaughter it, bring a bloody shirt; the eunuch warned L. to take it from jewelry, brought a shirt soaked in the blood of a ram; L. was hired as a maid; her mistress, sister A.; A. explains that he is bewitched and tells him how to spell him; you have to stay awake for a month, sitting next to him; at the last moment L. fell asleep, and a peasant woman who came up took her place and left with A.; L. dyed herself black and sold herself as a slave to A.'s house; the children ask her to tell a fairy tale; she tells her story; she joined A., a peasant woman was torn apart by two camels]: El Fasi, Dermenghem 1926:48-59; Tunisian Arabs [The widow has a daughter, Hasna, she raised her and died. Before her death, she bequeathed to find an enchanted merchant living across the 7 seas. The daughter went looking for him. On the way I came across a stone, it's like a mirror. There's a ladder under the rock and a girl downstairs, Aisha. She was an orphan and was raised by a ghoul. Aisha asked Gulya how to find the bewitched merchant. You need to swim across 7 seas with a ghoul's staff, go through 4 countries: birds with a gulya wineskin on their heads filled with water, thorns in ghoul shoes, ants - you need to know the size of the piece and throw it to them, guli - in gulya's clothes. It passed 4 countries, then 7 seas with a staff, from which the waters parted in different directions. I reached the shack, went into it and saw a young man sleeping. She came out of the shack, met an old man, and he told her that the sleeping young man was an enchanted merchant. He promised to marry the girl he saw when he woke up. Hasna went back to the shack, but a black girl was already sitting there. Hasna was upset, came out of the shack and cried, she gathered her tears in a jug and came back, and the black woman was dying of hunger and thirst. Hasna gave her a jug of water, and the black woman gave her seat. A few days later, the merchant woke up and they started talking. Hasna told him her story, and he told her his story. One merchant envied his success and bewitched him for a year of sleep. Then the merchant promised to marry the girl he saw when he woke up. They returned to their country, got married and lived happily ever after]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 10 in Korovkina MS; Arabs of Egypt [when the sultan's daughter laughs, the sun shines, when she cries, the daughter goes; the bird goes predicts that she will marry a dead man; her parents take her to the mountains; she enters a palace whose inhabitants are all dead; next to the man it is written what must be done to make him come to life; princess three Sits next to a man for years, then leaves for a while, leaving a gypsy woman in his place; at this point, the deceased wakes up, takes a gypsy woman, who calls herself a princess; the husband leaves, asking what bring her wife and maid; the maid (i.e. the true princess) asks for a skin of patience, a box of suffering and a bloodsword; the husband forgets this request, but the ship is calm and does not move; when he brings items, he remains eavesdropping and hears an imaginary maid calling them and inviting a sword to kill her; a man marries a princess, punishes a gypsy woman]: Artin Pasha 1895, No. 3:69-75 ( paraphrase in Nowak 1969, No. 106:120-121); Moroccan Arabs (probably): El-Shamy 2004, No. 894:544-547).

Southern Europe. The Spanish (Extremadura) [the princess looks at the snow and the blood of an animal slaughtered by a shepherd; he utters a verse in which blood is opposed to snow; there is a king who wakes up once a year in the morning on Ivanov Day; if a girl is nearby, the spell will be removed and he marries her; the princess goes in search wearing iron shoes; the Sun comes to her mother, she hides her from her son; he does not knows where the king's castle is, sends the Stars to his sisters; they don't know, maybe Brother Wind (Aire) knows; his mother hides the princess; The wind says that there are two lions at the gate of the castle, they should leave the food he chewed; burps food, his mother hides it in two bags, gives it to the princess in the morning; the princess throws food to the lions, enters the palace, everything is motionless; the princess sits by the bed for months sleeping; a black woman offers to buy it, on the night of Ivanov Day she is at the bed, the king marries her; the palace comes to life; the king leaves for gifts; the princess asks to buy her a hard stone and a bitter stick (poems), she does not want to live; the king hears the princess ask for a stone in her room and he answers, telling her story; the king marries her, executing a black woman]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, № 425G: 259-265 (translated to Malinovskaya 2002:110-116); Italians (Veneto) [beggar asks for money; princess throws her purse, then second; for the third time says no more she will give; the beggar curses her: let her not marry until she meets a dead man; the princess went in search and came to the marble palace; there is a lot of food, and there is a dead young man in bed and a note next to her: mine My beloved wife will be the one who will sit by my bed for a year, three months and a week; a year later, the princess bought a slave from a slave trader; when the term ended, she went to bed, telling the slave to wake her up in three days; she did not wake up and the awakened young man, who turned out to be king, called the slave his beloved; the palace came to life; one day the king went on business and promised to bring gifts to everyone; the maid princess asked flint, a black candle and a knife; the king forgot about them and his ship did not budge; then he went to the merchant; he sold him these things and told him not to give them away for nothing, but to leave them on the girl's table and hide nearby; after receiving her things, the princess stabbed the table and tells her story in the form of questions asked to the knife; each time he answers: yes, I remember; at the end, the princess tells the knife to pierce her into the heart, but the king jumps out and hugs her; tells everything in front of all the servants; the impostor was burned in a pot of burning resin]: Calvino 1980, No. 32:90-95; Italians (Calabria): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 437:104.

Western Asia. Yemen [the fortuneteller predicts that the older sister is happy on the roof, the middle sister is on the mountains, the youngest is in the cemetery; the eldest went down the roofs, went down to the tavern, stole cake and chicken; the third time the owner caught her, made her wife; the middle one went to the mountains, there are many rooms in the cave, the dead man lies; the inscription: if anyone stays with him for 3 months, 3 days, 3 hours and 3 minutes, the dead man will come to life, take wives, if it is a woman, will either enrich if a man; two months later, the middle sister went out, asked the old woman to give her a girl to sit by the bed alternately; the dead man rose when the middle sister was sleeping, he married a girl; she gave birth to children, and their middle sister became their maid; the husband asks what to bring from the trip; the maid: a knife and a stone of patience; on the way back, the ship does not move places; the husband remembered that he had forgotten about the gifts to the maid; when he bought them, he sailed home; the maid told the stone about what had happened before the stone split; she wanted to stab herself, but the husband overheard and prevented everything is fine; the younger sister hid in the cemetery, saw how the Sultan's wife buried her son, the slave dug up the grave, revived the young man with spells and met him; then killed him again; so every day ; the girl told the Sultan about this, the maid was captured, she admitted that she was the young man's mistress, and when she found out that they wanted to marry him, she bewitched him; the slave was burned, the Sultan's son married the girl; and the grandmother three sisters married a soothsayer]: Lebedev 1990, No. 15:73-80; Syria, Qatar: El-Shamy 2004, No. 437:217-218.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Bodo [the king has a daughter; Bharya-Purush enters (he writes down on the forehead of newborns what they are meant for life), says that when the girl grows up, she will marry a dead man; she grows up, travels with her father, he is away, the girl entered the palace, the door slammed shut; in the palace, the prince and everyone else are numb; the girl changes his clothes every day, takes care of him; the prince comes to life, after that, all the inhabitants of the palace come to life, the prophecy has been fulfilled]: Borgohain, Roy Chaudhury 1975:97-100.

South Asia. East North India (Hindi, although maybe Bengali) [the king asks his seven daughters how much they love him; the elders say it's like sweets, the youngest is like salt; the king commands put her daughter in a palanquin and leave her in the forest; in the morning she came to the palace, it is empty; a prince is on the bed, his body is covered with needles; the princess stays by the bed, taking out her needles; a man enters and sells her slave; when the needles are left to be removed from her eyes, the princess goes to wash and the slave takes out the last needles herself; the prince wakes up, married the slave, and considers the princess a maid; the prince asks what to bring from trips; the wife asks for clothes and jewelry, the imaginary maid asks for a sun-jewel box (only for fairies); in a dream, the prince sees a fakir who has been sleeping and awake for 12 years; having arrived a week before When the fakir wakes up, the prince cleans the sleeper from leaves and debris; the fakir is happy, agrees to bring the box, pulls it out from the bottom of the well, where the fairy tells only the one who asked her to open the box - at night, alone; she has 7 dolls and a flute; the princess plays the flute, the dolls turn into fairies, put up a tent, wash and decorate the princess, ask her not to cry - everything will end well; the tent sees a lumberjack, then another once; tells the prince, everything is explained; the princess does not punish the maid, sends for her parents; the father admits that his daughter is right and the need for salt]: Stokes 1879, No. 23:164-172; himachali - plowmen [the king's daughter and the minister's daughter are friends; the guru predicted the princess to marry the corpse and the minister's daughter to marry the prince; the king decided to take his daughter and retire to the forest; she entered the gates of a palace and they closed behind her; in the palace there was a corpse covered with grass; in a dream, the princess found out that she had to pull a blade of grass every day, then the young man would come to life; tired of loneliness, she asked a merchant passing by leave his daughter with oil; she watched the princess pray to the Sun God and pull out blades of grass; when the last one was left, the merchant's daughter got up before the princess, pulled out a blade of grass, and the prince came to life, fell in love with the girl in front of him; called herself a princess, and the princess became a maid; the prince asks what to bring from the city; the imaginary princess: sweets and outfits; the real one: the bird Mina; taught the bird tell her story; after hearing the story, the prince wanted to execute the liar, but the princess persuaded her to pardon her; the prince and the princess came to her father]: Seethalakshmi 1960, No. 22:74-76; (cf. Assamese [when his sister gave birth to a girl, Bidhata (Destiny) figured out that she was destined to marry the dead; then the mother took the girl and left; one day she was in the woods, her daughter wanted to drink, ahead a house with a fence; the girl pushed the gate, as if she had been brought inside, and the door closed in front of her mother; in the evening next to Prince Charming; the girl grew up to become the prince's wife; he said that his mother she put the necklace on him as an amulet; when his mother died, Novaya Rani stole the necklace; when she wears it, the prince is motionless, and when she takes it off for the night and puts it in a vessel of water, she comes to life; the king built it for son's palace and visits him once a year; the wife and child came to the early stepmother, who took the young woman to work in the kitchen; having gained confidence, she took the necklace and gave it to her husband; he put it on and never died on at dawn; the king father arrived to them; when he found out what was going on, he put Rani on a stake]: Beck et al. 1987, No. 12:35-38); the Bengalis [the merchant went broke; the Sanyasi gave him a parrot to obey, and ring; a parrot tells you to sell the ring, repair ships with this money, sail east; the merchant is rich; a parrot: your daughter Kajalrekha will marry a dead man, she must be taken to the forest; in the forest, a merchant goes to fetch water , the girl enters the temple, the door behind slammed shut; inside there is a motionless prince; the sanyasi elder orders to gradually remove the needles from the young man's body, the last from his eyes; the old man brings his daughter Kankan-dasi, K. takes as her maid, she takes out the last needles, the prince marries her, she says that K. is her slave; the imaginary K. asks for things that the peasants use, and the real one is the Dharma-mati bird; the prince is all brought; imaginary K. cooks simple dishes, draws the paws of crows, the real one cooks exquisitely, draws gods; the Dharma parrot talks to her, but says that the test period has not ended; imaginary K. joined a conspiracy with a friend of the prince, who left marks on the floor near K.'s room; the prince told a friend to take K. to the island; from there she was brought by her younger brother, whom she did not recognize; wants to marry her; 12 years have passed, the parrot tells everything; K. connects with the prince, the imaginary K. was lured into a hole and covered with earth and stones]: Porozhnyakov 1990:112-130; konkani [the princess gives alms to a beggar and she offers her marry the King of Pins; sends him to look for him; the princess came to the fairy, who temporarily turned her into stone so that her son would not kill her when he returned; after eating, the son became peaceful, sent the princess to his to his brother - he knows where the King of Pins is; gave a golden spindle and a chicken with chickens; the princess was escorted to the castle, where an immovable king covered with pins; the princess began to take out her pins, starting from her feet; when she reached her face, she fell asleep; the black woman took the last one, the king came to life and married a black woman; the princess agreed to give the black woman a spindle if she allowed her to spend an hour with the king; the black woman gives Sleeping pills; for the second time, the princess gives a black woman chicken with chickens, the prince does not drink sleeping pills; everything is explained, the black woman was hanged; she was the beggar who sent the princess to the King of Pins]: Davidson, Phelps 1937, No. 7:29-30; kannada [the beggar predicts every time that the princess will marry a dead man; the king decides to travel with his family; they have come to the palace; the girl touched doors, came in, the door closed behind her; so 12 doors, behind them a dead but imperishable young man; this is a prince who was destined to remain dead for 12 years, his parents left his body in this palace; 10 years later The daughter of an acrobat entered the palace through the roof and became a maid; at the hour, the bird ordered the leaves to be crushed and soaked, given to the prince; the princess spoke about this to the maid, and while she was praying, the maid revived herself prince, became his wife and princess became his maid; when the prince leaves, he asks what to bring; the acrobat wants simple food, and the princess wants a talking doll; the princess told the doll her story; the prince overheard, kicked out the acrobat, married the princess; her parents brought them home; wedding]: Ramanujan 1997, No. 12:38-43.

The Balkans. The Greeks [the widow king goes to war, leaving her daughter; the eagle tells her that she will marry a dead man; the nanny advises the princess to ask the eagle to take her to him; there is a sleeping prince; it is written that it is necessary sit awake at his bed for 3 months, 3 days, 3 hours, 3 hours; if she sneezes, wish him health; some girl offers herself as a maid; at the last moment the princess falls asleep, the maid wants health, The prince marries her, the princess sends her to herd the geese; she asks for a millstone of patience, a hanged man's rope, a butcher's knife; until he reaches them, his ship does not move; the prince spies hears a millstone telling you to endure, a rope to hang himself, a knife to stab himself; everything opens; the princess tells not to hang the maid, but to drive her away; the young come to the princess's father, who has returned from the war]: Megas 1970, No. 29:70-74; Albanians [the childless queen asks the Sun for at least a girl; when she is 12, she promises to give her to the Sun; when she is 12, the Sun takes her away; Kulshedra lives in his house, wants to eat Queen, the Sun does not allow; she misses her mother, cries; the Sun allows her to return if the queen finds an animal to take her; asks Kulshedra what he will eat and drink on the way; that replies that he will eat the girl and drink her blood; then the Sun asks the deer; he replies that grass and water; the queen rides a deer; he leaves her on a tree to pinch the herbs; Kulshedra comes up, tells me to get down; but the deer manages to come running, brings the Queen Mother; the young people have called the Queen to play; there is a gate that no one can open; the queen opens easily, the gate closes behind her; there is a garden and people turned into marble statues; the king has a note in his hands: I'll come to life when a girl sits next to me for three weeks, three days and three nights, marry her; the Queen bought a maid, told her to sit in her place while she slept for a while; the king had just woken up; the maid put on the mistress's clothes, and the hostess passed off as her maid; the queen was allowed geese to herd; the king heard her lamentations , found it all out; the maid was chopped into small pieces]: Dozon 1881, No. 7:49-55 (=Elsie 1994, No. 22 {without pagination}); Bulgarians [the bird predicts the girl that she will marry a dead man; to avoid predictions, she (with her mother) leaves and finds herself in the palace (fortress, etc.); to revive him, the girl must sit next to her without sleep (fan him, read the psalter, fill the vessel with tears) three days and three nights (40 days, six weeks, three goji); when the term is almost over, the girl buys a slave (asks a gypsy woman) to sit in her place; the dead man wakes up and marries a slave (gypsy woman), and the girl becomes a maid; asks the dified man to bring her a stone of patience and a knife; tells a stone (and apparently wants to throw himself on the knife, but he prevented her); he marries a girl, a slave expelled or burned]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 437:154-155.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Chechens [a frog predicts a girl to marry a sleeping horseman; a girl and her father approach the castle, the girl enters, the door closes behind her; she sits by the bed for three years, then goes out to her father, in this time, the horseman wakes up, the maid says that it was she who was with him, the girl becomes a maid; asks the horseman to bring a talking doll, a jumping man and a dot knife from the city; a horseman; a horseman overhears her complaining about these objects, asking the knife to jump up and pierce her; the dzhigit grabbed the knife, married a girl; the maid was forgiven]: Kibiev, Malsagov 1981:113-117; Dargin residents [ The king and queen learn that their daughter will marry a young man who will be dead for seven years; they leave their city, approach the palace, the daughter enters, the gate closes behind her; the girl finds a young man sleeping soundly ; waits seven years; when the deadline is near, the witch sends her daughter to the palace; she breaks a vase that says, Break will come to life; the young man wakes up, takes the witch's daughter for the bride; the girl locks herself in a room, tells her story to a doll; she dies, the girl wants to stab herself, the young man breaks in, stops her; the witch's daughter is tied to the horse's tail; the girl's mother dies, sends her father give her the ring; wearing it, the girl falls dead; the husband ties her to the horse's saddle; another king finds her, takes off her ring, she comes to life; the king keeps her with his daughters; the husband finds out, sends her her shirt, she recognizes it, the couple unite]: Osmanov 1963:108-111 (=Khalilov 1965, No. 53:146-148; =Mazayev, Kasumov 1997 (1): 359-362); Armenians: Khachatryants 1933 (Turkish Armenia) [old man speaks girl: to be your ashes if you die, to be dead, well done if you live; the father takes the girl away and she disappears when she enters the cliff; there lies a dead prince, she takes care of him for 7 years; one day sheltered a gypsy woman; when it was time for the prince to come to life, the gypsy woman briefly took her place, became the wife of a young man, and the girl a maid; the gypsy woman asks her husband to bring her not Armenian but Kurdish matter, a girl - poison, doll and jug; doll and jug talk to each other, say: we will die and you live; well done confirms, finds out who his real wife is]: 120-123; Hoogasian-Villa 1966 in Sutrop 2018 [ the beautiful woman gave birth to a daughter, Nuri Hadig ("pomegranate seed"); when she asks the moon which one is more beautiful, the moon says she is a woman; but when NH is 14 years old, the moon said that it is more beautiful than both of them; a woman tells her husband to kill her daughter and bring a bloody shirt; the father left NH in the woods; she came to the palace, the door closed behind her; the voice tells NH to take care of the sleeping young man; mother every new moon asks for a mirror, gets the same answer, but cannot find NH; after 4 years, NH saw and invited a gypsy woman; 3 years later, the young man woke up just when the gypsy woman was with him; he married her and NH held her for the maid; when he left, he asks what to bring her; saber dashee (Turkish expression: a stone of suffering or patience); the mason explains that if the suffering is too great, the stone will burst, and if nothing special really happens to the person who asked for the stone, the beggar will burst; NH tells his story, the stone swells and bursts; at which time the prince enters, does not marry a gypsy woman, but NH; NH's mother sends a witch to give NH a poisoned ring; prince promises to protect NH's sleep forever; calls the doctor; he decides to steal the ring and accidentally discovered its secret; prince, NH and The gypsy maid is happy; her mother died of anger]: 729-734; Azerbaijanis [when the girl is 15, she explains to her parents what the crow is saying to her: she will marry a dead man; then parents decided to move; they came to the garden, the gate could not be opened, but as soon as the daughter touched it, she was in the garden, and the gate slammed shut; there was a dead young man in the house under a blanket; the girl bought a maid and a cat; left the maid by her body, and the young man had just come to life; the maid pretended to be a girl and declared her a maid; the young man went to the bazaar; the liar asked to buy outfits, and the girl asked for a razor and a grindstone; seller: whoever you buy a razor for will kill himself; a young man spies, sees a girl with a razor in her hand tell her story; when she wants to stab herself, a young man stops her; a liar banished; wedding]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:314-318; Turks: Kúnos 1901 [the bird shouts to the poor girl three times that her fate is Death; she stays at home with her mother but one day goes out to spend time with her peers, a wall grows between her and others; she enters the palace, where one room is filled with silver, the second with gold, the third with diamonds, the fourth with emeralds; in the 40th, a young man without movement and a note: whoever fans me for 40 days and prays will get me a husband; on the last morning she sees a black maid, asks me to sit for a while; a young man wakes up, takes a black woman as his wife; a girl becomes a maid; on Bayram, a black woman asks for an unmade dress, and the girl asks for a stone of patience and a knife of patience; the young man bought a dress but did not find gifts for the girl; sailed back, but the ship sailed back, but the ship stopped; he was landed ashore, he met a black giant, who gave him a stone and a knife, he brought them to his maid; she began to tell the stone her story, the stone began to shrink; girl: the stone is not in I can listen to it, what about me; she was going to stab a knife into her heart, but the young man who was eavesdropping stopped her; they killed a black woman, took the girl's mother; a bird flew to them]: 188-195; Dmitriev 1967, No. 49 []: 287-290; Kurds: Wentzel in Marzolph 1984:166.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Ottomans 1987 [the girl hears a voice several times promising that she will marry the dead; parents decide to take her daughter to other places; she enters the fortress, the doors shut behind her; in the coffin there is a young man and a book, it says that if a girl reads from a book for 40 days every day, eats an amygdala and takes a needle out of a young man's body, he will come to life and they will be happy; on the last day she buys a black slave from the gypsies, leaves, the prince who wakes up marries a slave; when the prince leaves, the imaginary maid asks for a stone of patience and a crooked mirror; he brings them, overhears how The imaginary maid tells the stone and the mirror her story and asks if it will become smoke or will they? The prince runs in, tells the stone and mirror to become smoke; the slave is killed, the corpse is hung over the entrance to the fortress]: 354-357; Lorimer 1919, No. 5 (Kerman) [the king is dissatisfied with everything his daughter does; she leaves with her maid; when she reaches the garden, she touches the door, she opens, lets only the princess in, slams shut in front of the slave; there is a sleeping young man in the garden; the body is stitched and entangled in threads; the girl finds a note: if you sit with young men 40 days and 40 nights without sleep, eat one walnut a day, drink one shell of water, remove all the threads from the body, then after 40 days the young man sneezes, get up from his bed; on the fortieth day in the young man's body three threads remain; passing caravans carry the slave across the garden fence; the girl asks the slave to sit with the young man while she sleeps, forbids touching the young man; the slave violates the ban: removes the cover from her face young men, takes out the remaining threads; the young man gets up; the slave tells the story of his awakening as a princess and the princess as a slave; the young man invites the slave to become his wife; the princess wakes up understands what happened, he becomes a slave; when going on a trip, the husband asks what to bring to his wife, children and slave (i.e. princess); the slave asks for a marten stone (Marten-stone) and a Chinese one a doll; the seller says that the person who ordered these gifts must be the king's daughter, advises the prince to overhear the story that the girl will tell the gifts, wrap her waist at the end of the phrase, otherwise she will die; the girl spills water, lights a candle, tells her story to gifts; says the formula: let either she or the marten stone break; at this moment the prince grabs the girl; the stone breaks, from He is bleeding; a slave is tied to a horse's tail]: 19-24; Marzolph 1984, No. 894 [very popular story, all of Iran: Keramn, Isfahan, Fars, Markazi, Hamadan, Gilyan, Azerbaijan, Mazendaran, Khorasan]: 164-166 ; mountain Tajiks [the Shah's daughter and her maid entered the garden, where it says: the prince will come to life and marry someone who pulls needles out of his body, eating only a piece of cake a day and drinking a thimble of water; the maid did this, leaving only one needle in the sole; the maid left, the princess pulled out the needle and became the prince's wife; the wife asked for a dress, the maid was a magic stone; the maid became tell my grief to a stone: will you split or will I die? the stone split, pus inside; when he found out what was going on, the prince married a maid, and made the princess a maid]: Rosenfeld, Rychkova 1990, No. 12:56-57; Uzbeks [Rose Flower girl approached the iron at the gate, they opened and slammed shut behind her; a young man was lying, needles at his feet, the CR began to pull them out; a caravan came, asked her to leave someone to help her; fell asleep, telling her to help the girl continued to work; she pulled out the last needle, the young man came to life, made the impostor a wife and the CR a maid; the wife asked for jewelry for her, the maid a combustible stone; began to tell a stone about his grief; the stone flashed and caught fire; the CR wanted to rush into the fire, but the young man stopped her and made her a wife, and drove her away]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (2): 39-41; Pashayas: Morgenstierne 1944: 86-96 in Thompson, Roberts 1960, No. 437:64.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [The impostor bride. To free the king and others from spells, the princess must read the scriptures for a certain time in the enchanted castle. When the term ends, a strange woman shows up and tells the king that she saved him. The real savior has been sent to the kitchen. On the king's wedding day, she asks for a doll (stone) to be brought to her. The king hears her telling the doll about her misadventures and marries her.]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 437:285-286; Lithuanians [the sleeping prince's coffin says: who will spend three sleepless people side by side nights, will become my wife; the princess finally falls asleep and her maid takes her place; everything is later explained]: Balys 1936, no.*446:41.

Turkestan. Uighurs (Kashgar) [in the morning, the teacher greets the student, calling her the wife of a dead man; one day she goes to a courtyard for a drink, the gate closes tightly; in the house she sees a dead man on the bed young man; next to a note: if you fan around the body for 40 days, the young man will come to life; on the 40th day, the girl can not stand it, goes up to the roof where the woman is sitting, asks to sit for a day in her place; the young man came to life and accepted sitting next to him for his wife at that moment; the girl went somewhere; one day she went to the bazaar, promising his wife to bring jewelry; that girl was sitting by the road, crying, asking for a sangil sungil stone; the merchant said that if such a stone was lowered into the water, it would swell and burst, and then the culprit of the girl's suffering would die; after giving the girl the stone, the young man secretly went to her house and saw how it was put in the water The stone swells and tells everything; snatched it out of the water before the stone burst; chased the false wife away and took the real one]: Jarring 1948, No. 3:31-38.